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com e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671, p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187

EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review Vol - 4, Issue- 7, July 2016
Inno Space (SJIF) Impact Factor : 5.509(Morocco) ISI Impact Factor : 1.259 (Dubai, UAE)



Associate Professor and Economics Wing Head, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai
University, Annnamalai nagar, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu


A gribusiness denotes the collective business activities that are performed from farm to fork. It
covers the supply of agricultural inputs, the production and transformation of agricultural
products and their distribution to final consumers. Agribusiness is one of the main generators of employment
and income worldwide. This paper deals with agribusiness scope and limitation in India. It outlines the
possible ways and means of practicing agribusiness in India. It explores a more than 50 opportunities of
doing agribusiness in India and also the constraints and challenges in practicing agribusiness in India. This
paper concludes with some important findings along with policy suggestions.
KEYWORDS: Agribusiness, agricultural products, farming, market, Manufacturers

A business earns most or all of its revenues from with the consumer, each is focused on operating efficiently
agriculture. An agribusiness tends to be a large-scale in order to keep prices reasonable.
business operation and may dabble in farming, processing Market forces have a significant impact on the
and manufacturing and the packaging and distribution agribusiness sector. Changes in consumer taste alter what
of product. The business sector encompassing farming products are grown and raised. For example, a shift in
and farming-related commercial activities. Agribusiness consumer tastes away from red meat may cause demand
involves all the steps required to send an agricultural and prices for beef to fall, while increased demand for
good to market: production, processing, and distribution. produce may shift the mix of fruits and vegetables that
It is an important component of countries with arable farmers raise. Businesses unable to rapidly change in
land, since agricultural products can be exported. accordance to domestic demand may look to export their
Agribusiness treats the different aspects of product abroad, but if that fails they may not be able to
raising agricultural products as an integrated system. stay in business
Farmers raise animals and harvest fruits and vegetables THE IMPORTANCE OF
with the help of sophisticated harvesting techniques, AGRIBUSINESS
including the use of to direct harvesting operations. Agribusiness denotes the collective business
Manufacturers develop more efficient machines that can activities that are performed from farm to fork. It covers
drive themselves. Processing plants determine the best the supply of agricultural inputs, the production and
way to clean and package livestock for shipping. While transformation of agricultural products. Agribusiness
each subset of the industry is unlikely to interact directly includes all the activities within the agricultural food and
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EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review
natural resource industry involved in the production of 4. Export can be harnessed as a source of economic
food and fiber. Individual agribusinesses may sell items to growth. As a signatory of World Trade
farmers for production; provide services to other Organization, India has vast potential to improve
agricultural businesses; or be engaged in the marketing, it present position in the World trade of
transportation, processing, and distribution of agricultural agricultural commodities both raw and processed
products. Agriservice is activities of value to the user or form. The products line include cereals, pulses,
buyer. The activities are an intangible product. Marketing oilseeds and oils, oil meal, spices and condiments,
is providing the products and services that people want fruits and vegetables, flowers, medicinal plants
when and where they want them. and essential oils, agricultural advisory services,
Agribusiness provides people with food, clothing, agricultural tools and implements, meat, milk
and shelter. It also provides jobs for millions of people in and milk products, fish and fish products,
science, research, engineering, education, advertisement, ornamental fish, forest by products etc.
government agenda and their distribution to final trade 5. At present processing is done at primary level
organizations, and commodity organizations. Agribusiness only and the rising standard of living expands
pertains to the public and private sectors. The public sector opportunities for secondary and tertiary
is the economic and administrative functions of dealing processing of agricultural commodities.
with the delivery of goods and services by and for the 6. The vast coastal line and internal water courses
government. The private sector is the part of the economy provides enormous opportunity for production
associated with private profit and is not controlled by of marine and inland fish and ornamental fish
government. culture gaining popularity with increase in
Agribusinesses process inputs into outputs. An aesthetic value among the citizens of India.
input is a resource used in production. An output is the 7. The livestock wealth gives enormous scope for
result of the production process. Agribusiness denotes production of meat, milk and milk products,
the collective business activities that are performed from poultry products etc
farm to fork. It covers the supply of agricultural inputs, 8. The forest resources can be utilized for
the production and transformation of agricultural production of byproducts of forestry.
products and their distribution to final consumers. 9. Beekeeping and apiary can be taken up on large
Agribusiness is one of the main generators of employment scale in India.
and income worldwide. Agribusiness is characterized by 10. Mushroom production for domestic
raw materials that are mostly perishable, variable in quality consumption and export can be enhanced with
and not regularly available. The sector is subject to improvement in the state of art of their
stringent regulatory controls on consumer safety, product production.
quality and environmental protection. Traditional 11. Organic farming has highest potential in India
production and distribution methods are being replaced as the pesticide and inorganic fertilizer
by more closely coordinated and better planned linkages application are less in India compared to
between agribusiness firms, farmers, retailers and others industrial nations of the world. The farmers can
in the supply chains. be encouraged and educated to switch over for
INDIA 12. There is wide scope for production and
1. India is endowed with varied ago-climate, which promotion of bio-pesticides and bio-control
facilitates production of temperate, sub-tropical agents for protection of crops.
and tropical agricultural commodities. 13. Seeds and hybrid crops, have the highest
2. There is growing demand for agricultural inputs potential in India in the future, since the
like feed and fodder, inorganic fertilizers, bio- productivity of high yielding varieties have
fertilizers. reached a plateau.
3. Biotechnology applications in agriculture have 14. Micro-irrigation systems and labor saving farm
vast scope in production of seed, bio-control equipments have good potential for the years to
agents, industrial harnessing of microbes for come due to declining groundwater level and
bakery products. labor scarcity for agricultural operations like
weeding, transplanting and harvesting.
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e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671, p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187 Dr.I.Sundar
15. Production of vegetables and flowers under Agricultural Services Business: This type of
green house conditions can be taken up to agricultural business provides agricultural services for
harness the export market. profit. Without agricultural services, there will be difficulty
16. Trained human resources in agriculture and in the success of agricultural products business and
allied sciences will take on agricultural extension agricultural equipment business in terms of agricultural
system due to dwindling resources of state education, agricultural research, agricultural marketing,
finance and downsizing the present government agricultural logistics, agricultural financing, agricultural
agricultural extension staff as consulting services. insurance, agriculture jobs, veterinary services, pet services,
17. The enhanced agricultural production throws etc. These agricultural services are either carried out
open opportunities for employment in online or offline.
marketing, transport, cold storage and Agrochemicals Business ( Agricultural Chemicals
warehousing facilities, credit, insurance and or Agrichemicals): This is a type of agricultural business
logistic support services. that is concerned with the manufacturing and selling of
TYPES OF AGRIBUSINESS chemicals used in agriculture for profit. These chemicals
Agricultural Products Business: Agribusiness are either used to increase agricultural products yield
based on agricultural products is a type of agricultural (e.g fertilizers), control weeds ( e.g herbicides), control
business that deals with the the production of agricultural pests (e.g pesticides), etc.
products (Plants and animal) for commercial purposes so Agro-allied Business: This refers to a business
as to make profit. Agrobusiness that is focused on that either derive agricultural products and agricultural
agroproducts usually use agribusiness services like services or businesses that provide products, equipment,
agricultural marketing or agricultural advertising in chemicals or services for agricultural sectors . The products
reaching their buyers. The agricultural products are either are called agro-allied products while their services are
sold to local buyers or international buyers i.e agricultural called agro-allied services. agro-allied businesses are part
products exporters export agricultural products to of agro-allied industries.
importers of agricultural products who import agricultural AGRIBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
products either for immediate consumption by consumers IN INDIA
or for production of other products. The sellers of India has Opportunities to do business with
agricultural products who sell agricultural products are Indian Agriculture are enormous. Fruit pulp, concentrates,
able to reach agricultural products by using various means flavors, extracts, frozen fruits, frozen vegetables, pickled
of agricultural products marketing (agricultural products, assorted products. Fruits, Vegetables, Food
marketing- one of the agricultural business services) which grains, Mushrooms and Medicinal and Aromatic plants
could be by advertising agricultural products online or etc. They are discussed in detail
offline. Marketing agricultural products online can be done Vermicompost-Organic Fertilizer
by listing agricultural products on sites like classify24.com Production:-
that provides agricultural classifieds, agricultural b2b Vermicompost organic fertilizer production has
marketplace or agricultural business directory. now become a major component of agro-business models
Agricultural Equipment Business Or Agricultural across the country with a very low initial investment. An
Machinery Business: Just like agricultural products entrepreneur can start this business with the proper
business, agricultural equipment business or agricultural know-how of the production process.
machinery business is focused on manufacturing and Dried Flower Business:-
selling of agricultural equipment or agricultural Dried Flower Business in specialty flower is a
machinery. So many commercial farmers depend on farm very profitable venture now worldwide. Flower production
equipment or farm machinery for farm mechanization. is one of the fastest growing crop trends in agriculture
Thus agricultural equipment are either sold to local buyers today with a strong demand for all types of flowers,
or international buyers of such farming equipment. In especially unique and hard-to-grow varieties. The interest
other words, agricultural equipment exporters export in cut dry flowers has increased consistently over the last
agricultural equipment to importers of agricultural ten years.
equipment who import agricultural equipment. Fertilizer Distribution Business:-
Agricultural equipment are either sold online or offline. Fertilizer distribution business in India is highly
controlled by Government regulation. It is one of the
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EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review
profitable agriculture business ideas one can start with guar beans. The guar seeds are dehusked, milled and
moderate capital investment. screened to obtain the guar gum. It is typically produced
Organic Farm Green House:- as a free-flowing, off-white powder. It is a natural food
An organic farm greenhouse business has a high thickener, similar to locust bean gum, cornstarch or tapioca
potential to grow and succeed because steadily the demand flour.
for organically grown farm products has grown Bee Keeping:-
considerably. Organic farm greenhouse business has been Beekeeping business opportunity demands day-
normally done on small, family-run farms. But since the to-day monitoring with close supervision to the bees. With
demand for organically grown food products is now the increasing awareness about the health, demand for
increasing, people are investing in land for organic farming. honey is growing globally. Beekeeping for selling honey
Poultry Farming:- and other products like wax is a profitable venture to
Poultry farming in India has transformed into a start with less startup investment.
techno-commercial industry from the status of backyard Fish Farming:-
farming since three decades. Poultry farming is the fastest Commercial fish farming business is a lucrative
growing sector in agriculture and farming business. The investment that can spin money at any time of the year
annual growth rate is 8-10% in egg and 12-15% in the continuously. With the implementation of modern
broiler industry. techniques and having owned space, an entrepreneur can
Mushroom Farming:- start this business with moderate capital investment.
A mushroom farming business can be a mean of Fruits and Vegetables Export:-
big profit in just a few weeks with considerably low startup An entrepreneur can start an export business
capital investment to start a business. A person who has a of fresh fruits and vegetables by collecting them from local
little bit of idea in the science and technology of mushroom farmers. one can start this business from a home location
growing and has an own building for having the farm – only having a phone and computer with internet
mushroom farming business will be the perfect option for connection.
him to start. Micronutrient Manufacturing – Folier
Hydroponic Retail Store:- and Soil Application:-
A person having passion in plantation technology Micronutrient has an immense potential in
can start the hydroponic retail store business to turn his agriculture business. Having a strong distribution strategy,
hobby into a profit-making venture. Hydroponics is a new one can start this manufacturing business with substantial
plantation technology that has been increasing in demands capital investment.
over the past decades as a soil free way of plantation both Florist:-
for commercial and home use. One of the very profitable agriculture business
Snail Farming:- ideas. Having a retail space and connection with the flower
Snail farming business opportunity demands growers, one can start this business. An entrepreneur also
discipline and specific knowledge in modern technology. can generate a substantial online sale by offering
Snail farming is the process of raising land snails customers door-step delivery.
specifically for human consumption. It has a high rate of Livestock Feed Production:-
protein, iron, low fat and almost all the amino acids that This business is small scale manufacturing.
are needed for human body. Having confidence in distribution, one can start this
Sunflower Farming:- business to make money out of livestock feed production.
In starting sunflower farming business, the Frozen Chicken Production:-
primary requirement is the land. In India, sunflower is Frozen chicken is a hot product now. The
often called a commercial cash crop. Growing sunflower demand for this product is increasing globally. An
for oilseed with maintaining right process is a viable entrepreneur living in a metro or suburban city can start
business opportunity. An entrepreneur passionate about this business with proper planning.
agriculture and having owned land can start sunflower Botanical Pesticide Production:-
farming business. The botanical pesticide is one of the most
Guar Gum Manufacturing:- profitable agriculture business ideas. It is an essential
Guar gum, locally called guaran, is a and mandatory product for organic farming and the
galactomannan. It is basically the ground endosperm of demand for this product is increasing highly.
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e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671, p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187 Dr.I.Sundar
Basket and Broom Production:- juvenile fish primarily to support the aquaculture industry
Basket and broom are very common products in where they are transferred to on-growing systems.
rural agriculture scenario. An entrepreneur can start this Piggery:-
business by sourcing these products from rural makers Having a sufficient landholding an entrepreneur
and after giving ornamentation, it can be sold as utility or can start a piggery business. Among the various livestock
decor item through retail and online both. To start species, piggery is most potential source for meat
profitable basket-weaving business one requires production and pigs are more efficient feed converters
thoughtful planning and a high level of creative mind after the broiler. The major facility is pig farming requires
having a flair for design. Using a wide range of raw material a small investment in buildings and equipment.
an entrepreneur can initiate customized basket-weaving Soya Beans Processing:-
business from a home location with moderate capital Commercially soya beans processing to produce
investment. Broom production technical process is simple milk, soy flour, soya sauce, soya bean oil, natto etc is a very
and the project can be initiated with proper planning and profitable agriculture business ideas to start with moderate
moderate capital investment. Broom has been used from capital investment. With proper marketing strategy, an
centuries to sweep up dirt and dust, in and around homes entrepreneur can start this business in small scale also.
and workplaces. Spice Processing:-
Flour Milling:- Rising global demand gives a boost to spice
Flour milling business has many diversified fields. processing industry recently. Good quality processed spice
An entrepreneur can start this business with a proper has very good demand. Processing and packaging methods
business plan. Establishing your own brand product is are not very complex. The margin is also very satisfying in
highly profitable in this business. spice processing business.
Fruit juice-Jam-Jelly Production:- Vegetable Farming:-
Fruit juice-jam-jelly production business has the Vegetable farming is one the most profitable
huge market opportunity. Most important thing is the agriculture business ideas. Having sufficient land an
production process is not that complex and can be initiated entrepreneur can start good quality vegetable farming
small-scale basis. with quality seed and fertilizers.
Groundnut Processing:- Chicks Hatchery:-
Having confidence in the source of raw material Chick’s hatchery business is all about making
ground nut an entrepreneur can start this business with money by selling commercially produce chicks to local egg
moderate capital investment. Processed groundnut has and poultry farmers. It is a highly profitable business to
very good market potential globally. start with a small capital and as such no specialized
Cashew-nut Processing:- knowledge is required.
Processed cashew nut is a consumer durable Tea Growing:-
product and has huge market potential. An entrepreneur Tea growing business has huge potential and
can initiate this venture semi-automatic small scale basis. demand for the product is increasing globally. Tea plants
Quail Egg Farming:- typically fare best in acidic soil and regions with heavy
Commercial quail farming is all about raising rainfall around 40 inches per year, although they can be
quails commercially for the purpose of profitable eggs grown anywhere from sea level to altitudes as high as 1.3
and meat production. Globally quail farming is playing an miles above sea level.
important role in fulfilling the daily family nutrition Grocery E-Shopping Portal:-
demands and earning livings. Grocery E-shopping portal is a most trending
Shrimp Farming:- business in recent phenomena. This tech-based business
Shrimp farming is an aquaculture business that opportunity demands proper planning and strong online
exists in the freshwater environment, producing shrimp marketing strategy to start.
or prawn for human consumption. The demand for this Medicinal Herbs Farming:-
product is increasing globally. Growing medicinal herbs commercially are one
Fish Hatchery:- of profitable agriculture business ideas. Having sufficient
A fish hatchery is a place for artificial breeding, land and knowledge about the herbs marketing, an
hatching and rearing through the early life stage of finfish entrepreneur can initiate medicinal herbs farming with
and shellfish in particular. Hatcheries produce larval and moderate capital investment.
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EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review
Cactus Arrangements:- have any requirement of land, just start the venture by
Cactus is the most favorable item as plant decor contract farming.
item. This is ideal for tabletop gardens, and many plants Soil Testing Lab:-
can coexist happily in the same container. Creating and Soil Testing is agronomically sound, beneficial
selling cactus arrangements is a very profitable and self- and environmentally responsive tool used for monitoring
rewarding business to start. It can initiate from a home the nutrient as well as making precise fertilizer
location with low startup capital. recommendations for various crops and cropping
Dairy Farming:- sequences ensuring no damage to the environment.
Commercial dairy farming is one of the most Establishing a soil testing lab with a Government
profitable agriculture business ideas. Apart from milk, it certification is one of ideal agriculture business ideas.
produced a quantity of manure. There is a tremendous Horticulture Crop Farming:-
scope/potential for increasing the milk production through Horticulturists produce fruits, flowers, and plants
profitable dairy farming. in greenhouses and nurseries. Selection of the crops and
Goatery Farming:- method is important in this business.
Goats are among the main meat-producing Fodder Farming for Goats and Cows:-
animals in India. This meat is one of the choicest meats Fodder is any agricultural foodstuff used
and has huge domestic demand. Due to its good specifically to feed domesticated livestock, such as chickens,
economicprospects, goat rearing under an intensive and horses, pigs, cattle and goats. The term refers to food
semi-intensive system for commercial production has been given to animals, rather than the food they forage for
gaining momentum for the past couple of years. themselves. Types of plants typically grown for fodder
Jatropha Farming:- include alfalfa, barley, oats, clover, grass and wheat.
Commercial jatropha farming for Bio-diesel is Agriculture Consulting:-
one of the most trending agriculture business ideas. By As with other consulting services, agriculture
exploring the modern technology marginal farmers and consulting requirement is surely expected to grow with
cultivators can produce jatropha as a raw material for coming days. People with experience and knowledge in a
bio-diesel. specified field of farming activity can consider offering
Potato Powder:- consulting services to organizations and farmers.
Potato powder has wide application in the Rabbit Rearing:-
processed and snack food industries, it can be used in any There is no law prohibiting the keeping of rabbits
recipe which requires mashed potatoes. Potato powder is in Towns and Cities. A backyard can serve as a good source
used as a thickener or base for the preparation of ready of additional income, food and employment; thus reducing
to eat vegetable gravies and soups. The processing method poverty, hunger and idleness. Rabbit do not compete with
is also not very complex. Potato powder processing business humans for food, as kitchen leftovers, cut grasses and
can be initiated semi-automatic small scale basis. formulated or compounded feed can sustain them. Rabbit
Corn Farming:- keeping does not require much capital for investment
Corn (Maize) is one of the most versatile emerging and maintenance. As little space is needed, most rabbits
crops having wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic could be kept in the backyard or in the abandoned sheds.
conditions. Globally, maize is known as the queen of cereals Grass Cutter Farming:-
because it has the highest genetic yield potential among Grass cutter is worth considering for use in
the cereals. Commercial corn farming by using modern husbandry in the humid forest where poor grazing and
technology with quality seed is one of the most profitable harsh environment limits the performance of conventional
agriculture business ideas. livestock. Ranching of grass cutter as a backyard mini
Certified Seed Production:- livestock would therefore improve the lot of the peasant
Seed certification is a quality assurance system farmers, provide an alternative source of animal protein
whereby seed intended for marketing is subject to official and create job opportunities for urban dwellers.
control and inspection. At its simplest, the system certifies Coconut Juice Production:-
that a sack, packet or box of seed contains what it says on From fresh chunks of meat to milk, creams, and
the label and that the seed was produced, inspected and powders, the flavor of coconut is a distinctive addition to
graded, in accordance with the requirements of a hundreds of sweet and savory recipes. One can make good
Certification Scheme. To initiate this business you don’t money by selling in wholesale to retail outlets and
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e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671, p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187 Dr.I.Sundar
supermarket, but make sure the product is well branded, In the modern context, the private sector can
with company’s name and contact. play a vital and complementary role in ensuring an increase
Local Drinks or Dry Gin Production:- in agricultural productivity. Investments by large
A lot of villagers has come to the city and still love agribusinesses can ensure coordination of the availability
to take local drinks, if well packaged, and accessible, you of inputs, facilitation of finance for crops and capital
can start making money by selling to some beer palour, investments and augmentation of resources. This will
while Ogogoro can be supplied to some companies that enable the delivery of customised extension services to
uses this product as one of their raw materials improve productivity through technology, regenerate and
Agricultural Brokerage and Consulting:- enrich land fertility, enable better usage of scarce water
One can start a business in agricultural brokerage resources and adopt best practices in crop management.
by linking sellers of agricultural produce with buyers and Policy reforms in the agriculture sector need to
get commission for it. One can also become a consultant cognise for several conflicting needs mentioned above that
and offer expert advice or organize trainings and impact the value chain from the farmer to consumer. There
seminars. is also need for an enabling policy framework that boosts
AGRIBUSINESS CHALLENGES the provision of rural infrastructure so that wastage can
Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in be eliminated and farmers can receive better returns.
rural India, which is home to 75% of the nation’s poor. The trends in global agribusiness are changing
Though it provides livelihoods to more than half of India’s at a rapid pace and the traditional practices in agriculture
workforce, the sector contributes to less than one-fifth of seem obsolete today. Now this sector is more concerned
the country’s GDP. The per capita income of farmers is a with delivering customer value and diversification rather
fraction of the national average. Such low incomes are a than increasing quantity of production only.
result of a deteriorating natural resource base, The consumer is more conscious of a number of
disconnected value chains, fragmented landholdings, weak product attributes before making a decision about the
infrastructure, inadequate knowledge and multiple product like low nutritive value, good taste, convenient
intermediaries. A majority of the farmers are trapped in a packaging, easy availability and “Green” products.
vicious cycle of low productivity and low investments. The regulations in agribusiness have also
Though technological solutions can be found to approached to its ever highest standards. The
address the challenges of low productivity, the critical environmental protection, food health and safety
problem lies in making the farmer capable of implementing standards and child labor issues are at the core of
them. Transfer of technology, including know how and consumer welfare theory. Agribusiness firms are exploring
information, customization and capacity building are other ways to maximize profit i.e. exploitation of niche
crucial in empowering the farmer to raise productivity markets, product innovation, market segmentation,
and adopt sustainable agricultural practices. Given the targeting specific customers, product positioning, product
complexity of geographical spread, diversity of crops and differentiation etc.
the large number of farmers involved in agriculture, Sustainability of agribusiness to ensure consumer
innovative models of engagement are essential to ensure and producer’s welfare is the need of the time. Recent
robust sustainable agricultural practices as well as avenues food crisis in the country wheat flour, sugar, pulses, rice,
for livelihood creation. milk etc. demand prime focus of the policy makers. The
Such innovation need to address some of the major pro-active motivators for the globalization of
inherent conflicts in the agricultural sector. Some of the agribusiness are the price differentials between national
conflicts that need to be resolved are as follows: and international markets while the market distortions
 Food vs fuel/fibre/fodder: Competing land usage shortage, hoarding, black marketing etc. at local level are
 Today’s vs tomorrow’s income: Building capacity the reactive motivators. The more is the difference
to enhance risk appetite to invest for long-term between national and international market prices, the
benefits more will be the market distortions.
 Consumer vs farmer: Producing what the The global arena is very dynamic with continuous
consumer demands vs consuming what the quality improvements and cost competitiveness. The local
farmer produces
infrastructure regarding implementation of food safety
 Market vs government: Well-meaning
standards and quality control is not satisfactory. Another
government interventions that may lead to
major problem is ever increasing prices for agricultural
market distortions
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EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review
inputs i.e. fertilizers, high yielding seed, fuel, agricultural the constraints and challenges are observed towards
credit, plant protection measures and farm machinery practicing agribusiness. In order to overcome such
which put this sector in less productive profile. Hence the constraints and challenges are observed towards practicing
increased cost of production put the exporters in a no agribusiness, the following suggestions can be considered.
situation in the international market. At national level, Give priority in the investment in agro business
these price hikes have crushed the purchasing power of giving more focus on area expansion in cultivation , crop
the consumers. production and processing.
Agribusiness sector is characterized by many  Bring new technologies and inputs from foreign
functional and institutional inefficiencies. All the marketing partners for mass production
functions being performed in transferring the agricultural  Larger scale investment for the agro processing
products from producer to consumer exhibit inefficiency. business
The functioning of wholesale markets is not satisfactory  Market exploration and linkage development
due to many reasons like lack of storage facilities,  Buy back guarantee and contract farming for
unhygienic display sites, exploiting behavior and illegal the mass production.
deductions by the market intermediaries, lack of availability  Quality and quantity production at the larger
of accurate and transparent market information, extent
nonprime setting mechanism, lack of market research and  Establishment and operation of Commercial
development efforts, lack of production and price farms
forecasts etc. The modern marketing concepts like future  Advise government for the revision of policies
markets and crop insurance do not exist altogether. One and act to bring conducive environment for FDI
of the major reasons resulting in these functional and  Larger scale and aggregated farming of the crops
institutional inefficiencies is lack of skilled management.  Increase productivity and value addition through
In the absence of management agricultural graduates, it commercialization and irrigation investments.
becomes a little difficult job to yield quality results from  Improve the functioning of factors of production
this sector. and marketing.
Productivity of the farmers may be enhanced  Reach out to the poor and increase investment
meaningfully by connecting agricultural research more in basic infrastructure
closely to the needs of farmers and the food industry. An  Insure the supply of fertilizers, seeds and
integrated approach, collaborating the efforts of research agricultural equipment for all
institutions, universities and industry should be adopted. REFERENCES
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