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Industrial instrumentation - I

1. How temperature is defined above the melting point of silver.

2. How Planck’s radiation law is used as temperature standard.
3. Define absolute zero temperature.
4. What is ITS-90?
5. How thermocouple gauge influence range and sensitivity. Give an example.
6. Compare the performance of 8AWG and 24AWG K-type thermocouples.
7. Compare K type 8AWG and 24AWG thermocouples in terms of diameter, temperature range,
resistance, error and sensitivity.
8. Find the voltage of J type thermocouple with 0ºC reference if the junction temperature is -
172ºC. From J type thermocouple table for a high and low temperature of -170ºC and -175ºC
their corresponding voltages are -7.12mV and -7.27mV respectively.
9. A voltage of 23.72mv is measured with a K type thermocouple at 0°C reference. Find the
temperature of the measured junction. (From K-type thermocouple table measured voltage
23.72mv lies between Vl= 23.63mv and Vh= 23.84mv with corresponding temperatures of
Tl=570°C and Th=575°C respectively.)
10. Define Setback effect, Peltier effect and Thomson effect.
11. Write down the laws of intermediate temperature and laws of intermediate metals.
12. What metal are used for constructing J type and K type thermocouple. State its polarity.
13. How the output of the thermocouple varies if it is connected in series and parallel.
14. Why the sensitivity of all the thermocouples are not same?
15. Why current is not measured as the output of the thermocouple.
16. A copper-constantan thermocouple is found to have linear calibration between 0°C and
400°C with emf at maximum temperature equal to 20mV (cold junction temperature is 0°C).
Determine the correction which must be made to the indicated emf if the cold junction
temperature is 20°C.
17. How thermocouple output gets modified when the cold junction temperature either increases
or decreases.
18. Why nonvolatile liquid is used in vapor pressure thermometer.
19. Two methyl chloride vapor pressure thermometers are used to measure the temperature
difference between two reaction vessels. The nominal temperature is 85 ºC. Find the pressure
difference per degree Celsius at 85 ºC from the table shown below
Temperature 80 85 90
Pressure (psi) 32 36 40
0 0 0
20. Compare liquid in metal, gas expansion and vapor pressure dial thermometers.
21. How filled system thermometers are classified.
22. State the sources of error in a vapor pressure thermometer.
23. How case compensation is provided in a pressure thermometer.
24. How temperature correction is done for fully immersed and partial immersed mercury-in-
glass thermometer
25. Define Stefan-Boltzmann law. How it is useful in temperature measurement.
26. State the principle of total radiation pyrometer.
27. State the advantage of two-color pyrometer over other types of pyrometers.
28. How optical fiber is used for temperature measurement.
29. Draw different structures of Bi-metallic thermometer.
30. Define gauge pressure and absolute pressure.
31. How piezo-electric materials can be used to measure pressure.
32. What are elastic type pressure gauges? State few examples.
33. a) What parameters govern for maximum displacement of a diaphragm.
b) What parameters govern in capsule deflection.
34. Write down the relation between pressure and deflection of a corrugated diaphragm and a
35. Draw different types of bourdon tube.
36. Mention any two types of elastic type pressure gauges and state its merit.
37. Compare plain and corrugated diaphragm.
38. How the height of the convolution in a diaphragm have an effect on its performance.
39. How capsules are classified.
40. How zero and span adjustments are done in pressure gauges.
41. What precaution to be considered while using Dead weight tester.
42. Write down any six characteristics to be considered while selecting manometer fluid.
43. How sensitivity of U-tube manometer can be increased.
44. Determine x in mm of Hg for Figure-1 using the conversion table given below
Atm PSI Kg/cm2 Inch WC mm WC Inch Hg mm Hg Bar Kpa
Atm 1 14.697 1.033 407 10338 29.92 760 1.014 101.36
45. Calculate the gauge pressure and absolute pressure in kg/cm2 at the depth of 20m in a water
tank. Density of water is 1000kg/m3 and atmospheric pressure is 1.03 kg/cm2.
46. A water line pipe running at the ground level is carrying water at a pressure of 10 kg/cm2. A
bourdon tube pressure gauge is mounted at a height of 2 m from the ground level to measure
the line pressure. What will be the error in the measurement?
47. It is required to design a diaphragm pressure gauge to measure pressure of 15Kg/cm2. What
would be the diaphragm thickness if the maximum deflection is limited to one third of the
thickness? The diaphragm is to be constructed of steel 5cm in diameter, modulus of elasticity
2×106 Kg/cm2 and poisons ratio 0.3.
48. i) A Mcleod gauge of volume 200cm3 and capillary cross sectional area 0.1cm2 indicates 1cm
of mercury. Express the pressure in microns.
ii) How to enhance the pressure Po and height h in the Mcleond gauge. What factors that
restricts it.
49. A disc mounted on the shaft of a machine has 12 pattern points. The number of flashes
projected on the disc by a stroboscope is 6000 in a minute. A) Find the speed of the machine
if the disc appears stationary and has single image of 12 points. B) If the disc appears to
move forward in the direction of rotation at 10rpm, find the speed of the disc.
50. How a photoelectric tachometer works.
51. State the principle of stroboscope.
52. How an eddy current tachogenerator works.
53. How angular velocity is measured by capacitive principle.
54. A variable reluctance type tachometer has 60 rotor teeth. The counter records 3600 counts per
second. Determine the speed in rpm.
55. Compare the salient features of DC and AC tachometer.
56. How moving coil type velocity transducer can be used to measure linear velocity.
57. a) How the circumferential element and radial element of diaphragm strain gauge is
connected in a bridge circuit.
b) How output voltage and pressure related in diaphragm stain gauge.
58. Write the relationship between the applied force and the output pressure of a pneumatic load
59. Define magnetostrictive principle and mention an application.
60. What are the types of load cell?
61. State the concept on which the column densitometer works.
62. Write down the formula to convert degrees API and degrees Baumé to specific gravity.
63. State the principle behind liquid-purge differential-pressure device for density measurement
64. Define torque and acceleration. Give their units
65. How the components of seismic transducer should be selected for acceleration measurement.
Justify your answer.
66. Can a piezo-electric accelerometer be used for static measurement? Justify your answer.
67. Write the working principle of dragcup type tachometer.

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