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Establish network

Assessment Task 1
Networking is the process of intentionally meeting people, making contacts,
and forming relationships in hopes of gaining access to such business-related
benefits as career advice, job leads, business referrals, useful information and
ideas, and support. For example, a manager’s network might include clients,
vendors, fellow members of trade or professional associations, bankers,
accountants, professors at a local business school, friends who are employed
in similar industries, and other managers.

Each person that a manager adds to his or her network is at the centre of their
own network, so in actuality the network is expanded considerably with every
new member. Ideally, networks serve both social and business functions and
are mutually beneficial for their members. The relationships formed in
networking help people create a larger world for themselves, with a variety of
new relationships, opportunities, and resources.

We can think of networking as investing in the future. The intention is to

develop knowledge about each other and enough of a trust so that neither
side feels taken advantage of. This is what networking is all about - we have
something to give each other.

Benefits of Networking

There are four main benefits for those who practice effective networking:

Referrals; Relationships; Leads; and Knowledge.

Referrals, which are particularly important in growing a business, take many

forms. For example, a satisfied client might suggest others who may need the
company’s products or services. Similarly, a network member who is familiar
with the company’s offerings might provide an endorsement or allow the
network partner to mention his or her name in marketing efforts. It is good
networking practice and a matter of professional courtesy to thank the person
who provided the referral and to keep them informed of the results of the new
contact. In addition, it is important never to use someone as a referral without
first securing their permission. If a referral does result in a new client
relationship, care should be taken to provide the new client with the same
level of product or service quality that was enjoyed by the one that gave the
referral. Otherwise, the business risks ruining both client relationships.

Networking also allows for new relationships to be established. Relationships

are keys to business success – a positive relationship allows for building
insights into the needs of a particular client and allow you to build trust
between you and your associates. Insight into customer needs and having a
positive and trusting relationship also allows you to have an opportunity to
promote the products and services that you offer and resolve issues that your
customer may be having more easily. Fixing a problem while it is still minor is
better than letting it blow up into a bigger one. You may also find that close
relationships allow you to access information on the competition which may
not always have been easy to gain.

Networking can also turn into an opportunity to gain new sales leads. It may
also be personally productive in that you might be able to find new
opportunities to move within your chosen career or build new business
opportunities. Building a network often happens as a chain reaction – where
one specific event leads to another and another and another – ultimately
leading to you being able to improve your future opportunities.


Membership cards

In the first half of 2014,
nearly $4 billion was
invested in food-related
tech companies.
Among those businesses
were third- party food
delivery. Companies like these partner with restaurants to provide customers
with a platform to browse menus, place orders, and have food delivered to
their doorstep by a third-party courier. Whether the costs of maintaining
current delivery service are too high or just looking to expand business to new
markets, hiring a third-party delivery service could be beneficial for Thai

The activity was undertaken

The Third-party of Thai Restaurant Company was undertaken about delivery.
There are two constants in our business—time is precious and competitors
abound. Some days, it is so busy that it’s difficult to get the next day’s Sysco
order in the system while ensuring that all of tomorrow’s orders are properly
prepped and ready to go. Therefore, as important as it is, it may be difficult to
spend significant daily time analyzing exactly which restaurant are a threat
and what should be done about them.

The purpose
1. New Customers
By adding the restaurant’s menu to any of these sites, it gives new consumers
easy access to food options. The restaurant may be out of the way for many
people, so they haven't had the chance to stop in. With a third-party meal
delivery service, the new customers can try out the meals without having to
travel far. Ordering food online for the first time also motivates customers to
come into actual establishment, since they've now had a taste of the food.
2. Caters to Customer’s Needs
Every days where cooking was the last thing we wanted to do, but also didn't
feel like grabbing fast food. A food delivery service provides a convenient way
for customers to order food without having to sacrifice quality. Not to mention,
most of these third-party sites can be easily accessed through mobile apps,
so they can order meals with a simple push of a button.
3. Cut Down on Costs
One of the most alluring aspects of a third-party delivery service is how
affordable it is. Instead of spending money on gas, a vehicle, insurance, and
an employee, simply pay the company of to choosing and they take care of
the rest. Some companies, like grubHub, only charge for the orders they
deliver, so don't have to pay an expensive monthly fee.
4. No More Administrative Tasks
Imagine a packed Friday night in the restaurant: the dining room is loud with
the sound of guests chatting, dishes clanking together, staff members yelling,
and on top of it all, or take-out phone is ringing. Most third-party systems
convey order information to a electronically, so the employees don’t have to
worry about answering the phone and taking long orders. Since these
businesses have their own couriers, also don’t have to stress about the safety
of your staff while they’re out on delivery.
5. Increased Revenue
As mentioned above, offering a menu to people who may not have been
familiar with a food opens the business up to a whole new audience, which in
turn increases sales. Restaurants that hired grubHub saw their monthly take-
out revenue grow by an average of 30 percent over the first year. Hiring a
service like this could be especially useful to businesses that may currently
offer delivery service, but are struggling to find success with it.

Online technology was used

In nowadays, technology has been develop everything and can make a better
life for customer. The technology make them to comfortable life. If we use the
new technology and make everything easy for customers. They will love to
use our restaurant.

The issue with candidate

The delivery is a good way to make more new customers. It mean the
candidate already using the third-party for delivery too.

Reflection on process of networking

Though it may seem cliche, the common saying, “It’s not what you
know it’s who you know” often holds true in business. Even as a college
student knowing the right people gives you a huge advantage looking for jobs
and internships. In business good connections can be the key to your
success. Building a business network requires social skills that are not often
taught in the classroom. The networking report I did for class forced me to
make a connection with a professional learn something from meeting them.
Although we were permitted to interview a family member I decided to
interview my uncles co-worker, Alistair Dawson. Interviewing someone I had
never met forced me to step outside my comfort zone. In doing so, I learned
that people are generally quite willing to help. After all, a business connection
between two people is usually mutually beneficial. I also learned that
connections can be made anywhere at any time. Something as simple as
striking up conversation with someone at a presentation might land you your
next job. Working on my report I came to realize such interactions require
confidence and strong social skills. Another thing I learned was the
importance of asking the right questions. Now, as I reflect on my report, I
realize the questions I asked could have been answered by a simple google
search. I should have asked questions that focused on what I could learn from
this specific individual’s experience and expertise. I would have gained more
from our interview had I asked questions regarding good sales strategies or
how he became successful in his career. Essentially completing this report
taught me the importance of networking and how easy it can be to build
relationships that might greatly benefit you in the future.
While working on this report I learned that making business
connections is a fairly laid-back and natural process. Going into my interview I
felt somewhat nervous. I was interviewing an important business person and
did not want to waste any of his time. It turned out that Alistair, the man I
interviewed, was quite glad to meet with me. He had a son who was
interested in attending college in the United States and had some questions
for me as well. This goes to show how business connections are usually
mutually beneficial. People are often willing and happy to help one another.
Often they help just to be nice, they might see you as a younger version of
themselves, or maybe they think you will help them in the future. Confidence
is key when meeting new people, especially when they are successful or well
respected. It is often said that a firm handshake can get you a long way in
business. Simply being social be in an important skill to have. As a result of
this project, I now feel much better about approaching people, asking them
questions, and building a network. In the world of business you never know
when someone will be able to help you. As an example, this past week I
attended a state conference for my fraternity. It turned out that an alumni
member from another chapter works for a law firm. He gave me his business
card and told me I should contact him when I look for intercepts. Simple
interactions like this often lead to valuable relationships and networking
opportunities may come about at any time. From this, I learned the
importance of social skills and seizing every opportunity you a presented with.
One major challenge I faced was asking the right questions. In
networking it is important to make the most of your relationship with all of your
connections. For my report I mostly asked Alistair questions that did not
require his expertise to answer. Although I learned a lot from our interview, I
could have learned all of the same information doing some research online. I
should have asked questions that only he could have answered. Questions
about things he did when he was younger that prepared him for a successful
career may have resulted in more interesting answers. Saying the right thing
and asking the best questions can be difficult. News anchors often practice
asking questions that will provide the most interesting response for television.
Similarly in business networking you should ask questions that will provide
you the most valuable information that person can offer. This is a difficult skill
because you often do not know what the other person might be able to teach
you. Again strong social skills will help you find out how someone might be a
useful connection.
From completing this report I learned that networking is not as daunting
as it originally seemed. Making connections can be easy and might happen at
any time. In order to build a solid business network it is important to develop
strong social skills and to be confident speaking with important people. Saying
the right thing and asking the right questions can be challenging. But as you
master such communication skills you can gain valuable knowledge from the
experience and expertise of others. As business networking is so important, I
plan to begin building connections now that will benefit me in the future.

List of contact made through process of networking.
1. American Industrial Hygiene Association
3141 Fairview Park Dr Suite 777
Falls Church, VA 22042
phone +1 703-849-8888


2. ALIA Information
events (@)
+61 2 6215 8222
+61 2 6282 2249
PO BOX 6335 Kingston ACT 2604


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