The Rise of Modern International Order

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The international system is made of many different types of units that include national state
or empire.

The absence of higher authority to control relations is the major difference between domestic
and international politics

It is the aim of IR to study how can states maintain peaceful relations in such fragmentations

Despite fragmentation, state still have relations which from the international orders

This includes:
★ Historical international orders
★ How did modern international order emerge
★ The consequence of the global transformation

International Orders

Regular exchange between discrete political units that consider each other to be indepent

● Ideas
● Trade
● Diplomacy

Have been many religions international orders but only for the past 200 years that there have
been globalised international order

The western orientation of international order

The international has been predominantly founded on western

● Ideals
● Institutes

Many aspect of the world are in the west such as

● Important global political economy institutions (NY/London stock exchange)
● Important global political institutions (UN)
● Many major world powers both historic and present come from the west (security
council mostly Wester country)

What is the west?

The west is consider to be
● Europe
● América

Opposing theories (for the west’s own strengths) A favor

● Only the west had institutions that represented both elites and publics (connecting

● Enlightenment age (This supported independent and expremething that lead to

advances in in science)

● Economies practice (The west had many economies innovations that allowed
companies to give credits by presenting clear values for profit)

● Geography (The industrialization in UK greatly benefit from the reach coal and irons
mines in UK)

Opposing theories ( AGAINST for the west’s own strengths) En contra

● Most of the materials to led to west's rise came from other places ( gold/silver from
Africa/Americas and cotton from India)

● Asian countries were often considered to be superior or equal to western powers

( India/china both had large advancement in in tech/ manufacture)

● Imperialism was the reason for west's rise ( much of the resource that supported rise
came from colonies)

● European powers enforced inequality in order to strengthen themselves:

A. global market which made local economic practices obsolete and strengthened their own

B. create a periphery and core market

Rise of the west

Aspects of this includes :

● Relatively new ( 2-3 centuries old)

● Relied on international processes ( global markets/imperialism)

- The international aspects of West rise allowed a few states to project their power to far out

- Because of the international processes they initiated, new actors were created and connected
together by new tech in:

a. Transport

b. Communication
- Such groups include
1. IGOs
2. NGOs
3. nation-state
4. transnational Corp

Historical international orders

● International order term new but some trace it to when the nomadic tribes first
created sedentary tribes

● the first sedentary tribes were in Sumer Iran which were able to create all year

● besides Summur, there have been many other international orders with shared
practices of

a. commerce
b. war.
c. diplomacy
d. law

● Such communities were throughout the out and extremely wide influences such as

a. Exchange between Byzantine/Ottoman empires

b. Exchange in the Indian Ocean between actors in Asia/Afri./ Euro

● When did modern international order start depends on what one is looking at, some
say that it began with Westphalia treaty but if look at regularized practices between
independently recognized states= different


● The ability for the first sedentary tribes to create year round subsistence allowed
a. Trade between groups
b. They had increased threat of being attacked
● In response to these developments, communities increased their capabilities by
a. Getting bigger
b. Developed specialization
c. Hierarchy ( there is a political order in which there is a leader/ group leader)

● The leader interacted with each other and so this formed the basis of diplomacy

● They made regularized practices between the differing groups that recognized each
other as independent

First accounts of the modern international order

● First accounts of international order originate in Europe and originate from the 1648
Peace of Westphalia

● However, what people consider the origins of International order depends on what
people consider the most important parts of IR

● International order is defined as "regularized practices between discrete political units

that recognize each other as independent"

1648 Peace of Westphalia

● This ended the wars of religion in Europe

● It also set up a series of important principles and most important = Cuius regio, eius

● In other words, the treaty set up the basis for sovereign territoriality (claiming
political authority over a specific area of the world)

Cuius regio, eius religio

Definition :
Whose realm, their religion

● The purpose of this was in order to limit the reason European states could go to war

● Based on the theory, state could not go to war over religion because they had

● Originate from Cuius regio, eius religio
● It states the claim that states have right over how anything in their territory including

a. Government organization
b. Economic organization
c. Religi

1. industrialization
● This is split into
a. two waves of industrialization
b. results of the waves of industrialization

1st wave of industrialization

● Centered
a. in UK
b. around cotton, coal, iron
c. animated source of energy steam power which was a huge advancement of power source
d. advancements in engineering

● All of these led to greater productivity

2nd wave of industrialization

● Centered
a. in Germany/America
b. around chemicals/pharmaceuticals/electronic
d. new energy sources from electric/oil (electric/internal combustion engines)

● Oil markets boomed which grew as the uses of oil also advanced (originally only for
lights but also eventually used for other stuff)

● Electricity also increased as hydroelectric/steam-powered engines also began to


● Advances in electric/light metals/oil -> development of

a. cars
b. planes
c. trains

Results of the waves of industrialization

● This led to a huge advancements in
a. global trade
b. interdependence
c. greater exchanges
● This global trade allowed great power expansions in the west, especially with
a. industrialization of west
b. DE-industrialization

EX: the UK banned/put high tariffs on Indian imports to UK but put no duties on UK imports
to India = UK being the center of production of textiles

2. Rational states

● During 1800s, states began to change in that

a. they began to use greater force within their territory
b. their armies/navies became more national and more under direct control of state (which
also came with a growth in military
c. a growth of bueaucratic personal that were hired because of merit and formalized through
new legal codes

● Ratinal state represents a shift from state organization based on interpersonal

relations/family ties to abstract bureaucracies/civil services/national organized

● Part of this change was also internaitonal as many of the people who filled these new
military/bureaucrat posts were colonial

3. Imperialism
● Before, the world split in to large/fragmented/ethnically mixed agrarian empires

● During 1800s, there was a shift in which empires were controlled by mono-racial
western powers

● Imperialism really took off with the "scramble for AFrica" as European powers took
direct control over large portions of Africa

● The US
a. sezied land from Spain/Mexico/native Americans
b. had great influence over Carribean/Guam/Hawaii/Philippines/Samoa/ Virgin Island

● Settler states also became colonial powers like

a. Australia
b. New Zealand

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