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CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY AIFE Dhugs ase chemicals of low molecular mass » Tese Htaact With Macromolecular targets iM the Lady 4 prduce a Biological woponse chemotherapy - Use of chemicals fox therapeutic effect Engyme - The patting which paform the vole of biokagicag coctallysts in the body Receptors - Proteins which are Cuciag fo communication system in the Lady Classiftcetion of diugs ) Pharmacological effect ) diag action in) Chemical stuctuke w) molecular targets Dhuig -Tanget_Iotwrackon Y Pyotting abich act a9 Liological catalyst i the body ate called engymes. W) Proteins wbich one Crucial 4 Communication systern io the body afs callid Aaceptors ") Proteins which casty polar molkcules acioss the membiares ak cabled cation Proteins Enyymes 00 diag target 4) cainlytic actor of engyrmes ) The fast funckon of an wmyyme iS to bold the Substrate rnokecuke For a chermicak Aeachon. Active sites of the enzymes hold the Substiate molcule ina suitabke position so that it can be attacks by the reagent effectively Substiolis bind to the active site of the engyme trough ftuachons suchas conic bonding , bydtagen konding , von dex woals interackion of dipole - chipole Stevactions. -2- n) The Second funtion of the enayme & provide functional gioups which wil attack the Substiate © caxsy out the chemical ARockon b) Diag = @pyme Inkesackon Dhuags which block the binding site thachy preventing the Binding F the substiat fe the active site + hence inhibiting the cotolyhc aclivity of the engyme — Enjyme inhilbitors. ) Diugs which Crop with natural substrate for ther attachment on the active Sites oF engymas ade called Cormpetitive inhibitors ») Some daugs do not hind fo dre engymes ative site but hind to 0 diffuunt site of the Mngyme called oklastentc site . Td binding of the diug at allosteric site chonges the shape of the active site in Such a way thot substrate cannot yecogniye ie chamicol Nessengenn - Io the body , message between two nuutrons + thak betwen Nwrons fo Mundy; (5 Cormmunicated thapugh Catalin chemical Substancs cabled chemical messengers These charmicall messengers at tecrived at the binding site § the teuptor Protein - To accommodate *hene chemical messengers, the shape of the teceptor Site changto - Win brings about the transfer of oessage toto the Gk. Tuo, chemicas menrenger ques oss fo ty GM without 2ntering Ag col: Antagonists - Diugs thot hind te Ae reaptor site + lohtbit its natutal function arr called antagonists. There att uoekuf When blocking of MESSAK wD equired. -3- Agonists dongs thot mimic the nokunal messengu by Switching on the ‘eeeptor att Called agonists: Thane ora uncful Whin thur G Aack of natural chemical MmUnnenger { pntovide - Substoners Which raubratie dhe exes aud + iiloe the pH ft an appropiak kv © Stomach an called qn = sodium bicanbonoke, Magnirium hydaoxide . But excennive Licononol. con Mate te stomach AKaling + Aiggeh the production of mote aud. :. Mekal hydroxidto at belkin alternatives becoune thtoe xing insoluble do hot inereane the pl above routs Anuihistornings - A number of differant sensitising Substances aon ae ae of tovivonment May Cause allergic Factions i human beings. tis > dur © the idease of a chamicl substance called histamine in the body. Histamine 6 a pattnt Vasodilator 4 peforms Various funcions. Antihotomines inte/feare uith the notural action of histornine by competing with histamine for binding sites of cpio! Wher histamine eaents its effect £3: Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Bromphenivannine + Terfenadine “These antihistamines do not offeck Seetetion of atid in the Stomach becoune anticllugic + antacid dnugs wotk on diffaint — vecepinrs - Trangu Ligans - ohe a class of chemical compounds used for the beatmant of Skies, mental diseases | aN xiety 5 Cractabihati, + oduc & Sense of well being 9: Chlordkogepoxide + Meprobamate ate daeley mile ‘aanquilizrs Suitable fox iieving tension - Equanik used in Contsolling dipwession + bypettension ep Notadnenakine ploys a woke in mood changeo Tf thy dvd of Notadktnaline how, then the signal - sending activity becornis low + 4ha person Suffers from depression . Hen antidepressant drugs at required These drugs inhibit the engymes Which cakalyse the degiadation 4 novadrenaking €4: Ipronlaxd 4 Phenel zine Another Class of tranquilizers OM Banbitutalis, thy We darivatives of barbiturc oid (eg: Veronak, amytak, nembatat , Luminot, Valium + Serotonin) Baxbitusalis are hyphote Analgesics _~ feduce ov abolinh pain withouk using impala mant of Consciousness, mental confusion, incordination oy paralysis oF Some othe duotunbanas of nevvous system These ake oF Wo types €q: Aspain + paracetamol! , Aspivio - inhilnts the Synthesis of Prostaglandins which cure inflammadion of tissues + COUR pain . Ty are oro effective in relieving sklakah patn Like arthritis UH Yeduws Fevey Contipyieric) ond prevents blood platelat coagulation Because of Its anti-blood doting ation, onpitin » ured in praention oF hxoxt athacks Narcotic @ddictive) analgesics Moiphine + many of is hormokagues when, administersd io medicinal doses, relieve pain + produce skeen, In poisonous doses, “ese produce stupor, Coma, Convulsions + Ultimately drat, “ese analgesics ate chiefly used for the seicer of postoperative pain, candiac pain + pains of teiminal cances + = in child bith. Antinicyobiaha - drugs which ate used to Cure diseases caused by migobes of miciooiganisms Auch an bacteria, Vuse, Fang i ete arr called antimicrnbialo. Antibiotics, antiseplics + duninsectants ae antimicobiak dau Antibiotics - oAk difined an chemical substance produced wholly of pantially by chemical synthesis which in low concentration, either Rath of inhibit He growth of maicroorganinins Ar intervening in thes metabokic prousses- Types of antibiotics - Te aniibiokes can be eith bacteriostatic Bactercidal - penicillin, Arninoglycosidi.s , ofloxacin: - Exythrornydn, Tetvacycing, chlovornphanicol en bactericidal oF Bacterxiostas Bioad spechurn ankibiokics - Ankbiotics hich Kuk oF hile a arde Yange of Gram-positive + Gram- nygative bacteria ate said fo be brad spechum antibiokcs. €g: chlotarnphsnicol , Ampidiiiin , Amoxyashio Noriow specaum anfibiokics- Hose esFecive mainly against Grom positive Of Giarm- negative bacteria adr nasi specu antibiotics. €q: Panicitlin G TF effeckve against a singe otgaruo of diseane, they ake Aefered fo an Kirnited spectium antibiotics fokseptcs + diniotctants - Aniiseptes + dissecans aX aloo he chemicals which either KL of patent “he growth oF miciooiganwams Antiseptics - the chemical substances which ae aned fo vither KUL ot prevent the giowth of muicio-orgarunms They ada safe fo be apphiad to fixing tissues + Can be Sofely appli on wound , cuts, ulcers + diseased Skin sutfaces Be €q: Fudavine, Soffamicine , dettol (mixture of cbloroxyleno! + teapingol) , Bithionol (addid fo soaps impart antiseptic Propertien) , Jodine (2-37 solution is aleahol- water mixiure is Known an fine of lading) , Sodofoim , Bore aud Disinfectants - the chemical swkstancn which awe uned fo Kil raicvo- ofgarunrns Jruk they cannot be opphiad on Living fissuno- Thure ade commonky applied f inanimalr objecto Such os floors, dnainage systero , (struments ete 0-7. Sdlution of phtnol acts ay antisephe + Ih I. Salukon ade an doinfectont. Antifeitility digs - chemtcal substances which at uned to check plegnangy # women ah called anti- Feit dng o bith contol pule of Sal contiagptives - These cont! she fermale manstiuak oydle + ovulation £9: Notethindsone, hynylestiadiol (movestro!) ABKKctak SUlettening Agen _ Tene ott fhe chemical compound which gee swetering effect fo dhe food + whonce its odow + S1QNOUA ) Sacchanin ( ortho - sulphobengimida) - I about 590 fimtg ao swut on cane Sugan de > Heed fro the ody io urine unchanged dk oppeans fo be ently Lut + barmiers When Loken. 2 Primarily uned on a Suleetening agent Ly dioberte patiants + by those people who nud fe contol intake 4 calories: 1) Aspartame gt abouk wo Amin an swUk an suciose Aspartame io anstabte at coking Kmpetaturay +2 it 5 uned an Sugar Substitute to Gld fodo + Soft drinks w) Alitamt - 36% more gel than anpartame. at high poten gy suutend, + IE © dificult fo contol the swestness 4, te food to which it ls added- N) Sucyolose - tts applatina + tof, ade Like sugar Jt © otabte at Cooking kmpuratme - k dow not provide calories - Food PAtsuwotives_- Food plesenvalives phavent spoilage of food dus fo microbiak growth €g: tobe salt, Sugar, vegetable culo, sodliurn benjoake. + salln af sorbic avid + propancic acid Soaps - Soaps aht Sodium of potassium salts of bong chain Canboxylic acide - Soaps cannot be ured in hard water sine calcium + mag rusiun fons prwment io bard water react with soap 4 form wiidy chub Prcipitafi of Calturn + reagnasium salts of fably acidy . these insoluble Soap get precipitated an scum + hinw a part of Soap to Wanted. His scum citafts hindrance to good wanhing becaung it adheres fo fibres of the doth as 4guonmy mass AS H, CooNa + Cacl, —> 2Nacl + CGatys°O0), @ Scan, Delerngents - Synthekie dakergents classified into ¢hage categories ) Anionic dafiengents ~ Anionic detergents ake Sodium salts of Sulphonafed Long chain alcohols of bydkocanbonn - Alky! hydhogensulphates faired ay eating Long chain alcohols with concentvated Sulphuric oid OM Neutiatixd with alkali to fotrn anionic dahergents Alkyl benzene Sulphonalas ate obtained by neutsalising ally] benzene sulphonic acid with alkale . Sodiun salts of alkylbenyenesulphonaten AX on temportant class of anionic detergents ) Ny) -g- £4: Sodiuin lourylsutphak, sodium dodeelbenzerusulphonake Cokione dateagents - Cationic ditergents oh quarternary aramoniun Salts oF amines arth acctakes chlorides ov bromides QD anions. Catonic paxt possess a long hydaocaton chain + @ positive charge on nitYagen aforn 4g: Cetyltvimnethylaramoniurs bromide , bb uned io har Onditionas Non-ionic_difingents - Non-(onic ditingents do not contain any ior im ther constitution: 4 detergent ferred when Stearic acid reacts wrth polyethylene glycol. - poly etbySene Glycol Stearate Kqpid dhshwanhing dateragents contain non-ionic duleheenk> Anionic dafeagents OAK mostly uned for hourebold work 4 ake aloo uned in frothparkis cobtonic dalengents have germicidal propertinn + ag expennive .'. there alt of Lmiled une: forme gle” Gsaronteps apes leas highly bYanchd by daocaron chain coune pollukon in vives + other Wola ways. Te YWanen being dhok Sida chains stop bacteria from gtackibe 4 byeaking the chains. his ‘sults in slow dagiadation of dafargert rookecwle Leading fo than accumulation . Effluants containing Such dafergents each +he ters, Ponda ee - These pasist io wakes evn afer sewage treatment + (aude foaming in YS, Stans 4 pondo + thus dhuy water gets polluted. aq Sine, ubbtanched (& stiaight) chains Ok more P1OPe to attack by bacteria, -. io most of the dater genes sect thane days, the branching is kept & 0 Minimum so that the detergents Aecome easily hiodsgiadable + Aine pollution © prevented: Antioxidants - antioxidants ale Substento which prevent of ehord the oxidative dutertoiation of food: £4: Butyloted bydioyy folune (BHT) + Butylatid, hydiogy anisole (6H) These phanolic Compoundn ak added do paeseave fats in Pockaged foado - Sulpbus dioxide + sulpbites (sodium sulphite, sodium Lisulpbite + Sodium metobisulphite :) ake useful antioxidants fox Wine + buss, SugasS Sytups + CUt, Pwled ox dried fruits 4 vegetables. They prevent of reduce they dudcloutation .

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