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Cloud computing refers to the means that enables us to access, create, compose, and customize
applications online over the internet.

Cloud is a technical term that refers to a Network (Internet). Cloud is present at distant location.
It can provide services over public networks or on private networks, like WAN, LAN or VPN.
Services like e-mail, internet conferencing, client relationship management, all are executed in


Cloud Computing means to manipulate, configure, and access the applications online like online
data storage, base framework and application.

There’s no need not to install any software on our local PC because cloud computing overcomes
the problem of platform dependency. Hence, it is due to the Cloud Computing that business and
mobile services are able to collaborate.

Figure 7.1 Cloud Computing

There are certain backend services working in order to make the cloud computing accessible
and feasible to the front end users.
Following are the working models for cloud computing:

∙ Deployment Models

∙ Service Models

Deployment models are the type of access to the cloud, i.e., how the cloud is located? Cloud
has four types of access: Public, Private, Hybrid and Community.

Figure 7.2 Deployment Models

It’s a cloud computing model in which a third party provider makes compute resources available
to the general public via the internet. With this, the enterprises do not have to set up and maintain
their own cloud in the house.

It’s a multi-tenant architecture and has a pay-as-you-go pricing model.

Example: Amazon web services, Google cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure.
Figure 7.3 Public Cloud Model

It’s a cloud computing model in which an enterprise uses a proprietary architecture and runs
cloud servers within its own data centre. It has a single tenant architecture, on-premises hardware
and direct control of the underlying cloud infrastructure.
Example: VMWare, DELL EMC, Red hat

Figure 7.4 Private Cloud Model

The Community Cloud computing allows all the systems and services to be accessible by a group
of organizations.

Figure 7.5 Community Cloud Model

The Hybrid Cloud is mixture of public and private cloud. It includes a mix of on-premises,
private cloud and third party public cloud services with arrangement between the two phases. It
has cloud bursting capabilities.
Example: Vaulten organization.

Figure 7.6 Hybrid Cloud Model

Service Models are defined as the reference models on which the Cloud Computing is based on.
These are categorized into three models:
1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
3. Software as a Service (SaaS)
There are other service models which take the form like XaaS, i.e., anything as a Service. This is
a Network as a Service, Business as a Service, Identity as a Service, Database as a Service or
Strategy as a Service.
The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the basic level of service. Each service model makes use
of this underlying service model, i.e., each inherits the security and management mechanism
from the underlying model.

Figure 7.7 Service Models


It gives the business access to vital web architecture, like storage space, servers and connections,
without the need of the business purchasing them and managing the internet services themselves.
Example: Amazon EC2, Rackspace


In this the clouds are created many times inside the IaaS clouds by the specialists to render the
scalability and deployment of any application trivial and to help make your expenses scalable
and predictable.
Example: Google app engine,
It allows the cloud to be leveraged for software architecture, reducing the burdens of
maintenance, support and operations by having the application run on computers belonging to
the vendors.
Example: Gmail, Salesforce


There are some technologies that are in the back end making cloud computing flexible, reliable,
These technologies are:

∙ Virtualization
∙ Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

∙ Grid Computing

∙ Utility Computing

Virtualization allows to share single physical detail of an application or resource among various
organizations or customers. It is done by assigning a logical name to a physical resource and then
by providing a pointer to that physical resource when needed.
The Multitenant architecture offers implicit segregation among the multiple tenants and therefore
the organizations and customers can use and personalize the application as if each of them have
its own instance running.

Figure 7.8 Virtualization


Service-Oriented Architecture uses applications as a service for other resources independent of
the type of dealer, product or technology. It is possible to exchange the data between applications
of various dealers without any added programming or making changes to services.

Figure 7.9 Service-Orientation Architecture

It is the distributed computing in which a cluster of computers from various distant locations are
connected with one another to achieve some common aim. These resources are different and
geographically varied. Grid Computing breaks down the complex task into smaller chunks.
These smaller chunks are distributed to CPUs that reside within the grid.

Figure 7.10 Grid Computing

It offers computational services on demand as a calculated service. Cloud computing, grid
computing, and managed IT services based on the concept of Utility computing. It is based on
pay-per-use model.
The IoT is an enabler for change .It refers to the connection of devices like Cars, kitchen
appliances and other sensors to the internet that can be connected through the IoT. The systems
and devices are automated in a feasible, intelligent manner in a real-time control. With all the
relevant information available provides the ability to aggregate and improvise this data in a
manner that results in a more effective and efficient decision making. Take smart homing for
example. People can start their air conditioners from a distant place through their mobile phones.
This earlier used to be possible via an SMS, but today the internet has made it easier.
The IoT generates a large supply of Big Data and this results in massive strain on the Internet
Infrastructure. As a result of which, this compels the organizations to look for alternate solutions
to minimize this pressure of transferring large amounts of data.
Cloud computing has entered the mainstream of information technology, by providing scalability
in the service of venture applications and Software as a Service (SaaS). Companies are now
storing their information to the cloud. Many cloud providers allow the data to be either
transferred through the usual internet connection or a dedicated direct network. The benefit of a
direct link into the cloud will make sure that the information is uncontended and the traffic is not
overpassing the internet and the Quality of Service can be controlled.


Cloud computing and the IoT both aims to boost efficiency in everyday tasks. The IoT generates
huge amounts of data, and cloud computing provides a pathway for this data to travel and reach
the desired destination.

Cloud providers usually charge on a basis, according to which we only pay for the computer
services that we use and nothing more. Economies of scale is a way in which the cloud providers
benefit the smaller IoT start-ups by reducing the all over costs to IoT companies.

Another benefit of Cloud Computing for the IoT is that Cloud Computing enables better
collusion essential for developers nowadays. By allowing them to store and access information
remotely, developers can access the data instantly and work on projects without any stoppage.

Finally by storing data in the Cloud, the IoT companies can change the resources directly quickly
and assign the resources to various areas. Big Data has developed with such emergence that the
cloud has become the architecture of choice. Most companies are opting to access the huge
quantities of Big Data through the cloud.
Figure 7.11 IOT


The cloud computing is based on the assumption of speed and scale whereas the IoT applications
are based on the principle of maneuverability and a broad networking. So, it is necessary that
both cloud and IoT form cloud-based IoT applications to make the most out of their
collaboration. This alliance has led to the popularity of IoT.
Here are a few reasons why the cloud is important from the point of view of IoT.

1. It Provides a distant processing power technology

Cloud enables the IoT to go beyond the usual basic appliances such as air conditioners,
refrigerators etc. This has become possible because the cloud has a vast storage that takes away
dependencies on an on-premise architecture. With the advent of 4G and higher internet speeds,
the cloud allows the users to advance the fast computing processes.

Figure 7.12 Distant processing power technology

2. It Provides security and privacy

IoT’s ability would be incomplete without security and Cloud has made IoT more secure with
preventive, detective and corrective control measures. Users are enabled with very strong
security measures by effective authentication and encryption protocols. Managing and securing
the identity of users is possible with the help of biometric techniques. All of this is achievable
because of cloud’s security measures.
Figure 7.13 Security

3. It Removes entry barriers for hosting providers

Many modernizations in the area of IoT are aiming at plug-and-play hosting services. So, the
cloud is a perfect option for IoT. Hosting providers do not have to depend on massive equipment
or hardware that will not support the quickness that the IoT devices will need. With cloud, most
hosting providers allow their clients a ready-to-roll model by eliminating any entry barriers for

4. It aids inter-device communication

Cloud acts as a link in the form of a mediator when it comes to IoT. Many APIs like Cloudflare,
CloudCache and Dropstr are empowered by cloud communications by allowing easy bridging to
smartphones and other devices. This enables the devices to talk to each other and not just the
users, which essentially is the basis of the IoT cloud.
Cloud can advance the growth of IoT. However, redistributing cloud technology also has certain
shortcomings. The combination of IoT cloud can burden users with strains.

Figure 7.12 Inter device communications


1. Handling a large amount of data

Handling a huge amount of data can be astounding when there are many devices to be taken care
of. This is possible because the overall performance of applications is at post. Therefore,
following the No SQL movement could be better, but for now it is not tried and tested for the
future. Which is why there exists no method for the cloud to manage big data.
2. Networking and communication protocols
Cloud and IoT comprises of machine-to-machine interactions among various types of devices
with various protocols. Managing this is difficult as a major number of application fields do not
involve mobility. Now, WiFi and Bluetooth are used as a solution to facilitate mobility to an

3. Sensor networks
Sensor networks have intensified the advantages of IoT. These networks have allowed users to
measure, receive and understand the minute indicators from the environment. The timely
processing of this data is a challenge because no matter that the cloud provides a new
convenience in collecting the data it also blocks the progress because of security and privacy

The integration of cloud computing and IoT signifies a next huge step in the world of internet.
New applications are coming from this integration which is known as the IoT Cloud and it is
opening newer channels for business and research. This combination is soon expected to reveal a
new example for the future of multi-networking and an open service platform for users.


The greater usage of the IoT in cloud has aggravated the improvement and deployment of
scalable applications and models. The cloud computing and IoT are closely related to the future
internet technologies with one paving a way for success for the other.


The Benefits and Real-Life Cases for Cloud Computing in IoT

The main motive of cloud computing is to distribute data handling. This results in a number of

1. Increased Data Security

IoT solutions are a perfect target for cyber attacks, so cloud computing helps to secure the
networks and improve the overall data privacy.

Because the data is distributed among the devices where it is produced, it's difficult to take the
control of the whole network or bargain all of the data in a single go.

This approach is: the less sensitive the information is sent through the network and stored in the
cloud, the better it is.

2. Better App Performance

It takes some time for the data and information to travel between the device and the cloud.

By storing and retrieving the data close to its source, the latency and improve the overall app
result. So the data analysis can be done in real-time, without any lag.

3. Reduced Operational Costs

When the data is stored and processed the unnecessary information can be filtered out and only
the relevant data is backed up.

So, the infrastructure costs go down.

4. Improved Business Efficiency and Reliability

Less data traffic and reduced cloud storage, leads to more efficient operations.

Moreover, the connection issues won't be very problematic as they are for other IoT products that
are dependent on the cloud. This is due to the fact that the devices can work individually, without
an Internet connection.

5. Unlimited Scalability
Cloud computing allows to scale the IoT network as needed, without reference to the available
storage (or its costs).

Cloud computing has gained a lot of popularity in past few years so far we have seen that cloud
computing is delivery of on-demand resources on a pay for use basis i.e. –we pay for only that
service which has been utilized by the organization. It is very effective and efficient in delivery
It has been proved to be very cost efficient for organizations.
There are four types of development models which when chosen wisely can reduce the cost of
projects. Organizations should choose model according to the workload to attain maximum

In public cloud we don’t have to buy hardware, servers or infrastructure. It is used by general
Whereas public cloud is meant to be used only for respective organization, it provides more
security. Community cloud allows using resources by a group of organizations. Also hybrid
cloud is the combination of public and private cloud.
Apart from deployment models, we also have service models.

In IaaS, we don’t have to invest in any hardware. Flexible services are provided to us. In PaaS,
we don’t have to buy any software. We can develop any application faster. At last in SaaS we
can directly use applications available online from anywhere.
The major advantage of cloud computing is flexible storage. We can access our data from
anywhere, at any time. Technologies used in cloud computing are virtualizations, serviceoriented
architecture, grid computing and utility computing.
Connecting multiple devices and sensors through internet is Internet of things.
Few important and famous innovations are smart home and medical care. We can achieve a real
time control of devices.
IoT and cloud computing complement each other in several ways. Cloud can advance growth of
IoT. With so many devices interconnected, huge amount of data is obtained. Which, with the
help of cloud computing is stored in its destination. Also developers are able to access their data
without any delay. It aids inter-device communication

The main issue with IoT is its security. With the help of preventive, detective and corrective
control measures it is now more secure.
Security and privacy issues can be a hindrance for sensory data to work in real time. Several
companies now adopt cloud environments to establish higher business value.
Together IoT and cloud computing have increased data security and efficiency of an application.
They reduce operational costs of the project.

Apache thrift: an interface definition language and binary communication protocol.

API: Application Programming Interface, an end point exposed in an exceedingly programing

language that gives some helpful feature or behavior.
Amazon Web Services (AWS): a large suite of *aaS provided by Amazon; several services
extremely elastic; handiness regions distributed globally; largest public cloud supplier far and

Auto-scaling: Helps make sure that you've got the proper range of Amazon EC2 instances
obtainable to handle the load for your application.

Azure: Microsoft’s public cloud computing platform. Provides services like computing, storage,
analytics, and networking.

Actuator: A mechanism that performs a physical task supported input from a connected system.

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP): An open application layer protocol for
messageoriented middleware with attention on queuing, routing (P2P, PubSub), security, and

Application Agents: facilitate address the dearth of overhead for end-to-end, peer-to-peer
networking in IoT design by their presence within the propagator nodes in An enterprise. They
move intelligence to the sting of the network to assist manage traffic, enable a period of time
response to ever-changing IoT conditions, and supply native consumer services.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): A wireless personal area network (PAN) geared toward devices
with reduced power consumption and value whereas maintaining an analogous communication
vary to regular Bluetooth.

BASE (basic availability, soft state, efficiency): an approach to storage that divides physical or
computer storage medium into severally available chunks ('blocks'); will increase performance
by narrowing search area (specified as a path) for a specific store or retrieve operation; usually
accessed via logical abstraction layer that adds information (filesystem, DBMS).

CAP theorem: the concept that a distributed system will solely offer 2 out of 3 benefits:
consistency, handiness, and partition tolerance.

Centralized logging solution: Either a custom managed Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK)

stack or a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution. Having a centralized work resolution permits
programmers or admins to simply read, compare, and correlate logs from totally different servers
at an equivalent place.

Circuit breaker: A cloud-native style pattern to make and operate resilient, scalable
Cloud architecture: The elements that area unit needed for cloud computing together with a
frontend platform, a back-end platform, a cloud-based delivery, and a network.

Cloud broker: (Like the other broker) abstracts far from supplier details to supply users easier
access to cloud computing resources; usually provides simplified API and/or human UI,
information lifecycle management, and targeted service integrations and aggregations.

Cloud computing: present, convenient, on-demand access to shared computing resources; offers
on-demand self-service (without human interaction), broad network access, resource pooling
(dynamically assigned as workloads vary), location independence (to varying degrees), fast
physical property, metered service (charging just for resources used); usually offered at 3
elementary service levels (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS); deployed to be used at intervals a corporation
(private cloud), for any organization or individual (public cloud), or some combination (hybrid

Cloud migration: the method of moving applications And information from an onsite pc to the
cloud. It may also embrace moving information from one cloud atmosphere to a different.

Cloud-native application: An application that may take full advantage of a cloud atmosphere
(e.g. quantifiability, high availability).

Cloud-native middleware: Middleware framework or product that natively leverages cloudnative

ideas, style patterns, and cloud platforms.

Co-location: an information center that gives rental area, network connections, power, cooling,
and security for servers that you simply manage and maintain.

Container: Resource isolation at the OS (rather than machine) level, sometimes (in UNIX-based
systems) within the user area. Isolated components vary by containerization strategy and
infrequently embrace filing system, disk quota, processor and memory, I/O rate, root privileges,
and network access. a lot of lighter-weight than machine-level virtualization and ample for
several isolation demand sets.

Container image: an instrumentality image is basically a shot of an instrumentality. they're

created with a build command and manufacture an instrumentality that you simply will later run.

Content delivery network (CDN): Physically distributed servers that offer (often static) content
on ways optimized per user; decrease transport time and overall network load; modify
permachine resource management; stop DoS by distributing (and thereby absorbing) requests.

Chirps: Lighter, purpose-made protocols that enable the “things” in IoT to speak and
interchange. designed for machine-to-machine communication, they're economical,
extensile information frames that have An ASCII text file structure, non-public information
fields, and an easy confirmation.
Competing Consumers: an electronic communication pattern within which a lot of customers get
messages from a typical supply (i.e. queue), however every message is delivered to only 1 client.

Connected Devices: elements that structure the web of Things. several have intrinsic sensors
and/or actuators and collect information to assist users or different devices create enlightened
selections and monitor or have an effect on outside events.

Connectivity Protection: a neighborhood of the sting Layer that serves to confirm that device
property doesn’t fail if there's a network failure or An unreliable association.

Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP): An application layer protocol utilized in

resourceconstrained devices that permits net property and remote.

Data Filtration: a neighborhood of the sting Layer that reduces the quantity of transmitted info,
however retains the that means of it.

Device-Agnostic Control: a part of the sting Layer that gives web site abstraction to permit the
server and/or cloud application to be agnostic to the device implementation it controls.

Direct Messaging: an electronic communication mechanism within which the sender and receiver
area unit directly connected or will exchange messages through one or a lot of intermediate hops,
that don't take possession of every message however simply forward it (routing).
Data volume: A marked directory inside an instrumentality that exists to carry persistent or
usually shared information.

Distributed system: Any range of pc systems coupled by a network.

Docker: An open supply platform aimed to deploy and manage virtualized containers.

Dockerfile: A file that contains one or a lot of directions that dictate however an instrumentality
is to be created.

Dynamic or agile atmosphere: An environment wherever servers area unit oftentimes scaled up
or down.

Elastic transient computing: transient storage and computing via instance store volumes
obtainable on EC2.

Event-driven architecture: A pattern promoting the assembly and consumption of events

accustomed integrate totally different elements of a system.

Edge Gateway: The connecting issue between device analytics and cloud processing and
Edge Layer: a study shift in IoT that breaks the norm of the standard client-server model. this can
be the primary layer of property for devices to attach to before aiming to the server. answerable
for the native property of devices and for managing the info assortment and association to the
present server.

Embedded Device/Systems: A pc with a fervent perform at intervals a bigger mechanical or

electrical system; it's embedded as a part of an entire device.

Endpoint Device: An Internet-capable device on a TCP/IP network.

Flow-Based Programming: a sort of programming that defines applications as networks of
method that exchange information across outlined connections by message-passing, wherever the
connections area unit such that outwardly to the processes.

Functions(-as-a-Service): Cloud services that change app serverless app management and
development. Common FaaS suppliers embrace AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google
Cloud Functions.

Geofencing: A technology that makes virtual boundaries around a physical space so as to trigger
An action on a connected device, sometimes through a mix of GPS and RFID tags.

Haze Computing: A dynamic model for Analytics applications whereby an application at the info
supply analyzes a pooled read of resources for the native and international figure obtainable
across the cloud, edge, and device layers. This info informs however and wherever information
analytics turn up.

Home Automation: a mix of hardware and computer code solutions that afford the management
and management of physical science, appliances, and devices at intervals a home.

Host-based intrusion detection system HIDS;: A computer code application that monitors and
analyzes a system for any unauthorized activity.

Hybrid cloud: An atmosphere that uses a mix of on-premises, non-public cloud, and public cloud

iBeacon (or Beacon Technology): alittle network transmitter accustomed establish, track, and act
with connected systems victimisation Bluetooth low energy. iBeacon is An Apple trademark,
however it's conjointly obtainable on automaton devices.

Industrial Internet: the combination of machine learning, huge information technology, sensing
element information, and machine-to-machine communication automation. this can be finished
the data that the web of Things are going to be scaled and driven by enterprises. the concept is
that sensible machines will a lot of accurately capture and communicate information to assist
firms notice issues sooner and increase overall potency.
Integrator: The “tree trunk” of specification that performs the large information functions to
produce a higher-level analysis of human interaction for near-edge analytics and broader-scope
analysis and management.

Internet of Things (IoT): A network of objects (such as sensors and actuators) that may capture
information autonomously and self-configure showing intelligence supported physical world
events, permitting these systems to become active participants in numerous public, commercial,
scientific, and private processes.

Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP): The language a pc uses to access theInternet. It consists of a
collection of protocols designed to determine a network of networks to produce a number with
access to the web.

IoT Cloud Platform: A cloud platform that gives a group of services that modify the combination
method between the services provided by cloud platforms and IoT devices. Some platforms
embrace development tools and information analytics capabilities.

IoT Development Board: A board that may be accustomed paradigm and make IoT hardware.
There area unit many boards obtainable on the market with totally different options.

Jenkins: open supply automation server with plugins to support building, deploying, and
automating any project.

Kubernetes: An ASCII text file instrumentality cluster management platform maintained by

Lambda (serverless architecture): AWS cloud service that allows the building of we tend to apps
and mobile backends in an exceedingly quicker, a lot of agile means.
Lift and shift: Common cloud migration choice that replicates in-house apps within the cloud
while not re-design.
Lightweight Protocol: Any protocol that contains a lesser and throw payload once getting used
and transmitted over a network association.

Long vary Communication Protocols: accustomed discuss with universal long-range radio
frequencies for multi-generation wireless standards like 2G, 3G, 4G, and4G LTE.

Low-Power Devices: physical science that are designed to use less wattage than ancient devices.
These area unit necessary to the long run success of IoT as a result of, as sensors become a lot of
advanced, devices ought to be ready to operate for extended periods of your time while not
counting on manual maintenance or loss of knowledge.

Machine-to-Machine (M2M): This refers to a network setup that permits connected devices to
speak freely, sometimes between an oversized range of devices; M2M usually refers to the
employment of distributed systems in industrial and producing applications.

Mesh Network: a sort of topology within which a tool transmits its own information and
conjointly is a relay for different nodes by providing the foremost economical information path
through routers.

Microcontroller (MCU): a little pc on one computer circuit designed for embedded applications
and utilized in mechanically controlled embedded systems.

Messaging Protocols: The means info is transferred and communicated amongst devices, the
cloud, and information storage. totally different protocols area unit used for various results.

Message Queuing measure Transport (MQTT): a light-weight electronic communication protocol

that runs on the TCP/IP protocol. it's designed for communication with tiny devices in remote
locations with low network information measure.

Multi-Agent System: A network of multiple agents that act in An atmosphere and act or
communicate with one another to realize their style objective.

Managed DNS: An external service supplier that runs authoritative DNS servers on your behalf,
respondent queries concerning your domain names.

Mesosphere: an ad instrumentality cluster management platform supported Apache Mesos.

Metered licensing: Per-use licensing flexibility within the cloud.

Microservices: A pattern supported service-oriented architectures accustomed build cloud-native

and severally deployable systems.
Microservices architecture: Describes applications designed as assortment of single-process
services communication over affected and simply managed channels (often HTTP), wherever
every service do you well-defined business level task or set of tasks and scales severally of
different services. Microservice part boundaries map onto finite contexts in Domain-Driven
style. The aim is to create changes easier, readying quicker, technology business match tighter,
infrastructure a lot of automatic, abstract and information models a lot of versatile, and
applications a lot of resilient to failure.

Near-Field Communication (NFC): A feature supported technical standards that permits devices
to determine radio communication with different near systems or mobile devices.

Orchestration: the method of managing however containers area unit created and the way they're
Operability: Operability is that the lives of however well a software package works once in
operation in production, whether or not that's the general public cloud, a co-located data center,
An embedded system, or a far off sensing element forming a part of An IoT network.

Origin server: Application servers that serve content to a CDN once An object isn't any longer
cached or has invalid.

Private cloud: Dedicated to one organization and delivers quantifiability and self-service through
proprietary design.

Private instrumentality registry: a personal and secure location to publish, store, and retrieve
instrumentality pictures for computer code you employ in your infrastructure.

Protocol buffers: Google’s language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensile mechanism for

serializing structured information, like a smaller, faster, and easier XML.

Public cloud: supported the quality cloud computing model wherever a service supplier makes
applications, storage, and different resources obtainable to the final public via the web.

Personal space Network: A network created through the interconnection of knowledge

technology devices at intervals the context of one user.

Propagator: The “leaves” of the specification tree that area unit repaired by intermediate branch
network components. They manage message routing protocol translation services.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): A technology that includes magnetic attraction coupling
and oftenness to spot objects and persons. It consists of 3 components: An antenna, a transceiver,
and electrical device.

Real-Time software (RTOS): Designed to ensure the completion of a task at intervals a precise
time constraint. usually utilized in safety-critical systems and once building IoT devices.

Releasability: the power to quickly deploy changes to a software package, however conjointly to
quickly endure disaster and adapt to ever-changing technical and business challenges.

Scalability: the power for the cloud to still perform well once the usage and storage has fully

Scale elastically: Delivering capability on demand then eliminating once it's not required.

Semantic versioning: A governance theme for the way to structure a version range and once to
regulate it.

Serverless: A platform providing computing, networking, and storage while not the necessity of
managing (virtual) machines.

Service discovery: A cloud-native style pattern to find distributed microservices in an

exceedingly versatile design.
Sensor: a tool or part that perceives and responds to physical input from the atmosphere.

Sensor Network: a bunch of sensors with a communications infrastructure meant to observe and
collect information from multiple locations.

Single-Board Computer: an entire pc designed on one card with all the elements needed for a
practical pc.

Site-Level Management: permits site-level arrangement across devices from totally different
vendors victimisation dissimilar protocols.

Store and Forward: an electronic communication mechanism within which a broker is concerned
between sender and receiver in order that the broker gets possession of the message from the
sender, stores it for dependability, then delivers the message itself to the receiver.

System on a Chip: An integrated chip that's comprised of electronic circuits of multiple pc

elements to make an entire device.

Transmission management Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP): A basic client/server model
communication protocol for the web and personal networks.

Ubiquitous Computing: a technique of enhancing pc use by creating many computers obtainable
throughout a physical atmosphere, however creating them effectively invisible to the user.

Vendor lock-in: wherever customers area unit addicted to one cloud supplier technology
implementation and can't simply move within the future to a special trafficker while not
substantial prices, legal constraints, or technical incompatibilities.

Web API: a hypertext transfer protocol end point designed to simply accept and come
information, instead of hypertext mark-up language.

WebSocket: A pc prescript, providing full-duplex communication channels over one

transmission control protocol association.
Wearables: Connected devices that may be equipped with differing kinds of sensors and area unit
worn on a person’s body. they're meant to observe, collect, and quantify information a couple of
person's life and atmosphere, and permit them to interface therewith information.

Wi-Fi: A wireless native space network (WLAN) that uses radio waves to produce wireless
highspeed Internet and network connections.

ZigBee: An open commonplace for wireless communication designed to use low-power digital
radio signals for private space networks (PAN); it's accustomed produce networks that need an
occasional information transfer rate, energy potency, and secure networking.

Z-Wave: A wireless protocol for home automation that communicates employing a low-power
oftenness technology specifically designed for remote applications.

Q1. Name some platforms that are used for huge level cloud computing?
Ans. Apache Hadoop
Q2. How hybrid clouds are so important?
Ans. Cloud Bursting:
Some access capacity or special softwares are present exclusively in public cloud not in private
ex:Virtual Amazon & Dynamo

Q3. What are the key components of AWS?

Ans. Route 53,Simple Web Services,Identify and Access Management,S3,EC2,EBS,Cloud

Q4. What is AMI and give a brief description?

Ans. AMI is Amazon Machine Image.It is a duplicate of root file system.It provides the data
required to launch an instance and a hardware server that commodities bios which points the
boot record of first block on a disk.
Q5. Mention big Cloud providers and databases?
Ans. Google Big Table
Amazon Simple Database
Cloud Based SQL

Q6. What is "EUCALYPTUS" in cloud computing?

Ans. It is an acronym that stands for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture For Linking Your
Program To Useful Systems. This used to executing clusters in cloud computing platform.

Q7. What is the use of API in cloud services?

Ans. It eliminates the workload to write the fully fledged programs.
It also provides an easy way to create applications and links the cloud services with other

Q8. Name the code which will be used to implement load balancing and tell advantages?
Ans. Apache mod_proxy_balancer. Load balancing is often used to increase utilization and
output, lowering the latency, cut back response time, and avoid system overloading.
Q9. What do you understand by the term fsck?
Ans. fsck stands for File System Check. It is a command used by HDFS. This command is used
to check inconsistencies and if there is any problem in the file.

Q10. What are the five V’s of Big Data?

Ans. Volume,Velocity,Variety,Veracity and Value.

Q11. How big data and Hadoop are related to each other?
Ans. Hadoop is a framework that specializes in big data operations. This framework can be used
by professionals to analyze big data and help businesses to make decisions.

Q12. Steps to be followed to deploy a Big Data solution?

Ans. i)Data Ingestion ii)Data Storage

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