M Tech CAD CAM Curriculum & Syllabus

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M.Tech. (CAD/CAM)

(2014-15 onwards)

University Core


1 ENG 601 Professional and Communication Skills 0 0 4 2
(or) Foreign Language
2 MAT 502 Applied Engineering Mathematics 3 1 0 4
3 SET Conference-I 2
4 SET Conference-II 2
Total credits 10
University Elective


1 University Elective 3 0 0 3
Total credits 3

Programme Core


1 MEE 557 Advanced Materials and Processing 3 0 0 3
2 MEE 521 Finite Element Methods 2 1 2 4
3 MEE 522 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 2 1 2 4
4 MEE 523 Advanced Strength of Materials 2 1 0 3
5 MEE 549 Advanced Vibration Engineering 2 1 0 3
6 MEE 551 Advanced Manufacturing 3 0 2 4
7 MEE 564 Computer Graphics and Geometric 2 1 2 4
8 MEE 699 Masters Thesis - - - 16
Total credits 41

Programme Elective


1 MEE 515 Product Design and Life Cycle 3 0 0 3
2 MEE 519 Vehicle Aerodynamics 2 1 0 3
3 MEE 532 Advanced Finite Element Methods 2 1 0 3
4 MEE 591 Computational Methods in Heat and 3 0 2 4
Fluid Flow
5 MEE 547 Quality Management 3 0 0 3
6 MEE 548 Metrology and Non-destructive 3 0 0 3
7 MEE 550 Design for Manufacturing 2 1 0 3
8 MEE 552 Optimization Methods 2 1 0 3
9 MEE 602 Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue 2 1 0 3
10 MEE 603 Reliability Engineering 3 0 0 3
11 MEE 604 Design and Analysis of Experiments 2 1 0 3
12 MEE 605 Tool Engineering 3 0 0 3
13 MEE 606 Advanced Stress Analysis 2 1 0 3
14 MEE 609 Computational Techniques for 2 1 2 4
Vibration Analysis and Control
15 MEE 611 Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic 3 0 0 3
16 MEE 620 Mechanics of Composite Materials 2 1 0 3
17 MEE 575 Manufacturing of Composite 3 0 0 3
18 MEE Advanced Mechanism Design 2 1 0 3
19 MEE Experimental Stress Analysis 3 0 0 3
20 MEE Performance Modeling and Analysis 3 0 0 3
of Manufacturing System
21 MEE Flexible Competitive Manufacturing 3 0 0 3
22 MEE Virtual Manufacturing 3 0 0 3
23 MEE Manufacturing System and Simulation 3 0 0 3
MEE 533 Robotics and Sensors applications 3 0 0 3
24 MEE (or) Robot Dynamics and Analysis

25 MEE 580 Concurrent Engineering 3 0 0 3

26 MEE 555 Computer Aided Process Planning 3 0 0 3
27 MEE 516 Tribology 3 0 0 3
28 MEE 535 Fuzzy Logic and neural networks 3 0 0 3
29 MEE 505 Vehicle Dynamics 3 1 0 4
30 EEE 505 Digital Control Systems 3 0 0 3
31 MEE 536 MEMS 3 0 0 3
32 MEE Industrial / Research Internship - - - 2
33 MEE 567 CNC Technology & Programming 3 0 2 4
34 MEE 574 Additive Manufacturing Technology 3 0 0 3
Total credits to be taken

Minimum Qualifying credits 73

University Core 10
University Elective 3
Programme Core offered 41
Programme Elective Needed 19

3 1 0 4
Version Number : 1.0

Course Prerequisites : Basic Engineering Mathematics

Aims & Objectives:

The aim of this course is to introduce the concepts of solving Partial Differential equations by
reducing to normal forms, finding solutions of differential equations by using the principles of
calculus of variations along with Eigen Value problems and iteration methods.

Expected Outcome:

Upon completion of this course the student shall be able to:

¾ Acquire good knowledge of solving differential, Partial differential equations

¾ Solve Eigen value problems with relevant applications in their discipline

Boundary Value Problems
Linear second order partial differential equations in two independent variables – normal forms –
hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic equations – Cauchy problem.

Wave Equations
Wave equations – solution of initial value problem – significance of characteristic curves-Laplace
transform solutions – displacements in a long string – along string under its weight – a bar with
prescribed force on one end – free vibrations of a string.

Calculus of variations
Concepts of functional and their stationary values – Euler’s equation and solution for the problem and
for more general causes – natural boundary conditions – variational problems with moving boundaries
– condition variational problems – Isoparametric problems-Direct Methods: Ritz,
Kantorovich and Galerkin techniques

Eigen Value Problems
Standard Eigen value problems – properties of Eigen values and Eigen vectors – Generalized Eigen value
problems – strum sequence – Jacobi, Givens and Householder transformations.

Iteration Problems
Forward and inverse iteration schemes – Graham Schmidt deflation – simultaneous iteration
method – subspace iteration – Lanczo’s algorithm – Estimation of core and time requirements.

1. Jennings. A., Matrix Computation for Engineers and Scientists., John Wiley and Sons,
2. Prem.K.Kythe, Pratap Puri, Michael R.Schaferkotter, Introduction to Partial Differential
Equations and Boundary Value problems with Mathematics, CRC Press, 2002
3. Kreyszig, Erwin, I.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley, 1999.
4. Ramamurthy. V., Computer Aided Design in Mechanical Engineering., Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Co., 1987.
5. Reny – Dannemeyer, “Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Boundary
Value problems”, McGraw Hill, 1968.

Mode of Evaluation : Written Examination/ Assignment/ Seminar

Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 23.5.2008

Date of approval by the Academic Council : 16.6.2008

Finite Element Methods
MEE 521 2 1 2 4
Version No.
Objectives:  To introduce the mathematical and physical principles underlying the Finite
Element Method (FEM) as applied to solid mechanics.
 To train the students in analysis software to perform various analysis like
static, thermal, fatigue, Harmonic and transient analysis on components and
Expected Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Outcome:  Derive finite element stiffness and mass matrices
 Analyze linear solid mechanics or heat-transfer problems using commercial FEM
 Perform static analysis, Modal analysis, Harmonic analysis and transient analysis.
 Perform nonlinear analysis, thermal analysis, and fluid flow analysis.
 Perform structural optimization
Unit I Fundamental Concepts
Physical problems, Mathematical models, and Finite Element Solutions. Finite Element Analysis as Integral
part of Computer Aided Design;. Stresses and Equilibrium; Boundary Conditions; Strain-Displacement
Relations; Stress –strain relations, Linear and nonlinear material laws; Temperature Effects; Definition of
Tensors and indicial notations; Deformation gradients; Classification of different types of deformations:
Deformations and stresses in bars, thin beams, thick beams, plane strain- plane stress hypothesis , thin plate,
thick plate, axisymmetric bodies..; Approximate nature of most of these deformation hypotheses; General 3D
deformation (linear small deformation), Large deformation (nonlinear).
Unit II General Techniques and Tools of Displacement Based Finite Element
Energy and Variational principles for boundary value problems; Strong, or classical, form of the problem and
weak, or Variational, form of the problem; Integral Formulations;
Galerkin’s and Weighted residual approaches; Shape and interpolation functions for 1D, 2D & 3D
applications; Use of shape (interpolation) functions to represent general displacement functions and in
establishment of coordinate and geometrical transformations; Hermite, Lagrange and other interpolation
functions; Numerical integration of functions; Gauss and other integration schemes.
Unit III One-Dimensional Problems: Trusses, Beams & Frames
Introduction; Local and global coordinate systems; Transformation of vectors in two and three dimensional
spaces; Finite Element Modeling of a basic truss element in local coordinate system using energy approach;
Assembly of the Global Stiffness Matrix and Load vector; The Finite Element Equations; Treatment of boundary
Conditions; Euler Barnoulli (thin) beam element and Timoshenko (thick) beam element; Beam element
arbitrarily oriented in space; Plane Trusses, Plane frames and Three-dimensional frames; Solution algorithms of
linear systems.
Unit IV Plane Stress and Plane Strain Problems & 3D Problems

Plane stress and plane strain problems; Isoparametric Elements; Constant Strain Triangles (CST); Bilinear
Quadrilateral Q4; Modeling boundary conditions; Orthotropic materials; Numerical integration; Higher Order
Elements; Four-node Quadrilateral for Axisymmetric Problems; Hexahedral solid elements; Tetrahedral solid
elements; Numerical integration.
Unit V Plate elements and Dynamical Analysis

Basic assumptions and formulations of classical Kirchhhoff thin plate bending elements and thick Mindlin plate
elements including bending and transverse shear energies; Degenerated shell elements; Construction of
stiffness matrices. Dynamical equations of motion; Consistent and lumped Mass Matrices; Damping matrices;
Vibration Analysis; Eigenvalue problems and solution techniques; Transient dynamical and structural dynamical
problems, Explicit and implicit schemes of integrations, Stability issues.
Text book 1. Robert Cook, R.D. et al. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element
Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
2. Tirupathi R. Chandrapatla, Ashok D. Belegundu Introduction to Finite
Element in Engineering Prentice- Hall of India Private limited, New Delhi – 110
References 1. Bathe, K.J, “Finite Element Procedures”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., third
Edition, 1996.
2. Zienkiewicz O.C., “The Finite Element Method”, McGraw-Hill, 1989.
3. Reddy J.N., “The Finite Element Method”, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, 1993.
4. C.S. Krishnamoorthy, Finite Element Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1994.
MEE 521 L -Lab Exercises
 3D Part Modeling, Assembly and Analysis of Automobile components using

Hypermesh, LSDYNA

• Dynamic and normal Mode Dynamic Analysis using FEA Technique.

• Finite Element Analysis of structural problems, heat Transfer problems, fatigue and fracture analysis
using ANSYS

• Analysis of Mechanisms using ADAMS

Mode of Evaluation: Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
MEE 522 3 0 2 4
Version No.
Objectives: This course provides in-depth coverage of computer Integrated Manufacturing. It contains a
high proportion of hands-on study, particularly in the areas of computer Aided Design and
Computer Aided Manufacturing. Apart from the key area of CAD/CAM, it includes studies
of Data Communication systems (as applicable to CIM), classification systems, and Group
Technology, Computer Aided Process Planning and Flexible Manufacturing systems.
Expected Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
Outcome:  Be comfortable with using CAD/CAM systems and with programming and
operating of CNC machine Tools.
Unit I Geometric Modeling and Computer-Aided Design,
Introduction to Geometric Modeling, Geometric Modeling Approaches, Wire-Frame Modeling, Surface
Modeling, Solid Modeling, Computer-Aided Design, CAD System Architecture, CAD Data Exchange and
CAD Standards, CAD Kernels, Data Interoperability, Different Types of Data Translation, Dual Kernel CAD
Systems, Direct Data Translator, Common/Neutral Translators.
Unit II Computer-Aided Process Planning and Manufacturing
Computer-Aided Process Planning, Basic Steps in Developing a Process Plan, Principal Process Planning
Approaches, Computer-Aided Manufacturing, Computer Applications in a Manufacturing Plant, Key Aspects
of CAM in a Manufacturing System and Manufacturing Control, Feature Technology, Feature-Based
Methodologies, Basic Concepts of Feature recognition, Classification of Feature Recognition Systems,
Feature detection, Feature Generation.
Unit III CNC Machine tools and Programming
Principles of Numerical Control, Typical CNC Machine Tools, Machining Capabilities of a CNC Machine,
Tooling for CNC Machine Tools, Material for Cutting Tools, Principal Elements of a CNC Machine Tool,
Direct Numerical Control, Parallel Machine Tool, CNC Programming, Concurrent Product Modelling in a
CAD/CAM System, Data Exchange Using STEP and STEP-NC, Function Block-Enabled
CAD/CAPP/CAM/CNC Integration.
Unit IV Automated Control structures in Manufacturing systems
Automated storage and retrieval systems, Robotics, Interfacing Handling and Storage with Manufacturing,
Automated inspection and testing, Sensor technologies, Coordinate measuring machines, Machine vision,
Cellular manufacturing, Group Technology, Flexible manufacturing systems, Programmable controllers.
Unit V Key technologies for the integration
Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-Based Systems, Expert Systems Technology, Applications of Genetic
Algorithm, Agent-Based Technology, Virtual Business, e-Commerce Technologies, Global Manufacturing
Networks, Digital enterprise technologies.
1. Xun Xu, Integrating advanced Computer Aided Design, Manufacturing and Numerical Control, IGI
Global, 2009, UK
2. J.A. Rehg & H. W. Kraebber, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Pearson Education, 2005, India
3. M.P. Groover, Automation Production systems and Computer Integrated manufacturing, Pearson
Education, 2008.
4. T.C. Chang, R. Wysk and H.P. Wang, Computer aided Manufacturing, Third Edition, Pearson
Education, 2009
5. U.Rembold, O. Nnaji and A. Storr, Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering, Addison
Wesley Publishers, 1993.
6. Nanua Singh, Systems approach to computer integrated design and manufacturing, Wiley, 1996
Mode of Evaluation Quiz/Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination

MEE 522 L -Laboratory Exercises

1. 3D solid modeling and assembly using CAD/CAM system

2. Generation of CNC program and machining in CNC machine.
3. Inspection planning for automated inspection
4. Concurrent costing using DFMA software
5. Simulation of Product, Process and FMS layouts
6. Industrial Robot Programming
7. Optimization of Computer aided Process planning & PLC Programming
2 1 0 3
Version Number : I
Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Strength of Materials, Engineering Mechanics.
• The course is designed to introduce the students to the behavior of structural and mechanical
systems subjected to various types of loading. They will evaluate the resulting stresses, strains and
deflections as well as failure criteria of these systems
Expected outcome
Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
• Develop a physical understanding of how mechanical and structural systems respond to a wide
variety of loading.
• Analyze and compute the stresses and deflections, and failure criteria of a variety of mechanical
and structural systems.
• Judge the computed results and use these results towards designing mechanical and structural

UNIT I Elasticity

Stress-strain relations and general equations of elasticity in Cartesian polar and spherical co-ordinates,
differential equations of equilibrium – Compatibility – boundary conditions – representation of 3-
dimensional stress of a tensor – Generalized Hook’s law St.Venant’s principle –plane strain – plane stress –
Airy’s stress function.

UNIT II Shear centre and Unsymmetrical bending

Location of shear centre for various sections – shear flow. Stresses and deflection in beams subjected to
unsymmetrical loading, kern of a section.

UNIT III Curved flexural members

Circumferential and radial stresses – deflections curved beam with restrained ends – closed ring subjected
to concentrated load and uniform load – chain links and crane hooks.

UNIT IV Torsion of non-circular shafts

Torsion of rectangular cross sections – St.Venant’s theory – Elastic membrane analogy – Prandtl’s stress
function – Torsional stresses in hollow thin–walled tubes.

UNIT V Stresses due to Rotation

Radial and tangential stresses in solid disc and ring of uniform thickness and varying thickness – allowable
1. Boreshi and Sidebottom, “Advanced Mechanics of Materials”, John Wiley International Edition
2. Kamal kumar and R C Ghai, “Advanced Mechanics of Materials”, Khanna publishers, 1990.
3. Den Hartong, “Advanced strength of Materials”, Mc Graw – Hill Book Co. New York, 1952.
4. Timoshenko and Goodier, “Theory of Elasticity”, Tata McGraw – Hill publishing company
5. Robert D Cooki, Warren C. Young, “Advanced Mechanics of Material”, Mac Millian publishing
Co. 1952.
6. L S Srinath, “Advanced Mechanics of Solids”, Tata McGraw – Hill publishing Company Limited,
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:

Date of approval by the Academic Council:

2 1 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Mechanics of Machines.


• To introduce classical Vibration theories, relating to discrete and continuous systems with
• To teach various numerical techniques including FE for analysis of complex structures and modal
testing for natural frequencies and mode shapes.
• To introduce special cases of non-linearity and random phenomena in vibrating systems including
their stability.

Expected outcome

Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:

• Understand the concepts of Mechanical vibrations starting from single, two, Multi degree freedom
systems and advanced topics like continuous, Non-linear and Random Vibration concepts.

UNIT I Single and Two degrees of freedom system

Introduction to free, forced, transient and damped vibrations, terminology and applications. Discrete
systems – single degree and two degree systems, response to free forced motions (steady state and
transient) applications to vibration isolation and absorption.
UNIT II Several degrees of freedom

Multi degree systems – techniques of analysis such as Dunkerley, Rayleigh, Holzer, Matrix iteration,
Transfer matrices and modal analysis.

UNIT III Continuous and Torsional Vibration

Continuous systems Free and forced vibrations of bars for longitudinal, shear, torsional and transverse
vibrations, Beams with attached masses rotor dynamics and FEM applications.

UNIT IV Non-linear Vibrations

Non-linear vibrations, jump phenomenon and stability. Applications including self excited and parameter
excited vibrations.
UNIT V Random Vibrations

Random vibrations – stationary and non-stationary, ergodic systems, response of single degree systems to
random excitation.
Text Book:

1. W. T. Thomson, “ Theory of Vibration” Kluwer Academic Pub; 4th edition , 1999.

2. TSE, Morse and Hinkel, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Chapman and Hall, 1991.

1. Den Hartong, “ Mechanical Vibrations”, McGraw Hill, 1986.
2. V.P.Singh, Dhanput Rai & Co., “Mechanical vibrations”. 1988.
3. S.Timoshenko, D.H.Young , “Vibrations Problems in Engineering”, D.Van Hostrand Company, Inc,
Afiliated east-west press Pvt. Ltd.,1991.

Mode of Evaluation:
Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination
Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 10 04 2009
Date of approval by the Academic Council:
Advanced materials and Processing
MEE 501 3 0 0 3
Version No. 1.01
Objectives: To impart the knowledge on mechanical behavior of materials.
• To acquire knowledge in various class of materials and their applications.
• To import knowledge on various surface modification techniques.
Expected Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
Outcome: • Describe the mechanical behavior of metallic systems and its importance
• Knowledge on engineering alloys and nonmetallic materials and their selection.
• Gain knowledge on different types of surface modifications of materials.
Unit I Review of Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Plastic deformation in poly phase alloys - Strengthening mechanisms - Griffith's theory of failure modes –
Brittle and ductile fractures - Damping properties of materials - fracture toughness - Initiation and propagation
of fatigue cracks - Creep mechanisms - Environmental degradation of materials, Selection of materials for
various applications.
Unit II Engineering Alloys
Cast iron , steels , alloy steels and stainless steels – an overview of phases and microstructure, types,
specifications applications, heat treatment, effect of alloying elements, Aluminum, Magnesium and Ti wrought
and cast alloys used in engineering applications –Types, specifications, applications, heat treatment.
Unit III Surface Modifications of Materials
Mechanical surface treatment and coating - Case hardening and hard facing - thermal spraying – vapour
deposition-ion implantation - Diffusion coating - Electroplating and Electrolysis - Conversion coating -
Ceramic and organic coatings – Diamond coating, Laser based surface modification.
Unit IV Nonmetallic Materials
Composite materials, ceramics, plastics -Introduction, an overview of processing, their characteristic features,
types and applications.
Unit V Modern Materials and Alloys
Super alloys- Refractory metals - Shape memory alloys- Dual phase steels, Micro alloyed, High strength low
alloy steel, Transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, Maraging steel Compacted graphite iron and Creep
resistant aluminum alloys, SMART materials, Metallic glass – Quasi crystal and Nano crystalline materials,
metal foams.
Text book 1. Callister W.D. (2006) "Material Science and Engineering- An introduction", Wiley –
2. Engineering Materials’ by Kenneth G Budenski and Michael K Budenski, Prentice-Hall of
India Private Limited, 9th Edition (2009).
References 1.Thomas H. Courtney, (2000) "Mechanical Behavior of Materials", McGraw Hill,.
2.Flinn R. A. and Trojan P. K., (1999)"Engineering Materials and their Applications", Jaico.
3. Davis, J.R., Surface Engineering for corrosion and wear resistance”, ASM International,
4. Raghavan, V., (2003) "Physical Metallurgy", Prentice Hall of India.
Mode of Evaluation Quiz/Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
MEE 551 3 0 2 4
Version No.
Objectives: The course is aimed at understanding of the following
 To provide a through coverage of traditional and non-traditional machining
 To develop and understanding of various fundamental mechanics of machining
 To provide awareness of high speed machining, micro-machining and nano-
fabrication techniques.
 To introduce the semi conductor, IC chips and micro actuator fabrication
 To train the student in NC part programming, metal cutting concepts,
generation of manufacturing drawings and process planning.
 To train student in manual part programming, generation of CNC part
programs using softwares and high speed machining.
Expected Student shall be able to Understand various unconventional manufacturing techniques and their
Outcome: practical applications.
Unit I Theory of Metal Cutting
Mechanism of metal cutting – Orthogonal and Oblique cutting, derivation of equations for forces and shear
angles etc., various shear angle theories. Tool materials – Tool life and tool wear – Temperature in metal
cutting – Cutting fluids and surface roughness.

Unit II Special Machining

Deep hole drilling – Gun drills – Gun boring – Trepanning – Honing – Lapping – Super finishing – AFM –
MAF – Burnishing– Broaching – Hard machining – Hot machining.
Unit III High Speed Machining
The high performance machining of components – Application of HSM – Tools for HSM - Design of
tools for HSM – High speed and high performance grinding – Ultra precision machining.
Unit IV Non-traditional Machining
USM, WJM, AWJM, EDM, ECM, LBM, EBM, Plasma machining and Hybrid machining processes –
Mechanism of metal removal, characteristic features and applications.
Unit V Micro Machining
Importance of micro machining, various micro machining processes, application of micro machining in
semi conductor IC technology, micro actuator and micro sensors – CVD, PVD and Ion Implantation.
References 1. Boothroyd G., and knight W.A., “Fundamentals of Metal Machining and Machine
Tools”, Marcel Dekker, 1989.
2. Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R.Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and
Technology”, Pearson Education, 2001.
3. Battacharya, “Theory of Metal Cutting”, NCB Agency, 1984.
4. Benedict G., “Non Traditional Manufacturing Processes”, Marcel Dekker, 1987.
5. Mishra.P.K., “Non-conventional Machining”, Narosa publishing house, 1997.
6. Bert T.Erdel, “High Speed Machining”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2003.
7. Madou, M.J., “Fundamentals of Micro fabrication”, CRC press, 1997.
8. Rai-Choudhury P., “Handbook of Microlithography, Micromachining, and Micro
fabrication”, Vol.1 and Vol.2, Editor: IEEE Materials and Devices Series 12,
London, 1997.
MEE 551 L- Lab Exercises
1. Experiments on Unconventional machining processes – EDM, WEDM, Laser
2. Study and programming of CNC production machines – Lathe, Milling
3. Cutting force measurement using Tool force dynamometer
4. Tool wear and surface finish measurements during machining
5. Study and experiments on grinding
6. Experiments on precision machining
7. Inspection using Vision system and laser interferometer
8. Profile measurement by video measurement system
9. Measurements of parts using CMM

Mode of Evaluation: Assignments/Written Examinations

3 0 2 4

Version Number: 1.0

Aims and objectives:
This course Provides comprehensive introduction to computer applications including geometric modeling
and computer graphics.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this course the students will be able to acquire knowledge of the
applications of computers in design and manufacturing activity

Unit I Introduction to Computer graphics and Database

Definition, Product cycle & CAD/CAM, Automation & CAD/CAM Introduction, Software configuration of a
Graphic system, Functions of a Graphics package, Data Base Structure and Content, CAD applications, Line, Circle
and Ellipse drawing algorithms, Windowing and Clipping, Lighting and shading, Hidden surface/solid removal, Color
models, Two-dimensional transformations, Three-dimensional transformations, Linear transformations.

Unit II Geometric Modeling

Dimensions of models, Types of models, Construction of solid models. Wire frame Models, Wire frame Entities,
Curve Representation. Parametric Representation of Analytic Curves - Review of Vector Algebra, Lines, Circles,
Ellipses, Parabolas, Hyperbolas, Conics. Parametric Representation of Synthetic Curves - Hermite Cubic Splines,
Bezier Curves, B-Spline Curves, Rational Curves. Curve Manipulations.

Unit III Surface Modeling:

Introduction Surface Models, Surface Entities, Surface Représentation, Parametric Representation of Analytic
Surfaces - Plane Surface, Ruled Surface, Surface of Revolution, Tabulated Cylinder. Parametric Representation of
Synthetic Surfaces - Hermit Bicubic Surface, Bezier Surface, B-Spline Surface, Coons Surface, Blending Surface,
Offset Surface, Triangular Patches, Sculptured Surface, Rational Parametric Surface.

Unit IV Assembly Modeling

Mechanical Assembly: Introduction, Assembly Modeling - Parts Modeling & Representation, Hierarchical
Relationships, Mating Conditions. Inference of position from mating conditions. Representation schemes - Graph
structure, Location graph, Virtual Link. Generation of Assembling Sequences - Precedence Diagram, Liaison-
Sequence analysis, Precedence Graph. Assembly Analysis.

Unit V Recent Developments

Data exchange standards, Multi-resolution models, Heterogenous modeling, Meshing algorithms, Surface
reconstruction from point cloud data, computational geometry applications in CAD, Collaborative design, product
data modeling


1. CAD/CAM: Principles and Applications 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, India, 2010.
2. Ibrahim Zeid and R. Sivasubramaniam, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, India, 2009
3. Micheal E. Mortenson, Geometric Modeling, Wiley, 1997.
4. Gerald E. Farin, Hans Hagen, Hartmut Noltemeier and Walter Knödel, Geometric Modeling, Springer-Verlag,
5. Anupam Saxena, Birendra Sahay, Computer aided Engineering design, Springer, 2010.
Laboratory Exercises
 Virtual Prototype modeling of assemblies by geometric modeling and rendering using commercial
CAD/CAM systems
 Surface modeling and sheet metal features design for industrial components
 CAD data preparation for Rapid prototyping, Virtual reality and Finite element Solvers
 Surface reconstruction from point cloud data for reverse engineering and inspection
3 0 0 3

Version Number :
Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Machine Design, Finite Element Analysis.
• The objective of this course is to learn advanced topics in Finite Element methods so that this tool
can be used for analysis, design, and optimization of engineering systems.

Expected Outcome
On completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Analyse linear, nonlinear and simple time-dependent problems in structural discipline using finite
element methods
• Undertake some projects on large deformation and transient nature
• Develop some special FEA codes for solving nonlinear problems
• Estimate the errors in Finite Element Analysis
• Plate and Shell elements
• Instability analysis
• Time-dependent finite element procedure
• Nonlinear finite element procedures and
• Error estimate and adaptive refinement

UNIT I Plate and Shell Elements

Bending of plate and shells - Thin (Kirchoff) and Thick (Mindlin) plate elements - Shear locking
phenomenon - Reduced integration and Mixed formulation.

UNIT II Instability Analysis

Initial stress stiffness matrices - Linear instability - Eigenvalue problem for instability - Nonlinear
instability analysis.

UNIT III Time-dependent Finite Element Procedure

Lumped and consistent mass matrices - Damping matrix – Free, Transient and Forced response - Solutions
of Eigen-systems - Implicit methods for transient dynamics - Mode superposition – Sub space Iterative
Technique – Houbolt, Wilson, Newmark – Methods – Examples.

UNIT IV Nonlinear Finite Element Procedures

Incremental governing equations - Governing equations for Total Lagrangian, Modified Lagrangian and
Eulerian formulations – Material nonlinearity; Newton-Raphson method - Practical considerations.

UNIT V Error Estimates and Adaptive Refinement

Sources of error – Ill-conditioning – The condition number – Diagonal decay test – Disretization error –
Multimesh extrapolation – Mesh revision methods – Gradient (stress) Recovery and Smoothing – Adaptive
meshing - h refinement with adaptivity – adaptive refinement.

1. Bathe K.J. Finite Element Procedures. Prentice Hall, 1996.
2. Belytschko, T. et al. Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continuum and Structures, John Wiley & Sons,
3. Cook, R.D. et al. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley & Sons,
4. Zienkiewicz, O.C. and Taylor, R.L. The Finite Element Method, Butterworth
5. Heinemann, 2000.

Recommended by the Board of Studies on: Date of

approval by the Academic Council:
2 1 0 3

Version Number :
Course Prerequisites: Machine design, Manufacturing Technology, Work Study.

To make the student to be familiar with

• The new product management process

• Product lifecycle management stages
• The DFx concepts from the conception to recovery or disposal
• Applying analytic methods for all stages of product planning, development, launch, and control
Expected Outcome

Upon completion the course, student will be familiar with

• The new product management process

• Product lifecycle management stages
• The DFx concepts from the conception to recovery or disposal
• Applying analytic methods for all stages of product planning, development, launch, and control
• Development and implementation of a product development and management strategy within a
simulated environment, including product platform, branding, pricing, distribution, and promotion
• Performing the decision analysis on new product development
• Assessing and improving product development and management performance in the context of a
case study
UNIT I Introduction

Product development – Trends affecting product development – Best practices for product development –
Product development process and organizations – Collaborative product development – concurrent
engineering – risk management - Stages of Product development

UNIT II Product Development Life cycle – I

Early design – Requirement Definition and Conceptual design - Trade-off Analysis – Optimization using
cost and utility metrics – Trade-off analysis models and parameters- design to cost – Design to Life cycle
cost – Design for warranties.

UNIT III Product Development Life cycle – II

Detailed design – Analysis and modeling – Best practices for detailed design – Design analyses –
Prototypes in detailed design – Test and Evaluation – Design review, prototyping – simulation and testing –
Manufacturing – Strategies – planning and methodologies.

UNIT IV Product Development Life cycle – III

Supply chain – Logistics, packaging, supply chain and the environment – ISO 14000/210 – Design for
people – Ergonomics, Repairability, maintainability, safety and product liability – Task analysis and failure
mode analysis.

UNIT V Producibility and Reliability

Producibility – strategies in design for manufacturing – requirements for optimizing design and manufacturing
decisions – Simplification – commonality and preferred methods – Modularity and scalability – part
reduction – functional analysis and value engineering – Reliability – Strategies and practices – Testability – Design
for test and inspection.

• John W. Priest and Jose M. Sanchez, “ Product development and design for manufacturing- A
collaborative approach to produciability and reliability”, Marcel Dekker Publications, 2001.
• Stephen C. Armstrong, “Engineering and product development management – the holistic
approach”, Cambridge university press, 2001.
• Thomas A. Sabomone, “What every engineer should know about concurrent engineering”, Marcel
Dekker Publications, 1995.
• Karl T. Ulrich, Ateven D. Eppinger “ Product Design and Development” Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of approval by the Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number :

Course Prerequisites: Reliability Engineering, Operational Research.

• To provide student with the basic understanding of the approaches and techniques to assess and
improve process and or product quality and reliability

Expected outcome
Upon completion of this course the student will

• Have good knowledge of quality management principles

• Be well versed with Total Quality Management
• Have good knowledge of quality implementation techniques

UNIT I Introduction to Quality Management

Business scene in India and world over – quality imperatives – Efficiency & Effectiveness – Definition of
Quality – Vision, Mission statement – formulation – Quality policy – Customer orientation – Quality
culture and mind set – Qulaity philosophies of Deming, Crosby, Miller Comparison.

UNIT II Total Quality Management

TQM principles – Customer satisfaction model – Customer retention model – QFD – Customer satisfaction
measurement – Evolution of TQM – System & Human components – TQM models – Deming wheel
principle – Top management commitment.

UNIT III Problem Solving Tools

Old & QC Tools – Seven new management tools – Problem solving techniques – Case studies – Problems
– Continuous improvement tools – Benchmarking, Quality circle.

UNIT IV QM Techniques

FMEA, BPR, JIT, KANBAN – Reliability studies – Failure rate analysis – Reliability models.

UNIT V Quality System Implementation

ISO Certification – ISO 9000 – ISO 14000 – Principles & Methodologies, Six Sigma, Taguchi, 5S
concepts, Legal aspects, TQM road map, Strategies – case studies.

1. DaleH. Beterfield et al, “Total Quality Management”, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
2. Jill A.Swift, Joel E. Ross and Vincent K. Omachonn, “Principles of Total Quality”, St.Lucie Press,
US, 1998.
3. John Bank J.E., “Total Quality Management”, Prentice Hall, India, 1993.
4. Samuel K.Ho, “TQM- AN Integrated approach”, Kogan Page India Pvt. Ltd, 2002.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of approval by the Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number :

Course Prerequisites: Manufacturing Technology, Quality Engineering.


• Impart the knowledge of quality assurance and inspection techniques.

• Familiarize with the various inspection and measurement techniques like contact and non-contact
measurement by adapting Computer Aided Inspection.
• Impart the knowledge of working principles and calibration of various Systems.

Expected outcome

Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:

• Acquire the knowledge in CMM and Image Processing

• Understand the concept of Laser Metrology and Computer Integrated Quality Assurance
• Acquire knowledge of magnetic particle testing
• Acquire knowledge of ultrasonic and Acoustic emission techniques

UNIT I Measuring Machines

Tool Makers’s microscope – Co-ordinate measuring machines – Universal measuring machine- Laser
viewers for production profile checks – Image shearing microscope – Use of computers – Machine vision
technology- Microprocessors in metrology.

UNIT II Statistical Quality Control

Data presentation – Statistical measures and tools – Process capability – Confidence and tolerance limits –
Control charts for variables and for fraction defectives – Theory of probability – Sampling –ABC standard
– Reliability and life testing.

UNIT III Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Tests

Characteristics of liquid penetrants – different washable systems – Developers – applications- Methods of

production of magnetic fields- Principles of operation of magnetic particle test- Applications- Advantages
and Limitations.

UNIT IV Radiography

Sources of ray X-ray production-properties of d and x rays – film characteristics – exposure charts –
contrasts – operational characteristics of x ray equipment – applications.

UNIT V Ultrasonic and Acoustic Emission Techniques

Production of ultrasonic waves – different types of waves - general characteristics of waves – pulse echo
method – A, B, C scans – Principles of acoustic emission techniques – Advantages and limitations -
Instrumentation – Applications.

1. JAIN.R.K. Engineering Metrology, Khanna Publishers, 1997

2. Barry Hull and Vernon John, Non Destructive Testing, Mac Millan, 1988
3. American Society for Metals, Metals Hand Book, Vol. II, 1976.
4. Progress in Acoustic Emission, Proceedings of 10th International Acoustic Emission
Symposium, Japanese society for NDI, 1990.

Recommended by the Board of Studies on:

2 1 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Machine design, Design and Analysis of Experiments.

• The course is aimed at developing students to acquire skills to analyze product design and be able
to design products that are easier to manufacture, assemble, service and more friendlier to
environment, etc.
Expected outcome

Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:

• Have customer-oriented, manufacturing and life-cycle sensitive approach to product design and
development, with product design principles and structured design methodologies.
• Have Methods and approaches for developing, implementing, and nurturing an effective DFM
process within the firm.

UNIT I Introduction

General design principles for manufacturability – strength and mechanical factors, evaluation method,
Process capability - Feature tolerances- Geometric tolerances-Assembly limits- Datum features- Tolerance

UNIT II Factors influencing form Design

Working principle, Material, Manufacture, Design – Possible solutions – Materials choice – Influence of
materials on form design – form design of welded members, forgings and castings

UNIT III Component Design – Machining Consideration

Design features to facilitate machining – drills - milling cutters – keyways – Doweling procedures, counter
sunk screws – Reduction of machined area – simplification by separation – simplification by amalgamation
– Design for Machinability –Design for accessibility – Design for assembly.

UNIT IV Robust Design and Taguchi Method

Robust design - Design of experiments – Robust design process- Orthogonal arrays: Two level orthogonal
arrays, Three level orthogonal arrays, Combined inner and outer arrays.

UNIT V Redesign for Manufacture and case studies

Design for economy, Identification of uneconomical design – Modifying the design –Computer
Applications for DFMA – Case Studies.

Text Books

1. Harry Peck, “Design for Manufacture”, Pittman Publication, 1983.

2. Karl T. Ulrich, Ateven D. Eppinger “ Product Design and Development” Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.

1. James G. Bralla, “Hand Book of Product Design for Manufacturing”, McGraw Hill co., 1986.
2. Swift K.G., “Knowledge based design for manufacture, Kogan Page Ltd., 1987.
3. Boothroyd, G., (1994), Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Marcel Decker
Bralla, J.G., (1999), Design for Manufacturability Handbook, McGraw-Hill.

Recommended by the Board of Studies on:

Date of approval by the Academic Council:
2 1 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Mathematics.


• To understand the role of optimization in Engineering design and its importance

• To introduce the different optimization algorithm in linear programming and non-linear
• To introduce the non-traditional optimization algorithm in non-linear problem.

Expected outcome
Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
• Formulate the design problem in mathematical form which can be solved by suitable optimization
• Solve the design problem which involves non-linear constraints.
• Compare the efficiency of different algorithms.

• Introduction to Optimization
• Integer Programming, Dynamic Programming and Network Analysis
• Non-Linear Programming
• Non-Linear Programming and Geometric Programming
• Optimization Design of Machine Elements

UNIT I Linear Optimization

Optimization problem statement – classification - single variable - multivariable unconstrained – equality

constrained and inequality constrained. Simplex methods – dual simplex method – bounded variable
technique for linear programming problems. Integer Programming & Dynamic Programming; Gomary’s
cutting plane method - branch and bound method – Bellman’s principle of optimality-inventory, capital
budgeting, reliability problems and simplex problem.

UNIT II Unconstrained Non-linear Optimization

Unimodal function – Region elimination methods: Unrestricted, Dichotomous, Fibonacci, Golden Section,
Bi-section - Direct search methods: Random, Univariate, Pattern search methods – Descent methods:
Steepest descent, Conjugate gradient and Variable metric.
UNIT III Constrained Non-linear Optimization

Characteristics of a constrained optimization problem - Direct methods: Cutting plane method, methods of
feasible directions – Indirect methods: Interior and exterior penalty function methods – Geometric
programming – Solution from differential calculus point of view – Solution from arithmetic-geometric
inequality point of view.
UNIT IV Advanced Non-linear Optimization

Genetic Algorithms -Working principle-Genetic operators-Numerical problem-Simulated Annealing -

Numerical problem - Neural network based optimization-Optimization of fuzzy systems-fuzzy set theory-
computational procedure.
UNIT V Optimization Design of Machine Elements

Functional requirements- desirable and undesirable effects – functional requirements and material and
geometrical parameters – adequate designs, Optimum design – primary design equation, subsidiary design
equations, limit equations – basic procedural steps for methods of optimum design – constrained
parameters and free variables – normal, redundant and incompatible specifications general planning.


1. Rao, S.S., “Optimization - Theory and Applications”, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1978.
2. Fox, R.L., “ Optimization Methods for Engineering Design”, Addion – Weslety, Reading, Mass,
3. Wilde, D.J., “Optimization seeking Methods”, Prentice – Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
4. Johnson, Ray C., “Optimum Design of Mechanical Elements”, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons,
Ic., New York, 1980.
5. Kalyanmoy Deb, "Optimization for Engineering Design-Algorithms and Examples", Prentice-Hall
of India, 1996.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of approval by the Academic Council:
MEE519 Vehicle Aerodynamics

2 1 - 3
Pre-requisites : Nil
Version No. : 1.00

1. To broaden the understanding of vehicle aerodynamics
2. To analyze the stability, safety and comfort of the vehicles
3. To understand wind tunnels and testing techniques
4. To apply CFD for aerodynamic design of vehicle

Expected Outcome:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Understand vehicle aerodynamics
2. Analyze stability, safety and comfort of vehicles
3. Understand wind tunnels and testing techniques
4. Apply CFD for aerodynamic design of vehicle

UNIT I Fundamentals of Aerodynamics

Scope – Development trends – Flow phenomena related to vehicles – External and Internal flow problems
– Performance of cars and light vans – Resistance to vehicle motion – Drag – Types of drag – Flow field
around car – Aerodynamic development of cars – Optimization of car bodies for low drag.
UNIT II Stability, Safety and Comfort
The origin of forces and moments – effects – vehicle dynamics under side wind – Force and Moment
coefficients – Safety limit – dirt accumulation on vehicle - wind noise – Air flow around individual
components – High performance vehicles – Very log drag cars – Design alternatives – High efficiency
radiator arrangement – Development and simulation methods.

UNIT III Wind Tunnels and Test Techniques

Principles of wind technology – Limitations of simulation – Scale models – Existing automobile wind
tunnels – Climatic tunnels – Measuring equipment and transducers. Pressure measurement – velocity
measurements – Flow visualization techniques – Road testing methods – Wind noise measurements.
UNIT IV Application of CFD
Methods to solve Navier–Stokes equation – Forces acting in a fluid element – Compressibility
effects in a flow field – Inviscid flow – Governing equations – Irrotation flow field and consequences –
Potential flows – Boundary layer methods – Numerical modelling of fluid flow around vehicle body.
UNIT V Aerodynamic Design
Development and simulation methods –cars, buses, trucks
References :
1. W.H. Hucho, ‘Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles’, Butterworth and Co., 1987.
2. Schlichting, H. ‘Boundary Layer Theory’, McGraw Hill, New York, 1999.
3. Pope, A., Low speed Wind Tunnel Testing, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1999.
4. Vehicle aerodynamics, SAE, !996.

Mode of Evaluation : Assignments / Seminars / Term end Examinations

Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 01.11.2008
Date of approval of the Academic Council : 25.11.2008
Computational Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow
MEE 591 3 0 2 4
Version No. 1.01
Objectives: To make the students
1. understand the computational techniques useful in the analysis of fluid flow and heat
transfer; 2.expose and train in using commercial CFD software and in writing codes for specific
CFD applications.
Expected At the end of the course the student will be able to
Outcome: 1. formulate equations for fluid flow and heat transfer problems
2. understand the basic concepts of CFD techniques
3. solve conduction and convection & diffusion problems
4. solve incompressible fluid flow problems
5. use FLUENT to solve problems
Contents Review of the equations governing fluid flow and heat transfer
• Finite difference method
• Heat conduction, convection and diffusion
• Solution of Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flows
• Problem solving
Unit I
Introduction to equations governing fluid flow and heat transfer - Conservation of mass,
conservation of energy - expanded and special forms of Navier-Stokes equations - Potential theory -
Boundary layer theory - Compressible flows - Turbulent flows.
Unit II
Introduction to finite differences, difference equations and discretization – Finite difference methods:
Explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicholson – Convergence and stability conditions - ADI – Boundary
conditions - Applications to steady and transient heat conduction equations.
Unit III
One- and two- dimensional steady & transient conduction - Steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion
- Solution methodology: upwind scheme, exponential scheme, hybrid scheme, power law scheme – Explicit,
Implicit, Crank-Nicolson schemes – Stability criterion.
Unit IV
Representation of the pressure gradient term and continuity equation - Staggered grid - Momentum equations
– Pressure and velocity corrections - Pressure correction equation - SIMPLE algorithm - Boundary
conditions for the pressure correction method.
Unit V
Introduction to Fluent software – Problem solving using Fluent.
References 1. S.V. Patankar (1994), Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere, New York.
2.Y. Jaluria and K.E. Torrance (1986), Computational Heat Transfer, Hemisphere Publishing
3. J.D. Anderson, Jr. (1995), Computational Fluid Dynamics – The Basic with
4. K.A. Hoffman (1989), Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering,
Engineering Education System, Austin, Texas.
5.K. Muralidhar and T. Sundarajan (1995), Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer,
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.

MEE 543 L Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

1. Modeling and analysis of periodic and heat transfer over a bank of tubes.
2. Modeling and analysis of external compressible flow over an aero foil blade.
3. Analysis of unsteady compressible flow through a nozzle.
4. Analysis of flow pattern inside Turbo machines applications.
5. Analysis of air quality inside a passenger car.
6. Analysis of varies nose body configuration.
Mode of Evaluation Quiz/Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination
2 1 0 3

Version Number : I
Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Mechanics of Machinery, Machine Design.
• To impart sound knowledge of mechanism design on students and make them to design their own
mechanism for any kind of applications
Expected outcome
Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:

• Do kinematic analysis of mechanisms.

• Design plane complex mechanisms and apply analytical and graphical methods for finding
velocity and acceleration of links
• Synthesize mechanism to find out the dimensions of linkages
• Do dynamic force analysis on mechanisms
• Design spatial mechanisms

UNIT I Introduction

Review of fundamentals of kinematics- mobility analysis- formation of one D. O. F. multiloop kinematic

chains, Network formula - Gross motion concepts.

UNIT II Kinematic Analysis

Position Analysis- Vector loop equations for four bar, slider crank, inverted slider crank, geared five bar
and six bar linkages. Analytical methods for velocity and acceleration Analysis- four-bar linkage jerk
analysis. Plane Complex mechanisms. Path Curvature theory. Fixed and moving centroids, inflection points
and inflection circle. Euler Savary Equation, graphical constructions- Cubic of stationary curvature.

UNIT III Synthesis of Mechanisms

Type synthesis- Number synthesis- Associated Linkage concept. Dimensional synthesis- function
generation, path generation, motion generation, Graphical methods. Cognate linkage- coupler curve
synthesis, Design of six-bar mechanisms. Algebraic methods. Application of instant centre in linkage
design. CAM Mechanisms- determination of optimum size of Cams.

UNIT IV Dynamics of Mechanisms

Static force analysis with friction – inertia force analysis- combined static and inertia force analysis,
shaking force, kinetostatic analysis. Introduction to force and moment balancing of linkages.

UNIT V Spatial Mechanisms and Robotics

Kinematic Analysis of spatial RSSR mechanism- Denavait - Hartenberg parameters forward and inverse
kinematic of Robotic manipulators. Study and use of mechanism software packages.

1. Sandor G. N. and Erdman. A. G., “Advanced Mechanism Design Analysis and Synthesis”,
Prentice Hall, 1984.
2. Singhley , J. E. And Vicker J.J., “Theory of Mechanics and Mechanism”, McGraw Hill 1985.
3. Amitabha Ghosh and Ashok kumar Mallik, “Theory of Mechanism and Machines”, EWLP, Delhi,

Recommended by the Board of Studies on:

3 0 0 3

Version Number : I
Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Operation Research.
• The objective of this course is to introduce experimental design techniques and familiarize with all
of the best design techniques and study the objectives, similarities, differences, advantages, and
disadvantages of each.
Expected Outcome

• On completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Setup Full and Fraction Factorial Experiment Design.
• Perform ANOVA and Hypothesis testing.
• Learn Loss function approach to Quality Control.
• Setup and analyse Robust Design.

UNIT I Introduction

Basic principle of DOEs, Guide lines for Designing Experiments, Terminology, ANOVA, Computation
of sum of squares and Basics of quality by design.

UNIT II Single Factor Experiments

Randomized complete block design, Latin square design, Graeco-Latin square design, Incomplete block
design and Tests on means.

UNIT III Factorial Design

Two-Factor factorial design, General factorial design, 2k Factorial design, 3k Factorial design,
confounding, Fractional replication and Factors with mixed levels.

UNIT IV Robust Design Process

Comparison of classical and Taguchi’s approach, variability due to noise factors, principle or robustization,
classification of quality characteristics and parameters, objective functions in robust design, S/N ratios.

UNIT V Orthogonal Experiments

Selection and application of orthogonal arrays for design, Conduct of experiments, collection of data and
analysis of simple experiments, Modifying orthogonal arrays, Inner and outer OA experiments,
Optimization using S/N ratios, attribute data analysis, a critique of robust design.


1. Philip J. Rose, “Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1989.
2. Montgomery, D.C., “Design and Analysis of Experiments”, John Wiley and Sons, 1997.
3. Nicolo Belavendram, “Quality by Design: Taguchi Techniques for Industrial Experimentation”,
Prentice Hall, 1995.

Recommended by the Board of Studies on:

Date of approval by the Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Manufacturing Technology, Work Study.


• To provide the student with an understanding of the importance of process planning role in
manufacturing and the application of Computer Aided Process Planning tool in the present
manufacturing scenario

Expected outcome

Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:

• Have a sound knowledge in process planning

• Handle computer aided process planning tool

UNIT I Introduction

The Place of Process Planning in the Manufacturing cycle- Process planning and production planning –
Process planning and Concurrent Engineering, CAPP, Group Technology.

UNIT II Part Design Representation

Design Drafting – Dimensioning – Conventional Toloerencing – Geometric Toloerencing- CAD –

input/output devices – Topology – Geometric transformation – Perspective transformation – Data Structure
– Geometric modeling for process planning –GT coding – The OPITZ system – The MICLASS System.

UNIT III Process Engineering and Process Planning

Experienced based planning – Decision table and Decision trees – Process capability analysis – Process
planning – Variant process planning – Generative approach – Forward and backward planning, Input
format, A1

UNIT IV Computer Aided Process Planning Systems

Logical Design of process planning – Implementation considerations- Manufacturing system components,

Production Volume, No. of production families- CAM-I, CAPP, MIPLAN, APPAS, AUTOPLAN and

UNIT V An Integrated Process Planning Systems

Totally integrated process planning systems – An Overview – Modulus structure – Data structure –
Operation – Report Generation, Expert process planning.
1. Gideon Halevi and Roland D.Weill, “Principle of process planning”, Alogical approach, chapman
& Hall, 1995.
2. Tien-Chien-Chang, Richard A.Wysk, “ An Introduction to automated process planning systems”,
Prentice Hall 1985.
3. Chang.T.C.,”An Expert Process Planning System”, Prentice Hall, 1985.
4. Nanua Singh,” Systems Approach to Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing”, John
Wiley & Sons, 1996.
5. Rao, “ Computer Aided Manufacturing”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2000.

Recommended by the Board of Studies on:

Date of approval by the Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Manufacturing Technology, Materials science.

• The main objective of the course is to give students the basic concepts of tool engineering.
• The student is guided to use these concepts in the design of jigs, fixtures and various types of dies
used in production industry through assigned projects and factory visits.

Expected outcome

The student will able to:

• Become aware of the materials used to make different types of tooling components including tool
steels, low carbon steels, cast iron, aluminum, plastics and cutting tool materials.
• Integrate CAD techniques into the design of production tooling to help understand the advantages
and disadvantages for productive tool design.
• Develop an understanding of the factors involved in the design of special production inspection
• Become acquainted with the development of cutting tool design for production machines and the
selection of tool geometries for metal cutting methods
• Develop an understanding of the principles involved in the design of jigs and fixtures
concentrating on locating methods, clamping and use of drill bushings. Standard jig and fixture
designs will be reviewed.
• Develop an understanding of the principles used in the design and plastic injection mold tooling
and Composite tooling. To include cavity layout, sprue and runner design, gate design, venting,
cooling, and selection of tooling components.


Introduction and basic tool design principles .Broad Classification of Tools-Cutting tools, Dies, Holding
and measuring tools, Tool manufacturing and Introduction to Computer aided die design applications.


Design of Cutting Tools: Single Point and multi-pint cutting tools; Single Point Cutting Tools:
Classification, Nomenclature, geometry, design of single point tools for lathes, shapers, planers etc. Chip
breakers and their design; Multipoint Cutting Tools: Classification and specification, nomenclature, Design
of drills, milling cutters, broaches, taps etc.; Design of Form Tools: Flat and circular form tools, their
design and application.


Design of Dies for Bulk metal Deformation-Wire Drawing, Extrusion, Forging and Rolling; Design of Dies
for Sheet metal: Blanking and Piercing, Bending and Deep-drawing; Design of Dies used for Casting and


Design of Jigs, Fixtures and Gauges: Classification of Jigs and Fixtures, Fundamental Principles of design
of Jigs and Fixtures, Location and Clamping in Jigs and fixtures, Simple design for drilling Jigs, Milling
fixtures etc. Indexing Jigs and fixtures.

Design of Moulds: Mould making, General Mould Constructions, Intermediate Mould Design- Splits, Side
core and side cavities, Moulding Internal undercuts, Runner less moulds, Aspects of practical mould


1. James A Szumera, The Metal stamping Process, Industrial Press Incorp.

2. Donaldson of al ‘Tool Engineering’, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
3. Pollack, H.W. Tool Design, Reston Publishing Company, Inc.
4. Kempster, M.H.A. Principles of Jig and Tool Design, English University Press Ltd.
5. John G. Nee, Fundamentals of Tool Design Author - Society of Manufacturing Engineers
6. Handbook of Fixture Design (SME)”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers,McGraw-Hill.
D.F. Eary and E.A. Red, “Techniques of Pressworking Sheet Metal”, PrenticeHall.
7. “Tool Engineers Handbook, ASTME”, McGraw-Hill.
8. R.G.W.Pye, Injection Mould Design, Long man scientific and technical ltd.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of approval by the Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Manufacturing Technology

• To introduce the concepts of concurrent engineering, design methodologies and use of information
technology in manufacturing.
• To familiarize with intelligent design for manufacturing.

Expected Outcome:
On completion of this course, the student shall be able to acquire knowledge on concurrent engineering
process for advanced manufacturing systems.

UNIT I Introduction

Extensive definition of CE - CE design methodologies - Organizing for CE - CE tool box collaborative

product development.

UNIT II Use of Information Technology

IT support - Solid modeling - Product data management - Collaborative product commerce - Artificial
Intelligence - Expert systems - Software hardware co-design.

UNIT III Design Stage

Life-cycle design of products - opportunity for manufacturing enterprises - modality of CE Design -

Automated analysis idealization control - Concurrent engineering in optimal structural design - Real time

UNIT IV Manufacturing Concepts and Analysis

Manufacturing competitiveness - Checking the design process - conceptual design mechanism – Qualitative
physial approach - An intelligent design for manufacturing system - JIT system - low inventory - modular -
Modeling and reasoning for computer based assembly planning - Design of Automated manufacturing.
UNIT V Project Management

Life Cycle semi realization - design for economics - evaluation of design for manufacturing cost –
concurrent mechanical design - decomposition in concurrent design - negotiation in concurrent engineering
design studies - product realization taxonomy - plan for Project Management on new product development
– bottleneck technology development.
Reference Books:
1. Anderson MM and Hein, L. Berlin, "Integrated Product Development", Springer Verlog, 1987.
2. J. Cleetus "Design for Concurrent Engineering", Concurrent Engg. Research Centre, Morgantown,
WV, 1992.
3. Andrew Kusaik, "Concurrent Engineering: Automation Tools and Technology", Wiley, John and
Sons Inc., 1992.
4. Prasad, "Concurrent Engineering Fundamentals: Integrated Product Development", Prentice Hall,
5. Sammy G Sinha, "Successful Implementation of Concurrent Product and Process", Wiley, John
and Sons Inc., 1998.
Mode of Evaluation:
Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:

Date of approval by the Academic Council:

3 0 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Dynamics of Machinery, Manufacturing Technology.


To introduce the principles of robotics and application in industries. It includes simple problems in
transformations, kinematics and inverse kinematics, dynamics, and control.

Expected Outcome:

On completion of this course the students will be able to

• Solve complex problems in robot kinematics, dynamics and control.
• Understand the applications of robotics for a specialized application.


UNIT I Basic of Robotics

Definition, need and scope of industrial robots– Classification - selection of robot - Robot anatomy - Robot
configurations - work volume - Precision movement - Basic robot motions - safety considerations

UNIT II Robot Kinematics and Dynamics

Robot kinematics - Direct and inverse kinematics- Vector operations - Translational transformations and
Rotational transformations - Properties of transformation matrices-Homogeneous transformations and
Manipulator - Forward solution - Inverse solution-Trajectory planning - Differential kinematics & statics - Robot
dynamics -Methods for orientation and location of objects - Rigid body mechanics.

UNIT III Drives , Controls and Robot end Effectors

Design of drive systems-Hydraulic and Pneumatic drives-Linear and rotary actuators and control valves-Electro
hydraulic servo valves - electric drives. End effectors design - Mechanical - Magnetic -Vacuum - Adhesive - air
operated grippers. Force analysis and Robot motion control - Adaptive and optimal control - electronic control-
feedback control- interfacing.

UNIT IV Sensors in Robotics and Applications

Robot position sensors - proximity and range sensors – tactile sensors – velocity and acceleration sensors - force
and torque sensing devices- sensing joint forces and slip. Robot work cell design - Robot cell layouts -Multiple
robots and machine interference-Robot cycle time analysis-Industrial applications of robots - material handling -
processing - assembly and inspection- tele operations.

UNIT V Programming of Robots and Vision Systems

Robot programming methods and languages - lead through programming -Motion interpolation. Computer
control and Robot Softwares - task planning. Robotic vision system-Image components and representation -
Hardware - Image processing and analysis- Object recognition and categorization- Image segmentation-
Software consideration- Training of vision system. Robot intelligence-Artificial intelligence techniques -
problems representation in AI - Problem reduction and solution techniques - Application of AI and knowledge
based expert systems in robots.
Text Book:

Groover M.P., " Industrial robotics Technology, programming and applications ", McGraw-Hill Book Co.,

Reference Books:

1. Fu K.S., Gonzalez R.C.., and Lee C.S.G., " Robotics control, sensing, vision, and intelligence ",
Book Co., 1987.
2. R.D. Klafter, T.A. Chmielewski and M. Negin, " Robot Engineering An Intergrated approach ",
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994.
3. S. R. Deb, “Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation ", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.,Ltd.,
4. J.J. Craig, " Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control ", Addison-Wesley, 1999.
5. Kozyrey,Yu."Industrial Robotics",MIR Publishers Moscow,1985.
6. Mikell,P. Groover, Mitchell Weis,Roger, N.Nagel, Nicholas G.Odrey" Industrial Robotics
Technology,Programming and Applications",McGraw Hill,Int.,1986
7. Timothy Jordonides etal,"Expert Systems and Robotics",Springer-Verlag,NewYork,,May 1991.

Mode of Evaluation:

Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination

Recommended by the Board of

Studies on: Date of approval by the
Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Power Engineering, Mathematics.


• To provide fundamentals of Hydraulic and

Pneumatic systems

• To design simple Hydraulic and

Pneumatic circuits.

• To propose and design special circuits for low cost


Expected Outcome:

Upon completion of this course the student shall

be able to:
• Have fundamental of fluid
power control.
• Design special circuits for low cost


UNIT I Hydraulic Systems and Actuators

Basic principles-Hydraulic Principles. Hydraulic Power Generators - Selection and specification of

pumps, pump characteristics. Hydraulic Actuators – Linear, Rotary - Selection –Characteristics.

UNIT II Control and Regulation Elements

Hydraulic Valves: Pressure, Flow, Direction Controls- proportional control valve. Fluid power

UNIT III Design of Hydraulic Circuits

Hydraulic circuits:- Reciprocating, Quick return , Sequencing, synchronizing and other industrial
circuits like press circuits - hydraulic milling machine - grinding, planning, copying, forklift, earth
mover circuits - design and selection of components - safety and emergency mandrels.

Design of Hydraulic circuits – Selection and sizing of components-calculation of frictional head loss-
equivalent length for various components- actuator load calculation- pump sizing.

UNIT IV Pneumatic Systems and Circuits

Pneumatic system fundamentals: FRL, actuators and valves. Logic Circuits - Position - Pressure
Sensing, switching, electro-pneumatic. Design of Pneumatic circuits using– Karnaugh maps. Cascade-
Step counter.

UNIT V Installation, Maintenance and Special Circuits

Pneumatic equipments - selection of components - design calculations -application - fault finding

– hydro pneumatic circuits - use of microprocessors for sequencing - PLC, Low cost automation -
Robotic circuits.
Text Books:
1. S. R. Majumdar, “Oil hydraulics and Pneumatics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. W Bolton “Pneumatic and hydraulic systems”, Butterworth Heinemann, 1997.
Reference Books
1. Anthony Esposite, “Fluid Power with Applications”, Pearson Education,2000.

2. J Michael, Pinches and John G Ashby, “Power Hydraulics”, Prentice Hall, 1989.

3. Andrew Parr, “Hydraulics and Pneumatics”, Jaico, 1999.

4. Dudleyt A Pease and John J Pippenger, “Basic Fluid Power” , Prentice Hall, 1987.
Web References:
1. www.pneumatics.com
2. www.fluidpower.com.tw

Mode of Evaluation:

Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination

Recommended by the Board of Studies on:

Date of approval by the Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Mathematics.

• To equip the students to analyze reliability data.
• To introduce the concepts of reliability and useful life availability of products.
• To impart knowledge on maintainability and availability analyses of products.

Expected Outcome:
On completion of this course, the student shall be able to acquire good knowledge on reliability of
products through the failure concepts, failure distributions, Serial & parallel systems and their risk


UNIT I Reliability Concept

Reliability function - failure rate - Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) - Mean Time to Failure
(MTTF) - a priori and a posteriori concept - mortality curve - useful life availability - maintainability
- system effectiveness.

UNIT II Reliability Data Analysis

Time-to-failure distributions - Exponential, normal, Gamma, Weibull, ranking of data -

probability plotting techniques - Hazard plotting.

UNIT III Reliability Prediction Models

Series and parallel systems - RBD approach - Standby systems - m/n configuration - Application of
Baye's theorem - cut and tie set method - Markov analysis - FTA - Limitations.
UNIT IV Reliability Management
Reliability testing - Reliability growth monitoring - Non parametric methods - Reliability and
life cycle costs - Reliability allocation - Replacement model.
UNIT V Risk Assessment

Definition and measurement of risk - risk analysis techniques - risk reduction resources - industrial
safety and risk assesment.

Reference Books:
1. Modarres, " Reliability and Risk analysis ", Mara Dekker Inc., 1993.
2. John Davidson, “The Reliability of Mechanical system ", Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
3. C.O. Smith" Introduction to Reliability in Design ", McGraw Hill, London, 1976.

Mode of Evaluation:
Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination
3 0 0 3
Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Manufacturing Technology, Operation Research.

• Ability to understand the underlying features of discrete event simulation and how it is applicable for
analyses and development of manufacturing systems.
• To understand the concept of simulation and to learn the simulation language.
• To enable application of simulation to manufacturing systems and to gain hands on experiences from how
discrete event simulation is applied based on an industrial needs.

Expected Outcome:

Upon completion of this course the student shall be able to:

• Identify and formulate advance problems and apply knowledge of mathematics and simulation
packages to solve manufacturing problems.

• Use the techniques, skills, and modern packages, necessary for professional practices.

UNIT I Computer modeling and simulation system
Introduction to simulation- steps in simulation-nature of computer modeling and simulation- types of models-
Monte Carlo simulation, limitation of simulation, areas of application, examples. Components of a system-
discrete and continuous systems- Examples, Model of a system-variety of modeling approaches.

UNIT II Random number generation

Properties of random numbers, Random number generation techniques-the mid product method-
constant multiplier technique- additive congruential method- linear congruential method, Test for
random numbers- frequency tests- test for autocorrelation.

UNIT III Random variable generation

Random variable generation –inverse transform technique- exponential distribution – uniform

distribution- Weibull distribution- triangular distribution. Empirical continuous distribution- generating
approximate normal variates- Erlang distribution.

UNIT IV Distribution and evaluation of experiments

Discrete uniform distribution- Poisson distribution- geometric distribution- acceptance and rejection
technique for poisson , gamma distribution. Variance reduction techniques- antithetic variables-
Validation of simulation models- Verification of simulation models.

UNIT V Discrete event simulation

Concepts in discrete-event simulation- manual simulation using event scheduling, simulation of queuing
system, simulation of inventory systems. Simulation of manufacturing and material handling systems.
Introduction to Simulation packages – simulation using spreadsheet, SimQuick, WITNESS, ARENA,
GPSS. Programming for discrete event systems in GPSS- case studies.
Text Book:

1. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson II and Barry L. Nelson. “Discrete- Event System Simulation”. Prentice hall
2. G. Gordon, “ System Simulation” Prentice hall Inc.1991.

Reference Books:

1. Francis Neelamkovil, “Computer Simulation and Modeling.” John wiley & Sons, 1987.
2. Narsing Deo, “ System Simulation with Digital Computer.’ Prentice hall of India, 1979.
3. Ruth M. Davis and Robert M.O’ keefe, “ Simulation Modeling with Pascal.” Prentice hall inc, 1989.

Mode of Evaluation:

Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination

Recommended by the Board of Studies on:

Date of approval by the Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Manufacturing Technology, Operation Research.


• To learn the fundamental aspects of automated manufacturing system, simulation and computer control

• To develop the ability to formulate and analyze problems which are encountered in manufacturing systems.

• To provide students with a basic principles of discrete- event simulation which leads to develop and analyze
computer simulation models of existing and proposed manufacturing, service and business systems

Expected Outcome:

Upon completion of this course the student shall be able to:

• Understand the behavior of dynamic and stochastic queuing systems and discrete-event simulation
• Model automated manufacturing system “intelligently” and come up with high fidelity models.
• Develop the queuing models and Petri net models for solving manufacturing problems.

UNIT I Manufacturing systems and simulation
Modeling automated manufacturing systems- role of performance modeling-performance measures- performance
modeling tools- Simulation models- Analytical models. Automated manufacturing systems- introduction-
product cycle-manufacturing automation- Economics of scale and scope. Manufacturing system- input-output
model- plant configurations. Performance measures- manufacturing lead time- work in process-machine
utilization- throughput- capacity- flexibility- performability- quality. Computer control system- control system
architecture- factory communications- local area networks- factory networks- open system interconnection
model- net work to network interconnections- manufacturing automation protocol- data base management

UNIT II Manufacturing process

Examples of Stochastic processes- Poison process, Discrete time Markov Chain models- Definitions and
notation- Sojourn Times in States- Examples of DTMCs in manufacturing- Chapman-Kolmogorov equation-
Steady state analysis. Continuous Time Markov chain models- Definition and notation-Sojourn times in states-
Examples of CTMCs in manufacturing- Equation for CTMC evolution- Markov model of a transfer line- Birth
and Death Process in manufacturing.

UNIT III Queuing models

Notation for queues- Examples of queues in manufacturing-Performance measures-the M/M/m queue- queues
with general distributions- queues with breakdowns- Analysis of a flexible machining center.
UNIT IV Queuing networks

Examples of queuing network models in manufacturing- Little’s Law in queuing networks- Open queuing
network- closed queuing networks- Product form queuing networks.


Classical Petri nets- Stochastic Petri net- Generalized stochastic Petri nets modeling of KANBAN system-
Manufacturing models.

Text Book:

1. N. Viswanadham and Y. Narahari “Performance Modeling of Automated Manufacturing Systems”.

Prentice hall of India, New Delhi, 1994.

Reference Books:

1. K.S. Trivedi, “Probability and Statics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications,”
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1982.
2. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor, “ fundamentals Mathematical Statics”, 3 rd Edition, Sulton chand and sons,
New Delhi, 1988

Mode of Evaluation:

Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination

Recommended by the Board of Studies on: Date of

approval by the Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number : I

Course Prerequisites: Mathematics, Manufacturing Technology, Flexible Manufacturing System,

Operation Research.

• To introduce the concepts of manufacturing systems that can be flexible to the modern competitive
• To impart knowledge of Group Technology, Software simulation and Just in time

Expected Outcome:
On completion of this course, the student will be able to acquire good knowledge of flexible manufacturing systems
like GT, FMS and JIT.


UNIT I Manufacturing in a Competitive Environment

Automation of manufacturing processes - Numerical control - Adaptive control - material handling and movement -
Industrial robots - Sensor technology – flexible fixturing - Design for assembly, disassembly and service.

UNIT II Group Technology

Part families - classification and coding - Production flow analysis - Machine cell design - Benefits.

UNIT III Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Introduction - Components of FMS - Application workstations - Computer control and functions - Planning,
scheduling and control of FMS - Scheduling - Knowledge based scheduling - Hierarchy of computer control -
Supervisory computer.

UNIT IV Software Simulation and Database of FMS

System issues - Types of software - specification and selection - Application of simulation - Manufacturing data
systems - data flow - CAD/CAM considerations - Planning FMS database.
UNIT V Just in Time

Characteristics of JIT - Pull method - quality -small lot sizes - work station loads - close supplier ties – flexible work
force - line flow strategy - preventive maintenance - KANBAN system - strategic implications - implementation
issues - MRD JIT - Lean manufacture.

Reference Books:
1. M.P. Groover, " Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing ", Prentice-Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1996.
2. N.K. Jha, " Handbook of Flexible Manufacturing Systems ", Academic Press Inc., 1991.
3. Kalpakjian, " Manufacturing Engineering and Technology ", Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1995.
4. Taiichi Ohno, Toyota, " Production System Beyond Large-Scale production ", Productivity Press (India)
Pvt.Ltd., 1992.

Mode of Evaluation:
Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of approval by the Academic Council:
3 0 0 3

Version Number :
Course Prerequisites: Manufacturing Technology, CAD/CAM.

This subject will provide students with:

• an understanding of the enterprise networking technologies and web-based tools that support
modern manufacturing systems
• the knowledge to apply the Information Technology (IT) in dispersed network manufacturing,
virtual manufacturing, virtual organizations (VO)/virtual enterprises (VE), work flow
management, web services.
• a working knowledge and sound skills to plan, develop and implement customized IT solution for
enterprise integration as well as to address industrial problems in manufacturing environment.

Expected outcome
Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:

• Have good amount of knowledge on paradigms of virtual manufacturing

• Know to transmit VM information over internet
• Have good amount of knowledge of manufacturing process simulation
• Have good amount of knowledge on dispersed network manufacturing

Paradigms of VM: Design-centered VM, Production-centered VM and Control-centered VM. Generic VM
Issues - relationships between VM, Virtual Prototyping, the Virtual Enterprise. Role of object oriented
technology in VM.

Promising areas of VM and manufacturability analysis, validation and evaluation of process plans,
partnering in agile enterprises, process design, and optimization of production plans and schedules. Tools
for manufacturability analysis.

Virtual Manufacturing over the Internet. Transmitting VM Information over the Internet. Manufacturing
resource models for distributed manufacturing.

Manufacturing process simulation -Factory level, Machine level, Component level, Process level.
Integrated Simulation Method to Support Virtual Factory Engineering. Application of Virtual Reality
Simulation of a Mechanical Assembly Production Line.

Dispersed Network Manufacturing - Virtual factory, enterprise collaborative modeling system, virtual
manufacturing (VM) system, Web-based work flow management, collaborative product commerce,
applications of multi-agent technology, e-supply chain management and tele-manufacturing

1. Crabb, C. H., The Virtual Engineer-21st Century Product Development, Society of Manufacturing
Engineers, 1998.
2. Rao Ming, Qun Wang, Jianzhong Cha, Integrated Distributed Intelligent Systems in
Manufacturing (Intelligent Manufacturing), Chapman & Hall (1993).
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of approval by the Academic Council:
Research Methodology
3 0 0 3

Version No. 1
Objectives The course is aimed at understanding of the following
1. To gain familiarity with the presents status of the research.
2. To measure the frequency of occurrences of various parameters/indicators.
3. To reveal the trend and tendencies in the research, i.e., to assess the development or extension
potential of the research.
4. To identify the influencing factor or determinants of research parameters.
5. To test the significance and validity and reliability of the results.
Expected Outcomes 1. Students will be able to do Literature survey with systematic methods
2. Students will be able to develop methodology / Hypothesis (Solution for the problem defined)
3. Students will be able to write a good report

UNIT I Introduction
Definition of Research, Qualities of Researcher, Components of Research Problem, Various Steps in Scientific Research,
Types of Research; Hypotheses Research Purposes - Research Design - Survey Research - Case Study Research,
UNIT II Data Collection
Sources of Data: Primary Data, Secondary Data; Procedure Questionnaire - Sampling Merits and Demerits - Experiments -
Kinds - Procedure; Control Observation - Merits - Demerits - Kinds - Procedure - Sampling Errors - Type-I Error - Type-II
UNIT III Statistical Analysis
Introduction to Statistics - Probability Theories - Conditional Probability, Poisson Distribution, Binomial Distribution and
Properties of Normal Distributions, Point and Interval Estimates of Means and Proportions; Hypothesis Tests, One Sample
Test - Two Sample Tests / Chi-Square Test, Association of Attributes - t-Test - Standard deviation - Co-efficient of variations -
Index Number, Time Series Analysis, Decision Tree; ANOVA, Cluster Analysis.
UNIT IV Genetic Algorithms
Working principle-Genetic operators-Simulated Annealing - Neural network based optimization-Optimization of fuzzy
systems-fuzzy set theory-computational procedure.
UNIT V Research Reports
Structure and Components of Research Report, Types of Report, Good Research Report, Pictures and Graphs, Introduction to
Text book
1. C.R . Kothari, Research Methodology Methods amp; Techniques, 2/e, Vishwa Prakashan, 2006.
Reference books
1. Richard I Levin amp; David S.Rubin, Statistics for Management, 7/e. Pearson Education, 2005.
2. Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler, Business Research Methods, 8/e, Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd., 2006.
3. U.K. Srivastava, G.V. Shenoy and S.C. Sharma – Quantitative Techniques for managerial decisions, New Age International,
Mumbai, 2005.
4. William G. Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Thomson, 2006.
5. D.M.Pestonjee, (Ed.) Second Handbook of Psychological and Social Instruments, Concept Publishing, New Delhi, 2005.
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments/Written Examinations.
Recommended by Board of Studies on: 06-07-09
Date of Approval of the Academic Council:
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue 2 1 0 3

Version No. 1
Objectives The course is aimed at understanding of the
following a) Fundamentals of fracture
mechanics and fatigue
b) Characteristics of fracture under monotonic and fatigue
loads c) Need to consider fatigue and fracture aspects in

Expected Outcomes Student shall be able to

a) Specify design parameters against fracture
b) Ascertain whether the design is safe against
fracture c) Suggest methods to prevent fracture
d) Predict fatigue life cycles
e) Suggest life enhancement methods under fatigue load
UNIT I Introduction
Review of a) Ductile and brittle failures b) Conventional design practices, Need for fracture mechanics in
Micromechanics of fracture, Basic concepts - Orowan’s and Griffith’s theories for brittle fracture, Irwin’s
modification, Case study of practical problems about fracture of structures, Mode I, II and III cracks, Crack detection
UNIT II Linear Elastic And Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM), Conditions for validity of LEFM, Stress intensity parameter (K), K in
different specimen geometries and load configurations, Fracture toughness, Plane stress and plane strain fracture
toughness, Crack tip
process and plastic zones, Analysis of crack tip zone by Irwin’s and Dugdale’s models, Crack tip opening
Failure criteria, Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM), J integral - its graphical representation
UNIT III Crack Tip Stress Field And Crack Driving Force
Stress field around crack tip, Energy balance analysis, Crack driving force, Relations of crack driving force with
intensity parameter (K) and J integral
UNIT IV Experimental And Numerical Approaches
Experimental methods to measure material fracture toughness, Correlations between impact energy and fracture
Measurement of J integral by constant load and displacement methods, Finite element modeling of crack and
evaluation of J
integral and K
UNIT V Fatigue
Mechanisms of fatigue, Design under fatigue, High and low cycle fatigue, Crack tip zone under fatigue, Models for
crack growth rate, Life enhancement methods, Some practical examples
Text book
i) Fracture mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications by T.L. Anderson, CRC Press, 2005
ii) Fatigue Testing and Analysis – Theory and Practice by Yung-li Lee, Richard Hathway, Jwo Pan, Butterworth
Reference books
i) Practical fracture mechanics in design by Arun Shukla, Marcel Dekker, 2005
ii) ASM Handbook Vol. 19, Fatigue and Fracture, Ed. Steven R. Lampman etc. ASM International 2002.
iii) Deformation and fracture mechanics of engineering materials by R.W. Hertzberg, John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., 1996 iv) Fatigue of materials by S. Suresh, Cambridge University Press, 1998
v) Stress intensity factors handbook, Vol. 1 and 2, Edited by Y. Murakami, Pergamon Press, 1987
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments/Written Examinations.
Recommended by Board of Studies on: 06-07-09
Date of Approval of the Academic Council:

i) To understand the fundamentals of composite materials .

ii) Understand the manufacturing of various composites.
iii) To Understand and analyze the reinforced composite design and performance for different combinations
and orientations of reinforcements.
iv) To understand the properties and Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical degradation of composite materials and
conduct application oriented case studies.


Definition –Need – General Characteristics, Reinforcements and Matrices – Polymer, Ceramic, Metal Matrix and
Carbon/Carbon composites – Nano composites. Superiority of composites to conventional materials , Applications
in automotive,mechanical, civil and aerospace sectors. Fundamentals of design with composites and basic design


Introduction, Reinforcements manufacturing, Matrix materials manufacturing, Fabric constrctions, 3D Braided

performs,Pepregs, Moulding compounds-SMC,BMC,DMC, honey combs and foams for sandwich constructions,
Materials selections, guidelines.


Manufacture of PMCs, RRIM, VARTEM and SCRIMP, Manufacture of MMCs C/C and CMCs, Solid State
Fabrication Techniques - Diffusion Bonding - Powder Metallurgy Techniques - Plasma Spray, Chemical and Physical
Vapour Deposition of Matrix on Fibres - Liquid State Fabrication Methods - Infiltration -Squeeze Casting - Rheo
Casting – Compocasting, stir casting, sol-gel method - Interdiffusion, electrostatic, chemical, mechanical. Fabrication
of FRP reinforced concrete, CAD/CAM.


Fundamentals of design for manufacturing, Implementation, Design evaluation method, Design for
assembly, Joining and jointing of composites, Welding of thermoplastics and MMCs, Bonding of ceramic matrix
composites, Machining and cutting of composites, conventional and unconventional methods of machining,.

UNIT V Composite Performance

Mechanical behaviour of laminated plates. Composite beams in tension, compression, shear and Flexure, Composite
beam in Torsion, Different mode of failure of the composite structures, Failure of lamina and laminated structures,
Failure of sandwich composite, Long term environmental effect, Inter-laminar failure, Failure due to fracture and
fatigue, Damage due to impact loads, Creep, Health monitoring of composite structures, Interface damage.
Case Studies in composite manufacturing and performance


1. Sanjay K Majumdar, Composites Manufacturing, CRC Press , 2001.

2. Mallick, P.K., Fiber –Reinforced Composites: Materials, Manufacturing and Design”, Marcel Dekker Inc, 1993.
3. Derek Hull and TW Clyne , Introduction to composite Materials, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
4. Agarwal, B.D., and Broutman L.J., “Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites”,
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990.
Mechanics of Composite Materials

MEE XXX 2 1 0 3
Version No.
Course Composites are becoming an essential part of today’s materials because they offer
Description advantages such as low weight, corrosion resistance, high fatigue strength, faster assembly,
etc. Composites are used as materials ranging from making aircraft structures to golf clubs,
electronic packaging to medical equipment, and space vehicles to home building.
Composites are generating curiosity and interest in students all over the world.
This course emphasizes an overview of composites followed by basic mechanical behavior
of composites.

Objectives:  To develop comprehensive knowledge in mechanical behavior of composite

 To introduce the mechanics concepts and structural theories of composite

Expected  Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to get a necessary
Outcome: foundation for further study of topics such as impact, fatigue, fracture mechanics,
creep, buckling and vibrations, etc.

Unit I
Introduction to composite materials-Classification-Fiber reinforced composite materials- Utilizing the
strength of fibers-Laminae and Laminates-Fibers & Matrices- Fiber surface treatments-Recycling Fiber-
Reinforced composites.
Micromechanical Analysis of a Lamina- Volume and Mass Fractions, Density, and Void Content-
Prediction of engineering properties using micromechanics-Material properties of the fiber and matrix-
Determination of thermal expansion coefficients- Determination of Extensional Modulus, Shear Modulus and
Poisson’s Ratios- strength of materials approach-Semi-Empirical Models-Elasticity approach.
Unit II
Macro mechanical analysis of a lamina -linear elastic stress-strain characteristics of Fiber-Reinforced
material: Stress and deformations in Fiber-Reinforced materials-Maxwell-Betti reciprocal theorem- Stress-
strain relations- Effects of free thermal strains and moisture strains.
The plane-stress assumption-Stress-strain relations for plane stress- Effects of free thermal and free
moisture strains- Plane stress & strain relations in a global coordinate system- Transformation relations-
Transformed reduced compliances & stiffnesses- Effects of free thermal and free moisture strains.
Unit III
Classical Lamination Theory: Kirchhoff Hypothesis- Laminate Nomenclature-Laminate strains and
displacements - Implications of the Kirchhoff Hypothesis- Laminate stresses & strains -Stress distributions
through the thickness- Force and moment resultants-Laminate stiffness matrix: ABD Matrix-Classification of
laminates and their effect on the ABD Matrix-Elastic couplings.
Unit IV
Failure, Analysis, and Design of Laminates: Symmetric laminates- Cross-ply laminates- Angle ply
laminates- Antisymmetric laminates- Balanced laminate- Quasi-isotropic laminates- Failure theories for fiber-
reinforced materials: Maximum stress criterion- Tsai-Wu criterion- Environmental effects- Effect of laminate
classification on the unit thermal force and moment resultants- Interlaminar stresses- Impact resistance-
Fracture resistance- Fatigue resistance.
Unit V
Through-thickness laminate strains- Thickness change of a laminate- Thickness change of a laminate
due to free thermal strain effects-Through-thickness laminate coefficient of thermal expansion.
Fiber-reinforced laminated beams- Fiber-reinforced laminated plates-Equations governing plate
behavior-Governing conditions in terms of displacements-Simplifications to the governing equations.
Manufacturing composite laminates- Fabrication- processing- Forming structural shapes- Non-
autoclave curing- Manufacturing defects.
References 1. Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials by Michael W. Hyer and
Scott R White, DEStech Publications, Inc, 2009.
2. Mechanics of composite materials by Autar K. Kaw, Taylor & Francis, 2006.
3. Mechanics of composite materials by Robert Millard Jones, Taylor & Francis,
4. The behavior of structures composed of composite materials by Jack R. Vinson, R.
L. Sierakowski, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Mode of Evaluation Quiz/Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination

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