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#134, The van is traveling at 20knvh when the coupling of the trailer at fails the trailer has a mass of 250 kg and coasts 45 m before coming to rest, determine the constant horizontal force F created by rolling friction ‘which causes the ter to stop. 2000) 5556 mis 0.3129 mi? = 03609 mis + 50(0429) = 45.7 N Ans 2309.81)N 240.4429) 13-5. A block having @ mass of 2 kg is placed on a spring scale located in an elevator that is moving down ‘ward. Ifthe scale reading, which measures the force in the spring is 20 N, determine the acceleration of the elevator [Neglect the mass ofthe scale. 20-2040 = 019 mi? t Me dersor is sowing don, The baggage tuck A has a mas of 800 kg and is tpl te to eas, cach wth man 200 kg. the 0 N, determine the tecleration ofthe tock, What the acceleration track the coupling at Csddenly fall? The ar ae fe orl, Neglect the mass Of the Whee mo. 480 = (800 + 2300) 200 + 300. = 0496 Ceo son ILI The man pushes on the ib crate witha force F. Tre fore is always directed down at 30" from the horizontal as shown, and its magnitude i increased until the crate begins (0 slide. Determine the erates initial acceleration i the stalic coefficient of fiction is , = 06 and the kinetic coetficens of friction ise = 23. Fc pratuce moon Font 0 629 + TER, #0, N-60~Fein30¢=0 N=9180% F263. since N= 91.30 : cont -0381, 89 «( 2, Sahn: A@ose-0201800( ae teeue Am 1819. A 40th suitcase slides from rest 20 ft down the smooth ramp, Determine the point where it strikes the round at C. How long does it take to go from A to C2 Bere (0, 2h ee _— 42042538 ma9r ne + LOR) “1324, Ata given instant the 101 block A is moving downviard with a speed of § ft/s Determine its speed 2 slater. Block B has a weight of 4 Ip, and the coefficient ‘of Kinetic Frietion between it and the horizontal plane is su = 0.2, Neglect the mass of the pulleys and cord. Pp] oe ama a= mn? arene = he Goby Ode rat vy eh 10am = 268 sme —F pe a 3.25, Determine he required mas of Back A 9 a ae es ri at tones te kg sk SHES Sone me omoot etn pane vo 2S Near be ms ofthe pls an ons Kinematic: Aepiingeqaton = 59 Yor v0 tal) a 03780 sublah he poton-coondnis yuan, wehne dag ttegnanel By Tekin ne drei vice ils sao =9 a From Uh fa -057- 8 gett? Equstion of Metion: Totton T developed in te cord se sine fours evar eo sine Ge cr pues ve he sana pa Fee FDO) sth amy; Tosvanyae or om) From FBDA TER =mgy, 304435) 9.8m = m(-0125) 128 1837, The conveyor belt is moving at 4 m/s. If the ficient of static friction between the conveyor and the ocke package B is, = 0.2, determine the shortest time the bet can stop so that the package does not slide om the belt 4p = mas 021981) = 8 wu ar ism! Fores) Coenen Can Spleen SQOGaee 1338, The 24b collar € fits Toosely on the smooth shaft 1a spring i unsictched when s = O and the collar is then velit of 15 f/x dstermie the veloc ofthe follar when 5 = 1M sy sc -of at conveyor belt delivers each 12-kg crate to tetany Ashi cepts 2m feel doen ranytinec ote een ch cna the amp f= 0, EaRp a 8. Assume Boe 2 2 7 Assume tht no ping cours Take Ne~ Mp sea30" «0 whe as? -223803-9 42 Blocks A and Beach havea mass Determine the lari! horizontal force hc be ape 0B ikaw or move rave to BAI sess we Pome ane = mean THB. Blocks and B each have a mass m Determine the largest horizontal force P which can be applied to 40 that A will not slip up B. The coefiient of static freon between A and B is w,- Neglect any frilion between B and ¢ Mand o48 me oan sagemens 13.54 Using the data in Prob, 13:53, determine the rminimum speed at which the car cay travel around the track without siding dowe the slop, STR <0, Now20°40.2Nea20 1100.80 <0 06863 eas’ = 700) Ear emays s6898.19020" th gn 8122 An TSS. A gir having amass of kg sts motionless relative to the surface of @ horizontal plattorm at 2 distance of 17 = 5 m/tom the platform's centr. I the angular motion ‘ofthe platforms slew increases s0 tha the gir'stangentil ‘compeient of acceleration can be neglected, determine the ‘maximum speed which the gil wil have before she begins 10 slip off the platform, The coefficient of static fiction ‘between the gil and the platform is px = 0.2 uation of Motion: Se hg son he vere of siping, f=, 90.2 Roping 13-8, weve eg eee ee thems saumaneuft!) ve3i3m as —— [ 1258. Prove that if the Block is refeased from rest at ‘point B of smooth path of arbitrary shape, the speed it fusing when it reaches point A is equal (0 the speed it attains when it falls freely through 2 distance hy Le v= Vigh HRA ema: mpsind=mo, a min ave a des gan@de However dy dsind 1359. At the instant 6 = 60°, the hoy’s cemter of mass G@ has a downward speed; = 15/8 Determine the rate of increase in his speed and the tension in each of won the ewo supporting cards of the swing at chis insta. The : boy has aig of 6 ty Neglest Ns ean the mas othe seat and cds caren: coomernghe 4nd (2) resem aw FARGO, At the instant 0 = 60", the boy’s center of mass G is momentaily at rest. Determine his speed and the {casion in each ofthe two supporting cords of the swing when @ = 90°. The bay has a weight of 60 Ib, Neglect his Size and the mass ofthe seat and cords. on vervads twee de 048 obs * MfvaraJfEsasamoae Femeqn arson SE) rasta ane sess essss———_ ro 13-90, The block has a weight of 2 fb and itis free to move along the smooth slot ix the rotating disk, The Spring hes stffoes of251b/ft and an unstretched length B25 f. Determine the force ofthe spring on the bfock hd the tangential component of force wich the slot txerts on the side ofthe block, when the block is at rest sob seapeet to the disk and is traveling with & constant speed of 12 ft/s. om 7 Bho ma, ae | een hae en asap! = 1230) = 28 ph yp “38 0 Cringe pave Fe asata-1ay sstm fet Tost. Ie the Bieta and rider have 2 total weight of 1801, determine ihe resultant normal force acting on the bicycle when its at point A while itis freely coasting at 21, = 6i/s. Also, compute the increase in the bicyCls's peed at cis point, Neglect the resistance due tothe wind _ and the size of the bicycle and ride. 7 emake + Oren wo sees 13.87. The 2-kg rod AB moves up sind down as ts end te slides on the smooth contoured surface of the cam, where 1 (0.1 mand z = (0.02sin28) m. I the cam is rotating at a constant rate of 5 rads, determine the maxima and minimum force the cam exerts on the rod, Kinematic: Taking he coq ine derivates weave £F 0Oyeos208 — 25in208%) Th, 4 steos 280) = 2sin 6454) = -2in28 AOR AS, gy == Ding = 2 me MERE = Tain 90"F a2 ws? Equation of Motion: M8 = 45°. apply Ea. 13-9, we hase EF = mas (dan M980 = 2-2) (Filan = 6N Ane AUB 2 48, we hae LR amas dan 208) = 22 (Pas 2T8 Ame iii ia a 13-88. The boy of mass 40 hg i sliding down the spiral slide at constant speed such that his postion, measured from the top of the chute, hes components ¢ = 1.5 m, 8 = (0.71) rad, and 2 = (~0.51) m, where ris inseconds. Determine the components of force F,., Fp, and F. which the slide exerts om fit atthe instant "= 2's. Neglect the size of the boy 201-0738) = 294 Ans Phi ema o ans } | | Tamas Fag sty 20 13.109, The collar, which has a weight of 3 Ib, slides along the smooth rod lying in the horizontal plane and having the shape of parabola r = 4/(1 = cos 6), where Bis in radians and ris in fet, If the collar's angular rate is constant and equals 9 = 44adjs, determine the tangential retarding force P needed to cause the motion and the normal force thatthe collar exerts on the rod on the instant 13.110. The pilot of an aieplane executes a vertical loop. which in part follows the path of a cardioid,r = 600(1 + _ 0s 6) ft, where 8 is in radian. IF his speed at A (= 0°) - , isaconstant vp = 80/5 determine the vertical force the belt of his eat mast exert on him to hold him 0 his seat when the plane is upside down at A. He weighs 150 Ib See hint related to Prob. 13-108 0K #2288. = 12008 0 +(12008) 9 +0.06667 By e2reaala)(2er0) On0s0e208 a0 = 1090 06567 200.06867)! «8 ve?

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