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Life-wide Learning Grant

Plan on the Use of the Grant

2019-2020 School Year

Declaration: We understand clearly the principles on the use of the Life-wide Learning Grant and, after consulting teachers on the allocation of the resources,
plan to deploy the Grant for promoting the following items.

Essential Learning
(Please put a  in the
appropriate box(es); more
than one option can be
Brief selected)
Target Description of Estimated I M P S C
Domain Brief Description of the Activity Objective Date Student the Monitoring / Expenses
I: Intellectual Development
(Level) Evaluation ($) (closely linked with
Mechanism curriculum)
M: Moral and Civic Education
P: Physical and Aesthetic
S: Community Service
C: Career-related Experiences

Category 1 To organise / participate in life-wide learning activities

To organise life-wide learning activities in different KLAs / cross-KLA / curriculum areas to enhance learning effectiveness (e.g. field trips, arts
appreciation, visits to enterprises, thematic learning day)
Biology field camp Students’
Provide field study camp (2 -day- 5B and participation
Broaden students’ horizon in October
1-night) for some of the F.5 5D and
Biology real field work in the 21-22, $3,000  
Biology students, organized by Biology performance in
biological and ecological study 2019
the Hokoon Nature Education students their group
Centre. presentation
After-school class teaching by a tutor  Familiarize with the
(20-25 interested students, 15 hours in concepts for
total, 1 hour per session) “Technology ABCD”, Late Sept Online
CL  Foundation concepts of which includes to Nov; F.2 – F.3 Questionnaire $29,400  
Technology ABCD (AI, Artificial Intelligence Jan to May by participants
Blockchain, Cloud Computing, (AI), Blockchain,
Big Data) Cloud computing and
 Topics include: AI, machine Big data, and
learning, computer vision, image criticall y appraise the
processing impacts of technology
 Design thinking concepts on individual, societal
 Smart City projects x 2 and environmental
 Trend Prediction levels.
 Self Driving  Develop students’
capabilit y,
understanding and
awareness to
technology “ABCD”
 Appl y high level
thinking and critical
thinking skills and
being well equipped
for tackling problems
in real situations.
 Enhance students ’
interests in STEM for
further studies an d
careers in meeting the
changes and
challenges in the
contemporary world.
After-school class teaching by a tutor
 Familiarize with the
(20-25 interested students, 15 hours in
concepts for
total, 1 hour per session)
“Technology ABCD”,
 Foundation concepts of
which includes
Technology ABCD (AI,
Artificial Intelligence Late Sept Online
Blockchain, Cloud Computing,
CL (AI), Blockchain, to Nov; F.4 – F.5 Questionnaire $29,400  
Big Data)
Cloud computing and Jan to May by participants
 Topics include: AI, machine
Big data, and
learning, computer vision, image
criticall y appraise the
impacts of technology
 Design thinking concepts
on individual, societal
 Smart City projects x 2
 Spam Filter and environmental
 Chatbox levels.
 Develop students’
capabilit y,
understanding and
awareness to
technology “ABCD”
 Appl y high level
thinking and critical
thinking skills and
being well equipped
for tackling problems
in real situations.
 Enhance students ’
interests in STEM for
further studies an d
careers in meeting the
changes and
challenges in the
contemporary world.
1. To help students
develop motor skills
and acquire
knowledge through
physical activities.
PE lessons -Assessment
2. To help students 9/2019- 1. $10,000
PE 1. Traffic subsidy F.4 – F. 6 -Student 
acquire good health, 8/2020 2. $10,000
2. Instructor Fee (Dance) performance
physical fitness and
body co-ordination
through leading an
active and health
lifest yle
To have a deeper
LS Visit to T‧Park (Transport fare) understanding of Hong F.5 Worksheets $5,400  
Kong’s integrated waste
management (e.g. waste - 3/1/2020

To encourage positive
change in students’
attitudes and behaviours
towards waste
management and resource
recovery and recycling.
Visit to the
Humanitarian Education Centre,
Hong Kong Red Cross To help students to build
(The exploration programme – up humanitarian Worksheets / 1. $1,800
LS August, F.4/F.5  
“WARZONE90”) perspectives and arouse Presentation 2. $3,750
their empathy.
1. Transport fare
2. Fee-charging item
To help students to learn
about the history and
conservation of the
Visit to Tai Kwun(大 館 ):
Central Police Station
~ A 60-minute education tour compound.
(free of charge) (1 day)
~ Tai Kwun Education Activit y: To help students to learn January- 1. $3,600
Heritage Education Courtroom
LS about the history and August, F.4/F.5 Worksheets 2. $1,750  
Theatre (fee-charging) (1 day) development of Hong 2020
(Total: 2 days) Kong’s judicial system.
1. Transport fare To enhance students ’
2. Fee-charging item awareness and
appreciation of Hong
Kong's heritage.
To enhance students ’
Two Field trips to Cheung Chau awareness and Worksheets
LS $2,400
(Transport fare) appreciation of Hong Presentation
Kong's heritage.

To enhance students ’
generic skills.
To have a better
understanding towards of
potentiall y devastating
Visit to Jockey Club Museum Of
effects of climate change.
Climate Change (including January to
LS F.4 Worksheets $2,400  
education tour and eco -tour) April
To encourage students to
(Transport fare)
to get involved in carbon -
reducing action and
living a green lifest yle.
“Eat Well Workshop ”
(The Green Hub) To enhance students ’
(collaborating with the understanding about our
January to 1. $1,800
LS Gardening Class) connection with climatic F.4 Worksheets    
April 2. $4,200
change and commitment
1. Transport fare to low-carbon living.
2. Fee-charging item
To organise diversified life-wide learning activities to cater for students' interests and abilities for stretching students’ potential and nurturing in students
1.2 positive values and attitudes (e.g. activities on multiple intelligences; physical, aesthetic and cultural activities; leadership training; service learning; clubs
and societies; school team training; uniformed groups; military camps)

To raise students’ awareness of

the need to have career and life
planning throughout their
secondary school education Students’
CLP F.1 CLP Talk from real-life stories shared by April 2020 F.1 Participation & $4,500 
facilitator of the service Questionnaires
provider who has overcome
obstacles to realise their life
goals to be a fireman
To enable students to make a
Oral Feedback
realistic self-assessment of F.3
CLP F.3 Online Career Interest Test—Probe Jan 2020 & $2,500 
their own qualities,
aptitudes and abilities and
relate results of the test to
academic and career goal
Students can learn the value of
self-discipline and self-
motivation through F.4 – F.5
Disney’s Foundations for Career Students’
discovering elements that students
Success Secondary & Post-Secondary November participation
CLP contribute to success as a (CLP $3,840 
Students. (Organized by the Disney 2019 and
Disney Cast Member. They ambassad
Youth Education Series) questionnaires
travel the path from school to ors)
work, exploring personal
preparation for career interest
To organise one CLP talk/,
visit / workshop for each form
in the 2nd term to be delivered
by service providers/ NGOs .
The aim is to equip students
with the knowledge, skills and Students’
F.1- F.5 CLP talks, visits and attitudes to make informed Jan 2020- F.1 – F.5 participation
CLP $15,000 
workshops study and career choices in Aug 2020 students and
accordance with their interests, questionnaires
abilities and orientations and
to raise their awareness of the
need to have career and life
planning throughout their
secondary school education.
To offer multifarious career-
related experiences to support Students’
Travel expenses (i.e. hiring coaches)
students’ progression for Sept 2019- F.1 – F.5 participation $6,000
CLP for students attending CLP programmes 
further studies, career Aug 2020 Students and
held outside school
development and actualization questionnaires
of their personal goals
About twenty F.4-F.5 students Students’
F. 5 Apprentice Sept 2019 10-20
will be divided into teams to participation $2,000
CLP [A project in which students can get – May F.5 
participate in different career- and
hands-on experience from performing 2020 students
related activities or questionnaires
simulated workplace tasks under the competitions throughout the
direction of alumni coaches] school year e.g. running
booths for fund-raising events
Amity Walk for Living Water.
Students are expected to have
their soft skills honed when
fulfilling the tasks designed by
alumni coaches. The ultimate
aim is to offer multifarious
career-related experiences to
support students’ progression
for further studies and career
development and actualisation
of personal goals.
-To equip students with verbal 20-30
communication and other F.3 – F.5
essential generic skills needed student
for future leaders leaders
Skill- Building Programmes for -To align with Major Concern of
Oct 2019- participation
CLP Grooming Star Students 1 ‘Enhancing the whole-school different $9,000 
Aug 2020 and
approach in Career Education’ clubs,
and Major Concern 2 societies
‘Implement a value education and
to cultivate students’ attitude service
and values’ groups
To enable F.4 student mentees
to be acquainted with different
Students’ video
work ethics, and attitudes and
F.4 IA-Career Video Mentorship communication skills required F.4
Sept 2019 – reflections
CLP (Integrated Arts -CLP Committee by a specific career by talking ( whole $3,000 
May 2020 given in the
Cross-Curricular Project) & interviewing alumni form)
videos &
mentors who will inspire
mentees with anecdotes from
their everyday work.
To inspire and motive students Sept 2019 – Students’ oral
CLP F.5 Career Oscars F.5 $5,000 
to take steps to equip May 2020 presentations
(CLP team-English Cross - themselves for the working (whole and reflections
Curricular Project ) world by getting to know the form) in their
importance of communication submitted
skills in the workplace by essays and
interviewing alumni working questionnaires
in different career fields.
1. To enhance students ’ Final
acting skill. production in
Sept 2019-
Drama Professional Acting Training 2. To improve students ’ Drama Festival
Feb/Mar F.1 – F.5 $65,000   
Club Course self-confident.
To learn working with Annual
others. questionnaires
1. To enhance students ’
Drama esthetic conception Sept 2019- All Questionnaires
Drama ticket subsidies Scheme $5,000  
Club To promote professional Aug 2020 Forms after show
drama in the school
1. To enhance students ’ Final
backstage knowledge. production in
Drama Professional Backstage Training 2. To improve students ’ Jan 2020- Drama Festival
F.1 – F.5 $3,000  
Club Course self-confident. Feb 2020
To learn working with Annual
others questionnaires
Leadership training, group
Students participate in the All Students’
ECA activities as well as social
adventureship training are required to April - adventur participation
(Adventure service experience are $4,000  
organize social service activities May 2020 eship and
ship) provided for the
afterwards. trainees questionnaire
Adventureship trainees
To equip students for the
F.1 – F.4
Orienteering training fee and inter-school competitions Students
ECA Whole students
competition fee for orienteering organized by the participation $3,000 
(AYP) year (B,C
club members Orienteering Association and results
Hong Kong
1. To develop students’ multi- -Attendance
Extra-Curricular Activities – Instructor 9/2019-
ECA intelligence and non- F.1 – F. 6 -Performance $220, 000 
Fee 8/2020
academic potential and Awards
2. To enable students to
acquire various practical
skills so as to improve
their ability and attitude in
further education, career
and daily life
3. To make school life fun
and challenging
Red Cross Leadership and life camp
Provide adventure -based camp Leadership training and
All red
ECA (Red (2-day-1-night) for red cross group activities are provided Students’
April 2020 cross $5,000 
cross) members, organized by NGOs for the Red Cross Youth Unit participation
and inside the campsite with 319 members
Canyoning adventure activity
All Students’
Provide adventure -based activit y Leadership training and
Smart participation
Discipline for Smart Teen members, group activities are provided June 2020 $3,000 
Teen and
organized by CrossLand Life for the Smart Teen members
members questionnaire
Adventure Centre (NGO).
To boost up the vocal
Choral Master class by Erasmus F.1 to F.5 A questionnaire
skills of the choir and 2 n d to 4 t h
Music Baumgartner (the Deputy Artistic Choir will be $18,000 
provide a global music Jan 2020
Director of the Vienna Boys Choir) members conducted
experience for students

1.3 To organise or participate in non-local exchange activities or competitions to broaden students’ horizons

Australian National Chemistry Quiz,

ANCQ (A premium chemical education The theme of the Quiz is
activity organized by Royal Australian “Science for Everyone”
Chemistry July F.3 – F.6 participation $3,200 
Chemical Institute. It is a big-scale covering daily life-related and
and results
international chemistry quiz held in challenging questions
July each year.
Counselling Service trip to Myanmar (1 s t - Enhance students ’ F.4 – F.5 - Students’
(Mental choice) or Bangladesh (2 n d positive attitudes and (27stude sharing $112,500    
(6 days)
Health) choice) behaviours nts) during

- Nurture students to be morning
serving leaders assembly
Enhance mental health - Board
awareness in school display of
(training of mental health learning
ambassadors) outcomes
To broaden participants ’
Secondary School Mathematics
scope in the interested
and Science Competition
science and mathematics
(A local mathematics and
subject(s). Students
science competition involving 4 Students’
Math, Phy, awarded ‘High April-May,
subjects: mathematics, physics, F.5 participation $5,400  
Chem, Bio Distinction’ or ‘Medal” 2020
chemistry and biology for F.5 and results
could receive an extra
science students, organized by
interview chance if they
the Hong Kong Pol ytechnic
choose Pol yU programme
Universit y)
To provide students with
a chance to have an in -
depth exchange in the
An overseas study tour( 「 一 帶 Baltic states to learn
一 路 」 文 化 體 驗 之 旅 (續 篇 ) to more about their history
Estonia in the Baltic Region/ and culture.
Late June
LS Baltic states of Northern Europe – earl y F.3 – F.5 Presentation $130,500  
(collaborating with the Career & To broaden students ’ July, 2020
Life Planning Committee and horizons and global
School Library) perspective.

To open students’ eyes to

career opportunities in
the IT industry.
1) Students’
25 students from F.1 to F.3 are to - Enriching students’ confidence in
English join the overseas study trip to an understanding of the using English
July 2020 F.1 to F.3 $101,000 
Language English-speaking country for 2 local culture of the to
weeks in Jul y 2020 target country; communicate

- Boosting students’ 2) Students’
confidence in using oral and
English; and written
- Enhancing students’ English
English proficiency proficiency
through task-based and
interactive learning. 3) Students’
for the
culture of the

4) Students’
of the
activities and
To broaden students ’
29 2
WESPA Youth Cup 2019 horizons by meeting top International
Scrabble November - students
(29 November - 1 December 2019 in Scrabble players around Scrabble $12,780 
Team 1 December in 5C and
Malaysia) the world and bring glory competition
2019 3A
to Hong Kong
To enhance the students’
interests in Science,
Technology and Mathematics,
to strengthen their ability to
integrate and apply knowledge
and skills to solve authentic Whole
STEM STEM activities / competitions F.1 – F.6 participation $70,000 
problems, as well as to foster year
and results
innovation and entrepreneurial
spirit as required in the 21st
century, so that students are
better equipped for further
studies and careers in meeting
the changes and challenges in
the contemporary world.

1.4 Others

Estimated Expenses for Category 1 $921,120

Domain Item Purpose Estimated Expenses ($)

Category 2 To procure equipment, consumables and learning resources for promoting life-wide learning

To replace some defective digital devices

bought years ago. Such recorders and cameras
would be lent to F.4 students to video-record the
Two Digital Video -Recorders and One digital
interviews with alumni or take pictures of
CLP camera for F.4 IA-Career Video Mentorship $ 16,000
different CLP functions. Other uses of such
(cross-curricular project)
devices include recording F.5 students’
performance in Career Oscars and their English
SBAs for submission to HKEAA.
Movable Spot Light To provide lighting effect in drama show $5,000
Walkie-talkie To communicate on stage in drama show $5,000
Cube box For drama rehearsal or performance $2,000

AYP Tent $1,500

For Expedition course (AYP) and Orienteering

AYP Sleeping bags + mat + backpack (package) $4,800
club outdoor activities

AYP Map $300

AYP Compass For Inter-School competitions $1,600

Estimated Expenses for Category 2 $36,200

Estimated Expenses for Categories 1 & 2 $957,320

Estimated Number of Student Beneficiaries

Total number of students in the school: 904

Estimated number of student beneficiaries: 904

Percentage of students benefitting from the Grant (%): 100%


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