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Activity: Articles

Apreciado aprendiz,

De acuerdo a nuestra clase sincrónica, a continuación desarrolle las siguientes actividades:

1. Complete las siguientes oraciones con A, AN, or THE. / Complete the following
sentences with A, AN or THE:

1. Danny wanted _____ new

bicycle for Christmas. 6. Alex is in Boston studying for
a. A _____ MBA.
b. AN a. A
c. THE b. AN
c. THE
2. Jennifer tasted _____ birthday
cake her mother had made. 7. The teacher read _____
a. A interesting article from the
b. AN newspaper.
c. THE a. A
b. AN
3. The children have _____ new c. THE
teacher called Mr. Green. 8. There was _____ huge crowd of
a. A people outside the church.
b. AN a. A
c. THE b. AN
c. THE
4. All pupils must obey _____
rules. 9. Julie talked for _____ hour
a. A about her school project.
b. AN a. A
c. THE b. AN
c. THE
5. Dad turned on _____ radio to
listen to _____ news. 10. _____ European expert was
a. A invited to speak to the
b. AN committee.
a. A
c. THE
b. AN
c. THE
2. Listening. Escuche y señale con un (✓) los objetos que usted escuche. Listen and check
the things that you hear.

3. Listening. Complete las oraciones con a o an. / Listen. Complete the sentences with a
or an.
Entrega final: Al finalizar la actividad, debe entregar por medio de Territorium, correo
electrónico o whatsApp la evidencia con los siguientes detalles :
 Nombre completo, identificación, nombre del programa y número de ficha.
 Ejercicios resueltos.
Good luck!

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