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Faculty : Engineering and Science : UEME 2123
Bachelor of Engineering
(Hons) Chemical / Civil/
Course : Unit Title : Fluid Mechanics 1
Material/ Mechatronic/
Mechanical Engineering
Academic Lecturer
: 2020/2021 : Dr. Ooi Jong Boon
Session : 202005 Tutorial : 1

Chapter 1: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

1) If 𝑉 is a velocity, ℓ length, and 𝜈 a fluid property having dimensions of 𝐿2 𝑇 −1 , which of

the following combinations are dimensionless: (a) 𝑉ℓ𝜈, (b) 𝑉ℓ⁄𝜈 , (c) 𝑉 2 𝜈 (d) 𝑉 ⁄ℓ𝜈 . [Ans:
(a) no, (b) yes, (c) no, (d) no]

2) A formula for estimating the volume rate of flow, 𝑄, over the spillway of a dam is,

𝑄 = 𝐶 √2𝑔𝐵(𝐻 + 𝑉 2 ⁄2𝑔)3/2

where 𝐶 is a constant, 𝑔 the acceleration of gravity, 𝐵 the spillway width, 𝐻 the depth of
water passing over the spillway, and 𝑉 the velocity of water just upstream of the dam. Would
this equation be valid in any system of units? Explain. [Ans: Yes]

3) A rigid tank contains air at a pressure of 620 kPa and a temperature of 15°C. By how much
will the pressure increase as the temperature is increased to 43°C? [Ans: 680.28 kPa]

4) For air at standard atmospheric pressure the value of the constants that appear in the
Sutherland equation are C = 1.458 x 10-6 kg/(m.s.K1/2) and S = 110.4K. Use these values to
predict the viscosity of air at 10°C and 90°C and compare with values given in Table B.4 in
the appendix. [Ans: For T = 10°C, µ = 1.765 × 10-5 Ns/m2; For T = 90°C, µ = 2.13 × 10-5

1 UEME 2123 Fluid Mechanics 1

5) A 10 kg block slides down a smooth inclined surface as shown in the figure. Determine the
terminal velocity of the block if the 0.1 mm gap between the block and the surface contain
SAE 30 oil at 15°C. Assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear, and the area of the
block in contact with the oil is 0.1 m2. [Ans: 0.0883 m/s]

2 UEME 2123 Fluid Mechanics 1

6) Calculate the speed of sound in m/s for (a) gasoline, (b) mercury, and (c) seawater. [Ans: (a)
c = 1.38 km/s, (b) c = 1.45 km/s, (c) 1.51 km/s]

7) Oxygen at 30°C and 300 kPa absolute pressure expands isothermally to an absolute pressure
of 120 kPa. Determine the final density of the gas. [Ans: 1.52 kg/m3]

8) Compare the isentropic bulk modulus of air at 101 kPa (abs) with that of water at the same
pressure. [Ans: 1.52 × 104]

9) A Newtonian fluid having a specific gravity of 0.92 and a kinematic viscosity of 4×10-4 m2/s
flows past a fixed surface. Due to the no-slip condition, the velocity at the fixed surface is
zero, and the velocity profile near the surface is shown in the figure below. Determine the
magnitude and direction of the shearing stress developed on the plate. Express your answer
in terms of U and δ, with U and δ expressed in units of meters· per second and meters,
respectively. [Ans: 0.552 U/δ N/m2 acting to left on plate]

10) An open 2 mm diameter tube is inserted into a pan of ethyl alcohol, and a similar 4 mm
diameter tube is inserted into a pan of water. In which tube will the height of the rise of the
fluid column due to capillary action be the greatest? Assume the angle of contact is the same
for both tubes. [Ans: 0.787, Water column height is greatest]

11) A 12-mm diameter jet of water discharges vertically into the atmosphere. Due to surface
tension the pressure inside the jet will be slightly higher than the surrounding atmospheric
pressure. Determine this difference in pressure. [Ans: 12.2 Pa]

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Chapter 2: Fluid Statics

1) A mercury manometer is connected to a large reservoir of water as shown in the figure.

Determined the ratio, hw/hm, of the distance hw and hm indicated in the figure. [Ans: 26.14]

2) A U-tube manometer is connected to a closed tank as shown in the figure. The air pressure
in the tank is 3.4 kPa and the liquid in the tank is oil (γ = 8.5kN/m3). The pressure at point A
is 13.78 kPa. Determine: (a) the depth of oil, z and (b) the differential reading, h on the
manometer. [Ans: (a) 1.22 m, (b) 0.63 m]

3) Determine the elevation difference, Δh, between the water levels in the two open tanks
shown in the figure. [Ans: 0.04 m]

4 UEME 2123 Fluid Mechanics 1

4) A square 3 m × 3 m gate is located in the 45° sloping side of a dam. Some measurements
indicate that the resultant force of the water on the gate is 500 kN. (a) Determine the pressure
at the bottom of the gate. (b) Show on a sketch where this force acts. [Ans: (a) 66.0 kPa, (b)
8.11 m]

5) A gate having the shape shown in the figure below is located in the vertical side of an open
tank containing water. The gate is mounted on a horizontal shaft. (a) When the water level is
at the top of the gate, determine the magnitude of the fluid force on the rectangular portion
of the gate above the shaft and the magnitude of the fluid force on the semicircular portion
of the gate below the shaft. (b) For this same fluid depth determine the moment of the force
acting on the semicircular portion of the gate with respect to an axis which coincides with
the shaft. [Ans: (a) For rectangle, 1060 kN; For semicircle, 1010 kN, (b) 1.37 × 106 Nm]

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6) Two square gates close two openings in a conduit connected to an open tank of water as
shown in the Figure below. When the water depth, h, reaches 5 m it is desired that both gates
open at the same time. Determine the weight of the homogeneous horizontal gate and the
horizontal force, R, acting on the vertical gate that is required to keep the gates closed until
this depth is reached. The weight of the vertical gate is negligible, and both gates are hinged
at one end as shown. Friction in the hinges is negligible. [Ans: Weight = 314 kN, R = 497

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