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Research Methods
Volume 10 Number 4
October 2007 564-588
© 2007 Sage Publications
Does the Measure of Dispersion 10.1177/1094428106294746

Matter in Multilevel Research? hosted at

A Comparison of the Relative

Performance of Dispersion Indexes
Quinetta M. Roberson
Michael C. Sturman
Tony L. Simons
Cornell University

Within the context of climate strength, this simulation study examines the validity of various
dispersion indexes for detecting meaningful relationships between variability in group
member perceptions and outcome variables. We used the simulation to model both individual-
and group-level phenomena, vary appropriate population characteristics, and test the proclivity
of standard and average deviation, interrater agreement indexes (rwg, r*wg, awg), and coefficient
of variation (both normed and unnormed) for Type I and Type II errors. The results show that
the coefficient of variation was less likely to detect interaction effects although it outperformed
other measures when detecting level effects. Standard deviation was shown to be inferior to
other indexes when no level effect is present although it may be an effective measure of
dispersion when modeling strength or interaction effects. The implications for future research,
in which dispersion is a critical component of the theoretical model, are discussed.

Keywords: multilevel; climate strength; dispersion; agreement

A s researchers increasingly adopt a multilevel approach to better understand organiza-

tional phenomena, attention has been given to issues of multilevel construct validation.
More specifically, researchers have articulated relevant composition processes, or func-
tional relationships among constructs at different levels that have the same content, mean-
ing, and nomological network but are qualitatively different (Kozlowski & Klein, 2000).
Although several composition models have been proposed (see Chan, 1998), researchers
have primarily given attention to consensus models, which use within-group agreement of
individual responses to demonstrate structural and functional equivalence between a lower
level construct and a higher level construct (Morgeson & Hoffman, 1999). Because con-
sensus is a necessary condition for construct validity at the higher level, indexes of agree-
ment are used to determine whether there is sufficient consensus at the lower level to justify
aggregation of individual responses to represent the higher level construct (e.g., James,
Demaree & Wolf, 1993; Kozlowski & Hattrup, 1992).
Researchers have recently begun considering compilation models of emergence, which
describe constructs at different levels that are similar in function but distinctly different in
meaning and form (Morgeson & Hoffman, 1999). One fundamental assumption of compila-
tion models is that because the kinds of contributions that individuals make to the group are

Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 565

dissimilar, member responses will not necessarily converge (Kozlowski & Klein, 2000).
Given a lack of structural equivalence between lower level and higher level constructs, high
agreement is not a prerequisite for establishing construct validity at the higher level (Bliese,
2000). Instead, within-group variance in individual responses is treated as a focal construct
rather than a statistical prerequisite for aggregation (Kozlowski & Klein, 2000). Therefore,
dispersion indexes are used to capture the variability among individual characteristics,
responses, or contributions to the group (Lindell & Brandt, 2000). Furthermore, because the
amount of within-group variance is expected to also vary across groups and be associated
with important outcomes, such indexes have been used as independent variables in subse-
quent analyses (e.g., Colquitt, Noe & Jackson, 2002; Gonzalez-Roma, Peiro & Tordera, 2002;
Lindell & Brandt, 2000; Schneider, Salvaggio & Subirats, 2002).
Although researchers have compared measures of within-group agreement (Brown &
Hauenstein, 2005; Burke & Dunlap, 2002; Burke, Finkelstein & Dusig, 1999; Kozlowski &
Hattrup, 1992), there has been little consideration given to the quality and efficacy of such
indexes as measures of dispersion. Furthermore, whereas researchers have distinguished
between different dispersion indexes based on the theoretical and methodological issues
associated with each index, they have not done so within the context of compilation models
of emergence. Some research has demonstrated that indexes of agreement are highly corre-
lated (Burke et al., 1999). However, such research also highlights the proportion of variance
that is not shared by the indexes. For example, although Burke et al. (1999) showed corre-
lations between average deviation and interrater agreement indexes (rwg; James et al., 1993)
to be between 0.79 and 0.93, such results also suggest that 14% to 38% of their variance is
not shared. Consequently, measures of dispersion may yield different inferences regarding
the relationship between within-group variance and group-level outcome variables. It may
also be the case that the relationships between various dispersion indexes are nonlinear such
that correlations may not fully capture the nature of the relationships between indexes.
Therefore, an inclusive comparison of dispersion measures is needed.
Within the context of psychological climates, we conducted a simulation study to exam-
ine the validity of various dispersion indexes for detecting meaningful relationships
between group member perceptions and outcome variables. We used the simulation to
model both individual- and group-level phenomena, vary appropriate population character-
istics, and test the proclivity of the various measures for both Type I and Type II errors. We
also examined the efficacy of these measures for modeling main effects and interactions,
both with and without specification error. The implications for future research, in which
dispersion is a critical component of the theoretical model, are discussed.

Dispersion Measures
Although dispersion models are theoretically appropriate for a variety of constructs,
many organizational researchers have examined dispersion composition within the context
of climate perceptions, or employee perceptions of policies, practices, and procedures that
characterize an organization or work unit (Schneider & Reichers, 1983). Specifically, the
effects of climate strength or variability in group member climate perceptions (Lindell &
Brandt, 2000; Schneider et al., 2002) has been examined. For example, Lindell and Brandt
566 Organizational Research Methods

(2000) explored the mediating effects of organizational climate strength in the relationship
between climate quality and organization-level outcomes. Similarly, Colquitt and his col-
leagues (2002) considered the direct effects of team justice climate strength on team out-
comes, such as performance and absenteeism. The results of these studies, however, did not
show significant direct effects of climate strength.
Researchers have also examined climate strength as a moderator in the relationships
between climate level (i.e., mean climate perceptions) and unit-level outcomes (Colquitt
et al., 2002; Gonzalez-Roma et al., 2002; Schneider et al., 2002). Based on the concept of
situational strength (Mischel, 1973), which refers to the extent to which a context is
unstructured and ambiguous and thus guides social behavior, researchers have proposed
that climate strength affects the predictability of individual responses (Lindell & Brandt,
2000). For example, because strong situations are those in which people have similar inter-
pretations of events and uniform expectations about appropriate behavior, variability in
individuals’ responses to such situations will be low (Mischel, 1973). Consequently, behav-
ioral predictions should be more reliable in structured and unambiguous situations such as
strong climates. In contrast, weak climates should produce less salient cues for interpreting
events and guiding behavior, thus reducing the consistency in and predictability of individ-
ual behaviors. Some research provides evidence that climate strength may facilitate the
influence of climate level perceptions on group-level outcomes (Colquitt et al., 2002;
Gonzalez-Roma et al., 2002).
Even with a limited amount of research on the predictive effects of climate strength, per-
ceptual dispersion has been conceptualized and measured in different ways. For example,
Lindell and Brandt (2000) suggested that an estimate of interrater agreement—for exam-
ple, the rwg index of interrater reliability (James, Demaree, & Wolf, 1984)—can appropri-
ately serve as a dispersion index. Alternatively, researchers have relied on diversity indexes
such as the coefficient of variation, which corrects for the lack of independence between
measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion, to indicate perceptual variability
(see Colquitt et al., 2002). Researchers have also suggested that dispersion measures such
as standard deviation or an average deviation index might be more appropriate representa-
tions of variation in group members’ responses on a given measure (Bedeian & Mossholder,
2000; Lindell & Brandt, 2000). To develop a framework for comparing indexes of climate
strength, we provide an overview of these dispersion indexes.

Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is considered to be an appropriate index for representing a lack of
consensus or agreement within a focal population (Schmidt & Hunter, 1989). Calculated as
the average (squared) distance of a set of scores from the mean, standard deviation mea-
sures the spread of data around the mean. Research has shown that standard deviation sta-
tistics are useful for both binary and nonbinary response scales and can be used across any
population with two or more individual scores on the same measure (Conway & Schaller,
1998). In addition, standard deviation is relatively easy to calculate and to understand rel-
ative to other measures of dispersion (see Table 1).
Despite these operational benefits, researchers have noted several problems with using
standard deviation as a measure of dispersion (see Kozlowski & Hattrup, 1992). Because
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 567

Table 1
Formulae for Dispersion Measures

1 n

Standard deviation s= (xi − x---)2

n − 1 i=1

|xJK − x---J |
Average deviation index ADM(J) =
where N is the number of judges or observations for an item J, and
xJK is the Kth judge’s rating on item J

J[1 − (s-- 2x /sEU

Interrater agreement index rwg(J) =
J[1 − (s x /sEU )] + (s-- 2x /sEU
- 2 2 2
where J is the number of items in the scale, s-x2 is obtained
average variance on the J items, and sEU is the variance of the
uniform distribution
-s- 2

Revised index of interrater agreement rwg(J) = 1 − 2x
where s is the obtained average variance of the items in the
scale and sEU is the variance of the uniform distribution
 2 ∗sx2
[(H + L)M − (M ) − (H ∗ L)] ∗ [K/(K − 1)]

Alternative interrater agreement index awg(J) =


where H is the maximum possible values of the scale, L is the

minimum possible value of the scale, M is the observed mean
rating, K is the number of raters, and J is the number of items
in the scale
Coefficient of variation V = ---
Xi2 − NX
⎜ i=1 ⎟
Normalized coefficient of variation V  = ⎜

- 2
Qi2 − NX

where Qi equals the ith data value in a set of specified N values that
produce the maximum variation in a response variable

the upper boundary on the measurement scale is determined by the values on the response
scale, it is difficult to establish the maximum possible value of the standard deviation sta-
tistic. Actual values on the measurement scale are scale specific, which limits the compar-
ison of standard deviation statistics from different empirical investigations. Therefore, the
interpretation of the standard deviation statistic is limited by the lack of clear anchor points
on measurement scales. Standard deviation as a measure of dispersion is also limited by its
sensitivity to anomalous values or longer tailed distributions. By squaring the difference
568 Organizational Research Methods

between a value and the mean, the standard deviation potentially provides a distorted view
of the amount of dispersion in a set of values. More specifically, the act of squaring makes
each unit of distance from the mean exponentially (rather than additively) greater, which is
not completely eliminated by calculating the square root of the sum of squares. As such,
the influence of extreme values is increased.
Another limitation of standard deviation measures is that they do not lend themselves eas-
ily to inferential statistical inquiries given that values may differ based on whether standard
deviation is calculated from all scores in a population of interest or from scores in a sample
from that population (Conway & Schaller, 1998). The key difference between the formulae
is that sample standard deviation uses n – 1 in the denominator and is, therefore, larger than
the population standard deviation, which uses N. Although this difference may be immater-
ial in studies in which group sizes are consistent, it may negatively influence the inferential
interpretation of effects in studies in which group sizes differ. Because sample standard devi-
ation is influenced by the actual degree of dispersion within a group of individual scores as
well as the number of individual scores within that group, the use of a sample formula may
introduce error variance and decrease statistical power relevant to inferential judgment under
circumstances in which group size is a random variable of no conceptual importance.
Alternatively, if group size is an a priori variable of conceptual interest, the use of sample
standard deviation may confound size with method variance. Consequently, the standard
deviation calculation may lead researchers to make Type I errors.

Average Deviation
Although there are several alternatives to standard deviation as a measure of dispersion,
the most direct alternative is the absolute mean deviation, which is also referred to as the
average deviation index. Calculated as the average of the absolute differences between each
score and the overall mean (or median), the average deviation index is considered to be a
more useful measure of dispersion than standard deviation given that it is interpretable in
terms of the metric of the original scale (Burke et al., 1999). Research has also shown that
the average deviation index is better for use with distributions other than a normal distribu-
tion given that it is less sensitive to extreme scores or deviations from normality (Stigler,
1973). Furthermore, unlike variance ratio indexes (e.g., rwg), the use of an average deviation
index does not require explicitly modeling the random or null response distribution.
Despite several benefits of using average deviation rather than standard deviation,
researchers have cautioned against the possibility of nonrandom response bias as well as
unrepresentative values for rater responses when the data include extreme values (Burke
et al., 1999). In addition, the average deviation index has typically been used as a measure
of agreement although the index itself is actually a measure of variability, given that a score
of zero would be indicative of complete agreement among raters (Burke & Dunlap, 2002;
Burke et al., 1999). Therefore, research is needed to apply the average deviation index to
various situations and content domains to evaluate its efficacy as a measure of dispersion.

Interrater Agreement Indexes (rwg, r*wg, and awg)

Developed by James, Demaree, and Wolf (1984), rwg compares the variability of a given
variable within a specific unit to an expected variance. Computed using either an individual
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 569

item (rwg(I)) or multiple items (rwg(J)),1 the resulting score estimates the degree to which observed
similarity in responses is due to actual agreement between unit members. Unlike some
indexes that assess internal agreement (or a lack thereof) across a set of potential aggrega-
tion units, rwg is calculated separately for each unit. This is considered to be a key strength
of the rwg index given that agreement is not based on between-group variability (James
et al., 1993). Furthermore, because rwg values fall between zero and one, the interpretation
is considered to be relatively straightforward (Conway & Schaller, 1998).
There are several assumptions associated with the rwg index. Specifically, the measure is
intended to be used in analyzing variables that have a unidimensional factor structure
(James et al., 1984), discrete response formats (Castro, 2002), and nearly equal measure-
ment intervals (James et al., 1984). In the calculation of rwg, expected variance is usually
operationalized as the variance of a uniform (i.e., rectangular) distribution. Accordingly, the
use of rwg requires empirical evidence that supports the null distribution and that there is one
true score underlying individual responses, although there is no true score variance when a
single stimulus is rated (Schmidt & Hunter, 1989). The use of rwg also requires evidence that
the response distribution is not bimodal or multimodal (LeBreton, James, & Lindell, 2005).
However, because psychological responses are subject to response bias and therefore non-
random, the rwg index is typically overstated (Klein & Kozlowski, 2000). Conditions under
which unit members’ responses are polarized, or at the extremes of the response scale, are
also problematic given that the null distribution will result in an understatement of rwg
(Lindell, Brandt, & Whitney, 1999).
Another limitation of rwg is that, like other variance measures, it is affected by sample
size. Specifically, the interpretation of low agreement values can be difficult in situations
in which sample size is small (Kozlowski & Hattrup, 1992). The comparison of rwg indexes
across studies may also be complicated given that such measures are dependent on
expected variance, which may differ across samples (Conway & Schaller, 1998), and the
number of rating scale anchors, which may change the lower bound of the index across
studies (Brown & Hauenstein, 2005). Research suggests that the magnitude of rwg(J) values
may also be influenced by the number of items in a measure, which may subsequently
affect the probability of obtaining values greater than zero (Schriesheim, Cogliser &
Neider, 1995). Beyond issues of interpretation, researchers have noted the difficulty in con-
ducting inferential statistical inquiries using rwg as a dispersion measure. Specifically,
because significance tests of rwg are dependent on sample size, number of items in a mea-
sure, and number of rating scale anchors, computer-intensive methods such as bootstrap-
ping or Monte Carlo simulations must be used to estimate confidence intervals and
compare variances between independent groups (A. Cohen, Dovey & Eick, 2001; Conway
& Schaller, 1998).
Lindell and his colleagues (1999) proposed a modified index of interrater agreement,
r*wg, to address some of these limitations. Because it is possible for observed variances to
exceed the variance of the uniform distribution in the calculation rwg(J), the index may not
accurately assess differences in the observed variances as the number of items in the scale
increases. Consequently, researchers using the rwg(J) index to examine multi-item rating scales
with large numbers of items may detect a sufficient amount of agreement in a set of ratings
when such agreement does not exist. Lindell et al. proposed that r*wg, which is an inverse
linear function of the ratio of the average observed variance to the variance of uniformly
570 Organizational Research Methods

distributed random error, avoids such inaccuracies. By substituting the average item vari-
ance for the observed variance in respondents’ ratings, r*wg(J), which is used for multi-item
scales, is not dependent on the number of items in a scale. In addition, the index allows for
better interpretation by equating zero with random response and representing less than
hypothesized levels of observed agreement by negative values. Accordingly, r*wg can be
used as an index of agreement (see Lindell & Brandt, 2000) or disagreement.
Brown and Hauenstein (2005) also proposed an alternative interrater agreement index
(awg) to overcome the limitations of rwg. Based on the principles of J. Cohen’s (1960) kappa
statistic, which is used to assess agreement between judges rating multiple stimuli on a cat-
egorical scale, awg(J) is estimated using multiple null distributions rather than one specifica-
tion of the null distribution. By using the maximum possible variance at the mean as the
null distribution, awg is interpretable as the proportion of consensus to maximum possible
disagreement. Therefore, unlike the interrater agreement index proposed by James et al.
(1984), awg values are not dependent on sample size, scale, or the location of the observed
means. Brown and Hauenstein recognized that because awg is computed with the observed
mean and observed variance of ratings, the measure is susceptible to sampling error and
may be influenced by the number of raters. However, given that values of awg range from
–1 to +1, indicating maximum disagreement to absolute agreement, the interpretability of
the index along with its other advantages may outweigh the aforementioned limitations.

Coefficient of Variation
The coefficient of variation (often expressed as V) was derived to compare the variabil-
ity of multiple potential aggregation units that have widely differing means. Calculated by
dividing a sample’s standard deviation by its mean, it indicates within-group differences
among scores on a response variable in comparison to their average magnitude. Because
the numerator and denominator are expressed in the same units, the coefficient of variation
is scale independent and is therefore considered useful for indicating variability across
samples in relative terms (Allison, 1978). Furthermore, the coefficient of variation is
intended to be an improvement over other measures given that it represents the dispersion
of a dataset relative to its own mean, which serves to reduce the influence of absolute size
on variability (Bedeian & Mossholder, 2000).
In organizational research, the coefficient of variation has been used to describe within-
group variability on a variety of perceptual and attitudinal variables. For example, Colquitt
and his colleagues (2002) used the coefficient of variation to represent justice climate
strength, the variation (or lack thereof) in team members’ ratings of justice. Other
researchers, however, have argued against the use of this measure of dispersion with vari-
ables measured on an interval scale given that such variables do not have true, fixed zero
points (Allison, 1978; Bedeian & Mossholder, 2000). More specifically, they assert that
sample means and standard deviations are arbitrarily derived given that most interval-level
variables can be characterized by arbitrary zero points and ranges. The use of the coeffi-
cient of variation also assumes the existence of a nonnegative ratio scale underlying the
interval scale (Allison, 1978), which may not be the case for many psychological vari-
ables—in particular, climate perceptions. The utility of the coefficient of variation may be
further limited by its calculation, based on both a measure of dispersion and the group
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 571

mean, which constrains the opportunity for meaningful comparisons across samples.
Because it is influenced by differences in group or sample sizes (Martin & Gray, 1971),
Bedeian and Mossholder (2000) suggested that researchers should adjust for such differ-
ences when using the coefficient of variation. Specifically, they argued that a normalized
coefficient of variation (often expressed as V”, as proposed by Smithson, 1982), may better
represent equivalence among groups that differ in sample size.

Distinguishing Between Measures of Dispersion

In comparative analyses of agreement indexes, researchers have used a priori decision
rules to determine how well each measure captures interrater agreement (see Brown &
Hauenstein, 2005; Burke et al., 1999; Kozlowski & Hattrup, 1992). Specifically, indexes
of agreement have been compared based on the probability of reaching an agreement
threshold as well as ease of interpretation. Based on the results of such analyses, which
highlight the methodological limitations discussed above, researchers have concluded that
decisions about consensus are influenced by the choice of agreement index and, therefore,
have supported the use of specific agreement statistics. From a dispersion perspective,
however, different conclusions about the validity of these measures may be reached.
Under compilation models of emergence, within-group variance is treated as a central
construct rather than as a statistical requirement for aggregation (Chan, 1998; Klein &
Kozlowski, 2000). As such, dispersion statistics are used to represent the distribution of
individual responses within a group rather than evidence of the shared properties of the
group. Although prior research highlights the usefulness of various indexes to indicate the
level of consensus or dissent within a group, we have little understanding of how such
indexes influence inferences about group-level relationships in a dispersion model.
Beyond the probability of Type I and Type II errors, a number of questions also remain
about how changes in sample characteristics or parameter estimates influence the predic-
tive power of dispersion indexes. In the following section, we conduct a simulation to
address these issues.

Design and Parameters
We used computer simulation to develop a set of circumstances with which to compare
standard deviation, average deviation index, rwg, r*wg, awg, and coefficient variation (both
unnormed and normed). The key first step in creating such a simulation is to create a model
of reality that is feasible to simulate but also provides results that are useful for evaluating
the specific research question. For our purposes, we simulated a situation where (a) there
is an unobservable group-level construct, (b) individuals perceive that construct to varying
degrees, resulting in individual-level observations of the variable that are the source for sur-
rogating the group-level construct, and (c) the group-level construct and within-group vari-
ance in the individual measures affect a second group-level variable that is observed. This
representation of the universe for the simulation is shown in Figure 1.
572 Organizational Research Methods

Figure 1
Simulation Universe

Predictors Outcome


Group-level Group-level
Construct Outcome

of Analysis
Within-group δ2
Variance in

δT = δB + U(0, δVi)

Individual-level Measures of
of Analysis Group-level


The measurement model for our simulation is presented in Figure 2. This figure depicts
a situation in which a researcher might try to approximate a group-level outcome (e.g.,
team performance) by examining the effects of a group-level construct derived from
observed individual-level measures, the total amount of individual variance explained by
the group construct, and their interaction. For each group, we simulated individual obser-
vations ranging from 1 to E, the number of employees per group. These observations rep-
resented individual-level measures of the group-level construct, as indicated in the figure.
Once a set of observations was simulated for each group, the data were used to compute
measures of climate level, calculated as the mean of the E observations per group, and cli-
mate strength, calculated using one of the aforementioned dispersion measures. Regression
analysis was then used to examine the influence of climate level (B1), climate strength (B2),
and the interaction of climate level and strength (B3) on the group-level outcome. These
procedures allowed us to examine how the operationalization of dispersion affects (a) the
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 573

Figure 2
Measurement Model

Measurement Model

Measures of Group-level
Group-level Predictors

1, 2 . . .E
of Groupi Climate Level
(Group Mean: Xi) B1

B3 Group-
Observation2i B2 Outcome
. Climate Strength
(Measure of Dispersion:
ObservationEi awg(i),Vi,V’’i )

likelihood of Type I errors and (b) the ability to detect significant relationships between
group member perceptions and outcome variables.
A summary of the study’s parameters, which were used to provide a broad array of realis-
tic conditions, and their levels are shown in Table 2. We varied simulation parameters to rep-
resent values that we might expect to observe in organizational research, or used values that
reflected current practices in the field. To represent a realistic set of samples, we varied both
group size (number of employees per group) and number of groups in the analyses. Prior jus-
tice climate research has been conducted with group sizes ranging from 3 to 90 members and
number of groups ranging from approximately 40 to 250 groups (see Colquitt, Zapata-Phelan,
& Roberson, 2005, for a review). However, given the limited number of studies examining
justice at the group level of analysis, we examined these sample characteristics in multilevel
research published from 2000 through 2005.2 Because some researchers have considered
groups to consist of as few as 3 members, we used 3 as a minimum group size. In addition,
we considered 5 and 10 to be reasonably larger yet common group sizes and 25 members to
represent larger groups. To model the range of sample sizes (in terms of number of groups)
included in prior research, we simulated situations with 40, 80, or 120 groups.

Relationship Between Group-Level Construct

and Individual-Level Measures
To represent a variety of potential relationships between the group-level construct and
individual-level approximations of the construct, we varied the percent of variance in the
574 Organizational Research Methods

Table 2
Simulation Parameters and Levels
Parameters Levels in Simulation

Sample characteristics
Employees per group (E) 3, 5, 10, 25
Number of groups (Ng) 40, 80, 120
Relationship between group-level construct and individual measures
Base amount of individual variance explained by the 0.00, 0.10, 0.30, 0.50
group-level construct (δB)
Variability of variance for group-to-individual relationship (δV) 0.00, 0.10, 0.30, 0.50
Relationship between group-level predictors and group-level outcome
Effect of group-level construct, or climate level (β1) 0.00, 0.10, 0.30, 0.50
Effect of total amount of individual variance explained by the 0.00, 0.10, 0.30, 0.50
group construct, or climate strength (β2)
Effect of Climate Level × Climate Strength interaction (β3) 0.00, 0.10, 0.30, 0.50

individual-level measures explained by the group-level construct and the variability of this
relationship. The resultant total variability—that is, the total amount of individual variance
explained by the group construct—is the representation of climate strength. Because this is
a simulation, we were able to specify the amount of individual-level variance explained by
group membership. This is the method used in other simulations with individual-level and
group-level data (e.g., Bliese, 1998). As shown in Table 2, the base amount of individual
variance explained by the group construct was either none (0%), small (10%), medium
(30%), or large (50%).
We also needed to contrast the extent to which this level of variance differed across
groups. As noted in our introduction, the purpose of examining variability across groups is
because this variability, as a unit-level construct, may be a predictor of unit-level outcomes.
Accordingly, we needed to consider cases where variability was none, small (increasing the
percentage of variance explained by the group construct up to 10%), medium (increasing the
percent of variance explained by the group construct up to 30%), and large (increasing the per-
cent of variance explained by the group construct up to 50%). We chose the amount of vari-
ability (i.e., up to 10%, 30%, or 50%) to be from a uniform distribution so that all values
in the range were equally likely.
As shown in Figure 1, the total amount of individual variance explained by the group
construct (δT), or climate strength, is equal to the base amount (δB) plus a random number
from a continuous distribution of 0 to δV. Therefore, the amount of the individual-level vari-
ance explained by group membership across all of our simulation scenarios ranged from
0% (no within-group variance) to 100% (50% within-group variance plus up to 50% poten-
tial within-group variance under the condition of maximal variability). Once the individual-
level variables were created, we converted the individual-level scores to be on a 7-point
scale, with a mean of 4.0, a standard deviation of 1.4, and truncated at 1 and 7. This con-
version made the distribution of individual-level scores comparable to a Likert-type scale
from 1 to 7.
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 575

Relationship Between the Group-Level Predictors

and Group-Level Outcome
Once the data for all individuals and each group were created, the simulation then gener-
ated the group-level outcome using a combination of simulation parameters and the group-
level constructs created in the simulation. As shown in Figure 1, the group-level outcome is
a function of the effects of group-level construct, the total amount of individual variance
explained by the group construct, and their interaction. For each of these effects, we used
standardized regression coefficients. Based on J. Cohen (1992), which describes the magni-
tude of effect sizes, we chose standardized coefficients to represent no effect (0.00), small
effects (0.10), medium effects (0.30), and large effects (0.50). Error was added in proper pro-
portion so that the percent variance explained by each coefficient was β-squared.
Because the value of the group-level construct (i.e., climate level) was already expressed
as a Z score, it was simply multiplied by β1 to represent its effects on the group outcome vari-
able. However, the effect of the total amount of individual variance explained by the group
construct (i.e., climate strength) was more complex to model. Although the true percentage
of individual-level variance explained by the group-level construct is known through the
simulation (i.e., δT), the values are not standardized and thus cannot simply be multiplied by
the desired beta coefficient to create the appropriate amount of variance explained in the
dependent variable. For the purposes of standardizing the variable, we ran the simulation
with 10 cases per scenario (details on running the simulation are provided below) and saved
the value of one minus the true percentage variance explained for each group within each
simulation. The reason we subtracted the true percentage variance explained from one was
so higher numbers represented greater dispersion (i.e., 0 represented no dispersion within a
group and 1 represented the highest level of dispersion within a group). This resulted in
7,987,200 values, with a mean of 0.6714 and standard deviation of 0.1967. We used this cal-
culated mean and standard deviation to convert climate strength values into standardized
units before multiplying it by the beta coefficient (β2) in the simulation.
The interaction effect was modeled by multiplying the group-level construct (i.e., cli-
mate level) with the standardized measure of the total amount of individual variance
explained by the group construct (i.e., climate strength). This product was multiplied by the
specified beta coefficient (β3) and added to the previously described products. Finally, ran-
dom error was added to yield the final value of the group-level outcome variable.

Simulation Implementation
The simulation was written in Visual Basic (Microsoft Corporation, 1998). Code for the
simulation program was taken from DataSim (Sturman, 2004); however, we used a cus-
tomized program for the purposes of generating the data for this study (a data generation
algorithm is included in the appendix). The simulation generates two text files—one with
the scenario-based results (i.e., the regression results) and one with the group-based results
(i.e., data on each group within each scenario and the seven measures of dispersion).
Overall, the simulation included seven parameters: six parameters with four levels and
one parameter with three levels. In all, this could produce a total of 12,288 different com-
binations of parameters. We did not, however, use a completely factorial design. Although
576 Organizational Research Methods

we were interested in varying both the magnitude of the climate strength effect and the
magnitude of the variability of variance for the group-to-individual relationship, it did not
make sense to simulate a climate strength effect when variability was zero. That is, if vari-
ability was zero, we would not expect to capture any relationship between the dispersion
measures and the outcome (hence, significance would be a Type I error); at the same time,
if a climate strength effect was present, then the dispersion measures should be related to
the outcome (hence, a lack of significance would be a Type II error). Because of this con-
tradiction, these cases were removed from consideration (i.e., the cases wherein the vari-
ability of variance of the group-to-individual relationship is zero—one fourth of the
simulations—and where the variability of climate strength effect was small, medium, or
large—three fourths of the simulations). Thus, three-sixteenths of the cases were removed,
leaving a total of 9,984 different scenarios.
We ran 100 cases for each scenario, resulting in 998,400 cells of data (each cell represents
a single scenario). For each cell of data, we had information on the simulation parameters
and the results of several regression analyses. These analyses included tests of both correctly
and incorrectly specified models. In particular, we regressed the group-level outcome on cli-
mate level (B1) and climate strength (B2) and then on climate level (B1), climate strength
(B2), and the interaction of climate level and climate strength (B3) in a second regression. In
each scenario, the regressions were repeated for each of the seven dispersion measures.

Once the datasets were created and the measurement model for each measure of disper-
sion tested, we compared the average frequency with which significance was detected for
various groupings of the simulation parameters. We also conducted a series of regression
analyses to reveal the relative performance of the dispersion measures. We used logistic
regression to predict whether the beta coefficient associated with the dispersion measure
correctly identified the effect as statistically significant. We ran separate regression analy-
ses for each beta coefficient (B1, B2, and B3) and for when an effect was present or not.
Thus, in all, we ran six logistic regressions.
As each simulation provided tests of the seven dispersion measures, we stacked the data.
In total, we examined 6,988,800 outcomes (9,984 Scenarios × 100 Cells per Scenario × 7
Outcomes per Cell). However, because we ran separate analyses for when an effect was
present or when an effect was not present, the regressions had different sample sizes. When
modeling the correct identification of significance for B1, B2, and B3 when no effect was
present (i.e., not significant), the sample sizes were 1,747,200, 2,150,400, and 1,747,200,
respectively. When modeling the correct identification of significance when an effect was
present (i.e., was significant), sample sizes for B1, B2, and B3 were 5,241,600, 4,838,400,
and 5,241,600, respectively. Note that the sample sizes are different when modeling B2
because, as mentioned earlier, we do not have a perfectly factorial design. Again, this
occurred because we eliminated simulations in which a climate strength effect was present
but variability was zero.
As independent variables in our logistic regressions, we included both observable char-
acteristics (i.e., characteristics of the dataset that a researcher would be able to measure)
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 577

and the simulation parameters. For each simulated dataset, we computed ICC(1) and
ICC(2). We included the number of employees per group (E), the number of groups (Ng),
the base amount of individual variance explained by the group construct (δB), and the vari-
ability of variance for the group-to-individual relationship (δV). We also included the mag-
nitude of effect sizes for climate level (β1), climate strength (β2), and the climate level by
climate strength interaction (β3). We chose to include all of these variables to control for
variance attributable to the characteristics of the dataset being analyzed. Finally, the regres-
sion analyses included dummy variables representing each measure of dispersion.3 By
examining the significance of the dummy variables, we could assess when a particular mea-
sure was more (or less) likely to correctly identify significance.

Correlations and eta coefficients between the dispersion indexes and scatter plots of
these relationships are included in Figure 3. Given that the correlations and etas are calcu-
lated from measures of dispersion for each group, multiple lines of data were obtained from
each single simulation replication. Because of limitations on computing power, we used
measures from 10 replications per simulation instead of the full 100. This resulted in a total
sample size of 7,987,200 groups.
As shown in Figure 3, (absolute) correlations between the measures ranged from 0.796 to
1.000 (all significant at p < .001), with an average correlation of .912, thus showing that they
are all very similar to each other. The coefficient of variation had the lowest correlations with
an average correlation of .811, suggesting that it differed most from the other indexes.
Excluding the coefficient of variation from the average correlation calculation increased the
average association between the remaining dispersion measures to 0.943. Consistent with the
findings of prior research, the correlations between the indexes indicate that up to 36% of
their variance (or up to 19% excluding the correlations with coefficient of variation) is not
shared. For example, whereas the original and modified interrater agreement indexes (rwg and
r*wg, respectively) were highly consistent, r*wg demonstrated less convergence with the nor-
malized coefficient of variation. The scatter plots included in the upper diagonal of Figure 3
clearly illustrate these differences in the relationships between the dispersion indexes.
We also report eta values for each relationship in Figure 3. Whereas correlations are
based on an assumed linear relationship, eta does not make this assumption and thus rep-
resents the strength of the relationship from the best fitting smooth curve (Nunnally &
Bernstein, 1994). As shown in the figure, rwg and r*wg are perfectly linearly related, which
is indicated by their scatterplot and an eta value of 1.000. In contrast, rwg and standard devi-
ation are perfectly nonlinearly related. Notably, the eta values in Figure 3 are higher than
their respective correlations with an average eta value of 0.932 (or 0.976 excluding rela-
tionships with the coefficient to variation), thus demonstrating the similarities between the
dispersion indexes. However, such similarities do not necessarily imply that the measures
will perform the same when used as independent variables in further analyses. For that rea-
son, we compared the relative performance of the dispersion indexes—specifically, their
proclivity toward Type I and Type II errors.
578 Organizational Research Methods

Figure 3
Correlations and Scatter Plots of Dispersion Measures

Note: N = 7,987,200. Measures of dispersion are specified on the diagonal of the matrix. Eta values appear in
parentheses below the correlations. AvgDev = average deviation index; SD = standard deviation; rwg = interrater
agreement index; r*wg = modified index of interrater agreement index; awg = alternative interrater agreement
index; V = coefficient of variation; V” = normed coefficient of variation.

Table 3 reports the average frequencies with which the regression coefficients for each
dispersion measure were statistically significant. When no climate strength effect is pre-
sent, we should not detect significance. Setting alpha at 0.05, we would expect false posi-
tives 5% of the time. As shown by the results, this is supported for the detection of a
strength effect for all indexes. However, the results demonstrate that the likelihood of
detecting significance was greater (and larger than 0.05 at p < .0001) when a strength effect
is present. Although the average probabilities across all dispersion indexes were only 6%
for a small strength effect, 10% for a medium strength effect, and 19% for a large strength
effect, all of the indexes detected significance more often than when a strength effect was
not present. The coefficient of variation, however, was shown to be less likely to detect a
true underlying relationship when considering strength effects.
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 579

Table 3
Frequency of Statistical Significance for Dispersion Measures
Results Without Interactions Modeled
ADM SD rwg r*wg awg V V”

B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2

Level effect
None* .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .262 .312
Small .334 .334 .334 .334 .334 .287 .334
Medium .580 .580 .580 .580 .580 .481 .580
Large .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .717 .796
Strength effect
None* .051 .051 .051 .051 .051 .053 .051
Small .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .053 .057
Medium .106 .108 .104 .104 .099 .084 .102
Large .198 .204 .197 .197 .182 .161 .188
No effects for level, .050 .051 .050 .051 .051 .053 .051 .053 .049 .053 .050 .052 .050 .051
strength, and
Large effects for .803 .237 .804 .244 .803 .238 .803 .238 .802 .221 .739 .165 .802 .225
level, strength,
and interaction

Note: B1 and B2 are calculated effect sizes for level and strength, respectively. Numbers in the table represent
the frequency with which significance was detected. For rows marked with *, significance indicates a Type I
error with an alpha level of .05. In all other rows, a lack of significance indicates a Type II error such that val-
ues represent the probability of correcting detecting a significant relationship (i.e., power) and should ideally
be large. ADM = average deviation index; SD = standard deviation; rwg = interrater agreement index; r*wg = mod-
ified index of interrater agreement index; awg = alternative interrater agreement index; V = coefficient of varia-
tion; V” = normalized coefficient of variation.

We also examined the probability of detecting significance on the climate level effect.
As shown in Table 3, a Type I error is likely to occur when no level effect is present, the
probability of which is considerably higher than that for detecting a strength effect when
no such effect is present. Because the frequencies for detecting significance on the level
effect were dramatically higher than those for the strength effect, we suspected that the
results might have been influenced by the misspecification of the model (i.e., when an inter-
action between climate level and climate strength was present but not modeled). To test
this, we examined cases in which there was no interaction effect present. Specifically, we
modeled the base case of no effects (i.e., the null hypothesis) in which no level, strength,
or interaction effects were present as well as a case in which large level and strength effects
are present yet there is no interaction effect. As shown in Table 3, when there are no effects,
all of the measures detected significance as often as expected. Additional analyses showed
that the confidence interval for the level and strength effect tests for all of the indexes
included 0.05. For the correctly specified large manipulation, the results show acceptable
power (cf. J. Cohen, 1992) for detecting level effects with the exception of the coefficient
of variation, which was significantly lower than that for all other measures (and slightly
580 Organizational Research Methods

lower than the 0.80 level recommended by J. Cohen, 1992). The likelihood of detecting
strength effects was approximately 20% across all indexes. Thus, the likelihood of detect-
ing strength effects is notably lower than the likelihood of detecting level effects.
Table 4 shows the frequencies of statistical significance for the dispersion measures when
modeling main effects and interactions. As shown by the results, the likelihood of detecting
significance when no interaction effect was present was close to the expected 5%. However,
the results also show that the likelihood of detecting significance only changed modestly
when an effect should have been discovered. Frequencies for statistical significance were
only marginally above 0.05 when the interaction effect was small. That is, the probability of
detecting significance was statistically significantly greater than 5% (p < .0001) but the like-
lihood of detecting significance across the seven dispersion measures was only 6%. The like-
lihood of detecting significance was greater (and larger than 0.05 at p < .0001) when the
interaction effect was medium or large although the average probabilities across all disper-
sion measures were only 9% and 15%, respectively. The results show that the frequency of
statistical significance was significantly lower (p < .001) for awg, coefficient of variation, and
normalized coefficient of variation when the interaction effect was large. However, the aver-
age probability across the other four dispersion indexes was only 16%.
We also modeled the base case of no effects (i.e., the null hypothesis) in which no level,
strength, or interaction effects were present as well as a case in which all three effects were
large (i.e., strong manipulation). As shown in Table 4 for the null hypothesis case, all of the
measures detected significance as often as expected. For the strong manipulation, the
results show that all measures were more useful for detecting significance with the fre-
quencies of statistical significance being relatively higher for level effects. However,
although all of the indexes can detect level, strength, and interaction effects, the power for
detecting such effects is well below the 0.80 level suggested by J. Cohen (1992).
Tables 5 and 6 summarize the results of the logistic regression analyses. Table 5 reports
the performance of each index (relative to the other indexes) when no level, strength, or
interaction effects are present. As shown in the table, awg performs relatively better than do
the other dispersion indexes when no level effect is present. Specifically, awg is significantly
less likely than are all other measures to detect a level effect when no level effect is present.
Also shown in the table, the coefficient of variation performs significantly worse than all
other dispersion measures when no level effect or interaction effect is present. There were
no statistically significant differences between the measures when there is no strength effect.
Table 6 reports the relative performance of the indexes when level, strength, or interac-
tion effects are present. As shown in the top section of the table, r*wg performs worse than
the other measures do when a level effect is present and the coefficient of variation per-
forms better than the other measures under these circumstances. In other words, r*wg is sig-
nificantly less likely to detect a level effect when such an effect is present but the coefficient
of variation is significantly more likely to detect a level effect when one is present. Despite
the performance of the coefficient of variation under such conditions, its relatively poor
performance as compared to the other dispersion indexes in the presence of an interaction
effect is shown in the bottom section of the table. The results also reveal that awg and normal-
ized coefficient of variation underperform the other measures when a strength or interaction
effect is present. In comparison, the average deviation index, standard deviation, and rwg are
all significantly more likely to detect an interaction effect when one is present. However,
Table 4
Frequency of Statistical Significance for Dispersion Measures Results With Interactions Modeled
AD SD rwg r*wg awg V V”

B1 B2 B3 B1 B2 B3 B1 B2 B3 B1 B2 B3 B1 B2 B3 B1 B2 B3 B1 B2 B3

Level effect
None* .169 .169 .082 .077 .074 .174 .149
Small .159 .159 .092 .083 .075 .164 .140
Medium .173 .171 .133 .099 .110 .186 .153
Large .243 .238 .216 .125 .174 .301 .202
Strength effect
None* .051 .051 .050 .050 .050 .051 .049
Small .059 .059 .059 .059 .058 .060 .058
Medium .110 .114 .110 .110 .103 .171 .107
Large .200 .208 .201 .201 .184 .202 .190
None* .051 .053 .051 .051 .055 .060 .054
Small .058 .059 .059 .059 .057 .068 .057
Medium .094 .096 .093 .093 .082 .093 .084
Large .162 .167 .163 .163 .139 .135 .141
No effects* .046 .040 .045 .052 .043 .047 .047 .042 .046 .044 .042 .047 .049 .044 .048 .049 .044 .044 .049 .046 .048
Large effects .354 .242 .225 .349 .256 .233 .379 .248 .226 .252 .248 .226 .286 .230 .195 .383 .240 .233 .316 .242 .195
for level,
strength, and

Note: B1, B2, and B3 are calculated effect sizes for level, strength, and their interaction, respectively. Numbers in the table represent the frequency with which sig-
nificance was detected. For rows marked with *, significance indicates a Type I error with an alpha level of .05. In all other rows, a lack of significance indicates
a Type II error such that values represent the probability of correcting detecting a significant relationship (i.e., power) and should ideally be large. AD = average
deviation index; SD = standard deviation; rwg = interrater agreement index; r*wg = modified index of interrater agreement index; awg = alternative interrater agree-
ment index; V = coefficient of variation; V” = normalized coefficient of variation.
582 Organizational Research Methods

Table 5
Relative Performance of Dispersion Measures When No Effect Is Present
AD SD rwg r*wg awg V V”

Level effect (B1)

1. AD n/a – – – + –
2. SD n/a – – – + –
3. rwg + + n/a – – + +
4. r*wg + + + n/a – + +
5. awg + + + + n/a + +
6. V – – – – – n/a –
7. V” + + – – – + n/a
Strength effect (B2)
1. AD n/a
2. SD n/a
3. rwg n/a
4. r*wg n/a
5. awg n/a
6. V n/a
7. V” n/a
Interaction effect (B3)
1. AD n/a +
2. SD n/a +
3. rwg n/a +
4. r*wg n/a +
5. awg n/a +
6. V – – – – – n/a –
7. V” + n/a

Note: Dispersion indices listed vertically served as the baseline for comparison purposes. + indicates better (i.e.,
less likely to detect an effect) than the dispersion index listed horizontally, – indicates worse (i.e., more likely
to detect an effect) than the dispersion index listed horizontally, and an empty cell indicates no statistically sig-
nificant difference between the two indexes at p < .05. AD = average deviation index; SD = standard deviation;
rwg = interrater agreement index; r*wg = modified index of interrater agreement index; awg = alternative interrater
agreement index; V = coefficient of variation; V” = normalized coefficient of variation.

standard deviation outperforms both the average deviation index and rwg when there is a
strength effect or an interaction effect.

Dispersion, or variability in the individual scores of work unit members, has been con-
ceptualized as a unit-level construct and examined as a predictor of unit-level outcomes
(Chan, 1998; Kozlowski & Klein, 2000). Although researchers have used a variety of
indexes for which methodological advantages and limitations have been identified (Bedeian
& Mossholder, 2000; Brown & Hauenstein, 2005; Burke & Dunlap, 2002; Burke et al.,
1999; Kozlowski & Hattrup, 1992), little research has considered how the operationalization
of dispersion may affect the inferences that may be made about the relationship between
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 583

Table 6
Relative Performance of Dispersion Measures When an Effect Is Present
AD SD rwg r*wg awg V V”

Level effect (B1)

1. AD n/a + + + + – +
2. SD – n/a + + + – +
3. rwg – – n/a + + – –
4. r*wg – – – n/a – – –
5. awg – – – + n/a – –
6. V + + + + + n/a +
7. V” – – + + + – n/a
Strength effect (B2)
1. AD n/a – + +
2. SD + n/a + + + + +
3. rwg – n/a + – +
4. r*wg – n/a + – +
5. awg – – – – n/a – –
6. V – + + + n/a +
7. V” – – – – + – n/a
Interaction effect (B3)
1. AD n/a – + + +
2. SD + n/a + + + + +
3. rwg – n/a + + +
4. r*wg – n/a + + +
5. awg – – – – n/a – –
6. V – – – – + n/a +
7. V” – – – – + – n/a

Note: Dispersion indexes listed vertically served as the baseline for comparison purposes. + indicates better
(i.e., more likely to detect an effect) than the dispersion index listed horizontally, – indicates worse (i.e., less
likely to detect an effect) than the dispersion index listed horizontally, and an empty cell indicates no statisti-
cally significant difference at p < .05. AD = average deviation index; SD = standard deviation; rwg = interrater
agreement index; r*wg = modified index of interrater agreement index; awg = alternative interrater agreement
index; V = coefficient of variation; V” = normalized coefficient of variation.

within-group variance and group-level outcome variables. The goals of this study were to
explore the validity of various dispersion indexes for detecting meaningful relationships
between group member perceptions and outcome variables. Within the context of psycho-
logical climates, these goals were accomplished by examining the results from simulated
data under conditions with variable sample characteristics, relationships between a group-
level construct and individual-level measures of that construct, and relationships between
the group-level construct and a group-level outcome.
Consistent with the findings of prior research (see Bedeian & Mossholder, 2000), the
simulations reveal the weaknesses of coefficient of variation as a measure of dispersion.
Specifically, the results highlighted a lower likelihood of detecting a true relationship
between variability in group member perceptions and group-level outcomes when using
coefficient of variation as a measure of dispersion. The results also showed that the coeffi-
cient of variation was less likely to detect interaction effects. Surprisingly, however, coef-
584 Organizational Research Methods

ficient of variation outperformed other measures when detecting level effects. In particular,
coefficient of variation was more likely than the other indexes to detect significance when
a level effect was present.
Interestingly, the normalized coefficient of variation did not show a marked improvement
in performance over the coefficient of variation. Although normalizing the coefficient of
variation adjusts for differences in group or sample sizes, the results of our study demon-
strate that the measure has greater power than only the alternative index when modeling
strength and interaction effects. Furthermore, the normalized coefficient of variation per-
formed significantly worse than all other measures (except for the alternative interrater
agreement index) in the presence of medium to large interaction effects. Therefore, the use-
fulness of the normalized coefficient of variation for detecting meaningful relationships
between variability in group member perceptions and group-level outcomes may be limited.
Beyond the unnormed and normed coefficients of variation, the results highlight some dif-
ferences between the other dispersion indexes. For example, although the alternative inter-
rater agreement index has several advantages over other measures given its independence
from sample sizes, scales, and the location of observed means, the results demonstrate its rel-
atively low performance in comparison to other dispersion measures when level, strength, or
interaction effects are present. Similarly, the revised index of interrater agreement only sig-
nificantly outperformed the alternative index and normalized coefficient of variation when
strength effects were modelled. Our findings suggest that standard and average deviation
indexes may perform better than interrater agreement indexes when modeling level effects
and better than the coefficients of variation and the alternative interrater agreement index
when modeling interaction effects. However, standard deviation has a higher likelihood of
detecting significance when strength or interaction effects are present.
Despite these findings, the results also uncover an interesting similarity between the dis-
persion indexes—little statistical power for detecting strength and interaction effects.
Specifically, the simulations show that true relationships will be detected less than 30% of the
time. This may help to explain the findings of prior research in which main effects of climate
strength on group-level outcomes were not found (see Colquitt et al., 2002; Lindell & Brandt,
2000). Furthermore, the frequencies of statistical significance in the presence of large inter-
action effects may provide insight into the mixed empirical results to date regarding climate
strength as a moderator (see Gonzalez-Roma et al., 2002; Lindell & Brandt, 2000). It is more
important that, given that the likelihood of detecting strength and interaction effects was sub-
stantially lower than the 0.80 level suggested by J. Cohen (1992), our results also suggest that
future research is needed to devise measures that more appropriately model dispersion.
Given the lack of statistical power of current dispersion measures, our results also sug-
gest that researchers exploring the effects of within-group variability may want to consider
setting higher alpha levels (e.g., alpha = 0.10). Although establishing a higher alpha level
is contrary to the conventional 0.05 standard, it might be helpful for addressing some of the
general difficulties of detecting strength effects or interactions in moderated multiple
regression. At the same time, however, a higher alpha level would by definition increase the
likelihood of erroneously concluding the presence of significance. Thus, researchers should
seriously consider the theoretical rationale for a strength effect as well as the potential
implications of Type I and Type II errors in their specific contexts. Although a higher alpha
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 585

level may not be appropriate for investigating strength effects in exploratory analyses,
methodological issues associated with extant dispersion measures may merit a deviation
from the current standard in hypothesis testing until better performing measures are
Our study has some factors that may limit the generalizability of the findings. Because
simulations are driven by assumptions, there is the possibility that the conditions modeled
in our simulation do not accurately represent reality. Additional research is needed to
explore the relationship between dispersion and group-level outcomes under alternate con-
ditions, including deviations from normality and non-Likert response scales. Although we
found consistent effects across various scenarios, we realize that the relationship between
group-level constructs and individual-level measures of those constructs may also differ
from that simulated. Thus, an understanding of the predictive effects of climate strength
may be advanced through theorizing or typologies that articulate the ways in which vari-
ability influences outcome variables (similar to Chan, 1998). Without a better understand-
ing of the true way in which dispersion (as a group-level construct) affects outcomes, it is
difficult to determine how well our results mimic real situations.
Given the sample sizes of the datasets included in our simulation, the differences uncov-
ered between the dispersion measures may be statistically but not practically significant.
As shown by the results, there were high intercorrelations between the measures as well
as similar patterns in their ability to detect strength and interaction effects. Thus, researchers
may have theoretical and interpretative reasons for choosing between dispersion measures
but the results of this study suggest that the various dispersion measures may yield only
slight differences in the inferences made about the relationship between dispersion and
group-level outcome variables. However, the results also suggest that the portion of vari-
ance that is shared by the indexes included here is not completely random, such that spe-
cific indexes are capturing different relationships between variability in group member
perceptions and outcome variables. Therefore, research is needed to develop indexes of dis-
persion that better estimate such relationships.
Despite these limitations, our tests do provide a useful means for comparing the relative
performance of the dispersion indexes. Our results highlight the relationships between vari-
ous indexes of dispersion and reveal some differences in the validity of the measures for
detecting meaningful relationships between group member perceptions and group outcomes.
By examining the qualities and efficacy of these indexes across a variety of scenarios, our
tests allowed us to identify the conditions under which specific dispersion measures might
be most effective. The findings of our study suggest that when modeling level effects, and if
there is sufficient theoretical evidence to support the absence of strength or interaction
effects, the coefficient of variation is the best predictor. However, if there is evidence to sug-
gest that there are strength or interaction effects, our results indicate that researchers may be
better served by using standard deviation as a dispersion measure. Although the average
deviation index may be nearly as useful as standard deviation for detecting the interactive
effects of level and strength on group-level outcomes, standard deviation has a higher like-
lihood of detecting strength effects. The ease with which the standard deviation index can be
calculated further supports its usefulness as a dispersion index.
586 Organizational Research Methods

Data Generation Algorithm
1. Determine scenario parameters (see Table 2).
E, Ng, δB, δV, β1, β2, β3
2. For each group, determine the total amount of variance in the individual variable to be
explained by group membership.
δVi = U(0, δV)
Group dispersion (δD) = 1 – (δB + δVi)
Note that the amount of dispersion (δD) = 1 – (δB + δVi), so that 0 means no variability and
1 means maximum variability.
3. Transform (δD) into standardized units.
Based on a prior simulation, we observe that (δD) has a mean of 0.6714 and SD of 0.1967.
δ’D = (δD – 0.6714) / 0.1967.
4. Generate group-level predictor.
Gj = N(0,1)
5. Generate group-level outcome.
Outcome = [β1 × Gj + β2 × δ’D + β3 × (Gj × δ’D)] + [sqrt(1 – (β12 + β22 + β32)) × N(0,1)]
6. Generate individual-level measure for each group member.
Xij = [sqrt(1 – δ’D) × Gj] + [sqrt(δ’D) × N(0,1)]
Repeat this step for all employees per group (E).
7. Change individual-level measure to 7-point scale.
X’ij = (Xij × 1.4) + 4, with minimum of 1 and maximum of 7.
Repeat this step for all employees per group (E).
8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for all groups (Ng).
9. Calculate measure of group level, or mean X, of each group (x- ).
10. Calculate dispersion measures for each group (AD, SD, rwg, r*wg, awg, V, V’’).
11. Run regression analysis.
Y = B0 + B1 × x- + B2 × dispersion measure + B3 × x- × dispersion measure.
Repeat for all seven dispersion measures.
12. Repeat Steps 1 through 11 ten times.
13. Repeat Steps 1 through 12 for all desired combinations of scenario parameters.

1. The calculation of the interrater agreement index differs based on whether one item per group member or
multiple items per group member are used (James, Demaree, & Wolf, 1984). Accordingly, we refer to rwg when
discussing issues relevant to both indices and to rwg(I) or rwg(J) when discussing issues pertinent to a specific mea-
sure. We did not, however, include number of items as a simulation parameter.
2. We searched various reference sources for research that has examined relationships at the group or team
level of analysis. Specifically, we looked for studies in which measures were taken at the individual level and
within-group agreement indexes were used to justify aggregation of those responses to represent scores at the
group level. Reference sources for this review included: Academy of Management Journal, Administrative
Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and
Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology. Overall, 23 studies were included in our analysis. A list
of these studies and their sample characteristics may be obtained from the first author.
Roberson et al. / Measure of Dispersion 587

3. Given that the focus of this study is on the relative performance of various dispersion measures, we do
not report the regression results associated with the non–dummy independent variables. However, those analy-
ses may be obtained from the second author.

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Quinetta M. Roberson is an associate professor of human resource studies at Cornell University. Her research
includes multilevel investigations of organizational justice—particularly team justice climates and other col-
lective work contexts. Her work also examines climates for diversity and inclusion in organizations, and the link
between diversity and bottom-line outcomes.

Michael C. Sturman ( is an associate professor of Cornell

University’s School of Hotel Administration. He received his PhD in 1997 from Cornell University’s School of
Industrial and Labor Relations. His research examines human resource decision making, the prediction of indi-
vidual job performance over time, and the consequences of compensation decisions.

Tony L. Simons is an associate professor of Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration. His work
focuses on leadership, teamwork, employee climate, and negotiations with emphasis on the concept of behav-
ioral integrity or the perceived pattern of alignment between managers’ words and deeds.

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