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Strategy for Site Investigation

of Tunnelling Projects

ITA Working Group 2


N° ISBN: 978-2-9701013-3-8 ITA REPORT n°15 / MAY 2015

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“If you do not know what you should be looking for in a site investigation, you are not likely
to find much of value. What you look for should be suggested by the natural environment,
and by the nature of the construction problem to be solved. Thus, a detailed programme of
investigation cannot be decided on day one and adhered to, and the engineer who in the long
run is responsible for the solution of the construction problem should not expect to order a site
investigation and then dismiss the matter from his mind until a report is placed upon his desk.”
R. Glossop, 8th Rankine Lecture

ITA Report n°15 - Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects - N°ISBN: 978-2-9701013-3-8 / MAY 2015
Layout : Longrine – Avignon – France –
The International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association/Association Internationale des Tunnels et de l’Espace Souterrain (ITA/AITES) publishes this report to, in accordance with its
statutes, facilitate the exchange of information, in order: to encourage planning of the subsurface for the benefit of the public, environment and sustainable development to promote advances
in planning, design, construction, maintenance and safety of tunnels and underground space, by bringing together information thereon and by studying questions related thereto. This report
has been prepared by professionals with expertise within the actual subjects. The opinions and statements are based on sources believed to be reliable and in good faith. However, ITA/AITES
accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the material published in this report. This material is: information of a general nature only which is not intended to address the specific
circumstances of any particular individual or entity; not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date; This material is not professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice,
you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).

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Strategy for Site Investigation
of Tunnelling Projects

ITA Working Group 2


This study of site investigation for tunnelling projects began with a request from the Executive Council
Meeting held in Kyoto, Japan on November, 2001 led by Professor André Assis, former President of the
International Tunnelling Association (ITA).
As it is not possible to predefine the ground conditions in detail before a tunnel is constructed geological
risks exist on any tunnelling project. The purpose of site investigation is to provide adequate and reliable
information in early stages of the project in order to improve the knowledge of the subsoil, assess various
design options and choose construction methods that better cope with the identified potential risks.
Site investigations have to be conducted within the global strategy of project risk management (see
“Guidelines for Tunnelling Risk Management “, WG2, 2004) and should follow the ALARP (as low as
reasonably practicable) principle to reduce risks - namely geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological risks.
The level of acceptable risk as defined by the ALARP principle can be specified in different ways depending
on the design stage, and the site investigation strategy should take cognisance of this. The effort required
during a site investigation (in terms of the scope of investigation and related cost) will vary with the project
development, and has to focus on progressively improving the level of knowledge. The effort required at
any stage will depend upon the complexity of the project and will have a direct impact on risk mitigation
and project cost.
This document presents the strategy for site investigations based on international best practice, with the
aim of maximising the benefit in terms of acquiring knowledge at the right project phase, while avoiding
common misleading approaches in terms of investigation effort and responsibility. It is hoped that this
document will be a useful guide for future tunnelling projects.
As Animateur and Vice-Animateur of ITA Working Group 2, Research, we wish to acknowledge the
important contributions of the following persons: Eric Leca as former Animator and current WG2 Tutor
who previously led this study; David Chapman, Elena Chiriotti, Giorgio Höfer-Öllinger and Emmanuel
Humbert who drafted the text; all the WG2 Members who contributed to collect the relevant case histories
and to finalise the document, the WG2 reviewers Ron Tluczek, Conrad Felice and William Hansmire, and
the ITA reviewers Harvey Parker, Amanda Elioff , and Robert Galler. A special thank goes out to Randy
Essex, a member of WG3, who gave valuable comments on geotechnical reports in preparation of this
Chungsik Yoo, Animateur of WG2
Elena Chiriotti, Vice-Animateur of WG2

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>> Table of contents

1. GENERAL.............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 SCOPE.......................................................................................................................... 5

2. KEY REASONS FOR UNDERTAKING A SITE INVESTIGATION....................................... 6

2.1 PURPOSE OF SITE INVESTIGATIONS........................................................................... 6
2.3 STAKEHOLDERS........................................................................................................... 7
2.4 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES........................................................................................ 7


3.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 COMPONENTS OF SITE INVESTIGATIONS................................................................... 9
3.3 PHASED INVESTIGATION OF PROJECTS..................................................................... 9
3.3.1 Investigations for feasibility studies...................................................................... 11
3.3.2 Investigations for preliminary design.................................................................... 11
3.3.3 Investigations for detailed design......................................................................... 12
3.3.4 Investigations during the construction phase....................................................... 12
3.3.5 Further use of investigation results....................................................................... 12
3.4 REQUIRED SITE INVESTIGATION EFFORT........................................................................... 12


4.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 14
4.2 SITE INVESTIGATION REPORTS................................................................................. 14

5 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................... 16

6 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................... 16

ANNEX 1 - ELEMENTS OF A SITE INVESTIGATION.................................................................... 17

ANNEX 2 - CASE STUDIES......................................................................................................... 18

Kuhtai hydroelectric power plant, Austria .............................................................................. 18
Gotthard Base Tunnel, Switzerland........................................................................................ 20
Cityringen, Denmark.............................................................................................................. 24
Porce III Hydropower Project, Colombia................................................................................ 26

ANNEX 3 - SITE INVESTIGATIONS COST................................................................................... 29

Data collected from French road tunnels............................................................................... 29
Data collected from French tramways and metro tunnels...................................................... 29
Data collected from European long and deep tunnels .......................................................... 30
Data collected from U.S. National Committee on Tunnel Technology .................................... 30

ANNEX 4 – SITE INVESTIGATION DOCUMENTATION................................................................. 31

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1 >> General

Because the three-dimensional engineering Since in-situ conditions may not be fully
geology for tunnelling and underground defined until they are encountered directly
projects cannot be entirely defined prior to from within the tunnel, the site investigation
construction, there are more unknowns, programme must be phased to match
and hence risk, in these projects than those the objectives of the subsequent design
involving superstructures such as bridges phases so that each phase reveals more
and buildings. data on specific uncertainties or queries.
This guideline deals with the various phases
The need for good geological knowledge which are required for site investigations
and engineering geology is essential for an from design stages prior to the start of
underground project, and it should dominate construction, through to the systematic
investigations from the very beginning. updating of the geological, geotechnical and
Geology affects every major decision to hydrogeological model during construction.
be made in designing and constructing a
tunnel, determining its cost, and even the The scope of site investigation should not
performance of the final product. be limited to geotechnical aspects, but
must also consider the environment in the
Careful site investigation is essential to a locality of the proposed tunnel and identify
successful tunnelling project. A thorough any associated potential risks.
programme will not only include collecting
and collating all information and data, but This report will discuss the benefits of phasing
evaluating design parameters to be used the site investigation, while comparing
to assess the project’s feasibility, deciding known conditions vs uncertainties, and
on a reasonable and optimum alignment, the value of additional information versus
designing the ground support and/or lining, cost implications. This document sets
and evaluating the construction method out a general strategy on how to obtain
and resultant construction program. the required site information to assist the
client, engineer and contractor to meet
More importantly, it should provide a the project goals. As each underground
baseline for bidding and predict possible project will have individual requirements,
construction difficulties so as to ensure safe as well as different risks and geotechnical
and economic performance, and assess profiles, these general guidelines will have
the impacts of the tunnel construction to be developed and adapted to meet the
on the environment, local residents and specific project requirements.
surrounding structures.
The practical and technical details of
1.1 SCOPE conducting a site investigation (e.g., the
boring methods, sampling methods,
The aim of this report is to share and methods available for conducting in-
disseminate existing approaches on site situ testing and laboratory testing, the
investigation for tunnelling projects in interpretation of the data and how to
order to improve international practices by characterize, classify and analyse the
reviewing and assessing the geotechnical various parameters obtained from the
information required for design, while site investigation) are not covered by this
considering environmental and construction document and the reader is advised to
issues. This report provides a general guide refer to specialized technical standards and
for site investigation procedures which may books.
be adapted to address the specific needs
of each project which may include technical
risks, local regulations, contractual
framework, etc..

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 5

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2 >> Key Reasons for Undertaking a Site Investigation

2.1 PURPOSE OF SITE hazards. The array of data to be collected will in the reliability of the data. This may be
INVESTIGATIONS be dictated by the specific construction and hampered in remote areas where in-situ
performance requirements of the proposed investigation may be difficult to obtain
Site investigations should be viewed as an tunnel or underground structure. and remote sensing techniques and/or
integral part of the risk management process geophysical investigations may be required.
of a tunnel project. Without sufficient data An effective site investigation is best achieved
or information from site investigations, the by carrying out the work in various phases. • Project characteristics
inherent risks in construction and operation Each phase aims to fill gaps in the existing The scope and focus of a site investigation
of the tunnel or underground works may knowledge of the site or to confirm or correct will be defined by the constraints and
be unacceptably high. Site investigations earlier predictions. geometry of the project (i.e., depth and
should therefore be considered to be the layout of underground work, tunnel(s) and
foundation on which the risks associated related ancillary works, such as cross-
A rigidly prescribed programme should not
with the project are identified. passages, egress and/or ventilation shafts,
be followed; the philosophy for the planning
adits, galleries, etc.), as well as its locality
and execution of the site investigation
Through each phase of the site investigation (i.e. urban or high mountainous regions,
should be:
for a project, the collected and interpreted complexity of portal or shaft construction
data will form the basis for achieving the a) to decide what information to look for – and access, etc.).
following design objectives: this will be derived from an appreciation of
• assessment of the technical and economic the geotechnical needs of the project with • Project use
merits of alternative schemes; an understanding of the general geology, Each project will have individual needs as
character and previous use of the area, well as a unique risk and geotechnical profile
• selection of the most suitable alternative
compared to the detailed knowledge which will dictate specific requirements,
and alignment;
gained to date; e.g. nuclear waste repository, mining
• preparation of an adequate and economical exploitation, tunnelling beneath urban
design for the tunnel(s) and underground b) to design the site investigation to provide
environments, etc.
structure(s); this additional information utilising the
most suitable methods – while being alert
• s election of appropriate construction •P roject stage / Investigation phase
to variations or anomalies which may
methods with low inherent risks; The effort to be put in site investigations
occur that may require changes to the
• identify difficulties or risks that may arise has to be consistent with the scope of
planned investigation.
during construction and assess potential the project stage. The detailed knowledge
mitigation measures And last, but not least, the reliability gained at each phase of the site
and robustness of the data should be investigation should be then utilised to
• assess impact on the environment, local
continuously reviewed as new information update the ground model in order to plan
residents and existing structures;
is obtained, so that the investigation effort the scope of further investigations required
• e valuate the re-use or disposal for is maximised by adapting the programme to reduce the residual level of uncertainty in
excavation material; to the encountered conditions. The detailed the next stage of the project.
• predict productivity, schedule and cost; knowledge gained at each phase should
• predict a geotechnical baseline or reference be utilised to update the ground model and • Construction method
conditions for bidding. reduce the level of uncertainty, and to plan Once appropriate construction method(s)
the scope of further investigations. are defined, additional field and/or
All site investigations should be initiated by laboratory investigations may be required to
interrogating all existing data with respect to, obtain design parameters for mechanised
the history of the site, the predicted geology, vs. conventional tunnelling.
existing structures and their foundations, 2.2 F A C T O R S I N F L U E NC I NG S I T E
utilities in the area, historical geotechnical INVESTIGATIONS • Environmental considerations
investigations, etc. Environmental factors may trigger the
type and extent of specific investigations
The following factors are identified as that may be required with regard to the
The information to be obtained should influencing the extent, reliability and
include geology, geomorphology, seismicity, natural environment (e.g., groundwater
development of Site Investigations: quality, pollution factors) and/or the urban
hydrogeology, geotechnical laboratory and
field testing results. This information must environment (e.g., noise, air quality, existing
• Geology, hydrogeology and buildings, wetlands).
establish in three dimensions the geological geomorphology
structure, the succession and character As more complex ground conditions are
of the strata present, the groundwater encountered, extra effort will be required in
conditions and the presence of any special order to attain a suitable level of confidence

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2 >> Key Reasons for Undertaking a Site Investigation

After considering all the above-mentioned Third parties, which include: It is recommended that the same level of
influencing factors, at each stage of a  wners / Managers of utilities, public
o exploration be carried out in advance of DB
specific project, it will be possible to underground structures and public procurement as would be accomplished
define the optimum scope of investigation surface structures which may be under traditional method.
required. The level of site investigation influenced by the tunnel construction; To “economize” on the amount of
required to reach specific goals may vary subsurface information provided in advance
wners of land, buildings or housing
considerably. Even preliminary studies may of DB proposals increases the risk that the
which may be influenced by the tunnel
require a non-negligible initial investment Designer will have insufficient information
when the project risk and geotechnical upon which to base a reliable design”.
profile are complex and may impact  eople who live/work within the zone of
the feasibility of the underground work. influence of the tunnel alignment; These are strong statements which are
Depending on the size and complexity of those who may benefit or be generally shared among the technical
the project exploratory galleries/shafts may disadvantaged during and after community and should draw attention to
be excavated to achieve a sufficient level of construction of the tunnel. the following aspects:
information. • The Owner retains the final responsibility
for the accuracy of information on the
It is the Owner’s responsibility to approve ground conditions.
the scope of the site investigation and 2.4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
• The Owner has the final responsibility in
consent to the associated programme and
The Owner, the Contractor and the Designers approving the extent of investigations
cost. However, contingent factors often
have different levels of responsibility with to be implemented at each stage of the
exist, which may influence the Owner’s
regard to the development of a project, design, which may be in conflict with
decisiveness which will have an impact on
and all have to fulfil their obligations and what would ideally be required by the
the optimum sequencing and effectiveness
contribute – to different degrees – to the Designer. His or her decision has a direct
of the investigations. On the one hand
control of the project cost and schedule, influence on whether additional costs are
this may be part of the Owner’s role and
and to the preservation of the environment. incurred upfront during site investigations
in order to minimise the uncertainties, or
The tasks and responsibilities of the different whether the costs of the effect produced
However, on the other hand, the Owner
parties involved with the site investigations by such uncertainties on the project will
must be fully informed and made aware of:
during the development of a tunnel project be potentially covered as a provisional
• the impact that his decision(s) may have sum for risk.
will be dependent on the contract model
on the robustness of knowledge gained;
chosen for the project. However, it is • Generally, it is far more cost effective
• the risk related to insufficient investigation; recommended that the Owner retains the to carry out the appropriate site
• the residual uncertainties that will be final responsibility for the ground conditions, investigations at the right project timing,
maintained; irrespective of the contractual framework rather than try to make provisions for
• the level of risk his project will be that is chosen for the project. investigations and risks at a later stage of
exposed to. the project.
As stated in the “Geotechnical Baseline
Report for Construction - Suggested In fact, in the former case the majority of
Guidelines”, ASCE, 2007: uncertainties linked to the ground conditions
2.3 STAKEHOLDERS “In traditional contracting, the Owner and are resolved prior to construction, which
his design Engineer will address the full assists in preparation of an economical
During the process of development of a scope of geotechnical investigation and design and selection of appropriate
tunnel project the following stakeholders design including exploration of subsurface construction methods with low inherent
are involved: conditions along the project alignment. risks. Adequate information on the ground
• the Owner Under DB (design and build) method conditions contributes to the development
• the Engineer as the Owner´s Designer the Owner may seek to transfer the of a proactive and positive relation among
responsibility for portions of this effort to all parties involved in the project and control
• the Contractor, and his Designer
the DB team, whether to achieve schedule of the schedule and costs.
depending on the contractual framework
efficiencies, transfer subsurface risks, or
other reasons.

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 7

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2 >> Key Reasons for Undertaking a Site Investigation

In the latter case, bigger residual paid by the Owner in terms of either
uncertainties can lead to conservative conservative design and/or increased risk
design approaches, higher provisions for of contractual claims, revised design and
risks, or higher exposure to the risk of schedule overruns.
contractual claims.
• The Owner should allocate sufficient time, Consequently, the best practices should
funding and resources to the Engineer to take into account the following:
develop and coordinate the investigation • the strategy employed for site
programme, to interpret the results of investigations should, as far as possible,
investigations, to assess the residual be independent of the contractual
uncertainties and to develop the design framework;
accordingly. • information takes time to be obtained and
• The site investigation works should design changes due to late availability
remain under the responsibility of the of geological and geotechnical data will
Owner, and they should preferably be have more negative impact if they occur
excluded from the Engineer’s contract. in the latest stages of the project;
It is recommended that they are carried •a
 concerted effort should be made
out through a dedicated bid for execution to gather the maximum amount of
only. This allows avoiding the following information during the preliminary design
negative effects that could be related to stage, with the objective of completing
site investigation costs being included in the majority of the investigations prior to
a lump-sum engineering service contract: commencement of the detailed design
the bidders for the position of Engineer stage;
may propose reduced investigation to •a
 s the reliability of the data and knowledge
remain competitive; as a consequence, of the ground conditions depends upon
the extent and quality of the site the amount of site investigations and the
investigation could be insufficient; quality of interpretation, it is considered
the responsibility for the collected data prudent to establish an appropriate
could be shifted to the Engineer, while contractual risk sharing framework (see § 4).
it has to remain with the Owner who
has to approve and consent to the
scope, programme and costs of site

Any apparent economy in terms of cost

and/or technical involvement by the Owner
could result in an overly conservative (or
even too optimistic) design, bigger residual
risks and/or unidentified geological/
geotechnical risks.
• The risk related to ground uncertainties
should be properly managed, and may be
shared among the Parties, in particular
between the Owner and the Contractor.
The frequently encountered practice
among Owners worldwide of attempting
to transfer the total geotechnical risk to
Contractors, especially in DB contracts,
does not facilitate the proper management
of risks and does not liberate the Owner
of his final responsibilities. This transfer
of geotechnical risk – especially when
accompanied by a reduced initial effort in
ground investigations – maybe eventually

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3 >> Strategy for Site Investigation at Various Stages of the Project

3.1 GENERAL • Field mapping and reconnaissance • preliminary/basic design (including any
geomorphological mapping; designs for permit applications or approvals,
The scope and extent of any site investigation when applicable), referred to as preliminary
 eologic field mapping, geotechnical
will depend on the status of the project design design in the text;
outcrop mapping, sampling;
and on the associated investigation phase. • d etailed/final design, referred to as
With regard to underground work, the ydrogeological mapping, water
detailed design in the text;
duration of a site investigation campaign from management survey, sampling.
the time it is conceived, through procurement, • Field investigations Furthermore, specific site investigations can
execution and interpretation is – at each stage be carried out during the construction stage.
directinvestigations: trial pits, boring and
of the design – of the order of months to years. More detail on each of these investigations is
sampling, in-situ testing (i.e. in-situ stress
tests, lugeon or permeability tests, etc.); discussed in following sub-sections.
Simple investigations will typically take 3 to 6
months but more extensive investigations can indirect investigations: geophysical
The flowchart also illustrates the scope of
extend to one year or more, depending on the methods, airborne surveys;
work to be undertaken at each phase of the
complexity and variability of ground conditions s urveys: topography, building conditions site investigation, namely:
along the tunnel and associated underground and foundations, utilities, environmental,
• feasibility studies: to collect enough data
structures. In extreme cases the investigation water wells;
to confirm the feasibility of the project;
may extend for several years if exploratory  onitoring: geotechnical, hydrogeological
galleries/shafts are recommended. Hence, • p reliminary design: to determine
monitoring, monitoring of existing surface
not only the full scope and extent of the site quantitative characteristics of the ground so
and underground structures.
investigation needs to be appreciated, but that technical solutions may be developed
also its duration within the overall schedule • Laboratory tests to a point where reliable costs and duration
of each project. identification and classification tests can be established;
(including mineralogical and petrographic • detailed design: to reduce the residual
The following sections outline typical tests, if required); uncertainty and inherent risks to a level as
components, the various phases of site low as reasonably practicable.
rock / soil mechanical laboratory tests
investigations and their purpose.
to define strength and deformability
properties, time-dependent behaviour, Since the scope and extent of site
hardness, abrasivity, etc.; investigations depends upon the level
3.2 COMPONENTS OF SITE of uncertainty and the complexity of the
INVESTIGATIONS hydrochemistry. ground conditions, the flowchart gives a
• Exploratory/investigation tunnel or shaft, basic framework that may be adapted to
Typical components of ground investigations which may include field trials for grouting, suit each project profile.
are as follows: rock bolts installation, etc.
The reliability and robustness of ground
• D esk study, i.e., literature search and
Further information on the technical details model has to match at each phase the
collection of existing information, such as:
and test procedures for these methods may design objectives defined in §2.1. This may
regional maps (topographic, geological, require an iterative process of data collection,
be obtained from existing standards and
geophysical, hydrogeological, natural assessment, re-evaluation and redefinition of
hazards, seismicity, etc.); investigations within the same design phase.
Examples of typical information and data
aerial photos, satellite images; that can be collected through the above In complex projects where exploratory
technical literature, studies and existing mentioned components are given in Annex 1. galleries/shafts are required, the results
reports about ground conditions; from such investigations become available
progressively during the preliminary and
 ata related to neighbouring and/or similar
3.3 PHASED INVESTIGATION OF detailed design phases, requiring additional
PROJECTS design review phases. Although this data is
 xisting land use and environmental
e collected for the duration of the design, the
factors; The flowchart in Figure 1 demonstrates how exploratory work should be complete prior
s eismic, climatic, rainfall and hydrological the various phases of a site investigation to concluding the detailed design. In general,
data. interlink or correlate with the design stages the earlier the exploration is made the greater
of a tunnel project. Three design phases are the potential for savings and for cheaper and
considered prior to construction: much better project.
• feasibility studies (including pre-feasibility,
technical feasibility and conceptual design Reference can be made to Annex 2 where
when applicable); various case histories are listed.

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3 >> Strategy for Site Investigation at Various Stages of the Project

Figure 1 – Recommended phased strategy and scope of site investigations in relation to the design stages
of a tunnel project.

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3 >> Strategy for Site Investigation at Various Stages of the Project

3.3.1 Investigations for feasibility studies 3.3.2 Investigations for preliminary • to define the extent of the zone of influence
design and to estimate the impact this may have
Initial studies should be carried out to achieve on adjacent structures or land forms;
the following goals: • to quantitatively identify the risks, to assess
Design investigations should be carried out
• t o assess the general suitability of the to achieve the following goals: their impact on the cost and potential delays
location of the site/tunnel; to the schedule, and to decide on design
• t o develop a 3D model of geological
• to achieve the best interpretation of the measures to reduce the risk ;
conditions which quantitatively characterises
ground conditions based on existing data; the ground and the hydrogeological regime • to give a reasonable range of probable cost
• to assess the technical and economic merits to a level that permits: and duration;
of alternative alignments and their respective selection of the most suitable alignment; • to assess the level of residual uncertainty
ground conditions; so that the need for additional ground
 reparation of an adequate and economical
• to make conceptual level estimates of cost investigation can be identified;
design together with preliminary cost
and schedule; estimate; • t o provide information for the EIA
• to identify major risks and/or fatal flaws and (Environmental Impact Assessment),
s election of appropriate construction
propose a Risk Register; depending on the legal requirements.
methods with ALARP inherent risk,
• to assess the ground conditions and risks, including predicting the behaviour of
if any, which could determine the feasibility the ground versus excavation method,
itself. determining the different temporary
support classes and their distribution
along the tunnel alignment, together with a
possible range of variation, and to design
the ancillary works and portals;

Expected results Investigation means

Geological and hydrogeological maps. Regional topographic, geological, hydrogeological/

groundwater, seismic hazard maps.
Natural risk map, when appropriate.
Feasibility study

Information from field surveys and/or adjacent similar

Longitudinal geological profile.
Longitudinal geotechnical and geomechanical profile with
Geophysics may provide useful information.
the qualitative identification of ground behaviour classes
and the identification of the major hazards (with qualitative Limited site investigations to confirm extremely critical
assessment). geological or groundwater conditions (e.g., faults, karsts,
aquifer , if needed.
Preparation of Risk Register.

Table 1 – Investigations for feasibility studies.

Expected results Investigation means

Longitudinal geological profile (1:5000 to 1:2000). Geophysics and boreholes at the portals and shafts
Longitudinal geotechnical-geomechanical profile (1:5000 Boreholes along the alignment.
to 1:2000) with the quantitative characterisation of ground
Water sources and groundwater monitoring.
behaviour classes and identified hazards.
Preliminary design

Laboratory tests.
Geological and geotechnical cross-sections at the portals
(1:500 to 1:200) Outcrop and surface mapping
Geological and geotechnical sections at access/ In situ stress measurements and permeability tests, when
ventilation shafts appropriate.
Preliminary characterisation of the hydrogeological Exploratory galleries / shafts, if needed.
Update of Risk Register

Table 2 – Investigations for preliminary design.

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3 >> Strategy for Site Investigation at Various Stages of the Project

3.3.3 Investigations for detailed design 3.3.4 Investigations during the 3.3.5 Further use of investigation results
construction phase
Design investigations shall be carried out to The results from all phases of the investigation
At this phase, investigations should be carried should be collected, centralised and
achieve the following goals:
out for the following purposes: maintained during construction and, in some
• to reduce the residual uncertainty to a ALARP
• to validate the 3-dimensional geotechnical cases, during the operation of the facility.
and hydrogeological model using face During construction, the data should be
• to plan and execute the field and laboratory mapping, investigations ahead of the tunnel reviewed to verify design assumptions and
investigations to confirm the geotechnical face (e.g. probe drilling, geophysics), TBM to assist in contractual issues, if needed.
and hydrogeological properties of the various performance data, etc.; At a later stage, the data may be utilised
ground units; when modifications or upgrades are to
• to monitor the ground, ground support and
• t o develop a reliable 3-dimensional groundwater behaviour; be implemented or when problems are
geotechnical and hydrological model so that realised in the maintenance or operations.
• to systematically update the 3D ground
the construction method(s) can be validated This data would be continuously updated
model in order to predict ground and
and justified by calculation and detailed in with monitoring data from geotechnical and
groundwater behaviour in the subsequent
terms of specifications; to obtain the full set environment instrumentation.
section to be excavated, and to adjust
of design parameters (including their potential
the design / construction method(s)
range of variation) in order to finalise the It is recommended that a GIS-based model be
dimensioning of all elements of the design; established to organise and store the project
• to analyse the excavated material and “geo” data in a geo-referenced system. This
• to achieve a final, accurate assessment of
assess its potential re-use, or spoil is especially important for complex projects
cost and duration;
characteristics taking into account where a significant amount of information
• to update the risk register, re-assess the environmental constraints; is generated and validated data have to
level of residual risk, and confirm mitigation
• to record the condition of structures/ be quickly available and shared among
measures in order to reduce the non-
buildings that may be affected by the different stakeholders. It is advisable that the
acceptable risks to a ALARP level;
excavations, and to monitor ground Owner initialises and maintains the system
• to identify requirements for the collection movement and settlement. throughout the life cycle of the project.
of additional geological, hydrogeological
and geotechnical information during the
construction phase, including the necessary 3.4 REQUIRED SITE INVESTIGATION
full scale field trials, if any. EFFORT

Tunnels demand for a comprehensive

investigation which requires considerable
Project time and expenses. Adequate site
Expected results Investigation means
stage investigations play a fundamental role in
Longitudinal geological profile (1/2000 to 1/1000). Additional boreholes both at the implementing a global strategy of project
Longitudinal detailed geotechnical and geomechanical portals and along the alignment. risk management (see “Guidelines for
profile (1/2000 to 1/1000) with the quantitative Laboratory and field tests. Tunnelling Risk Management “, ITA WG2,
characterisation of ground behaviour and support In specific cases/locations, 2004). In addition, the insurance industry
classes, identified hazards, distribution of support geophysics may provide useful requires that the project to be insured is
Feasibility study

sections and controls during construction. information. covered by comprehensive and adapted
Geological and geotechnical cross-sections at the investigation (ITIG, 2012).
Excavation of experimental
portals, shafts and along the tunnel (1/200 to 1/100) sections along the tunnel
Consequently, the Owner has to be aware
Definition of detailed set of design parameters and their alignment, if needed.
that investigation should be planned on the
variability. Continue the monitoring basis of needed information and not on the
Detailed characterisation of the hydrogeological regime. program of water sources and basis of cost, and that sufficient time and
Update of the Risk Register groundwater
budget have to be devoted. Economies on
Specifications for investigations during construction the investigation phases could apparently
save time on the design and/or tender
Table 3 – Investigations for detailed design. schedule, but would generally not allow

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3 >> Strategy for Site Investigation at Various Stages of the Project

to achieve the best and most economic stage is generally considered to be risky.
project, to define a proper share of risk
when setting the contractual conditions On completion of a large or major project,
between the Owner and the Contractor, a budget for the site investigations of
and to improve the control of project cost about 3% (potentially increasing up to
and schedule during construction. 8-10% depending to the complexity and
depth of the underground work, the need
As already mentioned, site investigations for exploratory galleries/shafts, or the use
should be executed in various phases, – such as nuclear or hazardous waste) of
and conceived as an iterative process with the project construction cost should be
specific goals at each stage. considered as normal.

At the beginning of the project, generally the The U.S. National Committee on
ratio of knowledge gained to effort expended Tunnelling Technology (USNC/TT) in 1984
is high. Field mapping and desk studies recommended that “expenditures for
are relatively inexpensive and yet they geotechnical site exploration should be
yield much information. The “knowledge increased to an average of 3 % of estimated
vs. cost curve”, shown schematically in project cost for better overall results”. In
Figure 2, is therefore steeper at this stage. addition, in case of urban tunnels “The level
Consequently, this phase is of paramount of exploratory borings should be increased
importance and it should be provided for at to a level of 1.5 linear feet of borehole per
the very beginning of the studies. route feet of tunnel alignment for better
overall results”.
During the preliminary and detailed
investigation phases (e.g. with core drilling, The data collected in Annex 3 give some
field and laboratory tests, etc.), there is still references which support the percentages
a lot of very important information obtained mentioned above.
for tunnel design and risk management.
Although the cost to obtain this information
is higher than in the previous stage,
it makes a significant contribution to
improving the reliability of the knowledge
of the ground conditions. This phase is
therefore vital to the development of the
project. The corresponding cost generally
ranges between a few percent of the cost
of the project construction. Case histories
of site investigations for tunnels in the U.K.
indicate that the cost for this phase of the Figure 2
investigation is generally less than 3% of the Schematic knowledge vs. cost curve
construction cost and may exceptionally go
as low as 0.5%, generally depending on the
overall cost of the project.

However, it should be borne in mind that

the higher the risks of a project and the
more complex the ground conditions, the
more money will have to be spent to gain
reliable data. Investing less than 1% in site
investigations at the preliminary design

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4 >> Site Investigation Documentation and Contractual Relevance

As requested by the ITIG Guidelines (2012), must be distinguished from the factual data; Factual data
“the Ground Reference Conditions shall be • whatever the method of procurement or The report should contain only factual
issued to tenderers as integral and formative the form of contract, geotechnical risk is information, data and objective considerations
information on which tenders shall be based best managed when the knowledge of the that have been gathered during the different
and the Client shall take responsibility for the subsurface has been adequately developed stages of a Project. This report does not include
information so issued […]. Ground Reference before contracting construction services engineering interpretations. The data contained
Conditions […] shall form part of the Contract (whether traditional contracting forms, lump- in this report underpins all the other reports. This
and shall provide the basis for comparison sum, fixed price design or build contracts), and report often becomes a Contractual Document.
with ground conditions encountered in when an agreed model of ground conditions Note that factual data include boring logs and
relation to those assumed and allowed for is introduced and made contractual. soil/rock classifications which are prepared by
at the tender stage by the Contractor. The experienced professionals.
An agreed ground condition model provides a
Ground Reference Conditions shall provide
sound basis for negotiation in case of changed
the baseline against which encountered
conditions and this is formalised in different The factual data report includes:
conditions can be assessed and compared.
countries in various ways (Geotechnical Baseline
The Ground Reference Conditions shall • the list and extracts of all the geological maps
Report in the Anglo-Saxon approach; Plan
also identify hazards appropriate to the site used;
de Management des Risques in the French
and ground conditions established from the • t he description of the site exploration
approach; etc.).
investigations to permit associated risks to be programme (dates, localisation, methodology,
assessed and catered for at time of tender, description of procedures employed, etc.);
consistent with the Contract Documentation
• groundwater information;
• the logs of all borings, trenches, and other
Hence, the results of site investigations have site investigations;
Examination of worldwide practice indicates that
also to be used for allowing the Contractor • the results of all field investigations and
four types of reports are generally produced,
to bid and for defining contractual conditions. laboratory tests (in many cases the data
each having its own specific function. These
The following sections illustrate the principles may come from processed laboratory test
are namely reports providing:
on which investigation results are used form results, following standard procedures; the
a contractual point of view in the international • f actual data (e.g., Factual Report or
final calculated test value is considered a
practice. Geotechnical Data Report, in the Anglo-Saxon
factual information);
approach; Cahier des Données Factuelles,
in the French approach); • the reported experience of any exploratory
gallery/shaft/adit, if existing;
• interpreted information in terms of geotechnical
4.1 INTRODUCTION • the references of the bibliography used
behaviour (e.g., Geotecnical Interpretative
Report or Geotechnical Memoranda for and the sources of information that provide
The factual and interpreted data collected during Design, in the Anglo-Saxon approach; relevant data (data from similar works, regional
the various phases of the site investigation will Mémoire de Conception, in the French geological literature, history of land use, etc.);
have varying degrees of significance when approach); • plans and sections indicating summarised
utilised in contract documentation. Thus when borehole information and geological structure.
• the contractual reference for the geological,
considering the needs of a site investigation, one
hydrogeological and geotechnical model
not only has to consider the technical content
(Geotechnical Baseline Report, in the Anglo- Interpreted data
on which the tunnel design and construction
Saxon approach; Mémoire de Synthèse, in T h e s e re p o r t s i n c l u d e s u b j e c t i v e
will be based, but also how this information will
the French approach; etc.;); considerations and comments by the
be utilised in contracts and in the procurement
• data collected during construction (Post- Geotechnical Team, in accordance with
process, in particular on how the geotechnical
Construction Geotechnical Report, in the his understanding, critical evaluation and
risk is handled.
Anglo-Saxon approach; Dossier de Suivi interpretation of the factual data. The
Past experience gained from major construction interpretative report presents the geotechnical
Géotechnique d’Exécution, in the French
projects, especially tunnelling projects, has and engineering interpretation of the data
approach; etc.;).
highlighted some fundamental principles: and defines the parameters characterising
It is necessary that the first two documents are
• the integrity and reliability of all types of factual the geotechnical/geomechanical behaviour
completed and/or updated at each phase of
information (“data”) has to be maintained of the ground and its variability. This report
the project. The relevance of each report will
throughout the life cycle of the project; may be part of the bid package but is not
depend on the contractual framework adopted
• interpreted information from desk studies, or given the status of Contractual Document.
for the project. This will vary from country to
interpretations made from the factual data country and examples are given in Annex 4.
gained during the project’s site investigations The interpretative report addresses project
related issues, it highlights possible impacts on

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4 >> Site Investigation Documentation and Contractual Relevance

the adjacent facilities and potential problems • as-observed records of geology and ground
as well as risks for the various design options conditions;
and construction methodologies; it indicates • monitoring results both during and post-
the requirement for further site investigations excavation (i.e. groundwater levels,
or observations before or during construction. deformation measurements, survey, etc.);
• records of all investigations carried out
The interpretative report can also include
during construction, including probe drilling
design analyses, such as rock-mass interaction
and monitoring of performance;
analyses where ground characterization
is used to predict the ground behaviour, • a record of construction experience,
response, and support requirements. incidents and expedients;
• a full set of site investigation reports, plans,
Contractual baseline data sections, and other records and documents,
Specific contractual documents have to kept for reference purposes;
be produced when contracting the project. • as-built records of the structure, including
The geotechnical documents are generally boreholes and temporary excavations,
presented in the form of baselines upon which and of subsequent alterations made in the
a tender would be prepared and risk sharing course of repairs or modifications.
would be agreed. As such, in the Anglo-Saxon
approach the Baseline Report is a contractual
document and is meant to be as objective
as possible.

The report states the anticipated (or to

be assumed) ground conditions to be
encountered during underground construction
upon which bidders may rely. Risk associated
with conditions consistent with or less
adverse than the baselines are allocated to
the Contractor, and those materially more
adverse than the baselines are be accepted
by the Owner.

It establishes the envelope of geological,

hydrogeological and geotechnical knowledge
relevant to the project, defines the expected
geotechnical conditions and highlights all the
identified uncertainties. To the maximum
extent possible, baseline statements are
best described using quantitative terms.
Qualitative descriptions, if required, should
be clearly defined.

Data collected during construction

The Post-Construction Geotechnical Report
(or similar in other national approaches) is
intended to form a final record of all “geo”
information gathered during the course of the
project. It will also constitute a living document
into which all future monitoring results are
included and any modifications to the project
are recorded.

The report should ideally include the following:

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 15

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5 >> Conclusions 6 >> References

5 CONCLUSIONS 6 REFERENCES Technical papers and books

Good geological knowledge and engineering Codes, guidelines and Glossop R (1968), The rise of
geology are of paramount importance for the recommendations geotechnology and its influence on
successful execution of a tunnelling project. engineering practice, 8th Rankine Lecture,
The required information can be obtained from ITA WG2, 2004, Guidelines for Tunnelling Geotechnique 18, pp105 – 150.
a well executed site investigation program Risk Management
Komatsuda S, Doshitsu Chosa no Kiso
which includes collecting and collating all
ITIG, 2012, A Code of Practice for Risk Chishiki (1989), Basic Knowledge of Site
information and data as well as evaluating
Management of Tunnel Works, 2nd edition Investigation, Kajima Institute Publishing Co.,
design parameters.
AFTES Recommandation, (2012),
Site investigation provides important information Characterisation of geological, Doshitsu Chosa no Hoho to Kaisetsu
that is required for reducing the risks associated hydrogeological and geotechnical (2004), Guide for Geotechnical Site
with tunnel construction and constitutes uncertainties and risks, GT32R2A1 Investigation Methods, 2004. Japanese
an essential component of modern tunnel Geotechnical Society
engineering. As such, site investigation should ASCE (2007), Geotechnical Baseline
be viewed as one key component of the global Reports for Underground Construction, Clayton C.R.I., Mathews M.C and
strategy for project risk management in terms the Technical Committee on Geotechnical Simons N.E (1995), Site investigation,
of reducing geological, geotechnical and Reports of the Underground Technology Second Ed., Published by Blackwell
hydrogeological risks. Research Council. Science, Oxford.

Austrian Society of Geomechanics, Simons N, Menzies B and Matthews M. A

This document has been prepared by Working (2010), Guideline for the Geotechnical (2002), Short course in Geotechnical Site
Group 2 of the ITA, and aims at consolidating Desing of Undeground Structures with Investigation, Published by Thomas Telford
updated information on key aspects of site Conventional Excavation, Salzburk. Ltd., London.
investigation principles and practices that
may assist stakeholders in their approach to British Standards Institution, Code Parker H.W. (1996), Tunnel Engineering
tunnelling projects. The document, which is of Practice for Site Investigations, Handbook, § 4 - Geotechnical Investigations
based on international best practices, can be BS5930:1999. BSI, London.
used as a general guide for the site investigation West G, Carter P.G., Dumbleton M.J.
strategy which may be adopted to address the Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design – Part 2: and Lake L.M. (1981), Rock Mechanics
specific needs of each project. Ground investigation and testing Review, Site Investigation for Tunnels, Int. J.
Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr.
FHWA - Federal Highway
Working Group 2 would welcome comments Vol. 18, pp. 345 to 367 (1981)
Administration (2002), Evaluation of Soil
from users, as to the contribution of this
and Rock Properties, FHWA-IF-02-034
approach to serving Member Nations needs
and facilitating the dissemination of site Geotechnical investigation and testing,
investigation knowledge and general practice ISO/TC 182/SC 1
at an international level.
ICE - Institution of Civil Engineers,
(2001), Managing Geotechnical Risk, Clayton
C.R.I, London.

ÖNORM B 2203-1, (2008), Undeground

works - works contract. Part 1: Cyclic driving
(conventional tunnelling), Österreichisches

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ANNEX 1 >> Elements of a Site Investigation

The following is a list of important elements e. Water balance

associated with a tunnel project, and on f. Chemical and physical water
which Site Investigations should be focused: properties
g. Karst phenomena and sinkholes
1. Topography, status of the land usage
and accessibility conditions
10. Contamination
2. L
 ocation and condition of existing a. Natural, such as hazardous gases
surface structures, such as buildings, b. Man-made
and underground structures such
as basements, foundations, utilities, 11. Geothermal activity
pipelines, etc.
12. Radioactivity
3. Water use, water rights and water
management requirements 13. Geotechnical and geomechanical
4. Accessibility to the investigation site(s)
14. Meteorological and climatic data
5. Geomorphology
a. Soft rock fillings of valleys and glacial / 15. Excavation material
glacigenic relicts a. Reuse (e.g. lithology, grain distribution,
b. Landslides and deep-seated etc.)
gravitational slope deformations b. Disposal (asbestos contents, etc.)
c. Rockfall, mudflow, avalanches,
flooding etc. 16. In case of immersed or under sea
tunnels, the followings should also be
6. Field geology investigated
a. Geological model – a three a. Depth of water
dimensional model of strata, folding, b. Tidal conditions including current and
faults, joint characteristics (ground wave condition
conditions) c. Navigation and ship traffic condition.
b. In-situ stress conditions
c. Geological data relevant to design
and construction method(s)

7. Fault zones and related characteristics

8. Seismology
a. Neotectonic regime
b. Active faults
c. Volcanic zones

9. Hydrogeology
a. Aquifers, aquitards and aquicludes
(extension, geometry and properties)
b. Groundwater levels and related
seasonal changes
c. Discharge of groundwater and flow
d. Drainage network: main receiving
water, feeders

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Kuhtai

01 KUHTAI HYDROELECTRIC POWER The turbine building is located entirely in a • Environmental and Geological Conditions
PLANT, AUSTRIA cavern at a depth of around 175 m in the The project area between Kühtai and the upper
right-hand side of the valley where the future Stubaital valley is located in the north-western
abutment of the dam will be situated. Stubai Alps and is predominantly high alpine
• Project Identification The additional water catchment area extends in character. The area under investigation is
from Fernaubach brook in the upper Stubaital almost exclusively above 2,000 m above sea
Location valley to Fischbach brook and Winnebach brook level, the highest peaks in this area reaching
Kühtai, Tyrol, Austria, Europe in the central Ötztal valley. The impoundments over 3,000 m, parts of this area are glaciated.
Construction period are situated at approx. 2,090 to 2,410 m above In geological terms, the project area lies in
Scheduled: 2014 - 2017 sea level. the Ötztaltal-Stubai Crystalline Complex.
Owner Orthogneisses and paragneisses predominate
TIWAG – Tiroler Wasserkraft AG in the region of the planned structures, as well
Eduard-Wallnöfer Platz 2 • Tunnel Characteristics as migmatites, amphibolites and mica schists.
A- 6020 Innsbruck The Ötztal valley complex is bounded to the
East by the Brenner Line and extends northward
to the Inntal valley. It forms the border of the
Technical Design: TIWAG
Engadine Window in the West and is intersected
Geological Layout: Geoconsult ZT GmbH
by faults and fracture zones in the South. In the
Contractor(s) South, the Ötztal-Stubai Crystalline Complex
Still not defined extends without interruption to the Periadriatic
Investigation gallery: ALPINE Bau GmbH Lineament.
Morphologically, this alpine region is
characterised by glacial erosion. The
• General Project Description
Total Tunnel Length pronounced cirques indicate the previous
25,5 km (headrace drive), extent of the glaciers. Massive rock glaciers
TIWAG – Tiroler Wasserkraft AG plans to extend
~ 15 km (all other tunnels like access tunnel, and moraines also testify to the earlier glaciation.
the Sellrain-Silz HEPP that has been in operation
penstock and caverns) Almost all tributary valleys and cirques have
since 1981.
deposits resulting from glaciation recession
This extending contains the construction of an Boring diameter
additional reservoir with further water supply see below
lines from the central and eastern Ötztal valley Overburden(min-max)
and the upper Stubaital valley and will result 30 – 1.063 m
in a considerable improvement of the present Characterization scheme
energy production in the project area. Central NATM
features of the power plant are:
Excavation type
• reservoir in the upper Längental valley with NATM, TBM (see below)
an available storage capacity of about 31.1
Contract model
million m and a dam height of about 113 m
B2203-1, B2203-2
(rockfill dam with a clay core),
• the power plant Kühtai 2 with an output of
25.5 km, Ø 4.2 m, 30 to 1063 m, TBM
140 MW, connecting plant reservoir with the
existing Finstertal valley reservoir Penstock
1.225 m, Ø 4.8-5.8 m, NATM (possibly TBM)
• and the 25.5 km water supply line from the
upper Stubaital valley to the plant reservoir. Penstock
375 m, Ø 6.1-6.7 m, NATM
The addition of the Kühtai 2 power plant to the
existing Kühtai pumped storage hydro power Cavern of Power Plant
station is to be achieved by constructing a 83.000 m³, NATM
headrace tunnel between the Kühtai and Drainage gallery
Finstertal Valley reservoirs. 700 m, Ø 5.5-6.0 m, NATM
Investigation gallery
735 m, NATM
(Length-Whith-Height) 64 x 31.5 x 50 m

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Kuhtai

• Geological Profile

Geological longitudinal section of the 25.5 km headrace gallery.

• Site investigation targets • Measures Field Tests

• Trial pits
Geological Setting Desk Study
• Lugeon tests in boreholes
• Bedding • Feasibility study
• Lefranc tests in boreholes
• Quarternary soils covering • Studies from existing constructions
• Pump tests in boreholes
the hard rock mass (former HEPP’s)
• SPT tests in boreholes in soils
• Permafrost related structures • Studies of regional geological literature
• Boreholes have been developed as
like rock glaciers • Orthophotos
monitoring wells (standpipes)
• Laserscan Images
Ground Types / Characteristics • One borehole has been developed as
• Types of gneiss, migmatites, amphibolites Mapping inclinometer
• Joint spacing • Site visits of the headrace galleries • At cavern site (from exploratory tunnel):
of the existing HEPP - Radial press (two tests)
Structural Geology
• 1:10.000 geological mapping all over in 2 m diameter caverns
• Orientation of joints
the surface (ca. 110 km²) - Dilatometer tests in boreholes
• Folding
• 1:5.000 geological mapping - Hydro fracturing test in borehole
• Fault zones and orientation
at reservoir site - Lugeon tests in boreholes
Fault Characteristics • 1:2.000 geological mapping at water
• Hydrogeological field measurements
• Geometry impoundments and dam site
(discharge, temperature, electrical conductivity)
• Filling • 1:10.000 hydrogeological mapping
all over the surface Laboratory Tests
Alteration / Weathering
• 1.5.000 laserscan image • Soil tests (186 samples): Grain distribution
Hydrogeology geohazard process mapping • Rock tests (74 samples): Modal analysis
(thin sections)
Geothermal Situation Drillings
• Water analysis (ion balance, stable
• 26 core drillings from surface
In-situ Stress isotopes, Tritium)
• 11 core drillings from exploratory tunnel
• At the cavern location (at cavern site) Exploratory Tunnel
Gravitative Mess Movements • 1 exploratory gallery ~ 735 m at cavern
Geophysical Methods
• Deep landslide in a near-to-slope situation site (realized in 2010/2011)
• 21 seismic profiles
of the headrace gallery. • 5 geoelectric profiles Monitoring
• Possible landslide in an abutment situation • geophysical borehole tests in all drillings • Hydrogeological monitoring at springs,
of the proposed dam (which figured out as (acoustic / optical borehole image) gauges and monitoring wells
stable rock mass with the investigations). • Inclinometer
• Geotechnical monitoring in exploratory

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 19

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Gotthard

02 GOTTHARD BASE TUNNEL, • General Project Description Two multifunction stations at Faido and Sedrun
SWITZERLAND divide the two tubes into three approximately
The Swiss New Rail Link through the Alps equally long sections. The multifunction stations
(NRLA) is creating a fast and efficient railway each contain emergency stop stations and two
• Project Identification link. Its core piece is the 57.1 km long Gotthard track crossovers. In case of an incident such
Base Tunnel, the longest railway tunnel of the as a fire in the train or a fault in the Gotthard
Location world when it will start the commercial operation Base Tunnel, whenever possible the affected
Switzerland in 2016. The new railway link crosses the Alps train travels out of the tunnel into the open air.
with minimal gradients and wide curves at only If this is not possible, the driver stops the train
Construction period
550 metres above sea level creating the first at an emergency stop.
1993 - 2016
flat railway through the Alps. For construction purposes, the Gotthard
The flat railway allows efficient rail transport Base Tunnel was subdivided into five main
AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd (until 2016)
of goods as well as shorter journey times in sections. Access adits provided access to the
Swiss Federal Railway (operator)
national and international passenger traffic. underground construction sites for workers,
Designer(s) materials and machines. To save time and costs,
The new routes cut passenger travelling times
Lombardi Engineers Ltd. construction work proceeded on the various
substantially. The new Gotthard route is a high-
Amberg Engineering Ltd. sections simultaneously. For construction of the
speed rail link. Passenger trains can traverse it
Pöyry Ltd. Sedrun section, access from the surface was
at maximum speeds of up to 250 kilometres
Gaehler & Partner Ltd. per hour. Nevertheless the main purpose of the through a 1-kilometre-long horizontal access
Rothpletz Lienhard Ltd. new railway infrastructure is to shift a major part tunnel and two 800-metres-deep vertical shafts.
Gruner Ltd. of the heavy transalpine goods traffic through From there, the two tubes were blast-driven
Switzerland from the road to the rail. to the north and south. Because the deep
overburden in bad ground conditions (squeezing
Contractor(s) The Gotthard axis of the NRLA is Switzerland’s
rock) high stresses threatened to deform the
Murer / Strabag Implenia / Frutiger / Bilfinger largest-ever construction project. With
tunnel on a distance of 1. Kilometres. Special
Berger/Pizzarotti Implenia/Hochtief/Alpine/ construction of the new Gotthard rail link, the
supporting means were necessary in this zone.
Impregilo country is implementing one of Europe’s largest
The engineers developed an innovative new
environmental protect ion projects.
Engineer’s) concept with flexible steel rings (TH-profiles),
See Designers The Gotthard Base Tunnel consists of two which partly closed under the rock pressure. The
57-kilometres-long single-track tubes. These rock pressure could finally be to a technically
are connected together every 312.5 metres by manageable degree reduced by allowing large
cross passages. Including all cross-passages, deformations.
access tunnels and shafts, the total length of
the tunnel system is around 152 km. It joins
the north portal at Erstfeld to the south portal
at Bodio. With a rock overburden of more than
2300 metres, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is also
the world’s deepest railway tunnel constructed
to date.

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Gotthard

• Tunnel characteristics Nearly two thirds of the total length of the Younger sedimentary rocks are wedged in
151.8 kilometres long tunnel system were between the three main tectonic units. Some
excavated with TBM‘s. these rock masses are massively fractured,
One third of the total length was excavated by especially in the Tavetsch intermediate massif.
application of conventional tunnelling methods. In this rock mass types the phenomenon of
squeezing was observed on a distance of 1
Logistics for was the main challenge for the
The main ground related hazards were:
Depending on the general construction
rock fall, caused by the joint systems
schedule railway (inner lining in parallel to the
rock burst, mainly in zones of high
excavation) or conveyer belt systems (inner
lining followed the excavation) were used for
convergences or high rock pressure
the transportation of the muck.
Total Tunnel Length combined scenarios
Nominal length 57.1 km One of the biggest stories of success was the
The tender design assumed that more than
System length 151.8 km use of the spoil for the production of concrete
90% of the excavation could be done in
aggregates of the rock support and the final
Boring diameter good ground conditions without any bigger
lining. 100% of the concrete gravel for the
8.8 / 9.4 / 9.5 / 11 difficulties.
tunnel construction has been produced from
Overburden(min-max) excavated rock material with origin from the High rock or ground water temperatures and
100 – 2’350 m TBM-drives and the conventional drives. high initial ground water pressures caused
Characterization scheme No quality failure related to the concrete by the high overburden had to be taken into
2 single track tubes, connected with cross aggregates occurred on he entire inner lining. account.
links every 312.5 The environmental requirements were generally A maximum groud temperature of around
2 multifunction stations fulfilled on a high level, also in the eyes of the 50°C was expected (highest temperature
3 acceess galleries public and the environmental organisations. measured 46°C)
2 vertical shafts (800 m)
The Swiss Federal Office of Transport required
1 bypass gallery
in the project specific standards a lifetime
1 inclined ventilation shaft
of 100 years for the civil work. No major
Excavation type rehabilitation work with significant operational
TBM 98.1 km limitations is allowed during this time.
Conventional 53.7 km
The solution to achieve this high requirements
Contract model was a double lined tunnel with the provisional
Unit price contracts for civil work based on rock support as outer lining (first lining) and
design bid build approach the permanent, in the minimum 30 cm thick,
inner concrete lining (second lining).
The Gotthard Base Tunnel crosses the Alps
in mainly hard crystalline rock masses, with a
high uniaxial strength and a brittle failure mode. • Environmental and Geological Conditions
Weak ground conditions with a ductile failure
mode were expected on less than10 per cents The Gotthard Base Tunnel crosses the following
of the total tunnel length. main tectonic units from north to south:
The main ground related hazards were: • the Aar massif
rock fall, caused by the joint systems • the Gotthard massif
rock burst, mainly in zones of high • and the pennine Gneiss Zone
overburden The Aar massif and the Gotthard massif are
convergences or high rock pressure the backbone of the Swiss Alps. Both massifs
consist mainly of gneisses and granites. These
face instabilities
rocktypes showed generally a brittle failure
combined scenarios. mode. Under special circumstances squeezing
was observed in the crystalline rock masses.

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 21

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Gotthard

• Geological Profile • Project Stage(s)

Construction period 1993 - 2016
Prefeasibility Study
1. / 1993
Feasibility Study
2. / 1995
Variant Study
3. / 1989
Authoritie’s Permissions Project
1. / 1995 – 1999 for 4 of 5 main lots
2. / 1995 – 2006 for 1 lot
Tender Design for Owner
1. / 1997 - 1999
Tender Design for CC
2. / -
Post Contract respectively Construction Design
3. / 2001 - 2014
4. / none

Geological longitudinal section of the 25.5 km headrace gallery.

• Site investigation targets Structural Geology Geothermal Situation

See geological profile • Forecast of ground temperatures with
Geological Setting
numerical model
• Tectonic situation Fault Characteristics
• Kakeritic faults
• Ductile shear zones (mylonites)
• Brittle fault zones
Alteration / Weathering
• No special effects
• Forecast of probable water inflows with
high pressure and high temperature
(steady state)
In-situ Stress
• in direct correlation to the overburden
Ground Types / Characteristics • horizontal stresses similar normally in the
• Highly diverse rock mass types had to be same magnitude as the vertical stresses
traversed during the construction of the Gravitative Mess Movements
Gotthard Base Tunnel. • no
• They range from the tough Gotthard granites,
through the highly-stressed pennine gneisses
of the Leventina, to soft rocks of the Tavetsch
intermediate massif.

© figures from AlpTransit Gotthard

text AlpTransit Gotthard and Heinz Ehrbar

22 ITA Working Group 2 - Research

21200-ItaTech_ WorkingGroup2 22 22/05/15 18:14

ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Gotthard

• Measures Exploratory Tunnel

• yes, Piora exploratory system, tunnel of
Desk Study
5.3 km length
• yes
• yes
• yes, long inclined core drillings in the
Tavetsch Intermediate Massif

• yes, 3 D deformations (in all drives)
• extensometers in special cases
• monitoring of surface deformations during
• extended core drillings in the Piora Zone 15 years throughout the whole year (also
(see below) winter time!) in order to detect dangerous
deformation trends to the nerby concrete
• systematic exploratory drillings arch dams
(percsussion drillings) during the
excavation in the conventional drive and
the TBM-drives, mainly in both tubes
• core dillings in special cases (squeezing
rock zones and during the excavation
close to the Nalps concrete arch dam)
Geophysical Methods
• yes, in few special cases with only limited
information for the excavation due to the
inhomogeneous ground conditions
Field Tests
• bore hole tests
• various in situ tests in order to classify the
muck for its reuse
Laboratory Tests
• yes, mainly triaxial tests, abrasivity tests
• various in situ tests in order to classify the
muck for its reuse

© figures from AlpTransit Gotthard

text AlpTransit Gotthard and Heinz Ehrbar

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 23

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Cityringen

03 CITYRINGEN, DENMARK • General Project Description • Environmental and Geological Conditions

The Cityringen project is a new fully underground Geologically the project area is featuring 2-5m
• Project Identification of fill layers. This is underlain by 10-25m of
metro system with 17 stations, 2 crossovers
and three construction and ventilation shaft quaternary layers, mainly consisting of glacial till
Location structures interconnected by 2 single track and meltwater sand and gravel. The meltwater
Copenhagen, Denmark tunnels of 16.5 km in length. deposits are highly variable, consisting of fine-
Construction period grained sand and coarser-grained sand and
The geology in the Cityringen project area is
2011 – 2018 gravel, often with larger boulders. The coarse
characterised overall by a typically 1-5m thick
sediments usually occur in the lower part of
Owner fill layer. This is underlain by typically 10-25m
the meltwater units and may possess very high
Metroselskabet I/S thick quaternary layers. These deposits are
Contractor(s) highly variable and comprise a recognised
sequence sand/gravel and clay till layers. At The quaternary layers are underlain by
Copenhagen Metro Team I/S
a number of locations extensive meltwater Copenhagen Limestone from the Danian
sands and gravels are deposited directly on period. The limestone is fractured to a varying
the limestone, in particularly in the northern degree, however, it is mostly severely fractured
part of the alignment, whereas in the south- in the uppermost few meters. The induration
western part of the alignment the quaternary and fissuring in the limestone is generally highly
layers mainly consist of clay till. variable.
The quaternary layers are underlain by The eastern part of the Cityringen alignment
Copenhagen limestone. The limestone is passes the inner city of Copenhagen where
uniformly bedded, with extensive flint beds and many buildings are old and sensitive to variations
bioturbated zones. The upper 0-4 metres of in groundwater levels. For this reason the
the limestone is locally glacially disturbed and municipality of Copenhagen has in this area
heavily fractured. prohibited any groundwater lowering outside
the construction zones unless appropriate
measures are taken to keep the groundwater
• Tunnel characteristics
level within natural limits. The western part of
the alignment passes through a catchment for
Total Tunnel Length domestic water supply at Frederiksberg where
33 km a key issue is protection of the groundwater
Boring diameter resource in terms of quantity and quality, with
5.8 m chemical parameters of interest being salinity/
Overburden(min-max) chloride, nickel and sulphate. Numerous
35 m contaminated sites - typically originating from
former dry-cleaning shops, petrol-filling stations
Excavation type
and mechanical workshops - are located close
Earth Pressure Balance TBM
to the planned construction sites.

24 ITA Working Group 2 - Research

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Cityringen

• Geological Profile Fault Characteristics

Alteration / Weathering
• Identification of depth to flow zones/
waterbearing zones. Estimation of total
transmissivity. Groundwater quality
Geothermal Situation

In-situ Stress

Geology is comprised fill (F) and post-glacial Gravitative Mess Movements
deposits (PG), glacial till (UT - Upper till, LT - •
Lower till), meltwater sand/gravel (UMS - Upper,
MMS - Middle, LMS - Lower) and limestone Location of borings along aligenment.
(UCL - Upper, MCL - Middle, LCL - Lower, • Measures Geophysical Methods
BL - Bryozoan) • Geophysical logging in selected deep
Desk Study boreholes, including gamma, density,
• Collection of existing non-project data, e.g. porosity and flow logs. In some boreholes
• Project Stage(s) earlier boreholes and pumping tests OATV logs have been undertaken
Prefeasibility Study
Mapping Field Tests
• •
Feasibility Study
Drillings Laboratory Tests
• Project investigations before tender: •
Variant Study
• 130 geotechnical boreholes (shell&auger in Exploratory Tunnel
quaternary layers, core drilling in limestone) • N.A.
Authoritie’s Permissions Project at stations, shafts and along the alignment.
• 80 hydrogeological boreholes (DTH drilling Monitoring
throughout the entire drilling depth) at stations • N.A.
Tender Design for Owner
and shafts, with several screens, for use in
pumping tests and continuous groundwater
Tender Design for CC monitoring.

Site investigation method Approximate

Post Contract respectively Construction Design
Borehole 500
Geophysical log, including flow log 250
Short duration pumping test 600
Long duration pumping test 33
• Site investigation targets Groundwater chemical sampling 350
Seismic survey 13 km
Geological Setting
• Groundwater level monitoring 250 wells
Ground Types / Characteristics
• Geology in site investigation boreholes, with • In total 500 borings
the aim of establishing af full geological model • Average spacing 40 m
along the alignment • 13 km seismic survey
Structural Geology • Total length of site investigation borings 17 km
• •C
 ost of site investigations are 2,5% of
construction cost

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 25

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Porce

04 PORCE III HYDROPOWER • General Project Description • Environmental and Geological Conditions
PROJECT, Colombia The surface of the area where the project´s
Porce III Hydropower Project features a 151 m headrace tunnel was excavated is covered
high, CFRD dam, which impounds 3,756 km2 80% by residual soils and colluvium deposits.
• Project Identification catchment area of the Porce River and The lithologic units present correspond to
tributaries into a 170 hm3 reservoir; a 730 m Paleozoic rocks constituted by schist of varied
Location long open channel spillway with a discharge composition and quarz-feldspar and aluminic
capacity of 11,350 m3/sec, controlled by four gneiss. The rock is folded in a northerly
radial gates; a headrace conveyance system, direction along the tunnel alignment and is
composed of a 12,452 m long upper tunnel, affected by faults, joints and shear zones.
a 159 m long vertical shaft and a 274 m long The predominant geomorphologic units along
lower tunnel; an underground power station the tunnel alignment correspond to High
houses four vertical-shaft Francis turbines Mountain Schist and High Mountain Gneiss.
coupled to four synchronous three-phase Schist is composed of quartz, mica (sericite,
generators, yielding a total 660 MW, or 4,254 muscovite, biotite and hornblend) and graphite,
GWh/year. whereas neiss is composed of both, quarzic
feldspar gneiss and aluminic gneiss. The
main geologic structures defined correspond
• Tunnel Characteristics to a series of tight folds with a general N-S
direction: the Castillo and Primavera Faults,
and El Roposo shear zones.
Total Tunnel Length
12,726 m (upper and lower headrace) The headrace tunnel was excavated along
Amalfi, Department of Antioquia, Colombia.
the left bank of the Porce River, through
Construction period Boring diameter
metamorphic rocks composed 11% by schist,
2006 – 2012 8.5 m
36% by gneissic schist and 53% by gneiss.
Owner Overburden(min-max)
The project was developed within the deep
Medellin Public Utilities Company (EPM) 30 - 550 m
canyon environment of the Porce River, which
Designer(s) Characterization scheme runs north through a tropical rain forest, were
Ingetec, Bogota, Colombia Geotechnical characterization was wildlife is abundant, including a wide variety
performed using Barton´s Q System, of birds, reptiles and mammals. The owner
Bienawski’s RMR System and was therefore quite demanding regarding
CCC Porce III Consortium:
Construçoes Camargo Correa Excavation type the preservation of the pre-existing natural
Conconcreto S.A. Drill-and-blast environment and stringent regarding the
Coninsa – Ramon Hache S.A. Contract model restotation of the environment affected by
Design + Construction project construction.
Ingetec, Bogota, Colombia

• Geological Profile

Geological longitudinal section of the 25.5 km headrace gallery.

26 ITA Working Group 2 - Research

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Porce

• Site investigation targets seismic refraction conducted during previous could generate leakage from the tunnel to the
Geological Setting studies. ground surface or into the powerhouse.
The general geological setting of the project El Reposo shear zone was defined based on Four such locations were selected and hence,
corresponds to metamorphic rocks (basically drillholes performed during previous studies. four corresponding sets of hydraulic fracture
neiss and schist), of paleozoic age, highly tests were conducted: the first two sets, prior
weathered at the surface, mostly fresh and powerhouse and headrace excavation, were
competent at depth (at tunnel level). Fault Characteristics performed, respectively, from an exploration
The headrace tunnel is affected by two geologic gallery that ended near the future powerhouse,
faults: El Castillo and El Salado Faults. The and from the surface, at a location of relatively
Ground Types / Characteristics first is a reverse fault, oriented N40°W, dipping low overburden (110m) due to a topographic
Ground types were defined in the technical SW, affecting metamorphic rocks. It is located depression; the third set, from within the
specifications for bid as well as for construction around K4+600 in the tunnel, and at the surface, tunnel, near the intersection with the vertical
and contractual purposes. The headrace tunnel it is covered by loose rock fragments, along shaft, to check for effective overburden at such
involved basically five types of ground: a 100 m wide alignment. The fault material is elbow; and a fourth set, performed near the
10 to 20 m thick and is composed of greenish intersection of the bottom of the shaft and the
• Type I: competent, hard, massive, slightly
grey milonite, gneiss and schist fragments lower headrace tunnel, in order to check for
fractured, stable rock, where excavation may
embedded in a silty clay and brown sand matrix. effective minor principle stress values as the
advance without the need to install support,
RQD varies between 0% and 17%. pressure tunnel approached the underground
and only localisez shotcrete and/or bolts could
powerhouse surface.
be required; El Salado Fault is located 1.3 km east of El
Castillo Fault, and crosses the tunnel at about The results of such tests allowed to optimise the
• Type II: moderately hard to hard, moderately
K6+100. The fault´s direction is N20° - N30°W, design in the following ways: a) at the location
folded, fractured to moderately fractured rock,
dipping vertically. It is composed of highly of the low overburden due to the topographic
in which spalling over time may occur and
fractured to crushed rock fragments 10 – 20 depression generated by the running creek, the
therefore support is required;
m wide, and an influence zone of some 100m original tunnel alignment was displaced some
• Type IIIA: medium to low strength, folded, 90m further into de mountain, to gain vertical
that narrows with depth.
fractured to highly fractured rock, which overburden; b) as regards the elbow’s optimum
discontinuity planes are altered, and spalling location, hydrofracture tests indicated the need
may occur at the excavation face, therefore to displace the elbow and the shaft 60 m further
Alteration / Weathering
immediate installation of support is required; upstream, to gain lateral overburden; c) the test
The alteration/weathering phenomena was
• Type IIIB: friable and/or crumbly material, fault results indicated the need to steel-line the full
observed in exploratrion galleries excavated
or shear zones composed of gouge or highly length of the lower headrace tunnel that splices
in the dam´s left abutment and along the main
fractured material, including residual soil in into the powerhouse.
and access roads. A significant thickness (some
the portal area;
30 m) of moderately to highly weathered rock
• Type IIIC: higly fractured rock, cohesionless, had to be entirely removed to construct the Gravitative Mass Movements
where excavation shall be performed in three CFRD dam. Based on the results of the investigations, the
stages or sections: upper, mid and lower. dam´s left abutment required extensive tieback
As for the headrace tunnel, such weathered
Squeezing phenomena expected. installation, and the tunnel´s adit portals required
material was evident at the tunnel’s and tunnel
adits’ portals, as well as along the first 30 or stabilization measures, including shotcrete,
Structural Geology 40 meters of tunnel, excavated in poor ground bolts, revegetation with native grass species
and supported with streel sets. and adequate drainage.
Along the headrace tunnel alignment, the main
geologic structures correspond to a series
of tight folds, with a general N-S direction, In-situ Stress • Measures
El Castillo and Primavera Faults, and La In-situ stress measurements were carried out for Desk Study
Primavera and El Reposo shear zones. the headrace tunnel, prior to commencemenet
Desk studies went through a step-by-step
A series of faults, with orientation N20° - 25°E and during construction. The target of such
process, according to each stage of the project:
are El Roble anticline, El Roble sincline, the tests was to investigate the magnitude of
the minor principle stress (σ3) in certain key • a conceptual and prefeseability stage, in
Hondoná anticline, and El Totuno sincline.
locations of the tunnel, and compare such which different scenarios or alternatives for
These folds affect the quartzic schists of variable
values to the internal pressure of the tunnel, the project´s optimum location and layout
in order to determine whether modification were proposed, during which preliminary
La Primavera shear zone has direction N15 geological and geotechnical investigations
in the tunnel alignment or the installation of
– 20°E/40°SE, and was defined base don were conducted;
a steel liner would be necessary, in order to
Drillholes PCP-1 AND PCP-2, as well as on
prevent hydraulic fracture phenomena that

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 27

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ANNEX 2 >> Case Studies / Porce

• a feasibility stage, in which the selected alignment, spaced between 1.0 km and 3.0 km, Field Tests
alternative was studied and developed in much (1.5 km on average), depending on the degree of A numer of field tests were conducted in order
further detail, along with a significant number of difficulty of the access to each drilling site, plus to establish basic design parameters. The most
drillings and other geotechnical investigations drillings at the inlet portal, and in two adit tunnels outstanding tests were in the area of hydraulic
were performed as well as corresponding to the main tunnel, thus covering the full length fracture, in order to determine the magnitude
costs; of the tunnel. The following table summarizes the of the minor principle stress at key locations
• a third stage, in which the detailed studies, drillings and corresponding lengths alongthe headrace tunnel alignment (see above).
drawings, technical specifications and Headrace Length (m) Projected
contractual documents were prepared for Tunnel Station In Laboratory Tests
bidding purposes. Drillholes Tunnel In order to establish the statigrapgy and the
All field investigations performes prior to, and PTD-1 110 K1+575 physical properties of the rock for the headrace
during such stage, constituted the necessary tunnel, and as a complement to the field
PTD-2 145 K2+700
parameters for such detailed office design of work performed, a core drilling program was
the project. PTD-3 340 K4+675 conducted, from which samples were retrieved
PTD-4 275 K5+400 for a variety of tests in the laboratoty. Lab tests
Mapping were performed on soil and rock. Soil tests were
The project involved topographical mapping and PTD-5 420 K8+350
performed almost entirely on surface samples
geological mapping. Topographical mapping PTD-6 250 K11+325 and on samples obtained form pits excavated
was used to optimize the location and design in the vicinity of the inlet portal.
PTD-7 160 K12+375
of the project along its various stages. Three
Adit Tunnel Length (m) Projected Soil tests were basically: Atterberg Limits,
scales of maps were used: the first two, 1:25000
1 (L=558 m) Station In specific gravity, hydrometric analyses, water
scale, which was the general scale of the project
Drillholes Adit content, Proctor compaction, following ASTM
encompassing the basin, and the 1:10000 scale,
and AASHTO Standards. The table below
covering the reservoir are, were both aerial P-V1-1 55 K0+170
summarizes such tests.
photograph-based restitution scales; the third P-V1-2 34 K0+080
scale, 1:2000, was used for all detailed design Rock tests were executed both pon surface
of project’s components, including the dam and P-V1-3 15 K0+020 as well as on cores retrieved form drillholes.
appurtenant works, the access roads and the Adit Tunnel Length (m) Projected Tests included: Grading of granular materials,
headrace tunnel’s portals as well as its three 2 (L= 649 m) Station In compaction, direct shear, tensile strength, wave
adit’s portals. Drillholes Adit propagation velocity, triaxial, slake durability and
On the other hand, geological maps corresponding P-V2-1 40 K0+165 petrography. The table below summarizes the
to the above-mentioned topographic maps were type and number of tests perfomed.
P-V2-2 35 K0+070
prepared, to the same scales, that is, general
geological and geomorphological maps of the P-V3-3 23 K0+015 Exploratory Tunnel
basin and reservoir areas, and detailed geological Adit Tunnel Length (m) Projected In 2004, a 635m long exploratory tunnel, 2.5m x
maps of the surface and underground works, 3 (L=705 m) Station In 2.5m, was excavated between the Porce River
including the headrace tunnel and powerhouse, Drillholes Adit left bank and the future underground power
for bidding purposes. In addition, a 630m long P-V3-1 50 K0+240 station, in order to investigate detailed gological
exploratory gallery, referred to ahead, was and geotechnical conditions for the powerhouse,
excavated, the end point of which was close P-V3-2 40 K0+130
regarding its orientation and temporary as well
to the future underground powerhouse which P-V3-3 10 K0+010 as permanent support requirements.
allowed detailed geological mapping of this
Inlet Portal Depth (m) Location
project component. Pits Monitoring
During excavation of the headrace tunnel and
underground powerhouse, detailed geological AP-V2-1 3.4 Portal area The design included the installation of a series
maps were drawn of the actual geology of instruments for monitoring the behaviour of
AP-V2-2 3.0 Portal area
encountered, following each blast of the tunnel diferent project components once placed in
face, drawn at a 1:200 scale, not only to provide AP-V2-3 3.0 Portal area operation, for long-term monitoring. A set of
as-built records, but to assist in the design of instruments, among which are inclinometers,
the tunne’s permanent lining: shotcrete, concrete piezometers and accelerographs were placed
or steel. Geophysical Methods in the dam.
Geophysical methods included seismic refraction In the headrace tunnel, monitoring during
Drillings and pits lines along the tunnel alignment, construction included the installation of tape
There were seven drillings performed from the extensometer rings and pressure cells for
surface along and over the headrace tunnel longterm monitoring.

28 ITA Working Group 2 - Research

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ANNEX 3 >> Site Investigations Cost

Data collected from french road tunnels

The five case histories presented below works only and they are those announced were considered. The costs of geophysics
regards roads tunnels which where design at the bidding stage. No major claims where and exploratory galleries (when present) were
and constructed between 2003 and 2014. observed after the completion of the works. initially excluded from the analysis. For the
Data were collected and actualized in 2010 The quantity of site investigations were case of Bois de Peu Tunnel, the cost of site
by CETU, the Centre of Tunnel Studies of the obtained from the tender documents (factual investigation is given with and without the
French Ministry of Public Works. data reports). To assess the cost of site exploratory gallery.
The tunnel construction costs include the civil investigations, boreholes and in-situ test only

Start of Total Cumulated length Cost of explorations / Invest. Cost Constr.

Tunnel Type
the works Length of boreholes cost of tunnel [M ] method

Saint Vallier 2002 Road 178 m 225 m 2,6 % 1,26 D&B

550 +
Schirmeck 2003 Road 704 m 3,7% 1,01 D&B
150 m
2*600 + 2,2% Excluding costs for
Bois du Peu 2004 Road 885 m 1,09 D&B
90 m exploratory gallery

2*600 +
Peute Combe 2009 Road 1219 m 3,85% 0,95 D&B
120 m
110 +
Saint Béat 2010 Road 1586 m 2,1% 1,12 D&B
310 m

Data collected from french tramway and metro tunnels

Start of Total Cumulated length Cost of explorations / Invest. Cost Constr.

Tunnel Type
the works Length of boreholes cost of tunnel [M ] method
Tramway C2V
2010 Tramway 1500+90m 1902 N/A 1,20 EPB TBM

Paris Line 4
2007 Metro 460m 380 m N/A 0,83 D&B
Lyon line B
2010 Metro 1470m 2078 m N/A 1,42 Slurry TBM
Paris Line 14
2014 Metro 3620m 3475 m N/A 0,96 TBM
extension Lot1

Rennes Line B 2014 Metro 8100m 7679 m N/A 0,95 EPB TBM

Assumptions on costs [€/m]:

• Pressiometric borehole: 300;
• Subhorizontal and/or inclined core recovery boreholes: 1000;
• Vertical core recovery boreholes: 800;
• Destructive boreholes: 150
D&B = drill and blast

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 29

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ANNEX 3 >> Site Investigations Cost

Data collected from european long and deep tunnels

Start of Total Cumulated length Cost of explorations / Invest. Cost Constr.

Tunnel Type
the works Length of boreholes cost of tunnel [M ] method
Lötschberg 1994 Railway 34,6 km N/A 2,8 % N/A

Gothard 1998 Railway 53,9 km N/A 1,4 % N/A TBM / DB

Brenner 2011 Railway 57,0 km ~ 36 km 8,7 % I 0,63

ncluding exploratory galleries

Detailed 8,9 %
LTF Railway 57,1 km ~ 62 km 1,08
design phase ncluding exploratory galleries

Koralm Base
In construction 33 km ~ 21 km 1,9 % 0,64 N/A
Semmering Base
In construction 27 km ~ 38,5 km 1,7 % 1,43 N/A


Data were collected by the U.S. National Committee on Tunnel Technology (USNCTT 1984) by interviewing the Owners, Engineers and
Contractors of 84 different tunnel projects.

30 ITA Working Group 2 - Research

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ANNEX 4 >> Site Investigation Documentation

Factual Interpreted Contractual Data collected

Country Ref. document(s)
Data Data Data during construction

AFTES (2012), Characterisation of geological,

Cahier des Dossier de Suivi hydrogeological and geotechnical uncertainties
Mémoire de Mémoire de
FRANCE Données Géotechnique and risks, GT32R2A1
Conception Synthèse
Factuelles d’Exécution NFP 94500 (2013), Missions d’ingénierie
géotechniques – Classification et spécifications

KOREA KTA(2015) Standard Specifications for Tunnel
Data Report

SIA 198 (2004), Construction d’ouvrages

SIA 199 (1998), Etude des massifs rocheaux
pour les travaux souterrains

USA / UK Factual Report Interpretative Report Geotechnical
Post-Construction ASCE (2007), Geotechnical Baseline Reports for
(Anglo-Saxon or Geotechnical or Geotechnical Baseline
Geotechnical Report Underground Construction
approach) Data Report Memoranda for Report

Strategy for Site Investigation of Tunnelling Projects 31

21200-ItaTech_ WorkingGroup2 31 22/05/15 18:14

longrine 04 90 14 48 48 - (21200 - 05/15)

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21200-ItaTech_ WorkingGroup2 32 22/05/15 18:14

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