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A Systematic Review of the Research

on Vocabulary Instruction That

Impacts Text Comprehension

Tanya S. Wright ABSTR ACT

Michigan State University, East Lansing, Although numerous studies have identified a correlational relationship
USA between vocabulary and comprehension, we know less about vocabulary
interventions that impact reading comprehension. Therefore, this study is
a systematic review of vocabulary interventions with comprehension out-
Gina N. Cervetti comes. Analyses of 36 studies that met criteria are organized around (a) type
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA of comprehension measure (i.e., comprehension of passages that included
taught words or more generalized comprehension measures) and (b) type
of intervention (i.e., direct teaching of word meanings or word-­learning
strategies). The authors looked for patterns in characteristics of vocabulary
instruction within these analyses. Their findings led to four major themes:
(1) Teaching of word meanings supported comprehension of text contain-
ing the target words in almost all cases; (2) instruction that focused on
some active processing was typically more impactful than a definition or a
­dictionary method for supporting comprehension of text containing the tar-
get words, but we do not know how much instruction is sufficient; (3) there is
very limited evidence that direct teaching of word meanings, even long-­term,
multifaceted interventions of large numbers of words, can improve general-
ized comprehension; and (4) there is currently no empirical evidence that
instruction in one or two strategies for solving word meanings will impact
generalized comprehension. However, studies that actively teach students to
monitor their understanding of vocabulary and to use multiple, flexible strat-
egies for solving word meanings are a promising area for future research. The
authors discuss the implications of these themes, as well as critical avenues
for future vocabulary research.

he ultimate goal of all reading-­related instruction in schools is
to help students comprehend text. Among the many factors
that influence readers’ abilities to make meaning from texts is
their knowledge of the words in those texts. Dozens of studies
­conducted over the last century have documented a strong relation-
ship between vocabulary knowledge and comprehension, finding,
among other things, that the size of a person’s vocabulary is one of the
strongest predictors of his or her reading comprehension (Ricketts,
Nation, & Bishop, 2007; Sénéchal, Ouellette, & Rodney, 2006;
Thorndike, 1917).
Despite the consistency of this predictive relationship, there is
­evidence that schooling has a limited impact on students’ vocabulary
development (Christian, Morrison, Frazier, & Massetti, 2000). As
such, children who arrive at school with low levels of vocabulary
Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)
pp. 203–226 | doi:10.1002/rrq.163
knowledge are likely to continue to have relatively small vocabularies
© 2016 International Literacy Association. and are likely to struggle with text comprehension throughout

their school lives (Catts, Adlof, & Weismer, 2006; students with more limited early vocabulary knowledge
Cunningham & Stanovich, 1997; Stanovich, 1986). A struggle to gain meaning from text and tend to read less
host of recent consensus documents and literacy stan- frequently, and therefore, they learn fewer new words
dards have sought to change this, describing the impor- from text (Cunningham & Stanovich, 1997; Sénéchal
tance of instructing vocabulary in school, and et al., 2006). Those who recommend vocabulary instruc-
recommending explicit instruction of vocabulary words tion in schools seek to disrupt this cycle by boosting
and strategies for determining the meaning of unknown ­students’ vocabulary knowledge or vocabulary-­learning
words (National Governors Association Center for Best strategies to support text comprehension. Yet, it remains
Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers, unclear whether vocabulary instruction can accomplish
2010; National Institute for Literacy, 2008; National this goal and what types of vocabulary instruction might
Institute of Child Health and Human Development, improve comprehension.
2000). The argument underlying these instructional Anderson and Freebody (1981) described several
recommendations is that increased attention to vocabu- hypotheses that seek to explain the well-­documented
lary instruction in school will improve students’ vocab- relationship between vocabulary and comprehension.
ulary knowledge and that this increased vocabulary The aptitude hypothesis proposes that vocabulary and
knowledge will, in turn, improve students’ reading comprehension are linked by an underlying factor (i.e.,
comprehension. general aptitude) that impacts both outcomes. Given its
Although there is strong evidence to substantiate focus on an innate aptitude, this hypothesis has had
the first part of this argument—that vocabulary limited instructional implications. The knowledge
instruction supports vocabulary learning (e.g., hypothesis suggests that vocabulary actually represents
Biemiller & Boote, 2006; Ford-­Connors & Paratore, knowledge (i.e., a person who knows the word deglaze
2015; Marulis & Neuman, 2010)—less is known about likely knows something about cooking), and it is the
the impact of vocabulary instruction on students’ knowledge that boosts comprehension. However, stud-
reading comprehension. Therefore, this article exam- ies investigating this hypothesis have found that knowl-
ines vocabulary interventions that seek to impact text edge and vocabulary may make distinct contributions
comprehension. Specifically, we report the results of a to comprehension (e.g., Stahl, Hare, Sinatra, & Gregory,
systematic literature review and qualitative synthesis 1991). Most vocabulary studies have ascribed to the
of this body of research to understand the characteris- instrumentalist hypothesis, which suggests that knowl-
tics of instruction in these studies. We were interested edge of a word’s meaning directly impacts reading com-
in describing vocabulary interventions that do and do prehension. Based on this hypothesis, to improve text
not improve passage-­ level text comprehension. We comprehension, one must either lower the vocabulary
examined studies of vocabulary interventions that demands in a text or ensure that readers know the
measured comprehension outcomes using passages meanings of a majority of the words in a text before
that included the words taught during the interven- reading.
tions and those that used more generalized compre- A final hypothesis, proposed by Mezynski (1983),
hension measures that did not intentionally use the focuses on speed of access to word meanings. From this
instructed words. perspective, the goal of vocabulary instruction is not
only knowledge of a word’s meaning but also easy
access to the word’s meaning in memory. If a word
Theory Relating Vocabulary meaning is challenging to retrieve, the reader is forced
to expend attentional resources that are needed for
to Comprehension comprehension. This hypothesis led to a focus on inter-
The nature of the relationship between vocabulary ventions that involve depth of processing of word mean-
knowledge and comprehension is not entirely under- ings. For example, Stahl and Fairbanks (1986) proposed
stood. However, educational researchers have posited a a hierarchy in which association of a word with a defini-
reciprocal model in which vocabulary knowledge tion reflects limited depth of processing, comprehen-
­supports comprehension of text and text comprehension sion of a word’s meaning (e.g., understanding a word in
supports vocabulary learning (Nagy, 2005; Stanovich, a sentence, providing an antonym) is evidence of greater
1986). That is, students who possess more vocabulary depth of processing, and generation of a new response
knowledge are likely to be better text comprehenders (i.e., using the word in an original sentence) is evidence
because they are more likely to know the meanings of of greatest depth of processing. Similarly, Beck,
the words contained in a text. Because reading is a mean- McKeown, and colleagues have focused on active pro-
ingful activity for these students, they tend to read fre- cessing of word meaning based on the premise that flu-
quently and gain additional vocabulary knowledge ency of retrieval is better promoted when students
incidentally from their extensive reading. In contrast, actively engage with a word and its meaning (e.g.,

204 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

comparing and contrasting word meanings) rather than the massive number of words that students need to
receiving information from the teacher (e.g., Beck & know in order to comprehend school texts. Some vocab-
McKeown, 1991; McKeown & Beck, 2014). ulary researchers have addressed this concern by argu-
ing that it is critical to determine which words are most
important to teach (Graves, 2015; Nagy & Hiebert,
2010). Recently, scholars have argued for teaching
Vocabulary Instruction sophisticated academic words that occur across school
and Comprehension contexts (i.e., Tier 2 words; Beck, McKeown, & Kucan,
Although researchers have suggested that that the apti- 2013). Yet, it remains unclear whether it is possible to
tude, knowledge, instrumentalist, and speed-­of-­access teach enough of these academic words to impact stu-
hypotheses likely each provide some explanation for the dents’ reading comprehension broadly.
relationship between vocabulary and comprehension,
the latter two theories have driven much of the vocabu- Teaching Word-­Solving Strategies
lary intervention research over the last half-­century. Concerns about the vast number of words in school
Interventions based on the instrumentalist and speed-­ texts has led to vocabulary interventions that move
of-­access hypotheses have taken one of two approaches beyond direct teaching of word meanings to focus on
to supporting comprehension: (1) direct teaching of a supporting students in learning strategies for deriving
set of word meanings (e.g., Apthorp et al., 2012; Stahl, word meanings (e.g., from context, based on morpho-
1983) or (2) teaching strategies for making sense of logical knowledge), rather than direct teaching of word
unknown words during reading (e.g., Baumann et  al., meanings (Baumann et  al., 2002; Graves, 2006).
2002). Proponents of this type of strategy instruction have
argued that students can use the ability to solve the
Direct Teaching of Word Meanings meanings both to improve their comprehension of texts
The majority of vocabulary intervention studies with and to acquire new word knowledge over time. Similar
comprehension outcomes used direct teaching of word to the pattern of research on direct teaching of word
meanings to build students’ vocabularies and support meanings, it is clear that when instruction is provided
their comprehension. These studies typically examined on word-­solving strategies, students improve at apply-
students’ comprehension of text soon after students ing these strategies (e.g., Baumann, Edwards, Boland,
were taught a set of words that appear in the text. Many Olejnik, & Kame’enui, 2003; Kieffer & Lesaux, 2012).
of these direct teaching studies focused on active pro- What remains unclear is whether there is evidence that
cessing and depth over breadth in vocabulary instruc- instruction in word-­ learning strategies leads to
tion, using rich, multidimensional, and extended improvements in text comprehension.
vocabulary instruction (e.g., Beck & McKeown, 2007;
Silverman, 2007) as a way of increasing both speed of
access and retention of word meanings. Typically, this Previous Meta-­analyses
multifaceted instruction includes explanations of word
meanings and multiple opportunities to encounter and and Syntheses
use the word across contexts. Although many studies To tackle some of these questions, two meta-­analyses
have found positive effects on word learning from direct have examined vocabulary interventions that include
teaching, we know less about how much and what type comprehension outcomes (Elleman, Lindo, Morphy, &
of vocabulary instruction—and how much active pro- Compton, 2009; Stahl & Fairbanks, 1986). Both meta-­
cessing by students—is needed to support comprehen- analyses found overall positive effects for vocabulary
sion of a text containing the taught words. interventions on comprehension outcomes, particularly
A second possible implication of the instrumental- for comprehension of passages that include the vocabu-
ist hypothesis is to suggest that students should be lary words that were directly taught in the intervention.
taught a set of high-­ utility academic vocabulary For example, in their meta-­analysis of 52 studies on
words—words that appear frequently in academic vocabulary instruction, Stahl and Fairbanks found that
texts—in the interest of ensuring that, over time, stu- vocabulary instruction improves students’ reading
dents begin to encounter fewer unknown words in comprehension of passages, with a stronger effect on
texts. The question of whether it is possible to teach passages that contain the words that were taught (effect
enough words to improve a student’s general reading size = .97) than for global measures of comprehension
comprehension has been debated in the vocabulary lit- (i.e., those that do not contain the taught words; effect
erature. Nagy and Anderson (1984) described the futil- size = .30). Based on a comparison of effect sizes, Stahl
ity of direct teaching of individual word meanings given and Fairbanks concluded that the most effective

A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 205
vocabulary teaching methods included both defini- teaching vocabulary. Methods for locating and select-
tional and contextual information in their programs, ing these studies were not provided. However, based
involved the students in deeper processing, and gave on the included studies, Mezynski concluded that
students more than one or two exposures to the to-­be-­ there appeared to be three important variables that
learned words. mattered for vocabulary instruction to transfer to
Elleman et al. (2009) updated Stahl and Fairbanks’s comprehension: “(1) amount of practice given to the
(1986) meta-­analysis by using newer analytic methods. words, (2) breadth of training in the use of the words,
Elleman et al. included only studies of K–12 instruction and (3) the degree to which active processing is
(whereas Stahl and Fairbanks included studies of adults) encouraged” (p. 273).
and only studies that included a passage comprehension The National Reading Panel (National Institute of
outcome (i.e., versus other kinds of measures such as Child Health and Human Development, 2000) also
cloze tests). In total, Elleman et al. included 37 studies attempted to look systematically at the impact of vocab-
in their meta-­ analysis. Unlike Stahl and Fairbanks, ulary instruction on comprehension. Although they
Elleman et  al. compared all researcher-­designed (cus- found too few studies that met criteria for their intended
tom) measures, regardless of whether they contained meta-­analysis, based on a qualitative review, they con-
taught or untaught words, with standardized measures. cluded that vocabulary instruction can impact compre-
The researchers found larger effects of vocabulary hension. The researchers were unable to draw specific
instruction on the custom measures (Hedges’s g = 0.50), conclusions about the characteristics of effective
with minimal effects for standardized measures instruction because the studies with comprehension
(Hedges’s g = 0.10). The researchers suggested that the outcomes “typify the heterogeneity among definitions
difference in effect sizes across the two meta-­analyses and implementations of vocabulary instruction” (p.
may be due either to differences in the included studies 4-­20). Other reviews (e.g., Baumann, 2005; Baumann,
or to the more conservative methods used to evaluate Kame’enui, & Ash, 2003; Blachowicz & Fisher, 2000;
effects in the newer meta-­analysis (e.g., different effect RAND Reading Study Group, 2002) include sections
size calculations). Elleman et al. found stronger effects summarizing studies of vocabulary with comprehen-
on comprehension when the participants receiving the sion outcomes. Yet, none of these reports includes a sys-
treatment were reading below grade level and smaller tematic review of the literature.
effects when studies included more stringent control
Unlike Stahl and Fairbanks (1986), Elleman et  al.
(2009) were unable to consider instructional variables The Current Study
such as depth of processing. They argued that there Given the practical importance of understanding what
were too few studies across instructional categories to we do and do not yet know based on vocabulary inter-
conduct a moderator analysis and that direct statistical ventions that may impact comprehension, we under-
comparison of these studies, as was done in the early took the present study to systematically examine
meta-­analysis, is methodologically tenuous because relevant research. Although there have been several
there were not enough studies to represent all levels of syntheses and book chapters (see the previous discus-
each factor. In addition, some of the variance attributed sion) addressing the topic of the relationship between
to these instructional variables could be due to method- vocabulary and comprehension, it is not apparent that
ological and participant factors that could not be taken the qualitative reviews relied on exhaustive methods for
into account. Therefore, although the researchers were searching the literature with the focus on including all
able to update and substantiate Stahl and Fairbanks’s relevant intervention studies that met criteria.
overall findings, they were unable to provide informa- Therefore, the first goal of this study was to complete a
tion related to the specific characteristics of vocabulary systematic search of the literature to ensure the inclu-
instruction that impacted comprehension. Also, sion of all available peer-­reviewed vocabulary interven-
because they compared custom and standardized mea- tion studies with passage-­ level comprehension
sures, Elleman et al. did not distinguish between com- outcomes that we could locate. Given the large number
prehension of passages with taught words and more of vocabulary intervention studies published in the past
generalized comprehension. decade, we were also interested in how findings from
In addition to Stahl and Fairbanks’s (1986) and newer studies might contribute to the discussions in
Elleman et al.’s (2009) meta-­a nalyses, there have also earlier chapters and meta-­analyses.
been several qualitative reviews that focused specifi- Because this research has been considered too het-
cally on vocabulary interventions with comprehen- erogeneous for statistical moderator analyses, our sec-
sion outcomes. Mezynski (1983) reviewed eight studies ond goal was to use qualitative coding and analytic
that attempted to improve reading performance by strategies to look for patterns in the characteristics of

206 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

vocabulary interventions that do and do not impact 2. The study included a passage-reading or listening
comprehension. Rather than being deterred by the comprehension outcome measure (e.g., read and
broad range of definitions, instructional strategies, respond to question, read and retell, sentence verifi-
research designs, and measures in these studies, we cation), which is either a proximal measure of com-
were interested in whether we could identify common prehension of a text containing taught words or a
patterns despite these differences. Therefore, in this generalized comprehension measure of a passage
review, we included a broad range of vocabulary inter- that does not intentionally contain taught words.
ventions implemented with prekindergarten through We included studies that had other outcomes, such
12th-­grade students, including those that focused on as vocabulary learning, as long as there was also a
direct teaching of word meanings and interventions separate passage comprehension measure.
focused on teaching word-­solving strategies. All of the 3. The study appeared in a peer-reviewed journal.
selected studies included a passage comprehension out- Given our interest in describing effective instruc-
come—either using taught-­word comprehension out- tion, we were interested in research that had been
come measures (i.e., listening or reading comprehension vetted by the peer review process.
measures using texts including the vocabulary words
4. The study included more than one condition. We
that were taught as part of the instructional interven-
included studies with the following research
tion) or generalized comprehension measures (i.e.,
designs: between-subjects comparison of multi-
researcher-­designed or standardized measures of com-
ple treatments, between-subjects comparison of
prehension of texts that did not intentionally include
treatment(s) with a no-treatment control, within-
vocabulary words that were taught in the instructional
subjects comparison of multiple treatments, and
intervention). We then coded these studies based on
within-subjects comparison of treatment(s) with
characteristics of instruction and on research design
a no-treatment control.
characteristics. Specifically, we were interested in what
we could discern descriptively about characteristics 5. The study was published in English.
(e.g., type of intervention, duration, attention to active 6. The study focused on the prekindergarten
processing, word selection) of vocabulary instruction through secondary levels, not postsecondary.
that might support comprehension of connected text.
Finally, our third goal was to use these analyses to We searched for studies using the term
make recommendations to inform future research on
vocabulary AND (comprehension OR recall OR retelling
vocabulary instruction. We were interested in estab- OR retell OR inferencing OR inferences) AND at least one
lishing what we currently know and whether earlier of the following terms: context clues, context cues, gloss,
claims hold up to systematic inquiry that includes glosses, implicit, instruction, intervention, interventions,
results of newer studies. Therefore, for each important learning, lexical, selection, metacognitive, morphological,
characteristic, we created counts that enabled us to morphology, semantic feature, semantic features, strategies,
examine the number of studies with similar patterns of strategy, taught, teaching, word analysis, word learning,
findings. However, we were also interested in using this word meaning, word meanings
analysis to systematically analyze what we do not yet
know. Therefore, we carefully describe outlier studies We searched all terms using * for inflected endings.
and inconsistencies in patterns to understand whether These initial searches provided 864 references. Out of
these might suggest fertile pathways for future vocabu- concern that we might have missed studies focused on
lary research. younger students where vocabulary was taught during
shared reading with listening comprehension outcomes,
we conducted follow-­ up searches using the terms
“vocabulary AND (comprehension OR recall OR retell-
Method ing OR retell OR inferencing OR inferences) AND at
Study Selection least one of the following terms: shared reading, dialogic
reading, read-­aloud, read aloud, listening.” We found an
We searched ERIC using the ProQuest interface and the
additional 517 references. Two doctoral students in edu-
References sections of previous meta-­ analyses and
cation read the abstracts for each source to determine
reviews. We applied the following six criteria in select-
whether each study met our study inclusion criteria.
ing studies for this analysis:
Questions were resolved through discussion with us. A
1. The study was (broadly) a vocabulary interven- third doctoral student checked this list again by reading
tion and not a naturalistic study of the and summarizing each of the identified studies.
­relationship between vocabulary knowledge and At this point, we read each article in full and pre-
comprehension. pared a summary of each that included descriptions of

A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 207
Inclusion Criteria Across Three Reviews
Study Total number
Review years Participants Search Outcome of studies
Stahl, S.A., & Fairbanks, M.M. (1986). The 1932–1985 All (grade 1– ERIC search, Any 52
effects of vocabulary instruction: A model-­based college) including comprehension
meta-­analysis. Review of Educational Research, dissertations outcome,
56(1), 72–110. including cloze

Elleman, A.M., Lindo, E.J., Morphy, P., & 1961–2006 Pre-­K–12 Multiple Passage 37
Compton, D.L. (2009). The impact of vocabulary databases, comprehension
instruction on passage-­level comprehension of including
school-­age children: A meta-­analysis. Journal dissertations
of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2(1),

Current study 1965–2015 Pre-­K–12 ERIC search, Passage 36

peer-­ reviewed comprehension
Note. We reviewed all studies contained in Stahl and Fairbanks’s and Elleman et al.’s reviews. The earliest study that met the inclusion criteria for the
current study was published in 1965.

the sample, intervention, measures, and outcomes. Type of Intervention

Studies were excluded if comprehension instruction or We coded each study for the intervention approach at
content instruction was combined with vocabulary two levels. At the first level, we distinguished interven-
instruction in a manner that prevented us from being tions that focused on direct teaching of word meanings
able to understand the distinct contribution of vocabu- or word-­ solving strategies. At the second level, we
lary (e.g., Jackson & Dizney, 1963). Because our focus is focused on more specific instructional characteristics.
on text comprehension at the passage level (similar to Within studies of direct teaching of word meanings, we
Elleman et al., 2009), we excluded studies that only used applied codes that characterized the methods for direct
cloze measures of comprehension. Cloze measures have instruction of word meanings (e.g., use of instructional
been critiqued as questionable comprehension mea- aids such as semantic feature analysis charts, graphic
sures because they are not sensitive to comprehension organizers, or dictionaries). For strategy instruction, we
that reaches across sentences in a passage (for further coded for the taught strategies (e.g., context cues, mor-
discussion of these issues, see Pearson & Hamm, 2005). phological instruction). Where there were multiple
We also excluded studies that did not report results of a vocabulary conditions, we carefully documented the
separate passage comprehension measure (i.e., compre- differences between each group.
hension was combined with vocabulary; e.g., Korat &
Shamir, 2012). Given our interest in vocabulary instruc- Participants
tion, we excluded studies in which the only intervention We coded each study for the age or grade of study par-
was a direct translation of the full text (e.g., Hsu, ticipants. We also examined other sample characteris-
Hwang, Chang, & Chang, 2013). We excluded studies if tics where this information was available (e.g.,
we could not determine whether the comprehension socioeconomic status, language status, reading level).
measure included taught vocabulary (e.g., Taboada &
Rutherford, 2011), as this was a question of interest for Duration of the Intervention
our work. We excluded studies that were secondary For studies that provided information about instruc-
analyses of data from another included study (e.g., tional time, we calculated the total number of minutes
Crevecoeur, Coyne, & McCoach, 2014). Table 1 provides of instruction provided and the time span (i.e., did
a summary of inclusion criteria used in this analysis instruction occur over the course of hours, days, weeks,
compared with previous meta-­analyses. or months?) of the intervention. Interventions that
lasted more than four weeks were classified as long-­
Data Coding and Analysis term programs of instruction.

Instructional Characteristics Average Minutes of Instruction per Word

We coded each of the selected studies based on a series Where possible, we calculated the average minutes of
of characteristics relevant to the analysis, including instruction per word by dividing the total minutes of
characteristics related to the nature and duration of instruction by the number of words taught. The latter
instruction. measurement was only applicable in interventions that

208 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

focused on direct instruction of a particular set of assignment, we examined pretest measures used to
words. establish equivalence or used as covariates in analyses
of the impact of the intervention on comprehension
Active Processing outcomes. In within-­ subjects designs, we recorded
We coded each intervention condition for whether whether the treatment order was counterbalanced.
­students were required to interact with the meaning of a In the first round of coding, we each coded half of
word (i.e., compared with being told the meaning of a the studies. We then completed a second round of cod-
word by an instructor or computer). We were guided by ing where studies were randomly assigned to one of us
Stahl and Fairbanks’s (1986) depth-­ of-­
processing to check the accuracy of the initial codes. We used a
scheme. For example, we considered the condition to series of matrices to cluster studies according to the
include active processing if students compared and con- major codes of interest (Miles & Huberman, 1994). For
trasted word meanings, answered questions about the each analysis, we display the findings of the included
meaning of the word, created their own definitions, studies in tabular form, we include counts of studies
wrote sentences that used the word, or engaged in that did and did not impact the comprehension out-
semantic mapping or semantic feature analysis. come measure, and we then describe the included
studies in more detail and explain themes that emerge
Type of Words Taught when we examine the studies as a group. Results of
For studies in which a particular set of words was some studies are included in multiple sections of the
taught, we recorded any information about the research- analysis. For example, if a study included both a taught
ers’ approaches to word selection. word and a generalized comprehension measure, we
analyzed instruction and effects in each of these cate-
Research Design Features gories. We provide information about each study in
In addition, we examined each of the selected studies the Appendix (available as supporting information for
based on a series of research design features that were the online version of this article), including a descrip-
relevant to the analysis and helped us consider the qual- tion of the study participants, instructional condi-
ity of the studies. tions, word selection and the number of words taught,
and the duration of the intervention, as well as detailed
explanations of the study design, treatments, and com-
Type of Comprehension Measure and Effects
prehension measures.
We coded each study according to whether the research-
ers used a taught-­word comprehension outcome mea-
sure (i.e., the taught words were included in the
comprehension passage in the assessment) or a general- Results
ized comprehension measure (i.e., taught words were
not included) and whether the study found effects for Overview of the Studies
the treatment relative to a control or comparison group. Our final sample included 36 studies. Eleven of these
This coding aligns with Stahl and Fairbanks’s (1986) studies were published since 2006 and, therefore, were
coding scheme. At the second level, we characterized not included in previous meta-­analyses. Of the 36 stud-
the measures as researcher-­developed or standardized, ies, the majority (22 studies) focused on students in
using the dichotomy from Elleman et  al.’s (2009) grades 3–5. The participants in five studies were kin-
meta-­analysis. dergarten through second-­grade students; in five stud-
ies, they were middle school students (grades 6–8); and
Study Design in four studies, they were high school students (grades
Study designs were coded as between-­subjects compari- 9–12). We found no prekindergarten studies that met
son of multiple treatments, between-­subjects compari- the study criteria. The participants in the studies
son of treatment(s) with a no-­ treatment control, included students with a broad range of background
within-­subjects comparison of multiple treatments, or characteristics. We describe these characteristics as we
within-­subjects comparison of treatment(s) with a no-­ discuss the exemplar studies, and we provide more
treatment control. detailed information about the participants in the
Assignment to Condition Although word selection strategies were of particu-
We categorized each study based on whether partici- lar interest in this study, we found limited variability
pants were randomly assigned to condition or nonran- across studies. Almost all studies selected challenging
dom and whether assignment was at the child, words from one or more texts using some type of nomi-
classroom, or school level. For studies with nonrandom nation process (i.e., by teachers or experts, by other

A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 209
students during a pilot, based on curricular materials). Brief Direct Instruction of Word Meanings
Six studies selected words directly from a vocabulary
As shown in Table 2, the 19 direct teaching studies with
list (e.g., Coxhead, 2000; Dale & O’Rourke, 1981). Four
significant positive effects on taught-­word comprehen-
studies combined teacher nomination and the word’s
sion measures ranged in overall duration and in the
presence on an existing vocabulary list. Given the over-
instructional time (minutes per word) dedicated to
whelming similarity of word selection techniques, we
teaching word meanings. Some studies involved very
were unable to look for patterns of findings using the
brief interventions. For example, three studies com-
word selection code. Therefore, we primarily describe
pared brief direct teaching of word meanings in the
outlier studies if they used alternate strategies for word
context of reading or read-­a louds to an exposure-­only
selection (i.e., beyond nomination of challenging words
condition (no instruction; Greene Brabham & Lynch-­
or word lists). Information about word selection for
Brown, 2002; Hawkins, Musti-­Rao, Hale, McGuire, &
each study is included in the Appendix.
Hailley, 2010; Kame’enui, Carnine, & Freschi, 1982). All
The Results subsections that follow are organized
three studies demonstrated that providing even brief
primarily by type of comprehension measure (i.e., taught
instruction on word meanings before or during reading
word or generalized) and whether the intervention had
is more effective for supporting comprehension than
effects on that measure. We viewed these different mea-
exposure to the words through reading alone. For
sures as indications of different instructional goals for
example, in Hawkins et  al.’s study, the treatment
the intervention. The studies with taught-­word compre-
involved having the fourth-­grade students pronounce
hension measures were typically seeking to understand
each word and then the teacher read a definition and
how vocabulary instruction could boost comprehension
sentence for each word directly before students read the
of a particular text containing taught words. Studies
text. We estimated that this routine required less than
that included generalized comprehension measures
one minute per word. Yet, even this brief instructional
were typically attempting to use strategy instruction or
attention to word meanings improved passage compre-
long-­term or more in-­depth instruction of large num-
hension compared with exposure during reading alone.
bers of words to boost students’ comprehension more
Similarly, the treatment in two studies involved giv-
generally. Within these sections, we compared studies
ing students access to glosses while they read on a com-
based on instructional characteristics with type of inter-
puter (i.e., the computer provided students with
vention—whether the study focused on direct teaching
information about word meanings during reading;
of word meanings or on strategy instruction—as our
Reinking & Rickman, 1990; Türk & Erçetin, 2014).
secondary method of organization. At the third level, we
Reinking and Rickman found that requiring sixth grad-
examined other instructional characteristics of these
ers to access definitions while they read on a computer
studies to look for meaningful patterns that might
was more effective for supporting comprehension than
inform current practice and future research.
giving students a dictionary and allowing them to
choose whether to access definitional information.
Studies With Taught-­Word Similarly, Türk and Erçetin found that requiring
Comprehension Measures Turkish ninth-­grade students to view verbal and visual
The majority of the studies included in this research definitional information about a word was more effec-
synthesis examined the impact of interventions that tive for supporting their English text comprehension
involved direct teaching of word meanings on compre- than letting students choose either the verbal or visual
hension of passages that included the taught target information.
words. We found a total of 25 studies in this category. Four studies compared brief preteaching of word
Two of these studies combined direct teaching of word meanings before (i.e., immediately before to a few days
meanings with strategy instruction. Although studies before) reading a text that included those words with a
varied greatly in the details of their instructional meth- no-­treatment control group (Carney, Anderson,
ods, 21 of the 25 studies (19 direct teaching studies and Blackburn, & Blessing, 1984; Medo & Ryder, 1993; Pany,
the two that combined direct teaching with strategy Jenkins, & Shreck, 1982; Stahl, 1983). Although these
instruction) found significant effects for at least one studies were more likely to attend to active processing
condition on the taught-­word comprehension measure. than those described previously, instruction was brief,
Therefore, in most cases, teaching students the mean- lasting from one to four hours total and devoting two to
ings of the words in a passage supported students’ com- 10 minutes to preteaching each word’s meaning.
prehension of that passage. Below we describe and Preteaching methods included providing definitions,
compare some of the characteristics of these effective use of the word in context, and/or brief discussions
studies and then consider what we might learn from the about each word. For example, Pany et al. taught 12 tar-
four outlier studies that did not have effects. get words to fourth-­graders by having the instructor

210 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

Studies of Direct Teaching on Comprehension of Passages With Embedded Taught Words
Minutes of
Duration of instruction Effects on
Study intervention per word comprehension
Hawkins, R.O., Musti-­Rao, S., Hale, A.D., McGuire, S., & Hailley, J. (2010). Brief <1a Yes
Examining listening previewing as a classwide strategy to promote reading
comprehension and vocabulary. Psychology in the Schools, 47(9), 903–916.

Kame’enui, E.J., Carnine, D.W., & Freschi, R. (1982). Effects of text Brief <1a Yes
construction and instructional procedures for teaching word meanings on
comprehension and recall. Reading Research Quarterly, 17(3), 367–388.

Reinking, D., & Rickman, S.S. (1990). The effects of computer-­mediated texts Brief <1a Yes
on the vocabulary learning and comprehension of intermediate-­grade readers.
Journal of Literacy Research, 22(4), 395–411.

Türk, E., & Erçetin, G. (2014). Effects of interactive versus simultaneous display Brief <1a Yes
of multimedia glosses on L2 reading comprehension and incidental vocabulary
learning. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27(1), 1–25.

Stahl, S. (1983). Differential word knowledge and reading comprehension. Brief 2–3 Yes
Journal of Reading Behavior, 15(4), 33–47.

Greene Brabham, E., & Lynch-­Brown, C. (2002). Effects of teachers’ reading-­ Brief 4.5 Yes
aloud styles on vocabulary acquisition and comprehension of students in the
early elementary grades. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(3), 465–473.

Wixson, K.K. (1986). Vocabulary instruction and children’s comprehension of Brief 6 Yes
basal stories. Reading Research Quarterly, 21(3), 317–329.

Pany, D., Jenkins, J.R., & Schreck, J. (1982). Vocabulary instruction: Effects on Brief 2–10 Yes
word knowledge and reading comprehension. Learning Disability Quarterly, 5(3),

Carney, J.J., Anderson, D., Blackburn, C., & Blessing, D. (1984). Preteaching Brief 10 Yes
vocabulary and the comprehension of social studies materials by elementary
school children. Social Education, 48(3), 195–196.

Bos, C.S., Anders, P.L., Filip, D., & Jaffe, L.E. (1989). The effects of an Brief 10 Yes
interactive instructional strategy for enhancing reading comprehension and
content area learning for students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning
Disabilities, 22(6), 384–390.

McKeown, M.G., Beck, I.L., Omanson, R.C., & Pople, M.T. (1985). Some effects Brief 15 Yes
of the nature and frequency of vocabulary instruction on the knowledge and use
of words. Reading Research Quarterly, 20(5), 522–535.

Nash, H., & Snowling, M. (2006). Teaching new words to children with poor Brief 15 Yes
existing vocabulary knowledge: A controlled evaluation of the definition
and context methods. International Journal of Language & Communication
Disorders, 41(3), 335–354.

Bos, C.S., & Anders, P.L. (1990). Effects of interactive vocabulary instruction Brief 20 Yes
on the vocabulary learning and reading comprehension of junior-­high learning
disabled students. Learning Disability Quarterly, 13(1), 31–42.

Medo, M.A., & Ryder, R.J. (1993). The effects of vocabulary instruction on Brief Could not Yes
readers’ ability to make causal connections. Literacy Research and Instruction, calculateb
33(2), 119–134.

Bos, C.S., & Anders, P.L. (1992). Using interactive teaching and learning Brief Could not Yes
strategies to promote text comprehension and content learning for students calculateb
with learning disabilities. International Journal of Disability Development and
Education, 39(3), 225–238.

Apthorp, H., Randel, B., Cherasaro, T., Clark, T., McKeown, M., & Beck, I. Long-­term 6–17 Yes
(2012). Effects of a supplemental vocabulary program on word knowledge and
passage comprehension. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 5(2),


A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 211
Studies of Direct Teaching on Comprehension of Passages With Embedded Taught Words (continued)
Minutes of
Duration of instruction Effects on
Study intervention per word comprehension
Beck, I.L., Perfetti, C.A., & McKeown, M.G. (1982). Effects of long-­term Long-­term 22 Yes
vocabulary instruction on lexical access and reading comprehension. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 74(4), 506–521.

McKeown, M.G., Beck, I.L., Omanson, R.C., & Perfetti, C.A. (1983). The effects Long-­term 22 Yes
of long-­term vocabulary instruction on reading comprehension: A replication.
Journal of Literacy Research, 15(1), 3–18.

Lesaux, N.K., Kieffer, M.J., Kelley, J.G., & Harris, J.R. (2014). Effects of Long-­term 59 Yes
academic vocabulary instruction for linguistically diverse adolescents: Evidence
from a randomized field trial. American Educational Research Journal, 51(6),

McKeown, M.G., & Beck, I.L. (2014). Effects of vocabulary instruction on Brief Could not No
measures of language processing: Comparing two approaches. Early Childhood calculateb
Research Quarterly, 29(4), 520–530.

Seifert, K., & Espin, C. (2012). Improving reading of science text for secondary Brief 12 No
students with learning disabilities: Effects of text reading, vocabulary learning,
and combined approaches to instruction. Learning Disability Quarterly, 35(4),

Tuinman, J.J., & Brady, M.E. (1974). How does vocabulary account for variance Brief 10 No
on reading comprehension tests? A preliminary instructional analysis. In P.L.
Nacke (Ed.), 23rd yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 176–184).
Clemson, SC: National Reading Conference.

Coyne, M.D., McCoach, D.B., Loftus, S., Zipoli, R., Ruby, M., Crevecoeur, Y.C., Long-­term 20 No
& Kapp, S. (2010). Direct and extended instruction in kindergarten: Investigating
transfer effects. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 3(2), 93–120.
Time not provided in the report, but we were able to estimate based on the procedures provided. bTime not provided in the report, and we were

unable to estimate based on the procedures provided.

show students the printed words, read the words aloud, from the briefer direct teaching studies in several
provide a synonym, and then state a sample sentence important respects. First, overall duration of these stud-
containing the words. Although the intervention was ies was substantially greater, as was the number of min-
brief in duration (a total of 60–120 minutes to learn this utes devoted to the instruction of each word (i.e., often
information to criterion), the students performed better upward of 20 minutes per word). Second, the time lapse
on comprehension questions assessing parts of the pas- between instruction and assessment was longer. In
sage containing the taught words compared with sec- these studies, the comprehension assessment was typi-
tions that contained untaught control words. cally administered at the end of a months-­long pro-
Therefore, despite substantial recent attention to gram. Third, the nature of the instruction was different
longer term and more robust instruction of word mean- in that these interventions included a broad range of
ings, taken together, these studies suggest that even instructional activities to support learning word mean-
brief interventions that provide information about word ings. Activities included introducing words during
meanings had positive impacts on comprehension. reading using contextual and definitional information,
applying word meanings through various word games
and activities, exploring relationships among words,
Longer Term and More Time-­Intensive and extension activities at home.
Direct Instruction of Word Meanings These studies of programs of vocabulary develop-
Four studies that showed effects on taught-­word com- ment also included multiple encounters with each word
prehension passages compared with a no-­ treatment over time. For example, Lesaux et  al. (2014) involved
control were long-­term (i.e., typically lasting five or six more than 2,000 linguistically diverse sixth-­ grade
months) programs of vocabulary development (Apthorp ­students in a 20-­week intervention, involving 45 min-
et  al., 2012; Beck, Perfetti, &McKeown, 1982; Lesaux, utes of intensive vocabulary instruction each day on a
Kieffer, Kelley, & Harris, 2014; McKeown, Beck, total of 70 target words (for an average of almost 60
Omanson, & Perfetti, 1983). This set of studies differed minutes of instruction per word). Students were exposed

212 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

to the words in context, connected the word meanings semantic feature analysis. In McKeown et  al.’s (1985)
to prior knowledge, learned additional meanings and study, the experimental treatments focused on rich
uses for the words, analyzed the words morphologi- instruction (i.e., including matching words with defini-
cally, used them in writing, and reviewed them using tions, associating a word with a context, creating con-
cooperative games. The students in the treatment con- texts for words, comparing and contrasting words to
dition outperformed a no-­treatment control group on a discover relationships). In five out of seven cases, the
measure of expository text comprehension that included treatment involving more active processing had greater
the taught words. As will be discussed in a later section,effects on a taught-­word comprehension measure admin-
treatment students did not make greater gains on a gen- istered immediately following the intervention (Bos &
eralized comprehension measure. Anders, 1990, 1992; Bos et  al., 1989; McKeown et  al.,
Therefore, most studies, whether they provided stu- 1985; Nash & Snowling, 2006). In addition, the studies by
dents with brief information about word meanings or Bos and colleagues demonstrated that findings in favor
were longer term, more intensive programs that taught of the active-­ processing groups were maintained at
word meanings, led to improved comprehension com- follow-­up four to six weeks later.
pared with no intervention when taught words were Two studies that seemingly did not show effects for
embedded in the comprehension passages. Although the active-­processing condition compared with the defi-
long-­term programs clearly had different instructional nition treatment were Stahl (1983) and Wixson (1986).
goals (i.e., to build student’s vocabulary more generally,In Stahl’s study, although both treatments performed
to support students in being able to retain word mean- better than a no-­treatment control, there was no advan-
ings and access them fluently over a longer period of tage for the fifth-­grade students when they received def-
time), it remains unclear whether this more replete and inition plus contextual treatment compared with the
time-­consuming instruction has advantages for sup- definition-­only treatment. However, upon a detailed
porting taught-­ word comprehension compared with analysis of the conditions, it becomes clear that the dif-
less-­intensive interventions. ferences between the two treatments were fairly subtle
and that both involved active processing; following dis-
cussion of the words’ meanings, students in the defini-
Studies Comparing Direct tion plus contextual treatment produced sentences using
Word-­Teaching Methods the words, whereas students in the definition-­only treat-
Although the weight of the evidence suggests that direct ment produced their own definitions. Wixson com-
teaching of word meanings—both brief and time-­ pared average and above-­average fifth grade readers’
limited instruction and long-­term programs—support comprehension of a narrative text. Some students were
comprehension of passages containing taught words pretaught unfamiliar words that were most central to
compared with no instruction at all, the question the story, whereas others were taught unfamiliar words
remains about the relative effectiveness of different that were less central to the story. Students were taught
approaches to teaching words to support passage com- words using either a dictionary method (look up each
prehension. Fifteen studies compared the effects of dif- word and write a sentence for it) or a concept method
ferent methods for direct teaching of word meanings on (students discussed examples and nonexamples to deter-
a taught-­word comprehension measure (see Table 3). mine critical attributes of a word, and the instructor
Seven studies compared instructional approaches guided students to a definition of it). Similar to Stahl’s
focused on greater active processing with a definition or study, students in both conditions had the opportunity
dictionary method (i.e., treatments in which students to actively apply the word meaning. Wixson found that
were either provided definitions for the words or looked students who were taught central vocabulary compre-
up the words in dictionaries; Bos & Anders, 1990, 1992; hended ideas in the story that contained these words,
Bos, Anders, Filip, & Jaffe, 1989; McKeown, Beck, whereas students taught noncentral vocabulary compre-
Omanson, & Pople, 1985; Nash & Snowling, 2006; Stahl, hended ideas that contained noncentral words. Yet,
1983; Wixson, 1986). All of these interventions were there was no clear advantage for either vocabulary
relatively brief in duration but ranged broadly in time teaching method on passage comprehension overall.
spent on teaching individual word meanings (from two In studies that compared multiple, interactive
to 20 minutes per word). approaches, it is difficult to determine whether particu-
In these studies, methods in one of the treatment lar instructional methods are superior, because studies
conditions were typically more interactive compared ranged broadly in the details of their treatments and in
with the definition or dictionary methods. For example, their duration. For example, McKeown et  al. (1983)
in Bos and colleagues’ (Bos & Anders, 1990, 1992; Bos found that students performed better on comprehen-
et  al., 1989) and Nash and Snowling’s (2006) studies, sion questions in a text containing words that had been
experimental treatments included semantic mapping or reviewed more often; however, when Bos and Anders

A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 213
Studies Comparing Multiple Methods for Direct Teaching of Word Meanings on Taught-­Word Comprehension
Study Vocabulary interventions processing
Bos, C.S., & Anders, P.L. (1990). Effects of interactive vocabulary instruction • Definition No
on the vocabulary learning and reading comprehension of junior-­high learning • Semantic mappinga Yes
disabled students. Learning Disability Quarterly, 13(1), 31–42. • Semantic feature analysisa Yes
• Semantic/syntactic feature Yes
Bos, C.S., & Anders, P.L. (1992). Using interactive teaching and learning • Definition No
strategies to promote text comprehension and content learning for students • Interactive strategies (semantic Yes
with learning disabilities. International Journal of Disability Development feature analysis, semantic
and Education, 39(3), 225–238. mapping)a

Bos, C.S., Anders, P.L., Filip, D., & Jaffe, L.E. (1989). The effects of an • Dictionary No
interactive instructional strategy for enhancing reading comprehension and • Semantic feature analysisa Yes
content area learning for students with learning disabilities. Journal of
Learning Disabilities, 22(6), 384–390.

Greene Brabham, E., & Lynch-­Brown, C. (2002). Effects of teachers’ • Exposure to words in read-­aloud No
reading-­aloud styles on vocabulary acquisition and comprehension of students • Performance (word meanings Yes
in the early elementary grades. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(3), discussed after reading)a
465–473. • Interactional (word meanings Yes
discussed during reading)a
Hawkins, R.O., Musti-­Rao, S., Hale, A.D., McGuire, S., & Hailley, J. (2010). • Exposure to words in silent reading No
Examining listening previewing as a classwide strategy to promote reading • Listening preview (exposure to No
comprehension and vocabulary. Psychology in the Schools, 47(9), 903–916. words as teacher reads text aloud)
• Listening preview plus vocabulary No
preview (teacher provides
definition plus example sentences)a
Kame’enui, E.J., Carnine, D.W., & Freschi, R. (1982). Effects of text • Exposure to words in easy No
construction and instructional procedures for teaching word meanings on vocabulary passage
comprehension and recall. Reading Research Quarterly, 17(3), 367–388. • Exposure to words in difficult No
vocabulary passage
• Exposure to words in difficult No
vocabulary passages with additional
information about vocabulary
meanings contained in text
• Exposure to difficult vocabulary Yes
passage plus vocabulary traininga
• Exposure to difficult vocabulary Yes
with vocabulary integration training
(vocabulary reviewed during
McKeown, M.G., & Beck, I.L. (2014). Effects of vocabulary instruction • Repeated read-­alouds with teacher Yes (less)
on measures of language processing: Comparing two approaches. Early providing child-­friendly definitions,
Childhood Research Quarterly, 29(4), 520–530. matching words to definitions
• Interactive: Read-­alouds plus child-­ Yes (more)
friendly definitions focused on a
variety of contexts; in follow-­up,
students respond to situations
focused on usage of word in
different contexts
• Read-­aloud only No
McKeown, M.G., Beck, I.L., Omanson, R.C., & Perfetti, C.A. (1983). The • Some instruction on word meanings Yes
effects of long-­term vocabulary instruction on reading comprehension: A • Many opportunities to learn word Yes
replication. Journal of Literacy Research, 15(1), 3–18. meaningsa

McKeown, M.G., Beck, I.L., Omanson, R.C., & Pople, M.T. (1985). Some • Traditional (definitions) No
effects of the nature and frequency of vocabulary instruction on the • Rich (explored various aspects of Yes
knowledge and use of words. Reading Research Quarterly, 20(5), 522–535. word meanings)a
• Extended rich (rich plus out-­of-­ Yes
school activity)a
Nash, H., & Snowling, M. (2006). Teaching new words to children with poor • Dictionary No
existing vocabulary knowledge: A controlled evaluation of the definition • Context (made semantic map)a Yes
and context methods. International Journal of Language & Communication
Disorders, 41(3), 335–354.


214 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

Studies Comparing Multiple Methods for Direct Teaching of Word Meanings on Taught-­Word Comprehension
Outcomes (continued)
Study Vocabulary interventions processing
Reinking, D., & Rickman, S.S. (1990). The effects of computer-­mediated • Paper text and dictionary No
texts on the vocabulary learning and comprehension of intermediate-­grade • Paper text and glossary No
readers. Journal of Literacy Research, 22(4), 395–411. • Computer text and select No
definitions (students select whether
to look at definitions)
• Computer text and all (students No
must look at definitions)a
Stahl, S. (1983). Differential word knowledge and reading comprehension. • Definition (discussed meanings, Yes
Journal of Reading Behavior, 15(4), 33–47. generated own definitions)a
• Definition plus contextual Yes
information (discussed meanings
and different usages)a
Tuinman, J.J., & Brady, M.E. (1974). How does vocabulary account for • Learned list A and explored Yes
variance on reading comprehension tests? A preliminary instructional analysis. various aspects of word meanings
In P.L. Nacke (Ed.), 23rd yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. (self-­instructional)
176–184). Clemson, SC: National Reading Conference. • Learned list B and explored Yes
various aspects of word meanings
Türk, E., & Erçetin, G. (2014). Effects of interactive versus simultaneous • Interactive gloss display (learner No
display of multimedia glosses on L2 reading comprehension and incidental selects visual or verbal gloss)
vocabulary learning. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27(1), 1–25. • Simultaneous gloss display (verbal No
and visual information in single
Wixson, K.K. (1986). Vocabulary instruction and children’s comprehension of • Dictionary and wrote sentencea Yes (less)
basal stories. Reading Research Quarterly, 21(3), 317–329. • Concept (learn words as concepts Yes (more)
through examples and nonexamples
and discussions of critical features)a
Significant differences compared with other conditions not marked with a on taught-­word comprehension.

(1990) compared several instructional conditions that study these words at a deep level scored better on a taught-­
promoted active processing, all were equally effective in word comprehension task than students who received
promoting passage comprehension compared with a more traditional (i.e., teacher-­ directed) vocabulary
definition-­only approach. instruction. Levin, Levin, Glasman, and Nordwall (1992)
When taken in conjunction with the earlier analy- found that students who were taught to use a mnemonic
ses in this review, studies comparing different instruc- keyword to support word learning scored better on
tional treatments suggested that more attention to taught-­word comprehension than students who learned a
active processing has a stronger impact on comprehen- definition and students who engaged in free study of
sion of passages containing the taught words compared vocabulary words. In both studies, providing students
with more receptive approaches, such as exposure dur- with strategies to support their word learning had added
ing reading, brief definitions, or a dictionary method. benefits for taught-­word comprehension.
However, given the broad range of methods and differ-
ing amounts of instructional time spent per word in the Direct Teaching Studies That Did Not
active-­processing interventions, it is difficult to deter- Impact Taught-­Word Comprehension
mine which methods might be most effective and
Four outlier studies did not find a significant positive
whether there are instructional benefits to more time
effect for vocabulary instruction on taught-­word pas-
and focus per word.
sages (Coyne et  al., 2010; McKeown & Beck, 2014;
Seifert & Espin, 2012; Tuinman & Brady, 1974).
Studies That Combined Direct Teaching Although there were only three studies in our analysis
and Strategy Instruction that included kindergartners, two of these (Coyne et al.,
Two taught-­word comprehension studies combined direct 2010; McKeown & Beck, 2014) were included in this no-­
teaching of word meanings with instruction on strategies effects group. In Coyne et  al.’s study, kindergartners
to support independent vocabulary learning. Dole, Sloan, participated in a program in which they were taught 54
and Trathen (1995) found that 10th-­grade students who Tier 2 words (high-­utility general academic words) over
were taught how to select vocabulary to learn and how to 18 weeks. Treatment students made gains on knowledge

A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 215
of the taught vocabulary words compared with a one study compared direct teaching with strategy
business-­ as-­
usual control group but did not signifi- instruction. Although the studies varied in the details
cantly outperform the control on the taught-­word lis- of their instructional methods, only four of the 16 stud-
tening comprehension measure. Researchers found a ies (two direct teaching studies and two strategy
significant interaction such that treatment students instruction studies) found effects for at least one condi-
with higher pretest vocabulary scores made greater tion on the generalized comprehension measure. Next,
gains on listening comprehension. In McKeown and we describe some characteristics of studies that were
Beck’s study, kindergartners learned 30 Tier 2 words in not effective and then consider what we might learn
one of two treatment conditions (more and less interac- from the four outlier studies with significant, positive
tive word learning) or a read-­a loud comparison group. effects on generalized comprehension.
Although both treatment groups learned more word
meanings compared with the control group, there were Studies of Direct Teaching
no differences compared with the read-­ a loud-­only of Word Meanings
group on the listening comprehension measure.
Nine of the generalized comprehension studies used
In Seifert and Espin’s (2012) study, 10th-­grade stu-
multifaceted interventions to directly teach word mean-
dents identified as having learning disabilities received
ings (Apthorp, 2006; Apthorp et  al., 2012; Beck et  al.,
two hours of vocabulary instruction focused on 10 words
1982; Lesaux, Kieffer, Faller, & Kelley, 2010; Lesaux
from a science text. This vocabulary intervention involved
et  al., 2014; McKeown et  al., 1985; Nash & Snowling,
direct teaching of a definition, providing students with
2006; Nelson & Stage, 2007; Simmons et al., 2010). Most
contextual information, and posing two probing ques-
of these studies selected words from academic word
tions to practice applying the word. Although there were
lists or words judged to be high-­utility academic words,
no significant differences across treatments on the
and used multiple, active methods for supporting stu-
taught-­word comprehension measure, the researchers
dents’ learning of the meanings of the words, including
suggested that with a small sample (N = 20), outlier scores
associating a word with a definition or synonym, learn-
may have impacted these findings. Without the outliers,
ing the word across multiple contexts, creating contexts
findings trended toward the treatment condition. In
for words, comparing and contrasting words to discover
Tuinman and Brady’s (1974) study, students in grades 4–6
relationships, sentence generation tasks, classification
used self-­guided vocabulary-­learning materials to study
tasks, oral and written production tasks, gamelike tasks
sets of words. Comprehension was then tested on pas-
completed under timed conditions, tasks that take
sages that included the taught words and passages that
advantage of the semantic or affective relationships
did not. Although students learned the words that were
between the target words and previously acquired
taught, they demonstrated no differences in comprehen-
vocabulary, tasks that ask students to engage with the
sion across the two types of passages.
target word outside of class, morphological analysis of
Therefore, in two studies that did not demonstrate
words, and tasks that connect word meanings to prior
statistically significant findings (Coyne et  al., 2010;
knowledge. As shown in Table  4, these interventions
Seifert & Espin, 2012), results on taught-­word compre-
were generally time-­ intensive, allowing six to 26
hension still trended toward the treatment aligning
instructional minutes per taught word.
with the overall pattern of results across studies. Also,
Two studies focused primarily on multifaceted word
two of these studies involved kindergartners and listen-
teaching but also included some morphology (i.e., strat-
ing comprehension measures (Coyne et  al., 2010;
egy) instruction (Lesaux et al., 2010, 2014). In the 2010
McKeown & Beck, 2014), suggesting that young learn-
study, Lesaux and colleagues provided sixth-­grade stu-
ers may require alternative vocabulary instruction
dents who were mostly from language-­minority back-
methods or more sensitive comprehension measures.
grounds with multifaceted vocabulary instruction of 72
word meanings and lessons on morphology and using
Studies With Generalized context cues. Although the researchers found effects on
Comprehension Measures other measures (e.g., students learned taught words and
A second set of vocabulary intervention studies improved in their morphological knowledge), neither
included measures of generalized comprehension (i.e., the 2010 study nor the 2014 study, which employed a
taught words were not embedded in the comprehension similar intervention, documented significant gains on a
­passage). We found a total of 16 studies in this category.1 standardized general comprehension measure. Notably,
Of these, seven studies focused only on direct teaching both studies included more instructional time per word
of word meanings, six studies focused primarily on than any other study in our sample.
strategy instruction, two studies combined direct teach- Of the nine studies, only two found generalized com-
ing of word meanings with strategy instruction, and prehension effects compared with a no-­treatment control

216 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

Direct Teaching of Word Meanings Compared With Control on Generalized Comprehension
Minutes of
Description of instruction
Study direct teaching Duration per word
Apthorp, H.S. (2006). Effects of a supplemental vocabulary program in third-­ • Multifaceted Long-­term 14
grade reading/language arts. The Journal of Educational Research, 100(2),

McKeown, M.G., Beck, I.L., Omanson, R.C., & Pople, M.T. (1985). Some effects • Multifaceted Brief 15
of the nature and frequency of vocabulary instruction on the knowledge and
use of words. Reading Research Quarterly, 20(5), 522–535.

Nash, H., & Snowling, M. (2006). Teaching new words to children with poor • Dictionary Long-­term 15
existing vocabulary knowledge: A controlled evaluation of the definition
and context methods. International Journal of Language & Communication • Context (semantic
Disorders, 41(3), 335–354. map)

Nelson, J.R., & Stage, S.A. (2007). Fostering the development of vocabulary • Multifaceteda Long-­term 15
knowledge and reading comprehension though contextually-­based multiple
meaning vocabulary instruction. Education & Treatment of Children, 30(1),

Apthorp, H., Randel, B., Cherasaro, T., Clark, T., McKeown, M., & Beck, I. • Multifaceted Long-­term 6–17
(2012). Effects of a supplemental vocabulary program on word knowledge and
passage comprehension. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness,
5(2), 160–188.

Beck, I.L., Perfetti, C.A., & McKeown, M.G. (1982). Effects of long-­term • Multifaceteda Long-­term 22
vocabulary instruction on lexical access and reading comprehension. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 74(4), 506–521.

Simmons, D., Hairrell, A., Edmonds, M., Vaughn, S., Larsen, R., Wilson, V., … • Multifaceted Long-­term 26
Byrns, G. (2010). A comparison of multiple strategy methods: Effects on fourth-­
grade students’ general and content-­specific reading comprehension and • Comprehension
vocabulary development. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, strategies
3(2), 121–156.

Lesaux, N.K., Kieffer, M.J., Faller, S.E., & Kelley, J.G. (2010). The • Primarily Long-­term 45
effectiveness and ease of implementation of an academic vocabulary multifaceted, with
intervention for linguistically diverse students in urban middle schools. Reading some morphology
Research Quarterly, 45(2), 196–228. (strategy)

Lesaux, N.K., Kieffer, M.J., Kelley, J.G., & Harris, J.R. (2014). Effects of • Primarily Long-­term 59
academic vocabulary instruction for linguistically diverse adolescents: Evidence multifaceted, with
from a randomized field trial. American Educational Research Journal, 51(6), some morphology
1159–1194. (strategy)
Significant differences compared with no-­treatment control on generalized comprehension measure.

(Beck et al., 1982; Nelson & Stage, 2007). In Beck et al.’s studies have not been able to replicate the significant,
study, 23 fourth-­grade students from low-­income fami- positive generalized comprehension effects.
lies in one classroom received instruction on 104 words In the second study with positive effects for general-
that were drawn from fourth-­grade curricular materials ized comprehension (Nelson & Stage, 2007), 283 stu-
and grouped for instruction in semantic categories (e.g., dents in grades 3 and 5 were taught 36 target words and
people, what you can do with your arms, moods). three related words to represent additional word mean-
Instruction included defining tasks, sentence generation ings for a total of 144 words (e.g., for the word accident,
tasks, classification tasks, oral and written production students also learned fluke, mishap, and by chance).
tasks, and tasks designed to form associations across tar- Word selection methods differed from any other study
get words. The treatment group outperformed the no-­ that we reviewed. Words were initially selected from
treatment, matched pretest control (i.e., other students in The Living Word Vocabulary list (Dale & O’Rouke,
the same school) on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills reading 1981) if they had two to four mutually exclusive mean-
subtest. Although this is a promising finding, researchers ings and if fourth to sixth graders were likely to struggle
who employed similar interventions in five more recent with them (i.e., familiarity scores were not available for

A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 217
the word list for grade 3). The authors then used The analysis showed a statistically significant impact on stu-
Educator’s Word Frequency Guide (Zeno, Ivens, Millard, dents’ generalized comprehension compared with no
& Duvvuri, 1995) to ensure that the final selected words intervention at all.
were in the 1,000 most frequent words and were widely
used words in texts for grades 3–6. To learn the words,
students examined and discussed sentences that used Studies of Strategy Instruction
the words in context. They also learned the history of Seven generalized comprehension studies focused on
each target word, created word-­meaning maps, prac- vocabulary strategy instruction—supporting students
ticed multiple meanings for each target word, and wrote in learning to determine the meanings of unknown
short stories using the target words. Therefore, this words—rather than direct instruction of particular
study differed substantially from others in this category words. See Table 5 for results of these studies. Of these
in both its selection of words and some aspects of the studies, five showed no effects on generalized compre-
instruction, such as a focus on polysemy (i.e., many hension measures relative to comparison groups, one
possible meanings for a word). Third-­grade students had effects on generalized comprehension, and one
with low and average-­to-­high initial vocabulary and eliminated differences between students in a Title I
comprehension made greater gains than control stu- school compared with above-­average readers in a more
dents on the Gates–MacGinitie Reading Test compre- advantaged school.
hension scale. Fifth graders with low initial vocabulary All five strategy studies with no effects on general-
and comprehension had similar results; however, there ized comprehension involved instruction in one or two
were no significant differences for fifth graders who word-­solving strategies. Two of the studies involved a
started with average-­to-­high pretest scores. treatment focused on using context clues to determine
Together, these studies provide little support for the word meanings (Hafner, 1965; Tomesen & Aarnoutse,
efficacy of long-­ term, multifaceted interventions for 1998). Other instructional interventions included mor-
improving generalized comprehension. Despite sub- phology and context clues instruction (Baumann et al.,
stantial instructional attention to direct teaching of 2002) and semantic ambiguity training (Zipke, Ehri, &
word meanings, only two of the nine studies in this Cairns, 2009).

Studies of Strategy Instruction on Generalized Comprehension Outcomes
Study Description of strategy instruction
Baumann, J.F., Edwards, E.C., Boland, E.M., Olejnik, S., & Kame’enui, E.J. • Morphemic/context clues
(2003). Vocabulary tricks: Effects of instruction in morphology and context • Direct instruction of content vocabulary
on fifth-­grade students’ ability to derive and infer word meanings. American
Educational Research Journal, 40(2), 447–494

Baumann, J.F., Edwards, E.C., Font, G., Tereshinski, C.A., Kame’enui, E.J., & • Morphemic
Olejnik, S. (2002). Teaching morphemic and contextual analysis to fifth-­grade • Context cues
students. Reading Research Quarterly, 37(2), 150–176.
• Morphemic-context

Hafner, L.E. (1965). A one-­month experiment in teaching context aids in fifth • Context clues
grade. The Journal of Educational Research, 58(10), 472–474. • No-treatment control

Lubliner, S., & Smetana, L. (2005). The effects of comprehensive vocabulary • Comprehensive vocabulary developmenta
instruction on Title I students’ metacognitive word-­learning skills and reading • No treatment (above-average readers)a
comprehension. Journal of Literacy Research, 37(2), 163–200.

Sampson, M.R., Valmont, W.J., & Van Allen, R. (1982). The effects of • Cloze exercisesb
instructional cloze on the comprehension, vocabulary, and divergent production • No treatment
of third-­grade students. Reading Research Quarterly, 17(3), 389–399.

Tomesen, M., & Aarnoutse, C. (1998). Effects of an instructional programme for • Context cluesb
deriving word meanings. Educational Studies, 24(1), 107–128. • No treatment

Zipke, M., Ehri, L.C., & Cairns, H.S. (2009). Using semantic ambiguity instruction • Metalinguistic ambiguity instruction (analyzed
to improve third graders’ metalinguistic awareness and reading comprehension: multiple meanings of words and sentences)
An experimental study. Reading Research Quarterly, 44(3), 300–321. • Unrelated instructional control (read and
discussed books)
In this study, the goal of this intervention was for Title I students to catch up to readers in an above-­average school; therefore, no differences at
posttest was an important finding. bSignificant differences compared with other conditions on the comprehension measure.

218 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

One study compared strategy instruction (i.e., mor- et  al., 2009) was unable to provide information about
phology and context clues) with direct teaching of word specific instructional characteristics that impacted text
meanings (Baumann, Edwards, et al., 2003). Although comprehension. Therefore, the goals for this analysis
the students in the strategy treatment improved on were to complete a systematic review of the literature, to
measures of their strategy use (e.g., students in the mor- look for themes that might help us understand the
phology group improved on a morphology measure, broad range of instructional interventions, and to
students in the direct teaching group improved on understand how these patterns, as well as studies that
learning word meanings), neither group had stronger did not fit the patterns, might suggest future avenues
outcomes on the generalized comprehension measure. for vocabulary instruction research. In this section, we
Taken together, these studies provided no empirical discuss these patterns of findings and consider how
evidence that instruction in one or two strategies for these might inform future research.
solving word meanings impacts generalized compre- We found four major themes:
hension. However, two studies employing broader con-
1. Teaching word meanings supported comprehen-
ceptions of strategy instruction had effects and
sion of text containing the target words in almost
suggested promising ideas for future research (Lubliner
all cases.
& Smetana, 2005; Sampson, Valmont, & Van Allen,
1982). Lubliner and Smetana taught fifth-­grade stu- 2. Instruction that focused on some active process-
dents from a low-­performing Title I school to actively ing was typically more impactful than a defini-
monitor their understanding of word meanings during tion or dictionary method for supporting
reading, as well as numerous wordlearning strategies comprehension of text containing the target
for clarifying a word’s meaning (e.g., consider the con- words, but we do not know how much instruction
text, study the structure, mine your memory, substitute is sufficient.
a synonym). Some direct teaching was included when 3. There is very limited evidence that direct teach-
teachers reviewed the meanings of student-­identified ing of word meanings, even long-term, multifac-
words at the end of the lesson. Students in the treatment eted interventions of large numbers of words, can
group received 18 hours of instruction over 12 weeks improve generalized comprehension.
and caught up to more advantaged peers (in an above-­ 4. There is currently no empirical evidence that
average performing school) on comprehension of new, instruction in one or two strategies for solving
researcher-­designed texts that did not include vocabu- word meanings will impact generalized compre-
lary words discussed during the intervention. hension. However, studies that actively teach stu-
Sampson et al. (1982) provided small-­group instruc- dents to monitor their understanding of
tion to third-­grade students, focusing on a series of 27 vocabulary and use multiple, flexible strategies
cloze exercises. The cloze tasks were structured so stu- for solving word meanings are a promising area
dents had to consider both semantic and syntactic lan- for future research.
guage constraints for missing vocabulary. Students
worked on the cloze tasks independently and then dis- Next, we discuss each of these findings and its
cussed words that could satisfy the semantic and syn- implications for practice and future research.
tactic constraints with their teacher during reading
centers. Treatment students scored higher than the
business-­as-­usual control group on a generalized, stan- Theme 1: Teaching Word Meanings
dardized comprehension measure. Supports Text Comprehension
These two studies provide preliminary evidence The finding that teaching the meanings of words in a
that actively teaching students to monitor their under- passage is an effective support for comprehension is con-
standing of vocabulary and to use multiple, flexible sistent with those reported by Stahl and Fairbanks (1986)
strategies for solving word meanings may be a promis- in their landmark meta-­analysis. We examined a large
ing approach to supporting students’ comprehension of number of studies of direct teaching on taught-­word
passages, including their generalized comprehension of comprehension measures in this review, and the major-
passages that do not contain pretaught words. ity of these studies found positive, significant effects for
the treatment. These findings offer clear implications for
practice: Even limited vocabulary instruction (i.e., less
than one minute per word) is better than no vocabulary
Discussion instruction at all if the goal is to support students’ com-
This synthesis examined 36 studies that tested the prehension of a particular text. Providing students with
impact of one or more vocabulary interventions on pas- even brief explanations of word meanings prior to read-
sage comprehension. A recent meta-­analysis (Elleman ing boosted passage comprehension compared with not

A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 219
receiving this instruction (e.g.,  Carney et  al., 1984). Further complicating this issue is the ambiguity
Likewise, using technology to give students access to around retention. Within the studies of long-­ term
glosses (i.e., to provide basic information about word vocabulary programs involving multifaceted instruc-
meanings) while reading online boosted comprehension tion, taught-­word comprehension posttests were often
and may be an efficient and practical strategy for sup- administered at the end of months-­long interventions,
porting students’ reading (e.g., Türk & Erçetin, 2014). whereas in many of the shorter interventions, compre-
Text comprehension depends in part on understand- hension assessments were administered shortly after
ing the meanings of the words in the text and on integrat- students learned the meanings of words that would
ing their meanings into the development of a mental appear in the assessment passages. In general, both
model of the text (Perfetti & Stafura, 2014). Therefore, it is types of studies positively impacted taught-­word com-
not surprising that even a small amount of information prehension, but it may be that the more intensive
about the meaning of unfamiliar words in a text—and instructional methods support sustained impacts of the
particularly about the specific meanings intended in the vocabulary intervention on comprehension. Three
text—might give students a boost in their comprehension studies by Bos and colleagues (Bos & Anders, 1990,
of a text containing the taught words. In light of this find- 1992; Bos et  al., 1989) tested this question empirically
ing, it is particularly concerning that studies have repeat- by administering follow-­up comprehension measures
edly documented little vocabulary instruction in schools four to six weeks later. All three found that all active-­
(Carlisle, Kelcey, & Berebitsky, 2013; Scott, Jamieson-­ processing conditions continued to have an advantage
Noel, & Asselin, 2003; Wright & Neuman, 2014). over conditions without active processing; yet, no dif-
ferences among active-­ processing conditions were
found. Therefore, future research must determine how
Theme 2: Active Processing Matters, much attention to active processing is sufficient to sup-
but How Much Active Processing port comprehension of texts that will be read immedi-
Is Enough? ately compared with texts that students will encounter
Although brief attention to word meanings boosted in the future.
comprehension compared with no vocabulary support at Stahl (1990) argued that there are certain reader-­
all, most of the studies included in this analysis showed and text-­based factors that may require more extensive
that active processing of word meanings during instruc- vocabulary instruction to support comprehension of a
tion has a greater impact on comprehension than more passage with new vocabulary: if the concept repre-
passive approaches, such as being told the definitions of sented by the new word is not known by the student, if
words. After almost 30 additional years of vocabulary the proposition that the word is in is relatively impor-
research, this finding also affirms Stahl and Fairbanks’s tant for comprehension of the entire passage, and if
(1986) conclusions on depth of ­processing and aligns the context is nondirective or misdirective (i.e., mak-
with Mezynski’s (1983) speed-­of-­access hypothesis and ing it difficult to figure out the word from context). In
cognitive-­ processing theories (Bransford, Brown, & other cases, such as if the concept is familiar, if the
Cocking, 1999), which focus on the active mental manip- word is relatively unimportant to the overall meaning
ulation of word meanings to improve access to these of the passage, or if the context is directive, Stahl sug-
meanings from memory. gested that extensive instruction may not be needed.
Yet, there continue to be challenges in interpreting Yet, only one study (Wixson, 1986) examined word
these findings in practice given the wide array of learning with attention to any of these nuances. In
instructional approaches. Some studies involving mul- particular, Wixson found that teaching students the
tifaceted instruction spent a substantial amount of meanings of words that were central to a story
instructional time on each word, using numerous, improved students’ comprehension of more central
intensive instructional methods, whereas other studies ideas in the text. This suggests that if the goal is to
addressed active processing by including brief semantic improve comprehension of a particular text, investing
mapping or asking students to briefly discuss a word or instructional time in words that are closest to the key
write a sentence to apply a word’s meaning. Due to the ideas and themes might have the greatest payoff in
broad range of instructional methods that showed posi- terms of comprehension. However, in the current
tive effects and the variability in the outcome measures review, most studies taught general academic words
used to test these effects and comparison treatments, it without regard to the difficulty of the concepts or the
is difficult to determine whether more extensive atten- role of the words in the passages. Also, in most cases,
tion to active processing (i.e., longer duration, more all words within a program received a similar instruc-
instructional time dedicated to each word) supports tional treatment. Instructional time is precious, and
comprehension of taught-­ word passages more effec- therefore future research must seek to understand the
tively than interventions of more modest intensity. amount and type of instruction that should be

220 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

­ rovided for individual words relative to impact on
p word in the text, word retention goals, particular
comprehension. comprehension/learning goals, and developmental learn-
Two outcomes of Stahl and Fairbanks’s (1986) ing needs—might be important for promoting effective
review that we were unable to examine systematically and efficient taught-­ word comprehension. As Stahl
were their finding that more than one or two exposures (1990) pointed out, “extensive instruction may not be
to target words resulted in greater impacts on compre- needed for all words in all situations. What is needed is a
hension and their finding that definition plus contex- means for teachers to better estimate when words need
tual information is better for comprehension than extensive instruction and when less extensive instruction
either of these alone. All but two studies in the review would be equally useful” (p. 3).
(i.e., the studies of glosses) included more than one or
two exposures to the target word. As such, there was
limited variability. Also, only two studies in our review
Theme 3: Limited Evidence That
systematically manipulated the number of exposures to Teaching Word Meanings Improves
the target words, and both found benefits for many Generalized Comprehension
exposures (Beck et  al., 1982; McKeown et  al., 1983). Although it is clear that vocabulary instruction can
Only one study directly compared a definition with a improve comprehension of a text containing taught
definition-­plus-­context condition (Stahl, 1983). In that words, the studies in this review do not give us a very
study, both conditions had equivalent effects on the clear picture about how we can move the needle on text
comprehension measure; however, both conditions comprehension more generally by supporting students’
involved students in actively processing the words’ vocabulary development. Although correlational stud-
meanings. Future studies should consider whether ies have documented a relationship between vocabulary
these particular instructional features (i.e., exposures; knowledge and comprehension (e.g., Cunningham &
definitions, contextual information, or both) remain Stanovich, 1997), we found only two studies that were
the most important characteristics to consider in able to use direct teaching of word meanings as a mech-
designing vocabulary instruction for authentic class- anism for improving students’ generalized comprehen-
room contexts or whether the more nuanced approach sion. In 1987, Nagy and Herman argued that “it is highly
suggested by Stahl (1990) in later work (i.e., which unlikely that teaching individual word meanings could
words should be taught, in which ways, for which com- ever produce more than a very slight increase in general
prehension goals) is more generative for supporting reading comprehension” (p. 31), and this prediction
comprehension. seems to have presaged the findings of much of the next
Another important consideration based on this 30 years of vocabulary research.
study may be the age of the students. Although the In most cases, even multifaceted, long-­term direct
majority of included studies focused on upper elemen- teaching of a large number of word meanings did not
tary students, in the two studies that focused only on impact students’ generalized comprehension compared
kindergartners, multifaceted direct teaching of Tier 2 with no-­treatment control groups. This is particularly
words did not improve students’ listening comprehen- discouraging because these interventions required an
sion of texts containing those words. Importantly, in enormous investment of instructional time. Students
one of these studies (Coyne et al., 2010), students who typically acquired information about the instructed
started with higher vocabulary scores at pretest scored words and often performed better than no-­treatment
higher on the posttest comprehension measure. This controls on taught-­ word comprehension measures;
suggests that young students with more limited vocabu- however, there was no far transfer to the generalized
lary knowledge may not yet be ready to benefit from the comprehension measures, even when hundreds of
type of instruction typically provided in multifaceted words were instructed in depth over a period as long as
vocabulary interventions. For example, it is possible two years (e.g., Apthorp et al., 2012). This finding seems
that younger students may need support with more to support Nagy and colleagues’ (e.g., Nagy & Anderson,
common, everyday (i.e., Tier 1) words that occur in text 1984) contention that given the sheer number of words
(Hiebert, 2005). Future research should consider stu- that students encounter in text, even very intensive and
dents’ developmental needs in designing vocabulary long-­term direct instruction on a small subset of these
instruction. words seems an unlikely strategy to make a dent in
Overall, these findings challenge the conventional ­supporting generalized comprehension.
wisdom that more time-­ consuming, multifaceted It is possible that impacts on generalized compre-
instruction is always more effective than less time-­ hension could be achieved in more longitudinal inter-
consuming instruction for taught-­word comprehension. ventions. The amount and depth of vocabulary
More research is needed to understand how a range of knowledge needed to impact generalized comprehen-
factors—type of word, type of text, the role of the new sion may take years of vocabulary instruction to

A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 221
develop. Yet, based on current evidence, it seems critical word meanings may promote improved comprehension
to consider whether these time-­intensive interventions in texts containing that word, which in turn allows for
will provide an appropriate return on the instructional incidental vocabulary learning. According to Nagy’s
investment. When interventions spend anywhere from (2005) reciprocal model of the relationship between
15 minutes to almost an hour to teach an individual vocabulary and comprehension, strong comprehenders
word, using hundreds of instructional hours over a are likely to gain new vocabulary incidentally as they
school year, and fail to positively impact generalized read. There is also empirical evidence for the idea that
comprehension, questions arise about whether there text comprehension is a platform for learning new
might be a better use for this precious instructional words (Barnes, Ginther, & Cochran, 1989; Diakidoy,
time. Future research should consider the trade-­offs of 1998). For example, Diakidoy found that sixth-­grade
devoting so much time to vocabulary instruction rela- students who had higher comprehension of a social
tive to other approaches to supporting students’ studies text acquired more knowledge of low-­frequency,
comprehension. target vocabulary word meanings from context than
Two studies were able to document impacts of direct did students with poor comprehension of the text, inde-
teaching of word meanings on generalized comprehen- pendent of the students’ breadth of prior word knowl-
sion. It is worth considering how these studies are dis- edge. Therefore, supporting students’ vocabulary by
tinct, particularly because several newer studies in this teaching a set of target words may, in turn, boost com-
review that employed similar instructional methods as prehension of a text containing those words enough to
Beck et  al. (1982) have been unable to replicate that enable students to learn untaught words in the text inci-
study’s positive findings on generalized comprehen- dentally as they read. These incidentally learned words,
sion. As we look at this study and at Nelson and Stage’s in turn, may support future comprehension of texts
(2007) study, which also found positive generalized containing those words. Additional research is needed
comprehension effects, several features stand out. First, to investigate these complexities.
in both cases, the researchers focused on words that Some have argued that the “generalized comprehen-
were both unknown and expected to appear in texts sion” construct should not be used in education because
that students were likely to read in that school year, comprehension is genre-­specific (Duke & Roberts, 2010),
rather than selecting a set of general academic words. discipline-­or content-­specific (Shanahan, Shanahan, &
For example, Nelson and Stage focused on identifying Misischia, 2011), or even topic-­or domain-­ specific
challenging words that students were likely to encoun- (Hirsch, 2003; Recht & Leslie, 1988). As such, teaching
ter in grade-­level texts, and Beck et  al. selected words specific word meanings with the goal of improving com-
from curricular reading materials. Second, in both prehension of all texts may be an unrealistic goal. Yet, if
cases, words were grouped in semantically related sets words represent broader conceptual knowledge (i.e., the
(i.e., semantic categories in Beck et  al.’s study, sets of knowledge hypothesis; Anderson & Freebody, 1981), it is
four related words in Nelson and Stage’s study). An possible that this conceptual knowledge might transfer
additional, unique feature of Nelson and Stage’s inter- to texts that require a similar knowledge base. Although
vention is its focus on teaching polysemy. Researchers we found studies that taught words during content area
have found that polysemy is a likely cause of challenges instruction and included passage comprehension mea-
for readers, particularly in discipline-­ specific texts sures (e.g., Cervetti, Barber, Dorph, Pearson, &
where words have particular or uncommon meanings Goldschmidt, 2012), we could not disentangle vocabu-
(Cervetti, Hiebert, Pearson, & McClung, 2015). Yet, this lary instruction from content area (i.e., knowledge-­
was the only study in which the word selection and building) instructional methods in these studies and,
instructional methods specifically targeted this issue, therefore, could not include them in this analysis. Thus,
and therefore additional studies focused on polysemy the relationships among knowledge building, vocabu-
are needed. Together, these findings point to the need lary instruction, and text comprehension need further
for further research on more targeted word selection study.
strategies that carefully consider the ways that vocabu-
lary in texts that students are likely to read might pose
particular challenges to text comprehension.
Theme 4: No Evidence That Teaching
Stahl and Fairbanks (1986) hypothesized that any One or Two Strategies Supports
positive effects of vocabulary teaching on generalized Generalized Comprehension
comprehension measures may not be due to the words Interventions that taught one or two strategies for ­figuring
that were directly taught but rather to other incidental out the meanings of unknown words (e.g., morphological
effects of vocabulary instruction, such as greater inter- or context clues) did not show results on generalized com-
est in and attention to other words while students are prehension measures, even compared with no-­treatment
reading. Another possibility is that direct teaching of controls. Although students typically learned the strategy

222 | Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2)

or strategies that were the focus of the intervention (i.e., that had been vetted by the peer review process, and
students who were taught to use context clues to solve therefore the included studies may reflect a publication
unknown vocabulary improved at using context clues to bias. Interestingly, eight of the 15 studies with general-
figure out unknown vocabulary), these effects did not ized comprehension measures in Elleman et al.’s (2009)
transfer to more global comprehension. meta-­analysis were dissertations, yet we could not locate
One possible explanation for the lack of effects in peer-­reviewed versions of these studies. The most impor-
these studies may be that longer term strategy interven- tant limitation is that we were unable to look at the lon-
tions are necessary for further transfer effects. More gitudinal impact of vocabulary instruction. The theory
studies examining longitudinal strategy instruction are underlying direct vocabulary instruction is that this
needed. Another possibility suggested by the studies that might, over time, build students’ vocabulary repertoire
we examined is that to impact comprehension, rather enough to cause a positive spiral of improved compre-
than learning a single strategy, students may need to be hension, more reading, and greater incidental vocabu-
taught to self-­ monitor their understanding of word lary acquisition during reading. It may be that none of
meanings and use multiple, flexible strategies for solving the interventions that we analyzed were long enough to
unknown word meanings in text. Studies that taught achieve these more distal effects. Likewise, Graves (2015)
students to select their own words and to solve or study recommended more replete vocabulary programs that
these words independently using multiple strategies include a rich language environment, direct teaching of
showed promise for comprehension (Dole et  al., 1995; word meanings, strategy instruction, and supporting
Lubliner & Smetana, 2005). Likewise, a study that taught students’ word consciousness (i.e., awareness that words
students to engage in different types of semantic and are important). We found no studies that engaged in this
syntactic analysis of texts also found positive impacts on more comprehensive instruction.
generalized comprehension (Sampson et  al., 1982). With these limitations, this review has identified
However, more evidence to support these ideas is important themes from this existing research that can
needed, particularly because one of the two studies inform vocabulary instruction with an eye to improving
showing positive effects for multiple-­strategies instruc- comprehension of texts. It has also identified many
tion involved a researcher-­ designed generalized issues that are unresolved due to inadequate or conflict-
­comprehension measure rather than a validated, stan- ing evidence in spite of 50 years and dozens of studies.
dardized measure. In particular, the promising studies Particularly lacking is our understanding about how to
focused on both procedural (i.e., how to use) and condi- develop economical and effective interventions for
tional (i.e., when to use) knowledge of a set of vocabu- improving students’ generalized comprehension
lary strategies. However, this type of strategy instruction through vocabulary building. In addition, there is much
remains an area that requires further research. to be learned about prereading vocabulary instruction
and its longer term impacts. We hope that the research
community will redouble its efforts to address these
Limitations and Conclusions pressing questions.
There are several limitations to this study. In our focus NOTES
on comprehension, we underestimate the impact of the We thank the following doctoral students for their work as research
studies that we have examined. Many demonstrated stu- assistants on this project: HyeJin Hwang, Andy Kwok, and Donald
dent learning of vocabulary and student improvement McClure.
in other linguistic knowledge (e.g., morphology). 1
Note that some studies were included in both the taught-­word and
Knowing words is, of course, important for students generalized comprehension analyses if they included both types of
beyond the goal of reading comprehension because
vocabulary knowledge may support students in their
oral participation in school (e.g., Wright & Gotwals, in REFERENCES
press) and also in their writing (e.g., Olinghouse & [Correction added on November 2, 2016, after first online publica-
Wilson, 2013). This study was a qualitative synthesis, tion on September 1, 2016: The word meta-analysis in the following
sentence was changed to analysis to reflect the correct methodology
which had the benefit of enabling us to consider pat- used in the article.]
terns in instruction across the studies; however, we References marked with an asterisk indicate studies included in the
could only consider effects on comprehension as a yes/ ­a nalysis.
no variable. We could not consider the relative impact of Anderson, R.C., & Freebody, P. (1981). Vocabulary knowledge. In
different instructional methods as one could in a meta-­ J.T. Guthrie (Ed.), Comprehension and Teaching: Research reviews
(pp. 77–117). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
analysis if there were enough studies in each category. *Apthorp, H.S. (2006). Effects of a supplemental vocabulary pro-
Also, we did not include dissertations or unpub- gram in third-­ grade reading/language arts. The Journal of
lished research because we were interested in methods Educational Research, 100(2), 67–79. doi:10.3200/JOER.100.2.67-­79

A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension | 223
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