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Technical Note

Fatigue Assessment of Spot Welds Based on

Local Stress Parameters
Critical annotations to formulas proposed by S. Zhang


Editor's Note: The presentation below is without the stress increase by the slit tip tural stresses at weld spots was devel-
a critical assessment of the research notch. It can be calculated rather accu- oped by the author (Ref. 6) together with
paper "Approximate Stress Intensity Fac- rately by the finite element method with an efficient method of determining the
tors and Notch Stresses for Common fine meshing or approximated by the SIFs at the weld spot periphery on the
Spot-Welded Specimens" by S. Zhang, joint-face forces and self-equilibrating basis of the structural stresses (Refs. 1,2).
published in the Welding Journal, May forces in the overlapping plates based on The design stresses of spot welds in
1999, pp. 173-s to 179-s. finite element results with coarse mesh- the European automotive industry refer to
The fatigue assessment of spot welds ing, the weld spots being substituted by the structural stress approach. The SIF ap-
is based on local stress parameters: struc- rigid bars. The procedures above apply to proach has found some consideration in
tural stress, stress intensity factor (SIF) plate fractures of well-designed weld Japan. The notch stress approach is still a
and notch stress (Refs. 1-3). A high de- spots whereas joint-face fractures in weld mere research option.
gree of expertise is necessary to define spots of too small a diameter are de-
these stress parameters in a consistent scribed by the structural stresses in the Deficiencies of Zhang's Approach
manner and to apply them appropriately nugget.
to the fatigue assessment of spot-welded The SIF approach is less suited for The main deficiencies of Zhang's ap-
specimens and structural members. The characterizing the fatigue strength of spot proach (Refs. 4, 5) are summarized below
approximated SIF and notch stress for- welds because sharp slit tips seldom without the theoretical details. Accurate
mulas proposed by S. Zhang (Refs. 4, 5) occur in reality and because the nonsin- data on stress parameters in spot-welded
have deficiencies, which are summa- gular stress components are neglected. joints are given in Refs. 3, 7 and 8.
rized below. The notch stress approach is also less The SIF approach in Refs. 4 and 5 ne-
suited because the real notch shape at the glects the stress effects of the self-equili-
Suitability of Local Stress slit tip scatters with the production con- brating forces. These are forces (and mo-
Parameters ditions (no data available) and because ments) acting in the overlapping plates
the support effect of sharp notches makes without generating a joint-face force.
The structural stress in the overlapping a special hypothesis necessary, which is The above means that the weld spot
plates at the periphery of the weld spot is not verified for spot welds. strength is considered as being indepen-
the most important parameter for charac- A general theory of forces and struc- dent of the support conditions of the
terizing the (high-cycle) fatigue resis- plate (e.g., one-sided against two-sided
tance of spot-welded joints. It is success- support in shear loading, Fig. 1) and as
fully used directly for this purpose, and is being independent of certain loading
the basis for determining the stress inten- conditions (any self-equilibrating force
sity factor at the sharp slit tip or the notch system may be superimposed, Fig. 2).
KEY WORDS But the weld spot fatigue resistance de-
stress concentration at the rounded slit
tip. The structural stress is defined as pends on the support and loading con-
Fatigue ditions mentioned above.
membrane and bending stress linearly Notch Stress
distributed over the plate thickness that is The SIF formulas in Refs. 4 and 5 do
Spot Weld not capture the plate width as an impor-
Stress Intensity Factor tant geometrical influencing parameter.
D. RADAJ is Senior Research Manager at Structural Stress This has the consequence that the fatigue
DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart, Germany, and resistance of spot welds is considered as
Professorof Mechanical Engineering at Braun- independent of the plate width, which is
schweig Technical University.
not really the case. Narrow flanges espe-


peel tension loading into
a cross-tension force and
Shear force a bending moment in the
joint face is not taken into
F a c c o u n t - Fig. 5.
/ :.~.._~F ] Tensile-shear specimen.
I ........ I___£ 2F The weld spot is not ten-
sile-shear loaded from
one side only, as assumed
in Refs. 4 and 5, but re-
Fig. I Samejoint-face shear force F, different sup-
- - Fig. 2 Same joint-face shear force F, different load-
- - ceives about 75% of the
port conditions. ing conditions. shear force from the front
side and about 25% from
the rear side under the
geometrical conditions
considered (Ref. 7). Addi-
tionally, a finite width cor-
° rection factor of 1.1 seems
to be appropriate. The
M self-equilibrating plate
bending moment M = Ft/4
is incorrectly introduced
as a joint-face bending
moment. The joint-face
Fig. 3 Sharp slit tip without stress intensity (left);
- - Fig. 4 - - Resultantjoint-face forces. bending moment is really
rounded slit tip with notch stress concentration(right). zero in the standard ten-
sile-shear specimen.
Cross-tension speci-
men. The joint-face bending moment M =
Tc/8 introduced in Refs. 4 and 5 does not
T 772 772 really exist. Considered as a plate bending
moment, it should be distributed over the
plate width instead of the weld spot cir-
eL _LI~IVI____J ,, h 'I M=-TD/2' cumference. The generally accepted
'I IT" ]~ 'L _L~J__J,
structural stressformula derived from plate
bending theory, O's= 0.69(T/t ~) (InD/d),
with (equivalent) bending-rigid support
spacing D (Ref. 2) is not recognized.
Fig. 5 - - Peel-tension loading decomposed into bending moment and cross-tension force in the
joint face. Coach-peel specimen. The joint-face
bending moment M = eP introduced in
Refs. 4 and 5 is once again a plate bend-
ing moment in reality and should be
tration factors are derived from the treated accordingly.
SIFs based on Creager's blunt crack H-shaped specimens. A surprisingly
solution. Additionally, it is not rec- large tensile-shear force occurs in the
ognized that the notch effect of the peel tension variant of the specimen
nonsingular structural stresses must (Ref. 8), which is incorrectly neglected in
be superimposed (e.g., tensile Refs. 4 and 5.
stresses in slit direction generate no Double-cup specimen. The cross sec-
SIF, but a stress concentration factor tion of the specimen is incorrectly given
of approximately 3.0 occurs with a in Ref. 4. The correct view is plotted in
rounded slit tip, Fig. 3). Fur- Fig. 6.
thermore, the large (obviously ficti- Hat profile specimens. It is not suffi-
tious) notch radius introduced (p = cient to evaluate the structural stress in
1 ram) cannot be applied to plate the weld spot vertex point produced by
thicknesses in the 1-mm range the joint-face shear force as proposed in
without modification of the Ref. 4. Further joint-face forces have to be
method. considered: a torsional moment in the
The derivations in Refs. 4 and 5 weld spot and, in the case of the single-
Fig. 6 -- Cross section of the double-cup specimen. mix up joint-face forces (Fig. 4) with
hat profile specimen, a longitudinal
forces in plate cross sections. The bending moment (Refs. 3, 6). The rele-
plate bending moment in the weld vant SIF formulas should include a flange
cially need a relevant correction term in spot vertex point is set equal to the joint- width correction.
the formulas. face bending moment. Thus, the plate Structural members. The SIF formulas
The notch stress approach in Refs. 4 width is incorrectly substituted by the for spot welds under general loading
and 5 has all the above deficiencies of the weld spot circumference in the relevant conditions in structural members pro-
SIF approach because the stress concen- formulas. The correct decomposition of posed in Refs. 4 and 5 are certainly not

52-sl FEBRUARY 2000

generally applicable. They do not in- better approximation of the structural 5. Zhang,S. 1997. Stressintensitiesat spot
clude any parameters or terms represent- stressesand the SIFsderived therefrom is welds. International Journal of Fracture 88:
ing the support and loading conditions of possible. The notch stress approach is 167-185.
6. Radaj, D. 1996. Theory of forces and
the overlapping plates. They should com- still a mere research option. stressesin spot-weldedoverlapjoints. Archive
prise the complete set of joint-face forces of Applied Mechanics 67: 2-34.
and self-equilibrating forces modified by References 7. Radaj, D., Zheng, Z., and MShrmann,
the influence of plate width and support W. 1990. Local stressparametersat the weld
spacing. spot of various specimens.Engineering Frac-
1. Radaj, D. 1989. Stresssingularity,notch ture Mechanics 37(5): 933-951.
stress and structural stress at spot-welded 8. Radaj, D., and Giering, A. 1994. Spot-
Conclusions joints. EngineeringFracture Mechanics 34(2): welded H-specimen-- the local stresspara-
495-506. meters. MaterialprOfung 36: 275-281.
2. Radaj, D. 1990. Structuralstress,notch
The SIF formulas for spot welds pro- stressand stressintensityfactor approachfor
posed in Refs. 4 and 5 are incomplete, assessmentof fatigue strengthof spot-welded
partially incorrect and bound to the spe- joints. Welding in the World 28: 29-39.
cial geometrical, loading and support 3. Radaj, D., and Sonsino,C. M. 1998. Fa-
conditions considered. They do not dif- tigue Assessment of Welded Joints by Local
ferentiate between the different variants Approaches. Cambridge, England, Abington
of specimens and do not solve the prob- 4. Zhang, S. 1999. Approximatestressin-
lem of transferability of fatigue data in a tensityfactors and notch stressesfor common
more general form. The notch stress for- spot-welded specimens. Welding Journal
mulas have additional deficiencies. A 78(5): 173-sto 179-s.

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