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We are going to talk about the architect Antoni Gaudi. Our presentation is
about the description of his life, important events that helped the progress of
his career and his legacy an architect. We start with a description of the
character, we continue to describe a bit how his life in his early years, youth
and university years was.

The architect Antoni Gaudi was characterized by his unique styles while
retaining his interest in nature and his particularity in his design. In the last
years of his career, he dedicated his life almost exclusively to the Sagrada
Familia, with this project he reached the culmination of his naturalistic style,
making a synthesis of all the solutions and styles tested until then.

Gaudí achieves a perfect harmony in the interrelation between structural

and ornamental elements, between plastic and aesthetics, between function
and form, between content and continent, achieving the integration of all the
arts in a structured and logical whole, he left his legacy recognizing it as the
"Architect of God" The magic of Gaudi is that he creates a special cosmos in
each of his works and they are all remarkable for something. With each
work, the genius manages to stir something within you.


● Entirely: completely / totalmente.

● Greatly: very much/enormemente o Muy.
● Showed: to cause or permit to be seen : EXHIBIT / Mostro o Enseñar.
● Spent:used / usado, gastado.
● Enabling:power or authority / permitiendo
● Through:Because of someone or something / Mediante, a traves de
● Among: In the middle of a group / Entre
● Fair:Treating or affecting everyone in the same way / Justo
● Quayside:The side or edge of a quay / Muelle
● Remaining:Continuing to exist when everything or everyone else has gone
or been done / Restante
● Thereafter:Continuing on from a particular point in time, especially after
something else has stopped happening / Después de es, a partir de
● Took: Past tense of take /tomó o cogio
● Allowed:To say that someone can do something / permitido
● Offered: To say that you will do something for someone /
● Hyperboloid vaults: A type of arch that supports a roof or ceiling,
especially in a church or public building / bóvedas hiperboloides
● Depicted:To represent or show something in a picture or story/
● Gruff: unfriendly / brusco o Malhumorado
● Surpassing: To do or be better than / incomparable,Superar.
● Keystone: The middle stone in the top of an arch that has a special shape
and holds all the other stones in position / piedra clave
● Fields:An area of land used for growing crops or keeping animals / campos,
● Thoroughly: very carefully / a fondo, minuciosamente.
● Craftsmanship:Skill at making things / artesanía o Destreza.
● However:but / sin embargo
● Anarchic: Not showing respect for official or accepted rules, behaviour,
organizations, leaders, etc / anárquico.
● Beyond: On the other side of something/ mas allá o al otro lado de.
● Imposed: To officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or
received / impuso.
● Stages: A period of development, or a particular time in a process / etapas.
● Heyday: The most successful or popular period of someone or something /
apogeo Momento o situación en que algo llega a su máximo grado de
● Towards Modernisme:In the direction of someone or something / hacia el
modernismo = Movimiento artístico de finales del siglo XIX y principios del
● Account: An arrangement with a bank to keep your money there / cuenta
● Polite: Behaving in a way that is not rude and shows that you think about
other people/cortés,educado, atento, correcto.
● Revival:The process of becoming more active or popular again /
renacimiento,renovado interés, reactivación.
● Patterned brick:With a design made from repeated lines, /estampado. a
hard, rectangular block used for building walls / ladrillo.
● Developed: Describes a country or region of the world with an advanced
level of technology / desarrollado
● Upon: On / en, sobre.
● Faithful: Always liking and supporting someone or something / fiel
● Transept: Either of the two side parts of a cross-shaped church that are at
an angle of 90 degrees to the main part / crucero o transepto = Nave
transversal que forma el brazo corto en una iglesia de planta de cruz latina.
● Remained:To continue to be in the same state / se mantuvo,permanecer,
● Target:Something that you are trying to do / objetivo
● Trolley:An electric vehicle that transports people, usually in cities, and goes
along metal tracks in the road / Tranvia,carretilla.
● Landscaping: To change the appearance of an area of land, esp. by
planting trees, flowers, and other plants / paisajismo.
● Increasingly pious:More and more/ cada vez mas / having strong religious
beliefs, and living or behaving in a way that shows these beliefs / devoto,
● Cloistering: A covered stone passage around the four sides of a courtyard
(= a square or rectangular space) especially in a religious building such as a
church or monastery / claustro
● Onsite: In the place where something is happening / en el sitio
● Employing: To pay someone to work for you /empleando, contratar.
● Would:Used to say what might happen if something else happens / se usa
para expresarse en condicional.
● Borrow:To use something that belongs to someone else and then return it
to them/ Tomaría prestado
● Recognition: The act of accepting that something is true or real/
● Remarkable:Very unusual in a way that you admire/ Extraordinario,
● Polychromy :Involving or producing light in all colours/policromía
● Seem: To appear to be/parecer.
● Few: Some, or a small number of /pocos
● Essentially: Relating to the most important characteristics or ideas of
something/ esencialmente.
● Aphorisms: A short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth
/ aforismos es una declaración breve que pretende expresar un principio de
una manera concisa, coherente y en apariencia cerrada
● Laws:An official rule in a country/ leyes.
● Such:Like the person or thing you were just talking about/ tal.
● Surface: The top or outside part of something / superficie
● Whole:Complete, including every part/ todo,entero.

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