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Our Total Immersion programs are designed to provide

complete language immersion and full exposure to
American society and culture.

Objectives: Cultural immersion with an American host

family; improve English comprehension with emphasis
on oral skills; gain knowledge of American rural and
suburban life.

Target: Students 12 to 16 years of age

Minimum English Level: INTERMEDIATE (B1)
Length: 3 to 8 weeks, June 23rd to August 19th
Locations: Northeast US: New York, New Jersey,
Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine,
Maryland, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont.

Program Description:

This program is based on the concept of total immersion and integration of the student into an American family
environment for the entirety of the student’s stay. Living with an American family compels the student to
continually express himself/herself in English, constantly improving fluidity and ability to understand spoken English.

International students are treated as members of the family, actively participating in the host family’s normal
routine. Families choose to host international students purely from a spirit of generosity and a desire to share their
own culture while learning about others. As members of the family, international students may visit relatives, walk
the dog or help around the house and garden, attend church, go shopping and go along on family trips. It is
therefore essential that students interested in this program are truly open to other cultures and willing to
disconnect from their family and friends for the duration of the program.

Students are expected to be polite, grateful and willing to perform minor chores around the house (clean room,
dishes, set up the table, etc.). Students are also expected to share with their families their cultural heritage through
photos, books, music, recipes, etc. to ensure there is a true cultural exchange. There are many different types of
families that participate in this program: with or without children, separated, divorced and with different religious
affiliations. Students should also understand they may be living in rural or suburban areas where access to major
urban centers may not be possible. Host families are volunteers (they receive a food and transportation stipend)
and they are genuinely interested in sharing their homes and culture and learning about others.

Early form submission is very important for Total Immersion (deadline is May 1st). International students need to
fill out a very detailed student form that is used to match the student with a host family. Students are generally
notified of their family match 2 to 3 weeks prior to their arrival date. This allows the host family and student to
begin communicating (email, skype, phone), learning about each other, exchanging photos, etc., prior to arrival to
the US. Students participating in this program must be open to placement with other nationalities.

Program Requirements:

• Students are required to have an INTERMEDIATE (B1) ESL level of English to ensure ability to communicate
with the American family. Agency partners are expected to evaluate and confirm that their students meet
the required ESL level. It is the Agency’s responsibility to interview students and ensure students meet the
required level of English. Students that are unable/unwilling to communicate in English at the required level
may be re-assigned to a Camp Immersion program without need for parental authorization.

• Students with animal allergies are not admitted to this program as the majority of our families have pets.
Camp Immersion program is recommended for students with allergies.

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• Host families are responsible for room and board (and meals at home) as well as local transportation costs.
Students are required to bring sufficient funds to cover ALL their social and entertainment costs including
any meals out of the home (min. $100 per week is recommended).

• Students are not permitted to “opt out” of any family activities; additionally, students are not permitted to
be left alone at home while the family participates in a family activity.

• Students are required to turn over passports and all cellular, texting and internet devices to their
chaperons/host families upon arrival to the US. Devices will be returned at the completion of the

Dates: Arrivals and departures during weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) only, beginning June 23rd until August
19thst. Arrivals after 6pm will not be accepted.

3 weeks: $1,650 6 weeks: $3,000
4 weeks: $2,000 7 weeks: $3,500
5 weeks: $2,500 8 weeks: $4,000
(3 Weeks Minimum Stay)


Additional Fees:
There is an administrative fee of $50 per agency for group bookings or per individual. If needed, stay-over weekend
between sessions is $150. Airport Service from JFK is $250 round trip for each student. Program change fee if
needed: $100. USAI reserves the right to re-assign student to a different program to ensure completion of immersion
experience. Program change road transportation if needed: $100.

Arrivals and Departures:

Arrivals and departures must take place during weekends (Saturday and Sunday) only. Arrivals after 6pm will not
be serviced. Airport of entry and departure is JFK. Other airports such as Newark, Dulles, Logan and Philadelphia can
be serviced for individual arrivals with prior written USAI confirmation only. As some programs require entry and
departure at a specific airport, prior to booking tickets USAI authorization must be secured to ensure airport
service. Arrivals and departures not authorized by USAI must be booked by the agency with a private car service.

UM Service for individuals:

USAI services UM arrivals ONLY at no additional cost. USAI does NOT service UM departures. Students who are not
chaperoned will be checked in and accompanied to the security control. No departing UM service will be provided.
Agencies must ensure that natural parents abide by these conditions and do not book this service on their own.

Health Insurance:
Both Health and Liability Insurance are required but not included; proof of both insurances must be provided prior to
student’s arrival. Different programs may have separate insurance requirements, and some programs may not
accept all insurance coverage. Agency is responsible for all costs not covered by insurance.

We accept individual and group bookings with the names and ages of the students; these should be sent to us with
any relevant medical information as early as possible. After April 15th, only reservations with deposits will be

All reservations must be accompanied by a $200 deposit to be formalized and confirmed. Deposit payment and bank
information will be included in your invoice. Please note a booking without a deposit is not a valid reservation.
Reservations are held until May 1st when homestay registration forms are due.

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All student homestay forms and agreements (including medical forms) are due no later than May 1st; residential
forms (including medical forms) are due no later than May 31st (unless stricter deadlines are required by a particular
program.) Forms must be duly signed and completed, including doctors’ signatures and seals where required.

Travel details: Travel details must be sent one month prior to student arrivals. A USAI online transportation form
must be filled out and emergency contact included. No travel data will be accepted in any other format.

Balance: Full balance must be settled four weeks prior to arrival. USAImmersion reserves the right to cancel the
student's reservation if full balance is not paid according to these conditions.

After March 31: Deposit is not refundable. Any program payments made are refundable.
After May 15: There will be no refunds for cancellations or expulsions.

Family Assignments (for Family programs only):

American families are generally matched with international students 2-4 weeks prior to arrival. Once families are
matched with students, no reassignment of host families except for health emergencies are allowed. Please note
that stays longer than 4 weeks may require a host family change.

Technology – Free Program:

All of our programs require students to turn over all mobile texting and internet-ready devices to their chaperons,
camp staff or host families upon arrival to the US. Devices will be returned at the completion of the program.
Failure to comply with these conditions may be grounds for expulsion.

Expulsion: USAI and its camp/school partners reserve the right to expel and repatriate a student, or reassign the
student to another program at the student’s own expense for any of the following reasons:
• Possession of any illegal drugs.
• Drinking or possession of alcohol or tobacco products (as witnessed by camp, school or host family).
• Bullying peers or use of offensive language (as witnessed by camp, school or host family).
• Malicious damage to property or place of accommodation.
• If the student is a danger to his/her own safety or that of others.
• Breaking American Law.
• Refusal to participate in family or camp activities, or communicate in English with family or campers/camp
staff or otherwise show a lack of interest to participate in the immersion program as described above.
• Disruptive behavior such as excessive texting, email or phone contact with home
• Inappropriate verbal or physical behavior
• Violation of any of the USAI Terms and Conditions, Student or Parental agreements or Schools’ and Camps’
• Failure to disclose any medical, psychological or behavioral issues.

Payment Conditions: All our prices are quoted in US dollars ($) and must be made in US dollars ($). All bank
transfers must include your invoice number. Bank transfers must be made in the amount reflected in the invoice
without any deductions for commissions or bank charges – payments must be made and received in full. Banks
should be instructed not to “share” fees or commissions.

Please note that making a reservation with USAI constitutes an agreement to abide by the rules and conditions stated above.

USAImmersion is an American educational not-for-profit organization based in New York specialized in organizing, managing and
overseeing language and cultural immersion programs with American students and families.
Our mission is to foster a better understanding of the U.S. abroad. All our programs intend to expose international students to
U.S. culture and way of life by having first-hand experiences with American teens, schools, communities and families.

For more information you can visit us as or email us at

The information contained in this document is confidential and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it has been sent. This document is legally
privileged and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient please notify USAImmersion immediately.

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