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There seems to be a general consensus of opinion over the fact that a person's dietary

needs vary according to their age or lifestyle. For instance, it is widely understood that a
young child needs to consume whole foods which nurture him and enhance his defenses,
whereas an adult does not need as much diary as a growing child does. Not only are dietary
needs based on the age of a person but also, their lifestyle, physical and mental health and
their level of physical activity

Not until some years ago did I understand that a proper nutrition is the bread and butter of
being healthy and living a copious long life. A common element in our lives is food therefore,
I suggest that we pay close attention to our diet and what we eat. Admittedly, the diet that we
are prone to thrive on depends largely on our age and the amount of exercise we do on a
daily basis. There is a high likelihood that a person who endures long hours training for a
sport has to consume a different diet, in order to not be overcomed by lassitude, than a
person whose stamina is used for diurnal chores. Furthermore, someone who spends their
day in the office bringing home the bacon would naturally spend less energy thus consume a
different diet.

Food plays a major role in triggering many diseases and health conditions in humans, some
which are deeply connected to our age. One of the most critical needs in nutritional research
now is the knowledge of the food consumption and the intake of nutrients at specific intervals
in life which will optimize physical and mental development for babies, physiological
performance during adulthood, and the retention of health and vigor during senescence.In
order to reach a long healthy life, we must realize that our eating habits not only greatly
impact our health but also depict the importance we place on ourselves.

In today's fast-paced society,many have a conviction that a balanced diet might pose a
challenge as it is regarded as ¨time consuming, expensive and impractical¨. If we were to
add all the time people spend at work is obvious that not everybody is likely to follow a
pristine diet. In a nutshell, people who spend the majority of their time working should
consider following an easy but well balanced diet in order to impulse learning, memory and
other cognitive tasks. Coupled with the types of food we eat the timing of our else has a
huge impact on mental alertness and stamina as well. Not only does this affect our
performance at work but also on other diurnal activities.

Little do we know that being conscious about our foods is tantamount to considering food for
our growth. Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations because of our age, staying
unrealistically thin with the help of exercise or depriving oneself of certain foods. It is rather
about feeling great, having more energy and improving our health. All in all, some factors like
our jobs or age may shape our diet, nevertheless, it is our choice to modify our routines in
order to be healthier or modify our diet in order to be more ¨efficient¨¨

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