Class: V Worksheet 5 On Dissolving Sub: Chemistry Name: - Date

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Class: V Worksheet 5 on Dissolving Sub: Chemistry

Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________

1 Some solids dissolve in water and some do not. Which of these solids dissolve in water? Tick two
 sand  sugar  salt  wood

2 Martin added some baking soda to water.

a How can you tell that not all the baking soda has dissolved?


b How could Martin try to get all the baking soda to dissolve?


c How will Martin know that the baking soda has dissolved?


3 Rachel did an experiment to find out how much of different solids would dissolve in water. The
table shows her results.
Substance How much dissolved in 100 cm3 of water
bicarbonate of soda 1 teaspoon
Epsom salts 4 teaspoons
salt 5 teaspoons
sandstone chips 0 teaspoons
She then drew a bar chart of her results.
a Draw in the bar for Epsom salts on the bar chart.
b Which solid dissolved the most? ____________________________________________________
c Rachel left the salty water in a shallow dish. One week later she saw that the level of the water
had gone down. What had happened to the water? Tick one box.
 It had evaporated.  It had melted.
 It had frozen.  It had condensed.

d How could she make the level of the water go down more quickly?

4 Amit was trying to separate a mixture of salt, water and gravel. Here is the apparatus he used.

a What is this way of separating things called?___________________________________________

b What will collect in the bottle?______________________________________________________

5 Diana was finding out how quickly 5 g of sugar dissolved in water at different temperatures. The
line graph shows her results.

a One of Diana’s results is probably wrong. Circle this result.

b How does the temperature of the water affect the speed of dissolving?

c Use the graph to help you predict how long 5 g of sugar will take to dissolve at 5 °C.
__________________________________ seconds

d What would happen to the speed of dissolving if Diana had used sugar which was crushed into
smaller pieces?

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