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Journal of Occupational Health Psychology © 2011 American Psychological Association

2011, Vol. 16, No. 4, 468 – 482 1076-8998/11/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0024392

Workaholic and Work Engaged Employees:

Dead Ringers or Worlds Apart?
Ilona van Beek, Toon W. Taris, and Wilmar B. Schaufeli
Utrecht University

Building on Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory and Meijman and Mulder’s Effort-
Recovery Model, the present study examined the nature, antecedents, and consequences of
working hard (i.e., workaholism and work engagement) in a Dutch convenience sample of 1,246
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

employees. A confirmatory factor analysis showed that workaholism and work engagement were
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

two largely independent concepts. Crossing these two concepts yielded four types of workers:
workaholic employees, engaged employees, engaged workaholics, and nonworkaholic/
nonengaged employees. MANOVA and subsequent ANOVAs were used to compare these four
groups regarding their motivation, working hours, and levels of burnout. As expected, study
results revealed that workaholic employees were driven by controlled motivation, whereas
engaged employees were driven by autonomous motivation. Engaged workaholics were driven by
both controlled and autonomous motivation. In addition, the results revealed that engaged
workaholics spent most time on working. Unlike workaholic employees, engaged workaholics did
not experience the highest levels of burnout, suggesting that high engagement may buffer the
adverse consequences of workaholism. The present study emphasizes the importance of differ-
entiating among at least three categories of employees who work hard: workaholic employees,
engaged employees, and—for the first time— engaged workaholics.

Keywords: workaholism, work engagement, work motivation, self-determination theory, effort-

recovery model

People hold radically different ideas regarding the well (e.g., Beckers et al., 2004), contesting that work-
value and consequences of working hard. Whereas ing hard does not necessarily have adverse conse-
some hold that nobody ever died of working hard, quences.
others contend that the figures on karoshi (death due These diverging ideas and findings on high-effort
to overwork) and karo-jisato (suicide due to work expenditure at work may be explained by the fact that
overload) in Japan prove otherwise (Kanai, 2006). To different types of and different reasons for working
date, there has been no compelling evidence for ei- hard can be distinguished. For example, Spence and
ther of these positions. Although working long hours Robbins (1992) distinguished among three types of
may have adverse consequences for employee health workaholics (work addicts, work enthusiasts, and en-
and well-being (Taris et al., in press; Van der Hulst, thusiast workaholics) and three types of nonworka-
2003), the strength of this association is modest at holics, depending on the extent to which employees
best and depends on aspects such as rewards and the (a) are involved in their work, (b) feel driven toward
extent to which employees experience pressure from their work, and (c) enjoy their work—the so-called
others to work overtime (Van der Hulst & Geurts, workaholic triad. This classification has been criti-
2001). To complicate matters even more, moderate cized by Mudrack (2006), who rightly argued that
levels of working overtime have been found to be enjoyment is not a constituting element of work
positively associated with health and well-being as addiction, because workaholics may or may not enjoy
their work. Moreover, enthusiastic workers are not
necessarily work addicts, as they do not experience
This article was published Online First July 25, 2011.
Ilona van Beek, Toon W. Taris, and Wilmar B. Schaufeli, the inner compulsion that is characteristic of any
Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, addiction. More recently, Schaufeli, Taris, and Van
Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Rhenen (2008) distinguished between a “bad” and a
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- “good” type of working hard: workaholism (this cat-
dressed to Ilona van Beek, Utrecht University, Department
of Work and Organizational Psychology, P.O. Box 80.140,
egory is similar to Spence and Robbins’ work ad-
NL-3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands. E-mail: i.vanbeek@ dicts) and work engagement (this category overlaps with Spence and Robbins’ work enthusiasts), respec-


tively. In our view, workaholism is characterized by Rhenen, 2009) than nonengaged employees. Further,
“the tendency to work excessively hard and being engaged employees spend time on socializing, hob-
obsessed with work, which manifests itself in work- bies, and volunteer work (Schaufeli et al., 2001),
ing compulsively” (Schaufeli, Shimazu, & Taris, experience high life satisfaction, and good mental
2009, p. 322). Workaholic employees spend an ex- and physical health (Schaufeli & Salanova, 2007a;
cessive amount of time on their work and they work Schaufeli, Taris, & Van Rhenen, 2008).
harder than their colleagues and harder than required Thus, despite the fact that both workaholic em-
in order to meet organizational or economic stan- ployees and engaged employees work hard, worka-
dards. Moreover, workaholic employees are unwill- holism and work engagement apparently represent
ing and unable to disengage from work and think different psychological states as exemplified by their
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

about their work constantly; that is, even when they associations with different types of outcomes. Gen-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

are not working. They experience a strong and un- erally speaking, workaholism is associated with neg-
controllable inner drive to work hard (Scott, Moore, ative outcomes, while work engagement is linked
& Miceli, 1997). Conversely, work engagement re- with positive outcomes. This is why workaholism is
fers to “a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of considered inherently “bad” and work engagement is
mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and considered inherently “good” (Schaufeli, Taris, &
absorption” (Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá, Bakker, 2008). The difference between both con-
& Bakker, 2002, p. 74). Vigor refers to high levels of structs is also found at the measurement level:
energy and mental resilience while working, the will- Schaufeli, Shimazu et al. (2009) showed that worka-
ingness to invest effort in one’s work, and persistence holism and work engagement correlate only weakly,
even in the face of difficulties. Dedication refers to with rs of ⫺.19 in their Dutch and ⫺.05 in their
being strongly involved in one’s work and experienc- Japanese samples. Apparently, it makes good sense
ing a sense of significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, to distinguish between workaholism and work en-
pride, and challenge. Finally, absorption refers to gagement. However, this raises the question of how
being fully concentrated and deeply engrossed in these two concepts relate to each other. For example,
one’s work, whereby time passes quickly and one has are the well-being correlates the same for both con-
difficulties with detaching oneself from work. cepts? Can high levels of work engagement compen-
Interestingly, the individual-level and organiza- sate the adverse consequences of workaholism? And
tional-level consequences of working hard appear to does the underlying work motivation differ for
be contingent upon its type. Whereas workaholism is workaholism and work engagement? The latter ques-
primarily associated with negative outcomes, work tion is especially interesting because the motivational
engagement is usually linked with positive outcomes. antecedents of workaholism and work engagement
For instance, workaholic employees experience more have as yet hardly been examined. The present study
interpersonal conflict at work (Mudrack, 2006), are addresses these and other issues by studying worka-
less satisfied with their jobs (Burke & MacDermid, holism and work engagement simultaneously.
1999), report more work– home interference Furthermore, the relative independence of both
(Schaufeli, Bakker, Van der Heijden, & Prins, 2009; concepts implies that four types of workers may be
Taris, Schaufeli, & Verhoeven, 2005), and have distinguished: (a) employees who are workaholic and
poorer social relationships outside work (Robinson, nonengaged (workaholic employees), (b) employees
2007; Schaufeli, Taris, & Van Rhenen, 2008) than who are nonworkaholic and engaged (engaged em-
nonworkaholic employees. Moreover, they experi- ployees), (c) employees who are both workaholic and
ence low life satisfaction (Bonebright, Clay, & An- engaged (engaged workaholics), and (d) employees
kenmann, 2000) and high levels of job strain and who are nonworkaholic and nonengaged (nonworka-
health complaints (Burke, 1999, 2000). In contrast, holic/nonengaged workers). The latter type of work-
engaged employees are more satisfied with their jobs ers refers to those who are satisfied with accomplish-
and are more committed to the organization ing the prescribed tasks without going beyond
(Schaufeli, Taris, & Van Rhenen, 2008), show more organizational requirements: they are satiated, rather
personal initiative (Sonnentag, 2003), exhibit more than activated. This classification of the four groups
extrarole behavior and perform better (Salanova, resembles that of Spence and Robbins (1992), but
Agut, & Peiró, 2005; Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Demer- builds on contemporary concepts in occupational
outi, & Schaufeli, 2009), have a lower intention to health psychology: workaholism (excluding enjoy-
leave the organization (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004), ment, cf. Mudrack, 2006) and work engagement. By
and are less often absent (Schaufeli, Bakker, & Van exploring the differences and similarities of these

four groups, the present study seeks to clarify the non-self-determined behavior to self-determined be-
nature, antecedents, and consequences of working havior (Deci & Ryan, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2000, cf.
hard. Figure 1).
Below we first address the theoretical frameworks First, two controlled or non-self-determined forms
used in the present study regarding motivation, of extrinsic motivation are distinguished: external
health, and well-being. Then we consider how the and introjected regulation. Externally regulated be-
four workaholism-work engagement combinations havior is motivated by external contingencies involv-
can be linked to these concepts. ing threats of punishments, or material or social re-
wards (Deci & Ryan, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2000).
Motivation Applied to work, employees whose behavior is ex-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ternally regulated may be motivated by fear of being

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, laid off or by monetary incentives. Since externally
1985, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2000) is a valuable theo- regulated behavior is regulated by forces in the social
retical framework for examining the motivation un- environment, it is considered fully non-self-
derlying the various combinations of workaholism determined. Introjected regulation is the product of
and work engagement (Van Beek, Hu, Schaufeli, an internalization process in which people rigidly
Taris, & Schreurs, in press). SDT postulates that a adopt external standards of self-worth and social ap-
fundamental distinction in the motivational regula- proval without fully identifying with them (Deci &
tion of behavior is that between intrinsic and extrinsic Ryan, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2000). Meeting these
motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to performing standards produces feelings of high self-worth and
an activity because it is experienced as inherently self-esteem, whereas failing to meet these standards
enjoyable and satisfying. Intrinsically motivated peo- leads to self-criticism and negative affect (Koestner
ple engage in an activity with a full sense of volition & Losier, 2002; Ryan and Deci, 2002). Employees
and choice. Hence, intrinsically motivated behavior whose behavior is introjectedly regulated are moti-
is truly autonomous or self-determined. Conversely, vated by acquiring positive feelings such as pride or
extrinsic motivation refers to performing an activity avoiding negative feelings like unworthiness. Since
because of its instrumental value. Within SDT, four people do not fully identify with the adopted external
forms of extrinsic motivation are distinguished that standards, they experience a conflict between behav-
vary regarding the extent to which people engage in ing in accord with the adopted external standards and
an activity with a sense of volition and choice. In what they personally find important and want. For
other words, the different types of extrinsic motiva- this reason, introjectedly regulated behavior is some-
tion can be placed along a continuum ranging from what non-self-determined. External regulation and

Non-self-determined behavior Self-determined behavior Self-determined


Extrinsic Intrinsic
Motivation Motivation

External Introjected Identified Integrated Intrinsic

regulation regulation regulation regulation regulation

External Internal Personal Synthesis with Interest,

rewards and rewards and importance of the self enjoyment, and
punishments punishments an activity satisfaction

Controlled motivation Autonomous motivation

Figure 1. Self-Determination Theory (based on Ryan & Deci, 2000).


introjected regulation constitute controlled motiva- accompanied by short-term load reactions that occur
tion, because people experience an external or inter- at the physiological, behavioral, and subjective levels
nal pressure to engage in a particular activity (Deci & (i.e., physiological and psychological costs). When
Ryan, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2000). employees stop working (e.g., during a break or after
Second, two autonomous or self-determined forms a work day), their psychobiological systems will re-
of extrinsic motivation are distinguished: identified turn to and stabilize at baseline levels, leading to
and integrated regulation. These two forms are not diminishing load reactions (recovery). However,
only the product of an internalization process in when employees cannot fully recover from their
which people adopt external standards, but also of an work (e.g., due to long working hours), a downward
integration process in which these standards become spiral may be activated: compensatory effort is
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

part of their self. When people identify themselves needed to keep their performance at the same level.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

with the reason for a particular behavior, their moti- As a consequence, the physiological and psycholog-
vational regulation is labeled as identified (Deci & ical costs as well as the need for recovery increase
Ryan, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2000). Applied to work, (Hockey, 1997), and so forth. Frequent and/or con-
employees whose behavior is regulated this way may tinuous exposure (i.e., sustained activation) to work
be motivated by its importance for their own career accompanied by insufficient possibilities for recovery
path. Since there is identification with the reason for may lead to an accumulation of load reactions (allo-
a particular activity, people will experience some static load) and in the long term to impaired well-
ownership of their behavior. As a result, behavior being and health problems (Ursin & Eriksen, 2004)
characterized by identified regulation is somewhat such as exhaustion, sleeping disturbances, and psy-
self-determined. When the reason for a behavior is chosomatic complaints. These reactions may persist
experienced as consistent with other important values for a longer period of time and may become irrevers-
and needs and constitutes an integral part of the self, ible (Sonnentag, 2001; Taris et al., 2006).
the motivational regulation is labeled as integrated
(Deci & Ryan, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2000). For ex- The Present Study
ample, employees whose behavior is regulated this
way are motivated to perform their job because it is With these theoretical frameworks in mind, the
completely in line with their core values and with four groups can be characterized in terms of their
“who they are.” Like intrinsically motivated behav- expected motivation, working hours, and well-being
ior, behavior characterized by integrated regulation is (i.e., levels of burnout).
fully self-determined, because people experience
their behavior as entirely volitional. However, in Controlled Motivation
SDT it is still considered as extrinsic motivation,
since an activity is performed for its instrumental Workaholic employees are assumed to be moti-
value. Because of its overlap with intrinsic regulation vated by the desire to avoid negative emotions, since
(Ryan & Deci, 2000) and because it is psychometri- not working elicits distress and negative emotions
cally difficult to distinguish items measuring inte- such as irritability, anxiety, shame, and guilt (Kill-
grated regulation from the other items (Gagné et al., inger, 2006; Schaufeli, Taris, & Bakker, 2008). In
2010), integrated regulation is not included in the addition, workaholic employees are expected to be
present study. Identified regulation and intrinsic reg- motivated by a higher need to prove themselves,
ulation constitute autonomous motivation, because since it has been suggested that workaholism devel-
people experience at least some ownership of their ops in response to feelings of low self-worth and
behavior when they engage in a particular activity insecurity (Mudrack, 2006; Robinson, 2007). Ego
(Deci & Ryan, 2000). involvement is characteristic of introjected regulation
(Ryan, 1982); if people meet the (partially) adopted
Health and Well-Being external standards, they buttress themselves with
feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. If they fail to
Meijman and Mulder’s (1998) Effort-Recovery meet these standards, they experience negative emo-
(E-R) model is a valuable theoretical framework for tions and low self-worth (Koestner & Losier, 2002;
examining health and well-being. The E-R model Ryan and Deci, 2002). In line with this reasoning,
focuses on the consequences of working hard for recent research among Chinese nurses and physicians
employee health and well-being. The model posits demonstrated that workaholism and introjected reg-
that working requires investment of effort that is ulation are positively associated (Van Beek et al., in

press). It is likely that the same holds for engaged workaholic employees are driven by controlled mo-
workaholics. Accordingly, workaholic employees tivation, engaged employees are driven by autono-
and engaged workaholics are expected to be sensitive mous motivation. However, engaged workaholics
to and motivated by threats of punishments and social may work even harder than workaholic employees
rewards. For instance, disapproval by others can un- and engaged employees because they are driven by
dermine a sense of self-esteem, whereas appreciation controlled and autonomous motivation. Specifically,
by others can provide a sense of self-esteem and the eagerness to obtain feelings of self-worth and
self-worth. This agrees with the assumption that self-esteem in combination with interest in and en-
workaholic employees are stimulated by status, peer joying the job may strengthen workers’ perseverance
admiration, and supervisors’ approval (Spence & and their willingness to go the extra mile. Whereas
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Robbins, 1992). Contrary to workaholic employees, workaholic employees stop working when external
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

engaged employees experience high self-esteem and standards and partially adopted external standards of
self-efficacy (Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Demerouti, & self-worth are met, engaged workaholics may con-
Schaufeli, 2007). People with a positive view of tinue because they enjoy it. And whereas engaged
themselves are less strongly influenced by others and employees stop working when they do not enjoy it
their feedback (Brockner, 1988). Hence, workaholic anymore, engaged workaholics may continue be-
employees and engaged workaholics will be more cause they have not yet met the external and partially
strongly driven by controlled motivation (i.e., exter- adopted external standards of self-worth. Conversely,
nal regulation and introjected regulation) than en- nonworkaholic/nonengaged employees are expected
gaged employees and nonworkaholic/nonengaged to stop working when the prescribed tasks have been
employees (Hypothesis 1). accomplished. Therefore, nonworkaholic/nonen-
gaged employees will spend least time and engaged
Autonomous Motivation workaholics will spend most time on work (Hypoth-
esis 3).
People with a positive view of themselves are
more likely to pursue goals that they believe to be Burnout
important, joyful, and interesting (Judge, Bono, Erez,
& Locke, 2005). Since engaged employees experi- Past research has frequently studied burnout as an
ence high self-esteem and self-worth (Xanthopoulou outcome of (lack of) recovery (e.g., Taris et al.,
et al., 2007), it can be assumed that engaged employ- 2006), as it is related to various health complaints,
ees work hard because they value their work, have including sleeping disturbances, psychosomatic com-
integrated their work goals into their selves, and plaints, depression, cardiovascular diseases, anxiety,
enjoy their work for its own sake. They seem to be and acute infections (Shirom, Melamed, Toker, Ber-
passionately fond of their work and they seem to liner, & Shapira, 2005). Burnout is “a state of ex-
derive great pleasure from it. Recent findings indeed haustion in which one is cynical about the value of
suggest that work engagement increases with increas- one’s occupation and doubtful of one’s capacity to
ing autonomous motivation (Van Beek et al., in perform” (Maslach, Jackson, & Leiter, 1996, p. 20).
press). It is likely that the same holds for engaged Previous theorizing and research has shown that ex-
workaholics. Since workaholic employees are haustion (referring to the depletion of mental re-
strongly absorbed in their work to preserve a positive sources) and cynicism (an indifferent and detached
self-evaluation, they will be hindered in performing attitude toward one’s work) are the core of the burn-
activities that they find important and joyful. Hence, out syndrome (cf. Schaufeli & Taris, 2005; Schaufeli
engaged employees and engaged workaholics will be & Salanova, 2007b).
more strongly driven by autonomous motivation (i.e., Although engaged workaholics are expected to
identified regulation and intrinsic regulation) than spend most time on work, workaholic employees
workaholic employees and nonworkaholic/nonen- may be most vulnerable for developing burnout.
gaged employees (Hypothesis 2). Workaholic employees invest behaviorally and cog-
nitively much effort in their work, and they report
Working Hours more work– home interference (Schaufeli, Bakker,
Van der Heijden et al., 2009), have poorer social
We assume that both workaholic employees and relationships outside work (Schaufeli, Taris, & Van
engaged employees work hard and spend much time Rhenen, 2008), and experience higher levels of job
on their work, albeit for different reasons. While strain (Burke, 1999, 2000; Taris, Van Beek, &

Schaufeli, 2010) than others. Therefore, they have naire. Of these 1,329 respondents, 58 were unem-
little opportunity to recover from work sufficiently ployed and excluded from further analysis. Closer
and, hence, they will deplete their energy more than inspection of the data revealed that 25 respondents
others. This corresponds with earlier suggestions that had filled out the questionnaires more than once.
workaholism may be a root cause of burnout Duplicate cases were randomly removed, leaving a
(Maslach, 1986; Porter, 2001). Unlike workaholic single set of responses for each participant. As a
employees, engaged employees are characterized by result, 1,246 respondents (472 males, with a mean
high levels of energy and mental resilience, do not age of 45.5 years, SD ⫽ 9.4, and 774 females, with a
experience work– home interference, and spend time mean age of 42.5 years, SD ⫽ 9.1) were included in
on socializing, hobbies, and volunteer work the present study.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

(Schaufeli et al., 2001). As a result, they are likely to

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

recover sufficiently from work. This is consistent

with findings that work addicts (comparable with Instruments
workaholic employees) and enthusiastic addicts (en-
gaged workaholics) experience higher levels of ex- Workaholism was measured with the Dutch Work
haustion than work enthusiasts (engaged employees; Addiction Scale (DUWAS; Schaufeli, Shimazu &
Burke & Matthiesen, 2004). However, we expect that Taris, 2009). The DUWAS consists of two subscales
the characteristics that are associated with work en- (r ⫽ .75, p ⬍ .05): Working Excessively (9 items)
gagement may buffer the adverse effects of high and Working Compulsively (7 items). The first sub-
workaholism in engaged workaholics. Hence, work- scale is based on the Compulsive Tendencies scale of
aholic employees will experience more burnout and Robinson’s (1999) Work Addiction Risk Test,
engaged employees will experience less burnout than whereas the second scale is based on the Drive scale
other employees (Hypothesis 4). Table 1 summarizes of Spence and Robbins’ (1992) Workaholism Bat-
our four hypotheses. tery. Example items are: “I seem to be in a hurry and
racing against the clock” (Working Excessively) and
Method “I feel that there’s something inside me that drives
me to work hard” (Working Compulsively), 1 ⫽
Sample and Procedure (almost) never, 4 ⫽ (almost) always. Since worka-
holism can be considered a syndrome (i.e., a set of
During a 3-month study period, visitors to an In- two characteristics that go together; see Schaufeli,
ternet site addressing career-related issues were in- Bakker, Van der Heijden et al., 2009), a composite
vited to complete an online survey on work motiva- workaholism score (based on 16 items, ␣ ⫽ .89) was
tion. After completing the questionnaire, participants used in the present study.
received automatically generated feedback on their Work engagement was measured with the Utrecht
scores. During the study, 1,329 out of 2,431 visitors Work Engagement Scale (UWES; Schaufeli, Bakker,
who responded to our call completed the question- & Salanova, 2006). The UWES consists of three

Table 1
Summary of the Hypotheses
Variable employees Engaged employees Workaholic employees Engaged workaholics
Time investment
Working hours 0 ⫹ ⫹ ⫹⫹
Controlled motivation
External regulation 0 0 ⫹ ⫹
Introjected regulation 0 0 ⫹ ⫹
Autonomous motivation
Identified regulation 0 ⫹ 0 ⫹
Intrinsic regulation 0 ⫹ 0 ⫹
Burnout 0 ⫺ ⫹ 0

subscales: Vigor (3 items), Dedication (3 items), and validity). Maximum likelihood estimation methods
Absorption (3 items). Example items are: “At my were used and the goodness-of-fit of the models
work, I feel strong and vigorous” (Vigor), “I am were evaluated using the ␹2 test statistic, the
enthusiastic about my job” (Dedication), and “I am Normed Fit Index (NFI), the Tucker Lewis Index
immersed in my work” (Absorption), 0 ⫽ never, 6 ⫽ (TLI), and the Root Mean Square Error of Approx-
always. Since it is recommended to use the overall imation (RMSEA). Values larger than .90 for NFI
scale as a measure of work engagement (Schaufeli et and TLI and .08 or lower for RMSEA indicate ac-
al., 2006), the overall UWES score (9 items, ␣ ⫽ .95) ceptable model fit (Byrne, 2009).
was used in the present study. Because it is recommended to have at least three or
Motivation was measured with a 13-item scale that more indicators per factor in a confirmatory factor
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

was based on the scales of Ryan and Connell (1989) analysis (Chen, Bollen, Paxton, Curran, & Kirby,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

and Vansteenkiste, Sierens, Soenens, Luyckx, and 2001), two parcels of items were created for each
Lens (2009). This scale contains four subscales: Ex- subscale of the DUWAS by randomly selecting
ternal regulation (3 items, such as “I work to get items. For the subscale Working Excessively, one
others’ approval (e.g., supervisor, colleagues, family, parcel contained 4 items and the other included 5
clients),” ␣ ⫽ .78), Introjected regulation (4 items, items. As regards the subscale Working Compul-
such as “I work because I must prove myself that I sively, one parcel consisted of 3 items, whereas the
can,” ␣ ⫽ .78), Identified regulation (3 items, such as other included 4 items. Results of the confirmatory
“I work because I personally consider it important to factor analyses showed that a two-factor model in
put efforts in this job,” ␣ ⫽ .85), and Intrinsic regu- which the item parcels of the DUWAS loaded on a
lation (3 items, including “I work because I have fun latent factor and the subscales of the UWES loaded
doing my job,” ␣ ⫽ .88). All items were scored on a on a second latent factor fitted the data relatively
scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally well, ␹2(N ⫽ 1,246, df ⫽ 13) ⫽ 331.4, NFI ⫽ .94,
agree). TLI ⫽ .91, RMSEA ⫽ .14, and significantly better,
Working hours were measured with one self- ⌬␹2(N ⫽ 1,246, df ⫽ 1) ⫽ 2,564.8, p ⬍ .001, than a
constructed item: “How many hours do you actually one-factor model in which the item parcels of the
work in an average week?” Previous research has DUWAS and the subscales of the DUWES loaded on
shown that single-item measures are not necessarily a single latent factor, ␹2(N ⫽ 1,246, df ⫽ 14) ⫽
inferior to multiple-item measures, especially where 2,896.2, NFI ⫽ .51, TLI ⫽ .26, RMSEA ⫽ .41. The
it concerns one-dimensional and unambiguous con- simplicity of our two-factor model (Kenny &
structs like working hours (cf. Van Hooff, Geurts, McCoach, 2003) and/or the high factor loadings
Kompier, & Taris, 2007). (standardized regression weights varying from .69 to
Burnout was operationalised using the Emotional .94, median .86) in our model (Saris & Satorra,
Exhaustion (5 items) and Cynicism (4 items) scales 1993), presumably explain the relatively high
(r ⫽ .62, p ⬍ .05) of the Maslach Burnout Inventory- RMSEA. In addition, the correlation between the
General Survey (MBI-GS; Schaufeli, Leiter, two latent factors was weak (r ⫽ ⫺.07, p ⬍ .05),
Maslach, & Jackson, 1996). For example, emotional meaning that workaholism and work engagement
exhausted employees report that they are burned out share less than 0.5% of their variance and, impor-
from their work and cynical employees report that tantly, that these two concepts are relatively inde-
they question the significance of their work, 0 ⫽ pendent. Hence, the DUWAS and the UWES as-
never, 6 ⫽ always. As burnout is a syndrome sess two different kinds of working hard.
(Schaufeli & Taris, 2005), an overall score of burnout As regards the hypothesized four-factor structure
(9 items, ␣ ⫽ .93) was used in the present study. of the motivation scale, a four-factor model with
items loading on the expected dimensions fitted the
Statistical Analysis data well, ␹2(N ⫽ 1,246, df ⫽ 59) ⫽ 539.9, NFI ⫽
.93, TLI ⫽ .91, RMSEA ⫽ .08, and significantly
Preliminary analyses. Structural Equation better, ⌬␹2(N ⫽ 1,246, df ⫽ 4) ⫽ 4,276.1, p ⬍ .001,
Modeling (SEM) methods as implemented in AMOS than a one-factor model in which all items loaded on
16.0 (Arbuckle, 2007) were used to check: (a) a single latent factor, ␹2(N ⫽ 1,246, df ⫽ 65) ⫽
whether the DUWAS and the UWES indeed measure 4,816, NFI ⫽ .35, TLI ⫽ .22, RMSEA ⫽ .24. The
two different kinds of working hard (divergent valid- correlations among the four latent factors varied from
ity), and (b) whether the hypothesized four-factor ⫺.12 to .66, median correlation ⫽ .12. Additional
structure for the motivation scale holds (factorial analyses showed that the four-factor model fitted the

data also significantly better, ⌬␹2(N ⫽ 1,246, df ⫽





5) ⫽ 1,511.0, p ⬍ .001, than a two-factor model in

(N ⫽ 277)
which the items of external regulation and introjected
regulation loaded on one latent factor (representing





controlled motivation) and all items of identified reg-

ulation and intrinsic regulation loaded on a second
latent factor (tapping autonomous motivation),
␹2(N ⫽ 1,246, df ⫽ 64) ⫽ 2,050.9, NFI ⫽ .72, TLI ⫽





.67, RMSEA ⫽ .16. Thus, our measure apparently


(N ⫽ 314)
assessed four distinct regulatory styles.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Main analyses. Since preliminary analyses re-

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vealed that workaholism and work engagement were

relatively independent concepts, we distinguished
among four groups of employees: (a) workaholic
employees, (b) engaged employees, (c) engaged





workaholics, and (d) nonworkaholic/nonengaged em-

(N ⫽ 340)
ployees. These four groups were created by Z-trans-
forming the overall DUWAS and UWES scores, after
Results of MANOVA: Comparison of Time Investment, Motivation, and Burnout Among the Four Groups






which the two scales were dichotomized on their

means. Crossing these two scales yielded the four
groups of interest, with approximately equal numbers
of participants in each group: 25.2% workaholic em-






ployees, 27.3% engaged employees, 22.2% engaged

(N ⫽ 315)

workaholics, and 25.3% nonworkaholic/nonengaged

employees. Table 2 shows that the four groups dif-





fered significantly in terms of their mean scores on

p ⬍ .001; means with different superscripts differ significantly at p ⬍ .05.

workaholism and work engagement.
A 2 (Workaholism: workaholic vs. nonworka-
holic) ⫻ 2 (Work engagement: engaged vs. nonen-


gaged) multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)

⫻ Work





tested whether the four groups varied on motivational .37

regulation, working hours, and burnout. Since the

four groups differed on more than one criterion vari-
able, Pillai’s trace was used as test statistic. Separate
post hoc 2 (Workaholism: workaholic vs. nonworka-






holic) ⫻ 2 (Work engagement: engaged vs. nonen-


gaged) univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs)

were conducted for all criterion variables.








Table 3 shows the mean values, standard devia-


tions, and intercorrelations for the study variables.

Workaholism was mainly positively associated with
the two types of controlled motivation, whereas work
engagement was predominantly positively related to
Autonomous motivation
Introjected regulation

Identified regulation

the two types of autonomous motivation.

Controlled motivation
External regulation

Intrinsic regulation
Work engagement

A 2 ⫻ 2 MANOVA revealed significant main

Working hours
Time investment

effects for both Workaholism, F(6, 1,237) ⫽ 56.86,



p ⬍ .001, partial ␩2 ⫽ .22, and Work engagement,

p ⬍ .05.

F(6, 1,237) ⫽ 165.45, p ⬍ .001, partial ␩2 ⫽ .45.

Table 2

Furthermore, there was a significant interaction be-

tween Workaholism and Work engagement, F(6,


Table 3
Means (M), Standard Deviations (SD), and Correlations for the Study Variables
Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Workaholism 2.05 .52 —
2. Work engagement 3.15 1.24 .00 —
Time investment
3. Working hours 36.66 9.87 .25 .19 —
Controlled motivation
4. External regulation 2.64 .93 .33 ⫺.13 .01 —
5. Introjected regulation 2.89 .89 .41 ⫺.05 .02 .55 —
Autonomous motivation
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

6. Identified regulation 3.95 .74 .11 .44 .10 ⫺.01 .10 —

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

7. Intrinsic regulation 3.52 .94 ⫺.06 .79 .13 ⫺.12 ⫺.05 .45 —
8. Burnout 2.05 1.24 .41 ⫺.61 ⫺.08 .29 .27 ⫺.26 ⫺.60 —
Note. r ⬎ 兩.06兩 significant at p ⬍ .05; r ⬎ 兩.08兩 significant at p ⬍ .01.

1,237) ⫽ 3.59, p ⬍ .01, partial ␩2 ⫽ .02. These motivation than workaholic employees and non-
effects did not change after adjusting for age and workaholic/nonengaged employees. Table 2 shows
gender. For simplicity we report the unadjusted find- that, although engaged employees and engaged
ings. workaholics did not significantly differ in the extent
Subsequent 2 ⫻ 2 ANOVAs (cf. Table 2) revealed to which they were motivated by identified regula-
significant main effects of Workaholism for time tion, engaged employees showed the highest levels of
investment, external regulation, introjected regula- intrinsic regulation. Specifically, the interaction ef-
tion, identified regulation, and burnout. Furthermore, fect revealed that high levels of workaholism lower
significant main effects were found of Work engage- the effects of high levels of work engagement on
ment for all six criterion variables. Regarding the intrinsic regulation. The simple slope of the associa-
interaction between Workaholism and Work engage- tion between workaholism and intrinsic regulation
ment, significant effects were found for intrinsic reg- was .08, p ⬍ .05, for the nonengaged group, and
ulation and burnout. Figure 2 shows how the four ⫺.18, p ⬍ .05, for the engaged groups. Thus, our
different combinations of levels of workaholism and findings corroborate the idea that engaged employees
work engagement relate to participants’ levels of and engaged workaholics are driven by autonomous
intrinsic regulation and burnout. motivation (Hypothesis 2 confirmed).
Working hours. Hypothesis 3 stated that non-
Examining the Hypotheses workaholic/nonengaged employees would spend
least time and engaged workaholics would spend
Controlled motivation. Hypothesis 1 stated most time on work. Table 2 shows that nonworka-
that workaholic employees and engaged workaholics holic/nonengaged employees worked on average 33
would be more strongly driven by controlled moti- hours per week, while engaged workaholics worked
vation than engaged employees and nonworkaholic/ on average over 40 hours per week. Workaholic
nonengaged employees. The findings presented in employees and engaged employees did not differ
Table 2 confirmed Hypothesis 1. Although worka- significantly from each other regarding the amount of
holic employees were significantly more driven by working hours per week: Both groups worked ap-
external regulation than engaged workaholics, there proximately 37 hours per week (Hypothesis 3 con-
were no significant differences observed between the firmed).
two types of workers regarding introjected regula- Burnout. Finally, Hypothesis 4 proposed that
tion. Hence, our findings support the idea that work- workaholic employees would experience more burn-
aholic employees and engaged workaholics are out and engaged employees would experience less
driven by controlled motivation. burnout than others. As Table 2 shows, our findings
Autonomous motivation. Hypothesis 2 pro- confirmed Hypothesis 4. In addition, whereas en-
posed that engaged employees and engaged worka- gaged workaholics experienced significantly less
holics would be more strongly driven by autonomous burnout than workaholic employees, they reported

Nonengaged Four types of workers were distinguished—worka-

Engaged holic employees, engaged employees, engaged work-
aholics, and nonworkaholic/nonengaged employ-
4,5 ees—and compared regarding motivation, working
4 hours, and burnout. We believe that the three most
3,5 interesting findings are the following:
Intrinsic regulation

3 First, our findings suggest that whereas workaholic

2,5 employees are mainly driven by controlled motiva-
2 tion, work engaged employees are mainly driven by
1,5 autonomous motivation. Thus, the underlying moti-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

1 vation of both types of working hard differs funda-

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

0,5 mentally, confirming similar findings in a Chinese

0 sample (Van Beek et al., in press). Workaholic em-
Nonworkaholic Workaholic ployees engage in job activities for their instrumental
value. Apparently, they are motivated by external
Nonengaged contingencies involving threats of punishments; that
Engaged is, disapproval by others, and social rewards; that is,
3,5 appreciation by others. This finding is in line with the
3 idea that workaholic employees are encouraged by
2,5 status, peer admiration, and supervisors’ approval
(Spence & Robbins, 1992). In addition, they seem to

have adopted external standards of self-worth and
1,5 social approval without fully identifying with them.
1 Since failing to meet these external standards results
in self-criticism and negative feelings (Koestner &
Losier, 2002; Ryan and Deci, 2002), workaholic em-
0 ployees seem to be eager to meet these standards in
Nonworkaholic Workaholic order to experience self-worth and self-esteem. This
supports earlier observations of clinical psychologists
Figure 2. Levels of intrinsic regulation and burnout for the who reported that workaholic employees depend on
four different groups. their work to define who they are and to gain a
positive sense of themselves (e.g., Robinson, 2007).
Our survey findings and these observations converge
in explaining why workaholic employees have an
significantly more burnout than engaged employees. inner compulsion to work hard.
Specifically, the interaction effect revealed that high Engaged employees engage in their job for its own
levels of work engagement lower the effects of high sake. Apparently, they experience their job as inherently
levels of workaholism on burnout. The simple slope enjoyable and satisfying, and they work so hard just for
of the relation between workaholism and burnout was the fun of it. In addition, they seem to value their work
.24, p ⬍ .05, for the nonengaged employees and .44, personally. This may explain why engaged employees
p ⬍ .05, for the engaged employees. Hence, our experience high levels of energy and mental resilience
findings support the idea that work engagement buf- while working, are willing to invest effort in their work,
fers the adverse effects of workaholism. persist in the face of difficulties, and are strongly in-
volved in their work (Schaufeli et al., 2002). This find-
Discussion ing confirms that people with a positive self-evaluation
are likely to pursue goals that they find joyful, interest-
The present study was designed to clarify previous ing, and important (Judge et al., 2005) and are less
diverging findings concerning the nature, anteced- strongly influenced by others and their feedback
ents, and consequences of working hard. Drawing on (Brockner, 1988). While workaholic employees experi-
a convenience sample of 1,246 Dutch participants, ence some pressure, engaged employees act with a
our findings showed that workaholism and work en- sense of volition. Put differently, workaholics are
gagement are two relatively independent concepts. “pushed” to their work, whereas engaged employees are

“pulled” to their work (Taris, Schaufeli, & Shimazu, their work (Sonnentag, 2003). Interestingly, in spite
2010). of working harder than others, engaged workaholics
Engaged workaholics are driven by both controlled experience less burnout than workaholic employees,
and autonomous motivation. They seem to be sensi- but more burnout than engaged employees. Appar-
tive to external contingencies and partially adopted ently, work engagement buffers against the adverse
external standards of self-worth and social approval, effects of workaholism, rendering engaged worka-
and they personally value and enjoy their job activ- holics less vulnerable for developing burnout.
ities. So, they are simultaneously pushed and pulled
to their work. Nonworkaholic/nonengaged employ- Study Limitations
ees are not strongly driven by any of these motiva-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tions, which is in line with the idea that they are Three limitations of the present study must be
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

satisfied with accomplishing their prescribed work discussed. Two of these relate to the nature of the
tasks and will not go the extra mile. data; that is, a cross-sectional convenience sample.
Second, our findings suggest that whereas both First, the cross-sectional nature of the sample implies
workaholism and work engagement increase the ex- that causal inferences are not warranted. Although it
penditure of time to work, the combination of worka- is tempting to conclude that differences in underlying
holism and work engagement leads to spending even motivations account for differential levels of worka-
more time on work. Although workaholic employ- holism and work engagement, the present study only
ees’ and engaged employees’ underlying motivations shows that there are significant and interpretable dif-
differ, both groups work equally hard and harder than ferences among the four study groups. Thus, it is
nonworkaholic/nonengaged employees. However, unclear whether the difference in intrinsic regulation
engaged workaholics spend most time on work. The for nonworkaholic/nonengaged employees versus en-
combination of controlled and autonomous motiva- gaged employees is a cause or merely a correlate of
tion may foster perseverance and the willingness to work engagement. Only a longitudinal design can
continue working after others have called it quits. address such issues. Although the evidence presented
Whereas workaholic employees may stop working as here is not conclusive, it demonstrates that longitu-
soon as they have met external standards and par- dinal follow-up research on workaholism, work en-
tially adopted external standards of self-worth, en- gagement, motivation, and well-being is worthwhile
gaged workaholics may continue because they enjoy and may lead to practically relevant as well as sci-
it as well. And whereas engaged employees may stop entifically important insights on why employees
working as soon as they do not enjoy it anymore, work so hard.
engaged workaholics may continue because they Second, since the data were collected using a rel-
have not yet met the external standards and partially atively unstructured Internet-based design, we have
adopted external standards of self-worth. only modest insight in the type of employees com-
Third, our findings suggest that despite working pleting our questionnaire. Thus, we cannot claim that
equally hard, workaholic employees experience the our sample represents the average Dutch worker. The
highest and engaged employees experience the low- study participants may well have been more inter-
est levels of burnout. The high levels of burnout ested in career-related information than the average
among workaholic employees may be due to some worker, since the questionnaire was hosted on an
characteristics that are associated with workaholism; Internet site addressing career-related issues. The im-
that is, work– home interference (Schaufeli, Bakker, plications for the present findings are unclear. It is
Van der Heijden et al., 2009), poor social relation- possible that workaholics, engaged and (perhaps)
ships outside work (Schaufeli, Taris, & Van Rhenen, burnt-out workers are overrepresented in our sample,
2008), and high levels of job strain (Burke, 2000; as these groups may be assumed to be interested in
Taris, Van Beek, & Schaufeli, 2010). These issues career-related information. If so, this will have led to
are energy consuming and impede the recovery pro- a restriction of range of the true scores on these
cess after working. When this unfavorable situation concepts, a corresponding lack of power, and effect
persists over a longer period of time, load reactions sizes that are estimated conservatively. However, this
accumulate and may result in burnout. Since burnout lack of power will be counterbalanced by the sheer
is related to various other health complaints (Shirom size of the present sample. The fact that most analy-
et al., 2005), workaholic employees may well suffer ses presented in this study yielded significant differ-
poor health and well-being. Conversely, engaged em- ences among the groups suggests that lack of power
ployees appear to be able to recover adequately from did not present major problems. Furthermore, since

our findings are in line with recent findings by Van number of working hours (e.g., Brett & Stroh, 2003)
Beek et al. (in press) who studied two well-defined is inappropriate. Those who work hardest show dis-
samples, there is no reason to assume that the find- tinct signs of workaholism as well as work engage-
ings presented here are unique to the current sample. ment (i.e., high levels of vigor, dedication, and ab-
Finally, it should be noted that although the two sorption). In addition, “typical” workaholic
multiplicative interactions between workaholism and employees and “typical” engaged employees work
work engagement obtained in this study were statis- equally hard. Consequently, the findings of studies in
tically significant, the main effects of these two con- which workaholism is exclusively measured in terms
cepts on the study outcomes were far more important. of the number of working hours are likely to be
This suggests that the primary importance of these confounded by not distinguishing among very differ-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

interactions lies in their theoretical implication that ent groups of hard workers. Hence, such simple mea-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the effects of workaholism on work outcomes may sures of workaholism are inappropriate. In order to
vary slightly as a function of work engagement, distinguish workaholic employees from other hard-
rather than in their practical implications. working employees, workaholism should be mea-
sured by both working excessively and working com-
Study Strengths and Implications pulsively.
A fourth contribution is that our study discredited
In spite of these limitations, the present study the assumption that workaholic employees can only
extends and enhances our current knowledge on be found in countries where the average number of
workaholism and work engagement in several re- working hours is high, such as Japan and the U.S.
spects. A first contribution of the present study is that (OECD, 2004). External (social) standards, including
it provides knowledge about the motivational bases the prevailing number of working hours that the
underlying workaholism and work engagement. average employee spends on working, differ among
Workaholic employees are apparently driven by ex- countries, implying that in some countries worka-
ternal pressure as well as by an inner pressure to holic employees will spend more hours working than
work hard, while engaged employees act with a sense in other countries to avoid social disapproval, to
of volition. These findings strengthen the notion that obtain feelings of being appreciated by others, and to
workaholism and work engagement are two rela- “earn” feelings of self-worth. Therefore, it is likely
tively independent concepts, each with a different that the number of working hours typically worked
underlying motivational dynamic. by workaholic employees differs across countries and
A second contribution is that our study revealed that workaholic employees can be found in countries
the existence of a sizable group of employees who with a high “regular” number of working hours as
are simultaneously workaholic and work-engaged, well as in countries such as the Netherlands, where
meaning that three different groups of hard workers the regular number of working hours is substantially
can be distinguished: workaholic employees, en- lower.
gaged employees, and engaged workaholics. This A fifth contribution is that our study suggests that
result superficially resembles Spence and Robbins’ engaged employees are most valuable for compa-
(1992) earlier classification that included three types nies—they work hard and experience low levels of
of workaholics: work addicts, work enthusiasts, and burnout. Since engaged employees are driven by
enthusiast workaholics. The strength of the current autonomous motivation, work engagement may be
findings is that they build upon concepts that are promoted by enhancing autonomous motivational
currently used in occupational health psychology: regulation. One obvious way of doing this is by
workaholism (measured in terms of working exces- creating a supporting and challenging work environ-
sively and compulsively) and work engagement. The ment (Van den Broeck, Vansteenkiste, & De Witte,
existence of three different groups provides an expla- 2008); that is, by clarifying the purpose for work
nation for the contradictory findings (Beckers et al., activities, admitting that some work activities are not
2004; Taris et al., in press; Van der Hulst, 2003) interesting, offering choices, giving positive feed-
regarding the relationship between working hard and back, and offering challenging activities. It may be
employee health and well-being. The sign of this interesting for future research to examine this notion
association may well depend on the type of “worka- in more detail. By contrast, workaholic employees
holics” dominating the study sample. work hard and experience high levels of burnout.
A third contribution is that our study revealed that Therefore, employees should be vigilant not to be-
measuring workaholism exclusively in terms of the come workaholic. Although engaged workaholics

work harder than others and experience less burnout Burke, R. J. (1999). It’s not how hard you work but how you
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