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CBSE XII | Chemistry

Board Paper – 2006

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper - 2006
Time : 3 hours Total Marks: 70

General instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks for each question are indicated against it.
3. Question numbers 1 to 8 are very short- answer questions carrying 1 mark each.
Answer these in one word or about one sentence each.
4. Question numbers 9 to 18 are short-answer questions, carrying 2 marks each.
Answer these in about 30 words each.
5. Question numbers 19 to 27 are short answer questions, carrying 3 marks each.
Answer these in about 40 words each.
6. Question numbers 28 to 30 are long answer questions of carrying 5 marks each.
Answer these in about 70 words each.
7. Use Log Tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not permitted.

Q. 1 A cubic solid is made of two elements X and Y. Atoms Y are at the corners of the cube
and X at the body center. What is the formula of the compound? [1]

Q. 2 Two liquids A and B boil at 145 oC and 190 oC respectively. Which of them has a higher vapour
pressure at 80 oC? [1]

Q. 3 For the reaction A  B, the rate of reaction becomes twenty seven times when the
concentration of A is increased three times. What is the order of the reaction? [1]

Q. 4 Write the IUPAC name of: CH3CH(Br)CH2CONHCH3. [1]

Q. 5 Give a chemical test to distinguish between aniline and N-methyl aniline. [1]

Q. 6 (a) Draw the structure of XeF2 molecule.

(b) Write the outer electronic configuration of Cr atom (Z = 24). [2]

Q. 7 What is meant by entropy-driven reaction? How can a reaction with positive changes
of enthalpy and entropy be made entropy driven? [2]

Q. 8 Write balanced chemical equations for the following reactions:

 a Ca3P2  H2O 
b  XeF6  3H2O  [2]
Q. 9 Write chemical equations for the reactions involved in the manufacture of potassium
permanganate from pyrolusite ore. [2] 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

Q. 10 What are enantiomers? Draw the structures of the possible enantiomers of

3-methyl pent-1-ene. [2]

Q. 11 Write the reactions and the conditions involved in the conversion of :

(a) Propene to 1- Propanol

(b) Phenol to Salicylic acid [2]

Q. 12 Write the structures of monomers used in the preparation of :

(a) Teflon
(b) PMMA

(a) How does vulcanization change the character of natural rubber?

(b) Why are the numbers 66 and 6 put in the names of nylon - 66 and nylon -6? [2]

Q. 13 State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. An electron has a velocity of 50 ms−1

accurate up to 99.99%. Calculate the uncertainty in locating its position?
(Mass of electron = 9.1 ×10−31 kg, h = 6.6 × 10 −34 Js). [3]

Q. 14 An element has a body centered cubic structure with a cell edge of 288 pm. The
density of the elements is 7.2 gcm-3. Calculate the number of atoms present is 208 g of the
element. [3]

Q. 15 (a) Why is the vapour pressure of a solution of glucose in water lower than that of water?
(b) A 6.90 M solution of KOH in water contains 30% by mass of KOH. Calculate the density of the
KOH solution?

[Molar mass of KOH = 56 g mol-1] [3]

Q. 16 Answer the following in brief:

(a) Which of the two isomers of butane is more stable at 25°C and why?
Given [n-butane (ΔfH 0 = −120 kJ mol−1) and iso-butane (ΔfH0 = −130 kJ mol−1)]
(b) For the change H2O (l)  H2O (g), predict the sign of ΔS.
(c) For the reaction N2(g) + 3H2 (g)  2NH3 (g), predict whether work is done by the
system or on the system and why? [3]

Q. 17 The rate of a particular reaction triples when temperature changes from 50 oC to100 oC.
Calculate the activation energy of the reaction.

[Given log 3 = 0.4771; R = 8.314 JK-1 mol-1] [3]

Q. 18 (a) How can a colloidal solution and true solution of the same colour be distinguished from
each other?
(b) List four applications of adsorption.
OR 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

Explain the following observation:

(a) Lyophilic colloid is more stable than lyophobic colloid.
(b) Coagulation takes place when sodium chloride solution is added to a colloidal solution of ferric

(c) Sky appears blue in colour.

Sol. 19 Name the chief ore of silver. Describe with chemical equations the extraction of
silver from this ore. [3]

Q. 20(a) Using valence bond theory predict the geometry and magnetic behaviour of
[Cr (NH3)6]3+ ion [Cr = 24].

(b) Write IUPAC name of: [Pt (NH 3)2Cl2] [3]

Q. 21 (a) The isotope of decays in 14 steps, by loss of 8 α-particles and 6 β- particles.
What are the mass number and atomic number of the end product?
(b) Write the equation for the complete reaction (D, α).
(c) How is the nuclear binding energy related to the stability of the nucleus? [3]

Q. 22 (a) Describe the following giving suitable examples:

(i) Cannizzaro reaction (ii) Aldol condensation

(b) Give a chemical test to distinguish between ethanal and propanal. [3]

Q. 23 Account for the following:

(i) Electrophilic substitution in case of aromatic amines takes place more readily than benzene.
(ii) CH3CONH2 is a weaker base than CH3CH2NH2.

(iii) Nitrocompounds have higher boiling points than hydrocarbons having almost same
molecular mass. [3]

Q. 24 Define the following and give one example of each:

(a) Tranquillisers
(b) Mordant
(c) Hybrid rocket propellants [3]

Q. 25 (a) Explain why electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl gives H2 at cathode and Cl2 at
anode. Write overall reaction.

(b) Calculate the emf of the cell Zn|Zn2+ (0.1 M) || Cd2+ (0.01 M)|Cd at 298 K, [Given
E0Zn2+/Zn = - 0.76 V and E0Cd2+/Cd = - 0.40 V ]
OR 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

(a) Account for the following:

(i) Alkaline medium inhibits the rusting of iron.
(ii) Iron does not rust even if the zinc coating is broken in a galvanized iron pipe.

(b) Cu2  2e  Cu, Eo  0.34V

Ag  e  Ag, Eo  0.80V

(i) Construct a galvanic cell using the above data.
(ii) For what concentration of Ag+ ions, will the emf of the cell be zero at 25 o C, if the
concentration of Cu2+ is 0.01 M?
[log 3.919 = 0.593] [5]

Q. 26 Give reasons for each of the following:

(a) Molten aluminum bromide is a poor conductor of electricity.
(c) Nitric oxide becomes brown when released in air.
(d) PCl5 is ionic in nature in the solid state.
(e) Ammonia acts as a ligand.
(f) Sulphur disappears when boiled with an aqueous solution of sodium sulphite.

Name the principal ore of tin or lead. Describe the different steps (along with equations for
the reactions) involved in the extraction of the metal from the ore named. Name an
important alloy of each, tin and lead. [5]

Q. 27

(a) State two main differences between globular proteins and fibrous proteins.

(b) Based on their chemical composition, state how are lipids classified? Give one example
of each class.

(a) 'Hormones are chemical messengers'. Explain.

(b) Name the main disease caused due to lack of the vitamin and its source in each of the
following: A, B6 and E. 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper – 2006 (Solution)
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

Sol. 1 The atom at the body centre makes a contribution of 1 to the unit cell, while the atom
at the corner makes a contribution of 1/8 to the unit cell.
Thus, number of atoms Y per unit cell
= Number of atoms × Contribution per unit cell
= 8 (at the corners) × 1/8 atoms per unit cell
Thus, number of atoms X per unit cell
= Number of atoms × contribution per unit cell
= 1 (at the body centre) × 1
Thus, the formula of the given compound is XY.

Sol. 2 Liquid A has higher vapour pressure at 80 oC because of its lower boiling point.

Sol. 3 Let r = k[A]n

Then 27r = k[3A]n [According to question]
27r k 3A
or 33 3n
r n
k A
Order of reaction, n = 3.

Sol. 4 3-Bromo - N-methyl - butanamide.

Sol. 5 When warmed with chloroform in the presence of alc. KOH, aniline gives offensive
smell of isocyanides while N-methyl aniline does not give this test.
C6 H5 NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH  C6H5NC + 3KCl + 3H2O
Aniline Phenylisocyanide

Sol. 6
(a) XeF2 has a linear structure.
F - Xe - F
(b) The outer electronic configuration of Cr atom is 3d5 4s1.

Sol. 7 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 8
a Ca3P2  6H2O  2PH3  3Ca OH2
b XeF6  3H2O  XeO3  6HF 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

Sol. 9 Preparation of potassium permanganate: Potassium permanganate is prepared

by the fusion of MnO2 (pyrolusite) with potassium hydroxide and an oxidizing agent like
KNO3 to form potassium manganate (green mass), which disproportionate in a neutral or
acidic solution to form permanganate.
2MnO2  4KOH  O2  2K2MnO4  2H2O
manganate (greenmass)
3K2MnO4  4HCl  2KMnO4  MnO2  2H2O  4KCl

Sol. 10 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 11
1 H O
 a 3CH3CH  CH2  2 BH3 2   CH3CH2CH2 3 B 
2 2

 3CH3CH2CH2OH  H3BO3
Pr opene Diborane Tripropylborane 1  Pr opanol

Sol. 12
(a) Tetrafluoroethylene : CF2 = CF2
(b) Methyl methacrylate

(a) Heating rubber with sulphur causes cross-linking of polymer chains through disulphide
bonds. This makes rubber hard stiff. It prevents the intermolecular movement of rubber
springs resulting in change of physical character of rubber.
(b) Nylon - 6 is obtained from the monomer caprolactum which contains 6 carbon atoms.
Nylon - 66 is condensation polymer of hexamethylene - diamine and adipic acid, the two
monomers have 6 carbon atoms each.

Sol. 13 Not in current syllabus 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

Sol. 14 Volume of unit cell = (288 pm)3 = (288 10-10 cm)3

= 2.389 10-23 cm3
Mass 208g
Volume of 208 g of the element = 28.89cm3
Density 3

Total volume 28.89 cm3

Number of unit cells = 23
Volume of a unit cell 2.389 10 cm3
= 12.09 1023
For a b. c. c. structure, number of atoms per unit cell = 2
Number of atoms present in 208 g
= No. of atoms per unit cell No. of unit cells
= 2 12.09 1023 = 24.18 1023 = 2.418 1024.

Sol. 15
(a) A part of the water surface is occupied by non - volatile glucose molecules. This
decreases the effective surface area for the vaporization of water molecules. Consequently,
the vapour pressure of solution of glucose in water is lower than that of water.
(b) A 6.90 M solution contains 6.90 mol of KOH in 1000 cm3 of the solution.
Mass of KOH present in 1000 cm3 of solution = 56 x 6.90 = 386.4 g
A 30% solution contains 30g of KOH present in = 100 g of solution
100 386.4
386.4 g of KOH is present in = g
= 1288 g of solution
Mass 1288 g
Density of KOH solution =
Volume 1000 cm3
= 1.288 g cm-3.

Sol. 16 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 17 T1 = 273 + 50 = 323 K, T2 = 273 + 100 = 373 K,

K2 = 3k1
k Ea 1 1 3k1 Ea 1 1
log 2 log
k1 2.303R T1 T2 k1 2.303R T1 T2
Ea 1 1
1 1 323K 373K
2.303 8.31 Jmol K
Ea 50
1 323 373
2.303 8.314 Jmol
0.477 2.303 8.314 323 373
22011.76 Jmol 1 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

Sol. 18
(a) The path of light becomes visible when passed through the colloidal solution while it is
not visible in case of true solution. This is because of Tyndall effect caused by the scattering
of light by colloidal particles.
(b) Applications of adsorption:
(i) Activated charcoal is used in gas masks to remove poisonous gases such as CH1, CO, etc.
(ii) Animal charcoal is used as decolouriser in the manufacture of sugar.
(iii) Silica is used for removing moisture.
(iv) The ion exchange resins are used for removing hardness of water.


(a) A lyophilic sol is stable due to the charge and the hydration of sol particles. Such a sol
can only be coagulated by removing the water and adding solvents like alcohol, acetone,
etc. and then an electrolyte.
On the other hand, a lyophobic sol is stable due to the charge only and hence can be easily
coagulated by adding small amount of an electrolyte.
(b) The colloidal particles get precipitated i.e., ferric hydroxide is precipitated. When an
excess of electrolyte (e.g., NaCl solution) is added to the colloidal solution of ferric
hydroxide. This is because of the fact that colloids interact with the ions carrying the charge
opposite (Cl−) to the one present on them. This causes neutralisation, which leads to their
(c) The atmospheric particles of colloidal range scatter blue component of the white
sunlight preferentially. That is why the sky appears blue.

Sol. 19 Argentite, which is a sulphide ore, is the chief source of silver.

It is extracted by the process of leaching with a dilute solution of sodium cyanide.
Silver dissolves and forms a complex, argentocyanide. It is further treated with scrap zinc,
which displaces silver from the complex. This is called displacement method or
hydrometallurgy. The chemical reactions involved are given below. 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

Sol. 20
(a) The oxidation number of chromium (Cr) in [Cr (NH3)6]3+ ion is +3. Electronic
configuration of Cr is [Ar] 3d54s1.

Since the resulting complex [Cr(NH3)6]3+ involves d2sp3 hybridisation, it is octahedral in

shape. The presence of three unpaired electrons in the complex makes the complex
(b) IUPAC name of [Pt (NH3)2Cl2] is diamminedichloridoplatinum (II).

Sol. 21 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 22
(a) (i) Cannizzaro reaction: Aldehydes having no α-hydrogen atoms undergo self oxidation
and reduction (disproportionation) reactions on treatment with a concentrated alkali. In
such reactions, one molecule of aldehyde gets oxidised to form an acid and the other
molecule of aldehyde gets reduced to form an alcohol.
For example, two molecules of formaldehyde, in the presence of concentrated NaOH,
produce methanol and sodium formate.
HCHO  HCHO 
Methanal Methanol Sodium formate
(ii) Aldol condensation: In the presence of a dilute alkali, aldehydes and ketones (having at
least one α-hydrogen atom) produce β-hydroxyl aldehyde (aldol) and β-hydroxyl ketone
respectively. The aldol and ketol then readily lose water to give α, β-unsaturated carboxyl
compounds. Such reactions are called aldol condensation.
For example, in the presence of dil. NaOH, ethanal (aldehyde) produces 3-hydroxybutanal
(aldol), which then readily loses water to produce but-2-enal.

(b) When warmed with iodine and sodium hydroxide solution, ethanal gives yellow
crystals of iodoform.
Propanal does not give this iodoform test 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

CH3CHO  4NaOH  3I2 
 CH3I  HCOONa  3NaI  3H2O
Ethanal Iodoform

Sol. 23
(i) Benzene ring in aromatic amines is highly activated. This is due to the displacement of
lone pair of nitrogen towards the ring, which results in the increase in the electron density
on the ring. This facilitates the electrophilic attack on the ring.
(ii) In CH3CONH2, the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom is involved in resonance with
the carbonyl group. So the electron pair of nitrogen is not easily available for protonation.
Hence CH3CONH2 is a weaker base than CH3CH2NH2.
(iii) Nitro compounds are polar compounds whereas hydrocarbons are non-polar. Due to
their polarity, nitro compounds have higher boiling points than the hydrocarbons having
almost same molecular mass.

Sol. 24
(a) Tranquillisers are the neurologically active drugs. They are the class of chemical
compounds used for the treatment of stress, anxiety, and mild or severe mental
diseases. They are essential components of sleeping pills.
(b) Not in current syllabus
(c) Not in current syllabus

Sol. 25
(a) At cathode, the following reduction reactions can take place:

A reduction reaction with higher reduction potential is preferred. Therefore, the reaction at
the cathode during electrolysis is

This is why electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl gives H2 at the cathode.

At anode, the following oxidation reactions can take place:

At anode, the reaction with lower value of E0 is preferred. But, due to overvoltage,
oxidation of chloride ion occurs and chlorine gas is obtained. Hence, the reaction at the
anode during electrolysis is

This is why electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl gives Cl2 at the anode.
The overall cell reaction is given below. 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

(a) Emf of the given cell = Eocathode - Eoanode
= [- 0.40 - (- 0.76)] V
= [-0.40 + 0.76] V = 0.36 V
Thus, the emf of the given cell is 0.36 V.

(a) (i) The alkaline medium prevents the availability of H+ ions. This in turn reduces rate of
oxidation of Fe to Fe2+. Thus, the rusting of iron is inhibited.
(ii) Even if the zinc coating is broken in an iron pipe, the remaining zinc layer undergoes
oxidation in preference to iron because of its more electropositive nature than iron. Hence
iron does not rust.
(b) (i) Since E0Ag+/Ag is greater than EoCu2+/Cu so reduction will occur at silver electrode. The
cell representation is
Cu(s) | Cu2 Ag | Ag(s)
(ii) The cell reaction is:
Cu + 2Ag+ (aq)  Cu2+ (Aq) + 2Ag(s)
Clearly, n = 2
E0cell E0anode 0.80 0.34 0.46V

0.059 Cu2
At 25oC, Ecell = E0cell - log
given Ecell 0

0.059 0.1
0 0.46V log
2 2

0.1 0.46 2
log 15.6
2 0.059
Antilog 15.6 3.98 1015
2 0.1
Ag 2.51 1017
3.98 10
Ag 5.00 10 M.

Sol. 26
(a) Aluminium bromide exists as a dimer, Al2Br6. In this structure, each aluminium atom
forms one coordinate bond by accepting a lone pair of electrons from the bromine atom of
another aluminum bromide molecule and thus completes an octet of electrons. Due to the
lack of free electrons, molten aluminum bromide is a poor conductor of electricity.
(b) Nitric oxide reacts with air to get oxidized into NO2 which has brown yellow vapours.
2NO + O2  2NO2 7
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2006

(c) In solid state, PCl5 exists as [PCl4]+ [PCl6]- and hence it is ionic in nature. Due to ionic
nature, it conducts current on fusion.
(d) N atom in ammonia has lone pair of electrons which can coordinate with other atoms or
cations needing electron pair for stability.
(e) Not in current syllabus
Not in current syllabus

Sol. 27
(a) Differences between globular proteins and fibrous proteins

Globular proteins Fibrous proteins

They are cross-linked They are linear
condensation polymers of condensation products.
acidic and basic amino
They are usually soluble in They are generally insoluble
water. in water.
(b) Not in current syllabus
(a) Hormones are molecules that transfer information from one group of cells to distant
tissue or organ and thus control the metabolism. So they act as chemical
Vitamins Deficiency disease Sources
Vitamin A Harding of cornea of eye Fish liver oil, butter,
Vitamin B6 Serve dermatitis, Yeast, milk, egg yolk
Vitamin E Sterility. Vegetable oils 8
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper - 2007
Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2.Marks for each question are indicated against it
3.Question numbers 1 to 5 are very short answer questions, carrying 1 mark each. Answer
these in one word or about one sentence each.
4.Question numbers 6 to 12 are short answer questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answer
these in about 30 words each.
5.Question numbers 13 to 24 are short answer questions of 3 marks each. Answer these in
about 40 words each.
6.Question numbers 25 to 27 are long answer questions of carrying 5 marks each. Answer
these in about 70 words each.
7.Use Log Tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not permitted.

Q. 1 What is the number of atoms per unit cell in a body centered cubic structure? [1]

Q. 2 Define osmotic pressure? [1]

Q. 3 For the reaction

Cl2(g) + 2NO(g)  2NOCl(g)
the rate law is expressed as
rate = k[Cl2] [NO]2

What is the overall order of this reaction? [1]

Q.4 Write the IUPAC name of the compound:

Q. 5 Why do nitro compounds have high boiling points in comparison with other
compounds of same molecular mass?
Q. 6 State 'Pauli's exclusion principle'. Explain giving an example how this principle limits
the maximum occupancy of an energy level in an atom.
State 'Aufbau principle' and give the order in which the energies of orbitals increase and
hence they are filled in that order. [2] 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

Q. 7 A reaction with rGo < 0, always has an equilibrium constant value greater than 1.
Why? [2]

Q. 8 Write balanced chemical equations for the following reactions:

(i) Aluminium dissolves in aqueous hydrochloric acid
(ii) Tin reacts with a hot alkali solution [2]

Q. 9 Write the structures of the following species:

(i) H3PO2
(ii) H2SO5 [2]

Q. 10 Identify whether the following pairs of compounds are structural or geometrical



Q. 11 How would you account for the following:
(i) Phenols are much more acidic than alcohols.
(ii) The boiling points of ethers are much lower than those of the alcohols of comparable
molar masses. [2]

Q. 12 Draw the structure of the monomer of each of the following polymers:

(i) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
(ii) Nylon- 6 [2]

Q. 13 Write the molecular orbital configurations of the following species and rearrange
them in the increasing order of their bond lengths: N2 ,C2 andO2
Q. 14 Explain each of the following with a suitable example:
(i) Paramagnetism
(ii) Piezoelectric effect
(iii) Frenkel defect in crystals [3]

Q. 15 In the production of water gas, the reaction involved is:

C(s) + H2O(g)  CO(g) + H2(g), rH ° = +131.4 kJ mol-1
For this reaction, rS ° is +134 JK-1 mol-1. Find out the spontaneous feasibility of this
reaction at (i) 25°C and (ii) 1000°C.Q [3] 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

Q. 16 An antifreeze solution is prepared from 222.6 g of ethylene glycol [C2H4(OH)2] and

200 g of water. Calculate the molality of the solution. If the density of this solution be 1.072
g mL-1, what will be the molarity of the solution? [3]

Q. 17 The decomposition of NH3 on platinum surface,

2NH3  g  N2  g  3H2  g

is a zero order reaction with k = 2.5 10-4 Ms-1. What are the rates of production of N2 and
H2? [3]

Q. 18 Explain the following terms giving a suitable example in each case:

(i) Emulsification
(ii) Homogeneous catalysis

Define adsorption. Write any two features which distinguish physisorption from
chemisorption. [3]

Q. 19 How would you account for the following?

(i) The lower oxidation state becomes more stable with increasing atomic number in Group
(ii) Hydrogen fluoride is much less volatile than hydrogen chloride.
(iii) Interhalogen compounds are strong oxidising agents. [3]

Q. 20 Write the name and draw the structures of each of the following complex
(i) Co(NH3)4 (H2O)2] Cl3
(ii) [Pt(NH3)4] [NiCl4)] [3]

Q. 21 The net nuclear reaction of a radioactive decay series is written as:

Write three pieces of information that you get from the above equation. [3]

Q. 22 Give chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds:

(i) Propanal and propanone
(ii) Methyl acetate and ethyl acetate
(iii) Benzaldehyde and benzoic acid [3]

Q. 23 How would you achieve the following conversions:

(i) Nitrobenzene to aniline
(ii) An alkyl halide to a quaternary ammonium salt
(iii) Aniline to benzonitrile
Write the chemical equation with reaction conditions in each case. [3] 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

Q. 24 (i) Give an example of a hybrid propellant.

(ii) What are acid dyes?
(iii) Name a food preservative which is most commonly used by food producers. [3]

Q. 25 (a) Describe the general trends in the following properties of the first series of the
transition elements:
(i) Stability of +2 oxidation state
(ii) Formation of oxometal ions
(b) Assign reason for each of the following:
(i) Transition elements exhibit variable oxidation states
(ii) Transition metal ions are usually coloured
(a) Write the steps involved in the preparation of
(i) K2 Cr2 O7 from Na2CrO4
(ii) KMnO4 from K2MnO4
(iii) Calomel from corrosive sublimate
(b) What is meant by lanthanoid contraction? What effect does it have on the chemistry of
the elements which follow lanthanoids? [5]

Q. 26 (a) Calculate the emf of the cell

Mg(s) |Mg2+ (0.1 M) Cu2+ (1 10-3 M)| Cu(s)
Given: Eo Cu2+/Cu = +0.34 V, Eo Mg2+/Mg = -2.37 V,
(b) Explain with examples the terms weak and strong electrolytes.
(a) The resistance of a conductivity cell containing 0.001 M KCl solution at 298 K is 1500
. What is the cell constant, if the conductivity of 0.001 M KCl solution at 298 K is
0.146 10 3 Scm-1?
(b) Predict the products of electrolysis in the following:
A solution of H2SO4 with platinum electrodes. [5]

Q. 27 (a) Name the three major classes of carbohydrates and give an example of each of
these classes:
(b) Answer the following:
(i) What type of linkage is responsible for the primary structure of proteins?
(ii) Name the location where protein synthesis occurs in our body.
(a) How are lipids classified? Give an example of each class.
(b) Explain the following terms:
(i) Mutarotation
(ii) Avitaminosis [5] 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper – 2007 (Solution)
Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

Sol. 1 No. of atoms per unit cell in BCC structure = 2

Sol. 2 Osmotic pressure: The external pressure that must be applied to the solution side
to stop the passage of solvent into the solution through a semi- permeable membrane is
known as osmotic pressure. It is denoted by  .

Sol. 3 Overall order of this reaction =1 + 2 = 3

Sol. 4

IUPAC name: 2, 4-dimethylpentan-3-one.

Sol. 5 Due to polarity, there is strong electrostatic attraction between the nitrogen and
oxygen atoms of a nitro group hence the boiling points of nitro compounds are unusually
high in comparison with other compounds of same molecular mass.

Sol. 6 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 7 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 8 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 9
(i) Structure of H3PO2 (phosphinic acid) 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

(ii) Structure of H2SO5 (Peroxomonosulphuric acid)

Sol. 10 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 11
(i) Phenols are more acidic than alcohols. It can be explained on the basis that alcohol on
loosing H+ ion forms alkoxide ion and phenol forms phenoxide ion.

The greater acidity of phenol is due to the stability of the phenoxide ion, which is resonance
stabilized as shown below.

(ii) The boiling Points of ethers are much lower than those of alcohols of comparable molar
masses because unlike alcohols, they cannot form intermolecular hydrogen bonds. 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

Sol. 12
Monomer of PVC is vinyl chloride

(ii) Monomer of Nylon-6 is amino caproic acid

Sol. 13 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 14
(i) Paramagnetism: Materials which are weakly attracted by magnetic fields are called
paramagnetic materials and the property thus exhibited is called paramagnetism.
Paramagnetic substances contain unpaired electrons, e.g. TiO, CuO, O2 and VO2 etc.
(ii) Piezoelectric effect: When electricity is produced due to the displacement of ions, on the
application of mechanical stress, or the production of mechanical stress and/or strain due
to atomic displacement on some polar crystals on the application of electric field, it is
known as piezoelectric effect. Quartz shows this property.
(iii) Frenkel defect in crystals: Frenkel defect occurs when an atom or ion (generally cation)
leaves the normal site in the crystal lattice (creating a vacancy) and occupies on interstitial
site. This defect is generally found is silver halides like AgCl, AgBr etc because of the small
size of Ag+ ions.

Sol. 15 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 16 Molar mass of ethylene glycol C2H4(OH)2 = 12x2 + 1x4 + 16 x2 + 1x2

M2 = 24 + 4 + 32 + 2 = 62 g mol-1
Mass of ethylene glycol, w2 = 22.6 g
Mass of water, w1 = 200g
w2 1000
Molality =
M2 w1
222.6 1000
62 200
Calculation of Molarity
Total mass of antifreeze solution =222.6 +200 = 422.6 g
Mass 422.6
Volume of this solution V =
Density 1.072 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

= 394.22 mL
w2 1000
M2 V
222.6 1000
62 394.22

The reaction is
Sol. 17
2NH3  g  N2  g  3H2  g

Here k = 2.5 10-4 M s-1

The order of the reaction is zero i.e.,
Rate = k [Reactant]o
Rate = 2.5 10-4 1 = 2.5 10-4 mol L-1 S-1
d 1 d
N2 H2
dt 3 dt
The rate of formation of N2 = 2.5 10-4 mol L-1 S-1
1 d
2.5 10 4 H2
3 dt
H2 7.5 10 4
Therefore, rate of formation of H2 = 7.5 10-4 mol L-1 S-1

Sol. 18
(i) Emulsification: The process of making emulsion is known as emulsification. To stabilize
an emulsion, an emulsifying agent or emulsifier is added. Soaps and detergents are most
frequently used as emulsifiers.
(ii) Homogeneous catalysis: When the reactants and the catalyst are in the same phase,
process is said to be homogeneous catalysis.
Example: Oxidation of sulphur dioxide into sulphur trioxide with oxygen in the presence of
oxides of nitrogen as the catalyst in a lead chamber.
The reactants, sulphur, dioxide and oxygen and the catalyst nitric oxide, are all in the same
Adsorption: Molecules in the gaseous or liquid phase can adhere to solid surfaces, this
phenomenon is called adsorption.
Physisorption: In physisorption, the adsorbate is held on the surface by weak Vander Waals
forces. It is reversible in nature.
Chemisorption: In chemisorptions, the forces holding the adsorbate on the surface are as
strong as experienced in chemical bonding. It is irreversible in nature.

Sol. 19
(i) Not in current syllabus
(ii) Fluorine is more electronegative than chlorine. Therefore, HF undergoes stronger H-
bonding than HCl. Hence, HF is much less volatile than HCl. 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

(iii) Halogens are very electronegative, so they act as strong oxidising agents. In interhalogen
compounds, X-X' bond is very weak and can be easily broken. As a result, interhalogen
compounds also act as strong oxidising agents.

Sol. 20
(i) Tetraminediaqua cobalt (III) chloride
(ii) Tetraamineplatinum (II) tetrachloronilcate (II).

Sol. 21 Not in current syllabus

Sol. 22
(i) Propanal and propanone can be distinguished by Tollen's test. Propanal will form the
silver mirror. Propanal give this test but propanone (Ketones) do not respond to this test.
RCHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2]+ + 3OH-  RCOO- + 2Ag + 2H2O + 4NH3
Silver mirror
(ii) Methyl acetate and ethyl acetate can be distinguished by the iodoform test of their
hydrolysis products When ethyl acetate is boiled with excess of NaOH, ethyl alcohol and
sodium acetate is formed. When this alkaline solution is heated with I2, yellow precipitate
of iodoform is formed.

On hydrolysis, methyl acetate gives methyl alcohol that does not respond to the iodoform
test. 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

(iii) Benzaldehyde and benzoic acid can be distinguished by the NaHCO3 test. Being an acid,
benzoic acid responds to this test, but benzaldehyde does not.
Benzoic acid reacts with sodium bicarbonate to liberate CO2.

Sol. 23

373K RX RX
R-X + NH3   RNH2   R2NH   R3N

Alkyl Halide 1o amine 2o amine 3o amine

R3N  R 4N+X-

Quaternary ammonium salt (4o )

(iii) 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

Sol. 24
(a) Not in syllabus
(b) Acid dyes are usually salts of sulphonic acids. For example, orange I is an acid dye.

(c) Sodium benzoate (C6H5COONa) is most commonly used by food producers as a food

Sol. 25

It is evident from the above table that the maximum number of oxidation states is shown
by Mn, varying from +2 to +7. The numbers of the oxidation states increase on moving from
Sc to Mn. On moving from Mn to Zn, the numbers of the oxidation states decrease due to a
decrease in the number of available unpaired electrons. The relative stability of the +2
oxidation state increases on moving from top to bottom. This is because on moving from
top to bottom, it becomes more and more difficult to remove the third electron from the d
(ii) The elements of the first series of transition metals form a variety of oxides of different
oxidation states having general formulae MO, M2O3, M3O6, MO2, MO3, etc. All metals except
Sc form MO oxides which are ionic in nature. Beyond group 7, no higher oxides except
Fe2O3 are known. The oxocations stabilise as VO2+ , VO2+ and TiO2+.
(i) Transition metals have incompletely filled d orbitals. As a result, they exhibit variable
oxidation states. 7
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

(ii) Transition metal ions undergo d-d transition of electrons by absorbing light from the
visible region of electromagnetic spectrum. Due to this d-d transition, colour is imparted to
transition metal ions.

(a) (i) 2Na2 CrO4 + H2SO4  Na2 Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2

Sod. Chromate Sod. dichromate
Na2 Cr2O7 + 2KCl  K2 Cr2O7 + 2NaCl
Sod. Dichromate Pot. dichromate
(ii) The potassium manganate is oxidised to potassium permanganate by oxidation with
2K2 MnO4 (aq) + Cl2(g)  2KMnO4 (aq) + 2KCl(a)
(iii) HgCl2 + Hg  Hg2Cl2
Calomel (Mercury (I) Chloride)
(b) Lanthanoid Contraction: The steady decrease in the atomic and ionic radii of
lanthanoid elements with increase atomic number is called lanthanoid contraction.
(i)The basic strength of the oxides and hydroxide of
lanthanoids decreases with increasing atomic number.
(ii) Lanthanum hydroxide La(OH)3 is most basic and Lutetium hydroxide Lu (OH)3 is least

Sol. 26
(a) The cell reaction is
Mg + Cu2+ (Aq)  Mg2+ (aq) + Cu
Nernst equation for the cell e.m.f. is

=2.71 – 0.0295 log 0.1 103

= 2.71 – 0.0295 2 log 102
= 2.71 – 0.0295 2 log 10
= 2.71 – 0.059
= 2.659 V
(b) Weak Electrolytes: The electrolytes which are not completely dissociated into ions in
solution are called weak electrolytes. 8
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2007

Examples: CH3 COOH, NH4 OH, HCN etc.

Strong Electrolytes: The electrolytes which are completely dissociated into ions in solution
are called strong electrolytes.
Examples: HCl, KCl, NaOH, NaCl
(a) Given
Resistance = 1500 ohm
Conductivity = 0.146 10 3 Scm 1
Molarity of KCl = 0.001 M
Cell Cons tan t
Conductivity =
Re sis tan ce
Cell Cons tan t
0.146 10-3 =
Cell constant = 0.146 10 3 1500
= 0.219 cm-1
(b) H2 SO4 2H+ + SO42-
At anode : 2OH-  H2O + 1/2O2 + 2e-
Cathode : 2H+ + 2e-  H2

Sol.27 (a) Based on structure, the carbohydrates have been classified into three main
(i) Monosaaccharides
Example: Glucose, fructose
(ii) Disaccharides:
Example: Maltose, Sucrose
(iii) Polysaccharides
Example: Starch, glycogen
(b) (i) The primary structure of a protein determines its functions and biological activity.
(ii) Protein synthesis takes place in ribosomes.


Not in current syllabus. 9
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper - 2008
Time: 3 hours Toatl Marks: 70

General instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question numbers 1 to 8 are very short answer questions and carry 1 marks each.
3. Question numbers 9 to 18 are short answer questions and carry 2 marks each.
4. Question numbers 19 to 27 are also short answer questions are carry 3 marks each.
5. Question number 28 to 30 are long answer questions and carry 5 marks each.
6. Use log tables if necessary, use of calculators in not allowed.

Q. 1 What is the coordination number of each type of ions in a rock-salt type crystal
structure? [1]

Q. 2 Define the term 'order of reaction' for chemical reactions. [1]

Q. 3 What cause Brownian movement in a colloidal solution? [1]

Q. 4 In which one of the two structures, NO2 and NO2 , the bond angle has a higher
value? [1]

Q. 5 Write the IUPC name of the following compound:


| | |
CH3 OH CH3 [1]

Q. 6 Arrange the following compounds in an increasing order of their acid strengths:


Q. 7 Write a chemical reaction in which the iodide ion replaces the diazonium group in a
diazonium salt. [1]

Q. 8 Name a substance that can be used as an antiseptic as well as a disinfectant. [1]

Q. 9 Explain as to why haloarenes are much less reactive than haloalkanes towards nucleophilic
substitution reactions.
Which compound in each of the following pairs will react faster in SN2 reaction with -OH? Why?
(i) CH3 Br or CH3I 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

(ii) (CH3)3 CCl or CH3 Cl [2]

Q. 10 (a) State the IUPAC name of the following compound :

(b) Complete the following chemical equations:

CH3CH2CH  CH2  HBr  

Q. 11 State Henry's law correlating the pressure of a gas and its solubility in a solvent and
mention two applications for the law. [2]

Q. 12 A first order decomposition reaction takes 40 minutes for 30% decomposition.

Calculate its t1/2 value.

Q. 13 What is meant by the 'rate constant, k' of a reaction? If the concentration be

expressed in mol L-1 units and time in seconds, what would be the units for k (i) for a zero
order reaction and (ii) for a first order reaction? [2]

Q. 14 Define the following terms in relation to proteins:

(i) Peptide linkage

(ii) Denaturation [2]

Q.15 List the reactions of glucose which cannot be explained by its open chain structure. [2]

Q. 16 Assign a reason for each of the following statements:

(i) Ammonia is a stronger base than phosphine.

(ii) Sulphur in vapour state exhibits a paramagnetic behaviour. [2]

Q. 17 Draw the structures of the following molecules:

(i) SF4

(ii) XeF4 [2]

Q. 18 What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable detergents? Give one example of

each class. [2] 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

Q. 19 What is a semiconductor? Describe the two main types of semiconductors and

explain mechanisms for their conduction. [3]

Q. 20 Calculate the temperature at which a solution containing 54 g of glucose, (C6 H12 O6), in 250 g
of water will freeze.

(Kf for water = 1.86 K mol-1 kg) [3]

Q.21 What are lyophilic and lyophobic sols? Give one example of each type. Which one of
these two types of sols is easily coagulated and why? [3]

Q. 22 State briefly the principles which serve as basis for the following operations in metallurgy:
(i) Froth floatation process
(ii) Zone refining

(iii) Refining by liquation [3]

Q. 23 Write chemical equations for the following processes:

(i) Chlorine reacts with a hot concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide.
(ii) Orthophosphorous acid is heated
(iii) PtF6 and xenon are mixed together
Complete the following chemical equations:
(i) Ca3P2(g) + H2O(l)  ...
(ii) Cu2+ (aq) + NH3(aq)  ...

(iii) F2(g) + H2O (l)  ... [3]

Q. 24 (a) What is a ligand? Give an example of a bidentate ligand.

(b) Explain as to how the two complexes of nickel, [Ni(CN)4]2- and Ni(CO)4, have different
structures but do not differ in their magnetic behaviour. (Ni = 28) [3]

Q. 25 Name the reagents which are used in the following conversions:

(i) A primary alcohol to an aldehyde
(ii) Butan -2 - one to butan-2-ol

(iii) Phenol to 2, 4, 6-tribromophenol [3]

Q. 26 Account for the following observations:

(i) pkb for aniline is more than that for methylamine.
(ii) Methylamine solution in water reacts with ferric chloride solution to give a precipitate of ferric

(iii) Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction. [3] 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

Q. 27 Write the names and structures of the monomers of the following polymers:
(i) Buna-S
(ii) Neoprene

(iii) Nylon-6 [3]

Q. 28 Conductivity of 0.00241 M acetic acid solution is 7.896  10-5 S cm-1. Calculate its molar
conductivity in this solution. If m for acetic acid be 390.5 S cm2 mol-1, what would be its
dissociation constant?

Three electrolytic cells A, B and C containing solutions of zinc sulphate, silver nitrate and
copper sulphate, respectively are connected in series. A steady current of 1.5 ampere was
passed through them until 1.45 g of silver were deposited at the cathode of cell B. How long
did the current flow? What mass of copper and what mass of zinc were deposited in the
concerned cells? (Atomic masses of Ag = 108, Zn = 65.4, Cu = 63.5) [5]

Q. 29 Assign reasons for the following:

(i) The enthalpies of atomisation of transition elements are high.
(ii) The transition metals and many of their compounds act as good catalyst.
(iii) From element to element, the actinoid contraction is greater than the lanthanoid contraction.
(iv) The Eo value for the Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is much more positive than that for Cr3+/Cr2+.
(v) Scandium (Z = 21) does not exhibit variable oxidation states and yet it is regarded as a transition
(a) What may be the possible oxidation state of the transition metals with the following d electronic
configurations in the ground state of their atoms:
3d34s2, 3d54s2 and 3d64s2. Indicate relative stability of oxidation states in each case.

(b) Write steps involved in the preparation of (i) Na2CrO4 from chromite ore and (ii)
K2MnO4 from pyrolusite ore. [5]

Q.30 (a) Complete the following reaction statements by giving the missing starting material,
reagent or product as required:

(b) Describe the following reactions:

(i) Cannizaro reaction 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

(ii) Cross aldol condensation

(a) How would you account for the following:
(i) Aldehydes are more reactive than ketones towards nucleophiles.
(ii) The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are lower than of the corresponding acids.
(iii) The aldehydes and ketones undergo a number of addition reactions.
(b) Give chemical tests to distinguish between:
(i) Acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde

(ii0 Propanone and propanol 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper – 2008 (Solution)
Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

Sol. 1 6:6 or 6

Sol. 2 The sum of powers of the concentration terms of the reactants in the rate law
expression is called the order of that chemical reaction.
rate = k[A] [B]
p q

Order of reaction = p + q

Sol. 3 Brownian movement is caused due to unbalanced bombardment of the colloidal

particles by the molecules of the dispersion medium.

Sol. 4 NO2 has a higher value of bond angle than NO2 because NO2 has a lone pair of
electron attached to it . Due to the repulsion between them, the Bond angle is reduced.

Sol. 5 2,5-Dimethylhexane -1,3-diol.

Sol. 6 (CH3)2 CHCOOH < CH3 CH (Br) CH2 COOH < CH3CH2CH(Br)COOH

Sol. 7 C6H5 N2 Cl- + KI  C6H5I + KCl + N2

Sol. 8 Phenol (or any other correct one)

Sol. 9 Aryl halides are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution because of any of the
following reasons:
(i) Due to resonance effect stabilization of haloarenes, the energy of activation for
displacement of halogen for haloalkanes is much lower than that from haloarenes.
(ii) Sp2 hybridization in haloarenes being more electronegative than sp3 in haloalkanes.
(i) CH3 I, Because iodine is a better leaving group due to its larger size.
(ii) CH3 Cl, the presence of bulky group on the carbon atom in (CH3)2 CCl has an inhibiting

Sol. 10(a) 1-Bromobut-2-ene

(b) CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 Br

Sol. 11 Henry's law states that at a constant temperature, the solubility of a gas in a liquid
is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas over the solution.
Applications: 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

(i) To increase the solubility of CO2 in soft drinks and soda water, the bottle is sealed under
high pressure.
(ii) Scuba divers must cope with high concentrations of dissolved Nitrogen with breathing
air at high pressure underwater. To avoid this air is diluted with He.
(iii) At high altitudes, the partial pressure of oxygen is less than that at the ground level. Low blood
oxygen causes anoxia.

Sol. 12
2.303 Ao
k log
t A
2.303 100
k log
40 min 70
k 0.155 0.00892 min 1
t1 / 2
t1 / 2 min
t1 / 2 77.7 min

Sol. 13 Rate constant 'k' of a reaction is defined as the rate of reaction when the
concentration of the reactant(s) is unity. / or Rate constant is the proportionality factor in
the rate law.
(i) Unit for 'k' for a zero order reaction = mol L-1 s-1
(ii) Unit for 'k' for a first order reaction = s-1

Sol. 14 (i) Peptide linkage: Peptide linkage is an amide (-CO-NH-) bond formed between -
COOH and -NH2 group in protein formation.
(ii) Denaturation: When a protein in its native form, is subjected to physical change like
change in temperature or chemical change like change in pH, protein loses its biological
activity. This is called denaturation of protein.

Sol. 15 (i) Despite having the aldehyde group, glucose does not give 2,4-DNP test or Schiff's
(ii) It does not form the hydrogen sulphite addition product with NaHSO3.

Sol. 16 (i) The lone pair of electrons on N atom in NH3 is directed and not
diffused/delocalized as it is in PH3 due to larger size of P/ or due to availability of d-orbitals
in P.
(ii) S2 molecule like O2, has two unpaired electrons in antibonding orbitals hence it
exhibits a paramagnetic behavior in vapour state. 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

Sol. 17 SF4


Sol. 18 Biodegradable detergents are those detergents which are easily degraded by the
micro-organisms and hence are pollution free.
ex. Soap / Sodium lauryl sulphate / any other unbranched chain detergent.
Non Biodegradable Detergents are those detergents which cannot be degraded by the
bacteria easily and hence create pollution. Ex: Sodium -4- (1, 3, 5, 7- tetra methyl octyl)
benzene sulphonate.

Sol. 19 The solids with intermediate conductivities between insulators and conductors are
termed semiconductors.
(i) n- type semiconductor : It is obtained by doping Si or Ge with a group 15 element like P.
Out of 5 valence electrons , only 4 are involved in bond formation and the fifth electron is
delocalized and can be easily provided to the conduction band. The conduction is thus
mainly caused by the movement of electron.
(ii) p - type semi conductor : It is obtained by doping Si or Ge with a group 13 element like
Gallium which contains only 3 valence electrons. Due to missing of 4th valence electron,
electron hole or electron vacancy is created The movement of these positively charged
hole is responsible for the conduction.

Sol. 20 Tf Kf m
54 g
No. of moles of glucose = 1
180 g mol
54 1000 1
Molality of Glucose solution = mol 1.20 mol kg
180 250kg
Tf Kf m
= 1.86 K kg mol-1 1.20 mol kg-1 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

= 2.23 K
Temperature at which solutions freezes = (273.15 - 2.23K
= 270.77 K or 2.23 oC
or (273.000 - 2.23)K = 270.7 K

Sol. 21 Lyophilic sols are solvent attracting sols.

ex. Gum, gelatine (any one).
Lyophobic sols are solvent repelling sols.
ex. Metal sols, metal sulphides (any one)
Lyophobic sols are readily coagulated because they are not stable.

Sol. 22 (i) Froth floatation process: This method is based on the difference in the
wettability of the mineral particles (sulphide ores) and the gangue particles. The mineral
particles become wet by oils while the gangue particles by water and hence gets separated.
(ii) Zone refining: This method is based on the principle that the impurities are more
soluble in the melt than in the solid state of metal.
(iii) Refining by Liquation: The method is based on the lower melting point of the metal
than the impurities and tendency of the molten metal to flow on the sloping surface.

Sol. 23 (i) 3Cl2 + 6NaOH  5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O

(ii) 4H3PO3  3H3PO4 + PH3
(iii) Xe + PtF6 → Xe+[PtF6]-
(i) Ca3P2 (s) + 6H2O (l)  3Ca(OH)2 (aq) + 2PH3 (g)
(ii) Cu2+ (aq) + 4NH3 (aq)  [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (aq)
(iii) 2F2 (g) + 2H2O (l)  4H+ (aq) + 4F- (aq) + O2 (g)

Sol. 24 (a) Ligand: The ions or molecules bound to the central atom/ion in the coordination
entity are called ligands.
ex. bidentate ligand: ethane-1,2-diamine or oxalate ion.
(b) In [Ni(CN)4]2-, nickel is Ni2+, (3d8), with strong Ligand like CN-, all the electrons are
paired up in four d-orbitals resulting into dsp hybridization giving square planar structure
and diamagnetic character.
In Ni(CO)4:, nickel is in zero valence state , (3d84s2), with strong Ligand like CO,4s2
electrons are pushed to the d-orbitals resulting into sp3 hybridization giving tetrahedral
shape and diamagnetic in nature.

Sol. 25 (i) PCC (Pyridinium chlorochromate)/HCl, KMnO4 (any one)

(ii) LiAlH4 , NaBH4 (any one)
(iii) Aqueous Br2 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

Sol. 26 (i) pkb for aniline is more than that for methylamine because in aniline, the -NH2
group is attached directly to the benzene ring. It results in the unshared electron pair on
nitrogen atom to be in conjugation with the benzene ring and thus making it less available
for protonation and hence aniline is a weaker base than methylamine.
(b) Methyl amine in water gives OH- ions which react with FeCl3 to give precipitate of ferric
hydroxide/ or
 CH3NH3OH 
CH3NH2  H2O   CH3NH3  OH
 Fe OH3
Fe3  3OH 

(iii)Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction due to salt formation with aluminium
chloride, the Lewis acid.

Sol. 27 (i) Buna-S : 1,3- Butadiene and Styrene

CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 and

(ii) Neoprene : Chloroprene


(iii) Nylon -6 : Caprolactum 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

Sol. 28

m 
7.896  105 S cm1  1000 cm3 L1

 32.90 S cm2 mol1
32.90 S cm2 mol1

390.5 S cm2 mol1
 0.084 S cm2 mol1
K  C2
1   
 0.00241   0.084 
 1.7  105 or 1.856  105 if  is not neglected
Ag e Ag
108 g is deposited by 96500 C electric ch arg e
96500 C 1.45 g
so,1.45 g of silver is deposited by 1295.6 C
108 g
Quantity of electricity passed = Current x t
t 863.7s
1.5 amp
Cu2+ + 2e-  CU
2 x 96500 C deposits 63.5 g of Cu
63.5g 1295.6C
So, 1295.6 C deposits of Cu
2 96500C
= 0.426 g of Cu
Zn2+ + 2e-
 Zn
2 x 96500 C deposits 65.4 g on Zn
65.4g 1295.6C
1295.6 C deposits of Zn
2 96500C
= 0.44 g of Zn

Sol. 29 (i) Transition elements because of larger number of unpaired electrons in their
atoms, have stronger interatomic interaction and hence stronger bonding between atoms
resulting in higher enthalpies of atomisation.
(ii) The transition metals and many of their compounds act as good catalyst because of
their ability to adopt multiple oxidation states and to form complexes.
(iii) Because of poorer shielding by 5f electrons than that by 4f, actinoid contraction is
greater than the lanthanoid contraction. 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

(iv) The Eo value for the Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is much more positive than that for Cr3+/Cr2
because of the much larger third ionisation energy of Mn (where the required change is d5
to d4).
(v) Scandium (Z = 21) is regarded as a transition element because of the presence of
incomplete d-orbital (3d1 4s2) in its ground state.
(a) In a transition series, those oxidation states are stable which lead to exactly half-filled
or completely-filled d orbitals.
3d34s2(Vanadium): Oxidation states +2,+3,+4,+5
Stable oxidation state: +4 as VO2+ ,+5 as VO43-

3d54s2(Manganese): Oxidation states +2,+3,+4,+5,+6,+7

Stable oxidation states: +2 as Mn2+ ,+7 as MnO-4

3d64s2(Iron): Oxidation states +2,+3, +4, +6

Stable oxidation state: +2 in acidic medium, +3 in neutral or in alkaline medium.
(b) (i)4FeCr2O4 + 8NaCO3 + 7O2 
 8Na2CrO4 + 2Fe2O3 + 8CO2
(ii) 2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 
 2K2MnO4 + 2H2O

Sol. 30 (a)
(i) Cyclohexyldiene cyclohexane:

(ii) BH3, H2O2/OH-, PCC

(iii) Salt of benzoic acid:

(b) (i) Cannizzaro reaction: Aldehydes which do not have an -hydrogen atom, undergo
self oxidation and reduction reaction on treatment with a concentrated alkali. 7
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2008

(ii) Cross aldol condensation: When aldol condensation is carried out between two
different aldehydes and /or ketones, it is called Cross aldol condensation.

(i) Two alkyl groups present in ketones reduce the positive charge on carbon atom of the
carbonyl group more effectively than in aldehydes hence aldehydes are more reactive than
ketones towards nucleophiles / or sterically, the presence of two relatively large
substituents in ketones hinders the approach of nucleophile to carbonyl carbon than in
aldehydes having only one such substituents.
(ii) Because of the absence of hydrogen bonding in aldehydes and ketones, their boiling
points are lower than those of the corresponding acids and alcohols.
(iii) Because of the presence of the sp2 hybridised orbitals (or -bond) of carbonyl carbon,
aldehydes and ketones undergo a number of addition reactions.
(i) Acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde: Acetaldehyde gives yellow ppt of Iodoform (CHI3) on
addition of NaOH / I2 whereas benzaldehyde does not give this test.
(ii) Propanone and propanol: Propanone gives yellow ppt of Iodoform (CHI3)on addition of
NaOH / I2 whereas propanol does not give this test. Or / Propanol gives brisk effervesence
on adding a piece of Sodium metal whereas Propanone does not give this test. 8
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry - Set 1
Board Paper - 2009
Time : 3 hours Total Marks: 70

General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question nos. 1 to 8 are very short answer questions and carry 1 mark each.
3. Question nos. 9 to 18 are short answer questions and carry 2 marks each.
4. Question nos. 19 to 27 are also short answer questions and carry 3 marks each.
5. Question nos. 28 to 30 are long answer questions and carry 5 marks each.
6. Use log tables if necessary, use of calculators is not allowed.

Q. 1 How do metallic and ionic substances differ in conducting electricity? [1]

Q. 2 What is the 'coagulation' process? [1]

Q. 3 What is meant by the term 'pyrometallurgy'? [1]

Q. 4 Why is red phosphorus less reactive that white phosphorus? [1]

Q. 5 Give the IUPAC name of the following compound:

H2C  CH CH CH2  CH2  CH3

OH [1]

Q. 6 Write the structural formula of 1 - phenylpentan - 1 - one. [1]

Q. 7 Arrange the following compounds in an increasing order of basic strengths in their

aqueous solutions: [1]

Q. 8 What does '6, 6' indicate in the name nylon - 6,6? [1]

Q. 9 What type of cell is a lead storage battery? Write the anode and the cathode reactions
and the overall cell reaction occurring in the use of a lead storage battery?
The half cell reactions of an electrochemical cell are given below:
MnO4  aq  8H   aq  5e  Mn2   aq  4H2O   ,E  1.51 V
Sn2   aq  Sn4   aq  2e ,E  0.15 V
Construct the redox equation from the two half cell reactions and predict if this reaction
favours formation of reactants or product shown in the equation. [2]

Q. 10 Define the following: 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

i. Elementary step in a reaction

ii. Rate of a reaction [2]

Q. 11 Describe the underlying principle of each of the following metal refining methods:
i. Electrolytic refining of metals
ii. Vapour phase refining of metals [2]

Q. 12 Complete the following chemical reaction equations:

i. XeF2 + H2O 
ii. PH3 + HgCl2  [2]

Q. 13 Complete the following chemical reaction equations:

i. MnO4  aq  C2O24  aq  H  aq 
ii. Cr2O72  aq  Fe2  aq  H aq 

Q.14 Which one in the following pairs undergoes SN1 substitution reaction faster and why?

Q.15 Complete the following reaction equations:
i. CH 3
+ HI 

ii. CH3CH2CH  CH2  HBr  [2]

Q. 16 Name the four bases present in DNA. Which one of these is not present in RNA? [2]

Q. 17 Name two fat soluble vitamins, their sources and the diseases caused due to their
deficiency in diet. [2]

Q. 18 Differentiate between molecular structures and behaviours of thermoplastic and

thermosetting polymers. Give one example of each type. [2]

Q. 19 A first order reaction has a rate constant of 0.0051 min-1. If we begin with 0.10 M
concentration of the reactant, what concentration of the reactant will be left after 3 hours?[3] 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

Q.20 Silver crystallises with face- centred cubic unit cells. Each side of the unit cell has a
length of 409 pm. What is the radius of an atom of silver? (Assume that each face atom is
touching the four corner atoms.) [3]

Q. 21 A copper- silver cell is set up. The copper ion concentration in it is 0.10 M. The
concentration of silver ion is not known. The cell potential measured 0.422 V. Determine
the concentration of silver ion in the cell.
Given: Eo  0.80 V, Eo  0.34 V
Ag / Ag Cu2  / Cu
Q.22 What happens in the following activities and why?
i. An electrolyte is added to a hydrated ferric oxide sol in water.
ii. A beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution.
iii. An electric current is passed through a colloidal solution. [3]

Q.23 Giving a suitable example for each, explain the following:

i. Crystal field splitting
ii. Linkage isomerism
iii. Ambidentate ligand
Compare the following complexes with respect to structural shapes of units, magnetic
behaviour and hybrid orbitals involved in units?
3 3
Co NH3   , Cr NH3   , Ni CO4
 6  6

(At. Nos.: Co =27, Cr=24, Ni = 28) [3]

Q. 24 Explain the following observations:

i. The boiling point of ethanol is higher than that of methoxymethane.
ii. Phenol is more acidic than ethanol.
iii. o- and p- nitrophenols are more acidic than phenol. [3]

Q. 25 How would you account for the following:

i. Many of the transition elements and their compounds can act as good catalysts.
ii. The metallic radii of the third (5d) series of transition elements are virtually the same as
those of the corresponding members of the second series.
iii. There is a greater range of oxidation states among the actinoids than among the
lanthanoids. [3]

Q.26 Complete the following reaction equations:

i. R  C NH2 


ii. C6H5N2Cl  H3PO2  H2O  3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

iii. C6H5NH2  Br2  aq 

Q. 27 Describe the following substances with one suitable example of each type:
i. Non - ionic detergents
ii. Food preservatives
iii. Disinfectants [3]

Q. 28 a. Define the following terms:

i. Mole fraction
ii. Van't Hoff factor
b. 100 mg of a protein is dissolved in enough water to make 10.0 mL of a solution. If this
solution has an osmotic pressure of 13.3 mmHg at 25° C, what is the molar mass of protein?
(R=0.0821 L atm mol-1 K-1 and 760 mmHg = 1 atm)


a. What is meant by:

i. Colligative properties
ii. Molality of a solution
b. What concentration of nitrogen should be present in a glass of water at room
temperature? Assume a temperature of 25°C, a total pressure of 1 atmosphere and mole
fraction of nitrogen in air of 0.78.
[KH for nitrogen = 8.42 x 10-7 M/mm Hg] [5]

Q. 29 a. Draw the structures of the following:

i. H2S2O8
ii. HClO4
b. How would you account for the following:
i. NH3 is a stronger base than PH3.
ii. Sulphur has a greater tendency for catenation than oxygen.
iii. F2 is a stronger oxidising agent than Cl2.
a. Draw the structures of the following:
i. H2S2O7
ii. HClO3
b. Explain the following observations:
i. In the structure of HNO3, the N-O bond (121 pm) is shorter than the N-OH bond (140 pm).
ii. All the P-Cl bonds in PCl5 are not equivalent.
iii. ICl is more reactive than I2. [5]

Q.30 a. Write chemical equations of illustrate the following name bearing reactions:
i. Cannizzaro's reaction 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

ii. Hell- Volhard - Zelinsky reaction

b. Give chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds:
i. Propanal and Propanone
ii. Acetophenone and Benzophenone
iii. Phenol and Benzoic acid
a. How will you bring about the following conversions?
i. Ethanol to 3 - hydroxybutanal
ii. Benzaldehyde to Benzophenone
b. An organic compound A has the molecular formula C8H16O2. It gets hydrolysed with
dilute sulphuric acid and gives a carboxylic acid B and an alcohol C. Oxidation of C with
chromic acid also produced B. C on dehydration reaction gives but-1-ene. Write equations
for the reactions involved. 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry - SET 1
Board Paper - 2009
Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

Sol. 1 Metallic substances are conductors in solid state as well as in molten state. Ionic
substances are insulators in solid state but conductors in molten state and in aqueous

Sol. 2 The process of changing the colloidal particles in a sol into the insoluble precipitate
by addition of some suitable electrolytes is known as coagulation process.

Sol. 3 Pyrometallurgy is the branch of metallurgy which consists of the thermal treatment
of minerals and metallurgical ores and their concentrates to bring about physical and
chemical transformations in the materials to enable recovery of valuable metals.

Sol. 4 Red phosphorus is polymeric which consists of chains of P4 tetrahedra linked

together whereas white phosphorus consists of a single tetrahedron.

Sol. 5 Hexen-3-ol

Sol. 6

Sol. 7 In aqueous solutions, the increasing order of basic strengths is:

(CH3)2NH > CH3NH2 > (CH3)3N > NH3

Sol. 8 It indicate the number of carbon atoms present in both the monomers of nylon 6,6
which are hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid.

Sol. 9 Lead storage battery is a secondary cell.

Anode: Pb(s) + SO4 2-(aq)  PbSO4 (s) + 2e-
Cathode: PbO2(s) + SO42-(aq) + 4H+ (aq) + 2e-  PbSO4 (s) + 2H2O(l)
Overall cell reaction: 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2H2SO4 (aq)  2PbSO4 (s) + 2H2O(l)

MnO4 (aq) + 8H (aq) + 5e  Mn (aq) + 4H2O(l)
- + - 2+

Eo = 1.51 V
Sn4+ (aq) + 2e-  Sn2+ (aq)
Eo = -0.15 V
Cathode-reduction reaction:
MnO4-(aq) + 8H+ (aq) + 5e-  Mn2+ (aq) + 4H2O(l)
Anode-Oxidation reaction:
Sn2+ (aq)  Sn4+ (aq) + 2e-
Redox equation:
2MnO4-(aq) + 16H+(aq) + 5Sn2+ (aq)  2Mn2+ (aq) + 8H2O(l) + 5Sn4+ (aq)
Cell potential = Eo reduction - Eo oxidation
= 1.51 - (-0.15)
= 1.66 V

Sol. 10 (i) An elementary step in a reaction is a chemical reaction in which one or more of
the reactants react directly to form products in a single reaction step.
(ii) Rate of a reaction is defined as the rate of decrease in concentration of any one of the
reactants or the rate of increase in concentration of any one of the products.

Sol. 11 (i) In this method, the impure metal acts as anode which undergoes oxidation and
pure metal acts as cathode which undergoes reduction. The metal ions deposit on the
cathode as metal.
(ii) Vapour phase refining is based on the principle that metal is converted to its volatile
compound and collected which decomposes to give pure metal.

Sol. 12 (i) 2XeF2 + 2H2O  2Xe + 4HF + O2

(ii) 2PH3 + 3HgCl2  Hg3P2 + 6HCl

Sol. 13 (i) 2MnO4-(aq) + 5C2O42-(aq) + 16H+(aq)  2Mn2+ (aq) + 8H2O + 10CO2

(ii) Cr2O72-(aq) + 6Fe2+(aq) + 14H+(aq)  2Cr3+ + 6Fe3+(aq) + 7H2O 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

Sol. 14

Sol. 15

Sol. 16 Four bases in DNA are Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine.
Thymine is not present in RNA.

Sol. 17 Vitamin A and D are fat soluble vitamins.

Vitamins Sources Disease

A Carrots, butter Xerophthalmia
B Exposure to sunlight, fish Rickets 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

Sol. 18
Property Thermoplastic polymers Thermosetting
Molecular Linear or slightly Cross linked or
Structure branched long chain heavily branched
molecules molecules
Behaviour Can undergo softening Do not soften on
on heating and heating
hardening on cooling

Sol. 19
K  0.0051 min1
 Ao   0.10 M
t  3 hours  3 x60 min
2.303 A 
k log  o 
t A 
2.303 0.1
0.0051  log
3 x 60 A 
log  0.3986
A 
 2.504
A 
So, A   4.0 x 102 M

Sol. 20 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

Sol. 21
Ecell  0.422 V

Since EoAg / Ag  EoCu2  / Cu

So, Ag / Ag is cathode and Cu2  / Cu is the anode.

EoCell  Ereduction  Eoxidation
 0.80  0.34
 0.46 V
Cell Re action : 2Ag  Cu  Cu2   2Ag
Cu2   Ag2
0.059    
Ecell  EoCell  log 
n 2
 Ag  Cu2
   
0.059 0.1
Ecell  0.46  log 
2 2
 Ag 
 
 2 
0.422  0.46  0.029 log 0.1  log  Ag  
 
 

log 0.1  2 log  Ag   1.310

 

log101   2 log Ag   1.310

1  2 log  Ag   1.310
 

2 log  Ag   2.310

 
log  Ag   1.155
 
 Ag   Antilog  1.155 
 
 Ag   0.0699 M
 

Sol. 22 (i) If an electrolyte is added to a hydrated ferric oxide sol, the colloidal particles get
precipitated due to neutralization of charges.
(ii) Scattering of light takes place and the path of the beam is illuminated.
(iii) The colloidal particles move towards oppositely charged electrodes, get discharged
and precipitated.

Sol. 23
(i) The splitting of the degenerate d orbitals into eg and t2g orbitals due to the presence of
ligands in a definite geometry is called crystal field splitting. It is denoted by o .
(ii) Linkage isomerism arises in coordination compounds containing ambidentate ligands
in which two different atoms of the same ligand can form coordinate bond with metal ion.
Example : Co NH3  NO2  Cl2 and Co NH3  ONO Cl2
 5   5  5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

(iii) Ligands which can bind the central metal atom through two different atoms are called
ambidentate ligands.
Example: SCN- ,NCS-
Co NH3  
 6

Co3 Ground state  : 3d6 4s0 4p0

Structural shape - Octahedral

Hybrid Orbitals- d2sp3
Magnetic behaviour- Diamagnetic
Cr NH3  
 6

Co3 Ground state  : 3d3 4s0 4p0

Structural shape - Octahedral

Hybrid Orbitals- d2sp3
Magnetic behavior - Paramagnetic
Ni CO4

Ni  3d8 4s2 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

Structural shape- tetrahedral

Hybid orbitals- sp3
Magnetic behaviour- Diamagnetic

Sol. 24 (i) Hydrogen bonding in ethanol causes the boiling point of ethanol to be higher
than that of methoxymethane.
(ii) Phenol on releasing a proton forms phenoxide win which is resonance stablised .So,
phenol is more acidic than ethanol.
(iii) NO-2 group has -I effect or electron withdrawing inductive effect making it easier for
the release of proton.

Sol. 25 (i) Transition elements have the ability to show variable oxidation state and to form
(ii) Lanthanoid contraction is the result of a poor shielding effect of the 4f electrons and
hence metallic radii of second and third transition series are similar.
(iii) 5f, 6d and 7s levels are of comparable energies and due to larger size and lower
ionization energy, there is a greater range of oxidation states among the actinoids.

Sol. 26 7
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

Sol. 27
(i) Non ionic detergents do not contain any ion in their constitution. Example: Non- ionic
detergent is formed when stearic acid reacts with polyethyleneglycol.

(ii) Food preservatives are substances which present spoilage of food due to microbial
growth. Example: sodium benzoate
(iii) Disinfectants are chemicals which either kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms
.They cannot be applied on a living tissue. Example: 1% solution of phenol.

Sol. 28
(a) (i) Mole fraction of a component is the ratio of number of moles of the component to the
total number of moles of all the components.
(ii) Van't Hoff factor is the ratio of normal molar mass to the abnormal molar mass.
Van't Hoff factor is the ratio of observed value of colligative property to calculated value of
colligative property assuming no association or dissociation.
(b) Mass of protein = 100 mg = 0.1 g
V= 10 mL
  13.3 mm  atm
V  nRT
 0.1 
 no.of moles,n  M 
 
13.3 0.1
 0.01   0.0821  298
760 M
M  13980 g  13.98 kg
Molar mass of protein  13.98 kg
(i) All the properties which depend on the number of solute particles irrespective of their
nature relative to the total number of particles present in the solution are known as
colligative properties.
(ii) Molality of solution is the number of moles of solute present in 1 kilogram of solvent.
(b) 8
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

Sol. 29
(a) H2S2O8

b) (i) N is smaller in size and more electronegative than P. So, lone pair of electrons is
concentrated more on nitrogen.
(ii) Oxygen has a small size as compared to sulphur. So, the lone pairs on oxygen repel each
other. Thus, the O-O bond is weak whereas in case of sulphur, the lone pair do not repel to
the same extent. As a result, S-S bond is stronger than O-O bond. So, S has a greater
tendency for catenation than oxygen.
(iii) The net energy release for X2  g 
 X (aq) is more negative for fluorine as
compared to chlorine i.e. sum of dissociation energy, electron gain enthalpy and hydration
energy is more negative for fluorine. So, it is a stronger oxidising agent than chlorine.
Or 9
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

(a) H2S2O7

(b) (i) Because of partial double bond character of (N-O) bond.

(ii) P in PCl5 is sp3d hybridized. The axial bonds due to more repulsion are longer than
equatorial bonds.
(iii) ICl is an interhalogen compound having electronegativity difference. The I-Cl bond is
more reactive than I2.

Sol. 30
(a)(i) Cannizzaro's reaction: Aldehydes which do not have an  -hydrogen atom undergo
self oxidation and reduction on treatment with concentrated alkali.

(ii) Hell- Volhard - Zelinsky reaction: Carboxylic acids having an  -hydrogen are halogenated at
the  -position on treatment with chlorine or bromine in the presence of small amount of red
phosphorus to give  - halocarboxylic acids.

(b) (i) Propanal and propanone

Fehling's test
CH3CH3CHO  2Cu2   5OH  CH3CH2COO  Cu2O  3H2O
Re dppt
Propanone being a ketone will not give this test.
(ii) Acetophenone and benzophenone
Iodoform test 10
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

Benzophenone does not give this test.

(iii) Phenol and Benzoic acid
FeCl3 test
 
C6H5OH  FeCl3   C6H5O  Fe]3   3HCl
 6 
Blue violet colour
Benzoic acid does not give this test.

(a) (i)

(ii) 11
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2009

b. 12
CBSE XII | Chemisrty
Board Paper – 2010

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 56/1/1
Board Paper - 2010
Time: 3 hours Toatl marks: 70

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.
(iii) Question numbers 1 to 8 are very short-answer questions and carry 1 mark each.
(iv) Question numbers 9 to 18 are short-answer question and carry 2 marks each.
(v) Question numbers 19 to 27 are also short-answer question and carry 3 marks each.
(vi) Question numbers 28 to 30 are long-answer questions and carry 5 marks each.
(vii) Use Log Tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed.

Q. 1 Write a feature which will distinguish a metallic solid from an ionic solid. [1]

Q. 2 Define 'order of a reaction'. [1]

Q. 3 What is an emulsion? [1]

Q. 4 Why does NO2 dimerise? [1]

Q. 5 Give an example of linkage isomerism. [1]

Q. 6 A solution of KOH hydrolyses CH3CH(Cl)CH2CH3 and CH2CH2CH2CH2Cl.Which one of

these is more easily hydrolysed? [1]

Q. 7 Draw the structural formula of 1-phenylpropan-1-one molecule. [1]

Q. 8 Give the IUPAC name of H2N - CH2 - CH2 - CH = CH2 [1]

Q. 9 Non-ideal solutions exhibit either positive or negative deviations from Raoult's law.
What are these deviations and why are they caused? Explain with one example of each
type. [2]

Q. 10 A reaction is of first order in reactant A and of second order in reactant B. How is the
rate of this reaction affected when (i) the concentration of B alone is increased to three
times (ii) the concentrations of A as well as B are doubled? [2]

Q. 11 The rate constant for a reaction of zero order in A is 0.0030 mol L-1 s-1. How long will
it take for the initial concentration of A to fall from 0.10 M to 0.075 M? [2] 1
CBSE XII | Chemisrty
Board Paper – 2010

Q. 12 Draw the structures of white phosphorus and red phosphorus. Which one of these
two types of phosphorus is more reactive and why? [2]

Q. 13 Explain the following observations:

(i) Generally there is an increase in density of elements from titanium (Z=22) to copper
(Z=29) in the first series of transition elements.
(ii) Transition elements and their compounds are generally found to be good catalysts in
chemical reactions. [2]

Q. 14 Name the following coordination compounds according to IUPAC system of

(i) [Co(NH3)4(H2O)Cl]Cl2
(ii) [CrCl2(en)2]Cl, (en=ethane - 1,2-diamine) [2]

Q. 15 Illustrate the following reactions giving a chemical equation for each:

(i) Kolbe's reaction.
(ii) Williamson synthesis [2]

Q. 16 How are the following conversions carried out?

(i) Benzyl chloride to benzyl alcohol,
(ii) Methyl magnesium bromide to 2-methylpropan-2-ol. [2]

Q. 17 Explain the following terms :

(i) Invert sugar
(ii) Polypeptides

Name the products of hydrolysis of sucrose. Why is sucrose not a reducing sugar? [2]

Q. 18 What are essential and non-essential amino acids in human food? Give one example
of each type. [2]

Q. 19 The well known mineral fluorite is chemically calcium fluoride. It is known that in
one unit cell of this mineral, there are 4 Ca2+ ions and 8 F- ions and that Ca2+ ions are
arranged in fcc lattice. The F- ions fill all the tetrahedral holes in the face centred cubic
lattice of Ca2+ions. The edge of the unit cell is 5.46  10-8 cm in length. The density of the
solid is 3.18 g cm-3. Use this information to calculate Avogadro's number (Molar mass of
CaF2 = 78.08 g mol-1) [3]

Q. 20 A solution prepared by dissolving 1.25 g of oil of winter green (methyl salicylate) in

99.0 g of benzene has a boiling point of 80.310C. Determine molar mass of this compound.
(B.P. of pure benzene = 80.10 °C and Kb for benzene = 2.530C kg mol-1.) [3] 2
CBSE XII | Chemisrty
Board Paper – 2010

Q. 21 What is the difference between multimolecular and macromolecular colloids? Give

one example of each type. How are associated colloids different from these two types of
colloids? [3]

Q. 22 Describe how the following changes are brought about:

(i) Pig iron into steel.
(ii) Zinc oxide into metallic zinc.
(iii) Impure titanium into pure titanium.


Describe the role of

(i) NaCN in the extraction of gold from gold ore.
(ii) SiO2 in the extraction of copper from copper matte.
(iii) Iodine in the refining of zirconium.
Write chemical equations for the involved reactions. [3]

Q. 23 How would you account for the following?

(i) The atomic radii of the metals of the third (5d) series of transition elements are virtually
the same as those of the corresponding members of the second (4d) series.
(ii) The E0 value for the Mn3/Mn2+ couple is much more positive than that for Cr3/Cr2+
couple or Fe3+/Fe2+ couple.
(iii) The highest oxidation state of a metal is exhibited in its oxide or fluoride. [3]

Q. 24 (i) State one use each of DDT and iodoform.

(ii) Which compound in the following couples will react faster in SN2 displacement and
(a) 1-Bromopentane or 2-bromopentane
(b) 1-Bromo-2-methylbutane or 2-bromo-2methylbutane. [3]

Q. 25 In the following cases, rearrange the compounds as directed:

(i) In an increasing order of basic strength:

C6H5NH2, C6H5N(CH3)2, (C2H5)2NH and CH3 NH2

(ii) In decreasing order of basic strength:

Aniline, p-nitroaniline and p-toluidine

(iii) In an increasing order of pkb values:

C2H5NH2, C6H5 NHCH3, (C2H5)2NH and C6H5NH23 [3] 3
CBSE XII | Chemisrty
Board Paper – 2010

Q. 26 Give one example each of

(i) Addition polymers,
(ii) Condensation polymers,
(iii) Copolymers [3]

Q. 27 What are analgesic medicines? How are they classified and when are they commonly
recommended for use? [3]

Q. 28 (a) State Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions. Write an expression for
the molar conductivity of acetic acid at infinite dilution according to Kohlrausch law.

(b) Calculate  0 m for acetic acid.

Given that 0m (HCl) = 426 S cm2 mol-1
0m (NaCl) = 126 S cm2 mol-1
0m (CH3COONa) = 91 S cm2 mol-1


(a) Write the anode and cathode reactions and the overall reaction occurring in a lead
storage battery.
(b) A copper-silver cell is set up. The copper ion concentration is 0.10 M. The concentration
of silver ion is not known. The cell potential when measured was 0.422 V. Determine the
concentration of silver ions in the cell. (Given E0Ag+/Ag = +0.80 V, E0Cu2+/Cu=+0.34V) [5]

Q. 29 (a) Complete the following chemical equations:

(i) NaOH(aq)+Cl 2 

(Hot and conc.)

(ii) XeF6(s) + H2O(l) 

(b) How would you account for the following?
(i) The value of electron gain enthalpy with negative sign for sulphur is higher than that for
(ii) NF3 is an exothermic compound but NCl3 is endothermic compound.
(iii) ClF3 molecule has a T-shaped structure and not a trigonal planar one.


(a) Complete the following chemical reaction equations:

(i) P4+ SO2Cl2  
(ii) XeF4 + H2O  
(b) Explain the following observations giving appropriate reasons:
(i) The stability of +5 oxidation state decreases down the group in group 15 of the periodic
table. 4
CBSE XII | Chemisrty
Board Paper – 2010

(ii) Solid phosphorus pentachloride behaves as an ionic compound.

(iii) Halogens are strong oxidizing agents. [5]

Q. 30 (a) Explain the mechanism of a nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl group of an

aldehyde or a ketone.
(b) An organic compound (A) (molecular formula C8H16O2) was hydrolyzed with dilute
sulphuric acid to give a carboxylic acid (B) and an alcohol (c). Oxidation of (C) with chromic
acid also produced (B). On dehydration (C) gives but-1-ene. Write the equations for the
reactions involved.

(a) Given chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds:
(i) Ethanal and Propanal
(ii) Phenol and Benzoic acid

(b) How will you bring about the following conversions?

(i) Benzoic acid to benzaldehyde
(ii) Ethanal to but-2-enal
(iii) Propanone to propene
Give complete reaction in each case. 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 56/1/1
Board Paper - 2010

Time: 3 hours Total marks: 70

Sol. 1
Metallic solids Ionic solids
Metallic solids are conductors of Ionic solids are insulators in solid state
electricity in solid state as well as in but conductors in molten state and in
molten state. aqueous solutions.

Sol. 2 The sum of the exponents (powers) of the concentration of reactants in the rate law
expression is termed as order of that chemical reaction.

Sol. 3 Emulsion is a colloid in which the dispersed phase and dispersion medium are
liquids. If a mixture of two immiscible or partially miscible liquids is shaken, a coarse
dispersion of one liquid in the other is obtained which is called emulsion.

Sol. 4 NO2 contains odd number of valence electrons. It behaves as an odd electron
molecule and therefore undergoes dimerisation to form stable N2O4 molecule with even
number of electrons.

Sol. 5 [Co(NH3)5ONO]Cl2 and [Co(NH3)5NO2]Cl2 are linkage isomers.

In [Co(NH3)5ONO]Cl2 , the bonding is through oxygen (-ONO) whereas in [Co(NH3)5NO2]Cl2 ,
the bonding is through nitrogen (-NO2).

Sol. 6 CH3CH2CH2CH2Cl undergoes hydrolysis more easily than CH3CHClCH2CH3 in SN2

reactions. CH3CH2CH2CH2Cl being a primary alkyl halide has less steric hindrance than
CH3CHClCH2CH3 which is secondary alkyl halide.

Sol. 7

Sol. 8
H2N-CH2 -CH2 -CH=CH2

But-3-en-1-amine 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

Sol. 9 These deviations are caused due to difference in intermolecular forces of attraction
between solute molecules in pure solute, solvent molecules in pure solvent and solute and
solvent in a solution.

Non ideal solutions showing Non ideal solutions showing negative

positive deviation deviation
The intermolecular attractive forces The intermolecular attractive forces between
between solute-solvent molecules are solute-solvent molecules are stronger than
weaker than those between solute- those between solute-solute and solvent-
solute and solvent-solvent molecules solvent molecules i.e.
i.e. A-B > A-A and B-B interactions
A-B < A-A and B-B interactions
Example: Example:
Mixture of ethanol and acetone forms a Mixture of chloroform and acetone forms a
solution with positive deviation from solution with negative deviation from Raoult's
Raoult's law. In pure ethanol, law. This is because chloroform molecule is able
molecules are hydrogen bonded. On to form hydrogen bond with acetone molecule.
adding acetone, its molecules get in This decreases the escaping tendency of
between the ethanol molecules and molecules for each component and
break some of the hydrogen bonds consequently the vapour pressure decreases
between them. Due to weakening of resulting in negative deviation from Raoult's
interactions, the solution shows law.
positive deviation from Raoult's law.

Sol. 10
It is given that a reaction is first order in reactant A and second order in reactant B
 r = k [A] [B]2 (Eq-1)
where r is the rate of reaction and k is the rate constant of the reaction

(i)When concentration of B alone is increased three times,let the new rate be r1

 r1 = k [A] [3B]2 = 9k [A] [B]2 (Eq-2)
Divide (Eq-2) by (Eq-1)
 r1=9r
Thus, when the concentration of B alone is increased to three times time rate
of reaction increases by 9 times

(ii)When concentration of A and B are doubled, let the new rate be r2.
 r2=k [2A] [2B]2 =8k [A] [B]2 (Eq-3)
Divide (Eq-3) by (Eq-1)
Thus, when the concentration of A and B are doubled, rate of reaction increases by 8 time 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

Sol. 11
Given :
Rate cons tan t,k  0.0030 mol L1 s1
Initial concentration, [R o ]  0.10M
Concentration after time t, [R]  0.075M

[R o ]  [R]
For zero order reaction,k 
[R o ]  [R]
t 
0.10M  0.075M

0.0030 molL1s1
 8.33 s

Sol. 12

White phosphorus is less stable and therefore, more reactive than the red phosphorus
under normal conditions because of angular strain in the P4 molecule where the angles are
60° only.

Sol. 13
(i) The decrease in metallic radius coupled with increase in atomic mass results in a
general increase in the density of the elements from titanium (Z=22) to copper (Z=29) in
the first series of transition elements.
(ii) Transition elements and their compounds are generally found to be good catalysts in
chemical reaction because transition elements have the ability to adopt multiple oxidation
states and form complexes.

Sol. 14
(i) Tetraammineaquachloridocobalt(III) chloride
(ii) Dichloridobis(ethane-1,2-diamine)chromium(III) chloride

Sol. 15
(i) Kolbe's reaction:
In this reaction, phenol is reacted with sodium hydroxide to form sodium phenoxide.
Sodium phenoxide formed reacts with carbon dioxide to form ortho hydroxy benzoic acid
or salicylic acid as the main product. 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

(ii)Williamson synthesis:
It is an important laboratory method for the preparation of symmetrical and
unsymmetrical ethers. In this method, an alkyl halide reacts with sodium alkoxide to form

Sol. 16
(i)Benzyl chloride to benzyl alcohol

(ii)Methyl magnesium bromide to 2-methylpropan-2-ol

Sol. 17
(i) Invert sugar:
Sucrose is dextro rotatory. But on hydrolysis, it gives D-(-)-fructose   =  92.4o  and D-
(+)-glucose  = +52.5o  .Hence the resulting solution is laevorotatory. Thus, due to the
inversion of configuration, it is called invert sugar.

(ii) Polypeptides:
If large number of  -amino acids (more than 10) are joined by peptide bonds, the product
is called polypeptide.

OR 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

The products of hydrolysis of sucrose are D-(+)-glucose and D-(-)-fructose.

Sucrose is not a reducing sugar because in sucrose the two monosaccharides glucose and
fructose are held together by a glycosidic linkage between C1 of -glucose and C2 of β-
fructose. Thus, the reducing groups of glucose and fructose are involved in glycosidic bond
formation and hence sucrose in a non-reducing sugar.

Sol. 18 Essential amino acids are those amino acids which are not produced in our body
and they must be a part of our diet.
Example: Valine
Non- essential amino acids are those amino acids which are produced by our body
Examples: Glycine

Sol. 19
Edge of unit cell=5.46  10-8 cm
Density of solid, d=3.18 g cm-3
Molar mass of CaF2 ,M=78.08 gmol-1
Since lattice is fcc type,z=4
Density of unit cell, d=
a .NA
.NA 
4  78.08 gmol-1

(5.46  10-8 cm)3  3.18 g cm-3
 6.03  1023 mol-1 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

Sol. 20
K  1000  w2
Elevation of boiling point ,Tb  b (Eq-1)
Here solute is methyl salicylate and solvent is benzene, thus
w2  1.25 g
w1  99.0 g
Boiling point of solution (i.e. methyl salicylate in benzene), (Tb )=80.31 oC
Boiling point of pure solvent (benzene ), (Tb0 )  80.10 oC
Kb  2.53 oCkgmol-1

 T  Tb  Tb0  80.31 oC-80.10 oC=0.21oC

From Eq-1,
K  w2
M2  b
2.53  103 oC gmol-1  1.25 g

0.21oC  99.0 g
 152.11g mol-1

Sol. 21
Multimolecular colloids Macromolecular colloids
On dissolution, a large number of atoms Macromolecules in suitable solvents form
or smaller molecules of a substance solutions in which the size of the
aggregate together to form species macromolecules may be in the colloidal
having size in the colloidal range range. Such systems are called
(diameter<1nm). The species thus macromolecular colloids.
formed are called multimolecular
Example: gold sol / sulphur sol Example: starch, cellulose, proteins,
(Any one) enzymes, polythene, nylon, polystyrene,
synthetic rubber (Any one)

Some substances at low concentrations behave as normal strong electrolytes, but at higher
concentrations exhibit colloidal behaviour due to the formation of aggregates. The
aggregated particles thus formed are called associated colloids or micelles. The formation
of micelles takes place only above a particular temperature called Kraft temperature and
above a particular concentration called critical micelle concentration. On dilution, these
colloids revert back to individual ions. 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

Sol .22
(i) Pig iron into steel:
Pig iron is converted to cast iron by heating molten pig iron with scrap iron and coke using
hot air blast in specially designed furnaces. Cast iron is used in the manufacture of steel by
mixing it with other metals.

(ii) Zinc oxide into metallic zinc:

Zinc oxide is converted to metallic zinc by reacting it with coke at 673 K.
ZnO  C 
 Zn  CO

(iii) Impure titanium into pure titanium:

The crude titanium is heated in an evacuated vessel with iodine. The metal iodide being
more covalent volatilizes.
Ti  2 I2 
 TiI4

Titanium iodide vapours are collected and then decomposed on a tungsten filament by
electrically heating to about 1800K. The pure metal is thus deposited on the filament.
TiI4 
 Ti  2 I2


(i) NaCN in the extraction of gold from gold ore:

In the metallurgy of gold, gold metal is leached with a dilute solution of NaCN in the
presence of air (for O2). The gold metal is then obtained from the product by displacement
- - -
4Au(s) + 8CN (aq) + 2H2O(aq) + O2 (g)  4[Au(CN)2 ] (aq) + 4OH (aq)

- 2-
2[Au(CN)2 ] (aq) + Zn(s)  2Au(s) + [Zn(CN)4 ] (aq)

(ii)SiO2 in the extraction of copper from copper matte:

Copper matte consists of Cu2S and FeS. In the converter FeS is converted to FeO. Silica helps
in removal of FeO impurity as slag.
2FeS + 3O2  2FeO + 2SO2

FeO + SiO2  FeSiO3


(iii) Iodine is heated with Zirconium to form a volatile compound which on further heating

decompose to give pure zirconium as shown:

Zr(impure) + 2I2  ZrI4
ZrI4  Zr(pure)  2I2 7
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

Sol. 23
(i) The filling of 4f before 5d orbital results in a regular decrease in atomic radii called
lanthanoid contraction which essentially compensates for the expected increase in atomic
size with increasing atomic number. The net result of the lanthanoid contraction is that the
second and the third d series exhibit similar radii (e.g., Zr 160 pm, Hf 159 pm) and have
very similar physical and chemical properties.

(ii) Because Mn3+ has the outer electronic configuration of 3d4 and Mn2+ has the outer
electronic configuration of 3d5. Thus, the conversion of Mn3+ to Mn2+ will be a favourable
reaction since 3d5 is a very stable configuration as it is half filled configuration. Hence, Eo
value for Mn3+ / Mn2+ couple is positive.
Cr3+ to Cr2+ undergoes a change in outer electronic configuration from 3d3 to 3d4. Fe3+ to
Fe2+ undergoes a change in outer electronic configuration from 3d5 to 3d6. Both these
configurations of the resultant are not stable and hence have a lower Eo value.

(iii) Because of small size and high electronegativity oxygen or fluorine can oxidise the
metal to its highest oxidation state.

Sol. 24
(i) Use of DDT: It is used as an insecticide.
Use of iodoform: It is used as a mild antiseptic.
(a) 1 - Bromopentane will undergo faster SN2 displacement reaction than 2-bromopentane
because 1- bromopentane has less steric hindrance than 2 -bromopentane. This is because
1- bromopentane is a primary alkyl halide whereas 2-bromopentane is a secondary alkyl
(b) 1- Bromo-2-methylbutane will undergo SN2 reaction faster than 2- Bromo-2-
methylbutane because 1- Bromo-2-methylbutane has less steric hindrance than 2- Bromo-
2-methylbutane. This is because 1- Bromo-2-methylbutane is a primary alkyl halide
whereas 2- Bromo-2-methylbutane is a tertiary alkyl halide.

Sol. 25
(i) Increasing order of basic strength:
C6H5NH2 < C6H5N(CH3)2 < CH3NH2< (C2H5)2NH
This is because -C6H5 group has an electron withdrawing inductive effect or -I effect and -
CH3 and -C2H5 group has electron releasing inductive effect or +I effect. Groups with -I
effect decreases the electron density on the nitrogen of amino group and hence decreases
the basic strength. Groups with +I effect increases the electron density on the nitrogen of
amino group and hence increases the basic strength.
(ii) Decreasing order of basic strength:
p- Toluidine > aniline > p- nitroaniline
This is because -NO2 group has an electron withdrawing inductive effect or -I effect and -
CH3 group has electron releasing inductive effect or +I effect. Groups with -I effect 8
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

decreases the electron density on the nitrogen of amino group and hence decreases the
basic strength. Groups with +I effect increases the electron density on the nitrogen of
amino group and hence increases the basic strength.
(iii) Increasing order of pKb value:
(C2H5)2NH < C2H5NH2 < C6H5NHCH3 < C6H5NH2
This is because -C6H5 group has an electron withdrawing inductive effect or -I effect and -
C2H5 group has electron releasing inductive effect. Groups with -I effect decreases the
electron density on the nitrogen of amino group and hence decreases the basic strength.
Groups with +I effect increases the electron density on the nitrogen of amino group and
hence increases the basic strength. Greater the basic strength, the smaller is the pKb value.

Sol. 26
Type of polymer Example Structure
(i)Addition polymers Polyethene or
(ii)Condensation polymers Nylon 6,6

(iii)Copolymer Buna-S

Sol. 27 Analgesic medicines are those medicines which reduce or abolish pain causing
impairment of consciousness, mental confusion, incoordination or paralysis or some other
disturbances of nervous system. These are classified as follows:
(i) Non-narcotic (non-addictive) analgesics: These drugs are effective in relieving skeletal
pain such as that due to arthritis and preventing platelet coagulation.
(ii) Narcotic drugs: These analgesics are chiefly used for the relief of severe pain like
postoperative pain, cardiac pain and pains of terminal cancer, and in child birth.

Sol. 28
(a) Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions: The law states that limiting molar
conductivity of an electrolyte can be represented as the sum of the individual contributions
of the anion and cation of the electrolyte.
om (CH3COOH) = o + o
CH3COO- H+ 9
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

om (CH3COOH) = ?
om (HCl)  426 S cm2 mol1
om (NaCl)  126 S cm2 mol1
om (CH3COONa)  91S cm2 mol1
om (CH3COOH)= om (HCl)  om (CH3COONa)- om (NaCl)
 426  91  126
 391S cm2 mol1


(a) Lead storage battery:

2- -
Anode: Pb(s) + SO4 (aq)  PbSO4 (s) + 2e
2- + -
Cathode: PbO2 (s) + SO4 (aq) + 4H (aq) + 2e  PbSO4 (s) + 2H2O (l)

Overall reaction: Pb(s) +PbO2 (s) + 2H2SO4 (aq)  2PbSO4 (s) + 2H2O(l) 10
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

Cu(s)  Cu2+ (aq) + 2e-
2Ag+ (aq) + 2e-  2 Ag(s)
Cu(s) + 2 Ag+ (aq)  Cu2+ (aq) + 2 Ag(s)
Ecell=E - E
Ag+/Ag Cu2+/Cu
=+0.80 V-0.34 V
=0.46 V
Cu2+ 
Ecell=Eθcell  log  
2 2
 Ag 
 
0.059 0.1
 0.422 V  0.46 V  log
2 2
 Ag+ 
 
0.059 0.1
0.038 V   log
2 2
 Ag+ 
 
0.059 0.1
0.038 V  log
2 2
 Ag+ 
 
0.1 0.038 V  2
 log   1.2881
2 0.059
 Ag+ 
 
  Antilog (1.2881)  1.941 x 101
 Ag+ 
 
 Ag+  
2 0.1
  1.941  101
 Ag+   0.00515
 
 Ag+   0.071 mol L-1
 

Sol. 29
(i) 6NaOH + 3Cl2  5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O
(ii)XeF6(s) + 3H2O(l)  XeO3 + 6HF
(i) This is because oxygen has a smaller size than sulphur. Hence, electron electron
repulsions will be more in the case of oxygen than sulphur. 11
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

(ii) This is because NF3 is a stable compound whereas NCl3 is an unstable compound. NF3 is
stable because of small difference between the size of N and F which results in stable N-F
bond. NCl3 is unstable because of large difference between the size of N and Cl which
results in weak N-Cl bond.
(iii)This is because in ClF3, Cl is sp3d hybridised and two lone pairs are present on
equatorial positions.


(i) P4 + 10SO2Cl2  4PCl5 + 10SO2
(ii) 6XeF4+ 12H2O  4Xe + 2XeO3 + 24HF + 3O2
(i) This is because of inert pair effect. As we move down the group, due to poor shielding of
inner d- electrons, ns electrons are pulled strongly towards the nucleus. Thus, ns electrons
are difficult to release and do not participate in bond formation.
(ii) This is because in solid state it exists as [PCl4]+[PCl6]-
(iii)This is because of their high electron affinities that they have a great tendency to take
up electrons.

Sol. 30
(a)Nucleophile attacks the electrophilic carbon atom of the polar carbonyl group of an
aldehyde and a ketone from a direction approximately perpendicular to the plane of sp2
hybridised orbitals of carbonyl carbon.
The hybridisation of carbon changes from sp2 to sp3 in this process, and a tetrahedral
alkoxide intermediate is produced.
This intermediate captures a proton from the reaction medium to give the electrically
neutral product. The net result is addition of Nu- and H+ across the carbon oxygen double
bond. 12
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

dil. H SO
CH3CH2CH2COOCH2CH2CH2CH3  3 2 2 3 2 2 2
Butyl bu tan oate Bu tan oic acid Bu tan 1  ol
(M.F.  C8H16O2 )

CrO / H SO
3 2 4  CH CH CH COOH
CH3CH2CH2CH2OH  3 2 2
CH3CH2CH2CH2OH   CH3CH2CH  CH2
C But  1  ene

(a)Chemical test to distinguish between ethanal and propanal:

Ethanal Propanal
Iodoform test: Propanal does not
Ethanal gives yellow ppt. of iodoform with an alkaline give yellow ppt. of
O iodoform with an
solution of iodine solution it has the group || alkaline solution
CH3 -C- of iodine

CH3CHO  3 I2  4NaOH  HCOONa  CHI3  3NaI  3H2O
Sodium formate Iodoform

(b) Chemical test to distinguish between phenol and benzoic acid

Phenol Benzoic acid

On adding sodium On adding sodium bicarbonate to a benzoic acid,
bicarbonate to a phenol, brisk brisk effervescence of CO2 is produced.
effervescence of CO2 is not
produced. 13
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2010

(i) Benzoic acid to benzaldehyde

(ii)Ethanal to but-2-enal

(iii)Propanone to propene 14
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper - 2011

Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

General instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks for each question are indicated against it.
3. Question numbers 1 to 8 are very short- answer questions carrying 1 mark each.
Answer these in one word or about one sentence each.
4. Question numbers 9 to 18 are short-answer questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answer
these in about 30 words each.
5. Question numbers 19 to 27 are short answer questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer
these in about 40 words each.
6. Question numbers 28 to 30 are long answer questions of carrying 5 marks each.
Answer these in about 70 words each.
7. Use Log Tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not permitted.

Q. 1 'Crystalline solids are anisotropic in nature'. What does this statement mean? [1]

Q. 2 Express the relation between conductivity and molar conductivity of a solution held in
a cell. [1]

Q. 3 Define 'electrophoresis'. [1]

Q. 4 Draw the structure of XeF2 molecule. [1]

Q. 5 Write the IUPAC name of the following compound:

(CH3)3CCH2Br [1]

Q. 6 Draw the structure of 3-methylbutanal. [1]

Q. 7 Arrange the following compounds in an increasing order of their solubility in water:

C6H5NH2, (C2H5)2NH, C2H5NH2 [1]

Q. 8 What are biodegradable polymers? [1]

Q. 9 The chemistry of corrosion of iron is essentially an electrochemical phenomenon.

Explain the reactions occurring during the corrosion of iron in the atmosphere. [2] 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

Q. 10 Determine the values of equilibrium constant (Kc) and G o for the following
Ni  s   2Ag  aq 
 Ni2  aq  2Ag  s  , Eo  1.05V

1F  96500 C mol1  [2]

Q. 11 Distinguish between 'rate expression' and 'rate constant' of a reaction. [2]

Q. 12 State reasons for each of the following:

(i) The N - O bond is NO-2 is shorter than the N - O bond in NO3-
(ii) SF6 is kinetically an inert substance


State reason for the each of the following:

(i) All the P-Cl bonds in PCl5 molecule are not equivalent.
(ii) Sulphur has greater tendency for catenation than oxygen. [2]

Q. 13 Assign reasons for the following:

(i) Copper (I) ion is not known in aqueous solution.
(ii) Actinoids exhibits greater range of oxidation states than Lanthanoids. [2]

Q. 14 Explain the following giving one example for each:

(i) Reimer-Tiemann reaction.
(ii) Friedel Craft's acetylation of anisole. [2]

Q. 15 How would you obtain:

(i) Picric acid (2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol) from phenol,
(ii) 2-Methylpropene from 2-methylpropanol? [2]

Q. 16 What is essentially the difference between -form of glucose and -form of glucose?
Explain. [2]

Q. 17 Describe what do you understand by primary structure and secondary structure of

proteins. [2]

Q. 18 Mention two important uses of each of the following:

(i) Bakelite
(ii) Nylon 6 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

Q. 19 Silver crystallizes in face-centred cubic unit cell. Each side of this unit cell has a
length of 400 pm. Calculate the radius of the silver atom. (Assume the atoms just touch
each other on the diagonal across the face of the unit cell. That is each face atom is touching
the four corner atoms.) [3]

Q. 20 Nitrogen pentaoxide decomposes according to equation:

2N2O5 g 4NO2 g O2 g
This first order reaction was allowed to proceed at 40 oC and the data below were

[N2O5] (M) Time (min)

0.400 0.00
0.289 20.0
0.209 40.0
0.151 60.0
0.109 80.0

(a) Calculate the rate constant. Include units with your answer.
(b) What will be the concentration of N2O5 after 100 minutes?
(c) Calculate the initial rate of reaction.

Q. 21 Explain how the phenomenon of adsorption finds applications in each of the

following processes:
(i) Production of high vacuum
(ii) Heterogeneous catalysis
(iii) Froth floatation process


Define each of the following terms:

(i) Micelles
(ii) Peptization
(iii) Desorption [3]

Q. 22 Describe the principle behind each of the following processes:

(i) Vapour phase refining of a metal.
(ii) Electrolytic refining of a metal.
(iii)Recovery of silver after silver ore was leached with NaCN. [3] 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
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Q. 23 Complete the following chemical equations:

(i)   C O2  H 
MnO4 
2 4
(ii) KMnO4 

(iii) Cr2O2
  H S  H 
2 

Q. 24 Write the name, stereochemistry and magnetic behaviour of the following: (At. Nos.
Mn = 25, Co = 27, Ni = 28)
(i) K4[Mn(CN)6]
(ii) [Co(NH3)5Cl] Cl2
(iii) K2[Ni(CN)4]

Q. 25 Answer the following:

(i) Haloalkanes easily dissolve in organic solvents, why?
(ii) What is known as a racemic mixture? Give an example.
(iii) Of the two bromo derivatives, C6H5CH(CH3)Br and C6H5CH(C6H5)Br, which one is more
reactive in SN1 substitution reaction and why? [3]

Q. 26 (a) Explain why an alkylamine is more basic than ammonia.

(b) How would you convert:
(i) Aniline to nitrobenzene
(ii) Aniline to iodobenzene? [3]

Q. 27 Describe the following giving one example for each:

(ii)Food preservatives
(iii)Antacids [3]

Q. 28 (a) Difference between molarity and molality for a solution. How does a change in
temperature influence their values?
(b) Calculate the freezing point of an aqueous solution containing 10.50 g of MgBr2 in 200 g
of water. (Molar mass of MgBr2 = 184 g)
(Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol-1)


(a) Define the terms osmosis and osmotic pressure. Is the osmotic pressure of a solution a
colligative property? Explain.
(b) Calculate the boiling point of a solution prepared by adding 15.00 g of NaCl to 250.0 g of
water.(Kb for water = 0.512 K kg mol-1), Molar mass of NaCl = 58.44 g. [5] 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
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Q. 29 (a) Give the chemical test to distinguish between

(i) Propanal and propanone,
(ii) Benzaldehyde and acetophenone.

(b) How would you obtain

(i) But-2-enal from ethanal,
(ii) Butanoic acid from butanol,
(i) Benzoic acid from ethylbenzene


(a) Describe the following giving linked chemical equations:

(i) Cannizzaro reaction
(ii) Decarboxylation

(b) Complete the following chemical equations:


Q. 30 (a) Explain the following:

(i) NF3 is an exothermic compound whereas NCl3 is not.
(ii) F2 is most reactive of all the four common halogens.
(b) Compete the following chemical equations:
(i) C  H2SO4  conc. 

(ii) P4  NaOH  H2O 

(iii) Cl2  F2 

 excess 

Or 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

(a) Account for the following:

(i) The acidic strength decreases in the order:
(ii)Tendency to form pentahalides decreases down the group in group 15 of the
periodic table.
(b) Complete the following chemical equations:
(i) P4  SO2Cl2 

(ii) XeF2  H2O 

(iii) I2  HNO3 

 conc  [5] 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper – 2011 (Solution)
Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

Sol. 1 This statement means that some of the physical properties of crystalline solids such
as electrical resistance or refractive index show different values when measured along
different directions in the same crystals.

Sol. 2 The Molar conductivity of a solution:

m k
Where, m is molar conductivity and k is the conductivity of the solution.

Sol. 3 Electrophoresis is the phenomenon of movement of colloidal particles under the

applied electric potential.

Sol. 4 XeF2 is a linear molecule:

Sol. 5

IUPAC name : 2, 2-Dimethylbromopropane.

Sol. 6 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

Sol. 7 The solubility order of the given amines is as follows:

C6H5NH2 < (C2H5)2NH < C2H5NH2
The more extensive the H-bonding, the higher is the solubility. C2H5NH2 contains two H-
atoms whereas (C2H5)2NH contains only one H-atom. Thus C2H5NH2 undergoes more
extensive H-bonding than (C2H5)2NH. Hence, the solubility in water of C2H5NH2 is more
than that of (C2H5)2NH.
Further, the solubility of amines decreases with increase in the molecular mass. This is
because the molecular mass of amines increases with an increase in the size of the
hydrophobic part. The molecular mass of C6H5NH2 is greater than that of C2H5NH2 and
(C2H5)2NH. Thus, the solubility of C6H5NH2 is less than that of C2H5NH2 and (C2H5)2NH.

Sol. 8 A polymer that can be decomposed by bacteria is called a biodegradable polymer.

For example: poly- -hydroxybutyrate-CO- -hydroxyvalerate (PHBV) is biodegradable
aliphatic polyester.

Sol. 9 In the process of corrosion, due to the presence of air and moisture, oxidation takes
place at a particular spot of an object made of iron. That spot behaves as the anode. The
reaction at the anode is can be written as follows.
Anodic reaction: Fe (s) Fe2 (aq) 2e

Electrons released at the anodic spot move through the metallic object to reach another
spot of object. There, in the presence of H+ ions, the electrons reduce molecular oxygen.
This spot behaves as the cathode. There H+ ions come either from H2CO3 , which are formed
due to the dissolution of carbon dioxide from air into water or from the dissolution of other
acidic oxides from the atmosphere in water.
The reaction corresponding at the cathode is written as follows.
Cathodic reaction: O2(g) 4H (aq) 4e 2H2O(l)
Thus, the overall reaction is:
2Fe(s)  O2(g)  4H (aq) 
 2Fe2 (s)  2H2O(l)

Also, ferrous ions are further oxidized by atmosphere oxygen to ferric ions. These ferric
ions combine with moisture, present in the surroundings, to form hydrated ferric oxide
(Fe2O3, xH2O) i.e., rust. 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
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Sol. 10
Ni s 2Ag aq Ni2 aq 2Ag s , Eo 1.05V
The galvanic cell of the given cell reaction is depicted as :
Ni(s) | Ni2 || Ag | Ag(s)
Now, the s tan dard cell potential is
Eocell 1.05 V
n 2
F 96500 C mol 1
rG nFEocell
rG 2 96500 C mol 1 1.05 V
202650 Jmol 1
202.65 kJmol 1

Sol.11 The rate expression can be defined as an expression in which the rate of reaction is
given as the product of the molar concentration of the reactants, with each term raised to
some power, which may or may not be the stoichiometric coefficients of the reacting
species in a balanced chemical equation.
The rate constant can be defined as the rate of reaction when the concentration of each of
the reactant is taken as unity.
Example: 2NO(g) O2 (g) 2NO2 (g)
The rate expression for the above reaction can be written as follows:
Rate k[NO]2[O2 ] (Experimentally determined)
Now, if the concentration of NO and O2 is taken to be unity, then the rate constant is found
to be equal to the rate of the reaction.

Sol. 12
(i) The Shorter N - O bond in NO2 is due to the existence of resonance in NO2 . The
resonating structure can be drawn as follows:

Due to resonance in NO2 , the two bonds are equivalent. This leads to a decrease in bond
length. Thus, the N - O bond length in NO2 resembles a double bond. 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

Now, the resonating structure for NO3 can be drawn as:

As seen from the above resonating structure of NO3 , the three oxygen atoms are sharing
two single bonds and one double bond. So, the real N-O bond length resembles a single
bond closely.
This explains the existence of shorter bond length of the N-O bond in NO2 than in NO3 .

(ii) The kinetic inertness of SF6 can be explained on the basis of its structure.

As seen from the above structure, the six fluorine (F) atoms protect the sulphur atom from
attack by the reagents to such an extent that even thermodynamically most favourable
reactions like hydrolysis do not occur.
(i) In gaseous and liquid state, PCl5 has a trigonal bipyramidal structure. In this structure,
the two axial P - Cl bonds are longer and less stable than the three equatorial P - Cl bonds.
This is because of the greater bond pair - bond pair repulsion in the axial bonds. Hence, all
the bonds in PCl5 are not equivalent.
(ii) Because of stronger S-S bonds as compared to O-O bonds, sulphur has a greater
tendency for catenation than oxygen.

Sol. 13
(i) In aqueous solution, Cu+ ion undergoes oxidation to Cu2+ ion. The relative stability of
different oxidation states can be seen from their electrode potentials.
Cu+(aq)  e 
 Cu(s), Eored  0.52V

Cu2+(aq)  2e 

 Cu(s), Eored  0.34V

Due to more reduction electrode potential value of Cu+, it undergoes oxidation reaction
quite feasibly. Hence, Copper (I) ion is not known in aqueous solution. 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
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(ii) The actinoids show a larger number of oxidation states because of very small energy
gap between the 5f, 6d and 7s sub-shells. Hence all their electrons can take part in bond

Sol. 14
(i) Reimer-Tiemann reaction: Reimer-Tiemann reaction involves the treatment of phenol
with chloroform in the presence of aqueous sodium hydroxide at 340 K followed by
hydrolysis of the resulting product to give 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde (salicylaldehyde). The
chemical reaction can be represented as follows:

(ii)Friedel-Crafts acetylation of anisole: Friedel-Crafts acetylation of anisole involves the

treatment of anisole with either acetyl chloride or acetic anhydride to give 2-
methoxyacetophenone (as a mirror product) and 4-methoxyacetophenone (as a major
product), the chemical reaction can be represented as follows:

Sol. 15
(i) Phenol on reaction with concentrated HNO3 results in the formation of picric acid. 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
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(ii) 2-Methyl propene can be obtained from the reaction of 2-methyl propanol with alc.

Sol. 16 The -form of glucose and -form of glucose can be distinguished by the position
of the hydroxyl group on the first carbon atom.
In open chain -glucose, the hydroxyl group on the first carbon atom is towards the right
whereas, in the closed ring - glucose, the hydroxyl group on the first carbon atom is
below the plane of the ring.
On the other hand, in open chain -glucose, the hydroxyl group on the first carbon atom is
towards the left whereas, in the closed ring -glucose, the hydroxyl group on the first
carbon atom is above the plane of the ring.

Sol. 17
(i) Primary structure of proteins: Each polypeptide chain in a protein has amino acids
linked with each other in a specific sequence. This sequence of amino acids is said to be the
primary structure of proteins. 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

(ii) Secondary structure of proteins: The secondary structure of proteins refers to the
shape in which a long polypeptide can exist. The two different secondary structures
possible are -Helix structure and - pleated sheet structure.

Sol. 18
(i) Uses of Bakelite:
(a) It is used for making combs.
(b) It is used for manufacturing electrical switches.
(ii) Uses of Nylon 6:
(a) It is used for making tyre cords.
(b) It is used for making fabrics and mountaineering ropes.

Sol. 19 Given, silver crystallizes in fcc unit cell

So, r 
2 2
Where r is the radius of the silver atom and a is the edge length
Now, edge length = 400 pm = 400 10 10 cm
400  1010 cm
r 
2  1.414
 141.44  1010 cm
 141.4 pm
Thus, the radius of the silver atom was found to be 141.4 pm.

Sol. 20
(a)The plot of [N2O5] v/s t is as follows

[N2O5] (M) Time (min) log[N2O5] 7
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

0.400 0.00 -.03979

0.289 20.0 -0.5391
0.209 40.0 -0.6798
0.151 60.0 -0.8210
0.109 80.0 -0.9625

From the plot, log [N2O5] v/s t, we obtain

0.70   0.60 
Slope 
40  20
0.70  0.60 0.10
 
20 20
Also, slope of the line of the plot =
k 0.10
 
2.303 20
or k   2.303  0.01151
or, k  1.15  103 min1
(b) After 100 min
2.303 [N O ]
k  log 2 5 o
t [N2O5 ]t
After 100 min
2.303 0.400
0.01151  log
100 [N2O5 ]t
[N2O5 ]t  0.357M
(c) The initial rate of reaction
r  k[N2O5]
 1.15  10-3  0.400
 4.6  10-4 s-1 8
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

Sol. 21
(i) Production of high vacuum: Traces of air can be adsorbed by charcoal from a vessel,
evacuated by a vacuum pump to give a very high vacuum.
(ii) Heterogeneous catalysis: The gaseous reactants are adsorbed on the surface of the
solid catalysts. As a result, the concentration of the reactants increases on the surface and
hence the rate of the reaction increases.
(iii) Froth floatation process: This process is used to remove gangue from sulphide ores.
The basic principle involved in this process is adsorption.
In this process, a mixture of water pine oil is taken in tank. The impure powdered sulphide
ore is dropped in through hopper and the compressed air is blown in through the agitator
and rotator is rotated several times. As a result, froth is formed and the sulphide ores get
adsorbed in the froth. The impurities settled down and are let out through an outlet at the
(i) A micelle is an aggregate of surfactant molecules dispersed in a liquid. A micelle in
aqueous solution forms an aggregate such that the hydrophilic "head" regions are in
contact with the surrounding solvent and the hydrophobic tail regions are in the centre of
(ii) Peptization is the process of conversion of a precipitate into a colloidal sol by shaking it
with the dispersion medium in the presence of an electrolyte. The electrolyte used in this
reaction is known as a peptizing agent.
(iii) Desorption is the process of removing an adsorbed substance from the surface through
which it was adsorbed.

Sol. 22
(i) Vapour phase refining: It is the process of refining metal by converting it into its volatile
compound and then, decomposing it to obtain a pure metal. The basic principle involved in
this process is:
The metal should form a volatile compound with an available reagent, and the volatile
compound should be easily decomposable so that the metal can be easily recovered.
(ii) Electrolytic refining of a metal: It is the process of refining impure metals by using
electricity. In this process, impure metal is made the anode and a strip of pure metal is
made the cathode. A solution of a solution salt of the same metal is taken as the electrolyte.
When an electric current is passed, metal ions from the electrolyte are deposited at the
cathode as pure metal and the impure metal from the anode dissolves into the electrolyte
in the form of ions. The impurities present in the impure metal gets collected below the
anode. This is known as anode mud.
Anode :  Mn  ne
M 

Cathode : Mn  ne 

M 9
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

(iii) In the process of leaching, the finely divided silver is treated with dilute solution of
sodium cyanide while a current of air is continuously passed. As a result, silver pass into
the solution forming solution dicyanoargenate(I) while the impurities remain unaffected
which are filtered off.
Ag2S  4NaCN 
 2Na[Ag CN2 ]  Na2S
Sodium dicyano argenate(I)

Sol. 23
  5C O2  16H 
(i) 2MnO4  2Mn2  8H2O  10CO2
2 4
(ii) 2KMnO4   K2MnO4  MnO2  O2

(iii) Cr2O2
  3H S  8H 
2  2Cr3  7H2O  3S

Sol. 24
(i) K4[Mn(CN)6]
Name: Potassium hexacyanomanganate(II)
Stereochemistry - Does not show geometric or optical isomerism
Magnetic behaviour - Paramagnetic
(ii) [Co(NH3)5Cl] Cl2
Name: Pentaamminedchloridocobalt (III) chloride
Stereochemistry - Does not show geometric isomerism but is optically active
Magnetic behaviour - Paramagnetic
(iii) K2[Ni(CN)4]
Name: Potassium tetracyanoinickelate (II)
Stereochemistry - Does not show geometric or optically isomerism
Magnetic behaviour – Diamagnetic 10
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

Sol. 25
(i) Haloalkanes can easily dissolve in organic solvents of low polarity because the new
forces of attraction set up between haloalkanes and the solvent molecules are of same
strength as the forces of attraction being broken.
(ii) A mixture of equal amounts of two enantiomers is known as racemic mixture.
For example: When a 3o halide undergoes substitution with KOH, the reaction proceeds
through SN1 mechanism forming the racemic mixture in which one of the products has
the same configuration as a reactant, while the other product has an inverted

(iii) The SN1 substitution reaction involves the formation of carbocation, which is not
affected by the presence of bulky groups.
Thus, C6H5CH(C6H5)Br will be more reactive towards SN1 substitution reaction forming
racemic mixture.

Sol. 26
(a) The basicity of amines depends on the +I effects of the alkyl group.
The presence of -CH3 group in alkylamine increases the electron density on the nitrogen
atom and thus increases the basicity.
Hence, alkylamine is more basic than ammonia CH3NH2 > NH3 11
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

(b) (i)


Sol. 27
(i)Detergents: A detergent is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants having cleaning
properties in dilute solution. Commonly, detergent refers to alkylbenzenesulphonates. For
example: Sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate.
(ii)Food preservatives: Food preservatives are chemicals that prevent food from spoilage
due to microbial growth. Vegetable oil, sodium benzoate (C6H3COONa), and salts of
propanoic acid are some examples of food preservatives.
(iii)Antacids: Any drug that is used to counteract the effects of excess acid in the stomach
and raise the pH to an appropriate level is called an antacid.
Example: Omeprazole 12
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

Sol. 28
(a) Molarity is defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved per litre of solution.
Number of moles of solute
Mathematically M =
Volume of solution in litres (dm3 )
Molality of a solution is defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved in 1000 grams
of solvent.
Number of moles of the solute
Mathematically, m =
Mass of solvent in kg
While molarity decreases with an increase in temperature, molality is independent of
temperature. This happens because molality involves mass, which does not change with a
change in temperature, while molarity involves volume, which is temperature dependent.
(b) Given w2 = 10.50 g
w1 = 200g
Molar mass of MgBr2 (M2) = 184 g
Using the formula,
1000  k f  w2
Tf =
w1  M2
1000  1.86  10.50
200  184
= = 0.53
200  184
Now, Tf = To - Tf
= 273 - 0.53 = 272.47 K
(a) Osmosis: The process of flow of solvent molecules from pure solvent to solution or from
solution of lower concentration of solution of higher concentration through a semi -
permeable membrane is called osmosis.
(b) Osmotic pressure: The pressure required to just stop the flow of solvent due to osmosis
is called osmotic pressure () of the solution. Yes, the osmotic pressure of a solution is
colligative property. The osmotic pressure is expressed as:
  RT
Where,  = osmotic pressure
n = number of moles of solute
V = volume of solution
T = temperature
From the equation, it is clear that osmotic pressure depends upon the number of
moles of solute 'n' irrespective of the nature of the solute. Hence, osmotic pressure is a
colligative property.
(b) Given, Kb = 0.512 k kg mol-1
w2 = 15.00 g
w1 = 250.0 g
M2 = 58.44 g 13
CBSE XII | Chemistry
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Using the formula,

1000  Kb  w2
Tb 
w1  M2
1000  0.512  15.00
250.0  58.44
= = 0.52
Now, Tb = To + Tb
= 373 + 0.53 = 373.53 K

Sol. 29
(i) Propanal (CH3CH2CHO) can be distinguished from propanone (CH3COCH3) by iodoform
Being a methyl ketone, propanone on treatment with I2/NaOH undergoes iodoform
reaction to give a yellow ppt. of iodoform.
CH3COCH3 + 3NaOI   CHI3  + CH3COONa + 2NaOH
Propanone Iodoform
Propanal on the other hand does not give this test.
(ii) Benzaldehyde (C6H5CHO) and acetophenone (C6H5COCH3) can be distinguished by
iodoform test.
Acetophenone, being a methyl ketone on treatment with I2/NaOH undergoes iodoform
reaction to give a yellow ppt. of iodoform. On the other hand, benzaldehyde does not give
this test.
C6H5COCH3 + 3NaOI 
 C6H5COONa + CHI3  + 2NaOH
Acetophenone Iodoform
C6H5CHO   No yellow ppt of iodoform
(i) 14
CBSE XII | Chemistry
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(i)K Cr O / H SO
(ii) CH3CH2CH2CH2OH  2 2

(ii) Dil.H SO
7 2 4

2 4

Butanol Butanoic acid



(i) Cannizaro reaction:

In this reaction, the aldehydes which do not have an  - hydrogen atom, undergo self
oxidation and reduction (disproportionation) reaction on treatment with a concentrated

(ii) Decarboxylation
The decarboxylation reaction can be carried out either by using soda lime or by
1. Using soda lime
Sodium salts of carboxylic acids when heated with soda lime (NaOH + CaO) in the ratio 3:1
undergo decarboxylation reaction to yield alkanes.
NaOH  CaO
R - COONa  R - H + Na2CO3
2. Electrolytic decarboxylation 15
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2011

Electrolysis of aqueous solutions of sodium of potassium salts of carboxylic acids give

alkanes having twice the number of carbon atoms present in the alkyl group of acid. This is
known as Kolbe's decarboxylation.
2RCOONa 
 2RCOO- + 2Na+
H2O  2OH- + 2H+
At Anode:-
2RCOO- - 2e- 
 CO2 + R-R
At cathode:
2H+ + 2e- 
 H2



H3 O
C6H5CONH2 
Benzoic acid

Sol. 30
(i) As we move down the group 17, the size of the atom increases from fluorine to chlorine.
The larger difference in the size of N and Cl results in the weakness of strength of N - Cl
bond. On the other hand, the difference in size of N and F is small; consequently the N - F
bond is quite strong. As a result, NF3 is an exothermic compound.
(ii) Due to the small size of F atom, the three lone pair of electrons on each F atom of F - F
molecule repels the bond pair. As a result, F - F is most reactive of all the four common
(i) C + 2H2SO4 
 2SO2 + CO2 + 2H2O
Sulphur dioxide 16
CBSE XII | Chemistry
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(ii) P4 + 3NaOH + 3H2O 
PH3 + 3NaH2PR2
(iii) Cl2 + 3F2   2ClF3
(excess) Chlorine trifluoride
(a) (i) In a period, the electro negativity decreases in the order Cl > S > P. As a result, the
loss of H+ ions decreases.
Thus, the acidic strength of the hydrides decreases in the following order: HCl > H2S >
(ii) The tendency to form pentahalides decreases down the group 15 due to inert pair effect
i.e., in Bi the s-electrons remain inert and do not take part in bonding.
(b) (i) P4 + 10SO2Cl2  4PCl5 + 10SO2
(ii) 2XeF2 + 2H2O  2Xe + 4HF + O2
(iii) I2 + 10HNO3 
 2HIO3 + 10NO2 + 4H2O
(conc). 17
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2012

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 3
Board Paper - 2012
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

General instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks for each question are indicated against it.
3. Question numbers 1 to 8 are very short- answer questions carrying 1 mark each.
Answer these in one word or about one sentence each.
4. Question numbers 9 to 18 are short-answer questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answer
these in about 30 words each.
5. Question numbers 19 to 27 are short answer questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer
these in about 40 words each.
6. Question numbers 28 to 30 are long answer questions of carrying 5 marks each.
Answer these in about 70 words each.
7. Use Log Tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not permitted.

Q. 1 What is meant by 'doping' in a semiconductor? [1]

Q. 2 What is the role of graphite in the electrometallurgy of aluminium? [1]

Q. 3 PH3, and H2S which is more acidic and why? [1]

Q. 4 Give the IUPAC name of the following compound. [1]

Q. 5 Draw the structure of hex-1-en-3-ol compound. [1]

Q. 6 Define the term, homopolymerisation giving an example. [1]

Q. 7 Arrange the following in the decreasing order of their basic strength in aqueous
solutions: [1]
CH3 NH2, (CH3)2 NH, (CH3)3 N and NH3

Q. 8 Arrange the following compounds in an increasing order of the reactivity in

nucleophillic addition reactions: ethanol, propanal, propanone, butanone. [1] 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2012

Q. 9 A 1.00 molal aqueous solution of trichloroacetic acid (CCl3COOH) is heated to its

boiling point. The solution has the boiling point of 100.18 oC. Determine the van't
Hoff factor for trichloroacetic acid. (Kb for water = 0.512 K kg mol-1)

Define the following terms: [2]
(i) Mole fraction
(ii) Isotonic solutions
(iii) Van't Hoff factor
(iv) Ideal solution

Q. 10 Name the two groups into which phenomenon of catalysis can be divided. Given an
example of each group with the chemical equation involved. [2]

Q. 11 What do you understand by the 'order of a reaction'? Identify the reaction order from
each of the following units of reaction rate constant: [2]
(i) L mol s
-1 -1

(ii) L mol1 s-1

Q. 12 Explain the following terms giving one example for each: [2]
(i) Micelles
(ii) Aerosol

Q. 13 Explain the following giving an appropriate reason in each case.

(i) O2 and F2 both stabilize higher oxidation states of metals but O2 exceeds F2 in
doing so.
(ii) Structures of Xenon fluorides cannot be explained by Valence Bond approach. [2]

Q. 14 Describe the principle involved in each of the following processes.

(i) Mond process for refining of Nickel.
(ii) Column Chromatography for purification of rare elements. [2]

Q. 15 What is meant by (i) peptide linkage (ii) biocatalysts? [2]

Q. 16 (i)Cr2O72-  H  I- 
(ii)MnO-4  NO2  H+  [2]

Q. 17 Draw the structure of the monomer for each of the following polymers: [2]
(i) Nylon 6
(ii) Polypropene 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2012

Q. 18 Write any two reactions of glucose which cannot be explained by the open chain
structure of glucose molecule. [2]

Q. 19 Tungsten crystallizes in body centered cubic unit cell. If the edge of the unit cell is
316.5pm, what is the radius of tungsten atom?
Iron has a body centered cubic unit cell with a cell dimension of 286.65 pm. The [3]
density of iron is 7.874 g cm-3. Use this information to calculate Avogadro's number.
(At. Mass of Fe = 55.845 μ)

Q. 20 150 g of an unknown molecular material was dissolved in 450g of water. The

resulting solution was found to freeze at -0.64 o c. What is the molar mass of this
material? (Kf for water =1.86 gmol-1) [3]

Q. 21 For the reaction

The following data were collected. All the measurements were taken at 263 K:
Experiment No Initial [NO] (M) Initial [CI2] (M) Initial rate of disappearance
of CI2 (M/min)
1 0.15 0.15 0.60
2 0.15 0.30 1.20
3 0.30 0.15 2.40
4 0.25 0.25 ?

(a) Write the expression for rate law. [3]

(b) Calculate the value of rate constant and specify its units.
(c) What is the initial rate of disappearance of CI, in exp. 4?

Q. 22 Explain the following observations giving an appropriate reason for each. [3]
(i) The enthalpies of atomization of transition elements are quite high.
(ii) There occurs much more frequent metal-metal bonding in compounds of heavy
transition metals (i.e. 3rd series).
(iii) Mn2+ is much more resistant than Fe2+ towards oxidation.

Q. 23 Write the name, the structure and the magnetic behavior of each one of the following
complexes: [3]
(i) [Pt (NH3) CI (NO2)]
(ii) [Co(NH3)4CI2] CI
(iii) Ni (CO)4
(At. Nos. Co = 27, Ni = 28, Pt = 78) 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2012

Q. 24 Write chemical equations for the following conversions: [3]

(i) Nitrobenzene to benzoic acid.
(ii) Benzyl chloride to 2-phenylethanamine.
(iii) Aniline to benzyl alcohol.

Q. 25 Although chlorine is an electron withdrawing group, yet it is ortho-, para- directing

in electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Explain why it is so?

Q. 26 Draw the structure and name the product formed if the following alcohols are
oxidised. Assume that an excess of oxidizing agent is used.
(ii) 2-butenol
(iii) 2-methyl-1- propanol

Q. 27 Explain the following terms giving one example of each type: [3]
(i) Antacids,
(ii) Disinfectants,
(iii) Enzymes.

Q. 28 (a) What type of a battery is the lead storage battery? Write the anode and the
cathode reactions and the overall reaction occurring in a lead storage battery when current
is drawn from it.
(b) In the button cell, widely used in watches, the following reaction taken place
Zn(s) +Ag2O(s) +H2O(i)  Zn(aq)
2+ -
+2Ag(s) +2OH(aq)
Determine E0 and ⧍ Go for the reaction.

 given:E o

Ag +
=+0.8 V,EZn2+Zn =-0.76V  [5]
(a) Define molar conductivity of a solution and explain how molar conductivity
changes with change In concentration of solution for a weak and a strong
(b) The resistance of a conductivity cell containing 0.001 M KCI solution at 298 K
is 1500 Ω . What is the cell constant if the conductivity of 0.001 M KCI solution
at 298 K is 0.146 x 10-3 S cm-1?

Q.29 (a) Illustrate the following name reactions giving suitable example in each case:
(i) Clemmenson reduction
(ii) Hell-volhard-Zelinsky reaction
(b) How are the following conversions carried out?
(i) Ethylcyanide to ethanoic acid
(ii) Butan-1-ol to butanoic acid
(iii) Benzoic acid to m-bromobenzoic acid
OR 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2012

Q.29 (a) Illustrate the following reactions given a suitable example for each.
(i) Cross aldol condensation
(ii) Decarboxylation

(b) Given simple tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds
(i) Pentan-2-one and Pentan-3-one
(ii) Benzaldehyde and Acetophenone
(iii) Phenol and Benzoic acid

Q. 30 (a) Draw the molecular structures of following compounds:

(i) XeF6
(ii) H2S2O8
(b) Explain the following observations:
(i) The molecules NH3 and NF3 have dipole moments which are of opposite
(ii) All the bonds in PCl5 molecule are not equivalent.
(iii) Sulphur in vapor state exhibits paramagnetism.
(a) Complete the following chemical equations:
(i) XeF4 + SbF5→
(ii) CI2 + F2 (excess) →
(b) Explain each the following:
(i) Nitrogen is much less reactive than phosphorus.
(ii) The stability of +5 oxidation state decreases down group 15.
(iii) The bond angles (O - N - O) are not of the same value in NO2+ and NO2- 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 3
Board Paper – 2012 (Solution)
Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

Ans. 1 Doping refers to the process of introducing impurity atoms into a semiconductor in
a controllable manner in order to define the electrical properties of this region.

Ans. 2 Graphite is used as the anode during the electrolysis of molten alumina. Its role is to
prevent the formation of O2 at the anode otherwise some of the aluminium may be
oxidised by oxygen.

Ans. 3 H2S is more acidic than PH3 because S is more electronegative than P. This results in
the S-H bond to become more polar than a P-H bond and thus easier to remove.
Once removed, the more electronegative S is more able to stabilize the negative
charge, leading to a more stable conjugate base.

Ans. 4 3-Bromo-2-methylprop-1-ene

Ans. 5

Ans. 6 Homopolymerisation is the polymerisation of a single type of monomer to form a

homopolymer. For example: polyethylene.

Ans. 7 Order of basic strength in aqueous solutions:

(CH3)2NH > (CH3)3 N > CH3NH2>NH3

Ans. 8 Order of reactivity in nucleophilic addition reactions:

Ethanal> propanal> propanone> butanone

Ans. 9 ⧍T = 100.18 - 100 = 0.18°C = 0.18 K

Now i = ⧍T/Kbm
i= 0.18 K/ (0.512 K kg mol-1) (1.00 molkg-1)
= 0.35
OR 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 9
i. Mole fraction:
It is defined as the ratio of moles of a constituent to the total number of moles of
the solution.
ii. Isotonic solutions:
Solutions which have the same osmotic pressure are called as isotonic solution.
iii. Van't Hoff factor:
It is the ratio of experimental values of a colligative property to the calculated
value of the property when the solution behaves ideally
iv. Ideal solution:
A solution that obeys Raoult's law over all ranges of temperature and
concentration and shows no internal energy change on mixing and no attractive
force between components.

Ans. 10 Catalysis can be divided in two types:

1. Homogeneous catalysis
2SO2 (g) +O2 (g)   2SO3(g)

2. Heterogeneous catalysis
2SO2 (g) 
2SO3( g)

Ans. 11 Order of a reaction is defined as the sum of the exponents of the molar
concentrations of the reactants in the experimentally determined rate equations
Reaction orders of the following rate constant are:
i. L-1 mol s-1: zero order reaction
ii Lmol-1s-1: second order reaction

Ans. 12 (i) A micelle is an aggregate of surfactant molecules dispersed in a liquid colloid. A

micelle in aqueous solution forms an aggregate with the hydrophilic head regions
in contact with surrounding solvent and the non-polar tails of the molecules
clump into the center of the micelle.
For example: Soap solution. It is a sodium or potassium salt of fatty acids.
When dissolved in water, it dissociates into RCOO- and Na+ ions. The RCOO-
ions are present on the surface with their COO- groups in water and the
hydrocarbon chains R remain at surface.
(ii) Aerosols are colloids in which the dispersed phase is solid and the dispersed
medium is gas. For example: Smoke is a colloidal solution of solid particles such
as carbon, arsenic compounds etc. 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 13 (i) The tendency to stabilize highest oxidation state of a metal is maximum in
oxygen than the fluorine because oxygen can form multiple bonds but fluorine do
(ii) According to valence bond theory valence electron take part in the bonding but
since xenon has completely filled electronic configuration in the valence shell. So
structure of xenon fluoride cannot be explained by valence bond approach.

Ans. 14 (i) Mond's process for refining of nickel:

It is based on the principle of vapour phase refining:
This method is based on the fact that certain metals are converted to their volatile
compounds while the Impurities are unaffected during compound formation.
(ii) Column Chromatography for purification of rare elements:
This technique of chromatography is based on the principle that different
components of a mixture are differently adsorbed on an adsorbent. The
components of the mixture get adsorbed on the column at different places.

Ans. 15 (i) Peptide linkage- It is an amide bond formed between -COOH group and –NH2
group and results into formation of peptide bond -CO-NH-
(ii) Biocatalysts- A substance, especially an enzyme that initiates or modifies the
rate of a chemical reaction in a living body is known as a biocatalyst or a
biochemical catalyst.

Ans. 16 (i) Cr2O72-  14H+  6I-  2Cr3+  7H2O  3I2

(ii) 2MnO-4  5NO2-  6H+  2Mn2+  5NO3-  3H2O

Ans. 17 Structures of monomer of the following are:

Ans. 18 The reactions which can't be explained by the open chain structure of glucose
molecules are:
(i) The penta acetate of glucose does not react with hydroxylamine indicating the
absence of free -CHO group.
(ii) Glucose does not give 2,4-DNP test and Schiff's test despite having the aldehydic
group. 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 19 For a body centered cubic cell, the radius of atom is:
r= .a
a= 316. pm
1.732 x 316.5
=  137.044pm
Cell dimension, a = 286.65 pm
Since it is bcc arrangement, number of atoms in the unit cell, Z = 2
Atomic mass of iron= 55.84 g/mol
Density of iron= 7.874 g cm-3
Now, Density= 3
a x NO
 NO = 3
a xD ensity
2 x 55.84 gm ol-1
(286.65x10-10 )3 x 7.784gcm-3
 6. 09 x 1023mol-1

Ans. 20 The molar mass of the material can be calculated by the formula:
K x w 2 x 1000
M2  f
ΔTf x w 1
1.86K kgmol-1x 15g x 1000 gkg -1

0.34 x 450g
= 182 gmol-1 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 21 The rate law may be written as

Rate = k[NO]p[Cl2 ]q
(a) Now for experiment I and II:
Rate1 = k [NO]P[CI2]q = k [0.15]P[O.15]q = 0.60 (i)
Rate2 = k [NO]P[CI2]q = k [0.15]P[O.30]q = 1.20 (ii)
Now on comparing (i) and (ii), we get
Rate1 k[0.15]P[0.15]q 0.60
 
Rate2 k [0.15]P[0.30]q 1.20
or (0.5)q = (0.5)1
i.e. q = 1
Thus, order wrt chlorine is 1.
Now on comparing experiment I and III:
Rate1= k [NO]P[CI2]q = k[0.15]P[0.15]q = 0.60 (i)
Rate3= k [NO]P[CI2]q = k[0.30]P[0.15]q = 2.40 (ii)
Rate1 k[0.15]P[0.15]q 0.60
 
Rate3 k[0.30]P[0.15]q 2.40
1 1
or     
2  4
p 2
1 1
2  2
   
i.e.p = 2
Thus, order wrt NO is 2.
So, the rate law is
Rate = k [NO]2[CI2]
(b)Rate constant can be calculated by substituting the values of rate, [NO], [CI 2]
for any experiment
Rate 0.60
k= 2
 2
 177.77 mol-2L2s-1
[NO] [Cl2 ] (0.15) (0.15)
(c) Rate of reaction will be: k [NO]2[CI2]
Rate = 177.7 X (0.25)2 X (O.25)
= 2.77 mol L-1 min-1 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 22 (i) They have large number of unpaired electrons in their atoms; hence they
have stronger interatomic interaction and stronger bonding between atoms
which results in higher enthalpies of atomisation.
(ii) The transition metals form a large number of compounds with metal metal
bonding. This is due to the comparatively smaller sizes of the metal ions, their
high ionic charges and the availability of d orbitals for bond formation.
(iii) Mn2+ is much more resistant to oxidation than Fe2- because
Mn2+ has a stable half filled configuration which gets disturbed when oxidation
of Mn2+ occurs and Mn3+ is formed.
Whereas in case of oxidation of Fe2+, Fe3+ is formed which has a stable half
filled configuration.

(i) [Pt(NH3)Cl(NO2)] : -- question is wrong
Name:- Tetraamminedichlorocobalt (III) chloride

Magnetic behaviour:
It is paramagnetic
(iii) Ni(CO)4
Name: Tetracarbonylnickel(O)

Magnetic behavior:
It is diamagnetic. 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 24

Ans. 25 In aromatic compound chlorine attached to the ring acts as the electrons
donor group because the lone pair of chlorine becomes involved in process of
resonance and is responsible to create the negative charge at ortho and para
positions so acts as ortho-para director.

Ans. 26 (i) CH3CH2CH2COOH

Butanoic acid
(ii) CH3-CH=CH-CHO

(iii) CH3-C-CH3

Acetone 7
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 27 (i) Antacids- These are substances, such as sodium bicarbonate used to
Counteract or neutralize gastric acids and relieve the discomfort caused by
gastric acidity.
(ii) Disinfectants- Disinfectants are substances that are applied to non-living
objects to destroy microorganisms that are living on the objects. For example:
isopropyl alcohol.
(III) Enzymes- Enzymes are proteins that catalyze i.e., increase the rate of
chemical reactions. For example: lactase is the enzyme that cleaves lactose.

Ans. 28 (a) Lead storage battery's a secondary battery.

The overall reaction at the anode is:
Pb + SO42- → PbSO4 (electrode) + 2 e-
Electrons that flow from the anode simultaneously reduce the lead dioxide at
the cathode is:
2 e- + PbO2 + 4H+ → Pb2+ + 2 H2O
Again, the lead ions that are formed react with aqueous sulfate ions to form
insoluble lead sulfate on the electrode, and the overall reaction at the cathode
2 e- + PbO2 + 4 H+ +SO42-→ PbSO4 (electrode) +2 H2O
(b) Eo = Ered-Eox
Eo= 0.80- (-0.76) = 0.80 + 0.76 = 1.56 V
⧍G = -nFEo = -2 x 96500 x 1.56 = -301.080 KJ
(a) Molar conductivity of a solution at a given concentration is the conductance
of the volume V of solution containing one mole of electrolyte kept between
two electrodes with area of cross section A and distance of Unit length.
Molar conductivity increases with decrease in concentration. It increases
slowly with decrease in concentration for strong electrolytes while the
increase is very steep for week electrolytes in very dilute solutions.
(b) Conductivity, K= 0.146 x 1O-3Scm-1
Resistance, R = 1500 ohm
condctivity, K
Cell constant = = Conductivity (K) X Re sis tan ce(R)
conductance, G
Cell constant = O.146 x 10-3 ohm-1em X 1500 ohm
= 0.219 cm-1 8
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 29 (a)
(i) Clemmensen reduction:
It involves the reduction of aldehydes and ketones to the corresponding
hydrocarbons with amalgamated Zinc and conc. HCl.
CH3CHO+4H  CH3CH3 +H2O
Zn/Hg concHCl

(ii) Hell valhard Zelinsky reaction:

The aliphatic carboxylic acid containing a-hydrogen react with CI2 or Br2 in
The presence of small amount of red phosphorous to give O-haloacids. With
excess of halogen all the α -hydrogen atoms of the aliphatic carboxylic acids are
replaced by halogen atoms.
Cl2 ,P Cl2 ,P Cl2 ,P
(i) Ethylcyanide to Ethanoic acid
+ +
H2O, H H2O, H
CH3 -CH2 -CN  CH3CH2CONH2  

 B2 / KOH
CH3CH2CONH2  

CH3 -CH2 -CN  CH3 - CH2 - OH  CH3COOH
(ii) benzoic acid to m-bromobenzoic acid

OR 9
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 29
(i) Cross aldol condensation:
The condensation of two different carbonyl compounds(one of which must have
one α-hydrogen) in the presence of a bass is known as cross aldol condensation.
C6H5 -CHO+CH3 -CH3 OH-
C6H5 -CH(OH)-CH2 -CHO 
H +Heat
(ii) Decarboxylation
When carboxylic acid loses carbon dioxide the reaction is said to be
decarboxylation reaction.
CH3 -COONa+NaOH  CaO,Heat

(i) 3-pentanone and 2-pentanone
2-pentanone forms yellow ppts with alkaline solution of iodide (iodoform test),
but 3- pentanone does not give iodoform test.
CH3 - COCH2CH2CH3 + 3I2 + 4NaOH → CH3CH2CH2COONa + CHI3 + 3H2O + 3NaI

(ii) Benzaldehyde and Acetophenone

Benzaldehyde forms silver mirror with ammononical silver nitrate solution
(Tollen's Reagent). Acetophenone does not react.
C6H5CHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2] OH → C6H5COONH4 + 2Ag + 3NH3 + H2O
(iii)Phenol and benzoic acid
Benzoic acid reacts with NaHCO3 to give effervescence due to evolution of C02.
Phenol does not give effervescence.
C6H5COOH + NaHCHO3 → C6H5COONa + H2O+CO2 10
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

Ans. 30 (a) Molecular structure are:

(i) XeF6

(ii) H2S2O8

(i) The dipole is a vector quantity represented by arrow with tail at more
electropositive element and head pointing towards less electropositive
element. In case of NF3 fluoride is more electropositive than nitrogen
therefore the arrow is from nitrogen to fluoride whereas in case of NH 3
nitrogen is more electronegative than hydrogen. Thus the arrow moves
from hydrogen towards nitrogen. Thus the dipole moment in molecules is
in opposite direction.
(ii) PCl5 has five valence electrons. It forms five bonds with five F atoms.
Since five electrons pairs around the phosphorus therefore it has trigonal
bipyramidal geometry. The bonds are not equal as three electron pairs are
in the same plane at an angle of 120o are called equatorial bond while other
two are perpendicular to the plane both making an angle of 90o with the
plane are called axial bond. Thus the bonds are not equivalent.
(iii) In vapour state it exist as S2 molecule and has two unpaired
electrons in anti bonding orbitals. Thus sulphur exhibit paramagnetism.
OR 11
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper Solution – 2012

(i) XeF4 + SbF5 → [XeF3]+[SbF6]-
(ii) Cl2 + 3F2(excess)  
(i) Due to presence of triple bond in nitrogen its reactivity decreases. Hence
nitrogen is less reactive than phosphorus.
(ii)Due to inert pair effect the stability of +5 oxidation state decreases down
(iii) In NO2-, there is an extra electron while there are no extra electron in
case of NO2+. Due to the repulsion between bonding electrons and the
extra electron, the bond angle get reduced in the case of NO2- than in NO2+. 12
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper - 2013
Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

General instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks for each question are indicated against it.
3. Question numbers 1 to 8 are very short- answer questions carrying 1 mark each.
Answer these in one word or about one sentence each.
4. Question numbers 9 to 18 are short-answer questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answer
these in about 30 words each.
5. Question numbers 19 to 27 are short answer questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer
these in about 40 words each.
6. Question numbers 28 to 30 are long answer questions of carrying 5 marks each.
Answer these in about 70 words each.
7. Use Log Tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not permitted.

Q. 1 How many atoms constitute one unit cell of a face-centered cubic crystal? [1]

Q. 2 Name the method used for the refining of Nickel metal. [1]

Q. 3 What is the covalency of nitrogen in N2O5 ? [1]

Q. 4 Write the IUPAC name of CH3  CH CH2  CH  CH2

Cl [1]

Q. 5 What happens when CH3Br is treated with KCN? [1]

Q. 6 Write the structure of 3-methyl butanal. [1]

Q. 7 Arrange the following in increasing order of their basic strength in aqueous solution:
CH3NH2 ,(CH3 )3N,(CH3 )2NH

Q. 8 What are three types of RNA molecules which perform different functions? [1]

Q. 9 18 g of glucose, C6H12O6 (Molar mass = 180 g mol-1) is dissolved in 1 kg of water in a sauce

pan. At what temperature will this solution boil?

(Kb for water = 0.52 k kg mol-1, boiling points of pure water = 373.15 K) [2]

Q. 10 The conductivity of 0.20 M solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.025 S cm-1. Calculate its molar
conductivity. [2] 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

Q. 11 Write the dispersed phase and dispersion medium of the following colloidal systems:
(i) Smoke
(ii) Milk

What are lyophilic and lyophobic colloids? Which of these sols can be easily coagulated on
the addition of small amounts of electrolytes?

Q. 12 Write the differences between physisorption and chemisorption with respect to the
(i) Specificity
(ii) Temperature dependence
(iii) Reversibility and
(iv) Enthalpy change [2]

Q. 13
(a) Which solution is used for the leaching of silver metal in the presence of air in the
metallurgy of silver?
(b) Out of C and CO, which is a better reducing agent at the lower temperature range in the
blast furnace to extract iron from the oxide ore? [2]

Q. 14 What happens when

(i) PCl5 is heated?
(ii) H3PO3 is heated?
Write the reaction involved. [2]

Q. 15
(a) Which metal in the first transition series (3d series) exhibits + 1 oxidation state most
frequently and why?
(b) Which of the following cations are coloured in aqueous solutions and why?
Sc3 , V3 , Ti4  ,Mn2 
 At. Nos. Sc  21, V  23, Ti  22, Mn  25 [2]
Q. 16 Chlorobenzene is extremely less reactive towards a nucleophilic substitution
reaction. Give two reasons for the same. [2]

Q. 17 Explain the mechanism of the following reaction.


Q. 18 How will you convert: 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

(i) Propene to Propan - 2-ol?

(ii) Phenol to 2, 4, 6- trinitrophenol? [2]

Q. 19 After watching a programme on TV about the adverse effects of junk food and soft
drinks on the health of school children, Sonali, a student of Class XII, discussed the issue
with the school principal. Principal immediately instructed the canteen contractor to
replace the fast food with the fibre and vitamins rich food like sprouts, salad, fruits etc. This
decision was welcomed by the parents and the students. After reading the above passage,
answer the following questions:
(a)What values are expressed by Sonali and the Principal of the school?
(b)Give two examples of water-soluble vitamins. [3]

Q.20 How would you account for the following?

(i)Transition metals exhibit variable oxidation states.
(ii)Zr (Z = 40) and Hf (Z = 72) have almost identical radii.
(iii)Transition metals and their compounds act as catalyst.


Complete the following chemical equations:

(i) Cr2O2 
7  6Fe
 14H 
(ii) 2CrO24  2H 

(iii)2MnO4  5C2O24  16H 

Q. 21
(i) Which one of the following is a food preservative?
Equanil, Morphine, Sodium benzoate
(ii) Why is bithional added to soap?
(iii) Which class of drugs is used in sleeping pills? [3]

Q. 22
(a) What type of semiconductor is obtained when silicon is doped with boron?
(b) What type of magnetism is shown in the following alignment of magnetic moments?

(c) What type of point defect is produced when AgCl is doped with CdCl2? [3]

Q. 23 Give the structures of products A, B and C in the following reactions: 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

4  B 
2 C HNO
(i) CH3CH2Br 
 A  o 0 C
NH3 NaOHBr2 CHCl3  Alc.KOH
(ii) CH3COOH  A  B  C
 [3]

Q. 24 Write the IUPAC names of the following coordination compounds:

(iii)[CoBr2(en)2]+, (en = ethylenediamine) [3]
Q. 25 Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving 2.5 × 10 g of

K2SO4 in 2L of water at 25°C, assuming that it is completely dissociated.

(R = 0.0821 L atm K–1 mol–1, Molar mass of K2SO4 = 174 g mol–1) [3]

Q. 26 Calculate the emf of the following cell at 298 K:

Fe(s) | Fe2+ (0.001M)|| H+(1M) | H2(g) (1bar), Pt(s)
(Given E°cell = +0.44 V) [3]

Q. 27 Write the names and structures of the monomers of the following polymers:
(iii)Polythene [3]

Q. 28
(a) Give reasons for the following:
(i)Bond enthalpy of F2 is lower than that of Cl2.
(ii)PH3 has lower boiling point than NH3.
(b) Draw the structures of the following molecules:
(a) Account for the following:
(i)Helium is used in diving apparatus.
(ii)Fluorine does not exhibit positive oxidation state.
(iii) Oxygen shows catenation behavior less than sulphur.
(b) Draw the structures of the following molecules:
(ii)H2S2O8 [5] 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

Q. 29
(a) Although phenoxide ion has more number of resonating structures than Carboxylate
ion, Carboxylic acid is a stronger acid than phenol. Give two reasons.
(b) How will you bring about the following conversions?
(i) Propanone to propane
(ii) Benzoyl chloride to benzaldehyde
(iii) Ethanal to but-2-enal


(a) Complete the following reactions:

(b) Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds:
(i)Ethanal and Propanal
(ii)Benzoic acid and Phenol

Q. 30
(a) A reaction is second order in A and first order in B.
(i) Write the differential rate equation.
(ii) How is the rate affected on increasing the concentration of A three times?
(iii) How is the rate affected when the concentrations of both A and B are doubled?
(b) A first order reaction takes 40 minutes for 30% decomposition. Calculate t1/2 for this
reaction. (Given log 1.428 = 0.1548)

(a) For a first order reaction, show that time required for 99% completion is twice the
time required for the completion of 90% of reaction.
(b) Rate constant 'k' of a reaction varies with temperature 'T' according to the equation:
Ea  1 
log K  log A 
2.303R  T 
Where Ea is the activation energy. When a graph is plotted for log k Vs ,a straight line
with a slope of –4250 K is obtained. Calculate 'Ea' for the reaction. (R = 8.314 JK–1 mol–1) 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry – Set 1
Board Paper - 2013
Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

Sol. 1 Face centred cubic unit cell has points at all the corners as well as at the centre of each of the
six faces. The contribution of each atom at the face per unit cell is ½ and at each corner is 1/8. So,
the number of atoms present at corners per unit cell = 8 corner atoms x atom per unit cell =
1 atom

Number of atoms present at faces per unit cell = 6 atoms at faces x atom per unit cell = 3 atoms

 Total no. of atoms per unit cell = 4 atoms.

Sol. 2 Mond’s process is the method used for refining of nickel metal. In this process, nickel is
heated in a steam of carbon monoxide to form volatile nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4. Nickel carbonyl
vapours on further heating, decomposes giving pure nickel.

330 350K 450  470K

Ni  4CO  Ni CO4  Ni  4CO
Impure Pure

Sol. 3 Let the covalency of nitrogen in N2O5 be a.

 2a  5  (2)  0
so, a  5

Sol. 4

5 4 3 2 1
CH3  CH CH2  CH  CH2

IUPAC name: 4-chloropent-1-ene

Sol. 5 CH3Br reacts with KCN to form CH3CN. It is a nucleophilic substitution reaction.

CH3Br  KCN  CH3CN  KBr

Sol. 6 The structure of 3-Methyl butanal

H3C  CH  CH2  CHO


Sol. 7
CH3 3 N  CH3NH2  CH3 2 NH
3o 1o 2o 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

As a consequence of combined effects of inductive effects and salvation, the secondary amines are
the strongest bases.

Sol. 8 There are three different types of RNA molecules: Messenger RNA (mRNA), Transfer RNA
(tRNA) and Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

Sol. 9 w1 = weight of solvent (H2O) =1 kg = 1000 gm

w2 = weight of solute (C6H12O6)=18 gm

M2=Molar mass of solute (C6H12O6) =180 g mol-1

Kb=0.52 K Kg mol-1

Tbo  373.15K
Kb x1000xw2 0.52 x 1000 x 18
 Tb    0.052K
M2 x w1 180 x 1000
 Tb  Tbo  0.052  Tb  373.202K

Sol. 10

  1000
Molar conductivity  m  
  0.025 Scm1 ;C  0.20 M
0.025  1000
m   125 S cm2 mol1

Sol. 11

(i) Smoke
Dispersed phase: Solid and dispersion medium: Gas

(ii) Milk
Dispersed phase: Liquid and dispersion medium: Liquid
Lyophillic colloids: The colloidal solutions in which the particles of the dispersed phase
have a great affinity for the dispersion medium are called lypophilic colloids. These are
reversible in nautre. These are quite stable and cannot be easily coagulated by small
amounts of electrolytes.
Lyophobic colloids: The colloidal solutions in which there is no affinity between particles of
dispersed phase and the dispersion medium are called lyophobic colloids. These are irreversible in
nature. These are unstable and can be easily coagulated on addition of small amount of electrolyte
due to lack of protecting layer around charged colloidal particles. 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

Sol. 12

S.NO Point of Physiosorption Chemisorption

(i) Specificity It is not specific in It is highly specific in
nature. nature.
(ii) Temperature Usually occurs at Occurs at high
Dependence low temperature temperature and
and decreases with increases with the
increase in increase in
temperature. temperature.
(iii) Reversibility It is reversible in It is irreversible in
nature nature.
(iv) Enthalpy Enthalpy of Enthalpy of
change adsorption is low; adsorption is high; of
of the order of 20- the order of 80-240
40 KJmol-1. KJmol-1.

Sol. 13

(a) Dilute solution (0.5%) of NaCN or KCN is used for leaching of silver metal in the
presence of air in the metallurgy of silver.
(b) Out of C and CO, CO is a better reducing agent at the lower temperature range because the CO
and CO2 line lies below Fe, FeO line i.e. GCO,CO   GFe,FeO . So, Co will reduce FeO, and will
itself be oxidized to CO2.

Sol. 14

(i) PCl5 on heating decomposes to give PCl3 and Cl2

PCl5  PCl3+Cl2
(ii) H3PO3 on heating gives orthophosphoric acid and phosphine:
4H3PO3  3H3PO4  PH3

Sol. 15

(a) Cu metal in the first transition series (3d series) shows +1 oxidation state most
frequently. This is because the electronic configuration of Cu is 3d10 4s1 and after losing
one electron, it acquires the stable 3d10 fully filled electronic configuration.
(b) The color of cations is dependent on the number of unpaired electrons present in d-
orbital. The electronic configuration of the following cations is as follows:
Sc (Z = 21) = 3d1 4s2 and Sc3+ =3d0 4s0. As d-orbital is empty, it is colourless.
V (Z = 23) =3d3 4s2 and V3+ =3d2 4s0. As d-orbital is having 2 unpaired electrons, it
undergoes d-d transition and shows green colour.
Ti (Z = 22) = 3d2 4s2 and Ti4+ = 3d0 4s0. As d-orbital is empty, it is colourless. 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

Mn (Z =25) = 3d2 4s2 and Mn2+ =3d5 4s0. As d-orbital is having 5 unpaired electrons, it
shows pink color.

Sol. 16 Chlorobenzene is less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction because

of the following reasons:
(1) Resonance effect: The electron pair on chlorine atom is in conjugation with the 
electrons of the benzene ring which results in the following resonance structures:

This results in delocalization of the electrons of C – Cl bond and a partial double bond
character develops in the bond, which makes it difficult for the Nucleophile to cleave the
C – Cl bond.
(2) Polarity of the C-Cl bond: The sp2 hybridized carbon atom involved in C-Cl bond in
chlorobenzene is more electronegative than the sp3 hybrid carbon atom in alkyl halide. Therefore,
this sp2 hybridised carbon atom has less tendency to release electrons to the Cl atom. Thus, lower
the polarity of C-Cl, lesser is the reactivity.

Sol. 17 Mechanism for the reaction:

Sol. 18

(i) Hydration of propene i.e. addition of water in the presence of H2SO4 in accordance
with Markovnikov's rule gives propan-2-ol
2  CH 
CH3 CH  CH2  H2SO4  3 CH2  CH3
propene Boil
Pr opan2  ol

(ii) When concentrated nitric acid is added to phenol in the presence of sulphuric acid, it
gives 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol. 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

Sol. 19 (a) The values showed by Sonali are knowledge of chemistry and awareness of the
ill effects of junk food and care and concern for her school mates.
The value showed by the principal is responsible and understanding behavior in listening
to a student's views and taking prompt action in replacing junk food with healthy food.
(b) The water soluble vitamins are vitamin B-complex and vitamin C.

Sol. 20

(i) The variable oxidation states of transition elements are due to the participation of
ns and (n−1)d-electrons in bonding. Lower oxidation state is exhibited when ns- electrons
take part in bonding. Higher oxidation states are exhibited when (n − 1) d-electrons take
part in bonding.
(ii) This is because the atomic radii of 4d and 5d transition elements are nearly same.
This similarity in size is consequence of lanthanide contraction. Because of this
lanthanide contraction, the radii of Hf becomes nearly equal to that of Zr.
(iii) Transition elements act as good catalyst in chemical reaction because they can lend
electrons or withdraw electrons from the reagent, depending on the nature of the
reaction. The ability of transition metals to be in a variety of oxidation states, the ability to
interchange between the oxidation states and the ability to form complexes with the
reagents and be a good source for electrons make transition metals good catalysts.
(i) 6Fe2   Cr2O2  
7  14H  2Cr
 6Fe3   7H2O
(ii) 2CrO24  2H  Cr2O7
 H2O

(iii)2MnO4  5C2O24  16H  2Mn2   10CO2  8H2 0

Sol. 21

(i) Sodium benzoate is used as a food preservative whereas equanil is a tranquillizer

and morphine is an analgesic.
(ii) Bithional is an antiseptic added to soaps to reduce odours produced by bacterial
decomposition of organic matter on the skin.
(iii)Tranquillizers relieve stress, fatigue by inducing sense of well being, so they are used in the
making of sleeping pills. 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

Sol. 22

(a) When silicon is doped with boron, p-type semiconductor is obtained.

(b) The magnetism shown in the alignment of magnetic moments is ferromagnetism.
(c) Impurity defect is produced when AgCl is doped with CdCl2.

Sol. 23

4  CH CH CH NH 
(i) CH3CH2Br 
 CH3CH2CN  3 2 2 2 o 3 2 2
NH3 NaOHBr2 CHCl2  Alc.KOH
(ii) CH3COOH   CH3CONH2  CH3NH2  CH3NC


Sol. 24 IUPAC Nomenclature:

(i) Triamminetrichlorochromium (III)
(ii) Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III)
(iii) Dibromidobis (ethane-1, 2-diammine) cobalt (III) ion

Sol. 25 w2 = 2.5 × 10–2 g (Mass of K2SO4) and M2 = 174 g mol–1 (Molar mass of K2SO4)
V = 2L, R = 0.0821 L atm K–1 mol–1 and T = 25°C = 298 K
Osmotic pressure ,  
M2 V

2.5x102 x0.0821x298 61.1645 x 102

   1.76x103 atm
174 x 2 348

Sol. 26 At anode: Fe  Fe2+ + 2e-

At cathode: 2H+ + 2e-  H2
 0.059  c
Ecell  Eocell    log oxid
 n  cRe d
0.059 0.001
Ecell  0.44  log
2 1
 Ecell  0.44  0.02955   3  0.44  0.08865  0.53 V 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

Sol. 27

Sol. 28

(a) (i) F atom is small in size and due to this the electron-electron repulsions between
the lone pairs of F-F are very large. Thus, the bond dissociation energy of F2 is lower than
that of Cl2.
(ii) PH3 has lower boiling point than NH3 because NH3 molecule possess intermolecular
hydrogen bonding which binds its molecules strongly whereas PH3 has weaker Van der
Waal's forces. Thus, PH3 has lower boiling point than NH3.
(b) The structures of following molecules are as follows:
(i)BrF3, Bent T-shape

(ii) (HPO3)3, cyclic structure 7
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

(iii) XeF4, Square planar

(a) (i) Helium mixed with oxygen under pressure is given to sea-divers for respiration.
Air is not given to sea-divers because nitrogen present in air being soluble in blood will
give a painful sensation called bends by bubbling out blood on moving from high
pressure(in deep sea) to the low atmospheric pressure.
(ii) Fluorine being the most electronegative atom does not exhibit positive oxidation state
because the electrons in fluorine are strongly attracted by the nuclear charge because of
small size of fluorine atom and therefore, removal of an electron is not possible.
(iii) Sulphur shows catenation behavior more than that of oxygen because the oxygen atom
is smaller in size as compared to sulphur, the O-O bonds in oxygen experiences repulsions
due to the lone pairs present on oxygen atom and therefore, are weaker as compared to the
S-S bonds.
(b) The structure of following molecules are as follows:
(i)XeF2, Linear

Sol. 29

(a) On losing a proton, carboxylic acids forms carboxylate ion and phenol forms
phenoxide ion as follows: 8
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

Now, the negative charge is delocalized in both molecules as follows:

The conjugate base of carboxylic acid has two resonance structures in which negative
charge in delocalized over two oxygen atoms (since O is more electronegative than C)
which stabilizes the carboxylate ion. On the other hand, in phenoxide ion the charge is
delocalized over entire molecule on the less electronegative atom (Carbon), thus resonance
of phenoxide is not important in comparison to resonance in carboxylate ion. Further, in
carboxylate ion the negative charge is effectively delocalized over two oxygen atoms
whereas it is less effectively delocalized over one oxygen atom and less electronegative
carbon atom.
Thus, Phenol is less acidic than carboxylic acids. In other words, carboxylic acids are
stronger acids than phenol.
(b) (i) Conversion of Propanone to Propane:

(ii) Conversion of Benzoyl chloride to benzaldehyde:

(iii) On treatment with dilute alkali, ethanol produces 3-hydroxybutanal gives But-2-enal on


(a) (i) 9
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013



(i)Distinguish test between ethanal and propanal:
Iodoform Test: Ethanal gives iodoform test.
CH3CHO + 4NaOH + 3I2  CHI3 (Yellow ppt.) + HCOONa + 3NaI + 3H2O
Propanal does not give this test.
CH3CH2CHO + 4NaOH + 3I2  No Reaction.
(ii) Distinguish test between Benzoic acid and Phenol:
NaHCO3 Test: When Benzoic acid reacts with NaHCO3, brisk effervescence of CO2 gas
C6H5COOH + NaHCO3  C6H5COONa + H2O + CO2 
Phenols does not give any effervescence with NaHCO3.

Sol. 30

(a) (i)
d R  2
Differential rate equation: Rate =  K A  B
(ii) On increasing the concentration of A three times as 3A:
Rate'=  K 3A2 B  9K A2 B  9K A2 B  9 Rate
I.e. New rate is 9 times the initial rate.
(iii) On increasing the concentration of A and B as 2A and 2B:
Rate"= K 2A2 2B  K  4 x 2 A2 B  8k A2 B  8 Rate  ,i.e
8 times the initial rate.
A  P
t0 a 0
tt a  x  x 10
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

Now, it takes 40 min for 30% decomposition i.e. reactant left after 40 min is 70% of its
initial concentration.
2.303 a
K log
t ax
2.303 a 2.303
K log  log1.428
40 70 / 100  a 40
 K  0.00891min1
0.693 0.693
 t1    77.78 min
K 0.008913
(a) For a first order reaction
A  P
t0 a 0
tt a  x  x
Case 1: If 't' is the time required for 99% completion then x = 99% of a
1 a
a  x   a
100 100
2.303 a 2.303 a  100
t log  log
K ax K a
t log102
 2.303 
t  2 
 K 
Case 2: If 't' is the time required for 90% of completion then x = 90% of a
10 a
ax  a
100 10
2.303 a 2.303 a  10
t log  log
K ax K a
t 
Therefore, the time required for 99% completion of 1st order reaction is twice the time
required for 90% completion.
Ea 1
(b) logk  log A
2.303R  T 
Ea is Activation energy
The above equation is like y = mx + c where if we plot y v/s x we get a straight line with
slope 'm' and intercept 'c'. 11
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Board Paper – 2013

So, slope is equal to =
  4250K  Ea  4250 x 2.303 x 8.314  81,375.3535 J mol1
 Ea  81.3753 KJ mol1 12
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry (Theory)
Board Question Paper 2014 – Set 1
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70

 Please check that this question paper contains 15 printed pages.
 Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be
written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 30 questions.
 Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10:15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the
answer-book during this period.

General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Questions number 1 to 8 are very short-answer questions and carry
1 mark each.
(iii) Questions number 9 to 18 are short-answer questions and carry 2 marks each
(iv) Questions number 19 to 27 are also short-answer questions and carry
03 marks each.
(v) Question number 28 to 30 are long-answer questions and carry 5 marks each.
(vi) Use Log Tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed.

1. What is the effect of temperature on chemisorption ? (1)

2. What is the role of zinc metal in the extraction of silver? (1)

3. What is the basicity of H3PO3? (1)

4. Identify the chiral molecule in the following pair : (1)

5. Which of the following is a natural polymer ? (1)

Buna-S, Proteins, PVC 1
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

6. The conversion of primary aromatic amines into diazonium salts

is known as (1)

7. What are the products of hydrolysis of sucrose? (1)

8. Write the structure of p-methylbenzaldehyde. (1)

9. An element with density 2.8 g cm-3 forms a f.c.c. unit cell with edge
length 4 × l0-8 cm. Calculate the molar mass of the element. (2)
(Given :NA=6.022 × 1023 mol-1)

10. (i) What type of non-stoichiometric point defect is responsible for

the pink colour of LiCl?
(ii) What type of stoichiometric defect is shown by NaCl? (2)
How Will you distinguish between the following pairs of terms:
(i) Tetrahedral and octahedral voids
(ii) Crystal lattice and unit cell (2)

11. State Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions. Why does the
conductivity of a solution decrease with dilution? (2)

12. For a chemical reaction R P, the variation in the concentration (R) vs.

time (t) plot is given as (2)

(i) Predict the order of the react.ion.

(ii) What is the slope of the curve?

13. Explain the principle of the method of electrolytic refining of metals.

Give one example. (2)

14. Complete the following equations : (2)

(i) P4 + H2O
(ii) XeF4 + O2F2 2
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

15. Draw the structures of the following : (2)

(i) XeF2
(ii) BrF3

16. Write the equations involved in the following reactions: (2)

(i) Reimer - Tiemann reaction
(ii) Williamson synthesis

17. Write the mechanism of the following reaction: (2)


18. Write the name of monomers used for getting the following polymers : (2)
(i) Bakelite
(ii) Neoprene

19. (a) Calculate rGO for the reaction

Mg (s) + Cu2+ (aq) Mg 2+ (aq) + Cu (s)

Given: E0 cell= + 2.71 V, 1 F = 96500 C mol-1

(b) Name the type of cell which was used in Apollo space programme
for providing electrical power. (3)

20. The following data were obtained during the first order thermal
decomposition of 802Cl2 at a constant volume:

SO2Cl2(g) SO2 (g)+Cl2(g)

Experiment Time/s-1 Total pressure/atm

1 0 0.4
2 100 0.7

Calculate the rate constant. (3)

(Given: log 4 = 0.6021, log 2 = 0.3010)

21. What are emulsions? What are their different types? Give one example
of each type. (3) 3
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

22. Give reasons for the following: (3)

(i) (CH3)3 P = O exists but (CH3)3 N = O does not.

(ii) Oxygen has less electron gain enthulpy with negative sign than sulphur.
(iii) H3PO2 is a stronger reducing agent than HaPO3.

23. (i) Write the IUPAC name of the complex [Cr(NH3)4 Cl2]Cl.
(ii) What type of isomerism is exhibited by the complex [Co (en) 3]3+?
(en= ethane-1,2-diamine)
(iii) Why is [NiCl4]2- paramagnetic but [Ni (C0)4] is diamagnetic?
(At. nos. : Cr = 24, Co = 27, Ni = 28) (3)

24. (a) Draw the structures of major monohalo products in each of the
following reactions:

i) PCl6
CH2OH  

ii) CH2 -CH=CH2 +HBr 

(b) Which halogen compound in oach of the following pairs will react faster in
SN2 reaction :
(i) CH3Br or CH3I
(ii) (CH3)3 C- Cl or CH3 - Cl

25. Account for the following: (3)

(i) Primary amines (R-NH2) have higher boiling point than tertiary
amines (R3N).
(ii) Aniline does not undergo Friedel - Crafts reaction.
(iii) (CH3)2NH is more basic than (CH3)3N in an aqueous solution.
Give the structures of A, B and C in the following reactions:
NaNO2 +HCl H2O
(i) C6H5NO2   A 
 B  C
H2O/H NH3 Br2 +KOH
(ii) CH3CN   A 
B  C 4
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

26. Define the following terms as related to proteins: (3)

(i) Peptide linkage
(ii) Primary structure
(iii) Denaturation

27. On the occasion of World Health Day, Dr. Satpal organized a 'health camp' for the
poor farmers living in a nearby village. After check-up, he was shocked to see that
most of the farmers suffered from cancer due to regular exposure to pesticides and
many wore diabetic. They distributed free medicines to them. Dr. Satpal
immodiately reported the matter to the National Human Rights Commission
(NHRC). On the suggestions of NHRC, the government decided to provide medical
care, financial assistance, setting up of super-speciality hospitals for treatment
and prevention of the deadly disease in the affected villages all over India.
(i) Write the values shown by
(a) Dr. Satpal
(b) NHRC.

(ii) What type of analgesics are chiefly used for the relief of pains of
terminal cancer?

(iii) Give an example of artificial sweetener that could have been

recommended to diabetic patients. (3)

28. (a) Define the following terms :

(i) Molarity
(ii) Molal elevation constant (Kb)

(b) A solution containing 15 g urea (molar mass = 60 g mol-1) per litre of solution
in water has the same osmotic pressure (Isotonic) as a solution of glucose
(molar mass = 180 g mol-1) in water. Calculate the mass of glucose present
in omllitre of its solution. (2,3)

(a) What type of deviation is shown by a mixture of ethanol and acetone?

Give reason.

(b) A solution of glucose (molar mass = 180 g mol-1) in water is labelled

as 10% (by mass). What would be the molality and molarity of the
(Density of solution= 1.2 g mL-1) (2,3) 5
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

29. (a) Complete the following equations :

(i) Cr2O72 +2OH 

(ii) MnO4 + 4H+ + 3e 

(b) Account for the following:

(i) Zn is not considered as a transition element.
(ii) Transition metals form a large number of complexes.
(iii) The E0value for the Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is much more positive
than that for Cr3+/cr2+ couple. (2,3)


(i) With reference to structural variability and chemical reactivity, write the
differences between lanthanoids and actinoids.
(ii) Name a member of the lanthanoid series which is well known to exhibit
+4 oxidation state.
(iii) Complete the following equation :
MnO4 +8H+ +5e 
(iv) Out of Mn3+ and Cr3+, which is more paramagnetic and why?
(Atomic nos. : Mn =25, Cr = 24) (5)

30. (a) Write the products formed when CH3CHO reacts with the following reagents:
(i) HCN
(ii) H2N - OH
(iii) CH3CHO in the presence of dilute NaOH

(b) Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of
(i) Benzoic acid and Phenol
(ii) Propanal and Propanone (2,3)

(a) Account for the following:
(i) Cl - CH2COOH is a stronger acid than CH3COOH.
(ii) Carboxylic acids do not give reactions of carbonyl group.

(b) Write the chemical equations to illustrate the following name reactions:
(i) Rosenmund reduction
(ii) Cannizzaro's reaction

(c) Out of CH3CH2-CO - CH2 - CH3 and CH3CH2- CH2- CO – CH3 ,

which gives iodoform test ? (2,2,1) 6
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry (Theory)
Board Question Paper 2014 – Set 1
Time: 3 hrs. Total Marks: 70


1. High temperature is favourable for adsorption. It increases with the increase of


2. Silver is extracted from the ore-argentite (Ag2S). This process of extraction of silver
is called as cyanide process as sodium cyanide solution is used. The ore is crushed,
concentrated and then treated with sodium cyanide solution. This reaction results
into sodium argento cyanide Na[Ag(CN)2]. The reaction is as follows:

AgS + 4NaCN ⇌ 2Na[Ag(CN)2] + Na2S

The solution of sodium argento cyanide combines with zinc dust. It forms sodium
tetra cyanozicate and precipitates silver. This precipitated silver is called as spongy
silver. The reaction is as follows:

Zn + 2Na[Ag(CN)2] → Na2[Zn(CN)4] + 2Ag

The spongy silver is fused with potassium nitrate to get pure silver. This silver
obtained is purified by electrolytic process.

3. Basicity of H3PO3 is two as there are two replaceable hydrogen atoms. The structure
of H3PO3 is as follows: 1
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

4. The two structures given are as follows:

2-chlorobutane 1-chlorobutane
The chiral compound is that compound in which at least one carbon atom is
attached to four different atoms or groups.
Between the two given compounds, 2-chlorobutane contains one carbon atom
which is attached to four different entities such as methyl groups, chlorine atom,
hydrogen atoms, and ethyl group.

2-chlorobutane with chiral centre

But in 1-chlorobutane, there is no carbon atom which is attached to four different

atoms or groups.
Hence the chiral compound is 2-chlorobutane.

5. The given three polymers are Buna-S, Protiens, PVC.

Among these three polymers, proteins are the natural polymers. They are the long
chain of amino acids joined by peptide linkages.
Buna-S and PVC are synthetic polymers.

6. The conversion of primary aromatic amines into diazonium salts is known as


7. Sucrose on hydrolysis gives one molecule each of glucose and fructose.

8. The structure of p-methylbenzaldehyde is as follows:

p-methylbenzaldehyde 2
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

9. Given:
Density of f.c.c. unit cell = 2.8 g cm-3
Edge length of f.c.c unit cell = 4 x 10-8 cm
NA = 6.022 x 1023 mol-1
Molar mass of the element = ?

For f.c.c. unit cell, Z = 4

Substituting the values in the equation:

ρ= 3
a ×N0
2.8gcm-3 =
(4×10 cm) ×6.022×1023 mol-1
-8 3

2.8gcm-3 ×(4×10-8 cm)3 ×6.022×1023 mol-1

M =26.98gmol-1
Therefore, the molar mass of the element is 26.98 gmol-1.

(i) If as a result of the imperfections in the crystal, the ratio of the cations to the
anions becomes different from that indicated by the ideal chemical formula,
the defects are called non-stoichiometric defects.

LiCl exhibit non-stoichiometric defect due to metal excess by anionic

vacancies. A negative ion may be missing from its lattice site, leaving a hole
which is occupied by an electron, thereby maintaining the electrical balance.
The sites containing the electrons thus trapped in the anion vacancies are
called F-centres because they are responsible for imparting colour to the

The Li atoms get deposited on the surface of LiCl crystal. Cl - ions then diffuse
to the surface where they combine with the Li atoms which become ionize by
losing electrons. These electrons diffuse back into the crystal and occupy the
vacant sites created by the Cl- ions. These electrons absorb some energy of
the white light, giving pink colour to LiCl.

(ii) NaCl exhibit Schottky defect. In this type of defect, if an ionic crystal such as
NaCl, equal number of cations and anions are missing from their lattice sites
so that the electrical neutrality is maintained. This is basically a vacancy

OR 3
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

(i) Tetrahedral voids and octahedral voids:

Tetrahedral voids Octahedral voids

Tetrahedral void is the name given to Octahedral voids are formed by
the vacant space formed by touching combination of voids of two
of four spheres, as shown in the figure. triangular layers of atoms, when
one triangular layer is placed above
another, as shown in the figure,

(ii) Crystal lattice and unit cell:

Crystal lattice Unit cell

The crystal lattice can be defined as a The unit cell can be defined as the
symmetrical three-dimensional smallest three dimensional portion
arrangement of atoms inside a crystal. of a complete space lattice which
when repeated over and again in
different directions produces the
complete space lattice is called the
unit cell. Or
The unit cell can be also be defined
as the smallest group of atoms which
has the overall symmetry of a
crystal, and from which the entire
lattice can be built up by repetition
in three dimensions. 4
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

11. Kohlrausch law states as “The limiting molar conductivity of an electrolyte (i.e.
molar conductivity at infinite dilution) is the sum of the limiting ionic conductivities
of the cation and the anion each multiplied with the number of ions present in one
formula unit of the electrolyte.
On dilution the volume of the solution is increasing but the number of ions that
carry charge in a solution remains the same. Hence the number of ions per unit
volume that carry charge in a solution decreases. Conductivity through a solution is
due to these ions that are present in it. Pure water is not very conductive at all, but
salty water is quite conductive. Therefore the more salt or ions dissolved in solution,
the higher the conductivity (within limits). As you dilute in solution the
concentration of ions goes down, and the ability to pass a current is diminished.

12. For a chemical reaction R→P, the variation in the concentration (R) vs. time (t) plot
is given as follows:

(i) The order of the reaction zero.

(ii) Slope = -k

13. Electrolytic refining:

Principle: In this method, an anode of a block of impure metal and a cathode of a
thin sheet of pure metal, are suspended in an electrolyte solution which is the
solution of a soluble salt of the metal usually a double salt of the metal.
For example, the purest copper is obtained by an electrolytic refining method. A slab
of impure copper as the anode and a thin sheet of pure copper as the cathode are
dipped in the electrolyte which is an acidic solution of copper sulphate. On passing
electricity through the cell, copper is dissolved from the anode and deposited on the
Anode: Cu(s) → Cu 2+ (aq) + 2e-
Cathode: Cu2+ (aq) +2e- → Cu (s)
The impurities of iron, nickel, zinc and cobalt present in blister copper being more
electropositive pass into solution as soluble sulphates. The impurities of antimony,
selenium, tellurium, silver, gold and platinum being less electropositive are not 5
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

affected by CuSO4-H2SO4 solution. Therefore, these impurities get settle down under
the anode as anode mud or anode sludge.

(i) P4 + H2O →
P4 + 6H2O→ PH3 + 3H3PO2

(ii) XeF6 can be prepared by the interaction of XeF4 and O2F2 at 143 K.
XeF4 + O2F2 → XeF6 + O2

(i) XeF2( linear)

(ii) BrF3 (bent T – shaped).

(i) Reimer – Tiemann reaction: Treatment of phenol with chloroform in
presence of aqueous sodium or potassium hydroxide at 340 K followed by
hydrolysis of the resulting product gives 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde or
salicylaldehyde as the major product. This reaction is referred as Reimer-
Tiemann formylation reaction. 6
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

Reimer-Tiemann carboxylation:

(ii) Williamson synthesis: It involves the treatment of an alkyl halide with a

suitable sodium alkoxide. The sodium alkoxide needed for the purpose is
prepared by the action of sodium on a suitable alcohol. The reaction invlolves
the nucleophillic displacement (substitution) of the halide ion from the alkyl
halide by the alkoxide ion by SN2 mechanism.

R-OH +2Na → 2R’-O-Na+ + H2

R’-O-Na+ + R-X → R’-O-R +Na+ X-

The second reaction is the substitution nucleophillic bimolecular (S N2)
For example:
Heat C H -O-C H +NaBr
C2H5 - Br +C2H5 ONa   2 5 2 5

17. Primary alcohols such as ethanol react by SN2 mechanism with halogen acid such as
HBr as follows:
CH 3CH 2 OH + HBr 
Conc.H 2SO4 (few drops)
 CH 3CH 2 -Br + H 2O
.. +
 CH 3CH 2 - O H 2
CH 3CH 2 - O H  H  

.. ..

Ethanol Protonated 1 alcohol

 - +

Br:- CH3CH 2 - O H 2 
  Br ----RCH 2 ---- O H 2  
 Br-CH 2 CH 3 + H 2O
..  
Bromide ion 1Alcohol Transition state Bromoethane
(i) Monomers of Bakelite are phenol and formaldehyde.
(ii) Monomer of neoprene is 2-chloro-1, 3-butadiene. 7
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

(a) The reaction given is Mg(s)+Cu2+(aq) 
 Mg2+(aq)+Cu(s)

In the given reaction, the electron transfer is of 2 electrons, hence n = 2

Given, E0cell - +2.71 V and 1 F = 96500 Cmol-1

We know that,
-G0 = nFE0cell
= 2  96500  2.71
= 523030 J
G   523030 J

G0 = - 5.23  105 J = -523.03kJ

(b) One of the most successful fuel cells uses the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen
to form water. This fuel cell was used for providing electrical power in the Apollo
space programme. The water vapours produced during the reaction were
condensed and added to the drinking water supply for the astronauts. In the cell,
hydrogen and oxygen are bubbled through porous carbon electrodes into
concentrated aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. Catalysts like finely divided
platinum or palladium metal are incorporated into the electrodes for increasing
the rate of electrode reactions. The electrode reactions are given below:
Cathode: O2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 4e- →4OH–(aq)
Anode: 2H2 (g) + 4OH–(aq) → 4H2O(l) + 4e–
Overall reaction being: 2H2(g) + O2(g)→ 2 H2O(l ) 8
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

20. The given reaction is as follows:

SO2Cl2 (g) SO2 (g)+Cl2 (g)
Also given:
Experiment Time s-1 Total pressure/atm
1 0 0.4
2 100 0.7

The rate constant k can be calculated as follows:

2.303 P0
k log
t 2P0 -Pt
2.303 0.4
when t  100s, k  log
100s (2  0.4)-0.7
2.303 0.4
k log
100s 0.1
k log 4
k  0.6021
k  1.39 102 s 1
Therefore, the rate constant is 1.39 102 s1 .

21. An emulsion is a colloidal dispersion in which both the dispersed phase and the
dispersion medium are liquids and the two liquids involved are otherwise
Types of emulsions are as follows:
a) Oil in water in which oil is a dispersed phase and water is the dispersion
medium. For example: milk is as emulsion of liquid fat dispersed in water.
b) Water in oil in which water is the dispersed phases and oil is the dispersion
medium. For example: cod liver oil is an emulsion of water in oil in which water
is the dispersed phase and oil is the dispersion medium.

(i) N due to the absence of d – orbitals, cannot form p Π –d Π multiple bonds. As
a result, N cannot expand its covalency beyond four but in R3N=O, N has a
covalency of 5. Therefore, the compound R3N=O does not exist. In contrst, P
due to the presence of d- orbitals forms p Π – d Π multiple bonds and hence
can expand its covalency beyond 4. Therefore, P forms R3P=O I n which the
covalency of P is 5. 9
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

(ii) The elements of group 16 have two electrons less than the nearest noble gas
configuration. Therefore, they have a high tendency to accept two additional
electrons and hence have large negative electron gain enthalpies next only to
the halogens. The electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is however least negative
in this group. This is due to its small size. As a result of which, the electron –
electron repulsions in the relatively small 2p-subshell are comparatively
large and hence the incoming electrons are not accepted with the same ease
in case of other elements of this group.

(iii) In case of H3PO3, there is only one P-H bond while in case of H3PO2, there are
two P-H bonds. Hence H3PO2 is better reducing agent than H3PO3.



(i) IUPAC name of the complex [Cr(NH3)4 Cl2]Cl is

Tetraamminedichlorochromium (III) ion.

(ii) Optical isomerism is exhibited by the complex [Co (en) 3]3+.

(iii) [NiCl4]2− and [Ni(CO)4] both are tetrahedral. But their magnetic characters
are different. This is due to difference in the nature of ligands.

Ni+2 = [Ar] 4s03d8

Ni+2 has 2 unpaired electrons hence, this complex is paramagnetic.

In Ni(CO)4, Ni is in the zero oxidation state i.e., it has a configuration of

3d8 4s2.


Ni = [Ar] 4s2 3d8 10
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

But CO is a strong field ligand. Therefore, it causes the pairing of unpaired

3d electrons. Also, it causes the 4s electrons to shift to the 3d orbital, thereby
giving rise to sp3 hybridization. Since, no unpaired electrons are present in
this case, [Ni(CO)4] is diamagnetic.


Addition in presence of peroxide yields product according to anti-Markovnikov rule

of addition.


(i) CH3I
(ii) CH3Cl


(i) Due to maximum intermolecular hydrogen bonding in primary amines (that

is, due to presence of more number of H-atoms) primary amines have high
boiling point in comparison to tertiary amines.

(ii) Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction due to Acid-Base reaction
between Basic compound. Aniline and Lewis acid/Protic acid, which is use in
Friedel-crafts reaction.

(iii) In (CH3)3N there is maximum steric hindrance and least solvation but in
(CH3)2NH the solvation is more and the steric hindrance is less than in
(CH3)3N. Although +I effect is less, since there are two methyl group; di-
methyl amine is still a stronger base than tri-methyl amine.

OR 11
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014


(i) Peptide linkage:

Peptide bond or peptide linkage is an amide formed between –COOH and NH2
group by the elimination of a water molecule. The peptide bond or linkage is

(ii) Primary structure:

The primary structure of proteins refers to the sequence of amino acids held
together by peptide bonds.

(iii) Denaturation:

It is a process in which proteins get easily precipitated and the change is



(i) (a) Dr. Satpal distributed free medicines to them.

(b) Dr. Satpal immediately reported the matter to the National Human Rights

(ii) Aspirin

(iii) Aspartame


(a) (i) Molarity (M): Molarity can be defined as number of moles of solute
dissolved per liter of solution.

Moles of solute
Molarity M 
Vol. of solution (litre)

(ii) Molal elevation constant (Kb):

When 1 molal solution is prepared, the elevation in boiling point is called as

molal boiling point elevation constant.

(b) For isotonic solution

π1 = π2

C1 = C2 (at same temperature) 12
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

or n1 = n2 (is same volume)

15 x

60 180

x = 45 g, mass of glucose per liter of solution.


(a) Ethanol and acetone shows +ve deviation because both are non polar
compounds and after mixing force of attraction decreases

Like particle force of attraction > unlike particle force of attraction.


%Mass  10  density
Molarity M 
Mol. mass of solute
10  10  1.2
  0.66 M

%Mass 1000
Molality  
Mol. mass of solute 100  %Mass
10 1000
   0.617 m
180 90



(i) Cr2O7 2- + 2OH-  2CrO42- + H2O

(ii) MnO4- + 4H+ + 3e-  MnO2 + 2H2O


(i) Zinc is not considered a transition element because it does not have partly
filled(or incomplete) d-subshell. It has 3d-subshell full filled.

(ii) The transition elements form complexes because of the following reasons:

 Comparitively smaller size of their metal ions.

 Their high ionic charges.
 Availability of vacant d-orbitals so that these orbitals can accept lone
pairs of electrons donated by the ligands.

(iii) In case of Mn '+2' oxidation state is more stable than '+3' oxidation state and
in case of Cr '+3' oxidation state is more stable than '+2' oxidation state. 13
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014


Lanthanoids Actinoids
Their magnetic properties can be Their magnetic properties cannot be
explained easily. explained easily, as they are more
Except promethium, they are non- They are radioactive.
Besides +3 oxidation state, they show Besides +3 oxidation state, they show
+2 and +4 oxidation states only in few higher oxidation states of +4, +5, +6, +7
cases. also.
Lanthanoid compounds are less basic Actinoid compounds are more basic.

(ii) Ce

(iii) MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e-  Mn+2 + 4H2O

(iv) Mn+3 = [Ar] 4s0 3d4 (4 unpaired e-)

Cr+3 = [Ar] 4s0 3d3 (3 unpaired e-)
Mn+3 has more no. of unpaired e- than Cr+3



(i) Acetaldehyde add a molecule of hydrogen to form acetaldehyde cyanohydrin.


(Acetaldehyde cyanohydrin)

(ii) Ethanal reacts with hydroxylamine to form Ethanal oxime.

CH3CHO + H2NOH  CH3 - C = NOH + H2O

Ethanal oxime 14
CBSE | Chemistry
Board Paper ˗ 2014

(iii) Two molecules of ethanal condense in presence of a dilute NaOH to form 3-





(i) When treated with sodium bicarbonate, benzoic acid gives brisk
effervescence due to evolution of carbon dioxide gas. No reaction takes place
when phenol is treated with NaHCO3.

C6H5COOH + NaHCO3 → C6H5COONa + H2O + CO 2

(ii) Propanal gives Tollen’s test while propanone does not give Tollen’s test.

CH3CH2CHO + 2[Ag (NH3)2] + + 3OH- → CH3CH2COO- + 2Ag + 4NH3 + 2H2O


(i) Monochloroacetic acid is stronger than acetic acid. This is due to –Cl as a – I
(ii) Carboxylic acids do not give reactions of carbonyl group because the lone
pairs on oxygen attaché to hydrogen in the –COOH group are involved in
resonance which makes the carbon less electrophilic.
(i) Rosemund reaction:


(ii) Cannizzario’s reaction:

Formaldehyde Methyl alcohol Sodium formate

(c) CH3CH2 – CH2 –CO –CH3 15
Board Paper – 2015

Class XII Chemistry
Board Paper – 2015
Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Questions number 1 to 5 are very short answer questions and carry 1 mark each
(iii) Questions number 6 to 10 are short answer Questions and carry 2 marks each
(iv) Questions number 11 to 22 are also short answer Questions and carry 3 marks each
(v) Questions number 23 is a value based Questions and carry 4 marks.
(vi) Questions number 24 to 26 are long answer Questions and carry 5 marks each
(vii) Use log tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed.

Q. 1 Write a method by which lyophobic colloids can be coagulated. [1]

Q. 2 What is the formula of a compound in which the element Y forms hcp lattice and
atoms of X occupy 2/3rd of tetrahedral voids? [1]

Q. 3 Out of white phosphorus and red phosphorus, which one is more reactive and why?

Q. 4 Write the IUPAC name of the given compound: [1]

Q. 5 Which would undergo SN1 reaction faster in the following pair and why? [1]

Q. 6 State Henry’s law. Why do gases always tend to be less soluble in liquids as the
temperature is raised?
State Raoult’s law for the solution containing volatile components. Write two
differences between an ideal solution and a non-ideal solution. [2] 1
Board Paper – 2015

Q. 7 [2]
(a) Following reactions occur at cathode during the electrolysis of aqueous sodium
chloride solution:
Na+(aq) + e− ⟶ Na (s) E0 =  2.71 V
H+(aq) + e− ⟶ H2 (g) E0 = 0.00 V
On the basis of their standard reduction electrode potential (E 0) values, which
reaction is feasible at the cathode and why?
(b) Why does the cell potential of mercury cell remain constant throughout its life?

Q. 8 Why do the transition elements have higher enthalpies of atomisation? In 3d series

(Sc to Zn), which element has the lowest enthalpy of atomisation and why? [2]

Q. 9 [2]
(i) Write down the IUPAC name of the following complex:
[Co(NH3)5 (NO2)](NO3)2
(ii) Write the formula for the following complex:
Potassium tetracyanidonickelate(II)

Q. 10 Name the reagents used in the following reactions:


(ii) CH3  COOH 

 ClCH2  COOH [2]

Q. 11 Calculate the amount of CaCl2 (molar mass = 111 g mol−1) which must be added to
500 g of water to lower its freezing point by 2 K, assuming CaCl 2 is completely
dissociated. (Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol−1) [3]

Q. 12 An element with density 10 g cm −3 forms a cubic unit cell with edge length of 3 ×
10−8 cm. What is the nature of the cubic unit cell if the atomic mass of the element is
81 g mol−1? [3]

Q. 13 Calculate emf of the following cell at 25°C:

Sn | Sn2+ (0.001 M) || H+ (0.01 M) | H2 (g) (1 bar) | Pt (s)
 0.14V E(H
/H )
 0.00V [3]
2 2
Board Paper – 2015

Q. 14 Give reasons for the following observations:

(i) Physisorption decreases with increase in temperature.
(ii) Addition of alum purifies the water.
(iii) Brownian movement provides stability to the colloidal solution. [3]

Q. 15
(i) Name the method used for the refining of zirconium.
(ii) What is the role of CO in the extraction of Iron?
(iii) Reduction of metal oxide to metal becomes easier if the metal obtained is in
liquid state. Why? [3]

Q. 16
(a) How would you account for the following:
(i) The chemistry of actinoids is more complicated as compared to
(ii) Transition metals form complex compounds.
(b) Complete the following equation:
2 MnO4  6H+ + SO32  [3]

Q. 17
(i) Draw the geometrical isomers of complex [Co(en)2Cl2]+.
(ii) On the basis of crystal field theory, write the electronic configuration for d 4 ion if
∆0 > P.
(iii) [NiCl4]2− is paramagnetic, while [Ni(CO)4] is diamagnetic, though both are
tetrahedral. Why? (Atomic number of Ni = 28) [3]

Q. 18 How do you convert the following:

(i) Prop-1-ene to 1-fluoropropane
(ii) Chlorobenzene to 2-chlorotoluene
(iii) Ethanol to propanenitrile
Write the main products when
(i) n-butyl chloride is treated with alcoholic KOH.
(ii) 2, 4, 6-trinitrochlorobenzene is subjected to hydrolysis.
(iii) methyl chloride is treated with AgCN. [3]

Q. 19 Give reasons for the following:

(i) o-nitrophenol is more acidic than o-methoxyphenol.
(ii) Butan-1-ol has a higher boiling point than diethyl ether.
(iii) (CH3)3C–O–CH3 on reaction with HI gives (CH 3)3C–I and CH3–OH as the main
products and not (CH3)3C–OH and CH3–I. [3] 3
Board Paper – 2015

Q. 20 Predict the products of the following reactions:


(a) KMnO /KOH

(ii) C6H5  CH2  CH3 
(b) H+
 ?

3 NH /
(iii) CH3COOH  [3]

Q. 21 Write the names and structures of the monomers of the following polymers: [3]
(i) Nylon-6
(ii) Novolac
(iii) Buna-N

Q. 22
(i) Which one of the following is a polysaccharide:
Starch, Maltose, Fructose, Glucose
(ii) What is the difference between native protein and denatured protein?
(iii) Write the name of the vitamin responsible for the coagulation of blood. [3]

Q. 23 Seeing the growing cases of diabetes and depression among young children, Mr
Lugani, the principal of one reputed school, organised a seminar in which he invites
parents and principals. They all resolved this issue by strictly banning junk food in
schools and introducing healthy snacks and drinks like soup, lassi, milk etc. in school
canteens. They also decided to make compulsory half an hour of daily physical
activities for the students in the health survey in most of the school and discovered a
tremendous improvement in the health of the students.
After reading the above passage, answer the following questions: [4]
(i) What are the values (at least two) displayed by Mr Lugani?
(ii) As a student, how can you spread awareness about this issue?
(iii) What are antidepressant drugs? Give an example.
(iv) Name the sweetening agent used in the preparation of sweets for a diabetic

Q. 24
(a) Illustrate the following reaction giving suitable example in each case:
(i) Hoffmann bromamide degradation reaction
(ii) Diazotisation
(iii) Gabriel phthalimide synthesis
(b) Distinguish between the following pairs of compounds:
(i) Aniline and N-methylaniline
(ii) (CH3)2NH and (CH3)3N
OR 4
Board Paper – 2015

(a) Write the structures of main products when benzene diazonium chloride
C H N Cl  reacts with the following reagents:
6 5


(i) CuCN/KCN
(ii) H2O
(iii) CH3CH2OH
(b) Arrange the following:
(i) C2H5NH2, C2H5OH, (CH3)3N – in the increasing order of their boiling point
(ii) Aniline, p-nitroaniline, p-methylaniline - in the increasing order of their
basic strength

Q. 25
(a) What is rate of reaction? Write two factors that affect the rate of reaction.
(b) The rate constant of a first order reaction increases from 4 × 10−2 to 8 × 10−2
when the temperature changes from 27°C to 37°C. Calculate the energy of
activation (Ea).
(log 2 = 0.301, log 3 = 0.4771, log 4 = 0.6021) [5]
(a) For a reaction A + B ⟶ P, the rate is given by
Rate = k [A] [B]2
(i) How is the rate of reaction affected if the concentration of B is doubled?
(ii) What is the overall order of reaction if A is present in large excess?
(b) A first order reaction takes 23.1 minutes for 50% completion. Calculate the time
required for 75% completion of this reaction.
(log 2 = 0.301, log 3 = 0.4771, log 4 = 0.6021)

Q. 26
(a) Account for the following:
(i) Interhalogens are more reactive than pure halogens.
(ii) N2 is less reactive at room temperature.
(iii) Reducing character increases from NH3 to BiH3.
(b) Draw the structures of the following:
(i) H4P2O7 (Pyrophosphoric acid)
(ii) XeF4 [5]
(a) Which poisonous gas is evolved when white phosphorus is heated with conc.
NaOH solution? Write the chemical equation involved.
(b) Which noble gas has the lowest boiling point?
(c) Fluorine is a stronger oxidising agent than chlorine. Why?
(d) What happens when H3PO3 is heated?
(e) Complete the equation:
PbS + O3 ⟶ 5
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

Class XII Chemistry
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

1. Lyophobic colloids can be coagulated by the electrophoresis method. The colloidal

particles move towards the oppositely charged electrodes, get discharged and

2. Suppose the number of atoms Y in hcp lattice = n

As the number of tetrahedral voids is double the number of atoms in close packing,
the number of tetrahedral voids = 2n
As atoms X occupy 2/3rd of the tetrahedral voids, the number of atoms X in the lattice
2 4n
×2n =
3 3
4n 4
 Ratio of X:Y = :n = :1= 4:3
3 3
Hence, the formula of the compound is X4Y3.

3. White phosphorus is less stable and therefore more reactive than the other solid
phases under normal conditions because of the angular strain in the P4 molecule
where the angles are only 60°. Red phosphorus is much less reactive than white

4. 1
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

5. Carbocations are the intermediates in the SN1 reaction. Greater the stability of the
carbocations, more easily will the product be formed and hence faster will be the rate
of the reaction. Because the stability of the carbocations decreases in the order:
3° carbocation > 2° carbocation > 1° carbocation > CH3+.
Therefore, the reactivity of alkyl halides towards SN1 reactions decreases in the same
order, i.e. 3° alkyl halides > 2° alkyl halides > 1° alkyl halides > methyl halides.
The two structures are

Bromoethane is a primary alkyl halide which forms a 1° carbocation intermediate in

the SN1 reaction. The other compound is 2-bromo-2-methylpropane which is a
tertiary alkyl halide which forms a tertiary carbocation intermediate in the SN1
Hence, 2-bromo-2-methylpropane undergoes an SN1 reaction faster than

6. Henry’s law: The mass of a gas dissolved in a given volume of the liquid at constant
temperature is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas present in equilibrium
with the liquid.
The solubility of a gas in a liquid at a particular temperature is directly proportional
to the pressure of the gas in equilibrium with the liquid at that temperature.
The dissolution of a gas in a liquid is an exothermic process, that is, it is accompanied
by the evolution of heat. Thus,

Applying Le Chatelier’s principle, the increase of temperature would shift the

equilibrium in the backward direction, that is, solubility would decrease.
Therefore, gases always tend to be less soluble in liquids as the temperature is raised.

OR 2
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

Raoult’s law: In a solution, the vapour pressure of a component at a given

temperature is equal to the mole fraction of that component in the solution
multiplied by the vapour pressure of that component in the pure state.

Ideal Solution Non-ideal Solution

1. An ideal solution of the 1. A non-ideal solution of the

components A and B is defined as components A and B is defined as
the solution in which the the solution in which the
intermolecular interactions intermolecular interactions
between the components (A–B between the components (A–B
attractions) are of the same attractions) are of different
magnitude as the intermolecular magnitude as the intermolecular
interactions found in the pure interactions found in the pure
components (A–A attractions and components (A–A attractions and
B–B attractions). B–B attractions).

2. ΔmixH = 0 and ΔmixV = 0. 2. ΔmixH ≠ 0 and ΔmixV ≠ 0.

7. A redox reaction is feasible only if the species with high reduction potential is
reduced (accepts an electron) and the species with lower standard reduction
potential is oxidised (loses an electron). For a reaction to occur, it is necessary that
the species with a greater tendency to lose an electron, loses its electron, which is
gained by the species with a greater tendency to gain the electron.
The reactions taking place during the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride
solution are
Na+ (aq)+e-  Na(s) Eo =-2.71 V (I)
H+ (aq)+ e-  H2(g) Eo = 0.00 V (II)
One more reaction which takes place during the electrolysis of aqueous sodium
chloride solution is
Cl2+(aq)+2e-  2Cl- (g) Eo =1.36 V (III)
From the above three reactions, we observe that the standard reduction potential
sodium (reaction I) is negative, while the standard reduction potential for chlorine
(reaction III) is positive. Hence, reaction III is feasible at the cathode.

OR 3
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

 A mercury cell consists of a zinc container as the anode, a carbon rod as the
cathode and a paste of mercuric oxide mixed with KOH as the electrolyte.
 In this cell, the overall cell reaction does not involve any ion whose
concentration may change.
 Therefore, this cell gives a constant potential of 1.5 V throughout its life.
 However, these cells should be reprocessed for mercury recovery or treated to
prevent mercury or mercury compounds from entering the atmosphere and
causing pollution.

8. Transition metals have high effective nuclear charge, greater number of valence
electrons and some unpaired electrons. They thus have strong metal–metal bonding.
Hence, transition metals have high enthalpies of atomisation.
In the 3d series, from Sc to Zn, only zinc has filled valence shells. The valence shell
electronic configuration of Zn is 3d104s2. Due to the absence of unpaired electrons in
ns and (n–1)d shells, the interatomic electronic bonding is the weakest in zinc.
Consequently, zinc has the least enthalpy of atomisation in the 3d series of transition

(i) [Co(NH3)5(NO2)](NO3)2
IUPAC name: Pentaamminenitrocobalt (III) nitrate
(ii) Potassium tetracyanidonickelate (II)
Formula of the complex: K2[Ni(CN)4]


(ii) 4
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

11. Given:
Molar mass of CaCl2 (MB) = 111 g/mol
Weight of water (wA) = 500 g
Kf for water = 1.86 K kg/mol
ΔTf = 2K
K f × w B × 1000
Formula: ΔTf =
w A × MB
K × w B × 1000
ΔTf = f
w A × MB
1.86 × w B × 1000
500 × 111
2 × 500 × 111
wB = = 59.68
1.86 × 1000
Amount of CaCl2 required = 59.68 g

12. Given:
Density (D) = 10 g/cm3
Edge length (a) = 3 x 10−8 cm
Atomic mass = 81 g/mol
Formula: Density =
a3 × N0
Density =
a 3 × N0
Z × 81
10 =
(310) × 6.022 × 1023

10 × (310)3 × 6.022 × 1023

Z= = 2.0073
The unit cell contains 2 atoms, so it is a body-centred cubic unit cell. 5
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

13. According to Nernst equation,

0.0592 [P]
Ecell = E0cell  log
n [R]
E0cell  EOxi(anode)
 EOxi(cathode)

 E0Sn|Sn2+  E0H |2H2+


  0.14  0.0
  0.14
Anode (oxidation): Sn(s) → Sn2+(aq) + 2e−
Cathode (reduction): 2H+(aq) + 2e− → H2(g)
Net reaction: Sn(s) + 2H+(aq) → Sn2+(aq) + H2(g)
[P] = [Sn2+] = 0.001 M
[R] = [H+] = 0.01 M
So, putting the above values in the formula,
0.0592 [0.001]
Ecell =  0.14  log
2 [0.01]2
Ecell = –0.1696 V

(i) Physisorption is exothermic in nature:
Solid + Gas Gas/Solid + Heat
(Adsobent) (Adsobate) (Gas adsorbed on solid)
In accordance with Le Chatelier’s principle, physisorption decreases with an
increase in temperature. Because the equilibrium will shift in the backward
direction, gas will be released from the adsorbed surface.
(ii) In water purification, alum acts as a good coagulant. A coagulant binds extremely
fine and small particles of impure water to large particles which are easily
removable by filtration or settling. So, anyone can remove unwanted colour and
turbidity from water.
(iii) Brownian motion counters the force of gravity acting on the colloidal particles and
hence helps in providing stability to the colloidal sols by not allowing them to
settle. 6
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

(i) The Van Arkel method is used for the refining of zirconium.
(ii) CO acts as a reducing agent due to which iron in the ore reduces to iron metal.
(iii) Entropy of a metal in the liquid state is higher than that of the same metal in the
solid state (Sliquid > Ssolid). So, when the metal formed is in the liquid state and the
metal oxide being reduced is in the solid state, the value of entropy change (ΔS) for
the reduction reaction is more on the positive side. When the value of TΔS
increases and that of ΔH remains the same, the value of ΔGr° for the reduction
reaction becomes negative and thus reduction becomes easier.

(i) The energy difference between the 6d, 7s and 5f orbitals is very small in
actinoids. In addition, the 5f orbitals of the actinoids are less shielded than the 4f
orbitals of the lanthanoids. Thus, in the lanthanoids, only 4f electrons of Ce
participate in chemical bonding, whereas in the lighter actinoids, up to
americium, the 5f electrons also take part. This makes the chemistry of actinoids
more complicated than that of lanthanoids.
(ii) The transition elements form complexes because they are able to accept pairs of
electrons from donor molecules or ions to form dative covalent bonds. This
happens because they have vacant orbitals of suitable energy which can accept
the non-bonding pairs from the ligands.
(b) 2MnO4 + 6H + 5SO3  2Mn + 3H2O + 5SO4
- + 2- 2+ 2-

(i) Geometrical isomers of [Co(en)2Cl2 ] :

(ii) If Δo > P, it becomes more energetically favourable for the fourth electron to occupy
4 0
a t2g orbital with configuration t 2g eg .
(iii) In [NiCl4]2−, Ni is in the +2 state. Cl − is a ligand which is a weak field ligand which
does not cause pairing of unpaired 3d electrons. Hence, it is paramagnetic.
In [Ni(CO)4], Ni has 0 oxidation state. CO is a strong field ligand, which causes
pairing of unpaired 3d electrons. No unpaired electrons are present in this case. So,
it is diamagnetic. 7
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

Peroxide CH -CH -CH -I
CH - CH = CH + HI 
3 2 3 2 2
Prop -1- ene 1- fluropropane


Reflux withKCN
H2SO4 in alcohol
CH - CH - OH + KBr   CH - CH - Br   CH - CH - CN
3 2 3 2 - KBr 3 2
Ethanol Bromoethane Propanenitrile


(i) When n-butyl chloride is treated with alcoholic KOH, but-1-ene is formed.
CH3–CH2–CH2–CH2–Cl + Alc. KOH → CH3–CH2–CH=CH2 + KCl + H2O
(ii) 2, 4, 6-trinitrochlorobenzene under mild hydrolysis conditions (H2O/323 K) gives
2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol or picric acid.

(iii) When methyl chloride is treated with AgCN, methyl cyanide is formed.
CH3–Cl + AgCN → CH3–CN + AgCl
Methyl chloride Methyl cyanide 8
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

(i) The nitro group (–NO2) is an electron-withdrawing group. It decreases the density
in the O–H bond. Thus, the proton can be easily lost. With the presence of an
electron-withdrawing group, the phenoxide ion is more stabilised. Due to the high
stability of the phenoxide ion, the acidic nature increases.
On the other hand, the methoxy group is an electron-releasing group. It increases
the density in the O–H bond. Thus, the proton cannot be given out easily. Thus, the
phenoxide ion is less stabilised. Due to this, o-nitrophenol is more acidic than o-
(ii) Butan-1-ol has a higher boiling point because it contains a hydroxyl group which is
capable of hydrogen bonding. Molecules of diethyl ether are incapable of forming
hydrogen bonds with each other.
(iii) (CH3)3C–O–CH3 is an ether with two different alkyl groups, of which (CH3)3C, a
tertiary alkyl group, on reaction with hydrogen halide (HI) forms a tertiary halide.
This occurs as the reaction is an SN1 reaction. The reaction involves the formation
of a stable carbocation. If the ether has a primary alkyl group, then the reaction
follows the SN2 mechanism.



(iii) Acetaldehyde reacts with ammonia to form an acetaldehyde ammonia adduct. 9
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

On warming with water, the adduct decomposes to give acetaldimine.

(i) The monomer units of nylon-6,6 are hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid.

(iii) The monomer unit of Novolac is o-hydroxybenzyl alcohol.

(iv) The monomer units of Buna-N are 1, 3-butadiene and acrylonitrile.

1, 3-Butadiene Acrylonitrile

(i) Starch is a polysaccharide bonded by glycosidic linkages.
(ii) In a biological system, a protein is found to have a unique 3-dimensional structure
and a protein with unique biological activity is called a native protein. However,
when the native protein is subjected to physical or chemical changes, its hydrogen
bonds are disturbed. This disturbance unfolds the globules and uncoils the helix. As
a result, the protein loses its biological activity. This type of protein is called a
denatured protein.
(iii) Vitamin K is responsible for the coagulation of blood. 10
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

(i) Care for the health of the students and selfless service for mankind are some of the
key values displayed by Mr Lugani.
(ii) Awareness regarding diabetes and depression among students can be spread by
organising and conducting seminars, health camps, discussions and debates,
distribution of brochures and pamphlets, organising workshops by doctors
emphasising the need to follow healthy eating habits and practising regular
physical exercise.
(iii) Antidepressant drugs are chemical compounds used to treat major depressive
disorders and several other conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety disorders and
dysmenorrhoea. Example: Clomipramine
(iv) Saccharin is the sweetening agent used in the preparation of sweets for a diabetic

(i) ||
CH3 - C- NH2 + Br2 + 4NaOH 
 CH3 - NH2 + Na2CO3 + 2NaBr + 2H2O
(ii) C6H5 - NH2 + NaNO2 + 2HCl 
 C6H5 - N+2Cl- + NaCl + 2H2O
(iii) 11
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

(i) Aniline is a primary amine and N-methylaniline is a secondary amine.

Aniline N-methylaniline
(ii) (CH3)2 NH is a secondary amine and (CH3)3N is a tertiary amine.



and N2

, N2 and HCl

, N2, CH3CHO and HCl

(i) (CH3)3N < C2H5NH2 < C2H5OH
(ii) p-nitroaniline < Aniline < p-methylaniline 12
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

(a) Rate of reaction may be defined as the change in any one of the reactants or
products per unit time.
Concentration of reactants, temperature and catalyst affect the rate of reaction.
(b) Given:
k 1 = 4 × 10−2
k2 = 8 × 10−2
T1 = 300 K
T2 = 310 K
k  Ea  T2 - T1 
log  2  =  
 k 1  2.303R  T1T2 
 8x 10-2  Ea  T2 - T1 
log  -2 
=  
 4x10  2.303R  T1T2 
Ea  310 - 300 
0.301 =
2.303x 8.314 JK mol  310 x300 
-1 -1 

Ea = 0.301 × 2.303 × 8.314 × 93000

Ea = 53598.5 J

(i) For a reaction, A + B  P
Rate1 = k[A][B]2
If the concentration of B is doubled,
Rate2 = k[A][2B]2
Rate1 = k[A][B]2
Rate 2 = k[A][2B]2
Rate1 = B2
Rate2 4B2
Rate2 = 4 Rate1
The rate of reaction will be four times the initial rate.
(ii) If A is present in large excess, then the rate of the reaction will be independent of
A and will depend only on the concentration of B. The overall rate of the reaction
will be 2. 13
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

(b) Solution:
Let us first calculate k.
t 1/2 = 23.1min
t 1/2 =
k = 0.03
Now let us calculate the time required to complete 75% reaction.
2.303 [R ]
k= log o
t [R]
2.303 100
0.03 = log
t 25
0.03 = log4
t= log4
t = 46.22mins

(i) This is because the covalent bond between dissimilar atoms (X–X′) in
interhalogen compounds is weaker than that between similar atoms
(X–X or X′–X′) in halogens except the F–F bond.
(ii) N2 is less reactive at room temperature because its molecule is very small and
the bond dissociation enthalpy of the molecule is high.
(iii) The reducing character depends on the stability of the hydride. The greater the
instability of a hydride, the greater is its reducing character. Because the
stability decreases from NH3 to BiH3, the reducing character increases.
(i) H4P2O7 (pyrosulphuric acid) 14
Board Paper – 2015 Solution

(ii) XeF4


(a) On heating with caustic soda solution, white phosphorus forms poisonous gas
P4 + 3NaOH + 3H2O  PH3 + NaH2PO2
(b) Helium has the lowest boiling point.
(c) The oxidising power of halogens decreases as we go down the group. The electrode
potential of F2 is +2.87 V, while that of Cl2 is +1.36 V. This means that fluorine can be
reduced more easily than chlorine. Therefore, fluorine is the strongest oxidising
(d) On heating, H3PO3 decomposes into phosphoric acid and phosphine.
4H3PO3  457K
 3H3PO4 + PH3
(e) PbS + 4O3  PbSO4 + 4O2 15
Board Paper – 2016

Class XII Chemistry
Board Paper – 2016

Time: 3 hour Total Marks: 70

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are very short answer questions and carry 1 mark
(iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are short answer Questions and carry 2 marks
(iv) Question numbers 11 to 22 are also short answer Questions and carry 3
marks each.
(v) Question number 23 is a value based Question and carries 4 marks.
(vi) Question numbers 24 to 26 are long answer Questions and carry 5 marks
(vii) Use log tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed.

Section A
1. Write the IUPAC name of the given compound:

2. Write the structure of an isomer of compound C4H9Br which is most reactive

towards SN1 reaction.

3. What is the reason for the stability of colloidal sols?

4. Give an example each of a molecular solid and an ionic solid.

5. Pb(NO3)2 on heating gives a brown gas which undergoes dimerisation on

cooling? Identify the gas.

H  Cl2   2HCl
6. For a reaction: 2
Rate = k
(i) Write the order and molecularity of this reaction.
(ii) Write the unit of k. 1
Board Paper – 2016

7. Write the chemical equations involved in the following reactions:

(i) Hoffmann-bromamide degradation reaction
(ii) Carbylamine reaction

(i) Gas (A) is more soluble in water than Gas (B) at the same temperature.
Which one of the two gases will have the higher value of KH (Henry’s
constant) and why?
(ii) In non-ideal solution, what type of deviation shows the formation of
maximum boiling azeotropes?

9. When a coordination compound CoCl3.6NH3 is mixed with AgNO3, 3moles of

AgCl are precipitated per mole of the compound. Write
(i) Structural formula of the complex
(ii) IUPAC name of the complex

10. Write the structures of the following:

(i) BrF3
(ii) XeF4
What happens when:
(i) SO2 gas is passed through an aqueous solution Fe+3 salt?
(ii) XeF4 reacts with SbF5?

11. Write the final product(s) in each of the following reactions:



(c) 2
Board Paper – 2016

12. How do you convert:

(i) Chlorobenzene to biphenyl
(ii) Propene to 1-iodopropane
(iii) 2-bromobutane to but-2-ene
Write the major products(s) in the following:



(i) Write the structural difference between starch and cellulose.
(ii) What type of linkage is present in nucleic acids?
(iii) Give one example each for fibrous protein and globular protein.

14. Give reasons:

(i) Name the method of refining of nickel.
(ii) What is the role of cryolite in the extraction of aluminium?
(iii) What is the role of limestone in the extraction of iron from its oxides?

15. Give reasons:

(i) SO2 is reducing while TeO2 is an oxidising agent.
(ii) Nitrogen does not form pentahalide.
(iii) ICl is more reactive than I2.

(a) For the complex [Fe(H2O)6]+3, write the hybridisation, magnetic character
and spin of the complex. (At, number : Fe = 26)
(b) Draw one of the geometrical isomers of the complex [Pt (en)2Cl2] +2 which
is optically inactive. 3
Board Paper – 2016

17. An element crystallises in a b.c.c lattice with cell edge of 500 pm. The density
of the element is 7.5g cm-3. How many atoms are present in 300 g of the

(i) What is the role of sulphur in the vulcanisation of rubber?
(ii) Identify the monomers in the following polymer:

(iii) Arrange the following polymers in the decreasing order of their

intermolecular forces:
Terylene, Polythene, Neoprene

19. For the first order thermal decomposition reaction, the following data were
C2H5Cl(g)   C2H4(g)  HCl(g)
Time / sec Totalpressure / atm
0 0.30
300 0.50

Calculate the rate constant.

(Given: log 2 = 0.301, log3 = 0.4771, log 4 = 0.6021)

20. Give reasons for the following:

(i) Aniline does not undergo Friedal- Crafts reaction.
(ii) (CH3)2NH is more basic than (CH3)3N in an aqueous solution.
(iii) Primary amines have higher boiling point than tertiary amines.

21. Define the following terms:

(i) Lyophilic colloid
(ii) Zeta potential
(iii) Associated colloids

22. Calculate the boiling point of solution when 4g of MgSO4 (M= 120 g mol-1) was
dissolved in 100g of water, assuming MgSO4 undergoes complete ionization.
(Kb for water = 0.52 K kgmol-1) 4
Board Paper – 2016

23. Due to hectic and busy schedule, Mr Angad made his life full of tensions and
anxiety. He started taking sleeping pills to overcome the depression without
consulting the doctor. Mr Deepak, a close friend of Mr. Angad advised him to
stop taking sleeping pills and suggested to change his life lifestyle by doing
yoga, meditation and some physical exercise. Mr. Angad followed his friend’s
advice and after few days he started feeling better.
After reading the above passage, answer the following”
(i) What are the values (at least two) displayed by Mr. Deepak?
(ii) Why is it not advisable to take sleeping pills without consulting doctor?
(iii) What are tranquilisers? Give two examples.

(a) Write the structures of A and B in the following reactions:
H2 ,PdBaSO4 H2NOH
(i) CH3COCl   A  
1.CO2 PCl5
(ii) CH3MgBr 
2.H O
 A  B

(b) Distinguish between:

(i) C6H5-COCH3 and C6H5-CHO
(ii) CH3COOH and HCOOH
(c) Arrange the following in the increasing order of their boiling points:
(a) Write the chemical reaction involved in Wolff-Kishner reduction.
(b) Arrange the following in the increasing order of their reactivity towards
nucleophilic addition reaction:
(c) Why carboxylic acid does not give reactions of carbonyl group?
(d) Write the product in the following reaction
1.(iBu)2 AlH
CH3CH2CH  CH  CH2CN 
2.H O


(e) A and B are two functional isomers of compound C3H6O.On heating with
NaOH and I2, isomer B forms yellow precipitate of iodoform whereas
isomer A does not form any precipitate. Write the formulae of A and B.

(a) Calculate E°cell for the following reaction at 298K:
2Al(s) + 3Cu+2(0.01M) → 2Al+3(0.01M) + 3Cu(s)
Given: Ecell = 1.98V
(b) Using the E° values of A and B, predict which is better for coating the
surface of iron [E°(Fe+2/Fe) = -0.44V] to prevent corrosion and why?
Given: E° (A+2/A)=-2.37 V: E°(B+2/B)= -0.14V
OR 5
Board Paper – 2016

(a) The conductivity of 0.001 mol L-1 solution of CH3COOH is 3.905× 10-5 S
cm-1. Calculate its molar conductivity and degree of dissociation (α)
Given λ°(H+)= 349.6 S cm2 mol-1 and λ°(CH3COO-)= 40.9S cm2mol-1.
(b) Define electrochemical cell. What happens if external potential applied
becomes greater than E°cell of electrochemical cell?

(a) Account for the following:
(i) Mn shows the highest oxidation state of +7 with oxygen but with
fluorine, it shows oxidation state of +4.
(ii) Cr+2 is a strong reducing agent.
(iii) Cu+2 salts are coloured, while Zn+2 salts are white.
(b) Complete the following equations:

(i) 2MnO2  4KOH  O2 
(ii) Cr2O72  14H  6I 

The elements of 3d transition series are given as:
Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co
Answer the following:
(i) Write the element which shows maximum number of oxidation states.
Give reason.
(ii) Which element has the highest m.p?
(iii) Which element shows only +3 oxidation state?
(iv) Which element is a strong oxidising agent in +3 oxidation state and why? 6
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

Class XII Chemistry
Board Paper - 2016 (Solution)
Time: 3 hrs. Total Marks: 70




It is the most reactive towards the SN1 reaction.

3. Reasons for the stability of colloidal sols:

a. Coagulation of the colloidal sol is prevented because of the presence of
equal and similar charges on the colloidal particles.
b. Colloidal particles are covered by a sheath of liquid in which they are
extensively solvated because of which they acquire stability.

4. Examples of molecular solids are solid ammonia (NH3) and ice (H2O).
Examples of ionic solids are NaCl and MgO.

5. Pb(NO3)2 undergoes a decomposition reaction on heating and produces

nitrogen dioxide. It dimerises to give N2O4 gas.
2Pb(NO3 )2  2PbO+ 4NO2 +O2
2NO2  N2O4

(i) The reaction is a zero order reaction, and the molecularity of this reaction
is 2.
(ii) The unit of the rate constant k is mole L−1 sec−1. 1
Board Paper – 2016 Solution



(ii) CH3  NH2  CHCl3  3KOH 

 CH3  NC  3KCl  3H2O

(i) By Henry’s law, solubility of a particular gas is inversely proportional to
Henry’s constant for that gas. So, gas (B) will show a higher KH value as it
is less soluble.
(ii) It shows negative deviation from Raoult’s law.

(i) [Co(NH3)6]Cl3
(ii) The IUPAC name of the complex is hexamminecobalt(III)chloride.

(i) The structure of BrF3 is bent T-shaped.

(ii) The structure of XeF4 is square planar.


OR 2
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

(i) SO2 is a reducing agent, and it reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+ and changes the
solution from brown-red to green.
(ii) Xenon fluorides react with fluoride ion acceptors to form cationic species.
XeF4 + SbF5 → [XeF3] + [SbF6]−




(i) 3
Board Paper – 2016 Solution






(i) Structural difference between starch and cellulose:

Starch Cellulose
Starch is made of α-1, 4 linkages. Cellulose is made of β-1, 4
Starch is found in both linear and Cellulose is mostly linear chains
branched chains. of glucose molecules.
Starch occurs in two forms— Cellulose occurs in nature as
amylase and amylopectin. pure cellulose, hemicellulose or
Starch functions as a storage Cellulose functions as a structural
polysaccharide polysaccharide.

(ii) Nucleic acid shows phosphodiester linkages.

(iii) Fibrous protein: Collagen
Globular protein: Egg albumin 4
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

(i) Mond process
(ii) The function of the cryolite is to lower the fusion temperature from
2050°C to 950°C and to enhance conductivity.
(iii) Limestone decomposes to form CaO which reacts with silicate impurity in
the blast furnace to form slag.
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
CaO + SiO2 → CaSiO3 (slag)

(i) In case of sulphur, because of the presence of empty d-orbital, it can
expand its oxidation state from the + 4 to the +6 oxidation state. Hence,
it acts as a reducing agent.
Te is a heavy element and so because of the inert pair effect, the lower
oxidation state is more stable. Hence, it acts as an oxidising agent.
(ii) Nitrogen does not form a pentahalide because of the non-availability of
the d orbitals in its valence shell.
(iii) The I–Cl bond in ICl is weaker than the I–I bond in I2. Therefore, ICl is
more reactive than I2.


Hybridisation: sp3d2
Magnetic character: Paramagnetic
Spin of complex: High spin complex 5
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

(b) trans isomer of [Pt(en)2Cl2]2+ is optically inactive.

a  500 pm  500  1010 cm
z 2
m  300 g
Density (d)  2
a NA
2 M
7.5 
(500)3  1030  6.02  1023
7.5  (500)3  1030  6.02  1023
M  282.18 g / mol
Mass of compound  NA
Molar mass (M) 
Number of atoms
300  6.02  1023
282.18 
Number of atoms
Number of atoms  6.4  1023

(i) Rubber is made of hydrocarbon chains, basically carbon and hydrogen.
These chains slide over one another and get tied to one another which
leads to natural rubber being sticky. When sulphur is used in the
vulcanisation process, it reacts with these chains and forms disulphide (or
similar) bonds. Sulphur forms cross linkages at the reactive sites of the
double bonds because of which rubber gets stiffened.

(ii) Monomers:
(a) Ethylene glycol
(b) Phthalic acid

(iii) Increasing order of intermolecular forces:

Neoprene < Polythene < Terylene 6
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

Given :
Pi  0.30 atm
Pt  0.50 atm

C2H5Cl(g)  C2H4(g)  HCl(g)

Pi 0 0 (At t  0 sec)
Pi  x x x (At t  300 sec)

Pi  x  x  x  Pt
0.3  x  0.5
x  0.2
Then, Pi  x  0.3  0.2  0.1 atm
For first order reaction,
2.303  P 
k  log  i 
t  Pi  x 
2.303  0.3 
 log  
t  0.1 
2.303  log 3 2.303  0.4771
 
300 300
k  0.0037 s

(i) AlCl3 is acidic and aniline is basic in nature. They react with each other to
form a salt. As a result, a positive charge is developed on the N-atom and
electrophilic substitution in the benzene ring is deactivated. Hence, aniline
does not undergo Friedel–Crafts reaction.

(ii) In (CH3)3N, there is maximum steric hindrance and least solvation, but in
(CH3)2NH, the solvation is more and the steric hindrance is less than in
(CH3)3N. Although the +I effect is less because there are two methyl
groups, di-methyl amine is still a stronger base than tri-methyl amine.

(iii) Because of maximum intermolecular hydrogen bonding in primary amines

(which is due to the presence of more H atoms), primary amines have
high boiling points compared to tertiary amines. 7
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

(i) Colloidal sols directly formed by mixing substances such as gum, gelatine,
starch and rubber with a suitable liquid (the dispersion medium) are
called lyophilic sols.

(ii) The potential difference between the fixed layer and the diffused layer of
opposite charges is called the electrokinetic potential or zeta potential.

(iii) Substances which at low concentrations behave as normal strong

electrolytes but at higher concentrations exhibit colloidal behaviour
because of the formation of aggregates or micelles are known as
associated colloids.

Given :
Kb  0.52 K kg mol1
Mass of MgSO4 (solute)  4 g
Mass of Water (Solvent)  100 g
Molarity of solution  120  0.33 mol / L
MgSO4 undergoes complete ionisation,
So, i  2
Elevation in boiling po int is given as,
Tb  i  Kb  m
 2  0.52  0.33  0.34 K
Tf  373.15  0.34
 373.49 K
Boiling po int of the solution is 373.49 K.

(i) Carefulness, honesty and thoughtfulness are the values which are
displayed by Mr Deepak as he advised Mr Angad to stop taking pills and
suggested an alternative option to reduce tension and anxiety.

(ii) Sleeping pills should not be taken without consulting the doctor because
they have several side effects like slowing down the functioning of the
brain and the nervous system.

(iii) Tranquillisers are drugs which are used to reduce anxiety, fear, tension,
agitation and related states of mental disturbance. They perform their
function by inhibiting the message transfer mechanism from the nerve to
the receptor.
Examples: Phenelzine, equanil 8
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

H2 ,PdBaSO4 H2NOH
CH3COCl   CH3CHO  
 CH3CH  N  OH
1.CO2 PCl5
CH3MgBr 
2.H O
 CH3COOH  CH3COCl
(ii) 3

(i) Acetophenone (C6H5COCH3) gives the iodoform test. Benzaldehyde
gives the silver mirror test with Tollens’ reagent, whereas
acetophenone does not react.
(ii) Formic acid gives the silver mirror test on treating with ammoniacal
silver nitrate. Acetic acid does not give this test.
HCOOH + 2[Ag (NH3)2] NO3 →2Ag + CO2 + 2NH4NO3 + 2NH3

(c) The boiling point of a compound depends on intermolecular hydrogen

bonding. It is the most in acetic acid, followed by ethanol and then


(b) Aldehydes are generally more reactive than ketones in nucleophilic

addition reactions because of steric and electronic reasons. In case of
ketones, aromatic ketones are more susceptible to nucleophilic attack
than aliphatic ketones.

(c) In carboxylate anion, the carbon atom is joined to each oxygen atom by
one and a half bond and the negative charge is distributed over both
oxygen atoms. Thus, the carbonyl group in carboxylic acids is not a true
carbonyl group as in aldehydes and ketones. Therefore, carboxylic acids
do not give reactions of the carbonyl group. 9
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

1.(iBu)2 AlH
(d) CH3CH2CH  CH  CH2CN 
2.H O
 CH3CH2CH  CH  CH  CHO


Methyl ketone gives the iodoform test.

NaOHI2 / 
CH3COCH3  CH3COOH  CHI3

Given :
Ecell  1.98 V
 0.0591 [Al]2
Ecell  Ecell  log
n [Cu]3
 0.0591 [0.01]2
Ecell  Ecell  log
6 [0.01]3

Ecell  1.98  0.00985 log 100

Ecell  1.98  0.0197

Ecell  1.99 V 10
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

Given :
 
E A 2 / A   2.37 V

E B 2
/ B    0.14V
  
Ecell  Ecathode  Eanode
In 1st case :

Ecell  E (A2 / A)  E (Fe2 / Fe)
 (2.37  0.44)   1.93 V
In 2nd case :

Ecell  E (B2 / B)  E (Fe2 / Fe)
 (0.14  0.44)  0.3 V

As B has a positive value, it will be our choice for electroplating.

Given :
Conductivity (k)  3.905  105 S cm1
Concentration ofelectrolyte (c)  0.001 mol L1
m   1000  39.05 S cm2 mol1
 
m  CH COO
 H 

 40.9  349.6
 390.5 S cm2 mol1
Degree of dissociation   0.1

(d) An electrochemical cell is a device capable of either deriving electrical

energy from chemical reactions or facilitating chemical reactions through
the introduction of electrical energy. When the external potential is higher

than Ecell , the flow of the current is reversed and the cell gets recharged.

(i) In case of oxygen, Mn shows the highest oxidation state of +7. This
is because Mn forms pπ–dπ multiple bonds using 2p orbitals of
oxygen and 3d orbitals of Mn. With F, Mn displays an oxidation state
of +4 because of the single bond formation caused by the
unavailability of 2p orbitals in F for multiple bonding. 11
Board Paper – 2016 Solution

(ii) Cr2+ is strongly reducing in nature. It has a d4 configuration. While

acting as a reducing agent, it gets oxidised to Cr3+ (with electronic
configuration d3). This d3 configuration can be written as t32g
configuration, which is a more stable configuration.

(iii) Zn2+ salts have a completely filled set of d-orbitals (3d10), while Cu2+
has an incompletely filled set of d-orbitals (3d9), and therefore, d–d
transition is possible in Cu2+, leading to blue colour.


(i) 2MnO2  4KOH  O2  2K2MnO4  2H2O
(ii) Cr2O72  14H  6I 
 2Cr 3  3I2  7H2O

(i) Mn shows the maximum oxidation state of +7. Mn (3d54s2) has half-filled
d orbitals and can lose all seven valence electrons.
(ii) Cr has the highest melting point.
(iii) Sc shows only the +3 oxidation state.
(iv) Mn is a strong oxidising agent in the +3 oxidation state because it
achieves the stable 3d5 configuration in the +2 oxidation state. 12
Board Paper – 2017

Class XII Chemistry
Board Paper – 2017

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are very short answer questions and carry 1 mark
(iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are short answer questions and carry 2 marks
(iv) Question numbers 11 to 22 are also short answer questions and carry 3
marks each.
(v) Question number 23 is a value based question and carries 4 marks.
(vi) Question numbers 24 to 26 are long answer questions and carry 5 marks
(vii) Use log tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed.

1. Write the formula of an oxo-anion of Manganese (Mn) in which it shows the

oxidation state equal to its group number. [1]

2. Write IUPAC name of the following compound-:

(CH3CH2)2NCH3 [1]

3. For a reaction R P, half-life (t1/2) is observed to be independent of the initial

concentration of reactants. What is the order of reaction? [1]

4. Write the structure of 1-Bromo-4-chlorobut-2-ene. [1]

5. Write one similarity between Physisorption and Chemisorptions. [1]

6. Complete the following reactions: [1+1=2]

(i) NH3 + 3Cl2 (excess)
(ii) XeF6 + 2H2O
What happens when
(i) (NH4)2Cr2O7 is heated?
(ii) H3PO3 is heated?
Write the equations.

7. Define the following terms: [1+1=2]

(i) Colligative properties
(ii) Molality (m) 1
Board Paper – 2017

8. Draw the structures of the following: [1+1=2]

(i) H2S2O7
(ii) XeF6

9. Calculate the degree of dissociation (α) of acetic acid if its molar conductivity
( m) is 39.05 S cm2 mol―1. [2]
o + 2 ―1 o ― 2 ―1
Given  (H ) = 349.6 S cm mol and  (CH3COO ) = 40.9 S cm mol

10. Write the equations involved in the following reactions: [2]

(i) Wolff-Kishner reduction
(ii) Etard reaction

11. A 10% solution (by mass) of sucrose in water has freezing point of 269.15 K
Calculate the freezing point of 10% glucose in water, if freezing point of pure
water is 273.15 K. [3]
Given: (Molar mass of sucrose = 342 g mol )
(Molar mass of glucose = 180 g mol―1)

(a) Calculate the mass of Ag deposited at cathode when a current of 2 amperes was
passed through a solution of AgNO3 for 15 minutes. [2+1=3]
―1 ―1
(Given: Molar mass of Ag = 108 g mol 1F = 96500 C mol )
(b) Define fuel cell.

i. What type of isomerism is shown by the complex [Co(NH3)6] [Cr(CN)6]?[13=3]
ii. Why a solution of [Ni(H2O)6]2+ is green while a solution of [Ni(CN)4]2― is
colourless? (At. no. of Ni = 28)
iii. Write the IUPAC name of the following complex: [Co(NH 3)5(CO3)]Cl

14. Write one difference in each of the following: [13=3]

(i) Lyophobic sol and Lyophilic sol
(ii) Solution and Colloid
(iii) Homogeneous catalysis and Heterogeneous catalysis

15. Following data are obtained for the reaction: [3]

N2O5 → 2NO2 + ½ O2

t/s 0 300 600

[N2O5]/mol L―1 1.6 10―2 0.8 10―2 0.4  10―2 2
Board Paper – 2017

(a) Show that it follows first order reaction.

(b) Calculate the half-life.
(Given log 2 = 0.3010, log 4 =0.6021)

16. Following compounds are given to you: [13=3]

2-Bromopentane, 2-Bmmo-2-methylbutane, 1-Bromopentane
(i) Write the compound which is most reactive towards SN2 reaction.
(ii) Write the compound which is optically active.
(iii) Write the compound which is most reactive towards -elimination reaction.

(a) Write the principle of method used for the refining of germanium. [13=3]
(b) Out of PbS and PbCO3 (ores of lead), which one is concentrated by froth floatation
process preferably?
(c) What is the significance of leaching in the extraction of aluminium?

18. Write structures of compounds A, B and C in each of the following reactions :[ 1 2=3]

Mg/dry ether (a)CO2(g) PC l5

(i) C6H5Br A (b)H3O
(a)SnCl2 /HCl dil.NaOH
(ii) CH3 CN (b)H3O
Do the following conversions in not more than two steps: [13=3]
(i) Benzoic acid to Benzaldehyde
(ii) Ethyl benzene to Benzoic acid
(iii) Propanone to Propene

19. Write the structures of the monomers used for getting the following polymers:[13=3]
(i) Dacron
(ii) Melamine–formaldehyde polymer
(iii) Buna–N

20. Define the following: [13=3]

(i) Anionic detergents
(ii) Broad spectrum antibiotics
(iii) Antiseptic

21. Given reasons: [13=3]

(i) Thermal stability decreases from H2O to H2Te.
(ii) Fluoride ion has higher hydration enthalpy than chloride ion.
(iii) Nitrogen does not form pentahalide. 3
Board Paper – 2017

22. Given reasons: [13=3]

(i) Acetylation of aniline reduces its activation effect.
(ii) CH3NH2 is more basic than C6H5NH2.
(iii) Although –NH2 is o/p directing group, yet aniline on nitration gives a significant
amount of m-nitroaniline.

23. After watching a programme on TV about the presence of carcinogens (cancer

causing agents) Potassium bromate and Potassium iodate in bread and other bakery
product, Ritu a class XII student decided to aware others about the adverse effects
of these carcinogens in foods. She consulted the school principal and requested him
to instruct canteen contractor to stop selling sandwiches, pizza, burgers and other
bakery products to the students. Principal took an immediate action and instructed
the canteen contractor to replace the bakery products with some proteins and
vitamins rich food like fruits, salads, sprouts etc. The decision was welcomed by the
parents and students. [4]
After reading the above passage, answer the following questions:
(i) What are the values (at least two) displayed by Ritu?
(ii) Which polysaccharide component of carbohydrates is commonly present
in bread?
(iii) Write the two types of secondary structure of proteins.
(iv) Give two examples of water soluble vitamins.

(a) Account for the following: [3+2=5]
(i) Transition metals form large number of complex compounds.
(ii) The lowest oxide of transition metal is basic whereas the highest
oxide is amphoteric or acidic.
(iii) E o value for the Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is highly positive (+1.57 V) as
compare to Cr3+/Cr2+.

(b) Write one similarity and one difference between the chemistry of
lanthanoid and actinoid elements.

(i) How is the variability in oxidation states of transition metals different
from that of p-block elements?
(ii) Out of Cu+ and Cu2+, which ion is unstable in aqueous solution and
(iii) Orange colour of Cr2O72― ion change to yellow when treated with an
alkali. Why?

(b) Chemistry of actinoids is complicated as compared to lanthanoids. Give two

reasons. 4
Board Paper – 2017

(a) An element has atomic mass 93 g mol―1 and density 11.5 g cm―3. If the
edge length of its units cell is 300 pm, identify the type of unit cell. [3+2=5]

(b) Write any two differences between amorphous solids and crystalline solids.


(a) Calculate the number of units cells in 8.1 g of aluminium if it crystallizes in a f.c.c.
structure. (Atomic mass of Al=27 g mol―1) [2+3=5]
(b) Give reasons:
(i) In stoichiometric defects, NaCl exhibits Schottky defect and not
Frenkel defect.
(ii) Silicon on doping with Phosphorus forms n-type semiconductor.
(iii) Ferrimagnetic substances show better magnetism than antiferromagnetic

(a) Write the product (s) in the following reactions: [3+2=5]

CH3 CH O CH2 CH3 ? ?


(b) Given simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of
(i) Ethanol and Phenol
(ii) Propanol and 2-methylpropan-2-ol


(a) Write the formula of reagents used in the following reactions:

(i) Bromination of phenol to 2, 4, 6-tribromophenol
(ii) Hydroborations of propene and then oxidation to propanol. 5
Board Paper – 2017

(b) Arrange the following compound groups in the increasing order of their
property indicated:
(i) p-nitrophenol, ethanol, phenol (acidic character)
(ii) Propanol, Propane, Propanal (boiling point)

(c) Write the mechanism (using curved arrow notation) of the following reaction:

CH3 CH2 O H2 CH3 CH2 O CH2 CH3 H2 O
H 6
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

Class XII Chemistry
Board Paper 2017 (Solution)

1. The formula of an oxo-anion of Manganese (Mn) in which it shows the

oxidation state equal to its group number is MnO2

In MnO2
, the oxidation state of Mn is
Mn + (−2 × 4) = −1
Mn – 8 = −1
Mn = +7
The group number of Manganese is 7.

2. The IUPAC name of the given compound is N-ethyl-N-methylethanamine.

3. The order of the given reaction is first order. The rate of reaction for the first
order reaction is independent of the initial concentration of the reaction.

4. Structure of 1-bromo-4-chlorobut-2-ene:

5. One similarity between physisorption and chemisorption is the rate of

adsorption increases with an increase in the surface area of adsorbent.

6. The completed reactions are

(i) NH3 3Cl2 (excess) NCl3 3HCl

(ii) XeF6 2H2O XeO2F2 4HF

(i) When (NH4)2Cr2O7 is heated, it decomposes to produce Cr2O3, H2O and
(NH4 )2 Cr2O7 Cr2O3 4H2O N2
(ii) H2PO3 or orthophosphorous acid (or phosphorous acid) on heating
dissociates to give orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric acid and
4H3PO3 3H3PO4 PH3 1
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(i) Colligative properties: Properties of solutions which depend on the
number of solute particles and are independent of their chemical identity
or their nature relative to the total number of particles present in the
solution are called colligative properties.
Examples: Lowering of vapour pressure, elevation of boiling point,
depression of freezing point and osmotic pressure
(ii) Molality: Molality (m) is the number of moles of the solute per kilogram
(kg) of the solvent and is expressed as

Moles of solute inkg

Molality (m)
Moles of solvent inkg

Example: 1.00 mol kg−1 (or 1.00 m) solution of KCl means that 1 mol
(74.5 g) of KCl is dissolved in 1 kg of water.

(i) Structure of H2S2O7:

(ii) Structure of XeF6:

9. Degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte is given by the relation given

m m

degree of dissociation of the electrolyte
m molar conducivity
m molar conductivity at inf inf inite dilution
Given, 2
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(H ) 349.6 S cm2 mol 1

(CH3COO ) 40.9 S cm2 mol 1
Molar conducvtivity ( m ) 39.05 S cm2mol 1
Hence, limiting molar conductivity of acetic acid is
m acetic acid (H ) (CH3COO )
40.9 349.8
390.7 cm2 mol 1

Substituting the values in Equation 1,

Degree of dissociation of acetic acid,
m m

0.0999 0.1

(i) Wolff–Kishner reduction

(ii) Etard reaction 3
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

Solution :
Molar mass of sugar(C12H22O11 ) 12x12 22x1 11x16 342gmol
Tf 273.15 269.15 4K
10% solution of sucrose means10g of cane sugar ispresent 100 10 90g of water
No.of moles of cane sugar 10 / 342 0.029mol
0.029x1000 1
molality of the solution 0.324 molkg
Tf K f x m
Kf 4 / 0.324 12.334KKgmol
Molar mass of glu cos e(C6H12O6 ) 6x12 12x1 6x16 180 gmol
10% solution of glu cos e means10g of cane sugar ispresent 100 10 90g of water
Number of moles of glu cos e 10 / 180mol 0.055mol
0.055x1000 1
Molality of the solution 0.616molkg
U sin g the relation,
Tf K f x m
12.33x0.616 7.6
Therefore, the freezing poin t of10% glu cos e solution 273.15 7.6 265.5K


(i) Solution:
t = 15 min = 900 s
Current = 2A
Molar mass of Ag = 108 gmol−1
1 F = 96500 C mol−1
From the reaction,
Ag+ + e− → Ag
Mass of Ag deposited = (108 × 1800)/(1 × 96500) = 2.01 g

(ii) A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell which converts chemical energy of a

spontaneous redox reaction to electrical energy. 4
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(i) Coordination isomerism
(ii) In [Ni(H2O)6]+2, Ni+2 ion has two unpaired electrons, and hence, it shows
In [Ni(CN)4]−2, there is no unpaired electron, and hence, it is colourless.
(iii) Pentaamminecarbonatocobalt(III) chloride

Lyophilic sol Lyophobic sol

Relatively stable as strong forces Less stable as weak forces of

of interaction exist between interaction exist between colloidal
colloidal particles and liquid. particles and liquid.

Solution Colloid

Homogeneous in nature. Heterogeneous in nature.

Homogeneous catalysis Heterogeneous catalysis

The catalyst used is in the same The catalyst used is in a different

phase as the reactants in the phase in the reaction medium.

(a) Data:
The integral rate law for the first-order reaction is
kt = ln(a0/at)
a0 = 1.6 × 10−2 molL−1
Case I:
t = 300 s, at = 0.8 × 10−2 mol L−1
k × 300 = ln(1.6 × 10−2)/(0.8 × 10−2)
k = 0.0023 s−1
t = 600 s, at = 0.4 × 10−2 molL−1
Case II:
k × 600 = ln(1.6 × 10−2)/0.4 × 10−2)
k = 0.0023 s−1
In both cases, the value of k is constant, and hence, it follows the first-
order reaction. 5
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(b) Half-life of the first-order reaction is

t ½ = 2.303 × log 2/k
t ½ = 2.303 × log 2/0.0023
t ½ = 300.08 s

(i) 1-bromopentane
Because it has least steric hindrance.
(ii) The compound 2-bromopentane has a chiral carbon and so is optically
(iii) 2-bromo-2-methylbutane will be most reactive and will form the most
stable alkene.

(i) The principle used for the refining of germanium is zone refining.
(ii) PbS is concentrated by the froth flotation process.
(iii) In the extraction of aluminium, leaching is carried out to concentrate pure
alumina from bauxite ore.

Mg / dry ether CO2 PCl5
(i) H3 O

(A) (B) (C)

SnCl2 /HCl dil. NaOH
(A) (B)


(i) Benzoic acid to benzaldehyde

SOCl2 Pb / BaSO4
Benzoic acid Benzaldehyde 6
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(ii) Ethyl benzene to benzoic acid

(iii) Propanone to propene

(i) Dacron
Names of monomers: Ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid
Structure: 7
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(ii) Melamine–formaldehyde polymer

Names of monomers: Melamine and formaldehyde

(iii) Buna-N
Names of monomers: 1, 3-Butadiene and acrylonitrile

(i) Anionic detergents:
Anionic detergents are sodium salts of sulphonated long chain alcohols or
hydrocarbons. Alkyl hydrogen sulphates formed by treating long chain
alcohols with concentrated sulphuric acid are neutralised with alkali to
form anionic detergents.
Example: Sodium stearyl sulphate

(ii) Broad spectrum antibiotics:

These antibiotics are widely used to kill or inhibit Gram-positive and
Gram-negative bacteria.
Example: Chloramphenicol

(iii) Antiseptics:
Antiseptics are chemicals which either kill or prevent the growth of
microorganisms. Antiseptics are applied to injured tissues, cuts and
infected skin surfaces. Antiseptics are not prescribed to be taken orally.
Examples: Furacin, soframicin

(i) Thermal stability of hydrides decreases with an increase in molecular
weight. The size of the atom (attached to H) increases because of which
bond weakening occurs and the bond easily breaks. Because of these
reasons, thermal stability decreases from H2O to H2Te. 8
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(ii) The fluoride ion is smaller than the chloride ion. A smaller ion with the
same charge has a higher charge density because of which the negative
charge on the ion attracts the δ+ H of water more strongly. Thus, the
fluoride ion has higher hydration enthalpy than the chloride ion.

(iii) Nitrogen belongs to the second period. As nitrogen has no d-orbitals in its
valence shell, it cannot undergo sp3d hybridisation and hence cannot form

(i) Acetylation of aniline reduces its activation effect.
The lone pair of nitrogen atoms will get involved in resonance with the
carbonyl group. Hence, it will reduce the negative charge or electron
density on the nitrogen atom of aniline.
Resonance involved in this reaction is

(ii) Aromatic amines are far less basic than aliphatic amines.
Resonance stabilisation is observed in aniline. It is a resonance hybrid.

Hence, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom gets delocalised
over the benzene ring and thus becomes unavailable for the reaction. In
alkyl amine, the electron density on the nitrogen atom is increased
because of an electron-donating inductive effect of the alkyl group. Thus,
alkyl amines are far more basic than aryl amines.

(iii) Nitration is usually performed with a mixture of concentrated HNO3 and

concentrated H2SO4. Under strongly acidic conditions of nitration, most of 9
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

the aniline is converted to anilinium ion, and since NH3 is an m-directing

group, an unexpected large amount of m-nitroaniline is obtained.

(i) Values displayed by Ritu:
(a) She pays special attention to any kind of threat around her.
(b) She fulfilled her ethical responsibility by making others aware of the
adverse effects.
(ii) Starch is the polysaccharide component of carbohydrates commonly
present in bread.
(iii) α-helix and β-pleated sheet are two types of secondary protein structures.
(iv) Vitamin B-complex group and Vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins. 10
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(i) Transition elements form complexes mainly because of the following
Comparatively smaller size of metal ions
Availability of vacant d-orbitals so that these orbitals can accept
lone pairs of electrons donated by ligands
High ionic charges

(ii) Because the oxidation state of the transition metal is low, the lowest
oxide of the transition metal is basic.
As the oxidation number of the metal increases, the ionic character
decreases. So, the highest oxide is amphoteric or acidic.

(iii) For Mn, the '+2' oxidation state is more stable than the '+3'
oxidation state, whereas for Cr, the '+3' oxidation state is more
stable than the '+2' oxidation state.

(b) Similarity between the chemistry of lanthanides and actinoids:

They both have oxidation state of +3.
Differences between the chemistry of lanthanides and actinoids:
Lanthanoids have the common electronic configuration of 6s2 and
electrons occupy the 4f level variably.
All the actinoids have common 7s2 configuration, and filling of the 5f and
6d subshells is variable.


(i) In transition elements, the variable oxidation states differ by 1. In
p-block elements, the variable oxidation states differ by 2.
(ii) In an aqueous medium, Cu2+ is more stable than Cu+. This is
because although energy is required to remove one electron from
Cu+ to Cu2+, high hydration energy of Cu2+ compensates for it.
Therefore, Cu+ion in an aqueous solution is unstable. It dissociates
to give Cu2+ and Cu.
(iii) In alkaline medium, the colour changes to yellow because of the
conversion of dichromate ions to chromate ions.
(b) Two reasons are as follows:
There is a considerable variation observed in the chemistry of actinoids
because of a very small energy difference between 5f and 5d subshells.
All the elements of the actinoid series are radioactive. 11
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

Data :
M 93 g / mol
d 11.5 g / cm
a 300 pm 3 10 cm
NA a3
d NA a3
11.5 6.022 1023 (3 10 8 )3
2.010 2
Number of atoms present in given unit cell 2
So, the given unit cell is BCC.

Crystalline solids Amorphous solids

They have regular distribution of They have regular distribution of

molecules over a long distance. molecules over a short distance.

They are anisotropic. They are isotropic.

Example: Copper sulphate Example: Coal

OR 12
Board Paper – 2017 Solution


Data :
Mass of aluminium 8.1 g
Atomic mass of aluminium 27 g / mol
Number of moles of Al
Number of atoms 6.022 1023 1.8066 1023
FCC unit cell 4 atoms
1.8066 1023
So, number of unit cells having 1.8066 1023 atoms
4.51 1022 unit cells

Schottky defect is shown by ionic solids with a very small difference
in the size of their cations and anions. Frenkel defect is shown by
ionic solids with a large difference in their cationic and anionic radii.
In NaCl, there is a small difference in the radii of cation (Na+) and
anion (Cl−). Hence, NaCl will show Schottky defect and not Frenkel

(ii) Phosphorus is an electron-rich impurity as it is an element of Group

15. When it is doped with an element of Group 14 such as silicon or
germanium (Group 14 elements) which has 4 valence electrons, after
forming four covalent bonds, the fifth extra electron is free and gets
delocalised. These delocalised electrons increase the conductivity of
Group 14 elements. As the increase in conductivity is due to
negatively charged electrons, it is called an n-type semiconductor.

(iii) In ferromagnetic substances, magnetic moments are aligned in an

anti-parallel arrangement such that the moments do not completely
cancel out and a net magnetisation remains even when there is no
applied field. While in anti-ferromagnetic substances, magnetic
moments cancel out causing zero net magnetisation. 13
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(i) Acetylation of salicylic acid:

Thus, the products are aspirin and acetic acid.


Thus, the products are 2-iodopropane and ethanol.

But 2 enal
Thus, the product is but-2-enal.

(i) Ethanol and Phenol
There are two distinguishing tests.
1. Idodoform test: Ethanol gives a positive result, while phenol gives
a negative response to the iodoform test.

Reaction of ethanol:

2. Coupling test: Ethanol gives a negative response, while phenol

gives a positive response to the coupling test.

Reaction of phenol: 14
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(ii) Distinguishing test between propanol and 2-methylpropan-2-ol

Lucas test: Difference in reactivity of three classes of alcohols with
HCl distinguishes them from one another.
Alcohols react with hydrogen halides to form alkyl halides.
ROH + HX → R–X + H2O
Alcohols are soluble in Lucas reagent (conc. HCl and ZnCl2), while
their halides are immiscible and produce turbidity in solution.
Because 2-methylpropan-2-ol is a tertiary alcohol, turbidity is
produced immediately.

Propanol is a primary alcohol which does not produce turbidity at

room temperature.


(i) Bromination of phenol to 2,4,6-tribromophenol
Formulae of reagents used in the above reaction are Br2/H2O. 15
Board Paper – 2017 Solution

(ii) Hydroboration of propene and then oxidation to propanol

Formulae of reagents used in the above reaction are BH 3/THF,

(a)BH3 /THF
CH3 CH CH2 (b)H2O2 /OH

(i) Increasing order of acidic character:
p-nitrophenol > phenol > ethanol
(ii) Increasing order of boiling point:
propanol > propanal > ethanol

(c) 16
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry
Sample Paper - 1

Time : 3 Hrs Total marks : 70


(a) All questions are compulsory.

(b) Marks for each question are indicated against it. Question 26 is a value based
question carrying four marks.
(c) Question nos. 9 to 18 are short answer questions and carry 2 marks each. Use of
calculator is not permitted.
(d) Question nos. 19 to 27 are also short answer questions and carry 3 marks each
(e) Question nos. 28 to 30 are long answer questions and carry 5 marks each
(f) Use log tables if necessary, use of calculators is not allowed.
Q 1: What are the physical states of dispersed phase and dispersion medium of a cloud?

Q 2: A compound contains A atoms at the corners and B at centers of all faces. What is the
formula of the compound?

Q 3: Name the process used for concentration of zinc blende (ZnS) ore.

Q 4: An electrolyte A3B2 is 25% ionized. What will be the van’t Hoff factor?

Q 5: What is the basicity of orthophosphoric acid?

Q 6: Arrange the following in increasing order of reactivity towards alcohols:

HCl, HBr, HI.

Q 7: Why is nitrogen molecule less reactive than phosphorus molecule?

Q 8: Which of the two: aldehydes or ketones, is more reactive towards nucleophilic

addition reactions and why?

Q 9: Calculate the vapour pressure lowering of water when 5.67g of glucose(C6H12O6) is

dissolved in 25.23 g of water at 25°C. The vapour pressure of water at 25°C is 23.8 mmHg.
What is the vapour pressure of the solution?

Q 10:
(a) How is zirconium purified?
(b) Name a stationary phase used in chromatography. 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1

Q 11: Explain the following terms.

(a) Essential amino acids (b) Denaturation of proteins

Q 12:
Which of the two is more acidic and why? p-nitrophenol or p-methoxyphenol.

What happens when:
(i) Phenol reacts with Br2 in CS2 at 273K
(ii) Phenol reacts with conc. HNO3

Q 13: Give IUPAC name of following compounds.

(i) CH3 CH=CH CH2 CH (OH) CH3

Q 14:
(i) Convert benzamide to toluene.
(ii) Write the name of reactants, reagents and products involved in conversion of
nitrobenzene to m-bromoaniline.

Q 15: An organic compound A (C3H5N) on boiling with alkali gives ammonia and sodium
salt of an acid B (C3H6O2). Upon reduction, A gives C (C3H9N) which on treatment with
nitrous acid gives D (C3H8O). Identify A, B, C and D. give all equations involved.

Q 16: Give two points of difference between DNA and RNA.

Q 17: 1M aqueous solution of a solute is more concentrated than 1m solution. Why?

Q 18: The reaction: 2NO2   2NO + O2

has an activation energy of 110 kJmol-1. At 4000C, the rate constant is 7.8mol-1Ls-1. What is
the value of rate constant at 4300C?

Q 19:
(i) Which type of defect is shown by ionic substances in which the anion and cation are
of almost similar sizes?
(ii) What is the difference between semiconductors obtained by doping Si with Al and
with P?
(iii) What is the difference between ant ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic substances?
What is the reason behind this difference?

Q 20: 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1

The decomposition of Cl2O7 at 400K in gas phase to Cl2 and O2 is a first order reaction.
(i) After 55s at 400K, the pressure of Cl2O7 falls from 0.062 to 0.044 atm. Calculate the
rate constant.
(ii) Calculate the pressure of Cl2O7 after 100s of decomposition at this temperature.

Q 21:
(i) Why are deltas formed at places where river meets sea?
(ii) List two characteristics of catalysts.
(iii) (iii)What are macromolecular colloids? Give an example.
Explain the following terms:
(i) Electrophoresis
(ii) Coagulation
(iii) Emulsions

Q 22. Complete the equations.

(i) I2 + H2O + Cl2 
(ii) P4 + SOCl2 
(iii) (NH4) 2Cr2O7  

Q 23. When conc. H2SO4 is added to an unknown nitrate salt contained in a test tube, a
brown gas, A, was evolved. The brown fumes intensified when Cu turnings were added to
the test tube. On cooling the gas changed to a colourless gas, B.

(i) Identify the gases A and B

(ii) Give all the equations involved.

Q 24.
(i) Give chemical test to distinguish between chlorobenzene and benzyl chloride.
(ii) Identify A, B, C and D: 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1

Q 25. Shyam owns a shop and sells electrical switches. His friend wants to buy cheap
switches so he asks for PVC made switches and not the expensive Bakelite switches. But,
Shyam suggested him to take the expensive Bakelite switches. Why? What are the values
associated this case (at least two)?

Q 26.
(i) Name the forces are involved in holding the drugs to the active site of enzymes?
(ii) Name the drug used for treatment of typhoid. What type of drug it is?
(iii) What are the consequences of using non-biodegradable detergents?

Q 27.
(i) Give IUPAC name of K3[Cr(C2O4) 3]
(ii) What is the number of unpaired electrons in [CoF6]3- and [Co (NH3)6]3+?
(iii) Name the isomerism exhibited by following pair of compounds.
[Co (en)2(H2O)Cl]Cl2 and [Co(en)2Cl2]Cl.H2O]

Q 28.
(i) Name two transition elements which show +1 oxidation state.
(ii) Name the transition element which does not exhibit variable oxidation state.
(iii) Transition elements show catalytic properties. Why?
(iv) Explain why Cu+ ion is not stable in aqueous solutions?


(i) Write steps involved in the preparation of

(a) Na2CrO4 from chromite ore and
(b) K2MnO4 from pyrolusite ore
(ii) What is the effect of increasing pH on K2Cr2O7 solution?
(iii) Draw the structure of dichromate ion indicating the bond angles and bond lengths.

Q 29. The e.m.f of the cell reaction,

3Sn 4+ + 2 Cr  3Sn 2+ + 2Cr 3+ is 0.89 V.
(a) Gθ for the reaction.
(b) Equilibrium constant for the reaction relating to
(i) Gθ and (ii) Eθ cell


Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu EӨ= + 0.34 V
Ag+ + e- → Ag EӨ= + 0.80 V
(a) Write the cell reaction.
(b) Construct the galvanic cell.
(c) For what concentration of Ag+ ions will the emf of the cell be zero at 25oC, if the
concentration of Cu2+ is 0.01 M? 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1

Q 30.
(a) Ethanol reacts with acetic acid in the presence of conc. H2SO4 to give a sweet
smelling substance. Give the equation involved in the reaction.
(b) Write a note on
(i) Rosenmund’s reduction
(ii) Hell Volhard Zelinsky reaction


(a) Complete the equations:

(i) CH3CH2COOH -------- A --------- B
i. HCN H2/Ni
(ii) (CH3) 2C=O ---------- X ------------- Y
a. dil OH-
(iii) C6H5CHO + CH3COCH3 -------- C + D
(b) Semicarbazide contains two NH2 groups but only one participates in reaction with
carbonyl compounds. Why?
(c) Which of the two will give yellow precipitate with iodine and sodium hydroxide?
Pentan-2-one or pentan-3-one 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution

CBSE Board
Class XII Chemistry
Sample Paper- 1

Time : 3 Hrs Total Marks: 70


Dispersed phase: Liquid. (1/2)
Dispersion medium: Gas. (1/2)

2. A = 8 × =1
B= 6× = 3 (1/2)
Formula = AB3 (1/2)

3. Froth floatation method (1)

4. A3B2  3 A2+ + 2B3-

Initial 1 0 0
After dissociation 1- 3 2 (1/2)
Number of mole of particles after dissociation
Number of mole of particles before dissociation
1- α +3α +2α
i = 1+ 4 α (1/2)
=1 + 4(0.25)
=1+ 1=2

5. It is a tribasic acid as it contains three O-H bonds. (1)

HCl<HBr< HI (1/2)
This is because the bond dissociation energy increases in the order:
HI < HBr < HCl (1/2)

7. Nitrogen is less reactive than phosphorus because nitrogen molecule contains N  N

triple bond which has a high bond dissociation enthalpy than P-P single bond present in
phosphorus molecule. (1)

8. Aldehydes are more reactive than ketones towards nucleophilic addition reactions due
to inductive effect and steric effect. (1/2) 1
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution

Sterically, the presence of two relatively large substituents in ketones hinders the
approach of nucleophile to carbonyl carbon than in aldehydes having only one such
substituent. Electronically, aldehydes are more reactive than ketones because two
alkyl groups reduce the electrophilicity of the carbonyl more effectively in ketones.

w B =5.67 g
w A = 25.23 g
MB = 180 g mol-1
M = 18 g mol-1

nB = = 0.0315 mol
nA = = 1.40 mol
Mole fraction of glucose= x B =
n A + nB
= 0.022 (1/2)

p0A = 23.8 mmHg at 25 C

We know that
Relative lowering of vapour pressure
p0A - pA
= xB (1/2)
Vapour pressure lowering = p0A - pA = x B . p0A
= 0.022 x 23.8
= 0.524 mmHg (1/2)
23.8 - pA
= 0.022
23.8 - pA = 0.022 x 23.8
= 0.524
pA = 23.8 - 0.524
=23.3 mm Hg (1/2) 2
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution

(a) Zirconium is purified using van Arkel method. (1/2)

Zr + 2 I2 
 ZrI4   Zr + 2I2
1800 K (1/2)
Impure Pure

(b) Al2O3 can be used as a stationary phase in chromatography. (1)


a. Amino acids which cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from
other sources are called essential amino acids. (1)
b. A process that changes the physical and biological properties of proteins without
affecting its chemical composition is called denaturation. This can be done by
change in pH, change in temperature, using chemical agents etc. (1)

12. p-Nitrophenol is more acidic than p-methoxyphenol. (1)

This is because p-nitrophenoxide ion is stabilized due to electron withdrawing
inductive effect of –NO2 group present on the para position. On the other hand, -OCH3
group has electron releasing inductive effect which destabilizes p-methoxyphenoxide
ion. (1)

(i)When phenol reacts with Br2 in CS2 at 273K, a mixture of o- and p- bromo phenol is
formed in which p- bromo phenol is the major product.


(ii) When phenol reacts with conc. HNO3, 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol is formed.


13. 3
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution

(i) Hex-4-en-2-ol

(ii) 2, 4-Dimethoxypentane (1)


15. (2)

(1 mark for correct identification of A, B, C, D)

(1 mark for correct reactions)

1) It has a double stranded 1) It has single stranded 1
structure structure
2) Sugar moiety is -D-2- 2) Sugar moiety is -D- 1
deoxyribose ribose

17. A one molar (1M) solution contains 1mole of solute in 1 L of solution while a one molal
(1m) solution contains 1 mole of solute in 1000g of solvent. (1/2)
Density of water is almost 1 g mL .So, for 1 molal solution, 1mole of solute is present in

1000mL of waterAnd for 1 molar solution, 1mole of solute is present in 1000 mL of

solution i.e less than 1000mL of water (Since 1000mL solution=volume of solute +
volume of solvent). (1)
Thus, 1M solution is more concentrated than 1m solution. (1/2) 4
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution

k2 Ea 1 1
log = [ - ] (1/2)
k1 R × 2.303 T1 T2
Ea = 110 kJmol-1
T1 = 400 C =673K
k = 7.8mol-1L s-1
T2 = 430 C = 703K
k2 = ?
Substituting the values,

k2 110 × 1000 1 1
log = [ - ] (1/2)
7.8 2.303 × 8.314 673 703

k2 = 18.0mol-1 L s-1 (1/2)

(i) Schottky defect
(ii) Si doped with Al produces p-type semiconductor, positively charged holes are
created. Thus, holes appear to be responsible for semi conducting properties. When
Si is doped with P, n-type semiconductor is formed in which semi conducting
properties is due to flow of electrons. (1)
(iii) Antiferromagetic substances possess zero net magnetic moment while
ferromagnetic substances are strongly attracted by magnetic field. This is because in
presence of magnetic field, antiferromagetic substances contain equal number of
electrons with opposite spin whereas in ferromagnetic substances electrons are
placed in such a way that dipoles are oriented in one direction. (1)

(i) For a first order reaction,
2.303 a
k= log .........(1) (1/2)
t a-x
Here, a = 0.062 atm
a - x = 0.044 atm
t = 55 s
2.303 0.062
k= log
55 0.044
= 6.24x10-3 s-1 (1)
(ii) To calculate a - x when t = 100 s, a = 0.062 atm
we use equation
2.303 0.062
 6.24x10-3 = log (1/2)
100 a-x
a - x = 0.033 atm (1)

21. 5
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution

(i)River water is muddy and contains charged colloidal particles of clay, sand and many
other materials. Sea water contains in it a number of dissolved electrolytes. When sea
water and river water come in contact with each other, the electrolytes present in the sea
water coagulate the suspended colloidal particles which ultimately settle down at the point
of contact. Thus, there is a formation of delta at the point where river enters the sea.(1)

1. Catalysts are highly selective. A catalyst is able to direct a reaction to give a particular
product. (1/2)
2. Catalysts are highly active. A catalyst is able to increase the rate of a chemical reaction.

(iii) A colloid in which the particles of dispersed phase are sufficiently big in size to be of
colloidal dimensions is called a macromolecular colloid. Example: Starch (1)


(i) The movement of colloidal particles under an applied electric potential is called
electrophoresis. (1)
(ii) The process of settling of colloidal particles is called coagulation or precipitation of sol.
(iii) Emulsions are liquid – liquid colloidal systems in which the dispersed phase and
dispersion medium both are liquids. Example: milk. (1)

(i) I2 + 6H2O + 5Cl2  2 HIO3 + 10 HCl (1)

(ii) P4 + 8 SOCl2  4 PCl3 + 4 SO2 + 2S2Cl2 (1)

(iii) (NH4) 2Cr2O7 
 N2 + 4 H2O + Cr2O3 (1)


When a nitrate salt is made to react with conc. H2SO4, following reaction occurs.
XNO3 + H2SO4  XHSO4 + HNO3 (1)
When Cu turnings are added, it reacts with HNO3 formed during the reaction giving intense
brown fumes of NO2.
Cu + 4HNO3  Cu(NO3) 2 + 2 H2O + 2NO2 (1)
When allowed to cool, NO2 gets converted to colourless N2O4
2 NO2  N2O4
(A) (B) (1)

(i) Add small amount of aqueous KOH to both compounds. Acidify with dil HNO3 and add
AgNO3. Benzyl chloride gives white precipitate while chlorobenzene does not.
(1) 6
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution


(1/2 mark each for correct identification of A, B, C, D)

25. The electrical switches are made of Bakelite should be used because Bakelite has
electrical non - conductivity and heat-resistant properties in electrical insulators and is
hence safe. (1)

Values associated: Scientific attitude since knowledge is useful only when put to practice,
care for others, awareness and social responsibility. (2)

(i) The forces are ionic bonding, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals’ forces of attraction
or dipole-dipole attraction. (1)
(ii) Chloramphenicol. It is broad-spectrum antibiotic. (1)
(iii) Non-biodegradable detergents will lead to pollution. These detergents have
branched alkyl chains and are thus not easily decomposed by micro-organisms.

(i) Potassium trioxalatochromate (III)
(ii) [CoF6]3-
Co (Z=27): [Ar] 3d74s2
Co : [Ar] 3d6 4s0

F- is weak field ligand therefore does not cause pairing of electrons.

There are four unpaired electrons. (1/2)
[Co (NH3)6]3+
Co (Z=27): [Ar] 3d74s2
Co3+: [Ar] 3d64s0
NH3 is a strong field ligand and causes pairing of electrons .Hence there are no unpaired
electrons. (1/2)

(iii) Hydrate isomerism (1)

(i) Au and Hg can show +1 oxidation state. (1)

(ii) Scandium (1)

(iii) Transition elements exhibit variable oxidation state and can form complexes.

Due to low charge density, Cu+ has low enthalpy of hydration. Cu+ in aqueous
solution undergoes disproportionation. (1) 7
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution

2Cu+ (aq) → Cu2+ (aq) + Cu (s) (1)

The EӨvalue for this is positive and reaction is favourable.


a) 4 FeCr2O4 + 8Na2CO3 + 7O2  8Na2CrO4 + 2Fe2O3+8CO2 (1)
b) 2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 2K2MnO4 + 2H2O (1)
(ii) On increasing pH, the solution turns yellow due to the formation of chromate ion.
Cr2O72-+ 2 OH-  2CrO4 2- + H2O (1)


(a) The cell reaction is
3Sn4+ + 2Cr  3Sn2+ + 2Cr3+
Gθ = - n F Eθ cell (1/2)
E cell = 0.89 V,
F =96500 C mol-1
Gθ = - (6 ) X (96500) X (0.89) (1/2)
= -5.15 x 105
= -5.15 x 105 J (1)

(b) Calculation of K
(i) Gθ = -2.303 RT log K (1/2)
Gθ = -5.15 x 105 J , R = 8.314 J mol-1 K-1, T = 298 K
log K = - Gθ / 2.303 RT
= - (-5.15 x 105 J)/ (2.303 x 8.314 J mol-1 K-1 x 298 K)
log K = 90.259 (1/2)
K= 1.8 x 1090 (1/2)

(ii) log K = n F Eθ cell/2.303 RT (1/2)

= (6) x (96500 C mol -1) x (0.89 V)
2.303 x (8.314 J mol-1 K-1) x (298 K) 8
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution

= 90.313 (1/2)
K= 2.05 x 1090 (1/2)

(a) Since the reduction potential of Ag+/Ag is more than that of Cu2+/Cu, therefore,
Ag+ gets reduced to Ag at the cathode and Cu gets oxidized to Cu2+ at the anode.
At cathode:
2 Ag + + 2 e-  2 Ag
At anode:
Cu → Cu2+ + 2 e-
Therefore, the net reaction is:
2Ag + + Cu 2Ag + Cu2+ (1)

(b) The cell is:

Cu(s) l Cu2+(aq) ll Ag+(aq) l Ag (s) (1)

E =E Ag /Ag - ECu (1/2)
cell + 2+

=0.80 - 0.34
=0.46 V

0.059 [Cu2+ ]
E = E - log (1/2)
cell cell n [Ag+ ]2
0.059 [Cu2+ ]
E = E - log
cell cell n [Ag+ ]2
0.059 0.01
0 =0.46 - log
2 [Ag+ ]2
[Ag+ ]=1.59x10-9 M (1/2)

conc. H2SO4
(a) CH3CH2OH + CH3COOH   CH3COOCH2CH3 + H2O (1)
(i) In Rosenmund’s reaction, acid chlorides are subjected to catalytic hydrogenation in
the presence of Pd supported over BaSO4 to yield corresponding aldehyde. The
catalyst is poisoned by S or quinoline. (1)

(i) In Hell Volhard Zelinsky reaction, carboxylic acids react with chlorine or brominein
the presence of small amount of P, to give -halogenated carboxylic acids. The
reaction requires presence of  - hydrogen in the acid. (1) 9
CBSE XII | Chemistry
Sample Paper 1- Solution






(b) NH2CONHNH2, semicarbazide contains two NH2 groups but the one next to CO group is
involved in resonance with C=O and, thus is not available. (1)
(c) Pentan-2-one will give a yellow precipitate with iodine and sodium hydroxide since it

contains the group . (1) 10

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