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A retreat is a time to pray, to meditate, to reflect but primarily it is a time to listen more intensely

to the Lord living in me (you). What is he trying to say to me? Do I want to know what areas in
my life need to be changed and healed? Do I really want the Lord to heal me?


A good retreat presupposes a few things, like;

1. A hunger and thirst for God

John 6:35 stated that “I am the bread of life”, Jesus told them. “He who comes to me will
never be hungry; he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”

Ps. 43: 1 – 2: As a doe longs for running waters so my soul thirst for God, the God of my
life. When shall I go and see the face of God?

Without such a hunger it will be difficult if not almost impossible for me to hear the
voice of God, to get in touch with Him or be reassured of his presence in my life.

2. The help of the Holy Spirit

Without Him we can do nothing. A constant cry to Him for enlightenment, strength and
guidance should accompany everyday of the retreat. Our helplessness without Him is
indicated by these passages from Scripture: Ez. 2:1; 9 – 3:3 ; Romans 8:26

There are things we do not know; we do not know how to make a successful retreat;
neither does a retreat – master know how to give a retreat, because only the Holy Spirit
can touch the hearts of the participants.

The retreat – master can bring God’s word to the ears of his listeners, but it is the Holy
Spirit who alone can bring it from the ear into the heart. Only he can make it become
effective in the lives of the participants.

3. Prayer

The only part of the retreat that remains, no matter how good the retreat – master might
be, is the hours the retreatants have spent in prayer with the Lord. The rest they will most
probably forget.

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