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ie August / September 2020 Page 1

August / September 2020

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Serving Sandymount, Irishtown, Ringsend, Pearse Street, Docklands, Ballsbridge & Donnybrook

n Beibhinn Byrne vestment and privatisation was
t was the Chinese New distressfully under resourced
Year but in the city of Wu- and ill equipped to cope with it.
han there was no evidence Despite all of our technology,
of celebrations. This teeming it was the Medieval methods of
place was a ghost town. No quarantine and masks that were
lanterns were lit red, and the the best protection against it
dragons, unlucky, in this dismal and ultimately all we had. All of
New Year, did not dance in the it would come to us, our lock-
streets. down less harsh, though just as
The everyday frenzy of peo- unwanted. The starkness of the
ple working and living had situation was difficult for the
been completely stilled, people Irish mindset to grasp. A sub-
were afraid of using transport, tle, slippery resistance resides
sharing the same space or the in us from hard won freedom.
same air, leaving silent roads The question hovered, ‘Surely
empty and evacuated buildings it won’t happen here?’ But we
and places abandoned. already knew the answer.
A virus was infecting peo- Culturally we are relaxed,
ple. Fear and unease marked from the wet markets, it was munication purposes or human what would rapidly infect us all casual and articulate. We may
this Year of The Rat, that car- engineered and escaped from a contact. – a flummoxing global disrup- even confuse talking with tak-
rier and eternal emblem of lab, a shady scientific-military He described how some were tion and an abrupt and grievous ing action and there was talk,
The Black Death, the deadli- Chino-American secret spliced “freaking out” but said, “I try dismantling of our way of life. COVID talk everywhere: We
est, recorded pandemic in his- with different disease strains, it not to worry until it’s time We watched and listened breathed our way through daily
tory, that peaked in Medieval was deadly, it wasn’t dangerous to worry.” He filmed himself from our island. China was far reports, statistics, analysis and
Europe, scything down mil- at all, it was unknown, it was stockpiling food on a trip to the away but we knew it was travel- conjecture, we breathed on top
lions. An event so traumatic it simply flu. It was airborne and shop and the bizarre surreal- ling and inevitably contagious. of one another, and breathed
is embedded in our collective you could catch it through your ness of this gargantuan city at It hit mainland Europe hard, we easy, at our ease, continuing
memory where it gnaws at us as eyes, it lived for days on sur- a standstill, a situation every- shared the social media, in hor- to do all the activities we need
a revulsion of rats and a terror faces. Yes it did. No it didn’t. one would experience soon. It ror and empathetic solidarity, of and like to do; travel, cultural
of any contagions widespread Reality and evidence trick- quickly became time to worry all of Madrid clapping at night and artistic events, hardwares,
or not. led through via news reports and, shortly after, international on balconies for hospital work- bookies, garden centres, gyms
This virus was more elusive, and footage. A young Irish man workers including him were ers and Italians singing across and sports, racetracks and
both less deadly and obvious working as a teacher in Wuhan evacuated by their govern- to one another from prisons that stadiums, allotments, parks,
but marked by phobia and an caught our attention here. Cas- ments. There were disturbing were their homes. schools, public services, busi-
authoritarian response to it that ual, articulate and relaxed, Ben images of Chinese people be- The elderly and the immuno- ness and industry, restaurants,
heightened the anxiety and hor- Kavanagh gave his interview to ing forcibly carried out of their suppressed were more vulner- pubs, cafes, parties; and we
ror. What was it? With a dearth Channel 4 News using a screen homes and locked into metal able and the susceptible and the touched, hugged, kissed, and
of facts, there was a plethora of video and internet. Technology boxes, draconian measures and nursing homes were ravaged by gathered, operating in close
rumours; it came from pango- that everyone would be forced quarantine were enforced. it. The healthcare system after proximity to one another.
lins, it came from bats, it came onto within weeks for any com- Wuhan was the epicentre of 20 years of ruinous underin- Continued on page 2.

In this issue…
Page 15: Remembering Eaven Boland Page 21: Covid Performers Pages 28-29: Lockdown Creativity Page 30: Save St Mary’s
Page 2 August / September 2020

hope is contagious
Continued from page 1. general scrutiny now prompts what
Ordinary, meaningful human life we remunerate, alongside a recali-
that is so necessary and fulfilling to bration of our priorities, our system
NewsFour Newspaper our nature because it is of our na- and how we ensure our needs, well-
is part of a DEASP ture. We not only know now how being and safety are met.
Community Employment precious and cherished this ‘ordi- Many now prioritise the necessity
Programme nary’ is but also how alien life is of nature, realising what a resource
without it. our parks, green spaces and wild-
NewsFour Citizens were advised to return
home from other countries, the pur-
ways are. Our survival dependent on
her health. The temporary absence
posely fashioned National Public of cars, their toxic fumes and noise
Health Emergency Team was assembled, ment. For most it was devastating, for was paradise regained. More people are
Beibhinn Byrne NPHET sounded like some avenging an- others an inconvenience, then there were cycling and walking. We also discovered
gel, but the procrastination was all too un- those relieved by it all to find the world how kind we are, how innovative, how
Online Editor derstandably human, ‘Maybe-perhaps we has aligned with them whether that was in community is everything. How expressive
Kathrin Kobus would temporarily close or curtail regular trauma or relaxation. It was both a scram- of ourselves and to one another we are.
activities, perhaps-maybe.’ ble and a humbling. A strange mixture of The sacrifices of lost mirth and customs
Journalists There was the added complication of an bold moves and doing nothing. recast what is really important. We need
Kathrin Kobus unformed government, the general elec- It’s been a pivotal moment, and is, it to fasten and support our own sovereign
Eoin Meegan tion outcome had not been conclusive turns out, a very bad thing and a very good resources and food security and supply, as
Peter McNamara for anyone and parties were embroiled in thing. Suffering is absolutely individual. well as micro economy. Work should be
David Prendeville messy pacts, squabbling over carve ups, So is relief. fulfilling, purposeful and flexible.
Geneva Pattison rather than rerunning the election quickly We know what we’ve lost, livelihoods, Our lives are supposed to be balanced,
Dermot Carmody or forming a unity government and focus- economy, personal milestones, rites of productive and healthy. You can’t cancel
ing on the unprecedented emergency at passage, celebrations and rituals that were the human spirit. Throughout it all we
Contributors hand. cancelled, time lost with love and to love, found ways to be together and to help one
Felix O’Regan But then the WHO officially announced too many have had to endure the ultimate another. The deprivation charmed back the
Gavan Bergin COVID as a pandemic. It was lightning grief, death of their loved ones, infinitely real luxuries of our lives: The joy of fam-
Shay Connolly striking the tower. The progression was worsened by being barred from their buri- ily, friends and colleagues, our values, the
as rapid as it was destructive and as unex- als. And more misery certainly awaits us. purpose and net effect of our work, our
Crossword pected as it was catastrophic. Our distract- But possibility never ceases, nor does ability to insightfully question ourselves
Gemma Byrne ed, casual, articulate country was sieged the human spirit and in the dark we seek and our system. What is really important?
with strict orders, decrees and an abrupt the light. At the start of the outbreak and A better way of life is in our focus.
Design and Layout rescinding and muting of our society as we lockdowns, the artist David Hockney de- Welcome back! To the gift that is our
Eugene Carolan knew it. clared, “You can’t cancel Spring.” lives, Yes, we’ve to proceed with caution
It impacted everything. The way we Beneath the oppressive canopy of vi- but proceed we will. Our lives and our fu-
Ad Design work, interact, travel, play, compete, com- rus and fear, the undergrowth of hope has ture are an uncancellable Spring. It renews
Dara O Riordain
municate, plan, relax, our spaces, our in- sprouted, and now we welcome a return to again and again. We are now presented
comes, all our services, our routines, our a better life with an emphasis on what we with this threshold and the opportunity to
lives. Our outlet of collective catharsis value and how we want to live. It is time embrace with new meaning our old lives.
whether for entertainment or protest was for the human ingenuity and energy that il- Hope is contagious.
driven into irresolution. Our circles and luminates the dark and ourselves to shine. We now have the chance to reassert and
gatherings were disrupted as well as our During the worst deprivation we found reset our priorities. To create better lives
Community Services,
children’s needs, normality and expecta- ways to cope. Community bingo from bal- and live in a better world. The life force of
13A Fitzwilliam Street,
tions, shops were boarded up, curfews an- conies and outdoor discos sprang up, peo- the human soul and the dragons of pros-
Ringsend, Dublin 4. nounced, special Gardai powers conferred, ple shopped for others in total quarantine, perity and health that represent generation,
only businesses deemed essential such as families had more time together – the stark regeneration, celebration and family reun-
Telephone: (01)6673317 chemists and supermarkets remained open. duality of every situation also became ac- ion will dance again.
The Internet boomed. Everything went knowledged and exigent – where abuse
E-mail: online. Soon many items online were sold and violations soared it forced action on

out. Seeds, flour, or sanitiser were unob- services and highlighted provision in these THE EDITOR’S CORNER
tainable. Soon some websites were unob- cases.
Website: tainable. They hadn’t the stock or couldn’t The risks and costs that are worth taking elcome Back! It has been cope with the orders. Pubs were ordered for ourselves and each other showed up. the worst of times and the
shut, Children were sent home from The pressure of COVID made untenable best of times and how we
Opinions expressed in NewsFour school. We learnt a new vocabulary over- injustices insupportable, as the unstop- have missed each other and the routine
do not necessarily represent night, “Essential workers” “Self isolate” pable Black Lives Matter protests at the customs we took for granted. There is a
the views of Sandymount “Social Distance/Distancing” “Zoom/ height of lockdown proved. Direct Provi- lot to question and a lot to accept, just
Zooming” “R-rate” “New Normal” “Surg- sion has entered the national conscious- as there is much to be fearful of but
Community Services.
es” “Spikes” “Cocooning.” ness as an unacceptable stain on us, there also grateful for. Both are true as our
Only mad foxes and Garda went out at is a greater sense of equality and connec- current situation evolves. We must be
Printed by
night and if you ventured out it was like tion and what is worth fighting for. the ones who shape it, safeguard it and
walking on the moon, an alien landscape Homeschooling emphasises the pro- take responsibility for what we will
Mahon, Co. Cork
of streetlamps, silence and nothingness. It found, vital importance of our teachers accept or resist. Our lives and liberty
was an indefinite pausing of our lives with and affords them the respect and gratitude are precious and all that matter in the
a confusion about the near and long term they deserve. The backbone of our coun- end. We hope you enjoy our editorial
future, accompanied by a whole spectrum try and needs are met by essential workers feature on it all. Stay Human, stay con-
of emotions in no particular order. There and there is a new awareness of the im- nected, stay observant.
was loneliness, grief and plenty of judge- portance of their work and their honour. A August / September 2020 EDUCATION Page 3

Education Expo in the RDS & Virtual Education Expo 2020 ucation Expo 2020 promises to
be a great day for those wishing
to enrol in courses or upskill,
with some of Ireland’s biggest
colleges and course providers
set to exhibit.”
The extra safety measures
that will be implemented for the
physical event will involve at-
tendees having to book a time
slot prior to their arrival to pre-
vent overcrowding. This can be
done online through the Educa-
tion Expo website.
Upon arrival, you will have to Covid-19, they will be taken to ter and receive online access to
confirm your registration with an isolation room as a preventa- this virtual event, visit educa-
security personnel, have your tive measure to avoid spreading

n Geneva Pattison The event is geared towards temperature taken with thermal of the virus. Both of these events are
he annual Education anyone wishing to further their imaging and use the provided There will also be a free Vir- completely free of charge.
Expo is expected to take education, whether you’re a hand sanitiser. Failure to follow tual Education Expo held on To book a free ticket and
place on August 29th first-time student, someone this protocol, will result in no September 10th for anyone who secure a place online for the
of this year, with added safety looking to up-skill or seeking a admittance. wishes to take part remotely. RDS Education Expo, visit
measures put in place to ensure change of career. As mentioned On the Education Expo web- The online event is run by Ca- and
social distance is maintained. on the Education Expo website, site, they have also stipulated reers Ireland and offers many of click the ‘register’ tab.
The free event will allow pro- “Maybe you’re thinking of a that the inside of the venue will the same one-to-one perks of the To register for the virtual
spective students to meet course career move and looking for a be well ventilated, that all public physical fair in the RDS. expo, visit the Careers Ireland
providers and college represent- course that’ll introduce you to areas will be cleaned frequently People can chat online to webpage on Eventbrite.
atives from across the country a new industry. Or you simply and hand sanitiser will be made college representatives, enrol
in person, to discuss different want to learn a new hobby, hone available throughout the entire in courses, ask questions and Photos: RDS courtesy Wiki
course options and the opportu- a new skill and keep feeding the expo space. Should an exhibitor watch informative webinars Commons. Computer and desk
nities that they offer. old noggin new knowledge. Ed- or attendee exhibit symptoms of from their own home. To regis- courtesy Pixabay.
Page 4 CHEQUES CHARITY August / September 2020

Locals raise money for three

deserving charities during Covid
n Kathrin Kobus services in September. The
harity begins at home, work on the pool will start
and calls for charitable right away, next Monday (20th
causes mushroomed July).”
during the past days, weeks and The other 40% of the raised
months. Many clubs all over money was shared equally be-
the country from all sports set- tween the Iris Charles Centre
tled for activities under walk, and The Lighthouse.
run, cycle for a cause. The Iris Charles Centre also
Clanna Gael Fontenoy went hopes for a return of their ser-
“global” to engage its mem- vices as well when it is deemed
bers in getting back to fitness safe to do so. The bridge play-
levels for competitions once ers might for the time being
more. Run, cycle or walk continue online, but that does
around safely within allowed not quite replace the joy of
parameters and donate for real social interaction. Phyllis
three charities in Dublin 4 and Ennis and Claire McElvaney
Dublin 2. received the cheque of over
Members from all their €3,700.
teams took part to raise mon- And finally, at The Light-
ey for Enable Ireland, the Iris house in Pearse Street CEO
Charles Centre and The Light- Joe Murphy explained during
house. On a lighter note, it was a quick tour of the premises
also a chance to reconnect with that since the lockdown came
former members, players or in, demands on the centre
coaches now living and work- have nearly quadrupled. Pre-
ing in other parts of the world. Covid around 100 to 120 users
The covered distances were availed of services, that went
added up and this way CGF up to around 350-400 people,
circumvented the globe in only seven days a week. Donations
a fraction of the 90 days Phile- are always welcome.
as Fogg once needed. At the The symbolic cheques were
official cut off time on the 21st handed over, and that chap-
June 70,500 kilometres were ter of the fundraiser is closed.
logged and €20,000 raised. However, it might not be the
The main man behind the end of the story, as future possi-
initiative was Anthony (Tony) bilities of helping the charities
Murphy, juvenile co-ordinator in other ways will be explored.
and coach at the club. No sur- Well done to all concerned for
prise that Declan Darcy got raising so much money for
Jim Gavin to record a clip, three excellent causes that the
but Ben Dunne also had a few community benefits from.
words of encouragement for
Clann teams to go for a ride or Pictured from top left:
run. The Lighthouse: from left:
It helped that non-contact Kate McKenna CGF, Aubrey
training had started again in McCarthy Chairman Light-
Sean Moore and Ringsend house, Joe Murphy CEO, An-
Park, so a group of 12 or 15, thony Murphy CGF and Shau-
twice or thrice around the pitch na Curtis CGF, kneeling Jay
as warm up or cool down exer- Bobinac CE manager.
cise brought up the kilometres Pictured at Enable Ireland:
count. at back Donal Kitt, national
A month after the event, the fundraising manager (interim)
final tally had been divided up. and Frankie Barret, Director
Enable Ireland received a lit- of Services and Anthony Mur-
tle over €11,000 because of phy CGF. In front are Eoghan
the size and range of support it Heneghan and Declan Darcy,
provides for its service users. both CGF
As Frankie Barrett, Direc- Iris Charles Centre: Bernard
tor of Services, Enable Ireland Barron and Anthony Murphy
said on the day, “The money CGF, Claire McElvaney, treas-
will pay to get the pool done urer and Phyllis Ennis Chair-
up. We hope to return with our person. August / September 2020 LOCAL Page 5

Let’s re-imagine a society without discrimination

Ringsend and District Autism Support Group question down to the new Min-
St Patrick’s Mental Health Services have just
launched an exciting No Stigma campaign, which
aims to reimagine a life without mental health
ister for Education and The
stigma. They hope you can join them in growing
HSE as to the official num-
the conversation around mental health and show-
bers for this constituency and
ing how life without stigma benefits us all.
age breakdown of same. Jim
O’Callaghan TD sent his re-
What’s the campaign about?
grets to the meeting and will No Stigma aims to highlight how a society without mental health
also assist in any way he can. stigma is better for us all by showing the positive effects when we
Former Senator Maire Devine do not experience stigma or discrimination: life without stigma
also attended and offered in- means we all get to live it.
valuable advice from her many Right now, minding our mental health and supporting each other
years involved in this area. is key to getting through these challenging times. This is true for us
The next meeting will take

all – from parents working at home while caring for children and
n Shay Connolly Many parents are on huge place in RICC on Wed, 22nd people cocooning for extended periods, to essential and healthcare
ingsend and District Au- waiting lists to have their child July at 7.30pm. Parents affected workers working so hard at the frontline.
tism Support Group held assessed and they cannot be in this area are very welcome As we move into a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, we
their first meeting in entered on to the HSE list un- to attend. We would also make have an opportunity to leave mental health stigma behind.
RICC on Wed, 1st July last. The til that assessment takes place. a plea for volunteers in the area
Group was set up to offer sup- This leaves the official figures to become involved, as the free How can you get involved?
port and for information sharing way down on the probable true time that these parents have is You can visit our campaign website – – and take part
for parents who are struggling figures for this Constituency. very limited, such is the care by:
with the everyday problems that Many people are forced to they have to deliver. • Sharing examples of the positive difference it makes when mental
they experience, from diagnosis go private to access these basic Please visit Facebook Ring- health stigma or discrimination is not experienced
to school placements, access to services and it can cost up to send Autism Support Group for • Learning about what a home, work or community without stigma
speech and occupational therapy €2,000 to have your child as- more info. would mean
and many other issues. sessed. Many thanks to Lorraine and • Sharing the campaign materials with friends and contacts, or in
One of the first issues is to This Constituency has the her staff in RICC for providing your work or community environment.
try and establish just how many worst services in this field in the the facility. • You can also help us build our voice by sharing the campaign
children are officially on the entire country. message on your social media channels. You’ll find us on Twitter,
spectrum in this Constituency of Chris Andrews TD who at- Image: courtesy of Ringsend and Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn: please do tag us in your posts
Dublin Bay South. tended the meeting has put a District Autism Support Group and use the campaign hashtags, #nostigma or #lifewithoutstigma.v
Page 6 INNOVATION August / September 2020

New breakthrough
in coping with Dyslexia
n Eoin Meegan lines and words. It can change has the potential to help people
yslexia is a condition that the background colour, font sizes, across the world, and says, “We
affects approximately styles, perform syllable splitting, want to see people opening up a
one in ten people in Ire- paragraph delineation and lots lots conversation about it, saying this
land. The Dyslexia Association more. has helped my daughter, and so
of Ireland defines the condition Later the person can go in and on.” She pointed out that the pro-
as “a specific learning difficulty change or customise this informa- gramme has shown an increase
affecting the acquisition of fluent tion any time they wish according of 30% in the reading speed, up
and accurate reading and spelling to their needs. It is the software’s to 50% in some cases. “You can
skills.” ability to make alterations to any imagine what a benefit that is to somewhat. However, it is at third go on to represent Ireland in the
Many well-known people have online script that makes this tech- someone doing college work, level that the support seems to be Enactus World Cup in September
the condition including comedian nology both friendly and intuitive. such as writing a thesis, and the most lacking, leading to concerns in Utrecht, in the Netherlands,
Brendan O’Carroll, actress Keira Recently NewsFour talked to amount of reading that is required when people enter the workplace. which will of course also be an
Knightley, and Noel Gallagher of Denise Brennan, who together for same. The programme will Inability to read memos, emails online only event.
Oasis fame. 450,000 people in Ire- with Kevin set up an Enactus drastically cut the amount of time and other correspondence can Enactus assists third-level stu-
land are said to have dyslexia, and DCU project to launch Dyslex. they need to spend reading.” quickly lead to frustration, lack of dents to set up social enterprise
around 700 million worldwide. ie. Enactus is a global not-for- Kevin noted from conversations advancement, and in some cases schemes with the proviso that
So, if you are one of those you profit organisation, and one of the with some of his friends who have even dismissal. Not everyone is they must be financially, socially
may be interested in a new prod- world’s biggest experiential learn- dyslexia that existing aids tended sympathetic to the condition, and and environmentally sustainable,
uct recently launched. The prod- ing platforms. Kevin is the CEO to be a ‘one size fits all’, and failed sadly, a lot of stigma around dys- and impact positively on the com-
uct is called and is the of the project and Denise, who has to take account of the fact that lexia still persists. munity. The students are trained
brainchild of DCU computer sci- a background in marketing and every person with dyslexia is not In an attempt to correct this im- and monitored by business and
ence student Kevin Cogan. business, is the Chief Operating the same and do not experience balance will be availa- faculty advisors. This was the
So what exactly is Officer. the written word in the same way. ble free of charge to all third level sixth time in nine years that the
Very simply it is a new online tool At present they have a 10-strong To give an example, some institutes from September next, DCU team won the competition.
to enable those with dyslexia to team working with them, includ- people might find a yellow back- and Kevin and Denise hope to Among its other projects was one
read faster while making fewer ing a marketing unit, a business ground would help them, while make the programme as accessi- to help develop public speaking
errors. can be easily unit, and a tech unit. And Den- others would prefer another col- ble to as many people as they can, skills in primary and post primary
downloaded as a Google Chrome ise can’t praise the team enough, our; some needed to have the and at as low a cost as possible. To students.
extension and used across all sites. “they come up with some brilliant words large, while others not so this end, they have set up individ- Kevin, Denise, and all con-
After it is initially downloaded, new ideas, and always get every- much but more gapped out. Basi- ual plans that will start at around cerned would like to acknowledge
the user is invited to take part in a thing done really quickly.” When cally, what works for one person €2 a month, with special annual funding for the project which they
survey which will determine their the Enactus project expires they didn’t necessarily work for an- subscriptions for schools. have received from, among oth-
level of dyslexia and how the new envisage setting up a registered other. They have big plans for the fu- ers, Enterprise Ireland, the Social
programme can best serve their company. Because of its chameleon-like ture too, hoping to finalise a deal Innovative Fund, Citibank, and
needs. then automati- The product was very success- ability to change the page, Dyslex. with Microsoft which would see KBC. And they would especially
cally tailors the visual and textual fully launched last June. It was ie bypasses these problems and the programme on all android like to thank Enactus and DCU for
information on the page to the an online launch, of course, due feels like it’s personally made for phones. At the moment it is avail- their help, support and encourage-
user’s specific needs. to covid-19. Since then Kevin the individual user. able across all platforms with the ment in seeing this very worthy
It can change the size and col- has been doing lots of radio in- Understanding of the condition exception of Safari. project come to life. Within a few
our of the page you are on, arrange terviews around the country, in- varies too. At primary school level was part of the win- short years it could revolutionise
the amount of words on each line, cluding Kildare FM, and Shannon there tends to be a healthy support ning DCU team in the 2020 En- our approach and understanding
even determine their size, and Side to promote the product. for those reporting dyslexia, while actus Ireland annual social enter- of dyslexia. Hopefully, more un-
the size of the spaces between Denise believes at secondary school this drops off prise competition, and will now derstanding will follow that.

Irish Hospice Foundation proposes COVID-19 remembrance events

he Irish Hospice Founda- tion on dying, death and bereave- for all who have died since the people talking about mortality. In
tion (IHF) is calling on the ment in Ireland, led by Govern- pandemic started in order to ex- conjunction with the HSE, IHF
new Government to put in ment, to be followed by an offcial press our collective connection launched Ireland’s first national
place a process for remembrance process to make recommendations with the bereaved and to honour, Bereavement Support Line in June
and reflection in post-COVID-19 and put them into effect comfort and support. This should to offer support and assistance to
Ireland. The Foundation has sub- Chief Executive of Irish Hospice be accompanied by a deeper en- all those bereaved, especially dur-
mitted a paper outlining a series of Foundation, Sharon Foley said: gagement with Irish society on ing the pandemic.
proposals for Ireland to remember “Although we are not through the the reflections from COVID-19 IHF has also received funding
and reflect on the pandemic. pandemic, we must begin to plan and how we address dying, death from Creative Ireland to deliver the
Proposals from Irish Hospice for a process of active collective and bereavement. We have already Government’s new Creativity in
Foundation include: remembrance, reflection and re- shared our recommendations with Older Age Programme announced
• A national series of mourning and covery as part of the recuperation of months has shown us that we Government and call on our new this week. Over the next 18
remembrance events for all who in post-COVID-19 Ireland. The can’t afford to turn away from our government to lead this work in months, IHF will produce a series
have died since the pandemic start- ongoing response to the crisis con- collective mortality and we need partnership with critical agencies.” of projects designed to give mean-
ed in order to express our collective tinues to challenge us all in how we to come together and learn how to For nearly 35 years, IHF has advo- ing to the difficulties experienced
connection with the bereaved and confront and deal with dying, death face it, head on.” cated for a more strategic approach through dying, death and bereave-
to honour, comfort and support. and bereavement. Our collective “We are calling for a national day to dying, death and bereavement ment including the curation of a
• Reigniting a national conversa- experience over the past number or week of remembrance events and led various initiatives to get poetry collection, By Your Side. August / September 2020 COMIC BOOK Page 7

Indy and Poppy save the Chimneys

n Kathrin Kobus head to do a comic book about it. I had some
ohn Carpenter was pretty cheerful when doubts about my drawing skills at first, but
he came round to the NewsFour offices I got the courage to get the drawings done.“
one day in July and allowed us a quick Suddenly, there was more time at hand
look at his own water colour illustrations sta- when everything came to a standstill. The
pled together. They gave us a glimpse of the arts tutor could no longer do his library tours
comic book he had created and which was so he set to work on the book instead. “I had
even then already at the printers. It is called the idea for some time and now during lock-
“A Chimney Adventure (How Grandad, Pop- down I did the drawings and texts and it be-
py and Indy Saved the Chimneys).” came a picture story book.”
The chimneys of Poolbeg that is. The red Grandad John and his granddaughters
and white striped landmarks visible from far Emma and Zoe came up with bright, funny
away, whether you are approaching by land ideas on how to save them The whole pro-
or sea. ject became a family affair to get it out to the
It was from the land direction that John public and onto the bookshelves; local sup-
Carpenter brought his granddaughters into port was easily found.
Dublin, and the usual questions came up “My wife edited the text, my son helped
during the long car journey. Only instead with getting the word out and Brian from
of “Are we there yet?” little Emma and Zoe Books on the Green already took a pre-or-
rather asked: “When can we see the chim- der.”
neys? Once we saw them they knew we were Indy, one of the dogs and John Carpenter
close.” have planned a visit to the book shop early
But a few years ago, two or three by John in August, on the weekend after the bank
Carpenter’s reckoning, there were rumours holiday for the official launch. But you don’t
abounding that the chimneys would be de- have to wait that long to get your hands on
molished and disappear. Something neither this excellent book.
he nor his grandchildren wanted to happen. A Chimney Adventure (How Grandad,
“We all couldn’t imagine this place without Poppy and Indy Saved the Chimneys) is
the chimneys, so on our walks together with available right now at Books on the Green,
my grandchildren and the two dogs we came and also at Star of the Sea stationery, at
up with different ideas. They stuck in my just €12.
Page 8 MENTAL HEALTH August / September 2020

Only three in 10
Irish men would
attend counselling
n Eoin Meegan become spokespeople for their
ollowing a recent survey own experiences. The ‘Look
carried out by the Irish After Yourself’ campaign is all
Association for Counsel- about ordinary young males and
ling and Psychotherapy (IACP), encouraging them to be vulner-
it was revealed that only three able and speak to a therapist. It
in 10 Irish men said they would isn’t something they should be
attend counselling/psychother- ashamed of or see it as a sign of
apy. weakness; it’s actually a sign of
The startling finding is com- huge strength.”
pared to that of two in five The survey also found that
women saying they would be men are less likely than women
‘very likely’ to attend if strug- to have personally attended a
gling in some way with their counsellor/psychotherapist –
mental health. one in nine men have attended
The IACP hopes their latest compared with one in seven
campaign “Look After Your- women.
self” will encourage young men Lisa Molloy, CEO of the IACP
to attend therapy. The IACP un- said “These figures show that
veiled a Joe Caslin mural today young men need to be encour-
on Montague Lane, Dublin in a aged to look after their mental
bid to encourage males aged 25- health. Our hope with this cam-
34 to normalise therapy among paign is that it will motivate
this demographic and encour- them to start talking and asking
age young males to seek out for help. We want to show them demographic and show them younger generation need to Carthy said, “We need to take
help and talk with therapists. that attending therapy is normal that being vulnerable is not a learn this from an early age, that the stigma from attending ther-
The mural unveiled was cre- and a safe space for them to be sign of weakness. looking after your mental health apy. I myself have attended
ated by well-known Irish Il- themselves”. GAA star and founder of the is key to your overall health. therapy and found it hugely
lustrator and Street Artist, Joe The IACP also welcomes charity Half Time Talk, Philly There is no failure in going to beneficial. I would recommend
Caslin who said, “The figures Philly McMahon and Shane McMahon, added, “Your men- see a therapist.” all young men who feel like
that populate my murals are Carthy as brand ambassadors to tal game is just as important Fellow ambassador and for- they need to get something off
ordinary people, that in turn push this messaging among this as your physical game and the mer GAA Dublin Player Shane their chest to have a chat with
a therapist and look after your-
The IACP encourages young
males to see therapy as normal
and not something that “has to
be done” but rather something
you do for yourself.
IACP represents over 4,500
accredited and CPD certified
counsellors and psychothera-
pists in Ireland. You can find a
nation-wide directory of thera-
pists at

About the IACP:

Established in 1981, the IACP
identifies, develops and main-
tains professional standards of
excellence in counselling and
psychotherapy through educa-
tion, training and accreditation.
In promoting best practice and
the professional development
of its members, IACP is a reg-
istered Charity (CHY 6615).
More information is available
from the IACP’s website www.

Photo: Joe Caslin mural. August / September 2020 HEALTH Page 9

T Have you claimed your

he government covers cer- Care in Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. She
tain dental benefits for PRSI qualified in dentistry at University of
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ment Benefit Scheme. This scheme
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Dr Collins has a special interest in
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Dr Jennifer Collins, lead general dentist will also offer profession- keep teeth strong and prevent dental
dentist at Northumberland Dental al advice on hygiene, diet and best decay About Northumberland Dental
Care in Ballsbridge, says: “Although maintenance. • Reduce frequency of sugary Care
the cost savings are quite signifi- A scale and polish is another way snacks and carbonated drinks Northumberland Dental Care, for-
cant, many people are still unaware to describe a dental cleaning, where- • Spit out excess toothpaste after merly The Northumberland Institute
of their dental entitlements. The best by your dentist or dental hygienist brushing, but avoid rinsing, so that of Dental Medicine (NIDM), was es-
way to prevent dental worries is a will remove plaque and tartar from fluoride remains on your teeth tablished over 25 years ago in Balls-
regular dental examination, and a your teeth, leaving them clean and • Drink plenty of water to help di- bridge, Dublin 4.
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Among the benefits available under Top Dental Health Tips Northumberland Dental Care in group.
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tion towards a scale and polish. • Brush your teeth twice daily, es- Benefit Scheme. To check your 2020 Michelle Downey, Marketing Ex-
A dental examination looks at the pecially last thing at night dental entitlements, contact the prac- ecutive – michelle.downey@dental-
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and mouth. Regular check-ups allow brush for a full two minutes
your dentist to detect conditions such • Floss teeth once a day to remove About the author
as tooth decay, teeth grinding, gum plaque, preferably before brushing Dr Jennifer Collins is lead general
disease and even oral cancer. The • Use a fluoride toothpaste to help dentist at Northumberland Dental
Page 10 CULTURE August / September 2020

Free musical instruments loan scheme

for 12 to 17 year-olds at Dublin City Library

n Eoin Meegan Galaxie, they still had to raise cash with
f you’re a teenager and you envisage which to buy most of the instruments.
yourself having a future career in the However, through a combination of as-
music business, but frustration bugs tute entrepreneurial skills, and a very
you because you don’t have, or can’t successful social media campaign, Ros-
afford, a musical instrument, then keep sella managed to secure a lucrative deal
reading. which enabled her to buy new equip-
Musical instruments, even second- ment. But then a new problem arose.
hand ones, are out of the range of most “The instruments were starting to pile
teens (and let’s face it, it’s unfair to up in my home,” she says “which is a
expect hard-pressed parents to always one-bedroom apartment, and at one time
cough up the cash). However, now I had about 50 altogether. It was driv-
thanks to a really innovative scheme run ing me crazy!” So she hit on the idea
jointly by Girls Rock Dublin and Dublin to approach local libraries with a view
City Libraries, if you’re aged between to lending the instruments out. Initially
12 and 17 you can get a new instrument, some libraries turned her down. How-
learn to play it, and possibly one day end ever, all that changed when she walked
up in a band, all for free! into Pearse Street and met Gillian who
The idea is the brainchild of one Ros- ture Night, back in very different times, been very positive, with many reports of was very responsive right from the be-
sella Bottone the founder and director when Pearse Street library launched the seeing children who were shy, or maybe ginning. “It was like meeting a kindred
of Girls Rock Dublin. Rossella, who initiative. That night a group of young being bullied, grow in confidence. “Some spirit,” she said.
hails from the beautiful Abruzzo region musicians literally took over the library people think they are weaker than others, Built around the principles of coopera-
of Italy, famous for its wine, is a sound and made a lot of noise, and everyone – but in fact they are stronger,” Rossella tion and friendship, the initiative serves a
engineer by profession, an accomplished participants and spectators alike – had a says, “it brings out what is inside them sector of society that is often overlooked,
musician, and multi-instrumentalist. She fabulous time. and makes them shine.” and sometimes unfairly maligned. Teen-
established Girls Rock Dublin, which is Already a new all-girl band has come Rossella is planning on setting up a agers face many difficulties and pressures
part of the world-wide Girls Rock move- about as a result of the scheme. They’re similar scheme in Ballyfermot in the in their lives. If they can be encouraged
ment, in 2016. The goal of the umbrella called 17C, after their local bus route, near future, as well as arranging work- to develop hidden talents, in whatever
group is to empower young women in and are one to watch out for. The girls shops in Creative Studio, a free-to-use area, this should be encouraged.
the music industry. met in school and from there decided to recording facility in Ballyfermot Library. But having talent can seem futile if
“We all share the same values, such form a band. Gillian says their music is She would like to do workshops at some one is unable to fully nurture it. The
as supporting each other, fighting sex- really catchy and they could be the next stage in Pearse Street too. gear lending scheme provides practical
ism, sharing skills and resources, and U2! More girls are now starting their In the States, Girls Rock already has a assistance to those who might other-
providing opportunities, particularly for own groups and demanding to be taken partnership deal with a few local librar- wise be unable to afford it. It really is a
girls and gender non-binary people.” She seriously, a trend which Rossella only ies, but the initiative is still very much demonstration of community working at
says. sees as a positive. Traditionally, perhaps, in its infancy even there. Norway at the its very best. “We use music to develop
How the scheme works is simple: Girls girls were seen as an adornment only to a moment is also in the process of starting as people really, it’s done in a spirit of
Rock Dublin organises the instruments, band or group. up a similar lending scheme, and Rossel- support and cooperation, and not one of
including checking the gear after it re- Naturally, the library lending scheme la believes the model will catch on and competition,” Rosella says. Something
turns to make sure there is no damage; applies equally to both sexes, and Gillian has the potential to go global one day. to keep in mind in these unusual times
and the library deals with the lending reports that so far there has been roughly “It encourages people to try out different we find ourselves in.
end. an even number of boys and girls avail- things, to try different instruments, and Speaking to Gillian recently, she tells
Back in February, before the lock- ing of the service. Both Rossella and expands to other parts of their lives. It me the gear lending library, after a hia-
down, Pearse Street librarian Gillian Gillian have nothing but praise for the encourages young people to believe they tus of a few months, is operating at full
Colton took NewsFour on a tour of the young people who use the service. To are more than they think.” swing again.
basement where all the instruments are date, everyone has taken really good care So how is the initiative funded? Well, “It really is a great feeling to welcome
stored. Among the gear there are electric of the equipment; damage has been mini- while Girls Rock Dublin received some people back into Pease Street library –
guitars, short-scale basses, synths, drums mal, and nothing stolen. instruments donated by bands that have the place has felt empty and lacking soul.
and mixers, along with a supply of plec- Feedback from the parents thus far has split up, notably the now defunct Le I have really missed our regulars and the
trums and amps; and a beautiful water- chats we have at the desk and at library
proof ukulele. events.”
Gillian says: “The scheme ensures So if you’re aged between 12 and 17
there are no economic barriers to peo- and have a valid library card you can
ple learning an instrument and getting a walk into the library today and leave with
band together. Creating music is a crea- a shiny new guitar, drums or synth. All
tive experience, but it’s also a communi- who are involved are to be applauded.
ty experience and one that brings people It’s an idea that will help many to shine.
together. It fosters self esteem and iden- If you want to know more or get in-
tity, and allows a valuable element of the volved with Girls Rock you can con-
communal back in.” tact them at girlsrockdublie@gmail.
She is truly amazed at how quickly com
young adolescents today learn to play
the instruments. “They go on YouTube Top: Gillian Colton lending an instru-
and learn from video tutorials, they don’t ment at Pearse Street Library.
even need lessons, so it’s cost free!” Bottom: Testing the drums.
It all began last September on Cul- Photos courtesy of Pearse Street Library. August / September 2020 Page 11
Page 12 COVID / child care August / September 2020

n Kathrin Kobus
hen Tom Brabazon
took office as Dublin
Covid heroes: Plaques and scrolls helping each other.
On top of this, I saw first-hand
how our public services organi-
Lord Mayor earlier the general public were asked from the carpark slot, but from sations and staff worked to keep
this year, neither he nor anyone to nominate their local heroes: the comfort of his living room services going for the citizens of
else expected that his four-month 1,200-plus nominations went in with a facebook quiz. this great city. It was an honour
term would cover the huge chal- for 215 people or groups. Adrienne Dent wrote of her to hold this office and I thank
lenge of the Covid 19 pandemic. The Lord Mayor said: “I was brother: “I am super proud of my everyone for the courtesy they
As the crisis began to unfold Ire- privileged to witness the resur- local COVID hero – my brother showed me as first citizen. Slán
land went into lockdown; com- rection of community values Derek Buckley. Congratulations agus Beannacht.”
munity spirits awoke and helped and see members of the com- for the well deserved recogni- We would also like to ac-
us to get through the dark times munity pulling together and tion you received from the Lord knowledge Lisa Gaskin and all
together. helping each other. There were Mayor. Thank you again for be- her co-workers for all their hard
Activities varied but the com- so many stories of people who ing so selfless of your time, for work delivering meals five days
mon denominator was a devotion helped their communities in putting a smile on our faces, for a week around the area to the el-
to lift community spirit and show many ways during Covid19. It bringing some normality into derly and people in need during
selflessness in helping each oth- was truly inspirational to read our lives and for keeping our the lockdown. Well done Lisa,
er, from doing the shopping for them all and very difficult to spirits up during the pandemic. your Lord Mayor’s Award is
neighbours, bake sales, deliver- choose a top five.” who raised €5,655 for the And a big thank you to all the well deserved. You even got that
ies of food/lunch boxes, and bin- Glenda Harrington from Ranelagh Covid Response Team local COVID heroes who have sister of yours Tracey Gaskin to
go and karaoke entertainment. Friends Helping Friends was by holding a cake sale and raffle; helped the community.” help out one of the days!
The latter [bingo] began in one of the five selected. True to Rev Rob Jones who helped vul- Let this acknowledgment go Also, a big shout out to eve-
Canon Mooney Gardens be- the name of the group, she and nerable citizens in Rathmines out to all who helped each other ryone in The Fair Play Café for
fore being swiftly picked up by her friends never stopped their and spent time with people in to pull together through the dif- lunch packages. And last but
other flat complexes, each with soup run for homeless people Harold’s Cross Hospice whose ficult weeks and months, with- not least, the residents of Cam-
their individual bingo callers, throughout. Also included for families couldn’t visit; and The- out much fanfare. bridge Court had a collection
because all these community a trophy for Dublin 4 was Mi- resa Kelly who organised food On leaving office on July 29th, and raised €280 for the Bridge
gatherings were residents-only chael Larkin who, along with deliveries for vulnerable people Lord Mayor Brabazon said in a Cafe in thanks for the sand-
events. We stayed in our bub- family help, put Ringsend bin- in Raheny. statement: “Today I finish my wiches and other goodies they
bles or pods, defined by place of go, karaoke and dance routines All nominated persons and four-month term as Lord Mayor received. So, well done to all.
residence at close quarters. on the map; attracting interna- groups got the recognition they of Dublin. It was not a standard We’ll conclude with a line
When the country began to tional radio and tv crews. deserved in the form of a com- Mayoral term due to Covid19, written by Bertolt Brecht in his
reopen Dublin City Council They both received Dublin memorative scroll. Among the but I was privileged to witness play Galileo Galilei. “Unhappy
and the Lord Mayor wanted to Crystal plaques. The other three long list was Derek Buckley, the resurrection of community the country that is in need of
honour the helpers of the com- recipients were Moira, Aoibhín who had the novel idea to en- values and see members of the heroes.” It will never be said of
munity. Under #covidheroes and friends from Scoil Bhríde tertain his neighbours not only community pulling together and Dublin or Ireland.

Early Childhood Ireland wel- can continue to provide an excel-

comes Covid-19 stimulus pack- lent standard of care and educa-
age and highlights work of tion for children nationwide.”
Dublin childcare providers in Michael Lynch, Network Man-
preparing for re-opening ager at Midlands Border East

Skillnet said, “Getting the coun-
n a statement issued on July try back to work has been at the
24th last Early Childhood Ire- core of the ‘The ReBound – Back
land, the leading organisation to Business Safely’ initiative. Pro-
in the early years sector, has wel- viding childcare workers with the
comed the Government’s stimulus tools and knowledge needed to re-
package, which was announced “It is critical that the stimulus that have reopened since Monday, Additionally, Early Childhood open their businesses in a safe and
yesterday. The organisation said it package supports childcare servic- 29th of June, over 92% have com- Ireland has hosted online work- sustainable way is a key step in
will provide essential support for es to re-open in the safest and most pleted bespoke ‘ReBound – Back shops and training sessions for building the sector and economy
childcare providers in Dublin and effective way possible. Our sector to Business Safely’ training in re- members on topics such as sup- back up after the global pandemic.
nationwide. has previously availed of govern- cent weeks. This includes 1,966 porting children with additional The training is available free of
Early Childhood Ireland sup- ment supports to allow Summer practitioners from 992 businesses needs, wellbeing and HR matters. charge through online webinars
ports 3,800 childcare members services re-open confidently at the in Dublin. These workshops and training ses- and can be accessed through ei-
across Ireland, who provide edu- end of June. We now look forward Launched in collaboration with sions have been attended by an ad- ther Duhallow Skillnet, Limerick
cation and care for more than to the full re-opening of the sector four Skillnet Networks, through ditional 2,048 practitioners. Chamber Skillnet, Midlands Bor-
100,000 children and their fami- in late August.” its ReBound ‘Back to Business’ Commenting on the high take- der East Skillnet and Next Level
lies. Almost 2,000 childcare workers initiative, the training equips up of training, Ms Byrne said: Skillnet.”
Commenting on the stimulus in Dublin undertake Skillnet Ire- childcare providers and practi- “We’re delighted to have seen a
package today (24.07.20), Franc- land’s ‘ReBound – Back to Busi- tioners with the information and total of 8,417 practitioners par- About Early Childhood Ireland
es Byrne, Director of Policy and ness Safely’ training in partnership skills they need to re-open safely ticipating in online training with Early Childhood Ireland is the
Advocacy at Early Childhood Ire- with Early Childhood Ireland. in the wake of the Covid-19 pan- Early Childhood Ireland in prepa- leading membership organisa-
land, said: “We are really pleased Early Childhood Ireland said demic. To date, 6,907 childcare ration for reopening the childcare tion in the early years sector. Its
to see the continuation of the wage the commitment of the early years practitioners have registered from sector. These figures reflect what 3,800 childcare members support
subsidy scheme and other busi- and school-age childcare sec- across 1,502 member organisa- we’ve been hearing directly from over 100,000 children and their
ness supports. We have our first tor to re-opening safely has been tions of Early Childhood Ireland our members – that staff are eager families through preschool, after-
formal meeting with the Minister evidenced by the huge demand for for training delivered by Duhal- and energised to get back to work, school, and full day-care provi-
for Children next Tuesday after- training courses associated with low Skillnet, Limerick Chamber and have embraced the new proto- sion nationwide. Early Childhood
noon, and we look forward to re-opening. Skillnet, Midlands Border East cols and safety measures and up- Ireland provides support services
hearing more detail at that stage. Of the 1,500 childcare services Skillnet and Next Level Skillnet. skilled themselves to ensure they and advocacy for its members. August / September 2020 PROFILE Page 13

John Hume: Peacemaker

n Beibhinn Byrne and Parnell in the pantheon
here has been an out- of Ireland’s great leaders. He
pouring of tributes for was a patriot, a peacemaker,
the late John Hume, a democrat, and a great great
the former SDLP founder and Derryman. RIP John Hume.”
leader, architect of the Peace Green Party Leader and
Process and co-recipient of Minister for Environment,
the Nobel Peace Prize along- Climate Action, Communica-
side David Trimble in 1998. tions and Transport, Eamon
He died over the August Ryan, expressed his personal
Bank Holiday weekend, on sadness and remarked, “As a
Aug 2nd. He himself said powerful advocate for human
during his lifetime, “I never rights and democratic poli-
thought in terms of being a tics, he will be remembered
leader. I thought very simply as one of the key architects of
in terms of helping people.” the 1998 Good Friday Agree-
Ireland was ablaze on the ment. “He was a man who
Bank Holiday Monday with saw beyond division and the
praise for “The most signifi- cycle of violence that had
cant figure in nationalism and consumed Northern Ireland.
republicanism in a century,” He worked relentlessly, at
“A great man of conviction great personal risk, to bring
who put his life on the line peace and stability to this is-
for the betterment of soci- land and every one of us owe
ety,” “A man of peace,” “A him a debt of gratitude for his
true statesman,” “Ireland has life’s work.”
lost a hero,” were just a few A towering figure of peace
examples of the respect with and humanity and a force for
which he is regarded. good. He has and will contin-
President Higgins’s state- words, his astute diplomacy “Difference is an accident of leithéid ann arís.” “Ar dheis ue to inspire people to strive
ment highlighted his great and willingness to listen… birth and it should therefore Dé go raibh a anam dílis.” for selfless good and better-
hallmark and philosophy of transformed and remodeled never be the source of hatred An Taoiseach, Micheál ment and to resolve conflict
respecting differences and di- politics in Ireland and the or conflict. The answer to dif- Martin, Leader of Fianna through peaceful means. May
versity and learning to work search for peace, with person- ference is to respect it. There- Fáil said, “It is impossible to his legacy live on in all our
with them not against them, al bravery and leadership.” in lies a most fundamental properly express the scale and spheres of life.
“It is no exaggeration to John Hume himself de- principle of peace – respect significance of John Hume’s
say that John Hume radically scribed The Troubles as, “A for diversity.” life. He was one of the tower- Above: John Hume Assisted
changed and reshaped Irish quarrel of centuries,” and Leaders of the government, ing figures of Irish public life from a civil rights demonsta-
politics, through his words, in a speech to the European opposition and political par- of the last century. His vision tion.
wise diplomacy and willing- Parliament, he underlined the ties also released statements. and tenacity saved this coun- Credit: Four Courts Press
ness to listen to the ‘Other’ “respect for difference and Sinn Féin Leader Mary Lou try. We owe him and his wife The Peacemaker Eds Séan
opinion, which was some- diversity,” which allows “real McDonald tweeted, “John Pat so much. Ar dheis Dé go Farren & Denis Haughey
times difficult to accept and healing to begin.” No real so- Hume was a towering figure, raibh a anam.” Bottom left: John Hume Ac-
seek he was at peace with his ciety, new or old, can be built a national icon. I am so sorry An Tánaiste, Leo Varad- tivist and Peacemaker.
personal bravery and leader- or rebuilt with power imbal- to learn of his death. Deep- kar and Leader of Fine Gael Photo credit Jimmy McCor-
ship as well as his firm belief ances at play. est condolences to his wife tweeted, “Today, we mourn mack The Irish Times.
in the principles and values of
​​ He summarised this funda- Pat, to his children and wider the passing of one of Ire- Below: David Trimble, and
true democracy.” mental principle of harmony family, friends and colleagues land’s greatest ever sons. He Bono with John Hume after
“John Hume, through his in his Nobel Prize address: in @SDLPlive “Ní bheidh a ranks alongside O’Connell the Good Friday Agreement.
Page 14 August / September 2020 August / September 2020 POETRY Page 15

Remembering Eavan Boland tinuing to produce poetry collec-

From 1996 onwards, Eavan
on through her daughters, hus-
band and the wealth of poetic
gifts she has given the world.

Poet, feminist and inspiration was a tenured professor in Eng-

lish studies at Stanford Universi-
ty and divided her time between
A selection of works by Eavan
Boland, for further reading:

n Geneva Pattison sheets spun and clean”, her work in California and her • The War Horse. London: Victor
n a year filled with the true existential dread home in Dublin. Gollancz, 1975.
so much death, dev- of isolation hits. “The si- Upon the notice of her death • In Her Own Image. Dublin: Ar-
astation and sad- lence is a death”, and the on the 27th of April, there was an len House, 1980.
ness, the loss of Eavan room becomes buried “in outpouring of tributes made by • Night Feed. Dublin: Arlen
Boland on the 27th of white spaces’’ of nothing- the literary and arts community House, 1982. Reissue: Manches-
April felt somewhat ness. The woman moves both from Ireland and abroad, ter: Carcanet Press, 1994.
surreal. People may to “spread a cloth on the with The Irish Times publishing • The Journey and Other Poems.
have known her from board and iron sheets in many of the heartfelt messages Dublin: Arlen House, 1986;
studying her poetry a room white and quiet all together. Paula Meehan, Anne Manchester: Carcanet Press,
during the leaving cert, as a mortuary”, the sheet Enright, Vona Groarke and Colm 1987.
some may have been like a death shroud, pos- Tóibín were amongst the names Irish Times tributes to Eavan
introduced to her po- sibly mourning the life to pay tribute to the late poet. Boland:
etry later in life. How- she could have outside President Higgins honoured h t t p s : / / w w w. i r i s h t i m e s .
ever, and irrespective the home. Eavan’s memory, in saying that com/culture/books/eavan-bo-
of the ‘how’ and the Even the title Woman she was “one of the most insight- land-pathfinder-farewell-trib-
‘when’, Eavan’s work In Kitchen plays on the ful inner sources of Irish life, not utes-to-a-pillar-of-irish-poet-
has touched countless souls 1962 and published her first col- archaic viewpoint that ‘a wom- only in life as expressed but as ry-1.4240218
across the globe. lection of poetry, entitled 23 Po- an’s place is in the kitchen’. sensed and experienced.” Statement released by Presi-
Eavan was born in Dublin in ems, in the same year. However, as evident from read- During a period of great sepa- dent Higgins following the
1944 to noted painter Frances Much of Eavan’s poetry was ing, Eavan’s woman struggles ration in the course of our initial death of Eavan Boland: https://
Kelly and diplomat Frederick written on the subject of mother- to find physical, metaphorical lockdown, reading the messages
Boland. When Eavan was six hood, the role of women in Irish and psychological space in her of remembrance, side by side news-releases/statement-by-
years old, she and her family history and the domestic lives of kitchen; she needs out. and coming from all over the president-michael-d-higgins-on-
moved to London, as her father women. Through this work, she There are numerous other in- world, was a comforting remind- the-death-of-eavan-boland
Frederick had been appointed sought to liberate and expand fluential and poignant poems by er that we may be distances apart
the Irish Ambassador to the UK. people’s perceptions of the lives Eavan that reflect the varying but our hearts remain united. Photo of Eavan Boland courtesy
During this period of her life, of ordinary women and recognise and, at times, under-represented Eavan is survived by, and lives Wikipedia.
Eavan had her first experience of the individuality and importance truths of women. We see The
anti-Irish sentiment. Her experi- of every woman’s experience. Achill Woman, a poem which
ences during this time inspired She focused on aspects of is largely a reflection of the lost
her poem, An Irish Childhood in the everyday, finding beauty voices of Ireland’s island wom-
England: 1951. and power in traditional female en, reminding us of the genera-
Reading the poem, you find roles. However, Boland also tion eclipsed by modernity.
yourself transported directly into highlighted the conflict, isola- The cherished poem, The
the centre of every uncomfort- tion and monotonous drudgery Pomegranate, is a poem about
able moment relayed by Eavan. that often went along with being how myths and tales mimic our
The “bowls of dripping” and a mother or a woman. Boland own life narratives. A poem
eerie smiles fixed in place, the wanted the true lives of women for mothers and daughters, and
sleepless nights “filled with to be reflected in the poetic dis- mothers who were once daugh-
some malaise of love” for some- course and history of an Ireland ters. It tells us that it’s ok to
thing she never knew she had. that was dominated by male po- embrace the learning curves of
A specific incident, recalled by etic voices. youth and and sit back and ob-
Boland in the poem, regarding Poems like Woman In Kitch- serve in later life.
her time spent as a young girl in en, illustrate the post-breakfast Boland’s epic piece, Anna
a London convent school, stuck dance of tidying up and strug- Liffey, touches on history, na-
with her. The young poet uttered gling to find self-purpose for the tional identity, politics and lan-
the phrase “I amn’t,” to which rest of the day. “She watches the guage, while still remaining an
the teacher turned and said to her machines go fast and slow” as innately personal and intimate
“you’re not in Ireland now.” they clean items, but the woman poem about the poet herself.
It’s such a touchingly sad is “islanded by noise”, and has Again, this is a statement about
and ground-breaking poem that “nowhere definite to go”. She is the importance of the lives of
makes a political statement on surrounded by white, the side- ordinary women the poet sought
the erasure of Irish culture and boards, the surfaces, even the to write into the history of this
heritage and how the Irish were cups “wink white in their sau- country. This is just a cross sec-
viewed and treated in England cers”. tion of the work of Boland and
during that time. In a way, it also This gives us an impression it’s difficult to capture the pro-
reminds us to cherish the ‘now’ that this woman takes pride in foundly soulful qualities of her
and find peace in your present, her environment and cleanli- poetry within these rationed
while observing the past and not ness, but the all-encompassing lines.
living in it. white nature of her surroundings Eavan Boland started to lec-
At 14, Eavan moved back to feels as if it will engulf her. This ture shortly after her BA gradu-
Dublin and attended school in monotone expanse is her life and ation in 1966, and held various
Killiney. She went on to attend it appears as if it will devour her. lecturing and teaching positions
Trinity College, studying Eng- As the morning tasks end, “the in universities including Trinity
lish Literature and Language in wash done, the kettle boiled, the College and UCD, while con-
Page 16 POETRY August / September 2020

New Irish Poetry

Bags of Almonds by Alicia Byrne Keane
act reminds them of the present and the the seemingly unknown. Keane’s ques-
“temporary freshness reconnects” their tioning of her own place in time asks one
mind and body to the current moment in to reevaluate their own standing, security
time. Keane’s delicate yet powerful de- and hope. Ultimately, with most of the po-
piction of feeling out of one’s body and ems in this collection, there is light at the
the fragility of one’s own state of calm, end of the tunnel, much the same with this
encapsulates the feeling of current times current trying period of all our lives.
beautifully. Bags of Almonds will be released late
After Maths is another poem by Keane August 2020 and will be available in se-
that deals with the question of time and lected bookshops.
our perception of it. The poet plays tricks You can also contact Alicia through her
on the reader, asking for our full atten- Twitter handle @keane_byrne to enquire
tion, as we try to connect the narrative of about getting a copy of the book.
the poem. The poem takes us to a playing
pitch that looks “like a poured thing, holds
a gold fuzz, seems pixelated”. The speaker Interview with Poet Alica Byrne Keane
“points themselves to where the ground
flattens” and tries to forget that their neck NF: Your poetry collection was written
is a “thin stem holding worries”. The fo- during lockdown, what specific elements

n Geneva Pattison cus shifts as the speaker’s mind jumps to of being in lockdown shaped your poetic near Grand Canal Dock where everything
midst this global pandemic, the talking about a website about the depth of voice in the collection? seemed very impersonal and corporate
surreal state of lockdown pre- the ocean’s various levels. ABK: The elements that inspired me and I remember finding that environment
sented a myriad of challenges for “It tells you about jewel squids, about will probably sound very cliche – I guess, very bleak. I know that I was thinking a lot
people across Ireland. Feelings of anxiety, red being the last colour to leech from the like a lot of people, I became much more about ecocritical theories of how humans
loss, worry and longing seem to be a uni- spectrum before things gel in interested than usual in spending time in can’t seem to avoid thinking of nature in
versal experience in relation to this new A uniform shadow.” nature since it was one of the activities anthropocentric terms. So I think some of
era of covid-19. The first stanza runs into the second less affected by lockdown. I also became that mixing up of natural and human-made
Bags of Almonds, written by Dublin stanza, as we’re presented with a linked obsessed with the idea of an immeasurable structures in poems like “Hill” is a com-
poet Alicia Byrne Keane and edited by thought. “They are going to get CGI quantity of time ahead – I began to think ment on that.
Aifric Kyne, is a forthcoming poetry col- crowds for films now”. The “uniform of ‘the wait’ – whether that is the wait to I was also definitely thinking of cer-
lection that was created during lockdown. shadow”, grey and soulless, where all col- see loved ones again, the wait for lock- tain areas of the city in sort of surreal or
The collection reflects upon the nature of our, all life leeches out. We learn that the down to lift fully, the wait for a cure or idealised terms though, because I hadn’t
being during this chaotic and lonely pe- poet is already burdened by their thoughts a vaccine – as a sort of personified entity. seen them in months they sort of took on
riod of time we’re all living through, as when watching certain films, “whenever I I think many of my poems became about a dreamlike quality. I think that’s maybe
experienced and expressed from the poet’s watch a film I just imagine them having to describing the wait itself, picturing, per- where I’m going with descriptions of
own perspective. do every scene over and over”. Film and sonifying it. buildings that look like water and such.
The resounding themes of the collection the Arts are generally made for audiences NF: The concept and exploration of time There’s definitely a sense of reinventing
focus on that of memory, the construct to enjoy the final product. Here, the poet is is a large thematic component throughout the mundane city landscape as a more
of time, disruption and isolation, as il- acknowledging and empathising with the your works, often paired with a sense of surreal landscape, almost ethereal or oth-
lustrated through lush descriptions of the work behind the scenes in the craft, could anxiety. Is this reflection in any way in- erworldly. Something like a place of wor-
poet’s current, past and imagined future an absentee crowd fully appreciate this formed by aspects of our modern, driven ship.
surroundings. work? This point also begs the question; society pre-Covid? NF: Finally, poems like “Channelling”
Keane’s opening poem, Shoulder, pre- Will the Arts survive this pandemic? ABK: This is a really interesting in- and “Memory” touch on how stillness, or
sents the idea of discomfort and a sense In the third stanza, the poet reflects on terpretation, thank you for putting it into trying to meditate to clear the mind can
of frustration. The poet repositions “light their own struggles with maintaining co- words! I think I was writing about the sometimes have an opposite effect, caus-
on dim glass”, trying to find a modicum of hesion in life, “I myself lack continuity”. change of pace to life in lockdown spe- ing the mind to flood with unwelcome or
physical peace for themself, in what ap- Time continues to flow forward, yet life cifically, so I really like the fact that the unhelpful thoughts. Is the peaceful mind
pears to be a less than adequate situation. doesn’t, “dayslip and hourslip and the poems maybe unintentionally highlight an enemy of the creative mind?
A feeling of disconnectedness is intro- slow ebb of light when you forget to be a our need to be busy, or the way we feel a ABK: I think your final sentence there is
duced when the poet reflects on the kind person in public”. Keane relates a strange toxic pressure surrounding ‘productivity’ possibly the sort of paradox that the whole
parting message in a yoga video. She un- state of limbo, where elements of the self in a negative sense the rest of the time too. collection hinges on, or that I was trying
derstands that these videos are “instructed are firmly ingrained in the past, the present NF: I suppose it takes great states of to explore! I wanted to look at the idea of
in a faraway voice”, a distant nicety for seems to slip by and the future remains an flux to make us ‘create’ or ‘curate’ time trying to make a suspended state like lock-
wound up viewers. However, the words, anxious mystery. for reflection. down peaceful, but also the potential for
“take break, take a load off, I don’t know The poet seems to find some sense of ABK: Exactly! that stasis to be full of feelings of threat or
what you’ve got going on in your life”, solace in the final stanza, as though all NF: With regards to the poem “Hill”, grief. Like, a character succeeding in es-
seem to stop time itself, tearing it apart to thoughts in time seem to connect, they you treat a lot of man-made structures caping the fear sometimes, through nature
conjure a memory. Once again, the poet are “preserved in a dim vacuum and right more so as organic elements, and the natu- or through meditation, but the sense of a
finds themself in a time when “the week on time”. This remarkable final line is a ral elements as something created by man. fraught situation underlying everything.
seemed something to be exhaustingly re- strong reminder to readers that confu- Does this juxtaposition represent harmony I’m still not sure what feeling wins out,
made”. sion often ends where acceptance begins. in the urban landscape and a longing to be or which one I ended up capturing more,
This glimpse into the near distant pre- Keane’s words stay with you, as you re- at the centre of that harmony? A centrality but I think it’s really accurate of you to
pandemic past, illustrates how important member the world continues to turn. that lockdown has prevented? word things in terms of a peaceful mind
routine and ritual can be to a person in Bags of Almonds is a collection of po- ABK: That’s a really interesting ques- and sort of overthinking.
shaping their ideation of self and finding etry for our current times. Relatable, with tion, because I feel in other poems I’ve
solace. We are pulled back from this vi- a shared universality to it, while present- been writing recently that I am often very Portrait courtesy of Alicia Byrne Keane.
sion of the past by the poet, as they “put ing a totally surreal landscape and time- negative about the Dublin cityscape. Be- Book cover designed by Aifric Kyne, cour-
on suncream in the garden”. This physical line that prompts you to traverse that of fore lockdown, I lived in an area of the city tesy of Aifric Kyne. August / September 2020 BOOK REVIEW Page 17

Book Review as cop cars, “never get in the back of a

car with doors you can’t open”, and also
Everyday People: The Colour of Life spiritual wisdom in relation to letting go
of the weight of grief. This marvellous

n Geneva Pattison Bass scene in the late 90’s, before moving story is about loss, acceptance and find-
veryday People: The Colour of to the world of literature. ing courage in times of great doubt. The
Life, edited by Jennifer Baker, is He has previously held the position author, Allison Mills, is a Cree and settler
an anthology of short stories that of writer in residence at Trinity College writer from Vancouver. Her first novel,
showcases the work of both emerging Dublin, published eight books and has The Ghost Collector was released in 2019
and well renowned writers of colour and been nominated for various awards, in- and her writing has appeared in Apex
indigenous writers from across the globe. cluding being longlisted for the Frank Magazine.
Each tale in the book explores the depth O’Connor International Story Award. The book, Everyday People, is a cel-
and variety of the human experience A Sheltered Woman, by Yiyun Li, is ebration of diversity, inclusion and vis-
through stories surrounding familial is- a cross-generational story that takes us ibility. An added bonus towards the end
sues, cultural values, political discord and from modern day America to China of the of the book, is the thoughtfully curated
a myriad of personal trials. past, and back again. The main character, thirty-six page reading list of contempo-
The anthology is wonderful for readers Aunty Mei, is a live-in nanny for new rary works by women, non-binary and
who don’t have a preferred literary genre, mothers who has never had any children transgender Indigenous writers and writ-
there’s something for everyone’s tastes, herself. Taking her job very seriously, ers of colour. The inclusion of this list is
while remaining a powerful social com- Mei tries to distance herself emotionally a reminder that we need to go beyond
mentary on diversity. Thematically, the from the children she works with by mak- conversations of inclusivity, or preforma-
stories range from modern-takes on Sci- ing a rule of only staying with the families tive inclusivity, and actively seek out and
Fi, to reinvented ancestral otherworldli- for one month after the child’s birth. First Book Award and the Whiting Award, support works by writers who may be
ness, to focusing on the everyday occur- The family Aunty Mei currently finds along with numerous other accolades to eclipsed by mainstream publishing.Liter-
rences that are often stranger and more herself with, causes her to have to reeval- her name. ature isn’t just about genre, style, or sale-
unbelievable than any piece of fiction uate her approach to childcare, re-exam- Another very touching story in this col- ability. It’s about the true representation
could be. ine her hardened view of the world and lection comes in the shape of If a Bird of all voices, the broadening of perspec-
Touching down first on UK soil, the reflect on her strange family history. Mei Can Be a Ghost, by Allison Mills. We are tives and enrichment of mind and spirit.
book opens with an imaginatively bril- must leave her eccentric and sheltered up- introduced to Shelly the protagonist, as Editor Jennifer Baker encompasses the
liant story, Link, written by Courttia New- bringing in China in the past and finally her grandmother teaches her how to catch soul of the collection beautifully in her
land. The protagonist Aaron must traverse allow herself in her golden years to trust ghosts in her hair. “If you carry ghosts in introduction, in saying, “The name of this
the precariousness of teenage years while people and let love in. your hair, then you can cut them off when anthology is not meant to solely focus
balancing the responsibility of conceal- There are so many nuanced layers to you don’t need them anymore”, we learn on the racial composition of the writers
ing a mysterious higher power he seems this seemingly mundane tale, it takes you that otherwise, they plant themselves or characters but to showcase the larger
to possess. While Aaron struggles to find by surprise. Although it is a short story, deep within you and never leave. story and relationships depicted as well
his place in the world, we learn that he the depth to each character’s personality Shelly is fascinated with her grand- as the landscape—be it in New York City,
is part of something much bigger, some- is palpably exciting, so much so you want mother’s house call ‘ghostbusting’ job, Maine, Alabama, Great Britain, South
thing that might just change the face of to follow them beyond the last page. but her mother is worried about overex- Korea, Ghana or Sri Lanka. As the Sly
the world as we know it. Yiyun Li grew up in Beijing China, be- posing her daughter to the world of the and the Family Stone song of the same
The tale is set against the background of fore moving to America in 1996 to pur- dead. Young Shelly’s world is turned up- name goes, “I am no better and neither are
urban London, and the author has encap- sue a Masters in immunology. In 2005 Li side down overnight, which causes her you / We are the same whatever we do…”
sulated snippets of the everyday life of the went on to get a MFA in creative nonfic- to gravitate more and more towards the Everyday People: The Colour of
brimming, varied and sometimes harsh tion and fiction and has been writing ever world of ghosts and less towards the land Life– A Short Story Anthology, pub-
city beautifully. Born in 1973, Newland since. Her writing has graced the pages of the living. lished by Atria Books, is available in
is himself a London native and was a rap- of the New Yorker and The Paris Review, Shelly’s grandmother provides matri- selected bookshops and on Amazon
per involved in the emerging Drum and and she is a past recipient of the Guardian archal wisdom on real world issues such at £8.99.

Book Review a genuinely tender relationship with Mia,

who is working as a waitress while she
After This Our Exile by Aubrey Malone plans to travel to Africa. He wonders if
he’s just part of this transitional period

n Dermot Carmody alcoholic father, Bartley, and has a dif- in Mia’s life, while at the same time the
fter This Our Exile is a novel ficult relationship with Bartley’s partner open-ended question of Jennifer is al-
by Mayo-born author Aubrey Angela and her over-fussy and doomed ways a presence in the back of his mind.
Malone. Malone, a freelance efforts to somehow take the place of Bri- Returning to Ireland and to Galway,
journalist, has lived in Dublin since an’s dead mother. Brian finds himself still in an unsettled
1970, was a teacher for some fourteen Brian leaves behind his sweetheart Jen- emotional landscape as he struggles
years and started writing books in 1996. nifer when he decides to study at UCD. with his relationships with his father, his
He has published several books of poetry A sense of his alienation follows him as brother Derek and with Jennifer. Can he
with Belfast publishers Lapwing, and he deals with university life and the city. find a way through this maze and ulti-
other novels including The Things That He quickly becomes disillusioned with mately be at peace with himself?
Were and A Nursing Life, as well as a the reality of academia and his education Aubrey Malone’s understated style and
number of biographies and film books. continues largely through the medium of dialogue-driven plot, along with charac-
After This Our Exile is the story of Bri- other experiences. ter development work well to make this
an Kilcoyne’s journey from Loughrea in He has a book of poetry published and novel roll along and the book is leavened
Galway, through student life in Dublin, forges an unlikely relationship with a girl by some well-observed evocations of
to a spell of travelling in Europe and the who is a drug addict. All the time there’s place and atmosphere.
USA and back to Galway again. It also the distant presence of the absence of Jen- After This Our Exile is published
deals with a restless emotional journey nifer, and the open question of whether lusionment of college life, he travels by Penniless Press and is available
after he loses his beloved mother. they will ever resume their relationship. around Europe and ultimately drops out through online book retailers includ-
He struggles with the vagaries of his Seeking an escape from the disil- of UCD and travels to New York. He has ing Amazon and Lulu.
Page 18 BOOK REVIEW August / September 2020

Book Review: attempt to relocate his memories of the

black comedy Anomalisa. And resem-
bling Adaptation, this is a novel about

Antkind Along the way, he becomes a shoe

salesman, a clown and has dreams in
creating, about writing and the nature of
fiction. Like that film, it is also deeply

n David Prendeville which he is visited by a beautiful robot self-reflexive. B frequently chimes in
he first novel by the great Char- from the future, who needs him to enter with assertions on films. B is a big fan of
lie Kaufman is every bit as origi- the mind of Donald Trump, or Trunk, as Jean-Luc Godard and Judd Apatow, but
nal, disturbing and hilarious as he’s known in the future. Through all reserves his most bitter disdain for the
one would expect. The Oscar-winning this B exercises his innate ability to fall films of one Charlie Kaufman.
screenwriter of unique, brilliant films into manholes and is concerned about his This is a wonderful, one-of-a-kind
such as Being John Malkovich and Eter- continued shrinking. He wonders if there book. Conspicuously unfilmable, this
nal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and is some higher power over him? And one hugely ambitious work, while certainly
writer-director of the masterful Synec- that takes great humour in his suffering? not for everyone, has real depth to it. It is
doche, New York, has here crafted an This is a novel that is endlessly rich in wonderfully wry in its observations and
extraordinary piece of postmodern litera- imagination and wit. The central theme outrageously creative in its scenarios.
ture. This novel pushes the boundaries of (if there is one), appears to be around the Highly recommended, and a must-read
its form every bit as much as Kaufman’s role of humour and comedy in society. for Kaufman fans.
film work has sought to do. In doing so, Kaufman has crafted some-
The novel follows film critic B. Rosen- thing that is perhaps most notable for just Book cover image courtesy of Harper
berger Rosenberg, a narcissistic, washed- how funny it is. Segments are genuinely Collins Publishing. Photo of Charlie
up film critic. The thrust of the plot, for laugh out loud hilarious, Kaufman’s hu- Kaufman courtesy WikiCommons.
what there is of it, is around B’s discov- the film be destroyed once B has viewed mour the driest of dry wit and his imagi-
ery of an undiscovered film by an elderly it. Instead, B attempts to take this mar- nation endless.
outsider, Ingo Cuthbert. The film itself is vellous discovery with him back to New There are clear parallels with some of
a stop-motion epic that follows, among York. However, en route, in B’s car, the Kaufman’s film work. B occupies the
other things, the travails of an Abott nitrate film catches fire, thus destroying mind of others in a way similar to the
and Costello-like comedy duo known as Ingo’s unsung masterpiece and B’s shot characters in Being John Malkovich. The
Mudd and Molloy. at relevance in the film critic community. theme of memory runs deep throughout
Ingo’s film is three months long and All that remains of the film is a single the novel and the way it is wrought is
took Ingo ninety years to make. As well frame. B believes from this single frame similar to Eternal Sunshine of the Spot-
as constructing all the puppets used in he may be able to create a novelised rec- less Mind.
the film, Ingo also created puppets who reation of Ingo’s lost masterpiece, using The haunting engagement with mortal-
never occupy the frame, known as The his “eidetic” memory. However, B finds ity seen in Synecdoche, New York also
Unseen, as a means to express the true it more difficult to remember the film lingers throughout the novel. The obses-
nature of social exclusion. than he expects. He undergoes a labyrin- sion with puppets calls to mind Being
In the course of B watching the film, thine journey through his mind, under the John Malkovich and, more pertinently,
Ingo dies. B ignores Ingo’s request that watchful eye of hypnotist Brassini in an Kaufman’s terrific 2016 stop-motion

Book Review Kate and Michael’s story. This tech-

nique allows the reader to experience
His Rising by Suzanne Byrne the perspective of both protagonists’.
Time travel is a genre that leaves scope

n Eoin Meegan a bookshop who shows Kate a book on for plenty of imaginative interplay,
n this time travel novel, events witchcraft (there is an interesting twist and the idea of placing the protagonist
around Easter 1916 in Dublin are involving this lady at the end). Kate in actual real historical situations from
seamlessly integrated with 21st discovers she has something called the past has been popularised by writ-
century settings. We meet Kate, an ‘the Gift’, although she has no idea as ers like John Heldt (‘The Fire’).
online blogger from Chicago who is to what that means or where exactly it Local Ringsend native Suzanne
about to make her first trip to Ireland could take her. uses this technique skillfully here.
to discover her roots, namely where The reader, like Kate, is gradually She has now penned several novels
her grandmother came from. shown more and more about this mys- in this vein, such as ‘Hidden in Time’
However, events of dark doings and terious Gift, and learns of its potential (Elizabethan mystery), ‘My Highland
violence are presaged even before powers. Finally, things take a dramatic Laird’, ‘Legend of the Sword’, and
the journey begins, in the form of a twist when after a car accident Kate ‘The Return of the Scottish Princess’
strange dream Kate has. In the dream finds herself transformed back to 1916 (Scottish romances). I’d like to have
she is being chased down a laneway by where she is right in the centre of the seen things pulled together more at
some very angry looking men bearing preparations for insurrection. This the end, but it’s a very good read all
firearms. Then, at the eleventh hour (a time it isn’t a dream. the same, with plenty of unexpected
common trope in dreams and novels No book would be complete without twists and surprises.
alike) she is rescued by a tall, hand- romance, and an amorous affair awaits So, if you like history, with a little
some stranger. Kate back in the past when she meets er week when the lovely Kate walks bit of spookiness along the way, plen-
However, the nightmare seems to and falls in love with Michael Byrne. into his life, turning it upside down. ty of romance, including some adult
follow her to Dublin when she makes Incidentally, Michael turns out to be He is also on a secret mission for content, then this book is certainly for
her actual trip, in the form of people the man from her dream, with Ciaran Countess Markievicz. All the time you. And should you be planning on
and events that belong more to the being some kind of avatar. A bit con- Kate is wondering how (or even if) she a staycation this year instead of head-
dream than reality. fusing? Yes, but it will all make sense will get back to her own time, and Mi- ing off to Ibiza His Rising could be the
First she meets someone who intro- when you read the book. chael too is puzzled as to who his mys- perfect book to have beside you by the
duces himself as Ciaran and bears an Byrne, whose ‘rising’ of the title it terious young woman is with whom he pool.
uncanny resemblance to the man who is, is a die-hard rebel and is in the pro- is so enamoured. His Rising is published by Petrova
came to her rescue in the dream. Fol- cess of trying to arrange a shipment of The writing moves at a fast pace, and is available on Amazon, priced
lowing this is a mysterious woman in arms for the Rebels leading up to East- with each alternate chapter advancing £9.99 paperback, or £5.99 download. August / September 2020 BOOK REVIEW Page 19

A new voice
in Irish literature
n Eoin Meegan a name to look out for. Before
zzy Hodder’s first novel the lockdown NewsFour met
Someone Like You deals Izzy to discuss, among other
with the perennial tale of things, this her first novel. The
teen pregnancy. We meet Amy, obvious question needed to be
a 17-year-old girl in her final got out of the way first.
year at school, whose world is
turned upside down when she Is Someone Like You semi au-
unexpectedly discovers she is tobiographical?
pregnant. Izzy clearly, and with a smile
Amy has very supportive par- that lights up the room, answers
ents, a loving boyfriend, Luke, in the negative.
a small coterie of close friends, “Absolutely not. I was doing
and a precocious brother who is the Leaving Cert at the time,
into photography. Her first anxi- and like most teenagers started
ety is at having to break the news messing around online when
to her parents. (I couldn’t do that I should have been studying
to them, was my first thought, (laughs). Then I happened upon
yet I had to was my second – a blog that dealt with 16-17 year
page 12) followed by the inevi- old girls who were pregnant.
table choices which lie ahead, I didn’t realise how big it was,
an abortion or see the pregnancy and that’s when the idea got
through to term; heartbreaking somehow implanted in my head
decisions that countless young for the book. I wrote consecu-
women have to face daily, hence tively for a few months, there
the title. To find out what Amy were no plateaus, the ending and
does you will have to read the the beginning were there from
book, which I wholeheartedly day one. It was like it came to
recommend. me fully formed, like the book
wrote itself.”
Background: Was there a specific reason
Izzy studied English and phi- that Someone Like You was
losophy at university but found set in London and not, say
the subjects didn’t grab her. So Dublin?
after taking a year out she re- “Yes, when I wrote Someone
turned to Trinity College Dub- Like You abortion was still ille- doney beach [Izzy is a lover of planned for the future? Far East, and of course Australia
lin to pursue a subject that she gal in Ireland, so that wouldn’t riding the big waves], when I “I’m working on a completely where her father comes from.
holds dear, psychiatric nursing. have been an option. Also the got the incredible offer from the different book now, which in a She was hoping to go there in
She is currently working in St support groups for teen preg- Irish surfing magazine Tonnta way is more challenging. It is March to visit family but unfor-
Pat’s where she finds the going nancies we encounter in the [Irish for waves] to interview about a sexual assault at a party, tunately Covid-19 put paid to
tough but rewarding. book didn’t exist here. So it just Bethany Hamilton, it was an op- and it is set in Ireland. I think that.
Initially several publishing wouldn’t work.” portunity I jumped at.” I’m a cause-driven writer.”
companies expressed interest in The book explores the idea of [Bethany, for anyone who When confronted with dra- Summary
publishing Someone Like You, choice. I’m thinking of Crys- doesn’t know, is an Hawaiian matic change sometimes the While the story of an unwant-
including an Irish publisher who tal, another girl in the novel girl who had her arm bitten off loyalty of close friends is test- ed pregnancy isn’t new, Some-
wanted the setting changed from who came from a different by a shark when she was a teen- ed. I liked the way this theme one Like You brings a freshness
London to Ireland, but Izzy held socio-economic background ager. Later she went on to be an was explored in Someone Like to it that is invigorating, with
out for the deal that she wanted. to Amy, and didn’t enjoy the accomplished surfer, and is an You. I have to say the reaction characters that are finely drawn,
Her tenacity paid off when same family support. inspiration to thousands.] caught me a little off guard. intelligent and believable. The
she landed the perfect deal with “Yes. We have a real thing So, what writers inspired you “I think for some people when choices we make in life all help
Austin Macauley. The book about how we think a young growing up? faced with big life-changing to define us, as they impact not
was launched back in February pregnant girl would look. In “My teen hero was Dawn events it can sometimes bring only on ourselves but on those
in Hodges Figgis bookstore in another world Amy could have O’Porter whose book ‘Paper out their flaws. But that’s ok, be- we love.
Dawson Street, by Senator Lynn been Crystal. Sometimes peo- Airplane’ is based on her dia- cause no one is perfect, but we In the final throw it’s not per-
Ruane with an attendance of ple feel obliged to do certain ries. I was always writing dia- still love them anyway.” fection that matters, but family
over 100 people, when we lived things, and it may not be the ries and stuff as a teen and al- and love and togetherness. An
in very different times. right thing to do, but they feel ways felt, somehow, someday I At leisure intelligent work from a woman
The launch was a great suc- it’s what other people want would have material in there for After a hard day’s work or you will definitely hear more of.
cess and the book immediately them to do. I think the book a novel.” study Izzy’s preferred way to Someone Like You is pub-
became a Hodges Figgis best- shows that any girl or woman [Other streams of inspiration unwind is dance. She is a trained lished by Austin Macauley
seller. Additionally, it sold very can make the choice that is for Izzy include Jeffery Eugen- pole dancer, and has an aerial and is available in all good
well across Europe and in Aus- right for them.” ides’s, Middlesex, Tayari Jones, sports studio called Tribe where bookstores, price €8.95.
tralia. Is your first published work? American Marriage, and Chanel she works out six days a week.
At only 21, Izzy Hodder “No. I had an article published Miller (Emily Doe) Know My Another hobby of hers is to trav- Above: Izzy signing copies of
is probably one of Ireland’s when I was only 13. I was surf- Name.] el, which has taken her all over her book, photo courtesy of
youngest published writers and ing in Clonakilty, on Inchy- So what has Izzy Hodder Europe, as well as to Dubai, the the author.
Page 20 PHOTO DIARY August / September 2020

Churches under lockdown

ometimes the silence can seem threatening, like listen to our inner voice. Churches, like nature, often Peace Church on Merrion Road; St Bartholomew’s,
when lockdown first hit; the absence of traffic, encapsulate that sense of the sacred in silence. Dur- Ballsbridge; St Mary’s Anglican Church, Simmons-
revving engines, and even children playing ing lockdown Eoin Meegan photographed churches court, also Ballsbridge; St Mary’s Haddington Road;
gave rise to a certain eeriness that was hard to define. around D4, locked and turning people away, so unnat- St Stephen’s on the canal (the famous “pepper canis-
However, silence can also mean peace, that inner ural for them. Among those pictured are the Church ter”; and the beautiful old St John’s Church in Sand-
feeling of serenity we get when we turn inside and of the Sacred Heart, Donnybrook; Our Queen of ymount, basking in the April sunshine. August / September 2020 PHOTO DIARY Page 21

Dance, DAnce, Dance!

A big thank you to Ashley Wood Larkin, Sarah Dennis
and Dylan Gregg (in black tops in the back row) who
organised a fantastic dance routine together with their
core performers: Madison Tucker, Regan Tucker, Olivia
McGough, Demi Doolin and Holly Larkin as DJ, and
filling in whenever needed.
“Dylan (Gregg) and I put the mix together with vari-
ous snippets of different artists. I created the routine in
one hour, and our core little group practiced for three
days.” Ashley told NewsFour. “The girls jumped to it
and enjoyed every minute.” Safe to say: in 90 minutes
flat everyone was put quickly through their paces for the
2 and a half minute routine. Ashley and her team made
it work. The full performance was filmed at each loca-
tion by Pat Larkin, just to keep it in the family.
From Sunday 25th of May from Cannon Mooney
Gardens to Friday 29th final at Pearse House the Col-
lide Academy journeyed via George Reynolds House,
O’Rahilly/Whelan and over the bridge into Markievicz.
Leo Fitzgerald in Dublin 4 and 2, and nothing is going
to stop them now and in the future.
Page 22 POETRY PAGE August / September 2020

A Child’s View of Life with the Coronavirus

T Humankind
Although I’m only 10 years old, I hate to let it out.
Some adults of mine, just rant rage, and tell us children not to shout.
h You do not need to get approval, you are seen by those who wish to see,
Stand proud, you are a genius if you wish

Sometimes we get frustrated and run and jump about. I’m Genesis begin new everyday
But when we do some adults leave us out. With illness. God says: “you choose,”

They tell us we are silly too, this gives us such a shock. I choose faith and health for me.
Because God knows we’re not silly, we know we’re really not.

So how do we get round it kids, do any of you know? faith, health, hope, joy, love, prosperity, a long life and a peaceful death for
Because we need the help of kids, because some adults just can’t grow, you.
Kids do everyday. (MENTALLY)

o God says you choose for you.

They tell us all the time that we have brains,
to bring us where we want to go! Do not feel the cuts into your little heart and soul and mind
They tell us to use our brains, other people might need to knock you from that simple smile that God gives
We do, we read, read, read but it just doesn’t show.

t you every day.

In your home and my home parents people numb to this need,

So how do we get around it kids, do any of you know? indeed
Because we need the help of kids, because some adults just don’t know. From them a swelled head you never got
maybe a slap maybe not!
They say if we have a problem “come and talk to thee God”
But when we do, they say “children it’s time for tea, right now!

“So how do I get round it kids do any of you know”?

Because I need the help of kids because some adults are making a show!
y They did their best, but you must do the rest,
it comes from within, that little heart and soul and mind.
When you see that you’ll see the light, the light of Christ.
Look to the clouds, when it gets too much,

Just take a look at them and see, it’s really such a shock.
P He tumbles rain on each of us.
To wake us up.

They say they will sort out everything but with the recession, But sometimes pitter patter in rain drops.
world debt, poverty and the coronavirus Or snow flakes.
and the News we know they will not. But when your pain gets too much,

So how do we get around it kids, do any of you know,

a Let it go pitter patter in tear drops.

because we need the help of kids, because some adults can’t grow, Do not let it swell inside that little heart and soul and mind.
don’t know, make a show and go, go, go. He loves you so much without one single touch
And I’m just like Granny and Grandad and underneath all your pain he knows you know that already.
Taking life slow.

By Siobhan Walsh e
By Siobhan Walsh

The NewsFour Crossword 1) Recently deceased honorary Irish

sporting legend (4, 8)
Compiled by Gemma Byrne 9) Bumps in the road, obstacles (13) Solutions for
10) Noah’s ride (3) THE JUNE / jULY 2020
11) Ruminate (painfully) (7) Crossword
12) All bar this holy woman (3)
13) Accumulate (5) Across:
15) Misprint (4) 1) Incessant; 5) Trial; 8) Docu-
16) Unlikely, hard to believe (11) mentary; 10) Vin; 11) Complica-
19) Irish seafood development agency (1.1.1) tions; 13) Therapist; 14) Debug;
20) Someone that lives nearby (9) 15) Beef; 16) Dialect; 18) Nub;
23) Becomes bitter (5) 20) Hoe; 21) USA; 22) Absurd,
25) Uncomfortable in enclosed spaces (14) 25) Ideal; 26) Gabardine; 28)
Kale; 29) Cryogenics.
1) Placement together for contract and Down:
comparison (13) 1) Indication; 2) Cucumber; 3) Si-
2) Residence for hens (7, 4) multaneously; 4) Nut; 5) Thyroid;
3) Deep fried burrito (11) 6) Invisible; 7) Long sightedness;
4) Combines, unites (11) 9) Attitude; 12) Cliffhanger; 17)
5) Rich and luxurious (8) Amber; 19) Brie; 23) Uni; 24)
6) Leaving out (8) Mink; 27) Din.
7) The hills are alive with this show (3, 5, 2, 5)
8) Stiffly, like a bad actor (8) Prize of €25 book token.
14) This little mammal is a double agent (4) Post entries to NewsFour, 13A
17) Fall behind (3) Fitzwilliam Street, Ringsend,
Name:…………………………… Telephone:………………… 18) Computer port (1.1.1) Dublin 4 by 25th September
19) Promotional description (5) 2020.
21) Ailing (3)
Address:………………………………………………………… 22) Choose (3)
24) Heart warming 2009 Pixar movie (2) August / September 2020 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Page 23

Election of SEAC Chairperson in the case of the White Wa-

At the start of the meeting on ter Rafting proposal the sug-
July 13th of the South East Area gestion that the Dublin Fire
Committee (SEAC), Cllr. Der- Brigade would benefit from a
mot Lacey (LAB) was re-elected training standpoint has turned
to the chair. Anne Feeney (FG) out to be a “ruse” to curry fa-
was elected vice-chairperson. vour for the project with the
Demolition of block of apart- It later transpired that the Fire
ments at St Andrew’s Court Brigade spent only €25,000
The committee heard a presen- per annum on such training in
tation from Ms. Elaine Johnson, alternative locations, a small
DCC Executive Engineer with fraction of the multi million
the City Architects Department, euro development of the pro-
notifying of the intention to posed White Water centre.
demolish Block 1 at the St An- Cllr. Paddy McCartan (FG)
drew’s Court site. said the proposal should be
The block is a 1970s sen- looked at in the context of the
ior citizen flat development of current situation and COVID

DCC Notes
14 units. The existing building 19. He said leisure facilities
does not meet current Building were closing in Dublin because
Regulation and Housing Stand- they could no longer get insur-
ards. As well as the removal of Compiled by Dermot Carmody ance and queried what would
the buildings, the work will in- happen if an investor in a pool
clude demolition of two associ- posed land swap deal. of councillors where changes to committee about a prelimi- found themselves in that situa-
ated pram sheds and works at the Concerns were raised by Cllr. traffics and access for residents nary feasibility review of the tion and the council was “left
adjacent car park, paths, trees, Kevin Donoghue (Lab) about was being caused by COVID 19 potential to develop a heated holding the baby”. He said the
plants, lighting poles etc., and the cost of the demolition, the mobility measures. She called for outdoor swimming pool public project should be shelved.
the asphalt resurfacing and fenc- rehousing of existing tenants and a proper CRM keeping council- amenity in Dublin City Centre.
ing of the area. the overall impact on housing lors informed in advance of such The report references similar Committee Rejects Moore-
There are no specific current units available in the South East changes rather than individual facilities of this sort in other head Report
construction proposals for the area. councillors having to spend a lot cities such as Helsinki, Berlin Cllr. Deirdre Conway (FF)
site beyond the aim to redevelop Cllr. Pat Dunne said he was of time trying to find out what is and Paris. The location options proposed the motion reject-
it in line with current standards, “uncomfortable” being asked to happening. She characterised the looked at for the development ing the Moorehead Report on
which will also provide greater agree to the demolition without current state of communications of such an amenity in Dublin remuneration for councillors,
housing density. A design team knowing what redevelopment with councillors “not acceptable include Grand Canal Dock, claiming that rather than in-
to work on the redevelopment is plans would be and stressed the and unprofessional.” Spencer Dock, a site adjacent creasing pay it would result in
in the process of being appoint- importance of using the site for Cllr. Deirdre Conroy (FF) to Sean O’Casey Bridge and a net loss of income for coun-
ed. public housing. Cllr. Lacey sug- said it was really frustrating that one adjacent to the 3Arena. cillors. She said the suggestion
In response, Cllr. Mannix gested these points be put to the changes were made to traffic The review concluded that in the report that councilors
Flynn (Ind) welcomed the demo- Manager and his answers in- without councillors being noti- the site adjacent to Sean work two and half days a week
lition of these “decrepit” build- cluded in a report which could fied in advance. She pointed out O’Casey Bridge would be did not reflect the reality that
ings, saying that there were many be presented to the full council that this resulted in angry emails most suitable, primarily be- elected representatives work
more like them which ought to meeting when it considers the from constituents to whom cause of its proximity to the seven days a week.
be meeting the same end. How- matter in its September meeting. promises had been made that city centre. The funding of Supporting the motion, Cllr.
ever, he expressed concerns that Ms Johnson agreed that it was councillors would inform them €15 million to build the pool Claire Byrne (GP) said the re-
the proposed fenced asphalt area anticipated that there would be of proposed changes to traffic. and amenities would not come port did not deal with the re-
could be the focus of antisocial a relatively short time between This could be remedied if coun- from the council. Interested ality of modern councillors’
activities, including dumping. demolition and redevelopment cillors in a particular area affect- commercial investors would work, taking no account of
He suggested the area could and said that therefore there was ed by traffic changes were auto- be found. time spent dealing with email
instead be used as a playground, a reluctance to create a green matically informed when such Cllr. Tara Deacy (SD) sug- and social media platforms.
football pitch or community gar- area in the short term, which decisions were taken. gested that ownership of the She said she did “not know
den with raised beds while await- would then be taken away. Agreeing with her colleagues, facility should revert to the what century [the report’s au-
ing further redevelopment. Cllr. In answer to questions put by Cllr. Mary Freehill (Lab) said city after a 30-year lease and thor] thinks we’re in.” The
Tara Deacy (SD) wondered if the Cllr. Claire Byrne, she said ten- that DCC management and staff said any such development report was widely disparaged
SEAC had the capacity to decide ants had been rehoused through have a “responsibility to commu- should be accessible to the by councillors, including Cllr.
now that the site ought to be used the area office, as would the two nicate with elected representa- community and sustainable. Flynn (Ind) who said the re-
as community gardens rather remaining tenants in Block 1 and tives.” She accused management Cllr. Flynn (Ind) and Cllr. port “seems to be on another
than left empty. did not have further information of “sliding away” and deliber- James Geoghan (FG) were planet, of another universe
Cllr. Lacey, however, suggest- on the details of that. She could ately diminishing the influence among those voicing suspicion that bears no relation whatso-
ed that in the context of discus- give no exact figure for the pro- of elected representatives and that the idea for such a project ever to our reality.” Cllr. Lacey
sions between the council and a posed housing density of any re- called on leaders of all political originated not from the coun- (Lab) described the report as
hotel group about proposals to do development, although she said groups in council to hold man- cil but from an outside inter- “the most offensive and ill-in-
a land swap that could potentially the intention would be to provide agement to account in this re- est. Cllr. Goeghan said the formed document” he had ever
yield greater density of housing greater density. spect. city management should un- read.
units in the area, it was likely that derstand that such large-scale
the site would not remain empty Councillors frustrated by lack Proposed Heated Outdoor proposals were seen as a “two Above: Proposed outdoor
for long. Asking where residents of notice about COVID19 mo- Swimming Pool in Dublin fingers” to communities like swimming pool amenity illus-
from St Andrews would be re- bility measures City Centre that in Crumlin and elsewhere, tration.
located, Cllr. Calire Byrne (GP) Cllr. Anne Feeney (FG) high- Dublin Dockland Admin- where existing facilities were Source: Dublin Docklands/
named The O’Callaghan Hotel lighted the difficulties being istrative officer, Derek Kelly under-funded and not able to Dublin City Council Prelimi-
Group in connection with a pro- caused by lack of notification gave a presentation to the open all the time. He felt that nary Feasibility Report.
Page 24 FUNDING / COVID August / September 2020

ethink Ireland has fund- organisations thanks to this fund
ing of €5.5 million and its donors, we urgently need
available to support so- more philanthropic donations.
cial innovation projects from “This fund’s goal is to not
across Ireland who are acting in only support these projects
response to the COVID-19 pan- through the immediate issues
demic. and difficulties they face, but
The Innovate Together fund to also ensure their needs are
was established by Rethink Ire- addressed in a sustainable and
land with support from govern- long-term manner. The size of
ment and private organisations the Round 2 fund will depend
to support emerging innova- on the donations that we can se-
tions that address the current cure between now and the end
and long-term social, economic of August.
and environmental challenges “I know that many companies
arising out of the COVID-19 have been busy managing their
crisis. own issues during COVID-19,
Z Zurich Foundation is the but as the country begins to
latest private donator to the open up again, I am asking
fund, pledging €500,000 to companies and individuals who
support the fund and its mission are able to do so to consider do-
of helping social innovators nating to the Innovate Together
to continue the essential work
they’re currently carrying out
for individuals and communi-
ties across Ireland.
Innovate Together fund Fund – your donation will be
matched by Government.”
The Innovate Together Fund
is seeking applications from
The Z Zurich Foundation is a isations and are urging organi- which will continue to help or- ticularly to deal with changes projects countrywide achieving
private foundation, funded by sations to get their application ganisations across the country caused or accelerated by the impact in the below categories:
the Zurich Insurance Group, in without delay. who contribute so much to our COVID-19 pandemic. Through Sustainable Ireland: seeks
and the main initiative by which Over 480 applications were society. My department has pro- our engagement with Rethink innovative solutions to make
the Group delivers on its global received when Round 1 funding vided €5 million via the Dor- Ireland we are confident this Ireland a more sustainable place
community investment strategy. was disbursed in May, point- mant Accounts Fund so that as fund will help to create a fairer, including projects which work
Through targeting funding sup- ing to the real need for sup- many organisations as possible more open and sustainable so- in areas of food provision, cir-
port models, the Foundation port among organisations at can get the help they need to ciety across Ireland. Together, cular economy, climate action
empowers vulnerable people the frontline of Ireland’s social help to continue to support those by embracing innovation, we and biodiversity.
within various communities to response to Covid-19. Rethink affected most by the COVID-19 can find new ways to meet to- Economic Recovery: seeks
better protect themselves from Ireland has pledged to raise pandemic.” day’s challenges head-on with innovative solutions that will
risk, and to adapt and thrive in a additional significant philan- Further commenting, An- solutions that better serve and aid the economic recovery
rapidly changing world. thropic funds and is calling on thony Brennan, CEO of Zurich protect people across our com- through reskilling the work-
The fund is also supported by companies, foundations, fami- Ireland, the latest donors to the munities.” force, youth employability and
a commitment of €5 million lies and individuals to donate to fund, said: “This is a hugely Terence O’Rourke, the chair identifying new and innovative
from the Department of Rural the initiative. proud day for Zurich in Ireland. of Rethink Ireland says: “There ways of working
and Community Development Minister Heather Humphreys, We have a unique and power- is a huge need for support Community Outreach: seeks
through the support of the Dor- Minister for Social Protection, ful opportunity thanks to the Z amongst Ireland’s social inno- innovative solutions to address
mant Accounts Fund, along Community and Rural Devel- Zurich Foundation to deliver vation sector. We have been re- the challenges COVID-19 has
with additional funding contri- opment and the Islands stated: on our global community in- ally impressed with the quality created on the most marginal-
butions from Medtronic, Twitter “It’s my pleasure to officially vestment strategy and empower and innovation of the proposals ised and vulnerable of society.
and Oakfield Trust. launch the second round of the vulnerable Irish communities to we got from every county in Ire- The Innovate Together
Rethink Ireland are now ac- Innovate Together Fund in part- better protect themselves from land when we disbursed funding Fund is open for applications
cepting applications from social nership with Rethink Ireland risk, and to adapt and thrive in in May. While we’ll be able to now and you can learn more
innovation not-for-profit organ- and the Z Zurich Foundation, a rapidly changing world, par- support up to 50 of these 480 at

€2 million prize fund for research into food waste and plastics
From Science Foundation across the full breadth of the tive, disruptive thinking has economy. Both of these is- tegic importance to Ireland,

Ireland food supply chain from “farm delivered solutions in the sues have the potential to enabling publicly-funded
inister for Further to fork”. fight against Covid-19, so have a significant impact on research to be applied to ad-
and Higher Educa- The SFI Plastics Challenge I am delighted today to an- our shared future and I would dress significant national and
tion, Innovation will support the development nounce two new Challenges call on Ireland’s bright- global societal challenges.
and Science, Simon Harris, of innovative STEM-led so- as part of the SFI Future In- est talent to get involved in We have seen a fantastic cali-
TD, has announced two new lutions that will enable the novator Prize, which seeks to building a more sustainable bre of innovative thinking
competitions, with a prize sustainable use of plastics in bring the same new and fresh Ireland with research and in- and truly novel approaches
fund of €2 million each, as a circular economy, restore way of thinking to some of the novation at its core.” as part of the submissions
part of the SFI Future Inno- and preserve our oceans’ broader issues Ireland is fac- Commenting on the fund- for previous SFI Future In-
vator Prize. health, and maximise how ing. SFI is seeking research ing calls, Professor Mark novator Prize competitions,
The SFI Food Challenge we use the Earth’s finite re- teams to develop innovative Ferguson, Director General, and I look forward to seeing
will support the development sources. solutions in the areas of re- SFI and Chief Scientific Ad- the different solutions that
of novel, potentially disrup- Announcing the new Chal- ducing food loss and waste, viser to the Government of present in the areas of food
tive, sustainable solutions to lenges Minister Harris said: and enabling the sustainable Ireland, said: “Challenge- waste and enabling the sus-
reduce food loss and waste “We have seen how innova- use of plastics in a circular based funding is of high stra- tainable use of plastics in a August / September 2020 EARLY LEARNING Page 25

Support Announced for Early The funding package will en- The funding package for the Ear- to actual attendance levels. €18m Reopening Support Grants
Learning and Care (ELC) and able providers to continue to oper- ly Learning and Care (ELC) and • For non NCS: A 30-minute vari- that have been made available to
School-Age Childcare (SAC) ate with lower capacity and extra School Age Childcare (SAC) sec- ance tolerance per day per child. services and which the deadline of
Sector in the Form of Jobs Stim- operating costs. The continued tor from 24 August to end 2020 e.g. If the child is being picked up 28 August for application applies.
ulus Package financial support will benefit par- includes: at four hours 45 minutes attend-
ents as well as providers as pro- • Continuation of all DCYA ELC ance, this will enable the crèche Miscellaneous
In a press release on Saturday viders will not need to pass on and SAC subsidy schemes (NCS, to retain the full-time rate. The Contracts will shortly issue to
25th July last the Minister for increased costs to parents through CCSP, TEC) and resumption of purpose of this is to facilitate stag- providers now that the Govern-
Children, Disability, Equality and increased fees. the ECCE Programme at existing gered drop-ins/pick-ups necessary ment has made its decision to give
Integration, Roderic O’Gorman Minister O’Gorman said “Par- capitation and subsidy rates, in- to avoid clustering of parents/ the ELC and SAC sector access to
T.D. announced a package of ents need childcare to help them cluding ECCE Higher Capitation children at those times. This is the EWSS.
measures to support the Early get back to work. Children need **; expected to apply to non-ECCE DCYA asks that services not
Learning and Care and School- access to early learning and care • Access to the Revenue-operated services only. increase parental fees given that,
Age Childcare sector as remain- to support their development and EWSS. This will cover an average Both these measures are excep- on average, 38% of their costs are
ing services reopen in late August wellbeing. I am delighted that of 38% of the costs of individual tional and will last until the end of now being met through the EWSS,
/ early September. over 85% of childcare services services. 2020. The situation would be re- the fact that all the schemes are
Access to the Revenue Em- that are normally open over the • A sustainability fund will be viewed at that time Record keep- available again alongside parental
ployment Wage Subsidy Scheme summer are back open and that accessible to providers (not-for- ing, attendance tracking reporting fees, the projected levels of de-
(EWSS) within the July Stimulus more will open next week. This profit and for-profit) who can arrangements and compliance fa- mand for ECCE and full /part-day
will bring total funding provided comprehensive package of meas- demonstrate that the other meas- cilitation remains in place for the services, and given other supports
by Government to the sector be- ures will help services already ures are not sufficient by them- duration. made available to the sector.
tween 24 August and 31 Decem- open to stay open, and it will help selves to enable viable operation Part 3: Other Supports Available Some employers reported not
ber to just under €300m. A special all those other childcare and early of their business. Across Government being able to restore staff salaries
exemption for early learning and education services that are due to The cost of the funding package The July Stimulus includes other in recent weeks; this package of
childcare services to the turnover open at the end of August / early to 31 Dec is estimated at €87.4m supports that ELC and SAC ser- measures should ensure that they
rule within EWSS will be includ- September to do so. This €300m EWSS and €211m for DCYA vices may be eligible for, depend- can now do so.
ed to recognise the need to retain package to the end of the year schemes and sustainability. This ing on the specific circumstances **It appears that the EWSS
capacity in the sector and support also prevents parents from having totals €298.4m. and eligibility criteria, including: will cover most or all of the cost
parents to access childcare places to pay higher fees to cover extra • The Credit Guarantee Scheme of AIM Level 7 staff, thus replac-
and get back to work. COVID related costs.” Part 2: Temporary changes to ad- • The six-month waiver of com- ing most DCYA AIM L7 funding.
Guidance around the applica- Minister O’Gorman also ministrative procedures mercial rates DCYA will issue further guidance
tion process and operation of the thanked the eight representative In addition to this funding pack- • The Restart Grant for Enterprises on this asap, but in any event,
EWSS will be available on the groups from the sector that had age, the DCYA has introduced, on • The early carry-back of trading Level 7 funding will continue to
Revenue website in due course af- assisted him in putting together a a temporary basis, added flexibil- losses for previously profitable be made available by Govern-
ter the legislation has been passed. firm evidence base to identify the ity on attendance rules due to the companies ment.
The Minister said that this pack- sector’s needs. He praised child- likelihood in greater variability • The new income tax relief for It is important to note that NCS
age of measures would support care providers for the efforts they in patterns of usage (see below). self-employed individuals who enhanced hours are increasing to
services to operate in a sustain- had gone to to get their services This will assist providers to max- were profitable in 2019 but, as a 45 hours per week from a previ-
able manner. He said the funding reopened and their focus on the imise income and reduce costs. result of the COVID 19 pandemic, ous maximum of 40 from 7 Sep-
was needed to cover the costs of safety and wellbeing of children, • That NCS will allow for two incur losses in 2020 tember, and standard hours are
operating with lower occupancy families and staff. hours variation in attendance • Legislation for the previously increasing to 20 hours. This will
due to reduced parental demand, a The details of the package are against registration per week announced warehousing of tax li- have a much welcomed impact on
feature he hopes will change over attached. without triggering a report. This abilities school-age / wrap around child-
time, and to cover extra, public is not two extra hours per week • Liquidity and enterprise invest- care services.
health related costs. Appendix in terms of registrations, it is a ment measures provided via Mi-
Minister O’Gorman recognised Funding Package for ELC and fluctuation against normal attend- croFinance Ireland and LEOs Issued by the Press and Com-
the importance of the early learn- SAC ance patterns which is exceptional munications Office at the De-
ing and childcare sector for chil- August 24 to Dec 31 to the current environment. This Part 4: Previously announced sup- partment of Children and Youth
dren’s positive development and means that as soon as we deem the ports Affairs,
in terms of supporting the econo- Part 1: DCYA and Revenue Fund- emergency measure to no longer The above is in addition to the Tel: 01 647 - 3153/3114
my to return to normal. ing Measures be required, providers will revert €14.2m Capital Grants and the Email:

cus with each member bring- challenge is for cutting- lowing areas:
ing necessary expertise to edge solutions to challenges Remove: challenges associ-
advance the project. Teams across areas, that are not lim- ated with removing polluting
work to tight deadlines, with ited, to but could include: plastics from value chains,
the necessary supports and • sustainable and efficient waste streams or the environ-
flexibility, in order to ac- production of food in marine, ment;
celerate progression towards land and non-soil systems Replace: challenges asso-
their proposed solutions. • supply chain innovation to ciated with making plastic
Through a partnership minimise food loss and waste usage sustainable, such as
with the Department of For- • creation of circular bioec- novel feedstocks or alterna-
eign Affairs, projects may onomic opportunities from tive materials;
be funded that focus on de- food waste Recover: challenges asso-
circular economy.” nologies in collaboration livering impact in countries • functional foods ciated with recovering value
The SFI Future Innovator with societal stakeholders where Ireland’s official de- For those interested in so- from end-of-life plastics,
Prize seeks to challenge the and end-users to help us as a velopment assistance is di- lutions that will enable the such as depolymerization,
country’s best and brightest nation address significant so- rected. sustainable use of plastics in upcycling or recycling
unconventional thinkers and cietal issues. For research teams inter- a circular economy, it is ex- More information on both
innovators to create novel, The SFI Future Innovator ested in the funding call in pected that applications will funding calls visit www.sfi.
potentially disruptive tech- Prize has a strong team fo- the area of food waste, the address challenges in the fol- ie/challenges.
Page 26 PROPERTY August / September 2020

Good news at last for renters

n Eoin Meegan
ith soaring rents
in recent years in
the capital, it ap-
pears good news is at last on
the horizon. The Residential
Tenancies Board (RTB) has
published a report ‘Exploring
the Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on Rental Prices in
Ireland from January to June
2020: Early Insights from a
Monthly Rent Index’, carried
out by the Econnomic and So-
cial Research Institute (ESRI),
that examines the short-term
impact of the COVID-19 pan-
demic on private rental prices
in Ireland.
The findings show that the
annual growth rate of rent
amounts declined significant-
ly compared to the period pri-
or to the lockdown. While the
annual growth rate in March
was over 3%, by April this
had fallen to 0.4%, and it de-
clined again in May to 0.1%. the ESRI to produce a short the same data structure and ered by the Rent Index series Q2 Rent Index which will be
By June, the annual growth run index covering the period modelling strategy as per the was as up-to-date as possible, published later in the year.”
rate had turned negative with from January to June 2020. quarterly Rent Index, which is given the pandemic, we drew The RTB has also published
prices falling by 3.3% com- This work has allowed us a re- documented in the Rent Index on real-time data from the the quarterly Rent Index for
pared to the same month the al-time view of developments publication series. The index RTB to estimate a monthly the January-March period
previous year. in the private rental sector, so is estimated on real-time data rent index, giving us data for (Q1) of 2020. In Q1 2020, the
In addition, between March we can begin to understand up until 16th June. It is there- the January to June 2020 pe- national standardised average
and April there was a signifi- the pandemic’s impact. It’s fore subject to potential data riod. This allows us to provide rent was €1,231 per month,
cant decline in the number of clear from the analysis since revisions as many landlords an early view into the impact up by 5.4% (€64) from Q1
tenancies registered with the the pandemic began that the may not have registered ten- of the pandemic on rental pric- 2019, and quarter-on-quarter
RTB. While in March there rental market has been im- ancies for the later months in es and tenancy registrations in rents increased nationally by
were over 7,000 registrations, mediately impacted by lock- the sample. Ireland. 0.8% (€10) from Q4 2019.
in April this had fallen to less down, with prices falling by Conor O’Toole, Senior Re- “This report provides a clear Following referral from
than 4,000. The number also 3.3% nationally in June com- search Officer at the Econom- insight at the present juncture. the Housing Agency and the
remained subdued in May. pared to the same period the ic and Social Research Insti- With the economic situation Minister for Housing, Local
Commenting on the report’s previous year. Dublin experi- tute, said: relating to the pandemic rap- Government and Heritage,
findings, Padraig McGoldrick, enced the most immediate re- “The spread of COVID-19 idly evolving, it is difficult to Darragh O’Brien T.D., the
Interim Director of the RTB duction, however, as we went and the resulting lockdown assess the trajectory of prices RTB, using the Q1 2020 Rent
said: further into lockdown, we saw is likely to impact all facets in the short to medium term. Index, has confirmed to Min-
“A core function and strate- price growth outside of Dublin of the Irish economy. This However, it is very likely they ister O’Brien that one Local
gic priority of the RTB is the gradually begin to decline at a includes prices in the rental will closely mirror develop- Electoral Area (LEA) Ban-
provision of accurate, relevant greater level. We understand market, which have been ris- ments in incomes and unem- don-Kinsale LEA, has met
and authoritative research. that the COVID-19 crisis pre- ing rapidly in recent years due ployment of households. A the Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ)
Every quarter, the RTB pub- sents new challenges for both to excess demand and strong more detailed granular assess- designation criteria. As a re-
lishes the most accurate and landlords and tenants across economic growth. ment of trends in pricing will sult, this LEA is designated an
authoritative rent report of its the country. “To ensure the analysis cov- be presented in the upcoming RPZ as of today, Thursday 16
kind on the private rental sec- “We are continuing to en- July 2020.
tor in Ireland.Today, we are courage those who are expe- The RTB Rent Index, which
launching the Q1 2020 Rent riencing issues in their tenan- is compiled in conjunction
Index Report. The latest In- cies during this time to visit with the ESRI, is the authori-
dex Report would under nor- our website [] for tative report on the Irish rent-
mal circumstances be signal- information on how to resolve al market. It is based on actual
ling continuing signs of price issues and, if necessary, use rents paid on 20,878 tenancies
moderation with the national the RTB’s telephone media- registered with the RTB in
standardised average rent up tion service, which is a free the quarter, which is made up
by 5.4% from Q1 2019. How- service to help landlords and of housing stock new to the
ever, the Q1 2020 Index can tenants resolve a dispute in a rental sector, new tenancies in
only really provide us with a mutually beneficial manner, existing housing stock and re-
pre-pandemic benchmark. and does not require people to newals of existing tenancies.
“That is why, as part of the leave their home.”
Rent Index series, we asked This estimated index uses Images courtesy of Pixabay. August / September 2020 COMMUNITY Page 27

Ringsend & Irishtown

Community Centre (RICC) – Covid 19
ovid 19 has brought many challenges for RICC have been delivering meals and providing
the RICC. Our newly refurbished Centre essential services to the elderly.
would normally be a busy hub of activity. We are also delighted to have supported all the
But when the Government announced widespread initial events that commenced in March in the
closures of schools on 12th March due to Covid 19 Community by staff with music equipment, tables,
the manager, Lorraine Barry knew we would have projectors and prizes.
to change how the Centre would do their business The Facebook Live Stay Day Parade was a huge
serving the Community. success, hosted by Derek Buckley and entertain-
A team meeting was immediately held and look- ment was provided by Ringsend Rock School and
ing after the elderly, health and wellbeing were the all local entertainers. Our audience reached all the
main topics of conversation. The team was very local Community and we had viewers from as far
creative with ideas on how to serve the Community away as Canada and Australia.
and the RICC Stay Safe in your own space cam- Thank you to all our groups and users who sent
paign began. videos which were also shown on the day. We
We would like to thank Avolon Aircraft Leasing, would like to also take this opportunity to thank the
Artisan Food Co and the Bridge Café for their sup- Ringsend, Irishtown and surrounding Community
port by supplying the food for the vulnerable and for participating in all our on-line events and activi-
elderly in the Community. Since 16th March Team ties. Your support is always very much appreciated.
Page 28 CULTURE August / September 2020

Pause for Harmony:

Art in Lockdown
Launch by the Gerard Byrne Studio

n David Prendeville the last thing Byrne needed. bright days of spring and early “The collective energy of peo-
his September, the Confined to staying at home, summer, Byrne painted daily, ple’s positivity and emotions as
Gerard Byrne Studio will Byrne had no choice but to exploring his new neighbour- the city’s nature was reborn with
launch the highly antici- paint from his rooftop, a place hood in South Dublin. Eventu- birds chirping minus the sounds
pated ‘Pause for Harmony – Art he would never have thought to ally allowed to travel within the of cars and jet engines, fed into
in Lockdown’ exhibition. be inspiring. whole county, Byrne’s series ex- my work,” Byrne says.
Gerard Byrne’s second major Unexpectedly, he found sol- panded to include scenes from During the course of these
solo show of 2020 features an ace and peace in painting the the South Dublin Bay coastline, three months Byrne has com-
extraordinary and very unusual rooftop scenes in such a quiet from Seapoint to Dalkey. pleted over 50 oil paintings,
collection of plein air paintings and tranquil time. News trav- The collection reflects By- which incorporate his signature
which form a visual diary of elled fast and it wasn’t long be- rne’s discovery of the charming flair for florals and foliage rec-
Dublin City in lockdown. fore Byrne’s new painting spot and picturesque buildings, often reating the beauty of Dublin 6’s
While the world came to a was featured in The Irish Times overlooked in the ordinary busy Victorian and Georgian archi-
standstill during the pandemic, video, soon becoming locally life. tecture and green urban spaces.
Byrne used this time to create known as “the artist from the In a time of such fear and wor- “When I paint outdoors I cap-
his latest series of plein air art- roof.” ry, the colourful depictions are ture not only what I see but also
works, predominantly oil paint- Encouraged by the positive uplifting, showing the beauty the energy of my surroundings.
ings with a number of charcoal feedback he received, Byrne Byrne has found in the simplest I thought this was a very spe-
sketches. then ventured further afield, of things. With many people cial time and I wanted to cap-
As a plein air (outdoor) paint- changing his view to the neigh- watching Byrne paint from a ture that collective energy in as
er, used to travelling for a sub- bouring streets of Ranelagh. distance it brought a sense of joy many works as I could,” says
ject to paint, a lockdown was Invigorated by the warm and and community to the streets. Byrne. August / September 2020 CULTURE Page 29

To celebrate this year’s Culture Night, The physical exhibition will then run
Gerard Byrne will launch the virtual ex- from Friday, 25th September until Sun-
hibition, ‘Pause for Harmony – Art in day, 25th October at The Gerard Byrne
Lockdown’ on Friday, 18th September. Studio & Gallery, 15 Chelmsford Road,
A preview of the physical exhibition Dublin 6.
will also take place on the evening with
30-minute tours and live Q&A with the Photos courtesy of the Gerard Byrne
artist. Studio.
Page 30 LOCAL August / September 2020

n David Prendeville
n June it was announced
that the long-established St
Save St Mary’s Nursing evicted. They’re being moved
out of their homes. We feel that
these are the people of our soci-

Home campaign
Mary’s Nursing Home on ety who, during the height of the
Merrion Road (Telford) was to Covid pandemic were the most
close. Currently, the Centre is a vulnerable and most precious of
healthcare facility for blind and our society, according to Simon
visually impaired women. Harris. And these people are be-
It is run under the auspices ing discharged, three or four per
of the Sisters of Charity and is week. We have no cases of resi-
made up of a Registered Nurs- dents with Covid in the nursing
ing Home and Registered Dis- home and we are now facing
ability Centre operating on the these residents going out and
Campus using shared services. we don’t know to what nursing
The Centre is unique in the ser- homes, we don’t know if the
vices it provides for blind and nursing homes had any cases of
visually impaired residents. covid where they’re going. We
The closure at the end of the have no assurances.”
year will see long-term resi- The lack of communication to
dents, some of whom have lived staff is particularly disappoint-
there for 20 years, with some ing considering the strain of
past pupils of the blind school what was asked of them during
having lived there for 50 to 60 the pandemic. “Realistically,
years, lose a much-loved home what the government and what
surrounded by friends and staff public health were asking front
who are like family. line staff to do was to do a clini-
This will also bring to an end cal assessment on themselves
a long-standing relationship every single morning. And
between St Mary’s and its sur- and the constant worry he has So that’s how we’re treated. It’s There have been no assurances make a decision. Make a clini-
rounding communities of Ring- about where Kay will go: “The very hard to put into words how with regard to staff being kept cal decision of whether they’re
send, Pearse Street, Irishtown, closure itself, like I say, apart upset and how annoyed I am. I on contract until the end of the healthy to come into work. And
Sandymount, Booterstown, from the first shock, it left me go to sleep thinking about it, I year, no assurances they’ll be I know for a fact there were
Blackrock and Dún Laoghaire. in a hole so far as where do I go wake up in the morning think- able to pay wages. Basically, some members of staff who
St Mary’s has historically from here? Where do I find an- ing about it. And there’s nothing there has been no communica- had sleepless nights. They were
been a significant employer for other place for my wife, Kay?” I can do about it. I’m very, very tion from the senior manage- worried about how they felt,
these surrounding communities, On top of the distressing upset. I’m very worried over it. ment other than the email that if they were coming in, if they
while also providing essential news of the closure itself, Joe I’m just up against a stone wall. was circulated telling us that were bringing the virus in with
disability and elderly care ser- is also not happy with the com- People who can tell me what the they were closing.” them. And that’s what it was like
vices to these communities and munication he has received next move will be, haven’t told Staff are also concerned for in the early stages of the Covid
others further afield. from management with regard me.” the wellbeing of residents being pandemic in the nursing home.
Since the notice of closure to the closure: “They told us Staff were notified about the transferred. While St Mary’s Staff were afraid that they were
was publicised, there has been a nothing. And that was more closure on June 3rd by general has remained covid-free and going to infect the residents and
public outcry and show of sup- frustrating than bad news. It’s manager William Corkery. The the staff received a covid hero that they were going to die.”
port to staff, residents and their just frustration, one drip feed closure is put down to “insur- award from the Lord Mayor of The staff member goes on to
relatives, all of whom are still at a time. A drip feed of noth- mountable funding issues.” Dublin, there are no guarantees tell me that timelines were dif-
shocked and reeling from this ing, to be honest, because I’ve Communication with staff has that the virus is not present in ferent for when things were
news. Out of this outcry, a cam- had no satisfaction with them, been poor since the closure and whatever homes residents are announced publicly and when
paign to Save St Mary’s Nurs- I had a meeting arranged yes- a member of staff, who wish- moved to. they actually came to fruition in
ing Home Merrion Road was terday. Then, the night before es to remain anonymous, has “It’s appalling to think in the the nursing home. “While there
born and has grown steadily in last, after dinner, around 9pm, told me: “Senior management middle of a pandemic that these were announcements in the pub-
numbers. I got a cancellation by email. hasn’t met with any of the staff. residents are effectively being lic domain about what was hap-
Joe Brabazon, whose wife pening on the ground, there was
Kay is a resident in St Mary’s, a time lag of about two or three
tells me of his shock at the an- weeks. There were announce-
nouncement: “When I first ments that there was going to
heard the bad news about the be testing in nursing homes.
closure, I was actually shocked. That was very early in April
I never for one second thought that it was announced publicly.
that it would close. I trusted From our experience here in St
the owners, the owners are the Mary’s, we weren’t tested until
nuns. I trusted management the 27th of April. So what was
even though I’d never met them happening in the public domain
and I wondered why. That has wasn’t necessarily what was
never been explained to me happening on the ground.”
either. I still don’t understand The closure notice of St.
why nobody from management Mary’s states that the: “deci-
came and said: ‘Hello, we un- sion was reached by the Board
derstand your problem, we are following a number of meetings
here to help.’ They didn’t even and detailed reviews concern-
say hello.” ing the funding of the Nursing
Joe goes on to tell me about Home, the necessary implica-
the toll this has taken on him, tions for the viability of the August / September 2020 LOCAL Page 31

Nursing Home and its capacity Dáil, Ann also tells me. “We’ve
to meet statutory and regulatory had a number of mentions at
requirements namely: the ability government level. Richard
to recruit and retain staff needed Boyd Barrett brought it up as a
to provide the high standard of parliamentary question for the
care of the residents to which then acting Minister for Health
the Board aspires; the ability Simon Harris, who referred to
to ensure full compliance with it saying he had to have a con-
HIQA’s requirements; the abil- versation with the HSE. So lit-
ity to meet both the capital and tle has come back in response to
current funding requirements to that. Secondly Bríd Smith also
provide the highest standards of brought it up at the special Cov-
both care and regulatory com- id meeting. Again, very little
pliance thus ensuring the opti- has come back. We’re basically
mal health, safety and wishes of looking to put as much pressure
the residents.” on the government, the newly-
St Mary’s was initially found formed government, that they
to be substantially non-compli- literally put their money where
ant by HIQA in an inspection their mouth is when it comes
in December 2018. A follow- to wanting to protect the most
up inspection was carried out vulnerable in society while they
in November of last year, the sure, not a question of whether display, of action outside the and future services for the local forge ahead to open up the econ-
results of which were recently it should close, so that has been gates of the Merrion Road cen- community. We pushed for the omy and society again, by mak-
released, since the closure no- the kind of response we’ve been tre. It was within a week of it campaign to demand for that, to ing sure that accountable, qual-
tice. This report states that the getting. That worries us because being published that it was due fight for that. As of yet we are ity, elderly care be provided in
premises were substantially it’s projecting the idea that there to close. Relatives also weren’t waiting for the unions to come communities. And making sure
compliant. is no alternative but a closure. able to be with their relatives along and endorse things. We it’s public as well. Access to the
The areas in which St Mary’s And we don’t accept that ac- when this information was re- are having conversations with quality care for all. So that’s the
was not compliant were Gov- tually. We feel it’s a very sim- ceived, so there was a lot of them as we speak. We are going plan of action.”
ernance and Management, Re- plistic view of how to deal with stress perpetuated for the resi- to ask them to come out public- If any NewsFour readers
cords, Training and Staff Devel- whatever the issues that are go- dents and staff were trying to ly to endorse the Save St Mary’s would like to contact the cam-
opment, Statement of Purpose ing on for the Sisters of Charity deal with that. They were trying campaign, to fund it, don’t close paign to lend their support.
and Written Policies and Proce- in this situation. So there’s a lot to be there in a very emotionally it. So that’s our action at the mo- They can do so on Facebook:
dures. of questions we want answered. supportive way for residents. ment. Then we’re proposing for https://m.facebook.
This backs up the question Why the closure? Why the clo- Trying to deal with this, on top another onsite protest, with the com/Save-St-Marys-
raised by Save St Mary’s cam- sure now? Why not address the of the realisation that their own supporters, the volunteers, the Nursing-Home-Merrion-
paigner Ann Ryan as to why HIQA requirements? So, it’s jobs were going to be lost. So various different stakeholders in Rd-102109541541418/
closure appears to be the only kind of incomprehensible how we put together a protest of sup- St Mary’s. And we’re planning And can sign the petition of
option on the table. Ann tells we have gotten to this stage – porters just to show staff that for that over the next couple the same name here:
me: “There seems to be a con- closure or nothing.” look, we know we can’t be in- of weeks, for that to happen.” h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k .
versation going on between the Ann goes on to tell me how side with you but there is sup- Since I spoke with Ann, another com/102109541541418/
board of management and the the campaign has been pro- port to maintain the centre, to protest took place on July 22nd. posts/116648726754166/?d=
HSE and it’s a conversation gressing: “Initially we had a keep it open, keep jobs and keep Questions have been raised
about the progress of the clo- protest, or more a supporting future jobs for the community about St Mary’s closure in the Photos Courtesy of Ann Ryan.

Roadworks, repairs and tall stories

n Kathrin Kobus within the time frame of three The firm has already an-
he footpath at Irishtown weeks and was fully open for nounced that they will have to
Nature Park was closed the August Bank Holiday week- vacate the premises by February
for most of July because end. 2021 at the latest. Unconfirmed
of surface damage and weather- Other road works have been sources say that the proposal
ing; temporary repairs were no underway at the stretch between comes with an exemption clause
longer sufficient. the junction of Tritonville and for the 10% Social Housing
Dublin County Council said: Seafort gardens. This was due to given to them by Dublin City
“This is a particular problem af- water mains being fixed and re- Council under section 97.
ter periods of prolonged rainfall placed. Traffic is being directed Needless to say local residents
when water channels are cut out via a stop/go system. are not happy and have met re-
of the surface making it difficult News has just come in that cently with councillors to dis-
to walk on for pedestrians and a development on York Road cuss the proposals for this site.
dangerous for cyclists. The path which had received planning A facebook group York Road
will be resurfaced with a simi- permission for a seven-storey Development Ad Hoc has been
lar type and colour of aggregate, complex, mostly one and two formed.
which is in keeping with that of bed apartments, might now be NewsFour will follow up on
a Nature Reserve location, and increased to 15 storeys. This this development in our October
disturbance to vegetation at the will mean the block will rise issue.
edge of the path will be kept to a way above the current two sto-
minimum.” rey building which is the office Photo: New surface on Nature
The work was completed base for Dyno-Rod. Park walk, by Kathrin Kobus.
Page 32 COMMUNITY August / September 2020

Bringing Sunshine to those in need

n Eoin Meegan Many exciting activities are laid
hile not open at pre- on daily, including beach trips,
sent, Sunshine House crab hunting, a trip to Ardgillan
normally provides Castle, and two days shopping;
week-long breaks for kids in ensuring tons of fun for all the
need between May and August. children.
Overseen by the Sunshine Fund, Since opening its doors, over
a unique branch of the Society 100,000 young people have
of Saint Vincent de Paul, Sun- passed through Sunshine House,
shine House has for the past 85 including children from Ringsend
years provided summer holi- and Pearse Street. Most children,
days for children, aged 7 to 10, and indeed adults who went as
from Dublin and surrounding kids, treasure the fond memories
counties. of the holiday they had there;
For the most part, children se- indeed for some it was the only
lected come from backgrounds of holiday they ever got.
socio-economic disadvantage, as Emer Simmons, a professional part of her life and she has nomi- benefits and effect such a simple a holiday. Due to Covid-19 this
well as those suffering from be- Community and Youth Worker nated children to have a holiday holiday can have.” year sadly the holidays had to be
reavement or family breakdown, based in Ringsend and Irishtown, there, having seen the benefits it The centre is run by volunteers cancelled. This is a great source
or whose parents are separated. has been an active volunteer with brings both to children and their who all receive child protection of regret to all concerned. How-
They are nominated through local The Sunshine Fund for the past families. training and are Garda vetted, so ever, Emer told NewsFour that
Vincent De Paul conferences, so- six years. She told NewsFour: “When you’re in Sunshine parents can rest assured their chil- Sunshine House are hoping to
cial workers and teachers. “From a personal view, I think House it’s like a bubble, you don’t dren are safe. In addition, there is do Christmas parties and Santa
Founded in 1935 Sunshine Sunshine House is a special place care about the news and forget all a designated Child Safeguarding visits for children in December,
House is a purpose-built holiday which allows children to just be your own worries and stresses. Officer present who deals with depending on HSE guidelines and
home a short walk from the beach children, have fun and escape the The main focus is that the chil- any child protection or welfare restrictions.
in Balbriggan, North Dublin, often harsh reality of their daily dren receive a top-quality, mem- concerns should they arise. Let’s hope it won’t be long be-
which can cater for up to 90 chil- lives. The benefits are huge, even orable and safe holiday. I have “Volunteers come from all fore they will be back doing what
dren per week. the simple fact of having your come in contact with many chil- walks of life and vary in age from they love best, providing love,
The well-equipped grounds own bed and a guaranteed three dren who were lucky enough to 18 to people in their 60s. Each support, and a well-deserved
boast a concert hall, play centre, nutritious meals a day, things that get a holiday in Sunshine House volunteer brings their own set of break for those who need them.
and an indoor jungle gym (sounds many children are denied. and indeed many adults who went skills and experience which is You can find more infor-
wonderful!) as well as sports ar- I’ve seen really shy children as children. They all speak very great for children to interact with mation on Sunshine House at
eas including football pitches and become confident over the space fondly of their time there. loads of different characters and 0877547511. Or if you wish to do-
basketball courts. of a week, make new friends One man I work with went on personalities. For me, my summer nate, as they rely on public dona-
Here they are provided with and showcase their talents, be it a holiday to Sunshine House in wouldn’t be complete without a tions, the number is 0851430103
food, board, €10 spending mon- sports, dancing or singing.” the 1980s and told me it was one week in Sunshine.” or
ey, and the chance to meet and Emer started out as a volunteer of the first places he was shown Sunshine House depends on
make new friends; all under full- when she was in college. Sun- love. It’s stories and comments public donations to ensure as Image courtesy of Sunshine
time positive adult supervision. shine House is now an integral like that which show the lasting many children as possible receive House.

Save fuel, money and emissions on your motoring staycation

n Advice from SEAI is especially important ahead of a boxes and save as much as 20%
or those who haven’t long journey or a motoring holi- on your fuel costs. You can save
switched to an electric day. A properly maintained pet- a further 3-5% by using the car’s
vehicle and are still driv- rol or diesel car will have; good air-conditioning to cool down
ing a petrol or diesel car, the engine lubrication, wheel align- rather than leaving the windows
Sustainable Energy Authority of ment and well-adjusted brakes, open while you drive.
Ireland (SEAI) has some tips to reducing your fuel use. It will also
help you drive more efficiently. mean your car is safer and more AVOID SHORT JOURNEYS
This will help you use less fuel, reliable. A cold engine uses significantly
reduce your emissions and also more fuel than a warm engine. So,
stay safe, not only this weekend CHECK TYRE CONDITION your driving will become smooth- if you’re waiting only 30 seconds once you reach your staycation
but all the time. AND PRESSURE er, more controlled and be safer it is more economical to switch destination opt to walk or cycle
Fuel consumption tends to be Be sure to check your tyres for all. Drive in as high a gear as the engine off and start it again where you can and avoid using
affected most by your driving regularly. Tyres in good condi- is suitable to road conditions and when necessary. Incidentally, your car for short journeys.
style, excessive rapid accelera- tion, with the proper thread depth, at bends, reduce your speed gen- many newer cars have an auto-
tion, unnecessary short trips, a and at the right pressure, improve tly and accelerate smoothly when matic stop/start function, which SEAI is encouraging each of
cold engine, poor car mainte- both safety and fuel consumption. you are halfway through to help means you don’t have to think us make changes in how we use
nance and incorrect tyre pressure. Tyres that are 10% below recom- reduce fuel use. about this. energy. For advice and informa-
A less aggressive, energy con- mended pressure increase fuel tion on supports, including Gov-
scious driving style could save as consumption by around 2%. AVOID IDLING REDUCE UNNECESSARY ernment funded electric vehicle
much as 10% on your fuel costs. Once you turn the engine on, DRAG and home energy grants, to help
READ THE ROAD drive off gently without delay. After you arrive safely at your reduce your energy use this bank
REGULAR MAINTENANCE By watching the road ahead and This will reduce excessive fuel destination make sure to take off holiday and into the future visit;
This tip applies all the time but anticipating any likely problems, consumption and pollution. Even any unused bike racks or roof August / September 2020 LOCAL HISTORY Page 33

Herbert Park home of The

O’Rahilly faces demolition
threatening Pearse with a gun at
St Enda’s school when he heard
that Clarke and McDermott had
arrested O’Neill’s ally Bulmer
Hobson, and purportedly telling
him that whoever tried to take
him “had better be quicker on the
When O’Neill issued an order
countermanding the rising, The
O’Rahilly drove around Munster
carrying the order. He believed
the rising to have been averted
but when he realised the fighting

n Dermot Carmody The move to Herbert Park and had begun on Easter Monday,
decision is due by Au- political activism he nevertheless donned his uni-
gust 24th from An Bord After spending a few years in form and headed in his car to join
Pleanála on a Social Philadelphia, where he helped the rebels at the GPO, declaring
Housing Development (SHD) with his wife’s family’s business, “Well, I’ve helped to wind up
planning application by the own- he returned finally to Ireland the clock, I might as well hear it
ers of The Herbert Park Hotel. If in 1909 and in 1910 signed the strike!”
plans for a 12-story apartment de- ground lease on the as-yet un- The O’Rahilly was shot in the
velopment on the site go ahead, completed house at 40 Herbert face as he led a small detachment
it would mean the demolition Park. He lived there from 1911 of men towards Moore Street
of the house at 40 Herbert Park until his death in 1916. from the GPO. He bled out for
that was home to Michael Jo- Herbert Park was previously hours, and efforts to move him as
seph O’Rahilly, the only person the site for the Great Exhibition he lay bleeding out were thwart-
among the leaders of the Rising of 1907 and No. 40, along with ed by English officers.
who was killed in action in 1916. Nos. 36 and 38, was built on the He wrote a note to his wife
site of The Exports Hall. Herbert Nancy as he lay dying, and that
The early life of The O’Rahilly Park itself was opened in the note is addressed to their home at
Born Michael Joseph Rahilly same year 40 Herbert Park. He’s also said
in Ballylongford, Co. Kerry on The O’Rahilly’s house was to have written his name in his
April 22nd 1875, he later adopted completed, 1911. In June of that own blood where he lay in what
the surname O’Rahilly, presum- year The O’Rahilly was promi- is now named O’Rahilly Parade
ably to connect the name more nent in protests at the celebrations in his memory. He was the only
closely with its ancient Gaelic of the coronation of King George leader of the Rising who died
roots and later still styled himself V and against his visit to Dublin in action and he was buried in
“The O’Rahilly” in the manner subsequently. This was the last Glasnevin Cemetery.
of a tribal chieftain. visit by a British Monarch until of fighting.” ing Leaders, Volunteers and
He was educated at Clongow- the King’s granddaughter Eliza- Arguments for the preserva- There are contrary opinions, of members of the Irish Republi-
es, leaving in 1893, the same beth II visited in 2011. tion of 40 Herbert Park today course. In June of this year The can Brotherhood,” but also ar-
year that he met his future wife O’Rahilly worked on Arthur Despite being the home of one O’Rahilly’s grandson, Proinsias gues that the houses built on the
Nancy Brown. He was a medi- Griffith’s Sinn Féin newspaper of the leaders in the 1916 rising, O’Rahilly claimed that the house boundaries of Herbert Park rep-
cal student at the Royal Univer- and was acting manager of The documents lodged with An Bord should be on the Record of Pro- resent an example of the “begin-
sity of Ireland but he gave up his Gaelic League’s publication An Pleanála in connection with the tected Structures and ought to be ning of family-friendly architec-
studies to run the family business Claidheamh Soluis. He played a SHD planning application for a National Monument, claiming ture as well as having varied and
in Ballylongford when his father significant role in the founding the site refer to an “Architectural in an Irish Times interview that entertaining facades.”
died in 1896. of the Irish Volunteers in 1913. Heritage Assessment, prepared “the meetings which took place She claims that the houses
Two years later he sold the It was he who sent invitations by Cathal Crimmins Conser- in the house played a pivotal role represent “an announcement to
business and sailed to New York, to the meeting in Wynn’s Ho- vation Architects, which also in the foundation of the State. Ballsbridge that this is a lived-in
where he married Nancy in 1899. tel at which the Volunteers were includes a report on the histori- Another relative of the 1916 area, surrounding its own park.”
Their son Bobby was born in formed. He went on to act as cal associations of No.40 Her- leaders, Honor O Brolchain, She points out that one of the
New York, but O’Rahilly moved Treasurer and Director of Muni- bert Park by Professor Charles grand niece of Joseph Mary key guidelines in considering
back to Ireland in 1902. tions for the Irish Volunteers and Townsend, FBA.” Plunkett, who herself lives close the conservation of buildings
He also spent a time in Eng- was instrumental in the organisa- In this report Professor by Herbert Park in Donnybrook, is that those which have served
land, where he was involved tion of the purchase and landing Townsend, while acknowledg- has lodged a formal objection to over a hundred years of useful
with the United Irish League and at Howth and Kilcoole of guns ing to some extent the histori- the application on the grounds of life should be conserved, and ar-
with the Irish Home Rule Party. for the Volunteers in 1914. cal significance of the building, both the cultural and historical gues that if 40 Herbert Park is de-
His friend James O’Mara was a puts forward the opinion that importance of the building and molished, as 36 and 38 adjacent
member of the party and an MP. The 1916 Rising “it would be hard to argue that on its architectural merit. to it have already been, it could
Later, after O’Mara had resigned In the run-up to the Easter its significance was on a par In her written submission, set an undesirable precedent and
and joined Artur Griffith’s Sinn Rising in 1916, The O’Rahilly with other key sites associated Ms O Brolchain says that “The threaten more examples of the
Féin, O’Rahilly himself was also supported Eoin MacNeill in with the 1916 Rising, includ- O’Rahilly house had constant Crampton built Arts and Crafts
to be a Sinn Féin supporter. opposition to the insurrection, ing St Enda’s or any of the sites traffic, particularly of the Ris- buildings like it in the area.
Page 34 SPORT August / September 2020

Football returns and the clubhouse is (nearly) ready

n Kathrin Kobus
t was a long interruption no one had truly anticipated back in
March when suddenly the Covid 19 crisis grew much larger and
stopped everything, not just on the sports level, in its tracks.
The football leagues were about to begin, training was in swing after
the winter break. Suddenly the slogan was “stay at home and safe”.
Of course, we had the park at the doorstep. So exercise was possible.
Runs, jogs are one and for team sports it really mattered to get back
together on the pitch. But all teams from all age groups waited for the
anticipated return for contact training allowed which finally came 29th
of June.
Since then training has restarted and friendlies were played on the
pitches again.
The first really big event came on Friday 24th July for the new wom-
en’s team in the EWFL.
Before this very first competitive game between St Pats CYFC and
Sportslink got the inaugural cup for the new tournament. It is the Teresa
Healy Cup and her daughter Fiona took the honours.
“We wanted to pay tribute to Teresa Healy, who represented in every
way how important strong women are in all our lives and to keep her
memory alive through football, and we have commissioned a cup for
the newly-established Eastern Women’s Football League (EWFL) a fit-
ting tribute we hope.” it said in a statement released by the club.
The game on the pitch inside the stadium was quite enjoyable when
after a nervous start Kim Flood scored the first goal just before half
time. In the second half Bethane Hand secured the win with another
goal. Later, the team played their next group game away at Whitehall
Rangers. After that it was one win, one defeat after two games and now
it is back to training till the league will kick off soon.
Still in training and in preparation for a new season is the team for-
merly known as the Cambridge FC minors, who will now play as St-
Pats CY for two seasons in the U19 category. A friendly game against
Broadford Rovers saw the young squad of Alan Cummins and Bren
Heyes 3:2 winners. One word Bren Heyes uses when talking about the
new challenge of U19 is transition. “We were actually asked by St Pats
last year, but the boys were really too young then. So now we have a
team, some are 2002, some 2003. They will play one or two seasons in
the U19 and then it makes the transition easier to continue playing in
an adult team. It is the right pathway.”
That is in line with the big plans St Pats announced to combine the
efforts with Cambridge FC to keep lads and girls playing football be-
yond school age and locally. It offers a chance “To allow all ages in our
community to enjoy football throughout their playing career.”
So far in the last few weeks the U19 group has held open training
sessions to welcome new players. While this is still an opportunity,
training proper shifts now for a season start in September and they are
entered as St Pats CY.
There will be once a week a combined training session with the sen-
ior O35s team. Makes interesting times, surely.
The O35s started their league as well with a win, 5:2 over Rialto
FC, the score line is a bit harsh on the visitors given “a rusty Ringer”
performance in the second half.
Lastly, there is the clubhouse, the stadium extension finally ready to
be taken over for the finishing touches inside and hopefully ready for
purposeful use in the autumn. August / September 2020 SPORT Page 35

Stephen Kenny
takes over as
Ireland manager
n David Prendeville adventures with Dundalk the plying his trade in League One
ne very small piece of most prominent example of this. Fleetwood Town and now 36?
good news to come The 48-year-old is also familiar One would expect and hope to
about over the last num- with and has had success with see more of Matt Doherty under
ber of weeks is that Mick McCa- our promising batch of Under-21 Kenny, but that is unlikely to be
rthy’s reign of terror as Ireland players. at the expense of captain Seamus
manager has come to an end. One of the most depressing Coleman, in the play-offs and
I’ve documented in this pa- aspects of McCarthy’s tenure Euro 2021, should we qualify.
per the absurd selection deci- was his refusal to bring through Kenny, unlike his predecessor,
sions, the dinosaur tactics and young players. McCarthy al- may actually do some work on
arrogance of approach inherent most relished pointing to the fact the training ground in attempting
in McCarthy’s second coming. Aaron Connolly had gone off the to find a way our two best play-
It was a terrible, retrograde ap- boil after a blistering start to his ers can play together.
pointment by the FAI. senior Brighton career, as justi- He can do this either by play-
In fairness, McCarthy never fication for why he was slow to ing Doherty as a winger, or by
got to see out the end of the cam- play him. pushing Coleman into the back
paign to see if they would have That’s not what anyone wants three position he’s recently been
qualified for Euro 2020 through from a manager and what a dis- playing for Everton, and deploy-
the play-offs. couraging message that sends ing wing-backs – something that
However, had Ireland squeezed out to the players who are the fu- would suit Doherty and Enda
their way into the tournament ture of our national team. Stevens on the other side won-
(something I would not be con- One would expect to see far derfully.
fident of), it still could not be re- more engagement with youth Coleman, who’s been a fantas-
garded as a success story. Sure, under Kenny’s watch. We would tic servant, may well hang up his
Ireland don’t have a great team hope to see much more of ex- boots post Euro 2021. Now 31
at this moment in time, but it’s a citing talents such as Connolly, and with his injury history, it’s
lot easier to qualify for the Euro- Spurs’s Troy Parrott, Brighton’s hard to imagine him remaining
pean Championships than it used Jayson Molumby (currently on- an option for the World Cup in have plenty left in the tank for time there is reason to be excited
to be, and I believe Ireland can loan at Millwall), Southampton’s Qatar in 2024 and thus he will another qualifying campaign and about the future of Irish football.
do a lot better than they did in Micheal Obafemi and Willy probably retire before that quali- Qatar, should we qualify. Stephen Kenny kicks off his
the qualification campaign. Se- Smallbone and Derby’s Jason fying campaign. Kenny has already made a campaign against Bulgaria in the
lecting some of their best players Knight, to name but some. Other players likely to be canny move in an effort to dem- Nations League on September
such as Matt Doherty might have It will be interesting to see phased out before Kenny’s first onstrate his authority and dis- 3rd. Our European Champion-
helped in that department. who from the old guard will be full qualifying campaign include tance himself from the previous ship qualifier against Slovakia is
The man McCarthy has been retained in Kenny’s vision. This David McGoldrick (32) and regime, through his decision not scheduled for October.
replaced by is Ireland Under-21 is complicated further by the fact possibly James McClean (31), to retain Robbie Keane on his NewsFour would also like to
manager and former Dundalk that this changeover has essen- though one can’t imagine him re- coaching staff. This is in spite of take this opportunity to express
manager Stephen Kenny. The tially happened in the middle of tiring from international football the fact Keane had a contract to our sadness at the news of former
manager is noted for his posses- the qualifying campaign. so long as he can run. remain so (another brilliant deci- Ireland manager Jack Charlton’s
sion-based, expansive approach One wouldn’t expect to see the All of this will also really de- sion by the FAI). passing. We pass on our condo-
to the game, which should stand widespread changes that come pend on whether Ireland qualify This indicates how he is very lences to his family and loved
in stark contrast to McCarthy’s with the retirement of players for Euro 2021 and, if so, how they much his own man and also that ones.
eye-bleeding fare. He’s also ex- after major tournaments. Surely, fare there. Other players such as he will not shy away from tough
celled at getting the best out of however, it spells the end for Doherty, Shane Duffy, Jeff Hen- decisions. Kenny’s appointment Above: Stephen Kenny.
limited players, his European players such as Glenn Whelan, drick and Robbie Brady should means, for the first time, in a long Photo: WikiCommons.
Page 36 SPORTING HISTORY August / September 2020

The record-breaking scorer

n Gavan Bergin spell of super scoring achieve- to test himself at a higher level
oe Bambrick was born on ments by Joe, who went on to by playing in England.
November 3rd 1905 in the become the dominant striker Midway through the 1934/35
Grosvenor Road area of in the Irish League. In his season he left Linfield and
Belfast. As a boy Joe was ex- second season, he scored 78 signed for Chelsea FC. On De-
ceptionally good at football, goals as Linfield finished sec- cember 25th 1934, Joe made
and he grew up into one of the ond in the League. Then came his debut for Chelsea, against
best players in Belfast youth the 1929/1930 season, and Aston Villa at Stamford
football. Joe outdid himself again. He Bridge.
At the age of twenty, Joe was scored 96 goals! The very next day, in his
working full-time while play- That was an astonishing second appearance for Chel-
ing junior football for Ulster record-breaking tally, and it sea, away to Villa, Joe scored
Rangers, when his talent was wrote his name into the histo- his first goal in English foot-
spotted by the Irish League ry of football forever. No one ball. And he kept up the good
club Glentoran, who signed scored as many goals that sea- work thereafter, showing him-
him in May 1926. son: Joe Bambrick was the top self well able to thrive against
Joe was excellent for Glen- goalscorer in the world. the best defenders in England.
toran from the start of his first As well bringing him indi- By the end of his first season,
season with them. On Sep- vidual glory Joe’s goals also he had scored 16 goals in 21
tember 25th 1926, he scored contributed to considerable league matches for Chelsea.
six goals in a match against team success that season. His Joe continued to do the busi-
Larne, and he continued to do fifty goals in the Irish League ness for the next few seasons
brilliantly well thereafter. He were crucial to Linfield win- with Chelsea, scoring 38 goals
kept playing great football and ning that competition by a in 66 games for them, before
scored numerous goals and by mere six points. he left the club at the end of the
the end of the 1926/27 season Then, in the 1930 Irish Cup 1937/38 season.
he had scored 44 goals in 37 Final, Joe literally made all the By that time, Joe was in his
games for Glentoran. difference for Linfield when thirties and, while nearing the
That turned out to be his only he scored four goals in the 4-3 end of his time as a top-class
season with them, because he victory over Ballymena that striker, he had a plenty of life
moved to Linfield FC in the won them the Cup. in him yet. In 1938, he moved
summer of 1927. Over the next five seasons, to the Division Three club
The 1927/28 season was Joe remained a prolific goal- Walsall FC, and scored 20
an excellent one for Joe, who scorer and Linfield continued goals for them in 1938/39, his
somehow managed to improve winning trophies. Between last season as a professional.
on his stunning record from the 1930 and 1935, along with the Afterwards, Joe moved home
year before. Irish Cup, they won the Irish to Belfast. He played one final
All season long he tormented League and the County Antrim season for Linfield in 1939/40,
defenders who had the thank- Shields three times each, while scoring 20 goals in 35 games.
less job of trying to stop him Joe scored a total of 276 goals, That was the end of his career
getting forward, and by the end including 119 in 107 League as a player.
of the season he had scored 81 matches. As well as being a top-class
goals. During that period, Joe was goalscorer at club level, Joe
That certainly was an excel- undoubtedly the best striker in was also a brilliant striker
lent scoring record, and it was the Irish game, but he wasn’t in international football. He
just the beginning of a long satisfied with that. He wanted scored in his first game for Ire-
land, against England at Liv-
erpool on October 22nd 1928,
then got another two goals in
his third match, against Scot-
land in February 1929.
Although Joe didn’t score in
Ireland’s next match, his strike
rate of three goals in four inter-
national games was certainly
enough to make him Ireland’s
first choice striker.
But, as impressive as he had
been, and as well as he had
played in his first four interna-
tional matches, there was noth-
ing that could compare to what that any other Irish footballer That game was Ireland v
came afterwards. Nothing he ever did before or since – com- Wales, at Windsor Park in
did before it, and nothing he pared to what Joe was to do in Belfast on February 1st 1930.
did after it – in fact nothing his fifth international game. It was Ireland’s first match of August / September 2020 SPORTING HISTORY Page 37

that year’s British Champion- as the match entered the last The Belfast News Letter, in
ship tournament, a competition minute he made another bomb a 1928 profile of Joe, heralded
that Ireland had won just once up the pitch and advanced on his knack for scoring spectacu-
in their history. the ragged Wales defenders lar goals with “rasping shots
But any nerves or doubts the once again, closed them down, and old time piledrivers from
Irish players might have had robbed the ball, then dashed long distance.”
before the game were banished forward and smashed another In 1930, the Northern Whig
in the third minute, when Joe ace of a shot in past the de- focused on his excellence
made a lovely feint to lose his spairing keeper. With that, he when playing in a deeper for-
marker and get into space on had his sixth goal. ward position, “creating goals
the edge of the penalty area, And from the moment it went for his teammates with clever
where he took a through pass in, Joe became an immortal of movement and incisive pass-
from midfield in his stride the game. No one before or ing, and proving his ability as
and, in the same move, struck since has scored as many goals a schemer.”
a hard, low snap shot past the in an international match, and But Joe wasn’t known for
diving Welsh keeper and into the 7-0 win is the biggest Ire- his strength, style, or skill as
the bottom corner of the net. land has ever had. a player. He was famous for
1-0 to Ireland! Unsurprisingly, that match the amount of goals he scored.
After Joe’s goal, although was Joe’s greatest in his ten And the first and last things to
Wales occasionally threat- years of playing for Ireland. be found in the archive about
ened on the counter attack, He played another match for him are the statistics: their un-
Ireland were comfortable and his country against Wales in adorned, inarguable truth dom-
held their one goal lead up to December 1931, and scored in inates the story of Joe. And it’s
the midway point of the first that game too. He finished with no wonder.
half, when Joe made a light- an amazing record of 12 goals In his senior football career,
ning quick dart up the left, into in 11 international matches, he scored 646 goals in 321
the penalty box with a run and and no other player scored matches. Those amazing num-
leap in perfect time to meet more for Ireland in those days bers earned Joe a place as one
an incoming right wing cross before there were two Irish na- of the twenty best goalscorers
with a thumping header that tional teams. of all time
sent the ball straight high into In the archive there are So there he is, in that list
the goal. Two to Joe, and two many reports about Joe. They with all the other great strikers
to Ireland! describe his appearance and in history, from everywhere all
Not even halfway through style as a footballer, the games around the world, along with
the match and Ireland were two he played in and the goals he the legendary goalscoring Bra-
up against a team they hadn’t scored. zilians and Germans, Argentin-
beaten since 1926. Yet the vic- According to the book ians and Englishmen, there is
tory was a long way from be- ‘Who’s Who in Chelsea?’, Joe the Irishman – in football
ing a sure thing, as the Welsh “Bambrick was of average immortality.
were still causing problems build, 5’11” and 11 stone in
and if they managed to get a pass from midfield and shot in Having scored five and made his prime, but he was strong Clockwise from left:
score the situation would sud- goal number four. Four to Joe, another, Joe had certainly done and hard to knock off the ball. One of several cigarette cards
denly be a lot less rosy; surely four to Ireland! his bit for the team that day, but Quick and smart in posses- on which Joe appeared.
nerves would become an is- Then, when Ireland broke he wasn’t quite finished. When sion, he could shoot with both The man himself early in his
sue for the Irish players. The forward again and the Welsh there were only a couple of feet and score from any posi- career.
match undoubtedly remained defence pushed up in attempt- minutes of the ninety remain- tion. And, although he had to At the height of the action! Joe
in the balance, as the the end ing to play the Irish attackers ing, and with that unassailable work hard and long to be able playing with Chelsea in 1935.
of the first half approached. offside, Joe timed his run per- six goal lead for Ireland, he to compete earnestly in League The Irish side which defeated
The forty-fourth minute of fectly to beat the trap and take could have taken it easy. football with Chelsea, he still Wales 1-0 in March 1938 at
the game arrived with eve- the ball one on one with the Instead, he showed the same averaged more than a goal eve- Windsor Park. Joe is in the
ryone in Windsor Park anx- goalkeeper, beat him and shoot energy he had throughout, and ry two games.” front row, dead centre.
iously looking at the referee, softly into the empty net for
as he checked his watch in his fifth goal. Joe and Ireland,
readiness to end the first half. five-nil!
The last minute began tick- At that stage it was clear
ing away until there were less that something special was
than thirty seconds remain- happening for the Irish super
ing, when Ireland heaved for- striker and his team. In the
ward again with a fine move of 55th minute Joe showed that
quick-passing, and played the he could pass as well as shoot,
ball into the box for Joe, who by playing an incisive pass that
smashed it into the roof of the put his partner in the forward
net for goal number three, the line, McCambridge, clear on
hat-trick! goal.
Then the ref whistled for For once, a Welsh defender
half-time, with Ireland three managed to get near an Irish
nil up and looking good for the forward, only to commit a foul.
win. Instantly, the referee blew for
The second half began in the a penalty kick, which McClug-
same way the first had end- gage, Ireland’s regular penalty
ed: two minutes in, Joe sped taker, scored with no fuss to
through onto another through make the score 6-0.
Page 38 SPORT August / September 2020

Clanna Gael Fontenoy

Great community spirit at Clanns

n Felix O”Regan so many adults and kids getting Player of the Year. and Conor Rimmer both scored
s in many other organi- involved, having fun, doing ex- at critical times in the game.
sations and locations, ercise, as well as contributing Adult hurlers show good form When Clanns came under
the Covid-19 pandemic generously to such deserving lo- Our adult hurlers have al- pressure, the full-back line of
brought a strong sense of com- cal charities.” ready got their post-Covid sea- Eoin Barron, Joe Jordan and
munity to the fore at Clanna Another initiative saw a team son off to a flying start: firstly Colm Kirby O’Briain proved
Gael Fontenoy (Clanns). This of volunteers from across the by winning a series of friendly well up to the task. They’ll be
was particularly evident in a club making themselves avail- matches against such strong op- hoping to continue that winning
number of initiatives that saw able to respond to the needs of position as St Vincents, Naomh form (2-13 to 1-6) in their other
support and assistance being elderly and vulnerable neigh- Fionnbarra and Good Counsel; championship outings against
provided to vulnerable members bours. A designated phone num- and then winning their opening Ballinteer St Johns and Bally-
in our communities. ber and email address enabled championship fixture against boden St Endas.
callers to seek practical and safe one of the powerhouses of Dub-
Supporting local communities assistance. lin hurling, Faughs. Clockwise from top:
As part of our Global Clanns This could be by way of hav- said, when players achieve par- A sluggish enough first half The girls’ minor footballers
initiative in mid-June to get ing groceries and other shop- ticularly high standards or teams display still saw Clanns take came out in force to support the
people active by ‘virtually’ suc- ping dropped to their door, re- win competitions, this is duly a 1-6 to 0-2 half-time lead, the Global Clanns initiative and
cessfully circumnavigating the ceiving a wave from the gate, celebrated. highlight of which was a glori- help raise money for local char-
globe, some €20,000 was raised or a chat on the phone. This Among some notable success- ous point from Paddy Hogan ities – seen here resting after a
for three deserving charities: initiative stemmed from an idea es prior to the Covid-19 lock- when he fielded Dean Fitzpat- long run
Enable Ireland (provision of developed by retired primary down Evan Caulfield’s achieve- rick’s well-directed puck out to Colm Kirby O’Briain makes
support services to children and school principal, Peter McCabe. ments with the Dublin U20s swivel and strike between the sure to secure possession with
adults with physical, sensory Club Secretary, Brian Delany, football team stand out. Play- posts from distance and near the Philip Twomey in support.
and intellectual disabilities), the worked closely with Peter in ing in midfield in the semi-final sideline. Rebecca McDonnell is pre-
Iris Charles Centre (provision of co-ordinating the provision of against Meath, his fielding and Following strong words of sented with the club ladies foot-
services to older people in need) services through a team of vol- distribution – not to mention his encouragement from team men- ball Player of the Year by Pat
and The Light House (provi- unteers. three points from play – con- tors, Colly Reynolds and Ciarán Kane (senior ladies team man-
sion of assistance and support The club was especially hon- tributed hugely to a convincing Ó Murchú, the players lifted the ager) and Diane O’Hora (team
to the homeless). Hundreds of oured to subsequently receive a win. And his contribution in that pace and quality of their play in coach).
club players, members, support- framed commemorative scroll midfield role was instrumental the second half. A string of well- Brian Delany accepts the com-
ers and friends participated and from Dublin City Council in to Dublin’s 0-18 to 0-8 win over taken points from play gave memorative scroll on behalf of
contributed to this success. recognition of the work under- Laois in the final and their cap- them great momentum, which the club from the Lord Mayor
According to Club Chairman, taken. turing the Leinster title. they managed to hold for most of Dublin, Councillor Tom Bra-
Bernard Barron: “This initia- Rebecca McDonnell has also of the remainder of the match. bazon, on behalf of Dublin City
tive was really well supported Celebrating high standards of featured well with the Dublin Sean Curzon was particularly Council at a presentation in
by club members, as well as play Ladies footballers in the Na- effective during this period, both Croke Park
the wider communities of Ring- A strong guiding principle for tional League. But it’s her stel- Seamus McCann and Karl Mor- Clanns player, Evan Caulfield,
send, Irishtown, Sandymount the club is that player participa- lar performances for the Clanns gan did a pile of good work in proudly holds the Leinster tro-
and further afield in Ireland tion is key and any on-field suc- Senior Ladies that led to her be- the middle third throughout the phy he won with the Dublin U20
and abroad. It was great to see cess after that is a bonus. That ing awarded club ladies football match, while Colm O’Connell footballers. SMALL
August ADS2020
/ September AND NOTICES Page 39



This 7-night 8-day deluxe train, coach and accommodation
tour package aimed at the stay-at-home holidaymaker has
just been launched. Could the ‘good old days’ of rail travel
be returning?

Page 40 August / September 2020

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