Exegsis On Revelation

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[Document title]


By: Girma Dichiro

INSTRUCTOR: Dr Endale Sebesbe

Course: Revelation Mth Program

Shiloh Bible College Hawassa Campus, Ethiopia

Jan 2020


Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

Thesis statement: The animals sacrifice was the shadow of the things/ lamb/ to come and the
witnesses sacrifice and resurrection showed the end of evil work in Jerusalem.
Title page
1. Background 3
2. Historical and literary context supplementary of revelation of the two witnesses
in the great tribulation 11:1-14 3
3. Establishment of the text 3
3.1. Observe the story 3
4. Specifics 4
5. Structure 4
6. Analyzing Narrative 4
6.1. Setting : the temple in Jerusalem 11:1-2 5
6.2. Rising tension: the ministry of the two witnesses 11:3-6 6
Rev. 11: 3: Two witnesses 6
Rev.11:4. 6
Rev.11:5 6
Rev.11; 6. 6
6.3. Climax: the death of the two witnesses 11:7-10 7
Rev. 11:7. 7
Rev.11:8 7
Rev.11:9. 7
Rev.11:10. 8
6.4. Resolution: the resurrection of the two witnesses 11:11-13
Rev. 11:11 8
Rev. 11:12. 8
Rev. 11:13 8
6.5. Following active lesson: the end of the second woe 11:14 9
7. The church in Revelation vision 9
8. Detail analysis on Revelation 11:1-14 10
9. Theological Analysis of Rev. 11:1-14. 10

Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

The book of Revelation is normally considered as belonging to a class of literature referred to as
Apocalyptic. John received it from Jesus Christ through angelic mediation (1:1). Revelation is a
prophetic book (Rev. 1:3; 22:7, 10, 18-19), while the others make no such claim. As such
Revelation is not pseudonymous (1:1; 22:8). However there are remarkable parallels between
this revelation and the Lord Jesus' teaching in the Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24—25; Mark 13;
Luke 21). The Book of Revelation clearly builds on that foundation and expounds it. The
apocalyptic sections of certain books of the OT are Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Psalms—contain
former revelation that God gave His prophets about the end times. John also added Exodus,
Deuteronomy, Jeremiah, and Zechariah for references. The revelation that Jesus gave in the
Olivet Discourse and later to John on Patmos energies’ the earlier revelation. The author of the
Revelation was John. The date was during the reign of Domitian (A.D. 81-96). The written
language was the Greek. John was the Palestinian Jewish.




John recorded the revelation dealing with the two witnesses to inform his readers of the
ministries of these important individuals during the Great Tribulation. John makes use of his
sources with a sort of sovereign freedom. The apostle measures the sanctuary of God, the altar,
and those who worship in it (11:1—14). Those are : The temple in Jerusalem 11:1-2; The
ministry of the two witnesses 11:3-6; The death of the two witnesses 11:7-10; The resurrection
of the two witnesses 11:11-13; The end of the second woe 11:14. These and the Greek passages
are conducted
task area of the exegetical study.
The following Greek words explain the continuity and the behavior of the action in the temple.
Kai means and, naos means inner temple, ϵкВαλλω means leave out, and πνεματοϛ means spirit,

Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

This study falls under the category of qualitative, textual data analysis. Both inductive and
deductive reasoning will be employed (Mouton 2001:167). The study will require the use of a
variety of exegetical tools and resources. The basic exegetical process will be based on the
principles discussed in Zuck (1991) that is, bridging the Cultural Gap, Bridging the Grammatical
Gap, Bridging the Literary Gap and Applying God’s Word Today. The model articulated in
Smith (2008:185-195) will form the basis for the organization of the assignment, in particular the
process outlined under the heading Steps in Evangelical Theology. The specific texts to be
examined include the following: (1) NT Texts fulfilled; (C. Marvin Pate. 1952, P,).
Supplementary Revelation of the two Witnesses in the Great tribulation 11:1-14, (Dr. Thomas L.
Constable, P, 2010, P, 105) Supplementary Revelation of the two Witnesses in the Great
tribulation 11:1-14; (Robert. H. Mounce, 1990. P168-175) Supplementary Revelation of the
two Witnesses in the Great tribulation 11:1-14; a Commentary on the book of Revelation,
Pastor Galen L. Doughty, (2015: P 75-80), Robert H. Mounce (1990), GORDON D. FEE
(1990- ) The New International Commentary on the New Testament (2) OT Texts prophesied:
(Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Psalms, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Jeremiah, and Zechariah). Additional
texts will be referenced as I pertain to the specific argument being made in NT and OT.
5.1. Exegesis Paper in Supplementary Revelation of the two Witnesses in the Great
Tribulation Rev. 11:1-14
1. Setting : the temple in Jerusalem 11:1-2
2. Rising tension: the ministry of the two witnesses 11:3-6
3. Climax: the death of the two witnesses 11:7-10
4. Resolution: the resurrection of the two witnesses 11:11-13
5. Following active lesson: the end of the second woe 11:14

Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

As the researcher observed the chapter 11:1-14 is the continuation of the seven seals, the
archangels listed in 1Enoch 20:2-8 as Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Michael, Saraqâêl, Gabriel, and
Remiel and In the Talmud (Hag. 12b) the sixth heaven is pictured as a storehouse of hail, storm,
and noxious vapors, maintained within gates of fire. The three sevenfold visions of Revelation
are the seals (chap. 6), the trumpets (chaps. 8-9), the interlude of two related visions those are the
angel with the little book (10:1-11) and the two witnesses (11:1-13). Again the bowls (chap. 16).
So that the chapter 11 is the beginning of the last 3½ years of the great tribulation. (2Chr.36:1-7)
ruled by Gentile Nebuchadnezzar. In between the sixth and seventh seal there was an interlude
consisting of two visions such as the sealing of the 144,000 (7:1-8) and the heavenly multitude
(7:9-17).The trumpets in Revelation are eschatological trumpet and we find a measuring Temple.
They herald the day of God’s wrath. Zech 1:14-16 describes the great day of the Lord as “a day
of wrath ... a day of distress and anguish ... a day of trumpet and battle cry.” In 2 Esdr 6:23 the
sounding of a trumpet announces the Day of Judgment. The measuring rod was ten feet long
(Ezk.40:3, Zech. 1:16). The Temple, the altar and the worshippers were included in the
measurements. However, the God will protect the Temple, the altar, and those who worship
there. Isaiah walked about stripped and barefoot as a sign of Egypt’s impending captivity to
Assyria (Isa 20:2-5). Ezekiel dug through a wall and carried out his belongings in the sight of
Israel as a symbol of the coming exile (Ezek. 12:1-7).

6.1. Setting : the temple in Jerusalem 11:1-2

Verse 1. God was given a reed (κάλαμος) similar a measuring rod (μέτρησον ῥάβδῳ). And
ordered him to get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the worshipers
there. So measuring was a sign of (1) promised growth and protection (cf. Jer. 31:38-40; Rev.
21:15). (2) Judgment (cf. 2 Sam. 8:2; 2 Kgs. 21:13; Isa. 28:17; Lam. 2:8). The temple is the
whole people of God (believers of Jews and Gentiles). The temple of God and the altar, and
those who worship in it. It is parallel to God's mark on believers' foreheads (cf. Rev. 7:3-4).

Verse 2. John was not measure the outer court: καὶ τὴν αὐλὴ τὴν ἔξωθεν τοῦ ναοῦ ἔκβαλε
ἔξωθεν καὶ μὴ αὐτὴν μετρήσῃς. The church is made up of believer Jews and Gentiles. There is
no emphasis on racial Jews versus Gentiles in Revelation. There is no more Jew and Greek (cf. 1
Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11). As Jesus taught for 42 months Gentiles will control Jerusalem
and the Temple during the last 3½ years of tribulation period. His prophetic forerunners had
done (cf. Isa. 20:2-5; Ezek. 12:1- 17; 40; Zech. 2). The first, God is cognizant of all that is going
on; second, God determines the limits of persecution.

Here God know the oppressed people of Israelites under the Gentile invasions.
All the conducted histories were well registered on the book of life in heaven. All
should be fulfilled at the second coming of Jesus Christ. This book is forerunner
for every generation until the last day.

Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

6.2. Rising tension: the ministry of the two witnesses 11:3-6

Rev. 11: 3: Two witnesses

The ministry of the two will undoubtedly include a preaching of repentance, and
(προφητεύσουσιν “they will prophesy”) of necessity includes the foretelling of the future (cf.
10:11; 1 Pet. 1:10; Jude 14). They are Elijah and Moses, evidences are Mounce p171, Doughty
p77.John Hages, Charles, Robert L. 1995, p78, and most people said. Their ministry will last
1,260 days (42 months of 30 days per month, or 3½ years; Dan. 12:11). They will wear
"sackcloth," (cf. Isa. 22:12; Jer. 4:8; 6:26; Jon. 3:5, 6, 8; Matt. 11:21). The witnesses are clearly
belong to God and Christ, not to the angel. They clothed in sackcloth this can be either (1) a sign
of mourning and repentance (cf. Gen. 37:34; 2Sam. 3:31) or (2) simply the normal dress of a
prophet (cf. 2 Kgs. 1:8; Isa. 20:2; Zech. 13:4).
The researcher concluded that they will be Jews, but God didn’t tell to anyone.
Let God accomplished it. But I accept that they are Elijah and Moses as based on
Math 17.

Rev.11:4. They are two witnesses. They will be filled from one Olive tree and filled with Holy
Spirit. They will counteracting the forces of darkness in the world. (Zech. 4:2, 3, 11-14, 4:67).
They are also dependent on Spirit. Their power and authority for effective witness lie in the
Spirit of God.
This is the work of Almighty God plane, can be accomplished by God only.
Rev.11:5. No one can harm them. If anybody tries to harm them, the fire pours from their mouth
and consumes their foes. (2Kings 1:11-12; Jer. 5:14). They are the bearers of divine light (Matt
5:15-16). These two prophets bring destruction on their enemies by the word they utter. They
will have supernatural power.
It is a critical time, only the God can manage it. Without it no one can touch
Rev. 11; 6. The two witnesses are well - privileged position for their task. (1) They can prevent
rain (cf. Elijah, 1 Kgs 17:1, Jas 5:17). (2) Their powers are connected with water again when it is
said that they can turn waters into blood (cf. 8:8; Exod. 7:20; 1 Sam. 4:8). (3) Their power is to
strike the earth with every kind of plague. Their power will even exceed that of Moses because
they will call upon it whenever they wish (ὁσάκις ἐὰν θελήσωσιν). God will also empower them
to do other miracles similar to what Elijah (1 Kings 17:1, 7; 18:1; Luke 4:25; James 5:17) and
Moses (Exod. 7:17- 21; 9:14; 11:10; 1 Sam. 4:8) did. The trumpets are eschatological. They
herald the day of God’s wrath. Zech 1:14-16 describes the great day of the Lord as “a day of
wrath ... a day of distress and anguish ... a day of trumpet and battle cry.” In 2 Esdras 6:23 the
Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

sounding of a trumpet announces the Day of Judgment. The two witnesses are a crucial for
community of faithful disciples.

Researcher understood that this shall be carried by God, because it is God’s

mission and the last chance to use repentance for sinners.

6.3. Climax: the death of the two witnesses 11:7-10

Rev. 11:7. The two witnesses will be supernaturally protected. The two beasts are Antichrist and
the false prophet. Opposite them when they teach about Jesus, they will be jealous of number of
converts. In revelation the beast is a person who is full of evil. Beast 1 is the Antichrist and the
beast 2 is false prophet. But as soon as they accomplish their work the Abyss launches an attack,
over powering and killing God’s two witness Daniel (7:8, 20, 21,25). The vile and godless
society of the world under the Antichrist takes the death of the two witnesses as a cause for
global celebration. The revelation mentions two beast. They will hate the two witnesses. The
abyss is the place where the abode of Satan and his demons (cf. 9:1-3, 11; Luke 8:31).
Here I conclude that the Satan and his demons are got the bounded chance to
live free and to work the evil work on the earth until the Christ return. Until the
last day the churches are on continue struggle with Satan and his demons.
Rev.11:8. To enhance the insult, he will leave their bodies unburied and their corpse. The worst
indignity perpetrated on a person in that culture was to be left unburied after death (cf. Ps. 79:2–
3). “The great city” in whose street their bodies will lie has the distinction of being “spiritually
called Sodom and Egypt” (καλεῖται πνευματικῶς Σόδομα καὶ Αἴγυπτος). Isaiah (Isa. 1:9 ff.) and
Ezekiel (Ezek. 16:46). So that, Jerusalem was the sinful because she crucified the Lord.

This teaches me that the deprived of Jesus on the cross by his nation. That shows
the Christian must understand the same history or carry similar yoke on their
shoulder to be pure in the face of Jesus at the last day.

Rev.11:9. The dead bodies of the two witnesses will lie in the street for 3½ days. The whole
world will see their corpses and refuse them burial. As John Hagee stated that their corpses may
be seen by television, international Satellites, the internet and wireless communication. This is
not spiritual. But victory (Ps. 79:2-3, Jer. 22:8). To Smyrna, John wrote, “Be faithful, even to the
point of death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Rev 2:10).
This shows that the Christianity charge a great value until the date come.
Rev.11:10. When their bodies of the two witnesses are lying in the street, the inhabitants of the
earth will gloat (1 Kings 18:17; 21:20). They will be proud of their Antichrist and celebrate the
Antichrist Christmas in world wide. They call it the first “Antichrist”. The Christian will weep

Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

and mourn while the world rejoices” John 16:20. Prophets such as Isaiah 1, Jeremiah 23, and
Ezekiel 16 are categorized Jerusalem with Sodom.

The Satan and Demons and their followers never need hearing the Word of God.
And they are on happing for the last time. Because they trap many innocent
people. The day shall come for wicked and righteous people.

6.4. Resolution: the resurrection of the two witnesses 11:11-13

Rev. 11:11. The resurrection of the two prophets reminds us of the prophecy of the revival of
Israel in (Ezek.37:10) and approved that the resurrection of the church is a sure indication that
God possesses the ultimate authority over life and death. Ezekiel 37.

The clear message is that the God –haters is Satan and his input and output is
misleading the people from the way of God to involve in evil work and killing
Christians. At last they will get their work judgment from Lord. The righteous can
get their reward from Lord. Jesus is over life and death.
Rev. 11:12. After rising, the witnesses hear a voice from heaven summoning them upward: The
summons upward ἀνάβατε ὧδε (“come up here”) and its response ἀνέβησαν εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν
(“they went up into heaven”) recalls the earlier ascension of Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) and the
mysterious circumstances surrounding Moses’ death (Deut. 34:5–6).

It is clear that the Lord’s word must be fulfilled on the last day.

Rev. 11:13. A great earthquake occurs in conjunction with the ascent of the two witnesses. As
the witnesses are taken up into heaven, a great earthquake (6:12; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18; Matt. 27:51-
52; 28:2) will conduct to destroy 10% of Jerusalem and will cause 7,000 people to die. And
forcing the rest to acknowledge the transcendent majesty of God. Ezek. 38:19-20 predicted a
great earthquake that would precede the end. Zechariah says that the Mount of Olives will be
split in two from east to west when God returns to crush his enemies (Zech. 14:4).
Researcher assume that their giving acknowledge the transcendent majesty of
God will be not for their repentance but unwillingly recognizing the God that the
God is true God for all.

6.5. Following active lesson: the end of the second woe 11:14

Rel.11: 14. A dramatic announcement as a follow-up to those in 8:13 and 9:12 comes at this
point to mark the end of the 10:1–11:13 interlude: Ἡ οὐαὶ ἡ δευτέρα ἀπῆλθεν· ἰδοὺ ἡ οὐαὶ ἡ

Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

τρίτη ἔρχεται ταχύ. Revelation 9:20–21 clearly marks the end of the sixth trumpet, which is the
second woe. The seventh/ final trumpet a violent declaration of praise. The third woe will follow
"quickly" (ἔρχεται ταχύ "soon," Rev. 2:16; 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20), on the heels of the second woe.
The seventh/ final trumpet a violent declaration of praise. The third woe will follow "quickly"
(ἔρχεται ταχύ "soon," Rev. 2:16; 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20), on the heels of the second woe.
Therefore, the seventh seal is opened, in I Enoch 20:2-8 the names of these seven archangels are
listed as Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Michael, Saraqâêl, Gabriel, and Remiel. In the Talmud (Hag.
12b) the sixth heaven is pictured as a storehouse of hail, storm, and noxious vapors, maintained
within gates of fire.
The believers cried for their freedom but they will have waiting other cry to be free from
their bondage. What God said must be fulfill.
7. The church in Revelation vision
As the researcher observed in the vision of revelation every church has its own weakness as well
as strength. In his part the church has a great willing to manage the members in God’s path. The
elders, pastors, evangels and every sectors have guiding their members by feeding the spirit of
God. That means by, preaching the Gospel, praying, worshipping, praising, obeying, glorifying,
serving, believing by faith and saving the new life. The members as well as the head organizers
are free from nationality, friend ship, language, mutual advantage, dangerous group work, from
political interference, corruption, combat, adultery or have it off and others? So that who are free
from these diseases? But very few exceptional spirituals are serving. They have no power. These
problems were in the era of John apostle and to date. Today many theologians are serving the
churches. They are how much free from the mentioned diseases. Nobody knows! We have
unknown antichrist and beasts are in the church. For the true Christians have two types of
enemies such as the known and unknown. The researcher believed that many theologians were
learnt revelation. Anywhere he didn’t see any one who preaches the revelation. However, the
researcher shall try to preach the revelation in his congregation with the cooperation of his
coworkers. The great tribulation and its sub three sections. And each of which is subdivided into
seven parts. They are seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls of God’s wrath. These should
be elaborated to the focal missioners by training.

8. Detail analysis on Revelation 11:1-14

The chapter 11: 1-14 has the contention of chapter 8, 9, and 10 the interpretation is based on
Apocalyptic language or highly a symbolically. The first thirteen verses of chapter 11 to be
symbolic of the fate of the witnessing church during its final period of opposition and
persecution. The two major visions that create the gap between the sixth and seventh trumpet to
measure the temple enclosure but the outer court reserved for Gentiles. This showed that God
understood the oppressed Israelites by Gentiles leaders. In measuring the temple of God and the
altar, and to count those who worship there indicated Israelites. Here to measure means to secure

Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

or establish. Chapter 11: 3-6 are modeled for two witnesses of Moses and Elijah. Here we can
see how God handle them by giving power to strike the earth with every kind of plague (v. 6)
and have tormented those who live on the earth (v. 10).
The chapter 11:7-10 as soon as their ministry has been fulfilled and they shall martyred by beast
of the Abyss. The witnesses are raised and ascend to heaven; 11:11-12.by His calling. In Rev.
11:13 after their ascension into heaven, a great earthquake shall be conducted. Rev. 11: 14. This
verse is a transitional to the end of the second woe to the third woe. The final woe will follow

9. Theological Analysis of Rev. 11:1-14.

The seven ages are labeled by God: Innocence; Conscience; Human Government; Promise; Law;
Grace; Kingdom. Nowhere to move. So the Revelation is focused on Israel: This “holy city” with
a “temple” must be Jerusalem (Neh. 11:1; Isa. 48:2; 52:1; 64:10; Matt. 4:5; 27:53). This passage
strongly reflects Jesus” prophecy in the Olivet Discourse. Luke 21:24. Evidently Revelation
11:1-2 prophesies the impending destruction of the temple in A.D. 70, for its source in Luke
21:24, Matt. 24 and Mark 13. The two speaking witnesses are may represent the faithful witness
based on Math 17 description Moses and Elijah.
The purpose of the witness is to punish His people for their sins and to lead them to repentance.
In Rev.11:8. Witnesses were martyred and denial of a proper burial was their cruelty. And
reflected the scorn of the world for the church that had called them to repentance. The dead two
witnesses, will resurrect and ascend Rev.11: 11-13. In Rev. 11: 14. The final woe will follow
"quickly" (ἔρχεται ταχύ "soon," Rev. 2:16; 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20), on the heels of the second woe.
This was the process that Jesus himself must be accomplished on His own plane.
It was preplanned action when we look all process based on different ages. They
are seven ages as labeled. So, we are awaiting it.


Copyright © 2010 by Thomas L. Constable Published by Sonic Light:

Charles C. Ryrie, (1996), Every man’s Bible Commentary on Revelation Moody Publishers,
Chicago, USA
Daymend R. Duck (1998, p151-167), God’s Word for the Biblically interpretation Eerdmans
Published USA
George Eldon Ladd (1993. p151-164) A commentary on the Revelation Eerdmans published

Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,
[Document title]

Michaels, J. Ramsey1997, p78-101), Revelation. Downers Grove, Ill., USA: Inter Varsity
Press, 1997 (The IVP New
Morris, Leon, (1987, p288-305), An Introduction and Commentary on revelation. Nottingham,
England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1987 (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries 20), S. 140
Oliver B. Greene (1976, p284-309), The Revelation verse by verse study Eerdmans published
Pastor Galen L. Doughty; August 2015; A Commentary on the Book of Revelation Southside
Christian Church
Ray C. Stedman (1991, p211-227), Understand Revelation. Eerdmans published USA
Robert H. Mounce, (1990, p165-175), the book of Revelation William B. Eerdmans publishing
Company U.K
Thomas, Robert L.: (1995, p78), An Exegetical Commentary on Revelation+. Chicago: Moody Publishers,
Wall, Robert W, (1991, p133-148), III, New International Biblical Commentary on Revelation.
Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers,

Thomas L. Dr. Constable, 2010, p105, Robert H. Mounce , 1990, p168 -175, Pastor Galen
L. Doughty, (2015:p75-83, George Eldon Lord 1993, p151-164; Ray C. Stedman, 1991. p211-
227; Daymond R. Duck, 1998, 151-167; Oliver B. Greene 1976, p284- 309, Robert L., 1995,
p78, Michaels, J. Ramsey,1997,p78-101, Charles C. Ryrie, 1996,p80-84, Morris, Leon, (1987,

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