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8/8/2020 Social Studies Makeup Quiz | Print - Quizizz


Social Studies Makeup Quiz
20 Questions

1. The tea act was....

a) passed in response to the Boston Tea b) a popular play in Boston.


c) a tax the British forced the colonists to pay d) created by colonial governments to make
on tea. money.

2. The Boston Massacre was...

a) an event that led to thousands of colonial b) the result of the Intolerable Acts.
c) the turning point in the Revolutionary War. d) used by colonists to increase support for
the Revolution.

3. Which answer best describes the Intolerable Acts?

a) gave colonists more freedom. b) a series of laws placed on colonists

because of the Boston Tea Party.

c) acts that the colonists placed on d) it only closed Boston Harbor


4. The primary purpose of the Declaration of Independence

was to...

a) create a new framework of government. b) list colonial complaints against King George

c) "break up" with England, or separate from d) celebrate the Fourth of July.
their rule

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8/8/2020 Social Studies Makeup Quiz | Print - Quizizz

5. Why did the British tax the colonies so heavily after the
French and Indian War?

a) To get extra tea and sugar b) To force the Patriots to surrender

c) To create anger in the colonies d) To pay o war debt

6. What does "No Taxation without Representation" mean?

a) People should only be taxed if they have a b) Only the King could pass tax laws
say in the government

c) The colonists should not be taxed unless d) The colonists should not be taxed because
the taxes were used in the colonies no one should be taxed.

7. After the Boston Tea Party, King George III and Parliament
passed a series of laws. Why did the colonists call these the
Intolerable Acts?

a) The colonists thought the laws were unfair b) The colonists thought the Tea Act was
and unacceptable. enough punishment.

c) The colonists wanted Britain to apologize

for the Boston Massacre.

8. In 1776, which document did the colonists write to tell

England that they wanted to be free from British rule?

a) Articles of Confederation b) Bill of Rights

c) Declaration of Independence d) United States Constitution

9. What was the purpose of The Declaration of Independence?

a) To say the colonies were independent from b) To declare war

Great Britain 

c) To ask for help paying taxes on tea 2/5
8/8/2020 Social Studies Makeup Quiz | Print - Quizizz

10. Who was the person who actually wrote the Declaration of

a) Paul Revere b) Thomas Paine

c) Thomas Je erson d) John Hancock

11. Who was the commander of the colonies' army?

a) George Washington b) Lord Cornwallis

c) Samuel Adams d) Paul Revere

12. What is the meaning of taxation without representation?

a) When people are taxed, but they have no b) When people are taxed twice on the same
say in the government item

c) When some people get taxed and others d) When people in the Colonies are taxed, but
don't no one in England is

13. The American colonists felt that the English government

made them...

a) work too hard b) follow unfair laws

c) buy too much teach d) buy too many clothes

14. The leader of England was

a) George III b) John Hancock

c) George Washington d) Benjamin Franklin

15. What laws forced colonists to provide places in their homes

to live for all the Redcoats in America?

a) Townshend Acts /Intolerable Acts b) Quartering Act /Intolerable Acts

c) Sugar Act /Stamp Act 3/5
8/8/2020 Social Studies Makeup Quiz | Print - Quizizz

16. What law placed high taxes on glass, paper, paint, lead and

a) Townshend Acts b) Quartering Acts

c) Navigations Acts d) Stamp Act

17. After the Boston Tea Party...

a) England did not tax the colonists b) King George surrendered

c) King George closed Boston Harbor and

created the Intolerable Acts

18. The Declaration of Independence was written to formally

declare to the people and to the King of England that the
colonies were separating from England and they wanted to
explain why.

a) True b) False

19. Thousands of people died during the Boston Massacre.

a) True b) False

20. A group of colonists dressed as Indians and dumped British

tea into the ocean. The became known as the Boston Tea

a) True b) False 4/5
8/8/2020 Social Studies Makeup Quiz | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. c 6. a 11. a 16. a
2. d 7. a 12. a 17. c
3. b 8. c 13. b 18. a
4. c 9. a 14. a 19. b
5. d 10. c 15. b 20. a 5/5

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