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Universidad Juárez Autónoma De Tabasco.

División Académica De Ciencias Y Tecnologías

de la información
Lic. Ingeniería En Sistemas Computacionales.

Nombre: Marco Antonio Romero Rodríguez.

Matricula: 172H17143
Facilitadora: Wendy Matilde Santiago León
Lugar y fecha: Cunduacán, tabasco.
25 de mayo del 2020
1. En el artículo proporcionado subraya las palabras cognadas, y
realiza un listado de los cognados y su traducción, menciona si
son verdaderos o falsos y también indica si son exactos o
Four Components of a Computer
A computer processes information. A toaster processes bread.
Although it's a simpler device, a toaster is a good way to
demonstrate the four components of computer processing: input,
storage, processing, and output.
Both a toaster and a computer have physical parts you can touch
such as the keyboard and mouse. We call these parts hardware.
Here the similiarites between toaster and computer end and the
differences begin. Only the computer has something called software
that enables it to figure out what to do with the input you give it.
You can't touch software. Software that gives the computer the
ability to process many kinds of information. In contract, all a
toaster can process is bread (and the occasional waffle).
Another difference is a computer has a microprocessor. The
microprocessor is the device in the computer that performs most of
the tasks we ask the computer to do—from playing computer games
to graphing the number of people who prefer cricket to curling. The
microprocessor reads and performs different tasks according to the
software that instructs it. This ability is what makes the computer
such a versatile machine.
The key thing to remember is this: both computer and toaster have
four basic components to how they operate (input, storage,
processing, and output.) Unlike the toaster, the computer is
unlimited in the things it can do.
1. Computer Computadora Verdadero Semejante
2. Infomration Información Verdadero Semejante

3. Processes Procesos Verdadero Semejante

4. Simpler Más simple Verdadero Semejante

5. Demonstrate Demostrar Verdadero Semejante

6. Components Componentes Verdadero Semejante

7. Processing Procesamiento Verdadero Semejante

8. Physical Físico Falso Semejante

9. Similiarites Similares Verdadero Semejante

10. Differences Diferencias Verdadero Semejante

11. Figure Figura Verdadero Semejante

12. Microprocessor Microprocesador Verdadero Semejante
13. Graphing Gráficos Verdadero Semejante
14. Number Número Verdadero Semejante
15. Different Diferente Verdadero Semejante
16. According Según Falso Semejante
17. Instructs Instruye a Falso Semejante
18. Versatile Versátil Verdadero Semejante
19. Basic Básico Verdadero Semejante
20. Operate Operar Verdadero Semejante
2. Busca un artículo en inglés de tipo científico informático y realiza
las mismas actividades que se marcan en la instrucción 1.

Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based,

object-oriented, and designed to have as few implementation
dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers
write once, run anywhere (WORA), meaning that compiled Java
code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for
recompilation.Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode
that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of the
underlying computer architecture. The syntax of Java is similar to C
and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than either of them. As
of 2019, Java was one of the most popular programming languages
in use according to GitHub,particularly for client-server web
applications, with a reported 9 million developers.
Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun
Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle) and
released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java
platform. The original and reference implementation Java compilers,
virtual machines, and class libraries were originally released by Sun
under proprietary licenses. As of May 2007, in compliance with the
specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun had relicensed
most of its Java technologies under the GNU General Public
License. Meanwhile, others have developed alternative
implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU
Compiler for Java (bytecode compiler), GNU Classpath (standard
libraries), and IcedTea-Web (browser plugin for applets).
1. General General Verdadero Excacto
2. Language Idioma Falso Semejante
3. Class Clase Verdadero Semejante
4. Implementation Implementación Verdadero Semejante
5. Object Objeto Verdadero Semejante
6. Oriented Orientado Verdadero Semejante
7. Dependencies Dependencias Verdadero Semejante
8. Possible Posible Verdadero Semejante
9. Application Aplicación Verdadero Semejante
10. Platforms Plataformas Verdadero Semejante
11. Support Apoyo Falso Semejante
12. Recompilation Recopilación Verdadaero Semejante
13. Compiled Compilado Verdadero Semejante
14. Virtual Virtual Verdadero Exacto
15. Computer Computadora Verdadero Semejante
16. Architecture Arquitectura Verdadero Semejante
17. Similar Similar Verdadero Exacto
18. Popular Popular Verdadero Exacto
19. Programming Proramacción Verdadero Semejante
20. Particularly Particular Verdadero Semejante
21. Client Cliente Verdadero Semejante
22. Originally Originalmente Verdadero Semejante
23. Component Componente Verdadero Semejante
24. Original Original Verdadero Exactamente
25. Reference Referencia Verdadero Semejante
26. Libraries Biblioteca Falso Semejante
27. Proprietary Propietario Verdadero Semejante
28. Licenses Licencias Verdadero Semejante
29. Specifications Especificaciones Verdadero Semejante
30. Community Comunidad Verdadero Semejante
31. Process Proceso Verdadero Semejante
32. Tecnologies Tecnologías Verdadero Semejante
33. Public Público Verdadero Semejante
34. License Licencia Verdadero Semejante
35. Alternative Alternativas Verdadero Semejante
36. Compiler Compilar Verdadero Semejante

A veces los cognados son idénticos en las lenguas (por lo
menos en cuanto a su f orma escrita), muchas veces se
parecen sin ser idénticos. Fíjate en las siguientes palabras
y escribe las palabras cognadas en la primera columna e
incluye los que no lo son en la segunda.
Nota (menciona en la palabra cognada si son verdaderos,
falsos, exacto o semejantes).
Verdadero(V) Falso (F)
Cognado Palabra no cognada

Hepatitis(V) __ Hepatitis ____ ________________ Exacto

Book(F) _____________ ____Libro_____
History(V) ____Historia__ ________________ Semejante
Chair (F) ______________ ____Presidente_______
Cancer(V) ____Cáncer______ ________________ Exacto
Door (F) ______________ ____Puerta______
Room (F) ______________ ____Sala_____
Thermometer(V) __ Termómetro __ ________________ Semejante
Canal(V) ____Canal______ _________________
Teacher (F) _______________ ____ Maestro ___
Anthropology (V) ___Antropología____ __________________ Semejante

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