Bai Tap Lon PP PTHH 61XE1 28 August 19 PDF

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A. Assignments

Assignment 1: Consider the bar system given in the following Figure

Use Excel to:

- Create the global stiffness matrix, force node vector and displacement node vector.
- Calculate the internal forces in all bar members and displacements at all nodes.
Assignments 2: Consider the frame structure given in the following Figure

Use Excel to:

- Create the global stiffness matrix, force node vector and displacement node vector.
- Calculate the internal forces in all frame members and displacements at all nodes.
Assignments 3: Use ETABS software to determine internal forces and node displacements
for bar and frame structures given in Assignment 1 and 2. Compare these results to those
calculated by Excel. Comment on the differences.

Assignment 4: Consider the shear wall structure given in the following Figure

Use ETABS software to investigate the convergence of the horizontal displacement at

Node A in mesh refinement study. Construct the relationship between the number of shell
elements and the displacement at Node A to estimate the accuracy of the numerical
model. Comment on it.

Assignment 5: Consider a structural plan of a 5-storey building in the following

Figure. The typical story height is 3.3 (m) and the overall building height is 16.5
(m). Construct the finite element model using ETABS with the specific requirements as
- The FE model should consist of three load cases, including (i) Dead load (DL) with
uniform load on slabs q1 = 4 kN/m2 and line load q2 = 10 kN/m on beams D-
1,3,4,5,6; (ii) Live load (LL) with uniform load q3 = 2.4 kN/m2 on slabs; (iii) Wind
load WLXLR in X direction (from left to right) 4 kN/m assigned on beam D-4 at all
storey levels.
- To construct three load combination: (i) COMB1=1.0*DL+1.0*LL; (ii)
COMB2=1.0*DL+0.9*LL+0.9*WLXLR, (iii) COMB3=1.0*DL+0.9*LL-0.9*
WLXLR. Print out the diagrams of shear forces and bending moments for beams at
the first, second and fifth floors for COMB1,2 and 3.
- Print out the axial force diagrams in columns along Elevation A and D for
COMB1,2 and 3.
- Compare the bending moment and shear forces in beams at 1st, 2nd, and 5th.
Compare the axial force and bending moment in column at these three storeys.
Comment the differences.

B Additional requirements
 Excel and Etabs files in Assignments 1, 2 and 3 should be completed before 2/9.
Etabs file and excel, word files in Assignment 4 and 5 should be completed before
6/9. The assignment files should be zipped and named after the student name and
student ID (for example NguyenvanA-3412) and be sent to the monitor at the
same deadlines.
 The final report on paper size A4 with a cover should be completed before
Wednesday 10/9
 The necessary input data and general notes are presented in the following tables
 Any copied files will be heavily punished, there will be zero tolerance.

C. Notes:
1. Bar and frame members in Assignments 1 and 2 are made of steel material

(E=2,1x108 kN/m2) with a cross-section of 0.20 (m) x 0.20 (m).

2. The thickness of Shear wall in Assignment 4 is 0.30 (m). The wall is constructed

with concrete B25 (E=3.0x107 kN/m2)

3. Reinforced concrete frame structure in Assignment 5 is made of Concrete Grade

B25 (E=3.0x107 kN/m2)

4. Students should use kN, m units in his/her calculation.
Trường Đại học Xây dựng
Học kỳ 1 - Năm học 2019-2020
Môn/nhóm: 030215 - Các phương pháp số trong cơ học kết cấu nhóm 61XE1
CBGD: Phạm Xuân Đạt
STTMã Sinh Viên Tên Sinh Viên Mã lớp a (m) B (m) H (m) W (kN) L (m) L1 (m) Note
1 1500161 Lê Nguyên An 61XE1 4 20 4 5 200 4 4
2 1661 Trịnh Trường An 61XE1 4 25 4 5.5 220 4 4.2
3 3861 Khuất Tiến Anh 61XE1 4 30 4 6 240 4 4.4
4 1531060 Trần Quốc Anh 60XE1 4 35 4 6.5 260 4 4.6
5 11361 Trần Tuấn Anh 61XE1 4 40 4 7 280 4 4.8
6 25061 Nguyễn Văn Công 61XE1 4 45 4 7.5 300 4 5
7 26461 Trần Kim Cương 61XE1 4 50 4 8 320 4 5.2
8 28661 Nguyễn Đức Cường 61XE1 4 55 4 8.5 340 4 5.4
9 34361 Đặng Anh Dũng 61XE1 4 60 4 9 360 4 5.6
10 1509661 Bùi Đình Khánh Duy 61XE1 4 65 4 9.5 380 4 5.8
11 38961 Bùi Ngọc Dương 61XE1 4 70 4 10 400 4 6
12 42561 Chu Văn Dưỡng 61XE1 4.2 20 4.2 5 200 4.2 4
13 61761 Nguyễn Xuân Đức 61XE1 4.2 25 4.2 5.5 220 4.2 4.2
14 66361 Trần Văn Giang 61XE1 4.2 30 4.2 6 240 4.2 4.4
15 67361 Lê Quang Hà 61XF 4.2 35 4.2 6.5 260 4.2 4.6
16 80261 Phạm Văn Hiệp 61XE1 4.2 40 4.2 7 280 4.2 4.8
17 81961 Đặng Quang Hiếu 61XE1 4.2 45 4.2 7.5 300 4.2 5
18 99661 Vũ Văn Hoàng 61XE1 4.2 50 4.2 8 320 4.2 5.2
19 1519761 Bùi Kim Hùng 61XE1 4.2 55 4.2 8.5 340 4.2 5.4
20 513861 Thiều Phi Hùng 61XE1 4.2 60 4.2 9 360 4.2 5.6
21 1519561 Hoàng Quang Hưng 61XE1 4.2 65 4.2 9.5 380 4.2 5.8
22 127261 Đoàn Văn Khôi 61XE1 4.2 70 4.2 10 400 4.2 6
23 127561 Nguyễn Minh Khôi 61XE1 4.4 20 4.4 5 200 4.4 4
24 130461 Nguyễn Văn Kiên 61XE1 4.4 25 4.4 5.5 220 4.4 4.2
25 39560 Nguyễn Duy Linh 61XE1 4.4 30 4.4 6 240 4.4 4.4
26 1527161 Vũ Mạnh 61XE1 4.4 35 4.4 6.5 260 4.4 4.6
27 154261 Nguyễn Trọng Minh 61XE1 4.4 40 4.4 7 280 4.4 4.8
28 1528261 Phùng Công Minh 61XE1 4.4 45 4.4 7.5 300 4.4 5
29 154961 Tô Anh Minh 61XE1 4.4 50 4.4 8 320 4.4 5.2
30 160461 Nguyễn Văn Nam 61XE1 4.4 55 4.4 8.5 340 4.4 5.4
31 1530861 Nguyễn Đức Nhân 61XE1 4.4 60 4.4 9 360 4.4 5.6
32 180661 Nguyễn Thu Phương 61XE1 4.4 65 4.4 9.5 380 4.4 5.8
33 1533961 Hoàng Việt Quang 61XE1 4.4 70 4.4 10 400 4.4 6
34 197161 Nguyễn Văn Sơn 61XE1 4.6 20 4.6 5 200 4.6 4
35 1538761 Nguyễn Đình Thành 61XE1 4.6 25 4.6 5.5 220 4.6 4.2
36 207961 Lê Văn Thắng 61XE1 4.6 30 4.6 6 240 4.6 4.4
37 1541561 Phạm Thành Tiến 61XE1 4.6 35 4.6 6.5 260 4.6 4.6
38 230761 Nguyễn Đức Tín 61XE1 4.6 40 4.6 7 280 4.6 4.8
39 182260 Trần Xuân Tính 60XE2 4.6 45 4.6 7.5 300 4.6 5
40 3077258 Trần Anh Tuân 58XE2 4.6 50 4.6 8 320 4.6 5.2
41 248461 Bùi Anh Tuấn 61XE1 4.6 55 4.6 8.5 340 4.6 5.4
42 249261 Đoàn Mạnh Tuấn 61XE1 4.6 60 4.6 9 360 4.6 5.6
43 258661 Nguyễn Hữu Tùng 61XE1 4.6 65 4.6 9.5 380 4.6 5.8
44 260861 Trần Đình Tùng 61XE1 4.6 70 4.6 10 400 4.6 6
45 269161 Vũ Đức Vinh 61XE1 4.8 70 4.8 10 400 4.8 6.2

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