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Two robots paint

22.000 m² per week
Muehlhan has the world’s most advanced surface-
treatment plant for offshore wind turbine towers.
Three or four large offshore tow-
er sections pass through Muehl-
han’s new factory in Give every
day. The factory is located on
the tower manufacturer Welcon’s
site, and it is basically a factory
within the factory.

The production started approx. 1

year ago in the 6.000 square-me-
tre plant, where two production The metallization is achieved by spraying a molten layer of zinc onto the steel
lines treat approximately 22 tower surface. All together, Muehlhan surface-treats 22 tower sections per week,
where each section has a typical surface area of 10,000 sqf. One tower con-
sections per week. Each produc- sists of three to four sections and may way up to 250 tons. Shown here is a
tion line has three large cabins, painting robot in action. Photo: Muehlhan
where the towers are respective-
ly sand-blasted, metal­ lized and a manual process. It is a produc- the contrary, the production vol-
spray-painted. tion line with a fixed flow through ume has increased to the double,
to achieve an optimum produc- and as a result there are more
The ton-heavy sections are trans- tion flow, says Jens Mørk, Man- employees. At present 55 em-
ported between the three cabins aging Director of Muehlhan A/S. ployees work at the factory. At the
using rails, trolleys and a remote

The complete process - with

the exception of the interior
sand-blasting - is automated with
robots. Each of the processing
rooms has a wall mounted robot
that moves back and forth, and
carries out the process, without
any man power in the rooms.
Photo: Muehlhan
- ‘We have come a long way
with automation. The factory is Saving on man hours and paint same time, employees have now
the most advanced in the world. The high level of automation has gone from being regular factory
The robots are much faster than not meant fewer employees. On workers to being machine oper-

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Director Danmark

ators, and by far the largest part The ambitions demanded that the vestment’, says the managing di-
of the process is now automated. parties invested in a new plant. rector, adding that the entire tow-
The investment is put together in er production is undergoing rapid
Muehlhan has jointly developed such a way that Welcon owns the development, which amongst
the technology with external part- buildings while Muehlhan owns other things means that the fac-
ners, and of course Muehlhan the equipment. tory area is doubled in two years.
owns the IP right of the automat-
ed process. We have spent a huge amount of The sixth newly built factory
time finding the best equipment This is the sixth factory that Mue-
- ‘We have saved 8 men in the for each individual process. ‘It’s hlhan has built from green field
process through automation. The everything from sand pots to ro- up. And although the surface
quality has improved because bots’, says Jens Mørk treatment company has plenty
the robot operates accurately of experience - also with paint-
and consistently. It also means There were also increased de- ing robots - it takes time to get
that the wastage of paint is mini- mands from the customers driv- an automated production up and
mized’, explains Jens Mørk. ing the investment. For ex­ample, running. It took three months be-
one customer required that all fore the technology was fully im-
of the treatments had to be per- plemented.
formed under one roof.
- ‘We started sand-blasting with
- ‘Welcon has also been good the first robot, and once it was
to secure orders, which there of operational, we went on to met-
course need to be, in order to be allization. We spent a month on
able to recoup such a large in- each robot’, explains Jens Mørk.

Managing Director, Jens Mørk stands

here in the heart of the factory, where
a walkway divides the two production
lines. All of the production equipment
is assembled here.
Photo: Dan S. Frandsen

High ambitions
are the basis for investment
It was the vision of being the
leader in offshore towers, which
originally provided the basis for The onshore towers are still coated in Muehlhan’s old factory halls at Welcon
the investment at Muehlhan and in Give. Onshore towers only need to be be sand-blasted and painted, and
therefore do not come through the automated factory, which performs three
partner Welcon. processes. Photo: Dan S. Frandsen

Article from Jern & Maskinindustrien, 23. juni 2016, By Dan. S. Frandsen

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