UNICEF: The State of The World's Children 1994

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James P. Grant
Executive Director of the
United Nations Children's Fund

Oxford University Press

Intn>du<1ion l<> W SlaI<. of llw 1I'" rId's Child.... ~
introduction for 1\194. and summary 0(
main I"'....,.

1 A progn..'Ss report R<.'I.'I.1I1 year.! hlV\: .<,<'11 ..."., sign ulCa1Il ~ 3j(3inSl ..",.. of lbe major ..,.,.
ciflC th~ ll> the hnIth and wcll-lk';ng '" Iho _rld',cilildron. In",-"l know\-
<~ and 001n"""" ~y~ lhat. child .wnulritk>o, <liou.." d""bilily. and
illilmocy could be d~ ty n:dlll.'<.-d by Ihc Ytw 2000. Social goab.... l\ectinz lhi.
poIeIIli2l havt'_ ~ ~'''"d lJI<!IlP;J'l'<.'d upon by . nupily of Ibcworld'. polil.

....Ilcado...... Tok... ~.........,.."""" ioah! """",nllo all 01"""1_ to """"""""'lb<,

"'-'f1' "'"O!':ll a.<pr<\II of IIO'mtr and to brinp: tlOOll' of I~ _ bao.it bmerllS of
~ to almoO! aU t"'n"'un"i<..... Pasl c"'Pln ....~· il>dkal<.. thai f\lIlional
prul/"-"'" ill b<-a11h, llutrilio<l. and rducatioo .... .,...,d.
Ml on ...",..,..,., ~kli.
"",n t aIano: bill on a sustainl'l! rommitmenl10 iml""""'0lCl\l. in !he '""1I-brins:' of
lhI, pour. AI preIt'lIl only I YflY.....u prnporlion of ~l ",.,...di~ and
of foreiJln oid ;",1"",, 1<'<1 to od<quaIe nutrition. primaJy ht'll!lh eare, basic "" .......
lion. sa/<. '">1<'" suwlY. and family l>lanninfl_ G~ grt'a14'l" pr;.,r;ty, lOOK- "t'l:ds
"""Id ~1y bo: "'"' by lhfo"00 oHID. ""nlu ry.

Ilolh I"'lIl ~.oo futu", poImli:i1 !1n thtr<il<'l><'d by "in: prtlbk"lUl"' Iho
2 ti« PPEspiral
mUI~O<t'iIlJI ellecl. of poveny, populalion JITOwth. and <1IvironI,.,,".ol
d<.'I l.'ri<>rati<ln. Rc""""-ing prnblo>m!< ;.. pan of the I!'W'Il larJ!t"r ~ of
~ the WOI'1<lw>k lJ3tI;jJi"n to .. ~b k' hWllOll lUlun, -. "",,,"I;""
whi<"h slKIukl b«<,me ~ <mlnll "'llanizillll' ~ uf lh,- POSH""" war <'lao If
1'l'E I"">bbruo in!lk· d<....,1uping w<>r\d ronlinu~ In t>., ~ thm ~ .. ',.",.,~
will be inqn<in~ =oomk disnlplion, pulilkal unn...., "",-back" for d~O>ClI:T3<)',
an d iolIllIbi~ry within ."d t..1........ naOOns.

3 TIle syuergismof ,\cl\i.:vi"JI !he bask ho""", lI<laI. disu-.l in part I would "-,...,...,,,[ .. IlllIjo(
bffilkthrouxh axainSl ~ .. 1'1'1-: problems ."alr".cd in part Z. 11K- wo.... a."JlO"U of
sol l/ liOIlS powrly provi<\f' t/ko jzn~ ... to r2pid JlOIUIaIk>n growlh and tnvironol<'lIlal <k11";"
"!'Ition. whir.h in Illrn ~ povl"'y. Con.-ly. mutua!ly-ninforrinj( inVl"'it·
"",nl. in hraI~l and nutrit"", • .,..... , _...,;"". and la!UiIY pl;mniJJR can rn.'llle all
upwardSIlinI of ~l~ in hull'Wl weJl.bo.'ini wlw:h_ld IIdp to "-""'I':
JlOIU tatioo II"""1h and ~ ia/t.'1'rlYironrnt-ol.1l ~ In...,.,n...... t in .... '<.'liIql: _
h1mWl .....m nlUSl ,I><.",fm *
lakl'II up with . ..... dO\f'mlinalioa boIh fn< j ",
own llake and IS" tnl'ADlI of ~ I ~ 'E problems which ..i U ir>m.. .m ~~
aIfod "'" only the W<lrid'. ~ <"""""nili<.,. but aU nalion. in the 1'·'l':nl>,''''1.

Statistical tables Alkountry .<tot.... ical tab..... fn< basic indiral.,..... notril ioll I>rahh. <du,,"liun. pup-
uIation. "",,,.., mic "' '''''~''' and the oituaoon or..............
plu. nog;onal ~
!lIld ba$k indiratoN for bs populou. rounuw..
Text figures Panels

«"of!"" ......:;"
ae-1Jloo_.a<=p cUl
dioo f
_.- _.
._-=.. . .
I Childnm In war:

2 Diarrhoellllk5eese.

1"- .3 £.&o_d --..I1IIBIlborJ.dIikIn:II.-aliic ....
.... 4 T_IrrIiiIr'-"", 1960

1'"-. 5

•-fCo '

........ _ _ wiac_.....(_ ......

"'.I"""..,........ wiIb .......

.." ...
.-e. 7 ''lI0«' 01\1<....... wiIII_ 11>
.... oflllr dr'<t1 , . c W<dd

...... ...
ialht nnl 4 Eradu:allng polio:

.... a 1'. .....1:..'" of di<io ,looea cpisOOes II'tlIK'd willi 0Il'T

.... 9 " " - pupulorion elm., ...... ~ 01 tJ>. -W ond
prlIjI:atd pnp.!Mion ill !he yUr 210ll
5 MalnutntlOn:
.-.IIIlI e

6 Safe WOlter::

.... 10 Shlftof lolal P"'P"1arj<wo """loW ~ (CfC)

~............ of lho ~ and ... .. I'I"'\It woricbI
'"*'" fnIolllIw lIIoIrio
f'\e. 11 I\-m.'n lll(" ot rnr.ll poI/l'C$( M1vironmcntally .hrn1oncd -
~>\opUJN worid

.''ll. IZ 1\.""''''lO,q\' of ", ...J'""""'"' <1IvironnI<'Dwty lhrt'aImo."ll -

...... "
7 Year 2000 goals:
notlonal lllDfl_
oI. e_

8 Protlress:

t;,. 13 1........... lJ,R<' of nnI JlOO","SI ~'IIrironmo.'nIally Il!rl«<....... . ..... ...... Nk.enqo

... 14 l~oInn1~ ~".i1_ ....... ~ _
. . ...
9 Bangladesh:

.. _... , ....

r.. 15 a-ia "'~""""'oIl1inboprr_

' ..... d -idl ~ iII ......_ 1IlIlNIilr r-.s IrwestJ~ II'l health:
... 1' u.Irr.--.,..... ""*'l .......... olc_........ " 10
w.1d d t

1'-. I' ........ " ol)Wc1of6ore lilt IIIlt 011M! l:Ir -.......a ......
1lIt birIll ,,1'1 ..',. w <!lid
. ,. _-
11 ~ for

... 20 Manif4...:laOn1 ..... do .... _

.. . 2\
101lfnIIIIp PO..
lniaa iDlllOllJSiaI._aepdua
At1uII_ po .... lt:iI _ ...... itt dIol
$ • -- ,..dIilIl_ ...-
13 AIDS:

lIlIlII~lbt _ _ ..... i11 I!160

.... 27 TOlaI drbI . ~ of GSP.I!l91 -" 14 The USA:

•_ ........ dIilIltwIl
"Th" n" n-..ary !aSk of dnwin,lr ~
lion 10 hw'lWlllN'do h.u unI<>rtwWtIy
l(M.·n ..., tu ill,· Jl'IlII'Iar impn~n
lhal 11M' d. -I<>ping Ilror'Id ill a ~
upon whi<:h '"' lU/h' /ails and only
",raJ fanollH.'" with acrt':S5 10 sak wAl..-
ha< ;"""'-.1 from Ieolo< !han Ill' to

-ov... tlw """'" lim<'. much of the

world h.. also fned ¢!ell from rob-
lrag...ty is ~na<1o'd. Ilullhe fact is that. nialism, brought aparthl1d m all iii
(or all the oM«kI< IlIOn" PfOlUe"" (om ,. 10 lilt, o:dJl'I: <>I extinclion. and
has bttn llIIIdc in 11K- laS! 50 l"'lI"II largl.iy fn.'<"<I ilSd( from the iron Krip of
lhan in 1M 1lf'"I'ioo. 2.00D. Sffir1, ,lit, (asci.. and lotalitarian t"<'giJ,,,,","
mel uf the Sowod " '<>r1cI War• ......-..:<- "In tho ck-ad,· 11I,..ad. I ~kar _ _
rnJ in<vnto... in the dt.'",,~ Ilror'Id tunily exists to makt'lhc brelOkthrouxh
hiM.. mon.' than doubltd: infant and again!ll .. hal mighl be called the Iasl
~hi1d dl."th r.l1l'" ""'" bn'n ".,.., lhan grt"O l obo<mity ""'" l>t'I'<l""" malnutri-
haM.'<I; ......nac life ~ has tion, ~ , and iUilorxy that SliD
inm'3SN by lboul I third: \he prIlPlI"' cas! I shadow ....,.''" tb<: 1M... 2Dd lhc
tiDrl of lJu, ~ W<lr'\d'" dti\dn.'" (Ul~ of lIMo ~ quartt1" of the
otaninJf ""hooI has ri""" 10 mort' than world", cllild=:
lhrre quan,'I'S; and lhe pm"'t'nla!lt' of '/It .'il4I'' l(lII. ........... OIi14mt 1m
Introduction and
summary of themes

1'h",ugh tlk' left. of hislofy, ",tho.,.

lhanof """'... whal .. IIOW ~~ in
lht.Ik.'Y\.'lopinj: ..wid m>y I.'ODIC tu be
!W'II . . IJx, boginnjnJ! of • Iinal off.....
....., be<:D bnluKhI dOW>l from mom:
than 2.5 million • jnr in lllHO 10 juSl
over I million " yew loday. !imuIlanc'-
OIloly. II.. """'btr
of "",,"f.uaI <a.... of - '"... _lf
fit. 1 Maj., diu ...
lhJol..... - ' " horI

~ -~
..'" ~ same of !he old<$/ and ~ . major.,...... ot di$3bil~yand
"""" ""mmoo. en""U<-", of Ihe Yl"OIkI'. malnutrition in rhildrm. has I:Ilk...

T1Iof<, ..-.it.os iDcludc liW' d...
frnm awnllumal<"ly 75 miIIiou • )'Nr l0
about 25 million.
.-...1ha110d0y kill .......8 min.", chil- SimiJu ~ ha"" been .....,.
drm a ynrand the ma1lIulritlon ..tUch ord«l. by din! of ~ but linJe.
Il<>Im back tho,' IIK"lllal and pll~ ~ tUortli in lbc' dt."",klpillJ(
<1<>,,10""""1 0( On,' <iJiJd in t/lrI:f: in wt>rld. "l(ainsI oewrIlI olh... maP"
the dl~l<>ping ,,'<>rId (rill. I). AI... in ~ faci&l.<t 1M chil<lnm oJ pcl<lT
,,:In'&! art ""''''' or w· l1lO!Il wnllllO/l ronlll1uniU\:oa.ln I O~arlI, infanl dl',1lhs
""....... or ~hildllood di..bilily, thc viru· from _1illaI It.'\aIl'''' hz<c bt'<'ll cui
"''S and !be mi<nmulrio.'Il1 ~ from """" (hall I ml!Il"Iu ytar '" just
,,'hkh ~""'1)' rear ~ hulldml. of 0Vl'f baH a million. AI !be SlIIIlf' timt.
!l>ou<aI><b orrhiIdn-'IlI'.,mJa<lel>Uy dto! !he IOU oJ dchydmion m~ by diu·
blind. ",<mally mardt<l...... p;ualysood. rhotal d i _ h&o "'-..... l'Ul from 4 fIliI.
Allhoogh profuundly a/frcl ing mi)' lion dcaIhs ayur '"1t5sl!wl3 ml!Iion.
OOo.s of """" llres<- lng\'<li<.... and 1M l 'oljo, 1Il'hldI h&o di""blc.'<I "" nwlY
PI'I>KI'-.... ..".. t>.in,cr .-Ie oqpin:$I millioo. of rltiId= ....... !he )'<'afll. ..
them. an: largd)' 1I('l!k:d<:d by me at.., now in rctn..... Sinn: 1900. """'"
n><dia. In ~ !hi. i< bo<'llU$C lhl..., <-.0 of paooly,.;8 have faileD from
P«>bl<-""" ""' ....... as oonn:aI "'lh<'r
ltwJ CXCl'\lliooal. Bul prinwiIy it is
t>«au"" lheir"",scqumen fall a1_
actu.ivt'ly <HI th< dUld.... oflbe poOr'
t<l and ltasI inJl....'I1I~ p<.<JPk. 00
opproJIimatcly half a million a ~r '"
an <'Slimatc'<l 140.000 in 1992. In """
tn.I "'Ilion. 0( lhe ~ """'"
lhe m s i!otIl' is <k>9<' 10 b<ing er3<!1-
catcd. As an ""trnlI mtar.u", of this

. . -. --,.
;,chic..........n\, Iii. '""'" l'Stima!l'd !hal
limil<"d lfO(Kl _ of ....,..ol Ihtroo an! ""'"' Ihan 3 millio<l chiId~ I.... 'W)
I"""" is W'n""'" larg<>ly an umold U'ling normal !M."JI who woold h""" IM(I _ ..... _

SlOfY in II.. mi<kloflhe many """1-pJ1>-

Ii<.~ disa>!C'r'l< M~ules. fortuItl~.
whleh .. ill kill. """" ,ilild......
)'l'3r rhan all ,11<0
_\d", wvs and
'-n pualy""'" by poli<> had it 001 ~
for the ~ in imn'Dniuli<>" """'-...
Ol(l.' in ve Iasl dl'(;tlle.
AI 1M f1Id oJlhe 1!8l<. the inI('1'- -- --
_ _ _ 1>0_

famines ~llOlr<'l"''', is bl.'ifJJl """" 10
,..,\inquish ilS l1riP. I~ath. from Ibis
"""'" 1k._inJ/ofchildhood di~
..(iooally "I:J'....'d larj(I.' t of !lOll imm....
nizallon apinlll !he major YX'rine-
prcwnlablc dhocascs of childhood was _._-- -
11Il _lJa
~actlfd by .m1<>Sl half of the ~Jop. Iarxr tuUllb«-s uf childrrn but .. hidl
inK counlricl.. Nm y all ,,-'ao:II<'<l a <:oY- rarely make hoodlines-, pari 1 of 11m
~ I<,,,_~ tIl'1lIlIO 0.- nlOn! (rig. 2). Ry )"<W" SIal' ., I~t W<>rld~ Oo;/4,u
1995, !he", ;" a ~.I*,~ Ihol n'llOrt sum,u..-u..-. lhe progn"" 1lo.~1IJl
lII:II<.'I'al Dlher inlE1'1laliooall)' ogn.'<'d mad<: ogainSlthe maior"llt<if" 1Il"-"ilJ
Rna!< wiU ohio haw bcnI Jorgely l<l the health and nutrition <>l' child"",
""hicvo<:d. in 11I<' ..-...!d'. ~ r,'",,,,"nHieo-. Il
Iodine ddiciel>C)', whkb ~~ aIsa 0\ll1incs tbr potential "" funhl...
Iro.l)XI childn" • year In be born .. sig ltilkanl a<tvan... .. ln lhf l't'OT5 i""",-,"
m1in. and it !he wo.-\d', mlIjor <aU"" dialdy .....-.d,
vi pme1llablc mro~ rewdali<ln, Part t ""'" this PI"",."" ...d
could IOOOll be brouRhll<> an end . ti.. in lhe ron""'l of the broader prob.
Vl1l1ll1io A dertcirn<')', whidl blind, "'InS thal d"ud htunanity's ~
an \"Stimale<! 20(1.000 dtildrctJ a year ;" the 2(01 =lurr. lq IJIII"\i<.'\IW. ~
lID<! ;" ....... <::m" of iD hcalllllllld Iuoks al the "",11WIy reinfan;ing /Cia-
<'ally deaIh "_1/ the wo.-\d'lI U"d<...• tian$hips 1lo.~" lhe W<>nIl ,-ftrts of
~_ roIlld k a1InoiM eliminlllcd. ab,;alute p<rv<my. lbe rontintllllion of
Dealh. from ",.-onatlll'WU" _ rapid population growth, and th<>
......lable by the iuu1\uni.wiQu of P"'l!' ~tion uf rut1ll and IIlbaa<.'m'inKt-
"RIll WOIIH;'Il. oilould "OOlI l:>ecoolc a menlS l1ltuuKboo\ murh 01 the .......-1-
rarily. 0lIin.R world.So i"I. ~llIIod have I!>t:!It'
~ ~"'I of diarrlIo<-al dis- prubIetnl< ~> thai 10 dt-nominate
. ....... including oral rt'hydllllion I1l<.'I"-- ib(m .-..paratl'ly is l<l risk tnbo:onstnf.
apy (ORl). llhoukl "'" kr>o.. " lO fIO'l: of inll the Ih","1 lhal the')' ..."....,.,~ lui"
the ~ ..".-ld'. Wnilie<:. ~ Ihis n-.n, lhe n-potI tlIIil"" the"""""
rt'SUk .......kt be the prtW11linn of ,fur. <>l' pover1)', population 1l"fOW\ll, ... d
Lher 1.5 million rh ild deatll....... h ~at.
Polio llhould be <ndira~ from
me"" ,,,""lrieI af lbe.......-kl by 1995.
""';"-"'mtfli undI1' Lhr term 'Ih<: PPE

The 1'1'£probk,,,, is iIseIt pari (>( an

M<""",hiJ<o. progn:.. ill ...., Iw:ing .....'" l>rMdl... rhaIltng~. I'or it is
made luward. lhe univenal ntifiratian l>e<uming rlear thalth<· w<>rltl ha!< nn/y
of Ih<' Canw:ntian "" the Ril:hl.O of 1M a Iioll~ tin... in .,lUrk la fill". ill<
Child. nnw flIIilird by ISO natialls of atl~"ti<Jn and ~ti<ol <l/l ~

Negotia ting tile which 28 haw "" far ",!>an"" "" lhe -+w ,.;u undouble<lly be mr mool
>'Ic\lS they haw! IDl'" tawards m lull l'(JII'pk'll and diffinlK ItansiIiao in all of
iflljllo."""nlal inn. I.uman hi"'lI<)' _ the ltansilio.-l la a /11'10
transition to a The bad I><'"W!I, lhoul(h mare ...-id,o,1y I'O'h of '" ag..... rha""et"n...d by the
1/2",·IIed. ranIlOI be iwlon'<l Pmlll<-ms U" M.'r.;I) meetlng of mininll1/l1 human
oflhc """" Il<'Ut. klnd _ <:Un""" of 1II"r'dS, by Lhr .... biliI:aIioa and possiblo
eue tainabie [uture d<,.-muan and Mq>Iail.1tiom, and Lhr rHlurtion of populatiatJ k:v<""- and by
inhuman 300..' uf d tildren ill ....... in rnv\ronmeotally StI;,tainallle 1lI11tm5
mus t become the the "",",p1arf.. on lho: >!n" " . and in Ihe of Jl'""CR-.... in all nations. II is ...., ....
hom. ~ rontinnr lu afIlirI nlaJlY ntiJ. tIc"t tlw IiIl. tIl\Illifarcte<! dwlengt!
Iian$ of l'fIUIIj! people in OOIh dcYclap-
central organizing inR and lnduSlliali>o.'<l rountries. lIul
will lk'mand all <>l' lhf lecht>OlaRi<'al
ingc"' uity. ~ capacily. and
"",n 11<..... there ""' the r"", "",tatiV<' po1itiral """il)' lhal natianal .........-rIe!
principle of the past- signs Bf I __ M.hic eme.g;l\CI: wllidl ""d the inu......tianal """""",ii)' '-""II

cold war era.

migIll on" day 060..,. cItildreo brt. ~ pr1>'
t«tioa from \be wont l";hlBfthe ""uk
Wlll1d. This fngile hope is ditoN.-I in
command. i'itg<lIiafutlllllisl/fNlltan.
";lion """" tIIo;Mo,.., ~ the mill-
IaIy and ~ 1'" ,',".;upoUon. of
the r-st. and be.:ome tho: 0'..... n ..lral
arxanizini pri",:iplc of lhe pooI-e<>Id
The PPE spiral ~-
A1!hou,1th lhis ~ "",Oln.. \IlI1hr

, In ~";1iI illi Indition uf/lx"ul'lng

on ~hanll"f'll ..'hirh ~h lhe 1M:< of
PPE probJ"m ill lbe """"Iopin;l w«ld.
II llhuuld he mode dear at the """"-1
tboI tho

tho ...
! . .. . .

no. 1IIIb:'
IUrio:J ... brouRlot 10
fo:,..., it IIrJIICl:r tho I....•
a _,,; ...
oihiIQ 01

utdllr_ . . .
ee mt ollbe
K-..ic" dilno;JIioa. j1O/&ic:II .........
aDd Ib<- ~ cIwWlclIIIlf 0I1be _
_ CJlljICII'1lUy lor ~ - *
"','*'_, :IIIIl....
r""" Ihe . - . . - - 0I-tl1 ...
- . .. ......,. ~ MIr1Il ... MMll, ridI
.... 21

...... .
p ;
__- ..-


_ Jr.>
-"'...,. bo:acila .... ..._ ~ wuuIil bk '
II . . . . . puobod !:he ,_. oIl1oc:
0 ..,.,",' .
n- III Iiu'"
inIoIIlbe....,. .....
i "
It.doboI ••• io_*iIIliiI "'"""_
I'M ] 01"'" _ ...i1c11hc....... •
Iriab'd s..m • _ 01a1blrI 01 ",,,,,,ess lor 1Illb:J'. ~ wilh
raMI IunlI COIIIinut. bolII ~ the Ibr
tnoI _
"""" 1'I't: ...... Ill, U «'W-
io IhIlIlUf'llUio« \OII;rf.

indlrlllrialia.-d -'d'. ~ 01 .......
.....,ptiotI :and poIIulioo .." in llwm- ltrw<uoa OWOf\unilicl III pr'\lta"1 !he -"
~ u........ and u~·. and ho.>d:h. nUlrillun. IN! ftIll<1l1..... 01
!>«au",. lhe <l!ho:r tour M ho 01 0.. IO'On.... and ,h i~l"", in the d <~ •
"'llfId ran Ml rrasonabl\l bf, ""Pf'(1L:d world ;, """ of !he mOIl ~ilIto.iy
IU ~",;" or I1IDlIify !he """"'" 0I1ls a"IilI'*' II'Id dfordIble ....,.. 01 wo;'aIc.
0..... do-:tlooJao""IIl ia <Jr'tlo,r 1D_'Ct ouiIl,llht Jrip 01 p:wm,. jIllj1u/ariofI
tI:w bio.j1lou,...nw the~ an>W'Ih. _ CIMrulnkuIal dtsmoo ...... •
..... .hoIt..,.
..non. . - - ID... provide

" ph'" _


- r ..,
In ....... ) ~. ID """'"' !lull
Ibt PPE .. Ii' I wiI
-&haul_ ..... ' d
be " "",OLd

aoDooII dian ID m,m Ibr - t

_ alJI"<ti 0 I - V . " ~

w willio. Ie . - t about
'*"-_ ..........-
., " .. ...ynnotlhit....,.•·... ~. •

dor 21........,. KPs. ~.-oI ... i 1 I ' • ....--

For ' . -.cl ...... lIlo _ aioio. ~ ..... 1 5'. -"L a . a . "I
_ c:hA_ will ~ _1 ........ __ ,.... poiol
odlJ bk die .«<&we 01 ill _
C'ftI b )'
t\"jlIO 01vrvwtll """ 1*........ ilIIt ii IhP
is ID iii: 1113dr. IhnI U.
dNr 1Iw Ib<- ~ naiolIswill
• wtIiclo ID bonIl ..... llw powaW
_ 'tisu5wbi<t1 ionD lbc • •• •• d
opirol 01 1'1'1-: .. I t I _
""ilIA is _ rcquimI .......... -_.-......-
m ..

IIlso " - \I> .,. . ........ ~ ill 1'\. .... ......'" tlIor1 10 m mi50clt ut
ioM: 1MPl'E probIom ill iht "''¥\~ duld"'" from tho: ..,. _ t'IJc.oct, 01
the IIO'/\Tty inl" " hiclI tl"..y &rf' born,
_ _1>_
In ' ho' /oro: of oil III< immo<lll,. poli l.
InI and """""""" ~'" !hll too>-
mand "'" l u.....1ioo 01 1"'-"'" publlc, IIIld
PQIil~ i&l1lI ~ 1I miRht ...
Too-yo ~ ond ootn.>ach
<aparily mok~ il poMiblc. kif' the rlNl
lim';,to prlllflCt lbc /lII'lI l.Il and p1J)'llkal
~nl 01 . . . . lIll I t..· wMd".
~ dill lhe poobIo ",. Ia-..d bJ <hiIdrcw. b 1loII 1hm.... "'""""'"
lhr j1OOn.'It II"OIlIP iIl lhe jlIIlRtl ........ ~ 10 imt" ..... _ ot Ihe ......
lrin 1'l'<IUId ~ 10 otaIjIf IIowlr .. m bJ whO;h..-rt1 • prrj1C'IIO-
111-_ Ibe ................... Ilut Ikd irCIaI """ l" " b .... IW the __
............... Ibis lOll wiI ' - 10 All ..., 4 . "" 10 the 1'l'E
. . . .. For ) wiI -..r ... be poM. ... I
_ __ Ibt"iou ...........
lilt Ill•• ""Ilor u ;, ,1hIl 1e
lIlINd widlooc liIWlc ' . tllo! PPE CJdld" lirids. _least kiDds 01
jIl lll • • Ibe~, .. ",t • .... io t» oIlhr-"l".
the -w.. "~1IlIiII 1 "'" "'*
pars, ~ ~ , , .. n",. art:
.... 10 ("QjlC w&h Ibe ' ......d ;q.;t .:J lhe .. c, c ..... 01' ....... di:o<m.
0I11lc _ _ - " " 01 ~. rapid
i . ' ;., J'OW'h. _ . . ...... kliUl io bolII........, :IIIIl.,.,.
- ' fi t T6r'll, - ' _ *"'P ,........
dcdrIe W'iI _ _ muimr lI'UllIlItl!
ilri into . .... asi:llI ~
r bpid Pf'Ilm-'" t-.to .. ltaIl • ,
I"... 199Cl1.1ho - - It.
triocIl jooocsn ... !hi . ..... '"
WorIll S - lot CIiiIdr'" tpteific..,
. - . ".. ,.,... oIt_ n°, ...
"" On.............
_'IIi"cIIiIIhoIil_ ",.dfI"" •• ,. . . . . oW


Alrlho MJollt ol cIliIIlwI, _

_ ."" .'" _ c
~lIPJ _.
............... aa,,we-
Also in. 1"' ,_ •• A
-.. _ IIlMn No . tar oIlUdIlIhnt . . . . , . . ....
_ _ ..... Coo ; • • "'1IiIIa

rI ... ~ · __

U cloiWr-. .... M-.~.
_ · ,. A__ ' ... *",:
-. .........
_ _ 11

Io_ t
J • "' S ..
.- '
.............. """ 11 _ _ _l1li ..
. . . . . . . . . . 1 1• . . , , . . _ _ --. .. e-
Y Uadllol ..... _ha , ..,_,.
_1lM' --. .... Ga••_ No odlIr 1'IlIID
,_ H ,0I6ta IIow _ . ..... _ (lnQl'taIIOI •
....... 1 o I r _ clim<f. . . In! • falIOIIf • •
.- Mor• ......, "PO"' ... ha;
l.IHlCU. ' - _ by 119!i lilt Cor>-
....- wiI ..... _ 'atiliool by II
- . MOl. I .""" "' l it 'uflbtlJrllllll N...... _

war in IIImlIf YUjIOS/l rii. And O'IlIIny MIIiIg I <tI/ldlrd tor 1llt - . l ,
INIU 01 1MW<IIIIl, chillnollllYl ...... ""0ItCban. and - " , . . " . ~ '1Iil-
- . . . IIIlI hlf<e ID Walch ... PM- « I" _ w!lodo ..... III,"", iIhoIIId

licipl1l in l1r\Il:iDU. HundlWII III lit «hllllfd to III
Ihouslndl hi" boon crjpplod by In ,oe"", ....1'.. 1l'Q _ 'Oino
l.nd·mI.... M"'t mor. hi" """ hll Mg" n to actWn.
into .""'" . 8IY'" dfUllS .rld
pont, . nd d'Mnti\Iltod 111 O!l>t<1'
"".enul rtSUhI. B'IJiMitIIJ widl '1IlI
days <PI lrInqtliIliIy' whil:h ......
poiot,. lIrlcCll."llod ...... III tho. EI Sal\tadot'• • 1liId..... UI til .......
l'\lUI'IlI l*IIIIt ... sutl"""ll ""'" posI - nil-' ... _al day1 ~ each ......
lI'tumIIic _ I ..... duM; lhrt _

....... _._
'. • ... _ . Iht
Oftd clOlioot ......... in"'" ,- ... """" hao ...... v--I F"'l"d IhtI
""lIItCIicwI Illf t!Iildrwro. IIhooIId IN
in .... ta<:, 01 ....",M"''''
. _IIM-
uu-, ·

..-. . _[ . _. _- .......
• , . ' t · olIw.
ir_ . . _ .... .. ... ~ SooNoo. .. _

_ ---
.. 1' ' , .......
/11. _ - . ....... - . . . . . 1d>Oo\ 1O

............... w w
s..-'. oIIolno_

" -w. lhe __
, _. . lit .1_ ' J I'" Ao II -.II ,.., It .

. . .... .._ol.
_u •• ,...., _ _ .. _._..,.IDrwMII.. .
"""-- _ hao _III'

--.... - ...... ..,.1llII!.... _


# oW
_"o•• ,• • u101P'"'I ' .......
.... "d 1IfOIIftI_ ~ IN_
....... .........0
!he ....... OIl dliIlhoI ill _ _ 111
ol'I. holp ttl N. .....""'... ...
Tho ~ Iipd by Iho
- VI ~tl '"""' It'" lHl
primary <'Clu<atioIIlor .. <hidruI. ..l =- SlId dlildn'll _ ~l.

'-V'<iallr lor all eith: whictI ....•.. risk oIbrioa Ik~ ill
An gllP\'n1lmlt<l wortdwillr t:lIon Iho:' fa:f: 01-,,- . . ~ IllOf"('
10 .....-lho·..... 0 1 _ .. __ bmIir .. t l lIl.. -10 01
~-IIlrir~_""" lbo'_ iI:;IponIaI bum • . . ....
..... 1lIrir __ -.I dIoDes.. IIlN' lbat Ibe wortd tIlaId or! . . UrV, bill
~ . . - - - - . . 11Iio is • ... . . 01_ _ iacioIiooe ... .--
--.... . . . 01 ..
... _
w_. ~ i5 . .
........,.. .. a:liL.. ...,. ....
.&eliot . - ........... nUd be
-"" ...... ~ Whlbr hr-.dtr
<CIOIId lor 1Us 1be .. ubkmol~.1 • . . cr-'Ih.

.... 01
" ..: '" ::
'e oIlmlrpt..
_ ••,it
, . . ('01(
.......... .
oIlIlIIaIw - " • ____
_ _ Ibr l!I!Illf _ ......
-.: w. t<nfts ....
- " __ .,1~0I1bo

101 _Ibe noatrJl.... at 0I1bis -Wli - . l n _ _ JII"tIOIgn.

II is. ~ lIorpa. __ .... lbt
~. ~ _" """ - . . bIber
~ lbo' .<1 kin« 01 ....w.- allInI III .....

A= ..-e..,...,... ~- ... pooIIfl m. ' onIr I I ' rae -
.........,IOllTI._ _
1he-tt_....,..... iN....-, ...... 1Jt - " .....
_ 13i .. n .. ,,a ""- !tIS
, ........ ira . IIId "'1.
1lRl_ _ , .. _ _ Ef\:IIt.
"" _,t .
IIIlI ,= '
...-",-. _ .
__ ....
k .. _ _ IIllI
... 00 ..... . -
. . "'''; 1Ol ... """"_ lib
1OIlS~ Mol I; MIl """"" IbI . .
....., .. '=.=.r-.n.
~ A_

tliIIia* •
a!lllock io "

~ IbI I!tIft . . . . c:ioC¥ ~ ...au.....

"'"""_ *- - l1li 10 ~ ohouIoI bi !;hi
bod(. oUllMds. 1\is._1lle fil'II-e1loil:. n.-. llfuol lhiropy
ItIndI<d "'......" 11"8/11" ....... '" ............ ..lion'" fO<rlO: r.....
!;hi .......... IM$I ",1SlIgjou. ","'in' ~ by WHO'" 1WlI EVfIIIion gIN'
.I1lOl.111 illowIll ORS wll "sod ill
,.. . oc_
OC llool l ,
_ ill mldi:. 1or _"'h" ~ tif-
Of IanO'n _

ORT...,." UNICEf _1III1f;Innwlo

m 01 Ci on 01 lIio'moooI IIiooIN .
'ofIHo ...... __ lIfIICribooI .. ~ ll
lkft _ .. *' ~ CUll
__ 't . - ... _ .... 01
.. "'" lOp '" irs ogonda. ..... _

"'l1li"'-1'" "'" ~ ......_ OIlS SlChoa, woloIy

, . 1
cllilllhn ....... l I I I . _ ..... IGC_
foUl, _ _
_ twit ..o.
.... ..... inda.-, f _~.
TIrIt ......... ,. • • " .... ....
J,lIllI d*I WIbI DdI .,. llIlT
_iII_ _ .
IifIIalI_ ..... I!IIA

......- a--
...., ...,. oodIOloI <...-....I

t ; OIlS

. ' -.1 "' '' __ 110'.-

...... - IIId ... _ ........
WIllI. . . . _ $I WIiM .....

. . 101 ~ _
....... """ ... 2
. 00 io
"""".- ........
..... _ . ill do. 'I

..... 1IifBI,j .. ' d" rtl l;!

..... .. l1li -'d'". _ ...... Somo CfIUftIfiIs ..
bourtoo=:b III diI ' ndln", -,. bAic:.. IJndoor ... .........
.... 1II dJlrrtIoIal ahydmjon. And it SUjlII\'iIion ol Ph J"'ICadoo SoIina..
,........ I prim'f'j " UN '" ... ~wi· M"';;o hoI juallo"",hN I _ 19.
lion: ,~m ~""""" ' obo • SZO miIiorIa' .... to bnng II" rohyll'"
~ Plid'. body 01 nutritnto. ,"II.c", lion to ...,., .1Iild in ... ,., OIIl • .
• pptIilI I nd inrIibits food .boorpliDn. u..s. tho bin_ 'Tho bill 1CIlulioo'.

. . - iG- '"
ro .;tiIi,1Ii prog,,", !;hi Ina· lIII ..",paign ",","!;hi _ Fl ' -
tt1 ol_ "",.k F" c-*. WIllI ,.... , . II'Id "'"""' IIIIp
clliIJ ,.qUlfl1 .llocII:Irt To Nck UP .....
""*' •
WHO """
'. or.......
UNICEF. II.-. HI "" pol 1ft OIIT

pubieilt• ......., _

<_ ,,..,
_ ~1he ond of 1m. ..... ........ 'I I "'"'"
Boo ... --... '" E9'IJII __ .....
l1li ~ " I · • ....,. ........... l1li 1IIlI_·
_ . . . . . . . . . ,.
. . . . ~ lPI' ''' \lIOIM Sl.-
......" .. ,
. . 600-

1 0,1 , __ .t
_........ "' .. _ ...,.
IICl: __
....... ,.

I _ a.

-. , ,. . I IIigIotj _cealooI
OIlS ....,., ' - - " w__ ......... 0
- - . lI5'l .. - . _ _
*_ """ 1bIOIlS ...,. fili _ .
A progress report 1
............ .-.... ' "- .......---: .
Tbr_-.....-~01 .... bnIdo "".".= 01 Ihio • .,y
briIIc .. biued . . chi-
pu«..:. _
...... it. . . of. . ,·
..t:I it Ibo'
....... - - - . , liliiii is briIIIl
Olbl:r~. III ~ kI ib~

. . " - . . -.It ....... -.-to ....

r -....._ " .......

~ DWI" ........... 'il4 01 Ib,_in Ioi_\< lldd hJ . ~

. . . ...
<'" ... -.:It. - . , ! rio." polio..

n.._ .... oI~_

AI. tW "". ' ' . 01 dw IllllGo. .......
eIIlIClI • c ans/IeI. I n:loliwtJ "flIlCh... ~ """ 1OO.llOO..... •
_ .... DI
......boll ...... ...,01~....
#P-'a, _
dIiIdmo 01 poor <OIrlIIlU1llIia .. tbo.
d.... I, ""C -'cI. . Not IIIlOdt .......
• r-: IOI!lo:J' . . . . hat ""'"
Cloofr Ihr _
11>.... . _b 400.D00.'
pfl'\rId, Ibr ...... 01
... . w o.",.. Rm MIlO . " ' _ _
""" .......... 1.1 .,. Lhan
llwt . ~
15 ~
<hiIdn.... .-U1lVd Ib<
~ ..... - " ynr. ... ""'"'"
than 2.5 milli<II'I diocI dum, llw- XUit'
I"'- ottlll' w....... Too.,. llw>b ' Q
liOO.OO:I fpaIlf'l 3) tIM' 01
dUIdtno d)inc Inlm diphlhcrio .....
' - " <'Ul &om 19.00:1 104.000'
AHo .. . I't1OIk of immullizztion
<'!bt.. poli<IluoI b<.'tft ~ly JMni
impmoor mml~
in hNhh

""" IY"lt IIId d<lIllullfum the~,

'-'-'" """"
"''';Il ,,-, I"""It u, oppruximald y 25 mil-

...... booftI Nt 10 juSl oY<'l" I millioIl.'

and ground . In 19l1O. a1l1101l 400.000 ~ h jj.
drl"fI,•• "",,,lltd lot ~/(' by l~ poliCl
";no... l.ail Y".... \IlI ....1Jm. num....mi
. ~Ialcly 140.000 (p;u,t'I 4 ;and
liIr. 31.' AttonIi"ll ... WHO. lhm jj
Sfrond. . . .-.t .. "",.os is aIoo ...... rttiOIIabk- <'hlnc<' lllll puliu """
_1ha ... _,..,Q
bo.-irw madr ....,. .., diarT'-al 1fio. boCBdiDIlt'd from II><: !al'I' ot lfwo Ntth
01 ~ llf'IW\lI ... ~ lk'lllh A ~ bIoor& otP"C'_
~d..,~01 _ _.. ~
ill ......01 ...... "Ib..-rillutiDlo In
~1oI1hr""""'~ "'CMCI ~ Ff'tqIICIIl Z
4 . . . . dliltna • ,.. Wft'f' ~
" - diarIIlonoI " - . Ilut .......
1_ f t lCC!laiqw 010iT ... "'-
poI: • • di!pNI "' _ _ i,.I,
." I tIltnt In I mar. ~
\INIdl . . _ _ ~ dIo:T
n ............. .........J . . . . .
-..:- lbrr inhtiI dIIr! : in- oJ
-- - -
!SO ..... ~ . ...... _dIinI
01 !be d".1 .. : - v ', _ _
SixIJ ' lts_Jl"lOb;T ~01
fond; 1hcT'
. . llWlIf _it

... "tv.. ·
. . . dt... lupd "'
(OllSI1O 'bd....
WDfIol IkMh
01. . . " (Vt'KOJ -.I In.1Ctl'-.
. ........ 1fheII.a; Z
~.Ibe .... " . . . . ~

.... . doot 3m d tpirIl af ' '. . .

-- __
._....._._ _---
_ -- ..
_.. _._. _....--
. . . . . . . . . IWO
l :' ..._ _
froM Ibrir .........
_ iI hnIIh. IIMl ~ " Ibio ..,nI.
ram." m._lodi,·+w.-. wtWlo
mulrJ ill 1ft....,.....,
of dIiIdrnI -_ ........
11.- 1
m-I _ _ IJgnrl2).'
ThP l!lllOs_..tr \9'Jl)o" - ....
_1bt ...... ot~1tvds
I'rnm lIlllk.. m 10 llIlP'oxim..,ty p -
01...- faiIiIIlI
10 ....... 1lIrir .-ly ,.... ...
""""'" In _ Io>lhrit r.IllllOlll&ll -.I
plrysinl polctltiaI (pIno:l ~. 1bt' maiot
...... b<.q
lbti"" '"
=. ,..,... ~
In r<n'fII )'O'C'lI
-._ ,,-_
-_. __
. ----
.. . _-
~edly ..... oI lhc p - . t ""bIiot
.Jon mal I ~l
Po lIlPln.c lbefundamc:nLl.l .. obk ll.. ,
fit.' fenilily 11111 <J -'m<bilm
~ dc 'dopo
__ mroIal ond
1a 0lbcT.......
pbnoiojp: ..................... vi ,Ill' _
sipilUlt lWlribuliooJ 10 Iloann

~. _. Il...,. In: ,"",,_all

inIialE .... 0IIIly ~ bdl . . -
oI-nraad w1adc"
Ilonel __
po ........ "'"
__ tlNdJ
_ _ ....

............. oI.....,.,l1O'\n.

....... 10 "' _
dud ' ,-w. ~ :9lJQ.IIw_
ponioa '" - - . 10. .
da' ' . _ _ *-_10
6llf. .. ScJudo.£aI ~ 810 1ll'
• I..tIio ............ -.I " - m 10 43\
iIIAlric1.!'.IIr ' ""' _HI
.... """""' ot •
. . . ill Lhr ok..' ; 1 a -W ....
..... ~ '" IIrttI -=ty: ~
...... 100 thrir_1luliooo
to I1:'lIllrinR Lhr ot ...... aad
imo'hhiltl: ...ubiou! bAIIh.
laly. "-,,.kiillt po .., c......
.... brcoI .-lr .. CQC'odi«< i.ho'
kJIooo.~ and lilt lIll'aIlli " family
~, ln lhn" ~ lilt nun,btt"

-,,_ .. -
110 .... _ _ . . .

. _"._--
of mild"'" bnm lU I"" ...'flll«' "f<MllaII
in the deo.·..
lpi na: world has b11P.n fm<n

_-- 6.0 w 3.7 ((11(. ~) . 0Yt....u. ihl· propor-

lion 01 _'<I """",'" u";", m,K!<'m


11. .... ....1. mMlIod'i of famlly (lbr1ninlr hu
....._d frwn .. ,,,u..n
1 0000 l O ~ '
iInaI"'r 50ti (fia. S)."11... "II<l'd oI1lIls

tIoaiI&" ill lIIIlI'<<fIiI' 1ll<'lI ill drmo-
gnphO; hislory. wiIh _
17 ..........
'CIinI: ill IIatmII lhrir lfoniliIy
ra... ill 00lIy I*' ~" -n.
_ .......'""'01" ,"I.. ,."".
..... _ _..,."Itw.......•
!Ill'" Dr. HirvIhi
C..- vi. WHO, ·
...,. .bil ....'.. 0 1 _
, ,. ill . . _ • _ ____
'""'" Iliab ~ oI ' .,

... ...,. ' hI-*- ....... iII lhr dc " -W . . . .
wMi .. .",,- IllM 'IJ'*- io it . , . - iIrfId.
Its ..... lvl.diit_ .......... ...~ ~""l'Pb'._
::.ib' : I io ... 01 ibr _
' . .. mlll, < . M' .......,.•
, ; ... fII • • _ I
-.lri ' do,,: ;
lJooo ......... 01 , _,
' - n .....tcr__ -uil1
.__ ......... "
... •t<:w dk<'" - llMI it l;llllOlW oI
,td· '_10-.-:011 ......

.......cIo:rillr IbN I'nl ,","01".111M

....-... Ihco ...uitiooaI hNlilI 01 bolh Wfbtft...- ~ 10 . . . .
......... ond doiI&ft: MPt'S -... .-y nnl '-"Itt .........
lIlOC"C bnI:h. _ _..... 1lIOCC'
bourtlood. it "'"' r.- from .....
~ t " " . ~ "-'OIl ...,.....,. ........ ond ~ .........
thr an' Md<duoMiOII 01 tbildma; n ~ ribu 10 ......coin MIl
t !IIoors P"I",lvim C"""'lh- Ani! "'-'" .'!UtfIC\ht<I ~ ill tho- "'CJIOininI Y<'I'l'01
tbouth ihl'l't' \0. lIlIII • ('<lCIol<Itc ..... 1"" 19!1Os; hul ~. orh~. "" for

• """"" <kmMId. Ihfo ~ of /aftoily :-: Moorm IhM ....... all dc~
1\IIlIon__ ' - the- .......,. 10 11'" heitlII: ..a.-nd 10 dit In.m n."O)lincory
\hi, boW"""""" vllllrimli/ic Pl'*" 55 ink<1loao whI'tc 0Iliihi0IlrlI <GUId br
¥ l!lr diI:poQI vllllnool


"'-"""I!d ... ..-H. ~ is

........ ..-aiIabIc' • aknoot
. - ; Of'

dwI -"l _
1Ilill _
........ .. _khoidf pulW _ politi-
.. '_.'.55 lballtdl otl._.. . _
1fW 0llIIIt!L
.-I _ Ibr Boldlildl ••
_ ~. lhol boIh .... ai"'otilic ..... ..... d InoI: .-twd bt
tw-.... -.I lhto _ _ h <-"" _liLlt. .. Ibot I " Filii: nutill
___ 7 '• • ..... .....III:t._lI.-
_Il:>t"b t .. 10DJX1i) dtidrfto • ,... k hod
~ ~.i:r tJ . . . _ _ pctJIiitR" dlt .ns
ia . ........ ... " .' _ "- olllwC1l'lh.
~ _ "" vllbcir '= :l . .
7..., .. .. w-
. .bc." 19l1Oo

_.W_ . . , .."...,.
chJdrtotllO ...... ~
.-m. _
/wtffti«_~ 1{,.

...ub:. iI:

ditiIOI old " ow ict
dlr ....
add odwr _ _ II> Ihio
~lrt' _ . ~ 01 ....
.... 1M s.w I { " WorirJ CtiIdmo thilcIrfto • ~ to 1'1
ft'por\ r..r 19l1!l. .~lh2 _ ..... bIoo:i m.m .be lid 01 A wbo:tI k
IriIlI ....""U& _ _iI1lri1l1 ~ • ... _1*to ~ ...
Thit ~ vi wbal ~ .. .,.,... p»- CIliII A ~ 0¥0il0blt ... ......,. rbild
>IiI* to ......... Mo ........ from bNIIh
prxtiliotwn. ud odlooIo vi ",,1>&
II<IIth, from UlIiIl,'tl N;IlioQ_
f" m I/w: 1ound.U..... md Ih,.. """"IfO¥"
<'f1lmcn'lIllJl'V""i.t>I<ion,., Iron' IN ..".
f<:uichlll bod;"" an~ Uw n....-ardl
01 riokl'" WIlY _ Iodil>c dtlio:it1o; ,
IIl'ilI tIw: Indinlr ....... of ~
m.,,,lOl l't"\Otdolioa iIl lttt wvrid (fiIt. ~.
.....sing -.. loo.lXKl lnfon'" 10 btlborn
.. ""-'lin" _ h )'l.... and affc. 1lng IIJro
r>ormaIlIc'vdlll'lneUI 0( IIIl'UI 50 mil·
-"---- _-
_.... _--
;"";Iulio~ lU>d fro'" ;nm:.";11,1( num- Ii<>n ,·hildrton. ...I\fon Ill!: probkm t'II'Jld
brnr of anM.b<, nlNlia """""""W...... he pr't...... ,ed by -.w1hi11J( .. afrortl'
upin;on k and puIiliral lxHlio..... ablt and ~le .. ludi.ana" a1111a11
Ao 1lIal Mo _la~. ·""p1ica'" ....",. """'" .. "",",,",I'd 1
... k '-1It.'I/WI to ......... iIio'(( inu> milliucl btIbir. brinll aIIow<.nd 10 die
poIiIiaI ~ An nrIt n:aqJko cadi )'tW" ....... ...... _ _ IUl<haI-
. . I b r " - " - 10 lho.' eos ........ \It<aII'd d<dft icldot- ~ ol ......
............... bt - ' - 011 oM: ~'<'Cilcte icI-,. oIw
MliutIII polIIkaI iNltmI .. Ihr .... ..nI?"' ,W wlty '"""' 1l<'Wlt .......
1!IllClt. Iv. lhIl ............ IhirtI vlllr pt'O)IIto 0li1I ............. poiIIfal ..c
dud j ' « -'cr. tllBdmI ...,... ......OIIcte: t&<u 01"""""", dis.
briIw: -d: . . Ole" .... JlWS . - ....... dtr ('Of! 01 <'tllIlni ill
bft 80\......, ..... ......,.,.,.: 6twtI _ hod borN rNwro.l to
bt_, · . ,. . $t..50 ..... ~
1tI....... _ _ ....... t:w. __ Icc wIKtI ~
........ _1Idoa
......- vi .Iolt ·
. . , II> tIIl«iIr...
bmrfit:ovl ...... _I0
..,.aniIIIlIt. Tort
f ""


...... Itotl ........... lIot.- 10 br
• ' j t<rt<l • • _

....... Wt.,.
, ..
4-ol1ij " -
'l) t
_..... . . .
' :

iHcI .....

w ..., III ....

. . ... • t' Ole" Ihr lllis .. obk.. 01 ..-to r<tht<rIi.-?"

-.orkl, k bo. lOlft'lII ood _ ....." ,. _ • lbitd 01 lht- 60: ..' ~ ••
<loti 0Ull'Ijt0' Ibot OOIttl1hitl,lt .. ~. ........... dlilcfttI tduw otI a . qabIc.·
Pl' ".1 tl . and m.-.abIr.1It'ltinary -iIbt .. hew I """'"
I1iantI<Ital dioc._ ...... ot7I ........ 6ttuotIotnIttIlhoc ....... utriIion br
thor &0<0;-. 013 miIIilItI )'tIWIjf thiIdrt.>ft • ~ - bowIlioIIr ttdum:I •• I:WI of
\I,..,. .......,.
)""r. Of' thai ........ rluu:I 3 rniIIion ~ low lhoII SlO IX'" dIlld~ ·

E VIllY minIM. , ntwbom dill of
lOti"". _lion. EYMY Ion .....
"'. ...... Urn, din... wi ke. dOWIl l
clnll. lMs- """,bo.. CII_n in.....
dl.eloping _ ~ _
1l1llC• • 01 PCJOf hygienl Ind
in ....""'.
. - mOl!le'. hlry VI" . In aSlimltld nogl101. AceCl<ding to "'. WOOd
5O.tOl ""'ternol deOlhs Ind nl .1ly HI""" Orglnill6on. IIfIIV hl~ 0' ..
600,00) _ nlUl 11tII..... d••ths - 01 doivorin If'
.""lid.rod 'clol n' Ind
up to 0.. qUill" 01 inf, m IIIOIIIrflV in «tI 1It~ '" IlteOOtl! by I IrII111d
..,.,. cO<ltlllieJ - eM bo OIevented
by _nus .......Iionand d..n bioh -~
Some countrios "" winning ltII
prootic... bltIle Iglinsl tellnus by I combine·
0.. 01 lhe 1/11'" -OOP'ed by lito lion <>I ."oinllionl Ind _ JIl
1990 Wolld SurnrM I.. ClildJln WlO ptClfllOll SIM, cllild~ limbo_.
th. ,Iitniovlion 01 n..... tal t8llllll!l by where !IIree CJOl 01 fivI pr.gnlnt
1995. Tho vl CCin, itHII h.. bun -..on Ir ' IuIy imIunill<l I gl inn
.... itot>!o Ill< :111'"'" and ~ h•• I<>n9 ....nu.. now tr. ... II _ _ ""'"
t>etn mown thlt two dos•• o/tetanus perfurm <leIMrrio.. wiIIl ,n Imphali.
to~ during lI<~n lncv wil I'fOIOCI on Iho '!:tIrol elll'" - 0101. ,,"neI.. I
boIh molho, , tid bobV <A'IIiI Ill. ehild cloln .. rllel kif dl liYl<'j. IIld clo.n
cln bo .'tcn ted irIIitpendlmIY. tuning lnel CI" 01 till cord. And
¥0I1ht ,"M 1(1 drl•• t tl\ll..... logs Chinl, _ I ltII id• • <>I rho w••
!>ad!y behind. Alto, • doc.do 01 tT" .. Wll 1m d.. tIoI>tcl fI<:~
inltnS. "'Oft, !he lmmunillliDn 01 tIogln ils fiJll '1IlIIlIIS; ..ceinlllon
inlJlRIlI ' gs",*, IlIl'>t< 01< 01..0lIl. cU lplig n fO< _ in »l CournilL
. bIo diSl. . .. 'u,,,teI .. "" td _ Th. i!and. wher. ,""'""s ..... ,•
.. mom cQlJmriM by !hi Incl oI19!i11 Clun _ QUmsr oIl11K1111111 mono
Covellll" 01 ~ ' nl ..._ with .r;,y. ;, on rho Wly '0 wit>in'l ....
tllO rIlIS VIOCinl '(lSI I,,,,,, lind" IS'llo rho dO by 1m. T1Ho .I ",PI~
In abo"' !:6'llo (lV\!f " " dtc,d•. but h.s me impJDl'ld " porting of tillS.
sin.. fallen b.ck to lc$O "'.., CO% . nil" odutttion III rnotiYat& -..on 11>
F(lOJf VOtf1 19>. diI Stor. of 1M bI inllId. I nd ,"clling .. I. birIh
WOf1o"s C/IiIdrIlt! repo<'l cillld "'" prICli III trlditionll birth l nen·
._ 111 01 0. . R,.....
_orson. dInts. IIuTth worl:.... Ind othor
..... di,.tted l!Ie Wotlcl H. olth O,g'_ '...........nvrlldlfl.
nUl l;",,.. ExPloded I'fQ\l" !MIIl on Between 1988 100 1!l92. lIIanus
Immunilllion tot _ 01 dill9BOs: ....oid ..........11ion <>I Thai _
' 1M cantiIHwIt:. 01 _ W ..I rty <Ioubll<110 ~ whii:1 tIII"US
lII WlU. n pr9$lffl/l • m.iM fIiIure 01 siIoIs I nd baosl"s Wl rl giYln III nint
public hnllil proCliu. II if """ 01 !hi "'" 01 ,on ••hooIohildr.... Sot. dol·
_ tklm.tic . rrd fIlVO'rinII • •• iIoory kits WI" wid~ dislliIIlJlod.
00n. of our l'IIidtr f. ilurt II> "",...;M ISfII<iltv ....Ir . IIl1nus WIS moll
"'lie "",,,,,,.t ho.1Itt urvkn. N« provIl lOl
11M c... 01 _ _rollot"',", _ As • re$Ul\, in "'. two provine..
"" ~ III <><:CUI. Btluif 1995; /he " ginoring IlIo highlst """nl~
diH. .. should 1M ~ in.""Y \IIIf'OJI Jl III, !hi numblr 01 CII..
<""""T. w. h....
I good. SlII* Wlsh."ld in _ veon.O
. OCCiM Inti ir c<MJld l ilt!should hi...
""" d... . l'Ilmrdl)l:
S,dIy, tile.. .... rdl '" just "
..lr;lnl ,ocIl\I.
Tho "wi01r IliIu<I' nc,,"," thII
.....11 binh ", 1<tiCOS whic:~ bnng
IIl1nu. '9"'11 iMlI ...... " wiIh thII
UMllled \I1lbibc;1l curd « binh
""Y" ...... thaI~~.. M ..
thf;, ,,",, ' , '.. """" iI IlIIWaM<'d
1M..,.. a,..., '"
M;'Iioa for
.... by th<o)'NO" 2lXIO.-
1IritfIJ. l ' - _,...
Id>itriIla Iht:
1 I .
., -.- -....
At., Ie60I tIoIit;.q

......... tIMl_ ...

_ IIw "'" 'a. 01 '""""'" "
• tho- ......... 0I. . . . .,....,.cvup/ei'
n" -wnI
,.. .......... ""' ....,..
baMaa ol thild - . --.
IriIiool.Ihc' .1.......... 01 9Ot.
img-,ni • ...•• 0 .-... 01
w-. .... M!djoioe cpt
_ ' --
........ioIooucl , Ibt: . . . . .
t.I H..I ...",. IiIdoo ........ _ ill Do. 01 ""'"" <he UIoiola 01
~...,. iI* 1""_ II «1110 _fIiI, ,_
rca..1'ri<-'r odlool.,.... • •
.... ifts -:k. 11110,-, it ... asIoed • .... .... Ie-. . . 01 dlildn:L Ihc'
...., u.ilod sax- Wet MOlbnbood 1"0;' fl _
C"""'.... 1!I l Il. _
ill 500.000 .... , _Ibt: . . . .

r - __ .. ..,...,....,.,..... -u.we ol faaoilr : ' . .....-.
~ .. IIw .ocl : '• .....w? ...................... ....l ....
w!l:J,... mot$It. wm' W1lIaN iII!l11b- ""'"" Ia<J'fU Ire -"cr ....,. ol
SQl.-Alrin . . . . . . a 1...20"* ....... . « Ihr Iwc lha ol do<-
01 d1ilt« ill dIildbin1I 'II'lwa1M ri* ... _ booIio: btatfilI; ol _.....w
• _ III tho- n!ldbWzul -'d ... $/I0oI111_ bo: ....sr ...mt*: _
'-I bcoIoo '"""'"" 110 ....1, ill ~ ,.. "'_ .... 1O"lbfr' 0""'''''''
the .... '" fwocloonkC " ' .... lOll; Obi
ill suniwal. IltUh. _ triIiDa wbidI
Ncw goa]s
"'" ..........,. '" "'" -.hi *"'-'lr ~
The ...-fI...........'IM ollhe*", inlorJuJn-
lioa p i ~ lhi:o ~ The
ouainmo.:nl ol lhlt 01IC xual - <orhidl for
Il>c IIrl'llirM On hiWlrjrbn>u ~hl . basic
i'dmtiflc lllllllOCl' 10 vinual/y f\'tfY
b" lI"WIltd. And I~ .. . - "" 1ICI<Id
Ul lh:cly Ibne 1m&:-""<I"c:n1S 10
family III """""llIIIlt no mal....
w!l<.on· lhcy mat live. Al\hau ~h p<.....:rty
and ullCk'lllrvelopmml malcf \he: I;ISk
--- -
"omm.mily In lhe worid ~ ~_ ~ diIT"",h, IIII' Ithltvt.ntdl '"
...r.unl lhal many oIb<..,. Ilimibr and !hut ~. daft ..... ~ P pCIIl
,.quaIly iqIortam plI CllOJId be ~ I'dlnaloJajto or txpl\l'
~ ,. 1IIIIlooto ~ 10 rna., oM ""wicJoiaI ~ tI>o:r" an:, ,,,
lh<' It\mIjIl - ' illbe iI>IcrnarionaI Lbt ~ ol ~ rtXhtd
00ll'IlUIiIy p¥r U .,1lIillo.1I Ju;lpDIt.
III Lhr !II '" Ill9O. IhB rioina __
....... the ...a "tl\W'Oby IIiY dr¥clap-
iolll .......,. IhaI jtiwocoIlhc- lash adJj.
_ ' " wlai o:llIOId be' doIIC ........... n- :wiarit)o.
iIILhr:ew.. '
_ _ beW
aolw r\DbII .......
The I<IUII t1al'I "* 01
w.r ,.. 2lXIO .... ;. tUnaItd •
0• • hio« II of
.... • opjICIIOfCl II> poliIjtal 1Ililaoy, ..... It $25 16loI .,.... Thio
«,e ........ 1hl' Warid S--
.. ... CbiIdoft. IltW • 1M Ullilod
;.. amalI \lricIt III PIr'" a ..""om
Ihol ..... dE ai .It Pf'IOK' _ _ •
Narioa .. ""' York, _OAd "'" -v.
It.:- <IIihImI .... Ibt ......
. . . . . • p<oIfi1,I'. Ntd II. iI • \lricIt
\1" ' _Itt_ ....,
71 "' • h_f"tl71l1li011.
_ PI-.

"'-l _01 111._ _ bill bfn

" oa
lit- _ _ a6ltclc<I it _
..... 5,ia
1M.'" I ' • -'<L lOll! D '" -.-

........... .,. ad._a ill :a.o-I-
_ _ "'dlriD
' ""' ~ __
.. .... 1IioI1loodgo;u. ..... 10 lit- all ad
lD 1 a"om io AI ill ..-ciOlt
balii: . . . -.hi b":do , . . .m.
~ ~ .. tho- & ocl,_. ...... ~iftIIh __. bosic: ......
-.hi. TIM: tnuk .... ....,., of _ ...... Nk ...... .....,.,...... r-i)y
-u.I1CIIlh _ • ",UlillM - _ piau....
eiptd by 1511 ~ _ thai nth
ftaliQn ~ lIdlIjIIlho' '" ito"""
~ and drrw DaIionaI
bH1I rncII<'d in Chile. China. Costa ine11lding I!ang\adesh, China. ltKll.\
~ C u~ tIM: l>crnomlic I~'s and 1'illswI. which !<JI(t1her cootain
~bli<: of KotN. 1l00duru. 1l00g no:... rly half the developing wnr1d's chi ~
Kong. Indone$a. Jordsn. Ku Vl'lli~ ~.. By 1995. 1latlJ[tadeoh. China.
Malaysia, Maurillus, Mexi<" , Oman. ltKl~ and T~ia wiD bl.' producing
lbe Philippines, Saudi Arabia, l\misia, er>ouJlh iodi=l WI La pn>l<!ct tbeiT
and U",If\I3Y. entire population..~ A funher 33 """...

n The lJW.dccadc larjp.1 of • 90lrt tries art-' in Ihc proa.. ... of 1il1ling up
1'Old\lCllon in mea.. .... ca-. and • 95'l
rl'due:tioo ill m<:asIes death .. is likely In """'" DlIion.. the " .... Its arc
II> be rta<htd in sevaaI COWltries aIn;ady b<.>comiDJ( oppucm: llbuWL
Indudina: Bruit ChUe, China. Coot.o Rolivia, and E......,d...., lor example. art'
Rics, Rwand.o, Tuni..... VICl N- . and ~ to the point nf preventina: SIQ"
Zimbabwe.· 0'teraIl. there /lao ~ """'" caoes nf Hx!i"" derociffl:;y eeor-
"=' a 6fl1, n;duction in musIes ~ den!. ~ .......'1inism.
andlID 88ll. reductioft in meuIes de.l¢b. n The 1990s bave a1loo _. """,killed
collljWtd II> prWnmllllitalioo levels.a 1'S000teso itlwmillg lhe lido: agaillSl the
o ThI....., is aI$o o<>/lcI I""Il"""l 10 b<>nlc-fe<dinK 01 infsnts. Aft.... ttIO<'e
rq>o!I in lhcbattle II> cnodicale polio in than " decade nr W<IIi< by WHO,
selected areas by 1995. Thm: haw: UNICEI', and many no"1ltM.'1"1lmrnlal
bee.. DO ".,.. <:alICll of polio in Nonh. 0flllU\lzati0ns. the frtt Dr Sllboidi=l
CenLral or Soulh America lor Ibe 1asI dislributioo of infAnt formulas to ""'"
1wo yean. and poIio-l~ >OIM':S at"( now t1>OIlI<:n in ho,;pitalo lnd t1I3lemily
also bcinsl =al«l in Europe, Nor1h clinics has t-n banned in nearly SO
Nric:l. Soolhern Africl and !he Middle ,k,••,loping CDW1trieo where m.. pn<>
E:ast. Globally, the numbtr <If polio lice_ fornll!r1y a<....,'k'd .~ Under!he
<alft "'"" Men rN...,..,) by apprtlJ<i- WHO/ IJNICH 'baby-frit.'fId1y hospital
maa-!y8OIrorompoan:<lto .,...,..mmuni<a- initiative', man, hond,,'ds nf h.oo;>itals
lion 1.....,1s (fig. 3).~ and malmO i\)' unilli in lM.... 100 dc>'c~
n MlIDl' nation. have ""'" begun to oping and indo 1;b'io.1it<:d counlries ha~
U"" 'n
immonU:alion sys(enI8 diotn"bote s<Jo,oc<J !he ,"" sl<po to ....t<Ct<Sfu1
villlmin Acapsules La child ~ oot'r !he ~Il' dsa"", up by WHO lIld
~ d si>: monlh. - includi"ll UNICF.F in 1 989_ ~ In bosl>i1aIs where
Bangladesh, Btuit India, Malawi and re<ords have been s.na/yl><<l ,he rn,.
the Philippines.a lD lWO d Ihc devel0p- quency of iIIIles!! lIld death IIIlOIlS!
ing worId 's """" populnus CDW1trieo, II<'Wborm has been substantiaDy
~ and lI>dio. bctwt'eII ~ 1'Old~ and siltniflCallt tirw>cial ......
and ~ of chikln'll ~ &0 W- been ings bave bef:o nude_- Given !he Sll~
There have beeu no """,00tI. An :o«:cler.o\i<In ot ~ ­
and 1he use of the irnrooni<:uio• ."..
PQ<t DC health pn>frsoinn*1s, the
~ of infanl formula manut.<,
tMI lor vitamin A distribulio:l in IIW'IY WtW'S, and !he continued ilI.....lvemcnl
fl ew cases of polio more <ounlri<... - ...iII be ~ if oflhcpoblicsnd !he~1al
lhe JtlnbaI ~ of <"OfItrolling ¥i1amln ~.. it ohouId be r-;ible to
in the ioestern A debnq by 1995 is l<I be met. lnd<- actI~ lhc mid-dc<:ade. fOlI of <"fl'Jlll'.
l"'f>deft, ~ condtlClCd in 1992 ini th:ot the majorily of the wnrld'. hoo-
<OJIlimJ llw, in many areas of the pjtab and t1I3l<.... i\)' uni!o "'won the
hemisphere for the develol>inR wnrId, ¥i1amln A SIlpp;e.. ncIu!ive ~ing of infanls in
mMlS <2<1 nod",,", child tlc3tho by lID lhe rim lew 1lIO<Ilh. of life.
last two years. "_ of 25lo- n Thcgoal 01 controlling guineaworm
o R.t;Md PI"llUC9S it oIso bcing made. disease by 1995 is aho rIt3rly within
in IlIlIDY n>Iiono, towar<h the mid- "-""C:h ~ n!f<1ing hope to thnx who suf·
decade goal of cIiminolitlJ[ iodine deli- fe"11>DIIlIM 01 ~ pain, re-. nan-
cienq> (panel 8). 0vl'1" 1M 1asI rIVe !lea, vomitinJr, diarrtIoca and ~
)'W'5, tWi<H>al soil iudizalion pro- bndy wakncss. To""""'s Ule end of

. ,I[!WIUIltI have lfOI>e in1I> IuD ~

in s toW nf ~ cleYo.o\oping COIIntries -
the 1!lllOs, !he worldwide number of
eases of guinea worm di-.. was eiIti-
r _ "" l!I!lt - " " ilia 1ht .......
~ ilnowdowalo""""'U-l..u..a
n... traioI'<Iln lbt ,""opo ~. _ of onlibi-
........ Ikn allhouch 00 """"triCI ...,
I\1IlIIU.'d 10 haW' dnwn ... pions ""
--......._-_ --
.... 1 Solo_

- 9OlI; ~ tbom ill juol .,...". A&><-

.-riel. ladiL

19S1 1O
1ht..., 10
__ iI
w -.btr ....
InIIII 4Cl,lKKl iro
I lXXJeaos ill 1!l!lZ. ill.

19!il5. r.mu. "pulEd _

1ht ...... ior
,.. IiIlle
1ttIh. Tht
....... clIiIdrN
III ok """'"
~ aiM
~·Ibtft is .
01 K'lb _ . . - - "
ill Iha - . , thIIl 3

iIliJ I. loci.."
1IoNt6I 01.....
ill 19!1:t ... :ohooiW _ joia I!tIt .... ......, .... 1IOl ....,.,. ....
c.-.... c..-..-eo-. "- IIoe dIiIdi •• 01 IIoc

........'·i '..,.
--"1....," '.....,..
GadIiil, ..... III po<IfN
s-li AtalIia. Mol \.. . . . 'dlt ill 01
( .... IhM ~ --'1' Irftd III
1bt. . 1o •• 0I1hi1 · 1Wo0l ... 1Ioc_..... d. . IIl.-lo... .....,.. .
_.o& <Wd ' .... ~ .-l . . . ..... ' 'l Il h i tIot dtoooel-
NilIIorio. ~ ~ llioc -*:r 01 CIIliDI-w. Yel dllt dnp """ ......
_ lor SOli 10 dIoo ~,.,... ' lIId ·c. . I 1ld 10 IllId 1ht
O M...,. . ,. I. ·'lII' ~ ... ..,.,. ~0I1bc-V. d.a.
ItIIII<iaM: IIddr -.I lqcty \IIIJlI"I drc:M ..., _ Ixirlr.... PIilIblt III -'
..""' •• - . I s lbt IIOCl 01 <It-. tIooooc wloo.-cliMm,
....-PIIb'""................,brlht a 1'1 "",•• in ......-... ~

• 01 run!
..... hM
19!1l III _
n. 1a
' .....2OllOUill'. bda.1ht~~ ol ORT lw alMbtal lOO ....... Aqur-
wiIh ~ 1<1 ""'" Lor 01_ C\'IIlw)' hM now pa-.I since
him ~ ....... :lOll in iJoo, <!bw'd ' _ """'" thai. dclIydra.
lIlA In 1992. If this tlon oouldbe pr'CWfI~ ond 1rnItd by
~ Is maintaln<'Il. Ih<.'D India _ill
........10 lh<, rtar 2000 WId oIlU1i~
1I<'C\'lI6, m ruralan.... 1>11997. In 11ll3l
2.2 "'illi'lII Indio Marlo: II lwId.-.",flS,
"-loI>'d liInlugh <.Wplr.IliOlI
a mialul1' ol oupr ond ...... . a ~
~ry dw wu dc!I<'l'lbo.'Illn!he 1!l70s ..

IIIn101,f1tl: " lilt _lin.".Itt"'.·

. _ II( Ike t"M1nI ,.rdiro/ .m..t-
ICChniquco it ¥inually <'Ooll.frt.t . Vel k is
brlwt..... lilc: GcM:mmmt .... IndiA, sllII known 10 only abolo.n QIIt Ibinl or
lIo<.. lWl..... _

_- -
..... _ _ 0 . -
1lII _ _ ...

c• • _

--- -
lI "lC ~. ond ~ <lIP" !he: dc: ,d"pio~ .......tof. lcrnilitL And
~ .... ...,. ~ wakr 10 diIn'-<l " - Is ttill kiIiI.- am-
...... 5SO millioIl ~1Il. iniIiIII CVSI S miIIioa dIiIdn:a • )'9'". Utime ma.
oI_u&... I) S4 ..........-. dmI ...... lbt ...... teld ~ of
... 9 look " obpk • lbt pI'1lb- btfttr-ol Of """" iaAonoIiII - ' "
Il'mI Iha haW' btotIl mdItrtd ..., lbtM it Is ditIcuII 10 Ibtm
.............. 210 ,... '" deb ""'d dyiow • -:ll _ .... 25 ~ dot
..... ~ . . .eded ill ...... _ - . , 01 . ""M .. Iooooft«
1lIb~ owl ~ _ ., wiIhia 1!ilI 1NOtCly. Samo.- - a ad •
""""010""., • I ' ~,.. Ilbula. C
• c-.
s,.;.. .... l*d kfi> F...........

~ ... ( ' 1 , 'I ...

iro lhc' _1_
T--. ~ . \'.
.......... """"
t&. ...
......... 1IuI __
1liIIl!her? _-.r rqualb . . ~ tlIiIn _IIe ~IIl •
. . 01 ....... . wtlidI ..., 1 • doc OIT III • ~ IJOI.
C' U 1MIdl _........,., (Ir.~ .

__ __ __
---_ _c_.

l'roes•• ill _ ill "...Ii...... A$nil pu:... . lbt IIlI'IIlllllt: 10

· . .. . . t . _ ..
..... from noww jIO'OlWt ~ . . . . . dtb,dilllioa ill


~ -..p killer0I1ht _ ....,. _ AnIGl<

schi. III ~ ..

........ l"'olol ~ in a dcwn lIMiooK IhtncIt wiIh rood: ...... diIII; 10 '10110
hlW'ahowoo Iha ~ <k'alha ..... t$IinoOIft, ....... $1 bi50a a ~ ill CIIf'o
bt' ~ II)' "l' 1050l il"portIIIS arc Imtlr bnIr; onIicIiaf 'hoecI
cpenl ....
iDbmo.'Il oIt1l<' Nfly dan«n" aigrw.. and dr\cs. _ 01 which """ ~ or
if C'OmmUIIiIr 1K'alth ......un arc harmIuI, whm &II thai. it """""-'<I, in the
T'1lt WIlIlof' mDS' plofound "IIIfi. slowing CPt dtlorminv bone growth.
I tionIl 'g. ney is 001. ... n On lung botorl ...m.triIio<1 t>.oomes
_ ser InC dOl. flO! "'... vi$lbll. ~ I "'lIlifieS ti'>I WOIIt . . . . .
voI:.. ""Ilk Ill.lngl . Yfl COflIIlIO/I, quen••• lit h iS. Tho ris ~ 01 dyi>g
is lho<kiI>g in
...ry<Irj ml lnuttiti<ltl from I giwl n diselSI Is dou_ for
_ .. .1• • nd .....'ilv; I st..1Ihy mildly molt>ourishod ehikjren, .nd
ICCom,*U (If """."Y, ~ SII.<1tI II1e
mltllollnd pl!ysicil gfOY<th 01 on. in
1ripIe<l1CPt those mooerat.ly molnour·
WIld. '" ' (JIlri. ~ is 1 11eto1 in OM lIlinl
_ ohildrenIn Ill. 6eYtIo~ WI>I1d.

lit til. 11 milIinn un...,·!Mt d••tIls
Only I" 0/ no 01 lilt WIllid'S cllil- N t h V-I' Good ourriIion. .. till
drill. ... ibit oisiblo ~n$ or ""inlflli. other hind. is .. """"ur
lion. Ik.c I n ",lim.tee! 1911 IIIiJIion ag l inst disl.II,
child,," under .go fiote IJI chroni- For I '"""'tv 01 fI.,OftS tIla! stiln·
co'" ml lnouti$hed, lod ttl eorlr into I tisss "1 only lIoeginnino; to u"".. stand,
POll'''' 01 iI hOi"" Ind _ drtllop- molnlllrilion SIlfur. hlldllt inIhIlasl
mem. n..probj... it mosI widI · l1lmISll' Dl pr~n.ney Ind dering tho

wo"4. molnDurishld ._en.

' 111... 6 in So.." ....,. , hom.to hltt lIIo

Thl lcoIo!/\, of ""~ is cOm-

fitS! t2 -.how, bini\. During fIlis
.......'"blo sta g., !hi liny 1I000000cl1
' oquires OOflS\OrI\ ~ brain
ple>. Ml ny ~ d . in _~ . dlYMpmonl is " ' ring 'OIl'l!'lItion
bou<I\oOds "'" silo" of 1.,.,.j bllWOtn .nd till " a ~1i'Ig imm..,. sysI.m i.
hlflilSts. 01' tmicl d""'llht and wl r. _ .klo!.
YOI mon ... lIIourisl1ld child,.. IiwIIn Tho _ _I tIItol$ 01 stlrntinll
homo. with Idtq<J01. lo.d wPil. '" I II oon.lfI,nl'" baton • oh ~ · . tnt
Ody I ....., smal llfO»O'1ion of I flm - bittl'KlOI'. Eve<> a "Ulrition rnp""..
it(1 lOtIlfood intokll is '1Il";,td I. thlr l.ft", til. ohilll" liUly to sufi"
_ . ~ child . dl qUllOly. !f.m bllow-norrnal grnwtll, . ~ C1in g
Sptcifie "'obi. ... ouch .1 low phy$k110<'ld _ I dl,"lo""",nt ' nd
Ilitth Wltighl ood . p•• ilie p,.Clien oomluOIIIimQ til, lulu" 01 . h.'kI'en
OUcO IS botllt ·lnding conIIi!lIM Ind _ nllion..
hnviIy to mllnlllririon. flo prineiplol Poorly nouriIlttll ......,... lind to
c _ . is I!lt cO"stlM.lion IIivI billh to l.WMle.-i<;ht bab:.. ~
01 dis , • •peoilily o;lie"Ilo.., thot ......OIIrisMd in 111. _ . ntI Ilk""
~s in poor oo",lIIulllti.. " cl:inll to ' "m.in 50 in Ihe o"",illl'r!J ye_
. 101" ..... tet Ind IInlttlio.. Chroric lit ttl.
ilInt.. d""" nutri_ from U. body III 111. t950WorIcI Surnrnil for Chi-
I nd its ctls, d"fI, po>li(l.11 lei"'" . grHd on ti'>I
Wh.. nourisllml nt ""'" lew, the IlOl1 of h. Mng _VIfe I nti mod...to
h.....n body mlk• • "'m~ '" m.,""Ili..fit. . .mong untIe,·fiws
h IP golnoj. MO>lIy, tho.. "-0- by 1M ye., 2lOl La!V*·••• 1e 1><0-
miMi 1'9 "vi5ible - or .isi"'" only grarnmn in both Afric. Inti Intli.
lot., III "",.. with gfOY<th <IIIrtII 10
"""SUrI lIHI llte 01 rtumi"ll. Ywtu'lly
!lie.. ly DUlWIn! siqn;, sluggish.."-
h..... reollllfy .-.. til.. rt4 O'n be

E""" in d1I 'lidS! o! I n Il:ooonio

•• til. bo<tr stnIggr.. to 0............ .r\ois. Torti.....'. o""'"'unity·.......
I ....gy. UndtmOur ;shlll .lOIdron IrirIg. nw'ilion P'OlI" """' h.. mo,.
SIInd flthor tIIIn (\Ill .nd ploy. sit thin h'lvtod Ihe r.... oj _III m.I..,
,.tIlI, tIlIn rtI<'ld. 1iIinslta d lit sir. trilion in thrII Y"'" Tho m.1OOSlo!
To oompon..,- tIN" tlWll flllriems. thl prog,.mmo .... . ~ ...'rultaly
til. OOCI(s mfll t>olio fl tl drops. Slh ohild in 1!18(. Thai 00$\ his bnn
Blood IlIIUU'" sinU . H body t.t ;. .......111 to lbout 12.50 PO' . hiJd ..
low, ~ 'borrows frO)lll its .......... _ !Ito proor'n'Wne _ nltionwicll . 0
dlpltting musole ifISIud of tit I nd
_ m¥rl1 01 .-... if lIimJjo lAd doIrinI: drIi+<7y. t'lloock <IP"durifII: _ Rs-IOno I'oi:l* allw
P . l1li _
iIIn:p<......... OKr. II3rl<'Y ... ho/p to ........, hiKh blood
a Tht I!UIf 01 ~ lIl:'OJIalal prt'MlR'. aIIImliI. and ...... WI ... t,o l....,0111
. . - bl' 1\l!l5 will ...... rncht<l _ ............ 0( m ' 0 wi dalh,l. l'wo
............... t:J-d $. In 1990, • ~.,. prcItfC1 looth - " « :l... _ .
...u.-d 5.'ll 01 JII,a _ _ ..
tht ...,,'. · • ......w......,~
,1rOiD<OI5 _ ...... _
......." DIIriQamI6:
binh,. _ _ """"'Id ..
... •
...-.- _ "" 1!I!Il, lhaI .......
bod , . . III briDa' ..,.. ~
dIiWrN _ "" •• ' . 01 . . - .
......1hnIl!IIon' ill _ " ' - ...,..,
u I!QI, 01 ,.,...dNU ,,*-1laIs. dl:-.,w,..
0I1br <'lIrd) ............... lbr ....
~of_",,~ ",*,,_Illa_ i U H i " ii
.........alialt-.. oIlba Ieod. --w. No ...,.... """ .......... 01
T.- .... .1Iinbtiil 1 1· C....w_
aIIlrlor_d-.:JO,..s., ~_

......,. ............
. . . ill d . , . . a

boo . bIIof
........ "'alraiDl'O! .......

wllo e
... l!IInI ""'" Ia . .
........... , oi:lN\rI(-""",
ollolr jliolllt 06
.• •
~ ""ll.....,.01.., .... bc.-atfU0I 1lirtb ' - Thio .......,.
....... . 1'C'flMo.'OI ill .., ,.,. lor .., ft.'ljIJino .,.md
It'<WoIuKks or
ynI:n:o. 01( iHU >«' with _ ","n ~ It ... 1IOlI'lIlaIly ..
~ a.--b«-a.. jiI ... id<1I 1III ~"''''' bJ' '''''''
Ult<l """'I)' ll> ~. T....,..........
.. for ""'"' a q......... 01 poIitiral dl.'leI'
in. dioIrid """"""" - ' mal<!nIiIy
UIlitA lOony famil1 tohouId ~ ..
Il'IirWloo lAd ~ I...... lor
<"CampIC'. io ""', oI lht poornI """...
,n.... In 11... w<wId witha p. n'Opita GNI'
or <Hlly SJJl> a Y\'l'r. )'t'< 11 ha5 W<'-
ow= 0( ltw: rioks dri ldbinh. Itr>d
....." w~be lcIlty ID "'""~
~ ..... - in """""'" - Iur ttan.
pori 10 • IloepItaI or mal"""ll, IUlil
.'" ...._.
Q'U _ _ " . ",

-_.- ... --
,....:0.'01 In Irnmuni.Dnx n<:arIy llO'li 01 oI>Dulll the",..11 orilo<.
~l ........... apinlll 1tUnu-. And ~ II... llO"! 01 a 5Ollo red..,. _""'_"
""'''' ll>r Nlllmilmt<ll io mack', ..... lioa in malemal mon'lilY bl' """ <."lId 0(

PI sdr
e-I be !'JPd: TholIand. hao nil
-..ll<tanu. tlNIho ~ hall ill 1M
w.... yftIS bl' ~ ril!..wn
cIHIwr ~ -r ""
lht- <'CIIlU'l' .. ll.th 100. "'"
l1li an- In<cloI 01 «-..i<' ~

IIIftIL II wuuId lrIW briIIsria,I( lht-

_ _ mIIIIC'nIaI rolOf1alily
., ISO dnIh. .....
'* .."."
<bob5r«" lb ........i...... ...........,. 1<1
_ .
500.000 binhJ - a
*-ly IdIi<.'oo.

.... '" .......w 01
... oI.. ' r; •
_ _ -uiIr. ,
...,...,. .-.its

.. lIK' -"L io. I 51 l1lioll,. 11K'
F..-r ,.... ~

SlllUlOO Ilo;n,;u'" f't:Gpir'. Iltpubk of

..-.~ """" U ... ;io lbr Pl3i1 '
<tlidt*th. Tho' _ ..... Sri 5 V''" N-. _1 ..
"llIM!III coalil br~ U l~ if _160
. . . T1w"'; 01 ,'[ a"""'"10 t'dln:

lbt inI is ....mol iii..

.. iI
. , ............ "' ............
............. 01ckoIho IIIoriaa: lIf"tC"
_0I . . _......-of.1IIr
........ lor l1li lIOIl: of dIiIdml if

....... w.w5 1 k"'of _ _

..., ... dIIdllirIh ... dlr ckoIho 01 . . . 0I ...... _ 1looI ~ 0I
___ -tao_ _ )'aUI; 10Ii-<' 1lirtb 1/lf: _ dilInaIllO •
...,.......... do D<II wioh III ......... . . ,.;d ..... io 11M- 19!iOo" 19iU<.
..,It or.-bo .......... _ .... priawy ""'""01 -' .-.
. . olwIiow. t'anlily pbnllinlr <'llIld Iioo ........ !IIWl' ~ ... bIIm ill a
ll , ....,..,... ~ .. ","", '" .........,,01ok, . 5 ; 1 «1.'I;JUdlri<s.1*Iic-
_ ot.............hs. nan,- ill """''iIhorM Alri<'a. durir« 11><
ThI' lIt'«lI'Id !lItp ~ thr 1'"'" .... 01 ilia......
t..iic ~ nn' - ' lninl:d ""!II InaIrnowl all ~ 1b< probIrm "
0llI' til. ftW'tlIion • ~ 1111: "Jll"C'_ III all .. 10 lit l!iv<n ........
pioriIy, IJM.oa oinoiW bt
~_til.Ilr ....· -'d'.~
em. *-'" I "'!rio

ew1II ....,.."' wbidl..... 1b<.-
~ Khool. bat doIDtwalhinlaol ....- 01 • .• chiIdr<Il lbot
lIIoooc nRIIcd.",. lor III k"'II '""'"- ' rd.
~ • • dic5 t.. IIf"C'"
LJ !'r<J«l ,' .. ..I' Z
_ _ .. ;;5 ..
• ? It 10 ""'-
....". ill: _ < '" . , . '" A... . <_? . IOIlIiI..........
,.,.. ... .... '" .......,.. Ilc<ccIIl lISK.'F.F 11M IlIiI ,....
. . IUUI-"\'W.
..hiI: ..u",iIIS hnI' 1lfc& ~ -..mrd 1 _ puI6:..... - 1lrt
.-y. bul1h<T hnI' ..... bcal-..: ,..,.. • N.m- _ """ ....,. u..,
....- 10 family JIImalnll wrtioco ' - Iolcsc ..oilabk .......... 10 m:onl
rtodo<<1 !l5' in I'..ost NU (ltdocllna lIIld """""'" uallonIllCllit ., ,,",..If in
ChinaJ • .,..:r 6OlIO in SoIIlb-f_ Alia child ... tViYal. hnlIh. ""uilio.. . I'<lu<3-
and l.atin Amtrio.-a. Ilboul SSllIn Soo!h llDn. family pilnnil\,l(. and _ for
Asia, and Icss lhan lOti In A/rita... """,-.en.-
In ..I>$alw'an Mrb.ln par\l<ular.
l/w., pmbIom ~ """,h <Itc:ptr lhon
NOI by GNI' aJorl<'
lick'" priority aad lad '" Nnds. Hiah
child dallI . . . and low \o¥cIa tiI. ...... 01"11><.- baoi<. ~ lilo-Enpw-
.,.... "'" 1M __•
....ldv-..1M0U(lIl b e ~
.... 1ImiIy 1"' '' '·'I I"fIIlIIias ~ 1l.­ 10 .. lImiIQ, ....,. i. . . ba<
haoooo ~
Mt....tIiIc hr.'IIlh!llldcrta
Ihp ; ..._ .
.. lor....tled.1IIIjoriiJ' olllr _ _
........... ""conIL
I'<'dt rI delle. .( • poliries,. ... III s-n. tbr PflIl*Io iI I ......-.a
lIAI« ff) P'ftt - -Ilh d>c bdicllllaJ 100 b;J

..... Ihol 1b< ..". '" . . , . . . mrIlOD ' I • bem" ...
... ~ Mdllel"Oicn his . . 1b< ~ __. 1 .idttp...... ""iaI
lha '1loc P'""" will ....,. be wilh . '•
iIIol -Ilh - " )'OW . . ,.....,., il.
be<lXlotS _ IIld _ dnr !bit
Urloldata .....1n>3iaI1I><"""' IIpt'<U 01Jl""<I'tt
•.....,.. tl>ccc .. III J"'l DO W'C'f o;pi6. ill II<Il ............ 01 _ .....6.... but 01
Higl/ child deat11 <'IIl1 ~ in p.ntills! In Ill- the ;Jrior'lieI.
~ ~...""'. nc:«Icd 10........ TW<> qumont< ... ~liI1. !hi<
ra tes alld knu iIor ~ in .0 ollhoo< buie IoIt'aI '' OJ[l'''
....... t1nlt. lilt oIguilic.·I:U vi
of h u""", ~ M:my COUIIlritf; R'«'Il1 1"W"l l\;aI, by II1d "'I'\l'.
..~ by • tGlIl\lII'IllY<oIy low ~
prodlie<' ~ IIlaIlolief, O<l the
levels of educa tio n lw:aIIh aod IfOW\h ol1b<ir CCOi""'....... of ~ by IO"'''''''''"I!.. II ....
w.f)' ' " ' produa>_ .,.... lIbliIlic'I ~ bffll illtnlicltltd lhII tile dt¥tl-
for women mean ON 1b< hftIIb and ~ ollhdr <hiI- "Pine - " " 1 _ <pfIld <N>Iy
...... Yet ~ _ioI\ra ............. aboul 1M oll1loT lIIollatU "" _
that demand for "'ilIbl"'~,,,,~ bosir InnIIIIIIIftCIlo lilt ~ ....".
.....,Iy, P"'-7 ......... ......,.

. ' _ I Tcy. ... ....
.... _d pulJi<'" poIilic:al"", -+ ..-. _""';' ~ ~5iri­
family planning
remains /ow.
.... _
'"' : .
.. 6 __
, Ilodios, Ibo I . m~
io I;
iii • - n . Kadl:miC' Mta.. t.1r. tbc.. • lIfioa ..!laIItnl1lid WI
*-" .. '
..•.......... Ihow · ·

. . .. _Ibo p ' .. ................. IOL·t.t.

biiIt _ _ IllaJ -'" ..... ~u.,ollid,_< ,I : ...
....,."- ... ~t· : ' .. IIfimIrr ,"" ..' _ oab" 1.9110
IiIIics _ *-u'e ~ iii • .,;. 10'1 ... imIiIy , - • Ill "
on modia and ~ !loc'omt ....... S&<:h ~ rclIca Ilr low Iood 01
IW'I 01p>litial1iIc: in """""" ....... priurily lhal poItJ ....... " - rM-n
if the IaIlc ol~ buir adYanlajln III the _ vl brin«UIIlll>t _ baoi<
bnIo..fiQ " ~ 10 1M ~ 10 all ............... _ IMIiIablo: lOcI
~T "'!he worId'. ~. lOcI it is Tho ~ ..,
~ 10 _ ... IbM if 1M u.d< ~ ~ IJ, lor ood br)!<'. ill
1\IId ....... ,;.....II~~ ~ a- __ Moo: brnI .,.....
I'rion1 -.- _ .... lwg tin 1 • IilIbtd - ' ....,....t _ lor ll>r p'CIII
nM' I; aIld iIIlmPOoaaIIy. d'Cll it ~0Ill>rwurtd"1puIlnI JloUn..
.-III lor _ "- brno IIrIId:r ADd ,, :: 11
a. ,Shod. looddo.. ridot ofw 1M
Smlndb'. Ibttt is ttr ...dflu '" at . "h _ it..., Iiead-
e.- • its wIIi<tL, *'-" d ........ u.itItlI sua.... bo" .
ocnaa-.. III• ,<I.hLb
K "
.......... '"
.. ....,...u.e-
......... _Id_.. S ___
• ~MMllbr~bIl"""
$ . .....

" - ..... ft:'f'J ~

___ "' w.tlJ '" ~ponio . . . . . . . . . . . . a J'"
P""'. 110 Ilri- tiIiznL Mmr .... 1liDd 1hII _ .. b __
pIIW ..........,. IOdaT cbu to .... lor ' ; " l=iMI III lbr 5ol-o r;/
....... Illc _ .-cis '" 1btir IIrp , n vi lho: _ _ ~ •
........ Ihm IIIhtr ....-,.;"" Iha ... d>edcw' 5· •
< ' \0 ,o/ll) ............. ECbt '" ....., T " .............
poorat...........w. iIIl1Mo-"l willi. p;.T ...." _IbM 1lot ....td .. abaullOfIaI.-
npU itlnIIDto b8Iw $I.tO:I, ~_ fjj 1M ....... MlcIow'" lho: hiIturiaa
II wide "'""" '" dIfIm..al poilinl ~ And:i T"l"'boe """ _ . in lIMo
lmOO, " - oIr'....ty n.oad>t<I !he IfIIOI 01 ~ btforp lM ""' _ ~
ft'dllciJli undtT-fM monaIiIy rat... 10 upon tbI' wwld.1ha 00., .,;,IIu~
1tI Pft' 1,(00 bWu: or Itw: CbiIIa. Ibo
Dl'i,••crlllk '~'. ~bIio:: 01
i f _liM pm /1\, .....
_.di.' illmi Hli,.. ~ it
KIln... I"': n"rul:d(," Il.:public:. E,imo. titll1lt1 ","II" "'.tIIl> '" d,.;Ii. ~·""
Il" Ddu,"", U~ Pbilippln..."" Sri lanka, 1l' 'I1ililllU ~ /1\, 1l'IIQ/I b"ll~ rllU:
III>d \!let Na", .
!'iimil&rly. """'" 01 IJM. poomIl
llalioIa illlhl: world. iD<:1udinJl: bu in Public pressure
....b&h&nIa Nrio.... """" """""r The ~t thtt'M 10 "'it jUl"It M any poor
~ mUawioioon rat... bolaw 1-"_ hope is :hoi lho: C"lliIUlIilrnlIl :hoi
1t'tIlha hili !he ~ QIl:.Ior !he b.we btftI mIdo w;a _ <OItIDIIIl>d a
do ,, ·. ·OUI...-1d.II ......• ........ lOcI ..1tIiokrd 1'rion1. '""""" countries are today
Y.,> <:'DUIItIb Qh ,.,. aPe> whiclI .... Ioq _ -:I 01. pr;.,.,.
GSI'I 01 ... tb& $l .tO:1 II,... how iourrr:M III die poor. ~ I/lrITJ closer to meeting
.0100 aw, d Iht l!OI " .., • ajoe pnme,d .....1 il ly ......... lUI

-'<. whir athtr ..... Qh twft ............. l8l ' ADd it is wbnI
. . '"wi riG:"ol'd ~ II ............ tilt Uk. " " aIld ""'..<WLI
fhe most basic needs
... -.- Ibt
.. ....., kW of .,•••••. • " " - p . •
...... limit _
lwoo , 1Ilol dot
b<lIiI 110 0 .
of thei r peoples than
I \0 iii&, Sri lab. -.I ZidIobwt

" - allft<bnI ....... of ,"01"'" rlooat' . . . lllllot.., " ' - "
.1Not ... ,..."'.....,......... [ : ........ -"po .. w athe r countries that
..... D oI 1btirdliIdmL. .
..... _lhr~.,!he-'f". ..... · d -.on _ ~ are considerably
rn. II w-I pubic. ... ....,ro.I,
lnIIII 1Itt . . . - . . . . - . . orpn;a. wealtll ier.
..... rn. Iht palilinI
Promises and ~
..I.. ,.....,1tO
1riIhIto. nnu
cIiIIn-.1, sbow
... ..'Vi 'I 1t:adtn.

oioaaI bocits and buiinl.. . 1eIItItn.. and
frnm Iht . .... ~, .
bow i fl_ bI>I. .. !he P"""'" pootIl- &",,<10'. tIIIf:Il1iII if lhe aomrnitnw:ftlS
IiIIl The l« h olories ....d ~ thai 1Ir:ot twIl IllIdlo ... 10 bit P<a
.... briJIlIini IIasit- bt1>dito 01JlI'1lllR'A ..... ~1 lIIOl imp.1l11. se.-tina' .........
TlIe .iIi.. ot !hi _.P"'II W<J<ld 8V ... In. of OI/Ch S111109i.. -
I .,. growinlJ Ike. limo. " lU I •• lnchuling c"'"'"'"'nv porticipl~on.
"...1.,.., . WIlhWl 15 VII.... hlH!hI c...... ~ .nd c()O\ "c........ - uni-
d_opina wDrId'o popuIllion wiI ~ ...,..I.«on lJ> cle,n w,t" ond $In·
"rill" Cint, will hi" 10 <loIIble lilt iIItioo1 cln IIo t<l»tood !Iv tho ,lid 01
tlPICrrv 01 booi< _ n hb WlI'tt lho cor.turv. Tho c.51 ot <Iriling web
. rId nnilllion limply I' mlOl\l", lIII ,nd in:lllllin\l Pll"PI is nolong" lIfO'
stll.. quo. hibiliv•. A ~ codo Q> ~ c.... $9.5OO 10
ToQUCiIJ.I"". !hi clp",,1 01 H",,· sink I h~,qlippod boroI>olo
n l', oilers In • .a mple 01 bolh !hi in tho SLIlIa.. TOllIV, lI'Io1 c.51 is 00wn
~ .nd I PfO'lIising ooIuIiDn. In
201'I11S. its popuIatiofl hi S ~..tIr.d II>
S'" h is oq...... olMouo thll tho
m .cm .. mi<jrlnts from tI'll! ccumy· aool ot uniYoml ICCO.. wit no! ""
aid. hi'" CCMM in ...,eh ",jobs.. Two I Chieved !Iv cu",nt OUlilVtlo.
lliId. ot m..." IN, in m_ olioOf\' 1_
known.s ~Imn ml~ltl.
O! tho ,Slimlll; SID..1ion
spent by \I<MII""",nlS IIId I~ng
Most wrrio dwlIl\tft buyW',orto, cotmII... on WIll' 'upptr. only I ",,",
_ . tOng I nd d""b'lg from priy.1I tl IliIion is hoIllini 10 m l _
vendoo's.. The watlll Is .~.., 1.W1SIh!. sch.mo. ~.111I on. in HoM",..
"nd mlly PlI1 'til limo. II much per which ~_ • low·c.ot ,oroic.
g. b "' reSHI_ who .,. .on- ~ ... d on hlndP'J"'P' '''lu;PPocI bot. -
neCted II> !he public ... tt , 5Y$Iem. hoi.. 1<Ill SUfll or Vlld Wl t.,·OIAnd_
lick oIld.qu.t1 Wll.' 1M ..", , alii- piP" ooMnol primorilv!ho poor. Tho
,.6.. muos !rOquenl iIn... . ... _ _ sa I>iIion i, """"t.d 111 ItII·
grOlM:h: MI in len child,en dil . tivolv high-cOS! $YSltIlIS- ....i l. rtroar·
bri.., 'H 'r.inv 1M 'gII of fivoo - I mont p1lnlS. ~ SlltioroI.
lht«l 01 111. dl . 1tls boinlI !rom <1<. .. in<Iividt<ll houHltokl Will' oum_
'''0011 dile .... Ind lligh/r mocllJniltd , _......-
In l W1, lIII _ .n OIlio<ul tomo - """'V IhI t>olI,,·olI
....lIr InO .. M8ti.. 191n<y. wido <o,,"nun~j Most \IOYImmtms .ro
UNJCEl' lUPPO't ~unc"'d In ....,.•• Ilso OlJtrsidizing th. opelllion " .11
IiYI progt_ usi"ll indll*"lonl "",int.nl""O cosu by . , """h "'
...as. c-...lllnkl..nd trlI< '110
jll'crvidl ",_lei in pQ<lf r.;ghbour·
hood.. WIIhin 1ivo yell" maf. Il'Ian
"" ApprOlim. tetv 12 bi5ol' pecpli in
111, developing world " . tlldovdoro'ocI
!>O,OOJ peeple in 26 b, ,,ios _re ICC'" to • boto ........... of ..II
gWing Ml8r from sal., 18li.bk1 and drinking ter. On preoetll po1IIm!l of
pe<mlMIll SOlJf<I ', c~ ........ 01 """" I n lOlim' tocl 7Tl1 ....on
housl _ wo,l r .. pond..... from peo","'" rtiIl be wilhDur I II. _
CC\ ofinco",". only'' '. by lho . IId ot tho CtnlU"I•• nd !hi
The .""",,, .... u11h. Mondu,•• lIUIllbo, 01 po.pIe wilhout '<llqu.t.
o:trotegy .. 1l1e '"",,"unil'\' _ IIn lIation ...,;n "'VI Inc" ... d to
board Ileol4O by..ell barrio. Bw rd. I wroQnototv 1.9 biIion
.. cru~ ",*", t .., I.bo,,,. ""'"IQI .nd Tho muugo 01 !ho 1..1 docld •
........i11 th........ _ .... _ bih cOOJld no! bo <Iolfl( Tho VIII 2lDl
lJ> ....,• • nc!. uhim.tety. ' .POV tho \101I1 ot mal<ing .. f, .....w .nd ,.m-.
....."".rr1 ",. de try UNICEF .nd tho lion, vllo"" Ill " tin "" ICliovocI -
Gowrrlllllfll. In • PI'''''' UNICEF p", - IlIJl ""IV by IIstrl1Cturi'lg gOV«<M'll!nc
~ m..... f...... sIlowe<I willing. O'l>lnditu,., end OrneII\lUooII lid in
rII.. lJ> PI\' Iof dl<.... Am-lion try I...ur oIlow-com communitv-but<l
1Ikin11 OUI - ond '. PO~ _ 100.. lJ> otrOlllgil$ lot !tit \'OOfISl CI
buid u rVtor-,o ... itt.
1M Iclr'mol <oa 01 polillcaI ti L""....., lOld b,. folIiIl« ~ b'1hr
~ ...~ JOII\I. . - 'OM whidI
Ii;.,.. mer
u... ~ up
..., ~
pn>- tu... ,' " !Ilidl ~ ckpcm.
To _ 1llio- - . . ...... _1O
loI ioDrd iII __ ""WO'" u...
tit ..' " ....w _--'""
...... lhtf'e a. ' ,"• ...., JiDr . . lilt lusit _ _ . . . IbIII t.-
_ 111.1120\
aidpo.... I' ''''''. ......
aid is • .. oJ ... _
btt'oo~riJ <
' , . '$

. . the wa hmrlIII __ 01 the Iizlrd HIIl ll orilI ~

l"I"ftfa ~. bro........ ill bioi< lht..-..,. ~ 1aol1O
hcwIlIl. tdIo<aIiaIl. ... 1bIII ...., CIt'< oI.o1lht iIIlmt'CIi-
t o...." ~ io u... kiro4 lie ,,",bIcaw " "'""" (" ..<Iii.
01 aid whirh the IDllioritY at Jlf'<IlW ..
tho: ~ ..,nl wioJI '" aM.·
and 1M kind 01 aid wlIidI tilt majorily
Lhl 01 \lOlIIi<oI ill u...

0/ ptq)Ic ia the ~ WUI'Id ...w.

tu ~. But 10 • Iar¥e ""lnIt. tile The 21st century
..... ancI Wpo, iii todaY. aid pro- 0-- and ~ lht 1lI'\lblcrrlt of prior..
~.. n;rrnain fr=u, in .... ~trnI ky ancl l'O.'llCJllJ'C. iho ~ 01 brine·
ul u... rol4 ..... ""'" About. m ... ialf \he _ b.ooio: bt'ndl lf; of """"""
Ulliltd !iIaIa f<mgn ......... is miJt. lo .a C'CIIDIIIUI>iti .. "On/rolliN"" •
IIrT lid .., IIlr heal yar ,9tt DD't 111 "" ki Al Ibmol01'"""" pnl<!r lDljlIIi-
"'- 2S\ ... ~ aid io ... tmr. Tbtft a . ... IIld~...
-w lor [mit. l.-l a:04 .... 1«<1hoobudl~""""''''_
...... l1li Sorritt ~ _ Itbit ,UikIlb ~ b< OWl . be••", .
n.iIItr: . ,
.... ... lbt dr:,d ; ' •
su ....... dot
hi oddIi-
fII. " , -"1 ,.

..... - " ~ polir;y ......1Iltft, pVOOIIl. _ . ." ' . ca,. ..

IIltl lf ... *=r~ "" n..- wtictlt ... _ _ .....I!lio 'l'f'£ "'oWtAl· .....
........, 1IId ... <...."i11 < " . - - . !be raM: 01 " 5 • • 1OCIo:J'.
tiaM. o.tr oblIa 2SS 01 .. lid. .. plICIelll:AIlot IIIiIIIlillI Ilor _ baslo:
tuIIIIIIr . ~ 10 .... 1tIl ........... ill ~ 01 ..... _ lO.oIl'!"IPb....,.
the -w ... ..., bo.... \II 75\ "'!he be' aIIonIcd CO'CII INa priorirJ lhaa •
worIlI'I poor." the """"'- pa!It. lbio _ III ..", _al
AI. • Iimt.me. many h.t bop<tI thIIl llCIlonly ... ~ .......k. bul .....
At least 20 % of
tlw md 01 th<: <Old ..... _ 14 .nfrwa • profoundly mloIakta _ . r.... 1bt
oub$WItial Iinmc:ial ~ lOr achio::\'tmtllt of basic human kOIh Is international aid
IId d......m ~ _ of iht """" lmk: not only • humalliW\an Un~li>e. ~
i. olao """ j)j' iIll' _ ~ I ond
probIontt '" w<>rid 1I'M"fY, tl... ifttema-
tional dt-:dOpli....i l t/Jott IJ illlac:l!k'- 1Cl:e!O"bk: llflIlo at Sln.'ll,flhti\inx 1bt
should be nflocated
In.I: • ........., linanciaI ...... Tho: """""""",,, """""" dlmoco." mil
............. dnnmd b' aid IIId - . -'
_ ill J::asIn1I F_
!rift of Ihr lonntr ~ Uoioa,
ODd Ibl' alii&- ........
01 ~ W llI'N ", oIlltAl.lhai

m: ............. It",.« u 1bt

to meeting the
minimum human
I' Ed..ilh ump t<.dr:o&<d dl6ciIt .... · ' tk . . - oI llor ...... ...
Irl -w iudusa ' 5 d _ aad the potft(ilrl fi " _1*11 01
!rift - ' Ihr , oJ . - of pc:8DO' lhio ..,...n. n..,. ...," ' .. • needs of the poorest
........6.iIiat • ..tI1oit:Il . . . _ deaiI • ,.., 1, . . . . . . . . .a-
.. SoMMa ............ V e i l ,iL bDw !hey IIIiabI ~ . . '- 6c>
Inl "". the _ _ 10 lIriotl _ 01
_1bIII1Ilt poortol.-rilsfll.""
.... ..., btialr do;poi .. oJ oI.oid. ...... 1be _ _ ~oIpo ...._ ...
... in'_lInts _ me _ _ II 011 Illt -V. _...... _ Illt
1!lcT...,'"bciov *; dr:bI a.d"" ~.-

1\ \1111 19!C1 World s...iI /II Cllil-
"""*-. 10
I II. ! ,1,.
c_ o.r.iJIicIn
.... _ul.--_ ..""
If. _,i "'Iof
n , -. ...... l~ _

_ _ " .. fII..-lNI'A11 Nfl. 0: :' • Ue-M. dill

... ad... q .. _ :IlllIll . . . HoIioeale-il ... QIoiono _
...... ., s-. 8r~ .. F'. IlcII ' II" ..
leA _ "'" ifill dlI s.- tal """ $ NIigIIuI
... SIll. 0I 1ho -"1'. clilhfl __ ,-, . . . ,... lind
..... NlAI ........ .......,_ Or,; 1 t

.. II drill: . 6owo bioi. . . Br.... 1'1Cl. 1m DIiOo( briIlp

, i ••- """'- ... _.
'lI '" ; 1 ,... - .
__w.. I... n..... at
NP..... al'fef I new• • ~ 1111 NlbIlIIIl CO',lIId 01 81.....
"_~ to Iho - . , .,tel· tIo>rclla, !hi .....,"". of I I 17
irt<l b<ll SIiII ........ $11'1 luI: III pi.... mal, , ,.j kf'/ non ·~ ••".,....1
ning 1.r NJmll" dtwflopllltlll WIlh OI;trU.lltions,
_ f on d'iId,.... ...., el. ,iM Ml nycO<itllJ\tl.,. ~c_ .~
""""" 01 dftooIianJ ..., ..".;,." Iho NPA " DC' " sat. or,...,.,.,ioI
cl\lolotl 01 ,.p. II'uQIIIId na IUns 01 oaiOII ... bIirIt Pltpat" in
........ . ..Iop:.......... ...., _ Mwu . - i n II lltui,
. . iI . . - Dl . . Iottul c--... ~ Von N-. " ...

. _.
Mil as a-. fmIl, IIICl '" ~ _Ilt
I t

- . ""As
. . . . bcu
_ _

I bwI
ill '-to
. . . .
...... t
.... WlS .. Dol.- . . ......, CiIr.

IOIoU • ~
~ - - _ .
MIl IIiIuriI •
...... r-,. _ _ .~.~~~

. .to, •
fa .....

o Uy
' _...... _

.~ .

. . . . . . di ' l _
'" ....... 1'''''--' "" ....-tv
-. ......,,_
_ _ • . . - ...
, .. ,

• .--, ..... 1*1" """"

. "ttI'Ior - * do. $ _
1oIo""'lI lho go I r ... oI~ !l,
IhII1UIlMI bf !hl Wlllkl"1 tI'\W~ .
-.. .V'""
"'" ell Ja
1\ Iho 'Eol1l\ S4.dmif In
o in 1992.
lid. IIIIISl
Iho .._ _ MosI

Iuroinoj 1htir
M . . - H • __
0I....,.;.y - . . _
....., RIli ... ' " in lWIdinlI

"ot" -
Cto.lll' by
ItdirlC1lnll I lo'llt" 'hili 01 1ho
NP ,"." impDltlfll "'-tnt nlbO/lli bIldgtllll $DCill .. Me In
I. bri(jgin; "'" gi p - . . ,Itil",· Nlmibil ond ZimMbM, tor .

-- _..
lion01 ... Coon......, on lilt IIighq 1Il t lll·....b in ...... lIlInding II I boing
!hi DIild """ its ........-- Thty llIbocllt'd III </IiIdrIn, Muico',

_ _ prKIO;ol, ""'''''* ~ """ f .. l* cijld in IB3 .....
1II'rt\<' douIlII 1.' .
III eWdow\'. rigID _ 5-...oIlho _II
Itw do.,
-'d,1U dlI lItput>-

...... ....
- NP
poriod " ' _
-. . . - _
...,. ,...... " k.~

.........'._-.Nfl"' ....,..
"""'"'--. ,., ,,"'_I Il -. PI" lIal '"'
""lOW. , '*....- io
, E

.., ~ perl ;" ioI ......... ....... if .,..,. _ . . ...., lhoI

_ ol NFA ' ,' ' - ", IIliI-.PI ' ~.........
_ Nl'A _ _ ..., .....
.... Iho_, II _ "C
... " - ..... "'IWl' ......
Ilfld IRidlI' pIi - 'i ", - .. ill ...
The PPE spiral 2

Th<- ...... ofw ~ NIi6<' - - . .. ... II>"'" " • Rt- t , : b ' jIl "
u.iaa . . lbr ......, 01
-td ..... ~dowlr~_

.... of b;MorJ _ . ~ 8II1be . . .

t"- w 0IlW . . ' - l!'* . . willi a
__ '-p_1ioul"'tu,i
811• . . , .. I tl) 1M-

.-.W1la4 bonI
nlicIoIIlal •
J"__ W _,..... __ ..,.... ofllocoot

--... ---- ~-- ...
• t.; ........ ~ ...... _d>ol me.
_ ""* .. _ orido t.dlr • oboe
IariJw 6ml it Iht lid -.I __
.... <aOIIIl _
whidl. _
;. • ....w ia
iliua, _

... -
..,.- plilfttIo of W _ ... ,.. "ftIlIbIt _ _
<dd . . . . . ..... B I f t ' ..-li ", IoIioot ~ &Ole/.nll...
It.- .., .., ;. " " - IIislorr. it has

doboII~-.id br po ullltiilS
bon ill wbidllJorno, _ _
"" 01 whi<h dlc Iw it it.. ofm... "'ubIH.. ......
.........,. . . . - - . . . . . II'IIy ~ 1M- III """" IIIoIwf'd III _
mIlC'h ... ~ .... 1boll<.
Ihrir P""'l'ftl.

......,. fn>a1 lIMo au""'"

of toiIilary Pio>blc".. _ ~
~ ill n-.y pWl oIlho: wwkI. I Thr IbJolu~ P'I"'l'ItJ' of lIl'II"l"'i-
willi 011 llw thh has meant lor 1M lIW<>lJ' """ Mil of lhr ......n.!., P"VJl.>-
l bu"" ul ho.unan ~ and the nl'glcn
or human "".odt. l!l" chid """'"
q U<.1IC<: ol' 1M cold war hal 1>0."." 1""
lion. A m¥lriIy 01 111", , _ biIliun
ranh art PL.'
wbooot' ""...
""'''''''''' an' bo'ing rapillly drll 'd.
ro&otw.ll diYrniton '" f,...".iaI, hllllWl, and """,-. liwo .... bt<'cIminl! i:J<n,as.
and nawnll I'I'lIllW'l'n III ...-....tiaIIy iIWl' hard and <k~" """ ..
~ putpI,lfC$, Mt-.."",*, .dob>l wmmullit'>lJo<ls (!11>1111'<' tlw
lilt,. .......... 1llOt\. _ of ~ lit"

W'JIII'IlI ""nllll -.d ~
............ ...... bn"I ...~ ODd ....... ily ill W ~ ol' llr -W;
bnc ~ lP1I""D ill IICaIe aDd
.......'..... lhroucbouI

Thr- .......... 01 tbi:5 .... . -

iho cold . .
I AnlI: ol' ,",,"" iM~
pn:JrGI lmIIIa
• Ih.
. " . IiIkiWt
will quodru-
ol' lhr poor .ilbioo •
ow. " . Illlbc _ 40
.... Ito. ....,tIl)' - . . by ilt '--rio! -...lhrl . I,,' 01 ...5 ' •
tOIl: lbo -.boM 1981ls, lbc' A6ic:I ;. .......ltd II> _ _ 1n:lIlIr

....... of... ,.
,..... ~.
hm _ " .., filllI ..... 10
....... lhD I.li .....~ o..r I h . _

lI' h ....l>.lII d ...... poriooI. tho I : will .....

...... -.
l ' ' " .....

Am. 01 iho ~ W of ..... & - . _ J ~ IDjIoII-.5

Yft ""'" dliIlICIliD:.- lioI! U A~" • jo _poIlo-

_ ...... iho~d<.-IO..... . i t ee~ llIliolas wtIidl
hioMoy \lor ttlif ~ di • of .- :...d " ' - .....
~ ••o 01..... _ 10 tho ' " I k ,. ....
~ ..k atll lt d .. .tJidI ~ ... R *-in! iii Ilaor
~. 01 productiviIy fir ....... _ _• __ '" lht warW
_ "' k . ; lei c:opocilJ. ~ "'" thai. ..., . . , iii .... nPd ...- . i t
.., frf!Ift dilItiIlllt C'05lof ~ phC ";. ill tk )'ftIlI lind. 'Jk
",,-"-, ... ......" ...., ponoplyof wha in<hnorioIUood ..... nil _ _
millht ~.- ..... . <I.Old if lbae ~ 2OWo '" 1b< worId'. pt'OjIlc• ...,
......flft hod bct'II ~ 10 ...... l.'II:I1'I'CIlI __ liblfo lor thn,,,,, l(\DI""
and ..->mlo po OR.. ... CD jlO'OICt'fuI .... ~ of IllI! """"". <U1'JY u"". lWV
f;e. II ",,.' i . . ,...... _,...... lil'o.t!o.
IlliRlJ of • - " - ..... .-I

..-..- --
... q _ ..... _ . 901 fill ~.......... _ , Iha ProIoo.,d ... npd _obi;"'"

_ r
D Q _ oI 1IwnRII1br nn/l'. ~ - M _

lI_ btdla1brw .. t l _
1 dlll~"",
~ is!bo' dliW

......... AllIlr
. .' , _ _ ill
of.. ...... 1Ia,
"""""" .-
fIIIltllli ,f)
Itwhidl_~ol~" - . . rno:ItclNdl ill. 1inIr:

• • , .-l iI . . . lhio _ _

_ _ .-fIII_toM _ _ dllCl
.-s.-- biIb for I uriIIIk pnD1.
. . . . ..-I:IidII liot .... Iool._ IinIr:
boo 'CO..... IluI • _ _ toridy _ ......... ill "'""' . . """.......
. . . . !'me tha bioIotk ~ ltIV-th ill ...,;d. E_ wbtlIlIirtll twli
• • 1iooI, Iho bopr be lha lbralld ... C,"" ..... bcIia III ill. !be ptri<Id 01
to. -w .. liIM lor 1M wwld 10 npid ~ """ .. Wml !he oec
.... . . . UdC, ~ ill <;'IlD<'nJI """"""' of ..".,.... Iha w bu!k
• ond ~ 10 Iho ~ ollll'<'l'ilnli ol • nation'. ptOplc .." YOU"l[ Itld
CIlalllr wht broullhl on by I"'· "..p,a IbouI 10 ('Il ~ IIl";r child-b<."';r.g
Ilnd .....-wnWalion ol1llr$c prol)lffllI j-can. The ~h i~ an iIlooill popula-
-' duritIi !he Iofq;: ,...... 01 miUuuy md tion moIIIf1llom which n.,.". llIoIlho
id<~~lioa. IbooIutc oumbft"ol. . .""'lin_to
n,., ("l1:li after birth ~ laI !IlftllIr.
• n..
,...., _
k.y --..., ill w Icft.«th
birlh.., ........... hiP'"

mocle dndll'll.s ~ IaIIca. And Ur
.... _ . . ..... 1inIr: .....
dIriol< !his period io1hc pc , .
_<idle ............. ofpurt\'l'l)l . .
iC. fill

. p i.......
- -...,~- -

• . .. r ... , ". . · Nv
" " " - - " '. I • I ' II"I""Ik.
.-It6.. •........
no. ..,. ....,.. ol P"""'11 pro-
... tbr -....- lor lho- I'PE ........
AMlliot fin< fIII lbi' ...-Ill' ~
loll: ~ wbidl i1_ ""islba<
" ' - - pIM'I'ty ...d riIUIR . - of

__ _--_
_._ .. .. _.. _.._._...-
... . . _--_._-----_.-
... .._._ _------
... _._-----------
... ---
-_ .. _._-- ...
._._ ---. _---
- -.----
-_ _ ----
. ._---
--- _._-_.-
_. _--
.. ..

... __ _-
-_._- ...

...... _
._" __ _----_.
._-- - --

........ '_._..... _..... _..........

TPlt_""._.__ h~_~"Pl'f""'l>
AIlitlId., tow. rd. !hi 1ittl1-1IiKrMl
. ... mLl<Pl-l;r>ored problem of
iodin. clffie'.r><y.ro p~ IlYough I
jng p'OII".......... r~lIed M
1<isIinll ellorts. Ind a worldwide ~
of ioclizing I . uhupplieo by l!Io end
revolu1io<l in111. 19S0s. at 19!1S IIIs now bell1l CceplM by !he
TIl," .... " >go. " tho 1990 WaIlcl iudo<s of IIIIIoSl I. d_ping
Summit'Of ChillIrtll, tI>t .... rIer. poIiIi- notions. Blf'I9Ildn!l. DinI,IeOI and
ell Ie,d,,, promised I now .Hon to Tlfllirlil - wiIh .1I1ly hett 01 l!Io
ond iod.... ~ ","",dOl' bytIHI worlcr. poopl, II ""~ _ III I kli lly
Ind .f I!It CfIl!lIIV. AI. WI limo. tI>t wd 0" tt.. WlYlOIOIChing tIIIl QIlIl
!rUe I ClloI rld ...... ,q. o/!he prcb:t/II lodiliI\g SI~ is COlllplrnvttv
WI' i<at blQiMirlg I. 0...",. lnown WI;g_lnl _ t el . til dooo
outsidt 0'IQ<!j••1,,.j oeitll\llic; eirelt•. in I singla ,,",anon. I" Syril , 10<
But since tnen, 111. II\IIP 01 !he lIIob· instinct, 1hI MriWy 01 Ind<mry IS
~ l' tlOHn .....,"'''''' by I m ies ., lila solo u h produCII """ ~, just
new ou........ IIIlt by l avon. l . " ....."d iodi.li"ll lho IIOUori. Slh. In
UIIIle"II!\l1J11o aI!tIe d.mt~ thlt Cln B~U11 1\ . '" 1I~ is ~ 01'1I" I
be dCIIII by IYIn mikllfttlo 01 io<tint ~,orosling from IfldiI, ln iodizing
do!>c:itney. pll n! instohcl ll rho border I dec....
Hi. IlOW '~ltd dll' Marly 1.6 I QD h Oi brought child ggm, rltC.
_ peoplt in ""*, lla n.lions .., <!own IfoII'ISO'i .. 25'4.
"' risk .n<j "'or . ome 300 million .. Nor W!>In uJl is ~uced by sml"
from Iowa/tel mIl!lllIl .bUry. Some 5l:i6 ec ,le 1r'llapi"tnlUI1 - ""'" ll1,lDl of
....,., - ,hou!l(l% 01 worIIl populo , ~ in lnd>o .lone - 1M process is
lion lId more 11II11 doubl. 11M pc.... morl c _.... Sih prodIJollS mUll
0115 estim.o,. - tuff" from goitre, Il1t III molivllld 10 Iodin llIoir prtlduet
tll·tl i. swolN"'l or !hI thyroid glOM Ind plc~ ~ .. rotIIin iocIine; ""n-
l I the U""'l whiIo ltII publk IIllISt be odUCI~ on
B,c, ,,," 1htir IIIOIhefI r.cl: iodUw. thl Donofils of ~ sligll1ly IIlOfI for
., 'u st :Jl,OOl b. bit> . .. C!RIbom UI.... aIt.
""""1\'111•• ncl ......' 1211.lXiO "" born BoI;";..acklod thiI problem by III·
cretins - menlilly"lJlde. p~ clllv
_ . lIelf... ute or F'frolyu d.
M........,. h• .-.ms II "'$l ID poinllI
iM iocIilIII lIh. ~ tho demlnd
35 lIh componies lOOt up io<Iizing,
ting up I Pfl'I11' COlnlll~ to populo,.

below lhU ~fllilL Evtn wIIl n born with _nmont hlllp to kHp lho
1IOl'rIW, j'OIJI1g cl'Wklrt. wt>on dim pricl down. BoIMan polio, spell'
fa low in iodinI "" hold bock by check the Slh"alerline C(lnllrll II t
Iel!ucld imt4i\ltll<l,lnd w. out ttl... I. ....s lho SI ~· prod ucng .,.011. ,"ow,
livlI. npp.d in _ , d_ . nd 0\111 !mIO of !III popuIoJi(ln 1m
Ij>I!tly. '" 1M w.y 111I lick of ""'"'" 1 00... 10 iodi,ed sa1I, .nd Iho go...
locks enIft .lImmunili. . ntc PlJYtifY roll hes dfOllpod to Ilhird ofits oriti-
.nd undetd""tIoP"'f"\, /t$$ .bIt te ",IIIY,I of M.
IN... in lIlatr chiklhood, I... .bIt III In If>dio, radio, 1Il0visi0n I nd
11m in thlir ,d~. flIWSIHIPl II 1 10 being lJ$orI ..........
Ttot solution - iodiZing In $IIh ..... !lsi thl mlrils at iodi.lld SIll. In
p"" - is ",rativei'; ~I Ind <oSlo Blngll<losll. the GaooI1Ulll'lll is 1'JIl'
ant; l iIoIII. 5 o-..lS pol "",,,00 Pili plying specially dl aillnod iocj;,ing
\'III. WIIIIi. I \'III gf iocrl1tll "~ mechinll 100 paoklging oquipmel1\,
tIIco""" l!Io notm, flO "1<,,,
<rotino kn of <hllgl . 10 all 16!i of ltII C""n'
Irt bor. loci g.... ~ 10 sIlrifIll. 1r(1 .....·crusrknll fl Olllries. _0li0I1
Chikl'ln dl'lelop 1I18111Y Ind perform ;WI Do comploU!d byI I ",' \994. 0
liver l!Io PI S1 two ... IIIr.. I"I"r••
mlny coonrift" heVI Ilunched Iol"~-
II I....-It 01ronfuJ.nN and lwpc in lIN' \atJl;e "umhen of <hildn'll. ~ wilh
fulUl", which io lhe JlR"lI ''D<'ffiy tJllik gr.- inequalilio.. . in land owll<'tNlip.
~ in ~<'n<'l"al and family plan- th;, "ocan-o 1Iw many millions of run!
ninJl in 1l'U1ku1ar.'" """"'" tin<l lbo>,.,..,M-s land.... or
In add ..... to tl,..... ~ 1ll1...... __.lllnd~ and "'" lh<'I'cl>y unabJ.
llO"..nul if u"'luaruiliabk.- f..,.,... haw to meet lb,'" ~ lor fond and furl,
always tl"<l<kd to Un" I"""'rty '<lith ""'"' and ;nC'Oml';
larRp lamili<.i< b"baviour patlmv.< o Ily ,,-.:!ucing ,he ornounl nf lime.
which W('fl.' 00<'\' ""....,;ary lor lrol""
r;oo Dr ... rviv>l ",nd to ~
<1ltn......·!I<'d in "'~U"'" aIld 'r>dltioll.
C2n.', and ,,'SOU""'"
available for <'arb

f I Hy """ucin,cr !he limo WoJilab'" 10

lhal II? oftPn slow to <iwIle<' ..;(h the mother for earning i",,'ome. or for
c~ cimunmnc". And ill "'"'J 0100 cconornic:ally prodllctiYe work;
pOOr ~ <:Itildrtd lIla}' be one 01 \ 1 Ily n1islfIR llw toSllO _ ....."""'to
lilt ltw !lOll""" of joy aIld pride, of of ~ ldl'QU3lc heallh m d ""..
c~ and """,,, ill U- (hat "'" oft... calion "'-......... for !he ri<inl: ICI"".....
JTlO'IOlOllQWl, hard. and n~ tion. and by t>Y\.nln1Ching .mooI..
In ""m.,......ny;" th...,oiled "Il"inl: dinn and ....1<1' and sanilatino ll)'5-
,hal p<I'l¥m popu\alion growth. '''"'''" AD of lhi< 1>o'lpo 10maUltml high
l<vcls of malnulrilion. ~. and
iDil<-rXy. which in tum help to kcq>
l'l'rpclUaling povert y communiri<.'< in """,'My;
lI"t if P<J"t1'lY ~ l!><' impMu. \fI ( I fly nnJ';f1l/ overcrowdilUl and 0
rap;d pop.d.tloo Wl>WIh, thrn pop.JIa. 10,,,·.. qua!ityoflik in .tun",md ,;hanty
lion growth, in iu lurn, pnMdn. _ (owns. wilb all the Iltt:f\dinl evils of
impel,," 1o po'o'l'I'ty. nu. io II><' fiM of di,.,...,. hopc~ "'"" 01 ",,1~
lIN' nujur "l'fI<--rg;sms withinthe d,,..,,. n""ll"'"\. bnlak<k>wn of family ti<....
..-an:! "IliraI of 1'1'1: problm,.. ~ of family ... ppon. alrollol
In l!><' pasI. high binh nil,.. h.... and drug abuse, inrnoaoilUl violtntt,
o~Pn !I""" band in hand with hW> and !he oh'u"""""",u of ......."'" and
riles of l.'VIIUtllic 1tfIlW\l1, and Iaf'l" dlild,,'1I.
lamili<-< haw bHn ~ by II'ad- In U- ""J'". pop-Jlalion R1O"1h Lack of coniidence
,.... and l!<M.'nUIIC.1l1O os • n""",. of ",n<b 10 ,,'intorw p.>Y<'fty, and JlOYI'<\Y
lIIn'llglbming nation" mmwily and Icnd. lO rtinlorte popu!lllio:o ~h,
""",,omically, providilUl the 51. ", wilh formin,ll • cin1Jil lhrourh which lhr
and hope ill the
larJ/<.'r nl1Jtlbcn< of w"""-",,,, <_ ''llm1l1 of p<JYnIy'o perpptlWion Ilows.
"""""" ~ and ...~ BU! in [uture is the great
" lOOt paJU of lIN' lk"o'cloping work!
today. the cin'UltlSl3no...,., "'" _h ,hat
Environmental stress
hi):h ra1l'S of IlOI'Jl3lioo growth . Il: lnm'asing eovimnmtntal JV1-Wl""
enemy of life
""""Ill<: 10 prrJlttUOl~ pnvnty ill a nu.... an.: now ~ !he prwnrtiono 01.
1>:r t>I' ubviou>t "'"Y" major crioi. ill !he INca ofbund....... of pla nl/ing i ll general
IJ lly causinu; Ilw bbour Ii.>n~ 10 grow million. of P'QIlle in the "'-"'eloping
wurld. s...,,,,ra1 ~t wdit.. ha....
""'"' quick/y t/laq l'ltlployrTll",1 nppnr.
lunitlN. lhrn-by <T<'3Iing b.rgr nu.... ,~ th;o n"latinnllhip bo1_
- and fam ily
"""' t>I' unemployed and under· I"""'"Y and ",,'lirurunenl>.1 ~'. ..
pmploy"" Pf<'lIk' and dl'"",,"1ll/ !he and iI i...... ly ~ 11<...... 10 _ planning ill

W3£0." uftlw«: who do lind work ; tM mulua1ly reinforcing ""'u,,, of lhal
11 fly pbcin~ lnm:-asifIR Sln"lS on lhe rcl<uionllhip and ilS rok- in tbe I'PE particular,
""""""'-.. by wt..,h !he poor make
Ih<.'ir liYing and """1 Ih<.>ir .-do in Again.... bacl<w'o<tnd of """''"Y,
rur.aI .....u- soik and ..,;1flirtiti,y. Mol I';Illidly .lI:l'OI"iIUl nnmbml 01 P"OPIc ~'"
... pplil.. anrl animal Iodd<..... ~ tindinlr lh"",""""" wilhoul ff>OUJl:h
land and .... 1.... _"'-i< land 10 m<'eI lIN'i.. ....'<'<b and wiIhoul
I I My =sing inherited lIllWIhoIdinp m y .. bsianlial ho\le of a11<.'1'llllllw
10 be divide<1 and .. ~ 01ll0Iijl ,1ltploymen1. In atn-t aU rc,:;on. 01
the dtwlal'itlg wurId, thi:s fun<laiMnLal clkct;""ly Iand~.,.. ur ....., bI!o:n
l>n>bkm of landla......... and U"'-'m- tnl"Df<l away fmnllh/> r, eld~ Ihal 1!M'
pk>yI,,,,,,, ..
in 1M)«! part <1Iu.ro "'"' <>net helll"'l! 10till ond Iwvtosl.
P<'I1l'-iUllM by Ia"k of ~mellt in Wilh sa"", ""'~ the I(I"tIwth
small farms and by IN. """"",1t:iIi<>n of of ~~u",1 ond Indu&rial em,,:vy-

prod~ IarJd. io lhe hand. of a .mall """111 has usually not b(..,., .... >id
nllmbrr of .....'IIlthy famili.. or ~ L'DOIlj/h to absoJrb 1m. !IU."lu", In part,
ill.. is tJ1I, """,,II vi inlernal mi>!l.al«:o:
During the IirsI Olllll<'S of rapid pop- iII1odltt--d invcshl ......"" <rilopli"~ 1aXa·
Illalion inm:a.... in ludloy'. loduolfW. tion and """hartgo.-r.>le politi,:o: 1&rRe-
I..." nation.. rioillJt' numbrn< 01 poor "'U' <:omIpWn; ~ 1 SlaIC
Il'-'OP"' 31.., ....rr_ f""" d~ In <'ODtn>! of large al/rkul'ural ....."....
Ihr rouoll'}'skl,' and de&lwOOn in prioM; b<k ofland reform: and lhe mi.~
",ban 51"rna. lJul am:HI,I( many OOlf1" tak<'D ~pha:sis 011 <-apitaHn1"""""
adYan\lllft.. .. ,'''''' had .... iIable10 1h<."1lI rather than labou.r"'lCnsiYC invnl·
lhe tr-Inm to indoSlrializ<o" 10 L'XjXlJ1. "",nt !JOIicio....
and to millnre, and '"1:11: L'Vll1tually Th_ dev1.'lopilll: rounuit:s and
abl~ 10 . boorb or d~ ~ rrgion ~ thai ha...., "",,,,-,,'<kod in absorb-
number< of ~ who could no ~ R","'ifl8 lIumhe.... of Il'-"-'Pk' inti>
Ionl:l:r be i'IlWUII<." by il,Il"Iicultu", prodocti.,· employ"""" hn'f' beto. by
""""'. II Is 01the ~atesl ~ and~, thooMo lha, haY<) l...·klOO the
thai lhi. <'1,."biruotion 01 .. Ivan~ .. diffinJl, l.oJ< <If land rclom1 and
bas 1lCM, in ll"1ll"ra1. bern aVotilab'" tf) ~o:d In lhr hl'aIth. nulril io". and
,he mojoriIy 01 do"vrlopina: rountrioos Loduo."aIioo nf lh<:'ir~. It like Tai·
duriolllMir ~ of IlimIIarly rapid wan and lho: Il<1>ubli< of Kore:l, 1I,,'Y
pup.tlalion 1l"I"DI'1h. haY!' >Iso L-'lI<Urt'd r'I'3SOn.:dI:... iocfon.
The developing In Ibosc rou,,!rico 1/131
ha", guno' lhnJtlllh an ~huml "-.....
1;.,.... l~ lam,,-'I'lI, and mad<: ;r.'ailabl<
rural m:dit . 1m" input.. and inlno-
Ollltion, many million. 01 ~ h"", SInK1u"', Ih,m bolh ent(llo}rlncm 11111
countries tha t ha ve oem lJ-'Y and substantial pins In prodoctiYiry po: hn-1an.' ha... in-
lho..'ir ir>ron... and SW>dud of living creasf'<\ nn rnaIII' ~d s of smol1
succeeded have been ....... Ib" past Ib...... ~ In 1"'"
main, IlKoot ~.. haw: -..
and "",.jjum-si1e !arum. Ilisin ~ pmlI-
J><rity in rural ........ haf helped, in '''''',
~ who """"-'<I <"IIOUKh of 1M !'WIl w pr<>Yidt markelS fer, and job!; In, •
those tha t have land in lho.' riAAl pl>o:~ and who !lad ,I[JOWioJ! ioduSlrial....,.or.
~ 10 the "'-"",.,....,. inpu," and llul in lite I1I3I\Y tlL.....:I~piJlll" ronD-
tackled the task of modil f.:.:ilitil..... Bul in lilt a!>so:nn' of me. 'llat haw faik'<l to 1n0000lnte ......h
land ",form, a;:rk"ll ilural """'Iuliom; ,,1onns and make ro<-ti inVl'Sl llltllL,
l<'Ild In """,11 in fallillJt' e~t 1he fr<:cdtom 10 In~ hu 31..,
la nd reform and pt1" hl."CI3rt as land o'm"r'l,lliJl beet1 rim>m"..ribc.'d by 10m-.< ........
bKurlk., ~ UlII.'QU3!. fanm boicomr lII'hich lh!>y haw- ~t1'" <'tIntrol. l>ot""tial
invested ill the tarvr, and Iarg............ IIl<'<hanUation mafk'1S an' <k>minatod by lhe aItndy
h(:<omu ~b~, induwializL-d 1Wio".. I11d Oll,mpt..
Allbfo _ tilllf", poltlUIation lIffiWI/l to mannl...1l11\'<1 JIOflds have
health , nutrition, """"'" thai the ""I1WnillJl: .....nhoId-
ufk" bc."I."f1 im.,..w.l by lfallc and lariIf
mIlS "'" diYidodUI' among \atit-... _ ~ tho< "-'"Ui<I the 1ll'O'"1h of
and educa tion of b<mo of clliIr!n.'D, L'Vl'DtuafIy bo<:omi'UI tn'lllol."...,1 and <ml tho, tlL""lopifll1
loosmal1..,d l<lD ~t.d ",..,.wn wurId owro>dma1<>!y tw\ce "" InuclI
their people, a llmily·.. "",-'11,,- . .....'1'}' year in Iosl eaminl/s as \1
The " .....11 of bnlh <>f u..",., /un"... i. l"In'ivn. in aid.'"
th., many lCni <If miIliwl. 01t<maIIhoJd. Nor has t......dom of <~l<TIIa1 ~
...,., reDaD1 !armors, and II,I(ricuIlural tina """" • si)/nifi<anl opbon. 1:JoJnes.
labourml have bind lherns<t-;"" witJI.. lie or fon,ign l<1l:isIo1ion has pt.Tmitied
DIll so.dl"icienl land or l'Ufflcienl worIt. ooly I ""'1)' lII1IalJ prlJp(Klioo <If the
from fndio 10 Ilraril. ul\COUn'f'<\ num- dL"",k>pin~ Yl'\lrld's pe<>p\I< "' 1r.I"'~
1M.." , ut Nral Iamilll's ....... bec<>rnf, <>W:I'SeaS In "'-de "'..... D\lIlDr1UJ1i"'" by
and ~, , , - who hoJv<' boo:'n ,h<'y are !Ubjt<.'l<"d '" ..............tting of
alkrwod 10 'niRral~ ""VI'!Hom ,1M> bf1. ..00<1 anri ~ng 1Iy ..irnal..
ler...tl and m. bMw ~ f3lMr M.M...hillo. lhfo miI!ic",,, ... ho "",""
llwlll\<> landk.>s<l and ass<\,bo poor. found tI'Ietn!l<"h'et iu orban slums .....
lmrinll ~:u,-op... ~ p<'riod or rapid I'O\>J' c~"<l '0 lbo, c'tlVironmcnla! 1I"b-
Ialion I/fOWIh.1llffl' W(ff many lent d Iffil "d 0<'Hl:'I'l>\<'dtd lIIld u~ im<an.
million. of po."U\lIe who found ,hem- ilary ....ndiliu.'" and 10 an lh<'
...lwlI in a oimilar p<l!IiIi<In ,ho' luI<!- l'flvirorllllf'flw dangon of li';ng ""
10.. .. and job1o.. .. poor Ilk· ",....,Lapin,,; bnd !lw 1lObu<!y dll<- """''' _ land far
world lnday. bu, who ......... abk: to mi- away rrom ....-vi<w or .,.,,~loynlt"l
grnto.·l" II<'W oppurl"niIi<.. in All'llralia. OIlPOf1I.II1ilieo. bod clo&. 10 raiJooa.y
Canada, New Zealand. Sooth
and Ilk· Un~t'd Slal,'" ~ FIt'lWt'rn the
Af""" IinM and airporU.. ~d ....,.. poUuting
ind,,<Iri<.. or loul-""... ~ llbuxh1c'r·
""d of m. NlpOk'a"io: warlI and ,Iw hou..... lond on 1iI'''1' hilbid<.... iu dan-
bt"llill/linj! dIM ~-lnl World War. fur I!"'" rrom ~ and nlud ll!id....
= , * . :!O million poooplt- tlniJnlro land ""'" to ~ Pfbaic dumps.
Iron, tilt' Unil<'d KiIIl(dom oIIlIIe. ~ f<"lid raual", or ..... ,~ ~
The ...... ",,!>t'$;' fr=IonlS. """'" nu. 1WI"rn ha~ Ix""" ,,-pcalro.
bir.rd wilh a lacl< <If larod ,dorm and a with mauy variation.. iu allOO!<1 aU
lack of in_ml1n il, lobotlr-inlMloM> ~. of 1M dorvriuping wurId. jn
11I"OtlUt.1ivily <In snwl Iann.. 1w ".:an' UtilI Aml'rb. lht- II"blo-m has b<ot1l
,hal. ~If: landk!« and lhr joblo:>< <If tlk· CXJt~,-twI;lby nln11l<: int'llualil..... of
d<-....-lopin~ world h..., l<'Ilded '0 land """,""",ip. In mauy pub< 01~
n~<" inlHnalJy to """ of lwo d<'ol~ ,ho dim""ltic-o on> <:orUllOUnd<."<l by
twiol,'" <i'' ' ' lltt")' haY\' moved O'l'O
n-,b'ioocly..,..,.....ly Jl'lIIII1aI<"d and JI<f"'i.
ilOflIt· of lhe h~ populatioo lkn,.j.
,;"" inln<" ~ng world. I" A1ri<:a.
otJ;Iy k,.. vah...-<l Iaod. - tNpio:aI wilh,llt'fl<'l;llly bl< inequalil)' and r.-wn-
rnre!b. uocultivat<"d hillllirles. k.>s<I r.,--. p<."O\lk' pt,. ~ . !he rictIt-sl land.
,rk' bod.. and lilt' fru:iIt- llW'Irin" of "'" OOMI <lom1nalMi lIy '""I"'" agr;c,,1-
.......,. ~ <lr lh<'l' llavt' rnil(J"aI,'I! 1<1 lh<. l ~. while lh< lanlk of .... p<IOT rru,in<•
infolfual sn:tor of uw ,,)'.in. and ,itin, ill' an· usually <If ~r qualil)',l'l"Cfiw-
finding hon_ in tl.... olorn. and lea in",,,,,,,,,,,,.. ond on>""'"' ~
'Shanl;"" ''re<"Ied on land.,ha, "",.m,;. bk· 10drough, and dt -rtili,:ati"n.
larly unwan,,'<1 and unoaJuto<L 111<" ronunon h 0Im.... diw1'llf,
111<' .rr.-n .,f ,hi. mil/Blion. ""',. pall,,,,,,, hat bet'fl tht' drawinll of tht- Poverty hns become
IUne. '" dial p<M"n)' """ 1>foro.<nr """" p""""" in... a <.'y<"1fo by wbich p<M"n)'
31Id ""'"-' """"""',f3lro in tnatl1iMl b'l't'lllml'NiflJ! numlx'rll 01 po.'tl\llc inlO
"f1vironmer"~11y vul...,...bIo, _ IlIld
concentrated ill
owi<uhuralland. and in orban ,"um..
lVo'" dOlft......1 deslinal;"•• of whkh ,ho: lhe ........Iling C'flvironm<111al SIn....
romrnoo dWll<1rriolio: i. ,hallh<'l' are bocomM. yrl an<lIhI1' <-.U~ 01 lhtil
boIh... virnrnllO'fllafly '"Ulo<"nbk. ""minU<.'<I p<IV\11)'-a ll)"IICflIism trhich
The int"\litabk' ron"'-'<I"'-'fIn'. lor " I6thoy 1><'O>Illing one oi ,II<" . - villi- vutnerabte areas -
lIWIy milrlons of Jl"O)lIfo. has '-" lhaJ. bllo 0"lM"'l" of lhc PPE rrisis. It ill no
""",""y and hard<hip lui"" to'nd«l to c'llin.:idt'f'lCt'. I<>r ,,,,,,,nple. lhal lhfo
in<~ ... :u th<' pn""';',,.. "............. 1"'0...... """ quar1.... 01 ....l>-.'iahann
ba:«' 01 ,II< poor h:lll Ix"", sll."llClily AI"""·,, """"bOOn it r<lIlf<"lIlf3l«1 on
"'wad<'<I. t.and &Ut"d by bum;rq;: lhoor' an....' ..ilit"h havo.' 1><1'" rier.,... agricult ure! lands
mill!a ..,.,. k.w
losH oW>iliI.y and krtilill' ,_'<I. nr",,-1']It'Ul"d. (If'fanned ID W3Y!l
yt-.n<: !'tWI> hiUoid<.. 'ha"b<""';!s muM DOl ";lhllUlnd. ~ and urban slums.
quicltly bo,,,,,,,,,,...-oo«l withou' in".....•
.....rrno i. """ ,"OO""rv,"ioo: rnaflIinaI The stress on women
-.:ri<'ui'ur.ll IM<hI J[rlldually 1><""",,'
in~..,t'" ..·1..., 'OOso- ..'It<> !ann lilt"" Ily rn- ~ .... ><>iht. "'" ","lug
<'On aflord n..ilMr f<'1tiIiz<1" nor fallow mxIed. hilMd<... ri'lIUCl<d , and 'M:U,
l>l'rit>r1:<: d<"om ""'Xi,," """" OC"VfI'" """"" wasI1<'<I .""y
alotl~ 1he It-nglh of
indilllin ~,"ishabk' rrom dt10trts ... tIm lh<o HimaIIlyan fouIhilt'i. "" ,lit' """"'"'
,1\ /hen e~te~lh ..n born in cOIllJofll'll'2flmme is nowlully Ol'!tI,
VV 1911 ,mid Wllr, l\...,.j oDd IioNt trKIlIIlllllgIII" .. peetld to be
II"", """" forego ,n,lysIs ,onsid· mill by "rty \!S4,
Irtd it to b•• "bunt c,,,' nllion GtlVtf'fWIltnl llultll MfYicH h.ve
wil!Ililllt I>opo .'"1I'j
Mo,..... lila, ,..ched into IImoSl ....,.,. ..... go -
or d•• ~ ~ _lid dIS""', oft"" by r......... on O<dinl"" PlOp;.
Too,.,., B.nol'dUh is _ I..ttl. be who oIh< tllo~ hom.. II ~ 0lIl-
tiltd •• In eumplt 01 • ""'Y _ flloh ,it... This .._ now prl>-
country 11101 ;. mooing st..dy 1Il0- moll' bHic MIItII ml rwn!ioM , . oh
orlY in!ht Ilel 01 g't'l difficuttifl. ., 01'11 rllTydrllian 1I1e<.P'f "" iii,,·
LocJled in "'" oIlttt worId"s mort ""'"I ""d oiIAn'in A,,"pp~nu to
diA'lef'lI'onl IIIM.I tnVitonml"', 'Omblt_1SS.
B.ngllde'" ulNbiIs mlny 01 ~ B . ng~dHh hn .Ise surprised
wom symptoms 01 powny. for .... ry many ObMrvtr1 by the pr"",_ ~ he,
UBI .twd,..
born, 127 dill bofo<, l1li0. in Ilmily oflMing. Tho oarml·
thtir fifth binlld,.,.. lwo tIlilds 01 ~ tlpWe prtIValorlc:l lit. lin risln
mlllnouisl>e<l. Dis-
freq..mtv. D;..bility
from J% in \910 to :Jl'4 in 1991, ....
1111 ,aLIIIV'(' uoI hrrtiliry "1. 1>0.
111., .111 ~ l ll. min hl~ of fllen from.1tno$l1 DittII PII' womln
BongII<Mshi chiklrln complm ..... IO U.in OI'llytwod.. ldt..
fin VI'"
of 1lfim''V school. And
Illhoogh chikl liboor iI oW.wed, I
I. Iddilion to goyt<mIfnl .Woru,
B.ngl.d.sh is lise """'" to ..... "11
'l"llttl' 01011 chidrtnW(IJt for . ~ thou.."" non·gowtMlllltll orglni>• •
r.cludin<l m.yo,,·olcl. ""'" urn pen- tion:I - """" aI wlIioh I\J• • bite"","
nits I dI~ brl.UIg bricks in!he...... inIor",DorIoJIy r...-d lor _
YI' 1his grin! porn~ .. ~ IpprlII<lIes .tlrl 1111 Ill. ""prot••
tleini redrawn. P., Clpitl inc...,.. d.nred , .. II end .rnbitior> 01 It>oir
111.1 Q10Ml by ..... st 2'Jl, • Y'tor _ OPlr.liono.
tho tlrt lIIeldl. Olmocllti<: insIiIu- Tho Gr.m". IIlok beg,. ", 1976
lions Ire " udily being ltrongd\et'lt<l .. ". oxporirntnIwiIIll ,"~c"lcI el ­
The nllion', fuwth frvI.ye,r develop- 1Il111 poor people ",pp6ecI with """",.
....t plln Incorporate. moS! oIlttt ing OlpiAI <auld g...rote pradu<Wo
gatll .dopI.d tl !hi World Summil ...·. rnplayrntm witIlol l """,,,1
for Child,"" Ana in IS. e ..glldosh ..siSl...., N.... ~ is Ill. country·o
He'nII "'" of lhe fim !Illlo"l to 10ul1h ~rg'51 Ill... maki'lll :!mIA
,.lifyIIlI c.......,llon on ltIt /lights ot loan,to_1111. 1...", _ wore
lhe Chikl. prrtiaully colllido,.d 'unbonbblo'.
Proll(n. hi. IolIQWtd promiats, lMrr 8(I'Jj; of clionu III wom.n, Ind
M or 20 YO'''' of hlrd WO<l.; lIO'li 01 t!lo repo.,.....nl """ .. Sll'Jlo.
"".1 fflidtms VI !IlIW wilhin 150 Tho B.ngl....." Hur. 1 A""""",,"
molJlS of I JOII,el ol •• 1. drinUIQ mom CanunitI:o. (BRAe) h•• w""'"
wll" - I flit unmltclltd lr; miRy m. onl 01 tho warlerl IlIg.... non·
nchl, 1IIIio... elsie MIItII . ore is ~I org.nizllion.. lIk.
elso being strMgll1ft11e1l. In H1B5 loil$ G<Jmeen WIIUWlg ifI1em.tionll ec-
1Il1" Zll. of BI~ld ..hi ohllcl,,,,, __ <:Ibn. Emp/I.siMg,",,·roioocl. BRAt
lmrnunil*l! "'jl"" ",",101 - one 01 orglnUn l!>auHndo 01 1111 poorest
the lowest reIn in the workI. Six ,iliIon. into <lmIIunI!y ""l"rilllion,
VUIlIotor. Ill. _nion hod riso. to .... lI.Wl1I same 15.lm ';"ge·blsod.
0';11 ~ . non.fan...1 '0""". Same 10"4 01 ..
In 1989. r.I!izinoj I!IIl iodirlo del> 450IOl !ludlllt! III girls. BRAC tI,••
O;III<Y "lOrd"" 11001 ....". wide - """ 1Ilin! 01 its Ole""" Jrom ........
• pr" d, B'''lII.desh "'o"ed 1Il0l I I _ in <",,",*c;ol prajoeto 11'<1 in-
ed;bIlr ult bltlodlzld. A ".liatIIlIDD houseInltt)lriUs. 0
of !he AlIda in !he ""vironmenLal di~ ...-.>rId. ln~ad III ~ing rclatiVI'ly fig. l l TIIa ..l.....bl•
"'er arf:a!I <>f Haiti and lhl: Dnminbn /:YetI1y di"l"""""'l ~0:aI\y , the ~ _IJ"'"_IU..
Rt'lJUbl;':.lhrou;:hOllt tile l.YD1ral hiJ;:tJ.
b,nd. of C,,.' '''] ~ and in !he
poor = bt>rominsr int","",>in~ly ron-
ctrtl/llt"d in <'OVi","m<'Il1.aDy mo,rginal
*'"" _....,.... 10
. . . will IiJIQIIIIooIlIOI<'ItlII
kiJ;:hland, of Elhiopia ~ mer half and >'II1nenblc areas wbcrt' 1M')' have _ l r r &·o"".oaI _ _ ,

of aD OJ(ricul\ur2lla1>d is DOW si,.ur~ lillie r~ bullO ........~it aln>ady
canlly <"I'I.O<I<:d. ~ In lOU!. the World ~Ic: rondition.. <k·ll....ting thd r
Food COIIllcil has HlimalO<lllw ~
an' II\lW p<'fhap8 half. b\Uion peopIc
who = lMng and farrnin2 (>II ki/Ll;dH
rcsou= base still furthoor and ron-
tkm1ni1uIlhI.'flIS('M.s and thl'" <""kin'll
lJ> roolinU<'d lIO~y (fli"' II. 12. 1:1.
_ _ m .....
--~ ..
lha1 = 1lltbj<a 10 """"'-'" ..".;0" 01
.oos." E¥n)' ~.,., ....a rly 17 million
and (~ ) .
I~'" probl8n. ~fon! ""nstiIUl~
mot\: M'<1an.... of tropi<aI 1'0",""
d~: evt'I')"~ ..... ~.ly6
= a vicioo. rlrr,," by ..him I"""--'l'ty hd""
III maiIllaiJI hqj:h ra1eS of lJOlAIbtion
milli on h<:<Url'S of lily land, IUm into llfllw1ll aad InrftUH ~nvitoM\tfltal
~ nery )"'U. IJill;om of Wo. of ~ bulh of whkh ronlribul ~ in their
$Uil ""' ~ or blow!l lIWJl' from tum l<I the IlCf1lCIlIItion of povcfIy.
land" 0<1 "hich incnt!<ing nmnbc...... of I<nd it i, a cin:k: from wbicll tho poor
ll'-'<JPlr who baYo
lKIWMft tl.. l<I go do 110I usually have ~ ~ or
ntllSlgrow their Ii>od and .,..., lbdr rho opportunitio-!< to brftk lift.
In the <i ~ <-nvirvnIUl.'llLal ~
bility"also rakinJ:: lis lnll on !he poor.
.... In lIlkIilion !O rho: ~ or
~M1lse born or IMruowd inJI: and tb<
It r- kmi b<-..'D 1'I.'<:<JlfIIu..'I! that
..lw io requiR:d 10 ~ak our of (lUI
<')'de is 'Jt101'1h from bcIow'," hroullht
about by a rombi" l1i1ln 01 land rrimll
and IlIbour·inlm si....m1p!oymtnl SIr.II.
... -..-
- -~ _

-- - -
- ~-
Iadc or .-IC nler and .... iwion. !he <'¢ct, m.<lil ""hct1l<s, uaininJt_-
poor an- ino.'R:asillj(l~ ""~ 10 """ I<Il1ilica. the rillhllriod ~ f ~
rwural d~'f\I - from m. 1I1lopa1 and ;"\'l'lIlnlCII!l; in 1I<:ah1I and rdu<a-
cl><mi<oal ,,"<Ik in IndilllO the expIooioa lion. In addition. miIIiOfI, of poor _
of the Cubauoo I:llS pipeU~ in lmril. pic too.,. IH."'CIl inve,unm l ' 10 ""111
And ~ is~ nocoind<k'IK"C lIw thcac' thtm maintain the stabHily and prod""
dilluU...,. rlaoim '"""' oI lheir victims tivityof""ib..
amollll !he shanly OOI1ll11UOiOOs !hal Al_~ lh<.,*, mea"" of bn:akinR
II.M I(RlW1l up lU'OIlud such ladlilies Q<Jt of the J'1't: i'jlino1 are 1101 availabk
berau"" Ihm: io"""""- me 10co. lIl lm1lc nomb<"" of peuplo:.ln pari. the
In aInto$l aD <'as<-.... lhio opinoI 01 rauil r;.,. with ~ !hal h. ....
llU'o'l."y and mvironmtntal Slrl"JS &M-'ll 1Ilo little priority In tho 1lt'l"d1 01
bnn down with particu.... weiRhr (>II the lJOO"C"I. nUl ill par'l. al.... the wi<
11K' IcmaIo memben of poor commu";' of bn,ak;ng ".11 of til<- "",raJ ;" made
tiel!;: lhoy arc lhc OIICS lAW It>.VI' In more diffil"IIII by the induSlrializo:od
wn<t< """" ha.nltr 10 Il1<'t'1 the mW. wurId·. 1lIllici<...on aid. ....'!II.lrade. and
,nu.m ~, 01 1Mtr families when financ<, which ",.!riCl the llfUWIh of
woud ku" futl muSl ~ ~hfd rrom f'I1Iploymtnl opportunities. Jffl<"rsirlQ-
,,'.....- l(f<'ater diolan<"es. wb<n wain lion of lh<c<."OIIOfIlics of lho< devclopinll'
..ppllo-', arc unrcliaJ>k, and ~ .. counlrie5 ;" _tiaI if the IlO""ft!'
and """'" lhc ....'lIfa(!alion of soik spin! is In be brok<'ll. bur .. the
trlCSl1, lluu more wn<t< i, lWIu~ In lliundl1and ConuniMioo l'OIlrluded In
I'f'."h= to:.... food. it. 19!!7 ~ 0,., < D"'_ /rlh<rr.
"()jotrSifjcarw.. i. I<'llJ' lJrat "';lJ ../ltIIi·
olt !o:>llI /H1Vt1t1 o.t ~ I _ i:r
The poverty spiral
",,-...perni 11 tisot""./IW""" I.."" of
Unlll..- (hi' impacl ~f lhcse fomls thai wbdDo ",,* . 11 'J'fJ1«tiosins.
make up the l'I'E problem, the nature ou 11 mil."" fi.udolflqo;s to,......
of lIO"'-'1'tY .. in une funcbmcnlal CD. slTUs tlu>I _ ouJ 1.lmrlllioJull
"'"""" going through • 1rllJIffonna- fi"".u .....
tiM in ",""y parts of the ~

"T'1lnJuglloul !lHI I..t docod•• inc: '''5inlJ1~ .
I UN1CEfh,1 drlW'UttontiDo 10 tl-.. lht IOsuI! is I ,"""bo, ""'c~ lOP.
flet mil mljot ~ . in lHI.lth cOllld ,....,.. Ilislbilitl'.ediu_ lito p I"
be ma<Ie by I!Iewidespread US!I 01 , .. llALV.·. lht lOUIl ,..."bet at OALYs
Iimita<I numbe, of specific:, """"OS! is I ,""gil u'" (II tho glot>ol bu'-
hHlIh i'oIBrw nlions. Tbio YII'. "" <Ion 01 1 In IOII~ "'" BIni< CI~
I~ I World dtveIopmcm "PM , utll.' IIlaI "'" _kllos! LJS billion
ff(Im m.
WonG Blnk . 1.., .""ro.... DAlV.to iI ~,"IIIl " 1m On. q""nor
lhil issw. Tho 1m ,"pon
afln. "ID oj 1IIis WlSICCOOOlld 10/by ml ml jor
luis! poIiq maUlS in fl~ 1M cl'Oklhood dise'se5.
«I<!f'IMI!S potfflfi,l r«lJm$ "om _ The numbor oIl"sl DALY. dial ,"n
."""IIi..· ~ Itt I>I~. Its Ile pr.. I... d by • ponic.... , lIoa illl
p'....... is lhIl -roolJ 1M IIHIdllJds inIefv.mion is mOIl uselI IS • mol-
lor _ _ ling IJ14 '-"riIlg' mm:h
*"'" 01 ' ''st·.fl l cliv......
QliIl, r~ butHn of dUnu " this rno1hocI __ to be used to
Iff now ,lford,lIIe I'VeIJIrI \hi p«JI' dlllfTTlinl ml pII. rilil . 01 "1Iion,1
'$I CCUIJIJ'ie$." helhl> ~'limlIS worIdwilII, """"
-In _ 01 1M world.' Sirs till "'" p.r..m '" ~..hI> .... od in "'"
rIpon. -, gfll" r d• .J at lIddWllnli workI wo:>Jd loot. ""'I dill nt E_
huII1I CO<J!d H olIWMd /rom I ,.to' W;"'IJ irml I , . """, ,"~-workI 11'88-
IivtIr snuQ _ , '" CIJS!·""c~ ....... "'" Bl nk "vs 1Il11 -6"...."..
""~ >tfich coo/d ~ tJtIN.
.,." ~ mo>de$l <IJS! IfflJ wifJI IirIJ.
r>eed lor /Iigh-lrlell.ciIiWs ., mN'
mt'1llr it> d-"'ping
'IN"d /" ifl5 - 0/1ftfI"g.,
~ IrI" _ rhItIlMy"- d<J 0/1 ifl5
Cl>lJlllM5 5hDuId

icM<p. d . firMs.- In III. arll ol chilli Cf)5l·DfecM i1Q~. ,ltd

tIo. !ttl. Ihe re;>on rirlgles IHIl immII- it>sN, d darJbkl or rrip/f .par'ldintl ""
nitllio.. )llu$ .-itlornin A ,rid ;odino basic prJlJli< ~aIfh p'''Y",.rre. IIH:h
wppteJTl8/\tS... ' . ChJ$lff III lm",- .. ~!iclrI1ildAIDS [N'IWfltIOfl
.....rJom _ tJW WQUitJ ". .., 1M high_ ofld"" ._~"clinkal,,"""""
" " CMH"-C_U <JI ~ ".. 1Ito In plrtie"Io,. "'" ,~ . <Woel tel
uMc•• l'IiJIliJI ill \hi worltIlad.y: I "minimum pldoga 01 •• JI/lU!
As. .....oy 01 o>euunng <OSl-,Hee- clitIicll SfflicI~ c ~ oj "'"
1I\l9I1e... tho WOIlG Bank report most blsic: IIICI 'ost..tlIC..... hftllll
""""""" I lIIW meIhod 01 quanli!v"'ll intIrYtMions. " rllW ')' "'" ...c I...
ill "..1Ih. First, Iho . . . - Myel" <II oDSf..1f1Clin Uf>ico. ooiII comimJI, -
1ft lest '0 ' IS.IH is •• I. .... laO by savslIle .. port. "M ~ JVI4HJin
subtr, clIng thl .""'01 OlIO 1\ d.. m rn ""II ; if fWy m.w, bltrelir m.
from lhe•..,.<:aIion oIli!• •1 ""f '!It _ Ilhr. $IrINId be p/JIwd OUI dumg
in I Iow-mortIIliIy pc""lllion. Tho , lfInSitinnII poriod.-
..poet of di,"biIi!i« is Ihen .. I.... "6_ _ ~ IOC/JUlIrt
l.Ili<l by muhip/Vi'lg Ill. upe clod hu h'" 0/ lila 1168 />ilion 'I1/1III1
6lIr1lion oj III. d;ubilil'l w;m • 's......- ~.nns on 111l1l1I .. ~
ity fl . tO!' 0/ up 10 0.6 - ,ff. otiYv/v CorJ11{Ms," conclud•• World S.nIc
Con'I\ll/iIG the dislbilily witll lclS of P'-Sidtm L..... Preston. "roo much
hi, . rId ~ \hi two :0 be added 0/ rJJis $/JIfl ~ W 'lJ"CiaIil«1 CO" ..
~. Onee com........ tilt Ie.... IMDafl' f,diitifl 11111 ptrMdes lim.
1r0lTl "".1Il loci di.. biIity .,. !hen g' in ,.,. ~ '"""" ~ ~m. roo ~
adjusted by I ttI C....... I . Irlabll ..... gon 10 _ cost !ligh1y , fflO_ 1"fJ-
to .. , II r*"' lost d.pondi"ll on I~. g''''''''' such , • •""frDI . tId ,ru r-
This -mill ~ ar r;'ecl al by 'COll$\'''' mem or infectious di~,~s ,"II 0/
""" MIQe.".nr, rise. steeply from """""","",- 0
, ... I I birm I. I llea k I l l g. 25, elle,
which ~ ~~ stl.dlly wid1 _-----~­
.....w_ . <. ..
Consequences brginnitlll to lnJIsmit int'-'"'"\iuniI fit. 12 1M ,,'_ob'ota Asil
shock _ lhmu,l:h thl;" i.IlP'k' OIl _ 1'Il..-.... 011111_ .....

The C<>I\linullion of 1M l~"': probk>m tht politK-al !lIabi~ty of Ihc I\eoJclIrpiI1,ll -"" II Alot r-..o- -.l 1III_
in,o 1M 2111l .....,U!)' "ill bav<. ro_- IIOIioo.. withalllbe """. and risb lhal £0'lJ _ .. iIIorM _l;Mo .". 1I
qU<...,,,,. ""'l'lldlog f2r b<-rond illl
otr-ly hmh P{(f'C\S on ,be POO""'
such inSlahi!il;'.." will _ .
"I'M lint <':l.<Ia!I.y ;,. Iikcly IG tr. the
w._ .. ....."
..... ..._-_.
bil,"", of ,he ""'>I'Id's P'-"'Pk·. II t<tlJen>. prt>l(I'('tS bo.'ing madt· towanl" n-pn.-
~ • o\lll''''' of lur,dame,nal !leJl. _uu... dlorMcrary and tho ",It '"
inlcn~. :l!I wclI as 01 all"'islic rotI<'tm. b.w. The IIope$ of millions oJ pcopli:' _~

tl\lllth<' ""' of 1hor w<l<\d <huuld a<'<'Of'd b"'" been rai>ed in Iho ororH. oJ '-'001>- -~
'bit probk1n. Ill..... priorily. !rico whidl ""'"" 0Ill<k or "'" Ol!empl·
~im of all 1M l'll'o'in>mn<'IIta1 in« to maier tilt tl'llMition from
impon of ,he m: probkm P""t'" I aurhorilarian ",Ie. Fro"m,tion of lhutr<-
,,,nOll. ihreIllo ~ numbfn or MI· hopo-s by I ~ 'l! problom, wilIlncmrs<'
_ _Ito ...no Iivc and ""'"' in C<'II!IOIIl;"d<-sl><'I1Iliun. k.1ldin~ 10 fur·
llM'\' prospmlIt. agrinrhural an.. of thtr int<'rIW m~ ~ di';"
d,,: d,'VI-iop;lUt W<'lIid. W",,.,. f\o¥,;nlt sinn. 10000ti<:al turmoil, and .-inl'....l
~ cklluck.'<I ,lc>p<>s and do!fO/'f'SU'd OOIIni<1s. In siron. lh<re is • rI.... risk
hillsideo ,-n>dt. ""puscd lIOil$, carrying of creaIlng a dimale lor lbe mwn of
Ihern do"" 10 "'" inIcJ\'OM.·lynomYtif!<! lht dictallln and Mn~ ",ho
....rJtoy /loon, I'\ood pbim. and ri= hiM>inJIi,cI<'<I II/> m\ll-'h dMna;re "" Il>c
l'Sluaril:1\: as lb<'lle llt'dimenl s ..... ~ of IlO many d,'Vl"lopi~
tlr.'PO"Iit<'d. tiw'r Irwhi """ and d "
and irriplinn .....-lcs 1><.:"".... sill<'<! up,
".rn.. .
Ila1UrO" in the 11'«11' pa... '!lli" is the
~r f"","",-", by. """",g Olh."..,
MdJllYO i\dl'<k'ji. furmcr Exeruu... -----
wiping OIIlln.. nt. and itKTea.'ling
the fmlut'IK'Y Illd "''VI-'';ty '" 1Iond... Srcn'Iary '" Ihc: En",,,,,,", Cumm;'"
hrording W "'If"" <-.tin\lll..... ihetI' sion fur Nrira, whu has Mid lhal
~ "'" ilWady lh"'at,'II~ the "/H",IKI'GC'J (QOOI)/ rJrrilll' io (tJ .diti<nu
U..-lilNx>cl. of 400 million 11Inrn... WM II{ abjHI />OtVTly: Ill" by J.>r. Kofi
farm 1M mor-e fl'rtilc ~llUraI ....... Awoun<>r. Ghana', A",ho>.;ad.,.. to the
of Ihc dcvclopirur: " lIrld .~ Unitl'<l I'atioo.. ,,'ho has said thai
S"coodly. I"" irKTeasilUt pn.""""" "lVurt1 is,~",tltn <ldi<talo"'i~ . II is
"0 tnal"J(ioal lands, and eSIJl.:i.1ly on ""ipt It> lwIitw lito' &, rtrnr" iuti,.·
tropiral fUfUlS. ~ I ihrNI 10 all - riUlUJ1izi"l ",.lliHrfY I.hm.lisll/ o.d
ind"ding ill" I'OI""IiI'inns of tbe ind",," pmdtli",j", ~"'t1rl""lJ11l''''''' Q " . . ,.
lriali=I W<'lIid -Ihrwgb its .....tJ.PIlbl;. (QfI./11rile. 4¥l1fQf r«til't' ~I'
cilt<I <votribution 10 Iho increa<c! in
lIl'ftohau'" glI"", and lu the rap;d and
'Of. " #>';15 l%jItJ1l3. istkoitd lKem to
t«/lll<liDD . od<- 1.I.lJig"" <O>ICtSSio• •
a«"'~ k>ss of bioloei<al dj,'"r,liIY. Q')' tml/S. is oM'l>.rdt1mI &,0 <:rlpp!l.,
'J"","" i'lllit<'" Wl.-..... widl.'1y PIlbli<:md dnII .,.drmw. IJ' ir: IIimuJi/y II tI"".;~
durin~ Iho U,,;lfd N.liool. Conl<.",,,,,, r= ... II ..."1,, "';Ih lit. <"I'tIJJoi.,
"" ~:1Win>rnn<.1I' and ~~ i"'''''<1 <IIn", J«itrl distlI>ilititl. "';11
hOlld in Kin ~ Jatll'iro in 1992. and lit' $/01'l.'i..... /I~.-
clearly "'. OIIt in i\jlffida 21.,,,,-, tlr.>cu- l/ a- ~mi"", """""""'" nlal""
m<lIllhal """ '<I by Ill<: world', riaU..,. the" ....UIh<.T """"'.......,;J spiral
political ~rs al tbe COIICIu<ion of 1JI<o wwld III"" be "" in moIion: tal
·F.mh Solnlmi!'. 1""'" "'" ilI...... fono """'lei flow .bnrad: IorrigIl and do".......
""ly """'tioned berf, .. a further """h- lie in-........I Ievcl:I wooId faD. as
anisrn by whkh PPE prob~ N'adl W<lllid ~nue< from """h ,,"lability·
oul 1M 1><'Yond thai "",. fifth of Il>c d<'P<'Odl'l>1 sou""'" to IOIIri"",: fIOriaI
W<'lIid·.l>G\lUblioollhat .. rnosl di"-'<-'lly ~ ...cb "' ht'ahh and l'du",,1ion

"""ed wool<! be disruplC<l: k.;.s Il1knliool

woold tr. lraid Ie I'O"'-"'Y and ....viron·
Instability ",""tal lkwadllion: and na\iunil
In addilioollu lh<ir "'orIdwide <1Ivirun- "''\lOUm'$ would""'" ~ Itnd Ie bo.>
........1iI impaa. I ~ ...: probl<'Ins..., aM diYtrttd Il, th t mi~wy. to n"....,..;on.

fit. 13 '1'110 ..Ioarl blt in AIrico and to topin~ wilh \h., COl'"'''' '''''''''''''' of I<1lal1y "r illc.'l[a!ly. to......"" fr"'llland~

_ R _ o l llt _nnI COlnlli<t and inl..-maI migraliI>n.. of 00 """" '" land. of .." ".. Umilt<l
PI'IIltIo _ _ .I,fm _ ... in.... In !hit- way. """ of 1M m<>ol ~ OWO'tunlty. "'had" an CSlima1<'IlI(l(l
luI ~n. of aU "laY be P!'flIO'Iu. million t:.,o,>Ie "'" Iivin8" ""loidc lilt'
............ .....
_ 1ow 1llJ ~ """" _br
>led - lh>I br1""IW in$lability &lid CO\lI1l1)' in whirh tt,,:y ....-e bom.~

... .. _ _. .
----".. _-
s. ~ .s.t>o ,
povt'ft)'. The br'ololesl ilU,"",-')" of thooe
~ in 1M,.".jrJ wb= p<>Vert, ;. aI
it'! f1lOI!l ~, and w ~ 1"'1>gR'SS
has brousthl r"".,.bencliI.. o/J""'"
A<-tording 10lhe UniI..'d Nation. I'opu-
Ialion Fund (U N ~l 'A.\ . th<- "",.,.,..hclm-
in~ lI\i\iorily of lht..... "'" n:ooomk
mlgnn~ a' Ieasl 20 million arc also
!hoI Ih.or In' by and lam !.he pb.:eo n...; ~ from vinII'II<.~·. drousIl,l. and
whictl tIaYC """mol from 1If')kmg..'II ""rirorImo..1aI dewuction. ~ A:i lht......
p." iod. of in.Lob;lity, """fiicl. and nnmbmo llIOWl1. ond ti lhc ;oou<lria).
~ In hi. 1992 SlaI"""..1 Aw ized o:ounlJ'i". Ix'lliD 10 fet'1 mnn'of lhc

.- 0lgt1r. /rJr /'<Q«.lhe sl'"<maIJ.("........:J

of 1M United Nation>. BoolrUS
Iloutrol\-Ghali. has ... d thai the <W:p.
nl <aU..,. of confIicI art:' " ~", ic
p"-'$Illre.1he = _1ioo with ,he oe<'<I
for a . - and """"ny<>riertU'd ;,,~
tinnaI de"""""'''....1clfon will btromo..
IllOln and mun'l'Yidenl
dnt>ttir. S«i4/ j.;.uti«, oJUI ~iti<tJJ La.t1y.p<>VI.1'1Y and desperation "'"

0#""*"". And in its lUm. cooIIk1 j,; aloo kl>OWJl lr> travel ocrnsa m!erna-

_. ....
also Olle orw moo! rorrnoon and ~
a!\lllUng ca.".,.. of povnIy and d.....pair.
A11be bowt of lh.i. ~ deoln>c1ive
of s)'tM.Tgi""", is the tll,.... 1 10 Ilrmoc-
",,. iuoolt "o.1J" sotitl'1 D/ tUJfIOffll!i·
ttiIl1 prolfflN ~ ."oaw ,.;pr.," ron Un",..
tional bnnI..-s In the u/dy di!<l!Uisl'" I>f
tom>t\.." and llle tra/f... in drull"-

TIle PTOllpcrity problem

I'l'F. l""Obl<o"" howl....... lam and
Aw "'... ~ Pf(/(f . "ClIo cifrr 1M l/l>o cnmpltx, arc ooly """ deml..1 of tI>e
lnJi/J //oat rool llli/O"W ~ 1In< t II<'" ~ th.u ;.. PlI"'ring twCI" the ZISI
ti.....- tmWtY.Th" Olhl..."Iajor CO>mfOJrlr"l of
llw cri>Ils am..s from a diffurro l dire<:'-
lk>n - tile tfI.... ~ 01 risilIll ~ y.
The industrialized world I1 Iw alrr-ady oo.u rnenliono.-rI ,!;al
The inl<'l'lIction betwI'f1I l'I'E probl<'IIIS tho.- Pl'""'Il tll A"1 10 !!'>r bi~ ...•
and nalional In:ila!»l llk.. and ronJli<u COlnl<.. <M.'r'Wl1dmiIl)lly from "'" r.'tJab.
also hall obvioos ~""""'""' . fur li:<lled ;" du-.rria1 nation.. """='nl'dlng 10
1"-'""" and $lability at 1be inlem.uiorull some f'Slima1<.... lor l'UlDJlle. tho>
Iev..t In >lOme ........ in'tr'IIali<mal Imr-t of 11Jc ""''All'' Al'1l'rican ciI;.",;.n
actirm will be ""l" imI lo hdp prol... ., OIl the global ....vironmenl if ~
popJlation. In ex1rt'me emtI'j(O'IKies. malt'ly 3 timI's llW 01 1bc a,,-~
or in failed Slat.- wh= aD nnIt1" has halian, 13 m..... lIl.OI III IIIe '''''r.IlI<'
brok..-n down. In Olh..- caort.. intr.oru- Br'lIZilian. 35 limeo< thal III thr """"""'
bonaI irIvoIo.'ernenl " iO be 1JKo respo n~ lIIdian. 140 times fhal of 1M IWl'Ig<!
'" ~ from dictatorial regi""-"l Banll~ and ""'"' than 250 IinJelI
thal bIMo """"" to _ by apk>i~ thai of a cilia.. bom into ...... allhr
tbe fruslratiolli of tbe poor. 1ht ~ k:ast lk'Yl:loped naIioM. 0/ Alb-Saharan
and ri<l<sof ""flinll wilh llIOCIl """"ll""" Mnca.~ This a,I(3in I~ an ;-., "md1
citt. aIn.-ady COIloidmblr, ~ Iikdy 10 ha< 1x'<1l 'lridcly dionI.-l d...-wlk "
lW: submnlially In lheyo.'arS ahtad.k< I..... widdy ~ ~ lh< 111 1y
'"'" tlislinRuiolJed modem hlSlOrian ""'~ if far .-., JlOSlIIlou'
has wril""" "n, _ iJUlkt>I~ 1JIo, o:ounlrico in ""'..-orId succeahtUy IJW'"
" _ 1M /JrIf<i1N cooxq ...m of ......a ;i""larpau,'I"n 0/ progt"f'SS.
rapid p<>podtstiO" ""1ft.,-W torl>. · Many of 111l;- ~ nalions un
ItI.,,, Old uml8ri4J u/'GuUn< a.... "" <'2<th, partkularty in I\s.ia. ~ ~
jI/ollSibh "" 0~1.'" able t'ltPC<-1aUoo. of oc<>rIOlIlic JlI'O"1h
Sc<:oI>tIly,lho.' I'Pf: ~l willWa ill !he l'ntl' ahead. <.iM.'f1 Il>e f(lobal
~ in the fonn ali ~ ~ ",",,11 ,,'IcI<'Vioinn and video. and Ih"k

• lary ~ ti pe<>pIc aU..'III1'l dynarnlo: elk<1s OIl human aspinl1inn.

..., Iirnt,b. iI ~ 1ib.-ly 1luIl
.-.,.oflllHo,ll<>IJUIu-'''''· lO be
~ au-ollhe-W
will .......... ..., ill ......,..-. bfllioI
_ ,hlionth.uI IbaI of ..,.

""'C*nt~ ..... nIIy.

_ ... _ _
.,.-.-_ _--
. . . ..-- .
f"oa. 14 n. ..IMmle .. UCio "-riel

.. ~ tIlO" __ m.r o f - . .
..<IID_ 1M; pr....u. . . . . . !he

II,., ......w
.... ' 5 ..... . ,

.,.....w ..,.
dill thio ;0 \heir

...... ..- . .......... . .!hal. ......

riJIII? Vel

... ............-.."*,_cb<1llad ilf

-_-_ ... _-
io:lib? l1o-Jr1y,W ~...n:l
.. ill pooili<la lo '"*'" ..........
n.:ni<1l iout; ,..• ..,. ill !he
do: .... klpiac ....nd or ""ft"l thai ~
IIlIould 1>01 '"'l'in-' 10 hi¢ln .....,,, al
,nal,ml ~ II<>IhIng cwld bo-
murc llJU'nli.u.. than ~"lII....inJ rna.

lioItlI of """""" conli:Jl"" lnYO>D1nIlIIy
bullodc <WI ..., waolIirq: \btoir cllIlllClI
in - . . ...,
dowIIlO waICfI

Y"Jull:IO~ _(
mer. Idi;lroe 0fll!inK
n 'f\IIW 0(

Iioa ill . . dUd " '111 -.1d ..... Ibt
---- -...
.......... ~ . . w ~.
lorn ,' .......-....- -"1
....-.:r < ,; JiorilIW.
Mol • tIlO" 1Inn'I' , C "
"-'.,.. 1W ,. ~ ,, __•
-"_ ~¥.
1.. 1i..... _ ,.." _ _ . . . .. . ll
. ./MI. nrn.u ,,11*1 . ,.;.., pl.ocipal "j ,Ii,a:
•• Irilti<atiM • /Itt ..m.-.,. L.: ~ I'w. JIl vlllemi lly brioI".
_,."..." flJk "" ftW . Mil/I• • ... '" .. CIl<l tlw ..... IIIIffIO 0/
'0"'" .... l<n<J ... #rJht . ...... . !l<W\'I1)'• ......",. _ JIllion ,IIrnWCh,
priltl4/7 _n:to.- anti iIlvcslinR: in !be fUI1II ond urt.D
L'hin.·. pr'COCIit m ,' 01 """"""it: environmo....10 wilhin which loday'.
~ 1Or~, """,1CL In """ _ lm:llI d war1l;~

l/I'Ill-Taliua. """'" 2 lL....~ 0/ I'Conomk :J M~ !be lnUI!IiOOn 10 new palho

tl... IoliO'"'01 similar In llIIl at the al po ,*,_ in lIM- incluottiab:cl """"
~bli< ot K<wa 1Otlo;y, AI llIIl poIal. Irieo ill ...... 10 lIlIiDIoin or """""'"
C!W', a-"! ~ "" !be ...... lhc quality ol ... >tillle tiani6cla1ly
"W-w.ib~... !he ___ roedu<i<'I ~ ....... 0-
_ . . . . be IIimiIor '" lUI GIl" !he <rile. .... GIl" - " • _dcliIliIm 01
UJiIeod sea.... ...
iIs arIIca oiodtle JII""'_-..ItI bc .... lbt . K' " C


1Oda(........ '
5 cl .........

SiocIllIo' .. " • «MId bc dI:riooocl

Ir.-bdL ....... , . "

wilI __
"". ics. if Ihrr • c t -. ...... lO
..... V ,n..illoooa _ 0( Sibil'
......., ,,....q!":
I ~ • • •, • S ,. t ics .
dowloIo Iloo u.I 01 K '

..... .. .... whidI wiI .... Ibnt ...
GIl"OIiDI.-l1 iot1he 2111 ....

ifntyIos ......... .oel.

........, \btoir m-.. pocb 01 tJI2IftiaI
",ill ~ .....
tllow .. iDduRrioIizfcI <'llWIlrieI. local anti fIolIaI """ \iInils.
......,. """"""" • IfoaoI. I00 tniIlioIl. • n- ~ ate -.'OI
J .- 1.-"".. . . ,. '"
............. 01 ht;rs "" IM -
"" boat ............ . . -
tho lit &o:ldilion 10 btq _
httlltl _ _ n vI _ _ fKD

'" ""

llldr(. . die I.Oi ... IdlDaI ~ IflIVoI . . _ .


----,--" . .
1I'Kll<... 1M-coIt_ .... _ .. ICY __
. . . . . . . . Iho _ _ . . - .

Sifoa ~ lira ,;; IWI.

- . lit """"'

_ . 1o a-.,1 _
' !
I ...
fir _ .

aop,.. ... _ , :f ' ' i112_

_ _-_,-
. . III fKfI .. u. bill ............ fKa .... L.* . .
, If ..... lbt _w.llNo..-· - . . . . . . . . . -1iIorKy
n. .......
_ _ _ I}$", I .;
tdilIolI. ~ • _
....,dH ' .. ' i

• _
• ....,-.
, • .--.. 2 """"""

i s ? $ '" _ lJiMIoj N_ _ p , 011 . . """"' .....
E .... - lftIaf. WHO. IJHESCO . - . . - _ . § '

... lHf'''- 0.. IlID - - . . ...............0 - : - . ..

.................. .
Nigorio. _.000 _ ..... _
-I' ''''~'''

~I .. 1M- . . TlIt Me..... JIIUducM in ' - _ "I~I,,, lor
..... " ' . inlo .. _Iho ....,
111 ,.......t rr- _
..-. ,
lho1..1hlUI yo'S. III _ - . llle h...
~c~ ,." UN. bollC........" 11. ,ospon6tcl MOl fldio
.. ~,td inuI <1>191... .. Ii'rIint SpOI>. .orioil 01 FKls lot Ib
lIinhI. Ar, mo1htIhoocI. bornSl:f..d· "'HUG H. orld llle incluoIDn 01 .....
"",. child c'owd\, Imno.in<,olion, dilo,· $Oyn in 1KInd,.... 01 JOIP0fI0f1' lOll
mao.: ""', r.'llir' l<lIY intKtiont. pojIIIIl f ,"cIio _""",,,,,.'"
Bruit I
"YlI..... IIltl, AI DS. Ina child rlIIjGf $_",",kIl .hl.. h.. P<Il
dJ' I'IPn\tlll au: i'l ......,
01 "" _ . Fo<fSlflflb llllSllyn ... 120 .....
lhon IOU counlries _ . "" booll plUIic: bIgI. In KItI\1t, \0 .....
lw bttII II'IInIIItH or lod•• • Irs lIIIIChbe_ . Itry llle 1IlUtIGI.. III
....... n _
_ _ _ 01
bftn lIiIDrool ID iii
0..- ........--.
f lllby, lIlIy ...... oppIMH" 2 ...

*' """
_...-u..,1IIi,oca ....
... lorI-e.
• ' 60
----,, . ,.
1ht IIotp "

11 .....
tt.w ...... ,k ..' on""", _ M
' - - . 1IW _

MOl ....,.. " , _

5 '

1 - " " IIlta lIiI

. . . . . . . . """"' dtc;.
Tho F_ • U\I IIooot c_ _ ...,. .... a.. .. --. I
I'NdI __
... &--.

...... . _
. .. _ ..., .......
"""" CIt
- - _ ..

, . . ...... ill . polIiDDo • I'NdI

...... - w _ _•
ngII Ie llIdIfo iI"JClIOIl .....

........ ~
"""'"*'...w .

...... -u.s. - . . _ _ .0

taly°O" ......... -
__. ,___--_.
..---_ . ,_
_- ..
..,.. . . . . . p "1m. Ii ....

. ...... ....
TbI ._ fra. 1I ala-...,..
IlIl m -. ,. _
Iwtilrlll_" 11 bd_odl ..
1ht 1IS1 hlUI ... ..... -_.- ...........
..... "'
Ill. .· • ~ _ rnakiIw a mil. 1m Ibe ;,,~ ~.,.
&oa pnw:ticW eli.:"...... IIul lhr ......... 1lu'tas 10 ......... 1II'nIriIy now fIT
lhr bt~ otlhll b .bitiw is poAo mon.' ~ 10 aritIr hn i _i....
"""""" \lor ~ \lor ~ ..... UIl <lioporwot. au.' ba .... poIdtiDn by
..... Tht-~~oIlbelut ariol ..............lll • t l ~wy
.... ,....,.'-lIlIt'ftl'd '" • d,~ ~ _Irom Il\J lIilil.Iryolb-
..... -=,' aJIlr. \lor ~
\lIoIIllo. · ·
~"""''' I!oD
btU ' . .
Ita lhr ''*''
. , "" ......
Ilftat 10 ~ ... . " . 10 . . . .
'""" "'" ~ ottk._,.h ...
. . . """""'". I"liIoooooa. .... at lb<- ...-W ' • •...,.
... 01 t9!l2. ,¥ ., .... .." tI..-,.
... iii - . tI"'" t.M _ ai ...
.......... tI._ _1*
..... . cPlt£
............... ,...-,....,.."
thro lbrnI 1Illb<- , .n. ''"
m ~QoWr•

....." tI.._ .,tIw~ po ..., ! . ki .......

_. ... . tf...... ' "'.

. . . _._"",ai.,. • . I a i ~ '~IriI.'"
,...,,,,.._ .. _ ... tI...... ..·_..· ai... _ _
............ iw ...... ai .......
~ ......a j _ _ " ; . . . - ,,, n...- _Ibrtm 10 ........ -.1
• fir' lJI ..irt . . . I......... ... .......... waoriI)' rInrIr nil lor
."JriIUw ••_ail);.' - _ ............... In p.1it.Ior-. ~ ..
t'lISI"iallballhc _ ~ ....

New rotlC<..'Pl" of SC'Cllrity

in 1'" --'d iI:o .nould
irnmt<lot' !nlIul ill 1M of
An '_'IlIiaI,-l<mnM <!lib.. ~ ...
fI"drljnililm o( ...nal is mnnl by I<'ro-
~na I"'·
tainIblT lutuli', And in
"""''''''''''eelU a "'"
~1,. f oo.....iI1,II ,.... ,...bal. cau:t<d by Slat,... (<><by. 'o'IlkH.... bts/innin.a Itt be
It.......b1iral.... ti h;" bo<lk 71I, ,.u, uJ rai...-d in Ju PP<Jr1 <II III<' icl,. . tlul polio
/aU of tit, Vtul ",..,.... hi>ll""",, l'iwl cK.'lI IIhwld b. ""Iically ""rlmll.<1 in
IV",l<'d, hu at l~ n , p1,..t IIr difIi<uh R'lf"l<I~ In 1~'E probk",., A1"'"1:!l" tho'
lMSlc <II ~ ...,,,.. nt b ~ 10 I)....,.v" ful <Ii I....... vui<n,
m<>!iI t"" III many developing
Iho.'lal!k of I'"'PlIrinI: fur Ilk- 21 ill n ". may bT I'ltCtOpltd lit"",
hll"i. ' w-".... /J . . . ~ ' Ik- n '/ •• .".;4.....' _ " ,..,... ",. notions, nation al
....."", "-N ..
<l(ff.ili<lw tfriat
..mo.I ... UI/"wn.. . I«'In'il)I.
Nf#I' * - tI ~ t.M _ , iI
_ . ri#fIIn ... N tII
I/u;, . . "
llIImu ItJ

~ ..
_ . ...... dtq ..,;,. ,.., " . , tf lN

ctfI/'",. lMrtrill., .., .,
,.,. tI ""

~ .... ..
IJaiMII Slam.
security is
threatened by
Mit16 I"'" ri..ria. ~ _ Gist 1>4 . . _ .......

-. ,
'*- ..... utI«7 _
;. tI .. ".,.. tllIftI

, """'"'" ..,.
..... .,,..... - .
___... Jmt .. ..,.. ..... -W",.,
~ .

_ _ /air

........""',.,." _./u......... ...._"*'-M._ItiDiJw ....

. . ........._I*f .; ... _ • degmdatian on a

. .Ubi r
bo _

.. -
U .,..,. ,
t •
If ....~ lib
fino •• GloMI Ma, I •
scale tllat
invading army
ti D

1Iaa.f,.. __ . _ • .....,~

JIrcoady nw dill IIIlloNI IIf'aIrily is n, iN ' .& tfllftl II- could contemplate.
It..- ""el by PI"': po 'I
.... .....--..... "' i.dIal.

..caJr INIIOD inYadiI ...., <'UIIId.--

. ...,.
"'~• .......-.. tII~'" Ia,.,ui
t/... ar1Ii-(. _
I · ...

1c<lipIIP" . YI'l _ ~ ... sciII ~.wiaS.IJ.. ~., ... n...._

............ many Ilmo.... ......, . _, .. ,,"';#wt$" __ '''llIIn ""...
10 ""litNy raparil, lhan 10 erwimft. ,..."...,n..,llIIt _ /h • • itftWMJ
n>tnlll p."h ~"lit><I. ftw _ i. 1J/JU ...-ir ,..,...... •
~.w ~

.... _. .. /It JlMiJi:t -u

". lit i..-..m./ _ _ '" .....u-
llin, . . IN....... lit ....ri_ _
pokito.i11 ~ linandol 11.-_
~1IqltIliaIion ol. n
Iopio• ......t<l, in

- . . aDd ill II<.'iI.'IIIik - ........

MI1y. l l ' ,.nm. . Ift.- . . 1be- ....... oI ltd.....,.
............. "-" ....... Illlrht II.
,_do" ", icII: rlislir.lhor _
. , froao ... lor _ .. Ihr poilinl
.... ~
ilia ill ...-u.. 10 PPt: lin I ' . .. ill
~. il io ....,, _ .......,

.....,1 ....... ~bJ, •• -.:

_id<o • • • .., IIIillk dli&. n... <6;Inf; III O<i <_ dw - . . - . .
. . lit c-. al " ...... ...., it oflbo PG"<"ftJ'lholpo ocicb .... '"
lhol"' ~ C.C" .. " , '" lhr """p:- ...""'" I a$ : r JIVW\h
1lor Ilw......o l' I ' \lIoo -.I "0. __
_ _ it lIIlcII ' - tIM, . . . - . of ~ ....w. e"I""," dAI ci<aIM.
~N Gaft. _V"iC'f"lh""'. oI ....a 5 : 00IlIII00criIi. . . ......
1M lhIiIftl ~ _ n boai)y food po , lioa.-.I
....... iIaIilr: ! ' • • , 7 " "' •
... ....". ci jau,,-u..rl ........ III
The 6111llest ....,. oI lbtw _ . I) " a .t
Tht PP£ ..."blo.... ~ fGYiron...-l . . . .: t AocI at.i< ... tJoeo . . .

u.... froao ~ ....,.. 01 """'"" J:QIl< thlI " - btoo'lllWlftd bJ

.."",.... .... w -'" /It maR lbr !he n»iao'iIy of lhr -"1"1 ~
J[JeaI nmiIloa .....'. ' i".... u~. I<adcn «lUIII lIo:rd cu be <'Omidrr<....
ocllbo bn.>E <O<I\l:XI M U11111:m1ll III • h lI"5I of (he imC'fNl4iMal rommu-
l:riDli: Ihc: bair bo..'f'l('fito oIloruen-.... III nllfl ~:and <apaciIy III ~
aD ~ lMId ""-'<'I 1M rn-'aI mokin.lr WIiMIl InlntoiliO<l.
h u n~ IIo.ol:I di!lC\llilil'd iIIlhl' tlrsl pan The fmal pan of lhi~ rtp<II1 thco....
of \hiJI "'1">'1. ~ k>ok. in '""'" dr1.aiI .II"" ""ntnll
Tu nlffi (I.e.' r ~ nariorW a>nllibulion,,'him Ilk· "",h",",I1Ictll of
a1lou and inlrmaliorW <OO\Il'ltiion Iwic human ~ rwld tllIk , 10 l/Io.!
.... .............in mall}' diIlo.'fl'll1 fftJl - in ~ 01 l'!'£ 1W"'bk.... - 10 lho.o
the "'loot and poll1kH oIlall.'rrWional -ma- 01 minimum burnan I>L........ 1<1
Lndo:. ill IlIIlll' ~ttd and 1bo S1abWatiol'l of popubliolll. and to
bbour~ IlMIanal ...... ~ Ib< ...... <If ..............'111>11 ""'"""""___
The synergism of 3
sol ut ions
I'In I fJI ~ It1lO"I ~ lbr
"'CI t . . . Ihf pOl jeI iI-..nl
C Tbr wai..,. . II
, . c" : $."~
] ,. ., of"'"
............ _oI<hi1d . . . F..-;h 01 " ' - ..... is 6MIT
~ Ib <_" . ... the
I/gl f'dIled 10 Ibt .,.... 01 the I't"E
m.- w ok• . • I ' :e.-:I ~"io"" IMR

_ ••h ~ ~ '-" dowri- w" '. II lriI boo 0:4.... III
.... III W poiallll wbidI ...., r/.1IIr .,... ee_ 01_ .. !l1f.""US
_ ...""*PIlI1IonIrIIlo
01"' .... m a:JuM
III thr cIiopoool 01. Iomi-
iMo IIIftr. hNWI . . _iliw: edaca-

b io *'001 all _its III •

.......... la~_ .......
~ ..... lho ;111<"";001;01 HEAJ.11i AND Nl1TRI110 N
<'IlIIlftJJ1IiIy ." _ in I JIQO\iIjoII. II.nclIirijI baoic lutman bnlIh ....
sholIld ttwr to dtcido.1O brinIr lIbouI would IIlriko:' III. -"" 11M: ....m -.
add ....... ...., oip;Iinnl ilr.prtM> the Pf'f: probk,n.
1Ilt'lIlS in tile IW'Yinl hnhh. RlllriOOn. F"1fSl. imll"O"\'d tdh i!l one "' tIN!
and ~ or many tniIIion-< 01. !he . - POWerful 01 all """'POll' lor
"",rid', rh ~ ... Spccifie ,lIOal. which OWI<lcinll" po'o'rI'1y . WlI.m." ju~ by
n,11o.'<l Ill ~ poJIl'llli;ll ~ bo.·" o <Ij(n. 'll Ihe KOOOmj(" ~ nusrd by ~lC
by I"" 1Kl6lk'al ln<k..... 01. - ollioo... di~ .... by tile K<lf>OI1IIo ...,...",.
Pan 2 hu rnappo.d lhe w-ltr Ia/>d. t am.d by In""",,","_ in waI<.'r ....,. There is all obviolls
iQIlC In ...tIieh this p:Il ... tiaI ~ ply,. Ibc 0I'l~ l<-'Olimony of
""'ol w., ......,. dnwio« IlIttlboollO "-<Ct'nIl'<"'"' • Ihol ~ in IwaIIh and profou nd
1M I1Ullllllly ~ ~ Md ""Irili<>n Iw>Ip to !rt"qlroye """""""
.&t'lI <I_limled pcM'l'Iy, l"lPd IlOl>- IiriIy .-I to ~ \lie I't'lUl'IlI 0lI
uIIlioa -u.-' D O' 4: mvin>D- odl<r...... "'---.,L connection between
.....ul _ - lho- PI'E probk;D In 1M ..., _ it • obwiun lha
.... n 1t a;1a o, bdw IlOl"" &"..... ............ -.r. the mental and
~ ·oI 11ut pd ......
I'In 3 looks III Ihr . -........
botwN ~ Col . . IIwat. ...
.... _'-lbe .. ·
... """" io 6rWt..1IM its. .... ~
physical development
. i ...... Ito. . t ' ' iI« 01 liar _ • bt1IoT '" .wt IiIDe _
..... ........ ....w ........ -..:r io oidl dlitIlrN.. of children a"d t llt~
..................... , ',.. u.. In IMc&tt'd~oI .....
II c' ln. . . . . . . dlt 2l« ttMwy t, _.~.-...._10l
01 t.il:r ill lbt -vs __
social and economic
CI mba..

T~ I'\ql.lb.e-
n A..... oIdlid~
rbiJ' ol

A ~ lt. . . . . iII....-,M,
< .......
lIIlbt ~ _ ~ • IIIl ol;Ioo;-
.... _ 1M.. f

lilt _ _ """ phyadI"

01 etIildIul ..... -W _
-.,;",, ___

-.ir .......~'11 .of1llrir_ .....
' $.....•
deoelapment of their
U A ..... .,,'••__.. ."
. _ n.. hi COIllrib.uiWIlha woWcI be
~~ llllde by ~ baic: IlraIIh ....
I I Tho.. """"""""
"'''*...... 10 aD -oold lhcn., *,", be to ~ boIlI
the: 1IlIort"""" and ~ *"'>
o It. bWt ~ fill"all chikIrm; lMlmic ~ of POQl" <:untlll\l~
Ub-Sahl ' '''' Africa is the 0fIIy
S '"Ilion at Ill. d8'M<lllinll WO<1d
ltIol hu not ~ uno't<lI.... I wid.
by 1.2 bi1h. PI' W\lIlIIn bllWII"
1981-1980 I rld 1985-\988. BOlSWln.
~I' oeM I Mem. 01 0.8 ""' thl
$plIed deeine in fertility. Some SI ' " ~ In Kl flyl . lhe Tf R SllmI
d, _ropl1tfl i>lb.. 11111 I de, .... to hove lolIIn by U bmhs PI' wom.n
his now begLlll; otIlo,. ar. "'" V9l in 101I1.nIl by 0_5 bolwHn 1911 . ...
prl ... 'tll til t ommd lhtmstlvts. Irg... 1989. ~ ISlin Q th.l t:hI dec linl in
ll'i tho,"'" "';"",. is .....11 Iollilify elllJlcl bl I OCe\e(e!irl\l shl ' Pt,.
llerno; r.~ trod H..1Ih S!JIveys " is . Iso POSSibillho, forU'ly h..
(OHSI hI'" recently been tDIIduclid beQun 10 hi. in BLIfUI'ldi, M ~1i. Nig..-i..
in 21 $IIb·S . ...,," AlTice" ""lion•. SI""g.~ iIIId T"9'l. though in • • of
Re!lO'1S from 13 lUCh 511J<!ies hIM IIm I lht f.B .. TFR is .......,kIll
bun lIU~ Ind prelininlry Ifld thl supllOflinll ovldeoee is less
mutts' " rvlil.bII fO! lou, ...... c...w.eing.
Tho _ in. in <<>nj<mtion ""'" In Nigeri. - willi olmost 0 ~"""
ather oWl"",,,, mok' . cleal mat 11" of sub-Soharln Alii",·, poopIt _ t:hI
liliry h•• !legLI/I to deeli'le in . , I. Ul lVIill bll l1t1listJ•• s ugQISI I dtolino
m... .r me courmio. olLlel"" ~ in 1111 TFfl of L3 births PI' WOIIII"
Botswan', KenvI. IM Zirnblbwo. trom l!l82w 1988. This" tho II'Q'S!
&on fuf ""'.. n. lioM. 1tI~SlH:' "",.,,,,tl! dtclino of I fly COllnuy in
on ,.~ chi""". ""It limI , "" It, sub-Sobl,.n Africl III lIall . b<Jl tho
Irom satislll<lOlY. BUI 0lIl" obstl'ofl ~nding i. 1<apI<T; ~ is: JIOl <ll n silllrll,
irina. _ weight 10 "'" finding thot for "" ., _ su"''''VS ~
!her. hos bo'f<I l declino in lII. lOaI !hIl ooIy 6"4 01 m.,riod """'"" in
f.rti5fv lite (TFlIl 01 _ . than ..... N'9"rio 11>1 """'" form 01 comr.......
IMnII ptr WOII\lln. Tho reponed 1111 01 lion .n<! 11111 only 3.5,. un modll"
_ comac.pWo .... /or ........... __..av.r... ~_ ... fib tyl/l ll .
hIS nun lignific:oRlly. in Zi'IIl>a tM9. 6Idno boolIon .. !hI """" po....
~ at m. ",eeI women flOW .... I Ious ., of tho south-WI'Sl lncl pos.
modern moII1od 01 r~ ~ ill sibly intho SOUllHlSl
Botswlnl !1M iii." is Ind in m. Tho.......... ItQ'" IIII! '"' ~"",.I
M.... conlinntlion ....... from
.~ ..king we.... how nuny
rltef'" in f.rliIiIy III. yet bl g\lll in
sub·S.",,." Allie. poim to rho I.e'
lhIIU.d ilio••1.. Iuts ".l'llni/'l f _
<!liId,"n m.y woOl. In Kl nyl , the 11191 to..... . nclthfl lhl un of con-
JtlOWOr t.ll ••ry..... r ~ fr o .. ln _ . blC.prlQn is '~llIIy 20 por-
age 015 1 in 191\01 to U in 1989.Amono; ,"""go points lowe! IIIl n tould b.
women avtlI "0-44. !he ~ ..I numbt< t1qJIetoel """" .0000P1'td '" ~Il
01eMd,.. _ . ...d55;"""""ll!>osl counuin I I limiIll _ . 01 oc <>-
I gt<l 1S-19 111, _
1111 I nsIWf g;"ln """'* """Opmolll
~ ' ''l UI thai the . il,um -
Bo,swltll, Kenya Ind Zimbabwe IItInc• • !h1l d«tn'l'lino lorrOIy "i.. It.
h..... also '.,ocI t>ettt< III." "'''1' elll~ and lftol AIric... ....
AITic," not:,.. in aUlour 01 !Ill " ' ." ,"s~ .Melly IS olhor p<lIlIJla1ions
01 prOG,es. most eo.n1l1lOllly . ssoci· III.. de". - prowling !hll "uff"ienI
. ll d with lllIinIj loni/ity _ riU>g priority is given III 'eGUCI/lll ch ild
IlfI\Ill! e<lue.lioo, II,"", child IroIlaf. dl.ltI•. ",,"celinll womon. Incl mlk·
ify, wolk.., l.miII' plo~ lIfO-

g,......... and I do9rH of ec:0Il0IIIi<

The most "'.mati< did ... h..

o<e\lf,1ld n Zimblbwe wt._ PHS
'ISU~ lIJWiSt1h111l11 TF!I h.. ll l."
ing '"""'""' f.miIy p11l11Wll1 _od•

.....otylncl c~ l . oill blo.O


.. _ _ .JoI.
Health and populationgrowth vival rl'Il...u,. low. ~nl' IfId """"tw· fit. 15 CIIl1d dlllhu'" iii",,"
ni~ ,~nd MI,o PI"l/fl-"'" to the ~
s.,,'lIldly. ""Ql,hin~ basic' ...." 'llh ~
would ha W'a klnjl"-I<''''' "","<1 "" popu-
11", I~I po1l<u.illI r.... iJnprovinJ!
~hildnl1', I...alth and ><aVin ~ dtildn'tl's
Iiv\os io ......arly ~01'tJ"oClm, - so""""",,,,"
of bui!dIOlllamii..... by <'Uf\lciws pIm-
ning.~ l'o'w"...·ly. WNl1 <hikl d,'IfIh
ralt·.lan a nd ,bo.' flo\olio nship beI........'f\
tho: nombtr otbirtl1s andMfl1U11 fm>.
ily <i.e ~ 0""" prcdi<ubk·. f>n..
IIy plannlltl[ btco n~ • 0",", >l~
..... aI_"",~--,,,,,,"

", ....-IM _
a=- fa "",,,
_""" ~ - ,,,,
I ~ IIl1ll.1!Bl.... 11l'lI

I1W ~ h;oj II'd llOf11<'lo'ltl<'Slioo Ih, ,,;';' )lI'tlIXl5itiun..

dom of 'ltvk>;inJl .....h l<dUliq U'" *'l Many otutl"'" ""'.,. lho: la:;t ......""~
;mmun"'I"". ORT, and .nlibiol~ un h..~ ~ " " _..a0'tlX Th"l'
tho: ,o:round. lIun in=~ clilld!lUl"' ha..... bl'en ...nulled up by the Unill'd -'
vival ",u", will m,:rely ",,",,-'fbaI"I"'Il"- N>lion.l'o\>ul>l;"'o OM"",,, in <>IX'"'-'II'
b1ion prub k:,n.<.
This awn1l111 ill IlOt only \IlIf:lhinl.
11 .. ~tuunrlly mL<Uk<11.
II", "" Un<1hi<a1 ;uwJmt'fI, bl. ..
,,""": "J...p"""", ... ts io ,.i/d "''''I-'t1J.
riidl i.<mlY 111, pmlkltlbi/i" rj l~'
/tJ...iIJ n i/4;"g P_ . lrigg.., IU 1"'0·
$iii"" frrJm lr<J1It",11D wolrollrd/f'rlr1ily

it impIico ,hat"" """':III"ble reopo u... Irdoaciott.:-

'0 til<' Joopula,iun l""blem I. w ,kllbo..,... nu, roncluoiun ""'" olso l'ftllono.'tI
.. ~ly "";,hhold basi< bn~fi,. of by 1M 1m ·f-.nh S,nnnu!' in Rir> d~

- . ' l'n.>:n ,he I'"un ,", (I\W1'' ' rI J""'..... and by ;1:1 Scn<1ary-{;,,'I\(:ral.
the world'. ~ in ortll'l" Illal II fig. M"urin' !ilmrur- "111.. f6m ~ mI.rt •
oiOCan, rI ,hriT m i!rln.'O "ild illoiSS ,,11I/ .m""lrili.. alUl ~
.ooukl """tin "" to dl~. U......h a prt'
CO'\lI "''''' aIlow<'tI to
1Ilnl1O(k.- ,,,,,,-ani.
,.,,"aiLIhrn l!tt'
a ~'tI and .......
Wnab"-' fu'un' w<mld be dc6.'tif':<! lUll
by Illypola.dati"",..pIo,;;"m oreoviron-
dJ.""v. rj do. WorM .so...
",it fn;
Cltildrt. ill ""rial . 01 a.l1 /i>r its lllrII
""u bl nM ... Q ......... rj.rlP;ng It>
" - ,.""JnliMr ".,,,,,. alUl_ .. po<si.
til. tIll;rQlImtlr'QJI.yIrWnirl4b1.. /kff/np-

m..utal dis.".".. bu' by ......."""P"'-' rI
,he hunlllll "Pirit.
......, ,.• III.2 1stU . III" no """od:
And 11 is a miSla1rtl1 argumNIt
bl.....,,,· 11 is ""...'tI <>II a ,ni~
of Ib<- rriaIio<t.'<ltip brI"""" rhild
Threshold effect
This link hrt""",n .-.during <hild
110 ... _ _ . _

tk:"lh. and ptJpUlaIiou JmJWI1I. 'lllal dl.-aths and n"<!ul."in/: lc.'rtillty k:'{cls has
rd at iou.rup ha>t IlWIj' 001 0\«.
"U 11 ren..:t. til<' ""'lliM Ia<t ,hal a
now .......hctl • t'ritind "';nt. To ......
wh y, it i. """'-*WY 10 look in. IInIe ...... . ....
!\iJmiliI.1lIl1 and sustaint'tI ~ iD
ch ikillrath. i. a1mo;l I"""riably a pn~
mun.. detail aI !ht. dilTt-'Il'Ul .togl'll of
1h:I, rtb tionship. As. fij(Un> IS """"""
.. . . """
rondilion lOr I """ in '""'lt8o«11li~ u...
>od • ,;uSlllint.'tI WI In f<ortilily. ~
0",-' 'U1d1..r1Y1nR aspc<1 of ,hat m.
'iumhip is ,ha"lI<' <lta1h of . mild is
<.>Il"" quidly <VII1IIl ''t! lOr by •
...... prf'gIWltY." r: in ....... wlwre
the t'3J!y "'-"1/<" of d,'Ctin<, in dtikl
"'-'II,h~ oft... "-lillie rlff'CI 00 fmi~
ity. AI Ihi'SlIIgt-. 1 hWl ondcr·m., """.
tality rat ~ a/f~. the ra!<' of JlUllUIa!i" o
llfOVl1h in lWU lvn ,ooi<1ory "")11: ~
n",,,,,,,, OOviouoly. II"" fro-... thild n'f\
_ _.....
----- --- .....
!hi' is n<ll Ill<' "",,"<.iouo in",nlion. !he 5IlMw- 10 ha..... ml!rln..., of their OWn
Ik':llh of an in~, mean. ,hill bn1!il' and. an otht'r thingS brill,ll "'JUII. this
ffflliOll "'>l>'. and "";!h iI ,"" muu-. migh, 1<>w<'T p<>pUbrlion llI'U"'Ih 11II,-,"
C<'P!M' l~"'. r.,.. boll< 01 ,"".... by I b' ptm.'f\laj[t. poinlS; bu, it al",
" ·...on" hiJth clulrl ........ h 111.1"" u....t!y .....·an. (hili ~", ili,y """"'s remain hiI(h.
mt"In thaJ. 0'""" mUdrl'll art' born. as i,"",nls rauno, be tt>ttfick'f\1 in ,b<>
A 9t<'<Jr>d ra...... ot ,ho: rd"ti<>Il,;hjp i. ........ml of ""-oil' l"ldsting thikltrn: !hi.
,hal if OWly rhild.... n <lifo then fW"'IlS teftds to h:wc a mum moI'C I.....
l<'Od 10 in... n'. and oft.....10 O\«.;"",n'. """ oco.'tI cllr.'l" in ~0lI populatlon
by hoviOll • b'l.~" numbt-r of ctJjldrnn 1/I'O""h 111.1"" hillh.
,111III t/If'1I lrIually want.~ More II is II the ""Mrqlltl1' SlIIgt! of Ihis
bro:Idly. wl><'''' "'nfido....r'..in mM su" pruo........ whl'f\ und...-.f"", oKlrtality
I"lIk~ 1><'I':in
' 0 fall fro,n aruund 150 p<'I'" EDUCATION
I,OOl H"" bin.h. ' 0 100 prr tOOl and
111<1l to :\0 prr l ,OOO, lhat cont~ 1he goah thai ho", bH1l ..slobli.'wd
.... 1.00, to ,;,.. mo", sharply and fer. lur lIR· <1ld 0( this ""'wry lndu<k pr0-
Iilily to fall """" ""'<'ply, ~-~ 16, for viding prinwy ",boo! <odUl.'atlun for at
ell""",*" ol...-lhat '" 108 """"I""" Ioasl eor.of ,'hiIdren _ boll1 ooys ond
rOT whi<:h the fulures at\' availabJt" COl>- Kirts - by the)"l-ar am
Ifa<:qltiw uS<' mIl.... n'fIIaiJI beIQw l.'O' i\fu.'I' !luff ~ of impn-ssi...
in 1"- roonll'ieo. w"',n' und/,r·fiVf: prtllIl'..... priOl.ry orbooI tnrOlmont
mortality ~n . abovc 150_ 1,000. ood "-1CDbon rat.. have _loll .,..
Only wIle1l child tleath> rail 1><""" 100 fallen in many Mrnn and ~ Latin
_ urn dn<... C'Ofltrxt'll'iYe u"" rise 10 AnIorican CQIlot';'" in the 1!OOo. On
SOl: or tllOI'e." Similarly, r.~...", 15 pn.....1l1tn-'Ild",lho:rd<tn.. ,he ~ 01
shows lhat who.'R: uodor,lM: moruIil~ primary !<d>ool ,odll<"3tioo fir at ""'SI
1"lIl<~ r<'Il1lIin hl¢\. 1M Jc'flility rat, M will be OIl<' of III< ""'"' diIIi<uh
l<'Ild. to romaill aI six, ...-ven, or tip, ,IlOIlo 10 ""hie...... lI"t wilbou.t pnJll" ''"'
binh. Pl.'I' WOtll3ll, It is whc1l child to'.'an h that «O'll ~ will botn<ll<'
,hiM fallOl.."ty thaI Ic'l'1ility <!odin"" incre..u.,:ly difTltUb '0 """'" wilh lhe
10 foot, !hn.,<,. ur lWObirth, per woman, 11'.: dwk1lj(t'_
The ~ 0( lI1i. panem, for lhe Iinh b,..t"'ffn I'd,...ational
!he po..,datiod diInon$iOn of thr PPE adt'anCl' and .--tvi1\Jl PPE problm1s
prol>lo",. is lhat lIlaIll' roonuif:s of Iii., ""' many. T" l>f1<in will1, <odu<ali<m.
d....'C~ world han' aIn.'ady pa-.l like beallh, bt'1pII,,, Ioooon 'ho.' hold"f
Ihrough lhe =1y ~ ofll1io ~ povt'l'ly. Mony "'Ildic.... portinllarly
Tile real risk of and ..... po;..d on the II1l'O'Shokl orwhal 0 - iniLialcd by III<- World Bank in
could and lIhould be • P1'liod nf rapid """"ot y.-..rs. have tIl'mon>ilral,od this
exacerbating 1ort.i~IY dt.,w,.,: ' ntorin" 11101 ~ ,Iltrt. lo ogrIruklltf'. for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ".....
dc'P'-"H'l' nil a confinu,nK ,Iodine in ic... in ~\a1oysia. thl' Rt'l'UbOC of K" .
UIlCr..r-livt: mortality. and Thai-laod, and tIIOR' "-'-"'fitly in
papulation problems Thio hiSlDricil paU"", is Iikt-ly 10 RanK~. India. N,opaI, l'IkiOlan,
bKon... ....·n n""" prot>OUlla'd ood .....,..1 I.-in Amcri<ao """nn'S,
comes not from bc'OlU:!l'. lodJy, >1mool all <"OOnm....
have ..,-ik.'Olab~sl>«l ~ tI01 ~
~ ,;huwn that larm.'I'li ...i!h llChooJ.
l<ijt""' IlIOf'\" p;oducriY<' than oirrrilarly
adt'qual<'ly IWldod, flmily planning silU.l<od Iarmmo ...... houl cd",...tion,~
efforts to aring such llfOWZIIlI1It.... Fun.hcr gainf; in child Ov<nIL inm>a!lo."8 in Iittr.ltl' Ieuell ood
hcahh and 5Ur\'ival (aD Ihc'frli>lt, he in primary ""bool """""""" ira", b=l
benefi ts as tmnsla1t'<l . more quickly OWl in the found to t.. WtongIy "",""",",oil with
pa<I. hUo rodllction. in fortility. I'I\QI'C r.opicl inma..., in 1"'1' capim
In ... rn, d<>inl( whaI<an now he <Iono;, incorTIOlI and wiill KfI.'O','r """""",it
immuniza tion and ,n improve chlld ",,,,1111 and rodlltt <oquat;l)'." (hM!' ""die.,.!Jaw, sIIowo
rhiJd doaill'l'I()U!d tIOI only be • •f· that 1b<' rt'tHtOtl1ic ""-urrn< fn>m ;,,',-'lll'
antibiotics to all tile icalIlodvanoe III ito own righ~ ~ ........ k1 tIIf1lt:< in primary ..:IOOItion e"",-,-,d
ah;Q be an imponant contribution 10 lhe 111_ of ony oIh....kind 01 ~~
1o~1IIl or bin.h rat..... Con"'l'f'llcly, 10
wor/d's children: it IIII<:rw JlI'llIrelI\I w sIo<'ko'ft ...... would
Sot-b rond usin"" ronfum wlIai
romnH)n _ .... lIlJl:Il<.... - illal tI<'1t,.,..
be u, risk ll"aving many ~ .,j""atro people- ca" particij.. IC n"""
comes from the <'llUnme. 00 tho lhreholtl III ...1>- fully in the prtX'\'>IlI<'" of olOlIomizaliOll
lUnliol falls in Ii,ni~l)' wilboul a<Wolly and """"""","""", and "'" bl.1tl'!· "bit
failure to do so. Ial<inK the plSIoK~
10 OIho<W<l<'<!o. the real riIIk ofCXI(-
to taisoP lhoir <IlVI1 In<on.... and ron-
lrIb11lc' 10 lIR· .............,; tlowo1<>pml...., of
<'I'baIinJI populalioo prnbIolIlli today ,ho.'ir natioM
tloc~ "'" CO"",- fro", effort, to brinJl
....m bmdlL< as immunization and Education and environment
antibiolics to all t~ WOtkI', ~hildt\'o: ~ Sl.,-vndly, arhicvinR 0", lION of a bIl:ii<:
conl6 from the failw'" l ij do...,. l'dncalion fo,- all L. one of Il.e . . -
fundam<rltal PR-'I"<'<l.u.it"" for manag. F.du<aled """""" """ally 11m, Il101'1' Fi.. 1& e...tId- . . .......... t
i"ll" lhe envin>n"""'tal dim..n"" <>f!he
PeE ..._
opporlunilies, mo<e owarcness or ram. lr*-fM""'"
_ _ _ 11 _ _lpoo
_ Hill
.. , . no_
ily pIonning poosibiliti<.'s, lOt! ore mor<'
~" ''lll ril\ll lunhtl" dmrioratioll of IiJ«oIy tn diJcu'" IIId 00ridr with \heir
............. l1li ................
1M"'doerable ,'rIIfiro1lJnl1l'" in ...roct. po.rtr><.'n how many <hildrfon tn hive
Ihi> ..."OI'1d'. ~ Jl"<llIIe "'" ~ and w~. They ~ also f1\I>I'e likely tu
itl,Vy ""o" "llraled I<'iIl "-""ire .. ..;d<
'""II" of inlc""""li<>n.. It I<'iIl """'i.....
many b lc. tn postpone \he linl J'I".'R'
1III1<Y. to Irave more tin.... bt\ ~

rot ewJlll/f'. trade ~bPra!izatlon lnd binho. and to h:M: 1<._'1' d,ikl"", in ,
in<n _ '<I lirwriaI flo..... t<lhelp diver·
oify cmplor,ne.u <>pp<>rtnn~;"'" II ";U
also "-'<lUiit.' ;nlfl.'Sl""-'Dt ill new melh-
n,."... ~111.'.:,,, art' particularly 0lI'0nlI'
if education """!in,,,," lor more lhan
"'" of ~. and l:tIflt"ially in tloch· just two or Ihn'<: 1'.,.... I" 0"" .....dr.
niqul... of O<lil and water ~emetI~ <'I>Odu<ted ill I ~ o ( <On".
In enablf. the millionJ ",",,0 remaiII ill trieJ, the IVffIge number of cllild."'ll
ORrirultu'" tn ......... lho.-ir .......'<1$ in ..... bum III W<IIlIe>l ..; th "" lIe<OIUIary t:d.... •
ralioo .... appro>timately ......"" whll< ,
·" •, • ,,
tamable woya. 1llC' l""'" """-l ..iU
th'nfon' "'" a mi:Ig rwd for ltaining for """""" '""""" <'du<'aIiod had pro-
andrell1lininlr.for!he~IiooO( gmsed 10 lIe<'OIldary ~ the ~
_Kienlili< """"'led!/\': for the intn)- '""" o.pprol<imo.1ely tltJw, - """" all.... • "
dlX'tiotJ 01 ....... ~ '" pQnls and
new war» of (onnin)(; lor !heIIf'O/IIOliIln
of kr>ow\ed.l:<: oboul "",""-,n",,lltal
I'artnn """h IS in<"ome were talll:" mIG

1~ 1y. 1M ftomale edUCllion


d."fm' tu lk..lth; (M.. wideninsI: put> facIoris <.'OIlting lUbe ......... as.. k,oy 10 ~
Ii<" ..n";!ivity 10 !hi: vulnl'nbilily and tho! popu.1IIlioa iM;ue. Ad<Iressini !he ,
inlmk.'P<-1Idtnn: '" KflOJ'Slemo: and qOl'5lion of _ """ t... doac to def\n;to
for 111 inaftoe ill _ _ "f lho.'
d>oi<c<. a1lc-matM..... and
con..-q""""" '" I""
many de.:i""'n$
Ihal mulll ~lly bo: mode .. --;.
!he pop.lo.tion nisis ill the immediate
Iiltnl"f'. lhe l'rt'sidfllt o( the I'upu\o.tion
Council M"'ll"-n'l C.tJey<artson.
"""""""IS: on. bi/Igt'SI 0.......
,. _------
C1icll become mort'

panicular..... 'ffII ,nlJOb

""mllk-... ~;"viroo·
",.,,,tally ooundnl<'lhod. of (annin ~.
than mosI ""n""lltioual
b o.." IiJ .. o/muJy.. or oJJ 1M. >«iaI
o.d """"",it /omIJ ofi"NSIlIo"'" njdl

""liD" offI1/III«'II IIOruts o"r as

I" _
IliJm Im",,'/J bt/wl......, 1111 Inri of"""· ---
AD of liI<"S<: ~.hanli:cs ";u be IlCCCS- "r. UM'OI . ig/t.pttiUry IfOIIitU>.41
S>.r)' if cmtironmeIltal 1X'Oblems"'" to wdmn. ........ II!I<D 0\0,,,,
be C'Olk'<l "'ith. ADd all deprnd hea-ily 0';""''' "1OHi o"d oboff 100,,. do "r
On ed..calion. Unb. the goal of .. bo.!Ii< 1/1", </Iild"", kif ro\o" IUi.,, ~
<'dllQ.lioo for all no be rexhed. nlil- or OIIJd1mltl] $(~ (/ fa 3 J'(111J
lions '" fX.'OIll<' wiU be den"'<1 know\- ""'''I'''1J<1.... n .. ~ rnJ.mu", '"
,'<II/<. d"*". and OPIlOflnnily. rende- _n'lol/trtili/J;, IiUttlIo <k/gytd ...,,"
ring Ilk..... 1<....bI<- 10 mo.l<,' informed riag•• tffmi... rolI1nurpti.. ...... au.
deli"",,," about their owtI fu","," and placjbiy. 1/1, . ig/tw ~ /WJu UId b,
""" pn'P'lf\'<I to ad.1lJt to the many td", Qu d _.mlut do';, </IilJ.......
clwlgI't; !hallif' ahead. "A lirl toil. Sffl>lIdtl" ""'rol"", f)Jf>i-
{flu, ""'rrin QI 21. A lin toir. Nfl"'
Education and population
_ rri.. Qt 17. q I~ ... "'tr"
"# _
rJd>o/. IJI"" ""' ''Id ", dflu 10 1 M/w.
Fi"""r. Ih<: "P'"Id '" odu"uion ;. 01..., frwr of .. /H1I" Q '" pWatI rtfl rlwJ
o(llIt' ""'"' bo.oi< "'k.'vance lei !he lhird ~JIilM;IJ, -
.....nlC'll of 1M PPF. pmbl<m _ •
poroUaIion gr<lI"lh,
In parti<ular. \he ,..Ju<:oUon of girls Dropout rates
ha< been """,,'II In be one /If the flIO$I tM.'f' lhe I:Istthree decadeo. the deYeI.
~ dd,'l"Jl'lino.nlJ< /If Ierti~ty d«li""," ~ 'O'llIid has mocIe mormon.
As \he m<ld , me<s ill •• Cgnd
de'ode oIligtrting !hl AIDS op;.
uiplo by 1111 y..' 2000. A fillh 011111

d...... thl re?O'lJ !ruin !hi Ironl

bleat. In evllil A1nttn cOllnlries
.r. C ' - - I huhll bud~ il tI~ on
up by /liDS n lltl'lonl-
TIHr chine.. 01 d."IIopInl .n
AIDS i. O'Ie/Ull:ing ........ end
mIla"••• I l..d;ng kiI~ 01 cPlidren.
efl.clivo ••ocino wilhin Ill."""I.
fImI inlpoollllllVl, 1'1>0 bll11lopolin
and hard-won geinsin IndUCing c~ in ",1'fOnIion. ",,",,11iIy by pu!Ilic
mortalily III being '""","Id . lIoMtl lduCl litn In almoO! I I ooun-
In lotll, !hi Worlcl HI.1lIl O,gl ri- uiK, 1""11""""" f.. IlIDS _ "n-
lotion IW!lO) estimate. lIIlIl over 13 lion If. irIc,"Jinglv m<>biIirino "~
million iHO\lI., 1 ..... ian of _ ' JW. "",sibil IlSOllf•• 10/ ' "I 'PIinoj !hi
"''''- 110.. bet_ inllcle<l wiI1l HIY. p<>bIic, lIII """ , protr''''''''' ill ...
ll'te r 2 million M•• died. Idut Ilion "'" stll-,Sl!'lfl'l1O/ pritnl"
In ..b·S.",,"" Alric. IboUl .... . choOl Cllikllln . "" thor po,tnt> ~I
""uII in «I i. inf'tIOd _ lilY. I nd in _ ~ ltIrough rno He,"",,,
"""" co. !hi '111 i$ on.,n Ihru: in JChaoI' 'ncl coUIg.S; I IIClni Min-
TMiIIond 1111 tlla il l in 50. 0". in ,.., i1Uy . , HI.m. SUIYIV I""nd 1I1a1""
__ ;"lecl'onsoccurl in ..... end by 6Ollo 01 lII.ndln, ,.,... _ "-
!hi QflO 01 !hi "lUlie, f cur,em AIDS is s.pr9ild. MOSl nil1ions III
ultld. Con1inUI. moll AsiI.. min using I combmtion .1.0...... "'.-
Alri<lns wiIIlHI inttcted • • ,h V-". gil"""" Incl ml.. _;0- irlclllllin'l
Ill' 11111 lim, II "'J!
Jl miIion Idultt lolvvision. 'il<!io. llId po~" music
ond chilcktn will be lilY i1tOt le<!: 1111 , ,,,, !hlllrl,
101 01 AIDS d•• th, M'Y go 0$ ~h I I RoIUbs hi • • boIn fIIi>:'• • tIul !hll'
1.8 million I VIII, III signs 01 IIofIe IS Il/lIritnce it
Most 011111" dellll , wil lie ill !hi ~ .., Tho u.. 01 condoms hit rison
domopinQ world. I nd moSl will 1HI wh,,_, lhI ""bIic: hIS b..n
r.t o","," in _mt.
and chiillnn, me. lhI rli' 01
iI rising SI• • pty, A
chikl born to I n H1V"'fw,!ed IIlOlhor
iIrIarrn.d: in ThIila nd, for ...mjIIt,
condom <lSI hu ne ll. ... I<om \0
milion 10 13) ' " I \'I", And ill
11'1.1 -;"·3 chine. 01 being bomwith cClt.W'lUits which ~... ,CliYtIy
Ill. oil. .. Such ,,,"",e. hi .... on 8O'Jlo 1",,",111 . . . .. lIIucarion lor I!II
chlne l 01 cfVjng lly !hi Ig. 01 Ii¥L youngll goMillion, young peop," "'
Tho.. ~t1<l d\t lnItclioO'l itseIf ,r" 1 beginninl III I dOfll safo' 1IXlI.1
,;ok blel "" oIlhtir po,..,a' lft.otmty bIhI ....... nelucling ,orIl1Cing !til
La CIII for lIlolft. WHO ISIimtlll thot n""d", 01 "'ti,...UI!f'lrtnlfl. O
Ihtrl wiI bo 10 miIion clIiI6ren on
!Mil own in Ame. by Ill. trod 01 tho
dleld, _ orphontel. Ibln<loned 01
'"""'"1'0. ............
l>l. in tt>eir lur1I t.
HlV lnl.cllOl1 "dlt'/ ttQ \0 ..... . n tilt
8y stril<ini people during 1htir
moO! procI,clivll y" <1 - .boul IYflI
1hirdl 01 11l... inl.<1. d " . 1IfIOl" 25-
/liDS il ,.bbinl nllions II .... nas
Ilm illu olllltir Ibl.-boditd Wll<\1I"
In Molawi, lor tllirnplo, wiIIl CII'II 01
I!II worIcI'l his!,,"11 incidlnCII of
AIDS, 1111 ;"Coml loll Ilfell!y
Imounts 10 """ 011111 nll!o<>'l I ' ' ''
domlotic pro<l""~ I pt<I""nion wtlich
is du" III d."tlle and l*hal'$ I1Yl'n
rdU<'alional!'lri<lo's. 1\""" 11>OUg\11otal
nund' <>f '""""'~ <hi~ ,10i>"
bk,l '00.1 ", 1960 and 19''''. Ill<- pro-
I",n;"" c'IIn,llk<l in primary ""hO<ll hal<
<limbo<! f,om und...- IWf10 "",n: than
rogular ""ppon and SUI'"""-.on of
I<'a<her perI<>m~, smaU oehooI
ul\jl~ c-Iose '" ~ eommurnlie!< !lm-ed:
low <O;>il.ol """,a of 0<11oo1 ooildinJr.<
""ive in""""'."..,nl of e<>n1n,un;lic...and
I "'- .__
Fig. 11 _ " school. .

_ ....-.c."'""",

1M.", tj\I3I1 . p;H""1S; r>ltovanl basic runieula Irl'o n~ __,

In 100aL 1M 9l]l; of ,""ildr«l in Ih<- ...."Ird in on interestinj[ way, ""hooI
~k>I"l1j( ",orId ""'" 0l3I1 II<"hooI - <aJ.ndan< and IimM.obko. lhaIlm inl<>
sh<J...in~ WI !he in!'lilUliona1 caj>acily orcounl lilt.· SI-'"""n.:1.i do.'III3I1ds for
and lho.. iniUal nl<llM.lioo 3ln'>ldy <."lliol ehild...... 10 help in awi<ulIuc.; and Ii><
for 1M ""~1 <>f n.....-...n;-.../ ""PI"'" oj locai """"¥",,,""mt... toI
I'rinl:l1}' ,<lU<.uion. flul in IlUIlJ' CIlUJl- orp;aniuttions.
lric.. Ih.: poor quolily III Ii>< l'dU<2lion Tho diffl(."lJllic.. of rmd;IIJl and C21'ry '
on orr,,,.. ,...,n,bin,<I " ; 111 6m~c<I job inJr Ib~ !he ~I n,b: of Slnt'1/ies
lJIIP'lrtuni~and Ih~ "','(\ forchildn.'11 III ae""",,, unlv<-rsal prinwy edue31ion
W help thrir fantili<>o in (.,Id. and in .he 1990s.,.., """""""" BUI ... ....,
home... """"'" thallarglo nornbfn dmp lb<' """"''<I'' "' ' ' '
of 1aiIu",. Ae~
001 of:l<llool bclort- <OOljlItting """" the goalof • btiio.: ,<I","t1ion lor all chi1-
one' or I"'" Y'...... In ~lh A<ia and d....., would 1It.4p 10 .....-ak<.-nIIlt.·1(rip"I
S",uh Iunc...io:a. for c"""lJlk<. lMI\' than all of Ii>< main pn>Ugo~ in !ht..
!l5ll.of dlihfnon ...-.roI in P f 1 of pri- """""",ie
PI'F. ;.pi.,.) _ eonln"butin): It>
lnary ..."11ooI. bill ""ly abOlll SOl' ,"",h ~ lor the poor. gn'"'''' COi*-"ily
l(r"lldc 5 (Ii$(.m.- ~ JlI"'Ol~ ,-d~ 10 n....,ood '0 and deal with <-nvin>rl-
lional ~y fur II><' 19'ilOo is I~ .......tol ~",.. and lhe .s.nv.:r
In """",,-·thOl all thi\oirf'n 0<11 onJy.. an gn>\'1h and .'Orlit'r !Ubilialion of
..,hon! bul n-main 11><."" k>nlI <'IIOll,lth
to ;o;qu,,,, IiItn<)'. nunlmlC)'. and
bo$i<" 0lti""1.,, ond lIl<illo whirh will
b<'\p tl,,:m I" 1mpnM" Ihrir rin....,nl-

---- ---'-
>l3n<f'S and I" '''IX" wi!h l/>(' """'y Tho btiio.: human goal. /or 11K· Y"ar
·ol'J. 2(0) also inelude the malcmg a>-a;1abIe
AI Ih~ n"""""~ in spill' 01 lonnal of family plonnin,ll infonnalionand !M"f'
",,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,\!< by j!<WmUI...... I.. nmuS! vim. lU oil who ......., them _ with d....
be gjd thallhis wk is kin): ~n lOll "'"P"<"IIO r-adI COWluy'. cuhllrol . ",Ii-
61110- l>riorily. In ""''''. "".mlri<-f, an Ifiou.. and >iOCW tro<Won..
...........'talioo l<rnnl. ""U<:ltion (.,.- all ,,'" im~ of !hi,< goal fur
is bo.'l(innil1l':. but in n1ll'Jl nlrions lhe n~ 1lI111("f'PE ~,isobvi­
"'~nl 01 Ihi. Koa! 1o‫ס‬i<. "". in .hal 1<.......... birlhll ....-an """"'...
unlikMy. InnW)" ",I_ion. I"" 111<lO<l I'0!'ulalion growIh and n-d""",",, c-nvi-
irnllo'UlIl inVl:lllm~m of alL is 01 ~ mruneIltal 0ln"lIll. !luI iI is less aidely
""'''''''111 d ai,nill,l(""ly a ","aIllX'fl"'-'lll- ajl\lI"l. ."iIII,'<! thAI fanlily planning m
~ 01 J/(IVf'rIUII<'II oo<W-l" in u... also brio)( oi,ocnifi<1Onl inlj>R;lll<""""la in
dc""'k>pi11j( ,,"<IfId ilfld only abool of a 1>«oI!h. Sl1I"\'ivoL nulrit;on. ",Iunttion.
all aid I« """'Iopol"""~ and the oualil}' oflile for both ol<>lben<
EVl'fI if lhe ""1010 ........""'" <WI bo' and dlildn-n (~ t3 and 19). II L.
round. Ihrou)l:h .-rooomi<" J8'l"th. or ther!'lln one nf tile moSI p,n"<.>fful
Ih.: n'Slrul"lurifq( olll.1lionol bud;:cts. ""'""" of breokin,o: inlo1"" arne'Wa",.
or int.n.....'" in aid. t~ lo5;k will 0<11 be of 1hc PPE Sl'iroI. and lIt.-lpinj[ 10 ....",.
"""y. 1M tl... <'X~ 01 ~ ~ !he l'<M-'l"1y ",lIie"" iM'< Ilu.I spiroI
<OUIllri<'o IWfT """"I '"'" has "",""" I,. in,priU"
lhal IU""I ~ ..'" ....n br mad" and "" .. As ...uh edue31ion. the fa,nily pIao-
taino.<1 al an aII...-dab.. 00l'l. n.. prin. nin ~ guaI should lx' ...", n in lheeoolo'x1
<ipol elem<nlO of tilt..... """""-"'SI of rt'Cf'nl ""h"""""",,~ In only Ibn.",
Slral'>gic","PI"'"' '0 t..: !he """ <>f para-- dl'l-...les, 1M proponion o( onarril'd
t<'OChc'N in pn."",hoo~ iUld primary "'"""'" in lho.' d'-"'.-lopjng wor\d who
",""",,10: """" """,her""';oill,l( ptriodo; on' using """'" IOrm 0( onodem family
n ;"<Jlum" propo<tioo of chi· orl in d'r/9", of b«oming rwo
A <Ir.. in th. worId'. ,;eMil n.ti"" Mfion. - """ of tint _ prMWfIo
." in uoubl.. Y.11iIe ""'""Too's oe..• I ud IllIlfiIIt '" INtd W{>t/d <Io!NW"
IlIIII' grew bV I ~l!lIly 2D'5 in 111, ~ - ~ms Ml riln Wright Edormll\,
19l1Os....... , ..... fIIOI. MIttie•• tlt td <>1lho tlWd,on'l O,ft<>so Fund.
child". I.. 0>1. ~.rty. In !WI. .... MI "V 01 !hi poIi<v objoClim; 01
in m. I'OI'''lI Slers .-1iI'1I below !III !hi CIimoo Admir'isI'I1JOII, including
P/l'>'t'rtI' ..... - . ..,. !Wi•• til.. oI."Y !hi Pllsidlnt'. slIlod ImtIition 10
~ industriotind country. 11M I I 'ImiI... with I woRing ~, .
Od1tf soc,"1 malh,. dllCu...m !h. ent OUI 01 p<MIl1'I, pginI t. I new dell
doc..... C!'.;ld ;..,.""jllti"" h.1 f . for Am"ri,"n ,_on. lJninfsl l
II low .. ID1IO in cenoin ''''' ity hllllh o""lrl g.. lor . ..",pII. Wl)UI(I
.,...; in I!IowoJlom he.........,. <:mil' bmg its greilul beneliU 10 the esti-
BalM. IIld IIIi1i hid !owl, _ .. ...1Id B million ,!'WId,.n wiIhoIII
,0Lls. "'...nLlblo ........ bf gl n \/I tltollh C'".
rise: ~ INn S5,OOl OIal$lu eeses Theh milv 000 Medi, allo... .6J:~
__ "POrted from 198'9 to 1991 , blnc:kod and .... ~.ned by !hi pist
....Iuding &I <II",," - !IIlI htghoSl two AdrnirMsttlliClns, .... quiokly
"umbo, in 1WII decade'!_ signlll into IlW_ AJthough • 60K nOi
Reponed child l buso . ..... 11$0 opproo , h Ihe .. . odords ot ... nyEIIfO'
Ifi~ <IuriI>i I!Io 1911Os; . Ooul lhrw Plln ,ountr;. s, • glints up 10 12
c!likI'", now dit Ileh d' 1 or ml~ weeks 01 """,id IIIV1 10 OOf. lor
IIl1tmtnt D ~ \he GOVlInnt,,(. ntwbclms or sic: ~ ,oIl1iYo. and will
Il"'J<h·p".,.,cilid ", or .., ""'III.
WO(I abuse .lId rtlated crime spi-
SlJb- .... Ih. ptISS"'. on ""OW Arneno.n
t.rniIi. ..
..Utd lJI'WIrdo; '~ l.d 375JdJ Prosid"" Clinton hIS l iso
~ .• xposed intanl. includ ing ',,"ek <ltd. 'ed Ihlt inununinIion is . hgM-
blIbies' ...o born I.eh \'1111. ViokInco t.. II ohild,... _ -lit. olron ""rlt
stitt. 111"11 and """""': :JI% 01 Iud o~ln lit: Co"ll'1SS hIS 1lI0·
"",or'cily chilcl. ... h... known .."".. ot ted " " "Si d lunding to .. p. nd
lHII tileG by th. time 1I'I"Y . ,. 1~ !hi ""don', ,,"oelllilion ~',","",
VO'" old. Tad.y. 31 " ollhl_I... . nO hi S o<tld in lIJll(>Otl oltho P,. ";"
, r, fornili.. wiIh Children, up from dem', "'.......110 boos! H. 1d Stir\,
m , on lhe u rly 19l1lls. _ 01 !hi mast """'tsslul .hlcl <It-
Some 01 tho <hinges IffICIing wIopm"'IIlfO'i'~' in US lIislory,
Amlncln child". - ""cI1 os lilt In his Idll,...- 10 Ih. UMtd
""I IJI rise in lingl. p. rlntMod _ . ,. Notion. GO".III ~S O "'b¥ in Stet.",·
beyo<1d till lmmedilll roleh 01 gl><- bet 1993. !hi ....._ oIso"I"'i' <>1 1
, nunorrl. But poI;,; iu to lTVDglllrht ..... <onurrdrntm 10 !hi worId'. eN!-
rfleclI II.... go"","~ bt•• inldo- rlrorr. "Just I S """ """ nllinn hos
qu.... _ .. \II providt • u !"'Y nO! /IImc"-d now" , - I\>.,.."'. lIlol
lor child_ WoIIor. P'~_I .....,. child in AmIrie. hiS ~to
_ . cLII bock du~ !hi 19BOI, hlMth coro. ... ""'It do """. 10 ~
including !hi Pfogrlmmt 1.. Aid 10 lulie _.inoslt/d fl(/II(l1roqr"nrs
fl",ii.. ...mtl OIjll!lllln1 ChiIcIrln. lot cUI11M _ . . . 10 childf lfl
MQrI IIIln l.1 n'IIioIl '"ngll.pl ,....
llmii1l ...,. 1IU1!ltd b,1ow !hi
I/flUfIdlIlo MJTId, If. !hi
_ ...., ..., ......:0
p<Nll1'I lino du"'IJ lhl <It"d"
RI,"I inl quilil. IUI lin Wlnt
rna<tllity, for """",pll, is B ?Of 1.000
lIinhs in whirl A.meficl; lollu infl nt
"'o<uOry is rUlllli'>ll It IB Pel 1.000 -
tvgh" Ih'n in Colli 01 Poland, "We
_ "","",,,_01._ -01
pIanninx ""-ihod IlllS in.:n.,.,;cd fmm inj; le'Ytb of f<-mal!' rdu<1llio<l, fallin.<: fig. II S""c. fa Ii••
aboul l~ tu abuul SOl. This i. OIl child 'h ...,.... and in<ml.'<inK lIdiIIiloo rbl; ol tII'<'l - . "'" ogo fivo lor
,'>rtn!onlilWY <I<monstnlion 1II Ill<" txt isIrorno. "'" the main fun..... "hich
1.... full<bm<'nl.Ol and Luxt.~1r . :ad ~ to " -""I I"""" ..ilildrcn. a...1 on. os!; _ .. 1_ ~....,""'
<han~ in hun"", . ltiluMo Il>d ~!IIv­ Fllllily pWlIIin/( ...'IYi<n ....,... ",:'Oplr:
cbI<I ......... 1·Jl"'..' ......
iau",.., Ix- brou~hl .boul within . "'~ tu••",m llelhlol c",*", """'" ~allily. and
Ili....>fy sIwrt wan' of ~iP"1. tho.' av:tilabi5lY "f lRI<h ....'IYi<n can
-r. 111. rarlJ 1961JJ; writ. Jolul
lWwkoy ond llaUd.., M.ld..... of I""
""'r.,(nr. IIdp to ""'~ qnJck1y lRJI"
lou.. ~ cin,.IlISla1l<...... and a l l~
Inl.mlaliunal l'I2IJlltd l'arrnlhood lude! inlO Iuwcr fcnmly mrs," so
F<:dmlio<l. ·/'I8.lliao IS ..iII;"o "",. ,ninlnti<ln~ !he rinK'1aIr bcro...~.. "
pin 10 111. d" ,rI<>#., ....rid ..uiIk ~ olcath rIl'" and laIIin~ birth
0/" I&t" .u;Q «mlrtlrtpliDo. TodIlJ,
14'" 38i!.. 11U~o _pin ,'. IM_k>p.-
"'~ "
I., ,.."rid ~" lali.., dla'J' "'Wi. t"
lill/1 - Of'ff Aal! qf aU rtJIIp/I$ i.
Jrr. World" ofdifference
(/lllif.l>Nri., yta1S. Taken tow.1hcr. lhe imp"wem.n' of
on,," if _ ... d<>dl,;",/ IA~ It'Orid child ....nivaI. h~allh, rdlK'lliun. and
if i. 1",lI$il/(/f/. S«'ial aod drItwt/rofibk. famiJ)' pIanninf: ~ roukI have a
IV.art •• 111• ...., /() ""'h'''I{ a IIIOrid j.
ri"'" "",o.IIII!·, ~o"... i. rtdlUi.,
d"'li ",In iJ ..ald",1 b1 a "'ON
rlecioiYo: in\p;ocI un lhe PPE problem in
the jIl.oars aMId. To pot owro><imol(>
JiKun:. on 0\8.1 lmp:acl, noarhing all of
• _-. - - - ~

" "
I~"",nlsfr""', Arall.i#, ptaurd birllo~ ~ goal. <wkI make lht ~
SltdI a trorld wi br (/f/~ i. riie. bel......... world popuLation which _
...."',.. ,,,,,,,,*,,,, Ira.... a ~t fa n1It' biIizrs abool a ~twy from now II •
II IN 0.' I.
Iro/ 1lIn• • "'" /trliliry. o:ilJ lc-yd '" ~te1y 10 billion 1"-"" _M' _ _
die. """""<li", _I'"""
.",w. if a
..11InJIl1 "'" aod """'TO. h o:illilta
p1r, and a world populalian " hich _
bilia"$ h:df a = Iury Ial.... II a lllla! '"
- ...--
KV>FU ri'" />'Ip.I4Ni>o ,_1* "'Iff ..
""'u' ,.rI . I'M. alii! ....""'....Ial
p,...,..,. ri/dl IuIp pr.pr!O(Ilt trlJ>.S
around 20 b~Ii<>n .''' Thi. dif!~ _
rooJIhly "'qUM""'lto dooblr 1b<" .. lire
\lOIlUlalion 0I100....-ld in 1!l93 - may
dispGrilits of 1C'tn1tJ. aod J-#rl1 alii! 11'<.'11 be suffi<ic.-nllo .... """i... """"-...
rlirllltad In ",.II. o/1lK dtunI<tI... of 01' failure in ~ the lRJIsition 10
IAI 'l/>nelJAip i. riitA,... m",,{: - ....!ll<ilnablc lulUA'.
'!'ha' \rlJl<llioo "' noI ycI COO\~. All or thi. Slantls in almt>l'Il absurd
F,.,.,mty n_
rat.. hi"" bo.:.on follin)( in ronlraol to lht .. nail,..... uI ,he
I'<.'Itioru< of the ~1opi1Ul' world ~ f\"$OO~ ~ired. 11\1 ""Ira amounl
1m , and !he Laleol su~. ronli"" "'-'<.'<k-d trl make fImi1y planningV""""
Ihal k.,.,i1ity has 0100 now bo.'l(\In lu /aU ally avaiIabl,· by lht etHl of this drcadc
in ""l>&IW1UI Afri<a (pan<,l 12). Iiul woukl be ~lIUIlt'I)' S3billion to $5
""nlrat)' lu lhe ""pc<1Ition. of n""'y, billion.)'I'Ir - ~hly a dooblis1g of
lb<· \\'or\d l'<'l'tility s..r...y" and the I'",,""t .p,nd in ~ _ " Tnday'. lantily
l~", ond llcahh Surwyo" plannin)( ""'' ''"''''' """",nl for bs!han
h>.'" ~ lh1l u....., .. $1m • ""roy h.alfof 1'4 of("'1-,",n.,nt budgCl' in lhe
hi¥b It:v<i uf unrnCI d<-IlIand k>r r.ntily ~",,"JIJl workl. and 1M« !han L~ of
planning in olmos! all dl......... >Pinlt roun- all aid frum RO"t'l'JlnK..a in tho.. indus.
1m.. (fig. l!Ol, At any on. lim<'. fur lrialiud wnrId,'" In 1'l"aIlmn.. . inl......
. ....'Illr. lh"'" oro an ,'SlinIllL-d lal liona! support fur family planoiOJ[
ntilliCH> _ n in !hi! ~~ world ~ IlllS not ~ for~
wlIo do lIOI WIllI another ~ nlllo:1y :!O y,-an, t/louj:h tllcrcis llOIl'l'
bul whu """" no ......~ 10 OIl clr<'<.'tM: ......... ~"""" lU "" d"..." from the
nll1h<Hl of <OrI,~ II:< • n..,.. k. bet lllIl 1M Unit<>d SW... has nuw
It Irasl """ I'frgnanq' in liw in the .... ~ .... d its pc>Il<in oIihe 19aOll and i.
~ world is unplam><d and on", """" SOIpportinR ihe riforu or
unwanl,..d.... In' FPA. the wur\d', le-adislJl int....."..
II is nnw 'fI'itkly l\'COgrIila.d !hal ,;". tinnll ~n<y for lanlily planning.·
11,. 19 MoIII.... .... - . II ill 10(1 oar1y '" ""l' """-111<.". ~OY­ ing a <maI ~". nombo.,. of ~hildtm ""d
l1'1l1ll<,,11l 3Il dthr inlmlational ",..". be"..""" tilt,,", arI' J<>,o, siblitlJr.l and
_ ""' .. """ - . ~ IgI 01 M '"
n,,,nily will ""mmun the"'"""""'" and Jt..s!l ",-~-d for !ho.' nkk """" 10 Inok
~.- lho.. ,,,,,,nulnk'" 10 r'l'acl! lh/, fOlluly afu,.. tlk' YOUfljl<1"l:"'
8_ on. nil. to""" 011_'-" is
plannins: J:{laI. Ru, ~ is nOl '00 <Wi)' 10 I I Thr rhih1rl'n "hm.lk" f;;a",iliH .....
:10-34",,,, ....,
to""lu,k, that failu'" 10 ~d ad/:- Kl. ... ralIy h~"hh irr ",,,I bt111". """I"-
'lUllldy to such Ollobvious. crnciaI. ""d O<hrd. Il<:Ilu oUln,iooal hh n-..
" r-w• afI'ord.1bk-100-1";11 be • d-ar siJm !hal lid".,. ,,-1um, lromin n"'I1's in t lIu·
Jl!'-'l;<"t politic:lI ~""'" ""d in;.tit"· <3Iioo. M atI~ hu,,",,-t1s of oli1lioo. of
<-quo! ~, tlk' wJr. of 11......
., lions .... "'"
Illinlt: thr lftIllmlSition.
t'hiJ,i...,o "'" <101 bt'"" liting In"n
,chllol;uR ""
nlud, "" tl..-y should
b<mu... m.lnoltition alk'l1' nlrll1.1
" SYNEI(GISMS dt""inpln"llI. or Ik'..n...· iudi".. tlef~
ric...., ."..,.". lhaI tlll')' an:nUtd<'<l <If
So fAr. thi. """"".,. haslMk<'d Ol thn'l" boocau.. • poor nutritional ""allh ""-'II/),
~ of l""en1W i",,,,,,,,,,,_, ~ PO"' """""'t""ion. ur be..,. .,,,,,, f,.,..

" health and nUlntion. basi< ""uraion.

and family planning ~ from lbe point of
QlIt'!1' illIk~ nk....' that . ,.;,;ni fK"lllI
pcrrcn~ or !l<'tl<x>I da)o< .... misoed
,w,w ot tlKir individual impacl. on tbe a/I"11'""'' '
II Sintil:uly. b!o1,,'!" """'-",lion helps 1<1

probk'lllS ofP\M.'1"ly. popul:llion J(I'tIw!h

and mvironmo."tal ~.".;"",'""'. Bul m><>rc 1k1lt.,. ""oI lb. NIll unly"'" edu·
io'" It<tMr.- ill. <It.·••lnK1'''''~"'" ca,,,\ fanul,," Iikrly '" absorb ""'"'

- --..---
--_.- ..... -"' IIl1011.ll ""~ ~I~ of ,'''' m: sp;.
..... .., ' hmo "' "htn ..'t>n0\n&<1i.....yn-
~ bt1......." the dilk'reftl rk"",,,1S
wh~'h rontribule to ill .oiIniun.
1"'" rife"-1 vi" l<'hicYinJl alJ ot ilk·
h<oallh knowl.<lg<· """ br '1ll>re III'lIn'
ort1,~ i'''""""""" 0/ h~ aJKI pn.~
"",,1M: Ik-alth o ~"", they ha...
aho breu .<huIo'll 10 be' nnlCh nl<In'
liktly to drnund and 10 uS<' priYalt' or
bL"", h"man fOOls wh,,'lI haw t-n publi<' Ik';l(lh """"-"......
l.'>t:Ib/ishtod WlllIId th.....ton.· be ll\lIIIy Taken l~. ,''''''' ntu,lI2IIy
tim,:. gn":3k'" lhao u.. SUm of lho.'ir rrinr""i:IJ( n·la1innohh.. . ·ad 10
indMdu.ol ","*:que"",,'" Ar<I ~ is Ihi. 'mailer r.mi!;"'" and b<-al1hlt'1. !k'I1..,..
~M1 or ~tiorw. 'O'hictl oIJe.... '-"<1""",'<1 ,'lIiMn'll .lhi. in tum ""-'II/)_
hopr that ilk' achie"""""'" ot such lhaI thew d1ik1tt'n .", bt,lle< .b\<' '"
R<>al.... along wilh Ilk, many other ""'JlOIId 10 "'"" <IJII>Ot1nnitk" aIId 'u
eh..."... lhaI "'" II<"-"'SlIaI)'. will r'f'\X'I" ''''''' " IiviI\Jl for !he"""·"",,, and tlk';r
"".t • """""",, " JlOWI-'l'fu1 "1I<lIlJ(fI to own famil~ ... SO thallhritown chilol""
m;d<c • siJ(n:fi<1II11 ~ to the "'" ..... liI<t'ly 1<1 ""joy lk10.,. nUlrilinn.
human ""l<O~. )....JU,.•"d ,11",..,",". Thi. ""lIOII.
111e diagram on P"l(" ~9 """"'... <")'lie' has <km<>rIoInol<'d It. """'.,. in
ria.. thr m.... obriou. of lbeoe $)'IleI"- ...rn d""""" ""';'1it." as Ch~ tlk'
v.m.. M""y <If ib<. rel. tionships ~ Ikpublit' of Kot'l'a, Sri l~ and
<k'pkt. Il'!'. ill tlfl'<\, UpwarU "IliraI_ "f Taiwan . AnJ "" flJ(lln ' ~ l ~ tllf
11ll· kind which can multiply _ raJ ''''''ntrios and ~ ...hidJ II""" ......
link" """. thr impart n/ the oriJ(inal <>rity In "".....in......l1J<'fl.. in pt1>pk. in
imJll'O"lllll'l1~ FQI' mmple: !ho.' 195Ol!1fH! l!J&ls ha... ~ in
U Famlly planning ;o. ma,jortonnibu· oon ,ro ll ;n ~ pnpulaliun grov.1h. ond ..ill
t Ql' to Iowrr U~lW monality rale'S: .......,uaI/y S1abiiize ilk... 1IUJIlliaiiorn< .,
Iu",.,. IlO"'.,..fiv<o moruJil}' ",t05 ...., • much \010..... k"'-ls lh.m would atm'!".
mo,inr co.'tibuto, '" i"".....-l ,k-mand ..n... ha.... t-n tl'" """".
for family planning;" n..".., and ilk' nWlY other 't1ulually
I I F..dOClllion. panirulat\y ot women. ,,-inrvnillJ( ,.tIe<:t. 01 reachillJ( ba!;ir
n...... lhal birth. = lik ~ly to be 10,,....1' hllltlln gOal. huld ..... "Ia; hupc lhal an
and b<':I~ opaco:d: N l ' " fami,"", upward "'ntl ran ~ ..,b!lIilUI...1 ror
mean that dilld....... "'" mo", Iil<eIy to lilt' downWlll"<l. i\Ion,lI " ith lhe m,.<iOll
beroo '" oourat"" (bnlh ~ lhrir of wi<k". '1'l1lJ\uynk.", uppnrlunitirs, It
"""-,,,. CollI alfurtI t/k. """'. n/ ,""U<3l· II; bW~I""'" in ..-hi"ll bal;ir

0 •_ _, _ , _ ... _

.-- - --- ----


.__ .._---
._ - -_
----- ..-
.... --_ ...

.. _...

........ _.. _-
_~_.. -
_._ .. _....-

--_ ---- _. --
..... ._---
-_.... _--
... .---__._-
--_ _

- . . ..-
u-ol ...... ............. lbaI
of '.... ' UIbtPPE .....
I\olliaI: doto __
,,011« . ... .........
u.. boot ""-a

of. _ _
............. doto brtI . . Ibr
As wftI at \hot
...... and _
haa ... btrIooI lbt a m i ( .b' u.. _
em""'. ot"'d.i
=: " ,,",1K4 ill., 2 lf l!lil
.-'II lor
PIP""tr, IIfrita

- 0:::..
...... _ , '. -w.

...,... .. Z ' 'D- rtporI:
_ 1looft , "
Imd; lr'DpiaIt fuml:
--..,..d ........ ot 5
~ . ._IO DotlbP- ..........
_ .-.a: ....,
'" • • iiiIIi, "
• • Ie ......."blt 10. _ .... lbil rnitw IIIlDe, !be" !iIDIaa, _
lilt 1U1htTD
.. '" of w ~ ~ _ ~ pon: 01 fAhiopi: ..... Keoty: Wi' de:
•• " • ~ ..-iIhouI. IIJI"C.iol .......... of thco
probIcms of... b&barIa Atrn.
... of u..
~:"*min,,d lIuou.lIl IIIl tltn.
~ by ......... aad tht Ioooi 0Ilt<ft
_ oaub. k-adirl« \<I runn..,. .".,.;".,
_ furth<or faD: in y1cklf. ' ~ h1 1Ula1, at
, • lnl .... uot<l in tlUs report - P'J¥<.'tfY• 1,:_ :lO million P<• ...., ill) ~
pupulalion. 0IId e1Ivln lllm,""t - lilt a1fedl'<l 1:)' 1hl1rt' pr<.1<.'aIIl(jl "" 10 be
.. ~ I " 1lMil..... of A/rio:a "<aU'" for III! 1"'-':11, un<t<..,. cl>r<>s< """SlMllhn.'al uI ~I

.• " "1 ~~ .
Ec_ _ allr. Nrir'I """ btpa 1lid-
... lak_.ds iIIIo puonl)'. III 11M-
""" SlamOIion, "M>...., ..,;....• Aid
tIr Ilru<MI1J:nd CommisIiion, " _
/nIIia11J . . . 1M m.. odt «

19l1Oo. ira (Ill' npila C"1' d« ...d by --'1'-';'" Ii .,..
aImoIl ~ • 1'"1", ImQ: the ~ . . ., liI\idI iI/ ,. ,..."
ciIlota " ·1j 'If -..- by ee .......

_-- e-
oIlbt Ia 220 ..... of_brio.
_ ,......._ hII' of l h t ~
~ t'O'l'D .... w __
..... .-II of W Sohan _ _ "'" ill nor lOIlil l

... .. . I ' .. of
1 , .
I t. I' . - " " . . - R ID_IbN Atn _ '" I!oI' Sohan I: ...... 1oCI

_ btW -..k." 10 ........ Ill; IoalIII ....., 10 U; ~

.... . . . . . . . . ' Dioo haa ... bf .., ,.... 2lDll." s..tr 30

... _--
_It_d'' _ ~ '''''
__ .. il """ bmI « dlII% ill _
0Ib0r ""lri<IDII of !hi.- ....w. I. """"
If'lriou of 7.ambia. ."""cIio", 10. 19!Q
AJrio::aI ......... . ' 5 C .)"iopi:
~ Nif!ftio.U
1....., _ :rt '"
_'Iolion: ill
bIr Ihrir """""
"'- 25 JC'I"i...
T........ 1lIIIl

~ "-- by the ¥DluatMy Iit'ft<.'Y

OXl'AM. 1M pr<:>p:lI'Iioo of clIlJdn:II
Debt defeats development
. hI) art ~ haa ....." from
!A III 251 in lhe ~ !It<'acIl','o H' 'lIllh The ,"'u",," ami ...." "lill fIObllioM of
............,. !\.l.... also d<...1iD«I hi many of A/rita '. prubl,:m. h:vt! 1><..:II ;nIlyotd
lht- hardt"lll'hi! .oa<ion.. 1.hu<itih ""traot- in deLIiI in ~ Olho..,. UJMt.d
diIIary ftIoou h:Ift two "'* \II lift ~ iJUb/ieatioM," ....r
it will b<r
~ <"'..... Wom lhan ......... btl"<10
:!OlIO ~ D 19i1S Ilw ....... poials,
(lriIlI1 1 A&i<aII ~.... ... f"nt, • .... tradiDa: po:iri<-
..... 1115 - " .... _ CliiMiWi . . .
« '.,. ... ~_... . . dot I'" tIIBtd bJ
"po""'.' ... _
'" .....,. • r. ' by
CIII ""~! ••d • • illNt ilmdit i:ItnoI . • bJ ......
. ....... ~ptO"....... d< dlor ... 1ariI'........ wloidI
Ano:': ......
abauI _ lbinl. pra.y adIocol ...... ~

_101 ..... 19l.. 67\. .. ot -W .... ba: d. . d &-

-.I.., lhinI of Ii> ' ~ fir ID l~ . \hf IIIllO:. t....
ld Ibt ...... - , .. lis IIlhtao ...... price: ... Ibt "". IIIiiia <'llP<JI'1
boo "'"" Mil """"IIlh. ....., IIl1&oM ".'''0 !j1.... iII , t.-- ........
of Al"I'nn Ianilia IO<IIy Wi' bnrw di..... ~ ot """" ., $12 Ioi5DD •
. . . . . and maIQ' <'billImi orp/wIO.'Il __ hi Cik '""""'. for """' ,
bJ All)!'; lI'-ll3), t'OqiOi'IlI ofcodte .... lor * .........
boll ... b,. 21~ ....... ~ 19M
SM.d. ee~ oflnwnal
....,. .. e..w _ !iMl1 'ioc of . .
" ohli;>o las koI II> 1bt T i&atio&
"'~ ....... Thrradlas ......
Tho .mom ....,nd II>
.......,... the dodiow '" ~
"""" .., ...... ~ • 1tlc pnIl>-
~II ... h IS.
--_ . .
fit. Z1 ' ; , , , . , -

"* ... _","",","",_I

.. _ lB

,u.n'... -
....... . A _ .. , Iiorol ~ l/)o1Ct:F . . _ _
u .. -'ol _ _ o/d,
.Ott " . ....
halbMl liwrvd1D.....,.~ tt.".._dIr awunt,- Aiia.', .....
fa pIcIirinn IFiIiIIry <'OIlIIi<ti. "'Ild _ be' doasIicaIIr writIta ....... o..bt
b,.. _ of ..,opouo) . " - ..... ...., sbouId ~ ~....,.. to
IIIl"IIhr fullft ..oo:p« fO IlDlI ~ lilt' *""""
WiklG of iIldusIliIb:d •
WdihoocIo of.-.y ""'" oIl1lillioao of ............. ~ quarIm of Aiica',
Afrnol lamilin. AI • miIliloom, 1.5
miIlio<I 10 10 miIlioo bou~ ill
luI:oI debl) """ 10 lhe' World IlanI< and
lilt. InlmIalionaI MoN'tIrJ FWId. lD

....l>&haratI Africa ~ hai,l lholt portkuklr. ""'" rrIicf . +.0...,.,..
li",lilIood• ...;Jll'<l ....1 by w&Ill llld COIl·
tlicto in n'«:nl Y"'oW" and mony mi~
......k in m..jor n'<lll<1i<>n. 1n Ibe artwol
am<IWl1llw AIrie. pI~' ""I on it.debts

IioAo IlIOl\" ha>1' bc<'umc n-fugco....
ThIrd. ~ ha$ ol!Io btnI d<:vu-
lU 'jf!1r (on far, _
dI'bl ~B>fion las
III the IimitftI
IOlPIi<d to ....olM.

~ b,. dclr. As ~ 22 oiI<Iwo. -.I> whidI -..: DOl btialt """"""" any. ~
SrbnII Nrn bnrs. far bnokriktr ...,.J. Wbo.~
poiIIIII"hlr. ckbt rdirf
........ 11-. ~ crhtr ,..pm. '" 1M --... ""'" be Ek<:d to ~ ill
-w. •
"" .. Iupioc Edo _ . "-'"
_ _ 01apUl .-l ~ 1lIlIlIiIl«

_f. ....
10 ... ,t.... io

-. -
uptodilurn: IOam;-lIootic"
_ S30 lIiIIior W__ o.lJ _ __,..,. III hNllh.
~ "'... . ~poid. n.. . .........:' a·
JiII;Ily addnl IIIIbr IIlUII .-d, • IIlUII StcoooL Nm', n6a ~ ~.
wIlidl ~ lJrilifcI .. tIw 1!IlIOtl.-
1M ....... Ihio ...... '
do:a, _
$lObiliool is. ~ .....
... Ddl
IIIr--" ...
be' a:JownIlO Ito.- .. _ , .

tt='" _ •
f.. ~
thIo ~ 01 IftIIt boorio:n 10
.. ... ----
---- ..-

... Aft:r,
. . . . IlIOl\"
"" iIo ""*" ......."..
l!IIII is :spmI "" tbr
-"b.'a po<...." ... _1octumI
.cuodo. 1hrw«b 1M Cft'lIIiuIII "' ., «0-
ho:akh -.I ............", alillI thilcInL... _ ~ lurid. and
To 1M lhio probItm of dcbl into "'" lhrw,h io<' ..... d aid and ~
ovtr.dI tonll'XI or Ihioynr'. SID',,,Ill, Third. mililary !\lltDdiD~ _
\Vorld ~ Oi/bo. f't'llM, lhcloW <'0lIl or do.~ ""'"' OUoI'p/y, This is IlrimarilY
~ 1M bak hu""", ~. in d1<' I't'!\POn,;bllil~ or Nrio:an l(tW<'m-
A£m - lot n..-alth, nulriliun, Mnlion. I1lI!nIS - .l((WI:IlIlIleI1S lhal will be'
told Iamily ~ - "WId bt _ _ ~ banhb' ~ 1M'"' 01 d>r wurtd
in*'"b' $!I ~ a y<W'; lhio k~. il" 1lIt7 COIllinue 10 dMrt 10 miIll1r)'
nady Itw lhan Afri<:a ia CII/Tl'lIltr _ lhernoum;o IhoI ~ bt
IodiIlr "'" '" ...,.,. of( . - -.-.rl illjob ~ ~ • •;'_"",Lol
I!Wll of _ ... a """-I
............ bmilr ... ' . • thIo
burdt'll "'. . _ '" whictI,_-., ...... tducDlrI. - ' _kloi 01
~ ~ ........ bt~
lot ....... 110 tbt . k. '"
_ t.-... ArriI:::o las dk'<Iot~ la:'oIII
Mrico·• • hidi ta. Bac ~ 10 ..... ."
': lTtof.>u
......ioi:otd llMioM. ouppon Ibr
• • tbt

...... . ,• • • lty Ibr-.-..... _ o I .... IOAiita.,.. . . ~

. . . ' - '"It"*'".-I. The ..... ~ ., tbt l10iItd Norms baI

.t'u . "'''''''_-U''
. . . . . . hasbMI · .. ' 'l .a
'-ial 1>010< • ' - ArriI:::o •1IIIIIiI:"'n- ,. nt

_.-..wilbovI "
droOl ... a ocako lhaI has DOl ~ bftft
... . . ...,.. .. lit
_ k flO#ttl,-
,.;.., -W

t·ourth, AIri<::oo llOOw o,.. , ilO """"

Fl•. Z2 DdI bonm ,naJc~ ~,~o<l lbe- ....nllniln"'nl. tht')' diffi.:uh Ihat ioon>t')' ....y b<,. Apanhrid
1oIIIl .... Pi'J'lJ'UilOl Ol'liM'. t!ll h:M.' made 10 In,,,,", a 1(1'1:11('1" lIfW<JI' I, cooiliq,: 10 an end. fuIDonll,.." ha......
liotl nr !Mil" "-""'flues in hwnan Ix...... ~\J<.TaIi«d Thectimal'·Ior;".....- .l·
""""'''-....,., and 10 aclJi<,.,... lhe boo.... m"'" i. ImpI'<..-iIlll. The cold war ""
hullWl ~oab dOllI ha-.: 110,,11 ...mb- longt.,. nwtun.'lI dictalo"dtips.. St'Ytflll
&sh<'II in I"" rK'kl~ or I_h. "ulrili"". Ioo.o:..... n";ng ....,.", "'"'" booen nodc.'" ,..
odncalion. on<! Cantily planning.... I" oaIod <kn>rn. Mili,lIIY "!""'ding. in '"
Pakar ill 1m. and again in Cairo in 1<'a:j/ saolC """nu;",.. h; lJwfIing olJm.
1993. NriI",'" poIilinl '"""""'" ha...... or ~~." And n""" or Alrica', po\iI~
Ik<iarn1 Ihl'ir inlmlX>n or .....,rul\ll call<"';""" rommtnro 11"."....""'" and
mr.c ~ by Ibc! end or lhi. dl'Cadt. III<;" ~ I " 10 the m<'f'lill$: of
Th"",, coounil",,,n" oho\Jkl now bor basic numan _I..'"
....... by ~d~ c"mmi.."""", or "T1IEn "'" al""wly oiltn"or. poosi.
....1(2. n_,,'I.'$, lor ~ "lJI'<iI"l<" pur- bit challllc in alti\udes in ,n..indum
l""'-"" fromthe indu"'rilIr.....'" nation,.. >Ii.o<'" rwions. Unil,";! SI.".. Stcr1:Wy
H/lh. Ihe inll'mllliooal communily of !ilol~ W.m·n Chri",,!,""'" has ..ill
ohould .,;;,j,q AfriclI in ru. WUJ:!:J. lhal rold war ink'l'l'>l' wiII IIOW ",.
Inward\; ,~ IIOl DIlly Ihruu)(h ,..,placo.od. '" til<' hem or Amc.-nca'.,.,1ao
"""Il<-'flUiotllO ~ AfOCa·"..". ,;.,.,.rup '''; In Africa, by On eood.';",
nomir l"';lion. and ""PfKM11or Mri,:an __..jllM.t In tlt",omJCJ nlli b_,
g"" . mllll"llls· rommit:nc.-nl. 10 UK' t\glJ1s".'" Similar1y, 1'rtosKI<"" Clint""

-'.......-,-.. - -- ach ............1oj b.o<i< human goals, bUI

also Ihrnu~h din'<'! assislllrl<"e 10IIKN'
polici<'o and in..itutiun. which ,k'. :pctI
ha< lK·kn"" .... l!'-'<! thai -A "o!J/II~."" Is
nd.. ""'J I. Afr/nI... AJi'il'tllU ,,"
Sl"'M/i", tn fJdirot pMitic4t ".d .....
d,:mOCflley·. foolld.I;""s. Thio islo.o<. """".. frmJ/J....... w, . ,,"" n Sl'"l{
100. /\as "'-"" ""-"l'1I11y ~ by l.t'mI i• •tlpiq t..... lrowu I• ..,
U\<, s... n'laly-(:e1lt1'lll or Ihc Unilod /TudinftI j.tn" bffl" liltJ>r '. __or:s
Nation", ".d tilri".ildml.- Ell""""", I<...ten.
"7i/fl t oJUI ogoi". oU oUnl$S Aft'i<'n, I1aV<' nlade sintil>rWl\C'O'II;'Il" and _
~ st.", _nb tUrdilpm"d jp"" enIIlndu81rialia'" "ariono 1.-, """,,'II
otoffn/ bfflI_ ofiOUlObility, 'TIlil <7rl' 10 link IJM. ""'~oualiun of oid pro-
"". br /mhfr ""ty IknllO/1lr Ii, f'lNlk oJ ~ 10 1'l'Ol/f<'!lIIlowatd' dt'OllO["·
d,Mt><mli< p",t:ri<r>., . ....." ... d ~uctioo" ;" lltiliw)'
"/krrlilP"".1 oUi "'/1St i"nIUl, ... p. "I"..ndinJl.
f>o<I/I>' Ill, rmztiMr nlld Sl'"'l!....iogoJ l1lI'!ie "'" an sijlIIS of I>npr. 11m h
ifl>litkM'" oJ lit",,,,,,,,.,. iJn1lIlnOl7 nlU$l l>c <aid thai .., fan n,.,.,· ha< btto
.",,/4 br ""dnSl(J(Jd "" I., "''''''' little!<i.lm or anion by lhe mdu!'lrialix<.'"
lmiItlnb br"",. //l in? pnrtici/ll1~~ f'OIlnlric's. and liI>llhnoa lc~ rots In
...."'''01. Pl~Mi .....do ", I'" .- aid, "",."....,. ju>llifrable and ~
....,Ii V.Im lit""",,,,,, "'... oonI. it nli~n' l>c, '" noI .., odc<iu>l~
rilJlfOff. _/is d'tlnt, ""',. ""d ".,mi ~ ' lU (h.: ...,.;m. of ""b-Sohatan
iJUlnM/i/y ItiU """, ,..jlll D" 1""..iln!JI, Afric.... And iI. .tier many dcc>dca of
tffttl "" mtiHm""",ic dtwlop"''''t..... olferinlr IlIO'lI1. ","I,'riaI. ar.d miIiwy
SIIppm1lO oft"" blaIanlly ",""pi and
,.."...,......, dic1alonl,ips.iM induSIriaJ.
$iwlS of change
i%l:'" nalioM. IIOw....uili 10 1'00;(".. 'll"Od
The IIiluation in A!rira can bor tun><d ~';" NriI.... u...... Ihoy mu,"
ruund. Fundamf>n\3l cbmgo.... ' '''''''ll' a100 IC\ 10 $l.....lIl1dlf'1I iI.frio:a·. "'" .
;"g from Ihio iaoI di""""",. dtad~. f>Of'ni< pooitioo by wrilinJI Q/f many or
Nvl' rn::ato>d a dilInt'fIl an.d flU" nlO..... I1lO' .. bwntinrnt'. debl.. by """"itlj/
hoptf"ll~ lor Afritan tk-~Iop­ fait i\IId stable ~ for lts raw Olal'. ...
mnIt In lIMo ~ r...., Yt'l'"- many _Is. by t't"IIudn.lll>riff. 00 Alrica', man·
Afrl<an rountrie« haw- un<lt1tal<ell ro,," ufacluA!d ' ' puoU, " ;ond by ~
damcntal rriorms. 'l ~ ts an almoot 1M amoun! of old available lor in~·
rolltinl"'I·...'i<!< 1""""""""1 wwanJ. ing ;" Alrica', \l<'<IIlle .00 IIlCO'tin.Il

• denxnacy, """'-r /ruotming .00 basic humao llUId...

Rl:.'1lUNK u...~011""""""inthehrahh

AI1M «f"l pnbk".. di

...,...,. _......,. 'onoJ.
d in 1hi!< ,....,
-.I <'Iluoratkon -.I

T.. ~
~..... ol :IX'

,__ d •
..... io.IIit'• . i: WI .....,.. ill ~ .-iIIo JICi<wislo
a a. . t/Ioob .. toa ..... -.I ...._ • • '"- dtodapioi;E .....
.... ~ . .1d ........ 1bIo_ on... ioo ..... 10
R«rII. If U."'it*"'illr_
toW .... ('fa, " . , . . ...............
lbl- kiDtl 01 ",ct '
.... iNlg. ' "
" .'DOw IhIl ~ too pi;II.-iIIo - ' ' ioc
W;t\'Oll 111-"1. , i ' dol-" s' .
-u. .. .w,••
IioII io illr ~ ft';iDto<
io ',.,.,
"'w aW/It

.,. "'
1l>rir _ .6 ' ; ' fJl

itapa1. lbr
n.r .,w,..... ,- ,. ' O"_",ar ___
tIaol .. '«1_«1_ I'd"" 1m til _ _ will wb<W'I" w ....
......... C<pI.'nf. to,. iolo,~ D poIkfII ol ( ~
..... "''''' _a='_..alwpn;. .... -ad "" ""._,., "'lr .....
_ "" IlIIUY
po&;nI ill lIII'' ' ' '
~and ndt1s..
mel ""
k-odIs 01_
.... """' l( anilsI-
"".olI .......
AI.,.,,,, lNl _ . ""' .....
0( IIII't'IinI: thr ..... blllQall "","ll$ 01
....... ..-....l

lho' paon.'OI """,,,-'I" III loumaoiIy _ Otomocracy'l c~lgi'

boo laknl .i> 'Il'ilh a ...... ~
bQlh b' hlltWll NW' andlOll I mf'\lII$oC
~ iJI
i"" world. ......." ...
lIUPP>Il "" ......... rilOt1 to
ll"-....... ~~ 11't: pt<lbIm.. ...hieh " ill foo.. .. Il:JllofW on<! iJltt"Mlallonal .,iutI
~Illll)' olh, noIlHlly tho.· poon.,a "" 1"- ""'" choIk"tIJl'.. in lho.· 11""1'
t<>Id ....,. Pl'l'lud. f n'QUi.'Inly, II""",
Til e indust rialized

rumnlunil"',. hili tlK' 1'fUWl"'."l' kif
'.. .n""'..,.. .",,,........acIvarItt. and """"'" n'~"" J.k lfl a I"'t""i<>u. lI<.'Ca.
politIral .... biliry wiIhin and !xi ......... ..... almo. !WIa Ci'Il i..., IIKO. """'" countries IIIII St
em;,. .awl <1-. thn.....'Il<'d tho.- ilJ.!u,..
III lhr _ Iim<'. ihr pinlo WI tJWil"d ",>tid In lI>t llftctmaIb 01 ihr
" - bMI UIlIdr ia _ potU 01 !Ix- St't'Ond World W....1'hooy ....rtr. ,.,.,.ns.
rethillk their OW II
~ --sd 1IIIl1ll ~ proll'CI('d <allJ. IDlhr dIy ia J 011947 wht1l
&.,..0 """",,,-.I thnoMs, . . . t'-' Gcnc'nl (;0._.
1:1 lIiISliDt!d a definitiol! of
.... _ at tho -"I <rbO;h ... ...... <rbO;h 10 IhiIdIy ....... ..
whit , .... ~ """,til _ bo W _ rQio¥*s ill progress ;11 order to
........ IOWIlIbrir~_ ..... ....,. 01 . .
.. " i' """- dol- .... tho .... 1Iia' ed ....'icaley._
11<.''''' ..
lilt .iIJow_IO'--'" In . . ,""
improve tbe qflality
IWI!I'.~. pnMdro and

p..,l .,.a. 1IlM ... Ibt .... ...
'hldlltw .... ~. ~ ......., ..",;" ool_to II) we of life while
..... . , ' X d " ' I D _ Iht b ':iM ...,., _
Tu....... l5 o(.-brr II.-
..... _ lor

As lsi ••Wit., ........ Ibr ~.

reducing their
..................... KGKli&cmoi- .... I' " _(utkd • htlpiII( to
• wiIhiIo wIIidI W "" " . ' .t lotiltl do ,.., . . . . ; .11:1 ... impact all tile
.....,.,...ailio...... . -'>.ID ..,. .. ~ bat. w """"'-
prlI<lin-.1hiI 0I'0I0Id _ .... UIC'ilJ will> W, lIMotI SUn WI"
btl '" ~ pm.. oIlhr .. ioqal....- bt id.ic..
.- biosphere.
" 'Ik'''' . . ...,.... ...... ~ 10 -no ND_ P1H." Ibr \/"....

"""'4.....,& ,....
awkttIlor ..... ~ <'SpOrtS Ih .... ul oflhoIII1isccl Sllii tat
'""" poor <'IOUIllrin.
,,"""iIllI 10
d<.... a ~ pruportjorI 0(
It.- . l1li _ /tria /0 ,.".,.
drbl in M'IocIo,d ...-ai<>ro> and ....... md
• n1l<'Wll olald and in_ _ ItI ...;m ............ .......,_.1Iw
b_a .... aN " . - , _11Id

__• • /III*d......-
IIuIltlon i t . rd
~..td .. In. . teI III KI
iIlk" lIllt Ibt •liIln-'IOtbld
s..li)' _• .-c, "'" """ ............
C 1 • • "'Il. lI(IIithriJ
............ AMI ~ .. Ibio pn:l<'OW lboi..
widI _.:;o:i• • OIl~"" ..... • ...., It'<'nIII . . . . . hal " ' - 10
.lbtkl: ... ~ .. '

lr II. Ibr bon!«
ICIioo&, llol borrirr 1bol
' :1 hau
* ....--
........ 11 if. ""-t • poliIJnI Mrrilr.
.. - "
"". . . .
locuf't. if .
bziae: .... I" ..
_ ......... lbrrWu
...-mol cIzncb
' ~ iII_

~ '"
n......, it VlfJ iI:k daub! \hol1bo:-W pWb .a '" - ' " or '""' Ilr IlO"'i-
. . W ....-.roeII """ dot: ~ III biliIy '" --" m-...., n •••, _
rnako.·lbt.....".lioa 10 a -W in ""'""" _ ill lh<: ....nd ol pn<.'tinl <.........
the baoi<" 1k"""C!s of ...,.,. ~ ............ hoc,..,.. , lilIrlI ~ oIwioon. Up unl~
and dIllcI ..... 1IJf't and !II whlrh tho! illis """In!}'. for """"'I'Ic. aImoou all
1m","" """"" n", _with all k. p<>l... tw -x... -... ~ in I;"" in...•
.... PRIll"'''' rrowth. l·hall ~ •• ,'X<itt' ess "f a n:lati'rTly uarrtlW l'Iil<' who
""... ~ ~ - <*Il <9<11;""" . WIw ...joy<." an aIrn<'!l """""".... n~'
;" in qIll"'Slioa is !he ap«ily of llIII" 0( rights IIId prMk1l'''' II>d or I;"" ben-
ftIlirnIDn ODd poitnI or- to lofilad "' ...,-. I'urtbl_ pan, ihia
fnIIIODCI 10 """'" l'IUdr _ chaI: .... ol IOfflIin _ _...Ue-CL
~ For .......... ol1bo:"" IIIII<t$
JIlllIR"8Q1!n1al ~ . is
b<inlt _ _
.,, __
TlllIIlt " ......d •
Ill< ' . . ...... . .". d<w IIlIl
do ,.., DoI" ;" _ ..to:iIIlr .... •daiIoed......,
.1,,, ,• ....".".-.
.wt.- ..... ....".
'lll*b'aol_ol,. ' . bbck. ....". AR. IIld
..w... _
..... po " "Thz focw olllllliliatl n.,. .. alic..
iii< ill llw ; l 51 J. '&W$ . - . . . - ol 1".'. lIhi<.
....... .. i'1:r '*-"t silII • ill .... _Id . j f
..... Its I .-.. poIiIicaI .... iii< • r ' .. ...,d""'7.... IriIh ...
_ _ ........ <m.ibzdbr~ 8ul ~ .......... t ' lI lMa _
pok . . 10
_ M'tioa,
aab' • lor • lb< ""'-I
_I"... Ibt w\IIdy
~ ia 1hz: ....... lJiq ......
ill ....... '. ' 1 .. d ~.hao
..kno_ltd.l<'d .. obit".. ..,.." tllrta· ~ t....... 1<Iday """Ill .... ~
ra tIUf ...... and ourctlildm.a failltl.'ll 1\ Icast ill ~. 11111 all Pf'O\llor
n.'QIIin' ''isiua and llClion .... I dilrtn....1 MouId~ thr ."m" riplland _ _
The most basic ....'IIe In both plac.-.: and ~""'. ThIa prot>- IllIIitin. .... WI !ht. bni< bnK.iiu of
\tin III d~ I x _ polirit'l.l 1"IlIrfl'l!..hould be aVl ilablr III all
advalltages of lMtl1uliono and Ibt llI'ObIo-..... thai lhty This dwl# in 'ihoo hu "''JU"
..... ~ to mo.>h'<' is """ ..... lIIld ~ tho! lI'CItld oJ , 'Yl'l\lj lllId imtitD-
_ laed or <'¥ell «1011:11111 I d "" liooo.. and """"'b' b<..-...nina ihe ""-1
progress have 1Iot yet u.. """ orilfiuD1 bntd lbiz r i a/ hwnoaitt'. otnIg\l' b' "'<JCI(':i$,
<ltaol • ." '. but ~ ia.-c.-\lidl Ilul ......... """" ... ilIot ~
bee" made available
to the poorest fifth of
wiI ' -
. . . . 11
( I ~,.
" . "'.
Thio .. a __ iidic
_a.. . _baic_
d wiIh br lhnlIl
lhlm '" - . . . .

,.f<idl _
....... "'Ih;,~ lIhic", baI!ly
IIdIiAd. l}.., _

. . ridIt:t. l!x

d ol"'
' - ....
l"t ~ ..... '" 1 '''' III lbr iIlIIft
human society. .... I: ' I ' ,.,... " - I barM ...., wba . . "" 1hz:
................ iII1be brl~ ~_." .nty.n.iI
• lbrpt ..... ......,.t.idrM, ill Ibt tbl_ dt •• l1<, .....
.....'biol¥lIhiclbll '.- ' b " ' - ",<e'. MOl """- civi5IaiaoI iII _
pobIic ""...,.......""" poIiIicaI ..... ....,.Ihz: f'Dd a/. . 2OIIt~.
Iita. II if \ll;a pRl<lt'110 -Ild IllIW'<: oftttI Y<t ~ .. poseiblf lodat. ..,;d • !he:
bt p(lOpIoo lhaa by ~ - \hoi <'CJiI!lK.b ..., ~ 10 IL.., lh<:

• boo l(IaIIuaIIy dioloclllt'<l ...... ~ ollhr kinJ 0/ ~ ia

....... whic'b mIY ""'" ell)' make jIOOC! Thr ~ III tho 1!l!lOs if to
Ihill doo6c ....., . 1hn:loogb lhr d.... ..s ""'"..... and bn>Idm tho _I!thir l1IOl
dtbris III Ilw- !mm<'diaIl:' shods. dial- it ~ W tmI"fltO'. il orda""' "
ltR.aDd ..."'-b o/Ibr po.- elI)'. it ......... ~ ..1t. . . ..tJo:y.
..... ~ ...,. .. _ lhal. -.Inly- lq fronl ~ _ ......,.. eway-
lq m..- ill Ibr t'lhiaoI Iw
-......r. __ a I'"riod 111 - . .
t. " . .,.. '"- IIQf(UIt'uIar ~ \\1Im
........ __
~....wbr"-""1ho .......
_ _ 01 poooomr. it . . '""'- ....
.... tiI:J ,--. _1llif;)WI". 1.5 Jivablt lhIlltwy should IIIn<'I 10iIdl'
. . . . poaplr ........ '" bh ill a . . . . Md ..., «<""10 iIIIr sri-
...... I r o ~ ~ ... ___ oriIJ'. RuI ....... " ' - Ilor -til
...w t.:w lildo. . did Iow.- IIIIiriIc. ad'~I "'" .......
~ ......, AriIoet.. • - - . t I ~...., ~ it poooi.
_101 ,..... " - ....., Md IlIr II>briIc.... ""' 1lor ...... 1IIJIOClli
<2l'S _ . . . ill
td 1IIIPr- ., pnwny l1IOl fnIth _ _ Ion ...
_ _ ....".Md .. __ "'MdJiooo..mimpotus
k k '· · ...-. Thr ftU is lhal. 1O~ ' mlll--"". ..............
~ _ oblilltd ... tIU ~ IIOll _it ....ulal d& .ioo.
............ ho• • ••, ""'""-... Md ...... IMlL Il"ll.-........-m- .. !be
_ ..m .rn... "'"3' t... it ..-.boo- , 1 rI)'" tt!lot if III br <"'~

kw re&<u tho ~ III .. aDd if Iht lnInIilioa 10 I .....;". ...

inIp<lnMt .tIiI\ .. tho .~ othi<'. ~ . ,0 w....... IbrIl it it~1iIl
;~ wbI< io <'tlIIOid<n.... ~ ;" "'" lhalllt"'llk aDd thrir ~ in
..'CIIId ond ...haI. 10 no!. all «lUfttriH, JIlooId ..... ~ intol-
!<,niWly.lh<o ia l<~ in\c<vI-.... """'I 0/ 1M u~ ""rIrrini
lion in Son......... lor 011 ~. dif6cuhieo inY<>lvtd in d~ ~ bul k.w<,..
and .....kil, noN'l h<'\('oJo " -pn.... .·n!ll kll<)WU ~(...itI '" mw malnutrition
• fiN d,-'l'lInlion Ihlll lh<' inloma1iooal and dl..._. Illill'flC'Y and di""billljr.

ooIhinlr ""'iIcill(, Pl.'-.. .

' '<.WI''''''.;lY "'ill "'" 0WHl by ..... do
lho: <hiI-
d"'" - 0/ . IIiItd .... e lIU<'I:Umb l(I rmso
Ouly lIUI:h • d WlJlC ,.... 11M! Ilk·
l.1>ik uI n""'\injj minimum hullWl
......... lhe .......... priorily ~
~ud"""'" .......... Only ..-:h • ~ nil
Bul ... 1Ir. !bit _ .m;" hu bH:o _ lhIl ~ IaodtTolUpo h .....
IimW II> IIUlkIt-'a ..... Olf<."I1lublicia.-d
....-llI<I<. aDd ~ it bao ~
loiIh 'O'ilh Iht po lhal. ~ btea
~ ~ riI

..... ..... --
........ '"""
1xnI n1nlCkod ~ me, ....... ........ l1IOl wlul _ bor __
cn·fIl_~ __.nl will ...... br . . - IIltIIIIa lbr tWo
iIIiknrT ....... ..., budllro_...... I I I _ ............. ~.­
.................. 0 ~ ... ..,-~_
l'WG ~ 1lUllltIt,10I1I<ll!*.
'T'ht' foIowiIll ;" !hi' W. hi of ~ "'durifta.owly rlIiklhood.•
The year 2000: .1 :!OOO whirh lbr WIrid'. poliI.
It pn.~. - ' lIr.'IaldL
nl ......,t _pull - • bo1IlI
what can be ilIwrillly INsiI* - .
IIIoc WQfId s..nIllior Clllldn-ol ... 30 Nutrition

s.... wbt, 1991l.

()om-aD goals 19!I().2000

" mlIIiniorI in ~ _ idH ..., of low
bioth ........
~ ,, ~

-_--.{~ z.s

It_. ........
k«l III ....

A -..-.. ,...,. III " "'"

4ot., .....,.
\~"""'<T .. of
it., " ...

..... I3Iks 1ll,.1ioo .1'lI prr Ihw-

lJlllO h:' lIirIM - .bitbt ... "'

L.. A ....... af_'.... ~

\"j Al . . . . . . ~ _ ~
of .. l!IIr taoll of

L. II """"'- of _ -.I ......,.. ~ ..............

......... - . . . lJk. warW'.
r s. _ ..__ .. _
__ Io"'1IIOUlbo of. dlif.li6r•

("..-ell " ~

.... ~,- 10 ""'

~ of k..-It dR< 10
aIj..t .......

... ....
Ilrir <"IIunlioa lor III ctUlmIlDI!
~ of prWary fdu<wion by

II haM>li! \If llw Illu~ illiIt'fI(')I rat~

....bIo • funilio.." 10 ......" . ..........
Idd 1Ood .-nrl,r.

... """ ' 0 _


111_ Ja I1If II _ . -...

.....N 01
-wJ'11 IIlOIl old'll d"I !I~
and lh<' ~",,' of <'<lUll fd ~
,;",Il&l ", ~M\ UIli l)' (.... "",k.. and

( ProIo.",;OQ k>r lhI' nlOny n,illion. 01

rlIik1n." in ""P"riaIlr diff.....k rir-
Child health
I Th· <'ndi<.",~ ", '" pol", .
'"'" ~lintir"rtion ", """..
(by 1\195).
I A !IO\ I'ftIlI<'IiDn IrI nWtik.. . -
__n.-.. .-.
. . - III \lQlll1I¥ ill of l1li rwn..w><n ond !hI'~." and am • _

n:'du<1"" In ..........
oOoo.'f\WIo.~\ in aD "",nlril.... of 1M
d<al~ rompanlI ... Ift"IJumnnl>a.
"lid ~""'1rYIIW. . 011_ " .......uly adooIud C......1IlIoa ... IN
1 ._
a; ,ot _ Jlillh"01tbr (1Ql1ll a-tinlbr. lhI' .., !I<tlir. ,,,. . of.
'!l9Oo ....101 ." I'llIlidI:r ~ Irzi;t 9l& .-. of
..........-oflhl' idf'll DI........ ~
p tc~'''''''''_'''''b¥ ~ dlildmI e'...
lO'<1io:. lor mildrm in Iinlf' 01_. __ ii., ·.... lor ..
p • I_Dl ..... -'*'~ Il.-~~
Ii ~ of dIiId ..-.I1tf
l'rotrction for riM aod womt'Il
.. .
' ..... "MllllT_JIr F.-.ily ,' ' I ~

rin-f ... ""' ....... , I'

_ _'
cIiontIo<...... 2SlIo
_ioIo.lofdiio ,k _iIsolm...
Ii ~ "
,e ;" ...

.... .... ......__... _.

1I_ _" " ' _ _ lib' "'., 00 Itw- _ *-bo <-.lllJ __ , _ ,
=-.1 ... pc . .... . . loinlto' _ c"
n. (5 ' . of lflIi-c __ ....
B l l l o l .... " ....' ..-..
f 1<10 Mr. SodI ~ tIMUI boo
s-:..1i'.. 1I111t. t;_ ~ 1II .... ..-.y'O nJlIunoI,
... .' If _--"""~"""'~_
All 10 " - _ .......... III addUllllO _ .... of pri-
9 tI_,t,t'l I, laI , .1J'IiIIod
IllnlCllnl durin,: mary'""""" 1Rd u ........

£lonil , ," ..... _ dUJdbinh mel m..nI lI<Ililn .". ....... kldot• .-miol ~
hiPtitl< ~ tftll oboI<1ric" -.llik okiII1i Rl<Ild"..1U .lloo.' <!if.
AclIoh' , . o ! M _ 10,.,,".......... PQ!lOl of ill r:lll1ilit" bV rnollililinI:
1 1"~ ...~ ul lhr ~ LodaJ". V2!ll)' ~ <'tim"",";'
"'-ill ond ""trilinMl ......t. of ~ ~y.

~_UoWmo· . r""' 11l< 'So......... .. _ .. "Op. ' 311'1'_-. ..._ 110 '; .. ~
_ ~.II -.n t:1lMooo ,. ....., t)mr _ ".. 1••_ 5
1. . . .ri:..,, 1l4
m-1CU·. _ V...... S Eo.... i ', IJllo1CD'. _ Yod,Joolr 3! I_~n~ ...,.., _ _
: ,.,."... ,..' s.. ~ M..d> ",,_GO ._
·. .,_
- ~",".w
""'1lI!IS, 1. . . ~ I_ 17 11'_1 ...., 00 Oor-.. _ .._101"-'_,,,.

• _ Tn" . • Am. Ow- . WlIO.Gooow. I'II!. I:!:!

e-., (r\I1IITAQ. r
"'_ _ 01
• ; ....
11 ................. - . ........
I ; . _ .. T_ .
C '
U!'o1l.»<''AlIU joIoo
.~....,.. __
_ ... C _ ol~i_lJio. ..... n..w. £40; = INCD'. ........."....,1tD
D ...

- " _ _ " .. _ _ I"t:!. I.... ' ' QlW U, I' .. en,.
~. n o ' - " ' .

......__.' ,"" 0« ; ]
" , .l/OJllJ'lUQ.1I'llO, w....
r.<n No.. zs. _ ~
31 )

.,I n00"lllIl·
" -_ ~

·. ..,_ n• . ,
~ ....... '-""'.,......... 1..... If 1'1'-"1 ...... 00 • t ~
..... . ' ...rlL.
Oi : ~""'I\IID ."," IOIi(F A ~ -' "'lfO.
"-~, l$ W.w,_Oo t ~

7 . ... n.._ ~''''~''''''''.hod.n. MooWl): A ~ -' . '"

""r-~ _ ,J!U. rlL.~ ]I; 'Thr .pc; b,, 1Ii I Sl..-
- o.r-. II_ ~­ _ £iMl~I_
31 t . . . s-...t,...,.,,·.r
I~ _ I~•
'.W'-""" s...,.
s.ritoo loL No. '1
; I .,.".
w-.. WlIUA....,.'!i,/IItI2.. 11I110- .1ll..I: e-.".• ,.., lIoo lnf1-. U......
( " _ llW ... ~ _ """" .... "'.-"1 , * , . - ' . IIt , IM
.....ur1d ' . . _11w...1 o..
St._ :l1 U..... ~CI\iIdn-o·••·_l.1~
I~ ~ _

. "j
t""'" II_~
.OWW _ iMrioII
.... IJo,w.. . . . - Olildn'II. W
1!8lo·. UNln:l'. N1"wVotk. lllW
:II! UoiIrdN..o- l
_ .N IIt , " ,.., /It,..o
~ 1M. WHU!tJNllU'.loiaI 21 llolI ... lI\lIod bl' "'<on! llo1olII ~

M.....-. .....".".",.....1.......... and -' ~ 11193 19!I3. !lSlIl'. Ii... Yurk. llOIlI

N""' 'iIltk. lll';l3
\\''''''''I~ 'Olh( ~ ' ·'''''' II~
:!I "'_I.......
:l2 Ibid.
( lmf\l»Il iuo. ~~
~ (lII1rMIurliDIIoB. ,.....
Uoil<tl N.. ko I~'ftl f'ro.
H._.I~ . . ...
1\I!l1. l1lfIW. S.., V",," 11I9't. II- Ci
two H _ A Ii., •• /iIliIIlIW' ~""' ... «l ......... ouppIiodbfl \nJ.

_~ I!I!/IMI91.1\1IO. II'I1Om'llCF.NJ'nI .\\'10 . n........ ... (lib. UNK,.)'. s.... y....

C_lll!l'.: " - IlI'A" 6 ~1 llai1<tlS_ _ CIolIoIr...• n...
10 \'.... N_OIIIftII·. - . no. !t IbiII. ",.... ~,.... Im.. rlL. p. ,"
,..".... ~,..... ,rm.llSKtJ'. ~ :!!i 1_
lbL" XI f! ~ So<l><oollt 1\9-

,'n l ,..
OO 1"-
:!16 _ 0lI0Im0·....... _
Iiaot............. ril.
..-.H _'."I, . ",..,:


u · ' , . ll.... -r-.. t_"..

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",". w lloolitl no
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U .-_~·
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....... . . . '

V...·.",.,..._ IIo«,, · Soo.5:!. 1 _ PwIr(.JCl lI"ar'lILI. m.lCtJ'. ~
/Udl W. . . . ,. S - . . .....l CD'. s.- y"",
t . ..

131:..1_" ' - .. "".!9lII--'co.-. r.--,. « ~_llt' _ I'lO>

.....e_' , _ 7
_ .- ,), I; .. . , .
_ 211 . ·_1_ 1;10 I _c...
. . ....
_.rlL. ...7

.,'. . . . 5 I ~ S"'-QMw.. ......,., ... 1.ItiH~_~.....,.Q.

_Von,lIR,._ " ] "'::1 _110= . " . . . .Note-1S 5 •

II l .... S-('WIIr..,·."-l.Sooft.
_ ·.joioI....lOAloOlCU _ _. .
_.....,._ ~t·_

. . . . . . . . . .11 ' .... S-

_a.... ·AI~..:u-.r ...

- -=-<:,,-",---
WlIO.("_ _ ,
....C_.. -.OO•• _ I I _ 1l.C_70n0W_
......L....m ._V.... s....... :5 C 1 .. _ .... • .. 05 I,,-.-.no t .~~
• I • . . . . -•• ' 1 I
lrot.._r__ - . . . _

......_u-:,.._ol C-,.:TWlIr.J-r. . w.-..

Wl ....... !'1 ,~ •
110. , *, I-'AoIiIIlo\I:rr-
• ••. . - .
_ .""""o.-
t ':lolClJ'.",
_C~. •
_ •• ,.-....
I C1lIII ~
" ......... ......,.,
_niIdhoool-. lr.oll:lJ'. lf_ ~_ _•NororV,,", _!'oIIon.r....... .....,.s.m...
.... ~L"lAJ1M.,1. :JO Ift · \ '"""' . ,. s.. !Is.lobo<IIl9I/Il 1'lo.:Jll" ' - 1_" 10
II Wond - . I t_ D",' _ .~ .... 1 , W_ _ f t (.". . .

1m. \O·ont ...... W~ lJ.c. ..... n..~ . ,. Z

l . ,. ~ 1.100 .. ... VoL ' .I'lo.J. 1.l<klb<or 1!l!lZ.
U_N_ ClOIIInoo', t.... l-'NK: ~]I." ....._ II'. "'. _
Vurk. p.2
If'. _ ,.". lilt '/I'_ _ e-I....

_ l - . l N-...' ? ., ,....

'II ~""T' Pc"u.4

_,.",.. ...L' ..... 1000_'.

T_ e.-~,. ~_ _ . " 7

_e-JW7I..... UoOd U "',.,,, DfIIUllt:-..

D_ _ .1ft - . S- V.....
...... __,. ..
n . '.

~-.LWFC. . . ..
~ - y""'-
~~-. ~.I'looI,.d.. .... I'"IS

.. .......
~·.Io n...-.~ . II r...... " _.01 . I 01 'II - . _ - . . " . . . , I •


'" ..._aow_-..,..,-
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. . . . . . . . \Ii' "
_ ",.,,1'. '
I..\. .. -~ . .-
"" _ 'oM
D.C. d8I.

' a. .CI6Ie-.
"l-.I~ n._<F"
_Ap. , ..rAO.-.IW1 ..
Il! 0...- D, "

__A """.1t.4
.. e-t.
...s.r.d. ll< I
....... So.If. OIIIC.I'I' 1I
Dot..... . 1m
ee. uc,

.... . ..................

'It <:-.N."""
_ _ V

... _ _ oI. . Siloc"


L._c..Jr." .''''
- . .. JI ""-

lIlo' Po
. . e - ~. '-II
T"""'AIobi- IJ World C • [a.' • llII C

~ II.

....." • • f , . ..... ....

" I • c-. 11'_
oaIlI. ' " .. C'"" .. I e -
~ Rmrw. V'" II. Ne.2" ............ 1>-19 Ioal<=. D.C."'I"
:<0 ..... , 1\1f1
l1lf. \JBoI c.,. . \...... H.-.J-
~ 1:k-...}oI&, OS I *
......_ t.. IllKi1oOti: 14I.. 01
8 1 Coro-.A1. ....... pp.m "ll7
82 WGtl/lII&Ilt._o. . I I ""',....,
~~ ~ ... i* ,• •"'.
lI'WI .... CP , _ . . . "" Third
o! !'<o> I ~ ",' ,
il"•• ,.-...Jo6ooY...... t

/9!IJ'. ....... Thio,..............._

dod "-"'ioa 10 Ik;oioh••. . . - . . Ih<
" •...,... -. . ' . s...:ioI. ,.... 47. S5 'jI' _"'br l llo~~llr KooI Iok1PoF loot _ ""'"-_
,~ S. A _,Am_ ofC_ 1O poIi<yald oIt" .........
51 Ibid. Ibo l1<IlI<ooI s......... - . . lii lh< il:l Ibid., .. 2
57 U" IIod N._ I ~ _"' _ Group of n . OoilodN...-- I Ort.>b« /II ltvoo.Joho IL. aId ..bt1'<, .... <to.
tIonal t:e.-mlr 0IId Social....,...... '0' I/aohad. 11001.. fJ 1!ah1. M.....,. 'II.lIId
·t·omiIl' I\uiIdioa br ~........ I,"",," A M S<~"""""oI .,.,..11Mo<I AItio,Sh=Iio, 1lMine t 11iI)' C'horIao:
:\Iudrol ~~ Chlld s.......... .........-..- .. ..C-.....,......l MoruI-
s.r.ival .... t'<rtlllly'. N~7f277~l l l. lI!llIt<I NoIt.-. ;ry:1b< ~ C_·. Ol\Oljr nrrio'd
~T/ES.VSf: Il.JV1 '.lI_ s-. Nrw Vo<k, 11192 '"" br IfNICD' br..... """"'"'"'"
:'i<'O yen. ~ fP ~. """' rio., P. II Cooaril. w,.. ",,", oaI NonkAth.
SJ "- "-"' ~ _ 68 lI_Nmonoo r.... n..

06:<, I!l!l2
saiInI. 1'1' Tor ' - ' --, _ ~II_·, I k /!1!13. lL'i .w-. _ IL aod H ' 5
SOR. \\·
n-r. - .-...y....
f.. , I I ._ 1I~"F]'A. Nrwy..... 1!1!13 -.I.'Dok. ·
0-0' . ill _1JoicIo<lo.'
. oIC_• •", ,,

:iot ,-.......,..&,:-

..... _A••'; . ........-...
)II FlIrIidt.,... I..aod !JWi<tL _ 'L
1"..., I
~. _ V
F !iIIoeoo. . .
IWll. .. Pl
J-"'"' ~ _
-. \'oI.:!a.,s..

• -.,10/&1:... ....
e - ....... n--r-.., n .... tl _ o I 'w...l ""'"- /Q IJoio<4s-. D' oI.....
_ e - I . '/I' "

C ' ._ • •
_ .... r _ f_
Co .
of ...
'f"...,__.,.... . .
~ 11

Woo1ol C ,
. ..' F<niIIt'••"'-'*

_Po '"
.ewC- '''''.OdonI
• 1(:_ l-.l~""''''''''''
l-.t-'~ V""' _
I.IL _ <t.. t ",

Ii ."..nno.lS
..... 'Il"erW c

: • • l:00Io ...

st. :'_~Oo ., e .... ... 0. . . . . (110 • ,e- • ...... _ewwr....,.... n.
_. ~/} "
..wC , f . ':'. • ;"
J'IoW-~""" 1J!lL. ~ .. 15
e- F-. L.""lIC1:J'. _ n.o-,.,,....
~ Ihafil, n. _ ~ ~
1l! ....
aodDo.' 1 ... (80 ,e-


y nc... 1Ii
7' ·AGnotw W. .. n. f Sl "-_00,,: _"'"
..,.,. • II ....
57 ~. "" !" , ~. _Do""
J'aoo()"" . e.-,.
SO-V.... _
. 1"1 !Ito'" .. D.lL
......J. ""....
~ 1I,L. ...
,__ ~
!! W.... 8oI*. . _Do " • .,...
~ ~....,. riL... 25 ,",",,", ... 5 ; " F_. t:.lI> ,m. 11'_ -.
!It OXI..AA1.Nw: ,.,.tt-.", ~ I' If i . - . I9liIZ. fIIl. 113 J<:\ .... -.otA.. ......
l:blord.. Apt I-...J:I tlQ.211
F.... .... . oI_ ofoht:_
'\l'_ ·.St' 5 00ilIc...
j!i lIorD. .. T"""' A~
~ <M. ...ioo ._... i o _ .. e- ~.i". , ; . .,_
..... ~ _ _ '-d. _1Imtw.Vol.I7. No,2"
......,....... "".rc.. fill. ZlIoJ I .-l »JII ~ 19!l 1
1'\lIoi, \'ijoyao 1\.. ·M..,,""" FamilyI'\ao- 105 """"". Ml<hoo-I A.."'" """"" 'C.,... LZtMW. $«MI . .. &-i< 1'mo<lr
...... .. l.•,..b. ...}oo....Jf/I~Sd­ ~ U.. "Mo<bb. ~ /5192. C.IoboI ("ooltion tnr MrIno. W.....
"'". \\ 01.25.J.......,.,W! l'1iIO:r..-to. Tl'l'I>loond~·. InI;toII.LJ.c.. 199:!
901 Codty-(" ...-. ~ ~ SIl<M j . F. .. iI, fftlo""', Vol.:n Nil- 123 ~...... "'" A,\ltIo.""""'"
J""..-rouncil. ·F....._ &, ~""' I9!TJ IbrU_ S _ n.sr.t,"fOl>/
.a. -' t......." Chan..... I06 UaiI<clN-'~" W_ ~ • .. ~Iro,. 1992. FAll. kI_. 1992
r''''''''· liIolIoll'''...I101\o11 ~'. 1o.... ~ T... C"'I>,;,,<f,. I ~ MU' Orildmr.~; Joimt",
l!l93l'oW Hollman U<hlr1' ~ Uoil«! .~ , . - 1951J.2150."Jl. ril. /io...,. I~ ~"' '',
NllioMr~~I~. 1111 Th<~_"""N'" 199aI. lip. cit- P. 7
N,... Y00:1<. 7 J<IO< 1!193 ~ find;"';'·.op. <it- 125 l/niI td r>....... ll<\ ,laIo.... rr.,.
95 WIIo'\d II.>oll. 11"..0/ ,~_, R".., I(M! Unikd 11_ ro,..latioa F...... '.w.f r;rmm><. I1,,,,,,. ~ /Upon
19!1;l.... ~p.29 ~ A.>sisttloct 1/</»'1 19IQ. 1m. ",,<it-.p.l 1
1m.USFl'A.N<wVorl<, l\I!l"l 12& u,,;tH s _ ·AIritI<l l lttol ("tin A
00 CIlI<y.c...-.MIfJIIRi. .....<it-
'!I llolllrom U _ I ' _ Edut'aliII<laL 109 ~ llolJon. 'SIOO M..... Mon: lor Caolimlina: ~upediwnd 10 o.v......
s.i<n,i6.."""Cullot>l ~ Fomily 11ImiIIg', n. WlUIIoi..,.,.. ,..... N>I-...... ri\-... \"n 19'J3
pobli....... ;., 1I:-/10J' . n, ~ ~ 2(J llW 177OXfAl.l.Op.tit
110 r \28 s......""Y'G<....... 0/ """ Uniled
.\ _ l nJ."" ril. . p. 'tI
911 Ibid.. /L 28
!I!I ~MlI)"ll.. ~~Jw.u.'
MokWn.ODdThapo. Sbpm..
n;JJ s.,.;~ n.- f,,-uJ, Iia..
.,..... ........,. II.""", lolcn>ltlionoI.
II.otiOIIo. 's..- ~ oilIoovffip.
ID<'RI _ ill Nri<o'. SG/~M /-l8lI1•
11"'-"_ .. 11'''''''.... F-r.. UNICEF.
S........ I....... C.. h<rilltIL_;...
Nonb r......... Srpr<m..... l!lll
S« abo . _ F""",", ...",......,."""
P"oe<"' ~, 1$1\•......, ..... "'<don'•
..........","' Unil<d S"""""' G«>m.

12\1111<' ~<Jfl_,....,.-idlrlg.
... ()<It f/ I\mon)': no mlAC SMtttr1. ,..... s.tt _ _,r>o. 7. WIlO. 61ll.. .... forA&r.m --w k>k>p-
"","'*'ion Pr-. Ilhaka. 1m DMoiool<>lForniII' ~~ """" ill ~...'oriolI """ ~ d
100 lll:rwIrJ.J<>ba.... Mobh. IWldan. 19\M <:t:wu.y 19'1.: II>< II'(It\dS",nmillor CbiIdtftl. _
1........,. f'lanDiIIIl Call C"""' III Modri.1ofIa. r mw" l l<di...... Or;/.
l .....h lot ....... in _.J '"
l"1llllt. . J_·. Jo~;"~· Sooot ~ by ""'''''''''''''''' 01
"""""' all Afri,.. """"'"""- 15 _
~. 101"""and M..w,.. I>avid. t'do.. M_ ...Mkooflt<t;. 1\·. ...... ~ S_ionold<o<"""
~ ~"" .w.Ori>nlllnioltr.
*"1 Prr-ooo. 1!193... 47.
p....- Nil- to.IWo1lWll C<IIUlcil S""
......, ~and ..... I'I' ."1_
101 Thr W(It\d F<"f\iIity s..n".._...-d 112I\·OIId 1l,W.. Wo<fol l~ ' &1an
lI<1...... 197:11111d 19!U._lbffinl 1.'I!I3. Op. <iL
llrpni>:aDon IIf Mtinm
UIIil;y JnImIotiIIIIII C""l.......... 011
_~ ... "' <uIIort rorr> 113WOIId I\.IoU. 11'"",," ~"" Rt1'O" ~ .. _Cbildrm. Dokor.
~~ IIlIIiIIII>I OUIW'Y Sl>tiolb011 for. 1992. "l' riI. 25-27 ~""" I'm:
!ili ry .... ..., ~ I'll< """",," 11 ~ OKFAM.Op.riI. 13ij~_oI""" UoiI<'<l
iIIb'n>ollOII ... CItIaIIoI. jo/uI. ..... ""'" liSUIliIo<I S.oIiooa 11, "10,;,,,,, ,~ Pro- S1IiOIIo, '(M., ' 1"" CriIiI;"
..... <d1... n. W_ I~S.""TA.. l/l'OIIUlIO".II. .... I_ _ Rt1'O" Dt .. ...... . .. r .,lIIiIIo,·.
~. u.rum UnMoniry rn... 1 992. ~ ciL. bux :1.1. .. ~ SGISMI.wn. """'1 10 "'" """""
,~ 11~~~II .. U_ SIaIeI """" .. G\obAl IJ,,, q",.", C _
1m 'lbC' 1~ IQo! tinJIh So.owyt,
_,mn._;a,. I,....
f """""""'~ """'"""'" 10 ........"'... <>I IiOII. C1n«C_. AIIoota.l
_i11 1~ , """"",<inuod",," lbel\lrbe r"...,l<ipJ>.. . 1lank. Abid-
worIIlIf""" II"IIo'\d F<rIiliry s..n"._ jon. lol a)' 199:l 131 !><Ft.~
~ l'la'iIIId 1!l92!!lOf\·i.baIIl 11 7 OXl'A.\ l. op. ciL. pp.JI.,J2 _~_. otif'ol>.

"..".,. ot . ..... _ _ ....... U-. 11~ WorldC......-- on F.nrirocImmI .....,.. .... ,,.....,...., Iliri«oti. op.
""-d lot """ <IJfY<'l'1' in :lIl"""""'- .-.:I 1I•...-Iopno."IIl (1lnu>dllood e-
zso ~- n'l1soionl. Op. ril. 1:lZ 'C~oIl_.op. riI.
lXllluokd lo'Aid lor AIri<1.• n. &.-

FII<furtbr<~ 119UDiItd 1'.0.-, u._.,. II-'..o/""..
..,..Ib< '!liS e-,."",,,, SlUin ~~1I<r>e.- ....." " .

" "'. II MI)' 199:l
..n... JnotiIultIot -..... Ilc-<Mop- 1OIa_ Gnoordo 1951J.ZISO,op. <iL 1:W QooIcd " s.m-n. ~ H. ""
","IIlIMI..... InIrmdiuIIal. Cok<mbio, 120 Uniled Sm- ChiIdrrII'1F\tlId. n-
~"'N_ 19!U ",, <it.. p.3.'i 13.'i OXfMl. "" <I<.
1(1'1 Th<' ~ 1l<"""""'" Now 121 S..... Ior.........,.MW I Clrilbn, 1:lS G<in'. AI. "" ciL. pp. m::m
Swwrt'indin;n"."" riI. MWI POI'''' Ho"",. 1. _ J'ri. 131 s.o.Am:irt)"lI. ~"" ~"" ;IUI: A.
lG1 W... o/l.~I'" ~I'l-rio ...w,j,..IW /~ ~"",1If
_ UaiI)r, M<!isAbobo, MId
e....,... E~ I... ~&..
m."''N< A C~· \ "M..... /! /iS ~!'I>'oo. (M ."I, 1981
e..,.",,;,.. Stwlift. N<. 3. I!IIlI U"'1 CEF'. S.., \"<rt. 1m
!itot ..... \Jailtd N"""'o.-·,
Fond.1l<"li1 _ lor AIm: A(".otnr
l1rJlont ........... on II """" 0.............
mrnl·. U/<o1CEF. S<wYo<t. Moy 1!193

Stati stical tables

ECOIIQlJlic mid social statistics on ti,e nations of the world.

willi particular reference to children's well-bt'illg.

GenllfalllOle 00 the dlta -Q Counby groupings

Explan&llOn Dt tyrT\bDli"
Index (0 COUlllnfl
_M O,Iinition,
MaIn """roes


Basic iodicI(1)($

Ecor>omit lIldicalafs
lias polll/loos coulllries

OelllOllflpl'uc mdlCltors
-' "
The rate of prOll,ess


Tht' daIa ~ in m- ableo ..... dooIa will dUb from liK>or ""'00 "' ....
lI<Wn~ by lk'flllitloM ~ Iic:r UI\ICf:f ....blinWIlS. In poniaI.
and ... planatio.,s uI 'YJIIbols. ,...... lar. !he 1In<\c:r-Gv<' ,nortollly ""~
<Ieffl<od /rum 00 IIWIY _reel - 12 (lJ5M M) ~'''''' ... htn'l' ",-"" tt"'o'iwed
n.,;o, ~ IlI'l' 1iliI<'Il ill 1It<'~ n!!iDJ( _ daIa ond • ~hoook'llY finl
IQf)' malrrial _ will intYilably .--.. • owlird on. om:ill nl1lllbl'r of ro.mlrir><
.,..jd., ~ of dMa rcliobilily. Offirial iIl!he Iaot fl'P<lIl,
ll\l"I.'fllmenl <L1to l'l'<.'ei\1'd by u... 11K. Jl.'Q'I1t m'IItion or "'-"""Y ~
"""",,,sible lInil<d Nati<ln!o Il(l'Il<J' ~ COUnlM haI .......hl'd in loIS
hawo """'" used ~.. _'bIo- I~ """"trio.~ wilh popu1llipn. 0/1 miIIinn
!he many ntlI:S wlll:l1' Iltere are f'IO reI>- or I~. In>l<lld DlIh<: 129 ,"'hidl"''ft'
.... olli<iol ~ ~n""'by 1..:....1<'(\ In ,"" ~ ...".,.... In
!he _1>10 11n~t'<l Nl\lion,\ IIllt'n<)' lIRIrr 10 ~ 1 ' - ""'" """'"
11m: bn:lI u:i<'d. \I'bffl, _h i:lll.'mlt- tm ill IIX' maitl ~ and SlIl1 lMin-
llc~ ~ e.;lima~ do 001 lIIin -r .....wHIily. l!l<' ~1
oi5l.lIw: IIhlet1dmvon llI!Ie< ........... ...mmarirlll\;M· """" nIll"e<ll<J . ........
panicularfy dll&l't"a:iYr'Il (mm 1iIl' II)- ndt IIbk' (tabtr 10)
Jlf1lIW\I1~ UNICEI' (M'ld oIJlce. IV!>o'n' Ch:IIlIl"" II.... ""'" m.k'- to twO
...-Dlc oolr ~.w.- <W I't:\IR.'
S(:nWM! .... looaI data ha.... bfton u..ed.
~ of ',;liD 1mt!«(t';.'lIiIIlI',
on. for lili'~. """'" binh Iinm IJ!.I S tI>OI!IhJ. ICI 20-23 "''''Ilh...
and h Bl...... inbnl n_ly nI<.... 1,... I""""k'llt<' or lrOilT<" in ~
ee, p;on of I!Io' A'l(Ilbr worit OIl ctuldrt'll is 11ll' ..'<'<IIld in<'IIn;iQn. This
~mIIl'" aod ~~ UlIllM.aktoI ~ ha5 Ill'tfI :«:\m«l by
by l~ Unih'd NitUons ~ 1m-;. UN ICIif IIId WHO r... mon~1lribg
$IOn. ThtoIe and OIher inlom:allolWly kldlnr dtiI<'lm<Y n'lturtIon. In' '" tJxo
prud"""" eotinwes "'" n~ prr;oo. lIIl'lb(JtJxo \\'<.rid Sununil r""a,iIdrrn.
~.whirll~ s~_ofll ...

~ lhl'aim ol\hl:_i.~...:don iI
EXPLANATION OF lei pn;Mde a broad picI"", IJI 1M oil. ..
SYMBOLS lion uI children and W\lI1ll'D ~.
dHalk:d .uta qualiIlcO\iorw and iolol·
J lndiclll'" data thai"*" l<I}t'iII'>' or
~oIh<TillOlIlt-op<cifll'd in
<10109 ""' ""'" JSII>llre lII'IlI'JPIiolt· for Ihrrolumn hl.~ difloor from llw'
l:l<iu:sluI, ~'. On!)' lW<l1\)mbols ~ ..KYnl ddInilioo, or ,d r 1'lQ Q111y
~ .-d iD L""
~'t. pan '" a ""Will)'.

tJ5)l 1'! <'tIlimat<.. .,.. indi-.'ldual toun ...... 11ft primarily """"«I frum dIotII
...,po<U.od by !he IJniled ~'mion>o 1'"",,1ati<m IMisIon.ln """'" """'.... Ihto>Ie
ewm..ICS mlI)' ditr..'r Iron, lIIr lIIlellt ' 1lIlionaI fil:un. In Jl<," KuI, datlI
...w--d d.. rillll_;~ u.., lalll_...., J>Ilt U ,.".BI«I in thefle
tlllimo "'ll.

'" tho- """"'lilt ~ __ ~."

..-..:l ill ..... • $ onil:r If IWir
t.' d I~ ....... - -1MI7
Goo II ;

. -- -
• " "-
,'"" . -
......ft,..... ... \.
.-"". .. 11"•• "s '[ •

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ill <II, In lIdIw
-- •

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Table 8: Basic indicators on less populous countries
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..... bl' rSICt:r .. ill Ilinldo ..-
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Table 9: The rate of progress
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Table 10: Regional summaries

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Ufe upectlncy
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