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Tajuddin Ahmed’s Compensation Theory & Practice

Semester Long Salary Survey Project Guideline

Given below is the Structure for Salary Survey.

This format is just a recommendation; students may follow and/or create their own
guideline to obtain appropriate score—with prior approval signed by the faculty.
Please note that, the limits are given to obtain the minimum from you. Good luck.

Particulars Para/Lines .

For Every Single Individual Person Salary Survey Follow the Guideline in 1 Page.

1. Name, Age & Educating, Qualification 7~8 Lines

2. Photograph (Appropriate Look) 3 X 4 Inches

3. Job Specification 4~5 Lines

4. Job Description 4~5 Lines

5. Duties & Responsibilities 4~5 Lines

6. Salary & Benefits 1 Line

7. Satisfaction Level 1 Line

8. Social Media Presence 1 Line

9. Video of the Interview 3~5 Minutes


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