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Subject : English Day & date : Sunday, 8th June 2020

Semeste : Even Semester Time : 07.00 – 09.00

1. What‟s your opinion about Jakarta?

A. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia
B. Jakarta is near Bogor
C. Jakarta is good place for earning job
D. Jakarta is my birthday city
2. What amazing you are, the best response is...
A. Oh yes B. You are welcome C. Yes, please D. Thank you so
3. You know well about biology?, if you know well carnivore is the animal which eats....
A. Meat B. Plant C. Vegetables D. All kind of food
4. Please, pay attention!
A. Thanks B. What‟sup C. Well D. You are great
5. My teeth will be pulled out. The correct form of using “be going to is”....
A. My teeth is gong to pulled out
B. My teeth are gong to pulled out
C. My teeth are gong to be pulled out
D. My teeth is gong to be pulled out
6. Mrs. Rossy : Good afternoon, students
Students : Good afternoon, Ma‟am.
Mrs. Rossy : Well, I cannot teach you this afternoon. I have a meeting with the headmaster.
Students : That is alright. We will study by ourselves, Ma‟am.
The underlined utterance is an expression of …
A. Inability B. Ability C. Willing D. Congragulation
7. Joni : I‟m sorry for forgetting to return your book on
time. Toni: That‟s all right.
Joni : Thanks
The expression above is used for saying . . .
A. Leave taking B. Apologise C. Gratitude D. Greeting
8. Ana : Happy birthday, Wulan!
Here is a present for you
Wulan : . . .
The appropriate gratitude expression is . . .
A. Wow, you look beautiful C. Thanks. That‟s very kind of you
B. Welcome to my house, Ana D. Your present must be expensive
9. Teacher : I think that„s all for today, any
question? Students : No.
The underlined words expresses . . .
A. Apologizing B. Asking opinion C. Congragulation D. Greeting
10. Ferly : Romy, this is my sister, Vivian.
Romy : How do you do?
Vivian : How do you do. You look so handsome
Romy : .........
A. You are so carzy B. How come C. Thank you D. What „s up
11. Ani : What are you doing?
Nia : I‟m preparing myself for going to school today.
Ani : Oh,......?
Nia : It‟s a half past six!
Ani : Really? I can be late!
Nia : Hurry up, Ani!
A. What day is it? B. What time is it? C. What are you doing? D. Where are you going?
12. Tony : Hai Tito, what are you looking for?
Tito : I‟m looking for Math schedule.
Tony : Oh, I know that. Math schedule is on Monday.
Tito : Monday is After Sunday right? Thanks.
Tony : Yes. ......
A. you are welcome B. not at all C. I‟m so glad D. here you are

The following text is for questions number 13-15

There is a library in my school. It is on the first floor. It is about seven metres wide and ten metres long.
There are eleven bookselves in the library. They are full of books. My favourite is the self next to the door. It
is used for displaying magazines and newspapers. I like reading newspapers, especially about sports.
Students visit the library during recess. They enjoy visiting the library because it is quiet and cool. It is very
comfortable to read this library. How comfortable and neat my library is.
13. They enjoy visiting the library because it is quiet and cool. It is very comfortable to read this library. How
comfortable and neat my library is. The underlines words expreses.....
A. Giving opinion C. Giving instruction
B. Complimen D. Asking for attention
14.What is next to the door of the library?
A. The sport reports C. A shelf for displaying books
B. Eleven bookshelves D. A shelf for dispalying magazines and neswpaper
15. “It is very comfortable” (2nd paragraph)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Feeling interested in something C. Making somebody feel sad
B. Making somebody feel relaxed D. Not knowing what to do

The following text is for questions number 16 – 19

Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists. His book “The Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy” is the most influential science book ever written.
Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Wools Thorpe, Lincoln, England. As a boy, he often made
mechanical devices such as model windmills and water clocks.
With his theory of gravity, Newton discovered how the Universe is held together. Newton said that the theory
was inspired by seeing an apple fall from a tree when he left Cambridge, to escape the plague.
Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Wools Thorpe, Lincoln, England. As a boy, he often made
mechanical devices such as model windmills and water clocks.
With theory of gravity, Newton discovered how the Universe is held together. Newton said that the theory was
inspired by seeing an apple fall from a tree when he left Cambridge, to escape the plague.
Newton invented an entirely new branch of mathematics called calculus. Besides, he also discovered that
sunlight is a mixture of all colors.
16. What did Newton discover with his theory of gravity?
A. How sunlight works
B. What the earth is made of
C. Earth‟s energy
D. How the universe is held together
17. Which of the following statements is NOT true?.
A. He invented calculus
B. He invented windmills
C. He had the theory of gravity
D. He discovered that sunlight is a mixture of all colors
18. “His book „The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy‟ is the most influential science book
ever written.” (par.1)
The synonym of “influential” is ….
A. Informative C. Universal
B. Significant D. Irrelevant
19. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To amuse the reader about Sir Isaac Newton
B. To describe the reader about Sir Isaac Newton
C. To retell the reader about Sir Isaac Newton
D. To judge the reader about Sir Isaac Newton

The following text is for questions number 20 – 22

Traveling on the plane
When I was young, I did not really like traveling. I preferred playing game on computer. I never traveled
abroad on the plane until 1998. At that time, I was 21 years old.
My first trip was a 4 days trip to Honkong. Before I came to the airport, I did not know how to check in. All
procedures were so new to me. I remembered I was so excited when the plane took off. I really enjoyed my trip at
that time.
After that trip, I like traveling. I also traveled to Korea, Austria, and Germany
20. How old was the writer going abroad?
A. Twenty years C. Twenty one years
B. Twenty two years D. Nineteen years
21. The statement below are true according to the text, except …
A. The firs trip is needed four days
B. The writer also visit Germany and Austria
C. After 1998 the writer like traveling on the plane
D. The writer felt being afraid after taking off
22. “ I remember I was so excited when the plane took off. “ The underline word can be replaced with …
A. Anxious C. Glad
B. Upset D. Curious

Not ralated the text

23. The postman was sending letter while the accident.....
A. Occurs B. Occured C. Occuring D. Was Occuring
24. now?
A. Have-You B. Did-You C. Were You D Will-You
25. Some mice.......seed when cat caught bird
A. Eats B. Ate C. Eating D. Were Eating
26. I know the man.. .a steawardess asks his address
A. Who B. Whom C. Which D. whose
27. Did you look for a house. . .I order last week?
A. Who B. Whom C. That D. whose
28. The waiter is pretty. Her nose is pointed ou.
A. The waiter is pretty whom her nose is pointed out
B. The waiter whom nose is pointed out is pretty
C. The water who nose is ponited out is pretty
D. The waiter whose nose is pinted out is pretty

The following card is for questions number 29 to 31

Dear Lusi,
This card comes with the living wishes especially for you. To wish you a lots of happiness
today and all year trough. Happy new year 2020

29. Who is the receiver of the greeting card ?

A. Lusi B. Clara C. Lusi‟s sister D. Clara sister
30. The purpose of the text above is …
A. to remind someone about new year. C. to greet someone for new year
B. to inform everyone about new year D. to invite someone to a new year celebration
31. “ To wish you lots of happiness today…” .The antonym of underlined word is …
A. facility B. sadness C. nasty D. Sorrow

The following card is for questions number 32 to 34

Easy to fry, quickly expand and save on oil. Easy to serve, sun-drying is not needed.
Fried crackers can be stored in a jar. Can be served as a snack and topping for various dishes.
Fresh garlic, selected tapioca flour, fresh vegetables, sugar, egg and salt.
Pour enough oil into a pan and wait until sufficiently hot.
Drop the crackers in, after a while turn them over until they fully expand.
Remove them from the pan and lay them on absorbent paper.
32. What is the text about?
A. Cooking oil C. Raw crackers
B. Delicious crackers D. A topping of various dishes
33.What will make the crackers fully expand?
A. We only need a little oil into a pan. C. Right after we pour oil into a pan.
B. If we drop them into sufficiently hot oil. D. If we let the crackers dry under the sun.
34.What can we conclude about the crackers from the text?
A. They absorb a little oil. C. We can‟t eat them with another dish.
B. We don‟t need to store them in a jar. D. They are made of selected wheat flour.

Not ralated the text

35. I usually receive a lot of emails from my fans, but today I only get …
A. many B. much C. a little D. a few
36. Tido : How many passengers … on the bus?
Doti : twenty. It is a small bus.
A. There are B. Are there C. There is D. Is there
37. Ali … studies in the evening. He does it after praying isya‟ everyday.
A. sometimes B. Usually C. rarely D. always
38. It doesn‟t … a lot during the dry season. Leaves wither.
A. rain B. rains C. rained D. Raining
39. Brian is a pleasant person. He is … in a bad mood.
A. sometimes B. always C. usually D. never

The following text is for questions number 40 – 43

Mr. Barrow’s activities
Mr. Barrow usually gets up at about 5 o‟clock in the morning. He usually has juice and a cup of coffee. He
usually has an egg and toast, cereal for breakfast. He doesn‟t eat a lot of lunch. He has dinner in the evening
around seven o‟clock. He usually teaches in the morning. He doesn‟t teach on Saturday. So Saturday and Sunday
are pretty free. And Sunday morning, he likes to sit and read newspaper.

40. What day does Mr. Barrow not teach?

A. Monday and Friday C. Tuesday and Saturday
B. Saturday and Sunday D. Friday and Saturday
41. What time does Mr. Barrow frequently get dinner in the evening?
A. nine o‟clock B. six o‟clock C. seven o‟clock D. eight o‟clock
42. What does Mr. Barrow commonly do on Sunday morning?
A. take a travelling C. read a newspaper
B. listening to the music D. take a jogging
43. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. Mr. Barrow doesn‟t teach on Saturday
B. Mr. Barrow always gets up at about seven o‟clock
C. Mr. Barrow‟s breakfast is usually an egg, toast and caramel
D. Mr. Barrow commonly teaches in the morning

Not ralated the text

44. The classroom is empty. The students … in the yard now.
A. are playing B. is playing C. plays D. play
45. My friends and I … now. We … for the next month festival.
A. are dancing - are rehearsing C. is dancing – is rehearsing
B. dancing – rehearsing D. dance – rehearse

Complete the following text to answer questions 46 – 48

Today is a big day. We are ( 46 ) … English speech contest. I‟m working with my team. We are ( 47 ) … our
presentation. I‟m writing on my paper, Doni and Tino are discussing it. We are all nervous, but we hope we can
( 48 ) … the competition.

46. A. has B. had C. have D. having

47. A. prepare B. prepares C. preparing D. preparation
48. A. win B. wins C. winner D. winning

For questions 49 – 50, arrange the words to form sequential sentences.

49. vocal group – on – competition – in – success – congratulation – your – the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 6 – 2 – 7 – 5 – 4 – 1 – 8 – 3 C. 6 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 8 – 3
B. 6 – 2 – 7 – 5 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 3 D. 6 – 2 – 7 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 8
50. pray – in Al Azhar Mosque – at the first – please –
1 2 3 4
Duha – break.
5 6
A. 4 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 5
B. 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 6
C. 4 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 6
D. 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 3

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