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An essay is a form of writing in paragraph form that uses informal language, although it can be written

formally. Essays may be written in first-person point of view (I, ours, mine), but third-person (people, he,
she) is preferable in most academic essays. Essays do not require research as most academic reports and
papers do; however, they should cite any literary works that are used within the paper.

When thinking of essays, we normally think of the five-paragraph essay: Paragraph 1 is the introduction,
paragraphs 2-4 are the body covering three main ideas, and paragraph 5 is the conclusion. Sixth and
seventh graders may start out with three paragraph essays in order to learn the concepts. However,
essays may be longer than five paragraphs. Essays are easier and quicker to read than books, so are a
preferred way to express ideas and concepts when bringing them to public attention.

Essay is a short piece of writing which is sometimes called a story. It is usually written from the author's
personal point of view and describes, discusses and analyzes a certain topic. Most of modern essays are
written in the form of prose, while essay writing in the form of verse is called dubbed essay. There are
different purposes and occasions for writing essays. There exist various types of essay writing: definition
essay, critical essay, personal essay, persuasive essay, research essay, comparison essay, exploratory
essay, narrative essay etc.

Short Story Definition

A short story is a fully developed story which is shorter than a novel and longer than a fable. It typically
takes just a single sitting for reading. Short Story focuses on the incidents bigger or smaller and evokes
strong feelings from its readers. A short story often has a few characters in the plot.

Definition of Drama

Drama is a mode of fictional representation through dialogue and performance. It is one of the literary
genres, which is an imitation of some action. Drama is also a type of a play written for theater,
television, radio, and film.

In simple words, a drama is a composition in verse or prose presenting a story in pantomime or

dialogue. It contains conflict of characters, particularly the ones who perform in front of audience on the
stage. The person who writes drama for stage directions is known as a “dramatist” or “playwright.”

What is Poetry?
Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often employs rhyme and
meter (a set of rules governing the number and arrangement of syllables in each line). In poetry, words
are strung together to form sounds, images, and ideas that might be too complex or abstract to describe

Poetry was once written according to fairly strict rules of meter and rhyme, and each culture had its own
rules. For example, Anglo-Saxon poets had their own rhyme schemes and meters, while Greek poets and
Arabic poets had others. Although these classical forms are still widely used today, modern poets
frequently do away with rules altogether – their poems generally do not rhyme, and do not fit any
particular meter. These poems, however, still have a rhythmic quality and seek to create beauty through
their words.

Poetry, literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific

emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm

Poetry has been around for almost four thousand years. Like other forms of literature, poetry is written
to share ideas, express emotions, and create imagery. Poets choose words for their meaning and
acoustics, arranging them to create a tempo known as the meter. Some poems incorporate rhyme
schemes, with two or more lines that end in like-sounding words.

The Ten Commandments are a way of life for the human race. Ever since the ten commandments were
revealed no prophet, or any religious fugure spoke against it. It distinguishes what is right from what is
sinful. Only God can define good moral behavior. Man's laws have never created peace in the world.

Now here are the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20. Commandment number one "You shall
have no other gods before me." This means that God wants us to make him the most important aspect
of our lives. Commandment number two: "You shall not make for yourself any graven image." A "graven
image" is something like an idol. Idols are man-made statues that people used to worshipas God.
Commandment number three: " You shall not take the name of the lord your God in vain." When angry,
people tend to curse using God's name. Commandment number four: "Remember the Sabbath day to
keep it holy." God wanted us to set Sunday aside as a day of devotion and worship to him.
Commandment number five: " Honor your father and mother." This commandment is pretty much self
explanatory. Commandment number six: " You shall not murder." Commandment number seven: " You
shallo not commit adultery." Adultery includes dirty thoughts, impure words, and lust. Commandment
number eight: " You shall not steal." Commandment number nine: " You shall not lie." Commandment
number ten: " You shall not covet." Coveting is greedness, or wanting more than you need.
These Commandments were written and reavealed by God, to the people. Man's laws cannot be
followed by a large number of people like they have the Ten Commandments, because man's laws are
written at their interest and selfishness. By revealing the Ten commandments God set his perfect
standard of the human race. .

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