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Product Data

Order Tracking Analyzer — Type 2145

USES: ❍ Run-up/run-down measurements controlled by
❍ Vehicle pass-by and stationary noise testing RPM, position, velocity or acceleration (linear or
❍ Quality control, quality assurance and field
❍ Four DC channels for torque, pressure, temperature
performance evaluation
❍ Rotating machinery and component noise and
❍ Composite spectrum format comprising: two-
vibration “Benchmarking” and “Fingerprinting”
channel autospectrum and orders; RPM, position
velocity and acceleration data (instantaneous and
averaged); and DC channels
❍ Direct access menu, for user-friendly operation
❍ Order analysis (20 orders) simultaneous with 1/1-,
1 ❍ Automated data acquisition using autosequences
/3- or 1/12-octave analysis, in real time
❍ PC/MS–DOS compatible 3 1/2″ disk-drive, and non-
❍ Dual Channel FFT software for troubleshooting and volatile memory for storage of data and set-ups
❍ Portable, battery operation
❍ Two input channels for microphones,
accelerometers (charge) and direct signals ❍ Remote control unit (optional)

❍ Two versatile input channels for tachos (or pulse

related transducers)

The Order Tracking Analyzer Type

2145 is a portable dual-channel fre-
quency analyzer which is tailor-made
for analysing rotating equipment of all
kinds. The analyzer has two versatile
tacho conditioning units which enable
it to display in up to 20 orders in real-
time, as well as spectra (in 1/1-, 1/3- or
1/ -octave bands). Three types of mul-
tispectra can be captured and stored,
including Normal (for pre- and post-
trigger capture), Gated (for examining
spectra during any phase of a repeti-
tive cycle) and Interval (for capturing
spectra during delimited RPM ranges).
A “slice” mode through a multispec-
trum will display a side view to show
how a chosen frequency varies with
time, angle or RPM.
The analyzer is operated via user-
interactive menus backed up by on-
screen help pages to support full oper-
ation in the field.
Its internal non-volatile memory
and back-up disk storage facilities
make the analyzer a powerful data-
gathering device with further control
and data-processing possibilities via its
IEEE–488 and RS–232 interfaces.

Brüel & Kjær B K

The Order Tracking Analyzer Type
2145 is tailor-made for any industry Tmin
which uses and/or produces rotating
equipment including compressors, Trigger
turbines, pumps, or any motor or en- Level
gine connected to a drive shaft. In
fact, the analyzer is equally suited to
routine noise and vibration testing of t
practically any rotating machinery. It
is a robust, dual-channel noise and
vibration frequency analyzer which is
both portable and battery driven, and T
weighs only 10.4 kg.
When loaded with the standard
Software Type 7668, the 2145 will Trig Trig
meet the day-to-day requirements of 931014e
routine machinery and vehicle test-
ing including run-up/run-down tests, Fig.1 A user-defined hold-off time, T%, tells the tacho unit to ignore the second of a
double peaked tachometric signal. Absolute minimum, T min, is 33 µs for the Main Tacho
as well as provide for more sophisti-
Input and 1ms for the Auxiliary Tacho Input
cated data analysis.
Depending on set-up conditions,
tacho parameters can then be used formed simultaneously. For example,
the 2145 memory can store up to
1660 spectra without memory exten- to control the capture and storage of one tacho input can be used for en-
sion. This memory is non-volatile and spectral data whenever pre-specified gine RPM before a gear box and the
is, therefore, protected against power conditions occur during a test. other for drive shaft speed after the
failures. Back-up storage is provided transmission, see Fig. 2. The two re-
The flexibility of the analyzer al-
by a built-in PC/MS-DOS compatible sulting tacho parameters can be used
lows a tacho signal to be taken from
3 /2″ disk-drive. Disks are transfera-
1 independently to control the analyz-
any accessible rotating element of a
ble to a computer for further process- er. That is, the pre-transmission en-
machine. The rotation does not have
ing of spectral data. Remote-control gine RPM to control order analysis
to be at any particular RPM since the
commands and measurement data while post-transmission drive shaft
analyzer can account for gearing ef-
can be sent directly over the speed controls multispectrum gather-
fects as well as for multiple tacho
IEEE– 488 parallel interface or the ing during a run-up. The result will
pulses per revolution. be a multispectrum with order anal-
RS–232 serial interface.
With two tacho inputs, two quite ysis as a function of drive shaft speed
different measurements can be per- without the effects of the gear train.
Two Tacho Trigger Inputs
The 2145 has two versatile tacho trig-
ger inputs: Main and Auxiliary.
The Main Tacho Trigger Input will
accept tachometric signals for up to
1800000 RPM and the Auxiliary In-
put up to 60000 RPM.
Both are protected against exces- Main tacho
sive input voltages and produce clean from engine
tacho pulses from ragged input sig- Aux tacho
from drive
nals; even if they contain spurious or shaft
missing information.
Fig.1 shows an example of how a
user-defined hold-off time (in terms
of a percentage of the tacho interval
T) is used to ignore the second peak
of a double peaked tachometric signal Main

to produce clean tacho pulses. Other TTU

selective criteria available for “clean-
ing up” a tacho signal can be based Aux

on level, slope and hysteresis. TTU

Clean tacho pulses are used to de-
rive tacho parameters which gauge 940965e

position (displacement), velocity and

Fig.2 With two tacho inputs, engine RPM controls order analysis before the gear box,
acceleration of moving parts (linear while post transmission drive-shaft speed controls multispectrum gathering. The result:
as well as angular), in metric, impe- multispectrum and order analysis as a function of equipment speed without the effects
rial or user-defined units. These of gear changes

Data Acquisition
The most immediately noteworthy
features of the 2145 as a sound and
vibration analyzer are: Max
* si- RPM
❍ Real-time 20-order analysis
multaneous with real-time spec-
tral data, i.e. 1/1- 1/3- or 1/12-octave
band analysis. A powerful diagnos-
tic tool for analysing harmonics of
rotating machinery during speed
changes. RPM
❍ Real-time 1/24-octave band analy-
sis (without orders) for greater se-
lectivity when measuring closely
spaced frequency components. 931010e
❍ Any 20 harmonics from 0.01 to 200
Fig.3 Run-up interval multispectrum between two pre-set RPM values
orders. This means that two spec-
tra can be examined simultaneous-
ly, e.g. 10 order components relat- Trigger Sources spectra to a series of fixed intervals
ed to engine RPM and 10 order The capture of multispectra can be within a specified RPM range during
components related to the trans- controlled in several ways, e.g. by say, a run-up or a run-down, around
mission shaft from the gear box. triggering on internal parameters a resonance speed or a pass-by. This
❍ Composite spectrum format com- such as the level in a particular fre- kind of analysis lets you explore data
prising dual-channel autospectra quency band, tacho parameter or or- at and around certain running condi-
and orders, tacho parameters and der, or on the broad band levels in tions. Fig.3 shows a plot of RPM
DC channels. the weighted or linear channels. Oth- against time. In this example, the an-
❍ Four DC channels for logging aux- er alternatives are a manual deci- alyzer can be set up to capture spec-
iliary data such as load, torque, sion, an external voltage, free-run or tra at a series of fixed RPM intervals
pressure, temperature, throttle po- at a pre-set time (with any repeti- “∆” within a given RPM range during
sition, etc. tions at pre-set time intervals). run-up or run-down or a combination
❍ Interval analyses, i.e. analyses Three types of averaged multispec- of both. In the latter case, the pre-
confined within a user-specified in- tra can be captured and stored by the selected series of RPM intervals and
terval of tacho parameters, e.g. 2145, these are interval, normal and RPM ranges need not be the same for
during RPM changes around an gated. run-up and run-down.
annoying resonance.
❍ Two channel capability for meas- Interval Multispectra Normal Multispectra
uring the pass-by noise of motor Tacho parameters are used to confine Up to 999 spectra can be captured
vehicles such as required by SAE the capture and averaging of multi- starting at a specified time after or
J986 OCT88 or ISO 362.
❍ Simple and flexible set-ups for
run-up and run-down tests based
on RPM, speed, position or accel- Record n
Standard spectrum weightings, i.e. Record n – 1
A, B, C and D, as well as user-defin- Record Head Ch. A Ch. A Ch. B Ch. B
able weightings can be applied to Autospectrum Orders Autospectrum Orders
each line of the measured spectrum, Record 3
or to the sum of the weighted spec-
trum. Record 2
Max. and min. hold can be applied
to total levels, individual frequency
Record 1
bands or single orders.
Record Head Ch. A Ch. A Ch. B Ch. B
Autospectrum Orders Autospectrum Orders
Record Tacho Logged
Multispectra Status Params Data

A multispectrum comprises a number

of averaged spectra each separated 0001001
by an index, e.g. a user-specified 0001001
1/1, 1/3, 1/12 20 × 1/1, 1/3, 1/12 20 ×
change in time, angular displacement Instant orders orders
or RPM and stored in consecutive or-
der. 930953e

* Order analysis using digital resampling, Fig.4 Data content and structure of a multispectrum. Here, each record contains two sets
based on tachometric input, followed by DFT of autospectra with orders as well as full details on all tacho parameters and voltage
analysis. levels in each DC channel

before triggering. Pre-trigger cap-
tures are permitted because real-time
spectral data are constantly being
calculated by the analyzer and stored
in a ring buffer.

Gated Multispectra
Gated averaging builds up a multi-
spectrum based on a series of spectra
measured only during pre-defined in-
tervals of a repetitive cycle. For ex-
ample during a series of 10 degree
intervals in a 4-stroke cycle; these in-
tervals would be unaffected by RPM
changes. At constant RPM, a series
of, say, 10 ms intervals could be in-
vestigated. In both cases, a delay af-
ter triggering is allowed. Gated
multispectra can be likened to ob-
serving cyclic machinery using a stro- Fig.5 Slice mode display showing how the 250Hz 1/3-octave band varies during a run-
boscope. up test

Data File Structure

Whenever the 2145 makes a meas-
urement, it measures not only what
is currently on display, but also all
that can be displayed. So, when a
spectrum is stored, it is accompanied
by data on orders, tacho parameters
and DC voltage levels.
This means that when you recall a
stored measurement, you can display
everything you need to know about it.
Fig.4 shows the data content and
structure of a multispectrum file.
Each record, from 1 to n, contains two
sets of autospectrum with orders. In
addition, there are instantaneous
and average tacho parameters as well
as logged data for all DC channels
(representing, say, throttle position, Fig.6 Dual display showing 1/3-octave band autospectrum above and orders below
temperature, load, torque, etc.). Any
of these can be displayed on the
screen and examined in detail, e.g. to
see how engine RPM during a run-
up influences the noise level in each
octave band.
Full set-up and calibration data
valid at the time of the measurement
are also available for scrutiny.

Slice Mode
Multispectra can be viewed from the
“front”, i.e. vibration or sound level
versus frequency band, and can be
flicked through to show how a full
spectrum changes with say time, an-
gle or RPM.
The 2145 is capable of “slicing”
through a multispectrum at right an-
gles to its frequency axis to give a Fig.7 Display of (above) tacho parameters and (below) the voltage levels in the DC
“side” view. This side view will show channels (which could represent throttle position, temperature, load, torque, etc.)

the variation of the level in a selected Operation ory, or saved on a floppy disk and
frequency band with, accordingly, presented and documented using the
time, angle or RPM. Slice modes are Operation is divided into two modes: optional nVision Data Presentation
also possible for orders, tacho param- Set-up Mode and Measurement Software Type 7678 which runs un-
eters, DC channels and overloads. Mode. On-screen help is available der Microsoft Windows 3.1. Or the
This will be of interest if you are throughout. PC utility disk provided can be used
concerned about particular frequen- for user text and user page and for
cies exceeding certain critical levels Set-up Mode converting measurement files into
over a working speed range and pos- spreadsheet format.
The set-up mode is used to configure
sibly setting up secondary vibrations. the analyzer before making any
The slice mode example in Fig. 5 sound and vibration measurements. Help Pages
shows how the measured level in the Once a menu page has been called to
User-interactive menu pages can be
250 Hz 1/3 -octave band varies during the screen, you can display its asso-
stepped through systematically to set
a run-up test. up frequency range, filter bandwidth, ciated help page. The system of help
orders, tachometric signal condition- pages, i.e. one for each menu page,
ing, display axes, averaging mode, provides you with sufficient informa-
Data-display Facilities trigger and multispectra conditions tion for field operation without hav-
etc., until the analyzer is fully con- ing to refer to the instruction
Data-display facilities include: figured for the required measure- manual.
❍ Simultaneous displays of an aut- ments.
ospectrum and its orders. Fig. 6
shows an example of a 1/3-octave Measurement Mode
band autospectrum above and its
Optional Remote Control
After you have gone through the set-
orders below. up mode, the analyzer is ready to go Unit
❍ Tacho parameters and DC chan- into its measuring mode at the push
nels. Fig.7 shows an example of of a button. Essentially, all measure- To simplify measurement procedures,
this. ments yield some kind of averaged an optional remote control unit ena-
❍ Sliced views of all multispectra, or- spectral data depending on the con- bles you to start and stop measure-
ders, tacho parameters and the ditions and selectivities imposed by ments while monitoring the main
voltage levels in each DC channel. the set-up of the analyzer. These can tacho parameter reading. The Re-
be accompanied by additional data mote Control Unit can be used to re-
such as RPM, torque, pressure etc. call frequently used measurement
Measurement results can be hard- set-ups and automated test sequenc-
copied in graphical or tabular format, es keyed-in using the autosequence
saved in the 2145’s non-volatile mem- facility.

Specifications 2145 with Software Type 7668

Analogue Input DIRECT INPUT: Noise: Measured in 1/3-octave bands in input
Pseudo Difference Input: Two BNC sockets range 1pC with 1nF transducer capacitance:
Characteristics: (via preamplifier-to-BNC adaptors) 0.35 Hz to 35 Hz: < 3 fC
All inputs pseudo difference. Choice of analogue Input impedance (signal to signal ground): 35 Hz to 2.8 kHz: < 0.5 fC
ground floating or connected to chassis. Individ- 1 MΩ || 100 pF 2.8 kHz to 8.9 kHz: < 1 fC
ual set-up for each channel Signal ground to analogue ground imped- 8.9 kHz to 22.4 kHz: < 1.5 fC
PREAMPLIFIER INPUT: ance: 50 Ω || 10 nF High-pass filters cut-off:
Pseudo Difference Input: Two 7-pin Preampli- Input ranges: Twelve 80 dB ranges with a FSD − 0.1 dB at 0.35 Hz (− 3 dB at 50 mHz)
fier sockets or one 18-pin socket (for sound in- from 10 mV to 3.16 V (rms sine) selectable in Slope 6 dB/octave
tensity probes) steps of 5 dB − 0.1 dB at 20 Hz (−3 dB at 6.6 Hz)
Input impedance (signal to signal ground): Frequency Range: 0.7 Hz to 22.4 kHz, ±0.1 dB Slope 12 dB/octave
1 MΩ || 100 pF Noise: 1µV, measured in 1/3-octave bands in − 0.1 dB at 100 Hz (− 3 dB at 33 Hz)
Signal ground to analogue ground imped- input range 10 mV with input short-circuited Slope 12 dB/octave
ance: 50 Ω || 10 nF High-pass filter cut-offs: CHANNEL–TO–CHANNEL MATCH:
Input ranges: Twelve 80 dB ranges with a FSD − 0.1 dB at 0.7 Hz (−3 dB at 59 mHz) Max. Gain Difference: 0.1 dB from lower fre-
from 10 mV to 3.16 V (rms sine) selectable in Slope 6 dB/octave quency limit to upper frequency limit (in pass-
steps of 5 dB band)
− 0.1 dB at 20 Hz (−3 dB at 6.6 Hz)
Frequency Range: 0.7 Hz to 22.4 kHz, ±0.1 dB Slope 12 dB/octave
Max. phase difference for preamplifier and
Noise: 1µV, measured in 1/3-octave bands in direct input:
− 0.1 dB at 100 Hz (−3 dB at 33 Hz) 50 Hz to 315 Hz: <0.017°
input range 10 mV with input short-circuited Slope 12 dB/octave
Microphone polarization: 0 V, 28 V, 200 V from 315 Hz to 630 Hz: <0.021°
A-filter: According to IEC publication 651 type 0 630 Hz to 1.25 kHz: <0.042°
10 MΩ source
ACCELEROMETER INPUT: 1.25 kHz to 2.5 kHz: <0.083°
Power supply: 28 V
Pseudo Difference Input: Two micro connec- 2.5 kHz to 5 kHz: <0.166°
Heater Voltage: None tors, 10–32 UNF 5 kHz to 15 kHz: <0.333°
High-pass filter cut-offs: Input impedance (signal to signal ground): MAXIMUM RATINGS:
− 0.1 dB at 0.7 Hz (− 3 dB at 59 mHz). 39 Ω || 220 pF Input:
Slope 6 dB/octave Signal ground to analogue ground imped- Preamplifier & Direct: 7.5 V peak, 50 V DC
− 0.1 dB at 20 Hz (− 3 dB at 6.6 Hz). ance: 50 Ω || 10 nF Accelerometer: 33 nC peak
Slope 12 dB/octave Input ranges: Eighteen 80 dB ranges with a Signal Ground/Chassis Ground: For safe op-
− 0.1 dB at 100 Hz (− 3 dB at 33 Hz). FSD from 1pC to 17.8 nC (rms sine) selectable eration in accordance with IEC 1010, the voltage
Slope 12 dB/octave in steps of 5 dB between signal ground and chassis ground (in
A-filter: According to IEC publication 651 type 0 Frequency Range: 0.35 Hz to 22.4 kHz, ±0.1 dB “floating” mode) must not exceed 42V RMS. To

ensure safe operation in accordance with Tacho Parameters: 1000, order span = 20.0 and resolution improve-
IEC 1010 at higher voltages, the user must limit ment = 4.0)
all input currents to 0.7mA peak Two groups of tacho parameters are calculated.
Signal Ground/Analogue Ground: 5V peak. If Each group is independently derived from either
this limit is exceeded, the user must limit the the Main or Auxiliary tacho inputs. Both instan- Digital Filters:
ground current to 50mA. If the voltage exceeds taneous and average parameters are calculated 1/1-OCTAVE FILTERS:
1V peak, the dynamic range is decreased TACHO PARAMETER V1: 14-pole filters with centre frequencies given by
MAX. INDUCED COMMON MODE VOLTAGE: Units: rpm or Hz 103 n/10. Fulfil IEC 225-1966, DIN 45651 and
42V RMS, 100V peak Ratio: Entered as two sets of 3-digit nominators ANSI S1.11-1986, Order 7 Type 1-D, optional
COMMON MODE REJECTION: and denominators or directly as a factor range
Floating input, 50 Ω source impedance: TACHO PARAMETERS P2, V2 AND A2: Single Channel: −1 ≤ n ≤ 14. 16 filters with cen-
0.35Hz to 1kHz: > 75dB Position (P2) units: Metres, inches, feet, miles tre frequencies from 0.5Hz to 16kHz
1kHz to 22.4kHz: > 50dB or cycles Dual Channel: −1 ≤ n ≤ 13. 15 filters with centre
DIFFERENTIAL COMMON MODE Velocity (V2) units: m/s, km/h, mph, fpm, rpm frequencies from 0.5 Hz to 8 kHz
50 Ω source impedance: DC to 250 Hz > 35dB Acceleration (A2) units: m/s2, feet/s2, g or 6-pole filters with centre frequencies given by
OVERLOAD DETECTION: cyc/s2 10 n/10. Fulfil IEC 225-1966, DIN 45651 and ANSI
Both analogue and A/D-converter overloads in- Ratio: Entered as two sets of 3-digit nominators S1.11-1986, Order 3 Type 1-D
dicated. and denominators or directly as a factor Single Channel: − 4 ≤ n ≤ 43. 48 filters with cen-
CROSSTALK: ACCURACY: tre frequencies from 0.4 Hz to 20 kHz
− 60dB V1, V2: Dual Channel: − 4 ≤ n ≤ 40. 45 filters with centre
ATTENUATOR LINEARITY: Connected to MAIN input, ratio = 1.0 frequencies from 0.4 Hz to 10 kHz
± 0.1dB 1 mHz – 30 Hz: 0.003% 1/12-OCTAVE FILTERS:
ANTIALIASING FILTER: 30 Hz – 488 Hz: V × 1 µs 6-pole filters with centre frequencies given by
Cut-off frequency: 30 kHz (single channel), 488 Hz – 30 kHz: 0.05% 10 (n + 0.5)/40
15kHz (dual channel). Provides at least 80 dB Connected to AUX input, ratio = 1.0 Single Channel: −18 ≤ n ≤ 149. 168 filters with
attenuation of those input frequencies which can 1 mHz – 30 Hz: 0.003% centre frequencies from 0.365 Hz to 5.464 kHz
cause aliasing in the pass-band 30 Hz – 244 Hz: V × 1 µs Dual Channel: − 18 ≤ n ≤ 137. 156 filters with
SAMPLING RATE: 244 Hz – 30 kHz: 0.024% centre frequencies from 0.365 Hz to 2.738 kHz
1 × 65536 Hz or 2 × 32768 Hz P2: 1/24-OCTAVE FILTERS:
A/D-CONVERSION: 6-pole filters with centre frequencies given by
Relative: 0.003%
Resolution: 16 bit 10(n + 0.5)/80
Absolute: 1 revolution (ratio = 1.0)
Quantizing Error: Maximum 1/2 LSB Single Channel: −36 ≤ n ≤ 275. 312 filters with
centre frequencies from 0.360 Hz to 2.778 kHz
Connected to MAIN input, ratio = 1.0
Dual Channel: − 36 ≤ n ≤ 251. 288 filters with
Tachometer and Logging Input 1 mHz – 2 Hz: 15 µHz/s
centre frequencies from 0.360 Hz to 1.392 kHz
Characteristics: 2 Hz – 488 Hz: V3 × 3 µs
Both tachometer inputs are protected up to 100V 488 Hz – 30 kHz: V × 0.48 Hz
peak. Individual set-ups for each tachometer Connected to AUX input, ratio = 1.0 System Accuracy:
channel 1 mHz – 2 Hz: 15 µHz/s DYNAMIC RANGE:
MAIN AND AUXILIARY TACHO INPUTS: 2 Hz – 244 Hz: V3 × 3 µs All distortion (intermodulation and harmonic) and
Input filter: DC coupled, Low pass: −3dB at 244 Hz – 30 kHz: V × 0.12 Hz spurious noise at least 80dB below max. input
60 kHz voltage for 1/3-octave autospectrum
Impedance: 10 kΩ Trigger Input: OVERALL FREQUENCY RESPONSE:
Input voltage range: 0.5V to 20V peak ± 0.1dB at filter centres from lower frequency
Hysteresis: 0.2V, 1.0V or 2.5V BNC connector for external trigger to start an limit to upper frequency limit
Trigger level: −10.0V to +10V in 0.1V steps average instantaneously or with user-defined de- (See Input Characteristics for frequency limits)
Trigger slope: Positive or negative lay NOISE:
Trigger hold-off: Set to maximum of relative Input Filter: DC coupled, low pass: − 3dB at Voltage input: Measured in 1/3-octave bands
and absolute hold-off. Relative: 0 to 90% of pulse 60 kHz in input range 10mV with input short-circuited:
interval Impedance: 10 kΩ 0.7 Hz to 22.4 kHz < 1µV
Absolute (Main): 33µs to 1.9s. Precision 12.5% Input Voltage Range: 0.5 V to 20 V Charge input: Measured in 1/3-octave bands in
Absolute (Auxiliary): 1.0ms to 66ms. Precision Hysteresis: 0.2 V, 1.0 V or 2.5 V input range 1 pC with 1 nF transducer capaci-
5% Trigger Level: −5.0V to +5.0V in 0.1V steps tance:
Trigger time accuracy: 50 mV/slew rate of trig- Trigger Slope: Positive or negative 0.35 Hz to 35 Hz < 3 fC
ger signal Minimum Pulse Width: 10µs 35 Hz to 2.8 kHz < 0.5 fC
Tacho divider: 1 to 32767 Transducer Power Supply: +5V in series with 2.8 kHz to 8.9 kHz < 1 fC
Tacho frequency range: (Main) 0.06 rpm to PTC resistor on BNC inner screen. Voltage at 8.9 kHz to 22.4 kHz < 1.5 fC
1800000 rpm, (Auxiliary) 0.06 rpm to 60000 rpm 50mA: 4.3V. Voltage at 100mA: 3.7 V AMPLITUDE MEASUREMENT STABILITY:
Time base accuracy: 60 ppm Maximum Supply Current: 110mA. Recom- ± 0.1dB
Time resolution: 1 µs mended 50mA total for Main Tacho, Aux Tacho AMPLITUDE LINEARITY:
Minimum pulse width: 10 µs and Trigger Input ± 0.05dB or ±0.005% of maximum input voltage,
Maximum tacho update rate: (Main) 244 Hz, whichever is greater, measured using a sine
(Aux) 122 Hz wave input at the filter centre frequency. With
Tacho frequency accuracy (typical): < 0.005%
Order Analysis:
measurements more than 60dB below max. in-
Transducer power supply: +5V in series with Order span: 0.01 to 200.0 put voltage, the measuring sine wave is accom-
PTC resistor on BNC inner screen. Voltage at Number of orders: Any 20 orders within order panied by another sine wave of a lower
50mA: 4.3V. Voltage at 100 mA: 3.7 V span frequency outside the measured band, having
Maximum supply current: 110mA. Recom- Order resolution (= order span/20): Can be an amplitude greater than 20dB below max. in-
mended 50mA total for Main tacho, Auxiliary improved by factors of 2, 4, 8 or 16 put voltage
Tacho and trigger In Record weighting: Rectangular, Hanning or flat FREQUENCY ACCURACY AND STABILITY:
Tacho input crosstalk: −60 dB (typical) top 0.01% without warm-up (no adjustment neces-
DC CHANNELS INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: Maximum ratio between highest and lowest sary)
Input filter: DC coupled, Low pass: −3dB at order: 62.8 (rectangular), 80 (Hanning) or 145.9
140Hz (flat top)
Impedance: 20kΩ Analysis range: 0.35 Hz to 11.2 kHz for single
Input voltage range: 0V to +6.4V. Permitted channel, 0.35 Hz to 5.6 kHz for dual channel Digital true RMS detection of filter bank, two
overload range: −5V to +10V Real-time performance: Typically (dual chan- broadband channels, orders and tacho parame-
Resolution: 0.025V (8 bits) nel, order span = 20, resolution improvement ters. No crest factor limitation
Sampling frequency: 10 Hz = 4) orders are calculated without loss of data CONTROL:
DIGITAL INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: up to 9200 rpm Start: Clears the average accumulator and
Maximum bit rate: 1Mbaud Maximum rpm rate: Maximum rpm rate (∆rpm) starts an average
Maximum word size: 16bits can be found from the formula (worst case): Stop: Stops the averaging process
Signal level: TTL or CMOS ∆rpm = 0.0048× rpm2 × (order span)/(resolution Proceed: Continues an average without clearing
Sampling frequency: 10 Hz improvement) (e.g. ∆rpm = 24krpm/s for rpm = the average accumulator

Averaging Gate: External, internal or tacho trig- autosequence. Up to 6 autosequences can be measured data, post-processed result, measure-
ger signal for gating the averaging process saved in non-volatile memory ment set-up, display set-up or calibration set-up)
Interval Tacho Control: The averaging process can be transmitted to and from the analyzer
can be automatically stopped and continued by FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTED:
any tacho parameter
Display: Source Handshake SH1
LINEAR: Liquid Crystal Display (dot matrix, super twisted Acceptor Handshake AH1
Averaging without truncation nematic) with back-light and resolution 480 × 200 Talker T5
Single Channel: Averaging times from 1ms to points Listener L3
24 hours selectable to a resolution of 1ms in the DISPLAY FORMATS: Service Request SR1
range 1ms to 1hr and to 1s in the range 1hr to Single: A single display showing autospectrum, Remote/Local RL1
24hours orders, tacho parameters or DC channels. Digital Parallel Poll PP1
Dual Channel: Averaging times from 2ms to 24 integration or differentiation of autospectra is Device Clear DC1
hours selectable to a resolution of 2ms in the possible Device Trigger DT1
range 2ms to 1hr and to 1s in the range 1hr to Dual: Two displays (input or recalled) shown re- COMMAND SET:
24hours spectively in the upper and lower parts of the Simple and easy to remember standard engi-
EXPONENTIAL: screen neering English. Resistant to operator error
Single Channel: 19 averaging times from Difference: The upper display is the difference CODE:
1 ⁄ 512s to 512s in a binary sequence between the upper display function and the lower ASCII (ISO 7-bit) code, or binary
Dual Channel: 18 averaging times from 1/256s display INTERFACE TERMINATOR:
to 512s in a binary sequence. 1/4 s and 2 s Slice: A slice is taken through at right angles to Can be specified on the Interface Menu
“Fast” and “Slow” sound level meter responses the frequency axis of a multispectrum (autospec- DEVICE ADDRESS:
according to IEC 651 type 0 trum, order, tacho parameter, DC channel or Can be specified on the Interface menu
overload flag). Slices can be displayed in Single,
Spectrum Memory: Dual or Difference mode and “live” while captur-
ing a multispectrum RS–232–C Interface:
Non-volatile internal memory for 111 single Menu: The text shown relates to the adjacent Conforms with the EIA Standard RS–232–C
spectrum or multispectrum files each labelled soft key control (equivalent to CCITT V24). Allows remote acti-
with up to 80 characters of user-defined text. Y-AXIS: vation of the front panel key functions via a non-
The text label is stored together with data and Annotation: (Autospectrum and orders) Imperi- intelligent terminal, either directly or via a mo-
is shown in the file list al, metric or relative units (dB). Selectable dB dem
Control: Manual save, multispectrum or interval reference
multispectrum automatic save Autospectrum type: RMS, power, power spec-
Start conditions: Free Run, Manual, Absolute tral density or energy spectral density Power Supply:
Time or Internal/External triggering at a specified Order type: RMS, power or energy Battery: 6 (fully charged and in good condition)
level with selectable slope Amplitude scroll: Hard key controls to shift the rechargeable NiCd cells (QB 0008) operate the
Delay: Pre- and post-trigger delay between start display up and down system for > 3 hrs continuous use at 25°C. The
condition and actual multispectrum start, set in X-AXIS: operating time is reduced if disk-drive or inter-
seconds Autospectrum display: Logarithmic axis with face bus is used and decreases with decreasing
Multispectrum update rate: From 1ms (2ms annotation in Hz at 1/1-octave band centre fre- temperature
for dual channel) to 24hours, with 1ms resolution quencies conforming with ISO R266. Range Power Consumption: 1.2 A during measure-
Interval Multispectrum update rate: 4ms when from 1 to 16 octaves. 11 octave bands at a time ments at a typical battery drive-voltage of 7.5 V
controlled by Main Tacho, 8ms when controlled can be displayed (back lighting off)
by Auxiliary Tacho Frequency scroll: Hard key controls to shift the External DC Supply: An external source or fil-
Max. no. of spectra: 1660 (for single channel display left and right tered DC power in the range of 11–16 V DC will
1/1-octave autospectra) Slice display: Linear axis annotated by index power the analyzer continuously
Max. (or Min.) hold, all bands and orders: numbers from 1 to max. 999 (representing time, Mains: The Brüel & Kjær Power Supply ZG 0342
Composite spectrum and orders of max. (or position, velocity, angle etc.) or annotated by the fits into the slot normally occupied by the battery
min.) RMS level occurring in each channel unit of the controlling tacho parameter (rpm, me- pack and is powered from 100 – 240 V AC mains
Max. (or Min.) hold, specified band or order: tres etc.) supply. ZG0342 complies with IEC 348 Class ll
Retains the spectrum orders and tacho param- CURSOR:
eters for which max. (or min.) RMS level has Reads frequency in Hz on the x-axis (autospec-
occurred in the specified band trum display), index or tacho parameter value EMC
(slice display) at the same time as reading am-
Mass Storage: plitude level in dB, absolute units, volts or tacho SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISTURBANCES
parameter units on the y-axis SPECIFIED IN EN 50082–2:
Built-in disk-drive for storage of measured data, Measured with floating input module.
set-ups, and optional programs LF Magnetic Field: (30 A/m at 50 Hz)
Data media: Removable 3 1/2″ double sided, Calibration:
high density micro floppy disk Autospectrum and orders: Pressure or accel-
Data format: Compatible with PC/MS-DOS from Input/Output Level
eration calibration. Direct entry of transducer
version 3.2* sensitivity or autocalibration with an appropriate Preamp., Probe < 10 µV
Formatted capacity: 1440 kbytes calibrator. Direct entry of decibel (dB) reference Direct via Preamp.1
File list: Contains disk identification, user-defin- Tacho Parameters: Speed or distance calibra-
able volume label and file list sorting key. Each Charge2 < 1 fC
tion. Direct entry of ratio or autocalibration at a
file is identified by user-definable file number, specified speed or distance
data type, size and start time of the measure- Radiated RF: (3 to 10 V/m, 80% AM, 1 kHz)
Input/Output Level
Hard Copy: Menus: User-interactive menus are used to set
up the analyzer for measurements. User-defined Preamp., Probe < 25 µV
Any display on Type 2145/7668, including graph- measurement set-ups can be saved and recalled Direct via Preamp.1
ics and all notation, can be printed on graphics from non-volatile internal memory or disk
printers with IBM, HP or Epson print formats. Charge2 < 2 fC
Measurement Mode: For enabling measure-
Measurement results can also be printed in table
ments and viewing data and slices called up 1
Input section with max. gain and input short-circuited
format from the internal memory 2
Input section with max. gain and 1 nF termination
Remote Control: An optional Remote Control Conducted RF: (3 to 10 V, 80% AM, 1 kHz)
Autosequence: Unit ZH 0611 gives full control of measurement
procedure and displays a selected parameter Input/Output Level
Allows the user to specify an autosequence of together with state-of-data-acquisition in an un-
front panel keypushes, the functions of which Preamp., Probe < 1 µV
derstandable way
can be executed on command from a dedicated
Direct via Preamp.1
execution page. Maximum 200 key entries per
IEC/IEEE Interface: Charge2 < 16 fC
* PC-DOS is a trademark of International Business Ma-
chines Corporation. MS-DOS is a trademark of Micro- Conforms to IEEE 488.1 and IEC 625-1 stand- 1
Input section with max. gain and input short-circuited
soft Corporation ards. Any function shown on display (including 2
Input section with max. gain and 1 nF termination


DIMENSIONS: CE-mark indicates compliance with: EMC Directive and Low Voltage Directive.
Height: 175 mm (6.89″)
Width: 356 mm (14.02″)
Depth: 293.5 mm (11.56″)
Weight including batteries: 10.4 kg (23 lb.) Safety EN 61010–1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control and laboratory use.

EMC Emission EN 50081–1: Generic emission standard. Residential, commercial and light
EN 50081–2: Generic emission standard. Industrial environment.
CISPR 22: Radio disturbance characteristics of information technology
equipment. Class B Limits.
FCC Rules, Part 15: Complies with the limits for a Class B digital device.

EMC Immunity EN 50082–1: Generic immunity standard. Residential, commercial and light
EN 50082–2: Generic immunity standard. Industrial environment.
Note: See “EMC”.

Temperature IEC 68–2–1 & IEC 68–2–2: Environmental Testing. Cold and Dry Heat.
Operating Temperature (Analyzer): –10 to +55°C (+14 to +131°F)
Operating Temperature (Disk drive): –5 to + 50°C (+23 to + 122°F)
Storage Temperature: –25 to +70°C (–13 to + 158°F)

Humidity IEC 68–2–3: Damp Heat: 90% RH (non-condensing at 40 °C (104 °F))

Mechanical Non-operating:
IEC 68–2–6: Vibration: 0.3 mm, 20 m/s2, 10–500 Hz
IEC 68–2–27: Shock: 1000 m/s2
IEC 68–2–29: Bump: 1000 bumps at 250 m/s2

Enclosure IEC 529: Protection provided by enclosures: IP 43

Ordering Information
Type 2145: Order Tracking Analyzer Optional Accessories: ENHANCEMENTS:
includes the
following accessories: Type 3558: Pass-by Noise Measurement
AO 0042: Multicable System
AO 0399: Cigarette Lighter Cable TRANSDUCERS: WH 2921: Memory Extension to 1 Mwords
2×AO 0479: BNC-to-Lemo Adaptor Type 4190: General-purpose 1/2″ Measuring WH 2924: Memory Extension to 512 kwords
AQ 0157: Charging Adaptor Microphone ZH0611: Remote Control Unit
BZ 5086: Type 7668 Program disk VP 7316 Type 2669 L: Microphone Preamplifier
Type 7668 PC-utility disk VP 7512 AO 0488: B & K (preamp.) to Lemo Adaptor APPLICATION PROGRAMS:
BZ 5075: Type 7651 Program disk VP 7279* Type 4371: General-purpose Accelerometer Type 7638: Zwicker Loudness Option
DH 0541: Shoulder Strap Type 7667: Dual-channel Digital Filter Option
JP 0312: 3-pin DIN Plug Brüel & Kjær supplies a wide range of
JP 0808: 8-pin DIN Plug microphones and accelerometers. Please ask for INTERFACE:
6×QB 0008: 1.25V NiCd Batteries, type R 20 more information regarding the different types and AO 0195: Adaptor to convert IEEE 488
(“D” size) their uses. connector to IEC 625-1 (25-way)
ZG 0146: Battery Box AO 0264: Interface Cable (2m), IEC 625-1
ZG 0342: Power Supply CALIBRATION: (25-way) to IEEE 488
Type 4226: Multifunction Acoustic Calibrator AO 0265: Interface Cable (2m), IEEE 488
Type 4228: Pistonphone UA 0814: IEEE 24-way bus connector kit
Type 4231: Sound Level Calibrator
Type 4294: Calibration Exciter MISCELLANEOUS:
QB 0008: 1.25V NiCd Battery, IEC type
MM0024: Photoelectric Probe QR 1107: Floppy Disks (High Density)
MM 0096: Inductive Probe Type 7678: nVision Data Presentation
* Dual Channel FFT software – see separate Product
Data BP 1285 MM 0097: Throttle Position Sensor Software

Brüel&Kjær reserves the right to change specifications and accessories without notice

Brüel & Kjær B K

WORLD HEADQUARTERS: DK-2850 Nærum • Denmark • Telephone: +4542800500 •Telex: 37316 bruka dk • Fax: +4542801405 • e-mail:

BP 1282 – 15 95/12

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