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Sec: Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK Dt: 16-05-16
Time: 07:30 AM to 10:30 AM WTA-3 Max.Marks: 180

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:

16-05-16_Jr.IPLCO_WTA-3_Weekend Syllabus
Introduction, Properties of AP,AM,GP,GM, Sum of ‘n’ Terms of AP,GP,
Properties of HP, HM, Sum of infinite GP, AGP, method of differences, Vn
method(60%)+ Roots of nth degree polynomial equations, relation between roots
and coefficients, transformed equations, Reciprocal equation, division algorithm,
remainder theorem and problems, Problems on inequations and theory of
equations, Miscellaneous problems, Equations, inequations involving
logarithms, exponentials, modulus and greatest integer
Non - uniform accelerated motion in 1D & related graphs, Motion in
2D,Projectile motion(Excluding projection on inclined planes) (60%),
Kinematics : Motion in 1D,Uniform motion, uniform accelerated motion, motion
under gravity and related graphs (30%), Cumulative syllabus covered till now
STOICHIOMETRY-I (8×2=16): Mole, significant figures, laws of chemical
combination, Chemical calculations based upon weight, volume relations of
chemical equations, percentage composition of mixtures,empirical and molecular
formula,Concept of redox reactions - oxidation number - Types of redox
reactions, Balancing Redox reactions, Equivalent weight,(60%), De-Broglie
Equation, Heisenberg's Uncertainity principle, Schrodinger's wave
equation; Quantum numbers, Pauli's exclusion Principle; Hund's rule;
Electronic configuration of the elements, (30%), Cumulative syllabus
Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
Time: 9:00A.M To 12:00 P.M IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max Marks: 180
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 10) Questions with Multiple Correct Choice 3 0 10 30
Sec – II(Q.N : 11 – 20) Questions with Integer Answer Type 3 0 10 30
Total 20 60
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 21 – 30) Questions with Multiple Correct Choice 3 0 10 30
Sec – II(Q.N : 31 – 40) Questions with Integer Answer Type 3 0 10 30
Total 20 60
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 41 – 50) Questions with Multiple Correct Choice 3 0 10 30
Sec – II(Q.N : 51 – 60) Questions with Integer Answer Type 3 0 10 30
Total 20 60

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
PHYSICS: Max.Marks: 60
(One or More options Correct Type)
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A)
(B),(C) and (D) out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
1. The position-time  x  t  graphs for two children A and B returning from their school

O to their homes P and Q respectively are shown in the figure


Choose the correct entries in the brackets below:

A) B lives closer to the school than A
B) A starts from the school earlier than B
C) A and B reach home at the same time
D) B overtakes A on the road
2. A body is projected from origin such that its position vector varies with time as

r   3tiˆ  4 t  5 t 2 ˆj m and t is time in second. Then
 
A) x-co-ordinate of particle is 2.4 m when y-coordinate is zero.
B) speed of projection is 5 m/s.
C) angle of projection with x-axis is tan 1  4 / 3  .
D) time when particle again at x-axis is 0.8s.

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
3. Two projectiles are thrown at the same time from two different points. The projectile
thrown from the origin has initial velocity 3iˆ  3ˆj with respect to earth. The second
projectile has initial velocity aˆi  bjˆ with respect to earth thrown form the point (10, 5).
( ˆi is a unit vector along horizontal, ˆj along vertical). If the projectiles collide after two
second, then the
1 1
A) value of a is – 2 B) value of a is C) value of b is D) value of b – 2
2 2
4. 
A particle is projected from horizontal XZ Plane with velocity u xiˆ  u y ˆj  u z kˆ  from
origin (+yaxis is upward). Find time(s) when velocity of particle will is inclined at an
angle of 370 with horizontal.
u y  ux 2  uz 2 3u y  4 u x 2  u z 2
A) B)
g 3g
3u y  4 u x 2  u z 2 u y  ux 2  uz 2
C) D)
3g 3g
5. A particle is projected from a point O on the ground at an angle of 60 with velocity
20 m/s. If it strikes the vertical wall at a distance of x from point of projection at angle
of 30 with the normal to the wall as shown in figure.




A) The value of x is 20 m
B) The time taken by particle to strike the wall is sec

C) The value of x is 10 m

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
D) The time taken by particle to strike the wall is sec.

6. Several particles are projected simultaneously in the same vertical plane from a fixed
point O, all with the same initial speed but with different angles of projection with the
(A) After time t, all the particles lie in a circle whose centre C is vertically below O,
and as t increases C falls with acceleration g.
(B) After time t, all the particles lie in a circle whose centre C is vertically below O,
and as t increases C falls with constant velocity.
(C) Products of the times for which any particular particle at the height h above the
horizontal surface is .

(D) Products of the times for which any particular particle at the height h above the
horizontal surface is .

7. A model rocket fired from the ground ascends with constant upward

acceleration. After 1.0 s from firing a small bolt is dropped from the rocket and

after 5.0 s from firing, its fuel is then finished. The bolt strikes the ground after 2.0

s from the instant it was dropped. Acceleration due to gravity is g = 10 m/s2.

A) Acceleration of the rocket while running on its fuel is 8.0 m/s2.

B) Rocket was at height 100 m above the ground when its fuel was finished.

C) Maximum speed of the rocket during its flight is 40 m/s.

D) Total airtime of the rocket is 15 s.

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
8. A particle is projected with velocity 'u' at angle '' with horizontal. Its time of flight is
T1 and range is R1 . Again the same particle is projected at a different angle with
horizontal with same speed ' u ' . This time, time of flight is T2 and range is R2 . It is given

T12 R1 sin 
that 
T2 u cos 2 

A) the particle is projected at an angle of     second time

 
B) the particle is projected at angle of    second time
2 

C) R1  2 R2 D) R1  R2

dx  t 
9. The motion of body is given by the equation  6  3v  t  , when v  t  is the speed is
ms 1 and t in seconds. If the body was at rest at t  0 ; then the correctness of the
following result
A) The terminal speed (speed attained after long time) is 2ms 1
B) The magnitudes of initial acceleration is 6ms 2
C) The speed varies with time as v  t   2 1  e 3t 

D) The speed is 1ms 1 when the acceleration is half the initial value
10.  t 3 3t 2 
s   2t  1  m is position of particle moving along straight line motion at time ‘t’
 3 2 
sec. In which interval of motion particle is in retardation.

1 1 1
A) t  1,1  sec B) t  1 , 2 sec C) t   ,1 Sec D) t  1, 2 Sec
 2  2  2 

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
(Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer,
ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
11. Velocity versus displacement curve of a particle moving in straight line is shown in the
figure. From a point P, a line is drawn perpendicular to displacement axis and line PR is
drawn normal to the curve at P. The magnitude of instantaneous acceleration of the
particle at point P is.

12. A particle starts moving with initial velocity of 3 m/s along x-axis from origin. Its
acceleration is varying with position (x) in parabolic nature with vertex at the origin as
shown in figure. A tangent to the graph is drawn at x  3 m. The tangent makes an

angle of 60 0 with the x- axis. At this position the velocity of particle is 3  k m / s the

value of k is

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
13. Two trains A and B are moving on same track in opposite direction with velocity 25
m/s and 15m/s respectively. When separation between them becomes 225 m, drivers of
both the trains apply brakes producing uniform retardation in train A while retardation
of train B increases linearly with time at the rate of 0.3 m / s 3 . The minimum retardation
of train A to avoid collision will be the value of ao is

14. The horizontal range of a projectile is R and the maximum height attained by it is H. A

force now begins to act on the projectile, giving it a constant horizontal acceleration

= g/2. Under the same conditions of projection, the new horizontal range of the

R ' R
projectile is R ' then the value of is

15. Two particles A and B starts from the same point and move in the positive x-
direction. Their velocity-time relationships are shown in the following
figures. The maximum separation between them during the time interval shown
is 25n cm the value of n is

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
16 A material particle is chasing the other one and both of them are moving on the
same straight line. Their motion after they pass a particular point is
recorded and the data obtained is shown by velocity-time graphs of the particles.
How long after the start will the chase end?

17. A particle is projected vertically upwards with a velocity of 20 m/sec from ground .

 4
After  2   sec the distance travelled is k times the displacement the value of k is
 3
18. A stone is thrown from the ground such that it sweep the top of two poles of heights 3m
and 2m situated at distances 2m and 3m respectively from the point of projection. The
horizontal range of the stone is nearly (rounded off to nearest integer)____ metres.
19. Two water jets are projected from the same spot with same speed v angles of projection
1  30o and  2  60 o respectively. Then the horizontal distance from the point of

kv 2
projection at which they meet is given by the value of k is
20. A car starts moving rectilinearly, first with an acceleration of 5m / s 2 (initial velocity
zero), then moves uniformly and finally decelerating at the same rate till it stops. The
total time of journey is 25s. The average speed during the interval is 72kmh 1. calculate
the time for which the car was in uniform motion 3n sec the value of n is

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
CHEMISTRY Max.Marks : 60
(One or More options Correct Type)
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A) (B),(C) and
(D) out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
21. In which of the following numbers all zeros are significant?

A) 4.00004 B) 0.0060 C) 20.000 D) 0.800

22. HIO 4 absorbs water to form H5 IO6. If 96 g of pure anhydrous HIO 4 absorbs water, its

mass increases to 105 g. Which of the following is (are) true for final substance?

A) It contains both periodic acid (HIO4 ) and paraperiodic acid, H5IO 6

B) Half of original HIO4 is converted to H5IO 6
C) HIO4 has been completely converted to H5IO6
D) Only 25% of original HIO4 has been converted to H5IO

23. NH 3 is formed in the following steps

I) Ca  2C  CaC2 50% yield
II) CaC2  N 2  CaCN 2  C 100% yield
III) CaCN 2  3H 2O  2 NH 3  CaCO3 50% yield
To not obtain 2 mole NH 3 , calcium required will be
A) 1 mole B) 2 mole C) 3 mole D) 4 mole
24. Which of the following reactions represent disproportionation
A) F2+NaOH 
 NaF+H O+O
2 2 B) 2Cu+  Cu+2 +Cu(s)

C) 2H2O2(l) 
 2H D) Cl2+H 2O 
 HCl+HOCl

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25. A mixture of 20 ml of CO, CH4 and N2 was burnt in excess of O2 resulting in
reduction of 13 ml of volume. The residual gas then treated with KOH solution to show
a reduction in volume of 14 ml. Then the correct statement among the following is
A) Volume of CO in mixture is 10 ml
B) Volume of CH4 in mixture is 4 ml
C) Volume of CH4 in mixture is 6 ml
D) Volume of N2 in mixture is 6 ml

26. P and Q are two elements which forms P2Q3 and PQ2 . If 0.15 mole of P2Q3 weights
15.9g and 0.15 mole of PQ2 weights 9.3g. the atomic weight of P and Q is
A) 18,26 B) 26,18 C) 13,9 D) None of these
27. Which of the following has least mass
A) 2g atom of nitrogen B) 3  1023 atoms of C
C) 1 mole of S D) 7.0 g of Ag
28. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

A) For all values of ‘n’ the p-orbitals have the same shape, but the overall size increases
as ‘n’ increases, for a given atom
B) The fact that there is a particular direction, along which each p-orbital has maximum
e-density, plays an important role in determining molecular geometries
C) The charge cloud of a single electron in 2Px atomic orbital consists of two lobes of

D) The very fact that an e– is present in both the lobes at equal times, and the fact that

in order to move from one lobe to another, it MUST cross the node, implies, there is at

least some probability of finding an e– in the node

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29. Identify the correct statement(s) among the following :
A) If Aufbau rule is not followed then chromium will still remain in d-block
B) If there are three possible values for spin quantum numbers then chromium would
have been lying in s-block
C) If Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity is not followed then magnetic moment of
chromium may be zero

D) If Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity is not followed then Cr3+ (aq) ion would be
30. The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit of H-atom –13.6 eV; then which of the

following statement(s) is/are correct for He+?

A) The energy of electron in second Bohr orbit is –13.6 eV
B) The K.E of electron in the first orbit is 54.4 ev
C) The K.E of electron in secondary orbit is 13.6 ev
D) The speed of electron in the second orbit is 2.19 106 m/sec
(Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging
from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
31. In the redox reaction, xNO3  yAs2 S3  zH 2O  ... AsO43  ....NO  ...SO42  ....H  what is the
value of

32. KMnO4 oxidizes Xn+ to XO3 and it self changing to Mn+2 is acid medium

2.68  103 moles of Xn+ requires 1.61  10 3 mole of KMnO4. The value of ‘n’ (in
nearest integer) is
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33. What will be the n-factor of the reactant in the following reaction?

 NH 4 2 Cr2O7  N 2  Cr2O3  4 H 2O
34. A sample of clay was partially dried and then found to contain 50% silica and 7%
water. The original clay contained 12% water. If the percentage of silica in the original
sample is xy.z% then find y  x ?
35. Valency factor of HNO3 in the following reaction is x/5. Then the value of x is

Zn  HNO3  Zn NO3 2  H2O  NH4NO3

36. A hydrogen atom in a state having a binding energy of 0.85 eV makes a transition to a
state with excitation energy 10.2 eV. Then if energy of the emitted photon is x.yz eV
then find x?
37. The velocity of electron is a certain Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom bears in the ratio
1 : 275 to the velocity of light. The quantum number (n) of orbit is
38. What is the degeneracy of the level of the hydrogen atom that has the energy
39. If each hydrogen atom in the ground state of 1.0 mole of H atoms are excited by
absorbing photons of energy 8.4 eV, 12.09 eV and 15.0 eV of energy, then the number
of type of spectral lines emitted is equal to
40. Ratio of frequency of revolution of electron in the 2nd excited state of He+ and 2nd state
of hydrogen is
, then   c  d    a  b  is :
(assume ab/cd is lowest whole number ratio)

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
MATHEMATICS Max.Marks : 60
(One or More options Correct Type)
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A)
(B),(C) and (D) out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
41. Let a1, a 2 ,a 3 ,........ and b1, b2 , b3 ,....... be two arithmetic progressions such that
a1  25, b1  75 and a100  b100  100 then which of the following is/ are true
A) The difference between successive terms in progression ‘a’ is opposite of the
difference in progression ‘b’
B) a n  b n  100 for any n
C)  a1  b1  ,  a 2  b 2  ,  a 3  b3  ..... are in A.P.
D)   a r  br   10000
r 1

42. If S1,S2 ,S3 ,.......Sn are the sum of infinite geometric series whose first terms are
2 2 2
1,3,5 …..(2n – 1) and whose common ratios are , ,....... respectively then
3 5 2n  1
 1 1 1  1
    .......   then  is divisible by
 S1S2S3 S2S3S4 S3S4S5  
A) 5 B) 7 C) 3 D) 4
43. If roots of x 3  px 2  qx  r  0 are
A) in A.P. then 2p 3  9pq  27r  0 B) in G.P. then p3 r  q 3
C) in G.P. then 27r3  9pqr 2  4q 2r D) equal then q3  p3  3pq
44. Let a,b,c, p > 1 and q,r > 0. Suppose a,b,c are in G.P then
A) log p a, log p b, log p c are in A.P.
B) log a p, log b p, logc p are in H.P
C) a.log p c, b.log p b, c.log p a are in A.G.P

D) q loga p , plogb q , r logc r are in G.P

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-05-16_ Jr.IIT-IZ-CO-SPARK_JEE-Adv_(2014_P1)_WTA-3_Q'Paper
45. Let a,b,c,d be four different real numbers are in A.P. Consider the equation
2 3 2 3
2  a  b  2k  b  c   c  a   2  a  d    b  d    c  d  then which of the following is/are

A) The smallest positive value of k satisfying the above equation is 8.
B) The greatest negative value of k satisfying the above equation is -3
C) The greatest negative value of k satisfying the above equation is -4
D) The number of integral values of k which donot satisfying the equation are 11
46. Consider the equation  x  1 4   x  5 4  82 then which of the following is/are true

A) The sum of real roots is 6

B) The sum of complex roots is 6

C) The product of complex roots is 34

D) The product of real roots 5

47. If  y 2  5y  3 x 2  x  1  2x, x  R . Then which of the following is/are true

A) The number of integral values of y satisfying given inequation are 2

B) The greatest integral value of y is 3
C) The least integral value of y is 1
D) The sum of integral values of y is 6
48. If f(x) be an identity function (i.e. f  x   xx  R ) then the expression   f  x   r
r 1

vanishes in how many times

A) 2017 B) 2016 C) 2014 D) Infinite

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2 2
x   x 
49. The equation    a  a  1 has
 x  1  x  1

A) all real roots if a > 2 B) two real roots if 1 < a < 2

C) no real root if a < -1 D) all real roots if a < -1
50. Let E  x 2  3x  2, 0  x  2 . Minimum and maximum values of E are r and d

respectively. S  3   3  d  r   3  2d  r 2  ......... then which of following is/are correct?

A) 4r + d – 1 = 0

B) d = -2r

C) Sum of infinite terms of the series is
D) 10th term of the series is
(Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer,
ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
4 4
 
51. If a i  0  i  1, 2,3, 4 so that 502a1  503a 2  504a 3  505a 4  2014 and 256 a1a 2 a 3a 4    a r 
 r 1 
then the value of  a rr
r 1

52. Let a n  be a sequence of real numbers satisfying a1  1 and a n  a n 1  n 2  2n , for

n  2 then the largest digit of a10 is
503 503
53. If  x i2  1006 then minimum value of  503.x 2 is
i1 i1 i

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54. If roots of the equation x  12x 3  bx 2  cx  81  0 are positive then root of the equation

2bx+c= 0 is

1111.........1   2222........2  ppp......p

2n times n times
55. If n times then p =
56. If ax 2  3  2a x  6 has positive value only for three integral values of x then

 ai  ____ (where a i is integral values of a).

1 1 1 1
57. If  y y  2y 2y  4y 4y  8y 8y ........  and the solution of the given equation is K
then the value of is

58. If the equations x 3  ax 2  1  0 and x 2  ax  1  0 have common root then a is

59. The product of real values of x such that  log x 22   log 2 x  2  log 2x   is K  K
then K
 x

60. The sum of the real solutions of 2 x 2  51  1  20x is

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