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Etectro chemistry —_jiiarnam QUICK PHOTOSTATE| eave ents KUET ROAD. KHULNA Electrochemistry | Cleclnaghenigtry f G which deals with the eonvert hon of eho @ brenei, of Chemistry every’ te cleeinieal energy and eleetnieal enengy te chemiga) anergy. Electrelysis:= THe decomposition of a compound wtthy tne help od cleetnieity is ealled elvottoiysis. Electrotyte:- The substgroes bose solutions are act 22 eonduebn and whieh ean deeompose intn their : SF main elements ane ealled — cleetnalyte. 0 En ; or for Kost S Noel, Coely , Agien, Deen SoaTEast ghar Faraday fe The J amount of eleetnoeity reguiced Pere Seeond te deposits one aqicam equivasent od a Subnrtaree ‘sealed } Farad, T Farad = 95600 Coulomb. “PHOTOSTATE! QUICK PHOTOSTATE Deere [KUET ROAD. KHULNA On __ bwer nono. enon One compere current ;= One ampere is to euremen which wil) deposite ‘oong gm eS alleen in ore aceond des a unit mate oF Slow oF deatnioity, ‘s . ; Gtombs- when 4 amperex e eurment pass tn ene raced, tren the quantity of Siceguived i flow ts ealled 0 one Coulumbs 1 goulumy = 1 ampene x4 cevond, 1 Cculunb is are os teetricity wakich will de d j ed sifvere — freem Silueie nitnate poluken ose -0eii3. fm In 2 columetere 1 QUICK PHOTOSTATE| KUET ROAD. KHULNA 2 Eteetmader- 4 \ metallie cod whith eonduels — cleatrions taip ad ‘ out oF & aolution. fa HOTOSTATE] i D eB athode t= CNegetive —eleeticade,) The plate om eleetrode eonneatedd with the negetive termina) of 4 Powetc ounce through whieh the eunment leaves the olution, is ealled eathode on egetive ele etnade, . ? @ ve rode or Positive. eleetnede ?= my» Plate or eleetrode Comeeted wiith the positive terminal OF 9 power veocree through whieh the — eurcrient entered the aolution fs ealled anode or pesitive cleetnede, : [QUICK PROTOSTATE (kvEr Ron, wHUUMA Conduetance of electrolytes = The power of leet nolyies t eondvet —eleetieal eUrerentn Ss ealled eonduetanee of eleetnely fer. e Like metaljie eonductora , the lovrciz of Keuotanee of g Cleetnelyte , te greater a+ ite andy etanoe, Ope cis, eonduetanee '— The eonduetgnee of one Cont mete evbe Cee) of & aoluhon oF an cleetnoly te is ealted ‘to ~*pecifie condvetance or speeitie conde tivity, The apeeifie eondvetence ia denoted by eu pymben x ( kappa), -thun eed £ : Ch aa Unit of specitie eonduetance 15 = ho OP chai e [QUICK PHOTOSTATE! 2 KUET ROAD [eae ene The potential Henge let the ae gad. aslutien al the equilibniom position is gaged the tleernode potatied The potential oF 5 single cleeinade ore alg #eh ETE With the eonceniation of ions in eclle The rajshan atnal Nelakions hip , totough vihlah we @an ealeviate the hatd - eel) potential £, irom the Atendind Cleenade potentigl f° Bee te embetter seem KUET ROA HULNA The eg vation is te . lon @ —_——9 ime ge 2 Standard electrode potential 1A THF R= Univercoal ge? consfanh QUICK, PHOTOSTAT T = Kelvin temp arature n= Numben of — ceelitons, Faraday ed cleatrieity, @ = Conornination of metal lon. E We can cxpress Ade Cgualion («a — =f - (275195) B31. 2 Ae 965 [ Potting te QUICK PHOTOSTATE| KUET ROAD. KHULNA J, Slindsnd deoinade coiertial > - From the . Neingp equation wre gee ° abot 199,48 $F the coneentnation ay of the tom ith repeet eer tre eleeinede is reuereible 18 I gin ion/ lane tnen EN s and the petentig) of eleetnode under true condition ealled — rtandand eleetnede —_ potential. The expression of electrode potential £ 26° RT DE FF Ine S'B1% (293425) pigeon 1090 x95 600 _ onal Sool 49) ,8 When @ 24 gm ion per litre, is org Kind cp Gregngment KAalvanie in whieh ches x 1 Ceneregy in -lecvsgfered io elpatrigal — encieg yf Sb ole voltage cel) and elee te che eels, ‘Dani in which the deiiening rcactien taker glace fare “ Danicl eel} saan coe BEng Gusog xe SNS ACU. 2n ga'tiae culty gg <= eu Eleotretyie: ta 7 Me witch — tondueis le etnaretds eatecl cleo dushopy during — clatwcly sts a VICK PHOTOSTATE. : KUET A Gao. KHY KE ecinochemical ells t= The etiln 0 Abate. wh ——<—$—$$_$___—_—_ vie Can ae cloataival eummeit vy maaing Cron cal reashan, are called an cleetrechemisal aulls_ jouick PHOTOSTATE| 'kUET ROAD. KhULNA HF Cuslvanie eal The veil in whieh —tlee ining iS generaied by @ — opendaneoun teedon eatin Voltaie om Galuania cell. F5 ganed ACH Halt eel) s oxidation acer and the half where neducter eaoura’ 5 aalled the kald tell, Each halt af. an cheetraénenieal a6!) , nnere WAieeiroshemina ep rivalontie The Ceeinachemical Get valert ig the amount oF 3 AKbyrtance depostted by J amp euriect Passing for one need. K Eleetronie conductor i= — Gonducters “4 Kleeiniery May ————_—_—— devide Fao groups according de the meahardan sett eity is aatacied thicough, them. The eleetrrarid Such av metals where — eloetrietty " earwicA by tad ieee eenduanee te The RS ne Clegpurich iy i ducati. 5 "QUICK PHOTOSTATE. — idtiaeex menvina QUICK PHOTOSTATE, ———— KUET ROAD KNULNAL 3s Bly ib Fanadasa lam of — cleebroiy fs ——<_—<_——“€(qOq7 i ct Iibercated Finest lawi= The amour: of & given product iberca sal aan a 5 dirceetly preoporchona at an eleetnode dumcing eleetnoly ais ee passes throug tp the quantity o¢ cleetwierty whieh cleat noly te nolution , 4t mis the mass og subataree Cin gram) liberated at an eleetnade by passing. & eoulum oF leet riety then ROAD. KHULNA QUICK PHOTOSTATE [KUET Sceond lawt= when the name quantity og eleatnielty pane? through nolutiond of distorent eleeficolyter, the Gmount of the aubntgneer [Ibercated at the eleetrodes ue diveetly prcoportonal 4p thet @hemical eguivalenta. Expl nection t= G5 wis the weight of nu bstgnee Cin grams) deposited on electrode by Passing & eovlumba oF eletriety, then atecding dp Faraden 's4 law via 6 : : : we Know that @=1T 2 Ww IT op w =2IT Vihere Zig tw eonatant krown as . Cleetno chemieal equivalent ef tre — aubntame. af rey lm Pane and Tl see, then wee WICK PHUTOSTATE, “payee anuina Pte Cob Upertare a d inon Che) eee mila Ay, ssi 7 ; i : Geeta yt ealled elec nopls rng d m - || exe pees [eee T i CAnede) [> Pe ceathode) Be LE ie 7 eu Soq | usd — fare decorstiag , » ured dre Protection of eounosion O fis uocd gre recondition, QUICK PHOTOSTATE| A KU Tt ange od meg of a cel —produecd «by the Piloduety og eleetroly sis is @alled — polarcization . Polarization oF a eel may cour duc f& ae Change 2 the Conacntuation oF the iors, Hence Bt 280g <= Bkeg 4 Hy fn st eats s a4 ad Co gay ss eh Sg AE RE eras Vibes ie ny The 3h wet Ceaieleity Vrough —selolion to be ist. wilt te@ movement of changed parcheles 5 tere are called fons. R QUICK PHOTOSTATE KUET ROAD. KHULNA QUICK PHI wuet goko cnvysl QUICK PHOTOSTATE Kuel ROAD. KHL NA * The rteaction tahing plage in np tm the eal may be eleetreoghemical eit many be ppilt ep at the due cee trodes Simile any wpilt up int tro held el) one at cad, an — Cleetrrode dlipplag intd & polution is said te cleofrade? » conan tute a hald ecll, ’ The te _eclt represented bY Ee 2 ' "Jan ‘ (er) }] ed" Jeu Cea) hals eoj) halt eel, For the dirmt halt ecll LCL the genera) Aoremela Ey Eom - 1k SE ty Con!) Fott the aceond bald ecll - SE neu) the ture Ceetieder jovick ‘PHOTOSTATE] [ever noao_awaenal ® fnviex Prinrostai€] [ev trong awur QUICK PHOTOSTaTE SKUET ROAD KHULNA] by ”, Ka x Fae} )e [al jef on] _ kw (= [uty [ow] [hun us Cog I nay Wor hin, 4 eattngl QUICK PHOTOSTATE|~oe~ IkueT ROAD. KHULNA GP care of pure wat Cut) = Low) . ° Ka = [nt]-fow]” [kw is cated ion produet of wator) = page « poy” - grit dn ail equilibrium the pitoduak e¢ = Gongerfxation og Ht Din erage 9 e004] / and on- is Same a long cee demparcatene 15 eenictant . ft ase the volume of kw is baron 4, PH 2 ~ 10g), (u"] eyo [nt fon J QUICK PHOTOSTATE) QUICK PHOTOSTATE kuet nwuinal KUET ROAD. KHULNA QUICK PHOTOSTATE KUET ROAD KHULNA, aa fet eee) —————— NCI 2 > GuHndg 29H! 19¢ J ‘ 1 Fi pdnageinon Quinon / Bo tee RT jon Leeinon ye Lued [ oft — ' th " 1 Wyduogquinon |] we = Fee RT yn ; BT op bry? om epee RT pom uty” : Ar roy pu’) ‘ mg = fe ~ ST tn [wt] Slay TIA CPIM DBD! . Oo Gon Pea 1 O8D pil Quick PHOTOSTA 4 Kult 040 awutwa ( ae Jmpontance of — budjere _pelution ye in bio ehemical waytem yin ‘rene 5 parciewlardy when notably bio ¢ carbonate ft ig mperctant analytioa] Chimadtery and general labreatersy A number of bud Jers and phosphide fons Keeps the body fluids ting pH metals, joy 4 eattbonio acid y preedcins , 9g bined atk about 74, MiIK and oddete ane lyn buatdaeds QUICK PHOTOSTATE KUET ROAD. KHULNA (@ : [QUICK PHOTOSTATE, Jaurt moan wauens, TNC nGennianet ofan cvguel erin Gnee uy A RY t i 1 oma of te distance petueen Ine elooltrds, , 9 te Fit at i the clrottmdy, , bow @ peartiaylan crass Geefian 88 ne asta iy prema ae My th 4 oontand, ft jovicn PHOTOS TATES feu Rae wavinas Re Whal do fou mean HY ton mentreatian bel) f+ A atwilar Aype Of bralvaria oil ty phi 9 ented fin wael, Ne mS ty ue Weaction fahev pleac to the disdorenee in eenvontm atin of ss4n a dng two elearrodes in the conotnfiation otlls, Corrido Abe tonocduation call A Ayton, (a Yoqits i) H aa ” Fore dhe fut aleettrode 17 fase pd Fore the seaord elealuoda "1 £7 Nady : Pod Bums rf dre acl AT M4 fF: Bhi 4 jOUICK PHOTOSIATE @ hongeercecreren QUICK PHOTOSTATE KUET ROAD KHULNA QUICK PHOTOSTATE rr KUET ROA Cell reattont= The dow of electron jnom one alutneda dp another ckeetrade in a — eheet to dhe mical eel) eatcd by half Neaeton taking place anode and cathode . The net ehemical Keprege obtained by two hemieal reaction 15 ealled eel) recaction. Half tecach’ on Qn santtae Ae ace ge =e, Cell readion: en4eutt > enth + ee FFe SEE fouick PHOTOSTATE) it nono. Smut wal tia p beh wa tomsiderr the digce vigdion oF bin bry eleet molyte Ma ema gk The equibbitium E> ke is given by Se Lay —®? rai jquiek iow PuOrastArE| oe moa 46 € is the eonetntication eg the electrolyte and the dearcee og dissotigtion 4hen [mt]-[av]s ae and [ma] = (i-Me- Putting thag in eg” © we have — | ~ Cleat : ate, —— @ at Equation @ reepworents the wardgtion oF the degree oe dissociation with eongcntitation . g¢ ‘5 ealled Osnaid dilution law. Feeding £0 thle ian degeee oF dusoeation i's equal b tne conductance = Kako =e : Bog ee Ro ~ ch lution Vibure A = equeudlent eondvetance oF Ae: eguililent emdueharct af ingin't ditutien UicK PHOTOSTATE, (QHeK ENOTOSTATE| py bateese_snes QUICK PHOTOSTATE. KUET ROAD. K the vale of x iy ey Wt e Kes Oe Ci- =) arene al Va Pera ye Kear keaAr or @an: - a \ L 4%, i bone A graph is plotted — between Be along yrs and aleng K axis, gs we get @ tnaight Hing * Phen vani fied. te 0 gan ray that OSwald dilution law Fhe BE camce [UUIcK PHOTOS [evtt Kono aay cleednalyk vie ee ® Limitahons j= Only in the Jeua, bo QUICK | PHOTOSTATE| KUET ROAD KHULNA bus sert The olution wiiich, omgintain ite pM Fairly —voratant it 0 @adled budjere selution» There aie two type) of = bugfere Dolton, O A weak acid together, ith @ sult of the Same eid and & bhteng base. There dire called acid bubdere olution, Cty eoona 4 eH aooH. @ A weak bare and ile Ade with 4 Streng a¢ are called bavi buttere solution, Thue Nilgow4 Nige/e jovick PHOT ver #eno TH Lvirgt de you amcun by eM 2 i fs VHUUNA PH fs nothin ut the negétive hog a rithrns de the nespeet oF hyedmogen jon Cyt) eonreentnration. pH = ~ dag, (H') Examples- The p™ of a aetotion having a HT sencentrabion. o¢ 10> 04) Is i Moz, For aaid range Ho os [te i For panie reunge os PY 1S Wad de you wean I esotentrae — ecif te A vencentnator Ce is 6 fatvanre eel) In whith Ceatieal energg 15 atoduece| by fae frransger’ od the metarial from ayston oy high Coneentuafen Fe . Ore CF bev wencentuation. Thee die ane (rp VPRD od senjrestion «ell QUICK PHOTOSTATE [QUIcK PHOTOSTATE ts aj KUET ROAD waucnal® [ever sono Kova QUICK PHOTOSTATE KUET ROAD, KHULNA ells onoenpreation pe ao. enutn © — Elorbrotyie concen dreotion eel) t= Shak do yeu wan bs} Dobhre cehene: Tht prrovess of Vik done aj buster Solution 15 aalled bessere — achon, CHa -CooH => etlgeoo” + yt © Hts acid fs - CoONG ge € ie 4 , ; a == Hyco + Nat | 6 oy — alkali. F : ‘ os who @ome it will captured by CHaeoo” and iF oH” come it will cophered by it $+ is called — butter action and ther 4s how — bedjarc Solution Keep the pH constant od d- olution. gt is cleo : . called the meehgnivm of P# aolution. Sink thd tegen a et Addition of CH Hao, Budderc | cayeuen alae onsee Solution CU seepnla => Nats | Cn coe —> ctlzeooH- Addition of W1———~" We — torsiderr a buddir solution cvntaining the weak ced HA and 45 Sait Naa. a LrC———=se =e inuat dinnceiation corstant Ky at ihe aeid , be patisgied. ‘Taiking logarcithsms in both nid and hanging ign we ge eT 2-104 kg — log, LAI og fut] ake Je ay spe 2 pK y og, Ertled cle | Wedd AS tee eonoccinstion oF the palt and atid ane -0FE Di ssoconeighiom with reeapeet te Lenparcaturce avd eortank Pn cee po 8p OD have Aveying Griths- Helmet? equation , we th: aut7 C42) p nee : P66 2 AW - Tor [ [35 ]p [een C28 )p ig pre ale pore O71 | QUICK PHOTOSTA (ue meu AMut 5 th ange ees por with devap auaterce’| {QUICK PHOTOSTATE (KUET ROAD kHutNal dt te aged to neubrulizal (udiniuige) the eleetize Gunction pobeudick Kel sol Belt toreilge: ip dion io wel > Re ek Tauien PHOTOSTATE yet 920, AMINE Luyic gueetion pobebiods Gp tee colt hue deetre bukic face solution ch dhe sews eleedreolyte sclutious ore 5 : mee but differe yt couceu frcedion® ane t+ pores eee pedeuticd dijjounee 10 usuedly dlevelepet cers; dhe douncerrg- between the jaw aclubione Such pedeuticel O called fhe Lauicl esedions poleubivd Ties due to fle unecepel velvcities of the ices eu coubact Tt ya) «dd QUICK PHOTOSTATE] KHULNA if Ae pl af io rom cou ine die Be Ee Cott We Knew GEO tog a bag Lot} @ par bey bw “QucK PWOTE STATE, QUICK PHOTOSTATE] [ever edan “Cusine a taleadate dhe pit of ronvencbevettove oy GIN (CMM Awatesier Litboe We [xrows \ ot ph Hea ues LAIO” “14 (+ Ale eee ee ee ; {fou} = 5 awit po bee ”) =\4 oxo! wety/ tive plete cy ABa RTF UE ee cpa = lege W--3 Sit leyl = 10°}. O ¢ederlate 4 stakio oa -celtele e1n,e00Ne ends CH eoe lt de wivecl shencin bo qivewen Aulyor s Ley HS ALT - bey (sre > sleye fey 3 beet Lene Apa inate b= 6€,- “et yim) = her 4 tre _ oe t= ‘ oe mak a Cy a : Ee ee Goel CO SeaIh ley bw =-8 + -osad | Filey. ol] = Fea + OSNIKD = G22N ee PROTOSTATE Cae KUET ROAD QUICK PHOTOSTATE 7 2 Kuet ROAD KHULNAJ 23

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