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Prophet Benny Mikunga

the ministry of armour bearer © 2010

First Printed 2010

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Published & Printed in Lusaka, Zambia, Camik Christian

Publications, Bethel International Church, Hill view, Libala



I dedicate this book to all ministers of the Gospel whose desire is to

raise faithful biblical armour-bearers in their ministries to serve and

protect the anointed man of God.


Everyone, who wants to be in the ministry; whether full-time or part –

time must first serve or have the record of serving under a man of God.

The ministry of an armour- bearer is a ministry that is greatly needed in

the body of Christ. The bible reveals that no man of God is an Island,

but every minister of God needs a team to work with in the ministry so

he can fulfill the calling, vision and ministry given to him by the lord. In

this material the author would like to share and teach on the subject of

biblical arm-bearer who are called to serve the man of God and help to

lighten the burden that is upon his/her shoulders, to that the man of

God can minister with effectiveness in the ministry.

Chapter One


And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him

greatly; and he became his armor bearer. (1 Samuel 16:21)

ü The word “armour-bearer” is listed 18 times in the Strong’s


ü In the OId-testament, an armour-bearer was the one responsible for

carrying his master’s shield into battle.

ü An armour-bearer in the old testament ,had an awesome responsibility

of seeing to the safety of his master.

ü Every leader needs to be an armour-bearer before he gets in to the

ministry to serves others. The leader must first learn to serve the man

of God in the ministry as an armour-bearer, before receiving a call into

full-time ministry.

ü The spirit of an armour-bearer is the “spirit of servant-hood” it is

needed in the church and ministry.

ü The major problem that is in the churches around the world is that

everyone wants a position of a boss not of a servant.

ü Great men and women of God in the ministry, once the served under

an anointed man or woman of God who are in the ministry.

ü A full understanding of this concept of armour –bearer is vital to the

Christian leader, especially if the leader knows that is called into the


Chapter Two


ü The word “armour-bearer” was originally translated from two Hebrew


1.The first Word – is “nasa or nacah”(naw-saw), which means; to lift,

accept, bear, bear up, carry away, give help, hold up, raise, regard,

respect, stir up, and yield.

2.The second Word – is “keliy” (kel-ee) which comes from the root

word “kalah” (kaw-law),meaning; to end, to complete, finish, be done,

make clear, bring to pass.

ü An armour-bearer is a person who has a calling and grace to, assist,

stand and protect his man of God.

ü An armour-bearer is any person with a calling from God to serve or

minister to the anointed man of God both physically and spiritually.

Chapter Three


1. King Saul – (1 Samuel 16:21, 34:4-6.1 Chronicles 10:4-5).

ü The word of God clearly reveals that David the young man of God

before he became the King in Israel was King Saul’s armour-bearer.

2. Abimelech – (Judges 9:45-55)

ü Abimelech had an armour-bearer that helped him to fulfill his desires to

kill people.

3. Jonathan – (1 Samuel 14:1-23)

Jonathan Saul’s son had his own personal armour-bearer who used to

serve and minister to him.

4. Goliath – (1 Samuel 17:7)

ü The words “one bearing his shield went before him (Goliath)-reveals

that Goliath the chief enemy of the children of Israel had his own-

personal armour-bearer his job was to go ahead Goliath and carry the

shield of Goliath.

John 15:13

ü Jesus Christ said, greater love has no man than this, a man to lay down

his life for his friends.

ü Life is the most valuable object we possess and when a man is willing to

lay down his life for his friends or his country, it shows love.

ü To lay down your “life”-means; to give, commit, while the Greek word

for friend is “Philos”meaning; friend, an associate, neighbor.

ü It is not difficult to claim that you have submitted to Jesus Christ, but

the question is, are you submissive to another man of God or your


Chapter Four


1. To stand beside his Man of God – it was the duty or one of the job

descriptions of an armour-bearer to stand beside his leader (man of


2. To assist his Man of God - men of God need great assistance due to

their busy schedule in the ministry.

3. To lift his man of God – the armour-bearer in the Old Testament, his

job was to lift his man of God in difficult times by speaking words that

ministered grace to the anointed man of God.


4. To protect the man of God – the armour-bearer was trained to

protect his man of God against his enemies that mighty attack him



1. Selection

ü The first thing that was done was to select the right - person with a

calling and grace to be in the ministry of an armour-bearer.

2. Training

ü After the selection of an armour-bearer was done, then training was

done to the new armour-bearer to equip him all necessary information

that will help him to serve and minister to the man of God or King.


3. Practical’s

ü The last thing that was done was to release the armour-bearer into the

practical ministry to serve the man of God or the king in battle. Old-

testament armour-bearers were more skilled in warfare, because of the

training they received.


Chapter Five


1. To Provide Strength for his Man of God – (1 Samuel 16:21)

ü David was anointed and skilled in the music ministry, as he ministered

To his man of God (King Saul) in songs he provided strength.

ü An armour-bearer will always display and produce an attitude of faith

and peace towards his man of God.

2. To Respect his Man of God – (1 Samuel 26:9)

ü God made us differently; atleast 50% of the time, the man of Gods way

of doing things will differ from others, this difference should not be

allowed to cause a problem to the man of God.


ü David respected King Saul, the man rejected servant, even though David

knew that Saul had backslidden completely, he still respected and called

him the lords anointed.

1 Samuel 24:1-6

ü David cut king Saul’s garment and the lord convicted David’s heart?

Why, because the anointing was upon Saul’s life though he had


ü High respect for the anointed man of God is needed, no matter what.

3. To Work and Walk in Agreement – (Amos3:3)

ü The armour-bearer should have it, settled in his heart that all authority

is from God in heaven and is ordained by God (Romans 13:1-2).

ü Many in the body of Christ don’t understand the true meaning of

submission to an Authority figure (spiritual).


ü Some they say I will submit to God and not to my man of God, its

unbiblical (1 peter 5:5).

ü Anything less than full submission is total rebellion.

ü The armour-bearer should remember that God will never establish the

armour-bearer as an Authority figure until first the armour-bearer has

learnt to submit to his man of God who is an Authority figure.

4. To Support his Man of God – (1 Samuel 14:7, 17:7)

ü Every man of God needs some group of faithful supporters in the

ministry, especially among his associates, and staff in the ministry.

ü To support here means; that which supports, a sustainer, a comforter, a

maintainer, a defender.

ü Men of God are 100% humans, they do get discouraged, frustrated, get

hurt, make mistakes sometimes, but the armour-bearer must be there

for his man of God.


5. To Serve his Man Of God – (1 Samuel 17:7)

ü Serving the man of God is biblical and scriptural. It is not a sin, but

becomes a sin when the armour-bearer begins to worship his man of


ü History reveals that Elisha the young prophet served Elijah his man of

God for the period of 15-20 years as an armour-bearer and received a

double-portion of Gods anointing upon his life and ministry.

ü The armour-bearer will never get the anointing of Elisha until he learns

to serve his man of God faithfully.

6. To Protect his Man of God – (1 Samuel 14:1-23, 17:7)

ü An armour-bearer must protect the anointing upon his man of Gods life

and ministry.

ü To defend his man of God when he’s under physical attack from the

enemies and going through difficulties in his personal life and ministry.


ü An armour-bearer is called and graced by God to go ahead of his man of

God spiritually (meaning fight certain battles in the spirit, Intercede for

his man of God) and physically (fight physical challenges),to raise up his

shield and protect his man of God from harmful words from self-

declared enemies of his man of God.



1. Get Ride of Pride in your life- (James 4:6)

2. Abused Mentality – (Proverbs 23:7)

3. Rebellion – (1 Samuel 15:23)


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