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2013 Vol.8 No.



Zhao Lidong 1, Wei Xiaoquan 1,2, Cong Tao1, Guo Weiwei 1, Lin Chang 2, Yang Shiming1

Introduction uble and can be filtrated from the glomerulus and then
exhausted in the urine. Under normal circumstances, on-
Hyperbilirubinemia is common in the new born ow- ly a small part of unconjugated bilirubin is not com-
ing to their special metabolism characteristics. Physio- bined with albumin which is not harmful to the nervous
logic bilirubin levels are protective because of their anti- system.
oxidant effects[1], while pathological jaundice is harmful
to the health of the neonate. Previously, most pathologi- Hyperbilirubinemia and Injury of Bilirubin
cal studies on the jaundice of neonates have concentrat- to the Hearing System
ed on central nuclei in the auditory brainstem. Later, epi-
demiological investigation has demonstrated that the pa- Albumin can act as the carrier of UCB and prevent
thology is highly related with auditory neuropathy. That bilirubin from penetrating cell membrane when they
is to say, hyperbilirubinemia can also cause injury to pe- combine together. The concentration of albumin is usual-
ripheral hearing pathways. The present review mainly il- ly far higher then that of bilirubin. When they combine
lustrates the neurotoxic effects on the hearing system by tightly at the ratio of 1:1, the concentration of free biliru-
bilirubin and treatment aspects of auditory neuropathy. bin does not rise. Under some situations, such as when
red blood cells break in large scales as in the new born
Metabolism of Pilirubin baby whose liver DUPGT is not mature with less than
fully developed blood-brain-barrier, or as in pathologi-
Bilirubin is a kind of pigment containing tetrapyrrol cal hemolysis or use of certain drugs (sulfa drugs,
structure and the final decomposition product of pro- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, biliary contrast
teins containing heme, such as hemoglobin, myoglobin agent and free fatty acid) that compete for binding to
and cytochrome. Average daily production of bilirubin is plasma albumin, increase of plasma UCB can happen in
about 250~350 mg in adults. When the red blood cells the newborn baby’s body. As UCB is not only lipid-sol-
are engulfed and digested by mononuclear macrophages uble, but also able to pass through the blood-brain barri-
or rectuloendothelial cells, heme is released from hemo- er and cell membrane, its’neurotoxic property can lead
globin and turned into biliverdin under the action of vari- to neuronal damage.
ous enzymes (heme oxygenase, NADPH, cytochrome c Bilirubin is harmful at multiple sites in the auditory
reductase) in the cytomicrosome. Bileverdin is then system, including central auditory nuclei such as dorsal
turned into unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) by biliverdin and ventral cochlear nucleus, superior olivary nucleus,
reductase. UCB is fat-soluble and is carried to the liver trapezoid body and lateral lemniscus[2]. Long exposure
when bound with plasma albumin. In the smooth sur- to bilirubin can result in extensive neuronal injury in the
faced endoplasmic reticulum, UCB is turned into conju- hearing system. Previous studies suggested that the inju-
gated bilirubin under the catalysis by UDP-glucuronosyl ry was confined to the central auditory system and that
transferase (UDPGT). Conjugated bilirubin is water-sol- the cochlea and the auditory nerve were not affected [3-5],

Affiliation: Corresponding authors:

Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Zhao Lidong and Yang Shiming
Surgery, Institute of Otolaryngology, Chinese PLA
General Hospital, Beijing, 100853, China
Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck
Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical
University, Fuzhou, 350005, China

2013 Vol.8 No.1

but latest epidemiologic study evidence revealed that hy- teasome. It protects neurons through oxidizing harmful
perbilirubinemia was highly associated with auditory cysteine residues. Neurons that don’t express DJ-1 are apt
neuropathy and that the incidence is positively correlat- to undergo apoptosis when they are exposed to UCB[17],
ed with bilirubin concentration in blood[6]. Studies on which suggests that DJ-1 is able to protect neurons un-
the peripheral hearing system of Gunn rats with nuclear der the oxidative stress induced by bilirubin. Long term
jaundice revealed that spiral ganglion neurons showed culture with UCB down regulates DJ-1 expression,
severe degeneration, especially those in large nerve fi- which may be part of the reason why neurotoxicity in-
bers with myelin, while no morphological change was creases with time extension in jaundice[18].
observed in hair cells[7]. Ye et al (2012) demonstrated
that bilirubin could cause demyelination and nerve fi- Neural Excitotoxity
bers decrease in the Habenula perforate. The synapses
between hair cells and afferent nerve ends were also Beside oxidative stress, neuronal apoptosis is also relat-
damaged without visible change in the inner or outer ed with excitotoxity. UCB may inhibit the uptake of excit-
hair cells[8]. Although nobody has demonstrated that bili- atory neurotransmitter glutamate in the central nervous
rubin affects the excitement of spiral ganglion neurons, system[19], which results in the accumulation of glutamate
injury on the SGN by bilirubin will inevitably cause neu- between the synapses and leads to over activation of glu-
ronal dysfunction, leading to mild to profound hearing tamate receptors including N-methyl-D-aspartate
loss based upon exposure time and intensity[2]. The rea- (NMDA) receptors. Many studies have demonstrated that
son why SGN is particularly sensitive to the toxic ef- NMDA receptor inhibitors may relieve bilirubin induced
fects of bilirubin is unclear. neural excitotoxity and neuron function decline [20-22]. In
addition, bilirubin induces increased release of gluta-
Molecular Mechanisms of Bilirubin Neuro- mate from presynaptic membrane and activates both
toxicity NMDA and AMPA receptors, which in turn cause con-
tinuous firing of post synapses neurons and excessive
Oxidative Stress Na + and Ca2 + entering post synapses neurons through
receptor-gated channels along with Cl- and H2O[23]. The
The level of membrane bound hemoglobin in the overloaded Ca2 + binds with calmodulin (CaM), acti-
blood, regarded as the symbol of oxidative stress, is vates many Ca2 +-CaM dependent protein kinases and
higher in moderate jaundice infants compared with mild signaling pathways, results in wide phosphorylation of
jaundice infants[9]. In vitro, UCB disrupts normal reduc- signaling molecular and activation of a number of en-
tion-oxidation (REDOX) state in the mitochondria of zymes, e.g. esterase (including arachidonic acid metabo-
neurons, which results in significantly higher levels of lites), phosphokinase A, phosphokinase C, etc., which
reactive oxygen species (ROS), protein oxidative prod- then launch a series of gene expression and formation of
ucts and lipid peroxidation products[10-11]. Besides, oxida- oxygen free radicals[24]. When exposed to bilirubin, ex-
tive stress also leads to damage to synapses[12], as well as pression of Calbindin-D28k and parvabumin in the bili-
DNA and therefore reduces cell proliferation[13], which is rubin sensitive cochlear nucleus and superior olivary nu-
related with the down regulation of glutathione (GSH) cleus complexes is down regulated[25]. As Calbin-
and the dynamic decline of DJ-1 protein. As a kind of din-D28k can activate Ca2 +/Mg2 +-ATP and block ex-
low molecular weight mercapto compound, glutathione cessive accumulation of Ca2+ in the brain by buffering
(GSH) is abundant in neurons and plays important roles Ca2+ in the neuron. Decrease of calmodulin aggravates
in antioxidantion. Bilirubin can decrease GSH concen- the overloading of Ca2+. In addition, in the bilirubin ex-
tration and its function and cause neurotoxicity[13], which posed neuron, the activity of Calmodulin kinase II is in-
will in turn aggravate injury to the mitochondria and hibited[26], which will inevitably lead to impairment of
cause out of control oxidative stress[14]. What’s more, the central neuvous system where the signaling transmis-
GSH concentration in neuron is lower then in astrocyte, sion is mainly dependent on Calmodulin kinase II.
which results in more ROS, protein oxidative products Along with the accumulation of these ions and changes
and lipid peroxidation products than in astrocyte[15] and of gene expression, post synapses neurons become swol-
apoptosis or necrosis of affected neuron. The DJ-1 pro- len, and the integrity of cellular organs and membranous
tein, a kind of atypical peroxidase body in the cell, is ca- structures are ruined. Cytoplasm contents are then re-
pable of removing H2O2 and resisting ROS activity[16], leased into the extracellular space and, finally, neurons
especially in the case of H2O2 increase[17]. Moreover, damaged.
DJ-1 is a sensor of ROS in cells and will over express in UCB is able to swiftly increase tumor necrosis factor
the case of oxidative stress and declined function of pro- receptors (TNFR1) on the surface of astrocytes and oli-

2013 Vol.8 No.1

godentoglia and induce inflammatory reactions, as well is capable of finding the effects of bilirubin on the neural
as apoptosis[27-28]. UCB may also activate nuclear factor system at an early stage, which usually demonstrates as
κB (NF-κB) and/or mitogen-activated protein kinase wave interval elongation and decline of wave amplitude.
(MAPK) signaling pathway. NF-κB, as a transcription The change of ABR will recover if the baby undergoes
factor, is decisive in UCB induced astrocyte activation hemodialysis[35-36]. The maximum length sequence brain-
and/or cytotoxicity, and is able to induce production of stem auditory evoked response (MLS BAER) is also
some cellular factors such as TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6, etc. used for monitoring CNS injury in neonates, which is
MAPK is a regulator in inflammatory reaction by astro- more sensitive in detecting auditory pathway lesions
cytes[29], involved in the expression of many cell factors[30]. caused by hyperbilirubinemia and helps decrease false
Excessive production and releasing of NF-κB and negative rate than brainstem auditory evoked response
MAPK may injure glial cells and neurons during the pro- (BEAR)[37].
cess of UCB neurotoxicity[28]. Besides, the microglia is Early diagnosis and treatment is very important for
also an important inflammation induction cell in the cen- language and intelligence development in babies with
tral nervous system[31] that reacts to stimulation by UCB impaired hearing. Hearing screening in neonatal babies
and involved in the disintegration of neurons by releas- has been used in the clinic, which usually includes tran-
ing glutamate and NO. Therefore, there are multiple sient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) and auto
mechanisms involved in the neurotoxicity of bilirubin. auditory brain-stem responses (AABRs). Studies show
We propose that they may work at different sites of a re- that babies with abnormal results of any one or both of
action cascade or via different signaling pathways trig- these two screening methods correlate to the same occur-
gered by bilirubin. These pathways may promote and in- rence of hearing loss and warrant follow-up monitoring.
fluence each other and in the end lead to the degenera- Although AABR is easy to implement, it does not effec-
tion, apoptosis or even necrosis of the delicate tender tively assess low frequency hearing ability. Sometimes,
neurons. it is necessary to conduct joint screening with ABR and
40Hz auditory event-related potential (40Hz-AERP).
Prevention and Treatment of the Auditory Treatment studies on Gunn rats showed that minocy-
Neuropathy Induced by Hyperbilirubine- cline could protect neurons from acute neurotoxicity in-
mia duced by bilirubin. The earlier the treatment, the better
recovery of brainstem auditory evoked potential[38]. Gly-
It is a consensus nowadays that hyperbilirubinemia is coursodeoxycholic acid (GUDCA) and taurine were
harmful to the auditory system. There are usually two or proved to be able to inhibit the inflammatory injury of
more risk factors to the hearing that are simultaneously UCB to the neuron[11, 39-40]. Thus monocycline, GUDCA
present in a newborn baby, e.g. premature birth, sepsis, and taurine may be useful and potentially supplemental
and Rh hemolysis. In this case, even slight increase of therapy in treating hyperbilirubinemia in neonates when
bilirubin level may lead to acute ABR abnormality, with blue light is not sufficient.
mild jaundice and neural function impairment[32]. All Traditional hearing aids are not effective in treating
these risk factors have to be taken into consideration in hearing loss in auditory neuropathy patients as it is good
order to prevent the occurrence of auditory neuropathy. in amplifying exogenous sound but the main problem in
Shapiro et al. (2003) stated that the prediction accuracy patients with auditory neuropathy is poor speech discrim-
may be higher if one takes into account of the level of ination with relatively less severe hearing threshold dete-
free bilirubin, UCB, total bilirubin, albumin and pH si- rioration. On the other hand, hearing aids may further in-
multaneously[33]. With a more sensitive method to detect jure patients’hearing because the amplified sound may
free bilirubin and a reliable risk threshold, the sensitive be harmful to hair cells in the inner ear. Cochlear implan-
and specificity of utility of blood indices may be im- tation, as a substitution therapy to severe or profound
proved, which will be useful for the prevention of biliru- hearing loss, may be helpful in some patients with audi-
bin toxicity[34]. tory neuropathy caused by hyperbilirubinemia, especial-
The Neonatal behavioral neurological assessment ly in premature infants with profound hearing loss
(NBNA), an index for observing behavioral ability with caused by nuclear jaundice or in those with OTOF gene
high sensitivity and specificity, is able to detect malfunc- mutation. Although cochlear implant (CI) is helpful in
tion of the newborn brain. The Auditory brainstem re- some AN patients, it is expensive and requires sophisti-
sponse (ABR), commonly used in otological clinical cated surgical operation. What’s more, the sound per-
work up is very sensitive in finding nerve impairment in ceived by the patients via CI is often distorted and
many pathologic conditions such as brain injury, meta- un-natural. Thus the CI is not perfect for treating AN pa-
bolic disorders, demyelination and bilirubin exposure. It tients.

2013 Vol.8 No.1

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