ITP Notes Sept09

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I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s i n P r i n t

September 2009 Volume 7 Issue 7

In This Issue:
USEFUL INFORMATION ITP of USA, Inc. Receives Awards of Recognition
at International Print Competition
ITP of USA, Inc. of Elizabethtown, Pa. received two 2009 Premier Print Awards for
outstanding achievement in the production of 4 or more colors projects. The graphic
arts industry’s largest and most prestigious international printing competition, the
Premier Print Awards recognizes those responsible for the creation and production
of outstanding print communications. ITP of USA, Inc. won two Awards of Recogni-
tion for their entries Sojourn Book and the Ascend Brochure.
• Survival Competing against thousands of entries from printing and graphic arts firms
• Word-of-Terminal vs. around the world, ITP received awards which honors the top finalists in each of the
Word-of-Mouth categories of the competition. There were only 196 of these awards out of 3,600
• Some Interesting Trends entries, issued in this year’s competition.
• Rediscovering Sampling “While we pride ourselves on giving every project in our plant the same attention
• Integrity of Lists and craftsmanship, it is especially gratifying to be recognized by the Premier Print
Awards for the Sojourn Book and the Ascend Brochure” said Buzz Cox, President.
• U.S.P.S. Update
“It’s an honor to be recognized by the industry as a company that produces top quality,
• Saved award winning materials.”
• An Environmental
Michael Makin, president and CEO of Printing Industries of America, agrees. “Each
year, the field of entries attracts impressive work from some of the best printers in
• Abuse – Both Coming the world. Less than 5% received an Award of Recognition in 2009. The craftsman-
and Going
ship and hard work of ITP enabled them to produce award-winning pieces in the
and more... face of very stiff competition.”
Printing Industries of America hosts the Premier Print Awards. In its 60th year, the
annual print competition recognizes those responsible for the creation and produc-
tion of superior print. The event promotes excellence in print communications and
rewards companies and individuals who produce the best in printed media.

For more information
An Information about ITP of USA, Inc.,
Distribution Company contact Dean Poff at
717-367-3670 ext. 395.

• This edition of ITP Notes was produced on ITP’s Indigo Digital Press.

SURVIVAL of a referral from either a friend/relative or a spouse/partner.

The recent literature about large daily newspapers and Only five percent of respondents who made a purchase did so
magazines has cast doubt on the ability of these print products based on a blog or chat room content. Those who made a rec-
to survive. Some newspapers have folded. Some large-circula- ommendation most often cited price as the reason, followed by
tion magazines have folded or cut frequency of publication. quality and convenience.
Subscription prices have been increased. And online content
hasn’t been sufficiently productive to offset the loss of revenue SOME INTERESTING TRENDS
in the printed product. The latest annual “Advertising Trends Study” has some
interesting data. Custom publishing, the fastest-growing prod-
Somewhat in reaction to
uct segment of the printing industry during the past several
community newspapers,
years, appears likely to continue its outstanding rate of
which are doing well
growth. In both online and hard copy form, it is listed as an
in the current econ-
area of great growth among all media by publishers serving
omy, newspapers
business-to-business, consumer, and association readership.
and magazines are
The annual research also found that only ten percent of
experimenting with
respondents report that online advertising revenue now
different business
exceeds advertising revenue from print sources. Despite the
models. Some are charg-
literature projecting the ascendancy of online communica-
ing for online versions on a
tion, the preponderance of respondents does not expect the
subscription basis. Some are testing fees on a per-article or per-
combined ad revenue from the web, e-newsletters, webinars,
page basis. Some are linking rates for online and offline sub-
and webcasts to exceed ad sales from print.
scriptions. In some cases, delivery areas have been reduced
and/or subscription lists have been pared. Some daily newspa-
pers, reconciled to the fact that other media deliver news faster, REDISCOVERING SAMPLING
are changing the nature of their content and are experimenting
with editions three or four, rather than seven, days a week. With all the hype about social media, mobile media, and
other communication devices, one highly effective tool of
One consulting/research firm, Borrell Associates, is predict- product promotion has somehow become lost: sampling.
ing a 2.4% increase in newspaper advertising sales in 2010 and Recent research by KN/PDI found that the effects of in-store
steady, but modest, gains in the ensuing years. sampling extend to sales of that and other products of the
same brand over a long period of time. The study suggests
WORD-OF-TERMINAL VS. that the results of sampling are more positive than previously
WORD OF MOUTH believed, especially if cost effectiveness is considered. The
Until recently, word-of-mouth research found that in-store sampling drives additional repeat
literally meant word-of-mouth. purchases and creates new buyers for the sampled product
Then, along came MySpace, Twit- over a twenty-week period.
ter, LinkedIn and other so-called
“social media.” Recent research of INTEGRITY OF LISTS
Chicago-based Mintel suggests that Despite the increasing sophistication of technology, the integ-
the effectiveness of these online rity of mail lists, both direct mail and electronic lists, continues
vehicles in word-of-mouth adver- to be a challenge in organizations of all sizes. Use of the Postal
tising may not live up to their Service’s National Change of Address and CASS certification pro-
usage. The study indicates that grams may help in the case of traditional lists but aren’t a pana-
real-life referrals are substantially cea. Recent research by Pitney Bowes at print-buying organiza-
more effective. tions with annual sales in excess of one billion dollars found
The research indicates that con- that data quality is an ongoing challenge in even the largest
sumers who bought a product or companies. Only 37% have a data quality program in place and
service on a recommendation did 17% have no plans to address the issue. Only 4% describe their
so, for the most part, on the basis respective companies’ program as “excellent” while 33%
describe their data quality as “poor at best.”
I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s i n P r i n t



The Postal Service is projected to lose about seven billion dollars
in both the current and next fiscal year. Congress is considering
legislation to postpone payment of retirees’ health care benefits, Europe has the Smart car, the epitome of engineering
designed to reduce vehicle weight, and maximize fuel
but that won’t address the long-term issues facing the agency, such efficiency. However, there’s a downside to the Smart
as the recession and migration to other media. If implemented, car. It’s easy prey for vandals. It’s a fad in Amsterdam
consolidation of post offices, five-day-a-week delivery, and other for a group to pick up and toss the 1,600- pound
suggestions would help, but wouldn’t address long-term issues. vehicle into the city’s canals.
Postal unions, which have about 600,000 members, are vocal in
their opposition to the proposal that, in binding arbitration, TWITTERING IN THE WORKPLACE
arbitrators consider the financial condition of the Postal Service. A document describing allowable workplace use of
Four members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Twitter in the workplace has been delivered to civil ser-
vants in Britain. Regulations governing use of the pro-
Affairs Committee, chaired by Sen. Joseph Lieberman, have called gram, which delivers messages no longer than 140
for fundamental change in the operations, mission, and organiza- characters, occupy twenty pages.
tion of the Postal Service.
It’s a different situation in Europe. In 2011, mail service
“Leadership is the art of getting someone to do
throughout the European Union will be awarded on the basis of something you want done because he wants to do it.”
competitive bids.
Dwight Eisenhower


THE FIRST SHOT HAS BEEN FIRED It’s a good practice to thank at least one staff mem-
The Postal Service is exploring the closing or consolidation of ber, customer, or supplier each day. The practice is
many of its post offices due to its financial crisis and population especially appreciated during these difficult economic
shifts. Whether you agree or disagree with that course of action, times. As Gertrude Stein said, “Silent gratitude isn’t
doesn’t the proposition sound straightforward? Think again. very much use to anyone.”
Questioning by Sen. John McCain at a recent hearing on postal COMMUNICATING “GREEN”
operations revealed that the Postal Service and its board, the
Only five percent of consumers say they believe
Postal Regulatory Commission, have different operative defini-
company advertising regarding “green” products
tions of “post office,” a situation that must be resolved before leg- and issues.
islation can be considered. The P.R.C. defines “post office” as any
installation providing postal serves to the public. The Postal Ser- SITTING ON A PROBLEM
vice defines the term as a building that offers services and also Amid claims by environmental groups in the U.S. that
houses administrative and management personnel. The differenc- the nation’s manufacturers of toilet paper use only
es largely involve branches and rural stations that do little more two percent recycled content. Meanwhile, in Cuba, the
than sell stamps. state-run manufacturer of toilet paper has warned
residents that it is exhausting its reserves of both
product and money and that there will be a severe
shortage of product until imports are scheduled to
SAVED arrive at the end of the year.
We recently reported that saga, involving the uproar of citizens
of Otisfield, Maine regarding the proposed removal of its Postal EXPENSE-TO-SALES-RATIO
Service collection box. A combination of a telephone program, There are always exceptions, but a rule of thumb for
political pressure, and a blockade of the Otisfield collection box benchmarking catalog selling expense to sales ratio in
has caused the Postal Service to reverse its decision even though terms of both web and print is twenty percent for a
business-to-business marketer and thirty percent for a
the twenty-five letters a day threshold hasn’t been met. The epi-
consumer company. Experts also recommend that fifty
sode leads one to wonder about the national reaction if and when to sixty percent of catalog circulation be directed for
the Postal Service takes steps to reduce costs to help solve its prospects. That may be expensive but it’s critical to
multi-billion dollar operating losses. long-term success.
I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s i n P r i n t

There’s a bewildering amount of data regarding the marketing implications of environmental
and sustainability issues. It appears that the implications differ at different points of the
supply chain. According to research published by American Marketing Association, 58% of 270

corporate communications professionals say that their
Information Distribution
respective companies will increase emphasis on “green”
Graphic Design
issues in the coming year, but only 36% of the same
respondents say that their companies practice what they Printing
preach, embracing recycling and more efficient energy Mailing
usage in their own organizations. Among consumers, a Fulfillment
Retrevo report reveals that 75% of 1,500 respondents Bindery
claim that energy-efficient products are important to Warehousing
them, but less than half have bought a “green” electronic product. A third of the respondents
say they won’t pay a premium for “green” products and 40% are cynical about the claims of ITP is an information distribution
retailers and manufacturers. company in Elizabethtown, PA.
This newsletter is intended to give
ABUSE – BOTH COMING AND GOING our peers brief details of industry
happenings. If you have any
Anyone can communicate virtually anything about anybody using blogs and other social media. questions regarding our services,
The recent literature has primarily addressed unfair and false postings by individuals regarding please visit us at:
businesses. However, abuses (and potential abuses) flow in both directions. Lifestyle Lifts, a cosmet-
ic surgery firm, has reached a settlement with the State of New York in responses to charges that it ITP of USA
posted fabricated anonymous positive reviews and comments on the Internet. 200 South Chestnut Street
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Useful Information and more! See inside… 866-487-8506
FAX: 717-367-1587

Useful Information and more! See inside…

Elizabethtown, PA 17022
200 S. Chestnut Street

Permit No. 61
Elizabethtown, PA

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