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Growing in courage, wisdom and faith

St Stephen’s School
Student Report
Semester 2, 2019

Navneel Singh
Year 6

Teacher: Charlotte Thomson, Tanya Robertson

Achievement: Displays expected Effort:
Well above the expected standard C Consistently
Above the expected standard G Generally
At the expected standard S Sometimes
Below the expected standard R Rarely
Well below the expected standard
All Australian Curriculum learning areas appear on the student report. Note: Technologies includes Design and
Technologies and Digital Technologies; HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) includes History, Geography, Civics and
Citizenship (from Yr 3) and Economics and Business (from Yr 5); The Arts and Health and Physical Education includes
components taught by the classroom teacher and the specialist Physical Education teacher.
Religion Achievement Effort
Overall Achievement Above the expected standard C

English Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Above the expected standard
Listening, Reading, Viewing Above the expected standard C
Speaking, Writing, Creating Above the expected standard

Mathematics Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Well above the expected standard C

Science Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Above the expected standard C

Humanities and Social Sciences Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Above the expected standard C

Technologies Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Above the expected standard C

The Arts Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Above the expected standard C

Health and Physical Education Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Above the expected standard C

The Arts Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Michelle Blythe At the expected standard C

HPE - Movement and Physical Activity Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Chris Smith Well above the expected standard C

Spanish Achievement Effort

Overall Achievement Eddy Jesus De Quiroz At the expected standard C

Navneel Singh
St Stephen’s School
PO Box 5158 Algester 4115 Ph: (07) 3711 4911
General Comment Charlotte Thomson, Tanya Robertson

Navneel is a friendly student who arrives at school each day with a smile on his face. He listens
attentively to all instructions and successfully follows the routines within the classroom. Navneel displays
a mature and positive attitude towards all aspects of his schoolwork. He socialises well with his peers and
he sets an example of excellence, both in his behaviour and his work habits. Navneel is a valued class
member and interacts with his peers in a positive manner in group situations. Navneel’s commitment to
learning and his positive demeanour towards all classroom tasks is reflected in the progress he has made
to achieve successful results. He eagerly attempts mathematical challenges that are presented and he
always demonstrates persistence when solving them. This was particularly evident when solving an
inquiry investigation task. Navneel is able to identify and select relevant information required to solve
complex and multiple-step problems. When new and more complicated concepts are introduced,
Navneel makes use of his prior knowledge in order to develop his understanding. He has a solid
understanding of finding area and perimeter of composite rectangles. In English, Navneel can plan, draft
and publish informative and persuasive texts, selecting aspects of subject matter and particular language,
to convey information and ideas. Navneel has been a pleasure to teach and we wish him the very best for
his transition to secondary school next year.

Days Absent (as at 2/12/2019): 2

Home Room Teacher: Charlotte Thomson, Tanya Robertson

Principal: Phillip Manitta

Information is available on request to allow you to compare your child’s achievement in the learning
areas studied, with that of other children in the same year cohort within the school. This information will
show the percentage of students at each of the achievement standards. Reminder: Arrive Late, Left Early
data please refer to parent portal

Issued without alteration or correction - 02/12/2019

Navneel Singh
St Stephen’s School
PO Box 5158 Algester 4115 Ph: (07) 3711 4911
Learning Skills
Listener – listens to others’ ideas and recognise that others may see things differently C
Negotiator – is a good ‘team player’ and helps groups to work together C
Problem solver – uses initiative and resources to develop solutions C
Responsible – take ownership of own learning C
Self-evaluate – uses feedback to make accurate judgements of own learning C
Self – aware – knows own strengths and preferences as a learner C
Communicator – confidently and effectively articulates thoughts (ideas, opinions, beliefs)
respectfully to others
Multi-modal - can use a range of modes to communicate to different audiences with clarity C
Risk Taker – is willing to try new ways of working C
Persistent – when ‘Stuck’, keeps trying to succeed in learning C
Questioning – asks questions and demonstrates curiosity when learning C
Conscientious – works diligently to remain on task and complete set activities C
Creative – thinks of creative ideas and imagines original and effective solutions to problems G

Navneel Singh
St Stephen’s School
PO Box 5158 Algester 4115 Ph: (07) 3711 4911

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