ITP Notes Jan11

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I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s i n P r i n t

January 2010 Volume 9 Issue 1

In This Issue:
A growing number of small companies are engaging customers on YouTube, instead of Face-
book or Twitter. Instead of showing commercials, they’re reaching out to the site’s communi-
ties and cultivating relationships with vloggers, people who post video blogs. Benchmade
Knife Company’s reps contribute to conversations on YouTube by answering questions posted
about their knives, commenting on vlog reviews, and discussing anything that has to do with
the company. Benchmade offers vloggers loaner knives for review. Rob Morrison, Bench-
made’s director of marketing, says, “It’s cheaper
and more convincing if a vlogger reviews a knife.”
• If You Fail, Try Again The company also offers discounts and glimpses
into future product offerings. Another plus of
• A Chance to Rebound?
engaging vloggers is that it helps companies find
• No Love Lost new niches. Woodman Labs Inc.’s GoPro discov-
• Direct Mail Website ered that people were mounting their Hero digital
Relaunched video cameras onto remote-controlled cars, boats,
• Changing of the Guard planes and helicopters, so they created a kit
• Some Disturbing News designed specifically for that purpose. “We would
have never thought of that, but we’re all for it,” says
• Mobile Ad Guidelines
Rick Loughery, who leads the social-media efforts
• New Duty Rates for at GoPro.
Foreign Coated Paper
and more... Toys “R” Us released its annual Great Big Christmas Book catalog as a newspaper insert,
online, on Facebook, on mobile devices, and on the iPad and iPod touch. The retailer pro-
moted its “R” mobile messaging through in-store signage that told customers to text to
enroll, a “mobile” link on its e-commerce site, and through Facebook, print, online
and radio advertising. Shoppers then received mobile coupons via
text or e-mail that could be scanned at their stores,
which were equipped with the coupon barcode
scanning technology. Bob Friedland, senior manag-
AV E !
An Information er of PR, said, “The overall message [of the Christ-
mas Book] is about the incredible value, and we
Distribution Company
want to make sure customers can find it no matter
where they shop, whether they want to pick it up in
our stores, in a newspaper or online.”

• This edition of ITP Notes was produced on ITP’s Indigo Digital Press.



The U.S. Postal Service re-filed part of its exigent rate case The U.S. Postal Service filed a motion with the U.S. Court of
to the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) by asking for vol- Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on November 18,
ume discounts and free additional weight incentives for direct 2010 that 11 “would-be intervenors” were not parties in the
mailers that would take effect on January 2, 2011. The pro- exigent rate increase case and that “they are not entitled to
posed Reply Rides Free program would allow mailers to mail intervene as of right.” Some of the “intervenors” named are the
up to 1.2 ounces at the one-ounce price if the letter includes a Affordable Mail Alliance and the Direct Marketing Association.
reply card or envelope. First-class mail automation letters that The USPS wrote in their motion that “allowing entities with
meet the volume threshold would qualify for the program such a generalized interest to participate as parties would likely
until May 1, 2011. After that, only automation letters with the result in undue delay and distraction” and they would interfere
full-service Intelligent Mail barcode that meet the volume with the court’s ability to resolve the matter at hand.
threshold would qualify. The other proposed program, Satura-
tion and High Density Incentive, would give a rebate to Stan- DIRECT MAIL WEBSITE RELAUNCHED
dard Mail saturation and high density mailers on incremental The U.S. Postal Service relaunched its direct mail website,
mail pieces above a predetermined volume baseline based on, in November to feature a simplified lay-
a mailer’s aggregate total volume for the 2010 calendar year out and a downloadable smartphone application. It also has a
plus 5%. The rebate proposed is 22% of a participant’s aver- “share your story” area where marketers can send success
age revenue per piece for commercial saturation mail, 13% stories about using direct mail. The Postal Service wants to
for commercial high density mail, and 8% for non-profits.

The U.S. Postal Service could potentially recover $142.4 bil-
lion, according to a report from the Office of the Inspector
General. The USPS would need to do the following:
• recover the $75 billion overfunding to the Civil Service
Retirement System
• reduce prefunding levels for pensions and healthcare to
industry standards of 80% and 30% respectively, instead
of the current requirement of 100%
• recover the overfunding to the Federal Employee
Retirement System
• reduce the health care inflation rate to the industry
show how electronic technology can integrate with direct mail
standard of 5%, instead of its current rate of 7%
through its redesigned website. There is also information
about starting a direct mail campaign and white papers and
case studies for more sophisticated set ups.


Postmaster General John E. Potter is retiring in December
after 10 years as leader of the U.S. Postal Service, citing the
retirement age for federal employees as his main motivator.
The current Deputy Postmaster General and COO, Patrick
Donahoe, will replace him. Donahoe has served in a number
of senior management positions in operations and human
With the Postal Service reporting a net loss of $8.5 billion for resources at USPS before becoming deputy postmaster gener-
2010, USPS CFO Joe Corbett said, “The need for changes to al in 2005.
legislation, regulations and labor contracts has never been
more obvious.”
I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s i n P r i n t


On November 5, 2010, The Nielsen Company said that it errone-
ously reported a 22% year-over-year decrease in website traffic at ON FACEBOOK, BUT NOT AS A FRIEND
some U.S. websites. Then on November 17th, Nielson announced Although Queen Elizabeth II is now on Facebook, peo-
that it underreported audiences of the top 1,000 websites by an ple will not be able to request her as a friend. Her
average of 5% in September. Nielson is reviewing its processes with pages are a corporate account, which will offer daily
the Media Rating Council, a nonprofit that ensures audience mea- updates on the royal family’s engagements.
surement standards are reliable. Nielson says that it will correct the
problems in their December data. A SMALL VICTORY
The 95 Democrats who signed a pledge to give the
TRACKING THE LATEST DEALS FCC authority over the Internet were defeated in
November. This bodes well for those who favor net
Consumers’ newest weapon for Black Friday deals is their mobile neutrality. It’s possible that the FCC will issue a deci-
phones. Mobile Marketing Association’s October survey found 59% sion next year, requiring Internet service providers,
of adult U.S. cellphone owners plan to use their phones for holiday including wireless, to treat all content equally. Howev-
shopping and planning. Twenty-five percent plan to use their er, there’s also a possibility that such a decision will
mobile phones more for holiday shopping than they did in 2009. be challenged in the courts.
Shopping apps can track deal flyers from top retailers, collect real-
time inventory from stores, allow price comparisons, and create NOT FORSAKEN YET
virtual gift lists. Loyalty program apps allow consumers to “check Not all marketers are abandoning direct mail for digital
in” at store locations to receive mobile coupons, free deals, and and social media tactics. Cabela’s and Kohl’s
points that can be converted into gift cards. announced that they will put more money into their
mail campaigns, since it connects with consumers.
Kohl’s is distributing a new 30-page December gift
MOBILE AD GUIDELINES guide to their charge card holders. Cabela’s is plan-
The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) and the Interactive ning to mail additional catalogs and to increase circu-
Advertising Bureau (IAB) released a set of mobile ad guidelines to lation for their brand awareness and loyalty.
establish an industry-wide framework for online advertising practic-
es. The objectives of the “Mobile Web Advertising Measurement A NEWS BEAST?
Guidelines” include: NEWSWEEK and the news website The Daily Beast
• Creating a global definition and methodology for counting have agreed to a deal that combines the weekly maga-
zine with the news-and-culture website. Tina Brown,
mobile Web ad impressions who ran VANITY FAIR and the NEW YORKER, will be
• Distinguishing between online ad impressions and mobile Web editor-in-chief of both entities.
ad impressions
• Providing marketers and agencies with key metrics for buying A TWIST ON THE OLD NIGERIAN
mobile Web ads. BANK SCAM
Be aware that another scam targeting small business-
NEW DUTY RATES FOR FOREIGN es is making the rounds. This one solicits businesses
COATED PAPER to supply Iraq’s government with reconstruction materi-
Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), the leading exporter of coated paper als. Victims will receive fake checks for payments, but
from China and Indonesia, was disappointed by the U.S. Interna- the checks will be in excess of the amount due. Busi-
tional Trade Commission’s ruling nesses will be told to refund the excess or to use it to
that the domestic paper industry offset shipping costs. However, when checks are found
to be fake, banks will tap the victims’ bank accounts.
was harmed by its products. As a
result of this decision, APP prod-
uct from China will have a 25.2% SOCIAL MEDIA IS UP
duty rate and from Indonesia a Social media usage among older adults is up, accord-
38.0% duty rate. APP will appeal ing to Pew Internet: ages 50 to 64 went from 25% to
47% and 65 and older from 13% to 26%. Overall, 40%
the decision.
of the U.S. population maintains a social-networking
profile, up from 17% in 2008.
I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s i n P r i n t


U.S. trucking companies and other freight haulers want to allow trucks on federal high-
ways to increase cargo loads. The pilot program in Maine and Vermont has allowed trucks
on federal highways to weigh as much as 100,000 pounds, up from the current federal
limit of 80,000 pounds. The pilot program expires in December, but Sen. Susan Collins
(R-MA) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) want to make the weight exception permanent in Information Distribution
their states. Supporters of raising weight limits note the change allows trucks to move more Graphic Design
goods in fewer trips, and encourages truckers to drive on interstates and avoid the narrow- Printing
er local and state highways. Opponents raise questions on safety, saying heavier trucks Mailing
would make driving on interstates more dangerous for passenger vehicles and speed the Fulfillment
deterioration of road surfaces and bridges in a national infrastructure that is already in Bindery
disrepair. The Teamsters note that rigs would have to
be bigger to carry more weight and would take
longer to merge and to stop. The Association ITP is an information distribution
of American Railroads is concerned that company in Elizabethtown, PA.
lifting the limits would put the railroad This newsletter is intended to give
industry at a further competitive our peers brief details of industry
happenings. If you have any
disadvantage, since their members questions regarding our services,
already pay a disproportionate please visit us at:
amount in infrastructure
maintenance. ITP of USA
200 South Chestnut Street
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
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FAX: 717-367-1587

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