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I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s i n P r i n t

January 2010 Volume 8 Issue 1

In This Issue:
What does that mean?
ITP (Innovative Technologies in Print) of Elizabethtown, PA, is and has been a FSC Certified
Company since 2006. This certification allows ITP to display the FSC “checkmark and tree”
logo on materials printed on FSC-certified paper made of pulp harvested from responsibly
managed forests. Several types of FSC certified paper are available for the market.
The Forest Stewardship Council is an international, independent, not-for-profit organization
made up of social, environmental, and business representatives. FSC sets forth principles,
criteria, and standards that address economic, social, and environmental concerns. Forest
Stewardship Certification tracks raw material chain-of-custody to assure that paper used in
• Bombarded by Information
printed products does not originate from unsustainable, illegal, or unverified logging.
• The Human Factor
FSC promotes responsible forest management by evaluating and accrediting certifiers, by
• Enough is Enough encouraging the development of national and regional forest management standards, and by
• What’s the Metric? providing public education and information about certification as a tool for ensuring that the
• E-Books
world's forests are protected for future generations. Today there are currently 14-million
acres of FSC-certified forestland in North America and 85-million acres globally.
• The Power of Multi-Media
Marketing This certification reflects ITP’s commitment to sound environmental practices. ITP has always
been environmentally responsible, using soy-based inks, recycled paper products, paper
• Paper Controversies
waste capture and recycling, and metals recovery from the photographic processes used in
• Paper Stability the print industry. Our Computer-to-Plate operation is a chemically free workflow as well.
• A No-Growth Decision Now we are pleased to have FSC-certified products to show our commitment to the environ-
ment. FSC certification will allow our customers to make informed decisions when selecting
and more... paper.
There are numerous FSC certified papers available now and the list grows continually. Please
visit our website to see what papers are available.
ITP is an Information Distribution company. We are a single-source provider for all of our
clients’ needs from concept through fulfillment. ITP specializes in the
planning, implementation, and operation of customized systems for
clients with complex communication needs. We cover every facet of
print communication from graphic design, electronic pre-press,
An Information printing, bindery, fulfillment, mailing, and E-Commerce.
Distribution Company If you have any questions please call Dean Poff, Sr. VP/Sales
Marketing at ITP of USA, Inc. 717-367-3670 ext. 395.

• This edition of ITP Notes was produced on ITP’s Indigo Digital Press.


INFORMATION Is your organization launching a new product or service? If
Do you sometimes have the feel- so, think carefully about the unit of measurement that will be
ing that you’re being inundated by used to measure success. Beware of short-term thinking,
advertising clutter, reports, and especially the cost of the launch relative to the incremental
other types of information? Well, business that is initially generated. Selecting the method(s) of
it’s not your imagination. Research promotion is an important consideration. Electronic media
by University of California-San typically has the lowest front-end cost. However, research by
Diego found that the average Epsilon and others indicates that up to 97% of e-mails are
American adult spent about seven- regarded as spam by addresses. On the other hand, about
ty percent of his/her waking hours 75% of the messages sent by “snail mail” are likely to be read.
consuming information in 2009.
The unit of measurement that may be most effective in a
That’s triple the number of mes-
launch is Lifetime Value, sales and profits generated over
sages of 1980. Daily average con-
time. Many magazine publishers and other businesses have
sumption of information last year
discovered that, in the long run, direct mail, telemarketing
was 100,564 words or about 33.8 gigabytes of data.
and other media used in combination (“multi-media market-
ing”) may produce the greatest return.
It’s an apparent contradiction that, in this age of real-time
electronic communication, branch banks continue to be built.
It’s true that electronic banking is popular. However, research Several companies, most promi-
by Mintel Comperemedia found that 65% of adults prefer the nently Sony and,
human contact of in-person banking and 45% of respondents have introduced e-read-
like the “real person qualities” of telephone contact. Not all age ers. This, in turn, has
groups respond in the same manner: younger adults are more fueled controversy
likely to prefer online and e-mail communication. The prefer- about the future of
ence for human contact extends beyond banking. Businesses of the printed book.
all types should consider the trade-offs inherent in electronic Recent research by
communication, on the one hand, and the more expensive but Rasmussen Reports
more intimate, human contact, on the other hand. indicates that acceptance of e-readers may be slow. The study,
conducted last month, found that 81% of the respondents
prefer “a traditional printed format” and only 8% prefer an
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH “electronic book-reading device.”
There’s a growing evidence of a backlash against an ava-
lanche of advertising messages, especially in Internet promo-
tion. Until recently, the conventional wisdom has been that THE POWER OF
unopened or unread communication do no harm. However, MULTI-MEDIA MARKETING
data generated by the Chief Marketing Officer Council and The new magazine, EVERY DAY WITH RACHAEL RAY, is tes-
InfoPrint Solutions Company reveal that consumers consider timony to the power of multi-media marketing. Rachael Ray
defecting from a brand relationship if promotional material is first became known as a television personality. The publica-
considered irrelevant or indiscriminate; past a certain thresh- tion was recently launched during a period in which many
old, consumers are sufficiently annoyed to abandon a brand. “experts” were declaring the imminent death of traditional
The research also found that consumers want evidence that printed magazines and major metropolitan newspapers. The
their respective needs are considered. Only six percent of magazine became one of the few publications in history that
respondents said messages from loyalty programs were based went back to press with its first issue. Total circulation:
on preferences or past buying behavior. Respondents also 826,597, ninety-eight percent above the rate base guaranteed
stated a preference to receive promotional material through to advertisers. The publisher attributes much of the success to
traditional mail rather than e-mail. use of the Internet in promoting subscriptions.
I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s i n P r i n t



FedEx and UPS raised rates earlier this month but the U.S. Postal
Service has decided to compete aggressively for high-volume ship-
pers of packages and expedited mail. It is offering discounts – and Credit card issuers appear to be rushing to sign up
new customers before legislation is passed regulating
additional discounts if orders are placed, and paid for on the Inter- interest rates, overdraft charges, and other fees.
net. The program is now available. Check the U.S.P.S. web site or Banks mailed 180 million offers to consumers in Octo-
contact your post office for details. This program is an effort by the ber 2009, the most since December 2008, according
agency to generate volume to compensate for erosion of sales in to Mintel Comperemedia. Only 134 million credit card
First Class Mail and Standard Mail. offers were mailed during September 2009.

If you plan to rent an automobile, be aware of many
THE POSTAL SERVICE IS THANKFUL agencies’ intention to charge for “no shows” in 2010
A total of 350 million pieces of direct mail promoting various if a reservation isn’t cancelled within twenty-four hours
Part D Medicare plans were sent to seniors during the calendar in advance of the rental. Expect some car rental agen-
cies to ask for a credit card at the time a reservation
quarter ended last month. That’s an increase of more than twenty
is made.
percent compared to the same period of 2008. The increase is
attributed to the aging population and the national debate about FLUFFY AND FIDO EMERGE VICTORIOUS
proposed health care reform. Pet food and pet accessories are categories in which
Americans have actually increased spending during
the current recession. Now, there’s further evidence
TRIUMPH OF TECHNOLOGY of Americans’ fondness for their pets. Fifty-eight per-

cent of pet owners say they would perform CPR on
The electronic eye has their pets in a medical emergency, according to a
triumphed over the human study by Petside and GfK Roper.

New Roman
eye at the U.S. Postal Ser-
vice. Digital Optical Charac- LANGUAGE DIFFICULTIES
ter Reader technology used Recent studies indicate that “whatever” is the word
by the agency’s scanners
has a problem with Times Helvetica that Americans could most do without. Other words
and terms that Americans would most like abandoned:
• “Get ‘er done”

New Roman and other serif
• “Green”
type faces even though • “Too big to fail”
these type faces are easiest • “Staycation”
for mere mortals to read.
The Postal Service equip- Arial • “A perfect storm”

ment most efficiently scans MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT

Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, and other sans serif type faces. The Internal Revenue Service has issued its business
mileage reimbursement guidelines for 2010. The fig-
ure for 2010 is 50 cents per mile. It was 55 cents per
mile for the last half of 2009.
U.S. imports of paper have helped to moderate prices of this If you believe that texting has become a national phe-
commodity. Domestic mills have asked the federal government to nomenon, your observation is confirmed by statistics
take action against China and Indonesia for unfair price competi- published by the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2008, an
tion. Now, Brazil has joined the paper controversy. The World average of 407 text messages were communicated by
Trade Organization has found the U.S. to be engaged in illegal cot- the nation’s 270 million cell phone subscribers. That’s
ton subsidies and farm export credit guarantees – and Brazil is double the average of 188 messages sent in 2007.
planning to retaliate in 2010. Pulp and paper are among the prod- The report reveals that the average American teenager
ucts likely to be hit with retaliatory tariffs against U.S. exports. sends more than two thousand text messages
a month.
I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s i n P r i n t

Like wine, paper often needs time to be “cured.” Paper shrinks and expands with changes
in temperature and moisture content. This is particularly true with paper used in sheetfed
production. Ideally, sheets wrapped with a moisture barrier at the mill should remain
wrapped at the printer until its temperature is the same as the pressroom temperature. Prob-
Information Distribution
lems can occur with special shipments of paper from a mill or paper distributor that sit in a
Graphic Design
cold truck – and must be quickly used for a rush job.
Industrial hemp is a crop substance used in the manu- Bindery
facturing of a variety of products including paper. It is Warehousing
grown in many countries but hemp cannot be grown in
the United States under federal law even though it is envi- ITP is an information distribution
ronmentally friendly. Two North Dakota farmers won a company in Elizabethtown, PA.
This newsletter is intended to give
state license to grow the crop but they went to court to our peers brief details of industry
obtain permission from the Drug Enforcement Agency to happenings. If you have any
avoid federal prosecution because parts of the plant are questions regarding our services,
please visit us at:
considered controlled substances. The Eighth U.S. Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s decision to
dismiss the farmers’ lawsuit. ITP of USA
200 South Chestnut Street
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
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FAX: 717-367-1587

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200 S. Chestnut Street

Permit No. 61
Elizabethtown, PA

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