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The Graduate School will host a one hour online open forum for Graduate Students on Tuesday, March

31 from 4-5 pm. All University of Utah Graduate and Professional students are welcome to join.

The Graduate School is hosting this Zoom video meeting to seek feedback and questions from graduate
and professional students across campus.

We want to know how students are doing this semester, especially given the rapid changes to the
delivery of graduate education due to the coronavirus epidemic. We will also update the community on
the status of the graduate school, and seek suggestions you may have for helping you finish a successful
Spring semester.

The Deans, faculty, and staff of the Graduate School will be online for the meeting, and will be able to
answer you specific questions regarding medical and health insurance, tuition benefits, CR/NC options
for Spring 2020 grading, work assignments, thesis office, or whatever issues that may concern you. The
meeting will be recorded and a copy of the meeting will be made available on the Graduate School's
COVID-19 information page:

Please join us this Tuesday, March 31, 4-5 pm for the Graduate School Town Hall for Graduate Students.

The Zoom coordinates for the meeting at the bottom of this email.

See you Tuesday!

Dave Kieda
Dean, The Graduate School
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
University of Utah
302 Park Building
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-9016
(801)-581-6926 (phone)
(801)-585-6749 (fax)

Graduate School Town Hall- Graduate Student Open Forum

Tuesday, March 31⋅4:00 – 5:00pm

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