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For the illumination, I’ve created (apart from the global illumination), one spot-light and
another directional-light. The spot-light is at the same position as a cube I’ve created so it
when it moves, we can see where exactly the light is positioned. As can be imagined, the
light can be moved, so different light effects can be made with it. To this light we can
modulate the intensity.
The directional-light is the one that can be regulated its color, but in this case, I haven’t
made it movable, just being able to change the color.
The animation of the desk also works with the lighting.

For the textures I reused the same desk I made for the first Meta, but I added thickness to
it, so it’s easier to view the textures. To this object, I’ve applied two different textures,
normal wood for all the parts except for the two top tables, which have a different
wooden texture.
Then I have a floor, with a stone texture and a roof with another different wooden
All the textures work with the lighting.

For the material parts, I’ve created various objects that have the material properties,
being them two walls and the moving cube with the light inside. I reused the materials
given in the example code in Inforestudante. All these objects are working with lighting,
and one of the walls is the one with the requested “malha”. It’s easy to see which one as it
reflects the light really well.
Materials are only applied to the objects that are set to affect, the cube and the two walls,
it doesn’t affect the other objects, but if wished that could be change in the code.
For the transparency part, I’ve made a cube in red color that allows every other object to
be seen through it. It is not movable but can also be changed on the code.

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