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Short Test Unit 6 Test 1A

Unit 6 Test 1A
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete each sentence with a different future form. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 ‘Oh look! It’s started to snow.’ ‘I _______________ you a lift home, if you want.’ (give)
2 I can’t wait for my holidays. This time next week I _______________ in a café in Rome. (sit)
3 There’s no point phoning Marcy at home. She _________________ yet. (not arrive)
4 What time _______________ (you / meet) Elena to go to the cinema?
5 You’ve put far too much coffee in the machine. It’s _______________ much too strong! (be)

Mark __/5

2 Replace the underlined words with a phrasal verb using the particles below. Add a
preposition if necessary. There are two particles that you don’t need.
down up out off on back over
1 When I recall the argument now, it all seems so stupid. (look) __________
2 Nobody invited him to the party. He just arrived unexpectedly. (turn) ___________
3 I wish Mum would stop talking about my driving test. It’s making me nervous. (go) __________
4 ‘Hello? Hello? How annoying, the call has been terminated.’ (cut) __________
5 The policeman recorded all the details of incident we reported. (write) __________

Mark __/5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Advanced Short Tests Unit 6 1

Short Test Unit 6 Test 1A

3 Choose the most appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1 Marina has set her hopes / sights / dream on becoming a professional athlete.
2 They didn’t prophesy / project / anticipate all the guests arriving by car, so there wasn’t
enough parking space.
3 I haven’t got enough money now, but I’m counting on / realising / fulfil getting a summer job to
buy a guitar.
4 They set off at 10. I predict / expect / forecast they’ll be here any moment.
5 My brother’s quite single-minded in pursuing his goal / hope / sight. I’m sure he’ll be successful.

Mark __/5

4 Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions.

1 I’m not going to the festival. I’m not really that keen _______ camping.
2 The event consists _______ several different sports, including swimming and cycling.
3 I am suspicious _________ special offers at the supermarket. There aren’t many real bargains.
4 Some scientists suggest that the dinosaurs may have evolved ________ birds.
5 The post office has to hire thousands more workers at Christmas to cope _______ the volume of
cards and presents.

Mark ___/5
Total ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Advanced Short Tests Unit 6 2

Short Test Unit 6 Test 2A

Unit 6 Test 2A
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Choose the correct answer A–D.
1 Our neighbour accused Leo ________ the bus shelter on our street.
A to vandalise B of vandalising C of him vandalising D that he vandalise
2 She advised __________ our tickets quickly. They are selling out fast!
A us booking B to book C of booking D us to book
3 The course leader proposed _________ a 10-minute break.
A that we take B us of taking C taking us D us to take
4 My brother blamed ___________ the window, but he kicked the ball.
A me to break B me for breaking C that I broke D me breaking
5 Shaun boasted __________ the tennis match.
A to win B about winning C for winning D him to win

Mark __/5

2 Rewrite the sentences as reported speech. Use the reporting verbs in brackets.
1 Dad: ‘Why don’t we have lunch at that new Italian place?’ (suggest)
2 Valerie: ‘No, really. You must let me pay for the cinema tickets. It’s my turn.’ (insist)
3 James: ‘I’ve never even been to that shop.’ (claim)
4 Leila: ‘I won’t tell anyone your secret.’ (promise)
5 Neighbour: ‘Turn the music down or I’ll call the police.’ (threaten)

Mark __/5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Advanced Short Tests Unit 6 3

Short Test Unit 6 Test 2A

3 Replace the underlined words with more formal equivalents.
1 A full moon happens approximately once a month. __________
2 The research was carried out by students and volunteers. _________
3 A system of gates controls how much water comes out of the reservoir. _________
4 The plant needs sunlight in order to photosynthesise. _________
5 The activists promised to stop their campaign if the lab was closed. __________

Mark __/5

Everyday English
4 Choose the correct word to complete the dialogue.
A Leslie looks thrilled for joy / to bits with her exam results.
B Yes, she’s on top of / over the moon, but yet / much as I think she could have done better.

A Well, nonetheless / granted she could have studied a bit harder…

B She could have studied a lot harder. But I’m happy for her all the same / even though.

Mark __/5
Total: ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Advanced Short Tests Unit 6 4

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