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Gutierrez Middle

Jaguar Orchestra
2018- 2019

Mr. Victor Flores Mrs. Natalie Haugeberg

Head Orchestra Director Assistant Orchestra Director

(956)430-4400 (ext.4763)
Dear Jaguars & Jaguar Parents,
Welcome to the Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra program! The GMS orchestra would like to welcome
you back for an exciting year. We are so glad that you and your child will be with us to continue their
musical journey. We are very excited to witness the development of their musical skills and watch the
students enjoy a wonderful orchestral string experience. We have a lot of exciting programs and events
coming up this year.
Please keep this handbook to refer to any upcoming events or rules. Please sign, fill out and return the
Handbook Acknowledgement Form and the Media Release Form that are found at the end of the

2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book
Mr. Victor Flores
Head Orchestra Director at Gutierrez Middle School
Mrs. Natalie Haugeberg
Assistant Orchestra Director at Gutierrez Middle School

1. Course Description

There are three competition level orchestras; Sub-Non, Junior Varsity and Varsity. There are
also three beginner classes.

2. Qualifications
 Students must be recommended to enroll in varsity orchestra by the Orchestra Director
based on auditions, prior achievements, and a record of good discipline.
 Eligibility is a crucial factor for participation in all UIL and TMEA events! Students should
remain eligible in order to stay in good standing in the organization.
 Attendance at all rehearsals, performances, and sectionals are required. Failure to
attend any of the three will result in a lower grade. A student will only be excused for
serious medical or family emergencies. Please check the schedule and plan with these
dates in mind. Excess absences may result in dismissal at the discretion of the director.
 Discipline problems will not be tolerated

3. Concert Master/Section Leader Selection/Seating Policy

Seating auditions will be held as needed. The purpose of seating auditions is to find a fair and
consistent manner in which to seat students in each section. Once seating auditions have been
completed, the director will review the scores and determine which student is the best choice
for the Concert Master and Section Leader. Chair tests for these positions will take place
throughout the year at a need basis. Director does hold the right to remove said leader and/or
move students based on behavior and grades.
The Section Leaders are expected to:
 Lead their sections in large group rehearsal by example
 Have the ability to lead their section through sectionals throughout the year
 Mark any musical changes that the director gives them, and instruct their section to do
the same
 Make sure that the section maintains orchestra binder proper order
4. Rehearsal Procedures
Students are expected to be in the orchestra room before the bell rings and be in their seats
ready to work with instrument, music and required materials 1 minute after the tardy bell has
rung. When the director steps on to the podium students should sit up on the front of the chair
in rest position and wait for the instruction.

5. Class Participation
This will be based on if the student is actively participation and following the class procedures,
instructions, and expectations as listed above.

2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book
 Individual Progress and Participation - Is the student making visible progress in the class
and weekly participation.
 Weekly Log - The Weekly Log will be made available for student to pick up every
Monday. It is the student’s responsibility to get one. Students must fill out log to
indicate weekly participation and preparedness which determines their weekly grade.
Please see section 6 for examples and more instruction on how to fill out.
 Performance Grade – Concert are considered as co-curricular and cumulative of the
classroom activities. Therefore, students are required to attend concerts. PLEASE NOTE;
you must mark your calendar and notify coaches of your concert dates when you join a
team outside of school. Performances are required and will count as one test grade, out
of a possible 100 points. Failure to attend will result in a zero. Students may only make
up a performance test grade if it’s pre-approved at the director’s discretion.
 Recorded/Playing tests – To check the progress of students, they will occasionally be
asked to play a passage for a recorder or a director. Students will be required to
complete a Performance Evaluation Form after each test. Please see section 6 for
examples and more instruction on how to fill out. Beginners test every Friday unless
designated by instructor.

6. Grading Scale
Students will receive a numerical grade each six weeks. Grades will be determined by the
following criteria:
 Quality of individual performance and Knowledge of music
 Daily preparation (see supply list) and Daily participation
 Conduct and Attitude
 Attendance at rehearsals and concerts
 Written examinations & Playing examinations (live and taped)

Students will be required to fill out the weekly chart as well as a playing test rubric
demonstrated on the next page:

2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book

Student Name: _____________________ Date: ___/___/__ _

Weekly Log

Did I: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

-bring my binder?
-bring my own
good playing
-take my
to practice? (2
-come to my
sectional? ( Only
Mark you day)

Student Signature: _____________________ Teacher Signature: _____________________ /Grade:______

100 % = All columns checked off.

90% = you may miss 2 box, not including sectional
80% = you may miss 3 box , not including sectional
70% = you may miss 4 box, not including sectional
60% = 5 or more, missed sectional

2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book
Student Name: _____________________ Date: ___/___/__ _
Performance Evaluation

1. I did ___________________________________________________________really well.

2. I need to improve ________________________________________________________.

Things I need to work on for How to fix the things I need to

the next playing test? work on?
(If it is a section of music, list
measure numbers)
1. I need to work on I can work only on
mearsure 10-13 of those three meaures
Impluse. until I can feel
confident that I can
play them correctly
every time.
2. Teacher said I need I need to practice in
to sit up when I play. front of a mirror for
the next week.
3. I instrument sounds I need to make sure my
scratchy. bow is straight and
that that I have rosin.


7. Music Binder
Students are expected to purchase a 1” binder for music and handouts. The music issued to
students should be kept in their orchestra binder and maintained in good condition. Music
should not be loose and/or folded and should never be marked on with pen except for the
student’s name. Students will be issued ONE COPY of music, and should immediately put their
name at the top. Students are responsible for having their music in class or a portion of their
daily grade will go down for the day they do not have their music during class. Binders can and
will be checked at random as part of their grade.

8. Concert Attendance/ Etiquette/ Attire

All students are REQUIRED to attend ALL performances. Concerts are extensions of the
classroom and are the highlight of the learning process. Excusal from the concerts will only be
granted in the event of extreme illness, major family emergency, recognized religious holidays,
or other special circumstances with the director’s permission. A note from the parent and/or
physician is required to be given an excused absence and will be given an oppurtunity to
complete a makeup assignemnt. Unexcused absences may not be made up. A test grade will be
given for each concert/performance. If the students does not attned the concert/performance,
then a grade of zero will be given.
During the concert or competition, students are expected to respect the facility in which we are
preforming as well as other performers and equipment during the concert.

2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book
Concert Attire
 Formal Concerts (Winter, Spring, and UIL); Girls will wear a black blouse, black dress
slacks or skirt (Below the knees), and black dress shoes. Cello players are required to
wear black slacks. Boys will wear a black dress shirt, black dress slacks, black dress shoes
and black socks. Concert attire should always conform to school dress code.
 Casual Concerts (Elementary Tour, End of the Year Trip): Blue Jeans (no shorts) and
Orchestra T-Shirt. The Orchestra T-Shirt is mandatory for the safety of the students.

9. Orchestra Room and Lockers

 Students must close the door to the locker when their instruments are stored in the
 Only assigned instruments and music are to be stored in that locker.
 The GMS orchestra will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items: It is the student’s
responsibility to keep track of their things at all times.
 Students may not go into other students lockers for any reason.

10. Grooming – Fingernails

Students must keep their fingernails trimmed short in order to play in the orchestra. Long nails
will damage strings, affect posture and intonation, and possibly cause injury. If a student decides
to get fake nails for a special occasion, they must be removed by the following day of the event.
Fingernail clippers will be provided to a student immediately if seen with long fingernails. A
parent note will be needed if fake nails must stay on after the event.
11. Private Lessons
Private lessons are an essential part of the success of any student. Private lessons are the most
effective way to learn advanced techniques, and they are highly recommended. You may obtain
a list of qualified instructors in the area by contacting the Orchestra Directors.
12. Fundraising
The orchestra will have fundraising opportunities throughout the year. Fundraising money goes
into the orchestras’ activity account to pay for trips and other orchestra activities. Students are
not expected to fundraise but if they choose to do so, profits they earn will be applied towards
their end of the year trip fees first. Students who do not raise enough to cover their portion of
the activities will need to pay their own way in order to participate.
13. All-Region Orchestra
The Region 28 All-Region Orchestra is an audition-only group made up of the best middle school
students from schools across the valley. Students are selected by a panel of judges in a blind
auditions (the judges are behind a screen and cannot see the students.) It is a great honor to
make this elite orchestra, and students who are accepted into the All-Region orchestra are
honored with a plaque with their name and instrument inscribed, and will serve as the orchestra
leaders throughout the year. Everyone is encouraged to audition! Students who are selected

2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book
must attend all rehearsals and the final performance. Auditions, rehearsal, and performance
dates are listed on the calendar.
14. After-School Sectionals and Rehearsals
We will have sectionals and afterschool rehearsals throughout the year. There will be monthly
calendars posted on board for students to view. These are subject to change based on school
and music department events and conflicts. Students are required to attend after-school
sectionals and rehearsals and must fill out their weekly log accordingly. NOT ATTENDING will
affect your grade.
15. Buying and Instrument
Please, Please, Please DO NOT buy an instrument without checking with us first. There are a lot
of substandard instruments being sold. We will have an instrument drive (please see calendar)
to aid in the purchase process.
16. Tapes
Students must play with tapes unless allowed by the director. The following criteria must be
met in order to play without them.
o Students demonstrate the ability to play in tune.
o If at any point the tuning affects the intonation of the group, tapes will be reapplied at
the director’s discretion.

17. Remind
Remind is a text based program that the GMS orchestra uses to stay in communication with its
students and parents.
On Remind, you and your child can receive text message updates for events and so on. There
are separate sections for students and parents.
At the end of the handbook is a guide on how to sign up and use Remind. Please let us know if
you have any questions.
18. End of the Year Trip/Competition
 The GMS Orchestra takes an out-of-town trip at the end of the year.
 All Orchestra students are allowed to go while Varsity Orchestra Competes
 Students who receive 5 tallies in the year will not be allowed to go.
o Tally system will be explained to students in detail.
 More details will be given in the trip letter that will be given out around September.

19. Parent/Guardian
 Please be sure to pick up your students after orchestra events. Often there will be bus
transportation to concerts, but not returning. This will be indicated on the information given
to you in advance.
 You are encouraged to inquire about your child’s practice and to attend your child’s
performances. Please refer to Calendar.
 Arrange a regular time and place for practice. Your child ALWAYS has music to practice. At
least 30 minutes of daily undisturbed practice is needed for musical growth.

2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book
 Give your child a safe place to keep his/her instrument. Avoid extremely hot or cold
temperatures (never leave it in an unattended vehicle!). Review the “How to Care for Your
Instrument” handout that will be given when your child gets his/her instrument.
 Do not attempt to repair the instrument yourself. Seek help from director or a qualified
repair shop.
 Take an active role in your child’s music education. Many opportunities exist to assist. These
include chaperoning trips, monitoring students at concerts, fundraising and publicity.
 Time is precious. Insist that your child be on time for lessons, rehearsals, and performances.
 Whenever possible, it is always beneficial and highly encouraged to enroll your student in
private lessons.
 It is the parent and student’s responsibility to keep track of their orchestra class grade.

20. Resources
Instrument rental and purchases, accessories, supplies:

 Shar –
 Southwest Stirngs –
 Antonio Strad Violin – 687-9788 (McAllen)
 Melhart Music Center – 682-6147 (McAllen)

Helpful Apps

 Tenuto ($3.99)
 Mobile Metronome (Free)
 PanoTuner (Free)

Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra

Student Handbook Agreement Form
(Return to directors before August 17th)

This Handbook is provided for the students and parents information. Its intent is to make your
orchestra experience beneficial and rewarding. There is a yearly calendar included for your
future planning convenience. Note that although we do our best to include every date and
event, there are some instances where mandatory events may arise that are not on the
calendar. In an effort to conserve paper we have made available an online version of the student
handbook for your reference. We will provide a printed version for any student/guardian who
wants one. Please make sure that you, the student, have read and reviewed our handbook
online with your parent or guardian. Students will be held accountable for the requirements
that the handbook outlines. Please feel free to call the orchestra room or email if you have any
questions or concerns regarding the orchestra handbook.
(956)430-4400 (ext.4763)



2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________

Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________

Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra

Media Release Form
(Return to directors before August 17th)
Exhibit D

Student’s Name: ____________________________ Grade: ________ ID# __________________

o I, ____________________________________ give my permission for personally identifiable

information about my child or photograph of my child to be displayed (electronic or otherwise)
and produced by the district, or the media (website, poster, video, yearbook…ect.)

o I DO NOT give permission to display personal, identifiable information of my child.

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________

Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Events

August 16
HCISD Instruments Drive
- South HS 4:30pm – 8:30pm

August 17
- Binder Check for grade
August 24
Handbook forms are due (for a grade)

October 13
Middle School All-Region Orchestra Auditions
- at Vela Middle School (Time TBA)
October 29
All-Region Middle School String Rehearsal
- 4:00pm-6:00pm at Gutierrez Middle School

November 9 & 10 (Only for students who made All-Region)

Clinic and Concert @ Weslaco PAC
- Friday 9AM – 2PM (HS) 4:00 – 8:30 PM (MS) dinner provided
- Saturday 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM, lunch on your own,
- Then 2:00 PM – 4:30PM, 5:00 call, 5:30 Concert

December 12

2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book
All-City TBA

December 15
Winter Concert at the Harlingen Performing Arts Center (PAC)

- Time: 4:00-5:00PM

December 17 & 18
Winter Caroling (Location TBA)

March 26 & 27 (7th and 8th Grade Students)

UIL Concert and Sight Reading at the Harlingen Performing Arts Center

April 13 or 27
End of the year trip date and location TBA

April 12 or 26
House Competition Winner Incentive Trip (TBA)

May 11
Spring Concert at the Harlingen Performing Arts Center (PAC)
- Call Time: 2:00pm at GMS
- Performance Time: 3:00pm at HPAC

*Events/Dates are subject to change, and many might arise throughout the year.

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2018-2019 Gutierrez Middle School Orchestra Hand Book

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