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DY ASHI Wada reat A mM ava pe Se ‘ CREDITS Creator, Director, Producer, Production Manager, and “Taking a Week Vacation When This is Dones Stacy Poor (@GoodGameKitty) Assistant Project Manager: Phocnix “Orewing” Hayes (G@orewings) Rules Development: Josh Killette (@Combat_Engie) Eric W ‘Voigt (@ConquererM) Jack MacCregor, Neal (NealDaDestinyia'gmaileom) Flynn Krusemark Writers: Mothyards (themothyards.tumblrcom) Cover Illustrator: Charlie Eliasson (@snakebunker) Interior Ilustrators: Charlie Eliasson (@snakebunker) Em Kief(gcinkdraws.tumblzcom), BadGhostMods (badghostmods.tumblrcom) Lauren Bagley (bagleyarts.com), Brice Morgan (instagram.com/sketchmatters) Additional Contributors: James McKenzie (Archive of Our (Own: Anarchyinplasma) Dan Jon Morgan (@DanJonMoron), Nicholas Kirse (@SuperKamiNico) LEGAL Dungeons & Destiny (2018) isa creation of Stacy "GoodGameKitty" Poor. tis a not-for-profit labor of love produced solely for entertainment purposes that contains ‘works inspired by Bungie's video game Destiny (2014) Said works are shared and produced under the provision for Fair Use, No copyright infringement is intended. Bungie, Destiny, and/or other related products referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of ‘Bungie Inc. or their suppliers. Dungeons & Destiny isin no ‘way affliated with Bungie Ine. or any oftheir suppliers Dungeons & Destiny is published under the Open Gaming, License, Version 1.0, ‘The original artworks within are commissioned or donated. works of fan art made possible by Patreon supporters and are published here with permission. Patreon support covers the overhead cost of ereation; everything else goes back into the gaming community that Kitty fell in love with ‘This document is NOT for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only ‘Much of the racial information comes from Destiny's grimoire cards. You can read all the Destiny grimoire cards in their original form by going to ishtar-collective.net! PART 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction omen Using this Book. ParT 1: GUARDIANS CHAPTER 1 ae ASKED one Human... Exo Unconventional Races Cabal nnn Ellksni Krill. Psion. Vex. CHAPTER 2: CLASSES. ‘Class Overview. Gunslinger Bladedancer. [Nightstalker StEREE ne Defender Sunbreaker Voidwalker... ‘Sunsinger ‘Stormealler CHAPTER 3: Cuanacrax Detars eee Languages ieee Background.. c eee CHAPTER 4: GHOSTS ncn 69 Creating Your Ghost ses Ghost Features... Ghost Backgrounds... Ghost Inventory. Starting Equipment... DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM INTRODUCTION ‘magine a world of swords and sorcery, Imagine a ‘world of great kings and vicious tyrants, their armies clashing on the battlefield, swords clanging and storm clouds of arrows flying, Imagine epic heroes facing down a fire-breathing dragon in the ruin of an ancient castle, Imagine a world filled with mystery, vwondler and magic, with an adventure waiting around every tur, Dungeons & Destiny isnt too different from that world. You just need to reload your sword. ‘Came Master (GM): After picking your way through tl Venusian jungles, you arrive at a cliff overlooking a decrepit and barren valley. Blue flames spout from cracks inthe earth and thick clouds of smoke and ash obscure your view. You can just barely make out a massive shape in the sk. Kelyn(olayieg Eloise) | want to get my sniper rifle frorn my Ghost and use the scope to see if! can get abetter view of the thing floating here, Jos (playing Shepard): There are blue flames in the valley? Is. this an active volesno? I'm going to jump off the clif and find cout, The GM sighs. Ths session willbe along one. While Se games tend to revolve around prechistory or early history fantasy settings, Dungeons & Destiny (‘D&Destiny”) is set in a futuristic, post-apocalyptic landscape rife with terror and wonder in equal measures. The people of this universe have access to technologies like interplanetary travel and tablet computers, but also find themselves relying on an ancient map and an old compass to get around. And the player characters, the Guardians, are demigods capable of coming back from the dead over and over and over again, Or Lirz AND DEATH ‘When you're playing Se, every hit matters. Every hit point lost puts you one step closer to being unconscious, and when ‘unconsciousness happens, it could very well spell the end of your character's progression in that campaign. But when yout playing D&Destiny, falling unconscious and even outright dying is practically a scheduled affair Guardians have the equivalent ofa flying, talking wish in the form of a tiny construct, a Ghost, that follows them around, opens doors, and ean be used near infinitely to bring them back from the dead Dying might as well be breathing, or blinking, or sighing dejectedly a the actions of players: it just happens. ‘More than that, dying can be an invaluable tool Do you need to clear a minefield? Walk forward, step on a mine, wait for Ghost resurrection, repeat. Has your Guardian contracted pneumonia from a long night without any armor or shelter in the Wilds? You can shoot yourself in the head and let your Ghost resurrect you. Youte sil stuck inthe Wilds with no armor and no shelter, but your pneumonia is gone and you can press forward again, DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Rinse and repeat until you reach safety ‘You and your freteam might end up in a firefight with someone dying once every round and you're still winning the fight. Guardians ean come back from the dead; others cannot Except, of course, when you cant. GVz Olay, let's start with Kelyn. Kel, you hold out your hands and your Ghost transmats your sniper ifle into them, \When you link the scope to your visor, ou get an approximate outline of the shape thanks to the on-board computer Kelyn: Do recognize it? GM: Make an Investigation check, or 2 general Perception check Kelyn: Okay, I'm using Investigation. | rolled 12. Gv You recogrize the outline of a Fallen ketch Jos What do find out? GW That at terminal velocity, you take 4846 damage Jos Daron. Well, we're still ina Light zone, right? VEN. Jos: What? Gv You didn't check before you made your leap. You fell into a Darkness zone, Shepard, You'll need to wait before your Ghost can resurect yo. Or LiGHT AND DARKNESS D&Destiny introduces a number of new mechanics that are specific to running a D&Destiny campaign. The first is the Light Zone mechanic, which comes in multiple styles and is, used to describe how the rules for resting, revival and health change based on where you are. The exact details ofthis mechanic is described later, but here's a brief rundown: Light Zone: Your Ghost can freely heal and resurrect you. Darkness Zone: Your Ghos is limited for when and how ‘often it ean heal and resurrect you. Oppreasive Darkness Zone: Your Ghost cannot resurrect you. As the name implies, each zone covers an area. The area ‘may be big, such as the length and breadth of a metropolitan city, or a continent, or an entire planet -or it may be small, such 28a single pool of Light at the center of a monster's lair. So long as your Ghost survives and makes it to an area it can resurrect you in, you will come back. An Oppressive Darkness Zone may put the fear of mortality into your Guardian's heart, but its thei job, afterall, to be the hero that delves into that Darkness and purges it. They do this for the hope of Humanity’s future -and for some really coo! trophies. Usinc Tus Book ‘The short & sweet ofits: any rule described in Dungeons & Destiny takes priority: Furthermore, this book assumes that ‘you have the core Se material, or that you are already familiar with the rules. While D&Destiny is a massive rework, itis not a complete rework, and there are parts where you will have to reference the core material toil inthe blanks. Furthermore, it should be remembered that while the D&Destiny beta is a functional and fun version of the game with most ofthe core mechanics in place, itis not a complete game just yet. There are a number of tertiary mechanics that are sill in development, anc, as testing continues, ‘mechanical changes and balances will be made to classes, ‘weapons, races, etc. This isnt to say anything about all the reat art that still needs to be added! Ifyou ever have any questions, comments, or concerns about anything inthis book, please fee! free to bring it to the attention of the D&Destiny team. Whether its by posting in the Discord server, using the Contact Us page on dndestinyproject.com, or contacting us through our social ‘media outlets, there i always a way to voice your opinion and have it be heard. We LOVE feedback, so please don't hesitate to send it our way! And most of all THANK YOU For YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT OF DUNGEONS & DestinyY! DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM CHAPTER 1: RACES trip beyond the City-to Luna, Venus, the Reef, or beyond -will expose players to a wide and rand universe bursting atthe seams with its occupants. Imagine a smugeler’s market in Saturn’s rings, filled with humans and aliens haggling glimmer and goods; imagine the Reef, floating in a perpetual twilight, quiet on the surface but crawling with scavengers, pirates, and the rangers sent to dispatch them underneath. Imagine, even, The Last City on Earth, the push and pull ofthe crowd as humans, awoken, and exo make their way home from a hard day's work. ‘And imagine all the variations in these people, even among people of the same race. In the smuggler’s market, bulky exos work alongside skinny humans to shift cargo. In the Reef, a stout awoken chases down a one-armed eliksni who has evaded her for years. In The Last City, couples of all genders and sexuality celebrate together during the Crimson Days, CHOOSING A RACE ‘The core races of Humanity awoken, exo, and human are the most common races of Guardian, and canonically, the oly options for Guardian characters. Your choice of race establishes the first building blocks of your character and gives them qualities that may affect your Guardian journey in subtle but present ways. No matter what race you pick, is always worthwhile to consider what sets them apart from other members oftheir race, and why they were chosen to be resurrected as Guardians, HUMANITY vs HUMAN The term “human” ean mean a number of things depending fon the context or how itis written, Simply "human" or sapien’ refers to the native species of human that evolved on. the planet Earth. Humanity or Human refers to all species that evolved from the humans of planet Earth. This includes cexos and awoken, Not all Humans ofthe Sol system are content with this ‘Some may think the term is too vague, oF too specific. Some ‘may think isan insult tobe called Human when they are not human, or perhaps they really doit care to discuss the ‘matter: How your character reacts to these sorts of people ‘may be something you have to consider depending on the ‘ype of campaign youte playing in. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM 6 ly Do As You Do The lore in Dungeons & Destiny's presented in a take-itor-leave-it fashion. We do not expect everyone to agree with or subscribe to our lore, we just have to have it for design and writing purposes. You are always free to come up with your ‘own interpretation of Destiny's lore! ————— Sp AWOKEN "THE OTHERS SING THIS SONG OF LIGHT AND Dark, We, TOGETHER, HAVE TRANSCENDED. SUCH UNIMAGINATIVE LIMITATIONS.’ -THE AWOKEN QUEEN is aid that the awoken were born in the Collapse, descended from those who tried o fee its wrath. Something happened to them out on the edge of the deep black, and they ‘were forever changed Today many awoken live in the distant Reef, aloof and mysterious. But others returned to Earth, where their descendants now fight forthe City Earthborn awaken who venture out to the Reef, hoping to learn its secrets, find no special welcome from the reclusive Queen AWOKEN TRAITS Awoken characters have variety of natural abilities, the result of the origin of the awoken race. ‘Age. Awoken share a similar lifespan to humans and reach adulthood at 20, though they are more likely to live into their elder years Alignment. Most reefborn awoken are lawful good as & result of strict upbringing in their society. Some end up as pirates, rogues, or outcasts and take on the chaotic trait, but rarely are they ever evil Earthborn awoken are as varied as humans, Size. Awoken share the same size and height of humans, Your size is Medium, ‘Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Languages. You can speak, ead, and write Human common. There are a few idioms, colloquialisms, and expressions unique to awoken, but being decended from humans, the basis of your language isthe same. “Awoken Ancestry. You have advantage on all saving throws against Darkness effects, Darkvision. Born of Light and Darkness, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dima light within 60 feet of you asift were bright ligt, and in darkness asifit were dim light Subrace. There are two main races of awoken, the reefborn and the earthborn, REEFRORN AWOKEN Asa reefborn awoken, you were brought up in a strict ‘matriarchy lead by a distant yet beloved Queen. You may have left that society behind, but no matter what, certain aspects of it stuck with you. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score inereases by 1 ‘Weapon Familiarity. You are naturally proficient in sidesrme, ‘Agile Movement. People of the Reef often have to crawl through small spaces or pass through heavily obstructed areas, and you've learned to do this quickly overtime. Moving through a space smaller than you does not count as dificult terrain for you. EARTHBORN AWOKEN ‘As an earthborn awoken, you were not necessarily born on Earth. You are simply referred to as such by reefborn awoken because it's easier and faster than "everywhere-else born” ‘The diversity of people and cultures you were exposed to, having grown up outside the Reef, helped shape who you are. Ability Score Increase, Your Dexterity score increases by 1, and your Charisma score increases by 2 Diverse Upbringing. You gain proficiency in one skill or one tool of your choice. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM HUMAN "THIS WAS OUR WORLD, OUR SOLAR SYSTEM, WE WERE HERE FIRST, AND NO MATTER WHAT THE DARKNESS BRINGS, WE WILL BE HERE AT THE DAWN.’ “UNKNOWN Humans are survivors, tough and resilient, descended from those who built a Golden Age only to see it ripped away. Now, after an age of retreat and desperate struggle, they fight to take back their solar system and claim a new future, ‘There are those who believe the Traveler chose Earth for a reason, Now itis Humanity’s obligation to prove itself worthy, of the Traveler's faith, HUMAN Tralrs Humans are incredibly diverse and make describing their shared traits dificult Ability Score Increase. Al of your ability scores increase by L Alternatively, you can choose one ability score to increase by 2 and a different ability score to increase by 1 ‘Age. Human lifespan tripled during the Golden Age. The average human lives to be 180-210 years old, and is considered an adult at 22 years of age, Alignment. It can be difficult to find two humans of the exact same alignment. The best and worst are found among. them, ‘Size. Humans can be anywhere from 3 feet tall to over 6 feet tall though the average is around 5 and a half feet. Your ‘weight can change dramatically over the course of your life, too. In any case, you are considered Medium. ‘Speed Your base walking speed is 30 fect. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Human ‘Subrace. Choose one ofthe subrace options, the ctyborn or the pilgrim. Crrysorn You were born to a life within the City walls, and that life afforded you the time and comfort to expand your knowledge of the world, Bonus language Proficiency. You learn one language of Humanity of your choice. Cultural Impact. You gain proficiency in one toolkit or artisans tool of your choice. Pricem ‘You were born toa life on the road, trying to make your way to The Last City- or not, reall. Not everyone desires to live ‘within its Wall Regardless, ife outside the City taught you that while tools come and go, you will always have yourself to rely on Road Savvy. You gain proficiency inthe Survival skill DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Exo "ASK YOURSELF: WHAT THREATENED YOUR GOLDEN AGE ANCESTORS SO MUCH THAT THEY CONSTRUCTED THE EXOS TO DEFEND THEMSELVES?” -UNKNOWN Built for a long-forgotten struggle, exos are self-aware war ‘machines so advanced that nothing short of a Ghost can understand their inner functions. They remain ciphers, even to themselves: their origins and purpose lost to time. Whoever built the exos fashioned them in humanity's image, gifting them with diversity of mind and body. Everything a human can do, so can an exo. Many’of the City's exo citizens live and work alongside their onganic brethren, But others fight again, reforged in the Light ofthe Traveler to serve as Guardians, Exo TralTs Exos share certain traits and abilities asa result of their construction Age. As far as anyone can tell exos are ageless, However, their minds degrade with every reset, and they lose more and more of themselves ligament. Exos, like the humans they are derived from, can fallin any alignment. ‘Size. Exos are typically the same size as humans, though h 20-30 pounds more for the same height/build of a ir human, ‘Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 fect. Languages. You can speak, reac, and write Human Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions because, even though the cameras you use for ‘eyes were built to mimic human vision capabilities, the devs still gave them a slight buf. You can see in dim ight within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it ‘were dim light Living Machine. Even though you are technically a machine, you are considered a living ereature. You are immune to incompatible diseases and viruses. You do not ‘need to eat or breathe, but you tend to go through these motions out of habit, Instead of sleeping, you enter an tive state for 4 hours each day. While inactive, you may ‘dream:” these dreams are a result of memory defragmentation, After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. ‘Model There are three common models of exo. Choose Mop "AB-U" Cryptarchs speculate you were built for the front lines of a ‘war, designed to survive even in the toughest fights. Ability Score Increase. Yous Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by L Exo Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, ‘and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level ‘Hardened Frame. While unarmored, your Armor Class is ‘equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + our Dexterity modifier (minimum 10}. Monet "CT-HD" ‘Your limbs are designed for a greater range of movement, ‘sacrificing plating in some areas in order to achieve this. You function more like an athlete than a warrior. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1 Athletic Build Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 damage, and you may choose to use either Strength or Dexterity for your attack and damage rolls with your unarmed strikes, You must use the same ability seore for both rolls. Moet "JSYK" war requires more than brawns to win. Your model type ‘seems geared toward observation and information gathering Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1, and your Wisdom score inereases by 2 Unobtrusive Scanners. You have scanners toa range of 5 feet. Consciously, you interpret your scanners as an intense {ut feeling. or you may be unable to shake the feeling of being ‘watched. This s to prevent your conscious mind from being overwhelmed with information. Observation Unit. You gain proficiency in either the Perception or Investigation skill DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM UNCONVENTIONAL RACES hen you play D&Destiny, you don't have to ‘stick to Destiny canon. That is why in this ‘section you'll ind racial traits for j J unconventional Guardians: the eiksni, cabal ke [] J sion, vex, and krill Homebrewing your own race, or using a race from other sources, is also an option. Just make sure youve cleared ‘your choice of race with your GM and the other members of ‘your fireteam. Some people want to play @ canon campaign, some don't neither are wrong! But you'l have mote fun if everyone isin agreement atthe start When creating an unconventional Guardian, you will really need to examine how they ended up becoming a Guardian, or ‘what circumstances lead to a Ghost being able to resurrect this non-Human race. You will aso need to consider how your unconventional Guardian perceives Humanity, and what it means, to them, to be a Guardian. Is your cabal Guardian stil loyal to the empire, having been ostracized by Human Guardians and fleeing back to an imperial power all too willing to accept them, even if they ‘were originally killed for something such as treason or insubordination? DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Eliksni have previous experience interacting with the ‘Traveler and the Light; is this why a Ghost was able to bring. one back now, after it fought and died in the Sol system? Is your krill character resurrected from someone who was born before the hive found the worms? How di a Ghost ‘come across their remains? Or did they consume the worm afterall and died as a hive soldier in the Sol system? Did the ‘worm survive, in any way, into their second life? sions are an assimilated race in cabal society. Is your sion Guardian a long-dead rebel ofthis assimilation, eager for a chance to strike back at the cabal for what they did to their people? Vex are a part ofthe hive mind ofthe collective; how does your vex character operate independently from that? Have they lost their connection to the mind and grown a unique personality over hundreds of years? Or is their second life their first experience being an individual creature? Unconventional Guardians can provide all sorts of new and ‘unique stories never before seen in the Destiny universe! CABAL "THINK YOU COULD FOLLOW A TRAIL OF ‘SHATTERED WORLDS ALL THE WAY TO THEIR HOME.” -UNKNOWN ‘Tactically efficient, disciplined, and unrelenting, the cabal are the greatest known military force inthe system. Their origins and ultimate objectives are a mystery, but it seems clear they hhave conquered more worlds than humanity has ever known, Cabal soldiers wear pressurized armor that replicates the environment of their high-gravity home world Their field tactics depend! on ranks of legionaries supported by air power, elite infantry, and ultracheavy armor. CaBaL TRAITS ‘As a cabal, you have the following traits. “Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 2 Age. Cabal lve to be around 120 years of age, and reach adulthood at 18 Alignment. The only creature in the galaxy more Lawful than a cabal isa vex, and that’s only because they literally can't not follow their programming. ‘Size. Cabal are between 7 and & feet tall and generally \weigh between 280 and 320 pounds when notin armor Despite this, your size is considered Medium, ‘Speed. Due to your massive bulk, your base walking speed is 25 feet. Languages. You can speak, ead, and write ulurant, the language of the cabal Powerful Stature. You have advantage on Strength saving throws against being knocked prone Heavyweight. You count as one size larger when determining what you can carry, lift, or push. ‘Strong Grip. You can use two-handed weapons in one hhand without penalty, unless it has the bulky property. You ‘can use your free hand to hold or manipulate simple objects, but can only wield a second weapon ifit is a one-handed weapon. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM ELIKSNI "ASK THEM OUR NAME. ASK YOUR MASTERS WHAT THEY CALL YOU. ASK THE HOLLOW, THE HATEFUL, THE AWOKEN WITH ALIEN DREAMS ENCYSTED IN THEM! ASK THEM OUR NAME! FALLEN. THEY NAME US FALLEN.” -SKOLAS. ‘The eliksni are ruthless scavengers. Brutal and uncaring, they arrived on their massive Ketches in the wake of the Collapse to loot and pillage our devastated worlds. ‘There are hints of ancient nobility to the Fallen - the scars oflost grandeur. The Kells of their scattered Houses still claim to be royalty. Some members oftheir race lke Variks the Loyal, remember this old life. Many more do not. ELIksNi TRAITS Asan eliksni, you gain the following traits. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1 Age. Eliksni live to be 80-90 years old, though many see their lives end much younger. “Alignment. Many eliksni are Lawful or Neutral due to the harsh, unforgiving society they come from, a society can punish even the slightest misstep. Eliksni of higher rank enjoy more freedom of choice and are more likely to be Chaotic. ‘Size. Much like humans, eliksni can vary greatly in size, though the size they are is determined almost exclusively by their diet, However, because it takes such a massive amount, of consistent ether consumption to increase your size beyond Medium, your size is almost always Medium. ‘Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Languages. You can speak, read, and write eliksni Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as ifit were dim light Branching Nerves. Even though you have four arms, your lower limbs cannot act entirely independently of your upper limbs. Because of this, you consider yourself to have only two. hhands when determining what you can hold or wield. ‘Specialization. Eliksni have two specializations, each given a colloquial name. Choose one. CarraIn Having clawed and knifed their way to the top, scattering bodies and limbs in their wake, the captain isthe strongest ‘and most ferocious member ofthe erew they muster around themselves. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 ‘Skill Proficiency. You gain proficiency inthe Intimidation or Athletics si Brutal Punches. You hit particularly hard with your ‘unarmed strikes, which deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier in bludgeoning damage. Your punches can overcome natural resistances to bludgeoning damage. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM ‘VANDAL Soldiers, brawlers, assassins, and scouts, vandals are the ‘seasoned regulars who fill out the skilled roles within a Fallen crew. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 ‘Skill Proficiency. You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics or ‘Sleight of Hand skill Vandal Evasion. Upon failing a Dexterity saving throw, you may choose to succeed instead. Once you use this feature you cant use it again until you complete a long rest. th OPTIONAL: CHANGING SPECIALIZATIONS. Your GM may allow you to switch between vandal and captain specializations. It takes as least one ‘month of a steady change in diet to do so, and a Captain's diet requires almost twice as much ether as a vandals. f you do, you gain the features of your new specialization and lose the features of your old specialization, KRILL "THERE ARE NIGHTMARES RISING FROM THE. ‘SHADOWS, AND THEY HUNGER FOR OUR DYING Hope.” -UNKNOWN ‘The Hive are an ancient, festering evil Their antipathy to the Light transcends hatred To the Hive, the eternal struggle between Light and Dark is not only a war, it isa crusade -all Light must be devoured so Darkness can reclaim the ‘They weren't always lke that. Billions of years before they were the Hive, they were krill a sentient race from a far-off planet that collided with what would become their new home, Fundament. You are a member ofthis early proto-Hive race. Will you walk along the trail the Hive left behind, or will you strike a new path? Karit Traits While kill are very diverse race, particularly when it comes to ideas of gender, there are nevertheless a few common traits among them. Ability Score Increase. Either your Strength or Wisdom score increases by 2 and either your Constitution or Charisma score increases by 1 ‘Age. Kril ive tobe 120-150 years old, and begin choosing theie gender morph around theit 20th year. ‘Alignment. Ksil are as varied as humans when it comes to alignment. @ Size. Ksill average at 57", though some can be as tall as 7" by the time they choose their gender. You are considered Medium. ‘Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet Languages. You can speak, read, and write kei. Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as ift were dim light. Gender Morphism. Once when you increase in level you may choose one ofthe following gender morphs for your race. This decision is permanent once itis made. MorHeR Morrit ‘The mother morph krill also known as a wizard is the scalpel with which the Hive vivisect the universe. A nightmare of rag and bone, the wizard conceals herself within darkness and fire, dissecting and experimenting on anything that falls into her clutches. Trance. You don't need to sleep. Instead, you meditate deeply remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting inthis way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. Hover. You can naturally and easily hover 1 foot off the ground when you move, and you are immune to falling ‘damage while not unconscious or stunned, As a bonus action, You may boost this hover up to 15 feet offa solid surface. Kyicur Morrn ‘A roaring, striding fortress, the knight is the Hive's foremost ‘and most zealous defender. Centuries of battle have ‘toughened the bony protrusions on its body into an armor as hard as relic iron, Chitinous Plating. You have a natural chitinous armor. While unarmored, your AC is 15, and you count as heavily armored. Heavyweight. You count as one size langer when determining what you can carry, lift, or push. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM PSION "THERE IS NO HIGHER WARFARE THAN DECEPTION.” -UNKNOWN sions are a smaller, assimilated race in eabal society. Hyper. atelligent, fast and unpredictable, they possess strong psionic capabilities -including the ability to emit disorienting, and deadly psychokinetic blasts. Psion TRAITS ‘Asa psion, you have the following traits “Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1 “Age. The average psion lives to be 50 years of age, and is considered an adult at 12 Alignment. Psions are fairly diverse in alignment, Most sil fall under Lawful, but there are many that qualify as Chaotic or Neutral despite assimilation with the cabal They still got li rebel left in them, Size. Psions are rarely over 4 feet tal, and barely weigh 100 pounds. Your size is Small ‘Speed Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Languages. You can speak, read, and write ulurant, the language of the cabal, who conquered and assimilated your Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if itwere bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Paychokineties. You have a natural understanding of the way the Light works, and can use itt tap into Light energies, to.ive yourself certain benefits. Your unarmed strikes deal energy damage instead of bludgeoning damage, and you can choose to add your Intelligence modifier to your unarmed strike attack and damage rolls instead of Strength. You can also take the Dash action as a bonus action. ‘Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you. Psion Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any ereature that is of a size larger than yours. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM ‘VEX "LIVING METAL, INCOMPREHENSIBLE INTELLIGENCE.” -UNKNOWN ‘The Vex are architects of ancient and complex structures thought to be buried within every celestial body. Linked by a network unlike any on Earth, they operate in unison, directed bya single unfathomable purpose. Being a Guardian, however, means you are separated from that link ~ supposedly, at least. ‘Vex TRAITS Vex units are nearly ide every way. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by2 Age. Vex units are theoretically ageless, so long as they are kept in adequate repair Alignment. I'there was a Lawful Lawful vvex would own all rights t it. ‘Size. The standard vex unit stands at 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 230 pounds, with a margin of deviation less than 19 Your size is Medium. Languages. You can speak, read, and write hexinary. You ‘understand all languages. Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if t were dim light Living Machine. Even though you are technically a machine, your care is a mixture of living creatures that together form your consciousness. You are immune to incompatible diseases or viruses. You do not eat or breathe. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours ‘each day. While inactive, you may "dream;” these dreams are a result of memory defragmentation. After resting inthis way. you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. ‘Superior Memory. You are proficient in the History skill and you ean double your proficiency bonus fori. ‘Teleport. You can teleport once asa bonus action or action toan unoccupied spot you can see within 15 feet of you. You regain usage ofthis feature at the end of your tur. Chassis Design. Vex have two main chassis designs, referred to as the goblin and the hobgoblin jgnment, the Gopi ‘The Goblin is the basic unit in the vast computational network that isthe vex. ‘Speed Your base walking speed is 15 feet Blink (Recharge 5-6) As a reaction to an attack being made against you, or being forced to make a saving throw, you may use your Teleport. If this removes you from the direction of the attack or area of effect, you are not affected Honcosuin Specialized for sniping, this lean, tough vex model i fitted ‘with improved opties and acute sensors in its horns. ‘Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet. Aimbot. Once per turn, you can choose to Aim without ‘expending movement to do so. ‘Scanners. As a bonus action, you can push your scanners 10 a range of S feet, learning the location of all ving creatures or living machines within 5 feet of you. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM CHAPTER 3: CLASSES Le engi Shope ie ya he hen Dead oh Topol eniuaen egy aac ange ke gee pt oa fre ie gy feta ph Dien ly er Gh t pnay defanion of ar er Gada cand Soren seo alan poses youre cer str sland orig lic woe non ls tal ay ewe oe we suns Peet erat ert tery of firearms, or a woidwalker's enhanced Classes Class SC Description Gunslinger Hunter Alone wolf who lives for the pe Bladedancer Hunter Beautiful lethality, relentless style. Nightstalker Hunter Draw from the Void. Light the way. Striker Titan Defender Titan Sunbreaker Titan Forge the fury of undying suns. Voidwalker Sunsinger cannot extinguish. Stormealler DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM At close quarters, a fist is better than any gun. d3 The wall against which the Darkness breaks. Warlock Those who have stared into the Void are not bound by the laws of space and time. Warlock There are flames that even the Darkness Warlock Harmony within, hurricane without. SUPEROLASS ‘The nine classes in D&Destiny ae listed in the table below. Each class comes with an archetype that is unlocked at 3rd level This archetype focuses your class into a certain specialty and some archetypes run counter to the definition of the class, With your class comes your superclass (SO) which is either Hunter, Titan, or Warlock, also indicated in the Classes table, Your superclass tells you which grouping of Guardian you belong to. A sunbreaker and a defender may have different methods of destruction, but they are both Titans, and regardless of class, Titans tend to favor ideals such as hhonor, strength, and unending resolve. Each superclass has ‘common ideals such as this, SUPERCLASS FEATURES Your superclass grants you a feature at Ist level ‘Hanter. When you take the Dodge action, you can reload your currently equipped firearm with the same action, Titan. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength ‘modifier in bludgeoning damage. ‘Warlock. You have advantage on saving throws against Darkness effects ‘Saving Throw Proficiencies Dexterity & Charisma Dexterity & Intelligence Strength & Dexterity, Strength & Constitution Hit Die Light Ability 46 Charisma d8 Intelligence 48 Wisdom Constitution Charisma Constitution & Charisma Strength & Wisdom Intelligence & Charisina Wisdom Intelligence Charisma Constitution & Charisma Dexterity & Wisdom Wisdom GUNSLINGER ‘The drop is endless. The Gunslinger savors the rush of speed, her cloak snapping behind her, and she lands on her feet in the belly of the cavern without bothering to kill her ‘momentum, Moon-dust blows away in anemic puffs, and she lifts her head to look around. She doesn't need to wait long. ‘Thrall rise from the darkness in a pale, shrieking wave, and she lifts her hand cannon and blows them away with lazy confidence. The foe she secks is old - old enough, perhaps, to remember the countless worlds its kind have razed, the countess species its god-leaders have annihilated in their violent worship. These skeins of corrupted flesh are only an ‘She runs deeper into the tunnel, droppi she goes, burning through the Hive ike a hot wind, fan the hammer from her hip in time with her heartbeat. With, the cannon's every kick her focus grows -as does her grin. Heer quarry finds her first. A Wizard rises from the bowels fof some hideous coven, and bolts of fiery magic envelop her before she can react. She experiences a moment of panic as her shields fail-how many Guardians have died nameless ‘and forgotten in these tunnels, she wonders - but purest, clarity follows soon after, and the rush of adrenaline sharpens her reflexes, Cover is spare, but ghostlight easts shadows enough that she can keep herself alive as she dodges from crumbling rock to crumbling rock, always just ahead of the wizards bolts of fiery magic. Her pulse hammers in her ears, she tastes blood ‘on her tongue, and her Ghost is screaming at her to disengage. But within her she feels the power building. and at last, at last, she raises her arm and embraces the Traveler's sift. Golden Light floods the cavern, and when she levels her hhands at her foe her grin is a wolf's grin, and she does not hesitate Later, once her pulse has slowed, she sifts through the ashes of her enemy. One strange waxen idol is al she finds. Worth some Glimmer at least, maybe enough for a new knife ‘ora few rounds at the Tower bat: She'll share the story later, and the others will ask her why she bothered in the first, place. ‘They dont understand Beyond the Last City lie the Wilds, and the Wilds belong to her. ‘Tue GUNSLINGER Proficiency 1 Sonus.” +2 ~ 42 ast Light Abii Stel Features 2 Ist Gunslinger Style +2 Ist 8 Extra Attack 8 2nd Gunslinger Style feature 3 Additional Trick Shots 3 2nd +4 - +4 Volley +4 Gunslinger Style feature +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 E 45 Gunslinger Style feature + Flow Caster +5 Ability Score Improvement +6 - +6 Crowd Pleaser 46 Ability Score Improvement 6 +6 Gunslinger Style feature CLASS FEATURES ‘Asa gunslinger, you gain the following class features. Hrr Pomnts AND SHIELDS Hit Dive: 146 per gunalinger level Hit Points at 1st level: 5 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: Add your Constitution modifier ‘to-your hit points for every level after Ist, minimum 0 Shields at 1st level: 6 ‘Shields at higher levels: Add 4 to your shields for every level after Ist PROFICIENCIES ‘Armor: Light armor, medium armor ‘Weapons: Simple melee weapons, simple firearms Grenades: Swarm (4th) Tripmine (6th) Incendiary (Sth) ‘Tools: Weaponsmithing tools Vehicles: jumpships, sparrows ‘Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma ‘Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Atletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Stealth, and Survival DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Light Affinity, Fancy Shooting. Ability Score Improvement Ability Score Improvement Trance Trances Damage Gunslinger’s Trance, Weaponized Personality 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Unlimited GUNSLINGER'S TRANCE ‘Your skills with firearm are unmatched. On your turn, you ‘may enter your Gunslinger's Trance as a bonus action. When you do so, you begin Aiming, and you gain a bonus to damage rolls on firearm attacks as shown in the gunslinger table. Gunslinger's Trance lasts for 1 minute. Itends early if you slop Aiming, ifyou end the trance as a bonus action on your turn, or ifyou fall unconscious. You can enter this trance a number of times as shown on the gunslinger table. You regain these uses of trance when you complete a long rest. At 3rd evel ifyou use a super ability charge to cast your super ability, you can choose to enter your trance as part of the same action as casting your super. This consumes a use of your trance as normal WEAPONIZED PERSONALITY ‘As a gunslinger, you know how important a wellplaced word or two can be, and you have a natural ability to make your personality as much a weapon as anything, whether it's through stone silent intimidation or an unassuming roguish charm, You can either gain proficiency in Charisma-based skill ofyour choice, or you can choose to double your proficiency bonus for a Charisma-based skill you are already proficient in Ligst Arrrnrry (SoLar) Beginning at 2nd level you have learned to harness the Light you possess, and ou shape itin the form of solar enerey. Charisma is your Light ability. You use your Charisma modifier to determine Light ability attacks and to et the save DC against your Light abilities. When you are told to make a Light ability saving throw, you make a Charisma saving throw Light save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Light attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier You have three types of Light abilities: melee, grenade, and super. You gain a number of charges for your melee and srrenade abilities equal to your Light modifier, and a number of charges for your super ability equal to 1 + one half your Light modifier. You regain charges when you complete rests. How many charges you regain depends on the type of rest you take and the type of Light zone you are in (see Light Zones for more information). ‘Starting at 2nd level, you gain the first option for your melee ability. You gain your super option at 3rd level and your first grenade option at 4th level ‘THROWING KNIFE Prerequisite: Gunslinger level 2 Casting Time/Type: 1 action, melee ability (WP) Properties: Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60) Damage: 1d4 piercing You craft a throwing knife with the properties and damage listed. As part of the same action, you can choose to make an attack with it Ifyou choose not to attack with this weapon, ‘you can hold onto it for a duration of up to 1 minute, during ‘which you must make concentration checks to maintain the form of the throwing knife. So long. as you keep your concentration, your throwing knife can be used in a number of ways beyond attacking, such as to cut through rope or to whittle wood Ifyou make an attack against a creature with it, if you lose concentration, oF if the duration runs out, your throwing knife dissipates. Ifyou have the option to attack multiple times with the Attack action, this ability ean replace one or more of your attacks, Fancy SHOOTING At 2nd level you learn to do things with firearms that other Guardians might spend decades training for. When you make firearm attack, you may choose to make ita trick shot. Trick shots have special effects that apply when you hit your target. ‘You may apply one trick shot per firearm attack you make, and only one per turn. You can use this feature a number of, times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) and you regain all uses ofthis feature after you complete a short ‘or long rest Disarm. When you hit a creature with this trick shot, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency modifier ~ your Dexterity or Strength modifies) or it drops one item of your choice that itis holding, The item lands ina spot 5 feet away from the ereature. Halt. Using this trick shot, you attempt to halt a creature of Medium size or smaller in its racks. Ifyour attack its, your target's movement speed becomes 0 until the end ofits next urn, Snipe. For every trick shot point you spend on this trick. shot, you gain +1 to hit on your next ranged weapon attack, You can choose to do this after the your attack rol but before the results ofthe roll have been announced. GUNSLINGER STYLE At 3rd level.you choose a style of combat that best suits your strengths as a gunslinger. Choose the Sharpshooter, the Outlaw, or the Showman style, all detailed atthe end of this class description. The style you choose grants you features at 3rd, 6th, 11th, 14th, and 20¢h levels, Asuiry SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level. you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by I. As normal, you can increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Exrra ATTACK [Beginning at 5th level you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You cannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bonus action isthe result ofan attack, ADDITIONAL TRICK SHOTS At 7th level you learn two new trick shots, Distracting Hit and Covering Fire Distracting Hit. On your turn you can spend I trick shot point to make a distracting attack. Ifyou hit, your target can't take reactions until the start of your next turn. Covering Fire. I« hostile creature you can sce attacks an ally within the effective range of your weapon, you can spend | trick shot point to use your reaction to grant disadvantage fon the attack. If do this with a firearm, this also consumes 1 shot from your weapon's shot capacity, though you deal no damage. VOLLEY Beginning at 11th evel you can use your action to make a ranged attack against a number of creatures within 10 feet of a point you can see within your weapon's effective range. You ‘misst have ammunition for each target, and you make a separate attack roll for each target. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM 20 FLow CASTER ‘When you reach 15th level, you learned to cast your super ability with ease. Once per long rest, when you cast your super ability, you do not expend a super ability charge to do Crowp PLEASER ‘At 18th level nothing thrills you more than getting to show off, your skills. Whenever you start an encounter and have no tick shots remaining, you regain 1 use of your trick shots. GUNSLINGER STYLES Gunslingers choose to master their craft in different ways. ‘The gunslinger style you choose reflects your approach to firearms and their usage, THE SHARPSHOOTER ‘The Sharpshooter emphasizes long-range combat to lay down deadly fire on their opponents without worry of, retaliation, Sharpshooters are adept at singling out targets and focusing on their weaknesses, picking apart the enemy Fines one shot at time. DEADEYE Prerequisite: Gunslinger (Sharpshooter level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability (WP) Properties: Finesse, range (45/100/180 close) two-handed Damage: 2410 solar Duration: 4 rounds AL 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Golden. Gun, which you cast as Deadeye. As a bonus action you can spend 1 super ability charge to summon a flaming hand. cannon with the properties and damage listed This weapon has 3 shots init. Ifyou run out of shots or if the duration runs out, this weapon dissipates and this ability ends. INCENDIARY BLADE [At 3rd level you learn to imbue your throwing knives with solar energy, turning them into incendiary blades, Your throwing knives now deal solar damage, and creatures hit ‘with your throwing knives must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save they begin burning for 1 minute. Creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on itself early on a success. Bonus WEAPON PROFICIENCIES Also at 3rd level you gain proficiency with weapons classified ‘with the Jong range band. Over THE Horizon Starting at 6th level your unmatched aim makes firing your Golden Gun at greater distances easier: The range of Your Golden Gua becomes 50/200/300. CuaIn OF WoE Normally, a creature's critical range is natural roll of 20, ‘When you reach 6th level at any time during your Gun- slinger’s Trance, you can choose to begin a chain of woe. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Starting from when you choose to do this, for every irearm attack you hit with while Aiming, you reduce your critical hit range by 1. When you roll a critical ht, your eritical hit range returns to 20, Your chain of woe ends if your trance ends or ifyou roll a natural 1 on. firearm attack, Once you use this feature, you ‘must complete a short or long rest before using it again. SuarpsHoorer's EYE Beginning at 1th level once on your turn you can choose to deal an additional 18 damage with a firearm that you are Aiming with. You can choose to do this after your altack roll, but hefore the result of the roll is announced KEYHOLE At 4th level your Golden Gun shots penetrate and damage all targets in a straight line, up to your Golden Guris effective range. This penetration can go through all Medium or smaller creatures and most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot ‘of stone, 6 inches of metal, or 3 feet of wood or dirt Grim REAPER At 20th Ievel you have become a dealer of death, All attacks with your Golden Gun are considered eritical hits, you no longer have to complete a short or long rest to regain use of ‘your chain of woe feature, and rolling a natural 1 docs not fend your chain of woe. THE OUTLAW ‘Sometimes called a nomad, a ranger, or a lone wolf, the Outlaw has learned to survive on their own. They tend to stay fon the move, going from place to place, crisis to crisis, and they always have a good story to tell, even ifi’s not as true as they claim itis. GUNFIGHTER Prerequisite: Gunslinger (Outlaw) level 3 Casting Time/Type: | bonus action, super ability (WP) Properties: Finesse, range (30/60/90 close), two-handed ‘Damage: 1410 solar Duration: 4 rounds At 3rd level, you gain your super ability option, the Golden Gun, which you cast as Gunfighter. As a bonus action you can spend I super ability charge to summon a flaming hand cannon into your possession with the damage and properties, listed. This weapon has 6 shots init. Ifyou run out of shots, or ifthe duration runs out, this weapon dissipates and this ability ends. Circe oF Lire When you reach 3rd level you learn to make each of your throwing knives count. Your throwing knives now deal 16 damage on a hit. Additionally, ifyou killa creature with your throwing knife during your Golden Gun or trance, you can extend the duration of your Golden Gun or trance by 2 rounds, SuxrH SENSE At 6th level ifyou are blinded but still able to hear, creatures within 30 feet of you do not gain advantage on their attacks against you. Also, being blinded does not prevent you from tentering your trance, and even while blinded, you can make attacks normally against targets within 30 feet of you. Extra ATTACK IMPROVEMENT Starting at 11th level. when you take the Attack action on your turn, you can attack three times instead of twice. Rivoste Beginning at 14th level you learn a new trick shot, riposte. Once per round if hostile creature damages you while within 30 feet of you, as your reaction you can spend a trick. shot point to make an attack against it FAN THE HAMMER ‘At 20th level. you've learned to attack with such speed that, as an action while holding your Golden Gun in your hands, you can attack with your Golden Gun once for every shot remaining in your Golden Gun, ‘Tar SHOWMAN ‘Any random kinderguardian, fresh to the Tower, knows how to shoot a gun. It takes a special kind of skill to Survive out in the Wilds with a knife. Bladedancers get the job done, but the ‘Showman knows that anything worth doing is worth doing with syle. BLADE BARRAGE Prerequisite: Gunstinger (Showman) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 action, super ability Properties: Finesse, thrown (range 40/90) Damage: 1d6 solar When you choose this style at 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Blade Barrage. As an action you can spend 1 super ability charge to cast a number of throwing knives up, toyour Charisma modifier + your Light ability level all at ‘once, using the properties and damage listed instead of your normal throwing knife. You make an attack roll for each knife, and you do not spend melee ability charges when you do this. You can choose multiple creatures to hit, or you can choose to hit the same creature multiple times, Paracausal Influence. Creatures that attempt to use ‘movement abilities to avoid taking damage from your attack, but do not move out of your maximum range and are still Visible to you, are stil hit as the target of your attack. SHow-Orr At 3rd level you learn to apply trick shots to your throwing, knives. Also, when you use a bonus action to enter your Gunslinger's Trance and you have atleast I melee ability charge, you can cast a throwing knife with the same bonus action. Kore Trick ‘When you reach 6th level, you can now apply your Gunslinger's Trance bonus damage to your throwing knives ‘while in your Gunslinger's Trance. ‘Extra ATTACK IMPROVEMENT Starting at 11th level when you take the Attack action on Your turn, you can attack three times instead of twice. Kurre Jucorer Starting at 14th level you can use your throwing knife asa bonus action on each of your turns, and killing a creature witha throwing knife refunds 1 melee ability charge. You ‘cannot go over your maximum melee ability charge count. Gamaier's DAGGER At 20th level, you are a masterclass showman. Your ‘maximum melee ability charges increase by 2 Ifyou hit a hostile creature with your melee ability, you can roll a d6. On 5.6 you regain your spent melee ability charge DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM ar 22 DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM BLADEDANCER ‘The first time she rose in the ruins ofthe old Cosmodrome, ‘she was alive for less than a minute before a Fallen Vandal put its arc-blades through her middle. Her Ghost raised her ‘again, gasping in fear and at the memory of already-forgotten pain, and thirty seconds later she was dead again: without a ‘weapon of any kind, she was no match for the ragged sabers, flashing with the too-bright blue of electricity. By the time she ound her way to the walls of the Last City she had lost track of the number of times she had been cut down, Perhaps, she thinks nowy itis no surprise that Are‘ight has always called to her. Perhaps she was always meant to Walk this path. She has tasted the other powers that might be hers, ‘but she has not been able to shake the memory of flashing Dlades, ofthe shock of pain, ofthe helplessness she felt when. ‘she first learned she was Risen, ‘She has returned to the Cosmodrome, years later, to try to understand what she has become, why the Traveler answers ‘when she calls the current. And when at last she finds the place where her Ghost first raised her, she waits for ‘comprehension and acceptance - or atleast a semblance of peace -to wash over her, Instead, she finds only Fallen. They charge at her. are blades lashing too bright blue in the dusky twilight, and even afterall this time there is a moment when she cannot move for fear of halfxemembered pain, Only a moment, though. She has learned enough to keep herselfalive, atleast Perhaps, she thinks as she lifts her knife and the Tra answers, understanding will come in time. Perhaps it won't, and instead she will ive out her second life as ignorant as she is now. Perhaps the only peace to be found lies in the current ‘that consumes her blade. So be it. She will cut her own meanings from the fabric of the world She will whittle away at reality until she herself becomes the knife, brilliant and sharp and honed with ‘purpose, And then, once she is keen enough, not even truth itself will be able to turn her edge. ‘Tu BLADEDANCER Light Proficiency Abi Level Bonus” Level Ist 42 5 Features Expertise, Expert Attack Light Affinity, Cunning Action and 42 ast 3rd 42 +2 Ability Score Improvement Bladedancer Way Ee} Opportunity Strikes 8 Expertise 8 Evasion 8 Ability Score Improvement +4 Bladedancer Way feature +4 Ability Score Improvement +4 Reliable Talent +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 Bladedancer Way feature 7 +5 Blindsense 45 Slippery Mind +5 Ability Score Improvement +6 Bladedancer Way feature +6 Elusive +6 Ability Score Improvement Stroke of Luck CLASS FEATURES ‘Asa bladedancer, you gain the following class features. Hrr PoInTs AND SHIELDS Hit Dice: 148 per bladedancer level Hit Points at Ist level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: Add your Constitution modifier to:your hit points for every level after Ist, minimum 0 Shields at 1st level: § ‘Shields at higher levels: Add 5 to your shields for every level after Ist PROFICIENCIES ‘Armor: Light armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, longswords, shortswords, simple firearms, sniper rifles, fasion rifles, linear fusion rifles Grenades: Skip (4th), Flux (6th) Archolt (Sth) ‘Toola: Thieves’ tools Vehicles: Jumpships, sparrows Saving Throws: Dexterity Intelligence Skills: Choose four from Aerobatics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, of Hand Stealth, and Technology EXPERTISE At Ist level, choose two of your skill profciencies, or one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with your thieves’ tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. ‘At 6th level you can choose two more of your proficiencies (io skills or with thieves! tools) to gain this benefit light Expert ATTACK Beginning at Ist level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe's distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an’ extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another ‘enemy of the target is within § fect oft that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack toll ‘The amount of the extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Expert Attack column of the bladedancer table. Licat AFFINITY Beginning at 2nd level you have learned to harness the Light you possess, and you shape it in the form of arc energy. Intelligence is your Light ability. You use your Intelligence ‘modifier to determine Light ability attacks and to set the save DC against your Light abilities, When you are told to make a Light ability saving throw, you make an Intelligence saving throw. Light save Dt 8+ your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier Light attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier You have three types of Light abilities: melee, grenade, and super. You gain a number of charges for your melee and arenade abilities equal to your Light modifier, and a number of charges for your super ability equal to 1 + one half your Light modifier You regain charges when you complete rests, How many charges you regain depends on the type of rest you take and the type of Light zone you are in (see Light Zones for more information). ‘Starting at 2nd level you gain the first option for your ‘melee ability. You gain your super option at 3rd level and your first grenade option at 4th level DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM BUNK STRIKE Prerequisite: Bladedancer level 2 Casting Time: 1 free action, melee ability ‘When you make an attack against a hostile creature with a melee weapon you are holding in one hand or an unarmed strike, you can spend a melee ability charge to make your melee attack a Blink Strike. you do, you can teleport up to 5 feet in order to reach your opponent as part of your melee attack, aking all carried and worn equipment with you, I your attack hits it deals are damage instead of ts normal damage, and has a bonus to damage equal to your Light ability level iit did not already. Blink Strike movement does not cast movement on your turn, CUNNING ACTION At 2nd level your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. BLADEDANCER WAY. At nd level you commit yourself to a bladedancer methodology: the Way of the Swiftcutter, the Way of the Arestrider, or the Way of the Whisper, all detailed atthe end ofthis class description. The path you choose grants you features at 3rd 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT ‘When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, oF you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal you cant increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. OPPORTUNITY STRIKES ‘Starting at 5th Ievel you Tearn to make the most of openings provided to you. I'a hostile creature you ean see misses with an attack against yourself or an ally, you ean choose to use your reaction to make an attack of opportunity against it. The creature must be within range of your weapon. ‘This attack can benefit from Expert Attack damage, but only ifyou have not applied Expert Attack damage since the start of your most recent turn. Ifyou do use Expert Attack damage on this attack, you cannot use Expert Attack damage ‘again until the end of your next turn. EVASION. Beginning at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out ofthe way of certain area effects, such as a walker's main cannon or a missile swarm, When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage ifyou succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage ifyou fait RELIABLE TALENT. By 1th level you have refined your chosen skills until they approach perfection. Whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, vou can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10, DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM BLINDSENSE ‘Starting at 14th level if you are able to hear, you are aware of the location of any hidden or invisible ereature within 10 feet of you. Suiprery MIND By 15th level, you have acquired greater mental strength. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. ELUSIVE Beginning at 18th level you are so evasive that attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. No attack roll has advantage against you while you aren't incapacitated. Srroke oF Luck ‘At 20th level you have an uncanny knack for succeeding when you need to. Ifyour attack misses a target within range, ‘you can turn the miss into a hit. Aternatively,ifyou fail an ability check, you can treat the d20 roll as 2 20. ‘Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. BLADEDANCER WAYS ‘Three methodologies are common among bladedancers, The methodology you choose reflects your approach to combat, ‘and what you favor most on the battlefield: the stylish power of the Swiftcutter, the evasive speed of the Arestrider, or the ‘unseen danger of the Whisper. ‘Way OF THE SWIFTCUTTER ‘Swifteutters slash through opponents with speed and power. Razor's Epce Prerequisite: Bladedancer (Swiftetter) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability (WP) Properties: finesse, light Damage: 146 are Duration: 3 rounds ‘When you reach 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Are Blade, which you cast as Razor's Edge. As a bonus action you ean spend 1 super ability charge to craft a shortsword of pure are Light with the damage and properties listed. For the duration of this ability, you have a bonus +10 to movement speed. you hold your arc blade in one hand and hold no other ‘weapons, you gain the following features for the duration of this ability Extra Attack. You can make two attacks with your are blade, instead of one, whenever you take the Attack action on, your turn, You cannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bonus action is the result of an attack “Arc Wave. As an action, you can send outa wave of are ‘energy ina 15 foot cone from you. Creatures within this cone ‘must make a Constitution saving throw, with a bonus to the DC equal to your Light ability level They take 246 + your Intelligence modifier + your Light ability evel in are damage on a filed save, or halfas much on a success. fa creature fails their saving throw and satisfies the conditions for Expert Attack, you may deal your Expert Attack damage to that creature. Expert Attack can still only be used once per round, BACKSTAB Starting at 3rd level ifyou make an attack roll that satisfies the condition of Expert Attack, you can double the damage ie of your weapon. ‘TRICKS OF THE TRADE At 6th level you know that sometimes people need a helping hhand with what they're doing, and you're more than willing to show them how it's done. Choose two Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma skills you are proficient in, or one of those skill proficiencies and your proficiency witha tool or vehicle. Whenever another creature makes a check that uses either of your chosen proficiencies, you can roll a d6 and add ito their total The creature must be able to see, hear, or communicate ‘with you in some way to gain this benefit Scutrt Licat Also at 6th level you can give a number of creatures up to ‘your Light ability modifier immunity against your Light abilities whenever you cast them. They take no damage and. trigger no effects from your Light abilities. You can change Which creatures gain this benefit on your turn. BUNK ‘At Oth level you have honed your skill with teleporting. As 2 bonus action, you can teleport a number of fect up to your Intelligence score toa position you can see, taking all carried and worn equipment with you. It costs 1 foot of movement for every 1 foot you teleport with this feature. HUNGERING BLADE Beginning at 13th level, once on your turn, if you killa creature with your are blade or a Blink Strike melee attack, you can make a shield recharge roll Aways READY ‘At 17th level every time you use your Opportunity Strikes feature, you have advantage on your attack. WAY OF THE ARCSTRIDER Arestriders embody the motto, "Walk soflly and carry a big stick" Arc STAFF Prerequisite: Bladedancer (Arcstrder) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability (WP) Properties: Finesse, versatile (1d8) Damage: 1d6 arc Duration: 3 rounds When you reach 3rd level you gain your super ability option, Are Staff. As a bonus action you ean spend 1 super ability charge to craft a quarterstaffof pure arc Light with the damage and properties listed. For the duration of this ability, are Light crackles across your body, and you have a bonus +1 toAC and +5 to movement speed you only hold your arc staff in your hands, you gain the following features for the duration ofthis ability. Extra Attack. You can make two attacks with your are staff, instead of one, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You cannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bonus action is the result of an attack. Flurry. As an action, you bombard all enemies near you with a flurry of strikes. You make an attack against any ‘number of creatures within 5 feet of you. You make an attack roll for each, resolving the attacks as normal Whirfwind Guard. As an action you twirl your staf infront of you, negating the damage of all attack rolis made against you until the start of your next turn, Ifyou intercept an attack, ‘meant for another creature (such as a hostile creature attempting to shoot an ally directly behind you and within 5 feet of you) you can use your reaction to grant the creature the effects of full cover against that attack. Ifyou negate an attack with this feature, the damage die of your are staff increases by one on your next turn. CompinaTion Blow Starting at 3rd level, once on each of your turns when you ‘make a melee weapon attack, you can make another attack with the same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet ofthe original target and within range of your weapon. Frzet Foorep At 6th level your base walking speed increases by 10 feet. Sipe-STeP When you reach 9th level the first 5 feet of movement on your turn doesnt provoke attacks of opportunity STRENGTH IN FLEXIBILITY Beginning at 13th level. if you are forced to make a Strength saving throw, you can make a Dexterity saving throw instead ENCORE AL 17th level once o your turn, if you kill a hostile creature with your are staff, the duration of your super ability is extended by 1 round. You can gain this bonus duration up to 3 times every time you cast your are staff, Bonus duration does not carry over from one casting of your super ability to the next. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM ‘Way OF THE WHISPER Bladedancers who choose the way of the Whisper ask you to consider the following: they're not here ‘Vanisa Prerequisite: Bladedancer (Whispes) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability (WP) Properties: Finesse light Damage: 1d6 are Duration: 3 rounds When you reach 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Are Blade, which you cast as Razor's Edge. As a bonus action you can spend 1 super ability charge to craft a shortsword of pure arc Light with the damage and properties, listed For the duration of this ability, you have a bonus +10 to movement speed. Extra Attack. You can make two attacks with your arc biade, instead of one, whenever you take the Attack action on. your turn, You cannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bonus action is the result of an attack. Vanishing Act. On the turn that you cast Vanish, you gain active camouflage until the start of your next turn, Escape ARTIST When you reach 3rd level you learn a new way to empower your melee ability, turning a hit into a means of escape. Ifyou ‘make a blink strike attack that hits, ou gain active camouflage until the start of your next turn, and the eresture ‘you hit cannot make attacks of opportunity against you until the start of your next turn. Mercy KILLING Starting at 6th level if you attack a creature that is burning, bieeding, blinded, poisoned, or weakened, you have advantage fon the attack rol. SzconD-Srory Work ‘At Oth level you gain the ability to climb faster than normal; climbing no longer costs you extra movement. Tn addition, when you make a running jump, the you cover increases by a number of feet equal to your Dexterity modifier ‘STALKER ‘When you reach 13th level you Tearn an additional way to apply active camoutlage to yourself I you remain still and use 0 feet of movement on your turn, at the end of your next turn, you gain active camouflage until the end of your following turn. SHADOWJACK ACITth level you learn how to use your Light to extend the aration of any active camouflage applied to you by one additional round As normal, all active camouflage can be tended early by performing an action, reaction, or bonus action to do anything other than move. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM NIGHTSTALKER Solitary. Distant. Strange. All words leveled against him in the past. All true: the void isnt as kind o everyone as it has been to him, When he first walked this path, he was warned that only afew stare into the abyss and survive -and that none emerge unscathed. Perhaps that is why he speaks less and listens more than the other Hunters do, Perhaps that is why the pilgrims who trail behind him whisper in hushed, sometimes fearful tones. Perhaps that is why he ignores their speculation -if their words reach him, he shows no sign, because in between his ragtag group of refugees and the Last City ies a greater danger. He leads the pilgrims between roving bands of Fallen pikes, disappearing whenever he embraces the void and steps through shadows, reappearing to place a whispering knife in 1 sentry’s back or to lead the refugees in a new direction. He knows the ruins of the Collapse as well as he knows himself, and he threads a path that at times seems reckless, almost ‘mad. But his scouting never errs and his nerve never falters, despite the enemies that surround them. (Once the group is safe within the walls hell be gone again, flickering out of the Cit lke the shadows that cling to his dusky armor, tracking humanity’s enemies, hunting them like the predator he is. Good cheer may be found in the City, but the void is always close, and beyond the safety of the walls, there’ work to be done. RIDESTINYPROJECT.COM ‘Tue NIGHTSTALKER Proficiency Level Bonus Light Abii tae Features Ist +2 = 2nd 42 ast 3rd 2 ast 4th +2 Ist sth 8 2nd 6th 8 2nd 7th Es} 2nd 8th 3 2nd sth +4 . Extra Attack Toth +4 3rd th +4 12th +4 3rd 13th so : 14th “5 Vanish 15th +5 16th +5 Vth +6 : 18th +6 19th +6 20th +6 Subterfuge Feral Senses Lucid Hunter CLASS FEATURES ‘As a nightstalker, you gain the following class features. Hrr Pomnts AND SHIELDS Hit Dice: 148 per nightstalker level Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: Add your Constitution modifier ‘to-your hit points for every level after Ist, minimum 0 Shields at 1st level: § ‘Shields at higher levels: Add 5 to your shields for every level after Ist PROFICIENCIES ‘Armor: Light armor, medium armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, simple firearms, martial ‘weapons, combat bow, sniper rifle, fusion rifle, linear fusion rifle Grenades: Spike (4th), Voidwall (th) Vortex (8th) Vehicles: jumpships, sparrows ‘Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity ‘Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Arcana, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Draw From the Void Nightstalker's Focus, Born ofthe Wild Light Affinity Fighting Style Nightstalker Profession Ability Score Improvement Nightstalker Profession feature Ability Score Improvement Sure Strikes, Nightstalker Profession feature Ability Score Improvernent Nightstalker Profession feature Ability Score Improvement Ability Score Improvement NIGHTSTALKER’S Focus Even at Ist level you have a significant penchant for analyzing and exploiting the Weaknesses of your enemies, which you gain through a preternatural focus. ‘You have a maximum amount of focus based on your class level as shown in the “Focus” column ofthe nightstalker table. Outside of combat, you regain all focus by completing a short or long rest. In combat, you regain I focus by hitting a target with a weapon attack on your turn. Ifyou hit a target while aiming, you gain 2 focus instead of 1. ‘Once on your turn, you may expend an amount of focus to perform a focus action, which is detailed under “Focus Actions” below. The east of each focus action is indieated in parenthesis, Focus ACTIONS Focus actions are listed in alphabetical order. Amplified Hits (1 focus) You spend focus to deal an additional 1d6 damage with your attack. This damage increases to 1d8 at 11th level You can choose to do this after, you make your attack and after you gain focus for your attack, bbut before you roll damage. Defensive Stance (4 focus) As a bonus action you can spend focus and choose a creature you can see. That creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you, and you have advantage on and Strength or Dexterity saving throws it causes. This lasts until the start of your next turn. Flatline (2 focus) When you use this focus action, you become invisible on scanners for « duration of your choice. However, for the duration, you cannot gain focus or use any other focus actions, and your maximum focus is reduced by 2 You can end this focus action at any time. Rapidstrike (3 focus) Ifyou miss with an attack, you can spend focus to make one additional attack on your turn, You. o not gain focus on this additional attack ‘Stabilize (3 focus) As a bonus action, you can spend focus tocend an effect that is causing you to be bleeding, blinded, barnig er porte ‘Strafe (3 focus) You begin Aiming without spending any movement and. for this turn, your movement is not reduced while Aiming. You gain no focus for your attacks on this turn ‘Study (varies) As 2 bonus action, you can spend an ‘amount of focus to learn key information about one target that you can see. Make a Wisdom (Perception) check. Ifthe target is aware of your presence, your check is contested by the target’s Wisdom (Survival) or Charisma (Deception) cheek, target's choice, (On a success, you learn one of the following: + (2 focus) Your choice of either the target's armor class, ‘current hit points, damage soak value, or what the target's readied action is, if any. * (3 focus) The highest ability score of the target, or what the target’ highest saving throw is. + (4 focus) Any one weakness, resistance, or immunity the target has, if any. You choose which category you wish to learn, and your GM chooses what to divulge. ‘Stunning Blow (8 focus) You attempt to hita target st 2 critical point. For your next attack, if you hit, your target has to make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier). On a failed save, they are stunned until the end of their next turn. You have to make this attack before the end of your turn. You do not gain focus on your turn when you use this focus action BORN OF THE WILD You are particularly familiar with the natural environment, and typically feel more at home in the Wilds than within the confines of the City walls. You are proficient in the Nature sill Additionally, when operating outside the influence of civilization, you gain the following benefits: + Difficult terrain doesnt slow you or your group's travel * You have superior vision in dim and dark conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet ofyou as ifit were bright light, and in darkness as ifit were dim light, + You can always recall the general layout of areas you have been to previously + When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to the natural surroundings, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill youre proficient in, + Bven when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (auch as foraging, navigating, or tracking} you. remain alert to danger. + Ifyou are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace. + When you forage for food or seavenge for resources, you \d twice as much as you normally would * You can provide food and water for up to five people, including yourself, provided the local land offers options for food and water, + While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact umber, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area, Licut AFFINITY [Beginning at 2nd level you have learned to harness the Light you possess, and you shape it in the form of void energy. Wisdom is your Light ability. You use your Wisdom modifier to determine Light ability attacks and to set the save DC against your Light abilities. When you are told to make a Light ability saving throw, you make a Wisdom saving throw. Light save DC= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier Light attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your ‘Wisdom modifier You have three types of Light abilities: melee, grenade, and super. You gain a number of charges for your melee and grenade abilities equal to your Light modifier, and a number of charges for your super ability equal to 1 + one half your Light modifies, rounded down. You regain charges when you complete rests. How many charges you regain depends on the type of rest you take and the type of Light zone you are in (cee Light Zones for more information) ‘Starting at 2nd level you gain the first option for your ‘melee ability. You gain your super option at 3rd level and your first grenade option at 4th level SMOKE Prerequisite: Nightstalker level 2 Casting Time/Type: | action, melee ability Range: 40 You spend I melee ability charge to create and hurl a compacted puck of void smoke ata spot you ean see within range. On impact it breaks apart and releases an opaque cloud and all crestures within 5 feet of the spot must make @ Wisdom saving throw: On a failed save they are confused by the smoke and are blinded until the end of their next tur. Ifyou have the option to attack multiple times with the Attack aetion, this abiligy can replace one or more of your attacks. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM 30 AIGHTING STYLE ‘At 2nd level you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty: Choose one of the following options. You can't take 1 Fighting Style option more than once, even ifyou later get to choose again, DEFENSE While wearing armor, you have a bonus +1 to your AC. Duat-WiELDER ‘When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability mod to damage of second attack GENERALIST When you are wielding one simple firearm and no other ‘weapons, you gain a bonus +2 to damage rolls with that firearm, SNIPER You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with weapons classified with the fong rangeband. NIGHTSTALKER PROFESSION ‘At 3rd level you choose to focus on and train in a nightstalker profession: the Pathfinder, the Bowighter, or the Wraith, all detailed at the end of this class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, and 15th, Asrurry ScoRE IMPROVEMENT ‘When you reach Ath level. and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels, you can inerease one ability score of your choice by 2, oF you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.As normal, you cant increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, Exrra ATTACK ‘Beginning at 5th level. you can attack twice, instead of once, ‘whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You cannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bonus action isthe result ofan attack, Draw From THE VOID ‘At 6th level your connection to the Void allows you to examine situations from another perspective, You can use ‘your Wisdom ability when determining your modifiers for ‘Arcana, Investigation, and Nature checks. SUBTERFUGE ‘At 10th level you are adept at evading creatures that rely on darkvision or scanners. While in the darkness and moving stcalthily, you are invisible to any ereature that relies on darkvision to see you, and creatures have disadvantage on ‘Wisdom (Perception) checks to notice you otherwise, Additionally, ifyou use the Flatline focus action, you can. ‘now gain and spend focus at the same time, though your maximum focus is still reduced. Finally, you ean spend 1 week of downtime and 7,000 glimmer to create a masterclass camoullage for yourself DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM based on one of the following terrain types: arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, or swamp. You can only wear one type of camouflage over your armor at a time. While you are in the same terrain type as your camouflage, you gain ‘2 +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks so long as you do ‘not move, and so long as you take no actions or reactions. ‘Once you move or take an action or a reaction, you must take the Hide action to gain this benefit again, ‘Sure STRIKES At Lith fevel you can use Amplified Hits once on each of your tums even if you use another focus action. VANISH ‘Starting at L4th level you can use the Hide action as a bonus, action on your turn. Also, you cant be tracked by traditional survival or technological techniques unless you choose to leave a trail, FERAL SENSES [At ISth level you gain preternatural senses that help you fight creatures you car't see. When you attack a creature you can't see, your inability to see it doesnt impose disadvantage on ‘your attack rolls against it. You are also aware of the location of any invisible creature within 30 feet of you, provided thatthe creature isnt hidden from you and you aren't blinded or deafened. Luci HUNTER At 20th level you now regain all of your focus when you complete a brief res. NIGHTSTALKER PROFESSIONS Nightstakers choose one of tree profesions to develop their sil inthe profession of the Pathfinder, the profession ofthe Bowighter or the profesion ofthe We PATHFINDER Pathfinders blaze trails through both the Wilds and their ‘enemies, opening the way for any llies in tow. BLAck Hore Prerequisite: Nightstalker (Pathfinder) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 action, super ability (WP) Properties: range (50/100/200 long) two-handed ‘Damage: 248 void Duration: 3 rounds Beginning at 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Shadowshot, which you cast as Black Hole, As an action you can spend 1 super ability charge to conjure and fie a single arrow from a combat bow of pure void Light. Make a Light attack roll On a hit, your target takes the damage listed ‘and a Void Anchor spawns on impact. I'you miss, your target takes no damage, but the Void Anchor sill spawns. ‘The bow dissipates after your attack, but the Void Anchor lingers for the remaining duration ofthis ability Void Anchor. Your Shadowshot’s Void Anchor is a roiling ball of void energy that can tether up to 8 creatures of your choice within 10 feet oft. Whenever any creature tethered by this ability takes damage, all creatures tethered by this ability take 148 void damage. Ifa creature dies while tethered to your Void Anchor and your Void Anchor stil has duration, {you can choose another creature within range to tether in its place. ‘Namesake, Creatures that attempt to break free from being restrained by this ability must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your Light save DC, with a bonus to the DC equal to your Light ability level. ‘SNARE Beginning at 3rd level when you cast a smoke melee ability it can now stick to hard surfaces and remain there, inactive, for up to 1 minute. It activates ifa hostile creature moves within 5 feet of the puck, or ifthe duration runs out Creatures with scanners, or devices equipped with scanners, may be able to detect the puck with a successful Intelligence saving throw against your Light save DC. At Ith level your smoke pucks can remain inactive indefinitely, though you cannot regain melee ability charges “hile you have atleast one inactive smoke puck, Keen Scour When you reach 7th level you can always move stealthy at a normal pace, and your movement speed increases by 5 feet. ‘You also gain advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks you make on your surroundings. PREDATOR At Ilth level, the Void Anchors formed from your Shadowshot also become traps that can stick to the surface they hit and wait for prey. After casting your Shadowshot, you cean choose to delay the activation of the Void Anchor until ‘one oF more targets of your choosing are within range by’ concentrating on it for up to 1 hour Licut THE Way AC 13th level you develop a special way to use your focus in conjunction with your Shadowshot. Ifa creature dies while tethered by your Shadowshot’s Void Anchor, you regain 1 focus. You can also choose to spend 12 focus to cast your Shadowshot as a bonus action on your turn BOWFIGHTER Bowfighters do not balk atthe writhing horde. They grin, and raise their weapon. SHADOWSHOT Starting at 3rd level you gain access to your super ability the Shadowshot, which you cast as Bloodbound. Damage: 248 void Duration: 3 rounds When you reach 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Shadowshot, which you cast as Quiver. As a bonus action you can spend 1 super ability charge to summon a two- handed combat bow made of pure void Light to your hands, with the damage and properties listed You can make 3 shots with this weapon by drawing back on the string, which summons a notched arrow to it. Ifyou run out of shots, or if the duration runs out, this weapon dissipates. ‘When you make an attack, you make a Light attack roll. On hit, your target takes the damage listed and a Void Anchor spavons on impact. Ifyou miss, your target takes no damage, but the Void Anchor still spawns. Void Anchor. Your Shadowshot’s Void Anchor is a roiling ball of void energy that can tether up to 4 creatures of your choice within a 5 foot radius for the duration, Your Void Anchors always linger for the duration of Shadowshot regardless if your bow dissipates early, and targets th tethered take an additional 1d8 damage from all sources, ENVENOMED When you choose this profession at 3rd level you learn how. to turn your smoke clouds into toxic clouds. Creatures must now make a Constitution saving throw instead of a Wisdom saving throw against your smoke, and if they fail their saving throw, they become poisoned for 1 minute. They ean repeat their saving throw at the end oftheir turn, ending the effect ‘on itself early on a success, Creatures who succeed on their saving throw, or for whom the effect ends, become immune to the your smoke's poison effect for 24 hours. ‘STALKER'S MARK Beginning at 7th level you learn a new focus action, Mark, ‘Mark (3 focus) When you it a target with an attack, you ccan spend focus to mark it with void energy: For the next ‘minute, you are aware of exactly where your target is if itis within 60 feet of you, and you are aware of the general direction itis within 1 mile. You cannot gain focus during this time, and your maximum focus is reduced by the amount for the duration. You can end the mark at any time. You can also choose to spend 3 more focus to extend the duration by an additional minute, as well as further reducing your total focus. ‘HEART OF THE PACK At Ith level you can use the sundered energy from your defeated foes to bolster your allies. Whenever you kill creature you have tethered, you can provide a bonus + to the AC of all allied creatures within 45 fect of you. This bonus ccan stack up to 3 times and lasts for a number of rounds: ‘equal to your Wisdom modifier. The duration ofthis bonus begins on the turn itis first applied and all stacks are lost when it runs ot ‘You must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again. WEAKENING STRIKE When you reach 15th level you learn to channel your focus and your Light together in a devastating way. Your learn the Weakening Strike focus action. Weakening Strike (12 focus) Ifyou make an attack that hits, or if creature fails a saving throw you imposed on it, at the cost focus, you can choose to channel your Light into the attack so that, instead of dealing damage, you impose a damage weakness on the target that is the same as the ‘damage type you would have dealt with your attack, All other effects of your attack stll apply. Iyour target resists the type of damage you dealt, it loses DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM that resistance instead Ifthe target is immune to the type of damage you dealt it becomes resistant instead. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn, You do not gain focus on the turn that you use this focus feature, ‘WralTH ‘The Wraith stalks the baltlefield with impuniy, striking with deadly accuracy. SPECTRAL BLADES Prerequisite: Nightstalker (Wraith) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability Properties: Finesse, light Damage: 146 void Duration: 3 rounds At 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Spectral Blades. As a bonus action you can spend 1 super ability charge to summon two shortswords of pure void energy, one in each hand, with the damage and properties listed. Killing a creature with either blade grants active camouflage until the end of your next turn. Ifyou use your bonus action to make an offhand attack with these weapons, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack, ‘Truesight. For the duration of this super ability, you gain a supernatural sight that allows you to see clearly in normal and magical darkness, and you can see all creatures as, shostly outlines, even invisible creatures. Additionally, you can automaticaly detect visual illusions and succeed on the saving throws against them, You ean see in this way out to 2 range of 30 feet, and this sight can penetrate barriers and objects, DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM VANISH IN SMOKE A 3rd level you learn to use your smoke in a new way. Now hen you cast your smoke, you can choose to cast a vanishing cloud instead of a blinding cloud Choose a spot within range and, on impact, all creatures within 5 feet gain active camouflage until the end of their next turn, DEFENSIVE TACTICS {At 7th level, you gain one ofthe following features of your choice. Escape the Horde. Opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage. ‘Multiattack Defense. When a creature hits you with an attack, you gain a +4 bonus to AC against all subsequent attacks made by that ereature for the rest ofthe turn, ‘Steel Will You have advantage on saving throws against paracausal mental effects you are aware of, and against being frightened ‘TRANSLUCENCE When you reach 11th level you learn to use your Spectral Blades’ Truesight feature as a focus action. ‘Truesight (2 focus) On your turn, you can spend focus to grant yourself the effects of Truesight, which lasts until the start of your next tur. ‘SHATTERING STRIKE At 15th level you learn an additional focus action, Surke Shattering Strike (12 focus) Upon hitting a creature, you can choose to spend focus to deal an additional 48 damage with your attack. The creature's AC is also lowered by I, and you do not gain focus on the turn that you tse this ability. Crestures can recover the ls of their AC by changing armor for completing a short or long rest. shattering STRIKER Uncertainty preceded the mobilization: Should we step intoa conflict that does not directly threaten us? Should we risk our meager resources when we have only just begun to recover? Asif there was ever a choice, she thinks. The Red Planet ‘was once a shining beacon of humanity’ force of will Rusted, now. Pitted, scarred, broken. Its fitting thatthe Iron Planet should play host tothe Iron Legions, should witness the ‘coming of such a war She steps from her Sparrow, plants an armored foot in the ‘ruddy dust, revels in the impact. The sand whispers to her and she can hear its jealous laughter; mine, mine, mine. Dead, the Warlocks call it, stolen by the void Lost, the Hunters whisper. But she isa Titan, and she has come to reclaim what was taken, Secrets linger here, and though the hungry sands cling to the ruins of her forebears she can feel the beating heart of her kindred beneath the blood-red crust. There isa purity to Mars: to the desolation, to the truth of the ruin, This is a place of action, This isa place of trial In the valley below her, the Cabal outpost seethes with action. Harvesters drop waves of Cabal, all intent on ‘gratuitous expansion, ignorant of the Ione shape on the crest of the dune. ‘The whine of Sparrows alerts her to the arrival of her fellows, Striker Titans all They stand in silence upon the ‘idge, looking out over the ugly structure. They have read the reports: Ghosts speak ofa fist: ofthe blunt force that took the planet in days. And now the fist becomes an open palm, now the fingers spread; the Cabal grasping for a stranglehold on this place that is not theirs, was never theirs, must be taken from them. No, there was never a choice. This was fated. A fist they ‘brought, to crush the memory of her ancestors, A fist they ‘will meet in return, DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM 33 CLAss FEATURES ‘Asa striker, ou gain the following class features. Hrr PoInts AND SHIELDS Hit Dice: 1d8 per Striker level Hit Points at Ist level: 8 ' your Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: Add your Constitution modifier to-your hit points for every level after Ist, minimum O Shields at Let evel: 5 ‘Shields at higher levels: Add 5 to your shields for every level after Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: All armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, simple firearms, martial weapons, martial firearms Grenades: Lightning (4th) Pulse (6th) Flashbang (Sth) Vehicles: Sparrows, Jumpships ‘Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution ‘Skills: Choose two from Acrobaties, Animal Handling, Athletics, History Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, and Religion BRAWLER You know to rely on your fists more than any other weapon. You gain the following benefits: + The damage die of your unarmed attacks changes as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Brawler Damage ‘column of the striker table. You are proficient in improvised weapons. * On your turn, ifyou attack at least once, you can make an unarmed strike as your bonus action. RECKLESS ATTACK Starting at Ist level you can throw aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. When you make ‘your frst attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage on attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next tur. Licat Arrinity Beginning at 2nd level you have learned to harness the Light you possess, and you shape it in the form of arc energy stitution is your Light ability. You use your Constitution modifier to determine Light ability attacks and to set the save DC against your Light abilities. When you are told to make a Light ability saving throw, you make a Constitution saving throw. Light save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your ‘Constitution modifier Light attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM ‘Tae STRIKER Light Proficiency Abii Brawler Level “Bonus” Level Features Damage Ist +2 Brawler, Reckless 1d4 Attack 2nd Ast Light Affinity, rds Danger Sense 3rd 42 Ast Striker Training 1d4 4th +2 Ist Ability Score 14 Improvement Sth 43 2nd Extra Attack, Fast 146 Movement 6th 2nd Striker Training 146 Feature 7th) 3 2nd Reversal 1d6 8th +3 2nd Ability Score 146 Improvement Sth +4 ard) 1d8 10th +4 3rd Sikes Trainer TB feature Vth +4 3rd Enduring Havoc 148 12th +4 3rd Ability Score 1410 Improvement 1Bth +5 4th 1410 14th 45 4th — Striker Training 1410 Feature 15th 45 4th FightResponse 1410 16th +5 4th Ability Score 1612 Improvement Vth +6 sth 1412 18th +6 Sth Indomitable 1412 Might 19th +6 Sth Ability Score ya12 Improvement 20th Sth Bring the 1412 Thunder ‘You have three types of Light abilities: melee, grenade, and super. You gain a number of charges for your melee ability equal to 1 +your Light modifier, a number of grenade charges equal to your Light modifier, and a number of charges for your super ability equal to 1 +one half your Light ‘modifier, rounded down. You regain charges when you. complete rests. How many charges you regain depends on the type of rest you take and the type of Light zone you are in (see Light Zones for more information} ‘Starting at 2nd level you gain the first option for your ‘melee ability. You gain your super option at 3rd level and your first grenade option at 4th level SrorM Fist Prerequisite: Striker level 2 Casting Time/Type: 1 free action, melee ability ‘When you make an unarmed strike, you can spend a melee ability charge to make ita Storm Fist attack. Ifyou do, your attack deals are damage instead of bludgeoning, and you can ‘add your Light ability level to the damage of your attack. You can choose to do this after your attack roll, but before you ‘make your damage roll DANGER SENSE [At 2nd level, you gain an uncanny sense of when things: nearby aren't as they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge away from danger. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and cannon fire. To gain this benefit, you cant be blinded, deafened oF incapacitated. SrriKeR TRAINING At rd level you choose a training that shapes your abilities and reflects the role you prefer in combat. Choose the training of the Vanguard or the Gladiator, detailed at the end ofthis class description, Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels. Anrtiry Score IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2,or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by LAs normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, Extra ATTACK Beginning at 5th level you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, You cannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bonus action isthe result ofan attack. REMARKABLE ATHLETE Starting at 6th level, you can add half your proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check. you make that docsn' already use your proficiency bonus. In addition, when you make a running long jump, the distance you can cover inereases by a number of feet equal to your ‘Strength modifier Fast MOVEMENT Starting at Sth level, your speed increas you aren't wearing heavy armor. by 10 feet while REVERSAL ALTth evel once on your turn, you kil a creature with an ‘unarmed strike or Sorm Fist, you can make a shield recharge roll, EnpDuRING Havoc When you reach 11th level the Light from your super ability ccan keep you fighting despite grievous wounds. Ifyou drop to O bit points while using your super ability and dont die ‘outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead. Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, the DC resets to 10. FiGHT RESPONSE AL I5th level you're ready to brawl atthe pull of trigger. You hhave advantage on initiative rolls. Aditionally,ifyou are surprised atthe start of combat and arent incapacitated, you can act normally on your first turn, but only if you cast Fist of Havoc before doing anything else fon that urn. Iypomrraste MiGut [Beginning at 18th level ifyour total for a Strength check is Jess than your Strength score, you can use that score in place of the total BRING THE THUNDER ‘At 20th level you are a constant conductor of are energy: All of your unarmed strikes deal arc damage, and you gain an additional super ability charge. STRIKER TRAINING Strikers choose a type of training to commit themselves to. There are two main types, Vanguard Training and Gladiator Training. DNDESTINYPRO}ECT.COM VANGUARD TRAINING ‘Vanguard strikers are the first ones in and the last ones out ‘They are the tip ofthe spear, leading the charge against the Darkness. Fist or Havoa Prerequisite: Striker (Vanguard) level 3 Casting time/type: 1 bonus action, super Duration: 3 rounds ‘When you choose this training at 3rd level.you gain your super ability option, the Fist of Havoe. As a bonus action you can spend I super ability charge to summon a torrent of are energy that surges through your body, turning yourself into the ultimate weapon. For the duration, you gain a bonus ~1 to ‘AC and a bonus +5 movement speed, and all of your unarmed strikes are considered Storm Fist attacks, with a bonus to hit equal to your Light ability level You cannot make weapon attacks when using this super ability. ‘Shockwave. As an action, you can slam both of your fists into the ground sending out a shockwave of arc energy all around you. Every creature within 5 feet must make a stitution saving throw, with a bonus to your DC equal to your Light ability level They take 2412 + your Constitution ‘modifier ~ your Light ability level in arc damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. BRUTAL WARFARE ‘At 3rd level choose one of the following features to empower your Storm Fist. Overload If you hit a creature with a Storm Fist attack, you can roll a d6. On 5-6 you regain your spent melee ability charge. You can only do this if you have less than your ‘maximum melee ability charges remaining. Discharge. Ifyou hit a creature with a Storm Fist, all other creatures of your choice within 5 feet of your target take half the damage of your target. Amplify. Your Storm Fist attacks always have a bonus to hit equal to your Light ability level Orrensive Micut At Gth level you gain one of the following features of your choiee. ‘Seismic Strike. Ifyou make an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 melee ability charge to turn the attack into a Seismic Strike. On a hit, your attack deals arc damage instead of bludgeoning, and you can add your Light ability level to the damage of your attack. Additionally, your target must succeed. fon a Strength saving throw against your Light ability DC or be knocked prone, Frontal Assault, If you hit a creature with a Storm Fist attack, you can reload your current weapon as part ofthe same attack. ‘Shoulder Charge. When you take the Dash action, you ‘ean use a bonus action to make an unarmed strike. When you do this, your target has to succeed on a Strength saving throw against your Light ability or be pushed back a number of feet equal to your Strength score. ‘Tactics ‘At 10th level you gain one ofthe following features of your choice. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Aftershocks. When you make a Shockwave attack with your Fist of Havoc, you leave behind a field of arc lightning, that covers the same area as your Shockwave. This field lingers for the remaining duration of your Fist of Havoe + one additional round. Creatures that start their turn in the area, for who enter it for the first time on their turn, must make ‘Constitution saving throw. They take 148+ your Constitution, ‘modifier + your Light ability evel in are damage on a failed save, of half as much on a success. Juggernaut. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 melee ability charge to grant yourself an overshield equal to five times your Light ability evel This overshield lasts until the start of your next tum, or unti it is depleted, whichever happens first ‘Trample. Killing a creature with your Fist of Havoc temporarily extends its duration by 1 round. You can gain this benefita maximum of three times per use of your Fist of Havoc. Bonus durations do not carry over between casts of, Fist of Havoc. Vancuarp's Lecacy At L4th level. you gain one of the following features of your choice ‘Magnitude. Your maximum grenade ability charges increase by L The duration of your grenade abilities, increases by 1 round. ‘Strongest at Your Weakest. When your energy shields are reduced to 0, you gain a bonus to your next attack rolh or the next saving throw you cause a creature to make, that is equal to your Constitution modifier. ‘Unwavering. No opponent is ever too much for you to take ‘on. You become immune to being frightened, and have advantage on saving throws against paracausal mental effects, GLADIATOR TRAINING ‘There is literally no one in this entire g: to play a game of Punch Buggy with you. THUNDERORASH Prerequisite: Striker (Vanguard) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, supe Beginning at 3rd level you gain your super ability ‘Thundercrash. As a bonus action you can spend 1 super ability charge to call on the are energy within you, turning yourself into a missile for your turn, Until the end of your turn, you only have 40 feet of ying speed, and you can choode to use an action to make a Thundererash attack. If you have the option to attack more than once on your turn, ‘Thundererash can replace one of your attacks. Thundererash. You slam yourself into a hard surface, unleashing a storm of arc energy around you. All ereatures within 10 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 312+ your Constitution modifier + ‘your Light ability level in arc damage, or half as much on a ‘Death From Above. For every 10 feet you fly before you make your Thundercrash, you can add an additional 148, damage to your Thundercrash. ‘TRANSPOSITION Starting at 3rd level. you can Dash or Disengage as a bonus action on your turn. Knocxour At 6th level. once when you attack with an unarmed strike, if ‘you turn that unarmed strike into a Storm Fist before your attack roll you can make two Storm Fist attacks instead of Rann FALLS Also at 6th level the number of super ability charges you have js equal to your Light ability modifier. Thundercrash gains an additional 10 feet of fy speed. Impact CONVERSION At 10th level ifyou hit a creature with a Storm Fist attack, you can roll a d6. On 5-6 you regain your spent melee ability charge. Additionally, Thundercrash gains another 10 feet of flying speed. Counter ‘When you reach 4th Ievel, the worst thing someone can do is think they have the sight to hit you. Ifyou get hit with an attack from a creature within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed strike againet it MISSILE Starting at L4th level, Thundererash gains an additional 20 feet of lying speed DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM DEFENDER ‘She looks out beyond the Wall In the distance, what was once an indistinct mass has grown nearer, clearer. Instead of, Je, writhing organism, she sees the chaos for what i is: thousands upon thousands of Fallen; footsoldiers, Pikes, ‘Skiff, and Walkers; the combined might of the myriad, \arring Houses; all of them brought to bear on this remote corner of the Last City Orders are shouted and relayed; she listens to the comms with one ear and to her shield fine with the other, and as the \wave of Fallen grows ever closer a familiar calm descends around her. Shuffling feet grow still Backs straighten, Jokes go unacknowledged They know that they are to0 few. They know, also, that they are enough, DNDESTINYPROJECT.C ‘Time is what the City needs, and Time they will deliver. ‘The first ofthe barrages from the Walkers burns across the ‘sky, and from the void she and her fellow Defenders summon ‘their Wards in reply. The City's gun emplacements return fire, and for what feels a lifetime the battle is played out above ‘them, distant and disconnected. ‘And then the call comes: Skis, overhead Enemies, at the ‘Wall Vandals, climbing, Those nearest fre over the ledge, ‘emptying their weapons into the horde, and the ar is filled ‘with the roars and screams of the Fallen, the staccato bark of auto rifles, the steady. almost airless chunk ofthe gun emplacements. ‘Soon the Fallen are atthe lip ofthe Wall are cresting it ‘among them, and though she knew already that they are too few, she understands now that Twilight Gap is a battle that will be remembered, and that not all of them will live long ‘enough to remember it. She steps from the Ward. into the ‘chaos, armor shining with the Light of the Traveler's blessing, and stares down the wave of Fallen Her fist meets her open palm. Knuckles crack, and from her back she pulls her shotgun. Let them come, She will hold the line. THe DEFENDER Light Proficiency Abii Level Bonus Level Ist 42 = Features, Selfless Defense, Defender's Voice Light Affinity, Fighting Style and 42 Ist 3rd 42 +2 Ability Score Improvement 8 Extra Attack: 8 Aura of Protection Defender's Calling 8 Defender's Calling feature +3 Ability Score Improvement +4 = +4 Aura of Courage +4 Defender’ Calling feature +4 Ability Score Improvement +5 : +5 Selfless Defense Improvement +5 Defender Calling feature +5 Ability Score Improvement +6 ~ +6 ‘Aura Improvement +6 Ability Score Improvement +6 Defender's Calling feature Cass FEATURES ‘Asa defender you gain the following class features Hrr PomnTs AND SHIELDS Hit Dice: 1410 per defender level Hit Points at Ist Level: 10 your Constitution Modifier Hit Points at higher levele: Add your Constitution Modifier for every level after Ist, minimum 0 ‘Shields at 1st level: 10 ‘Shields at higher levela: Add 6 to your shields for every level after Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: All armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, simple firearms, martial weapons, martial firearms Grenades: Spike (4th) Magnetic (6th), Suppressor (Sth) Tools: Medical supplies Vehicles: jumpships, sparrows ‘Saving Throws: Constitution, ‘hatiema ‘killa: Choose two from Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, and Technology SELFLESS DEFENSE ‘You put the well-being of others above your own, especially in combat. When a creature is attacked within 5 feet of you, you ‘may use your reaction to grant them a bonus +2 to their AC against the attack, This bonus increases to +3 at 10th level, and+4 at 17th level Alternatively, ithe creature is not grappled or restrained, you can choose to simply take the attack for them. You and the creature you're defending switch places, and the attack automatically hits you. You can also choose to do this with saving throws that only affect the creature you are defending, Ifyou choose to take a saving throw for someone, you automaticaly fail the saving throws. You must choose to use this ability before the attack rol is ‘made, or before the creature you are defending makes their saving throw. {At 14th level, you become resilient to damage taken inthis ‘way, and you halve the damage you receive when taking the attack for anally. DEFENDER'S VOICE ‘You learn that your voice carries weight among the downtrodden. You gain advantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks when speaking to creatures allied with the Last City, and they will ad you in whatever way is most appropriate, For example, a settlement might offer shelter for the night ifyou are passing through, or a place to conduct operations if you agree to defender their settlement, Ligat Arrinrry (Vorp) Beginning at 2nd level you have learned to harness the Light you possess, and you shape it in the form of void energy. Charisma is your Light ability. You use your Charisma ‘modifier to determine Light ability attacks and to set the save DC against your Light abilities, When you are told to make a Light ability saving throw, you make a Charisma saving throw. Light save DC= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Light attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier You have three types of Light abilities: melee, grenade, and super. You gain a number of charges for your melee and arenade abilities equal to your Light modifier, and a number of charges for your super ability equal to 1 + one half your Light modifier. You regain charges when you complete rests, How many charges you regain depends on the type of rest you take and the type of Light zone you are in (see Light Zones for more information). ‘Starting at 2nd level you gain the first option for your ‘melee ability. You gain your super option at 3rd level and your first grenade option at 4th level DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM DISINTEGRATE Prerequisite: Defender level 2 Casting Time/Type: 1 free action, melee ability ‘When you make an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 melee ability charge to turn it into a Disintegrate attack. When you 4o, your unarmed strike deals void damage, and you can add a bonus tothe damage of your unarmed strike equal to your Light ability Tevel You can choose to do this after the attack roll is made, but before you roll damage. HiGHTING STYLE [At 2nd levet you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even ifyou later get to choose again, DEFENSE ‘While wearing armor, you have a bonus + to your AC. DUuAL-WiELDER ‘When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability mod to damage of second attack. GENERALIST ‘When you are wielding one simple firearm and no other ‘weapons, you gain « bonus ~2 to damage rolls with that firearm, Heavy Weapons Expert ‘When you rolla 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a martial firearm, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll even ifthe new rollis a I or a2 DEFENDER CALLING Upon reaching 3rd level, you discover your ealling as a Defender. Choose from the callings of the Shield, Light, or Sentinel This choice grants you additional features at 3rd, TWh, 11th, 15th, and 20th level Asrity ScoRE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by LAs normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, Extra ATTACK Beginning at Sth level you can attack twice, instead of once, ‘whenever you take the Attack action on your tur, You cannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bonus action isthe result ofan attack. AURA OF PROTECTION Starting at 6th level. whenever you or a friendly creature ‘within 10 feet of you must make a saving throw, the ereature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal (o your Charisma ‘modifier (with a minimssm bonus of +1) You must be conscious to grant this bonus, ‘At 18th level the range of this aura increases to 30 feet, DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM AuRA OF COURAGE ‘Starting at 10th level you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of ou can't be frightened while you are conscious. ‘At 18th level, the range ofthis aura increases to 30 feet DEFENDER CALLINGS ‘The calling you choose is more than just how you shape your Light, tis also reflection ofthe ideals you believe will help bring Humanity to a second Golden Age, whether i's supporting as many allies as you can, slaying as many ‘opponents as you can, or becor ‘immobile bedrock for your alli CALLING OF THE SHIELD Defenders who heed the Calling of the Shield are a beacon against the Darkness. Lighting the way, serving asa shining example (inspire Humanity: BANNER SHIELD Prerequisite: Defender (Shield) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, Properties: +2 AC Duration: 3 rounds ability (WP) When you realize your calling at 3rd level, you gain your super ability option, the Banner Shield. As a bonus action you can spend 1 super ability charge to conjure a shield of void Light to defend and support your allies. This shield acts as a standard physical shield only requiring one hand to wield and grants a bonus to both your AC and your Seifless Defense AC. It also has the following features. Damage Soak. If you are hit with an attack, and the damage from the attack, before accounting for any weaknesses, resistances, or immunities, does not exceed an amount equal to your Charisma modifier + your Light ability Tevel,you take no damage from the attack. ‘Shield Bash. You can make a melee attack with this shield On a hit, it deals 2d4 void damage. Rally. As an action, you focus on your shield and use the Light within to create an aura of empowering void energs- While concentrating on this effect, your movement speed is reduced to 0, but all allies within 5 fect of you gain a bonus to their AC equal to your Selfless Defense bonus, including yourself, and their weapon attacks deal an additional damage die on a hit. In addition, when a creature empowered by this aura is hit with an attack, but the damage from the attack does not exceed Rally’s damage soak, they take no damage from the attack. Ifyou lose concentration, fll to 0 health points, or ifthe duration of Banner Shield runs out, you lose the effects of| Rally. You can willingly end the effects of Rally on your turn. Ifyou are hit with an attack, but the shield absorbs the damage, you do not lose concentration on Rally. BLEssinc OF Licur At 3rd level you can utilize your melee ability charge in a new ‘way. As a bonus aetion, you can spend 1 melee ability charge to grant yourself a Force Barrier, an overshield equal to five times your Light ability evel This overshield lasts for 3 rounds or until itis depleted, whichever happens frst. Pass THE TorcH ‘Beginning at 7th level whenever you have an overshield from ‘your Blessing of Light feature, a an action, you can touch another creature and pass your overshield onto them. This removes the overshield and its effects from you, and grants the creature the remaining effects and duration. Bastion When you reach 15th level your shield strengthens to match your will Banner Shield lasts an additional round, and you can double the bonus your Charisma modifier provides for its damage soak. STRONGHOLD At 20th level you are a true avatar of the Light. When an ally benefiting from the rally feature of your Banner Shield kills hostile creature, you and all other creatures benefiting from rally can make a shield recharge roll. CALLING OF THE LIGHT ‘Those defender Titans who seek to protect the weak and downtrodden often answer the Calling ofthe Light. Whether they take lead from the front or serve as an indomitable backline, the Calling of the Light asks for those who will stand as a bulwark against the Darkness. Warp or DAWN Prerequisite: Defender (Light) level 3 Casting Type/Time: | action, super ability Duration: 3 rounds. Hit Points: 100 + 20 times your Light ability evel {At 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Ward of Dawn. As an action you extend your arms and project the Light within, ereating a 15-foot wide sphere of void energy centered on you. The sphere is semi-opaque, does not block sound, and creatures can freely pass through it, but if the Ward intercepts an attack, the Ward takes the damage of the attack. Ifthe Ward of Dawn runs out of hit points before the duration is over, or ifyou fall to 0 health points, the Ward shatters and ends early, Armor oF LIGHT Starting at 3rd level as a bonus action, you ean spend a ‘melee ability charge to grant yourself a Force Barrier for 3 rounds. For the duration of your Force Barrier, you have a bonus +2 to AC, and all of your unarmed strikes and close- range attacks have a bonus to damage equal to your Light ability evel ‘TaReaT MANAGEMENT ‘When you reach 7th level as your action, you can attempt to aggravate the ereatures around you, causing all hostile creatures that can see and hear you to make a Wisdom ‘saving throw against your Light save DC. Every creature that fails has disadvantage on any attack they make that is not directed at you. Creatures affected by this can repeat their saving throw at the start of their turn until they succeed, ending the effect on itself early on a success. The effect ends naturally after 1 minute. Creatures who succeed on their saving throw, of for ‘whom the effect ends, become immune to the effects of this feature for 24 hours. HaAgpENeD Lint At 11th level while you are under the effects of Armor of| Light, creatures have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity against you. ‘Additionally, you Ward of Dawn gains an AC equal to 12+ your Charisma modifier Attacks that it intercepts have to ‘beat its AC to deal damage to the Ward RELENTLESS Beginning at 15th level, once per long rest, if you fall to 0 hit points but are not killed outright, you can choose to summon, your resolve and push yourself to new limits. Al damage and effects against you are suspended until the end of your next turn, at which point they are all applied at once. Until then, ifyou make a rol that uses your Strength ‘modifier and you roll less than your Strength score, you can use your Strength score for the roll instead. ‘REACTIVE SUPPORT ‘Also at 15th level if you take damage from an attack and you have atleast 1 super ability charge, you can use your reaction to spend 1 super ability charge and cast Ward of Dawn, CHAMPION ‘At 20th level, your Ward of Dawn becomes the true wall ‘against the Darkness. It gains an additional 50 hit points, has a diameter of 25 feet, and a duration of 1 minute. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM CALLING OF THE SENTINEL Defenders who choose the calling of the sentinel choose to rush out and meet their opponents, slaying them before they have the chance to slay others. ‘SENTINEL SHIELD Prerequisite: Defender (Sentine!) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability (WP) Properties: +2 AC, thrown (range 30,90) Duration: 3 rounds At 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Sentine! Shield. Asa bonus action you ean spend 1 super ability, charge to conjure a shield of void Light to defend your allies and slay your enemies with. This shield acts asa standard physical shield only requiring one hand to wield, and grants a +2 bonus to both your AC and your Selless Defense AC. It also has the following features, ‘Damage Soak. If you are hit with an attack and the damage from the attack, before accounting for any ‘weaknesses, resistances, or immunities, does not exceed an amount equal to your Charisma modifier + your Light ability level you take no damage from the attack. ‘Shield Bash. You can make a melee attack with this shield On a hit, it deals 2d4 void damage. Ricochet. Ifyou hit a hostile creature with your thrown, attack, you may make an additional attack against another target within 10 feet of your original target, using the original attack roll single thrown attack can hit up to three targets, but cannot hita single target more than once. Recall. When you make a thrown altack with your shield it is automatically recalled to your hand after missing, or after biting its final target DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM War MacHINE When you choose this calling at 3rd level you gain a new way to empower yourself with your void Light. As a bonus action, ‘you can spend a melee ability charge to grant yourself a Force Barrier for 3 rounds. While your Force Barrier is active, reloading isa free action. This overcomes the bulky property STOCKPILE At 7th level, youlve become accustomed to carrying the weight ‘of your firearms and their orcinance. Your carrying capacity (Gocluding the maximum amount you can lift, drag, push, or pull) is doubled. ‘Swarr SHIELD ‘Starting at L1th level you become adept at using your sentinel shield in combat. You can use your bonus action to make an additional melee or thrown attack with your sentinel shield on your tur. WEAFON MASTER When you reach 15th level you learn exactly where to place your attacks to make the most of them. All of your attacks ignore damage soak. For SLAYER ‘At 20th level. you become an unparalleled slayer of your enemies, Once on each of your turns, you can add your Charisma modifier to the attack roll or the damage rol of an attack you make against one target. You can choose to use this feature before or after the roll but before any effects of the roll are applied SUNBREAKER [wasn't meant to be like this. ‘The last of her mighty hammers fades into ash. To her left, a Hive Knight pulls its foul sword from the torn flesh of a Warlock’s back. Legions of Thralls and Acolytes and umbering Ogres swarm across the lunar plain, chittering or laughing or singing with battlejoy—she does not know or care. Above her, the sky burns with sickly green fire, and in the distance a creature too terrible to name awaits ‘The Knight is upon her, and she slams a fist into its chest, sends it reeling backwards with flame licking up its chitinous armor. It roars at her, and her shotgun roars back, but as soon as it falls another takes its place. ‘Shrieks of fear and pain echo through her helmet. Panicked calls for retreat, cut short. Behind her, around her, Guardians drag their dead and dying away. Fall back, a Hunter screams, before a bol of purple energy silences her. ‘She shakes her head. She has never seen such cowardice. Another Knight burns, and the tip of her shotgun glows. forge-red beneath the green sky. She takes a step forward. ‘And then another, against the tide, sheer willpower driving. her through the waves of chitinous armor and snapping ‘maws, Fist, shotgun, boot; all in harmony now as she ‘marches deeper into the ocean of blades. More and more of the Hive turn to challenge her, and she welcomes them with open arms. Allaround her corpses pile up, and still the Hive come. She is irresistible to them now, and they ignore their easy prey to die in droves at her feet, mad with hate or hunger. She climbs the mountain ofthe dead inch by unsteady inch, daring them to follow, destroying them as they ty. ‘She has heard whispers ofthis plague from the leaders of her Order: world-eaters, followers of the Deep itself, worshipers of death, Come, then! she thinks, the bright laughter of her Ghost ‘twinned with the fire in her heart. I have built myself a temple come and worship atthe altar! DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM CLAss FEATURES ‘Asa sunbreaker you gain the following class features. Hrr PoInts AND SHIELDS Hit Dice: 1d8 per sunbreaker level Hit Points at Lat Level: 8 ' your Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: Add your Constitution modifier for every level after Ist, minimum 0 Shields at Let evel: 5 Ide at higher levels: Add 5 to your shields for every level after Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: All armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, simple firearms, martial weapons, martial firearms Grenades: Fusion (4th), Thermite (6th) Incendiary (8t5) Vehicles: Jumpships, sparrows ‘Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom ‘Skills: Choose two from Athletics, History Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, Survival and Technology DeETEOT LIGHT AND DARK ‘The presence of Darkness registers as an uncomfortable pressure against you, and the presence of Light is lke a soft singing in the wind. As an action, you can open your awareness to the ebb and flow of these forces. Until the end of your next turn, you are aware of the type of Darkness zone you are in, and you can sense if any creatures within 60 feet of you are capable of dealing Darkness damage, orif there are any wielders ofthe Light within the same range. You must complete a brief rest in order to regain use ofthis feature, HiGHTING STYLE ‘At Ist level you are already adept at a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You cant take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again, DEFENSE While wearing armor, you have a bonus #1 to your AC. Duat-WiELDER ‘When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability mod to damage of second attack. GENERALIST When you are wielding one simple firearm and no other ‘weapons, you gain « bonus ~2 to damage rolls with that firearm, Heavy Weapons EXPERT When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you ‘make with a martial firearm, you ean reroll the die and must use the new roll, even ifthe new roll isa 1 or a2 DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM THE SUNBREAKER Light Proficiency Abs Level “Bonus Level Tt 42 Ec Features Fighting Syl, Detect Light and Bark Inner Flame, Light Affinity Channel Light, Sunbreaker Code feature Ability Score Improvement Extra Attack Sculpt Light Sunbreaker Code feature Ability Score Improvement Sth +4 = 10th +4 Vth +4 2nd 42 Brd 42 4th 42. Sth 43. 6th 43 Tth +3 8th 43 Sunbreaker Code feature Improved Inner Flame 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 13th +5 . V4th +5 1sth 45 V6th +5 Sunbreaker Code feature Titan’s Defense Ability Score Improvement Vth +6 = 18th 46 19th +6 Sunbreaker Code feature Ability Score Improvement +6 Sunbreaker Code feature INNER FLAME When you reach 2nd level you learn how to imbue your ‘weapon attacks with the Light you wield. You gain a ‘maximum number of Inner Flame uses equal to your Light ability evel. When you hit with a melee weapon or close- ‘range firearm, you can expend a use of Inner Flame to deal an additional 148 damage per use spent. You regain half your uses, rounded down, when you complete a short rest, and all uses when you complete a long rest. Licat AFFINITY Beginning at 2nd level you have feared to harness the Light you possess, and you shape it in the form of solar energy. Wisdom is your Light ability. You use your Wisdom modifier to determine Light ability attacks and to set the save DC ‘against your Light abilities. When you are told to make a Light ability saving throw, you make a Wisdom saving throw. Light save DC =8 + your proficiency bonus * your Wisdom modifier Light attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier You have three types of Light abilities: melee, grenade, and super. You gain a number of charges for your melee and grenade abilities equal to your Light modifier and a number ‘of charges for your super ability equal to 1 +one half your Light modifier. You regain charges when you complete rests. How many charges you regain depends on the type of rest you take and the type of Light zone you are in (see Light Zones for more information). ‘Starting at 2nd level, you gain the first option for your melee ability attack. You gain your super option at 3rd level, and your first grenade option at 4th level Sorar STRIKE Prerequisite: Sunbreaker level 2 Casting Time/Type: | free action, melee ability When you make an unarmed strike, you ean choose to spend a melee ability charge to turn the unarmed strike into a solar strike. On a hit, ou deal solar damage instead of bludgeoning, and you can add a bonus to your damage roll equal to your Light ability level You can choose to do this after your attack roll but before you make your damage roll CHANNEL LIGHT At Brd level your code allows you to channel your Light to fuel effects or abilities. Every sunbreaker gains the Banish the Dark Channel Light option detailed below. One addition Channel Light option is provided by your cade, and your code explains how to use it When you use your Channel Light, you choose which ‘option to use, You must then finish a short or long rest to use ‘your Channel Light again. ‘Some Channel Light effects require saving throws, When {you use sch an effect from this clas, the DC equals your sunbreaker Light save DC. CHANNEL Licut: BANISH THE DaRK Asan action, you channel your Light outward, using your Channel Light. Creatures of the Darkness that can see or hear you within 30 feet of ou must make a Wisdom saving throw: I'the creature fails its saving throws itis turned for 1 ‘minute or until it takes damage. ‘turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it cant willingly move toa space within 30 feet of you. It also ean’ take reactions. For its action, it ean use only the Dash action or try to escape from ‘an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to ‘move, the creature can use the Dodge action. SUNBREAKER CODE When you reach 3rd level, you choose a a code that reflects the burning Light within you. Choose the Code of the Devastator, Code of the Siegebreaker, or the Code of the Forgemaster, all detailed at the end of this class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th 10th, 14th, 18th, and 20th levels ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level and again at th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2,or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by LAs normal you ean increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, Extra ATTACK Beginning at Sth level you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You eannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bons action isthe result ofan attack, Scuter LicHT At 6th level, you can give a number of creatures up fo your Light ability modifier immunity against your Light abilities whenever you cast them. They take no damage and trigger no effects from your Light abilities. You can change which creatures gain this benefit on your turn IMPROVED INNER FLAME By Lith level.you are eo suffused with solar Light that all your melee and close-range weapon attacks carry abil of your Light with them. Whenever you hita creature with a melee ‘weapon or close-range firearm, the creature takes an extra 1d8 solar damage. Ifyou also use your Inner Flame with an attack, you add this damage to the extra damage of your Inner Flame, Trtan's DEFENSE At 15th level you gain one ofthe following features of your choice Evasion. When you are subjected to an fect, such as a walker's main cannon or a missile swarm, that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail ‘Stand Against the Tide. When a hostile creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to force that creature to repeat the same attack against another creature (other than itself of your choice Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you. SUNBREAKER CODES ‘The Light burns bright in all sunbreakers, but they all choose torrelease their lames in different ways, The sunbreaker ‘code you choose reflects how you release the burning light inside you. You might surround yourself with foes until nothing but ash remains, or you might forge your solar light {nto weapons and effects to guard the weak and vulnerable. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM 46 Cope or THE DEVESTATOR Sunbreakers who choose the code ofthe Devastator choose to focus themselves into an instrument of raw power. BURNING MAUL Prerequisite: Sunbrcaker (Devastator) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability (WP) Properties: Heavy, two-handed Damage: 26 solar Duration: 3 rounds At 3rd level. you gain your super ability option, the Hammer of Sol which you cast as Burning Maul. As an bonus action ‘you can spend 1 super ability charge to wreath yourself in flames and summon a flaming maul into your possession that hhas the damage and properties list. The maul also has the following features, Beacon. You emit bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim. light 20 feet beyond that ‘Spinning Strike. As an action, you spin your hammer around you to strike many enemies. Make an attack against all creatures within 5 feet of you. Any creatures hit by this spin must make a Strength saving throw against your Light save DC or be knocked prone. Ifa creature is knocked prone, ‘you can make « bonus action attack against Flaming Whithwind. As an action, you raise the hammer ‘up and slam it on the ground, sending out a wave of solar energy which travels ina 15 foot line, or until it collides with hostile ereature or wall It then bursts into a flaming Whirlwind forcing all creatures within 5 feet ofthe whirlwind to make a Dexterity saving throw, with a bonus to your DC. equal to your Light ability evel They take 248 + your Wisdom modifier + your Light ability evel solar damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. The whirlwind remains until the start of your next turn, and any creature that ends their turn within 5 feet of it must make a Constitution saving throw instead of a Dexterity saving throw, Cuanyet Licet When you take up this code at 3rd level, you gain the following additional Channel Light option. ‘Burning Weapon. As an action, you can imbue one Weapon that you are holding with Solar energy, using your Channel Light. For 1 minute, you add your Wisdom modifier toattack rolls made with that weapon (with a minimum bonus of 11). The weapon also emits bright light in 2 20-f00t radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. Ifyou are no longer holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends. INFUSION {At 7th level, you learn how to infuse your solar Light into the ‘weapons that you wield. As a bonus action, you can spend a melee ability charge to infuse any simple melee weapon with solar energy: That melee weapon now deals solar damage on hit, and receives a bonus to damage rolls equal to your Light ability level You cannot use your solar strike melee ability feature while you have an infused melee weapon, and you cannot have more than one weapon infused with this feature ata time. ‘You can dismiss the infusion of a weapon at anytime, at DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM which point you can begin making solar strike attacks, or infuse a new weapon. You do not have to make concentration checks to maintain fan infused weapon, MERCURIAL {At 10th level.your Light burns at peak performance. You gain proficiency in Strength (Athletics) checks if you weren't proficient already, and can double your proficiency bonus in any Strength (Athletics) check you make. BACKDRAFT Beginning at 14th level when you move on your turn, you can, double your speed until the end of your tum. Once you use this trait, you cant use it again until you move O feet on one of, your turns, cur FOREVER ‘At 20th level your super ability charge maximum increases by 1 It becomes a free action to cast your Hammer of Sol. CODE OF THE FIREFORGED ‘The code ofthe fireforged calls for sunbreakers to be ‘unwavering leaders and tacticians. It teaches a sunbreaker to focus their Light both on their opponents to weaken targets, and on ther allies to bolster their resolve. FORGEMASTER Prerequisite: Sunbreaker Fireforged) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability (WP) Properties: Light, thrown (range 30/90), payload Damage: 1d8 solar Duration: 3 rounds At 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Hammer of Sol which you cast as Forgemaster. As a bonus action you spend 1 super ability charge to swath yourself in lames and, ‘summon a lansing hammer into your possession withthe damage and properties listed [fyou throw your hammer, it dissipates after missing or dealing damage and reforms in your hand, ‘Beacon. For the duration, you emit bright light in a 20oot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. ‘Barrage. You can use your bonus action to make an attack with your hammer on each of your turns. CHANNEL LIGHT When you take up this code at 3rd level you gain the following additional Channet Light option. Soulfire. You can use the strength of your Light to inspire others, using your Channel Light. To do so, you use a bonus action on your turn to choose one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear you. That creature gains one Soulfire die, a d6, ‘Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the dic and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll or saving throw it makes. The ereature can wait until after it rolls the 420 before deciding to use the Soulfre die, but must decide before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fail. ‘Once the Soulfire die is rolled. itis lost. A creature can have only one Soulfre die at a time. Unlike other Channel Light options, you can use th feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a dics of cae) Ven Pepe ay ote ied taco you finish a long rest. Your Soullire die changes when you reach certain levels in this class. The die becomes a d8 at Sth level. a d10 at 10th, level and a d12 at 15th level MELTING Porn {At 7th lovel, the Light you imbue into your unarmed strikes ‘with now sunders your target. When you hit with a Solar Strike, your target becomes weakened for 1 minute. Creatures can make a Constitution saving throw against your Light save DC at the end of their tuen, ending the effect early on itself on a success, ‘WaRMTH Beginning at 10th level, the presence of your Light helps revitalize your tired allies during a short rest. I'you or any friendly Risen who spend their short rest within 60 feet of ‘you regain Light abilities, they gain 1 additional Light ability of each type, up to their ability charge maximum. You and other Risen can regenerate abilities inthis way even in oppressive Darkness zones, FLAMESEEKER When you reach 14th level the weapon forged by your Hammer of Sol gains the Tracking perk as a property ‘TEMPERED METAL ‘At 18th level ifyou killa creature with any of your solar abilities, or ifyou killa creature affected by Melting Point, you gain a bonus +10 to movement speed, and you can reload firearms as a free action until the end of your next turn, This ‘overcomes the bulky property. Soraris Corprs By the time you reach 20th level, your soulfire isa source of inspiration that cannot be extinguished Whenever you roll initiative and you have no uses of Soullire, you regain one CovE oF THE SIEGEBREAKER Sunbreakers who choose the code ofthe siegebreaker are called upon when hope is dim, and the outcome is dre. Their fire blazes a path through the Darkness, were it sorches and burns brightest ScorcueD EarTH Prerequisite: Sunbreaker (Siegebreakes) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability (WP) Properties: light, thrown (range 30/90) Damage: 148 solar Duration: 3 rounds At 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Hammer of Sol which you cast as Scorched Earth. As a bonus action you spend 1 super ability charge to swath yourself in flames and summon a flaming hammer into your possession with the damage and properties listed Ifyou throw your hammer, it dissipates after missing or dealing damage and reforms in your hand Beacon. You emit bright light in a 20-oot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. ‘Sunspot. When you throw your hammer, even ifyou miss with your attack, a Sunspot is created on your target if there wasnit one there before. Sunspots are considered difficult terrain for creatures affect by your Light abilities. Also, creatures affected by your Light abilities that start their tara inyyour sunspot, or who enter your sunspot forthe frst time fon their turn, must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 146 ~ your Wisdom modifier ~ your Light ability level in solar damage on a failed save, All sunspots dissipate atthe end of the turn after your Hammer of Sol ends. CHANNEL LicHT When you take up this code at 3rd level you gain the following additional Channel Light option. Searing Presence. As an action, you can radiate your solar Light, using your Channel Light. For I minute, fa hostile creature stars its turn within 10 feet of you it takes 11d6 + your Wisdom modifier in solar damage. You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. Ifyou fall unconscious, this effect ends. THERMAL VENT Beginning at 7th level you can use your melee ability in a new way. You can now spend I melee ability charge to create a sunspot at will which appears on your spot and lasts for 3 rounds. When you cast this ability, or when you enter a sunspot forthe frst time on your turn, you gain an overshield equal to five times your Light ability level Burn Starting at 10th level, you have learned to use your Inner Flame in a new way. Once per turn, when you make a successful weapon attack, a8 a bonus action you can choose to.use an Inner Flame charge in order to imbue your attack with solar energy, causing your target to make a Constitution saving throw against your Light save DC or begin burning for the next minute, Creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the eflect on itself early on a success, Creatures who succeed on this saving throw, oF for who the effect ends, become immune to burning for 24 hours. ScorcH At 14th level when you use your Searing Presence and a hostile creature within 10 feet of you makes an attack against ‘target other than yourself, they make that attack with disadvantage. CAUTERIZE Beginning at 18th level ifyou killa hostile creature with any of your Light abilities or if hostile creature dies within the radius of your Searing Presence, you can make a shield recharge roll. Furr KEEPER When you reach 20th level the fire within vou burns white hot. The radius of your Searing Presence becomes 30 fect, and creatures that are not immune to solar damage, or who do not resist solar damage, have disadvantage on their Constitution saving throws against your Light abilities within, your Searing Presence, DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM ‘VOIDWALKER He doesn't panic. He never panies, not even when he is alone ‘among the enemy, seared by the fire of countless Cabal slug, throwers and projection rifles, not even when his shields have failed and he is moments from death, Perhaps death should frighten him more, the nothingness oft It frightens the others. He does not know what they feel in that between-place, when the body is gone but the Ghost lingers, Perhaps they ike him, dream, Perhaps they, unlike him, fear those dreams, A poor metaphor: dying is not like dreaming. Dreams are ‘not real and death is real Death is everywhere, unavoidable, the final door beyond which the last secrets of this second life ‘may be locked. Someday, he will open that door and walk. through it-but not today. A strike from his open palm reduces a psion int its constituent atoms, and life foods into him. Itis fitting, he thinks, as he turns and destroys another enemy, heady with power and with the sweet nectar of existence, that death brought him here, and that death sustains him now. He kills and he kills, and with each death he is nourished, made whole, made greater. ‘There isa much to learn from death, even if the Cabal he hhas destroyed -that he will destroy with the crackling sphere fof void Light he has summoned into being - will not appreciate the lesson. He is not the first to understand this: death is both a tool and the sharpening of a sword, both a ‘means to an end and an end in itself No, he has no reason to fear death, not when death has given him so much. Death is a process, and it consumes endlessly and indiscriminately, He is merely a student of death. But he is adept at taking notes. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM ‘Tue VOIDWALKER Level Proficiency Bonus Light Ability Level Features Ast 2 : 2nd +2 Ist 3rd 2 Ist 42 st 3 2nd 3 2nd 8 2nd ~ 8 2nd +4 3rd = +4 3rd +4 3rd Sculpt Light Invocations Known \Voidwalker Harbinger, Depths of the Void Light Affinity, Invocations of the Void Field of Study, Voidwalker Harbinger feature Ability Score Improvement Ability Score Improvement Voidwalker Harbinger feature Enhanced Lighteasting. +4 Ability Score Improvement + ~ + Arcane Protection Es Voidwalker Harbinger feature +5 Ability Score Improvement +6 +6 Voidwalker Harbinger feature +6 Ability Score Improvement 46 Master of the Void Cass FEATURES ‘Asa voidwalker, you gain the following class features. Hr Ponts Hit Dice: 1d6 per voidwalker level Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: Add your Constitution modifier to-your hit points for every level after Ist, minimum 0 Shields at 1st level: 6 ‘Shields at higher levels: Add 4 to your shields for every level after Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: Light armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, simple firearms Grenades: Scatter (4th) Axion (6th), Vortex (8th) ‘Tools: Jumpships, sparrows ‘Saving Throwa: Intelligence, Charisma ‘Skills: Choose four from Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, and Technology VOIDWALKER HARBINGER You choose a domain to be the harbinger of at Ist level, ‘Choose the Harbinger of Destruction, the Harbinger of Knowledge, or the Harbinger of Madness, all detailed at the fend of this class description. Your choice grants you a feature at 3rd, 10th, 15th, and 18th level Deprus OF THE VOID Even at 1st level, your connection to the Void grants you a benefit of perspective that others may not understand. You ccan use your Intelligence ability when determining your ‘modifiers for Insight, Perception, and Survival checks. Licnt Armnrry (Vor) [Beginning at 2nd level you have learned to harness the Light you possess, and you shape itn the form of void energy. Intelligence is your Light ability. You use your Intelligence ‘modifier to determine Light ability attacks and to set the save DC against your Light abilities. When you are told to make a Light ability saving throw, you make an Intelligence saving throw. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Light save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier Light attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier ‘You have three types of Light abilities: melee, grenade, and super You gain a number of charges for your melee and grenade abilities equal to your Light modifier and a number of charges for your super ability equal to 1 | one half your Light modifier. You regain charges when you complete rests. How many charges you regain depends on the type of rest you take and the type of Light zone you are in (see Light Zones for more information) ‘Starting at 2nd level, you gain the first option for your melee ability You gain your super option at 3rd level, and your first grenade option at 4th level EnErcy DRAIN Prerequisite: Voidwalker level 2 Casting Time/Type: 1 action, melee abi When you make an unarmed strike against a target, you can spend 1 melee ability to make it an Energy Drain attack. Ifyou do, instead of making an attack roll your target has to make a Dexterity saving throw, with a bonus to your DC equal toyour Light ability level On a failed save, they take 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier + your Light ability level in void damage. On a success, they take half as much. INVOCATIONS OF THE VOID In your study ofthe Void, you have stumbled on a source of reat power: invocations of the Void, fragments of knowledge and power both awe-inspiring and terrifying. {At 2nd level you gain two invocations of your choice. You. invocation options are detailed at the end of this class description. When you gain certain voidwaiker levels, you gain additional invocations of your choice, as shown in the Invocation Known columa of the voidwalker table. ‘Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the invocations you know and replace it with another invocation that you could learn at that level At 20th, level you can do this when you complete a long rest in a Light HELD oF STUDY ‘At 3rd level you begin focusing your intellect on a particular field of stud. Pick from one ofthe following options. You cannot choose the same field of study more than once, even if you later get to choose again. LANGUAGE ‘You gain proficiency in two languages of your choice. ‘Tue Licut Once per short rest, as a bonus action, you can focus your Light to regain up to half of your maximum shicld capacity. SrupENT OF SKILL You can ada half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn already include your proficiency bonus. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM War You gain proficiency in fusion rifles, shotguns, and light ‘machine guns. Asruiry ScoRE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level and again at th, 12¢h, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or you ean increase two ability scores of your choice by 1 As normal you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, Scurer Licsr At 6th level, you can give a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier immunity against your Light abilities ‘Whenever you cast them. They take no damage and trigger no effects from your Light abilities. You can change which creatures gain this benefit on your turn ENHANCED LIGHTCASTING At Lith level.your connection to the Void grants you a boon to casting your Light abilities. When you cast a Light ability and roll a 1 or a2 on any of the die on the damage roll, you may choose to re-oll a number of those die up to your Intelligence modifier. You must use the new rolls, even if they are Is or 2s. ARCANE PROTECTION ‘At Lath level you have learned how to invoke the power of the Void to help protect yourself and an ally ofyour choice. As a bonus action, you may touch a creature, giving both of you bonuses to your saving throws equal to your proficiency bonus for 4 hours. You regain use of this feature after you finish a long rest. MASTER OF THE VOID ‘At 20th level you have learned how to maximize your potential with Light. When you cast a Light ability, you can deal maximum damage with that ability. ‘The firs time you do so, you suffer no adverse effect. Ifyou use this feature again before you finish a long rest, you take 2d12 + your Intelligence modifier in void damage as recoil directly to your health. Each time you use this feature again before finishing a long rest increases the recoil damage by 112 This effect ignores damage resistance and immunity. ‘VOIDWALKER HARBINGERS In the early postCollapse days, when Risen were still finding their place in the New World, there were those who were feared more than others. People came to call those Risen voidwatkers, those who stepped along the fine line between reality and the otherworldly Void. Some voidwalkers were tolerated, while many others were ostracized for the chaos and destruction they sowed. To this day, voidwalkers call themselves Harbingers oftheir preferred areas of study, 2 name carried over from that early, uncertain time. HARBINGER OF DESTRUCTION ‘The Harbinger of the Destruction studies war, and the astounding effects of atl, particularly on their enemies, CaTACLYsM Prerequisite: Voidwalker (Destruction) level 3 Casting Time/Type: 1 action, super ability Duration: 3 sounds Beginning at 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Nova Bomb, which you cast a8 Cataclysm. Asan action you can spend 1 super ability charge to launch a 15-foot ameter sphere of void energy that travels up to 40 feet per turn in a straight line, Ifthe sphere hits a creature or wall or ifthe duration runs outs, it detonstes, ending this ability When it detonates, all creatures within 5 feet must make Dexterity saving throw, with a bonus to your DC equal to your Light ability level They take 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier # your Light ability evel ona failed save, or half as much on a Directed Hostilities. If, during your Cataclysm's movement, there is ever a hostile creature within 10 feet of the sphere, you become aware of that creature and you can cause your Cataclysm to alter direction toward the eresture, Early Detonation. A: any time on your turn, you can use & bonus action to cause your Cataclyem to detonate early. Alternatively, ifa hostile creature moves within 10 feet of your Cataelysm, you can use your reaction to cause Cataclysm to detonate early. ‘Axion Darts, When Cataclysm detonates, it also sends out ‘number of axion darts equal o your Intelligence modifier. ‘These darts eeck out hostile creatures of your choice within 30 feet ofthe center ofthe detonation, Creatures must make 1 Desterity saving throw for every dart that targets them, taking 144 + your Intelligence modifier your Light ability level in void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a Enrrorig PULL [At 3rd level if creature fails their saving throw against your Energy Drain, you regain 1 grenade ability charge. You cannot go over your maximum grenade ability charges, as normal, Caos ACCELERANT At 10th level as a bonus action you can spend I super ability charge to replenish all missing grenade ability charges. When you do this, for 3 rounds, all of your grenades double the bonus they receive to damage rolls from your Intelligence modifier and Light ability level BLooM {At L5th level if you kill a creature with your melee, grenade, or super ability, they explode, dealing half damage to all creatures within 5 feet that are affected by your Light abilities ‘STRIKE From THE VoID ‘Starting at 18th level you know how to use the Void to power your weapon attacks, Once on each of your tums, you ean, add your Intelligence modifier tothe attack roll or the damage roll of an attack you make against a creature. You ‘can choose to use this feature before or after the roll but before any effects ofthe roll are applied. HARBINGER OF KNOWLEDGE While the least assuming name, the Harbinger of Knowledge is no less feared than their colleagues. Those who choose this practice are capable of weaponizing their knowledge in efficient and terrifying ways. Their hunger for more knows no bounds. VorrEx Prerequisite: Voidwalker (Knowledge) level 3 Casting Time/Type: I action, super ability Range: 80 fect Duration: 3 rounds Starting at 3rd level you gain your super ability, the Nova ‘Bomb, which you east as Vortex. As an action you can spend 1 super ability charge to hut forth a gyre of Void energy at a spot you can see within range. All creatures within 5 feet of the spot must make a Dexterity saving throw, with a bonus to your DC equal to your Light ability level They take 248+ your Intelligence modifier + your Light ability evel in void damage on a failed eave, or half'as much on a success, For the duration, Vortex lingers in place as a sphere with a diameter of 15 feet centered on the spol you hit. Any creature that stars their turn within the sphere, or who enters the sphere forthe first time on their turn, must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, they are restrained Creatures that end their turn within the sphere take 248 void damage. Mortar. This mortar shot can arc over walls and other obstacles, but you need a minimum ofa 10 foot opening to reach your target or Vortex will detonate early: You can still only hit a spot within range. Dryour ‘When you reach 3rd level you learn not only to drain your enemies, but aso to empower yourself. Once on your turn, if a hostile creature fails their saving throw against your Energy rain, you can make a shield recharge roll and you begin a Devour effec that lasts for 3 rounds. For the duration, once per round ifyou killa hostile ereature with any weapon or ability you can make a shield recharge roll. Freep THE Voip {At 10th level.once on your turn, you can spend 1 grenade ability charge as a (bonus) action to make a shield recharge roll and gain the duration effect of your devout feature. INSATIABLE Beginning at 15th level while there is remaining duration in your devour feature eflect, killing a creature extends the duration and restores one grenade ability charge. You cannot {0 over your maximum grenade ability charge, as normal DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Power OF THE VOID ‘When you reach 18th level, ou have become a master of your Light. Creatures that do not resist your Light have disadvantage on their saving throws against your Light abilities, Creatures that do resist your Light do not gain, benefits from that resistance against your Light abilities. HARBINGER OF MADNESS Within the Void dwells power ~ and madness. As a Harbinger of Madness, you are versed in both. You walk where few dare to tread. in lands that bend the mind as easily as they warp reality: Many may question your methods, but few question the results. InvOCATIONS OF MADNESS ‘When you choose this archetype at 2nd level you choose to Gelve into the deepest depths ofthe Voi allowing you to bypass archetype prerequisites for invocations, but not level prerequisites. This power comes at a price: if you change an invocation when you level up, or if you choose to learn an invocation normaly restricted to the Destruction or Knowledge harbingers, you must roll once the Madness table, The Madness table is detailed after invocations. ‘The invocations you pick may also have a madness results| feature, indicated at the end of the invocationis description. You are subject tothe terms of any madness results feature of the invocations you have chosen, Nova WARP ite: Voidwalker (Madness) level 3 1e/Type: 1 bonus action, super ability Duration: 3 rounds At 3rd level you acquire your super ability option, ‘Warp. As a bonus action you can spend 1 super ability charge and engulf yourself in the raw power ofthe Void and subvert the laws of physics. For the duration, you cannot hold ‘weapons of make Weapon attacks, your movement speed increases by 5 feet, and you gain the following features. Blinkstep. As a bonus action, you can teleport to an ‘unoccupied spot within 10 feet, taking all carried and worn equipment with you. Warp. As an action you unleash a deadly explosion of void energy all around you. Al targets within § feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, with a bonus to your DC equal to your Light ability level On a failed save they take 248 your Intelligence modifier + your Light ability level in void damage, and half as much on a success. AToMIc BREACH Boginning at 3rd level when you spend a melee ability charge to make an Energy Drain attack, you can make that attack in 1 15-foot cone instead. ‘Madness Results. You can double the benefit your Energy Drain gains from your Intelligence modifier and your Light ability evel Ifyou do, roll once on the Madness table. You must complete a brief rest or resolve the effect of your Madness, whichever happens last, unt you can choose to do this again DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Furpant MinD At 10th level you've become used to the workings of your ‘madness. You can change up to two of your invocations when you increase in evel but ifyou change a second invocation, you must roll once on the Madness table. HANDHELD SUPERNOVA Also at 10th level ifyou cast a grenade, you can choose to, instead of throwing it to a spot within range, channel your grenade from the palm of your hand, accelerating it to telativistic speeds and spraying void energy in a 15 foot cone. Al ereatures affected by your Light abilities in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 248+ your Intelligence ‘modifier + your Light ability level in void damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Dark MAITER Starting at 15th level if you kill a creature with your melee, fgrenad, or super ability, you can make a shield recharge roll you do this more than once per round, you must roll on the ‘Madness table for each additional shield recharge roll you make. MASTER OF MADNESS At 18th Ievel you are as much at home in the maddening Void a you are in the physical world. Once per long rest, when you roll on the Madness table you can choose to re-oll your result, You can choose which of the two results to accept the consequences of Additionally, when you complete a long rest you may learn ‘a new invocation, This invocation replaces one of your already learned invocations. INVOCATIONS If an invocation has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. Ifan invocation has Madness Results, only the Harbinger of Madness is affected by what it describes ALL-SEEING EYE You gain darkvision out to 60 feet, of if you already had. datkvision, this invocation increases the distance by 30 feet. You can see normally in darkness, both natural and created darkness. ‘Madness Results. Ifyou choose this invocation as a Harbinger of Madness, you can also use your action to gain the ability to see through barriers up to 1 foot of stone, | inch ‘of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. This special sight lasts up to I minute, and can be ended ‘at will During that time you perceive objects as empty space in.asea of void energy. ‘When the duration of your special eyes ends, roll once on the Madness table. You can't use the action ofthis invocation again until you complete a short or long rest, but you retain your darkvisi Anory Macic Prerequisite: Nova Bomb Creatures who attempt to use movement abilities to dodge Nova Bomb, but move 10 feet or less, are stil hit as the target of Nova Bomb. ARCANE WISDOM You can add your Wisdom modifier to your Inteligence-based stall checks. BUNK Prerequisite: 9th level ‘Asa bonus action, you can teleport a number of feet up to your Intelligence score to a position you can see, taking all, carried and worn equipment with you. It costs 1 foot of ‘movement for every 1 foot you teleport with this invocation. CONTAGION Prerequisite: 1th level Creatures that fail their saving throw against your Energy Drain become afflicted with sickly void energy and become poisoned for 1 minute. Crestures can repest the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on itself early on a success If they succeed on their saving throw, or if the effect ends for them, they become immune to this invocation for 24 hours. Madness Results. Harbingers of Madness who choose this invocation can choose (o overcome a creature's natural immunity to being poisoned with their Energy Drain. If they do, they roll once on the Madness table. EMBRACE THE VOID Prerequisite: 7th level Surge I you kill hostile creature with any of your Light abilities, you gain the effects of Surge until the end of your next turn, Know Lepcg UNBOUND ‘You can read all writing. Once per short rest you can grant ‘yourself advantage on an Investigation check you make. ‘Madness Results. Ifyou are a Harbinger of Madness with this invocation, you can grant yourself advantage on your Investigation check even if you have disadvantage. If you do this, roll once on the Madness table. Ouronoros Prerequisite: 7th level ‘Asa bonus action you can spend 1 melee ability charge to reqain a grenade ability charge, or 1 grenade ability charge to regain | melee ability charge. As normal you cannot go over ‘your maximum ability charges. SLIPPERY TONGUE ‘You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills. ‘Madness Results. As a Harbinger of Madness, if you choose this invocation, you can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier for any Deception or Persuasion checks you make. However, if ou make a Deception or Persuasion check and the total of your roll is 20 or higher, roll once on the Madness table. SURGE Prerequisite: Sth level You can spend melee ability charge to gain a Surge for 3 rounds. For the duration of Surge, you have a bonus +5 movement speed, and can attack twice instead of once when you take the attack action on your turn. You cannot take a bonus action between attacks when you do this unless that ‘bonus action is the result of an attack. DESTRUCTION INVOCATIONS ‘The following invocations are options for the Harbinger of Destruction. ArmoreD LiGHT When an attack is made against you, you can use your reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC against that attack ‘This must be declared before the results ofthe attack roll are determined ‘Madness Results. f you choose this invocation as a Harbinger of Madness, and this causes the attack (o miss, rll ‘once on the Madness table. EMPOWERED LIGHT Prerequisite: 11th level Your maximum melee ability charges increases by 1 ‘Madness Results. If you choose this invocation as a Harbinger of Madness, roll once on the Madness table every time you fal to melee ability charges. ‘LANCE Prerequisite: Cataclysm CCataclysm travels an additional 20 feet per turn SrrencTH From THE Vorp Prerequisite: Sth level While you have this invocation, you can add a d4 to either the attack roll or damage roll ofa wespon attack you make on ‘your tur. You can choose to do after the attack roll, but before you learn ifthe attack hits or misses. ‘Madness Results. f you choose this invocation as a Harbinger of Madness, you can choose to apply the d to your attack roll after learning if the attack hits or misses, If you do, roll once on the Madness table. Warr AMMO Prerequisite: 7th level Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on 18-20 ‘Madness Results. If, 2s a Harbinger of Madness with this invocation, you score a eritcal hit with your weapon attack, roll once on the Madness table. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM 53 KNOWLEDGE INVOCATIONS ‘The following invocations are options for the Harbinger of Knowledge ANNIHILATE Prerequisite 15th level The radius of your super ability increases by 5 feet. ‘Madness Results. Ifyou choose this invocation as 2 Harbinger of Madness, every time you cast your super ability roll once on the Madness table, BARYCENTER Prerequisite: 7th level Ifyou east an axion bolt grenade within 5 feet of yourself, and there are no hostile ereatures within range for the seekers to target, the seckers spawn as normal but begin to orbit you. For the next minute, as a bonus action on your turn you can target a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, and any number of Axion bolts orbiting you will chase that target. Orbiting axion bolts vanish after 1 minute. Denrep DEATH Prerequisite: 18th level When you or an ally Guardian are put on death saving throws they may instead reform at fall health, regardless of Darkness zone. Guardian reformed this way takes a point of exhaustion and may take their fll turn on their next turn. ‘You may use this invocation once per long rest. ‘Madness Results. Ifyou use this invocation as a Harbinger of Madness, you roll once on the Madness table. KNOWLEDGE OF THE VOID You can access the full potential of the knowledge of the Void. ‘When you complete a short or long rest, ou can choose one stall tool or language. You become proficient with that skill, tool or language ifyou werent already. Ifyou chose a skill or tool you can use your Intelligence modifier when making a check with that skil oF took, ‘Madness Results. If you choose this invocation as a Harbinger of Madness, you can choose one weapon to become proficient with. Every time you kill a creature with that weapon, you must roll once on the Madness table. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM VorTEX MASTERY Prerequisite: 11th level You increase the range of your axion bolt’s seekers by 20 feet, and the duration of Nova Bomb and vortex grenade by 1 round. Mapnzss INVOCATIONS ‘The following invocations are options for the Harbinger of Madness. BEYOND STRENGTH Prerequisite 18th level ‘As an action you become the Void incarnate until the end of your next turn, warping realty around you. While in this state you can affect a number of ability checks, saves, or attack rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier, determining if they fail or succeed, regardless of roll Any creature whose ability check, save, or attack roll is afected in this way must roll ‘once on the Madness Table. ‘When this invocation ends you cannot gain the benefits of any of your invocations until you complete a long rest in a Light zone. Ecuoxs Or rue Vorn AAs an action you transform your shadow into a mindless, ‘inion. Your shadow takes on a physical form similar to yours and uses the Shadow Thrall statistis (see Bestiary of the Wild). The shadow can only take the attack, dodge, or dash action and will only fellow simple directions if there are no hostile creatures it can see. The shadow shares your initiative. your shadow dies, roll once on the Madness table. READ THOUGHTS Prerequisite 7th level ‘As an action, you can concentrate on the Void and for the next minute you are aware of all creatures within 40 feet of you, and you ean hear their surface thoughts as if they were whispering to themselves. For every new creature you detect with this feature, you hhave to make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw: On a failed save, roll once on the Madness table. MADNESS TABLE dio0 01-02 03.04 05-06 07-08 09-10 12 1344 15-16 7.18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33.34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42 43-44 45-46 47-48 49.50 51-52 53-54 55-56 57-58 Effect Roll on this table at the start of each of your tus for the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls, You take 146 health damage. This damage cannot be healed until you complete a long rest in a Light zone. For 1d10 hours you hear incessant whispering, determined by your GM. You have disadvantage on Perception checks until the voices stop. You can only speak in song lyrics. For the next minute you can teleport 20 feet as a bonus action on each of your turns taking all carried and worn equipment with you For the next minute you shout when you speak ‘An explosion centered on you erupts, dealing 8d6 solar damage to all creatures within 20 feet ona failed Dexterity saving throw agalnst your ight save DC, or haf as much on a success. You can't speak for the next minute. For the next minute, any magazines you attempt to load into your weapon you drop onto the ground, You are convinced they have csappeared. yourwrespons ® Your light abilities change color. Roll a 1d6 to determine what color (1: Yellow, 2: Blue, 3: Green, 4: Red, 5: Orange, 6: Black). You are frightened of the nearest creature until the end of your next tur. You gain 25 glimmer. Your ability score modifiers are now inversely proportional. Ability score modifiers of a +1 become -1, +2 becomes -2, and so on. They are corrected when you complete a short rest. Your weapon becomes intangible, and floats in the air until the end of your next turn. If you switch to another weapon Before then, that weapon also becomes intangible, 2 x 11d6 Shanks controlled by the GM appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 ft of you. They disappear after 1 minute, You believe you can telepathically commune with nature. ‘A portal opens up to the Hive Ascendant realm. A Hive knight steps out of the portal, nd is hostile to all Creatures it can see, except you. After one minute the knight returns to its realm and the portal closes. All your weapon magazines and ammo synthesis modules disappear. The Void grants you a boon. You automatically succeed your next weapon attack, ability check, or saving throw. Until you complete a long rest you see a copy of yourself following you. It ahvays remains at least 30 feet away and can only be seen by you. You gain an overshield equal to five times you Light ability level. lasts for 1d4 rounds. You gain proficiency in all skills for one minute. Roll a d4, On a 1 your size becomes Tiny, and on 4 itis Gargantuan. This effect lasts one minute. You fit into a Medium creature's space regardless of size. Don't ask how. You maximize the amount of damage of the next Light ability you cast within the next rninute. You gain resistance to all darnage for the next minute. You lose 25 glimmer. Your Chost's movement speed increases by 60 feet. None of its movernent provokes opportunity attacks, You and all allies within 120 feet of you become immune disease and poison for 1410 days. Roll ad10. The next time you cast your super ability, it is replaced with 1: Deadeye, 2: Radiance, 3: Thundercrash, 4: Quiver, 5: Banner Shield, 6: Stormtrance, 7: an attack from The Gun of Many Bullets, 8: Scorched Earth, 9: a'swarmn of bees, 10: you cast your own super with a Light ability level of 10th. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM 100 59-60 61-62 63-64 65-66 67-68 69-70 n72 73-74 75-76 77-78 79-80 81-82 83.84 85-86 87-88 89-50 91-92 93-94 95.96 97-98 99-00 Effect You gain afly speed of 60 feet for the next 10 minutes. You cannot hover in place. For 1d6 hours you see only in shades of gray. ‘A creature of the GM's choosing within 100 feet of you starts to float upward for 146 rounds, gaining 10 feet of altitude per round, You begin babbling incoherently and lose the ability to cast your Light abilities for 1410 minutes. Your weapon's shot capacity is refunded There's a wasp in your helmet, This isnt an illusion, there is a WASP in your HELMET and it is ANGRY. For the next minute, when you speak, you only say the first letter of every word you say. You have no idea this is happening. Your tongue turns a silver color for the next hour. You have advantage on all Charistna checks for its duration. 1g Your appearance. You make all Charisma checks with disadvantage You ae marke bythe Voi, disfiguring yo You make all Char ‘mark can be removed by being revi unless you have your helmet on. You gain advantage on all weapon attacks for the next minute. Weapon attacks against you are made with advantage. Your shadow turns into a Shadow Thrall that's hostile towards you and your allies The Void grants you a boon. Yu can immediately change one of your invocations without having to rollon the Madness table. ae : You die and are resurrected on your next turn regardless of zone, and without the aid of your Ghost ‘or another Guardian. Your eyes glow purple for 18 days. You immediately gain the benefits of a long rest. When you speak, you speak in all languages. A creature must succeed on an DC 12 Intelligence check to understand you. For the next 1420 minute: if someone says "please" with their request, you must do your best to comply. You can take one additional action immediately A glowing orb of white light appears within 60 feet of you, I gives off bright light ina radius of 30 feet and dim light 30 feet beyond that As a bonus action you can move it up £0 20 feet. You regain all spent Light abilities. For the next 144 days, your maximum super ability charges increases by 1. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM SUNSINGER Her last memory is of a shuddering impact, the crack of bone, Her bone. And then: nothing, The memory ripples through her, echoing and amplifying, and slowly she comes to understand that somewhere beyond herself she can hear the sounds of her Fireteam. Fighting. Killing. Dying, Itisa Guardian’ lot to die. To die again and again, as payment for a second life. The Traveler blessed her with the power of the Sun, and in return she has devoted that power to the cleansing of her enemies: to driving back the Darkness that would snuff out humanity’s indomitable light. Death isa ‘constant. Death is familiar, ‘And now, in death, she is terrified. She is always terrified. wg of her rem: Even so, somet A spark ‘Time stops in tis place. It affords her space to understand the shape of her fear, to listen to the movements ofthe skein that binds her to the world she has just departed There isa ‘cadence to it; it rises and falls in a rhythm that she can never quite define, can never quite remember. But when she hears it-when she feels it-she has the same thought that she always does, and as always, it feels to her that it isthe frst time she has ever thought it Itis like a song. Iisa song of power beyond that which even she knows, holding in it the beauty of destruction, of ie, of death, and of ‘what comes afte, as though all of existence is a melody and ‘she has heard the underlying chord. To hear its not soothing, for she knows that it is separate from her, that it cares nothing for the tiny pinprick of her existence - but it is there, and she can hear it. And that in itself isa gif. ‘The world she has recently departed is violent and terrible. But itis her worl, and in it are others she has come to care for, and they are worth protecting. To do otherwise would be to squander the gift It would be a betrayal ofthe flame. From the darkness, she snatches at the melody, and when at last she finds it, she finds harmony, and the spark catches. ‘And then she is reborn, and she sets the world ablaze. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM 57 ‘THe SUNSINGER Proficiency Level “Bonus Ist +2 = 2nd +2 Ist Light Abilit Ctl Features 3rd 2 ast 4th #2 Ist 5th 8 2nd 6th 8 2nd 7th 8 2nd 8th 3 2nd oth +4 3rd oth +4 3rd ath +4 3rd 12th +4 3rd 13th 6 4th E V4th +5 4th 15th 8 4th 16th +5 4th 17th +6 5th 18th +6 Sth 19th +6 Sth 20th +6 sth CLASS FEATURES ‘Asa sunsinger, you gain the following class features. Hr Points Hit Dice: 1410 per sunsinger level Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: Add your Constitution modifier to your hit points for every level after 1st, minimum 0 Shields at 1st level: 10 ‘Shields at higher levels: Add 6 to your shields for every level after Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: All armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, simple firearms, martial ‘weapons, martial firearms, combat bows Grenades: Fusion (4th) Firebolt (th Solar (8th) ‘Tools: Medical supplies Vehicles: jumpships, sparrows ‘Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma ‘Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, and Religion DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Heliocentrie ‘Sunsinger Ballad, Sunsinger Ballad feature Light Affinity, Channel Light Sculpt Light, Sunsinger Ballad feature Ability Score Improvement Extra Attack Patron of the Arts, Channel Light (2/Rest) ‘Sunsinger Ballad feature Ability Score Improvement Sunsinger Ballad feature Solar Prominence Ability Score Improvement ‘Sunsinger Ballad feature Ability Score Improvement Sunsinger Ballad feature, Channel Light (3/rest) Ability Score Improvement The Light in the Dark SUNSINGER BALLAD Choose one ballad that your internal song takes the form of Choose from the Ballad of the Phoenix, Ballad of the Pack, or Ballad of the Valkyrie all detailed at the end of this clase description. Your choice grants you features at Ist level additional Channel Light options when you gain that feature at 2nd level and additional benefits at 7th, 10th, 15th, and. 18th levels. Licht Arriniry (SOLAR) ‘Beginning at 2nd level you have learned to harness the Light you possess, and you shape it in the form of solar energy Charisma is your Light ability. You use your Charisma modifier to determine Light ability attacks and to set the save DC against your Light abilities, When you are told to make a Light ability saving throw, you make a Charisma saving throw. Light save DC + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Light attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier You have three types of Light abilities: melee, grenade, and super. You gain a number of charges for your melee and grenade abilities equal to your Light modifier, and a number of charges for your super ability equal to 1 +one half your Light modifier. You regain charges when you complete rests. How many charges you regain depends on the type of rest you take and the type of Light zone you are in (see Light Zones for more information). ‘Starting at 2nd level, you gain the first option for your ‘melee ability You gain your super option at 3rd level, and your first grenade option at 4th level Scorcu Prerequisite: Sunsinger level 2 Casting Time/Type: free action, melee ability When you make an unarmed strike against a target, you can spend 1 melee ability to make ita Seoreh attack. Ifyou do, your target has to make a Dexterity saving throw, with a bonus to your DC equal o your Light ability level On a fai save, they take 1d4-+ your Charisma modifier * your Light ability evel in solar damage. On a success, they take half as much, a CHANNEL LIGHT ‘At 2nd level you learn to channel your Light through practiced mental and physiological triggers, using that Light to fuel the effects and abilities. You start off with two options: Drums of Wars, ané an option determined by your sunsinger Ballad When you use your Channel Light, vou choose which effect to create. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your (Channel Light again, ‘Some Channel Light effects require saving throws, When {you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your Light save DC. Beginning at 6th level you can use your Channel Light twice between rests, and beginning at 18th level you can use it three times between rests. When you finish a short or long rest, you regain your expended uses. CHANNEL LicuT: DruMs OF WAR ‘Asa bonus action you embolden yourself with your solar Light, temporarily granting yourself the benefits ofa fighting syle. Choose a fighting style from either the nightstalker or defender class Fighting Style feature. For 1 minute, you have this fighting style. Souter Licnt [At 3rd level you can give a number of creatures up to your Light ability modifier immunity against your Light abilities ‘whenever you cast them. They take no damage and trigger no effects from your Light abilities. You can change which creatures gain this benefit on your turn, Asrtrry SCORE IMPROVEMENT ‘When you reach 4th level, and again at Sth, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by2,or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1s normal, you cant increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, Exrra ATTACK Beginning at Sth level you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action. Ifyou have the option to casta grenade or melee ability, you can replace an attack with a grenade or melee ability. You cannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bonus action is the result of an attack. PATRON OF THE ARTS At 6th level, you gain proficiency in the Performance skill if you werent already, and you can double your proficiency bonus fori. SOLAR PROMINENCE When you reach 11th level, while your super ability has duration, friendly creatures that can see you gain advantage 6 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws, and. can add your Charisma modifier to any saving throws they make against paracausal mental effects you are aware of HIELIOCENTRIC {At L4th level you gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. ‘As a bonus action you can spend a use of your Channel Light to gain proficiency in a saving throw of your choice for 1 ‘minute. TE LIGHT IN THE DARK At 20th fevel when you cast your super, you can choose to, for 1 minute, emit bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. Whenever a hostile creature starts their ‘urn within the bright light, they take 10 solar damage. This damage overcomes resistances. In addition, for | minute you have advantage on saving throws imposed on you by hostile creatures. SUNSINGER BALLADS ‘The Ballad ofthe sunsinger is not a literal song, though there are many who've tried to make itone. Its something far ‘more: itis an inner song, a reflection of themselves and their place in the universe, their relation to the chord of life and death. A sunsinger's Ballad is their heart. Whether or not they sing it out loud is a personal choice. BALLAD OF THE PHOENIX All Guardians cross the veil between life and death on a regular basis, Sunsingers who choose the Ballad ofthe Phoenix understand the harmony of this journey and use the results to thie advantage. BEvonp THE VEIL At Ist level are cognizant of the influence of the Veil and can use your journey across it to your benefit. You gain 2 Visions, represented as two d6 dice, Whenever a ereature you are aware of makes an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, you can choose to roll one of your d6 and add or subtract the result from the attack roll saving throw, or skill check the creature made. You can choose to do this after the roll is made, but before the results have been announced DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM oo Your visions increase in potency as you advance in this ballad They become a dS at 10th level and a d10 at 17th, level You regain spent Visions when you die and resurrect, or ‘when you complete along rest. Crannet Licut: TrtuMPH OF THE DEAD ‘At 2nd level you can use your Channel Light to bring others. back across the Veil As an action you can resurrect a Guardian that you can see within 30 feet of you, as ifyou had performed the Revive action on them. RADIANCE Prerequisite: Sunsinger (Phoenix) level 3 Casting Time/Type: I bonus action, super ability Duration: 3 rounds ‘At 3rd level you gain your super ability option, Radiance. You call pon your Light and burst ito flames, a pair of blazing phoenix wings sprouting from your shoulders. For the duration you can cast your grenade and melee abilities without spending ability charges to do so, and grenade abilities can be cast as a honus action on each of your turns. Cxorus oF LIGHT Choose one of the following features to enhance your Radiance at 3rd level Fireborn. Ifyou have 0 health points and have to make a death saving throw, and you have atleast one super ability charge, you can spend your super ability from beyond the grave, immediately coming back to life with fll health and full shields and beginning your Radiance. You can do this regardless of the Light zone you are in. ‘Radiant Skin. For the duration of your Radiance, you have resistance to bludgeoning, energy, explosive, kinetic, piercing, and slashing damage. ‘Song of Flame. For the duration of your Radiance, if friendly Guardian both starts and ends their turn within 30 feet of you, they gain 1 melee and grenade ability charge, ‘They cannot gain more charges than their maximum. AROANE FORGE Choose one of the following features to gain at 7th level Flame Shield. When you hit a creature with Scorch, you gain an overshield equal to five times your Light ability level ‘This overshield lasts until the start of your next turn, ‘Solar Wind When you hit a creature with Scorch, they ‘must make a Strength saving throw against your Light save DC. Ona failed save, they are either pushed back 10 feet or knocked prone, your choice. Brimstone. Ifyou hit a creature with Scorch, they must make a Constitution saving throw or they begin burning for the next minute. Creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect early on a success. Ifa creature dies while burning from your Scorch, they explode in solar Light. All creatures affected by your Light abilities within § feet must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 246 solar damage, On a success, they take half as much, ANGEL OF LIGHT ‘At 10th level. you choose one of the following, features to gain. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM ‘Touch of Flame, Creatures that are burning from your melee and grenade abilities also take 1d4 solar damage at the start of their tur. Gift of the Sun. Your maximum grenade charges increases by 1. SUNBURST {At 15th level. you choose one of the following features to gain. Radiant Will The duration of your Radiance increases by L round, Viking Funeral When targets who are burning from your abilities take damage from any source, they take an additional 1148 damage from that source, CHANNEL LIGHT: REQUIEM AGEs Seal you cna usc your Chantel ight remus thoes Percsmtesiee fo rerele Aabicenden tnereetererataaea Sriceinlie | Sulton ee Channel Light to grant them 1 health point per snsinger Jevel up to their maximum health point total If they have energy shies, they can also make a shield echarge rll BALLAD OF THE PACK. ‘There is no stronger chord than that of family, camaraderie, and unity Sunsingers that sing the Ballad of the Pack harmonize with this chord strengthening both themselves and their allies. STRENGTH OF THE WOLF When you choose this ballad at Ist level you gain one of the following features. Defensive Tactics. While wearing armor, you have a bonus HL to AC, Resilient Light. I'you are hit with an attack that reduces your energy shields to 0, as a reaction, you can make a shield, recharge roll. Once you use this feature, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again. Cnannet Licnt: CALL TO ARMS {At 2nd level you can use your Channel Light to rally others, ‘and stir them to action, When you roll initiative you ean spend your Channel Light to do so with advantage, and if you or any friendly creature that can hear you were surprised, all of you ean aet normally on your turn, Additionally, you and a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier that you choose can gain an overshield equal to half your Charisma score. This overshield lasts until the start of your next turn, ‘WELL OF RADIANCE Prerequisite: Sunsinger (Pack) level 3 “ime/Type: | bonus action, super rounds At 3rd level you gain your super ability option, the Well of Radiance. As a bonus action you spend 1 super ability charge and craft a sword made of pure Light and slam it into the ground at your feet, projecting an aura with a radius of 10, feet centered on it. All friendly creatures in the aura become ‘empowered, and they deal an an additional 1d8 damage on their weapon attacks, Light constructed weapons can also benefit from this, Boon of Light. ia friendly creature starts their turn within the aura, they can make a shield recharge roll If they ovetheal their shields when they do this, they can keep the additional shields as an overshield that lasts until the start of their next turn, Creatures can have a maximum overshield equal to twice your sunsinger level from this feature. GUIDING FLAME At 3rd level you can spend a melee ability charge to empower yourself and nearby alles. Until the end of your next turn, creatures of your choosing within 10 feet of you gain a bonus, 148 damage on their weapon attacks. They can apply this bonus once on each of their turns Divine ProrEcrion At Tth level as an action you can spend a grenade ability charge to allow one creature of your choosing, who you can see and is capable of wielding the Light, to make a shield recharge roll The creature must be within a range of 30 feet. Ifthe creature overheals their energy shields with this ability, they gain the extra shields as an overshield that lasts until the end of their next turn STRENGTH OF THE Pack ‘Starting at 10th level. when you use your Call to Arms Channel Light feature, the overshield you grant is now equal toyour Charisma score. BENEVOLENT DAWN [At 15th level ifa creature under the effects of your Guiding Flame, Well of Radiance, or Divine Protection kills a hostile creature, you gain 1 melee and grenade ability chare. You cannot go over your maximum number of ability charges, CHANNEL LicuT: CADENCE OF VicToRY At 18th level you can use your Channel Light to signal victory is within reach, and to press on against all odds, As a bonus action you can end any negative effects on a number of, creatures equal to your Charisma modifier, and restore their shields to maximum, Creatures must be able to understand you and be within 60 feet of you to gain this benefit. ‘Once you tse this Channel Light option, you must complete a short rest before you can use it again. BALLAD OF THE VALKYRIE ‘The song of the Valkyrie is not a peaceful one, for itis derived ‘of War, and thus incapable of peace. ‘Wincep Sun At Ist level as an action you fly through the air to a point you ‘can see within 30 feet. You can make one weapon attack or cast one light ability before you land. ‘This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You regain use of this feature after a bref, short, or long rest. CHANNEL LiGuT: RISE OF THE VALKYRIE [At 2nd level you can use your Channel Light to raise you up above the field of battle, and bring down your burning wrath. As a bonus action you sprout radiant wings, gaining a fy speed of 30 feet for 1 minute. While airborne you can make fone weapon attack as a bonus action on each of your turns, DAYBREAK Prerequisite: Sunsinger (Valkyrie) level 3 Casting Time/Type: {bonus action, super ability, Properties: Finesse, versatile (1410), thrown (range 30/60) Damage: 1d8 solar Duration: 3 rounds ‘When you reach 3rd level you gain your super ability, Daybreak. As a bonus action you spend 1 super ability charge and summon a sword of pure solar Light into your hands. ‘The sword has the damage and properties listed, and has a onus to its attack and damage rolls equal to your Light ability level Blade Salvo. Ifyou make a thrown attack with this weapon, you do not throw the blade itself. Instead you slash the blade at air and use the motion to hurl forth solar energy in order to hit a target you can see within range. Ifyou do this, your attack is considered to have the payload property Valhalla. I'you use your Channel Light: Rise ofthe Valkyrie feature, you can cast Daybreak with the same bonus DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM e ‘Swirr SrRrKe At 3rd level you can choose to spend I melee ability charge tohasten your movements, Until the end of your next turn, you have a bonus +10 movement and can reload as a free action. This ability overcomes the bulky property. INFERNO. [At Tth level you weapon attacks do an additional 1d6 Solar damage. At 4th level the extra damage increases to 246. Icarus Dasn At 10th level while you are airborne you can take the Dodge action as a bonus action. You can only do this ifyou are ‘wearing ight armor or no armor. Hear Rises AC 15th level you gain a melee and grenade ability charge ‘when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points while youre airborne. Additionally, when you cast Daybreak, you gain a melee and grenade ability charge. You cannot go over your ‘maximum number of ability charges. Crannet Licut: TrruMPH OF VALHAITA At 18th level you ean use your Channel Light in conjunction ‘with your Daybreak to send out a volley of blades. While Daybreak has duration, a8 an action you can make a thrown attack against any number of creatures within 15 feet of a spot you can see within range. The range of your Daybreak becomes 50/90 for this action. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM STORMCALLER ‘The Vex arrive in a storm so intense he ean feel their very presence ripple across his skin, bringing with them lightning and ozone and the flash of bronze-plated armor. Even here, mired within the overwhelming wrongness that pervades the inscrutable mechanism that was once Mercury, the power that shifts them through space and time stands out in its He dislikes Mercury. He dislikes the manner in which its insidious, local reality inserts itself into his mind with viral force, The planet itself is an ontological corruption, and the ‘Vex units that inhabit it-if that is the proper word -are ‘seemingly inexhaustible agents ofthe infection. Even so, frustration will get him nowhere. He has tests to run, results to collect, and for the moment, Vex to kill Normally, he is happy to obliterate them with a web of lectrcity ora strike of negatively-charged ions from his palm, but inthis case there are too many, and he curses in frustration as a Minotaur forces him to take cover. He weighs his options, analyzes his avenues of attack -and at last decides that, quite simply, he has no desire to waste time ‘with bullets, Power floods through him and he answers Vex lightning ‘with his own, his body rising from the ground with the sheer ower ofthe current that runs through him. Fire from energy: ‘cannons envelops him, and with a thought he appears behind the Vex lines, Are Light lashing from his hands, from h being, reducing them to smoking ash. The storm lasts until all have been destroyed, and he emerges from his trance tingling, breathing heavily tranquil again Back to work. He laughs - maybe he is not so unlike the Vex, afterall. More will come, as they always do. His, colleagues ask him how he can stand to work here, within the corruption, without relief. There was a time when he would have struggled to explain, but now the answer comes easily he understands that all around him a storm is raging, and to find peace, to survive, he must embrace the storm within. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM 63 oa THE STORMCALLER Proficiene Level Bonus 1st 2 2nd +2 3rd +2 4th +2. sth 8 6th 8 7th 8 8th 3 Sth 4 1th +4 1th +4 12th +4 13th 5 : V4th 45 15th s V6th +5 Vth +6 18th +6 19th +6 20th +6 Cass FEATURES ‘Asa stormealler, you gain the following class features. Hrr Ports Hit Dice: 148 per stormealler level Hit Points at Ist Level: § + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at higher levels: Add your Constitution modifier to your hit points for every level past Ist, minimum 0 ‘Shields at Let Level: 8 ‘Shields at higher levels: Add 5 to your shields fc after Lst very level PROFICIENCIES ‘Armor: Light armor, medium armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, simple firearms, martial weapons, combat hows, fusion rifles, shotguns Grenades: Lightning (4th) Pulse (6th) Storm (8th) Vehictes: jumpships, sparrows ‘Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom ‘Skills: Choose two from Arcobaties, Animal Handling, Arcana, Insight, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, Technology DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM Features Harmony Within, Arc Charge Light Affinity, Fighting Style Stormealler Mastery Ability Score Improvement Extra Attack Faraday Cage Stormesller Mastery feature Ability Score Improvement Mind Over Energy Stormealler Mastery feature Ability Score Improvement Elementary Particles Stormealler Mastery feature Ability Score Improvement Stormealler Mastery feature Ability Score Improvement Boundless Energy Harmony WITHIN Your natural affinity for harmony and balance Keeps you centered and focused even in the midst of raging combat, Once per short rest, you ean use your action to end aa effect that is causing you to be charmed frightened, blinded, bleeding, burning, or poisoned. At 7th level you no longer need to complete a short rest to use this feature again. Arc CHARGE You are a natural conduit for are energy, allowing you to draw in arc energy and hamess it in the form of are charges, which you can use to empower yourself and your abilities. Your stormealler leve! determines the maximum amount of are charges you can hold at once, as shown in the Max Arc Charges column of the stormealler table. ‘The number of are charges you currently have determines your energy level, as seen in the Energy Levels table below. You start off at Energy Level 1, No matter how many Are Charges you have, you cannot go below Energy Level 1, unless you are incapacitated. You can regain a number of are charges up to wice your stormealler level on a short rest, You can never have more than your maximum number of charges for your level When you complete a long rest, you regain all of your spent are charges. ENercy LEVELS imum Arc Charges Level ‘to Maintain 1 - 2 2 3 8 4 18 5 32 Ano FEATURES ‘While you are at Energy Level | or higher you gain the following features. As you progress in this class, additional are features will become available. Bolt. Once per turn, when you take the Attack action, a8 a bonus action you can spend a number of are charges up to ‘your current energy Level to make a Bolt attack with a range of 30 feet. Make a Light attack roll for every are charge spent. (On hit, this attack does 146 ~ your Wisdom modifier in are damage for every Bolt attack that hits. Lighting Reflexes. You can spend 1 arc charges to take the Dodge, Dash, or Disengage action as a bonus action on your Licat AFFINITY (ARC) Beginning at 2nd level you have learned to harness the Light you possess, and you shape it in the form of arc energy. ‘Wisdom is your Light ability. You use your Wisdom modifier to determine Light ability attacks and to set the save DC ‘against your Light abilities. When you are told to make a Light ability saving throw, you make a Charisma saving throw: Light save DC = 8+ your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier Light attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier ‘You have three types of Light abilities: melee, grenade, and super. You gain a number of charges for your melee and grenade abilities equal to your Light modifier, and a number of charges for your super ability equal to 1+one half your Light modifier. You regain charges when you complete rests. How many charges you regain depends on the type of rest you take and the type of Light zone you are in (see Light Zones for more information). ‘Starting at 2nd level you gain the first option for your melee ability. You gain your super option at 3rd level and your first grenade option at 4th level ‘THUNDERSTRIKE ite: Stormcaller level 2 1¢/Type: 1 action, melee ability When you make an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 melee ability charge to make it a Thunderstrike instead. Ifyou do, ‘your target must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Light save DC. They take 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier + your Light ability level in are damage on a failed save, or half as muuch on a success. STORMCALLER MASTERY Choose the aspect of the storm you wish to master at 3rd level: Master of Thunder, Master of Wind, or Master of Lightning, all detailed at the end of this clase description. Your choice grants you features at 4th level and again at 7th Lith, 15th, and 18th levels. Asruiry ScoRE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level. and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by LAs normal you can't increase an ability scare above 20 using this feature, Exrra ATTACK Beginning at Sth level you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your tara. You cannot take a bonus action between these attacks unless the bonus action isthe result of an at Farapay Cac When you reach 6th level you gain the following features while you are at Energy Level 2 or higher. Rapid Casting. You can spend 1 arc charges to cast your grenade or melee ability as a bonus action Current. As a bonus action you can convert one melee ability or grenade ability charge into a number of arc charges equal to your Light ability modifier. You regain use ofthis feature when you complete a short or long rest. ‘MIND Over ENERGY When you reach 10th level your mastery of are energy makes you immune to disease and poison. Additionally while you are at Energy Level 3 or higher you gain access to the following features. ‘Static Defense. As a bonus action you can spend a ‘number of arc charges to give yourself an overshield equal to 2.xthe charges spent, up to your stormealler level. This ‘overshield lasts until the start of your next turn or until it depletes, whichever happens first. ELEMENTARY PARTICLES When you reach 14th level you become proficient in al saving throws. When you are at Energy Level 4or higher you gain the following features Galvaniam. When yo fails saving throw you can spend 7 are charges to re-oll that saving throw once. You can choose to use ether result, Shock of Inspiration. As a bonus action you can spend a ‘number of are charges, up to your profiieney modifier, to grant yourself ora friendly ereature you touch a bonus to their next ability check equal to the aumber of charges you spent. DNDESTINYPROJECT.COM

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