Trabajo de Ingles Enviar

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Teacher: Liliana Castillo

1. TOPIC: Gerunds vs infinitives – Quantifiers – Vocabulary of work.

UNIT: 8 - 9
AIM: To recognize the difference in their usage.

A. Fill the gaps with gerunds and infinitives, following the rules.

1. A lot of people are worried about losing their jobs. (lose)

2. He agreed to buy a new car. (buy)
3. The question is easy _ to answer (answer)
4. Not everybody can afford to go to university. (go)
5. I look forward to see you at the weekend. (see)
6. Are you thinking of _ visiting London? (visit)
7. He apologized for arriving so late. (arrive)
8. Stop to make noise, please; I’m studying. (make)
9. She doesn't mind to work the night shift. (work)
10. I learned to ride the bike at the age of 5. (ride)
11. We decided to buy a new car. (buy)
12. I regret to tell you we won’t lend you the money. (tell)
13. Peter gave up smoking_. (smoke)
14. He'd like to fly an airplane. (fly)
15. I enjoy to write picture postcards. (write)
16. He offered to help with the cleaning. (help)
17. Avoid to make silly mistakes. (make)
18. My parents wanted me to be home at 11 o'clock. (be)
19. I dream about building _ a big house. (build)
20. He advised me to don’t spend so much money. (not spend)
B. Rephrase the following sentences using too, too much, too many, (not)

Example: The floor is full of toys.

There are too many toys on the floor.

1. There are 5 friends and only 3 beers.

2. He ate 1 cupcake and he wanted more.
__ not enough cupcakes and I wanted more
3. He ate 3 cupcakes and he couldn’t eat another one.
_____ not enough cupcakes there are only 3 and she could not
eat another.
4. He ate 30 cupcakes and then he felt sick.
___ There are too many cupcakes are 30 and they ate
them all, then they are sick
5. This plant is almost dry.
__ There are too many plants and this one is almost dry
6. The air was so hot that I couldn’t breathe.
__ _the air is too hot and I could not breathe
7. He works a lot and he is always tired.
__he works too much and is always tired
8. He is strong and he can lift his sister in his arms.
___he is too strong and can lift his sister with his arms__
9.The baby needs to sleep 10 hours, but she sleeps only 7.
_the baby needs 0 hours of sleep, but baby does not get enough
10. He drank 3 bottles of wine.
__ There are too many bottles of wine and drink 3_
11. The music was deafening.
__ There is too much music playing at high
volume, it was deafening
12. The weather is freezing.
__ there is too much snow the weather is freezing

C. Complete with little, few, a little, a few.

1. Our art teacher is disappointed: very___FEW_____ parents came to see our

2. I have_A FEW___________ money, at least enough to buy you an ice cream.
3. You have worked too_____A LITTLE_______ and have completed very
___LITTLE______exercises; I would like you to do some more.
4. Although I am a new student, I have got __A FEW_____ friends whom I can
rely on.
5. Hurry up! We have very_LITTLE__ time left.
6. Betty knows_LITTLE__________ French; it is not enough to get around Paris.
7. I managed to get ___A LITTLE OF________ information on him; now I
know a bit more.
8. She is always on her own; she has very ___FEW___ friends.
9. I usually have __A LITTLE__________wine with my lunch, the doctor told me
it’s good for my health!
10. I don’t like Mrs. Spencer, our new math teacher; she has very
____`LITTLE____ patience.
11. They have watched that film _____FEW______times; they said it’s good.
12. Are you sure you can drive?
Yes, I have had __FEW_______drinks but don’t worry I am not drunk!

D. Complete the activities in the Vocabulary Bank on your book page 164.

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