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‘Appendix A: Horizon Error Codes Appendix A: Horizon Error Codes eR A EEE A EES Following are the severity descriptions for the Horizon with Split Software (with E101) Error Codes for 26,04.1.27 or later and oF later. ‘Minor: A minor error does not affect the operation of the dispenser. The occurrence is logged in the relevant log file and operation continues as normal. Medium: A medium error only affects the use of one grade or nozzle for one fueling position. ‘This type of error clears itself at the start of a new transaction. All other grades or nozzles on a fuelling position can continue to be used the same fuelling position. Major: A major error only affects one fuelling position. All grades or nozzles will be unavailable on the fuelling position after a major error has occurred. All other fuelling positions will be unaffected, To clear a major error, the entire pump or dispenser must be restarted, Supermajor: A supermajor error affects an entire pump or dispenser. To clear a supermajor ‘error, the entire pump or dispenser must be restarted. Error Code Description “Seventy Solon Ey Wand M RAN database corupied’————~—~—~—~*Spevmajon_Conlac technica Suppo 2 Applicaton RAM database comupted ‘Supermajor Restart win FIvF2 on m ‘he oF mor tasks nat started ~ = ‘Codi with Manager Keypad (CC89, FCN) ‘Supermajoe information ony, restart with F1E2 on Manager Keypad & NV data mismatch ‘Supermajoe_Contact technical suppor a ‘NV dala download enor ‘Supermajor_ Conia Technical support cy ‘Deiabase nol compatible wih previous version ‘Supermajoe Conc technical support Ey araware Cok ‘Supermijor Contact echrical support 6 Preset Under Medium information only 2 ulcer deconnecied/SIP magnet cropout Mecium Contact echnical suppor % Invalid albration factor ‘Meciim Contact technical suppor Fa Valve Stud nal dispenser or maximum no Tow ‘Mocium Dispenser time-out has timeout occurred 2 Maximum authori time Wodiam Infomation ony ‘exitedmavimum fl time expices 3 ‘Sop baton activated Medium infomation only a RAM pater satus bad Major Contact weehnical suppor a Pump handle ON at power up ‘Meum tnforation only lower pump handle or etn razzie « insur preset mit ‘edi information oly, preset ftom POS or rom keypad 'stoo smal a "POS communications lost (dlsconnecad) ‘Medium Contact echnical support ‘MDE-A881C Horizon™ Owner's Manual October 2011 Page a1 ‘Appendix A: Horizon Error Codes Error Code Description i = we {00 cy ma mar oe 5080 ‘058 85 5088 085) ama ‘000 500 5008 ca 500 5002 0 i009 iow a ae 50 Ba Bia io ir Bia ine 6 a7 ane a0 aa ae mai a0 aa POS communications exabiahe (reconnected) ‘Communication bao backup stats low BOSS: Wand M database GRC incarect 'BO8S' Applcaton Fash Hash wvald ‘BOSS: Wand M Application Fash Hash invalid ‘Valve board not connected ‘IPAS Pulsar: Reverse flow dteciod “tractors tow detected ‘SIPIS Pulsar: Invalid pulserpuler pater val ‘IP pulser carton wich open ‘Wand MEAL board euch open Main Wand M securty wich open| ‘STP board 1 disconnected ‘Vapor Recavery mor nat espanding ‘Arsensor connected bl option disabled “ir senor 8 connected but option onabled TFSF board not connected but option enabled TFSF board errs "ATC configured but no communication to ATC HUBS) "ATC hub detected BA ATC snot enabled ‘Number of probes exceeds the nurrber oF ATC grades ‘Number of ATG grades exceeds the number of acive ATC probes ‘Revormal ayaton ond during Wansacton ‘ispiay board communication fare ‘PU board communicaton fire Fiscal printer ase ost 'PPU board grade seloc bution stuck ‘Dena, ransacton o preset Giplay communications fare Display board rors PP Keypad onion st but nol present Denaiyalplay Communication faire Preset display communication fare “Transaction depiay communication falure “Sop button not detected bat option enabled ‘Sop baton stk us to lat nol dolce but option enabiod Seventy ‘Medium ‘Mediom Setaton Infomation oy ‘Contaet tecnica! support ‘Supermajor Conlet eainical support “Supermajor Contact echnical support ‘Supermajor Canta echnical support Medium Medium Medium ‘edu ‘Medi Twesum ‘Medium ‘edu ‘wean Mesum Medium ‘Contat ecinial support Contact ecirical support ‘Conia! echnical support ‘Gantt wchvicalsuppont (lose SP canbraton sien ‘lose swach onthe EGAL ‘lose swich onthe E107 PU boars ‘Contat echnical support ‘Conta! echrical support ‘Contact technical suppor ‘Conta echnical suppor ‘Supermajor Contact echnical suppor Medium ‘Contact technical suppor “Supermajor Conta echnical suppor tape Minor Medium Winer Major Medion Medium Waar Mesum Major Mesum Mesum Mesum ‘wedi Maier Major ‘Conta echnical suppor ‘Canta! iechical suppor ‘Conta echnical suppor Conia echrical suppor ‘Coniat echnical euppom ‘Conta! echical suppor ‘Gheck cal printer ‘Conia technical suppor Conta Technical support Ceniaat echnical support Contact echnical suppor ‘Conia Technical support ‘Centat echnical suppor ‘Contact technical support Ceniact echnical suppor Conactecirical support ‘Supermajor Contact technical support Centact echnical suppor ‘Contact echnical support Contact echnical support Contact eennical support Contact echnical support Page Push wo sta bution stuck ajor “eiazer present buna retur pulse detected Testun ‘Satelite cisplay communications faire ‘Major Teaizer ORG par nozziecompted edu ‘Vapor Recovery maximum recover volume excaeded Mediu MDE-4881C Hor mn" Owner's Manual” October 2071 Error Code Description 5aiaZoro pron on PPU 15000 Fuel density not set with VRC or ATC enabled S601 ATC temperature reading out ofrange 15605 Display board sofware version eorversion changed ‘Biok___ ATG probe sont ret ‘700 multe intrtace communications faire [701 hhtwre interface unconfgured ‘S702 Multwie wierace doves ror 5703 Muth interface cash pulses overun 5704 Mute nterace volume pul overtun ‘6036 AABIPIB not detected bl Tank low level sensor enabled {057 Pump handle ON at powar up and hose lek est nck posaiie ‘6038 Kiosk ewiich not connected but option enabled {040 Vapor Recovery Board not connected but option enabled Boat Vapor Recovery motors not esponding 3042 Vapor Recovery Panitorng syst stop (Vapor sop) G0a7 Vapor Recavery Board detected bu option abled ous Vapor Recovery sence terrinal connected 3056 Satelite hardware not detected but opton enabled 087 Maximum fow rate exoweded 5082 Fgh speed pulser out of ange one Nozzle leaktest faled 086 New sofware version storied 057 ____ APP: rcompatbe Wand M sofware version ‘8088 SIP/S Pulser. Gommunications lost with pulser device ‘5060 SIPIS Pulsor Pulser enable sat oor 3000 SIPRS Putser: Too many pusors enabled Ti08 __B0SS:APP not poling ECAL board ‘22___SiP Pur Encryption Faure ON enable ‘02a SIP Puiser Encryption Fate ON disable 004 SPS command mismatch 3025 SIP Seca Number mismatch {3026 SP coniigued for by nat detected aT _SP doves bosy {922 ____Dspay proxy RAD allocation eror 5125 Daplay pony unknown board doocied {9050 BOSS RAM ranime alocaon enor {3051 BOSS Faure to create ner 3052 BOSS" vai calback used in constucor ‘082 ‘BOSS: Legal transaction response dala in ATCL, PumaLan or Two-wire packet contains norect Infomation. ‘Appendix A: Horizon Error Codes ‘Severity Sovation Tecan “Set prices fom POS OF tase Command Code 20, ‘Supermajor_Conict Techical support Medium wajer ‘edi Major Major Major Medium Medion Major ‘Conia echnical suppor ‘Contact echnical suppor ‘Contact iechnical suppor “Goniattechnial support enact echnical suppor Coniactechrical support Conict echnical support Contact echical suppor ‘Conic echrieal support ‘Supermalor Information only tower Maior odio Mean ‘Medium ~ Contact technical suppor up handle oF etn ‘Contetechvical support ‘Conte! techie! support ‘Cnet echnical support “Supermajr Genial echrical support edo Medion Medion Medion Medion ‘Contat echnical suppor Cantal echnical suppor ‘onialechnical suppor ‘Conia echnical suppor ‘Contact technical suppor ‘Supermajor “Conte! echrieal support apr Medion Medion edi Major ‘weston Wedium ‘edu ‘Medium Modu ‘Mesum Major Major Major Maior Major Majer ‘Goniat echnical suppor ‘Coniat echnical suppor ‘ontat echnical suppor ‘Coniat echnical suppor Coniaet technical suppor Contact echrical support ‘Contact echnical sopport Coniact echnical support Contact echnical support Contact osha support ‘ntact echnical supper ‘Conte! echnical support ‘Contact echnical support Contact technical suppor ‘oratories! support Const echrical support ‘Contet tecirical support MDE-#881C Horzon™ Owner's Mamual- Ocober 2017 Page 4-3 ‘Appendix A: Horizon Error Codes Error Code Desorption ‘Severity Souton ‘5069 BOSS: Legal data n Two wire sponal nonresponse Waler Contact eahical suppom contains vali informaton, Geet BOSS Legal dat in ATL, PunaLan or Two.wike pump Walor Gonlacl ischial suppoa tolls response contains incorrect infomation, ‘9065 _—-BOSS:IFSF data mismatch ——=SS===S=SCS*«Mor—=«

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