Aug 2020 SAT 1 Studying Plan

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Right Way To “1500+”

 No Body is BAD, Some think that they are so.

 You don’t have to study too much BUT you have to study RIGHT and learn from your mistakes, It’s
always “Q U A L I T Y N O T Q U A N T I T Y”, as you don’t take points on your answers but you
take points on the right ones only, so be patient and take a deep breath and work slowly
 FREE your mind before starting to solve any test by putting a time table for everything in your HW’s
to focus well.
 “FULL LENGTH” tests only for this plan NOT a math test or an English test … even if u need one
of them from this trial, otherwise you will get exhausted (tired) after the first hour consequently a lot
of silly mistakes will be done.
 Make a score for each test (Score Before  FAKE score), that’s not your level
 “Score After  Score analysis” NEXT day try to solve all questions you have left or done wrong,
try to solve them all even by “Logic Guess” ie: most reasonable answer, then check them and count
the right ones, then make a Score after revision (Score After = REAL level)
 Put a STRATEDY (plan) for the next test to reduce your mistakes done from the test before, If you
have more than one idea in mind, please write them quickly in the strategy and target column for
each test before you forget them. Example:
o If you didn’t have enough time for solving grid in questions in math, so why not to start with
grid in problems if u r good in grid in problems.
o Leave big problems to the end of the section so as to keep calm and not to get nervous and
loose focusing.
o Reading all the paragraphs in C.R. Section before solving or select paragraphs
o Don’t work all passages in critical reading so as not to get tired and work slowly do
decrease number of mistakes
o Try all the ideas in different tests until you find your best way for the highest score after
o This is named “SCORE ANALYSIS” and the most important point to BOOST your score
o You can repeat different strategies to be sure it’s an effective one not because you have
solved some tests before
 Remember that all 1500+ score students have the same level but “1600” comes only for the one
who insists “It’s a desire” to get it and fight’s to get so
 Remember that 1500+ is not impossible and not easy too, so you must have a target like a
medical school or a scholarship you are fighting for , so always ask yourself why do I need 1500+,
you may have some answers for this question in this link:
LEAKS, It only helps bad scores from total 700-800 to 1100-1200 … If You saw the test before,
you will solve quickly and make a lot of silly mistakes as you depend on your memory not your
logical mind.
 Finally Respect the Biological clock and sleep early and wakeup early specially the week before the
test and in the test night.
 Some Important Links:
Math Control (2):
How to work the studying plan:
Boost your score:

Best wishes …… 16 16 16 …… Good Luck

Mr. Wassim Ibrahim … 00201068305051 … 00201030804433 … 00966506029921 (WhatsApp only)

Monday 27/7/2020 to Thursday 27/8/2020
Week [ 1 ]
Score Score
Date T E S T Before Rev. After Rev. Strategy & Target
27/7 March 2019 Int.

30/7 March 2019 US

Fri 31/7 To Tues 4/8

Happy 3eed Nice Vacation (Have a Nice Family Time )

Very Important notes

 Please PRINT out this Paper sheet.
 750+ Math is always easy but 800 in GOD’s hands only , If U do your part 20% of work,
Trust him he will give you the 80% as a gift to get 100% 800, But, If U Do not, so don’t
ask for the 800 and ask him WHY???
 Always make your work continuous, Turn off your cell phone (Mobile) to focus well.
 Remember that each test you solve is a new challenge for you and a chance to break your
previous score.
 Real Tests always preferred to be full length only not sections or even Math or English
 “Scores after revision” means before you go for the next test you have to revise your
mistakes and solve the questions missed due to time or hard ones, and then put a new
score for the test as the correct ones can give you how many points more. It’s very
important and it’s your real level and always your way to BOOST your score.
 Tomorrow’s Plan (Comments) depends on today’s results from score and mistakes done…
(ex: if you didn’t have enough time for solving grid in questions in math, so why not to
start with grid in problems tomorrow…, Reading all the paragraphs in CR. Section before
solving or select paragraphs…, don’t work all passages in critical reading so as not to get
tired and work slowly do decrease number of mistakes, make a plan strategy tactic to
improve your score of tomorrow)
 Put your next plan or target for tomorrow which depends on today’s score such as:
 800 math
 No mistakes in writing or even 800 in Eng. If possible.
 I’ll Ignore critical this time which means I’ll solve small amount of questions in critical
section so as not to get tired and focus on math and writing (do this push your score
up???) you just testing the best plan for getting the best of you.
 I’ll leave big problems to the end so as not to get warried about Time and loose focusing.

Best wishes …… 16 16 16 …… Good Luck

Mr. Wassim Ibrahim … 00201068305051 … 00201030804433 … 00966506029921 (WhatsApp only)

Studying Plan for SAT I (August 2020)
Week [ 2 ]
Score Score
Date T E S T Before Rev. After Rev. Strategy & Target
Wed March 2019 Make-Up
5/8 (Egy)

Very Important notes

 Please PRINT out this Paper sheet.
 750+ Math is always easy but 800 in GOD’s hands only , If U do your part 20% of work, Trust
him he will give you the 80% as a gift to get 100%, But, If U Do not, so don’t ask for the 80%
and ask him WHY???
 Always make your work continuous, Turn off your cell phone (Mobile) to focus well.
 Remember that each test you solve is a new challenge for you and a chance to break your
previous score.
 Real Tests always preferred to be full length only not sections or even Math or English only.
 “Scores after revision” means before you go for the next test you have to revise your mistakes
and solve the questions missed due to time or hard ones, and then put a new score for the test for
the correct ones can give you how many points more. It’s very important and it’s your real level
and always your way to improve your score.
 “Final Review” should be solved anytime and anywhere even at school.
 Tomorrow’s Plan (Comments) depends on today’s results from score and mistakes done… (ex: if
you didn’t have enough time for solving grid in questions in math, so why not to start with grid in
problems tomorrow…, Reading all the paragraphs in CR. Section before solving or select
paragraphs…, don’t work all passages in critical reading so as not to get tired and work slowly do
decrease number of mistakes, make a plan strategy tactic to improve your score of tomorrow)
 Some Important Links:
Math Control (2):
How to work the studying plan:
Boost your score:

Best wishes …… 16 16 16 …… Good Luck

Mr. Wassim Ibrahim … 00201068305051 … 00201030804433 … 00966506029921 (WhatsApp only)

Studying Plan for SAT I (August 2020)
Week [ 3 ]
Score Score
Date T E S T Before Rev. After Rev. Strategy & Target
Dr. John Test 7

Official SAT Test 7

April 2019 US

Dr. John Test 8

Very Important notes

 Please PRINT out this Paper sheet.
 Remember that each test you solve is a new challenge for you targeting 800 in both.
 Real Tests always preferred to be full length only not sections or even math only or English
 Scores after revision means before you go for the next test you have to revise your mistakes and
solve the questions missed due to time or hard ones, and then put a new score for the test for the
correct ones can give you how many points more. It’s very important and it’s your real level and
always your way to improve your score.
 Tomorrow’s Plan (Comments) depends on today’s results from score and mistakes done… (ex: if
you didn’t have enough time for solving grid in questions in math, so why not to start with grid in
problems tomorrow… Reading all the paragraphs in CR. Section before solving or select
paragraphs… make a plan to improve your score of tomorrow)
 Always make your work continuous, Turn off your cell phone (Mobile) to focus well, take a
break in between as the real test, Studying is always preferred to be in the morning and after
an hour from waking up
 Put your next plan or target for tomorrow which depends on today’s score such as:
 800 math
 No mistakes in writing or even 800 in Eng. If possible.
 I’ll Ignore critical this time which means I’ll solve small amount of questions in critical
section so as not to get tired and focus on math and writing (do this push your score
up???) you just testing the best plan for getting the best of you.
 I’ll leave big problems to the end so as not to get warried about Time and loose focusing.

Best wishes …… 16 16 16 …… Good Luck

Mr. Wassim Ibrahim … 00201068305051 … 00201030804433 … 00966506029921 (WhatsApp only)

Studying Plan for SAT I (August 2020)
Week [ 4 ]
Score Score
Date T E S T Before Rev. After Rev. Strategy & Target
May 2019 US.

April 2019 US

Official SAT Test 6

November 2016

Very Important notes

 Please PRINT out this Paper sheet.
 Remember that each test you solve is a new challenge for you targeting 800 in both.
 Real Tests always preferred to be full length only not sections or even math only or English
 Scores after revision means before you go for the next test you have to revise your mistakes and
solve the questions missed due to time or hard ones, and then put a new score for the test for the
correct ones can give you how many points more. It’s very important and it’s your real level and
always your way to improve your score.
 Tomorrow’s Plan (Comments) depends on today’s results from score and mistakes done… (ex: if
you didn’t have enough time for solving grid in questions in math, so why not to start with grid in
problems tomorrow… Reading all the paragraphs in CR. Section before solving or select
paragraphs… make a plan to improve your score of tomorrow)
 Always make your work continuous, Turn off your cell phone (Mobile) to focus well, take a
break in between as the real test, Studying is always preferred to be in the morning and after
an hour from waking up
 Put your next plan or target for tomorrow which depends on today’s score such as:
 800 math
 No mistakes in writing or even 800 in Eng. If possible.
 I’ll Ignore critical this time which means I’ll solve small amount of questions in critical
section so as not to get tired and focus on math and writing (do this push your score
up???) you just testing the best plan for getting the best of you.
 I’ll leave big problems to the end so as not to get warried about Time and loose focusing.

Best wishes …… 16 16 16 …… Good Luck

Mr. Wassim Ibrahim … 00201068305051 … 00201030804433 … 00966506029921 (WhatsApp only)

Studying Plan for SAT I (August 2020)
Week [ 5 ]
Score Score
Date T E S T Before Rev. After Rev. Strategy & Target
Sat Dec 2016 Int
22/8 (Goal 700 math and 650 Eng.)

Sun March 2017

23/8 (Goal 750 math and 700 Eng.)

Mon Dec 2019 Int.

24/8 (Goal 750 math and 700 Eng.)

Tue Official SAT Test 5

25/8 (Goal 800 math and 750 Eng.)

Wed March 2020 Int.

26/8 (Goal 800 math and 750 Eng.)

Thurs March 2020 US

27/8 (Goal 800 in either)

28/8 R E S T
29/8 G   D L U C K

 Please PRINT out this Paper sheet.

 Please Wakeup at 6.30 am. Start your Test at 8.00 am. [Biological Clock] your mind and body
must be in their best health and Focused from 8.00 am 12.00 pm
 You may solve sections or revise rules at any time between 1.00 pm and 8.30pm. (or) go out to
play if possible  its free time.
 Do not forget that you have to revise your mistakes and questions missed by 8.30 pm.
 Go to sleep 11.00 pm max. special for the last 2 weeks before the test.
 PS: If u couldn’t get your target before revise, do not warry or panic or get angry … try to
get the target after revision, open time, No stress, and less no. of choices… focus well.
 Put your next plan or target for tomorrow which depends on today’s score such as:
 No mistakes in writing or even 800 in Eng. If possible.
 I’ll Ignore critical this time which means I’ll solve small amount of questions in critical
section so as not to get tired and focus on math and writing (Do this push my score up??)
you are just testing the best Strategy / plan for getting the best from you.
 I’ll leave big problems to the end so as not to get warried / panic from Time.
 You may change the goal written as it depends on yesterday’s results and todays plan.

Best wishes …… 16 16 16 …… Good Luck

Mr. Wassim Ibrahim … 00201068305051 … 00201030804433 … 00966506029921 (WhatsApp only)

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