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Returning A Product
A: I'd like to return this radio.
B: All right. Do you have the receipt?
A: Here it is.
B: May I ask why you're returning the radio?
A: It does not work very well.
B: Would you like to exchange it?
A: No. I'd just like a refund.
B: Certainly. This will take only a few seconds.
b. Buying A Gift
A: Can you help me pick out a gift for my niece?
B: Most normal little girls go wild over Barbie dolls.
A: That sounds good. Let me see one.
B: Here's the latest model of Digital Barbie.
A: She's nice. How much is she?
B: She's only $29.95.
A: That's reasonable. I'll take it.
B: Excellent. Would you like anything else?
A: No, thank you.
B: The total will be $32.42. Will that be cash?
A: Cash will be fine.
B: Here's your change. Thank you for shopping with us.
c. Exchanging A Product
A: I would like to exchange this dress.
B: You can exchange this dress with anything of the same value.
A: Is there anything on sale today?
B: I'm sorry but none. Everything's going to be on sale next weekend.
A: That's great. I'll wait. See you next weekend.
B: Okay. I'll see you then.
d. Grocery Shopping
A: I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale.
B: Well, we just got in some mangoes.
A: How much are they?
B: Well, the sale price is $1 each.
A: Where do they come from?
B: Most of them in this store are imported. They’re from Mexico.
e. In An Antique Shop
A: Excuse me. I'm looking for an old music box.
B: Any particular decade?
A: Something made in the 20s would be nice.
B: You're in luck. We have seven of them.
A: These are great. I think I'll take this one.
B: Yes, that one is very nice.
A: Does this come with a warranty?
B: I'm sorry, but you just have to take your chances.
A: That doesn't surprise me.
B: Even if it doesn't work, it's a beautiful collectible.

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